Muhammad Shahrur
Muhammad Shahrur
Muhammad Shahrur
September 1997
Peter Clark
In the early I990s the Arab world has witnessed an extraordinary publishing
phenomenon. An 800 page book on Islam, Al-kitab walquran: qiraa muasira (The Book
and the Quran: a contemporary reading), was first published by the Ahali Publishing
House Damascus in 1990. The book challenges a millennium of Islamic tradition. It is
highly critical of the social, political and intellectual state of contemporary Arab
countries. The author has been denounced as an enemy of Islam and as a Western and
Zionist agent. To date eleven other books have been written attacking his theses. Yet the
book has been repeatedly reprinted and has sold 20 000 copies in Syria alone. And
despite bans, tens of thousands of further copies, as well as pirated, faxed and
photocopied versions, have circulated in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the Arabian
The author, Professor Muhammad Shahrur, is a mild-mannered professor of Civil
Engineering who was born in Damascus in I938. After secondary school in Damascus
Muhammad went to the Soviet Union to study engineering in Moscow. He was not a
Marxist though he was challenged by the Marxist dialectic. He owed far more, he has told
me, to Hegel and to Alfred North Whitehead. He returned to Syria in I964 to teach at the
university and was due to do research at Imperial College London in I967. The June war
with Israel that year and the consequent break in diplomatic relations between Britain
and Syria put an end to that. Instead he went to Dublin and completed a Masters
degree, and a PhD for a thesis on soil mechanics and foundation engineering. For the last
twenty years he has been teaching at the University of Damascus. He is also a partner in
an engineering consultancy.
He has followed up the first book with a sequel, Dirasat islamiyya muasira fi l-dawla walmujtama (Contemporary Islamic Studies on State and Society), under 400 pages,
published also by Ahali of Damascus in I994, which elaborates and extends some points
made in the earlier book. A third volume is promised at the end of I996.
Shahrur is stating the secular liberal case for Islam. He deconstructs the Quran and is
highly critical of the tradition of fiqh (jurisprudence) that has distorted the message of
Islam, and had a stifling effect on Arab Islamic society. Throughout the two books he
affirms his own faith as an Arab Muslim. He follows references to the Prophet Muhammad
with the letters, for the formalistic invocation, salla allahu alayhi wa sallam. Similarly he
refers to Allah with the extolment subhanahu wa taala.