CELTA Lesson From The Classroom

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CELTA-The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults

This is the fourth assignment which is talking about my whole feeling about this course.
This course takes me one month, but it's really enjoyable.

1. Before the course

I decided to take the CELTA because it was an authoritative certificate of English
teaching. However, a mere month's exposure to teaching has given me the confidence to
pursue teaching English as a serious career alternative. I learnt a lot from our
wonderful trainers, and my absolutely wonderful classmates.
A month is a very short time to learn something, but I really learnt a lot from this
course. At beginning of this course, I thought it was enjoyable, because I was learning
new teaching techniques. My major in university was English education. The education
system in China is totally different from Western countries. During CELTA, I learnt a
good way to teach learners in a student centered way. During this course, I have learned
a lot from the critiques and feedback of my classmates and tutors, the observation of
peers and experienced teachers, and from self-reflection. When I had my class before, I
seldom thought about self-reflection or gave some feedback after I observed others
classes. I think this part useful to help each other to improve our teaching.

2. During the course

I discovered the very first day that it was important to establish a good rapport with
the students and be comfortable talking with them. Observing Sarah during her second
lesson taught me that was more important to engage students in conversation than assume
the role of a traditional teacher. Though my tutor commented on March 5 rd , the first day
of TP, that I established good classroom management with the students, I really feel that
I felt more comfortable from the second lesson onwards.
Observing Rita in the first week of the class was a big bonus. She established a good
rapport with the students, made the students feel comfortable and involved her upperintermediate English students in the process of speaking.
I adjusted well to the different levels of students within the class. When I was teaching
the upper-intermediate level class I made it a point to explain concepts to the weaker
students and help them during the tasks if they had any difficulty. After teaching
practice on March 10th, my classmates commented that I had monitored weaker students like
Sandy and Panda well throughout the class.
If I add some activities for them to practice the target language, they may forget what
they dislike and learn a lot. The 6th TP, I did was about listening skill. My tutor gave
some good comments about setting context for the students. I think this is important for
students to understand the passages or achieve my teaching aims; not only the context
about topic but also the context about the tasks or the questions.

3. Strengths and weaknesses

I think I did well at class management from the beginning. I made sure I kept all the
students working hard. The first week, when my tutor commented that I managed my classes
well, since then, I think my class management skills have only improved.
I had a problem with excessive TTT from the very beginning. I think a major reason for
this is that the Chinese educational system tends to have very teacher-centered
classrooms. My tutors and classmates have pointed out that I make the lessons more
student-centered. I earnestly believe that student-centered learning is far more
effective. After each class, I asked the learners what they thought about the lesson,
they told me they felt move confident to practice speaking in our lesson.
I had a terrible problem with my lesson planning. I always mixed up stage skills and
language. My tutor helped to clarify the difference. Though I am doing better than
before, I still have a long way to go.
During my third TP (teaching practice) I focused on helping students improve their
pronunciation. My tutor almost gave me an above standard rating for that class, He said
my class was good but there were some language errors. I agreed that it was my weak point
and that. I should pay much more attention to it. My tutor suggested that I could write
it down and check it before class. I thought it was a good suggestion.

4. Post-CELTA action plan

My goals for the future are to make my lessons more student centered, to reduce TTT and
to improve my language. These have been my most significant weaknesses throughout the
course. I will work hard on my weakness. My purpose for studying CELTA is to improve my
teaching skills. I think I know how the only thing left is to practice what Ive learned
with real class. I also take time for self-reflection about my classes. Finally, if I
have opportunity I hope I could go overseas to teach English.

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