Garcia, Erika Anne B. Shs Gas 11 - 1
Garcia, Erika Anne B. Shs Gas 11 - 1
Garcia, Erika Anne B. Shs Gas 11 - 1
SHS GAS 11 1
QUESTION : What is the fate of the
universe? Will the universe continue to
expand or will it eventually contract
because of gravity?
According to my research The fate of the universe is Big
Rip, where the acceleration caused by dark energy eventually
becomes so strong that it completely overwhelms the effects of
the gravitational, electromagnetic and strong binding forces.
But in my own opinion and understanding, the fate of the
universe will continue to expand and expand as time goes by. And
when the universe reach its average density this is enough to
stop its expansion and begin contracting because of gravity.
Earth &
Life Science