Scientific Basis of Acupuncture
Scientific Basis of Acupuncture
Scientific Basis of Acupuncture
John Reed MD, wrote "The documentation of positive results in diverse conditions, including
the medically difficult areas of chronic pain management and management of drug addiction,
suggests that acupuncture is a real and potentially cost effective intervention." 9
The advent of sophisticated research equipment has made possible the discovery of the
mechanisms of acupuncture. We
have found the acupuncture
points have distinct
anatomical10,11 and electrical
characteristics.12 The body
produces natural responses to
being pierced by a foreign
object.13,14 Because of these
characteristics, acupuncture can
enhance and regulate the body's
natural responses which include
pain relief, stimulation of the
immune system, and healing.15,16
Studies utilizing PET scan technology have verified the linkage of distal acupuncture points to
correlating brain centers and demonstrated the homeostatic effects of acupuncture. 17 After
years, we have the long awaited discovery of the anatomical structures comprising the
meridians!18 This article summarizes the details of fascinating properties of these structures.
The effects of acupuncture are delivered by: 1)
Neurological, 2) Biochemical, and 3) Bioelectrical
mechanisms. In 1989 Deke Kendal organized
tremendous amounts of research to describe in detail
the neurological and biochemical mechanisms of
1. Neurological - The A-delta and C fibers carry
signals into the spinal cord and upward to the
brain. The importance of the fibers in addition
to mediating acupuncture is the connections
to the internal organs through the dorsal horns of the spinal cord. 14,19,20
2. Biochemical - Many bioactive substances including bradykinin, histamine and leukotrine
are important for initiating responses at the acupuncture points. The serotonin,
enkephalin, endorphins and substance P are important for mediating the central
nervous system effects of acupuncture.14,21,22
3. Bioelectrical - Electric energy, naturally occurring in the body, has been found to
stimulate regeneration and healing.23,24 The limbs of frogs and rats were regenerated
and resistant bone fractures were healed in humans by electric treatment.23,24,25 Ions of
radioactive isotopes, injected into acupuncture points, migrate along meridians.26,27
28. Nordenstrom, B.E.W. Biologically closed electric circuits: clinical, experimental, and
theoretical evidence for an additional circulatory system. 1983, Stockholm, Nordic
Medical Publications.
29. Reichmanis, M.; Marino, A.A. and Becker, R.O. Laplace plane analysis of transient
impedance between acupuncture points LI-4 and LI-12. IEEE Trans. Biomed. End., 1977,
BME 24(4):402.
30. Becker, R.O. Search for evidence of axial current flow in peripheral nerves of the
salamander. Science, 1961, 134:101.
31. Terzuolo, C.S. and Bullock, T.H. Measurement of imposed voltage gradient adequate to
modulate neuronal firing. J.Physiol, 1956, 42:687.
32. Down, D. Why the Electric Battery Was Forgotten. Creation, 1994.