4th Step Guide-1
4th Step Guide-1
4th Step Guide-1
We are
seeking to uncover the hidden acquired defects of character that are part of the false self. After we have found
them, then we discover how, when, and in just what instances these defects controlled our lives. This inventory is
of ourselves, not other people. We o=uncover and discover our faults by listing them. We place them before us in
black and white. We must have courage to honestly do this. Faith can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
The purpose of writing the Fourth Step is to make us aware of the acquired character defects. As we list and
analyze these defects, we will begin to comprehend their futility. The written inventory will be used as a basis in
Steps Five through Nine.
Go through the following examples and be honest and as specific as you are able to at this time. This is your
inventory. You are about to uncover and discover the acquired character defects, so do it in a thorough and
fearless manner. Your very life may depend on the thoroughness of this Step.