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Configuration Guide For Acme Packet SBC Local CDRs

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Configuration Guide for Acme Packet SBC Local CDRs


Acme Packet SBC Operation with SDReporter
Document Purpose
This document has been written for Oracle Acme Packet Session Border Controller (SBC)
Administrators. This document provides instructions for configuring the SBC to generate local
CDR files. It also describes how to configure the SBC to push local CDR files to a remote SFTP
server using the sftp protocol.
This document provides an example SBC configuration created by TransNexus technical
support. TransNexus recommends that users contact Oracle Acme Packet technical support
directly for help with any SBC configuration questions. Download instructions for Configuring

Document Conventions
Screenshots of Command Line Interface (CLI) dialog are highlighted in gray. Also, CLI
variables that should be changed by the SBC administrator are noted with yellow highlight as
shown in the example below.
acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# hostname localhost
acmesystem(account-config)# port 1813


Install SDReporter software package obtained from TransNexus, Inc. on a

Linux server. The Linux server must have sshd/sftp enabled.

Generate SFTP server host public key in RFC 4716 format on the Linux
server using the following command.

[ossadmin@SDReporter ~]$ ssh-keygen -e -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub | tee


Connect to ACME SBC to import SFTP server host key.

acmesystem> enable
Password: ******
acmesystem# ssh-pub-key import known-host sftp_host_dsa_key.pub
Please paste SSH public key in the format defined in RFC 4716.
Terminate the key with ; to exit.
- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY Comment: 1024-bit DSA, converted from OpenSSH
[email protected]
SSH public key imported successfully.
WARNING: Configuration changed, run save-config command to save it
and run activate-config to activate the changes

ACME SBC Configuration

Setting up the Account Configuration

Edit the SBC Account Configuration as shown below.

acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# hostname localhost
acmesystem(account-config)# port 1813
acmesystem(account-config)# state enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# max-msg-delay 60
acmesystem(account-config)# max-wait-failover 100
acmesystem(account-config)# trans-at-close disabled
acmesystem(account-config)# generate-start OK
acmesystem(account-config)# generate-interim Unsuccessful-Attempt
acmesystem(account-config)# prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# done
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output disabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/
file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 0
file-delete-alarm disabled
ftp-push disabled
ftp-port 21

cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
generate-interim Unsuccessful-Attempt
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive disabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:20:01
acmesystem(account-config)# exit
acmesystem(session-router)# exit
acmesystem(configure)# done
acmesystem# save-config
checking configuration
Results of config verification:
1 configuration error
Run verify-config for more details
Save-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to SAVE-CONFIG has Finished,
Save complete
Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
To sync & activate, run activate-config or reboot activate.
acmesystem# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish

Request to ACTIVATE-CONFIG has Finished,

Activate Complete

Enable local CDR storage

acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# select
acmesystem(account-config)# file-output enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# max-file-size 1000000
acmesystem(account-config)# max-files 5
acmesystem(account-config)# file-path /ramdrv/logs
acmesystem(account-config)# file-rotate-time 5
acmesystem(account-config)# cdr-output-redundancy enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# done
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/
file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 5
file-delete-alarm disabled
ftp-push disabled

ftp-port 21
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive disabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:23:02
acmesystem(account-config)# exit
acmesystem(session-router)# exit
acmesystem(configure)# done
acmesystem# save-config
checking configuration

Results of config verification:

1 configuration warning
Run verify-config for more details

Save-Config received, processing.

waiting for request to finish
Request to SAVE-CONFIG has Finished,
Save complete

Currently active and saved configurations do not match!

To sync & activate, run activate-config or reboot activate.
acmesystem# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to ACTIVATE-CONFIG has Finished,
Activate Complete

Setting the CSV file format

acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# select
acmesystem(account-config)# cdr-output-inclusive enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# done
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/
file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 5
file-delete-alarm disabled
ftp-push disabled

ftp-port 21
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive enabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:24:28
acmesystem(account-config)# exit
acmesystem(session-router)# exit
acmesystem(configure)# done
acmesystem# save-config
checking configuration

Results of config verification:

1 configuration warning
Run verify-config for more details

Save-Config received, processing.

waiting for request to finish
Request to SAVE-CONFIG has Finished,
Save complete

Currently active and saved configurations do not match!

To sync & activate, run activate-config or reboot activate.
acmesystem# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to ACTIVATE-CONFIG has Finished,
Activate Complete

Enabling FTP Push

acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# select
acmesystem(account-config)# ftp-push enabled
acmesystem(account-config)# ftp-address
acmesystem(account-config)# done
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/
file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 5
file-delete-alarm disabled

ftp-push enabled
ftp-port 21
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive enabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:26:18
acmesystem(account-config)# exit
acmesystem(session-router)# exit
acmesystem(configure)# done
acmesystem# save-config
checking configuration
Save-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to SAVE-CONFIG has Finished,
Save complete
Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
To sync & activate, run activate-config or reboot activate.
acmesystem# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.

waiting for request to finish

Request to ACTIVATE-CONFIG has Finished,
Activate Complete

Configuring Push Receiver

This section explains how to configure the SBC Push Receiver to push CDR files from the SBC
to the correct SDReporter directory. The format of CDR files created by Acme Packet SBCs vary
depending on the SBC firmware version. SDReporter has a unique directory for each CDR file
format. The/home/ossadmin/OSS/SDReporter/cdrconverter/data/INPUT/ directory contains the
following sub-directories which should be used for different CDR file formats from the
corresponding Acme Packet firmware versions:
INPUT sub-directory

Acme Packet Firmware Version







Each SDReporter INPUT sub-directory has thirty-two sub-directories named /1, /2, /32. If
multiple SBCs use the same firmware version, TransNexus recommends that CDR files from
each SBC be placed in different sub-directories. For example, if CDR files are copied from two
SBC running firmware version C6.2, then the CDR files from one SBC should be copied to
/AcmeC6.2-2/1 and the CDR file from the other SBC should be copied to /AcmeC6.2-2/2.
An example configuration is provided below.
acmesystem# conf t
acmesystem(configure)# session-router account-config
acmesystem(account-config)# select
acmesystem(account-config)# push-receiver
acmesystem(push-receiver)# server
acmesystem(push-receiver)# port 22
acmesystem(push-receiver)# remotepath/home/ossadmin/OSS/SDReporter/cdrconverter/data/INPUT/AcmeC6.2-2/1
acmesystem(push-receiver)# protocol sftp

acmesystem(push-receiver)# username ossadmin

acmesystem(push-receiver)# password ossadmin
Enter new password: ossadmin
Enter password again: ossadmin
acmesystem(push-receiver)# done
port 22
admin-state enabled
priority 4
protocol sftp
username ossadmin
password ********
acmesystem(push-receiver)# exit
acmesystem(account-config)# done
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/

file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 5
file-delete-alarm disabled
ftp-push enabled
ftp-port 21
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive enabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
port 22
admin-state enabled
priority 4
protocol sftp
username ossadmin
password ********

last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:28:56
acmesystem(account-config)# exit
acmesystem(session-router)# exit
acmesystem(configure)# done
acmesystem# save-config
checking configuration
Save-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to SAVE-CONFIG has Finished,
Save complete
Currently active and saved configurations do not match!
To sync & activate, run activate-config or reboot activate.
acmesystem# activate-config
Activate-Config received, processing.
waiting for request to finish
Request to ACTIVATE-CONFIG has Finished,
Activate Complete

Show final Accounting Configuration

This section provides a complete example after completing all configuration steps.
Lines shaded in blue are available by default. These lines were not manually entered.
Lines highlighted in yellow were manually entered into configuration.
acmesystem# show running-config account-config
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
protocol RADIUS
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60

max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv/logs/
file-compression disabled
file-rotate-time 5
file-delete-alarm disabled
ftp-push enabled
ftp-port 21
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
generate-interim Unsuccessful-Attempt
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs enabled
cdr-output-inclusive enabled
ftp-strategy Hunt
ftp-max-wait-failover 120
port 22
admin-state enabled

priority 4
protocol sftp
username ossadmin
password ********
last-modified-by [email protected]
last-modified-date 2011-03-07 19:28:56
task done

Additional Configuration Notes

The data source for the following notes is the Acme Packet Accounting Guide Acme Packet.

Account Configuration
1. hostnameDefaults to and must remain localhost.
2. portRetain the default value of 1813 or enter the number of the UDP port associated with
the Net-Net SBC from which RADIUS messages are sent.

minimum: 1025

maximum: 65535

3. strategyIndicate the strategy you want used to select the accounting servers to which the
Net-Net SBC will send its accounting messages.
4. stateRetain the default value enabled if you want the account configuration active on the
system. Enter disabled if you do not want the account configuration active on the system.
5. max-msg-delayRetain the default value of 60 seconds or indicate the length of time in
seconds that you want the Net-Net SBC to continue trying to send each accounting message.
During this delay, the Net-Net SBC can hold a generic queue of 4096 messages.

Minimum: zero (0)

Maximum: 232-1

6. max-wait-failoverRetain the default value of 100 messages or indicate the maximum

number of accounting messages the Net-Net SBC can store its message waiting queue for a
specific accounting server, before it is considered a failover situation. Once this value is
exceeded, the Net-Net SBC attempts to send it accounting messages, including its pending
messages, to the next accounting server in its configured list.

Minimum: one (1) message

Maximum: 4096 messages

7. trans-at-closeRetain the default value of disabled if you do not want to defer the
transmission of message information to the close of a session. Enter enabled if you want to
defer message transmission.
8. generate-startRetain the default value ok if you want the RADIUS Start message to be
generated once the Net-Net SBC receives an OK message in response to an INVITE. (A
RADIUS Start message informs the accounting server that a SIP session has started.) Other
options include:

StartRADIUS Start message should not be generated.

InviteRADIUS Start message should be generated once the Net-Net SBC

receives a SIP session INVITE.

9. generate-interimRetain the default value reinvite response to cause theNet-Net SBC to

transmit a RADIUS Interim message. (A RADIUS Interim message indicates to the accounting
server that the SIP session parameters have changed.)
To enable local CDR storage:
1. file-outputEnable this parameter for the Net-Net SBC to create commadelimited CDRs
(generated from RADIUS records). By default, this parameter is disabled.
2. file-pathYou must configure this path or the CDR push feature will not work. Set the path to
use on the Net-Net SBC for file storage from these two options:



To use FTP push, you must configure a usable path.

3. max-file-sizeSet the maximum file size in bytes permitted for each CDR file. The default
and minimum value is 1000000. The maximum value is 108.
4. max-filesSet the maximum number of files to be stored on the Net-Net SBC at one time.
You can configure the Net-Net SBC to store as few as one file or as many as 10. The default is
5. file-rotate-timeSet how often in minutes you want to rotate the stored files; the Net-Net SBC
will overwrite the oldest file first. The minimum rotation time is 2 minutes; the default is 60
minutes. This parameter defaults to 0, and leaving it set to the default means that the Net-Net
SBC will not rotate the files.
6. cdr-output-redundancySet this parameter to enabled for the Net-Net SBC to store a
redundant copy of the local CSV file to the standby HA node.
To enable fixed value placement in CSV files for RADIUS CDRs:
If you are adding support for this feature to a pre-existing accounting configuration, then you
must use the ACLI select command so that you can edit it.
1. vsa-id-rangeEither leave this parameter blank (default), or enter the complete range of
VSAs for the Net-Net OS release loaded on your system. The following example shows what
you would enter to use all of the VSAs for Net-Net OS Release 4.1.4p4 for a system that is not
running QoS.
ACMEPACKET(account-config)# vsa-id-range 1-4,10-14,20-24,28,29,32-71,74-136
2. cdr-output-inclusiveSet this parameter to enabled to fill in 0s in otherwise empty fields in
local CDR files. It is disabled by default.
To enable FTP push:
1. ftp-pushSet the state of FTP push feature to enabled. It is disabled by default.
2. Type push-receiver and press .
ACMEPACKET(account-config)# push-receiver
3. serverEnter the IP address of this push receiver FTP server.
4. portEnter the port number of this push receiver FTP server.
5. remote-pathEnter the remote pathname to which you want CDR files to be sent on the push
receiver. There is no default for this parameter.

6. filename-prefixEnter the filename prefix (as a string) to prepend to the to the CDR files the
Net-Net SBC sends to the push receiver. The Net-Net SBC does not rename local files. There is
no default for this parameter.
7. protocolEnter SFTP if you want to change the transport protocol for this push receiver from
its default, FTP.
8. usernameEnter the username the Net-Net SBC uses when connecting to this push
receiver. There is no default for this parameter. This parameter must be configured whether you
are using unencrypted FTP, password or public key authentication.
9. passwordEnter the password corresponding to the username the Net-Net SBC uses when
connecting to this push receiver. There is no default for this parameter.
10. public-keyEnter the public key profile to use for authentication to this push receiver if this
is the preferred form of authentication. If you define this as an SFTP push receiver but do not set
the public-key value, the Net-Net SBC will use password authentication. There is no default for
this parameter.
11. Save and activate your configuration.
Known Issues
1. Different SBC firmware versions may have different configuration options. For example, sc610
does not have account-config->protocol.
2. Some known issues of different firmware versions,

sc610 must be configured with account-server to generate correct local

CDRs. Other firmware versions do not have to. The state option of
account-server must be set disabled.

sc620 has to configure ftp-address although it is not used. It may not be

necessary for other versions.

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