July 10, 2016 Bulletin
July 10, 2016 Bulletin
July 10, 2016 Bulletin
11am Worship
(James Mansfield)
Where Eer You Walk
Barb Thieman, Janet Deneke, Barb Sanders
G. F. Handel
2 Samuel 16:5-12
Freely, Freely
(Jean-Philippe Rameau)
Hymn of Praise
(James Denton)
Flower Acknowledgment
The flowers that grace the chancel this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God by
Shelly Sigholtz In loving memory of her parents Marty & Rusty Sigholtzwedding anniversary.
Coming Up
MUMY Youth Ministry Events for the rest of the Summer Tonight--Middle School Only Youth Night 5-7pm
July 17--Full Youth Group 5-7pm
July 24--Incoming 6th graders trip to Big Surf Noon-6pm
July 31--Youth Messy Games Night!!! 5-7pm
Aug 7-12--Youth Week!
July Festival of Sharing Collection - Next Sunday, members
of the Breakfast Circle will be in the Connector to receive
monetary donations for the purchase of beans for the
Festival of Sharing.
Christmas in July at MUMC on July 14 from 5:30-7pm Volunteers are needed to donate food and help serve at the
25th Annual Christmas in July Dinner to provide food for low
income families. To get involved, please contact Suzanne
McDavid at 474-4416 or [email protected], or Pat Martin
at 445-5603 or [email protected].
Welcome to Missouri
United Methodist Church
July 10, 2016
Please place this in the offering plate.
o8amWorship o8:50amWorship o11amWorship
Name ______________________________
Street Address ________________________
City, State, ZIP ________________________
Phone ____________________________
This is a new:
oAddress oPhone #
I am a/We are:
oGuest: o1st time o2nd time
oRegular Attendee(s)
oStudent at _______________________
How did you learn about us?
Prayer Concerns
oShare with Prayer Team & Caring Ministries
oShare with Prayer Team & Staff
oConfidential Pastors Only
oMy offering is made via regular electronic funds
oPlease send form/instructions so I can begin
donating electronically.
Preferred Method of Contact:
Small does not mean
insignificant, though in our
culture it is easy to make
the correlation. We want
to invite you to do a small
thing, a kind thing, for our
#beablessing campaign.
Grab some of these Just
Because cards today to
leave behind when you bless
someone! Be sure to post
your experience on Facebook
with the hashtag (#)
#beablessing. Lets get out
there and bless Columbia!