IEEE STD 125-2007 PDF
IEEE STD 125-2007 PDF
IEEE STD 125-2007 PDF
Sponsored by the
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
26 October 2007
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Abstract: This recommended practice is intended to assist users with the preparation of
procurement specifications for electric-hydraulic speed governors.
Keywords: control, digital, governor, hydraulic, hydroelectric, speed, stability
ISBN 0-7381-5637-X
ISBN 0-7381-5638-8
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of the publisher.
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 125-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Preparation of
Equipment Specifications for Speed-Governing of Hydraulic Turbines Intended to Drive Electric
This recommended practice assists users with procurement specifications for turbine governing systems for
hydroelectric generating units. It is recommended this document be used in conjunction with companion
document IEEE Std 1207. a This recommended practice is designed to be a reference document for
practicing engineers in the hydroelectric industry and offers guidance for what elements of a turbine
governing system need to be specified.
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At the time this recommended practice was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee Working Group had the following membership:
David Apps, Chair
David L. Kornegay, Vice Chair
J. C. Agee
Terry Bauman
Steven R. Brockschink
Matthew T. Davis
Terry Deckman
Donald Evans
Russ Fostiak
George Girgis
Tony Griffiths
Randall C. Groves
James H. Gurney
Hans Naeff
Bernard Poulin
Douglas Seely
Chris Shultz
Philip Spotts
Winfried Stach
Wayne Timm
John B. Yale
The following members of the balloting committee voted on this recommended practice. Balloters may
have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
William J. Ackerman
J. C. Agee
S. K. Aggarwal
David B. Apps
Ali Al Awazi
Steven R. Brockschink
Tommy P. Cooper
Luis M. Coronado
Matthew T. Davis
Bostjan K. Derganc
Gary R. Engmann
J. Travis Griffith
Randall C. Groves
James H. Gurney
Gary A. Heuston
David A. Horvath
Innocent Kamwa
Joseph L. Koepfinger
David L. Kornegay
Lawrence D. Long
Willaim Lumpkins
John W. Martin
Don G. McLaren
Gary L. Michel
Michael S. Newman
Bartien Sayogo
Gil Shultz
William W. Terry
Wayne Timm
James W. Wilson
Theodore C. Zeiss
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 7 June 2007, it had the
following membership:
Steve M. Mills, Chair
Robert M. Grow, Vice Chair
Don Wright, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary
Richard DeBlasio
Alex Gelman
William R. Goldbach
Arnold M. Greenspan
Joanna N. Guenin
Julian Forster*
Kenneth S. Hanus
William B. Hopf
Richard H. Hulett
Hermann Koch
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
John Kulick
David J. Law
Glenn Parsons
Ronald C. Petersen
Tom A. Prevost
Narayanan Ramachandran
Greg Ratta
Robby Robson
Anne-Marie Sahazizian
Virginia C. Sulzberger
Malcolm V. Thaden
Richard L. Townsend
Howard L. Wolfman
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative
Jennie M. Steinhagen
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development
Matthew J. Ceglia
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Disclaimer............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Use of IEEE Std 125............................................................................................................................ 2
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Functions and characteristics...................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Control actuator position ..................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Control actuator stroke ........................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 Control actuator time ........................................................................................................................... 4
5. Equipment specifications............................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 General specifications.......................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Governor and auxiliary functions ........................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Other optional functions .................................................................................................................... 14
5.4 Hydraulic pressure supply system ..................................................................................................... 16
5.5 New installation considerations ......................................................................................................... 21
5.6 Replacement and conversion considerations ..................................................................................... 22
5.7 Redundancy ....................................................................................................................................... 23
5.8 Failsafe features................................................................................................................................. 23
5.9 Dual-regulated turbines ..................................................................................................................... 24
5.10 Additional governor-controller functions ........................................................................................ 26
5.11 Environmental specifications........................................................................................................... 27
5.12 Software........................................................................................................................................... 28
5.13 Interface to other plant systems ....................................................................................................... 29
5.14 Operator interface ............................................................................................................................ 30
5.15 Personnel safety features ................................................................................................................. 30
5.16 Spare parts and accessories.............................................................................................................. 31
5.17 Product support................................................................................................................................ 32
6. Performance specification ........................................................................................................................ 32
6.1 Stability.............................................................................................................................................. 32
6.2 Permanent speed droop...................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Deadband........................................................................................................................................... 34
6.4 Deadtime............................................................................................................................................ 35
6.5 Governor damping adjustments ......................................................................................................... 35
7. Information provided by the manufacturer............................................................................................... 36
7.1 Information to be provided at the time of submission of proposals................................................... 36
7.2 Information to be provided after contract award ............................................................................... 36
7.3 Test procedures.................................................................................................................................. 37
7.4 Rehabilitation and conversion considerations ................................................................................... 38
8. Governor testing ....................................................................................................................................... 38
8.1 Factory acceptance testing................................................................................................................. 38
8.2 On-site acceptance testing ................................................................................................................. 39
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This document recommends performance characteristics and equipment for electric-hydraulic governors for
all types of hydraulic turbines intended to drive electric generators of all sizes. This recommended practice
is applicable to new governors and rehabilitation of existing governors.
1.2 Purpose
This recommended practice is intended to assist users with the preparation of procurement specifications
for electric-hydraulic speed governors.
1.3 Disclaimer
This recommended practice is intended to help users develop the technical portion of procurement
specifications for electric-hydraulic speed governors. It does not cover the commercial portion of the
procurement specification. It does not cover governor equipment installation procedures.
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2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 1010, IEEE Guide for Control of Hydroelectric Power Plants. 2, 3
IEEE Std 1147, IEEE Guide for the Rehabilitation of Hydroelectric Power Plants.
IEEE Std 1207, IEEE Guide for the Application of Turbine Governing Systems for Hydroelectric
Generating Units.
The IEEE standards or products referred to in Clause 2 are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 088551331, USA (
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3. Definitions
For the purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. The glossary in
Annex B and The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards [B17], 4 should be referenced for terms not
defined in this clause.
3.1 control actuator limit: A maximum limit within the governor system which prevents the turbinecontrol actuator from opening beyond the position for which the device is set. May be operator-adjustable.
3.2 control actuator velocity limiter: A device that functions to limit the control actuator velocity in either
the opening, closing, or both directions, exclusive of the operation of the slow closure device. See also:
slow closure device.
3.3 executable code: The software code that resides in the digital controller and executes the control
sequence/strategy in real time.
3.4 governor controller: A device or system that compares the turbine speed, along with any applicable
intermediate feedbacks, to a reference set point and processes the resultant error signal to produce a
command signal to the turbine-control actuator.
3.5 governor conversion: Replacement of the governor controller components of an existing governor,
typically with a digital controller and new speed and turbine-control actuator position-sensing equipment.
3.6 grid connected: The condition where the turbine-generator unit is electrically connected to a large
power grid consisting of many turbine-generator units operating in parallel.
3.7 hydraulic power unit (HPU): The pumps, means for driving them, sump tank, and associated
accessory devices.
3.8 hydraulic pressure supply system (HPSS): The hydraulic power unit (HPU), pressure tank(s), valves,
and piping connecting the various parts of the governing system.
3.9 main servomotor: The primary servomotor used to control the primary turbine-control device. For
reaction turbines, the main servomotor controls the wicket gates. For impulse turbines, the main servomotor
controls the deflectors. For dual-regulated turbines, the main servomotor is typically larger and faster than
the secondary servomotor.
3.10 programming computer: The computer that generates and stores the source code. It is also used to
download the executable code and operate the various software tools and utilities.
3.11 settings: The various user-adjustable parameters that reside in the digital controller such as time
constants, gains, thresholds, etc. These are also known in the industry as tunables or constants.
3.12 slow closure device: A cushioning device that retards the closing velocity of the control actuator from
a predetermined control actuator position to zero control actuator position.
3.13 speed-sensing elements: The speed responsive elements that determine speed and influence the action
of other elements of the governing system. Included are the means used to transmit a signal proportional to
the speed of the turbine to the governor.
3.14 speed error: The algebraic difference between the speed reference and the measured turbine speed.
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3.15 turbine-control actuator: A device or system that controls the position of a turbine-control device in
response to a command signal from the governor controller. Examples include: electric motor-driven
actuator; hydraulic-control actuator and associated distributing valve.
3.16 turbine-control device: An adjustable device that directly affects the operation of the hydraulic
turbine. Some examples of turbine-control devices are wicket gates, runner blades, flow-controlling orifices
(or nozzles), and deflectors.
3.17 turbine-control actuator rating: The turbine-control actuator rating is the flow rate in volume per
unit time that the turbine-control actuator can deliver at a specified pressure drop. The pressure drop should
be measured across the terminating pipe connections to the turbine-control actuators at the actuator. This
pressure drop is measured with the specified minimum normal working pressure of the HPSS delivered to
the supply port of the actuator distributing valve.
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5. Equipment specifications
Date of manufacture
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Rated hydraulic fluid flow at the minimum normal working hydraulic supply pressure
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It should be possible for the user to select any combination of variables for recording from a preset menu or
list. The quantity and variable names should be clearly indicated. The following variables are typical:
Notes in text, tables, and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement
this standard.
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applying a suitable damping scheme, which is used to control the turbine-control actuator(s). The strategy
may include switching between different control modes (see 5.2.3).
Some common damping strategies are:
Lead/lag controller
For details regarding damping and control strategies, see Agee et al. [B1] and Eilts et al. [B6] in Annex A
and IEEE Std 1207.
Some manufacturers may offer only one of the above damping strategies whereas others many offer more
than one strategy. Specifying one particular damping strategy may reduce the competitiveness of the
tendering process.
5.2.2 Speed droop
Speed droop is a basic characteristic of a speed-governing system. The speed droop for the governorcontrol system should be adjustable over the range specified for the application. This adjustment should be
adjustable at the governor-control cabinet, and it may be specified to be adjustable from a remote location.
The range adjustability is typically 0 to 10%
The speed droop parameter may be derived by control actuator position feedback (historically referred to as
simply speed droop), in terms of active power feedback (historically referred to as speed regulation or
sometimes power droop), or in terms of flow feedback. For the remainder of this recommended practice,
the historical terms will be dropped in favor of the following more precise terms:
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transducers. The user should specify what automatic actions the governor will take if the power signal is
NOTEAn alternate method of achieving power control is to implement position control via an inner loop and apply
the power error signal to an outer loop.
For further details of pumped storage controls, see IEEE Std 1010.
5.2.4 Speed reference
The speed reference should be operator-adjustable over the range specified for the application. Typically,
the specified range is from 85% of rated speed at no load and zero speed droop to 110% rated speed at
maximum control actuator position/power and maximum speed droop. If remote control of the speed
reference is required, the time to change the power output setting from maximum to zero or vice versa
should be specified. An adjustment range of 20 s to 60 s is typical.
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Any speed-measuring device that is coupled to a shaft should be capable of withstanding, without damage,
a specified overspeed condition for the turbine.
If the turbine speed is measured via the frequency of the generators voltage transformer output, the speedmeasuring circuitry should be of sufficient sensitivity to measure the turbine speed down to a specified
minimum speed, relying only upon residual voltage output from the generator (i.e., without field excitation
applied). Appropriate filtering should also be included as part of the generator frequency measurement
system to prevent false speed measurements from being computed from high frequency transients that may
appear on the generators voltage transformer, either during off-line or grid-connected operation.
5.2.9 Manual control
The governor-control system should provide a means for controlling the turbine-control actuators manually.
When manual control is selected, the control of the turbine-control actuators should respond only to the
position set-point command, without any response from the turbine speed or generation level. Transfer
between normal governor control and manual control should be accomplished smoothly, without a
disturbance in the turbine-control actuator position. It should be possible to move the turbine-control
actuators through full stroke in both directions in not more than the maximum time and in not less than the
minimum time specified.
If required, a governor in manual indication circuit may be provided to the purchasers protection system
to force a shutdown if the turbine is being operated outside the normal governing speed range (i.e., above
approximately 105% speed).
5.2.10 Automatic shutdown
The governor-control system should provide the capability of one or more turbine-generator shutdown
sequences upon the occurrence of specified operator actions or system occurrences.
A quick shutdown sequence may be provided. Quick shutdown should initiate immediate turbine
shutdown and open the generator breaker at speed-no-load.
A partial shutdown sequence may be provided. Partial shutdown should initiate rapid closing of the
turbine-control actuator to the speed-no-load condition.
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Nozzle control actuator position mismatch (impulse turbines with two or more nozzles only)
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Alarm if the turbine should fail to reach a deadstop condition within a preset time
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Position mismatch between nozzle servomotor positions (impulse turbine) as a method of detecting
sticking nozzles.
Servomotor pressure unbalance as a method of detecting sticking shift ring (Francis turbine
equipped with two or more control actuators). Requires a pressure transducer on each control
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smoothly in both directions, without any significant impulse loading upon the pump or motor. As an
alternative to an unloader valve, each pump may be equipped with a soft start motor starter (for example,
reduced voltage starter, variable frequency drive) or a pressure-compensated (variable positive
displacement) pump.
5.4.2 Pressure pump motors and starters
All requirements for electric motors, motor starters, and related equipment should be specified. As a
minimum, the supply voltage available for powering the HPSS should be specified. All electric motors and
auxiliary equipment should be capable of withstanding, without damage, expected overvoltage and
overfrequency conditions under the following conditions:
Sustained operation of the station, isolated from the interconnected power system
Auto. In the Auto mode, the pump will automatically start and stop as a function of the system
pressure and its lead/lag control selection.
Continuous. In the Continuous mode, the pump will run continuously, loading and unloading as a
function of a specified variable (typically pressure) and its lead/lag control selection.
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Stroke criteria. The pressure accumulator tank should provide a specified minimum number of full
strokes (closing direction) of the turbine-control servomotors, commencing at the turbine shutdown
pressure, and without any pumps running, before reaching the oil cutoff level. Some common
specifications are:
For a gas-over-oil or piston accumulator, the pressure accumulator tank should provide
1.5 servomotor volumes of oil under these conditions (for a single-regulated turbine), or
1.5 wicket gate servomotor volumes plus one blade servomotor volume in the shutdown
direction (for an adjustable-blade turbine), or 1.5 deflector servomotor volumes plus one
combined closing nozzle servomotor volume (for an impulse turbine).
For a bladder barrier accumulator, the pressure accumulator tank should provide
2.0 servomotor volumes of oil under these conditions (for a single-regulated turbine), or
2.0 wicket gate servomotor volumes plus one blade servomotor volume in the shutdown
direction (for an adjustable-blade turbine), or 2.0 deflector servomotor volumes plus one
combined closing nozzle servomotor volume (for an impulse turbine).
NOTEAll accumulators follow a polytropic gas law as the gas expands during maximum servomotor velocity
conditions. The gas law exponent for bladder barrier accumulators tends to be a higher value than for gas-over-oil
accumulators. This is due to the thermal insulating effects of the bladder. For this reason, the classic 1.5 servomotor
volume criteria may be insufficient for bladder barrier accumulators.
Minimum pressure criteria. The pressure accumulator tank should provide a specified minimum
pressure at the active oil cut-off level. A typical value for the minimum pressure is 75% of nominal
pressure (where nominal refers to the pump stop pressure) or 15% above the maximum servomotor
differential pressure of the turbine-control actuators, whichever is higher.
Pump cycle time criteria. The pressure accumulator tanks system should be designed such that the
minimum pump cycle time is greater than a specified value when the governor is controlling in
steady-state operation. A value of at least 10 min is recommended. In no event should the number
of pump starts per hour exceed the pump motor rating.
NOTE 1Pump cycle times are generally a limiting factor with high-pressure systems, where the total control actuator
volume is smaller, and the steady-state oil consumption is higher. Pump cycle times may also be a limiting factor with
dual-regulated turbines, due to expected higher oil consumption rates resulting from the greater quantity of valves and
the oil head leakage on adjustable-blade turbines.
NOTE 2The pump cycle time criteria do not apply to an HPSS equipped with a continuously operating makeup
(jockey) pump.
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37 flare-less fittings
If required by the purchaser, piping and tubing joints should be certified by the authority of jurisdiction at
the site of the installation.
Flexible hoses should be limited to locations where it is required for purposes of vibration isolation or to
absorb component movement. Flexible hoses should be kept as short as practical. Instances where flexible
hosing is acceptable include the following:
The total pressure drop along the piping (or tubing) from the distributing valve to the turbine-control
actuators and back should be no more than 8% of nominal system pressure with the control actuator
traveling at its maximum velocity limits.
For adjustable-blade turbines, a bypass line may be installed across the blade control actuator open-andclose lines and as close as practical to the oil head. This may be required to prevent a vacuum being drawn
into one of the lines when the servomotor is squeezed at either the fully open or fully closed position.
5.4.15 Filtration of trapped oil
In some cases, the volume of oil in the piping (or tubing) from the distributing valve to the turbine-control
actuators and back may be greater than the combined volume of all turbine-control actuators. As a result, a
portion of this oil will not return to the HPSS for filtration. The following methods may be used to
overcome this problem:
Decrease the piping (or tubing) diameter, subject to the piping pressure drop criteria in 5.4.14.
Install a bypass line, with orifice, between the control actuator open and close lines. The orifice size
should allow a flow of one pipe volume every 20 min to 60 min, subject to the pump cycle time
restrictions detailed in item c) of 5.4.9.
Install a bypass line, with manually operated valve, between the control actuator open and close
Install a bypass line, with solenoid operated valve, between the control actuator open and close
lines. The valve may be cycled by the controller using a low duty cycle.
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5.5.2 Governor
For installations of new governor-control systems for new turbine/generator installations, the governor
manufacturer should coordinate the design of the governor-control system with the design of the turbine
and generator. Some key areas to address include the following:
Inertia of the water column, both upstream and downstream of the turbine
Enhanced performance
Diameter of all existing control actuator pistons and piston rods if control actuators are to be
Maximum loading of the turbine-control actuators (may require a differential pressure test)
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5.6.2 Governor
For conversions or installations of new governor-control systems for existing turbine/generator
installations, some key areas to address include the following:
5.7 Redundancy
Critical turbine-generator units typically require a higher degree of component redundancy in order to
achieve high unit availability or to ensure an automatic shutdown in the event of a component failure.
Cases where this may be required are large turbine-generator units with a high commercial value, single
unit plants, run-ofthe-river plants, plants with environmental sensitivities, or plants with fishery
The amount of component redundancy should be specified. The following is a list of components that may
be specified to be redundant:
Power supplies
Speed switches
Overspeed switch
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water-wasting mode of operation is typically used either to limit the speed of the turbine following a load
rejection, or to achieve better frequency stability when operating isolated from an interconnected power
system. It can also be used for improved frequency control following cold load pick-up if operating
isolated. The amount of load that can be accommodated without an unacceptably large deviation in
generator frequency is determined by how much water the deflectors are diverting away from the turbine
runner. Under water-wasting operation, the controlling action of the deflectors is dominant, and the
controlling action of the flow-controlling nozzles is generally insignificant. Nozzle-sequencing operation
The efficiency of a multiple-nozzle impulse turbine is affected both by its generation level and by the
number of flow-controlling nozzles in service. In certain applications, the efficiency of a multiple-nozzle
impulse turbine can be improved by closing one or more flow-controlling nozzles during low-power
operation. The radial balancing of the water forces upon the turbine guide bearings should be considered if
a nozzle-sequencing operation is specified. The deflector positioning algorithm should be coordinated with
the number of nozzles in service. The transition between different numbers of nozzles in service should be
designed to minimize transients in speed and generation.
During nozzle sequencing operation, the radial balancing forces should be continuously calculated based
upon the positions of all in service nozzles. An alarm should be generated if the radial forces become
unbalanced for a user adjustable time period. In addition, a trip may be specified if the radial forces become
unbalanced for a user adjustable time period.
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For further details of unit auxiliary start/stop controls, see IEEE Std 1249-1996 [B21] and
IEEE Std 1010.
5.10.2 Draft tube air depression control
Reaction turbines designed to operate in synchronous condenser mode may be equipped with draft tube air
depression capability. The specifier may require control of the air depression equipment (for example, air
valve or valves, blower, cooling water valve, etc.) via the governor controller.
The air depression control sequence should be specified in detail by the specifier. For further details on air
depression controls, see IEEE Std 1010.
5.10.3 Hydraulic pressure supply system (HPSS) control
Specifiers may wish to embed the HPSS pressure pump or gas admission control logic into the governor
controller. Control of the lead and lag pressure pumps should function as described in 5.4.3. Control of the
automatic gas admission device should function as described in 5.4.13.
5.10.4 Turbine pressure regulator valves and bypass valves
If the turbine is equipped with a pressure limiting device, such as a pressure relief valve (PRV),
synchronous bypass valve (SBPV), or similar equipment, the control of these devices may be integrated
into the governor controller. The purpose of the pressure limiting device is to maintain the penstock water
pressure within acceptable upper and lower limits. A PRV is typically operated as a defined function of the
penstock pressure. An SBPV is typically operated as a defined function of primary turbine flow control
device (for example reaction turbine wicket gates) position and velocity. The desired functionality and
failsafe design features of the pressure-limiting device should be fully specified.
To protect the penstock from excessive positive or negative pressures, it is important to ensure that the
PRV (or BPV) position stays synchronized with the primary turbine flow control device. An independent
method of detecting loss of synchronization or penstock pressure or vacuum limits violated may be used to
initiate appropriate failsafe protective action. Typical actions include restricting the wicket gate and PRV
(or BPV) control actuator velocities to safe values (for example, activating throttle valves or restricting
distributing valve spool movement) and hydraulically forcing the control actuators to their failsafe
During reaction turbine overspeed conditions (for example, load rejection), the flow of water into the
turbine may be reduced as a result of the throttling effect of the turbine blades which are moving at
abnormally high velocity. This throttling effect should be taken into consideration when developing a
strategy for the synchronization of the wicket gates and PRV (or BPV).
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5.12 Software
Where a digital governor controller is supplied, a complete set of program and data base files and software
configuration and programming tools should be provided for all digital devices installed in the system. As a
minimum, the following should be provided:
The source code, program or function file that defines the control sequence/strategy for a specific
The configuration programming software tool that is used to create and modify the source code
and executable code.
Any utilities required for uploading and downloading of the executable code and setting
Any utilities required for viewing and modifying the setting parameters with the turbine either
running or stopped.
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Event-logging software
Any utilities required for comparing the software residing in the programming computer with the
software residing in the governor controller.
All source code should be identified with the revision date, revision number, and appropriate revision
notes. All source code should be extensively documented.
There should be adequate access security (for example, password) for the following operations:
The executable code should reside in non-volatile memory to prevent loss of function in the event of
governor controller power loss.
Software upgrades and technical support may be specified based on the purchasers requirements.
The governor controller should have provisions to execute time critical functions at a guaranteed rate. A
periodic execution schedule of at least once every 10 ms is typically specified. The areas of code that are
considered time critical should be specified.
A warning mechanism should be provided when the size of the executable file has reached the limit of the
governor controllers memory capacity or processing capacity.
Unit controller
Plant controller
The interface to these systems should be specified as either communication interfaces or discrete hardwired
interfaces. Discrete interfaces are required when interfacing a new governor to a system without
communications capabilities. Discrete interfaces offer advantages of greater security and a more
deterministic response under heavy data traffic conditions.
If a communications interface is specified, the physical layer and protocol requirements should be
specified. If a discrete interface is specified, the specific requirements should be detailed (for example,
raise and lower relay contacts, analog voltage set point).
The type and scaling of all signals provided for remote indication should be specified (for example,
voltage, current, bipolar, uni-polar, range and scaling).
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A list of quantities required for remote control purposes should be specified. Typical quantities are shown
in Annex D, Table D.1.
For further details on interfaces to other plant automation systems, see IEEE Std 1010 and
IEEE Std 1249-1996 [B21].
A detailed list of alarms may be specified. Annex D, Table D.1, provides a typical list. Digital governors
typically have a much greater quantity of alarms in comparison to older governors. This is efficiently
handled with a communicated interface to other plant systems. If a discrete alarm interface to other systems
is required (for example, alarm contacts for connection to a remote alarm annunciator), the specifier may
require alarm grouping. A typical scheme is to group alarms into categories of urgent, semi-urgent and nonurgent.
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Adjustable-blade hydraulic oil piping should have electrical isolation at the oil head to prevent circulating
currents through the generator shaft. Speed measuring equipment should be electrically isolated from the
generator shaft.
See IEEE Std 1010 and IEEE Std 665-1995 [B18] for further details on grounding.
5.15.2 Automatic gate actuator lock
An automatic wicket gate servomotor lock (gate lock) may be specified as part of the turbine-control
actuator. The lock may incorporate an automatically controlled valve to operate the locking device when
the wicket gates reach the fully closed position during a turbine shutdown. The purpose of the automatic
lock is to prevent an inadvertent turbine rotation if the HPSS hydraulic pressure is lost. If the lock also
serves as a personnel safety feature while the hydraulic system is charged, the lock should be designed to
withstand full hydraulic pressure. Limit switches to indicate the position of the control actuator locking
device may also be specified. A gate lock fail to apply alarm may also be specified.
Nozzle control actuator locks are not generally specified unless there is a possibility of the nozzles opening
due to the influence of penstock pressure.
5.15.3 Manual control actuator lock
A manual wicket gate servomotor locking facility may be specified. This may be required where an
automatic locking facility is not supplied, where the automatic facility is incapable of withstanding full
hydraulic pressure or where the automatic facility is not considered to be sufficiently safe and secure. The
manual control actuator lock should lock the gates in the fully closed position. In some instances, locking
the gates in a partially open or fully open position may be specified. For impulse turbines, manual control
actuator locks may also be specified for deflector or nozzle control actuators.
5.15.4 Hydraulic isolation valves
Hydraulic isolation valves may be specified to be installed on appropriate hydraulic lines. Bleed valves
may also be specified for installation on the safe (non-source) side of the isolation valves for purposes of
returning oil to the sump. The quantity and location of these valves should be specified. Valve locking
provisions may also be specified.
5.15.5 Electrical safety switches
Safety isolation switches may be specified to be installed at appropriate locations such as on the pump
motors. The quantity and location of these switches should be specified. Switch locking provisions may
also be specified.
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Avoid the purchase of technology that is in the late stages of its life cycle
Avoid the purchase of technology that is considered at risk of failing to gain wide market
Specify the use of widely available components and avoid the use of tailor made solutions
Ensure adequate product documentation is supplied in case the manufacturer ceases to support the
6. Performance specification
6.1 Stability
The governor system should be capable of controlling, in a stable manner, the speed and power of the
turbine at all power outputs between zero and maximum power output inclusive. This applies when the
generating unit is operating isolated, or when the generating unit is operating in parallel with a large
interconnected power unit.
The range of conditions covered by stability requirements includes sustained conditions, load rejection, and
sudden changes of isolated load, both large and small.
6.1.1 Sustained conditions
Steady-state stability indices may be specified. If specified, the purchaser should recognize that persistent
oscillatory mechanical power surging may occur as a natural result of the water passage or turbine design.
This natural surging must be accounted for when determining the governors ability to maintain steadystate stability.
The steady-state governing speed band (also called speed stability index) under either speed-noload or loaded conditions should be no more than 0.1% with the generator off-line and operating at
5% speed droop (position, power, or flow).
The steady-state governing load band (also called power stability index) should be no more than
0.4 % with the turbine-generator unit operating at 5% speed droop (position, power, or flow) and
operating outside of the turbine rough zone.
NOTESome digital governors are capable of damping out any turbine-induced natural power surging. This damping
may come at the expense of excessive wear on the governor, control actuator, or turbine-control device. If this occurs,
the steady-state governing speed band may be increased; however, it should not exceed 0.3%.
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6.3 Deadband
The speed deadband at rated speed should not exceed 0.02% of rated speed at any gate setting.
For adjustable-blade turbines, the blade control deadband should not exceed 1.0%.
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6.4 Deadtime
IEEE Std 1207 defines governor deadtime as the elapsed time between a change in speed and the first
corrective action. The intended corrective action and the maximum allowable deadtime should be specified.
Typically, the specified corrective action is the onset of movement of the primary speed regulating turbinecontrol actuator (wicket gate actuators for reaction turbines or deflector actuators for impulse turbines). For
both wicket gates and deflectors, a maximum value of 0.2 s for a speed change of 0.1 Hz or larger is
For impulse turbines, the deadtime associated with nozzle servomotors may be specified if it is deemed to
be necessary. In many cases, it is not specified or measured since it does not typically have an impact on
speed control. For adjustable-blade turbines, the blade deadtime should be specified. The blade deadtime is
defined as the elapsed time from a required change in blade position until the onset of blade movement.
This definition allows for the inclusion of intentional blade delays such as described in
A maximum blade deadtime of 0.5 s is recommended. A lesser value may be required for turbines equipped
with fast acting blades (for example, blade control actuator time of less than approximately 30 s).
For governor conversions, the total deadtime should be specified in a manner which includes the
cumulative delay effects of only those components to be supplied by the manufacturer.
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General arrangement drawings showing confirmed overall dimensions and weights of the principal
parts of the governor, sufficient to allow concrete foundation work in the powerhouse to proceed.
Drawings showing full details of foundation requirements, required erection procedures, required
erection provisions, hydraulic schematics, functional descriptions, and electrical schematic
diagrams for all parts of the governor system, including all necessary components and auxiliary
devices to make a complete system.
Application software source code listing (if required) and wiring drawings.
At the completion of commissioning, all software as defined in 5.12 and all final drawings.
Purchasers may also require drawings and software after the completion of the factory test.
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All pertinent bulletins and instruction manuals prepared by the various manufacturers of component
parts of the governor. Manufacturers bulletins should be suitably annotated to clearly indicate
those items that form a part of the complete assembly.
Procedures for assembling, dismantling, operating, diagnosing trouble, and maintaining the
Lubrication requirements, including a list of recommended lubricants for all components of the
A complete index of all the contractors drawings and a list of all assembly bulletins and drawings
prepared by the manufacturers of components of the governor.
A selected set of arrangement, schematic, and wiring drawings for the governor, reduced in size to
suit the instruction manuals.
A set of assembly drawings or printed bulletins that show all individual components of the
equipment and that indicate and identify each component item number, including the common
commercial designation.
Instructions on the use of all software tools including procedures for uploading and downloading
of executable code or settings and for modifying the executable code.
The specified number of copies of the manual should be submitted in draft form to the purchaser for
approval prior to delivery. Following approval by the purchaser, the specified number of suitably bound
copies and one copy of the electronic file in non-volatile media (file format and media to be specified) of
the manual should be supplied.
Should the manufacturer find it appropriate or necessary thereafter to amend such instruction manuals, he
should, after obtaining purchaser's approval, promptly provide the specified number of any such
amendments plus an updated electronic file.
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The following test and inspection reports should be provided by the manufacturer after test completion:
Commissioning tests
8. Governor testing
Governor performance tests are typically required to demonstrate that the governor system meets the
specified performance criteria. Some tests are typically performed at the governor equipment
manufacturers factory, and certain tests are typically performed on-site after installation of the equipment.
Suggested target values for some performance criteria are provided below or in some cases in Clause 5 and
Clause 6 of this recommended practice. These target values may be pre-empted by system operator
Further details regarding some of the tests described below are provided in standard IEEE Std 1207.
The tests listed below do not comprise an exhaustive set of tests. For more complete testing requirements,
references ANSI/ASME Std PTC29-1965 [B1] and IEC 60308 (1970-01) [B13] should be consulted.
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If the control actuator control valve is not part of the governor-control system being provided, the governor
manufacturer should demonstrate the deadtime of only those components to be supplied.
For adjustable-blade turbines, the blade deadtime should also be demonstrated. This may be achieved by
using a recording device which plots both blade setpoint and blade position during an event which causes a
sudden change in blade set point.
For impulse turbines, the nozzle deadtime may be demonstrated if desired.
8.1.3 Speed droop test
The manufacturer of the governor equipment should demonstrate that the governor responds to changes in
simulated turbine speed according to the specified permanent speed droop characteristic for the governor.
8.1.4 Damping verification test
The manufacturer of the governor equipment should demonstrate that the range of adjustment of the
damping system gains and time constants meet the purchasers specifications.
8.1.5 Start/stop sequence test
The manufacturer of the governor equipment should demonstrate that the governor responds in the
specified manner to start and stop commands. The functionality of all other remote and local controls
should also be demonstrated.
8.1.6 Model verification test
If required by the purchaser, the system frequency response, time response, or both, may be tested to
demonstrate that the governor-control system responds in a manner consistent with the specified
mathematical governor-control system model.
8.1.7 Transient immunity test
If required by the purchaser, the manufacturer may conduct radio frequency interference (RFI) tests or
surge-withstand capability tests on the governing system equipment. IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002 [B22] is
commonly specified for surge withstand testing.
8.1.8 Accuracy tests
If required by the purchaser, the manufacturer may conduct accuracy tests on specified analog inputs such
as control actuator position feedback, speed feedback or active power feedback. If supplied by the
manufacturer, the associated sensors and transducers may also be tested for accuracy.
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may require additional on-site tests to be performed depending on past experience or to meet regulatory
8.2.1 Control actuator timing test
The installation supervisor on-site should demonstrate that the maximum-rate timing of the turbine-control
actuators complies with the specified timing, within specified tolerances. Typically, this control actuator
timing is initially demonstrated with the turbine dewatered, and repeated with the turbine watered up.
Required adjustments should be made so the turbine-control actuator timing complies with the governor
system specifications with the turbine watered up.
The purchaser may specify that timing tests be performed at both nominal and minimum HPSS pressure.
The tests should be performed over the full range of actuator positions to verify cushioning requirements
(for actuators so equipped).
8.2.2 Governor speed control damping test
The damping of the governor control of turbine speed should be demonstrated at-site by inducing a
disturbance, while operating isolated from the interconnected power system, and recording the gate position
and speed while recovering from the induced disturbance. The induced disturbance may be implemented by
applying the gate limit to reduce the operating speed of the turbine, and suddenly raising the gate limit out
of the way, by connecting or disconnecting an isolated load from the generator or by injecting a speed
signal small step change.
8.2.3 Deadtime tests
The governor deadtime may be measured by rejecting a load of at least 10% of the rated generation of the
turbine-generator unit, and measuring the elapsed time between the opening of the unit breaker and the first
movement of the main speed regulating turbine-control actuator. For adjustable-blade turbines, the blade
deadtime may be measured using a method similar to that specified in 8.1.2.
For impulse turbines, the nozzle deadtime may be demonstrated if desired.
8.2.4 Load rejection test
The governor response to a load rejection may be demonstrated by recording the actuator position and the
turbine-generator unit speed in response to tripping the unit breaker at various specified loads, typically
25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the rated generation. The maximum overspeed experienced at each level of
load rejection is determined by the deadtime of the governing system and the rate of closure of the actuator.
The number and magnitude of speed deviations after the initial overspeed transient is an indication of the
governor control damping.
8.2.5 Steady state stability tests
A speed stability index test and a power stability index test may be specified. If such tests are specified, the
limitations detailed in 6.1.1 should be recognized.
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Rated speed.
Rated discharge.
Ambient conditions.
Seismic requirements.
Station service ac and dc voltages including ranges of variation, for governor-control and power
Type, size, and any special characteristics of equipment to be supplied with the governor for
remote mounting, if required (examples include speed sensors, turbine-control actuator position
sensors, switchboard instruments).
Current carrying capacity and operating rpm of speed and overspeed switches.
Required interfacing for purchaser furnished controls including required electrical ratings.
Dimensional drawings showing the mechanical interface between existing equipment and new
equipment supplied by the manufacturer.
Required initial adjustments for selected governor parameters that have a range of adjustment.
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Complete four quadrant prototype turbine data or turbine model data together with model to
prototype scaling. These data should cover the range of zero to full gate opening.
Unit operation conditions (for example, isolated operation, expected load variations, frequency
Unit sequences (for example, special start-up or shutdown sequences, turbine re-start during coastdown).
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Annex A
[B1] Agee, J.C., Vu, Hoa D., and Volk, James, Installation and testing of a prototype digital governor at
Mt. Elbert Power Plant, IEEE PES Winter Meeting Transactions, Paper no. 0-7803-4403-0/98, 1999.
[B2] ANSI/ASME Std PTC29-1965 (Reaff 1985), Speed-Governing Systems for Hydraulic Turbine
Generator Units. 6
[B3] ANSI/ASME Std B31.1-1986 (SI Edition 1983), Power Piping.
[B4] ANSI Std B93.11M-1981, Seamless Low Carbon Steel Hydraulic Line Tubing.
[B5] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Division 1 Pressure
[B6] Eilts, L.E. and Schleif, F.R., Governing features and performance of the first 600-MW
hydrogenerating unit at Grand Coulee, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-96,
no. 2, March/April 1977.
[B7] EN 13445 (2002), Harmonization European Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels. 7
[B8] EN 13480 (2003), Harmonized European Code for Piping.
[B9] IEC 60041 (1991-11), Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic
turbines, storage pumps and pump turbines. 8
[B10] IEC 60255-22-1 Ed. 2.0b (2005-03), Electrical relaysPart 22-1: Electrical 163.00 disturbance tests
for measuring relays and protection equipment1 MHz burst immunity tests.
[B11] IEC 60255-22-4 Ed. 2.0b (2002-04), Electrical relaysPart 22-4: Electrical 28.00 disturbance tests
for measuring relays and protection equipmentElectrical fast transient/burst immunity test.
[B12] IEC 60255-22-5 Ed 1.0b, Electrical relaysPart 22-5: Electrical 71.00 disturbance tests for
measuring relays and protection equipmentSurge immunity test.
[B13] IEC 60308 (2005-01), Hydraulic turbinesTesting of control systems.
[B14] IEC 60545 (1976-01), Guide for Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic
[B15] IEC 61116 (1992-10), Electromechanical equipment guide for small hydroelectric installations.
[B16] IEC 61362 (1998-03), Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine-control systems.
[B17] IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition. 9,
[B18] IEEE Std 665-1995, IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding.
ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990,
EN publications are available from the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), 36, rue de Stassart, B-1050 Brussels,
Belgium (
IEC publications are available from the Sales Department of the International Electrotechnical Commission, Case Postale 131, 3, rue
de Varemb, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland/Suisse ( IEC publications are also available in the United States
from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this bibliography are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 088551331, USA (
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[B19] IEEE Std 1020-1988 (Reaff 1994), IEEE Guide for Control of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants.
[B20] IEEE Std 1248-1998, IEEE Guide of the Commissioning of Electrical Systems in Hydroelectric
Power Plants.
[B21] IEEE Std 1249-1996, IEEE Guide for Computer-Based Control for Hydroelectric Power Plant
[B22] IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002, IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and
Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus.
[B23] IEEE Std C37.90.2-2004, IEEE Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated
Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers.
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Annex B
damping: A measure of the stability of a closed-loop control system when recovering from a transient
disturbance and returning to steady-state operation. Damping increases with the value of the damping ratio.
A damping ratio of 1.0 or greater is highly damped, and exhibits no oscillatory action when recovering
from a transient disturbance. A damping ratio between 0.0 and 1.0 is under damped and exhibits some
decaying oscillatory action when recovering from a transient disturbance. A damping ratio of 0.0 or less
exhibits continuous oscillatory action, and will not achieve steady-state operation.
distributing valve: The element of the turbine-control actuator that controls the flow of hydraulic fluid to
the turbine-control actuator(s).
source code: The software that defines the control sequence/strategy for a specific installation. It may be
ladder logic, function block code, sequencing logic or a similar type of software code. In some cases, it
may be a simple settings file. The source code resides in the memory of the programming computer.
Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Annex C
Mode control logic
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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Annex D
Table D.1 provides a list of typical input and output quantities and alarms that may be specified to be
incorporated into the governor to allow interface with the operator interface as described in 5.1.4 and the
interface with other plant systems described in 5.1.3.
Table D.1Typical local and remote control and display quantities
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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table D.1Typical local and remote control and display quantities (continued)
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Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table D.1Typical local and remote control and display quantities (continued)
NOTE 1Control used in this column is intended to encompass the inputs to the operator interface, or conventional
controls and indicators, or interface with other plant systems (for example, supervisory or plant control system) that may
be necessary to affect control actions.
NOTE 2Analog quantities derived from direct measurement may be measured by either an analog transducer or a
digital transducer.
NOTE 3Status quantities may be either two-state (for example, on/off) or multi-state (for example,
Copyright 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on July 13,2016 at 20:49:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.