Group 4 Literacy Development Project 1
Group 4 Literacy Development Project 1
Group 4 Literacy Development Project 1
Group 4:
Rachel Fetzer
Jennifer Pickles
Stephanie Turner
Debra Woodruff
LIS 664-01D
April 7, 2016
1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual,
media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.
Scenario: Transitional readers need to learn to make inferences based on longer texts (Jacobson,
2003; Szymusiak, et al. 2008), a skill that is required of them by the fourth grade Common Core
ELA standards. To help students master this skill, the librarian approached the fourth grade
teachers about collaborating to teach an inference lesson as part of the class unit on Bunnicula.
Connections to State and Local Standards:
Common Core ELA Standards:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.1 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining
what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
North Carolina Information and Technology Essential Standards:
While students are answering questions from the video, the librarian and teacher will
monitor answers to gauge students facility with making inferences.
The teacher and librarian will circulate while students are completing the graphic
organizer, offering feedback and help as needed. Completed graphic organizers will be
used to determine how much more instruction is needed with this topic.
Students will take an interactive Kahoot! quiz to demonstrate their knowledge of the
main idea of the text and inferences regarding the text they have already read. The
librarian and teacher can use the results of the quiz to determine how much more
instruction is needed with these topics.
Instructional Plan
Direct Instruction:
1. Prior to this lesson, the teacher has introduced the book and read aloud the first chapter to the
class. Students have answered basic comprehension questions about the text.
2. The librarian will define inferences and ask the class what they know about making
inferences from a text.
Modeling and Guided Practice:
3. The students will watch the video What Can You Infer? from Youtube which allows them to
practice making inferences. They will write their answers on individual white boards.
Think about the
It says
Find information from
the text that will help
answer the question.
I say
And so
The teacher may create strategic groups for the think/pair/share activity.
Computer video and audio can be adjusted appropriately for students with vision or
hearing impairments.
Gehsmann, K. M., & Templeton, S. (January 01, 2011). Stages and Standards in Literacy:
Teaching Developmentally in the Age of Accountability. Journal of Education,191, 1, 516.
Jacobson, J. R. (September 01, 2003). Helping Students Make the Leap from Beginning Readers
to Chapter Books. Knowledge Quest, 32, 1, 37-38.
Szymusiak, K., Sibberson, F. & Koch, L. (2008). Beyond leveled books: supporting early and
transitional readers in grades K-5. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.