PassGAMSAT - How - To - Get - A - Distinction - Average - in - Medicine PDF
PassGAMSAT - How - To - Get - A - Distinction - Average - in - Medicine PDF
PassGAMSAT - How - To - Get - A - Distinction - Average - in - Medicine PDF
HowtoGetA Distinction
The Critical Starting Block..............................................3
The Only Stupid Question Is The One You Didnt Ask4
The Secret Formula..........................................................4
Your Unfair Advantage....................................................5
Remember The Key Words.............................................5
Having The Exam Answers Before The Exam...............5
Having The Exam Questions Before The Exam,
Without Cheating.............................................................6
Test Your Knowledge Muscle..........................................7
How To Revise Properly...................................................7
Preparing To Face The Exam..........................................9
What Exactly Is An Exam?..............................................9
Practice Makes Perfect, Right?.....................................10
How To Answer An Exam Paper..................................10
Motivation That Runs Through Walls..........................11
I have developed a set of guidelines from my own personal experience and from what
Ive observed at university, to motivate and help others, whether young or old, to obtain
excellent Medicine exam results.
You can be a battling student who just scrapped in, or a seasoned veteran whos got a few
distinctions under their belt already; these gems of wisdom would undoubtedly help you
to obtain high grades in whatever medical exam you face. Some of them may seem
familiar, but hang in there because these techniques have significantly changed the way I
study, plus my results.
The Critical Starting Block
Before you commence studying, make sure you formulate a routine thats systematically
structured, so that you get the maximum out of the time you spend studying.
First, obtain a copy of the syllabus and read it carefully, so that you know what areas you
have to cover. Familiarize yourself with the format of the examination, i.e. whether long
or short answers, multiple choice or essay type answers, and so on.
It is also advisable to obtain past exam papers, dating back as far as possible. It is vitally
important to plan your study in an orderly manner, without being haphazard, so that you
can easily recollect what you studied without being confused during the examination.
The purpose of an exam is to tests your knowledge about a particular subject. Therefore,
whether its anatomy or clinical skills, you should be able to reproduce what you learnt in
relation to the questions asked. In other words, your answers should be precise and reflect
a comprehensive grasp of the subject. To facilitate easy recollection, you must study
accordingly to a structure and plan. You will then find that recalling information is much
When you attend lectures, make sure that you re-write all the lecture notes as soon as
possible, without postponing; because it is at this stage that everything said at the lecture
is clear and fresh in your memory. Its best if you divide the notes under separate
headings and sub-headings of your own, so that its easy for you to read and understand.
If there is a conflict between the lecture notes and the contents of the textbook, you
should concentrate only on a single source to avoid confusion. Its better to follow the
lecture notes, because generally, the lecturer would give different perspectives and
additional information about a subject, which is not present in the text.
Therefore, its very important to first formulate and structure a plan of study. Then, you
only need to fill in the rest of the body with all the required information about the
particular subject gathered from multiple sources, such as lectures, extensive reading,
research, etc. Establish the basic framework before you start studying.
When you write an answer to a model question, include everything you know about the
subject, for instance, what you gathered from the texts, reference material, journals,
tutorials and any other sources. This will show the examiner that you are well informed
with a comprehensive knowledge about the subject; not merely confined to the textbooks,
but with a wide scope. However, you should ensure that the answer is relevant to the
question, without any padding or unnecessary information.
First, you should analyse the question, especially taking into consideration the key words,
which I explained earlier. If it is from a past question paper, you could re-write the
question in your own words, so that it would be easier for you to understand its context.
You can even do this during the exam proper. Also, refer the dictionary to find the exact
meaning of the key words used in the question.
Next, write down a rough overall draft, may be in point form or whatever method you are
familiar with, covering the main points in your answer. You could separate the facts
under different headings or as group of ideas and then, arrange them in a logical fashion.
If while searching for the answer you encounter any problem, its best to seek advice and
guidance from your tutors or fellow students. The important point is, your answer much
be accurate and relevant to the question.
As mentioned earlier, you should time your model answer, so that you are able to
complete it within the allocated time. The timing should be similar to whats expected
during the exam. Therefore, the length of your answer would depend on how much time
is allocated to it. The best way to master this is to practice over and over again, answering
questions within a fixed time frame.
Having The Exam Questions Before The Exam, Without Cheating
In order to effectively answer questions, you should study how the questions are put
together by the examiner. Since exams are meant to test your knowledge about a
particular subject, learn to think like the examiner. Then, you will be able to fathom as to
what type of answer is expected by the student.
Converting a statement or fact to a question, enables you to think actively. Once you
master this skill, it will condition you to respond to questions automatically. For instance,
when you encounter a familiar question at the examination, it would trigger the
appropriate answer in your mind with no effort on your part.
Therefore, its very important that you prepare yourself thoroughly to expect all manner
of questions, posed in different ways. And the answers you should be to the point,
focused, relevant and well organised. To come to this standard you should practice, as
much as possible, in formulating questions and accurately answering each and every one
of them.
It would help if you revise according to a timetable. Since you have already practiced
answering mock questions under examination conditions, you will be able to calculate
how much time you need to answer a specific question. Based on this, you can plan to
perform mock exams at least every day, and may be increase the number to two or three a
day, leading up to the exam.
If for some reason you are unable to cover all the model questions during revision, you
could select the ones that are the most difficult and do them first. The easier questions,
you can either read through several times or write only an outline, highlighting the
important facts.
The purpose of revision is basically to refresh your memory and go through your past
mistakes as well as the corrections you have made, so that you will not make the same
mistakes again. When you come to the revision stage, you should be able to comprehend
all the study material and be convinced that you know it thoroughly.
If you study according to a well organised structure and plan, then there will be no
difficulty in remembering what you studied, when you revise. While you are in the
process of studying, you should make a conscious effort to re-visit what you studied
earlier, ensure that you grasped everything clearly and then integrate it to the rest of the
study material.
Remember, the manner in which the study material is stored in your memory, determines
the form in which it will be recalled. If you filed away facts in a disorganised and careless
fashion, then you will find it difficult to retrieve information during the exam.
There are instances where at an exam, some students realise they know the answer
because the question is familiar, but they are unable to retrieve the information. This is
usually due to studying haphazardly. They have not organised their learning material
appropriately, and having memorized isolated facts, fail to link up the facts to complete
the answer.
When you adhere to a plan and follow a timetable, you will also succeed in completing
your learning process well before the exam, giving you ample time to devote for revision.
This in turn would ensure that you do not have to cram as the exam date is nearing.
Cramming the night before, perhaps in the short term, help you to remember certain facts
during the exam; but you will not retain whatever you learn too quickly, in the long term.
This will be disadvantageous to you later on, because what you study now will lay the
foundation for your future education, which determines your career path.
However, what you should do the night before the exam, is to go through everything you
have studies in a relaxed state of mind, to assure yourself that you are up-to-date with
your knowledge. You only need to devote one or two hours for this purpose, if you have
followed a well planned study program.
questions youve selected. If not, work on questions with more marks, if you know the
Make sure you read the question carefully, paying special attention to the key words, so
that you interpret the question correctly. Dont spend too much time on the first question
alone, which is quite common among most students.
Then, plan your answer in a structured manner, organising and jotting down the
information relevant to the question. In the middle of writing an answer if you remember
some fact, jot it down separately, so that you can include it later in the appropriate
context. First do a skeleton and then fill in the body of the answer.
Remember to first clearly define and understand the question, then form the basic
structure, and finally fill in the body of the answer in a clear and concise manner. Include
only material thats relevant to the topic and avoid padding to expand the answer, as this
will certainly not get you more marks.
If you did a thorough job of formulating your model questions and answers in an
organised manner, you will able to easily recall the major heading and sub heading under
which you studied, while avoiding any irrelevant material.
Pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. Even if your handwriting is not firstclass, your answer should be legible, since a neat and clear presentation would no doubt
appeal to the examiner.
Remember, you dont have to reproduce word-to-word the model answer you did while
studying. Use your own words; the importing thing is to convince the examiner that you
understand the topic and knows the correct answer.
Before you hand over the test paper, quickly go through everything you have written.
This will give you an opportunity to detect any mistakes and make the necessary
If by chance you either ran out of time or missed out on a compulsory question, dont
despair. You could give an outline of what you were planning to write, if you had the
time. This would give an indication to the examiner about the level of knowledge you
posses, which could get you some extra marks.
Motivation That Runs Through Walls
In order to benefit from this guideline to become a good student and succeed in your
exams, there is one vital ingredient thats required Motivation. Remember, no one can
motivate you, expect yourself.
In this competitive world we live in, doing well in your studies is no guarantee that you
will find appropriate employment. Therefore, only those who obtain outstanding exam
results can have some hope of entering their chosen profession.
Lack of motivation makes you a drifter, going through life without direction; without
goals or a proper career. Therefore, you should look beyond exams, and focus on your
future. Thinking long-term is one way to motivate you to study and pass exams.
Set a goal - motivate yourself to not merely pass an exam, but to pass with straight
Distinctions. This would automatically trigger all the untapped abilities and resources
within you, to work hard at achieving your goal. However, motivation should be coupled
with efficient study techniques if you are to succeed.
Consider exams not as barriers to your future prospects, but as a challenge to face and
overcome. Dont give up if you fail once or twice. From the depth of depression you
could emerge with renewed motivation, to take the plunge and ultimately win.
So there you have it, my recipe for a distinction average at university. Its what I did and
if you follow every part, you will get it too. Now Id like to wish you good luck!
Please tell your friends about us if they want to sit the GAMSAT. We would love to help
All the Best,
Tomasz Forfa
Tomasz Forfa and the PassGAMSAT Team