Managerial Economics MB0042

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Summer 2013

Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1

MB0042 Managerial Economics - 4 Credits
Q1. Discuss the practical application of Price elasticity and Income elasticity of demand.
Ans: - Few examples on the practical application of price of elasticity of demand are as follows:
1. Production planning - It helps a producer to decide about the volume of production. If the
demand for his product is inelastic, specific quantities can be produced while he has to produce
different quantities, if the demand is elastic.
2. Helps in fixing the prices of different goods It helps a producer to fix the price of his product.
If the demand for his product is inelastic, he can fix a higher price and if the demand is elastic, he
has to change a lower price. Thus, price-increase policy is to be followed if the demand is
inelastic in the market and price-decrease policy is to be followed if the demand is elastic.
Similarly, it helps
3. Helps in fixing the rewards for factor inputs Factor rewards refer to the price paid for their
services in the production process. It helps the producer to determine the rewards for factors of
production. If the demand for any factor unit is inelastic, the producer has to pay higher reward
for it and vice-versa.
4. Helps in determining the foreign exchange rates Exchange rate refers to the rate at which
currency of one country is converted in to the currency of another country. It helps in the
determination of the rate of exchange between the currencies of two different nations. For e.g. if
the demand for US dollar to an Indian rupee is inelastic, in that case, an Indian has to pay more
Indian currency to get one unit of US dollar and vice-versa.
5. Helps in determining the terms of trade t is the basis for deciding the terms of trade
between two nations. The terms of trade implies the rate at which the domestic goods are
exchanged for foreign goods. For e.g. if the demand for Japans products in India is inelastic, we
have to pay more in terms of our commodities to get one unit of a commodity from Japan and
6. Helps in fixing the rate of taxes Taxes refer to the compulsory payment made by a citizen to
the government periodically without expecting any direct return benefit from it. It helps the
Finance Minister to formulate sound taxation policy of the country. He can impose more taxes on
those goods for which the demand is inelastic and lower taxes if the demand is elastic in the
7. Helps in declaration of public utilities Public utilities are those institutions which provide
certain essential goods to the general public at economical prices. The government may declare a
particular industry as public utility or nationalise it, if the demand for its products is inelastic.
8. Poverty in the midst of plenty The concept explains the paradox of poverty in the midst of
plenty. A bumper crop of rice or wheat, instead of bringing prosperity to farmers, may actually
bring poverty to them because the demand for rice and wheat is inelastic.

Thus, the concept of price elasticity of demand has great practical application in economic
Income elasticity of demand
Income elasticity of demand may be defined as the ratio or percentage change in the quantity demanded
of a commodity to a given percentage change in the income. In short, it indicates the extent to which
demand changes with a variation in consumers income.
Practical application of income elasticity of demand
Few examples on the practical application of income elasticity of demand are as follows:
1. Helps in determining the rate of growth of the firm If the growth rate of the economy and
income growth of the people is reasonably forecasted, in that case, it is possible to predict
expected increase in the sales of a firm and vice-versa.
2. Helps in the demand forecasting of a firm It can be used in estimating future demand
provided that the rate of increase in income and the Ey for the products are known. Thus, it helps
in demand forecasting activities of a firm.
3. Helps in production planning and marketing The knowledge of Ey is essential for
production planning, formulating marketing strategy, deciding advertising expenditure and
nature of distribution channel, etc. in the long run.
4. Helps in ensuring stability in production Proper estimation of different degrees of income
elasticity of demand for different types of products helps in avoiding over-production or under
production of a firm. One should also know whether rise or fall in income is permanent or
5. Helps in estimating construction of houses The rate of growth in incomes of the people also
helps in housing programmes in a country. Thus, it helps a lot in managerial decisions of a firm.
Q2. Explain the profit maximisation model in detail.
Ans :- Profit Maximisation Model
Profit-making is one of the most traditional, basic and major objectives of a firm. Profit-motive is the
driving force behind all business activities of a company. It is the primary measure of success or failure
of a firm in the market. Profit earning capacity indicates the position, performance and status of a firm in
the market. In spite of several changes and development of several alternative objectives, profit
maximisation has remained as one of the single most important objectives of the firm, even today.
Both small and large firms consistently make an attempt to maximise their profit by adopting novel
techniques in business. Specific efforts have been made to maximise output and minimise production
and other operating costs. Cost reduction, cost cutting and cost minimisation has become the slogan of a
modern firm.
The profit maximisation model is a very simple and unambiguous model. It is the ideal model to explain
the normal behaviour of a firm.

Main propositions of the profit-maximisation model

The model is based on the assumption that each firm seeks to maximise its profit given certain technical
and market constraints. The following are the main propositions of the model:
1. A firm is a producing unit which converts various inputs into outputs of higher value, by
employing certain techniques of production.
2. The basic objective of each firm is to earn maximum profit.
3. A firm operates under given market conditions.
4. A firm selects that alternative course of action which helps to maximise consistent profits.
5. A firm attempts to change its prices, input and output quantity to maximise its profit.
Assumptions of the model
The profit maximisation model is based on three important assumptions. They are as follows:
1. Profit maximisation is the main goal of the firm.
2. Rational behaviour on the part of the firm to achieve its goal of profit maximisation.
3. The firm is managed by owner-entrepreneur.
Q3. Describe the objectives of pricing Policies.
Ans:-The Objectives of Pricing Polices
The following objectives are to be considered while fixing the prices of the product:
1. Profit maximisation in the short term The primary objective of the firm is to maximise its
profits. Pricing policy as an instrument to achieve this objective should be formulated in such a
way as to maximise the sales revenue and profit. Maximum profit refers to the highest possible
profit. In the short run, a firm not only should be able to recover its total costs, but also should
get excess revenue over costs. It may follow skimming price policy, i.e., charging a very high
price when the product is launched to cater to the needs of only a few sections of people.
Alternatively, it may adopt penetration pricing policy i.e., charging a relatively lower price in the
later stages in the long run so as to attract more customers and capture the market.
2. Profit optimisation in the long run The traditional profit maximisation hypothesis may not
prove beneficial in the long run. Optimum profit refers to the most ideal or desirable level of
profit. Hence, earning the most reasonable or optimum profit has become a part and parcel of a
sound pricing policy of a firm in recent years.
3. Price stabilisation Price stabilisation over a period of time is another objective. A stable price
policy only can win the confidence of customers and may add to the goodwill of the concern. It
builds up the reputation and image of the firm.
4. Preventing entry of competition Firms try to match the prices of their products with those of
their rivals to expand the volume of their business. Most of the firms are not merely interested in
meeting competition but are keen to prevent it.
5. Maintenance of market share Market share refers to the share of a firms sales of a particular
product in the total sales of all firms in the market. The economic strength and success of a firm

is measured in terms of its market share. Hence, the pricing policy has to assist a firm to maintain
its market share.
6. Capturing the market Another objective in recent years is to capture the market, dominate the
market and, command and control the market in the long run. In order to achieve this goal,
sometimes, the firm fixes a lower price for its product and at other times, it may even sell at a
loss in the short term. It may prove beneficial in the long run. Such a pricing is generally
followed in price sensitive markets.
7. Entry into new markets Apart from growth, market share expansion, diversification in its
activities, firms make special attempts to enter into new markets. The price set by a firm has to
be so attractive that the buyers in other markets have to switch over to the products of the
candidate firm.
8. Deeper penetration of the market The pricing policy has to be designed in such a manner
that a firm can make inroads into the market with minimum difficulties. Deeper penetration is the
first step in the direction of capturing and dominating the market in the later stages.
9. Achieving a target return A predetermined target return on capital investment and sales
turnover is another long run pricing objective of a firm. The targets are set according to the
position of the individual firm. Hence, prices of the products are so calculated as to earn the
target return on cost of production, sales and capital investment. Different target returns may be
fixed for different products or brands or markets but, such returns should be related to a single
overall rate of return target.
10. Target profit on the entire product line irrespective of profit level of individual products
The price set by a firm should increase the sale of all the products rather than yield a profit on
one product only. A rational pricing policy should always keep in view the entire product line
and maximum total sales revenue from the sale of all products. A product line may be defined as
a group of products which have similar physical features and perform generally similar
functions. In a product line, a few products are regarded as less profit earning products and
others are considered as more profit earning. Hence, a proper balance in pricing is required.
11. Long run welfare of the firm A firm has multiple objectives. They are laid down on the basis
of past experience and future expectations. Simultaneous achievement of all objectives is
necessary for the overall growth of a firm. Objective of the pricing policy has to be designed in
such a way as to fulfil the long run interests of the firm keeping internal conditions and external
environment in mind.
12. Ability to pay Pricing decisions are sometimes taken on the basis of the ability to pay of the
customers, i.e., higher price can be charged to those who can afford to pay. Such a policy is
generally followed by those people who supply different types of services to their customers.
13. Ethical pricing Basically, pricing policy should be based on certain ethical principles.
Business without ethics is a sin. While setting the prices, some moral standards are to be
followed. Although profit is one of the most important objectives, a firm cannot earn it in a moral
vacuum. Instead of squeezing customers, a firm has to charge moderate prices for its products.
The pricing policy has to secure reasonable amount of profits to a firm to preserve the interests
of the community and promote its welfare.
Besides these goals, there are various other objectives such as promotion of new items, steady working
of plants, maintenance of comfortable liquidity position, making quick money, maintaining regular

income to the company, continued survival, rapid growth of the firm etc., which firms may consider
while taking pricing decisions.
Q4. Define Fiscal Policy and the instruments of Fiscal policy.
Ans: - Fiscal Policy
The term fisc in English language means treasury, and the policy related to treasury or government
exchequer is known as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is a package of economic measures of the Government
regarding public expenditure, public revenue, public debt or public borrowings. It concerns itself with
the aggregate effects of government expenditure and taxation on income, production and employment.
In short, it refers to the budgetary policy of the government.
Instruments of fiscal policy
The instruments of fiscal policy include:
1. Public revenue: It refers to the income or receipts of public authorities. It is classified into two
parts - tax-revenue and non-tax revenue. Taxes are the main source of revenue to a government.
There are two types of taxes. They are direct taxes such as personal and corporate income tax,
property tax, expenditure tax, and indirect taxes such as customs duties, excise duties, sales tax
(now called VAT). Administrative revenues are the bi-products of administrate functions of the
government. They include fees, licence fees, price of public goods and services, fines, escheats
and special assessment.
2. Public expenditure policy: It refers to the expenditure incurred by the public authorities like
central, state and local governments. It is of two kinds: development or plan expenditure and
non-development or non-plan expenditure. Plan expenditure includes income-generating projects
like development of basic industries, generation of electricity, development of transport and
communications and construction of dams. Non-plan expenditure includes defence expenditure,
subsidies, interest payments and debt servicing changes.
3. Public debt or public borrowing policy: All loans taken by the government constitutes public
debt. It refers to the borrowings made by the government to meet the ever-rising expenditure. It
is of two types, internal borrowings and external borrowings.
4. Deficit financing: It is an extraordinary technique of financing the deficits in the budgets. It
implies printing of fresh and new currency notes by the government by running down the cash
balances with the central bank. The amount of new money printed by the government depends on
the absorption capacity of the economy.
5. Built in stabilisers or automatic stabilisers (BIS): The automatic or built-in stabilisers imply
automatic changes in tax collections and transfer payments or public expenditure programmes so
that it may reduce the destabilising effect on aggregate effective demand. When income expands,
automatic increase in taxes or reduction in transfer payments or government expenditures will
tend to moderate the rise in income. On the contrary, when the income declines, tax falls
automatically and transfers and government expenditure will rise and thus built-in stabilisers
cushion the fall in income.

Q5. Explain the kinds and the basis of Price discrimination under monopoly.

Ans:- Kinds of price discrimination:

Three kinds of price discrimination are commonly seen. It is as follows:
1. Discrimination of the first degree Under price discrimination of the first degree, the producer
exploits the consumers to the maximum possible extent, by asking to pay the maximum he/she is
prepared to pay rather than go without the commodity. In this case, the monopolist will not allow
any consumers surplus to the consumer. This type of price discrimination is called perfect
2. Discrimination of the second degree In case of discrimination of the second degree, the
monopolist charges different prices for markets of the same commodity, but not at a maximum
possible rate but at a lower rate. The monopolist will leave a certain amount of consumers
surplus with the consumers. This is done to keep the consumers satisfied and prevent the entry of
potential rivals. This method is adopted by railway companies.
3. Discrimination of the third degree In case of discrimination of the third degree, the markets
are divided into many sub-markets or sub-groups. The price charged in each case roughly
depends on the ability to pay of different subgroups in the market. This is the most common type
of discrimination followed by a monopolist.
(Basis of price discrimination)
1. Personal differences
This refers to charging different prices for the same commodity due to personal differences arising out of
ignorance and irrationality of consumers, preferences, prejudices and needs.
2. Place
Markets may be divided on the basis of entry barriers, for example, price of goods will be high in the
place where taxes are imposed. Price will be low in the place where there are no taxes or low taxes.
3. Different uses of the same commodity
When a particular commodity or service is meant for different purposes, different rates may be charged
depending upon the nature of consumption. For example, different rates may be charged for the
consumption of electricity for lighting, heating and productive purposes in the industry and in
4. Time
Special concessions or rebates may be given during festival seasons or on important occasions.
5. Distance
Railway companies and other transporters, for example, charge lower rates/km if the distance is long and
higher rates if the distance is short.
6. Special orders
When the goods are made to order, it is easy to charge different prices to different customers. In this
case, a particular consumer will not know the price charged by the firm for other consumers.
7. Nature of the product
Prices charged also depends on the nature of products, for example, railways charge higher prices for
carrying coal and luxuries and lower prices for cotton, necessities of life, etc.

8. Quantity of purchase
When customers buy large quantities, discount will be allowed by the sellers. When small quantities are
purchased, discount may not be offered.
9. Geographical area
Business enterprises may charge different prices at the national and international markets. For example,
dumping they charge a lower price in the competitive foreign market and a higher price in the
protected home market.
10. Discrimination on the basis of income and wealth
For example, a doctor may charge higher fees for rich patients and lower fees for poor patients.
11. Special classification of consumers
For example, transport authorities such as railways and roadways show concessions to students and
daily travelers. Different charges for I class and II class traveling, ordinary coach and air conditioned
coaches, special rooms and ordinary rooms in hotels, etc.
12. Age
Cinema houses in rural areas and transport authorities charge different rates for adults and children.
13. Preference or brands
Certain goods will be sold under different brand names or trademarks in order to attract customers.
Different brands will be sold at different prices even though there is not much difference in the terms of
14. Social and/or professional status of the buyer
A seller may charge a higher price, for those customers who occupy higher positions and have a higher
social status and a lower price for others.
15. Urgency of the buyer
If a customer is in a hurry, higher price would be charged. Otherwise, normal price would be charged.
16. Discrimination on the basis of sex
In selling certain goods, producers may discriminate between male and female buyers by charging low
prices to females.
17. Peak season and off peak season services
Hotel and transport authorities charge different rates during peak season and off-peak seasons.
If price differences are minor, customers do not bother about such discrimination.
Q6. Define the term Business Cycle and also explain the phases of business or trade cycle in brief.
Ans: - Business Cycles and Business Decisions
Business cycles affect the smooth growth of an economy. The expansionary phase has, however, a
favorable impact on income, output, and employment. But recession and depression imply slackness in
growth, contraction of economic activity, increasing unemployment, falling incomes, etc.
Business cycles have their effects on individual business firms as well. During the expansionary phase,
there is a business boom. The firm gains due to rising demand, rising prices, and increasing profits.

Prosperity makes the business firms prosperous. But in a capitalist economy, prosperity digs its own
During this expansionary period, a firm may have to face some adverse effects. The rising prices and
optimism in the market may encourage many new firms to enter the market and the existing firms to
expand their output. The competition becomes intense. Increased demand for factors may cause a rise in
their prices. The marketing and distribution costs may go up. The demand for investment funds increase.
All these may result in raising the cost of production causing a rise in the product price.
During this period, a business unit should be extraordinarily cautious. Business decisions are to be made
carefully after assessing the market situation properly. An expansion in production and sale of goods
should be so organised that they take full advantage of the situation without involving themselves into
any kind of risk. A prudent businessman/businesswoman should adopt all possible precautionary
measures to avoid and minimise the business problems as much as possible. He should have knowledge
of the economic characteristics of the trade cycles and usual sequence of events during such periods, the
phase of the trade cycle through which business is then passing, relation between cyclical changes and
general business, and cyclical changes and the business of the given enterprise, in particular, cyclical
movements in production and sales and in the prices of commodities purchased and sold. A business
firm should have a comprehensive view of the entire market internal and external factors affecting the
business in order to adopt an efficient business programme and prevent the adverse effects of cyclical
changes on business. He/she should mainly see that the costs are kept under control. He/she should
avoid overinvestment, overproduction, and overexpansion and also avoid excessive inventories of raw
materials and finished goods. He/she should employ a flexible credit standard and avoid excessive
borrowing. He/she should check temporary diversification programme, avoid purchase commitments,
maintain satisfactory labour conditions, and create a sizable reserve fund. Various such measures may
help a firm in avoiding the harmful effects of business expansion.
During the phase of contraction, recession, and depression, the basic objective is to fight against
pessimism and to give a big boost to all kinds of business activities. There must be a strong
psychological shift during this period. A few measures are to be adopted to mitigate the harmful effects
of contraction. (1) Quick liquidation of inventories. (2) Reduction of cost of production. (3)
Improvement in quality. (4) Adoption of new selling methods. (5) Development of new methods of
organisation, etc. (6) Careful management of the labour force.
Apart from these measures, a businessman/businesswoman may also take up a few important steps in the
best interest of the firm. By adopting a very cautious policy of planning during the period of contraction
when all costs are low, a firm can take up the expansion and extension programmes. The firm will have
to restructure its advertising policy to suit the circumstances. Cyclical price adjustment poses the most
challenging job for the firm. It will have to choose a right pricing policy keeping in view the various
factors like changing costs, prices of substitutes, market share, changes in general price level, etc.
Thus, during the different phases of trade cycles, a firm has to make careful decisions with regard to
finance, capital budgeting, investment, production, distribution, marketing, purchasing, pricing, etc. A
firm should gear up itself to face the challenges of cyclical changes in a most befitting manner.

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