There will be no deloading during this program. We will not be waving volume. Make sure
you have a light week or two before starting it, and then also once you complete it. We cant
completely dismiss periodization.
This program is meant to push you to the absolute limit of your ability to tolerate pain, and
for you to do things that you did not think was possible.
This program will be a 5 day a week program that will place extra emphasis on hams, chest
and back.
This is a 5 day a week program. Below is a sample split showing you how to set it up.
Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Chest/Shoulders (and odds and ends I throw in)
Day 3 Off
Day 4 Back
Day 5 Off
Day 6 Chest/Shoulders (pumping day)
Day 7 Arms
*Calves and ab workout can be done up to 5 days a week! Use your level of soreness as an
indicator that the muscle is ready to be trained again.
Week 1
Legs 17 sets:
Lying leg curls 2-3 warm up sets. Do 6 sets like this. Find a weight that is a hard 10 reps.
Do 10 reps and rest for 20 seconds, then go again to failure. Rest 20 seconds and then go
again, and so on until you reach 6 sets. 6 total work sets.
Goal Activate and pump muscle
Squats Work your way up in weight doing sets of 8 until you find a weight that is a pretty
tough 8. Stay there and do 6 sets of 6 with 3 second descents and explode up! Go down to
parallel or just above it. Your stance should be slightly wider than shoulder width with toes
turned out some. On these sets, rest for 2-3 minutes, no need to rush. 6 total work sets.
Goal Train explosively
Leg press On these I want you to place your feet fairly close and on the middle of the
platform. We are going to destroy your teardrop. Do 30 reps. Pump them non-stop. No
locking out. Rest for 3 minutes and do 25 reps with the same weight. On your 3rd and final
set. Drop the weight a little more, and go totally apeshit. Get as many reps as you can. Push
yourself. Expect to do more than 40. You CAN stop periodically on these to catch your
breath. Give it everything you have on this set. Train like a champion. 3 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Dumbell stiff legged deads 2 sets of 10 Push your hips back and keep your back arched.
Stretch your hams good. Dont come up all the way. Keep constant tension on them. You
dont need to go real heavy on these. Use a moderate weight. 2 total work sets.
Goal Work muscle from a stretched position
Back 15 sets
Meadows rows Do 2-3 warm up sets, then hammer out 4 sets of 8 reps with a good weight.
Stretch good at the bottom. I have 2 versions of these on my YouTube channel, feel free to
use whichever version you feel the best. 4 total work sets.
Goal Activate and pump lats
Rack deadlifts Do sets of 5 all the way until the 5 reps is moderately tough. Once you get
there. Do 5 x 4. Do these dead stop style. Set the weight down, relax, get tight, and explode
up on each rep. You will be supersetting these with chins (start the chins when you get to the
hard 5 sets of 4).
Supersetted with
Chins Do these wide grip to the front. Keep your sternum lifted/chest arched. Go to 1 rep
shy of failure on each set. If you cant do chins, feel free to use an assist/cheater machine or a
spotters help. I love that machine. You can use perfect form with it. 10 total work sets via 5
Goal Supramax pump and explosive training
Stretchers Ok, lets get everything in your upper lats and shoulder girdle stretched out even
more. Do 3 sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets.
Goal Work muscle from a stretched position
Banded hyperextension Each set use bands and do as many as you can do. I would like to
see 15 reps here, then drop the band and get 10 more. I want 3 sets like this. 3 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Smith machine JM press Lower to your face, not chest, and drive up with your elbows
flared out. Dont lockout. Do these on an incline bench too. I just added video of this on my
YouTube channel so you can see the form. Use bands if you have them, I actually am using
bands in the video. I used one set of pro minis on each side. Do 8 perfect reps.
Superset with
Hammer curls Do 15 normal reps on these!
Do 4 rounds. Take your time between sets. You need rest to do the tricep work here.
Calves 8 sets:
Standing calve raises I want you to do 8 sets of 8 reps with 30 second breaks. 8 total work
Do 2 times this week minimum on whatever days you want.
Abdominals 8 sets
Do 2 times this week on whatever days you want.
Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:
For abs these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4
sets of 15-25 reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the
upper ab list, and do the same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.
Week 2
Legs 17 sets:
Seated leg curls 2-3 warm up sets. Do two sets of 20. Use perfect form, flex at the
contraction point. Next add some significant weight and do 2 sets of 6 with 3 second descents
as you should have a lot of blood in there. 4 total work sets.
Goal Activate and pump muscle
Leg press Make sure you do plenty of warm ups. Do sets of 8 up until you are at a weight
that is a challenging 8. You should still have 1 or 2 reps left in the tank though when you do
your 8. Place your feet in the standard slightly wider than shoulder width, toes pointed out,
high/middle part of the platform stance. This is where it gets fun. Do 8 reps, then walk slowly
over to the Smith machine for a set of lunges.
Supersetted with
Smith machine lunges Do 8 reps on one leg, then 8 on the other. On your second set do 10
reps with the same weight on each leg. On your last set do 12 reps with the same weight, this
should hammer you. You should be in pain and quads pumped big time. 6 total work sets via
3 supersets.
Goal Supramax pump
Squats Use a weight you can do 8 good reps with. I want you to go below parallel, and go
ahead and lockout when you come up. Rest for a second then go back down. Do 3 sets of 8
like this. This should put the finishing touch on your quads today. 3 total work sets.
Goal Activate and pump muscle
Barbell stiff legged deads Do 4 sets of 10 on these. Do not lockout. Go up of the way
then come back down. Keep constant tension on hams. 4 total work sets.
Goal Work muscle form a stretched position
Stretch pushups 3 sets to failure keep your chin up while doing; try to touch the floor with
your chest. 3 total work sets.
Goal Work muscle from a stretched position
Smith decline bench press Use a slight angle as you know. Use a wide grip on these this
time. Put a weight on there you can do 15 with. Pause the weight for 1 second on your chest
and then drive to lockout. Go to failure like this for 3 sets total. 3 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
VBar pushdowns Do 1 warm up set to get feel. Do 4 sets of 12 with 30 second breaks
between sets. Dont flex at the bottom. Keep the weight moving, continuous tension. Try to
go fairly heavy. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Seated dumbell side laterals I want you to do 8 perfect reps on these, and then do 15 partials
out of the bottom. Do 4 sets like this. The partials wont be too bad because the weight isnt
real heavy, but by the time you get through the 4th set, your shoulders will be on fire and
pumped. Rest about 90 seconds between sets. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Banded rear delt pulls/face pulls Do 4 sets of 10 flexing at the contracted position for 2
seconds on each rep. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Narrow grip chins 4 sets to failure. Use straps, keep your chest arched. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Back 19 sets
Meadows row/One arm barbell row superset Do a few warm up sets. Do the one arm
barbell row first, then on the same arm do the Meadows row. Rest for a sec then do the other
side. I have a video of this on YouTube channel. Do 6 reps on everything here. This should
be very tough. 4 total work sets.
Goal Activate and pump muscle
Dumbell Shrugs Do 4 sets of 12 with 3 second pauses at the top. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Parallel grip pulldowns Really stretch your lats at the top on these and drive your elbows
down hard. I actually did these with a Swiss bar, as you can see on the YouTube video. The
key is to use a neutral grip, stretch, and keep your arch while you drive your elbows down.
Do 4 sets of 10 reps. 4 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Rows on incline utility bench I have a YouTube video of these called chain rows on
incline bench or something like that. The main thing is that you are keeping your elbows up
and flaring out to the side as you row to engage rhomboids. You can use dumbells on these if
you dont have chains. Also, be sure to allow your rhomboids to open up by stretching
really good at the bottom. Do sets of 10 here. 3 total work sets.
Goal Supramax pump
Banded hyperextension I prefer you do reverse hypers, but if you dont have that machine
you can do these. Hit 4 sets of 15 with as much band tension as you can handle! 4 total work
Goal Supramax pump
delts more of a pre-stretch at the beginning of the rep. Start the dumbells at your sides, and
take them straight up over your head, this is a nice full range of motion. Do 4 sets of 12. Use
some good weight if you can. Control the weight as you bring it back down too. 4 total work
Goal Supramax pump
Destroyer set for rear delts You know how its done. Lay face down on incline utility bench
and do 60 partial (swings). Then cut weight in half and do 30, then cut weight in half and do
10 full range of motion reps. 1 total work set.
Goal Supramax pump
Incline skullcrushers/extensions As I normally do, use higher reps on these with a good
stretch. Try to get the bar behind your head. Do sets of 12.
Superset with
EZ bar reverse curls Do 12 reps on these.
Do 4 rounds. Take your time between sets. You need rest to do the tricep work here.
8 total work sets via 4 supersets.
Calves 8 sets:
Standing calve raises I want you to do a few warms then your sets should be like this. Do
10 full reps. A the end of the 10th rep, stand on your toes and count to 10 (with weight still
on your back), then come back down and do 10 more reps, and then stand back up on your
toes for another count of 10 seconds, and finally 10 more reps for 30 total, followed by
another 10 seconds of standing on your toes in the machine. Do this 3 times. 3 total work
Do 2 times this week on whatever days you want.
Abdominals 8 sets
Do 2 times this week on whatever days you want.
Pick one exercise from the following to hit lower abs:
For abs these will always be simple. You will pick an exercise from the first list and do 4
sets of 15-25 reps depending on how hard they are. Next you will pick an exercise from the
upper ab list, and do the same. Each ab workout will be 8 sets.