Integration of SIWAREX CS (7MH4910-0AA01) Electronic Weighing System Into Simotion
Integration of SIWAREX CS (7MH4910-0AA01) Electronic Weighing System Into Simotion
Integration of SIWAREX CS (7MH4910-0AA01) Electronic Weighing System Into Simotion
Various head modules providing different scopes of functions can be used with the distributed peripheral
system ET 200S. The scope of communication available with SIWAREX CS and the diagnostic scope
depend on the individual head module (IM151-1).
In the simplest configuration with the IM151-1 basic or standard head module, the scales are set and
adjusted exclusively with the SIWATOOL CS PC program. In this case, only the weighing result combined
with status information is available in the SIMOTION.
When using the head module providing advanced features, the SIWAREX CS can be parameterized both via
SIWATOOL CS and via SIMOTION. In this case, all weighing parameters can be accessed via the
SIMOTION data block communication features.
For more detailed information refer to the SIWAREX CS and ET200S equipment manuals.
By means of the head module providing advanced features, the process data (weighing result) as well as the
data block communication (weighing parameters) are read in the included ST program (, zip file).
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Release 09.05.2005
DS 3 adjustment parameters
DS 4 limit parameters
DS 9 information on the module
DS 30 process values
Program description:
The SIWAREX CS module is configured with logic address 696.
Two I/O variables have been specified for the project.
PIB 696
PQB 696
Data type
Field length
Process data is accessed in the background routine integrated into the background task.
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Release 09.05.2005
Data block communication (weighing parameters) is processed via the motion tasks.
4 examples are illustrated below. Further data blocks required for the weighing function may be read and
written (if required) according to the same principle.
Data block 4 Limit parameters is read and written in Motion Task 3 (motion_3 routine).
The readout is started by setting the DS4_Start variable to 1.
DS4_Read_functionResult indicates the result of the function
DS4_Read_dataLength indicates the data length read
DS4_Read_data indicates data read
The Counter_MT3 variable can be used to check whether the task has been started.
Data block 30 Process values is read in Motion Task 4 (motion_4 rout ine).
The readout is started by setting the DS30_Start variable to 1.
DS30_Read_functionResult indicates the result of the function
DS30_Read_dataLength indicates the data length read
DS30_Read_data indicates data read
The Counter_MT4 variable can be used to check whether the task has been started.
The variables are created based on the received values:
DS30_Net = net weight
DS30_Gross = gross weight
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Release 09.05.2005