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May 2002

Gunner's Mate

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Although the words he, him, and his

are used sparingly in this course to enhance
communication, they are not intended to be
gender driven or to affront or discriminate
against anyone.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the
Navy. Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training
program. Practical experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also
necessary to successfully round out a fully meaningful training program.
COURSE OVERVIEW: In completing this nonresident training course, you will demonstrate a
knowledge of the subject matter buy correctly answering questions on the following subjects:
Explosive and Pyrotechnics; Ammunition, Magazines, and Missile Handling; Small Arms; Basic
mechanisms; Electrical and Electronic Circuit Analysis; Gun Mounts; GMLS: Primary Functions
and Descriptions and Secondary and Auxiliary Functions; SMS Guided Missiles, Aerodynamics,
and Flight Principals; Target detection and Weapon Control; Alignment; Maintenance; and
Administration and Training.

THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing
learning objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations
to help you understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and
experiences of personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted
Community Managers (ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions,
etc., and either the occupational or naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy
Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.
THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you
understand the material in the text.
VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If
you are studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further
information, look it up.

2002 Edition Prepared by

GMC Jim Bomar

Published by

NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number


Sailors Creed
"I am a United States Sailor.
I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.
I represent the fighting spirit of the
Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.
I proudly serve my countrys Navy
combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.
I am committed to excellence and
the fair treatment of all."





1. Explosives and Pyrotechnics.....................................................................................


2. Ammunition, Magazines, and Missile Handling.......................................................


3. Small Arms ...............................................................................................................


4. Basic Mechanisms.....................................................................................................


5. Electrical and Electronic Circuit Analysis ................................................................


6. Gun Mounts...............................................................................................................


7. GMLS: Primary Functions and Descriptions ............................................................


8. GMLS: Secondary and Auxiliary Functions.............................................................


9. SMS Guided Missile, Aerodynamics, and Flight Principles.....................................


10. Target Detection and Weapon Control...................................................................... 10-1

11. Alignment.................................................................................................................. 11-1
12. Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 12-1
13. Administration and Training ..................................................................................... 13-1

I. Glossary.....................................................................................................................


II. References Used to Develop this TRAMAN............................................................. AII-1

INDEX .................................................................................................................................. INDEX-1



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The text pages that you are to study are listed at the
beginning of each assignment. Study these pages
carefully before attempting to answer the questions.
Pay close attention to tables and illustrations and read
the learning objectives. The learning objectives state
what you should be able to do after studying the
material. Answering the questions correctly helps you
accomplish the objectives.
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sheets to:


Read each question carefully, then select the BEST
answer. You may refer freely to the text. The answers
must be the result of your own work and decisions. You
are prohibited from referring to or copying the answers
of others and from giving answers to anyone else taking
the course.

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answer sheet for each assignment. These answer sheets
are preprinted with your SSN, name, assignment
number, and course number. Explanations for
completing the answer sheets are on the answer sheet.


To have your assignments graded, you must be enrolled
in the course with the Nonresident Training Course
Administration Branch at the Naval Education and
Training Professional Development and Technology
Center (NETPDTC). Following enrollment, there are
two ways of having your assignments graded: (1) use
the Internet to submit your assignments as you
complete them, or (2) send all the assignments at one
time by mail to NETPDTC.

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your course to be properly processed and for you to
receive credit for your work.

Grading on the Internet: Advantages to Internet

grading are:
you may submit your answers as soon as you
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you get your results faster; usually by the next

working day (approximately 24 hours).

Courses must be completed within 12 months from the

date of enrollment. This includes time required to
resubmit failed assignments.

In addition to receiving grade results for each

assignment, you will receive course completion
confirmation once you have completed all the



For subject matter questions:

If your overall course score is 3.2 or higher, you will

pass the course and will not be required to resubmit
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you will receive course completion confirmation.


If you receive less than a 3.2 on any assignment and

your overall course score is below 3.2, you will be
given the opportunity to resubmit failed assignments.
You may resubmit failed assignments only once.
Internet students will receive notification when they
have failed an assignmentthey may then resubmit
failed assignments on the web site. Internet students
may view and print results for failed assignments from
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a failing result letter and a new answer sheet for
resubmission of each failed assignment.


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If you are a member of the Naval Reserve, you may
earn retirement points for successfully completing this
course, if authorized under current directives governing
retirement of Naval Reserve personnel. For Naval
Reserve retirement, this course is evaluated at 12
points. (Refer to Administrative Procedures for Naval
Reservists on Inactive Duty, BUPERSINST 1001.39,
for more information about retirement points.)
We value your suggestions, questions, and criticisms
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Student Comments
Course Title:

Gunner's Mate



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NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00)




As you begin the study of the Gunner's Mate rating,
you are taking the first step in joining a proud tradition
of over 200 years of service. As a Gunner's Mate, you
and your equipment represent the offensive power of
the U.S. Navy's surface fleet. As you move into the
petty officer ranks, you will wear the title of "Gunner"
to all those who know and respect the responsibilities of
your profession. This training manual provides a
condensed version of the responsibilities and basic
knowledge required of your specialty. Throughout the
text, you will find references to other manuals for
further study. These references are crucial to your
success both on the deck plates and in competition for
advancement in rate. Seek them out and become
familiar with their contents.

explosives. Each explosive performs in a specific

manner and is used for a specific purpose. Therefore,
explosives used to burst a forged steel projectile would
be unsuitable as a propelling charge for ejecting and
propelling projectiles. Similarly, the explosives used in
initiators, such as in primers and fuzes, are so sensitive
to shock that only small quantities can be used safely.
NAVSEA OP-4, Ammunition Afloat, defines the
word explosives without further qualification as those
substances or mixtures of substances that when suitably
initiated by flame, spark, heat, electricity, friction,
impact, or similar means, undergo rapid chemical
reactions resulting in the rapid release of energy. The
release of energy is almost invariably accompanied by a
rapid and pronounced rise in pressure and temperature.
The rise in pressure usually, but not necessarily, is a
consequence of the rapid generation of gas in a much
larger volume than that originally occupied by the

One very important development in the history of

ordnance was the discovery of explosives. In this
chapter, we will discuss the fundamental characteristics
of explosives and how they are classified according to
their use. Then we will go into some details of various
explosives and pyrotechnics used in Navy ammunition.
We will conclude this chapter with a discussion of some
general explosive safety requirements.

An "explosion" is defined as a practically

instantaneous and violent release of energy. It results
from the sudden chemical change of a solid or liquid
substance into gases. These gases, expanded by the heat
of the chemical change, exert tremendous pressure on
their containers and the surrounding atmosphere.



DO NOT attempt to operate any explosive or

pyrotechnic device until you are thoroughly trained
and certified on that device. The information
contained in this training manual should not be used
to replace source publications or prescribed training

Military explosives are divided into two general

classes, high explosives and low explosives, according
to their rate of decomposition.
High Explosives
High explosives are usually nitration products of
organic substances, such as toluene, phenol,
pentaerythritol, amines, glycerin, and starch, and may
be nitrogen-containing inorganic substances or
mixtures of both. TNT is an example of a high
explosive. A high explosive may be a pure compound or
a mixture of several compounds with additives, such as
powdered metals (aluminum), plasticizing oils, or
waxes, that impart desired stability and performance
characteristics. A high explosive is characterized by the
extreme rapidity with which its decomposition occurs;
this action is known as "detonation." When initiated by

characteristics and classification of explosives
and propellants of naval ordnance.
To understand the composition and function of a
complete round of ammunition, you need a basic
knowledge of the characteristics and uses of military
explosives. The demands for ammunition capable of
fulfilling the many requirements of the Navy
necessitates the employment of several classes of


high temperature of the gas or from the burning residue

in the gun bore. The resulting explosion may transmit
flame to the rear of the gun, producing what is called a
"flareback." This danger has led to the adoption of
gas-expelling devices on guns installed in enclosed
compartments or mounts.

a blow or shock, it will decompose almost

instantaneously in a manner similar to an extremely
rapid combustion or with rupture and rearrangement of
the molecules themselves. In either case, gaseous and
solid products of reaction are produced. The disruptive
effect of the reaction makes these explosives valuable
as a bursting charge but precludes their use as a
low-explosive propellant.

4. PRESSURE: The high pressure accompanying

an explosive reaction is due to the formation of gases
that are expanded by the heat liberated in the reaction.
The work that the reaction is capable of performing
depends upon the volume of the gases and the amount
of heat liberated. The maximum pressure developed
and the way in which the energy of the explosion is
applied depend further upon the velocity of the
reaction. When the reaction proceeds at a low velocity,
the gases receive heat while being evolved, and the
maximum pressure is attained comparatively late in the
reaction. If in the explosion of another substance the
same volume of gas is produced and the same amount
of heat is liberated but at a greater velocity, the
maximum pressure will be reached sooner and will be
quantitatively greater. However, disregarding heat
losses, the work done will be equal. The rapidity with
which an explosive develops its maximum pressure is a
measure of the quality known as "brisance." A brisant
explosive is one in which the maximum pressure is
attained so rapidly that a shock wave is formed, and the
net effect is to shatter material surrounding or in contact
with it. Thus brisance is a measure of the shattering
ability of an explosive.

Low Explosives
Low explosives are mostly solid combustible
materials that decompose rapidly but do not normally
detonate. This action is known as "deflagration." Upon
ignition and decomposition, low explosives develop a
large volume of gases that produce enough pressure to
propel a projectile in a definite direction. The rate of
burning is an important characteristic that depends
upon such factors as combustion gas pressure, grain
size and form, and composition. Under certain
conditions, low explosives may be made to detonate in
the same manner as high explosives.
The most important characteristics of explosive
reactions are as follows:
1. VELOCITY: An explosive reaction differs
from ordinary combustion in the velocity of the
reaction. The velocity of combustion of explosives may
vary within rather wide limits, depending upon the kind
of explosive substance and upon its physical state. For
high explosives the velocity, or time of reaction, is high
(usually in feet per second), as opposed to low
explosives, where the velocity is low (usually in
seconds per foot).

5. STABILITY: The stability of an explosive is

important in determining the length of time it can be
kept under normal stowage conditions without
deterioration and its adaptability to various military
uses. A good, general explosive should stand a
reasonable exposure to such extremes as high humidity
in a hot climate or cold temperatures of arctic

2. HEAT: An explosive reaction of a high

explosive is always accompanied by the rapid liberation
of heat. The amount of heat represents the energy of the
explosive and its potential for doing work.


one temperature of ignition or detonation in an
explosive for its behavior when heated depends on two
factors: the manner of confinement and the rate and
manner of heating. It is usually possible, however, to
find a small range of temperatures within which a given
explosive will ignite or detonate. These so-called
ignition temperatures, or explosion temperatures, are
useful in setting limits near which it is certainly unsafe
to heat an explosive. When an unconfined explosive is
heated sufficiently, it may detonate or simply catch fire
and burn. Detonation can occur either immediately or
after an interval of burning. In general, the likelihood of

3. GASES: The principal gaseous products of the

more common explosives are carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, water vapor, nitrogen, nitrogen oxides,
hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen cyanide. Some of
these gases are suffocating, some are actively
poisonous, and some are combustible. For example, the
flame at the muzzle of a gun when it is fired results from
the burning of these gases in air. Similarly, solid
residues of the explosives remaining in the gun have
been known to ignite when brought into contact with air
as the breech is opened. The ignition may come from

accepted that such transmission is caused either by the

passage of an explosive percussion wave from one mass
to the other or by fragments. The second explosion
occurring under these conditions is said to be initiated
by influence. The result is called a "sympathetic"
detonation or explosion. The distance through which
this action may take place varies with the kinds of
explosive used, the intervening medium, and certain
other conditions.

detonation rises rapidly with increasing confinement

because of the resultant rise in pressure.
7. LOADING PROPERTIES: The adaptability of
an explosive to loading requirements is an important
factor in fixing its range of usefulness. When
projectiles are press-loaded, it is necessary to fill them
with a granular explosive. On the other hand,
cast-loaded munitions require either an explosive
having a relatively low melting point or a thermosetting
plastic to act as a casting medium.


8. SENSITIVITY: The amount of energy

necessary to initiate an explosion is the measure of the
sensitivity of the explosive. Sensitivity is an important
consideration in selecting an explosive for a particular
purpose. For example, the explosive in an
armor-piercing projectile must be relatively insensitive;
otherwise, the shock of impact would detonate it before
it had penetrated to the point desired.

The classification of explosives thus far has been

based on characteristics. A more practical classification, from the standpoint of the GM, is based on
military uses of the explosives. These classifications
initiating explosives,
booster explosives and igniters,


propellants, and

An explosive reaction is initiated by the application

of energy. The preferred method of initiation depends
on the characteristics of the individual explosive. The
most commonly used methods of initiation are the

the main charge.

Initiating Explosives
"Initiating explosives" are those explosives that
serve to initiate the ignition of propellants and the
reaction of high explosives. Initiating explosives
function when subjected to heat, impact, or friction.
Initiating explosives may function by themselves, as
does the primer cap in a small-arms cartridge. However,
in most instances the initiating charge is the lead
element in what is known as an "explosive train." An
explosive train uses the impulse of an initiating
explosive to initiate the chain reaction that leads to the
detonation of a main burster charge or ignition of a

1. By heat: Low explosives are commonly

initiated by the application of heat in some form. High
explosives will react when sufficient heat is applied,
especially if heat is applied suddenly throughout the
mass. Initiation by percussion (direct blow) or by
friction is simply initiation by heat derived from the
energy of these actions.
2. By shock (detonation): High explosives in
general, such as the main charges of gun projectiles,
require the sudden application of a strong shock to
initiate the explosive reaction. This shock or detonation
is usually obtained by exploding a smaller charge of a
more sensitive high explosive that is in contact with or
in close proximity to the main charge. The smaller
charge can readily be exploded by heat or shock.

Booster Explosives
Relatively insensitive disrupting explosives require
an intermediate charge to increase the shock of the
initiating explosive to ensure proper reaction of the
main explosive charge. A booster increases the shock of
the initiating explosive to a degree sufficient to explode
the disrupting explosive.

3. By influence: It has frequently been

demonstrated that detonation of an explosive mass can
be transmitted to other masses of high explosive in the
vicinity without actual contact. It has been generally


The basic high-explosive train consists of the

initiator, the booster, and the main (burster) charge.
However, high-explosive trains are often compounded
by the addition of intermediate charges and time delays.
(See fig. 1-1.) An intermediate charge functions
between the initial charge and the booster to ensure the
detonation of the booster.
The large quantity and relatively slow burning rate
of gun propellant requires the use of another type of
explosive train. The small flame produced by the
initiating charge is insufficient to ignite the propellant
grains thoroughly to produce an efficient burning rate
of the entire charge. An explosive train consisting of an
initiating charge, usually a mixture of lead styphnate
and nitrocellulose (NC), detonates to ignite a small
black powder booster which, in turn, ignites the larger
black powder igniter. The black powder igniter is
contained in the extension tube. Figure 1-2 shows a
typical electric primer used in a propelling charge. The
primer extension tube of a 5"/54 powder charge is
approximately 20 inches long, contains 52 grams of
black powder, and has 32 vent holes.
The devices that use initiating and booster
explosives to ignite a propelling charge or detonate a
projectile burster charge are called primers and
detonators, respectively. Remember, the terms primer
and detonator describe a device that contains
explosives, not the explosives themselves.
PRIMERS.A primer is a device used to initiate
the burning of a propellant charge by means of a flame.
Its explosive train normally consists of a small quantity
of extremely sensitive primary high explosive which,
when detonated, ignites a small black powder booster
which, in turn, ignites the black powder igniter. Primers

Figure 1-2.Typical case electric primer.

are classified according to the method of initiation

(normally percussion or electric). All primers function
in a similar manner when initiated.
DETONATORS.Detonators are used in
initiating high-explosive bursting charges. They are
similar to primers in that they also contain a small
quantity of extremely sensitive initiating explosives.
However, a detonator will use a high-explosive booster
usually made of a more stable substance than the
initiating charge but less stable than the main burster.
Detonators are also classified according to the methods
of initiation, usually electric or percussion.


Figure 1-1.High-explosive train.


contain, respectively, nitroglycerine (NG) and

nitroguanidine (NQ) in addition to NC. Composite
propellants are compositions that contain mixtures of
fuel and inorganic oxidants. There are combinations of
composite and double-base propellants called composite double-base propellants.

The primary function of a propellant is to provide a
pressure that, acting against an object to be propelled,
will accelerate the object to the required velocity. This
pressure must be controlled so that it will never exceed
the strength of the container in which it is produced,
such as guns, rocket motor housing, or pyrotechnic
pistols. In addition, propellants must be comparatively
insensitive to shock. Propellants may be either liquid or
solid. (Liquid propellants will not be discussed here,
since only solid propellants are used in Navy gun

Solid propellants are manufactured in the form of

flakes, balls, sheets, cords, or perforated cylindrical
grains. They are made in various shapes to obtain
different types of burning actions. In large guns, 40 mm
and over, a cylindrical grain with seven perforations is
used, while 20-mm guns use a single perforation.
Smaller calibers, including small arms, use flake or ball
grains. The cylindrical grains are made in various
diameters and lengths, but size is normally stated in
web thickness. (See fig. 1-3.) The different types of
burning actions are regressive, neutral, and progressive.

Propellants can be classified by such terms as

single-base, double-base, triple-base, and composite.
Single-base propellants contain only one explosive ingredient, NC. Double-base and triple-base propellants


Figure 1-3.Solid propellant grains.


pertinent explosives and their uses are discussed in the

following paragraphs.

A propellant is said to be "regressive burning" when the

surface area of the grains decrease as they burn. An
example of a "neutral burning" grain is a single perforated grain whose inner surface increases and whose
outer surface decreases as it burns. The result of these
two actions is that the total surface remains the same.
As a multiperforated grain burns, its total burning area
increases since it burns from the inside to the outside at
the same time. Thus it is called "progressive burning."

Black powder is the oldest explosive known. The
ingredients in black powder include saltpeter
(potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate), charcoal, and
sulfur. It ignites spontaneously at about 300EC (540EF)
and develops a fairly high temperature of combustion:
2300EC to 3800EC (4172EF to 6782EF).

Main Charge

The chemical stability of black powder is practically unlimited when stored in airtight containers, but
it deteriorates irregularly when exposed to moisture,
which it absorbs readily. The term hygroscopic applies
to explosives that easily absorb moisture.

The main charge for explosive projectiles, bombs,

mines, torpedo warheads, and other bomb type of
ammunition is always a high explosive. These
substances must meet certain requirements for military
use. In general, they must do the following:

Black powder is not affected by moderately high

temperatures, and it is not subject to spontaneous
combustion at ordinary stowage temperatures. It is
highly flammable and very sensitive to friction, shock,
sparks, and flame. When black powder is ignited, it is
extremely quick and violent in its action.

1. Be insensitive enough to withstand the shock

of handling, of being fired from a gun, and of impact
against armor (only in armor-piercing projectiles).
2. Have maximum explosive power.
3. Have stability to withstand adverse stowage

The Navy classifies black powder into two types

(potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate), depending on
the chemical compound used in the base material.
These two types are further divided into classes
identified by numbers 1 through 9 for potassium
nitrate-based black powder and by letters A through C
for sodium nitrate-based black powder.

4. Produce proper fragmentation (only for fragmentation weapons).

5. Be inexpensive and easy to manufacture from
readily available materials.
High-explosive charges are loaded into their
containers by one of three methodscast-loading,
press-loading, and extrusion. Cast-loading is performed by pouring the substance as a liquid into a
container and letting it solidify. Explosives having no
liquid form must be press-loaded (pressed into their
container) or incorporated into a liquid casting
medium. The combining of certain explosives with
plastic binders results in plastic mixtures that can be
loaded either by casting or by extrusion. Specific
compounds of these explosives are described in the
following section.

Uses of Black Powder

The range of use of black powder has decreased
with the development of new chemical compounds but,
where smoke is no objection, black powder is considered by many to be the best substance available for
transmitting flame and producing a quick, hot flame.
Currently, black powder is used by the Navy for the
following purposes:
Classes 1 through 9: JATO, rocket igniters,
igniter pads, ignition ends for bag charges, primers,
propelling charges for line-throwing guns, expelling
charges for base-ejection shells, pyrotechnic items,
relay pellets, igniting charges for illuminating candles,
charges in target practice shells, igniter charges in
primer detonators, fuze-delay elements, tracer igniters,
delay and igniter charges in primer detonators, practice
hand grenade fuzes, and Navy squibs.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss the composition and characteristics of service explosives and their uses.
Service explosives as used in the Navy are varied
and subject to periodic change. However, there are
certain basic explosives that have become fairly
standard throughout the Navy. A few of the more

Classes A through C: Saluting charges, practice

bombs, and torpedo impulse charges.


Black Powder as a Propellant

SINGLE-BASE POWDER.Single-base powder consists of colloided NC with other materials added

to obtain suitable form, burning character, and stability.
Several single-base propellants are in use today.

Black powder as a gun propellant has several

disadvantages: (1) it leaves a large amount of residue,
(2) it produces large quantities of smoke, (3) it causes
rapid erosion of the gun bore, and (4) its velocity of
reaction is too rapid. For these reasons and the fact that
black powder charges do not provide the reproducible
results required of modern guns, it was abandoned as a
propellant around 1888. This abandonment was
hastened by the development of NC.

MULTIBASE POWDER.Multibase powder

uses NG and/or NQ in addition to NC as explosive
ingredients. Such propellants are commonly called
double-base (NC and NG) and triple-base (NC, NG,
and NQ). One double-base and one triple-base
propellant are in use today.


Index of Smokeless Powder

NC was first prepared in 1838. However, two main

problems had to be solved before it could be used as a
gun propellant. First, the velocity of the explosion had
to be reduced so that the charge weight required to
propel the projectile would not shatter the gun tube.
Second, the density had to be increased so that a given
charge weight would pack into a reasonable space. The
first problem was solved in part by igniting NC instead
of firing it with a detonator. The solution to the second
problem actually solved both. In 1886, Vielle first
colloided or gelatinized NC with alcohol and ether and,
thus reduced the burning rate to acceptable levels. The
procedure significantly increased the loading density of
NC, establishing it as the foundational element in gun
propellants used through the present day. Further
developments resulted in materials that could be added
to improve stowage qualities, reduce or eliminate flash,
reduce hygroscopicity, reduce flame temperature, and
even increase the propellant force or impetus.

Smokeless powder types are assigned class

designation letters that designate the chemical makeup
of the powder as follows:

- Smokeless powder
- Blended
- Stabilized by ethyl centralite
- Stabilized by diphenylamine
- Flashless powder
- Includes nitroglycerine and nitroguanidine
- Nonhygroscopic
- Reworked by grinding
- Water-drying process

These letters are followed by a number that indicates the sequence of manufacture. The combination
of the letters and the number is termed the index or the
lot of the powder. The combinations of the class
designation letters are described below.
SPC.SPC is a cool-burning, single-base
smokeless powder (SP) with ethyl centralite (C) as a


SPCF.SPCF is a single-base smokeless powder

similar to SPC type of powder but containing a flash
suppressor to render the powder flashless. SPCF is
found in all 5"/54 universal charge, full-service propelling charges.

Smokeless powder is the propellant used in the

propelling charges for Navy gun ammunition. It is a
uniform ether-alcohol colloid of purified NC to which
is added a small quantity of diphenylamine or ethyl
centralite to assist in preserving the stability of the
powder. Smokeless powder is basically unstable since it
contains NC and two volatile substancesether and
alcohol. Its length of usefulness depends largely on the
conditions under which it is stowed. Moisture or heat
speeds its deterioration; a combination of the two has
extremely damaging effects.

SPCG.SPCG is a multibase smokeless powder

stabilized with ethyl centralite and includes NG and
NQ in its composition. Although the designation letter
for flashless powder (F) is not used, SPCG is a flashless

Classification of Smokeless Powder

SPD.SPD is a single-base smokeless powder

stabilized with diphenylamine.

Smokeless powder is classified into two types:

single-base and multibase.

SPDB.SPDB is a blend of
diphenylamine-stabilized powders of different lots.
The purpose of blending is to provide a uniform index


of lead azide. Lead azide may be used where detonation

is caused by flame or heat. The velocity of detonation is
approximately 17,500 feet per second (fps). Its color
varies from white to buff. Lead azide is widely used as
an initiating explosive in high-explosive detonator
Lead azide, when protected from humidity, is
completely stable in stowage.

of ample size and desired character from smaller

remnant lots.
SPDF.SPDF is a diphenylamine-stabilized
smokeless powder to which a flash inhibitor, such as
potassium sulfate, has been added.
SPDN.SPDN is a diphenylamine-stabilized
smokeless powder to which nonvolatile materials are
added to reduce the hygroscopic tendencies of the
propellant. The N stands for nonhygroscopic.

Lead Styphnate

SPDX.SPDX is a diphenylamine-stabilized
smokeless powder that is water-dried. In the
water-drying process, the powder is seasoned in tanks
of warm water to remove volatile solvents, followed by
a brief period of air drying.

There are two forms of lead styphnatethe normal

that appears as six-sided monohydrate crystals and the
basic that appears as small, rectangular crystals. Lead
styphnate is particularly sensitive to fire and the
discharge of static electricity. When the styphnate is
dry, it can readily ignite by static discharges from the
human body. The longer and narrower the crystals, the
more susceptible the material is to static electricity.
Lead styphnate does not react with metals. It is less
sensitive to shock and friction than lead azide. Lead
styphnate is slightly soluble in water and methyl
alcohol and may be neutralized by a solution of sodium
carbonate. The velocity of detonation is approximately
17,000 fps. The color of lead styphnate varies from
yellow to brown. Lead styphnate is used as an initiating
explosive in propellant primer and high-explosive
detonator devices.

SPWF.SPWF is a flashless powder made by the

reworking of ordinary nonflashless powder.
M-6 and M-6+2.M-6 and M-6+2 propellant
designations equate to the SPDN and SPDF (respectively) descriptions previously provided. These
designations are used to describe the propellants used
in 76-mm ammunition. The +2 refers to a 2% mixture
of potassium sulfate.
The explosives used as initiating explosives are the
primary high explosives mentioned previously in this
chapter. They are used in varying amounts in the different primers and detonators used by the Navy and
may differ some in sensitivity and in the amount of heat
given off. The explosives discussed in this section are
lead azide, lead styphnate, and diazodinitrophenol

Diazodinitrophenol (DDNP)
DDNP is a yellowish brown powder. It is soluble in
acetic acid, acetone, strong hydrochloric acid, and most
of the solvents, but is insoluble in water. A cold sodium
hydroxide solution may be used to destroy it. DDNP is
desensitized by immersion in water and does not react
with it at normal temperatures. It is less sensitive to
impact but more powerful than lead azide. The
sensitivity of DDNP to friction is approximately the
same as that of lead azide.
DDNP is often used as an initiating explosive in
propellant primer devices.

Lead Azide
Lead azide has a high-ignition temperature and is
today the most commonly used primary explosive.
Lead azide is poisonous, slightly soluble in hot
water and in alcohol, and highly soluble in a diluted
solution of nitric or acetic acid in which a little sodium
nitrate has been dissolved. It reacts with copper, zinc,
cadmium, or alloys containing such metals, forming an
azide that is more sensitive than the original lead azide.
Because lead azide does not react with aluminum,
detonator capsules for lead azide are made of this
metal. The hygroscopicity of lead azide is very low.
Water does not reduce its impact sensitivity, as is the
case with mercury fulminate. Ammonium acetate and
sodium dichromate are used to destroy small quantities

Booster explosives are those components of the
explosive train that function to transmit and augment
the force and flame from the initiating explosive. They
ensure the reliable detonation or burning of the main
burster charge or propellant charge. Propelling charges
use a black powder booster, while high-explosive
boosters use one of the following: Tetryl, CH-6, or
Composition A-5.


the chemical is known as grade B TNT. It may be

ignited by impact, friction, spark, shock, or heat. TNT
does not form sensitive compounds with most metals.
The melting point varies between 80.6EC for grade A
(refined TNT) and 76EC for grade B (crude TNT). TNT
does not appear to be affected by acids but is affected by
alkalies (lye, washing soda, and so on), becoming pink,
red, or brown, and more sensitive. It is practically
insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether,
benzene, carbon disulfide, acetone, and certain other
solvents. The velocity of detonation is approximately
22,300 fps.

Tetryl is a fine yellow crystalline material. When
tetryl is heated, it first melts, then decomposes and
explodes. It burns readily and is more easily detonated
than explosive D.
CH-6 is a mixture of 97.5% RDX (described in the
next section), 1.5% calcium stearate, 0.5%
polyisobutylene, and 0.5% graphite. It is a finely
divided gray powder that is less toxic and more
available than tetryl.

Exudate has been known to separate from cast

TNT. It may appear pale yellow to brown and may vary
in consistency from an oily liquid to a sticky substance.
The amount and rate of separation depend primarily
upon the purity of the TNT and, secondarily, upon the
temperature of the stowage place. Grade B
(low-melting point) TNT may exude considerable
liquid and generate some gas. This exudation is
accelerated with an increase in temperature.

Composition A-5
Composition A-5 is a mixture of 98.5% RDX and
1.5% stearic acid.
There are several high explosives currently used by
the Navy as fillers for gun projectiles. The principal
explosives are Composition A-3, RDX, and explosive
D. These explosives, when combined in various
percentages and combinations, produce numerous high
explosives with varying degrees of sensitivity, brisance,
rate of detonation, and other pertinent characteristics.
These principal explosives, and some of their more
common derivative explosives, are discussed in the
following paragraphs, as well as some explosives that
are no longer being used but may still be in some
ammunition stocks.

Pure TNT will not exude since exudate consists of

impurities that have not been extracted in the refining
process. Exudate is a mixture of lower melting isomers
of TNT, nitrocompounds of toluene of lower nitration,
and possible nitrocompounds of other aromatic
hydrocarbons and alcohols. It is flammable and has
high sensitivity to percussion when mixed with
absorbents. Its presence does no appreciable harm to
the stability but somewhat reduces the explosive force
of the main charge. In some ammunition, an inert wax
pad is used in the loading operation, and, in some cases,
waxy material may ooze from the case. It should not be
confused with the TNT exudate previously described.
This material should, however, be tested for TNT to
confirm its actual composition.

Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
TNT is a crystalline substance. The importance of
TNT as a military explosive is based upon its relative
safety in manufacture, loading, transportation, and
stowage, and upon its explosive properties.
Manufacturing yields are high and production
relatively economical. The chemical names for TNT
are trinitrotoluene and trinitrotol. Other (commercial)
names are Trilite, Tolite, Trinol, Trotyl, Tritolol,
Tritone, Trotol, and Triton.

TNT exudate, when mixed with a combustible

material, such as wood chips, sawdust, or cotton waste,
will form a low explosive that is highly flammable and
ignites easily from a small flame. It can be exploded in
a manner similar to a low grade of dynamite, but the
main danger is its fire hazard. Accumulation of exudate
is considered a great risk of explosion and fire. Its
accumulation should always be avoided by continual
removal and disposal as it occurs. While TNT is no
longer used in Navy gun ammunition, some 3"/50,
40-mm, and 20-mm stocks loaded with TNT may still
be in the inventory. These stocks should be identified
and checked periodically for the presence of exudate.

TNT is toxic, odorless, comparatively stable,

nonhygroscopic, and relatively insensitive. When TNT
is pure, it is known as grade A TNT and varies from
white to pale yellow. When the proportion of impurities
is much greater, the color is darker, often brown, and


may be white or buff, depending upon the color of the

wax used to coat the powdered RDX.

The exudate is soluble in acetone or alcohol. One of

these solvents (requiring adequate ventilation) or clean,
hot water should be used to facilitate removal and
disposal of the exudate.

Composition A-3 is used as a filler in projectiles

that contain a small burster cavity, such as antiaircraft
projectiles. It can be used as compressed fillers for
medium-caliber projectiles.
COMPOSITION B.Composition B is a
mixture of 59% RDX, 40% TNT, and 1% wax. The
TNT reduces the sensitivity of the RDX to a safe degree
and, because of its melting point, allows the material to
be cast-loaded.

Under no circumstances should soap or other
alkaline preparations be used to remove this exudate.
The addition of a small amount of hydroxide, caustic
soda, or potash will sensitize TNT and cause it to
explode if heated to 160EF.

The blast energy of Composition B is slightly

higher than that of TNT. Composition B is
nonhygroscopic and remains stable in stowage. It has
an extremely high-shaped-charge efficiency. The
velocity of detonation is approximately 24,000 fps, and
its color ranges from yellow to brown.

HMX (Cyclotetramethylene Tetranitramine)

HMX was discovered as a by-product in the
production of RDX. Although it is almost as sensitive
and powerful as RDX, it is seldom used alone in
military applications but is normally mixed with
another compound, such as TNT. In the Navy, HMX is
used as an ingredient in plastic-bonded explosives.

Composition B has been used as a more powerful

replacement for TNT in loading some of the rifle
grenades and some rocket heads. It can be used where
an explosive with more power and brisance is of tactical
advantage and there is no objection to a slight increase
of sensitivity.

RDX (Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine)

While no longer used in newer gun projectiles,

some older stocks may be found with Composition B
main charges.

RDX, also known as Cyclonite or Hexogen, is

considered the most powerful and brisant of the
military high explosives. It is also one of the most used
high explosives in Navy munitions.

COMPOSITION C.Composition C-3 is one of

the Composition C series that has now been replaced by
C-4, especially for loading shaped charges. However,
quantities of Composition C-1 and Composition C-2
may be found in the field. Composition C-1 is 88.3%
RDX and 11.7% plasticizing oil. Composition C-3 is
77% RDX, 3% tetryl, 4% TNT, 1% NC, 5% MNT
(mononitrotoluol), and 10% DNT (dinitrotoluol). The
last two compounds, while they are explosives, are oily
liquids and plasticize the mixture. The essential
difference between Composition C-3 and Composition
C-2 is the substitution of 3% tetryl for 3% RDX, which
improves the plastic qualities. The changes were made
in an effort to obtain a plastic, puttylike composition to
meet the requirements of an ideal explosive for molded
and shaped charges that will maintain its plasticity over
a wide range of temperatures and not exude oil.

RDX is a white crystalline solid that has a high

degree of stability in stowage. It is usually used in
mixtures with other explosives, desensitizers, or
plasticizers. The most used compositions of RDX are
included in the following paragraphs.
COMPOSITION A-3.Composition A-3 is a
wax-coated, granular explosive, consisting of 91%
RDX and 9% desensitizing wax.
Composition A-3 is not melted or cast. It is pressed
into projectiles. It is nonhygroscopic and possesses
satisfactory stowage properties. Composition A-3 is
appreciably more brisant and powerful than TNT; its
velocity of detonation is approximately 27,000 fps. It


Composition C-3 is about 1.35 times as powerful as

TNT. The melting point of Composition C-3 is 68EC,
and it is soluble in acetone. The velocity of detonation
is approximately 26,000 fps. Its color is light brown.

targets for gunfire. A star shell actually is a pyrotechnic

device, although it is encased in a projectile body of
standard external shape and is fired from a standard
rifled gun.

As with Composition B, Composition C is no

longer being used as a gun projectile main charge.
However, some stocks may still be in service with
Composition C-3 used as a main charge.

In the following sections we will discuss the

common pyrotechnic devices currently in use on
modern Navy surface ships. For further information
on these and other pyrotechnic devices used by
the Navy, refer to Pyrotechnic, Screening,
Marking, and Countermeasure Devices, NAVSEA
SW050-AB-MMA-010. All the pyrotechnics we study
here are intended for signaling and marking. In the
following sections, we will discuss common

Explosive D
Explosive D (ammonium picrate) is a yellow
crystalline material. It is less sensitive than TNT or
Composition A-3 and is generally used in projectiles
that must penetrate hard targets, such as armor, without

1. marine location markers,

2. marine illumination signals and the
pyrotechnic pistol, projector, and projectiles
used in firing them, and

Plastic-Bonded Explosives (PBXs)

3. distress and hand signals.

PBXs are relatively new types of explosive

compositions that have found increased use in naval
weapons. They are generally made of an explosive
compound like RDX or HMX incorporated into either
an energetic or inert plastic binder.

Also, at the end of this section on pyrotechnics, we

will provide some basic information on the proper
handling and stowage of these devices.

Marine location markers are used as night or day
long-burning reference markings on the surface of the
ocean. They are dropped over the side from surface
ships for man-overboard marking, navigation drills,
and other similar operations. These markers may also
be dropped from aircraft for search and rescue
operations. The two marine location markers currently
in use are the Mk 58 and the Mk 6.

PBXN-5 is referred to as a plastic-bonded

explosive because it is an explosive coated with plastic
material. The composition is made of 95% HMX and
5% fluoroelastomers.
This explosive is one of the new plastic-bonded
explosives. It is a cast-cured explosive composition
made from a homogenous mixture of RDX in a
plasticized polyurethane rubber matrix. Once cured,
the material cannot be easily restored to a liquid state.
The finished material is flexible and will absorb
considerably more mechanical shock than conventional
cast or pressed explosives.

Mk 58 Marine Location Marker

The Mk 58 marine location marker is the primary
marine location marker found aboard surface vessels. It
is approximately 21 1/2 inches long and weighs about
12 3/4 pounds. It contains a battery squib, some starter
mix, two pyrotechnic candles, and a transfer fuse
between the two candles. Before launching, the tear
tape over the water port must be removed so that
seawater can enter to activate the battery. Battery
current energizes the electric squib, which ignites the
starter mix, which, in turn, lights the pyrotechnic
candle. When the first candle has burned out (in 20 to
30 minutes), the second candle is started by the transfer
fuze for a total burning time of approximately 40 to 60
minutes. The Mk 58 currently is available in two
versions: the Mod 0 and the Mod 1. The Mod 0 is a
hermetically sealed can that is opened with a twist key.

common pyrotechnic devices currently in use
on modern Navy surface ships.
Pyrotechnic is the Greek word for fireworks. The
Navy uses fireworks not for celebration, but for
illumination, marking, and signaling. An example is the
illuminating projectile, or star shell, used to illuminate



Figure 1-4.The Mk 58 Mod 0 marine location marker.


Figure 1-5.The Mk 58 Mod 1 marine location marker.


from water impact damage and to maintain it in the

correct floating attitude. There are four flame and
smoke emission holes in the opposite end, each capped
and sealed with tape. The pull-wire ring, also at the
emission end, is also covered with tape.

Figure 1-4 shows this marker. The Mod 1 (fig. 1-5) is

capped with a replaceable polyethylene cover.
Mk 6 Marine Location Marker
The Mk 6 aircraft smoke and illumination signal
(fig. 1-6) is a pyrotechnic device that is launched from
surface craft only to produce a day or night floating
reference point. One of its principal uses is as a
man-overboard marker. It was previously approved for
launching from low-performance aircraft as a
long-burning marker but has been replaced for this
purpose by the Mk 58 marine location marker.

The Mk 6 signal has a direct-firing ignition system.

Ignition results from pulling the pull ring. The pull ring
is pulled by hand, and the device is thrown into the
water immediately. The pull wire ignites a 90-second
delay fuse that ignites the quick match at the top of the
first of four candles. The quick match ignites the first
candle starting mix, which, in turn, initiates burning of
that candle. Expanding gases of combustion force the
cap and tape from the emission hole, allowing smoke
and flame to be emitted. When the first candle is nearly

The Mk 6 signal consists of a wooden body with a

flat, die-cast metal plate affixed to one end to protect it


Figure 1-6.The Mk 6 Mod 3 marine location marker.




burned out, a transfer fuse carries the ignition to the

quick match of the next candle in series. This process
continues until all four candles have burned. The
yellow flame and gray-white smoke are produced for a
minimum of 40 minutes.

Marine illumination signals are unique in

appearance and are only fired, launched or deployed
with utmost care to ensure that regulations and
instructions are rigidly observed. When fired from the
proper pistol or projector, a burning star (somewhat like
a star from a Roman candle) shoots high into the air. In
this section, we will describe the marine illumination,
smoke signals, pyrotechnic pistol and projector
currently in use. These include the

After the tear strip on the shipping container has

been removed, the following rules apply:
1. The tape over the pull ring should not be
disturbed until immediately before hand launching the
signal. This tape not only prevents an accidental pull on
the pull ring but also protects the igniter assembly from
moisture, which might render the signal useless.

1. AN-M37A2 through AN-M39A2

double-star illumination signals


2. Mk 1 marine illumination signal and Mk 2

marine smoke signal

This signal is initiated by the physical movement

of a friction wire through ignition compound.
Extreme care must be taken to prevent tension of the
pull ring during all handling operations.

3. AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol

4. Mk 13 marine smoke and illumination signal
5. Mk 1 Navy lights

2. If this device is prepared for launching and is

not launched, the pull ring should be securely retaped
into position at the top of the signal without exerting
any pulling force on the pull-wire igniter.

6. Mk 79 Mod 0 and 2
AN-M37A2 Through AN-M39A2 Series,
Double-Star Aircraft Illumination Signal

3. Under no circumstances should these signals

be stowed or restowed with their pull rings exposed or
with any wires, strings, or other material of any kind
joined to their pull rings.

The AN-M37A2 through AN-M39A2 series

illumination signals (fig. 1-7) are fired from the
AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol for either day or night
identification or signaling. Each signal projects two
stars of the same color, which burn from 7 to 13
seconds, to an altitude of approximately 250 feet above
the point of launch. The 25,000-candlepower stars are
visible from 2 to 3 miles in daylight and 5 miles at night
in clear weather. The display colors are indicated by
1/4-inch bands around the circumference of the signal
and by colors on the closing wad. No provision is made
for identification by touch as with the Mk 2 marine
illumination signal. These signals ignite upon firing
since they have no delay fuze.

All safety precautions pertaining to this signal must

be observed. In addition, the following specific rules
1. Do not remove the tape over the pull ring until
immediately before launching.
2. The Mk 6 signal should be thrown over the side
immediately after pulling the pull ring. This device
contains a maximum 90-second delay element between
initiation and candle ignition.
3. In all handling, extreme care should be taken to
avoid pulling on the pull ring. The slightest movement
of the friction igniter may start the ignition train.

Mk 1 Marine Illumination Signal

The Mk 1 marine illumination signal (fig. 1-8) is a
general-purpose signal fired from the AN-M8
pyrotechnic pistol. The Mk 1 signal is available in two
versions: the Mod 0 and the Mod 1. The Mod 0
produces a red, green, or yellow 7- to 11-second star
that falls free and leaves a trail of white light, similar to
a comet. The Mod 1 produces a 20- to 30-second
parachute-suspended red star. Both rounds are expelled

The Mk 6 marine location marker is being replaced

by the Mk 58. There are, however, remaining
serviceable stocks of the Mk 6 available. If you have
any of these markers in your inventory, they should be
used first. Man-overboard and navigation drills are
good instances where these stocks can be efficiently



Figure 1-7.The AN-M37A2 through the AN-M39A2 aircraft illumination signals.


Figure 1-8.The Mk 1 marine illumination signal.


from the pyrotechnic pistol by an auxiliary explosive to

an approximate altitude of 30 feet. A rocket motor then
ignites to propel the signal to a minimum height of 500
feet. It is stabilized in flight by folded fins that spring
out once the signal is fired. At the end of its burn, the
rocket propellant ignites an expelling charge and the
pyrotechnic composition.

The pyrotechnic pistol is cocked at all times
when the breech is closed; it has no positive safety
mechanism. Illumination signals must NOT BE
LOADED in the pistol until just before use. Unfired
signals must NOT be left in the pistol.

Mk 2 Marine Smoke Signal


The Mk 2 marine smoke signal (fig. 1-9) is

intended primarily for signaling between ships and
aircraft. It consists of a parachute-suspended red smoke
display that persists for 20 to 30 seconds at a minimum
height of 500 feet. The Mk 2 smoke signal is fired from
the AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol and functions much the
same as the Mk 1 marine illumination signal.

There are three common types of hand-held

personnel distress pyrotechnic devices currently found
aboard surface ships: the Mk 13 smoke and
illumination signal, the Mk 1 Navy light, and the Mk 79
personnel distress signal kit.
Mk 13 Marine Smoke and Illumination Signal

AN-M8 Pyrotechnic Pistol

The Mk 13 marine smoke and illumination signal

provides a pillar of smoke by day and a fiery light at
night. It is a very comforting thing to have in a life raft
or a life vest.

A pistol similar to the Mk 5 pyrotechnic pistol is

the AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol (fig. 1-10). It can be used
with a number of signals of shotgun-shell shape. The
AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol is loaded and fired in much
the same fashion as the Mk 5. To open the breech for
loading, raise the breechblock and pivot the hinged
barrel down for loading and unloading. The same safety
and maintenance procedures also apply.

The Mk 13 signal (fig. 1-11) is a metal cylinder

about 5 1/8 inches long and 1 5/8 inches in diameter. It
weighs between 6 and 7 ounces. One end contains a
canister that, when ignited, produces orange smoke for


Figure 1-9.The Mk 2 marine smoke signal.


about 20 seconds. The other end contains a pyrotechnic

flame pellet that will burn for approximately
20 seconds.
Each end of the metal tube is enclosed by a plastic
cap. Under each cap is a pull ring. When you pull the
ring, a friction wire attached to its inside surface moves
through a cap coated with a composition that ignites (by
friction), setting off either the flare or the smoke
canister (depending on which ring you pull).
The signal body carries illustrated instructions for
use. The flame end plastic cap has three prominent
protrusions (beads) across its face to identify it as the
end to use at night. When you use the signal, point it
away from the face and hold it at arm's length at a
45-degree angle after it ignites. After one end of the
signal has been used, douse the signal to cool the metal
parts. Keep it so that, if necessary, the other end
can be used. Each end is separately insulated and


Figure 1-10.The AN-M8 pyrotechnic pistol.


Figure 1-11.The Mk 13 marine smoke and illumination signal.


waterproofed. NEVER try to use both ends at once.

When using the smoke signal, keep it to leeward.

capped by a fabric impregnated with igniting

compound similar to that on the head of a safety match.

These signals are packaged 12 per aluminum

container (Mk 3), 9 such containers (108 signals) per
wooden box. They may also be packaged 18 signals per
aluminum container (M2A1).

To ignite the Navy light, tear off the protective strip,

remove the cover, and scrape the inverted cover across
the top of the paper tube. When you do this, it is
advisable to hold the light pointing away from you at an
angle of about 45 degrees to avoid contact with hot
particles falling off the pyrotechnic candle. Hold the
light at that angle while it burns.

Mk 1 Navy Lights
Navy lights are hand torches that burn with a
brilliant light visible up to 3 miles at night. They come
in two colors: blue and red. Navy blue lights
(Mk 1 Mod 1) burn for 75 seconds; Navy red lights
(Mk 1 Mod 0) burn for 135 seconds. The two lights are
similar in appearance and construction (fig. 1-12).

Navy lights are shipped in metal containers with 6

to 12 lights packed in each. The metal containers are
packed into cardboard cartons that hold 12 metal
containers. Since these lights deteriorate when exposed
to moisture, they should not be removed from their
containers until ready for use. For the same reason,
keep them away from water or moisture. Lights that
have been left in open containers for more than 6
months should be turned in to the nearest ammunition
depot at the earliest opportunity. Lights that have
become chemically encrusted or give off an acetic acid

Navy lights consist of a paper tube that contains the

pyrotechnic substance with a wooden handle at one end
and, at the other end, a cover with an exterior coating of
abrasive, like that on the scratching side of a safety
matchbox. A tear strip protects the exterior of the cover.
The upper end of the paper tube, beneath the cover, is


Figure 1-12.The Mk 1 Navy light.


diameter. The base (or handle) is knurled to provide a

more positive gripping surface. Fixed at the base end is
an eyebolt to which is tied a 48-inch polypropylene
cord, the other end of which is attached to a plastic
bandoleer designed to hold seven signals. The firing
end of the projector is interiorly threaded for the
insertion of a signal. Near this end is a firing slot
through which the trigger screw moves when it is
released from the angle safety slot. The trigger screw is
attached to the firing pin that is forced against the signal
primer by a helical spring within the knurled portion of
the cylindrical body.

(vinegar) odor should be disposed of immediately. Put

them in a weighted sack and dump them overboard.
Mk 79 Mod 0 and Mod 2 Personnel Distress Signal
These kits (fig. 1-13) are designed to be used by
downed aircrew personnel or personnel in life rafts as a
distress signaling device. It is small and lightweight so
that it can be carried in pockets of flight suits or on life
rafts. The projector aims and fires the signals. Each
signal contains a red pyrotechnic star. On activation,
this star is propelled upward to a minimum height of
250 feet. The star burns for a minimum of
4 1/2 seconds.

Operating Instructions
The Mk 31 Mod 0 projector is operated as follows:

The Mk 79 Mod 0 kit consists of one Mk 31 Mod 0

surface signal projector, a plastic bandoleer holding
seven Mk 80 hand-fired signals, and an instruction
sheet. The Mk 79 Mod 2 kit contains Mk 80 Mod 2

1. Remove the bandoleer and projector from the

plastic envelope.
2. Cock the firing pin of the projector by moving
the trigger screw to the bottom of the vertical slot and
slipping it to the right so that it catches at the top of the
angular (safety) slot.

The projector consists of a steel cylinder slightly

more than 5 inches long and approximately 1/2 inch in


Figure 1-13.The Mk 79 Mod 0 illumination signal kit.


struck. Protruding tabs of the bandoleer, which extend

over the signal bases, prevent accidental striking of the
primers. They should not be torn off or bent back except
in loading a signal into the projector.

The plastic tabs over the signals in the bandoleer
protect the percussion primers from being struck
accidentally. They should be kept intact until just
before loading the signal into the projector.

2. The projector should not be loaded until

immediately before firing. If a signal is loaded into the
projector and is not fired immediately, it should be
returned to the bandoleer.

3. Break the protective plastic tab away from the

signal in the bandoleer to allow attachment to the


4. Mate the projector with the signal and rotate

the projector clockwise until the signal is seated.

Dented or damaged signals should not be used.

Dents or other imperfections might result in violent
actions of the signal when fired.

5. Hold the projector over your head with your

arm fully extended. The projector should be pointed at a
slight angle away from the body.

3. Signals should be inspected periodically to

ensure that they are not dented or otherwise damaged.

6. While firmly gripping the projector, fire the

signal by slipping the trigger screw to the left out of the
safety slot and into the firing slot.

4. Signals should be kept away from fire and

other heat sources.
5. The projector trigger screw should be checked
frequently to ensure that it is tight. A loose trigger can
release the firing pin prematurely and cause injury, or it
might fall out and be lost during emergency loading,
thereby rendering the projector useless.

This action should be one continuous movement
so that the thumb does not interfere with the forward

6. The trigger screw should be in the safety slot

while a signal is being loaded.

7. If the signal fails to fire, pull the trigger screw

back to the bottom of the firing slot against the force of
the spring, and lift your thumb quickly.

7. In the firing of the projector, care should be

taken to raise the arm well above the head with the
projector held in a vertical position. A loaded projector
should never be pointed toward other personnel or
toward the body of the user.




When removing a misfired cartridge, ensure that

you keep it pointed in a safe direction and do not
place any part of your hand over the discharge end of
the cartridge.

The following general information is taken

directly from Pyrotechnic, Screening, Marking,
and Countermeasure Devices, NAVSEA
SW050-AB-MMA-010, chapter 1.

8. Unscrew the spent signal case or signal that has

failed to fire and discard it by throwing it over the side.

Pyrotechnic Safety

9. Place the trigger screw in the safety slot and

reload, as in step 4, if you need to fire another signal.

"All pyrotechnic and screening devices, while

designed and tested to be safe under normal conditions,
can be subject to accidental ignition because of a wide
variety of circumstances. The general rule to follow is:
Be constantly aware that pyrotechnics contain chemical
components that are intended to burn with intense heat,
and act accordingly."

Safety Precautions
The following special safety precautions apply
when using the Mk 79 kit:
1. Signals in this kit are ignited by percussion
primers, which should be protected against being


Pyrotechnic Handling and Stowage

Toxic Hazards of Pyrotechnics

All pyrotechnics and smoke-screening devices are

designed to withstand normal handling. They should,
however, be handled as little as possible to lessen the
chances of damage, which might cause accidental
ignition or leakage. Many devices contain materials of
a dangerous nature and are therefore designed with
safety features, which should be maintained in good
operating condition. Dents, deformations, or cracks in
the outer body may interfere with the proper
functioning of these safety features or might cause
ignition during handling or stowage. It is therefore
imperative that extreme care be taken to prevent
damage to containers of pyrotechnics and screening
devices and to the devices themselves.

Many chemicals used in pyrotechnics, screening

equipment, and dye-marking devices are poisonous if
taken internally. This also applies to the residue of
burned pyrotechnics. From the inhalation standpoint,
the products of pyrotechnic devices and smoke
generators often present a serious problem. Many of the
smokes and fumes given off by pyrotechnics and
screening devices are considered nontoxic and only
mildly irritating to the eyes and nasal passages when
encountered in relatively light concentrations
out-of-doors. Heavy concentrations in closely confined
spaces, however, are dangerous and may be lethal
because they reduce the amount of oxygen in the air.
Anything more than a brief exposure to the gases of
combustion, or to screening smokes, should be avoided
or should be protected against through the use of an
appropriate breathing apparatus.

Effect of Moisture on Pyrotechnics

The proper functioning of pyrotechnic,
dye-marking, and screening devices is frequently
affected by moisture. Some compositions may become
more sensitive and dangerous when exposed to
moisture, while others tend to become difficult to ignite
and less dependable in operation. Care should be
exercised to prevent damage that would interfere with
seals because some screening devices produce their
smoke by reaction of their chemical contents with
moisture in the air. Also, bear in mind that some marine
location markers, such as the Mk 58, are
saltwater-activated and should be stowed with that in
mind. That fact should also be considered in emergency
situations where the markers could be inadvertently
exposed to fire-fighting water or runoff.

publications that you will most often refer to
for the safety requirements of naval explosives
and pyrotechnics.
Personnel not familiar with ammunition, or
untrained in its use and handling, normally are afraid of
the possibility of an explosion. However, when handled
properly, Navy explosive ordnance is relatively safe.
Ordnance safety regulations are contained in numerous
publications. However, you will most often refer to the
safety requirements contained in NAVSEA OP-4,
Ammunition Afloat; OP-5, Ammunition Ashore;
OP-3347, United States Navy Ordnance Safety
Precautions; and the safety summaries contained in
equipment maintenance manuals. Pyrotechnic,
Screening, Marking, and Countermeasure Devices,
NAVSEA SW050-AB-MMA-010, contains additional
information and safety precautions that pertain to the
pyrotechnic devices described in this chapter as well as
other devices not mentioned. Many of these regulations
and precautions embody the lessons learned as a result
of actual disasters. They must be obeyed without
exception and cannot be changed or disregarded.

Effect of Temperature on Pyrotechnics

Pyrotechnics and some screening devices may
become adversely affected by excessively high or
variable temperatures. These devices should never be
stored where direct rays of the sun could generate
excessively high temperature. Stowage should be in
dry, well-ventilated places that provide the greatest
possible protection from such conditions. All Navy
pyrotechnics have been designed to withstand
temperatures from -65EF to 160EF and, therefore, will
probably be safe from deterioration or damage within
that range. However, it is recommended that every
reasonable effort be made to maintain stowage
temperature at not more than 100EF. Specific
ammunition stowage temperature requirements for all
types of ammunition are addressed in NAVSEA OP 4.

No matter how dangerous the work, familiarity can

lead to carelessness. All personnel involved in the
inspection or care of explosives, propellants, and
pyrotechnics must exercise utmost care to ensure that
regulations and instructions are rigidly observed. As a
GM you should be thoroughly familiar with the
information contained in the references cited in the last


train is used to ignite or detonate a propellant charge or

main explosive charge. We then identified some of the
service explosives you will encounter as a Gunner's
Mate. We then described some of the common
pyrotechnic devices found aboard surface vessels, their
operation, and some safety precautions. And we
concluded this chapter with a brief discussion of
ordnance safety responsibilities and identified the
primary reference sources of Navy ordnance safety
regulations. We highly recommend that you continue
your education as a Gunner's Mate by reading these and
other references listed in this manual.

paragraph. You will be expected to enforce the

provisions they contain as you carry out your duties and
supervise assigned personnel.
Ordnance safety will be addressed throughout this
manual as it applies to the topic under discussion.
In this introductory chapter, we discussed the
fundamental characteristics of explosives, how they are
classified, and some of their specific uses in Navy
explosive ordnance. We described how an explosive




Classification by Size of Gun

In the preceding chapter, you learned about the raw

materials that are used to make up explosives and
pyrotechnics. In this chapter, you will study Navy
gun-type ammunition and its basic construction
features and functions. We will identify the types of
projectiles and fuzes used in the Navy and describe the
systems used to identify ammunition. We will also
describe magazines and their sprinkler and alarm
systems. Finally, we discuss some of the equipment,
training requirements, and safety precautions
pertaining to the handling and storage of ammunition.
In this chapter, you are assumed to have an
understanding of the Navy's Maintenance and Material
Management (3-M) Systems. You may wish to review
some of the 3-M Systems fundamentals before
continuing with this chapter.

Gun ammunition is most commonly classified by

the size of the gun in which it is used. In addition to
designations of bore diameter, such as 25-mm, 76-mm,
or 5-inch, the length of the gun bore in calibers (inches)
is also used as a means of classification. Thus a 5-inch,
54-caliber projectile is one used in a gun having a bore
diameter of 5 inches and a bore length of 54 times 5
inches, or 270 inches.
Classification by Assembly
The three types of ammunition classified by
assembly are shown in figure 2-1.

classification, components, and features of
Navy gun Ammunition.
In a general sense, ammunition includes anything
that is intended to be thrown at or put in the path of the
enemy to deter, injure, or kill personnel or to destroy or
damage materials. This chapter is devoted chiefly to
gun ammunition. In this section, we describe how
ammunition is classified, the common components of
gun ammunition, and some of the actual types of gun
ammunition in use today.
Gun ammunition is classified in several different
ways, depending on your needs. It may be classified by
gun size, assembly configuration, service use, or
purpose and construction.


Figure 2-1.Typical Navy gun ammunition assemblies.


are for training purposes and have a combination black

powder-pyrotechnic color-burst element.

FIXED AMMUNITION.The fixed class

applies to ammunition that has the cartridge case
crimped around the base of the projectile. The primer is
assembled in the cartridge case. The projectile and the
cartridge case, containing the primer and propellant
charge, all form one unit as a fixed round of ammunition. Guns through 76-mm use fixed ammunition.

Dummy or Drill: Any type of ammunition

assembled without explosives, or with inert material
substituted for the explosives, to imitate service
ammunition. The ammunition may be made of metal or
wood. Dummy or drill ammunition is used in training
exercises or in testing equipment. It is normally
identified as dummy cartridges, dummy charges, or
drill projectiles. Drill projectiles will not be fired from
any gun.


applies to ammunition that consists of two unitsthe
projectile assembly and cartridge case assembly. The
projectile assembly consists of the projectile body
containing the load, nose fuze, base fuze, and auxiliary
detonating fuze, as applicable. The cartridge case
assembly consists of the cartridge case, primer,
propellant charge, wad, distance piece, and a plug to
close the open end of the cartridge case. The projectile
and cartridge are rammed into the gun chamber
together as one piece though they are not physically
joined. Separate ammunition has been produced in gun
sizes of 5-inch, 38-caliber through 8-inch, 55-caliber

Classification by Purpose and Construction

Service projectiles are classified by their tactical
purpose as one of the following types: penetrating,
fragmenting, and special purpose. Since targets differ
in design and purpose, projectiles must also differ in
their construction to make them more effective. If you
were to cut open, for purposes of inspection, the
different types of projectiles listed previously (other
than small arms), you would find their construction and
characteristics are common. For example, penetrating
projectiles have thick walls and a relatively small cavity
for explosives, while fragmenting projectiles are
thin-walled and have a relatively large cavity for the
explosives. Because of this, projectiles are also
classified by their construction.


AMMUNITION.This class applies to gun sizes 8
inches and larger. Separate-loading ammunition does
not contain a cartridge case; the propellant charge is
loaded in silk bags that are consumed during the
combustion of the propellant when fired from the gun.
The projectile, propellant charge, and primer are loaded
separately. There are currently no naval guns in use that
use separate-loading ammunition.

Gun ammunition consists of a projectile and a
propelling charge. In this section we will describe a
typical projectile, the different types of projectiles in
use, propelling charges, and fuzes currently in use.

Classification by Service Use

For economy and safety, gun ammunition is
assembled and classified by service use as follows:


Service: Ammunition for use in combat. These

projectiles carry explosive, illuminating, or chemical

The projectile is the component of ammunition

that, when fired from a gun, carries out the tactical
purpose of the weapon. While some types of projectiles
are one piece, the majority of naval gun projectiles are
assemblies of several components. All the projectiles to
be briefly discussed by classification in this chapter
have several common features as described in the
following paragraphs and as illustrated in figure 2-2.

Target and Training: Ammunition for training

exercises. The projectiles are comparable in weight and
shape to those of service ammunition but are of less
expensive construction and normally contain no
explosive. Variable time, nonfragmenting (VT
NONFRAG) projectiles are an exception in that they



Figure 2-2.External features of a typical gun projectile.

certain amount of copper will be wiped back on the

rotating band and will form a skirt of copper on the after
end of the band as the projectile leaves the muzzle of
the gun. This is known as fringing and is prevented by
cutting grooves, called cannelures, in the band or by
undercutting the lip on the after end of the band. These
cuts provide space for the copper to accumulate. The
primary functions of a rotating band are:

OGIVE.The ogive is the curved forward portion

of a projectile. The curve is determined by a complex
formula designed to give maximum range and
accuracy. The shape of the ogive is generally expressed
by stating its radius in terms of calibers. It may be a
combination of several arcs of different radii.
BOURRELET.The bourrelet is a smooth,
machined area that acts as a bearing to stabilize the
projectile during its travel through the gun bore. Some
projectiles have only one bourrelet (forward); the
rotating band serves as the bearing surface in the rear.
Still other projectiles have one bourrelet forward and
one or two aft, the after one being located adjacent to
and either forward and/or aft of the rotating band.
Bourrelets are painted to prevent rusting.

1. To seal the forward end of the gun chamber

against the escape of the propellant gas around the
2. To engage the rifling in the gun bore and impart
rotation to the projectile, and
3. To act as a rear bourrelet on those projectiles
that do not have a rear bourrelet.

BODY.The body is the main part of the

projectile and contains the greatest mass of metal. It is
made slightly smaller in diameter than the bourrelet and
is given only a machine finish.

BASE.The base is the after end of the projectile.

A removable base plug is provided in projectiles that
are loaded through this end. A fuze hole may be drilled
and tapped in the center of this base plug. Projectiles
with large openings in the nose for loading through that
end require no base plug. In such cases, however, the
solid base of the projectile may be drilled in the center
to receive a base fuze or tracer if desired. The edge
formed by the side walls and the base is usually broken
slightly to give additional range. Some projectiles are
tapered aft of the rotating band, a shape known as boat
tailed. Projectiles with plastic bands may have full
caliber boat tails for optimum aerodynamic shape.

ROTATING BAND.The rotating band is

circular and made of commercially pure copper, copper
alloy, or plastic seated in a scored cut in the after portion
of the projectile body. In all minor and medium caliber
projectiles, rotating bands are made of commercially
pure copper or gilding metal that is 90 percent copper
and 10 percent zinc. Major caliber projectile bands are
of cupro-nickel alloy containing 2.5 percent nickel or
nylon with a Micarta insert. As a projectile with a
metallic band passes through the bore of the gun, a


Types of Projectiles


projectiles are dual-purpose projectiles combining
most of the qualities of the AA type with the strength
necessary to penetrate mild steel plate (fig. 2-3, view
A). However, AAC projectiles do not have the
penetrative ability of common (COM) projectiles. The
type of fuzing will depend on the use. Fuze threads are
provided in the nose and in the base. AAC projectiles
are normally equipped with a mechanical time fuze
(MTF) and an auxiliary detonating fuze (ADF).

Projectiles are also classified by their tactical

purpose. The following are descriptions of the common
projectile types (fig. 2-3).
ANTIAIRCRAFT (AA).AA projectiles are
designed for use against aircraft; they have no base
fuze. Otherwise, they are substantially the same as the
high-capacity (HC) projectiles described later.


Figure 2-3.Common projectile types.


Dual-purpose action is accomplished by a time setting

for airburst or by setting MTFs on "safe" or for a time
longer than flight to target to permit the base detonating
fuze (BDF)(delay) to function for penetration. By
substituting a point detonating fuze (PDF) for the MTF,
these projectiles are converted to HC for surface burst.

PUFF.Puff projectiles (fig. 2-3, view C) are

nonexplosive projectiles used as practice (spotting)
rounds. They are designed to produce dense smoke
clouds approximating those of high-explosive rounds.
DRILL.Drill projectiles are used by gun crews
for loading drills and for testing ammunition hoists and
other ammunition-handling equipment. They are made
of economical but suitable metals and are designed to
simulate the loaded service projectile represented as to
size, form, and weight. They may be solid or hollow. If
hollow, they may be filled with an inert material to
bring them to the desired weight. This latter type is
closed with a base or nose plug or both, as appropriate.

ARMOR-PIERCING (AP).AP projectiles are

designed to penetrate their caliber of class A armor
plate. A 5-inch projectile will penetrate 5 inches of
armor, and so on. They are characterized in most cases
by a low explosive-charge-to-total-weight ratio and by
their windshields and AP caps. Windshields are light
nosepieces of false ogives designed to give suitable
flight characteristicsthey are made of mild steel, steel
stamping, or aluminum. Windshields are screwed to the
AP cap and are staked in place. AP caps are made of the
same kind of steel as the projectile bodies. The cap
breaks down the initial strength of the armor plate and
provides support to the pointed nose of the projectile as
it begins to penetrate the target. The cap also increases
the effective angle of obliquity at which the projectile
may hit and penetrate. The cap is peened and soldered
to the nose. AP projectiles are fuzed only in the base.
The fuzes must not be removed except at ammunition
depots. Powdered dye colors are loaded in the
windshield of most AP projectiles. These dye colors
allow a firing ship to identify its splashes, since each
ship is assigned a specific color. The dye is placed
inside the windshield in a paper container. There are
ports in the forward portion of the windshield that
admit water when the projectile strikes the surface and
breaks the port seals. Other ports in the after portion of
the windshield are pushed out by pressure of the water
inside the windshield. The dye is dispersed through
these after ports.

DUMMY.Dummy projectiles are reproductions

of projectiles that may be produced from a variety of
materials for a number of purposes. Drill projectiles are
dummy projectiles in that they are not to be fired from a
gun. However, all dummy projectiles are not drill
projectiles. Dummy projectiles may be made for
display, instruction, or special tests.
HIGH CAPACITY (HC).HC projectiles are
designed for use against unarmored surface targets,
shore installations, or personnel. They have a medium
wall thickness and large explosive cavities. Large HC
projectiles (fig. 2-3, view D) are provided with an
auxiliary booster to supplement the booster charge in
the nose of the main charge. With threads in both the
nose and base, HC projectiles may receive a variety of
fuzes or plugs to accomplish different tactical purposes.
An adapter ring (or rings) is provided on the nose end of
most HC projectiles to allow installation of PDFs or
nose plug and ADFs with different size threads. An
adapter is removed for larger fuzes. HC projectiles are
normally shipped with a PDF installed in the nose. The
base fuze that is shipped installed in the projectile may
not be removed except at an ammunition depot.

COMMON (COM).COM projectiles are

designed to penetrate approximately one-third of their
caliber of armor. A 5-inch projectile would penetrate
1.66 inches of armor, and so on. They differ from AP
projectiles in that they have no hardened cap and have a
larger explosive cavity.

HIGH EXPLOSIVE (HE).Small caliber projectiles with an HE designation are designed to receive
a large explosive charge. Structurally, they resemble the
HC type in larger caliber projectiles. They have no base
fuze; a nose fuze is issued installed in the projectile.

CHEMICAL.Chemical projectiles may be

loaded with a toxic, harassing, or smoke-producing
agent. Of the smoke agents, white phosphorous (WP) is
the most frequently used. WP projectiles (fig. 2-3, view
B) are designed to produce heavy smoke and,
secondarily, an incendiary effect. The small WP
containers are expelled and then scattered by a delayed
action burster charge that is ignited by a black powder
expelling charge. Other chemical loads are dispersed in
a similar manner.


(HE-PD).These projectiles feature PDFs that may
require the use of an ADF and fuze cavity liner (FCL).
If the PDF is of the new, short-intrusion type, no ADF is
required since its function has been incorporated. Also,
the FCL has been integrated with a fuze thread adapter
in some cases.
(HE-VT).These projectiles may be fuzed with either

frequent loss of the drones. These projectiles have

fillers of epsom salts or other inert material to give the
projectile the desired weight. A color-burst unit,
consisting of pellets of black powder and a pyrotechnic
mixture, is placed in a cavity drilled into the center of
the inert filler. The color-burst unit is ignited through
the action of the nose fuze and the black-powder
pellets. The color-burst unit may be one of several
colors that exits through the fuze cavity and ruptured

the short-intrusion variable time fuze (VTF) and

adapter or with the deep-intrusion fuze and FCL.
This projectile is similar to the HE-MT projectile
except that the nose time fuze has a point detonating
backup. This causes a self-destructive action on surface
impact in case of airburst function failure due to clock
failure or surface impact before expiration of the set

ANTIPERSONNEL.The antipersonnel projectile (fig. 2-3, view G) consists of a projectile body, an

expulsion charge, a pusher plate, a payload of 400
individually fuzed grenades, and a base plug. The
M43A1 grenade is an airburst rebounding-type
munition. The antipersonnel projectile is unique to the
16"/50 gun.

ILLUMINATING (ILLUM).ILLUM projectiles (fig. 2-3, view E) are made with thin walls. Each
contains a time fuze, an ADF, a small black powder
expelling charge behind the ADF, an assembly
consisting of a pyrotechnic star or candle with a
parachute, and a lightly held base plug. The time fuze
serves to ignite the expelling charge. Explosion of the
expelling charge forces out the base and the
illuminating assembly and ignites the star or candle.

Propelling Charges
Propelling charges are mixtures of explosives
designed to propel projectiles from the gun to the target.
In fixed ammunition, the propelling charge and
projectile are assembled together in a case and handled
as one unit. The principal component parts are the brass
or steel cartridge case, the primer, and the propellant
powder charge. In the separated ammunition, the
propelling charge and projectile are assembled
separatelythey are stored and handled as separate
units until they are loaded into the gun. The propelling
charge of the separated ammunition round consists of
the propellant primer, details, and closure plug
assembled into the metal case. The propelling charges


To increase the range and effectiveness of 5-inch gun
systems, the RAP was developed as an addition to
existing gun-type ammunition. It has a solid-propellant
rocket motor that can impart additional velocity and
provide extended range compared to standard projectiles.
(SD, NSD).Certain older projectiles used in AA
firing have a feature that detonates the explosive filler at
a designated range to prevent the round from hitting
other ships in the task force. Some VTFs contain this
self-destruct device. Also, some tracers in small caliber
projectiles are made to burn through to the explosive
filler. In either case, the projectile carries the
designation SD. Projectiles without one of these
features are designated NSD.
TARGET (TAR).These are blind-loaded (BL)
projectiles. They are special projectiles designed for
target practice, ranging, and proving ground tests. As
target practice ammunition, they are used to train
gunnery personnel. They may be fitted with a tracer
(BL-T) or plugged (BL-P).
(VT-NONFRAG).Some VT-NONFRAG projectiles
(fig. 2-3, view F) are loaded to avoid rupturing the body
and spreading fragments when the fuze functions.
However, sometimes the projectile ogive breaks up into
low-velocity fragments. They are designed for use in
AA target practice, particularly against expensive
drone targets, for observing the results of firing without


Figure 2-4.Tank-type 5"/54 cartridge case container.


propelling charge are contained in a cartridge case as a

separate plugged unit; the projectile is also a complete,
separate unit.
A complete round of separated ammunition consists of two piecesa projectile and a cylindrical metal
cartridge case sealed by a cork or plastic plug.
Separated ammunition is used in 5-inch guns and their
cases are kept in airtight tanks (fig. 2-4), until they are
to be fired.
A complete round of fixed ammunition is one
piece, with the cartridge case crimped to the base of the
projectile. Fixed 76-mm rounds are also kept in tanks,
but smaller calibers and small arms are stowed in
airtight boxes, several rounds to a box.
The insides of both the fixed and separated
ammunition cartridge cases are quite similar. Figures
2-5 and 2-6 show the main components of both types of
cartridge cases. The base of the primer fits into the base
of the case so that firing pin the gun lines up with and
contacts the primer when the breech is closed. A
black-powder ignition charge runs the full length of the
perforated stock or tube of the primer.

of separate loading ammunition are made up in sections

(bag charges) separate from the projectile and primer.
Propelling charges for all calibers of ammunition have
some common features. There are two basic categories
into which these features can be groupedcase ammunition and bag charges. Saluting, reduced, and
clearing charges have components that are the same as
case ammunition, so they are included with case
Propelling charges for small and medium caliber
guns are assembled with primer and powder enclosed in
a brass or steel container called a cartridge case.
Assembly of the entire charge in a single, rigid, protective case increases the ease and rapidity of loading and
reduces the danger of flarebacks. Also, the case prevents the escape of gases toward the breech of the gun;
it expands from the heat and pressure of the burning
powder and forms a tight seal against the chamber.
In case-type propelling charges, the propelling
charge and primer are contained in a cylindrical metal
cartridge case. This ammunition is of two typesfixed
and separated. In fixed ammunition the primer,
propelling charge, and projectile are assembled into a
single unit that may be loaded into the gun in a single
operation. In separated ammunition, the primer and



Figure 2-6.Typical round of fixed ammunition, cartridge

case assembled with projectile, sectional view.

Figure 2-5.Typical cartridge case for separated

ammunition, sectional view.


The 5-inch ammunition being issued to the fleet is

assembled with case electric primers. The most notable
exception to this is the 76-mm round that uses a
percussion-only primer.
Look at the cartridge case in figure 2-5 again. When
the gun fires, the case expands under the powerful
pressure of the burning propellant gas, then must
contract so that it can be removed from the chamber. It
must not stick to the chamber walls nor may it crack.
For a long time, only seasoned brass cases could be
relied on to perform correctly. During World War II,
when the supply of brass became critical, metallurgists
developed a steel case that has since almost completely
replaced brass. Regardless of what cases are made of,
used cases are often called "fired brass." Steel cartridge
cases are no longer reloaded and reused; however, since
the cartridge tanks are required for reuse, the cases may
be returned in the empty tank for the scrap value.
Immediately after firing, and before returning the
cases to their tanks, the ejected cases (3-inch and larger)
should be stood on their bases to permit residual gases
(small amounts left over after firing) to escape
completely. Other cases should be replaced in the
original containers, tagged, and stowed.
In the center of the base of the case is the threaded
hole for the primer. The case tapers slightly toward the
forward end so that it can be withdrawn from the chamber without binding. A rim at the base is engaged by the
gun's extractors. In fixed ammunition, the case often
has a bottleneck in which the projectile is crimped.
The propellant powder in the case is the
seven-perforation kind we have already discussed.
(Small caliber grains have one perforation.) The
powder is weighed out with great precision and loaded
into the case at the ammunition manufacturing facility.
Since it does not take up all the space inside the case,
and since it would be dangerous for the powder to have
a lot of room to rattle around in, it is tightly packed and
sealed under a cardboard or pyralin wad. The wad is
kept tight by a triangular cardboard distance piece. The
distance piece bears up against the plug that closes the
mouth of the case. In fixed ammunition, the case is
sealed by the projectile base.
A small amount of lead foil included in each propelling charge functions to clear the bore of the metal
fouling that scrapes off the projectile rotating band onto
the rifling as the projectile passes through the barrel.

Clearing Charge.When a round fails to seat

fully upon being rammed into the gun chamber
(preventing closure of the breech), or when the
propelling charge fails to function, the projectile may
be fired by extracting the full-sized case and loading a
clearing charge that is shorter.
Saluting Charge.These are charges used when
firing a gun to render honors. Since no projectile is
involved in such firing, the charge consists of a
cartridge case containing a black-powder load and a
primer. Ships normally employ 40-mm or 3-inch guns
for saluting. Saluting charges for these guns are issued
completely assembled, with no replacement components.
different types and functions of fuzes used on
current 5-inch and 76-mm projectiles.
In chapter 1 you learned that the burster charge of a
projectile is relatively insensitive and requires an
explosive train. This train begins with a very small
amount of sensitive initiating explosive that initiates the
chain reaction required to detonate the less sensitive
main burster charge.
The component that sets off the projectile bursting
charge is the fuze. No matter how complicated or
simple the construction or function of the fuze is, it
always serves the same purpose.
The nature of the fuze mechanism depends, of
course, on what type of fuze it is. All fuze mechanisms
depend on certain forces either to start their functioning
or to keep them functioning. These forces develop
when the projectile is fired, when it flies through the air,
or at the end of the flight. In the sequence of their
development, these forces are called setback, angular
acceleration, centrifugal force, creep, and impact. They
are worth explaining.
All objects have a property known as inertia. For
our purpose we can say that inertia means resistance to
change in motion. A moving ship, for example, tends to
keep going after the engines have been stopped. It
would keep going indefinitely if it were not for the fluid
friction of the water and obstacles in its way. By the
same reasoning, a ship dead in the water tends to
remain so; it takes a mighty effort by its propulsion
machinery to get it underway.

Reduced Charge.A reduced charge is one that

contains less than the service load of powder. Reduced
charges are often used to fire on reverse-slope targets
(discussed in chapter 7) and may be used in target
practice to decrease wear on the gun.


In 1687, in a Latin treatise on natural philosophy

entitled "Principia," Sir Isaac Newton described this
characteristic behavior of material things in the
statement of his first law of motion:

Why bring up Newton and his laws of motion when

we are discussing fuzes? The reason is that every one of
the forces that acts on a projectile fuzefrom firing to
impactis an effect of inertia.

"Every body tends to remain at rest, or in

uniform motion in a straight line, unless
compelled by external force to change."

Let's begin by discussing setback (fig. 2-7, view A).

When the propelling charge of the round fires, the fuzes
and projectile are at rest. As the hot gases expand,


Figure 2-7.Forces that work on fuzes: A. Setback and angular acceleration (projectile in gun bore); B. Centrifugal force
(projectile in flight); C. Creep (projectile in flight); D Impact.



pressure in the chamber builds up and forces the

projectile to move forward. But because of inertia,
every particle of the projectile and fuze tends to stay
where it is. The effect is the same as what you feel while
riding in a car when the driver stomps on the gas pedal.
Your head snaps back as the car jerks forward. The
same thing happens in the projectile and its fuze, except
that the accelerationand the setback effectare
thousands of times greater. As an example of its
application to fuzes, setback is used in mechanical time
fuzes to unlock the clockwork mechanism.
Angular acceleration (fig. 2-7, view A) produces an
inertia force accompanying the initial rotation of the
projectile in the bore of the gun. It is similar in effect to
setback, which is the resistance to forward motion, in
that it resists the rotational motion of the projectile as it
passes through the rifled bore.
As the projectile rotating band is twisted by the gun
bore's rifling, the projectile spins. You know how
spinning develops centrifugal force (fig. 2-7, view B), a
tendency to fly directly away from the center of
rotation. Centrifugal force is used to operate the
clockwork in most mechanical time fuzes. It is also
used to assist in readying (arming) the fuze to function
when it strikes or approaches the target.
Creep (fig. 2-7, view C) is another effect of inertia.
Like anything else that moves through the air, a
projectile in flight moves against air resistance, which
tends to slow it down. Its supersonic speed creates
shock waves and turbulence that increase this frictional
slowing. This slowing-down effect is applied to the
exterior of the projectile only. The parts inside are not
overcoming any air resistance, so they do not tend to
slow down. In an automobile, for example, when the
brake (simulating air resistance) is being applied
lightly, you tend to lean forward. Similarly, movable
parts in a fuze tend to creep forward as the projectile
plows through the air that slows it down. In many types
of fuzes, creep force is used to align the fuze-firing
mechanism so that it will function on impact.
Impact (fig. 2-7, view D) is probably the most
obvious application of the general principle of inertia to
fuzes. When the projectile strikes, it comes to a stop.
But the movable parts inside the fuze tend to keep right
on going. The force developed by impact is used when
you drive a firing pin against a percussion cap to initiate
the explosive train. Some people think of impact as a
kind of creepbut in a very violent form. In principle,
it is true that creep and impact are related, but they are
quite different in degree and are used differently in fuze
mechanisms. It is best to consider them separately and
understand the function of each.

Fuzes can be classified by functions as follows:

Time fuzes: Mechanical time fuzes (MTFs)
function a predetermined length of time after the
projectile is fired. The exact time is set before the
projectile is loaded into the chamber by a mechanical
fuze setter on the mount. This fuse can also be set with a
special fuze wrench. The interval between the instant
the fuze is set and the instant the projectile is fired is
termed dead time. No matter when, how, or by what it is
set, the timing mechanism of a time fuze will not
function until the projectile is fired.
Time fuzes for larger caliber projectiles are driven
by springs because the relatively slow rotation of these
projectiles does not produce enough centrifugal force
to run the clockwork reliably. Older time fuzes (no
longer in use) consisted of slow-burning powder trains
of adjustable length, rather than clockwork. The
powder was ignited by setback that drove a firing pin
into a percussion cap.
Proximity fuzes: Proximity or variable time
fuzes (VTFs) are energized after the projectile is fired
and function when the projectile approaches closely to
the target.
Percussion fuzes: Percussion or impact fuzes
function either as the projectile strikes the target or after
the projectile penetrates. Some fuzes (nondelay type)
function immediately on contact with any thin material
(for example, the thin sheet metal skin of an aircraft).
Fuzes for armor-piercing projectiles, however, always
incorporate a slight delay to keep the burster from going
off until after penetration. These percussion fuzes can
be located either on the nose (PDF) or the base (BDF)
of the projectile.
Combina tion fuz e s: Combina ti on f uzes
incorporate both time and percussion features; that is,
the fuze may go off either on impact or after the time
set, whichever occurs first.
Auxiliary fuzes: An auxiliary fuze (ADF), as the
name implies, operates only in conjunction with other
fuzes. In gun projectiles they form part of the explosive
train and pass on the explosion initiated by another fuze
(located in the projectile nose) to the main bursting
Proximity fuzes in projectiles are miniature radio
transmitters and receivers, powered by tiny battery
cells. The cells are activated by setback. When the
projectile approaches closely to a target, the radio


on the forces developed by the actual firing to arm the

fuze. Fuzes that are armed only after the projectile
leaves the gun muzzle are called boresafe. Projectiles
40-mm and larger are usually boresafe; projectiles
20-mm and smaller generally are not. This is important
for you to remember when handling smaller caliber
fuzed ammunition.
To illustrate how inertia is used to arm and operate
a projectile fuze, let's look at a typical fuze (fig. 2-8).
When the gun is fired, the force of setback moves the
internal components of the fuze rearward and locks
them against movement. As the projectile moves down
the rifled bore, it is imparted rotation through the
rotating band, creating centrifugal force. The projectile
and fuze body travel through the air, meeting resistance
and slowing down because of friction. The inertial force
of creep frees the internal components for movement.
Centrifugal force then moves the two sets of detents
outward, unlocking the firing pin and detonator rotor
for movement. Centrifugal force, acting on weights in
the rotor, causes the rotor to turn until the detonator is in
direct alignment between the firing pin and the booster
lead-in. Continued centrifugal force maintains the
explosive train in alignment. The fuze is armed. Upon
impact, the firing pin is driven into the detonator,
initiating the explosive train through the explosive lead
to the booster charge. The booster charge detonates the
main burster charge.

waves sent out by a transmitter are reflected back to the

receiver in sufficient strength to close a circuit that
initiates fuze action.
Most projectile fuzes use a small detonating charge
to set off the explosive train. These are called
detonating fuzes. Some fuzes, however, are called
ignition fuzes because they are designed to produce a
flame that will set off an explosive sensitive to flame
(usually black powder).
In general, proximity, time, and percussion fuzes
are located in the projectile nose. ADFs are located just
behind the nose fuze. In AP projectiles (the hardened
cap makes no provision for nose fuzes) the fuze is in the
base. In some projectiles, to provide greater versatility
for selected targets, a nose and a base fuze are provided.
The nose fuze can be inactivated at the gun for base fuze
initiation. When the nose fuze is activated, the base fuze
functions as a backup for greater reliability.
A fuze is intended not only to explode the burster
charge at the right time, it is intended to prevent
explosion at the wrong time. A fuze is armed when it is
made ready to function. Before firing, when it is set not
to function, it is considered safe.
Fuzes have safety features to protect those who
handle ammunition. These safety features may be
nullified by the time the projectile reaches the enemy.
Some of the features are canceled by hand or
mechanically before the gun is loaded. Others depend


Figure 2-8.Projectile base fuze.


identification symbol, a numeric code showing the year

of production, an alpha code representing the month of
production, a lot intermix number followed by a
hyphen, a lot sequence number, and, when necessary,
an alpha character used as an ammunition lot suffix to
denote a reworked lot. The following illustrates the
construction of a current ammunition lot number:
AMC78D018-124B, where

Many different arrangements are used to arm both

gun projectile and missile fuzes. All use the forces of
inertia in one way or another. Some are totally
mechanical and some are a combination of mechanical
and electrical. For further detailed information on fuze
arming and operation, see U.S. Navy Ammunition,
Historical and Functional Data, NAVSEA
SW010-AB-GTP-010. More information on gun
ammunition, including explosive charges, projectiles,
and fuzes, is contained in Ammunition Afloat,
NAVSEA OP 4, and Navy Gun Ammunition, NAVSEA
discuss ammunition lot numbering and the
ammunition color code system.
A standard nomenclature and numbering system
has been established by the Department of Defense
(DOD). This system is a four-digit, alphanumeric code
that will be either a DOD identification code (DODIC)
assigned by the Defense Logistics Services Center
(DLSC) or a Navy ammunition logistics code (NALC)
assigned by the Ships Parts Control Center (SPCC).
Some examples of DODIC/NALC nomenclature are as


6"/50 BL&P Projectile


12-gauge OO Buckshot


manufacturer's identification symbol


a two-digit numeric code identifying the

year of production (1978)

a single alpha code signifying the month

of production (April)


lot intermix number


lot sequence number

ammunition lot suffix (the alpha suffix)

Exceptions to the foregoing system for numbering

ammunition lots are given in MIL-STD 1168, section 5.
Old Ammunition Lot Numbering System
The old ammunition lot numbering system consists
of the ammunition lot number (ALN) symbol, followed
by a two- to three-letter prefix, a sequential lot number,
a one- to three-letter manufacturer's symbol, a
two-numeral group, and, on some, a lot suffix. An
example of an ALN is BE-374-HAW-75, where


5"/54 Illumination Projectile



When ammunition is manufactured, an
ammunition lot number is assigned according to
specifications. As an essential part of the lettering, the
lot number is stamped or marked on the item, size
permitting, as well as on all packing containers. There
are presently two ammunition lot numbering systems in
the ammunition inventory. The newest lot numbering
system was implemented by the Navy in 1978, so there
is much ammunition still identified by the old
ammunition lot numbering system. Both of these
systems are described in the following paragraphs.


5-inch, 38-caliber AAC projectile


374 lot of AAC projectiles assembled


NAD Hawthorne assembly activity


assembled during the year of 1975

Prefix Designation. The two- to three-letter prefix

designation identifies the size and type of ammunition
item. A prefix designation having a final letter R
denotes renovated items.
Sequential Lot Number. The one- to four-character
group following the prefix indicates the sequential lot
number of that particular type produced by an activity
during the calendar year. This group consists of
numbers 1 through 9999.
Manufacturer's Letters and Numbers. A one- to
three-letter group identifies the ordnance activity that
assembled the ammunition item.
Year Group. Following the manufacturer's symbols
is the final numerical group, indicating the last two
digits of the calendar year of assembly.

Current Ammunition Lot Numbering System

For all ammunition items and their components, the
ammunition lot number consists of a manufacturer's


and hazards presented by each. A color coding system

is used to indicate the primary use of ammunition, the
presence of a hazardous (explosive, flammable, irritant,
or toxic) filler, and/or the color of tracers, dye loads,
and signals. Current color coding for ammunition of
20-mm and larger is contained in MIL-STD-709, OP
2238 (latest revision), and WS 18782. The lettering,
stenciled or stamped on ammunition, includes all the
information necessary for complete identification and
is marked in compliance with NATO standards and
Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. In
addition to standard nomenclature and lot numbers,
lettering may include such information as the mark and
mod, the type of fuze, and the weapon in which the item
is fired. Table 2-1 gives the meaning of the different
color codes.

Lot Suffix. An alpha character, following the year

of assembly, usually indicates that some type of special
screening was performed.
Grand-Lot Designation. A grand-lot (GL)
designation was assigned to serviceable remnant
ammunition items of the same type after serviceability
evaluation. These remnant lots are consolidated and
reissued under a new ammunition lot number having a
GL designation. GL ammunition is still in the supply
system, but this procedure is no longer used.
The system of identifying ammunition by the use of
color codes, marking, and lettering is intended to be a
ready identification to determine the explosive loads

Table 2-1.Ammunition Color Coding




1. Identifies high explosives.

2. Indicates the presence of explosives, either,
a. sufficient to cause the ammunition to function as a high explosive, or,
b. particularly hazardous to the user.


1. Identifies rocket motors.

2. Indicates the presence of explosive, either,
a. sufficient to cause the ammunition to function as a low explosive, or,
b. particularly hazardous to the user.


Identifies ammunition that contains irritant or toxic agents when used as an overall body
color except for underwater ordnance.

Gray With Red Band(s)

Indicates the ammunition contains an irritant (harassing) agent.

Gray With Dark Green Band(s)

Indicates the ammunition contains a toxic agent.


Identifies armor-defeating ammunition, except on underwater ordnance.

Silver/ Aluminum

Identifies countermeasures ammunition.

Light Green

Identifies smoke or marker ammunition.

Light Red

Identifies incendiary ammunition or indicates the presence of highly flammable material.


Identifies illuminating ammunition or ammunition producing a colored light; exceptions,

underwater ordnance, guided missiles, and rocket motors.

Light Blue

Identifies ammunition used for training or firing practice.


Identifies ammunition used for tracking or recovery.


Identifies dummy/drill/inert ammunition used for handling and loading training.

Nonsignificant Colors
Olive Drab

All ammunition items.


For lettering.


1. For lettering.
2. For guided missiles and rocket motors.




k. DD 1348-1s and shipping labels


capabilities of the Retail Ordnance Logistics
Management System (ROLMS)


ROLMS interfaces with various systems to

exchange data and information. Specifically:
a. CAIMS for Navy and Marine aviation
ordnance inventory data.
b. MAARS-II for Marine Corps ground ordnance
inventory data.
c. ADIMS for ordnance held for disposal and
d. Total Ammunition Movement Management
System (TAMMS) for internal activity
e. Defense Transportation Tracking System
(DTTS) for ordnance transportation satellite

ROLMS was designed to operate as either a stand

alone system residing on a personal computer or in a
client/server network environment.

ROLMS Capabilities
ROLMS supports all ship and shore activity asset
management and reporting requirements. ROLMS
automates many ammunition logistics management
and reporting functions performed by the stock points
and end users, specifically:

Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF)

Deployment Support System II (MADSS-II)
for ground ammunition movement tracking.

For further information on the ROLMS system, refer to

NAVSUP P-724, Chap 9.

a. Inventory to the specific grid location

b. Requisitioning


and discuss ammunition, administration, and
the inventory management (CAIMS) procedures.

c. Issue/Receipt Reporting
d. Expenditure Reporting
e. Asset Maintenance

The maintenance of an accurate inventory of all

explosive ordnance held by a fleet unit is the primary
concern of everyone involved. The current CNO
requirement is that units maintain a 99.5 percent
inventory accuracy rate. Foundational to this is the
maintenance of the onboard ammunition stock record,
commonly referred to as the "ammunition ledger" or
just "the ledger." As ammunition is received, expended,
or transferred, the ledger is updated to reflect the
change. These changes are then reported to the SPCC,

NAR processing

g. Transaction reporting (either Ammunition

Transaction Reporting (ATR) or Transaction
Item Reporting (TIR))
h. Space Management including Net Explosive
Weight (NEW) Management for Explosive Arc
and Compatibility Management

Bar Code processing

ROLMS System Interfaces

The Retail Ordnance Logistics Management

System (ROLMS) is an integrated system of
applications software designed to manage non-nuclear
expendable ordnance. It provides for the automation of
the receipt, issue, inventory record keeping, and
reporting of ammunition assets and movements with
the ultimate objective being the enhancement of Fleet
readiness and stock point ordnance management.
ROLMS replaced four legacy systems, Ordnance
Management System (OMS), Fleet Optical Scanning
Ammunition Marking System (FOSAMS), the
Standardized Conventional Ammunition Automated
Inventory Record (SCAAIR) and the Ammunition
Logistics System (AMMOLOGS).


Excess/Disposal Processing

Load Plan management


Ammunition Division, for entry into the central

computer. Each of these activities is a function of the
Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management
System (CAIMS). As a Gunners' Mate, you are
involved in this process in two ways. First, you are
responsible for making sure ammunition received,
expended, or transferred is accurately identified by
NALC/DODIC and lot number and that these quantities
are reported to the ledger custodian as soon as possible
after the event. Second, you may be tasked to maintain
the ledger, especially at the second class petty officer

the major elements of this system, describing their

functions and how they interrelate.

CAIMS is designed to be a management tool for all

levels of the Navy that are concerned with inventory
management. The CAIMS Manual, SPCCINST
8010.12, describes the system in detail and the
procedures to be used by each type of activity in
maintaining and reporting ammunition inventory
information. In the following sections, we expand on

Master Stock Record Card


The ammunition stock record (or ledger) is a fleet
unit's master record of all ammunition stocks held, as
well as a record of past transactions and inventories
held. The ledger consists of a master stock record card
(MSRC) for each NALC or DODIC held by the unit
and an ammunition lot or serial/location card for each
different lot or serial number.

The MSRC (fig. 2-9) serves as a record of the total

number of rounds of a certain NALC/DODIC held by
the unit in each condition code. The MSRC is also used
to record information identifying each transaction and
the total quantity of ammunition ordered, received,
transferred, or expended.


Figure 2-9.Ammunition master stock record card.


expended, it is recorded on the cards. First, the total

number of rounds involved is entered on the MSRC for
that particular NALC/DODIC. The total number is then
broken down by lot or serial number, and each different
number is entered on the appropriate location card. All
entries are to be made in ink or typed. These cards are
required to be retained for a minimum of 1 year after the
item is expended or transferred.

Ammunition Lot/Location Card

The ammunition lot/location card (fig. 2-10) is
used to record the quantity and stowage location of an
individual lot of ammunition. Transaction information
is also recorded on this card but only for transactions
concerning the lot listed.
Ammunition Serial/Location Card

The cards in the ammunition ledger contain much

more information than what has been presented here.
Chapter 12 of SPCCINST 8010.12 provides detailed
guidance on the makeup and maintenance of the
ammunition ledger.

The ammunition serial/location card (fig. 2-11) is

used to account for serialized items such as missiles and
torpedoes. Each card accounts for one item. In addition
to maintaining an accurate inventory, these cards are
used to record the maintenance-due date of the item
covered. The maintenance-due date indicates the date
the item must be turned in to a weapons facility for
inspection and any required maintenance.

Each time a piece of ammunition is expended,
transferred, received, or changes condition code, an
ammunition transaction report (ATR) must be
submitted to update CAIMS. This is normally required
to be done within 24 hours of the event. ATRs are sent
by naval message according to the instructions listed in
SPCCINST 8010.12, chapter 8. A copy of each ATR
message is maintained in a file and kept with the ledger.
The ledger and the ATR file must match 100 percent.

Your ammunition ledger will most likely contain

all three of these record cards. You will have one MSRC
for each NALC and DODIC carried. These will be
arranged in NALC/DODIC alphanumeric order in a
binder or cabinet. Under each MSRC is an ammunition
lot or serial number location card for each lot or
serial-numbered item carried of that NALC/DODIC.
As ammunition is ordered, received, transferred, or


Figure 2-10.Ammunition lot/location card.



Figure 2-11.Ammunition serial/location card.

tion are well beyond the scope of this manual. Refer to

chapter 8 of SPCCINST 8010.12 for detailed information concerning ammunition MILSTRIP requisitions.
Your supply officer and the ship's Storekeepers (SKs)
are also excellent sources of expertise concerning

Fleet units requisition all nonnuclear ordnance
using the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issuing
Procedures (MILSTRIP) format in a naval message.
MILSTRIP relies upon coded data for processing
requisitions by means of automatic data processing
equipment. Each ship is provided with an ammunition
allowance list of one form or another, depending on its
status/mission. The ship-fill allowance list is the one
you will be primarily concerned with. It lists the
ammunition types and quantities authorized for issue in
support of that ship's mission. This list includes the
training allowance. All ammunition requisitions must
be made with the allowance list in mind. Training
allowance increases may be requested.

requirements, procedures, and information
sources governing magazine and ammunition
inspections, inventories, requisitions, and inventory control.
During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the U.S.
Navy experienced several catastrophic explosions on
its ships. As a result of ensuing investigations, several
pertinent facts were disclosed. It was determined that
an apparent lack of understanding existed regarding
the inspection of ammunition. Gunnery personnel
were not familiar with the principle of the gas-check
system in the base of projectiles or were not familiar
with the gun ammunition lot number system and
the notice of ammunition reclassification (NAR) in

At this writing, ammunition recording, requisitioning, and reporting are in the process of being
automated throughout the fleet. The ordnance manager
will maintain his or her ledger and generate requisitions
and ATRs all from the same computer terminal. The
format, however, will remain the same.
There are many requirements and special instructions involved in the preparation of an ammunition
requisition. The mechanics of requisitioning ammuni-



TWO24-AA-ORD-010. Results of the investigation

indicated that increased understanding was required.


types, designations, security measures, and
inspection criteria for shipboard magazines.

From the foregoing it can be seen that all GMGs 3

and 2 should make every effort to increase their
knowledge of gun-type ammunition by seeking out and
studying all available OPs, ODs, and instructions.
Gaining this knowledge is not only beneficial to you in
self-satisfaction but in knowing the proper procedures
in the care and handling of ammunition and the steps to
be taken in emergencies.

The term magazine applies to any compartment,

space, or locker that is used, or intended to be used, for
the stowage of explosives or ammunition of any kind.
The term magazine area includes the compartment,
spaces, or passages on board ship containing magazine
entrances that are intended to be used for the handling
and passing of ammunition. The term is also used to
denote areas adjacent to, or surrounding, explosive
stowages, including loaded ammunition lighters,
trucks, and railroad cars, where applicable safety
measures are required.

An important point to remember is that

ammunition in any form is dangerous unless it is
properly tended. Any deviation from authorized
procedures can lead to problems. Minor unauthorized
acts can establish a train of events that can eventually
cause a magazine to blow. Therefore, it is imperative
that ordnance personnel follow standard operating
procedures exactly; if any doubt exists, contact the
nearest ammunition facility for guidance.

Magazines are arranged with regard to facility of

supply, the best obtainable protection, and the most
favorable stowage conditions.

NAVSEA has directed the mandatory inspection of

5-inch, high-explosive-loaded projectiles with
gas-check seals (GCSs) before issue by NAVSEA
activities or an overseas ammunition issuing activity.
Gun projectiles fitted with a base fuze or base plug are
equipped with a GCS to prevent hot propellant gases
from penetrating into the explosive cavity of the
projectile body. This GCS inspection by experienced
ammunition personnel includes sighting that (1) the
GCS is not missing, (2) the GCS is symmetrical and
properly seated, (3) it is not cracked, cut or torn, and (4)
the BDF or base fuze hole plug (BFHP) is flush or
slightly below the projectile base. After inspection,
issuing activities ashore certify a good GCS by
applying a suffix, either A or B, according to
TWO24-AA-ORD-010 as appropriate, on the
projectile and the data card.

There are many different types of magazines
provided on ships. Each magazine is designed
specifically for the type of ammunition it is to contain.
For our purpose, however, we will be concerned with
only three typesprimary magazines, ready-service
magazines, and ready-service stowage.
Primary Magazines
Primary magazines are designed as ammunition
stowage spaces, generally located below the main deck,
and insofar as is practical, below the waterline. They
are adequately equipped with insulation, ventilation,
and sprinkler systems. These spaces must be provided
with fittings so that they may be locked securely.
Primary magazines accommodate a vessel's complete
allowance of ammunition for peacetime operation.

To safeguard against damage during subsequent

handling and the possibility of sabotage, the firing ship
should, before use, examine each 5-inch high explosive
loaded projectile for proper GCS. A complete
description of GCS inspection procedures is provided
in the Navy Gun Ammunition, NAVSEA
SW030-AA-MMO-010. Ordnance personnel should
also check ammunition to see that (1) waterproof
protecting caps are properly installed, (2) nose fuzes are
properly seated and not loose, (3) upper nose caps of
fuzes are intact, and (4) complete rounds can be
identified by lot identification number. This system of
identification is simple, but it requires study to
understand and must be followed to be effective.

Ready-Service Magazines
Ready-service magazines are spaces physically
convenient to the weapons they serve. They provide
permanent stowage for part of the ammunition
allowance. Normally they are equipped with insulation,
ventilation, and ammunition sprinkler systems, and
should be secured by locking. The combined capacities
of primary and ready-service magazines are normally
sufficient to properly stow the ship's allowance for war
and emergencies.


Where mixed stowage of ammunition is necessary,

precautions should be taken to make sure the various
types of ammunition are segregated within the
magazine and each type is suitably marked for ready
identification. All specific questions concerning
stowage requirements should be referred to
Ammunition Afloat, NAVSEA OP-4.

Ready-Service Stowage
Ready-service stowages are those ammunition
stowage facilities in the immediate vicinity of the
weapon served. They include weather deck lockers,
bulwark (gun shield) racks, and 5-inch upper handling
rooms. This stowage normally is filled only when the
weapon is to be fired. There is little security for
ammunition in such stowage, and it provides the least
favorable protection from the elements.

In peacetime, all magazines, explosive lockers,
ready-service lockers, and all areas such as ammunition
hoists leading into magazine spaces are kept closed and
locked, except when they are opened for inspection, for
ventilating purposes, for testing, or for authorized
work. These spaces are not entered unnecessarily and
are opened only when authorized by the weapons
officer. The weapons officer is responsible for making
sure that the spaces are locked when the purpose for
which it was opened has been accomplished.

All magazines are marked by appropriate label

plates showing the compartment number and the types
of ammunition to be stowed therein. Insofar as is
practical, magazines are designed to hold a single type
of ammunition.
The following designations are given for
magazines whenever a single-purpose stowage is

Magazines are intended for the stowage of

ammunition and for this only. A magazine is no place
for the stowage of empty paint or grease cans, oily
waste rags, or similar fire hazards. What goes for
material also goes for personnel. No one but those
authorized should ever be permitted in a magazine.
Even they should be there only when they have business
there. A magazine is no place to sit around and "shoot
the breeze."

Powder magazines
Fixed-ammunition magazines
Small arms magazines
Warhead lockers
Projectile magazines or rooms
Bomb magazines

The commanding officer (CO) is the custodian of

all magazine keys. The CO may, however, designate
certain persons under his or her command to have
custody of duplicate keys. Each morning keys are
drawn by a responsible Gunner's Mate for the purpose
of inspecting magazines and taking magazine

Missile magazines
Fuze magazines
Detonator lockers
Pyrotechnic magazines or lockers
While stowage of a single type of ammunition in
individual magazines is desirable, it is not always
possible due to space limitations. Where a ship's
mission requires carrying various types of ammunition,
stowage of more than one type in one magazine is
acceptable. Current NAVSEASYSCOM instructions
authorize certain mixed stowage in magazines that
maintain a single-purpose designation.


With the rapidly changing world political picture,
nuclear weapons have begun to be considered as less of
a necessary component of the U.S. ready arsenal. At
this writing, the President has ordered the removal of
most nuclear weapons from U.S. surface ships.
Therefore, we will provide only a brief description of
the security requirements and procedures pertaining to
surface ship nuclear weapons.

Authorization of mixed stowage is at the discretion

of the operational commander. Such stowage does not
include pyrotechnics that have been removed from
containers, or fuzes and detonators that are not integral
parts of, or assembled within, the ammunition. These
items must be stowed according to the current
instructions related to the particular items.

Nuclear weapons, because of their strategic

importance, public safety considerations, and political
implications, require greater protection than their
security classification alone would warrant. The special

procedures are derived from the standards listed in

other source publications such as Ammunition Afloat,

shipboard installations required for the safety and

security of these weapons vary with the type of ship and
weapon involved. As a GMG, your association with
nuclear weapons will be limited. However, it is possible
that because you are in the Gunner's Mate rating, you
might be called upon to take part in a ship's safety and
security program for nuclear weapons.

Magazine Temperatures
The main purpose of a daily magazine inspection is
to check and record space temperatures. If you recall,
temperature is the single most important factor that
affects powder and propellant stability.

The following discussion provides a basis for

determining the minimum security requirements for
nuclear weapon spaces. The definitions that follow are
those used throughout the Navy in connection with
nuclear weapons:

Temperature readings normally are taken once a

day. The exact time may vary, but most ships take the
readings in the morning (around 0800 for example). A
special maximum and minimum thermometer is used.
(Sometimes it's called a high-low thermometer.) Figure
2-12 illustrates a typical maximum and minimum

Access: Applied to nuclear weapons, physical

access that permits the opportunity to cause a nuclear
Exclusion area: A security area that contains one
or more nuclear weapons or one or more components of
a nuclear weapon system. The nature of the area is such
that mere entry constitutes access to the nuclear
weapon or permits the arming, launching, or firing of a

Every magazine or locker will have at least one

such direct-reading thermometer. It will be located
where maximum space temperature variations will
normally occur. It must be installed so it is readily
accessible for taking readings and resetting the index
pointers. Special brackets are available to mount the
thermometer where accidental damage can be averted.

Controlled area: A security area that surrounds

an exclusion area. Aboard ship, this area includes the
entire ship when nuclear weapons are on board. When
on-loading or off-loading nuclear weapons alongside a
pier, the controlled area is extended to the pier.

View A of figure 2-12 shows the internal

components of the device. The temperature-sensitive

Nuclear weapon: Any complete assembly of its

intended ultimate configuration that, upon completion
of the prescribed arming, fuzing, and firing sequence, is
capable of producing the intended nuclear reaction and
release of energy.
Safety and security are considered to be
synonymous when it comes to nuclear weapons. The
main objective is to prevent an inadvertent or deliberate
nuclear accident or incident. The standards governing
the installation of safety equipment and facilities for
protecting the nuclear weapons must be according to
the criteria set forth in current NAVSEA and OPNAV
The periodic (daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly,
quarterly, semiannual, or annual) inspections of
magazines and their contents should be conducted
aboard ship and ashore according to instructions
contained in applicable publications and 3-M Systems
requirements. The primary source of magazine
inspection criterion is the appropriate 3-M Systems
maintenance requirement cards (MRCs). These


thermometer: A. Internal components; B. Dial face and


high. The magazine air-conditioning (A/C) or

ventilating system should be turned on in this instance.
The optimum temperature should be around 70EF. If
the A/C system is not working, artificial cooling (fans,
blowers) might have to be used.

element is a single-helix low-mass coil. The coil fits

closely inside the thermometer stem. The bimetal
element is carefully sized and aged for lifetime
stability. The element is covered with a fluid to assure
good heat transfer. The fluid also permits maximum
speed of response and reduces pointer oscillations
caused by outside vibrations. The case and stem are
made from stainless steel for strength and anticorrosion

The bimetallic maximum and minimum

thermometer described is becoming the standard
thermometer in shipboard magazines. You may come
across a different model. It only has a maximum (high)
index pointer and a reset knob. This type of
thermometer is acceptable. The older liquid-in-glass
(tube) mercury high-low thermometer is no longer
authorized for shipboard use. These mercury units
should be replaced with the bimetallic-type

View B of figure 2-12 illustrates the dial face of the

thermometer. It is 3 inches in diameter. A plastic
window protects the index pointers. The index reset
arm is on the outside of the window and is used to rest
the high-low pointers. Temperature graduations on our
example are marked off in 20-degree increments. The
approximate readings on this thermometer are 100EF,
high; 78EF, present; and 55EF, low. After you record
these temperatures, reset the high and low pointers in
line with the present pointer. As temperature rises
during the day, the present pointer pushes the high
pointer up the scale. As temperature falls during the
night, the present pointer reverses direction. It now
pushes the low pointer down the scale. As the sun
comes up, the present pointer moves up the scale. Thus,
we see three different temperature readings. They
reflect the temperature variations throughout a 24-hour

Records of Magazine Inspections

Like other maintenance procedures, magazine
inspections and ammunition surveillance operations
are performed periodically according to a prescribed
3-M schedule. The magazine inspections and
surveillance operations presently prescribed for all
United States naval vessels are listed in OP 4 and on
applicable MRCs.
Written records must be kept of all maintenance
operations, whether they are routine or not. As far as
magazine inspections and ammunition surveillance are
concerned, the most common written record is the daily
magazine temperature report form (fig. 2-13) and
magazine temperature record. 3-M Systems records

The 45-degree spread between the high and low

pointers in our example is a bit large, but illustrated for
clarity in our explanation. However, it could happen.
The reading you must be cautious about is the 100EF


Figure 2-13.A. The magazine temperature record; B. Daily magazine temperature report.


that the water forced through them showers all parts of

the magazine or ammunition- and missile-handling
areas. A modern sprinkler system can wet down all
exposed bulkheads at the rate of 2 gallons per minute
per square foot and can sprinkle the deck area at the rate
of 4 gallons per minute per square foot. Magazine
sprinkler systems are designed to completely flood
their designated spaces within an hour. To prevent
unnecessary flooding of adjacent areas, all
compartments equipped with sprinkler systems are
watertight. Upper deck-handling and ready-service
rooms are equipped with drains that limit the maximum
water level to a few inches. Magazines are completely
enclosed; if flooded, they would be exposed to the full
firemain pressure. The firemain pressure on most ships
is considerably higher than the pressure magazine
bulkheads could withstand; therefore, magazines are
equipped with exhaust ventilators located in the
bulkhead near the overhead. An exhaust ventilator is a
pipe with a check valve that permits pressure release
(usually to topside). Since the diameter of the pipe is
large enough to allow water to flow out as fast as it
flows in, no excess pressure can build up in the
magazine compartment.

may also be considered as records of magazine

The magazine temperature record is a card posted
in each magazine. Every day you enter the maximum
and minimum temperatures recorded for the previous
24 hours in that magazine. The card is replaced every
month, and the old one is turned over to the weapons
The daily magazine temperature report summarizes the results of magazine inspections for the
whole ship. This form includes not only spaces for
entering the highest and lowest magazine temperatures,
but also for reporting the condition of the magazines
and their ventilating devices, and (under Remarks) for
miscellaneous nondaily routine work.
The daily magazine temperatures are transferred
from the record cards to a magazine log that is a
permanent record of all magazine temperatures. A
separate section of the magazine log should be set aside
to record the results of the monthly sprinkler system
Magazines are considered to be in satisfactory condition if inspection shows the space meets the
requirements listed on applicable MRCs. Daily inspection requirements usually include checking the general
condition and cleanliness of the space. Less frequent
inspections (monthly, quarterly, and so on.) normally
direct a more detailed check of specific magazine
conditions and equipment. Each 3-M inspection
requirement should be completely understood and
followed to the letter. Doing so not only ensures a safe
ammunition storage area but also fulfills the requirements of periodic inspections, such as the explosive
safety inspection (ESI). ESI inspectors use the same
inspection criteria as are found on your MRCs.

On newer ships, magazines are also equipped with

small, capped drainpipes located in the bulkhead near
the deck. The caps may be removed in the adjacent
compartment to drain flooded magazines.
In their complexity, the sprinkler system control
valve and associated components vary with the type of
ammunition intended for stowage in the magazine.
There are two basic types of hydraulically
systemsthe dry type and the wet type. Both types
may be found on the same ship. However, the dry type
is normally installed in gun ammunition magazines
and the wet type installed in missile magazines. For
this reason, only the dry type is covered in this
chapter. Technical information on both types is
contained in Magazine Sprinkler System, NAVSEA


purpose, components and functioning of
shipboard magazine sprinkler systems.
Identify the various control valves, gauges, and
alarm systems.

The remaining coverage of the sprinkler system is

presented as follows:

Sprinkler systems are used for emergency cooling

and fire fighting in magazines, ready-service rooms,
ammunition- and missile-handling areas. A magazine
sprinkler system consists of a network of pipes secured
to the overhead and connected by a sprinkler system
control valve to the ship's saltwater firemain. The pipes
are fitted with sprinkler head valves that are arranged so

Magazine sprinkler control valves (commonly

referred to as main valves)
Hydraulic (saltwater/seawater) control systems
Automatic (thermopneumatic) control systems
Sprinkler alarm systems


pressure) enters the diaphragm chamber and acts

against the lower diaphragm washer. The area of the
lower diaphragm washer is larger than the area of the
valve disk. Accordingly, the magnitude of the resultant
upward force is sufficient to overcome the downward
forces of the valve spring and the firemain pressure
acting against the valve disk. When the control system
is secured, the operating pressure is bled from the
diaphragm chamber and the valve is closed by the force
of the valve spring.


Magazine sprinkler valves are normally closed,
globe-type valves that are designed to open wide upon
actuation and supply seawater to the sprinkler system.
They are diaphragm operated and manufactured by
either the CLA-VAL or Bailey Company. Both valves
open on a minimum operating pressure of 40 psi. Each
of these valves is held closed by the combined force of
the valve spring and the firemain pressure acting on top
of the valve disk.
The diaphragm-operated control valve (fig. 2-14) is
held closed by firemain pressure acting against the
valve disk and the valve spring force acting against the
upper diaphragm washer. When the control system is
actuated, seawater from the firemain (operating

The test fittings or test casting for the Bailey and
CLA-VAL models are NOT interchangeable.


Figure 2-14.Diaphragm-operated magazine sprinkler control valve.


operated check valve via the hydraulically operated

remote control valve. The close loop transmits
operating pressure from the close part of the manual
control valve(s) to the operating pressure connections
of the hydraulically operated remote control valve and
the hydraulically operated check valve.


The hydraulic control system is installed to permit
rapid actuation of the dry-type magazine sprinkler
system. It uses seawater from the firemain for the
operating pressure to actuate or secure the magazine
sprinkler system.

Manual Control Valves

The hydraulic control system (which is better

known as the operating pressure circuit) consists of the
control system piping, manual control valve,
hydraulically operated remote control valve,
spring-loaded lift check valves, and a hydraulically
operated check valve (normally used with the
diaphragm-operated magazine sprinkler valve) or a
power-operated check valve (normally used with the
piston-operated magazine sprinkler valve).

The manual control valve is a rotary disk plate-type

valve that is installed to permit rapid hydraulic
operation of the magazine sprinkler valve. Most
systems allow manual sprinkler activation and securing
from either a local operating station or a remote station.
This application uses the three-way, three-position
manual control valve (fig. 2-15). Applications that do
not incorporate a remote manual control station or an
automatic control feature use a three-way, two-position
manual control valve.

Operating Pressure Circuit (Control System


A locking device, in the form of a key, is installed in

the control valve handle to prevent accidental operation
of the sprinkler system. The locking key is secured to
the handle with a single strand lead wire seal and
fastened to the valve cover by means of a safety chain.

The operating pressure circuit connects the manual

control valves, the hydraulically operated components
of the control system, and the magazine sprinkler valve.
The operating pressure circuit is divided into an open
and a close loop. The open loop transmits operating
pressure from the open port of the manual control
valve(s) to the operating chamber of the magazine
sprinkler valve and the inlet of the hydraulically

Hydraulically Operated Remote Control Valve

The hydraulically operated remote control valve
(fig. 2-16) is a diaphragm-operated, globe-type valve



Figure 2-16.Hydraulically operated remote control valve.

Figure 2-15.Manual control valve.



Figure 2-17.Spring-loaded lift check valve.

permit the control system to be operated from more

than one control station by preventing backflow
through the other stations.

that is opened by operating pressure acting against the

underside of the disk and closed by operating pressure
acting on the top of the diaphragm. The purpose of this
valve is to permit the magazine sprinkler valve to be
secured from an operating station other than the one
from which it was actuated. Additionally, this valve
permits the magazine sprinkler valve to be secured
from any control station when it has been actuated

Hydraulically Operated Check Valves

The hydraulically operated check valve (fig. 2-18)
is a normally closed, diaphragm-operated, globe-type
check valve that is opened by operating pressure in the
close loop acting against the underside of the
diaphragm. This valve permits the operating pressure to
be vented from the diaphragm chamber of the magazine
sprinkler valve, thereby permitting that valve to close
rapidly and completely. This valve is normally installed
in conjunction with the diaphragm-operated magazine
sprinkler valve.

Spring-Loaded Lift Check Valves

This valve (fig. 2-17) is a spring-loaded,
diaphragm-operated lift check valve that closes tightly
against reverse flow and opens wide to permit flow in
the normal direction. Spring-loaded lift check valves


Figure 2-18.Hydraulically operated check valve.


orifice/drain line No. 1. When the manual control valve

is returned to the NEUTRAL position, the operating
pressure is vented from the close loop via orifice/drain
line No. 2, thereby permitting the hydraulically
operated check valve to close.

Power-Operated Check Valves

The power-operated check valve (fig. 2-19) is a
normally closed, piston-operated, poppet-type valve
that is opened by operating pressure from the close loop
of the operating pressure circuit acting against the
piston. When the valve opens, the operating pressure is
released from the piston of the magazine sprinkler
valve, thereby permitting the valve to close completely.
This valve is normally installed in conjunction with the
piston-operated magazine sprinkler valve.

The orifices and valves of the hydraulic control

system described in this section are illustrated in figure
2-20 by symbols. Pay particular note to the legend list
for the symbols. In addition to the orifices and valves,
this figure also identifies the open and close loops of the
operating pressure circuit.



There are two 0.098-inch orifices installed in the

control system piping. The primary purpose of the
orifices is to prevent a buildup of pressure in the control
system piping as a result of leakage past a control
system component. Additionally, the orifices serve to
vent the operating pressure from the control system
piping when the manual control valve is returned to the
NEUTRAL position. Orifice No. 1 is installed in the
open loop upstream from the hydraulically operated
check valve. Orifice No. 2 is installed in the close loop
adjacent to the operating pressure connection of the
hydraulically operated check valve. When the control
system is actuated, there will be a steady flow of water
from orifice/drain line No. 1 and no flow from
orifice/drain line No. 2. When the control system is
secured, there will be a steady flow of water from
orifice/drain line No. 2 and a diminishing flow from

Most gun magazine sprinkler systems are equipped

with an automatic control system. This control system
is designed to actuate the magazine sprinkler system in
response to either a rapid rate of rise in temperature or a
slow rise to a fixed temperature. The thermopneumatic
elements, which monitor the temperature of the
magazine and activate the sprinkler system, generate a
pneumatic signal in response to thermal action. The
pneumatic signal can be either a sudden increase or
decrease in air pressure.
The automatic control system consists of
heat-sensing devices (HSDs), transmission lines
(rockbestos or rockhide-covered copper tubing), circle
seal check valves, and a pneumatically released pilot
(PRP) valve.


Figure 2-19.Power-operated check valve.



Figure 2-20.Hydraulic (SW) and thermopneumatic control system for magazine sprinkler valves.


the HSD. The heat is conducted to the air within the

bellows, causing it to expand and create a pressure. The
pressure is transmitted to the rear of the release
diaphragm of the PRP valve, thereby creating the
differential pressure necessary to trip that valve.

Heat-Sensing Device (HSD)

The HSD (fig. 2-21) is a thin-walled, spring-loaded
bellows containing air that is designed to create a
pressure in response to either a rapid or slow rise in

In the event of a smoldering fire, resulting in a slow

rise in temperature in a protected space, the pressure
created within the bellows increases too slowly to trip
the PRP valve. When the temperature reaches 160EF
(3EF), the fusible link in the end of the collet parts,
thereby removing the restraint holding the bellows. The
bellows then collapses under the tension of the spring.
The sudden compression creates a pressure impulse
that is transmitted to the rear of the release diaphragm
of the PRP valve, thereby creating the differential
pressure necessary to trip that valve.

As shown in figure 2-21, HSDs consist of a

thin-walled, spring-loaded bellows containing air that
creates a pneumatic signal when the device is actuated.
The spring and bellows are held in the
compressed/expanded positions, respectively, by a
fusible link that connects the bellows, device to the
HSD housing. The fusible link is designed to part when
the link temperature reaches 160EF (3EF).
HSDs are mounted on the overhead of the protected
space and are connected to the manifold of the PRP
valve by individual 1/8-inch transmission lines. A
circle seal check valve is installed in each transmission

Transmission Lines
The transmission lines that connect the
thermopneumatic elements to the PRP are rockbestos
or rockhide-covered seamless copper tubing.

In the event of a fire, resulting in a rapid rise in

temperature in the protected space, heat is absorbed by

Vented Check Valve

The vented check valve (fig. 2-22) is a brass,
spring-loaded check valve that is designed to check
against a rapid change of air pressure in one direction
and to open when air pressure is applied in the other
direction. One vented check valve is installed in each
transmission line (above the PRP and maximum of 12
per PRP) from an HSD with the direction-of-flow
arrow pointing toward the PRP. Since the PRP manifold
contains only six ports for transmission tubing
connection, systems requiring seven or more HSDs will
"Tee" together vented check valves, starting with the
seventh check valve. The check valves prevent the rapid
increase in air pressure created in an individual HSD
from pressurizing the entire system. The check valve
body contains a vent installed in a bypass around the
main valve. The vent permits a slow backflow of air to
equalize system pressure in response to normal changes
in ambient temperature.
Pneumatically Released Pilot (PRP) Valve
The PRP valve (fig. 2-23) is a normally closed
spring-loaded pilot valve that opens automatically to
actuate the magazine sprinkler system in response to a
pneumatic signal from one or more thermopneumatic


Figure 2-21.Heat-sensing device (HSD).



Figure 2-22.Vented check valve.

pilot valve is installed in a 3/8-inch line that connects

the firemain to the sprinkler system hydraulic control
system piping. The PRP valve case is provided
with shock mounts and brackets for fastening to a

The main components of the PRP valve are the

operating mechanism, the compensating vent, and the
pilot valve. The operating mechanism and
compensating vent are housed in a circular bronze case.
The pilot valve is mounted on the front of the case. The


Figure 2-23.Pneumatically released pilot (PRP) valve.


made within the PRP valve to compensate for normal

temperature changes in the protected space.

The operating mechanism consists of a

spring-loaded operating lever operated by a release
diaphragm through a series of linkages and levers. The
rear of the release diaphragm is connected to the tubing
from the HSDs. The front of the release diaphragm is
open to the interior of the PRP valve case. The
compensating vent connects the two sides of the
diaphragm. The diaphragm moves to trip the release
lever in response to either a sudden or gradual increase
in pressure transmitted from one or more HSDs. When
the PRP valve is set, the operating lever is cocked to
hold the valve closed. When the PRP valve is tripped,
the operating lever is released to rotate through a
clockwise arc. The angular motion is transmitted to the
pilot valve lever by a connecting shaft.

The HSDs are connected to the manifold of the

PRP valve. In the event of a rapid rise in temperature,
the air within the HSD expands and transmits a pressure
to the rear of the PRP valve release diaphragm. In the
event of a smoldering fire, a fusible link on the end of
the HSD parts when the temperature in the space
reaches 160EF, 3EF. When the link parts, a
spring-loaded bellows is released. The rapid
compression of the bellows transmits a pressure to the
rear of the PRP valve release diaphragm. In both
instances a differential pressure is created to trip the
PRP valve.
A differential pressure of at least 8 ounces psi
across the release diaphragm is necessary to trip the
PRP valve.

The pilot valve is a cast bronze assembly that

houses the valve seat and the seat holder. The end of the
pilot valve outlet piping serves as the seat. The seat
holder is a Monel cylinder that contains a rubber seat
disk bonded to one end and an adjusting screw and
locknut on the other end. At assembly, the ball end of
the pilot valve lever is inserted in the middle of the seat
holder between the adjusting screw and the shoulder of
the seat disk. An antichatter spring is provided between
the ball of the lever and the back of the seat disk.

The gauge mounted on the front of the PRP valve
indicates the pressure within the entire systemnot
the differential pressure. At times the gauge may
indicate a positive pressure within the system. This is
a normal condition caused by expansion of air within
the system as a result of increased ambient
temperature. The pressure indicated on the gauge
exists on both sides of the PRP valve release

The pilot valve lever is designed to pivot about a pin

fastened to the PRP valve case. When the PRP valve
release diaphragm is tripped, the movement of the pilot
valve lever causes the seat holder to move away from
the seat, thereby permitting seawater to enter the
hydraulic control system piping and actuate the
sprinkler system.

For a complete operating description of all the

different magazine sprinkler system configurations,
refer to Magazine Sprinkler Systems, NAVSEA

The PRP valve is equipped with a compensating

vent that functions to "leak off" the slight increases or
decreases of pressure within the HSDs caused by
normal temperature fluctuations in the protected
compartment. This leakoff of slow pressure changes
equalizes the pressure on both sides of the release
diaphragm and prevents inadvertent tripping of the PRP
valve. The compensating vent is calibrated and adjusted
at the factory. No adjustments should be undertaken by
ship's force.


Several types of warning devices or systems are
used on board ship. One of them is the alarm system
activated by the water switch (fig. 2-24) on the dry side
of the sprinkler system main (group) control valves.
This alarm is designated FH and indicates by sound or
by light when the main control valve is open or leaking.
Another type of alarm is the flooding alarm, designated
FD, that incorporates a float switch located near the
deck. As water accumulates on the deck, the float rises,
making a set of contacts and sounding an alarm. It is
worth considering that, in the event the sprinkler system
is actually activated, both alarms would sound within
seconds of each other. Remembering this will help you

Accordingly, the rate-of-rise circuit is designed to

trip the PRP valve and actuate the sprinkler system
when sufficient heat is absorbed by the HSDs to create a
definite pressure within the circuit over a given period
of time. This pressure acts against the rear of the release
diaphragm to create the pressure differential necessary
to trip the PRP valve. A slower rate of heat absorption
will not cause the system to function, as provision is


Organization and Regulation Manual (SORM).

However, the individual plan for each evolution should
be issued as a weapons (or combat systems) department
notice or instruction based on the type of operation to
be performed.
Arrival Conference
Before or upon arrival of a Navy ship at an
explosives pier for loading or offloading of ammunition
or other hazardous material, a conference should be
held to coordinate safety procedures on the pier and on
board ship. The commanding officer or authorized
representative of the ammunition activity and the
commanding officer of the ship, with other designated
ship's personnel, should attend the conference.


Figure 2-24.FH alarm sensor.

react appropriately when you receive notification that
an alarm has been triggered.

Prior to loading or offloading any ammunition

(other than the small amounts which will be handled by
ammunition-handling plan should be outlined and
promulgated in the form of a weapons department
notice. The ship's organization manual may include a
standard loading plan. If not, you can probably find a
previously used plan in your weapons department files
of instructions and notices. This plan can be used as a
guideline, but will very likely have to be altered to meet
present circumstances.

Another type of alarm system used is actuated by

heat, designated F alarm. This alarm sounds when the
temperature in an ammunition stowage area rises to
105EF. With this warning, the temperature can be
reduced before sprinkling becomes necessary.
describe the equipment and requirements for
the safe handling and storage of Navy
ammunition. Understand the Qual/Cart
program and its associated training.

Your loading plan should include the following

1. A sketch or drawing showing the positions of
all stations where ammunition will be taken aboard;
and, if the ship is to be at an anchorage, the positions
that all barges, camels, cranes, and associated
equipment will take alongside the ship.

The safe handling and storage of Navy ammunition

requires a high degree of knowledge and skill on the
part of all involved. You will be expected to operate
heavy equipment and configure ammunition for
underway replenishment. You will also be responsible
for training and supervising individuals serving as
members of ammunition-handling work parties. In this
section we will discuss the loading/offloading plan and
describe some of the common handling equipment and
ammunition-handling training programs. We will also
identify some ammunition safety requirement
publications that you should use for further study.

2. The types and amounts of ammunition to be

taken aboard at each station.
3. A clear description of the route that each type
of ammunition will take from the onload station to the
4. A list of personnel assigned to each station,
providing for rotation, chow relief, and change of
station upon completion of comparatively short

Before handling any ordnance, a plan must be

formulated and implemented to ensure maximum
efficiency and, most importantly, the safety of the
evolution. Normally, the basic guidelines for various
handling operations may be found in the unit Standard

5. A list of the ammunition-handling equipment

to be supplied at each station by the ship. This
equipment should be thoroughly inspected before the



6. A list of the ammunition-handling equipment

to be supplied by the ammunition or other facility, and
where the equipment will be required. This will include
such equipment as cranes, conveyor belts, bomb trucks,
and electric forklifts.

Prior to acceptance of a shipment of ammunition

and explosives, a ship's representative, in company with
an ordnance facility representative (the supervisor in
case of a loaded lighter), should inspect the seals of the
vehicle and check the general condition of the
shipment. Before loading a common carrier, it must be
carefully inspected to ensure that all requirements of
the DOD and the DOT or USCG have been met. It is
imperative that the following checks be accomplished:

7. A definition of smoking areas (if any).

8. A list of all pertinent safety precautions.
9. A list of the types and amounts of ammunition
to be loaded into each separate magazine. (A loading
plan for each magazine should be given to the officer or
petty officer in charge of its stowing.)

1. Ensure that the material is properly boxed in

correct shipping containers. Ensure that there are no
leaky containers, and that none are broken or so weak as
to break during transportation. In those cases where
leaky containers or other damaged materials are being
turned into an ammunition activity (offloaded), ensure
that they are plainly marked and segregated from other

Depending on the circumstances, you may find

other important items to add to your loading plan. An
offloading plan includes much of the same information
as the loading plan, except, of course, that routings and
participants might be different.
All persons in a supervisory capacity should
receive a copy of this plan. If at all possible, supervising
petty officers should be assigned to stations where
personnel of their own division are working. This will
prove especially helpful should it become necessary to
shift large groups to another station during the

2. Ensure that the total quantity shipped and/or

received is in agreement with the invoice (if feasible at
this point).
3. Ensure that the material is properly stowed (or
stacked and braced in the vehicle to prevent damage to
containers or contents) according to applicable regulations.


Figure 2-25.Operator's identification card.


Industrial Materials-Handling Equipment (MHE)

The BRAVO flag (solid red flag) should be

prominently displayed during daylight (a red light at
night) by any vessel or barge transporting, onloading,
and offloading explosives or ammunition.

Many sea and shore billets now require Gunners'

Mates to perform as industrial MHE operatorsmost
commonly as forklift truck drivers. The forklift truck is
an important tool for moving large quantities of
pelletized ammunition. Operators of self-propelled
forklift trucks are required to complete a physical
examination, mental test, and training before being
certified to operate the equipment. Figure 2-25 shows
the front and back of the operator's identification card.
Certification is valid for 1 year.

Live ammunition and explosives should not be
loaded on or discharged from a ship or lighter at night
except in an emergency or when required by the vessel's sailing schedule, or as authorized by
NAVSEASYSCOM. Piers should be adequately
lighted and equipped with fire protection and safety
equipment. If loading or unloading is not completed
during the day, proper precautions should be taken to
guard and protect against fire, and a sufficient crew
should be on hand to adequately cope with emergencies
that might arise. If night operations are required, only
carefully placed, approved electric lights, portable
lanterns, or flashlights should be used inside the ship or
lighter, or in the adjacent areas.

Forklift trucks are assigned standard alphabetical

type designations to identify their fire and explosive
safety features and power source. Table 2-2 lists the fire
and safety designations for MHE.
Table 2-2.MHE Fire and Explosion Safety Designations

1. Type D - Diesel-powered, minimum acceptable

safeguards against fire hazards (because of its
limited use for ordnance handling, this type of
truck is not currently procured).

Lighting equipment should meet the standards of

the National Electric Code as follows:

2. Type DS - Diesel-powered, additional safeguards

to exhaust, fuel, and electrical systems.

1. Extension lights should be fitted with exterior

globes and stout guards to protect the bulbs.

3. Type E - Electrically powered, minimum acceptable safeguards against igniting fire or explosion (because of its limited use for ordnance
handling, this type of truck is not normally
available at ordnance-handling activities).

2. Wire leading to the lights should be sound and

heavily insulated and show no evidence of being likely
to short circuit.
3. Extension lights should be suspended in such a
manner that no strain is carried by the light cable; they
are not to be suspended by the cable.

4. Type EE - Electrically powered, all the safeguards to type E plus electric motor and all
other electric equipment completely enclosed.
Generally referred to as spark enclosed.

4. Extension lights should be so guarded and

protected that neither the light nor the light cable will be
in contact with any metal part of the ship, lighter,
vehicle, handling equipment, or with any of the
ammunition, explosives, or their containers.
5. Extension lights should have an outside power
source not connected in any way to the lighter, railroad
car, truck, or vehicle.

5. Type EX for Class I, Group D Hazards Electrically powered, all electrical fixtures and
equipment constructed and assembled in such a
manner that it may be used in certain
atmospheres containing flammable vapors. Generally referred to as explosion-proof.


6. Type G - Gasoline-powered, minimum acceptable safeguards against igniting fire or explosion.

7. Type GS - Gasoline-powered, additional safeguards to exhaust, fuel, and electrical systems
over type G.

Afloat and ashore, Gunners' Mates handle, store,

and transport all types of ammunition and ammunition
components. This involves the use of many different
types of handling equipment. In this section we will
introduce you to industrial materials-handling equipment (MHE) and some of the slings currently in use.

8. Type H - Hand-powered.
9. Type HS - Hand-powered, nonsparking wheels.


explosives-handling operations. This equipment is

designed to save time and labor. Improper and careless
operation or use of this equipment, however, causes
accidents, which may result in fatal or serious injury. It
may also cause damage to valuable supplies and
equipment, resulting in a reduction of the efficiency of
the handling operation. Therefore, it is imperative that
the safety precautions and instructions prescribed for
all kinds of industrial MHE be followed to the letter.

The most common forklift truck is the standard

forklift truck, type EE, code 1370 (fig. 2-26). This
forklift is currently in use aboard ships and at shore
activities. At shore activities this truck is used inside
magazines and buildings; a comparable diesel-powered
truck is used in open air operations.
For a more detailed description of forklift trucks
and other MHE, refer to Handling Ammunition,
Explosives, and Hazardous Materials with Industrial
Materials-Handling Equipment (MHE), NAVSEA

CARGO NETS.When ammunition is being

embarked or discharged from a ship in port, a cargo net
should be rigged between the ship and the dock, or
between the ship and the ammunition lighter, to catch
any ammunition that may be dropped.

Safety Precautions For Industrial

Materials-Handling Equipment (MHE)

Cargo nets should not be used for transferring

explosives and ammunition except to enclose a pallet,
skip board, or tray. In hoisting or lowering containers
with cargo nets, a rigid wooden platform should be
fitted in the net.

The safety precautions and instructions pertaining

to the safe operation and use of ammunition- and
explosives-handling equipment prescribed in this
section, NAVSEAINST 5100.19, OP 4, OP 5, OP 1014,
OP 3347, and the applicable safety manual for
particular weapons should be strictly observed by all
naval activities, afloat and ashore.

MATS.The cargo mat (fig. 2-27) is a closely

woven mat having no openings or mesh. The mat is
constructed of 3-inch coil, which is a coconut husk fiber
rope. The mats are available in two sizes6-feet square
and 4-feet square. The mats are designed with looped
eyes on each corner for lifting.

Forklift trucks, pallet trucks, platform trucks,

crane trucks, and warehouse tractors and trailers
(industrial MHE) are used in various ammunition- and


Figure 2-26.Standard forklift truck, type EE, code 1370.



Figure 2-27.Cargo mat.


The mat is used aboard ship and at shore stations. It

is used also inside cargo nets or skip boxes for the
protection of the cargo. It is used to cushion the landing
of a draft or material that is transferred on a slide.

Figure 2-28.Skip box.

rocket heads and projectiles. The top and bottom

spacers are fabricated of steel wire. The bottom spacer
has 12 recesses, each of which holds the base of a
projectile. The top spacer has 12 equally spaced holders
to receive and hold the noses of the projectiles in a
vertical position. The top spacer is reversible; one side
is used for rocket headsthe other for projectiles.
There is a lifting link on each side of the top spacer.

SKIP BOX.The cargo-handling box (skip box)

(fig. 2-28) is made of wood except for the iron corner
angles and stiffeners. This type of handling device is
ideal for handling ammunition that is light enough to be
handled by hand. The cargo-handling skip box is also
used ashore and afloat. The heavy timber skids
underneath permit the use of forklift trucks or slings to
handle the box.

The Mk 11 Mod 1 pallet adapter is used ashore and

afloat, and will handle a unit load of 12 5"/54
projectiles. It will also handle 12 5" rocket heads. Flat
steel strapping should be used to secure the load on a
40- by 48-inch pallet.

PALLET ADAPTERS.The Mk 11 Mod 1 top

spacer used with the Mk 11 Mod 1 bottom spacer (fig.
2-29) makes a complete pallet adapter for handling


Figure 2-29.Mk 11 Mod 1 pallet adapter.


Projectile-handling slings that support part of the

weight of the projectile on the cap or windshield should
not be used on armour-piercing projectiles or on
common projectiles fitted with windshields.

The Mk 16 Mod 0 pallet adapter (fig. 2-30) is a

complete pallet adapter consisting of a top frame, rear
frame, and front frame. It is used aboard ship and at
shore stations and is capable of handling a capacity load
of 39 5"/54 cartridge tanks. To secure the load on a
pallet, flat steel strapping should be used.

Never slide projectiles down a slide without using a

restraining line. The base of the projectile should be
toward the lower end of the slide.

Special Handling Regulations for Bulk Explosives

and Gun-type Ammunition

Detonators, fuzes, booster cavities, and fuze

threads should be kept free of all foreign matter except
for a light film of specified lubricating preservatives.

Extreme care must be taken in handling black

powder, smokeless powder, or other bulk explosives
since they are highly flammable and sensitive to
friction, shock, sparks, heat, and static electricity. Only
nonsparking tools should be used to open containers of
these explosives. The special handling instructions
prescribed in the paragraphs that follow should be
observed when handling gun-type ammunition.

Powder Tanks and Cartridge Tanks

Powder tanks containing bag charges should not be
rolled or dropped. These tanks should be carried by
hand, lift truck, or handtruck, being careful to prevent
internal movement and possible ignition of the charge
within the tank by static electricity. When lifting and
moving such tanked charges, the bottom of the tank
should be held lower than the top at all times.

packed or unpacked, grommeted, crated, or
palletized-should be carefully handled and stowed to
avoid detonation or damage to rotating bands,
bourrelets, points, caps, windshields, covers, fuze
threads, painting, and identification markings. They
should be handled by trucks, carriers, and slings. When
rolling is the only available means of moving, projectile
bodies, windshields, and copper rotation bands should
be protected to guard against arming the fuze
assembled in the projectile.

Tanks containing fixed cartridges or separate

loaded propelling charges should also be handled
carefully to prevent misalignment damage to the round
or destruction of close tolerance dimensions. They may
be handled with roller conveyors, chutes, or trucks as
long as precautions against shocks are observed. Care
should be exercised to avoid denting the thin-walled
body, opening the body seams, or loosening the top or
bottom rings, thereby permitting exposure of the
powder to the atmosphere.

Projectiles should not be rolled on the ground,

concrete floors, or steel decks, but may be rolled on
dunnage boards not less than 1-inch thick.

When a tank containing a fixed cartridge is dropped

a distance of 5 feet or more, the tank and its contents
should be set aside, carefully marked, and turned in to
an ammunition activity at the first opportunityor
dumped in deep waterat the discretion of the
commanding officer.

When a loaded and fuzed projectile is dropped 5

feet or more, it should be set aside, tagged, and turned
in to an ammunition activity at the first opportunityor
dumped in deep waterat the discretion of the
commanding officer.


Figure 2-30.Mk 16 Mod 0 pallet adapter.


Ammunition should not be broken down except to

make necessary examinations or when preparing
ammunition for target practice or action. Small arms
ammunition should not be opened until the ammunition
is required for use. No reworking, overhaul, or
modifying of any live-loaded ammunition or
component is permitted on board ship.

EXPLOSIVE COMPONENTS.Fuzes, boosters, and detonators are loaded with explosives which
are sensitive to shock, heat, and friction and must be
handled with care at all times.
Every effort should be made to keep component
containers sealed airtight when so packed and to limit
their exposure to the atmosphere.

SLINGS.Bulk ammunition is most often moved

in palletized loads. Slings are used to facilitate the
movement of these standard size loads by helicopter
and underway replenishment. Aboard ship you will
find a wide variety of slings for moving ammunition.
The slings most commonly used for moving gun
ammunition are the Mks 85, 86, 87, and 100. All of
these are size variations of the same type of adjustable
sling (fig. 2-31). These slings are adjustable for
different heights of pallets. The different versions are
easily identified by the color-coded tubing attached to
the cross bridal.

Containers of explosive blasting caps and fuzes

should not be left uncovered and must be in the custody
of authorized personnel at all time.
Wooden containers containing explosive components should be opened carefully using only approved
spark-resistant tools. A wire, nail, or sharp instrument
should NEVER be used to pry open the container.
SMALL ARMS.It cannot be emphasized too
strongly that inadvertent and improper use of small
arms and small arms ammunition has resulted in
numerous casualties. Invariably, the basic cause of each
casualty is carelessness.

For more information on slings and other

weapons-handling equipment, refer to Approved
Handling Equipment for Weapons and Explosives,
NAVSEA OP-2173, volumes 1 and 2.

Cartridge cases should not be polished. Corrosion,

moisture, and dirt, however, should be wiped off. The
ammunition should be protected from shock, which
might dent it or fire the primer.


Figure 2-31.Adjustable pallet sling.


explosive devices. Anyone who handles ammunition or

operates ammunition-handling equipment must be
certified under this program. Remember, this also
pertains to gun mount and missile launcher operators.

The requirements of the Explosives-Handling
Personnel Qualification and Certification (Qual/Cert)
program are defined in COMNAVSURFLANTINST
program consists of a series of certification levels,
definitions of work tasks, and categories or families of

An individual is trained and certified to perform

specific work tasks on individual families of ordnance.
Refer to tables 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 for definitions of
certification levels, work tasks, and a sample of families
of explosive devices.

Table 2-3.Certification Level Qualification Standards



In Training (IT)

1. Incumbent is required, by nature of duty, to perform work tasks with explosive devices
while under direct supervision of a certified team leader (TL) or individual (I).
2. Incumbent is receiving training on newly introduced explosive devices for which inert
training devices are not available.
3. Incumbent shall not work with explosives unless supervised by TL or I.
4. This level of certification is temporary until such time full qualification justifies
certification at a higher level, for example, TM, or I.

Team Member (TM)

BASIC QUALIFICATION. Personnel are aware of basic safety precautions relative to the
work task and explosive devices concerned, have received formal and/or on-the-job training,
and have been recommended by their immediate supervisor. May not work with ordnance
unless supervised by TL or I.
NOTE: TM-certified personnel will perform in team concept only under supervision of a
certified TL.

Individual (I)

1. Same as for team member (TM) above.

2. Has sufficient knowledge and bas demonstrated the proficiency of the work task alone,
or trains others in safe and reliable operations.
3. Capable of interpreting the requirements, applicable checklists, SOP, and
assembly/operating manuals.

Team Leader (TL)

1. Same as for TM and I above.

2. Has sufficient knowledge and has demonstrated the proficiency to direct the
performance or training of others, in safe and reliable operations.

Quality Assurance

1. Same as I or TL above.
2. Must have detailed knowledge and ability to train others in applicable explosive
device/systems inspection criteria and be able to decide that the necessary assembly or
installation procedures have been completed per applicable directives.
NOTE: Only TM, I, TL, and QA are interrelated. Certification at the QA level automatically
assumes the individual has all knowledge and skill levels required of the TM, I, and TL

Safety Observer (SO)

1. Must have sufficient knowledge of safety procedures and the functioning of safety
devices to decide subsequent reaction when safety procedures or devices are not properly
2. Certification at the SO level does not require prior certification at any other level.
NOTE: The certification level is not restricted to the most senior within a unit. A junior who
possesses the foregoing standards and demonstrated maturity may likewise be certified.


Table 2-4.Work Task Code Definitions

1. Stowage The physical act of stowing explosive devices in designated and approved magazines and ready service lockers.
2. Handling The physical act of moving explosive devices manually or with powered equipment within the confines of the ship or within an area authorized for handling ashore.
3. Assembly/Disassembly Physically mating/unmating explosive device components to form
a complete round including torpedo banding. This work task code is used only when
assembly/disassembly of the explosive device is authorized at the fleet level.
4. Load/Download The physical act of installing/removing explosive devices including cartridge-actuated devices into/from the vehicle from which initiation is/was intended, for
example, launchers, projectors, racks, and gun barrels.
5. Arm/De-arm The physical act rendering explosive devices from a safe condition to
ready-for-initiation or returning explosive devices from the ready-for-initiation state to a safe
6. Explosive Driver An individual who operates self-propelled material handling equipment
to transport explosive devices either ashore or afloat. Must meet all requirements of NAVSEA
OP 4098 (and COMNAVSURFLANTINST 9093.3 for NAVSURFLANT activities) as a
qualification standard before certification.
7. Magazine Inspection Capability of detecting improperly secured stowage, unsatisfactory
packaging, unusual fumes or odors and any other abnormal conditions as defined in NAVSEA
OP 4/NAVSEA OP 5 and appropriate maintenance requirement cards (MRC) in explosive
devices stowage spaces, magazines, and lockers.
8. Missile System Cycling/Maintenance Physical act of conducting cyclic operational tests,
troubleshooting, repair, and performance of periodic maintenance of GMLS.
9. Gun System Cycling/Maintenance Physical act of conducting cyclic operational tests,
troubleshooting, repair, and performance of periodic maintenance of gun systems.
10. Torpedo System Cycling/Maintenance Physical act of conducting cyclic operational tests,
troubleshooting, repair, and performance of periodic maintenance of torpedo systems.
11. Equipment Operator An individual who operates non-mobile powered handling equipment
(hoists, winches, cranes, elevators, conveyors/transporters, and so on) for handling explosive
12. Testing The physical act of conducting tests on explosive/firing devices, for example,
AIM-9 umbilical tests, continuity tests on SUU-25/44 flare dispensers and LAU 61/68/10
rocket launchers.
13. Sprinkler System The physical act of maintaining troubleshooting, testing, flushing, and
operating shipboard sprinkler systems (wet or dry as applicable).


Table 2-5.Families of Explosive Devices (partial list)

1. Gun ammunition
a. Propelling charges
(1) Bag charges
(2) Cartridge cases
b. Projectiles (separate loading)
c. Fixed ammunition (through 76-mm)
d. Fixed ammunition (3" and above)
e. Saluting charges
f. Small arms ammunition
2. Rockets
c. Warhead, 2.75"
d. Warhead, 5.0"
e. Fuzes, nose
f. 2.75" motors (Mk 4/Mk 40/Mk 66)
g. 5.0" motors launcher (Mk 71/Mk 72)
h. 5.0" rocket launcher (LAU-10)
i. 2.75" rocket launcher (LAU 61B/A and LAU 68C/A)
j. 2.75" rocket launcher (LAU 61C/A and LAU 68D/A)
k. Smokey Sam Simulator rocket and igniter

cannot be tolerated when handling explosives. Nothing

but constant vigilance on the part of everyone involved
will ensure the steadfast observance of the rules and
regulations that experience has taught to be necessary.

The key to the Qual/Cert program is documented

training. In the past, ammunition handlers were
arbitrarily certified without recorded training to
substantiate the certification awarded. This is no longer
the case. Your certification is worthless without
documented training in your training record. Figure
2-32 shows a sample certification sheet for an
individual certified to handle and stow small arms
ammunition, gun projectiles, and cartridge-case-type
propelling charges at the team member level.

It is not practical to list all the safety requirements

pertaining to ammunition handling in this manual. As
you proceed through the Qual/Cert program, you will
receive training on each safety requirement and its
application in detail. Pay particular attention to the
publications and instructions identified throughout this
chapter that contain the bulk of ammunition-handling
and safety requirements.

The Qual/Cert board is appointed in writing by

each unit's commanding officer. Each board member,
except the chairman, should be certified at or above the
level to which he or she is allowed to sign on the
certification sheet.

Safety is everyone's responsibility. An awareness

of the potential danger, a knowledge of how this danger
can be avoided, and a constant vigilance are required to
prevent accidents when working with explosives. If a
thorough understanding of the precautions is
developed, unsafe conditions can be recognized and
corrected. Hopefully, it will prepare you to act
instinctively when the unexpected occurs. It is your
responsibility as a Gunners' Mate to exhibit an expert
knowledge of ammunition safety requirements. Safety
precautions pertaining to the handling of and working
with explosives are contained in Ammunition Afloat,
OP 4; Ammunition Ashore, OP 5; Ordnance Safety

The utmost care and prudence must be exercised in
supervising the handling, inspecting, preparing,
assembling, and transporting of all ammunition. People
tend to become careless and indifferent when
continually engaged in routine work and, as long as
nothing occurs, are naturally inclined to drift gradually
into neglecting the necessary safety precautions. This



Figure 2-32.Sample certification sheet.

fixed in the minds and habits of everyone involved in

handling explosives. You need to be able to react
positively in an emergency.

Precautions, Their Origin and Necessity, OP 1014; and

United States Ordnance Safety Precautions, OP 3347.
Read and reread these publications.
Safety precautions, rules, and regulations for
handling explosives should be made the subject of
frequent training and review. The necessity for strict
compliance with these precautions should be firmly

Attention to Safety
Your attention is particularly invited to the fact that
in the early stages of the use of explosives, experience



was gained at a great price, not only in dollars, but in

human lives. No relaxation should be tolerated, since
this tends to create the impression that safety rules are

Quantity-Distance (Q-D) is the area between two

or more explosive-loaded ships, magazines, piers,
facilities, and so forth, figured into a safe handling
zone. This Q-D relationship is such that if one ship with
mass-detonating explosives were to explode, damage to
the surrounding area would be minimized by its
distance from other local units or facilities. This Q-D
area is determined by the amount of explosive material
contained by the units or facilities involved. The
amount of explosives is computed in pounds. This
weight value is called Net Equivalent Explosive Weight
(NEEW). NEEW is the weight of the actual explosive
content in an ordnance unit. The formulas for
computing NEEW are contained in NAVSEA OP 5. An
illustration of a typical application of quantity-distance
requirements for inport ammunition handling is shown
in figure 2-33. The basic purpose of showing this
illustration here is to give you an idea of the magnitude
of computations involved in a Q-D problem. The
columns and tables referred to in this figure are located
in NAVSEA OP 5, volume 1. You will need to refer to
this publication to fully understand the legend
accompanying this figure. NAVSEA OP 5, volume 2
provides more specific information about Q-D

Working Parties
Ammunition-handling working party personnel are not required to be certified under
the Qual/Cert program. Explosives-Handling
Personnel Qualification and Certification
8023.4/COMNAVSURFPACINST 8023.5, requires
working party personnel to receive training and a safety
brief before each handling evolution and to be closely
supervised by certified personnel.
Some ordnance, such as rocket ammunition, may
be susceptible to ignition by electromagnetic radiation
(from such sources as radar or radio transmitters). This
condition is called Hazards of Electromagnetic
Radiation to Ordnance (HERO). Information regarding
the protection of ordnance material from radiation
hazards is contained in NAVSEA OP 3565/NAVAIR
16-1-529/NAVELEX 0967-LP-624-6010.


Figure 2-33.Typical application of quantity-distance at port facilities.


other smaller ammunition handling activities located

throughout CONUS and overseas.

handling information, to include weapons station processing; issue and receipt processing;
containers, canisters and handling equipment
operations; and replenishment methods.

Gunner's Mates are frequently assigned (shore)

duty at NWSs. If you get such an assignment, you will
be involved with many phases of missile processing.
The level of missile maintenance done at an NWS is
more detailed and technically oriented than that
accomplished aboard ship. The following paragraphs
briefly summarize some of the major NWS missile
processing events. (Refer to fig. 2-34.)

Where do missiles come from and how do they get

aboard ship? As a GM, you must know the answers to
those questions. Figure 2-34 illustrates the key steps in
the processing and handling of missiles. Study it for a
moment. Notice that some of the directional arrows go
both ways.

Issue Processing
Individual missile sections are received from
civilian manufacturers. When the components arrive at
the NWS, they are placed in stowage. Each component
(warhead section, guidance section, etc.) is shipped in
its own specialized container. As needed to fulfill fleet
missile requirements, the individual components are
unpacked and inspected. The sections are tested
separately and then carefully assembled to "build" a
complete missile.


Guided missiles originate at a naval weapons
station (NWS or WPNSTA). It is a shore activity whose
primary mission is to supply the fleet with all types of
ammunition. The major NWSs in the continental
United States (CONUS) are at Concord, California;
Seal Beach, California; Earle, New Jersey; Yorktown,
Virginia; and Charleston, South Carolina. There are


Figure 2-34.The major sequences of missile processing and handling.


off-loaded at an NWS. Only a small amount of

small-arms ammunition will be retained on board.

The fully assembled missile undergoes more

testing. Strict quality assurance (QA) standards are
checked and double-checked throughout the entire
process. When the missile is completely ready, it is
certified and classified as an all-up-round (AUR).

After a serviceable missile is received at the NWS,

it is moved to a rework/repair shop. (See fig. 2-34.) The
missile is disassembled and given a complete (inside
and out) inspection. Modifications and update
alterations are installed and all surfaces are cleaned and
preserved. The missile is reassembled, tested, and
recertified for fleet use. It is moved to RFI stowage or
immediately reissued to a fleet unit. Essentially, the
missile undergoes its own overhaul and remains within
the Navy's ammunition inventory. That is a
cost-effective and time-saving arrangement.

The AUR missile is then placed into a missile

shipping/stowage container. The round is then
transported to either of two locations. If the missile will
be issued to the fleet in the near future, it is moved to
ready-for-issue (RFI) stowage. Although RFI stowage
is only temporary, the weapon will still be checked and
inspected regularly.
If the missile will be issued to a fleet unit (ship)
immediately, it is moved to the NWS's dock facility.
Railroad cars or trucks are used to transport the missile
to the loading area/pier. When it arrives at the staging
area on the pier, the missile is removed from its
container. Normally, the round will be loaded into a
missile transfer dolly. The transfer dolly is then moved
to the ship, and GMLS strikedown operations take
place. (There are other ways to handle missiles on the
pier and we'll discuss them later.)

If a missile is damaged or suspected of being

damaged, it must be turned in to an NWS. That should
be done as soon as possible. For deployed units, it may
mean transferring the missile to an AE-type ship first.
The AE will return the round to an NWS along with the
combatant ship's damage report.
Missile damage can result from various causes.
Examples include rough handling, wetdown (from a
sprinkler system), excessive temperatures, or
dud/misfire failures. The NWS accepts these "bad"
rounds and conducts a very thorough investigation. If
the damage is minor, the NWS makes the necessary
repairs and readies the missile for reissue. Sometimes
the damage is major and beyond the repair capabilities
of the NWS. In that case, the affected section(s) are
returned to an industrial repair facility for rework. If the
repair cannot be done economically, the section(s) are
disposed of according to current instructions.

The operation just described could be as simple as

delivering one missile to a combatant ship. However,
NWSs are capable of replenishing the entire ammunition inventory of any type and size of ship, combatant or
otherwise. Ammunition cargo carriers, such as AE- and
AOE-type ships and specially contracted commercial
vessels, are major customers at an NWS. Although they
carry a much smaller capacity of ammunition, AO- and
AOR-type ships also are replenished at an NWS.
Occasionally, the NWS will load ammunition onto a
lighter (ammunition barge). The lighter is then moved
to the receiving ship's location and the ammunition
transfer conducted at an anchorage.

In summary, naval weapons stations provide

several valuable services to the ordnance community.
They act as major stock points, injecting new weapons
and munitions into the fleet while removing the old and
unserviceable items. They also act as maintenance and
repair facilities to provide the fleet with the best
weapons and munitions possible. The NWS activities
play an important role in contributing to the high state
of fleet readiness.

Receipt Processing
NWSs are equipped to receive missiles (and other
munitions) from fleet units. Missiles returned to an
NWS are generally in one of two conditions
serviceable or damaged.



A serviceable missile is one that is still in good

shape. It may, however, have reached its expiration
date. Usually, the age of a missiles explosive and
propellant grains is used to establish a "shelf-life" for
the round. Beyond that shelf life, the reliability of the
weapon may be in question. So it is turned in to be
checked. When a ship goes into overhaul, all its
ammunition, including serviceable missiles, will be

Guided missiles are sturdy, well-constructed

machines. But, because of their size, weight, and
bulk, they are not that easy to handle. Nor are
missiles indestructible. Most missile damage is,
unfortunately, a result of carelessness and poor
handling practices.


To reduce the possibility of damage, missiles are

shipped, stowed, and handled with special equipments.
Approved containers, canisters, and handling equipments provide maximum missile safety with minimum
handling by personnel.

Canisters serve as the stowage and launch tube for

the missile when installed on vertical launching system
(VLS) ships. Also, with packaging, handling, storage,
and transportation (PHST) equipment attached, the
canister serves as the missile shipping container.

There are hundreds of different and specialized

types of containers, canisters, and handling equipments
in the ordnance field. Many are designed for a single
purpose or use and cannot be interchanged with
comparable items. Certain equipments are found only
at an NWS or aboard an AE-type ship. The equipments
covered in this text represent those you need to know
about at this point in your career. Essentially, they are
the containers, canisters, and handling equipments used
to deliver missiles to a ship.

Missile containers and canisters are identified by a

mark and mod number. Become familiar with these
numbers. We will discuss the following containers and
1. Mk 372 container Standard missiles (SM)
2. Mk 632 container Harpoon missiles
3. Mk 183 container ASROC missiles
4. Mk 13 canister VLS Standard SM-2
all-up-round (AUR) missiles Block II, III, IIIA, and

Containers and Canisters

5. Mk 14 Mod 0 and 1 canister VLS Tomahawk


Missile containers are large, rectangular aluminum

boxes used for the shipment and stowage of missiles.
Normally, combatant ships do not carry containers on
board. Containers are under the cognizant control
of the Navy Ships Parts Control Center (SPCC),
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. They are maintained by
the NWSs and AE-type ships.

6. Mk 15 canister VLS ASROC missiles

MK 372 CONTAINER.The Mk 372 Mod 5
container is used to ship and stow medium range (MR)
Standard missiles (fig. 2-35).


Figure 2-35.Mk 372 Mod 5 container for Standard MR missiles.


of the cover. They are filled when the container is open.

A humidity indicator is located on one end of the cover.

The bottom section of the container has an inner

support (base) assembly. It is shock-mounted to the
outer base assembly. A missile is secured to the inner
assembly with its lower forward and aft launching
shoes. A center missile support (U-frame) is installed
over the upper forward launching shoe. It provides a
downward force on the shoe and helps secure the
missile. A clamping lever (or humping fork) is located
below the center missile support. It also aids in securing
and prevents the missile from sliding forward.

The Mk 372 container may be lifted by sling,

forklift truck, or handlift trucks. The sling attaches to
four lifting rings at the corners of the base. Two forklift
channels are provided in the center of the base for
forklift truck tines. Four handling eyes (two on each
end of the base) permit handlift truck handling.
MK 632 CONTAINER.The Mk 632 Mod 0
container (fig. 2-36) is used to ship and stow
Standard-launched Harpoon missiles. Physically and
functionally it is somewhat similar to a Mk 372

The rectangular top cover is secured to the base by

suitcase-type latches. The cover has a log receptacle, a
desiccant access cover, and two air relief (breather)
valves. More desiccant baskets are bolted to the inside


Figure 2-36.Mk 632 Mod 0 container for Harpoon missiles.


pin umbilical connector is housed in a shielded box

assembly which mates with the canister cable and
conduit inside the canister so the launch sequencer can
monitor the missile and transfer launch data. The
canister safe/enable switch (CSES) is a manually
activated switch that interrupts critical signals required
to arm and launch missiles. End covers environmentally seal the missile canister. The aft cover is
designed to allow the missile exhaust gases to flow by
while still providing structural support. The forward
cover is a fly-through cover. Internal components, such
as rails, snubbers and deluge manifolds, are different in
each type of canister. The shell structure is a steel shell
with lengthwise reinforcements, and the interior and
exterior surfaces are coated with an anticorrosive
material. Each canister is 25 inches square but varies in
length. The Mk 13 Mod 0, Mk 15 Mod 0, and Mk 19
Mod 0 canisters are 230 inches long. The Mk 14
Mods 0 & 1 and Mk 21 Mod 0 canisters are 265 inches

MK 183 CONTAINER.The Mk 183 container

is used to handle ASROC missiles. Figure 2-37 shows
an external view of the container. Note the prominent
extensions on the top cover. They accommodate the fins
of the missile. This container may be handled by sling,
forklift truck, and handlift trucks too.
There are five different types of canisters currently
in use on VLS ships: Mk 13 Mod 0, Mk 14 Mods 0 and
1, Mk 15 Mod 0, Mk 21 Mod 0, and the Mk 19 Mod 0
nontactical training canister. A 16 pin coding plug in
each canister is used by the VLS to identify the type,
payload, and Down-Link Frequency code of the
missile. A temperature sensor is used to monitor the
internal canister temperature. The launcher sequencer
monitors the sensor and activates the deluge system
when the internal canister temperature exceeds 190F,
except during a launch. The deluge connector is
coupled with the launchers quick-disconnect deluge
hose. The antenna connector accepts a coaxial cable
from the ships telemetry monitoring equipment to
receive telemetry data from the antenna of a telemetry
missile in the canister before launch. The canisters 145


Mod 0 canister houses the SM-2 BLK 11, 111, 111A,


Figure 2-37.Mk 183 container for ASROC missiles.


and 111B missiles (fig. 2-38). A Safe and Arm (S&A)

mechanism on the launch rail is used to restrain the
missile, arm, and ignite the Dual-Thrust Rocket Motor.

A canister access port with a removable cover allows

the use of a safe only tool to return the S&A mechanism
to the safe position.


Figure 2-38.Mk 13 Mod 0 VLS canister.


is nitrogen charged to provide additional environmental

protection. The shell structure contains a thermal protective lining to reduce structural temperature during
launch. The Mk 14 Mod 1 canister uses a CSES for
conventional Tomahawk missiles. The Mk 14 Mod 0


Mk 14 Mods 0 & 1 canisters provide environmental
protection, structural and alignment support of the
Tomahawk All-Up-Round (AUR) (fig. 2-39). The AUR
consists of a missile and booster sealed in a canister that


Figure 2-39.Mk 14 Mods 0 & 1 canisters.


canister uses a Critical Function Interrupt Switch

(CFIS) which is similar in function to a CSES, with the
exception being that it is key operated to prevent the
inadvertent selection and launch of a nuclear missile. A
Command Disablement/Permissive Action Link
(CD/PAL) connector allows access to the nuclear
warhead to unlock the warhead for use.


Mod 0 canister houses the Anti-Submarine Rocket
(ASROC) missile (fig. 2-40). The canister internal and
external components are the same as the Mk 13 Mod 0.
Mk 19 Mod 0 canister is used for missile strikedown


Figure 2-40.Mk 15 Mod 0 canister.


Mod 0 canister. One canister is carried onboard all VLS


training (fig. 2-41). The Mk 19 canister is painted

blue, rather than the normal white, and stenciled with
the word "TRAINING." The canister contains a
weighted and balanced beam to simulate a Mk 13


Mod 0 canister houses the SM-2 Block IV, extended


Figure 2-41.Mk 19 Mod 0 canister.


Handling Equipments

range (ER) surface-to-air-missile (SAM) (fig. 2-42).

Unlike other canisters, this is a single use
canister. Dorsal fin flyout guides, booster guide
rails, and booster guide cradles provide alignment
for the missile during launch. A longitudinal
restraint clamp is held secure to the booster until
missile launch.

We will limit our discussion of the many types of

handling equipments to the following items:
1. Handling bands
2. Mk 6 missile transfer dolly
3. Mk 100 guided missile stowage adapter


Figure 2-42.Mk 21 Mod 0 canister.



locking cable. The center of the base (the lower jaw)

has a cutout area. This cutout accepts the lower forward
and aft launching shoes of the Standard missiles.

Mk 20 stowage cradle
Hoisting beams
Mk 8 dolly loading stand
Mk 45 handlift truck
Forklift trucks; general purpose

After the locking cable is disconnected, the jaws

can be opened. The band is installed on the missile and
the locking cable is secured again. The dorsal fins of the
missile fit within the areas designated as fin slots or fin

As you will soon see, these equipments are very

versatile and, in many cases, multipurpose. Certain
items are adaptable for handling any type of SMS
missile. Each item listed above can be used at sea and

The VLS canister band Mk 91 Mod 1 (see fig. 2-43)

is normally kept onboard destroyer tenders (AD),
submarine tenders (AS), and VLS canister supply
barge. It is used to steady the canister during
strikedown when strikedown is done with the AD/AS
or supply barge shipboard crane.

Be aware that there are numerous regulations governing the safe use of ordnance handling equipment.
Any gear used to lift ammunition and explosives must
be subjected to rigorous maintenance, inspection, and
testing requirements. Equipments that have satisfactorily passed specified weight load tests will be marked
to indicate safe working load limits and certification
dates. Further details and guidance concerning handling equipment testing and certification are found in
Ammunition Afloat, NAVSEA OP 4, and Ammunition
Ashore, NAVSEA OP 5.

Handling bands have several purposes. They are

necessary for all Standard missile handling operations.
The bands support and secure these rounds in their
shipping containers, their transfer dollies, and their
VLS canisters.
missile transfer dolly is used to transport rounds
between supplying and receiving activities. You will
also hear them called "grasshoppers."


missile handling band is used on all Standard missiles
(fig. 2-43). The band has a base, two hinged jaws, and a


Figure 2-43.Mk 79 Mod 1 missile handling band and Mk 91 Mod 1 VLS canister handling band.


arm. When the dolly is not in use, the braces of the

adapter (arms) can be unpinned. The assembly is then
folded to the rear and locked down. With the adapter
folded, empty transfer dollies can be stacked on one
another. Sometimes the adapter is referred to as a

Figure 2-44 shows the Mk 6 Mods 2 and 4 dolly in

greater detail. The Mk 6 Mods 2 and 4 dollies are used
with Standard and Harpoon missiles. These rounds are
secured to and suspended from the inner framework of
the dolly by their handling bands.
The Mk 6 dolly incorporates a length of guide rail
and an adapter assembly. The guide rail, secured to the
inner framework of the dolly, is identical to any
Standard GMLS guide rail. A center track or slot
accepts a Mk 13 strikedown chain. Forward and aft
shoe tracks guide and support the missile by its upper
launching shoes. Two openings are cut into the guide
rail tracks. These openings permit the missile's shoes to
be engaged to or disengaged from the guide rail of the

The framework consists of welded tubular

hardened alloy steel. Four shock-mounted wheel
assemblies have manually operated caster locks. The
wheels are unlocked whenever the dolly is to be moved
from one area to another. Unlocked, the wheels can turn
360 in either direction (similar to the front wheels on a
supermarket shopping cart). That eases dolly
movement around corners and in tight, limited
deck-space areas. The wheels are locked when the dolly
is aligned to a guide arm or is over a strikedown hatch.
The wheels can be locked only when they are at 0 or
180. The dolly can still be rolled, but only in a straight
line (forward or backward).

The adapter assembly is mounted to the forward

end of the framework of the dolly. In its raised position
(fig. 2-44), the adapter can connect to the rear of a guide


Figure 2-44.Mk 6 Mods 2 & 4 missile transfer dolly.


Two forklift guide frames, or channels, are

installed on the dolly. Wheel pockets on the top
framework permit empty dollies to be stacked in
stowage. Loaded dollies must not be stacked. Also,
never leave a missile in a dolly any longer than
necessary. One other word of warningwatch your
toes! Transfer dollies are heavy, cumbersome vehicles.
If one runs over your foot, you WILL understand the
true meaning of pain.

The dolly has a hydraulically actuated disc-brake

system. The brakes are controlled by a manually
operated deadman-type brake handle. The handle must
be pumped a few times (which builds up hydraulic
pressure) to release the brakes. If you are the brakeman
on a dolly, please be careful. Releasing the brake handle
automatically sets the brakes and Mk 6 dollies will
"stop on a dime"! This action not only "surprises" your
shipmates, but jars/jolts the missile quite a bit. Release
the handle slowly to stop slowly.


The Mk 100 guided missile stowage adapter is shown in
figure 2-45. It is a simple aluminum alloy weldment
that fits along the top and bottom of a handling band.
The adapter adds support to the bands when missiles
are stacked as shown in the figure. The Mk 100 stowage
adapter is normally used when Mk 20 stowage cradles
are not available.

A four-legged sling provides a means to hoist the

dolly by crane. The sling also actuates the hinged
side-mounted bumper guards that protect the center of
the missile. Nose guards and a rear bumper provide
additional protection. Clear plastic guards keep an
unused sling from hitting the missile.


Figure 2-45.Mk 100 guided missile stowage adapter.



Figure 2-46.Mk 20 stowage cradle.

is the limit.) The cradle can also be used to load/unload

a Mk 6 transfer dolly if a forklift truck is available.

STOWAGE CRADLE.The Mk 20 stowage

cradle is shown in figure 2-46. It is a welded aluminum
frame with four lifting eyes and two forklift pockets.
Three cradle guides accept and lock the Mk 79 handling
bands in place. Stacking pockets are provided on the
bottom of the side rails (frame) of the cradle.
Figure 2-47 illustrates various missile stacking
arrangements using a Mk 20 cradle. (Three rounds high

HOISTING BEAMS.Figure 2-48 shows two

common hoisting beams. These devices are often called
handling beams or strongbacks. Generally, a hoisting
beam attaches to the shoes of the round or to its
handling bands. The round can then be lifted out of its


Figure 2-47.Stacking configurations available with the Mk 20 stowage cradle: A. Staggered-aft method; B. Alternate staggering



Figure 2-48.View A. A Mk 5 hoisting beam attached to a missile; View B. A Mk 15 hoisting beam.

The Mk 15 hoisting beam (fig. 2-48, view B) can be

adjusted to handle all rounds. Instead of clamping to the
missile shoes, it attaches to the Mk 79 handling bands.
The adapters and cross-arm assemblies can be adjusted
to different load lengths. The lifting plate assembly can
also be moved to obtain the correct center of gravity for
different loads.

shipping container by a forklift, truck, or crane. The

missile is then transferred to a Mk 20 stowage cradle or
a dolly loading stand. Of course, this sequence can be
reversed to reload a container.
The Mk 5 hoisting beam (fig. 2-48, view A)
handles Standard missiles. It is manually connected to
the shoes of the missile. The two shoe clamps slide over
the upper shoes of the round.


loading stand is shown in figure 2-49. It is adaptable for


Figure 2-49.Mk 8 dolly loading stand.


shoes are guided into and supported by shoe pockets in

the lower ring halves. Handling bands are not required
in this type of handling operation.
The stand also provides a means to rotate Standard
missiles. Once a missile is loaded into the lower ring
halves, the top ring halves are reinstalled and clamped.
Depressing the foot pedals unlocks the roll ring
assemblies and the missile can be rotated/rolled. A
missile may be rolled to ease minor maintenance
actions also.

Figure 2-50.Mk 45 Mod 1 handlift truck.


handlift truck is shown in figure 2-50. Two handlift
trucks can be used to move loaded/unloaded shipping
containers and stowage cradles. Figure 2-51 illustrates
handling of a Mk 372 container. Two people must
synchronize their efforts during steering maneuvers.
They must also provide the "horsepower" to move the

Standard missiles. The stand is used to load/unload a

Mk 6 transfer dolly. You might also hear the Mk 8
loading stand called a roll stand or (simply) a load

The truck consists of an aluminum body, a steel

steering post, and a lift mechanism. A reversible ratchet
is operated to raise/lower the lift mechanism manually.
The mechanism has a mounting pin and a lift-arm angle
to engage the load.


The truck is guided by moving the steering post (or

tow bar). Steering may be accomplished with the post
in either a horizontal or "latched up" (near vertical)
position. The wheel brakes must be released to permit
steering. Each wheel has its own brake assembly. Both
assemblies are controlled through a common linkage
connected to the handle grips. The brakes release when
the handle grips are rotated and held at their full
forward position.

The stand is a braced, tubular aluminum frame.

Two roll ring assemblies are mounted near the ends of
the frame. Each ring assembly consists of two separate
and removable sections or halves. A ring-locking
mechanism is part of each roll ring assembly. Normally,
the locking mechanism is engaged and prevents the ring
assembly from rotating. Depressing a foot pedal (not
shown in the figure) disengages the lock mechanism.
The roll ring assembly is then free to be turned. The
frame also mounts three pairs of handling band saddles
and has a pair of forklift truck pockets.

The lifting surface of the truck is its single lift-arm

angle. The angle engages a bracket on a container,
cradle, skid, or special adapter device. The mounting
pin serves as a guide pin. It engages a recess on Mk 183

When handling Standard missiles, the top roll ring

halves must be removed. The forward and aft missile


Figure 2-51.Handling a Mk 372 container with Mk 45 handlift trucks with Mk 26 handlift truck adapters.



Figure 2-52.Mk 26 Mod 2 handlift truck adapter.

ASROC containers (only). The pin is not a lifting

surface. The ratchet handle will raise/lower the lift arm
about 8 inches.

containers described earlier. The Mk 372 and Mk 632

containers can be moved using two handlift trucks with

A Mk 26 Mod 2 handlift truck adapter (fig. 2-52)

can be attached to the front of the Mk 45 handlift truck.
The adapter makes the handlift truck compatible with
various container loads. Pads prevent metal-to-metal
contact between the adapter and a container. Two lower
arms fit into the lifting or handling eyes of the various

The Mk 160 Mods 0 and 1 handlift truck adapters

(fig. 2-53) are used to handle Mk 13, Mk 15, and Mk 19
VLS canisters. It also empties canisters Mk 14 and Mk
21. The handlift truck adapter attaches to the handlift
truck; two handlift trucks with adapters are required to
move a canister.


Figure 2-53.Mk 160 Mods 0 & 1 VLS handlift truck adapters.


Battery-electric forklift trucks are either

spark-enclosed or explosion-proofed. They provide
safe operation in atmospheres with explosive mixtures
of air and flammable gases, vapors, or dust.
Spark-enclosed trucks ensure that no flame or sparks
from arcing generators, motors, or switches escape to
the atmosphere. Explosion-proof trucks are of a heavy
steel, fully enclosed construction. They are designed to
contain an internal explosion completely. Additionally,
a constant flow of air is forced over the stowage
batteries to dilute/diffuse any emitted battery gases.
The exhaust systems of diesel-powered trucks have
spark-arresting devices. This device permits safe
operation in areas where exhaust sparks could be a

FORKLIFT TRUCK.A forklift truck (fig.

2-54) is a mobile three- or four-wheel automotive unit.
It enables one individual to pick up a load, transport,
and lift it to various heights. The truck is designed on
the cantilever principle. The load is counterbalanced by
the weight of the truck in back of the center of the front
wheels. The front wheels act as the fulcrum or center of
The truck has a two-tine fork which is secured to
the supporting frame. The tines can be moved
vertically, frontward and backward, or tilted by a
mechanical or hydraulic lift. This flexibility aids in
picking up and balancing the load.
Forklift trucks used to handle ordnance may be
powered by diesel engines or by a battery-powered
electric motor. A mechanical or hydraulic braking
system can be used. The steering system may be an
automobile- or lever-type mechanism. Pneumatic tires
are provided for use over rough and uneven terrains.
They are also used in muddy or soft, sandy ground.
Solid rubber, cushion-type tires are used over smooth
and hard surfaces. These areas include paved roads,
magazine and warehouse floors, and pier areas.

The capacity of a forklift truck is its most important

characteristic. It governs the maximum weight of a load
that can be counterbalanced safely. Other important
characteristics include such items as maximum lift
height, minimum turning radius, range of tilt, and travel
In missile-handling operations, a forklift truck is an
extremely important and necessary piece of equipment.


Figure 2-54.Typical front-loading forklift truck.


Only trained and qualified personnel are permitted to

drive forklift trucks.

near ground level. This orientation is the safe way,

considering center of gravity and counterbalance
factors. The forklift will deposit the container on a flat,
even surface (either on a pier or AE-type ship's deck).

Handling Operations

Figure 2-55, view B shows the container being

prepared. The lid is unlatched, lifted from the base, and
hand-carried from the immediate loading area. That
makes room for upcoming forklift and dolly
movements. The center missile support (U-frame) is
removed. The lower missile shoes are unlocked from
the inner support assembly of the container.

Now that you have some background information

on various containers and handling equipments, let's
put it to use. The next three figures in the text illustrate
certain basic handling operations for Mk 13 Mod 4 and
Mk 26 GMLS class ships. Refer to them frequently as
we describe the major events. Take special note of the
equipments being used. Also, use a bit of imagination
and remember the versatility of these items.

In (fig. 2-55, view C), a Mk 6 Mod 2 or 4 dolly has

been brought into position behind the container. When
the dolly is aligned to the container, its wheels are
locked (straight). The dolly is pushed forward over the
container until the guide rail openings of the dolly are
over the upper missile shoes. At this point, the missile
shoes are about 9 inches below the guide rail of the

Certain key steps or events have purposely been
omitted from the general descriptions that follow.
DOLLY.Figure 2-55 shows a typical Standard handling sequence. In this case, the missile is transferred
directly from its container onto a dolly.

In (fig. 2-55, view D), the forklift truck has

reengaged the container. Carefully, the container is
raised until the missile shoes enter the guide rail
openings of the dolly. The dolly is pushed so the shoes
enter the guide rail tracks/slots. Locking mechanisms
are turned to secure the missile in the dolly. The forklift

Figure 2-55, view A shows a forklift truck moving

a Mk 372 container to a designated handling area. Note
that the forklift tines are lowered and the container rides


Figure 2-55.A Standard MR missile handling sequence; container to dolly without roll.


strikedown section.) We learned there were various

methods used to transfer missiles between two
activities. These methods included UNREP-CONREP,
VERTREPs, and pierside and lighter operations using a
crane. The following areas of the text describe these
methods in more detail. Essentially, we'll see how a
transfer dolly (or container) is delivered to a combatant

operator lowers the empty container to the ground (pier

or deck). The forklift backs away and the loaded dolly
is pushed to a staging area. The lid of the container is
reinstalled and the empty container is removed from the
The procedures described above pertain to an
on-load operation. An off-load sequence is essentially
the reversethe missile is transferred from a dolly
directly into a container.

Experience and on-the-job training are the

best teachers in replenishment operations. However,
you should have a general understanding of how the
different evolutions are performed. You must also
realize that any replenishment is (1) a team effort
and (2) a dangerous operation. All personnel
involved in a replenishment must work quickly,
quietly, and efficiently. Cooperation is the key ingredient.


MISSILE.In certain situations, a Standard missile
must be rolled or turned 180. Figure 2-56 illustrates
the key steps in this operation.
In (fig. 2-56, view A), a Mk 5 hoisting beam has
been attached to the missile shoes. After the missile is
unlocked from the container, a forklift carefully raises
the loaded beam clear of the base of the container. This
operation is often called decanning.

Usually, Gunner's Mates are not directly responsible for setting up and running a replenishment.
However, we may be required to assist in preparing for
a replenishment (e.g., as line handlers). The ship's
Boatswain's Mates normally set up and run the transfer
(CONREP) rigs between ships. They will also direct a
helicopter (helo) during VERTREPs. At an NWS or
other pier facility, civilian workers will operate and
direct a crane. These personnel are trained to do this
kind of work.

Figure 2-56, view B shows the missile being

lowered into a properly prepared Mk 8 dolly loading
stand. When the upper ring halves of the roll ring
assembly are resecured in place, the missile is rolled.
Figure 2-56, view C shows the dolly in position to
be pushed over the load stand. (The upper ring halves
are removed again.) This operation is the same as that
described with view C of figure 2-55.

Our primary job is to move the missile between

the replenishment station and the GMLS's strikedown area. A coordinated team effort by handling
personnel is vital in this case. Transfer dollies or
containers must be moved safely and smartly. That is
important in contributing to the overall smoothness of
the operation.

In (fig. 2-56, view D), the forklift is raising the

loading stand to engage the missile to the dolly. Again,
the operation is similar to view D in figure 2-55.
Now use your imagination. The Mk 5 hoisting
beam in view A of figure 2-56 could be replaced with a
Mk 15 beam; that is, if Mk 79 handling bands were
installed on the missile. Also, in (fig 2-56, view A), the
container could be substituted with Mk 100 stowage
adapters or a Mk 20 stowage cradle. (Do you get the
idea of the "imagining" exercise?) In view B of figure
2-56, the load stand could be a Mk 20 cradle instead.
The operations in views C and D of figure 2-56 would
be the same using a cradle. In certain sequences, even
the forklift truck can be replaced with an overhead

Any ammunition transfer is a hazardous evolution

considering the quantity of high explosives involved.
Protective gear, such as safety helmets (hardhats),
steel-toed safety shoes, and lifejackets (at sea), must be
worn. Rings, watches, cigarette lighters/matches, and
so forth, must not be brought to a replenishment area.
Be careful and cautious. Obey the rules and don't rush
in your work.

Again, handling equipments are very versatile. The

conditions of the handling operation will dictate which
equipments (or options) can be used.

The most common underway-connected replenishment (UNREP-CONREP) method for missile transfer
today is called STREAM. STREAM stands for
standard tensioned replenishment alongside method. It
is used to transfer a variety of missile, ammunition, and
other cargo loads.

Earlier in the text, we briefly touched upon the
subject of replenishment. (Refer to chapter 8's



Figure 2-56.A Standard MR missile handling sequence; container to loading stand to dolly roll.


anywhere. Ammunition, cargo, and personnel loads

can be transported between ships, ship-to-shore, or
shore-to-ship. The only limiting factors to a helo
operation are the range and capacity of the helo, and the
weather. If the receiving ship is equipped with the
proper (and required) lighting, nighttime operations are
possible. However, most VERTREP ammunition
transfers are conducted during daylight hours (for
safety considerations).

Figure 2-57 illustrates the basic arrangement for a

STREAM rig. After the various lines are connected, the
sending ship controls all operations. In the figure, the
receiving ship is using a sliding pad eye. As the load
reaches the receiving ship, the pad eye is lowered. This
lowering places the transfer dolly on deck at the
replenishment station. The sling of the dolly is
disconnected from the cargo hook. The handling crew
moves the dolly to the GMLS's strikedown area.
Strikedown operations are performed and the empty
dolly is returned to the replenishment station.

During a missile transfer, the helo supports the load

(a transfer dolly or container) on a cable/sling
arrangement. As the helo approaches the receiving
ship, the pilot maneuvers over the "drop" zone of the
ship. A landing signalman (usually one of the ships
BMs) guides the helo in with a series of hand signals.
When the load is over the drop zone, the helo lowers
and puts the dolly/container on deck. A hookup man
(another ships BM) runs to the load and disconnects the
helo's hook. The helo rises and clears the area.

Additional information about CONREP procedures can be found in Naval Warfare Publication
(NWP) 14, Replenishment at Sea. Another good (and
available) source is Boatswain's Mate, volume 2,
A vertical replenishment (VERTREP) is a very
efficient and versatile replenishing method. A
helicopter (helo) is used to transfer just about anything

When the helo is at a safe distance from the ship,

the missile-handling team assembles. The team moves


Figure 2-57.Missile transfer by STREAM.


rather severe damage (shocks, bounces, jolts) as it

"hits" the deck. If the damage is obvious (e.g., a cracked
radome), reject the round before it is moved. Also,
check the transfer dolly for damage caused by hard hits
on deck. Look at the dolly wheels carefully.

the dolly or container to the GMLS's strikedown area.

On-load (or off-load) operations are performed and the
dolly/container is returned to the drop zone. The helo
comes back and picks up the load. One missile
VERTREP has been completed.
VERTREP is probably the most popular
replenishing method today. It has many advantages,
such as speed and simplicity. However, from a Gunner's
Mate's point of view, two words of caution. First, any
helo operation is considered a dangerous operation.
Only the landing signalman and hookup man are
permitted in the drop zone area while the helo is
overhead. All other personnel must remain well clear of
the area at this time. Foreign object damage (FOD) is
another danger. Rotor blade suction will draw ANY
loose objects into the engine of the helo with disastrous
results. Do not wear hats (ball caps) and ensure all gear
near the helo area is firmly secured.

A typical dockside (or pierside) replenishment
operation is illustrated in figure 2-58. The major
handling equipments and events have already been
described. (See figs. 2-55 and 2-56, for example). Any
changes or variations to the basic steps in figure 2-58
are minor. For instance, missiles may arrive on the pier
in a boxcar instead of on a flatcar. Sometimes a flatbed
truck is used.
Quite often during dockside replenishment, the
receiving ship is required to supply personnel to assist
the pier crew. As a Gunner's Mate, you may get this
assignment. You'll actually get the chance to work with
the different types of handling equipments we've

The second word of caution applies to the load. Be

sure to inspect the missile very carefully as soon as the
helo clears the ship. Why do you think the helo area is
called a "drop" zone? The missile can sustain some


Figure 2-58.Dockside replenishment.




LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall information concerning handling, stowing, inspecting,

and cleaning and preservation of missiles
aboard ship.

A lighter is a specially constructed barge designed

to carry ammunition. A typical lighter replenishment is
seen in figure 2-59. The receiving ship in the figure is a
combatant. However, lighter replenishment is also
performed with AE-type ships.

Guided missiles are delivered to the fleet in an

all-up-round (AUR) status. All tests and certification
checks are performed before the missile leaves the
NWS. Aboard ship, we are not authorized nor equipped
to disassemble, test, or repair any critical missile

The handling operations that take place on a

lighter are the same as on a pier or AE-type ship.
These operations include canning/decanning, dolly
loading/unloading, rolling a missile, and so forth.
Lighter replenishment is used for various reasons.
Its main advantages are in time and money savings. It is
cheaper and quicker to load a lighter at an NWS and
deliver the missiles/ammunition to a ship. The ship
does not have to get under way and that is a huge
savings in fuel costs. Another point is that newer
AE-type ships are deep draft vessels. They cannot
always navigate the rivers and channels leading to an
NWS dock. Therefore, the lighter replenishment
method is gaining in popularity. Many times the lighter
and receiving ship will meet halfway and conduct the
ammunition transfer while at an anchorage.

Aboard ship, our current activities with missiles

can be summarized as follows:
1. Handling
2. Stowage
3. Inspections
4. Cleaning and preservation
You will be responsible for the safe and proper
handling of missiles at all times. Obviously, this point
strongly applies to replenishing and strikedown
operations. During these periods, the missile has
minimum protection with maximum exposure.

This concludes our discussion of missile-handling

operations. For the most part, these events occur ashore
at an NWS. However, with the exception of assembling
and testing, AE-type ships perform the same jobs. Our
next subject area deals with the missiles after they are
safely stowed aboard a combatant ship.

However, do not forget launcher loading,

unloading, and intersystem transfer operations. These


Figure 2-59.Lighter replenishment.


evolutions are a form of missile handling also. Even

though the missile is within the confines of the GMLS,
it is still susceptible to damage. Sometimes, due to
equipment failure or breakage, missile damage is
unavoidable. Fortunately, such cases are extremely
rare. Most missile damage is a result of personnel error.

And, as you know, most wetdowns are generally traced

to personnel error. We won't repeat the applicable
sprinkler warnings, although they cannot be stressed
enough. An important point to remember is that ANY
wetdown experience MUST be immediately reported
through the chain of command.

A common cause of damage can be traced to the

experienced control panel operator. Loading and
unloading a launcher everyday, especially with a
GMTR, becomes second nature to some people. They
soon learn the "shortcuts" of a GMLS and can "run the
panels blindfolded." In short, bad operating habits are
developed. Those bad habits are hard to break when a
live missile must be loaded. Quite often, a shortcut that
can (but shouldn't) be taken with a training missile just
won't work with a live missile. You can guess the

Special measures must be taken if the missiles have

been exposed to salt water, as from a wetdown. Each
missile must be examined carefully for any evidence of
saltwater contamination. Give particular attention to all
joints, launching shoes, and firing contacts. DTRMs
and boosters that had water enter their bore must not be
used. These rounds (with wet rocket motors) must be
returned to an NWS.
Corrective action after a wetdown involves
washing the missile with fresh water. The missile is
then dried and corrosion preventive compounds are
applied. Every missile subjected to wetdown must be
reexamined within 30 days. Details as to the extent and
location of corrosion must be noted in the service
record of the missile. If the problems are severe enough
and continue to worsen, the missile(s) may be totally
ruined. Therefore, after any wetdown, the missile(s)
must be turned in to the nearest NWS or
missile-handling facility.

Safe and proper handling/operating techniques

MUST be practiced constantly. There is no room for
error or carelessness, especially in routine shipboard
tasks. Eliminate distractions and concentrate on what
you're doing.
You will be responsible for the care of the missiles
while they are in stowage. That is an important task
since a missile spends about 99 percent of its existence
in stowage. A large part of this care is related to
maintaining magazine environmental control and fire
suppression systems in good working order.

You will be required to inspect the missiles at
different intervals. Generally, these inspections are
visual and are limited to the external surfaces of the
round. Inspection procedures and points to check are
outlined on maintenance requirement cards (MRCs) or
in the applicable Ops. You check different things on
different missiles, so be sure to refer to the applicable

Magazine temperature and humidity levels must be

checked. If they begin to exceed established tolerances,
positive action must be taken immediately. Be sure to
inform your work center supervisor of the situation.
Good housekeeping has to be practiced in any
ordnance stowage area. Maximum effort must be made
to keep the magazine area clean. Do not let dirt, oil, or
greases accumulate to create potential fire hazards.
Oily rags are particularly dangerous.

Normally, missile inspections can be divided into

three major periodsreceipt, routine, and off-load.
These are special inspection situations such as after a
casualty wetdown or dud/misfire occurrence.
Appropriate MRCs or missile handling Ops exist to
provide instructions for these conditions.

Missile airframes are not watertight structures.

That point was emphasized when we discussed training
missiles near the end of chapter 6. Live missiles are
subject to the same corrosive damage as are training
missiles. Although the problem is not as acute with live
missiles (because they are handled less), it is just as
serious. Don't let the live missile get wet.

The receipt or on-load inspection is very important.

Before the missile is moved to the magazine, go over it
with a fine-tooth comb. Using an MRC/OP as a guide,
check for cracks, dents, chips, and other external
surface damage. Ideally, the surface of the radome
should be perfectly smooth. But, sometimes, bubbles
will appear on its surface. The MRC/OP will give
size-tolerances of these bubbles; if they are beyond a
certain dimension, the round must not be used.

Since (live) missiles are in stowage most of their

time aboard ship, how can they get wet? Unfortunately,
magazine sprinkler wetdown is all too often the cause.


glob of grease could affect the operation of a warheads

fuze by blocking or distorting the transmitted/received
signal. What if a movable tail-control surface rusted in
place? Steering and stability control would be severely
hampered. Items such as these must be checked,
cleaned, and preserved.

Ensure all control surfaces are installed and folded

correctly. Verify that all safety wiring and protective
seals are intact. Antenna surfaces must not be soiled or
scratched. If you discover or think you've discovered a
problem during a receipt inspection, notify proper
authority immediately. If the problem can be verified to
be beyond acceptable standards, the ship can reject the

Cleaning generally involves the use of good old

soap and water along with elbow grease. The outer
surfaces of the missile are washed to remove any
accumulations of unwanted materials. Be sure to
consult the maintenance instructions and use the
approved detergents. Warnings will often be included
stating where abrasive cleansers (like scouring powder)
may or may not be used.

Periodically, every missile must be removed from

the magazine and given a routine inspection. The
interval of routine inspections may vary, but
semiannual and/or annual inspections are most
common. Many of the same points checked during a
receipt inspection are rechecked. Cleaning and
preservation work is also performed. Routine
inspections are important checks as they contribute to
the long-term reliability of the missile.

Preservation involves applying corrosion preventive compounds to the external surfaces of the
missile. These compounds are designed to resist the
effects of moisture on a metal surface. The MRC/OP
instructions will specify the currently approved
materials and explain where and how to apply the

An off-load inspection is conducted as the missile

leaves the ship. If you have faithfully performed the
other inspections, the off-load checks should go rather
quickly. The results of any inspection will be logged in
a guided missile service record (GMSR). Compare a
GMSR to your own health or dental record. Any time
you have a physical, the results are recorded to establish
your medical history or file. The same thing applies to a
missile and its inspection results.

In this chapter we explained how the explosive
compounds described in chapter 1 are used in modern
Navy gun ammunition. We also described how this
ammunition is identified with both color coding and lot
numbers. We discussed how ammunition stocks are
accounted for and what reporting procedures are used
by ammunition managers. We looked at some of the
different types of stowage magazines and how these
magazines are protected with sprinkler systems. We
described some of the handling equipment and the
training and safety requirements involved in handling
ammunition. Finally, we described missile processing
and associated handling equipment. For detailed
information and/or additional descriptions of the
equipment and procedures discussed in this chapter,
you should refer to the references cited.


You will be responsible for the cleanliness and
preservation of the missiles. These actions are normally
performed as part of the routine inspection procedures.
Without fail, your missiles WILL get dirty. They'll get
stained from oil and grease drippings and even shoe
polish scuff marks. Missiles are not cleaned and
preserved just to make them "look pretty." This work is
accomplished for some very valid reasons. Cleanliness
directly contributes to the prelaunch and in-flight
performance of the round. For example, we mentioned
antennas as an item you had to inspect. Suppose a big
glob of grease falls onto a proximity antenna. Yes, that



found in Army technical manuals (TMs) and field
manuals (FMs). FMs and TMs list the spare parts,
special tools, and organizational maintenance
procedures for a particular weapon. The FM is the
operator's manual and is intended for personnel in the
field who must maintain the weapon. Indexes of Army
FMs and TMs are printed in Army pamphlets 310-3 and
310-4, respectively. OP 0 also lists TMs, FMs, and OPs
pertaining to small arms.

Strictly defined, the term small arms means any

firearm with a caliber (cal.) of .60 inch or smaller and
all shotguns. Since there are no .60-cal. weapons in the
Navy, all pistols, rifles, shotguns, and machine guns up
through .50 cal. are small arms. For maintenance
purposes, grenade launchers, mortar and minor caliber
weapons have also been included in the category of
small arms. Such weapons are carried or mounted
aboard ship for certain watch standers and members of
the ship's internal security force.


In this chapter we will review some of the

fundamental principles of small arms nomenclature
and operation as well as how automatic and semiautomatic operation is accomplished. We will then describe
the small arms currently in use by the Navyincluding
handguns, shoulder weapons, shotguns, machine guns,
and grenade launchers. We will conclude with brief
discussions on small arms special precautions,
maintenance, storage and issue requirements, range
duties, some hand grenade fundamentals, and landing
and boarding party equipment.

Before we begin the study of the individual

weapons, let us examine some of the quirks in small
arms nomenclature (names of the parts). Generally,
terminology pertaining to the weapons themselves is
fairly standard because the Navy has adopted most of
the Army's system of identification. For example, the
Army uses the letters M and A; the Navy uses the
abbreviations Mk (mark) and Mod (modification). The
Army's carbine M1A2, for example, is the Navy's
carbine Mk 1 Mod 2.

Small arms intended for match competition (match

conditioned) are not covered in this text. They are not
repairable at any level other than depot, such as the
Naval Weapons Support Center, Crane, Indiana.

The diameter of a shotgun's bore is referred to as

the gauge of the shotgun. Gauge (with the exception of
the .410 shotgun) is not a measurement of inches or
millimeters. Instead, it is the number of lead balls of
that particular diameter required to make a pound. For
example, if you measured the diameter of a 12-gauge
shotgun's bore, you would find it to be 0.729 inch. If
you were to make a number of lead balls of this
diameter and weigh them, you would find that 12 of
them make a pound.


operating cycles of Navy small arms and
machine guns.
As a Gunners Mate, you will be concerned with
pistols, rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, and
machine guns. Your responsibility in the field of small
arms is twofold. First, you must know how to assemble,
disassemble, maintain, and repair them. Secondly, you
must be able to train other personnel in their operation,
safe handling, and maintenance.

So the larger the bore of a shotgun, the smaller the

gauge number. A 16-gauge shotgun, for example, has a
smaller bore than a 12-gauge.
Every weapon has a cycle of operation. This cycle
is a group of actions that takes place upon the firing of
one round and that must occur before the firing of the
next round. In the automatic small arms currently used
by the Navy, the sequence or manner of accomplishing
these actions may vary between weapons of different
design; however, they are always performed.

The majority of small arms are procured from the

Army and issued by the Navy to its field activities and
the fleet. Maintenance on small arms is performed
according to the applicable maintenance requirement
cards (MRCs), but all other information (operation,
troubleshooting, parts lists, and so on) is normally


release the gases until their pressure has been

satisfactorily reduced. This method is used by
submachine guns and other straight blowback-operated
small arms such as the .22-cal. rimfire autoloading

There are eight steps in the cycle of operation; as

shown in figure 3-1. We will briefly discuss each step.
The feeding action places a round in the receiver
just to the rear of the chamber. In its simplest form it
amounts to putting a cartridge by hand in the path of the
device that will chamber the round. Most often feeding
is done by a spring-loaded follower in a magazine.
However, magazines have a limited capacity that
cannot sustain the continuous rate of fire required by
machine guns. Therefore, machine gun ammunition is
belted, and the rounds are fed to the rear of the chamber
by cam and lever action.

The firing action occurs when the firing pin strikes
the primer of the cartridge.
Unlocking occurs after the firing of the round.
Actions for unlocking are just the reverse of those
required for locking. For most rifles, the first movement
of the bolt is a rotating movement that disengages the
locking lugs.

This action is required to ram a new round into the
chamber. Again, in its simplest form, this amounts to
placing the round there by hand. In military weapons,
chambering takes place as the forward moving bolt
strips the round from the feed mechanism and forces it
into the chamber. The bolt closes on the cartridge and
the extractor attaches itself to the extracting groove
machined around the base of the cartridge case.

The extracting action is the process of pulling the
empty case back out of the chamber. The extractor
(normally a small hooked piece of metal encased in the
bolt) snaps over the rim of the cartridge case when the
round is chambered. As the bolt moves rearward after
firing, the extractor hauls out the empty brass.

The locking action holds the bolt in its forward
position for a short period of time (after firing) to
prevent the loss of gas pressure until unlocked by other
forces. For low-powered weapons, it is possible to seal
the breech for a short time by merely increasing the
weight of the bolt. The bolt starts to move upon firing;
but, if sufficiently heavy, it will not move far enough to

It is not only necessary to pull the cartridge case out

of the chamber, but also to throw it free of the receiver.
This action is called ejection and is created by placing a
small projection on one side of the receiver so that, as
the bolt and case move to the rear, the case will strike
the projection and be expelled from the weapon. This


Figure 3-1.The small arms cycle of operation.


Two examples of weapons that can be fired both

automatically and semiautomatically are the 7.62-mm
M14 rifle and the 5.56-mm M16 rifle.

method is used in the .45-cal. pistol. Another method

of accomplishing this step is to incorporate a
spring-loaded ejector in the face of the bolt. In this
arrangement the case is flipped from the weapon as
soon as its forward end clears the chamber. This method
is used in the M14 rifle.


Automatic and semiautomatic weapons are
classified on the basis of how they obtain the energy
required for operation. Fundamentally, small arms
obtain the energy from the forces that accompany the
explosion created when a round of ammunition is fired.
The use of these forces does not reduce the
effectiveness of the weapon, but uses otherwise wasted

Cocking is the retraction of the firing mechanism
(firing pin and hammer) against spring pressure so that
there will be sufficient energy to fire the cartridge in the
next cycle of operation. The firing pin, hammer or, in
some cases, the bolt itself is held in a cocked position
by a piece called the sear.

There are three basic types of operation for

semiautomatic and automatic small armsgas operation, recoil operation, and blowback operation. Figure
3-2 shows the three methods.

Firing is initiated by squeezing a trigger. This

movement trips the sear, releasing the firing mechanism (firing pin, hammer or, in automatic weapons,
such parts as the bolt group or slide), causing it to move
forward with enough force to discharge the round.

Gas Operated
In gas-operated weapons, a portion of the
expanding powder gases behind the bullet are tapped
off into a gas cylinder located beneath the barrel. (The
hole connecting the barrel and cylinder is near the
muzzle end.) As the bullet passes this hole, gases push
this piston rearward. The piston is connected by a rod to
an operating mechanism of the weapon, such as the
bolt. The piston carries the bolt aft with it, unlocking,
extracting, ejecting, and cocking the weapon.


operation and maintenance of Navy small
A semiautomatic weapon unlocks, extracts, ejects,
cocks, and reloads automatically. However, the trigger
must be pulled each time to fire a round. By this
definition, the 9-mm M9 pistol is semiautomatic,
though often called automatic. A fully automatic
weapon keeps on firing as long as the trigger is kept

There are three basic types of gas systems that are

used in semiautomatic and automatic small arms. They
are the gas impingement, gas tappet, and gas expansion


Figure 3-2.Types of operating systems.


There are two basic methods of recoil operation for

semiautomatic and automatic small arms. They are the
long-recoil (Browning) and short-recoil (Maxim)

GAS IMPINGEMENT SYSTEM.The impingement system has a negligible volume of gas at the
cylinder with expansion dependent on piston motion.
As the piston moves, gas continues pouring through the
port until the bullet exits the muzzle with a subsequent
drop in pressure in the bore. An example of such a
mechanism is found in the M1 Garand rifle, which was
the standard service rifle in World War II and Korea.

LONG-RECOIL METHOD.The dynamics of

long-recoil-operated weapons are similar to straight
blowback operation, except that the barrel, breechblock, and component parts recoil together for the
complete recoil cycle. This recoil distance must be
greater than the length of the complete round. At the
end of the recoil stroke, the bolt is held while the barrel
counterrecoils alone. One particular note of importance
on the long-recoil type of operation is that ejection
takes place on counterrecoil instead of recoil. An
example of a long-recoil weapon is the Browning
designed, Remington model 11 shotgun, used by the
Navy before and during World War II.

GAS TAPPET SYSTEM.The gas tappet system is an impingement system with a short piston
travel. It is often referred to as a gas short stroke system.
An example of such a mechanism is found in the M1
and M1A1 .30-cal. carbine. In some tappet
mechanisms, the piston only taps the lock mechanism
open and exerts no force to recoiling components.
GAS EXPANSION SYSTEM.The gas expansion system, in contrast to the impingement system, has
an appreciable initial volume of gas in its expansion
chamber. This requires more time to pressurize the
chamber and also more time to exhaust the gas by
selection of port size and location as the required
pressurized gas can be drained from the bore.
There is also a cutoff expansion that is similar to the
direct expansion system, except for a valve that closes
the port after the piston moves. As the pressure builds
up to a specific value, the piston moves, closing the port
and leaving the gas to expand, providing the force effort
needed to operate the moving components. The
7.62-mm M14 rifle uses this type of operation.


short-recoil-operated weapons approach those of the
retarded blowback types more nearly than long-recoil.
To eliminate all blowback tendencies, the bolt latch is
not released until the propellant gases become ineffective. After unlatching (unlocking), the bolt continues
recoiling and in some mechanisms is accelerated by
mechanical or gas systems. The barrel is arrested by
spring, buffer, stop, or a combination of these and is
caused to return to battery by these or the counterrecoiling components. Examples of short-recoil-operated
weapons are the .45-cal. pistol and the Browning
machine gun.

Recoil Operated
Blowback Operated
As a round is fired, high pressures develop behind
the bullet and force it down the barrel. The force behind
the bullet is also directed rearward against the breech. If
the barrel and bolt are secured to one another, the entire
force of recoil is felt on the shooter's shoulder. But, by
designing the barrel and breech assembly so that they
can slide in the frame or receiver, the energy of the rear
moving assembly can be used to compress springs,
move levers, and so on, necessary to complete the cycle
of operation.
Generally, in recoil-operated weapons, the barrel
and the bolt move rearward together for a short
distance. Then the barrel is stopped and the bolt (now
unlocked) continues to the rear against spring pressure
until the empty case is ejected. The force of recoil is
also used to cock the weapon and compress the spring,
returning the bolt to its firing position, and chambering
a new round in the process.

There are some similarities between recoil- and

blowback-operated weapons. But there are several
major differences. In recoil operation, the bolt and
barrel are locked together until the bullet has left the
barrel and most of the recoil thrust is spent. The
combined thrust of the recoiling barrel, bolt, and some
other parts is used to operate the weapon. In blowback
(inertia) operation, however, the bolt is not locked to the
barrel and in most cases the barrel does not recoil. The
bolt is held closed by spring pressure and the mass of
the breechblock. The initial blow of the exploding
cartridge starts the bolt moving rearward, but the
weight of the bolt is such that it does not allow the
chamber to be entirely opened until the round has left
the bore. Action by a recoil spring returns the bolt to the
closed position, chambering a new round.


Thus, the weight of the breechbolt is an important

factor in the design and operation of a
blowback-operated weapon. When used with
low-powered ammunition, it is a suitable arrangement.
A military rifle, however, using the standard .30-cal.
cartridge and the blowback action would require a
27-pound breechblock.
Besides the submachine gun, many types of
so-called pocket automatic pistols and .22-cal. automatic rifles use blowback operations.
There are variants in the methods used for each of
these types to operate the mechanism for blowback.
These are the straight blowback, retarded blowback,
and accelerated blowback methods.


An example of accelerated blowback is found in the
.22-cal. rimfire Colt Ace semiautomatic pistol. In this
pistol, the Williams floating chamber, a part of the
barrel, on firing a round of ammunition, moves with
accelerated force against the mechanism (in this case,
the fairly heavy slide and its components), providing
sufficient energy to operate the component parts of a
.45-cal. pistol with .22-cal. rimfire ammunition.
Range and Rate of Fire
Some other important terms that apply to small
arms describe their range and rate of fire. The range of a
weapon is stated in terms of maximum range and
maximum effective range. The rate of fire of an
automatic weapon is stated as the cyclic rate of fire and
the sustained rate of fire.


Straight blowback is the most elementary and simple. It
uses recoil energy from the firing of a round of
ammunition to operate the weapon's mechanism and
extract the fired case, eject it against spring tension, and
return the mechanism to firing position again. This, in
turn, picks up an unfired round from a magazine and
chambers it. Straight blowback is used in weapons that
fire ammunition of fairly low power, such as pistol
ammunition and .22-cal. rimfire rifle cartridges. The
bolt slide or breechblock is fairly heavy in these
weapons when compared to the weight of the bullet and
power of the cartridge. Therefore, the mechanism will
stay closed (but not locked) momentarily until the
bullet gets free of the barrel and pressure is subdued to
allow extraction. All submachine guns and
semiautomatic .22-cal. rimfire pistols use straight
blowback for their operation.

MAXIMUM RANGE.Maximum range is the

greatest distance that the projectile will travel.
Maximum effective range is the greatest distance at
which a weapon may be expected to fire accurately to
inflict damage or casualties.
CYCLIC RATE OF FIRE.The cyclic rate of
fire is the maximum rate at which a weapon will fire in
automatic operation, stated in rounds per minute (rpm).
rate of fire of a weapon is normally stated in a chart.
The chart correlates the average number of rounds fired
per minute with the number of minutes this rate can be
sustained without damage to the weapon.


example of retarded blowback is found in the
mechanism of the original Thompson submachine gun.
This is based on the principle of operation that the
recoil force exerted on the mechanism must overcome
some form of mechanical disadvantage, momentarily
holding the breechblock closed until the bullet had
cleared the weapon's muzzle. However, this was later
found unnecessary if the bolt or breechblock was of
sufficient weight. The Thompson M1-A1 submachine
gun (formerly used by the Navy) uses straight
blowback as have all submachine guns designed since
that time.

cycle of operation, disassembly, assembly, and
safeties of the Navy handgun.
The standard issue handgun used by the Navy
today is the M9-9mm semiautomatic pistol. In this
section, we will provide you with information concerning the description, operation, and maintenance of this



Figure 3-3.9-mm M9 semiautomatic pistol.

Empty, the pistol weighs approximately 2.1 pounds. It

has a maximum range of 1,962.2 yards (1,800 meters)
and a maximum effective range of 54.7 yards (50


The 9-mm, M9 pistol (fig. 3-3) is a single- or
double-action, short-recoil-operated, semiautomatic,
magazine-fed, self-loading handgun with fixed sights.
The M9 is primarily designed as a personal defense
sidearm for guards, sentries, and boarding and landing

The M9 pistol has a short recoil system using a
falling locking block. The pressure developed by the
expanding gases of a fired round recoils the slide and
barrel assembly. After a short distance, the locking
block is disengaged from the slide, the barrel stops
against the frame, and the slide continues its rearward
movement. The slide then extracts and ejects the fired
cartridge case, cocks the hammer, and compresses the
recoil spring. The slide moves forward, stripping the
next cartridge from the magazine, and feeds it into the
chamber. After the last cartridge has been fired and
ejected, the slide and barrel assembly will remain open
by the magazine follower pressing up on the slide stop

The M9 is chambered for the 9-mm cartridge. The

magazine (fig. 3-4) is a staggered, steel constructed,
aluminum follower and removable floorplate. It has a
capacity of 15 rounds, which is more than double the
traditional single-line magazine of the same length.

Disassembly of the M9 is to be conducted in
accordance with the current 3-M Systems MRCs.
Detailed disassembly is not normally conducted by the
GM armorer. General disassembly (field-stripping)
will only be discussed in this section. A detailed
disassembly, figure 3-5 and table 3-1, are shown for
parts identification.


Figure 3-4.M9 magazine.



Figure 3-5.Detailed disassembly of the 9-mm M9 pistol.


Table 3-1.Part Number Nomenclature

Part # Nomenclature

Part # Nomenclature

Barrel (Factory Fitting Required)

34 Ejector Spring Pin

Locking Block

35 Hammer

Locking Block Plunger

36 Hammer Pin

Locking Block Plunger Retaining


37 Hammer Spring Guide

Slide (Factory Fitting Required)

38 Hammer Spring


39 Hammer Spring Cap

Extractor Pin

40 Sear

Extractor Spring

41 Sear Spring

Rear Sight (Fitting Required)

42 Sear Pin

10 Trigger Bar Release Plunger

43 Magazine Release Button

11 Trigger Bar Release Plunger Spring

46 Magazine Release Button Spring

12 Firing Pin

47 Hammer Spring Cap Pin

13 Firing Pin Spring

48/49P Grips (Plastic) Pair

14 Safety

48/49WGrips (Wood) Pair

15 Firing Pin Plunger

50 Grip Screw

18 Recoil Spring

51 Grip Bush

19 Recoil Spring Guide

52 Magazine Box

20 Frame

53 Magazine Follower

21 Disassembling Latch

54 Magazine Bottom

22 Slide Catch Spring

55 Magazine Spring

23 Slide Catch

56 Magazine Lock Plate

24 Trigger

57 Firing Pin Catch Spring

25 Trigger Pin

58 Firing Pin Catch

26 Trigger Spring

59 Firing Pin Catch Retaining Spring


27 Trigger Bar

60 Safety Plunger Spring

28 Trigger Bar Spring

61 Safety Plunger

29 Disassembling Latch Release Button

62 Right Safety Lever

30 Disassembling Latch Release Button


63 Right Safety Lever Spring Pin

31 Hammer Release Lever

64 Firing Pin Catch Lever

32 Ejector

65 Magazine Catch Spring Bush (Short)

33 Hammer Release Lever Pin

66 Magazine Catch Spring Bush (Long)

69 Spring Washer



Figure 3-6.Disassembly lever release button.


The M9 is designed for ease of field stripping under

adverse conditions. With practice, field stripping can be
performed in seconds. Ensure that the magazine is
removed and the pistol is unloaded. The pistol can be
disassembled and assembled with the safety in the ON
or OFF position. For safety, and to prevent damage to
the pistol, always engage the safety (ON position,
warning dots covered, down position) prior to
disassembly and assembly.

Figure 3-8.Removal of slide and barrel assembly.

Care should be used when removing the recoil
spring and spring guide. Due to the amount of
compression, the assembly will be released under
spring tension and could cause possible injury to
personnel, or become damaged or lost.

To field strip the M9, hold the pistol in the right

hand with the muzzle slightly elevated. With the
forefinger press the disassembly lever release button
(fig. 3-6), and with the thumb rotate the disassembly
lever (fig. 3-7) downward until it stops. Pull the slide
and barrel assembly (fig. 3-8) forward and remove it
from the receiver assembly.

Firmly hold the slide in the palm of one hand and

slightly compress the recoil spring and spring guide
(fig. 3-9), while at the same time lifting and removing



Figure 3-7.Disassembly lever.

Figure 3-9.Compressing the recoil spring.



Figure 3-11.Recoil spring and spring guide.



Figure 3-12.Removing the barrel from the slide.

Figure 3-10.Removing the recoil spring and spring guide.

Shoulder weapons are designed to be held with

both hands; they are braced against the shoulder to
absorb the force of recoil and to improve accuracy.
Included in this group are the M14 and M16 rifles.

the recoil spring and spring guide (fig. 3-10). Care

should be taken to allow the spring tension to be
released. After the spring tension is released, separate
the recoil spring from the spring guide (fig. 3-11).


To remove the barrel from the slide, push in on the

locking block plunger (fig. 3-12) while pushing the
barrel forward slightly. Lift and remove the locking
block and the barrel assembly from the slide.

The M14 rifle (fig. 3-13) is a lightweight,

air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed shoulder
weapon. It is designed for semiautomatic or fully
automatic fire at the cyclic rate of 750 rounds per
minute. The rifle is chambered for 7.62-mm cartridges.
It is designed to accommodate a 20-round cartridge
magazine, the M2 rifle bipod (fig. 3-14), and the M6
bayonet (fig. 3-15).

Once the pistol is disassembled, look for worn or

damaged parts while cleaning and prior to assembly.
For more information on the M9 pistol refer to Navy
SW 370-AA-OPI-010/9mm.

M14 Rifle Controls


controls, safeties and maintenance of shoulder
weapons used by the U.S. Navy.

Figure 3-16 shows an M14 rifle equipped with a

selector for automatic operation. Position the selector
as in view A for semiautomatic fire and as in view B for


Figure 3-13.7.62-mm M14 rifle and controlsright-front view.




Figure 3-17.Installation and removal of magazine.

Figure 3-14.7.62-mm M14 rifle with the bipod installed.

automatic selector; only semiautomatic fire will be

The location of the safety is just forward of the
trigger guard. To prevent firing, press the safety back
from in front of the trigger guard. To permit firing, press
it forward from inside the trigger guard. The safety can
only be engaged when the weapon is cocked.


Figure 3-15.7.62-mm M14 rifle with the M6 bayonet knife.

If a magazine is in the rifle, press the magazine

latch (fig. 3-17) and remove the magazine. Pull the
operating handle all the way to the rear and check to see
that the weapon is free of ammunition. Then ease the
operating rod forward to the locked position and move
the safety to the rear (SAFE position).

automatic fire. In firing for semiautomatic fire, squeeze

the trigger for each round fired. For automatic fire,
squeeze the trigger and hold. Most of the M14 rifles
issued to the Navy will not be equipped with the

There are two methods of reloading an empty

magazine. Figure 3-18 shows the method with the



Figure 3-18.Loading magazine through cartridge clip guide.

Figure 3-16.Selector for semiautomatic and automatic fire.


magazine in the rifle. (This method should only be used

in the field since it creates a possible accidental firing
situation.) After the last round is fired from a magazine,
the magazine follower will engage the bolt lock and
hold the bolt in the rear position. If this fails to happen,
make sure you did not have a misfire, then pull the
operating handle to the rear and manually depress the
bolt lock (located on the left side of the receiver), ease
the bolt down against it, then engage the safety. Insert a
5-round clip into the cartridge clip guide, as shown in
figure 3-18, and push the cartridges down into the
magazine. Four 5-round clips will fully load a
magazine. After the last clip is loaded and the clip
removed, pull the operating handle to the rear to release
the bolt lock and then release the handle. This will let
the bolt go into battery, stripping and feeding the top
round into the chamber. The weapon is now ready to


Figure 3-20.Gas spindle valve in the ON and OFF positions.

valve is closed. This permits the full pressure of the gas

to be used in propelling a rifle grenade or line-throwing

The safest way to reload a magazine is shown in

figure 3-19. Each bandolier containing the 5-round
clips also contains a magazine loading tool. Insert the
tool over the top rear of the magazine as shown in figure
3-19, insert a 5-round clip into the loading tool, and
press the cartridges into the magazine.

The rear sight controls consist of a windage knob

and pinion assembly. (See fig. 3-13.). The function of
the windage knob is to adjust the sight laterally. To
move the sight to the right, turn the knob clockwise; to
the left, counterclockwise. The pinion assembly adjusts
the sight aperture vertically. Turn the pinion clockwise
to raise, counterclockwise to lower.

To load a full magazine into a rifle, insert the front

end of the loaded magazine well into the front catch
until the front catch snaps into engagement, then pull
rearward and upward until the magazine latch locks the
magazine into position (fig. 3-17).

Firing the M14 Rifle

The gas spindle valve (fig. 3-20) controls the gases

used in firing the rifle. When the slot of the spindle
valve is in the vertical or ON position (upper view), the
valve is open and directs gases to the operating piston
for ordinary functioning of the rifle. When the slot is in
the horizontal or OFF position (lower view), the spindle

If the command does not desire automatic fire, the

selector on your rifle will be removed and a selector
shaft lock (see fig. 3-13) inserted so that the rifle is
capable only of semiautomatic fire.
For a rifle equipped with a selector shaft lock,
simply push the safety forward and then fire a round
with each squeeze of the trigger.
For semiautomatic fire on a rifle equipped with a
selector, position the selector for semiautomatic fire
and then fire a round with each squeeze of the trigger.
For automatic fire with a selector (rifle cocked),
proceed as follows:
1. Position the selector for automatic fire.
2. Push the safety forward.
3. Squeeze the trigger. The rifle will fire
automatically as long as the trigger is squeezed and
there is ammunition in the magazine. Release the
trigger to cease firing.


Figure 3-19.Loading magazine with a loading tool.


4. After the last round is fired, the magazine

follower (a spring-driven plate in the magazine that
forces cartridges upward as rounds are expended and
cases ejected) actuates the bolt lock, locking the bolt in
the rearward position. When an empty magazine is
removed and a loaded one inserted, release the bolt lock
by retracting the operating rod, thereby drawing the
bolt rearward; then close the bolt. As the bolt assembly
is closed, the top cartridge in the magazine is pushed
forward into the chamber.

Field-Stripping the M14 Rifle

Figure 3-21 shows how the M14 rifle breaks down
into seven group assemblies. You should be able to
disassemble the rifle to this extent for cleaning,
lubrication, and maintenance. This procedure is called
field-stripping the rifle. The names of the numbered
group assemblies shown in figure 3-21 are as follows:
1. Magazine
2. Firing mechanism

Unloading the M14 Rifle

3. Stock with butt plate assembly

To unload the M14 rifle, proceed as follows:

4. Handguard assembly

1. Push the safety to the SAFE (back) position.

5. Operating rod and connector group

6. Bolt assembly

2. Grasp the magazine with your thumb on the

magazine latch, and squeeze the latch to release it. Push
the magazine forward and downward to disengage it
from the front catch, and then remove it from the
magazine well, as shown in the right-hand view of
figure 3-17.

7. Barrel and receiver group

To withdraw the firing mechanism (No. 2 in fig.
3-21) from the stock, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the magazine.

3. Pull the operating rod handle all the way to the

rear and lock it using the bolt catch.

2. Place the safety in the SAFE position after

making sure the rifle is cocked.

4. Inspect the chamber to make sure it is clear.

3. Disengage the hooked end of the trigger guard

from the firing mechanism housing.

The rifle is clear only when no round is in the

chamber, the magazine is out, the safety is set (to the
rear), and the bolt is in the REAR position.

4. Swing the trigger guard away from the stock

(but do not rotate it more than 90 degrees), and pull
straight away from the stock to draw out the firing


Figure 3-21.Group assemblies of the M14 rifle.


To remove a stock with a butt plate assembly after

removing the firing mechanism, proceed as follows:
1. Separate the stock with a butt plate assembly
from the rifle by grasping the receiver firmly with one
hand and striking the butt of the stock sharply with the
palm of the other.
2. Lift the stock from the barrel and receiver
To separate the operating rod and connector group
from the barrel and receiver group, proceed as follows:

1. Depress the rear sight to the lowest position

and turn the barrel and receiver group on its side with
the connector assembly upward.

Figure 3-23.Removing the connector assembly.

2. If the rifle has a selector, press in and turn the

selector until the face marked A is toward the rear of the
sight knob and the projection forward is at an angle of
about 35 degrees. Then, remove the connector
assembly as indicated in paragraphs 3 and 4.

2. Remove the operating rod spring guide and

operating rod spring. Turn the barrel and receiver group
right side up.
3. Retract the operating rod until the key on its
lower surface coincides with the notch in the receiver.
Lift the operating rod free and pull to the rear,
disengaging it from the operating rod guide.

3. If the rifle has a selector shaft lock, press

forward on the rear of the connector assembly with
your right thumb, as shown in figure 3-22, until the
front end can be lifted off the connector lock.

To remove the bolt, after removal of the operating

rod, grasp the bolt roller that engages with the operating
rod and slide it forward. Lift upward and outward to the
right with a slight rotating motion and remove the bolt
from the receiver. The weapon is now field-stripped for

4. Rotate the connector assembly about 35

degrees clockwise until the slot at the rear is aligned
with the elongated stud on the sear release (fig. 3-23);
then lower the front end of the connector assembly and
lift it off the sear release.

Reassembly of this weapon is basically the reverse

of disassembly. A step-by-step procedure for
reassembly and other maintenance procedures is
covered in the U.S. Army FM 23-8.

The next step is to remove the operating rod spring

guide, the operating rod spring, and the operating rod.
These parts are identified as 2, 3, and 4 respectively in
figure 3-24. The correct step-by-step procedure is as
1. With the barrel and receiver group upside
down, pull forward on the operating rod spring,
relieving pressure on the connector lock pin. Pull the
lock outward to disconnect the operating rod spring



Figure 3-24.Component parts of the operating rod and

connector group.

Figure 3-22.Disengaging the connector assembly.



Figure 3-25.5.56-mm M16A3 rifle, left- and right-side views.

A "clothespin" bipod, shown in figure 3-26, is used

in the prone and foxhole positions. The bipod is
attached to the barrel directly beneath the front sight
between the bayonet lug and the front sling swivel.

The M16A3 rifle (fig. 3-25) is a 5.56-mm (about
.223-cal.) magazine-fed, gas-operated, air-cooled
shoulder weapon. It is designed for either
semiautomatic or fully automatic fire through the use of
a selector lever. The original M16 rifle was introduced
for service in Vietnam by the U.S. Army in 1966 and
was adopted by the Marine Corps in 1968 after the
addition of the A1 upgrade. The M16A3, which is the
current version in use by the Navy, incorporates a
forward assist mechanism. The forward assist was
added to allow the operator to completely close the bolt
should it hang up while feeding. Heavy use in dirty
conditions with the close tolerances of the bolt
mechanism combine to cause many such feeding

Clearing the M16A3 Rifle

The first consideration in handling any weapon is
to make it safe by clearing it. To clear the M16A3 rifle,
place the butt against the right thigh and proceed as
1. Attempt to point the selector lever toward
SAFE, the position shown in figure 3-27. If the weapon
is not cocked, the selector lever cannot be pointed
toward SAFE. If this is the case, do not cock the
weapon at this time; instead, go on to the next step in



Figure 3-26.Attaching the clothespin bipod to the M16A3


Figure 3-27.Selector lever pointing to SAFE.



Figure 3-30.Locking the bolt open.

5. Check the selector lever to make sure it points

toward SAFE, and then allow the bolt to go forward by
depressing the upper portion of the bolt catch.


Figure 3-28.Removing the magazine.


2. Remove the magazine as shown in figure 3-28.

Grasp it with the right hand (fingers curled around the
front of the magazine). Place the thumb on the
magazine catch button, apply pressure on the magazine
catch button with the thumb, and pull the magazine
straight out of the weapon.

The selector must be in the SAFE position to

prevent damage to the automatic sear.
Field-Stripping the M16A3 Rifle
The individual GM is authorized to disassemble the
M16A3 to the extent called field-stripping.
Field-stripping can be done without supervision and is
adequate for normal maintenance. As the weapon is
disassembled, the parts should be laid out on a table or
other clean surface in the order of removal, from left to
right. This makes assembly easier because the parts are
assembled in the reverse order of disassembly.
Nomenclature should be learned as the weapon is
disassembled and assembled to enable the GM to better
understand the function of parts in the weapon.

3. Lock the bolt open as shown in figures 3-29

and 3-30. Grasp the charging handle with the thumb
and forefinger of the right hand, depress the charging
handle latch with the right thumb, and pull to the rear
(fig. 3-29). When the bolt is at the rear, press the bottom
of the bolt catch with the thumb or forefinger of the left
hand (fig. 3-30). Allow the bolt to move slowly forward
until it engages the bolt catch, and then return the
charging handle to its forward position.
4. Inspect the receiver and chamber of the
weapon by looking through the ejection port to make
sure these spaces contain no ammunition.

The steps in field-stripping are as follows:

1. Remove the sling and place the rifle on a table
or flat surface, muzzle to the left.
2. Keeping the muzzle to the left, turn the weapon
on its right side. Use a punch or the end of a cleaning
rod (nose of cartridge used only as a last resort in the
field) to press the takedown pin (fig. 3-31) until the



Figure 3-29.Pulling the charging handle rearward.

Figure 3-31.Pressing the takedown pin to the right.



Figure 3-34.Upper and lower receiver groups.


Figure 3-32.Breaking the upper receiver away from the

lower receiver.

upper receiver swings free of the lower receiver (fig.




The takedown pin does not come out of the


Figure 3-35.Removing the bolt carrier from the receiver.

3. Again using a punch or the end of a cleaning

rod, press the receiver pivot pin (fig. 3-33). Separate the
upper and lower receiver groups (fig. 3-34) and place
the lower receiver group on the table.



Figure 3-36.Removing the charging handle.

The receiver pivot pin does not come out of the


removed, the charging handle will fall free of its groove

in the receiver (fig. 3-36). Place the receiver on the

4. Pick up the upper receiver group; keep the

muzzle to the left. Grasp the charging handle, pressing
in on the latch, and pull to the rear to withdraw the bolt
carrier from the receiver. Grasp the bolt carrier and pull
it from the receiver (fig. 3-35). When the bolt carrier is

5. To disassemble the bolt carrier group, press out

the firing pin retaining pin by using a driftpin (fig.
3-37). Elevate the front of the bolt carrier and allow the



Figure 3-33.Pressing out the receiver pivot pin.

Figure 3-37.Pressing out the firing pin retaining pin.



Figure 3-40.Removing the bolt.


Figure 3-38.Removing the firing pin.

firing pin to drop from its well in the bolt (fig. 3-38).
Rotate the bolt until the cam pin is clear of the bolt
carrier key and remove the cam pin by rotating it 90
degrees (one-quarter turn) and lifting it out of the well
in the bolt and bolt carrier (fig. 3-39). After the cam pin
is removed, the bolt can be easily removed from its
recess in the bolt carrier (fig. 3-40).


Figure 3-41.Loading cartridges into the magazine.

A magazine charger and magazine charger strip

(fig. 3-42) are provided to facilitate loading of the
magazine. The magazine charger is connected to the
magazine and fully seated. The charger strip is inserted

Loading the Magazine

Magazines are available with a capacity of 20 or 30
rounds and may be loaded with any amount up to that
capacity. The magazine follower has a raised portion
generally resembling the outline of a cartridge.
Cartridges are loaded into the magazine so that the tips
of the bullets point in the same direction as the raised
portion of the follower (fig. 3-41).



Figure 3-42.Loading cartridges into the magazine with the

magazine loading strip and charger.

Figure 3-39.Removing the cam pin.


into the magazine charger until fully seated. Pushing on

the top cartridge will force cartridges into the

Gun Maintenance
A clean, properly lubricated and maintained
M16A3 rifle will function properly and fire accurately
when needed. To keep the rifle in good operating
condition it must be properly cared for and
maintenance must be performed according to set
procedures. Procedures for the care and cleaning of the
rifle can be found on the 3-M Systems MRCs or in the
Army's TM 9-1005-319-10.

Loading the Rifle

With the weapon cocked, place the selector lever on
SAFE. The magazine may be inserted with the bolt
either open or closed; however, you should learn to load
with the bolt open. This reduces the possibility of a
first-round stoppage and saves the time required to
chamber the first round by pulling back the charging

Maintenance of the M16A3 rifle is generally the

same as for other small arms previously discussed. The
bore and chamber must be kept free of residue and
foreign matter. Inspect, while cleaning and lubricating,
all sliding or working surfaces for burrs, cracks, or
worn areas (repair or replace as necessary) and
lubricate with a thin film of lubricant. Remove dirt,
rust, grit, gummed oil, and water as these will cause
rapid deterioration of the inner mechanism and outer

Open the bolt and lock it open as previously

described. Hold the stock of the rifle under the right
arm with the right hand grasping the pistol grip and
point the muzzle in a safe direction. With the left hand,
insert a loaded magazine into the magazine feedway.
Push upward until the magazine catch engages and
holds the magazine. Rap the base of the magazine
sharply with the heel of the hand to ensure positive
retention. Then release the bolt by depressing the upper
portion of the bolt catch as previously described. The
bolt, as it rides forward, will chamber the top round.

operating cycle, safeties, and maintenance of
the Remington M870 and the Mossberg M500

If you load the rifle with the bolt closed, you

chamber the top round by pulling the charging handle
fully to the rear and releasing it.

Shotguns used by the armed forces are military

versions of civilian models procured from military
specifications. The Remington model 870 (M870) and
the Mossberg model 500 (M500) are the Navy's
standard issue riot-type shotguns. In this section we
will describe the Remington M870 (fig. 3-43) in detail,
then note how the Mossberg 500 differs. The Mossberg
500 is very similar to the Remington 870 in
construction and operation.

Do not "ride" the charging handle forward with
the right hand. If the handle is eased forward from the
OPEN position, the bolt may fail to lock. If the bolt
fails to go fully forward, strike the forward assist
assembly with the heel of the right hand.
Unloading the Rifle


To unload the rifle and make it safe, place the

selector lever on SAFE, press the magazine catch
button and remove the magazine, pull the charging
handle to the rear, inspect the chamber to make sure it is
clear, lock the bolt carrier to the rear by depressing the
lower portion of the bolt catch, and return the charging
handle forward.

The M870 shotgun, used by the Navy for guard

work, is a manually operated, magazine-fed (tubular),
pump-action shoulder weapon.


Remember, the rifle is clear (and therefore safe)

only when no round is in the chamber, the magazine is
out, the bolt carrier is to the rear, and the selector lever
is on the SAFE setting.

Figure 3-43.Remington M870 shotgun.


Technical Description
The essential features of the Remington M870
shotgun are displayed here in chart form for easy
Length of shotgun

39 inches (approximately)

Length of barrel

20 inches

Magazine capacity

Shell (gauge)



12 gauge, 2 3/4 inch 00 buck,

military round


Crossbolt type


Plain beaver tail style


Figure 3-45.M870 trigger plate assembly.

SINGLE LOAD.Push the safety to the SAFE

position. Press in the action bar lock (fig. 3-44) if the
action is cocked and pull the fore-end fully to the rear.
Place the shell into the open ejection port upon the
downthrust carrier. Slide the fore-end toward the
muzzle to load the shell into the barrel chamber and
lock the action closed.
MAGAZINE LOAD.Push the safety to the
SAFE position. Slide the fore-end completely forward
to close the action. Turn the gun bottom upward and
press the shell against the carrier, then forward fully
into the magazine. Make sure the rim of the shell snaps
past the shell latch to prevent the shell from sliding back
over the carrier. Should this occur, open the action or, if
necessary, remove the trigger plate assembly (fig.
3-45), if the gun is cocked, to remove the shell.

Functioning of the Remington M870

The M870 shotgun can be loaded and unloaded in
several different ways. The following paragraphs
describe the different options for loading and unloading
the M870 and how to operate the mechanical safety. A
single load puts a round directly into the chamber for
fast firing, while a magazine load fully loads the tubular
magazine, but does not chamber a round. Loading the
barrel from the magazine chambers a round from the
loaded tubular magazine for firing.


MAGAZINE.Shells can be fed from the loaded
magazine by simply pumping the fore-end. Press in the
action bar lock if the gun is cocked. Pump the fore-end
back and forth to open and close the action.

SAFETY.Before loading or unloading, push the

safety (fig. 3-44) across the rear of the trigger, left to
right, to the SAFE position (the red band on the safety
will not show).

UNLOADING THE GUN.Push the safety to

the SAFE position. Press in the action bar lock; pull the
fore-end (fig. 3-46) slowly rearward until the front end
of the shell from the barrel is even with the ejection port
in the receiver. Lift the front of the shell outward and
remove it from the ejection port. Continue pulling the
fore-end back fully until the next shell releases from the
magazine. Roll the gun sideways to allow the released
shell to drop from the ejection port. Close the action by
pushing forward on the fore-end. Continue this same
method until the magazine and gun are empty.

FIRE POSITION.Push the safety across to the

FIRE position (the red band on the safety will show).
The trigger can then be pulled to fire the gun.



Figure 3-46.M870 fore-end assembly.

Figure 3-44.Remington M870 receiver nomenclature.


The entire operating cycle of the M870 shotgun is

completed by pulling the trigger, sliding the fore-end
rearward to open the action, and forward again to close
the action. The fore-end is mounted on double-action
bars and is fully controlled and operated by the shooter.

Open the action and check the shell chamber in the
breech and magazine to make sure no rounds remain
in the gun.

Assume the magazine is loaded and one shell is in

the chamber and locked; the gun is ready to fire. The
firing cycle is described in the following paragraphs.


the safety to the SAFE position. Press in the action bar
lock and pull the fore-end rearward until the front end
of the shell from the barrel is even with the front end of
the ejection port. Lift the front end of the shell from the
receiver as described previously. A shell with different
powder and shot combination may then be placed in the
chamber and the action closed without disturbing shells
in the magazine.

FIRING.With the crossbolt safety pushed to the

FIRE position (red band showing), the gun is fired by
pulling the trigger. The top part of the trigger rotates
forward carrying the right connector, in READY
position, forward against the sear. This movement
pivots the sear out of engagement with the hammer. The
released hammer, with force from the spring-loaded
hammer plunger, strikes the firing pin, which is pinned
in the breech bolt and spring retracted. The firing pin
strikes the primer and ignites the powder charge.
During the upward movement of the hammer, it
engages the action bar lock just before it strikes the
firing pin. Downward movement of the front of the
action bar lock is restrained until pressure against it is
briefly released by the shooter's arm as it recoils
rearward. When the action bar lock is released, the
forward end of the action bar lock is lowered from its
position at the rear of the left action bar, and the rear
section rises and lifts the left connector, which lifts the
right connector from contact with the sear. This
completes the "lock" or firing cycle. The action bar lock
serves a twofold purpose. It serves as a safety feature
that disconnects the trigger assembly and sear until a
shell is fully seated in the chamber and the breech
mechanism again is ready for firing, and it locks the
action closed.

Remington M870 Operating Cycle

To fully understand an operating cycle of the M870
shotgun, it is necessary to know the names and general
functions of the gun's parts. To become more familiar
with the parts during our discussion of an operating
cycle, refer to figure 3-47A, the individual parts
breakdown, and figure 3-47B, the accompanying parts

After pulling the trigger, pulling the fore-end

rearward will open the action and accomplish the
unlock, extract, eject, cock, and feed cycles.
UNLOCKING.The initial rearward movement
of the fore-end, after the shell has been fired, carries the
slide to the rear of the breech bolt. As the breech bolt
passes to the rear, the slide cams the locking block from
the recoil shoulder of the barrel. This movement
unlocks the action and cams the firing pin to the rear
where it is locked and prevented from protruding
through the bolt face.
EXTRACTING.Continued rearward movement of the fore-end opens the action. The breech bolt
moves back and the fired shell is extracted from the
chamber. The extractor claw, which overhangs the bolt
face, grips the rim of the shell tightly as extraction


Figure 3-47A.M870 individual parts breakdown.







Action Bar Lock

Action Bar Lock Spring
Barrel Assembly, 12 Ga. PLAIN, 20" (includes Barrel, Barrel
Guide Ring, Barrel Guide Pin Front Sight (Steel),
Magazine Cap Detent, Magazine Cap Detent Spring)
Breech Bolt, 12 Ga.
Breech Bolt Assembly, Complete, 12 Ga. (includes Breech
Bolt, Extractor, Extractor Plunger, Extractor Spring,
Firing Pin, Firing Pin Retaining Pin, Firing Pin Retractor
Spring, Locking Block Assembly, Slide)
Butt Plate
Butt Plate Screw
Carrier Assembly, (includes Carrier, Carrier Dog, Carrier Dog
Pin, Carrier Dog Washer)
Carrier Dog
Carrier Dog Follower
Carrier Dog Follower Spring
Carrier Dog Pin
Carrier Dog Washer
Carrier Pivot Tube
Connector, Left
Connector, Right
Connector Pin
Ejector, 12 Ga.
Ejector Rivet, Front
Ejector Rivet, Rear
Ejector Spring
Extractor Plunger
Extractor Spring
Firing Pin
Firing Pin Retaining Pin
Firing Pin Retractor Spring
Fore-end (Wood only) 12 Ga.
Fore-end Assembly, 12 Ga. (includes Fore-end, Fore-end Tube
Assembly, Fore-end Tube Nut)
Fore-end Tube Assembly (includes Action Bar, Left; Action
Bar, Right; Fore-end Tube)
Fore-end Tube Nut
Front Sight (Plain Barrel)
Front Sight (Vent Rib) Steel Bead

Front Sight Retaining Pin (for use on Vent Rib Steel Sight)
33 Hammer
34 Hammer Pin
Hammer Pin Washer
35 Hammer Plunger
36 Hammer Spring
37 Locking Block Assembly (includes Locking Block, Locking
Block Stud)
Locking Block Assembly (oversize)




Locking Block Stud

Magazine Cap
Magazine Cap Detent
Magazine Cap Detent Spring
Magazine Follower, 12 Ga.
Magazine Spring
Magazine Spring Retainer
Receiver Assembly, 12 Ga. (includes Receiver, Ejector,
Ejector Rivet, Front; Ejector Rivet, Rear; Ejector
Spring, Magazine Tube, Barrel Support)
Receiver Stud
Safety Detent Ball
Safety Spring
Safety Spring Retaining Pin
Sear Pin
Sear Spring
Shell Latch, Left, 12 Ga.
Shell Latch, Right, 12 Ga.
Stock Assembly (includes Stock, Grip Cap, Grip Cap
Screw, Butt Plate, Butt Plate Screws (2))
Stock Bearing Plate
Stock Bolt
Stock Bolt Lock Washer
Stock Bolt Washer
Trigger Assembly (includes Trigger, Connector, Left;
Connector, Right; Connector Pin)
Trigger Pin
Trigger Plate, R.H. (Right Hand Safety)


Trigger Plate, L.H.

Trigger Plate Assembly, R.H. (includes Action Bar Lock,
Action Bar Lock Spring, Carrier, Carrier Dog, Carrier
Dog Follower, Carrier Dog Follower Spring, Carrier
Dog Pin, Carrier Dog Washer, Carrier Pivot Tube,
Connector Left; Connector Right; Connector Pin,
Hammer, Hammer Pin, Hammer Pin Washer, Hammer
Plunger, Hammer Spring, Safety, Safety Plunger,
Safety Spring, Safety Spring Retaining Pin, Sear, Sear
Pin, Sear Spring Trigger, Trigger Pin, Trigger Plate,
R.H.; Trigger Plate Pin Bushing, Trigger Plate Pin
Detent Springs, From (2); Trigger Plate Detent Spring,
Trigger Plate Assembly, (L.H. Safe)
Trigger Plate Pin, Front
Trigger Plate Pin, Rear
Trigger Plate Pin Busing
Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Front
Trigger Plate Pin, Pin Detent Spring, Rear


Figure 3-47B.M870 parts list.



progresses. Pivot pressure is exerted on the rear of the

extractor by the extractor plunger and spring.

The following discussion on maintenance of the

M870 shotgun covers only action necessary for routine
maintenance of the weapon. Maintenance is performed
according to the MRCs for this weapon.

EJECTING.As the extracted shell clears the

chamber, its base engages a shoulder on the rear of the
ejector spring, which is located on the left side of the
receiver. This pivots the shell so its front end is ejected
first through the ejection port.

Before any disassembly of the M870 shotgun is

attempted, be sure no shells remain in the chamber or

COCKING.Before ejection occurs, the breech

bolt in its rearward travel forces the hammer down
against the coiled hammer spring to engage the sear.
Sear spring pressure locks the sear in a notched position
against the cocked hammer.

BARREL.To remove and clean the barrel, push

the safety to the SAFE position. Open the action,
unscrew the magazine cap, and pull the barrel from the
receiver. Replace the magazine cap on the end of the
magazine tube. To clean the barrel, use a cleaning rod
with a lightly oiled cloth. If powder fouling remains in
the barrel, use a powder solvent to scrub the bore. After
using solvent, wipe the barrel clean and re-oil it very
lightly. Replace the barrel by removing the magazine
cap, insert the barrel in the receiver, and replace the
magazine cap.

FEEDING.The final movement of the fore-end

carries the slide, breech bolt assembly, and locking
block to the rear of the receiver. Termination of this
rearward stroke also permits the left action bar to cam
the left shell latch, in turn, releasing the first shell from
the magazine. The released shell is forced from the
magazine by a spring-loaded follower. The carrier
receives the released shell. Meanwhile, the right shell
latch, which was cammed into the magazine way by the
right action bar during the extraction cycle, intercepts
the base of the second shell.


safety pushed to the SAFE position, cock the action.
Tap out the front and rear trigger plate pins (fig. 3-47A).
Lift the rear of the trigger plate from the receiver, then
slide it rearward to remove it from the gun. The trigger
assembly will be cleaned as a unit by brushing with a
solvent. Wipe the trigger assembly dry and re-oil it very
sparingly. When replacing the plate assembly in the
gun, make sure the action bar lock enters the receiver
easily and operates in position.

With a shell resting on the depressed carrier,

forward movement of the fore-end will close the gun's
action and complete the loading and locking cycles.
LOADING.Forward movement of the fore-end
will carry with it the slide, breech bolt, and locking
block. The carrier dog is engaged by the slide, pivots
the shell carrier upward, and places a shell in the path of
the returning breech bolt. As the bolt continues to
advance, it depresses the ejector spring and the shell is
picked up and loaded into the chamber. The carrier dog
is released by the passing slide, forced up by the carrier
dog follower, and pivots the carrier from the path of the
loading shell. The following shell from the magazine,
being retained by the right shell latch, is released by the
camming action of the returning right action bar. At this
point the shell is intercepted and held by the left shell
latch until the next feeding cycle.


safety to the SAFE position. Close the action, remove
the magazine cap and barrel. Reach into the bottom of
the receiver and press the left shell latch inward.
Remove the fore-end by sliding it forward off the
magazine tube. After the fore-end assembly has been
removed from the gun, the breech bolt parts and the
slide may be lifted from the ends of the action bars.


LOCKING.When the shell is fully in the

chamber, the action closes and the bolt is against the
shell base. The slide continues to travel within the bolt
and cams the locking block into the recoil shoulder of
the barrel. The locking block secures the breech bolt
firmly and is supported by the slide as it completes its
forward travel. With the locking block fully seated, the
passage through the locking block allows protrusion of
the firing pin through the bolt face.

The top right edge of the slide may bind on the

bottom front edge of the ejector port in the receiver.
To free the slide, push downward on the front end of
the bolt.
It is not necessary to disassemble the bolt for
routine cleaning. Brush it with solvent to clean, then
wipe dry.


Assembly of the weapon is done in reverse of

disassembly. There are, however, set procedures to
follow to facilitate the assembly.
When assembling the fore-end parts, the gun must
be cocked. During this assembly, place the slide in the
correct position on the ends of the double-action bar.
Place the breech bolt assembly, which includes the
attached locking block assembly, over the slide on the
action bars. Insert the end of the action bars into the
matching grooves in the receiver. Move the fore-end
slowly until contact is made with the front end of the
right shell latch. Press the front right shell latch into the
side of the receiver and continue moving the fore-end
past this latch until contact is made with the left shell
latch. Press the front of the left shell latch in to allow the
fore-end assembly to pass and move freely into the
receiver. Assemble the barrel to the receiver and tighten
firmly with the magazine cap. This completes the
assembly of the shotgun.
For further information on the Remington M870
shotgun, refer to the U.S. Air Force TM

While very similar to the M870, the Mossberg

M500 has a few significant differences. The following
is a brief description of the differences that affect
operation of the weapon. Figure 3-48 illustrates the
location of the safety switch and the action locklever on
the M500 shotgun. The M500 safety switch is located
on the top of the receiver and the action lock release is
to the rear of the trigger guard. The M870 has the safety
switch in the trigger guard and the action lock release to
the front of the trigger guard. The disassembly and
maintenance of the M500 is basically the same as that
of the M870 so much so that they are both currently
covered on the same MRC. Further information on the
Mossberg M500 shotgun may be found in the
manufacturer's owner's manual supplied with the

Figure 3-48.Mossberg M500 shotgun safety and action


recoil pad. The line-throwing assembly (launcher,

projectile, and canister) is designed to be used with the
M14 and M16A3 rifles and applicable grenade
cartridges (M64 and M195, respectively).
The launcher (fig. 3-49) is used to hold the
projectile and trap propellant gases that propel the
projectile. It consists of a cylindrical steel tube
approximately 8.5 inches long and 2.75 inches in
diameter at the launching end and 1 inch in diameter at
the connecting end. When used with the M14 rifle, the
launcher slides over the flash suppressor and is secured
to the rifle by the latch and its wire loop that fits over the
rifle's bayonet lug. The safety retaining pin, fastened to
the launcher by a stainless steel lanyard, fits through the
latch to lock the launcher to the rifle. The connecting
end of the launcher is threaded internally to accept the
M16A3 rifle barrel after the rifle's flash compensator is


87 Mod 1 line-throwing kit and describe what
is needed in preparation for firing.
This kit replaces the Mk 87 Mod 0 kit that replaced
the 45/70 line-throwing gun. Included in the kit are 6
projectiles, 1 launcher, 18 chemical light wands, and 1



Figure 3-51.Chemical light wand.


Figure 3-49.Launcher.

light wand is installed by inserting it, tapered end first,

into the hole and groove of the projectile.

The projectile (fig. 3-50) fits into the launcher.

When the rifle grenade cartridge is fired, the projectile
carries one end of the attached shot line to the desired
destination. The projectile also houses the chemical
light wands for night operation.

The light wand is a two-component chemical

illuminate system consisting of a yellow-green oxalate
solution inside a nylon tube. To activate the light, flex
the nylon tube enough to break an inner glass tube, as
shown in figure 3-52, and shake well. Do not activate
the light wand until ready to use because once it is
activated it must be used or disposed of. Do not dispose
of the chemical light wand overboard as it may be
mistaken for a "man overboard" exercise.


The reusable projectile is made of butyl rubber with

a stainless steel disk assembled in the base end. The
disk absorbs the impact of the propellant gases and the
wadding of the rifle grenade cartridge. The hole and
groove shown in figure 3-50 support the light wand.
Three of these supports, located 120 inches apart, are
contained in each projectile. The loop line is used to
connect the shot line to the projectile.

If the nylon tube should puncture during
activation, individuals may experience some mild
discomfort from excessive skin or eye exposure to the
oxalate solution. Personnel should wash exposed
areas with soap and water as soon as possible.


Since the chemical light produces no flame or heat,

its stowage is not restricted to ventilated and
unconfined (topside) spaces. The active life of the
chemical light is from 3 to 12 hours, depending on the
ambient temperature. Its shelf life is approximately 2
years under normal conditions.

The chemical light wand (fig. 3-51) is used to

illuminate the projectile during night operations. The



Figure 3-52.Activating chemical light wand.

Figure 3-50.Projectile.


Note in figure 3-54 that the use of the canister is

optional. With another person holding the shot line, the
canister is not needed. The canister is part of the Mod 0
kit and should be retained for optional use with the Mod
1 kit.
The recoil pad provided by this kit will reduce the
recoil on the operator when the projectile is launched. It
is of the slip-on type and made of neoprene rubber that
resists attacks by oil and other solvents. It is designed
for a tight fit on the butt stock. Thus, care is required
during installation to prevent tearing. Once installed on
the rifle used for line throwing, it is recommended that
the recoil pad not be removed. The pad is designed to fit
both the M14 and M16A3 rifles. However, on the
M16A3 rifle, the sling swivel is closer to the rifle butt
and the skirt of the recoil pad must be folded back or cut
to fit around the swivel. The recoil pad is shown
installed on the M14 rifle in figure 3-54.


Figure 3-53.Canister.

The canister (fig. 3-53) is made of polyethylene and
houses the spool of shot line when attached to the
appropriate rifle. Attachment is made by the metal
clamp shown in figure 3-53.
To install the shot line in the canister, remove the
cap from the after end of the canister. Place the spool of
shot line in the canister and feed the line from the center
of the spool through the hole in front of the canister. Tie
a knot in the bitter end of the shot line and slide it into
the slot at the after end of the canister. Replace the
canister cap. (The action of placing the knotted end of
the shot line into the canister slot attaches the bitter end
of the shot line to the canister.) Connect the line coming
from the front end of the canister to the loop line on the
projectile. These lines (shot line and loop line) are
connected by a series of loosely tied half-hitch knots
(three to five). Figure 3-54 shows the canister, shot line,
and launcher mounted on the M14 rifle.

Figure 3-55 depicts the grenade cartridges used
with the M14 and M16A3 rifles when firing the
line-throwing projectile. The larger of the two is the
M64 (7.62-mm) cartridge used with the M14 rifle,
while the smaller is the M195 (5.56-mm) cartridge used
with the M16A3 rifle. Besides the difference in overall
size, the cartridges can be identified by looking at, or by
feeling, their crimped ends; the M64 is 5-pointed and
the M195 is 7-pointed. Only one cartridge should be


Figure 3-54.Mk 87 Mod 1 kit on M14 rifle.



Figure 3-56.Shot line.


Figure 3-55.Grenade cartridges.

loaded into the rifle at a time, and it should not be

loaded until at the rail, just before firing, with the rifle
pointing outboard in a safe direction. No cartridge other
than those designated should ever be used to fire a
line-throwing projectile.

On the M16A3 rifle, the flash compensator must be

removed and the launcher screwed onto the end of the
barrel. To prevent damage to the launcher and/or the
threads on the barrel, leave the lock washer that is
located between the suppressor and barrel in place.



The nylon shot line comes in spools (fig. 3-56). The

line is approximately 550 feet long and has a tensile
strength of 125 pounds. It is wound around a wooden
spindle in such a way that prevents fouling the line
when the projectile is fired. The line is colored
international orange and is treated with a
water-repellent solution to make the line buoyant
enough to float on the surface at least 24 hours.

When firing the line-throwing projectile from the

applicable rifle, elevate and aim the rifle over and
across the designated target. Although the projectile is
made of rubber, it has enough velocity to cause injury.
The rifle should be kept elevated until the projectile
reaches its target to prevent line entanglement.
In the event of a misfire or hangfire, wait 10
seconds before ejecting the grenade cartridge.
Malfunctions of cartridges should be reported
according to OPNAVINST 5102.1.


On the M14 rifle, the spindle valve must be in the
CLOSED (slot parallel to the barrel) position (see fig.
3-54) when firing the line-throwing projectile.

The maximum reliable range of the line-throwing

projectile is approximately 90 yards when fired from
the M14 rifle and approximately 85 yards when fired
from the M16A3 rifle. These ranges are dependent
upon having a dry shot line. A wet line can be used
when a dry line is not available, but it will cause the
range to be reduced. Table 3-2 provides the
approximate range data for firing from the M14 and
M16A3 rifles.

This position of the spindle valve is described as
being in the OFF (horizontal) position in the first part
of this chapter and in the TM9-1005-223-10.

Table 3-2.Range Data



Degrees of Elevation


Degrees of



80 yards


65 yards


90 yards


85 yards


85 yards


85 yards

55 yards

45 yards

NOTE: 0 (degrees) is when the rifle is parallel to the surface.


information on the .50-cal. BMG, refer to the Army's

FM 23-65.

Maintenance and operation of the Mk 87 Mod 1
line-throwing rifle adapter kit is covered in NAVSEA
SW350-A1-MMO-010. Kit maintenance is also
covered by a 3-M Systems MRC.

The main characteristics of the .50-cal. BMG (M2)

are as follows:
Weight of receiver group

56 lb

Weight of barrel

26 lb (approx)

Total weight of gun, complete,

on tripod mount, M3

126 lb (approx)

Maximum range (M2 ball)

7,400 yd

The Navy currently uses three machine gunsthe

M2 .50 caliber Browning, the 7.62-mm M-60, and the
25-mm M242 chain gun. In this section we will provide
you with some operational and maintenance information on these three weapons.

Maximum effective range

2,000 yd

Cyclic rate of fire

450-500 rpm

Muzzle velocity (M2 ball)

2,930 fps

Length of gun overall

65 in. (approx)



Length of barrel

45 in.

operation and maintenance of the machine
guns currently used by naval forces afloat.

General Description

Browning machine guns (abbreviated BMGs) are

standard Army weapons used by the Navy. The .50-cal.
BMG now used by the Navy and Army is the M2. The
M2 BMG is only equipped with an air-cooled heavy
barrel (HB) since the light air-cooled barrel is no longer
in use.

The .50-cal. HB M2 Browning machine gun is a

belt-fed, recoil-operated, air-cooled machine gun. The
gun is capable of semiautomatic as well as automatic
By repositioning some of the component parts, the
gun is capable of alternate feed (ammunition can be fed
from either the right or left side of the receiver);
however, under most circumstances, the gun is fed from
the left side. A disintegrating metallic link belt is used
in feeding. In preparation for firing, the first round
requires manual operation.

For a time the .50-cal. BMG (fig. 3-57) was not

used aboard surface ships, but has since been installed
on most types of ships and landing craft.
Because of its complexity, the mechanisms and the
principles of operation of the .50-cal. BMG will not be
taken up in this section of the chapter. For detailed


Figure 3-57..50-cal. HB Browning machine gun (M2).


The force for recoil operation of the weapon is

furnished by the expanding gases and is controlled by
various springs, cams, and levers.
Air cooling of the weapon is permitted through
maximum exposure to the air of the barrel and receiver.
Perforations in the barrel support allow air to circulate
around the breech end of the barrel and help to cool the
parts. The heavy barrel is used to retard early
Operating the .50-Cal. BMG
The safest and best way to operate a .50-cal.
machine gun is to follow the correct procedures. By
following set procedures, you prevent damage to the
gun and possible injury to you or others in the area. The
operating procedures of the .50-cal. BMG include
prefire checks, loading and unloading, and postfire


Figure 3-59.Bolt-latch release free of the bolt-latch-release


The primary prefire check requirement is the

inspection of the weapons headspace and timing. This
is done with a headspace and timing gauge (fig. 3-58).
Headspace is the distance between the face of the bolt
and the base of a cartridge case fully seated in the
chamber. The timing of the gun makes sure that firing
takes place with the bolt in the correct position (just
before it reaches the full FORWARD position).

automatic firing, the bolt-latch release must be locked

in the DEPRESSED position by the bolt-latch-release
lock. To engage the bolt-latch-release lock, first depress
the bolt-latch release. Then turn the bolt-latch-release
lock counterclockwise until it hooks and retains the
bolt-latch release in the DEPRESSED position.
On the command HALF-LOAD, with the cover
closed, the double-loop end of the ammunition belt is
inserted in the feedway until the first round is held by
the belt-holding pawl (fig. 3-60). The retracting slide
handle is then pulled all the way to the rear and
released. With the bolt-latch-release lock positioned to
engage the bolt-latch release, the bolt and retracting
slide handle will move forward under pressure of the
driving spring group, thus half-loading the gun.
However, if the bolt-latch release is up and free of the

The operator must also select automatic or

semiautomatic firing; automatic is the normal mode of
operation. The mode of operation is determined by the
position of the bolt-latch-release lock (fig. 3-59). For



Figure 3-60.First round held in feedway by belt-holding


Figure 3-58.Headspace and timing gauge.


bolt-latch-release lock, the bolt latch will hold the bolt

to the rear. Push the retracting slide handle all the way
forward (before releasing the bolt); then press down on
the bolt-latch release to let the bolt go forward.

In case of a runaway gun, keep the weapon laid

The procedure for fully loading the gun is the same

as for half-loading, except that the operation is
repeated. Once fully loaded the machine gun is fired by
depressing the butterfly trigger.

To unload the gun, the bolt-latch release is

unlocked, the cover-latch release is turned, and the
cover is raised. The ammunition belt is lifted from the
gun. The bolt is pulled to the rear, and the chamber and
T-slot are examined to see that they hold no rounds.
After this examination, the bolt is allowed to go
forward, the cover is closed and latched, and the trigger
is pressed.

Once fully loaded, the M2 .50-cal. machine gun
maintains a round of ammunition in the chamber at
all times. During sustained firing operations, the high
temperature of the barrel presents a possible
"cook-off" situation. The weapon should always be
kept pointed in a safe direction or cleared during
breaks in firing. According to Clearing of Live
SW300-BC-SAF-010, the M2 HB reaches cook-off
temperatures after a burst of 250 rounds or more.

Gun maintenance
The importance of a thorough knowledge of how to
care for, clean, and preserve the machine gun cannot be
overemphasized. Proper care, cleaning, and preservation determine whether this gun will shoot accurately
and function properly when needed. The bore and
chamber must be kept in perfect condition to ensure
accurate fire. Because of the close fit of working surfaces and the high speed at which the gun operates, it is
important that the receiver and moving parts be kept
clean, well-lubricated, and free of burrs, rust, dirt, or
To ensure proper care of the machine gun, it is
necessary to establish standard operating procedures

An emergency situation may occur while firing the

M2, or any other belt-fed machine gun: the runaway
firing of the gun. That is, firing continues after the
trigger has been released. This is remedied by twisting
the ammunition belt at the feed slot, thereby causing it
to jam and cease firing.


Figure 3-61.M60 machine gun: (A) Bipod mounted; (B) Tripod mounted.


concerning the frequency at which the gun is to be

cleaned. This is normally done using the 3-M Systems
MRCs. TM 9-1005-213-10 also provides maintenance
instructions for this gun. Under combat conditions, it
may be necessary to clean the gun where it is mounted;
however, when possible, the gun should be
disassembled, cleaned, and oiled in a clean, dry
location where it is least exposed to moisture, dirt, and
so on. Be particularly careful to remove all sand or dirt;
it will act as an abrasive on moving parts, causing
excessive wear, sluggish operation, or malfunction. Do
not oil parts excessively. Excessive oil solidifies and
causes sluggish operation or complete failure.

The M60 has a front sight permanently affixed to

the barrel. The rear sight leaf is mounted on a
spring-type dovetail base (fig. 3-62). It can be folded
forward to the horizontal when the gun is to be moved.
The range plate on the sight leaf is marked for each 100
meters, from 300 meters to the maximum effective
range of 1,100 meters. Range changes may be made by
using either the slide release or the elevating knob. The
slide release is used for making major changes in
elevation. The elevating knob is used for fine
adjustments, such as during zeroing. Four clicks on the
elevating knob equal a 1-mil change of elevation. The
sight is adjustable for windage 5 mils right and left of
zero. The windage knob is located on the left side of the
sight. One click on the windage knob equals a 1-mil
change of deflection.

Each gun should be cleaned as soon after firing as

possible, and each time it is taken to the field and
returned. Under combat conditions, the gun should be
cleaned and lightly oiled daily. Under ideal conditions,
where the gun is not used and is stored in a clean, dry
place, it may only be necessary to inspect, clean, and
lubricate the gun once a week. The threads on the gun
barrels must be protected against being burred while
handling and cleaning.

1 mil equals 1 inch at 1,000 inches, 1 yard at
1,000 yards, 1 meter at 1,000 meters, and so on.

For more detailed information on the prescribed

cleaning materials, lubricants, and rust preventives to
be used in the .50-cal. BMG maintenance, refer to the
Army's FM 23-65 and TM 9-1005-213-10.

A safety lever is located on the left side of the

trigger housing. It has an S (SAFE) position and an F
(FIRE) position. On the SAFE position the bolt cannot
be pulled to the rear or released to go forward. The
cocking lever, on the right side of the gun, is used to pull
the bolt to the rear. It must be returned manually to its
FORWARD position each time the bolt is manually
pulled to the rear.


The M60 machine gun (fig. 3-61) is an air-cooled,
belt-fed, gas-operated automatic weapon. The machine
gun was originally developed for use by ground troops;
however, it is used on many types and classes of ships,
river patrol craft, and combat helicopters.

The M60 machine gun may be installed in

helicopters by use of special mounts installed in the

The essential features of the M60 are as follows:


43.5 in. (110.5 cm)


23 lb (10.4 kg)

Maximum range

3,725 meters (4,075 yd)

Maximum effective

1,100 meters (1,200 yd)


7.62-mm ball tracer,

armor-piercing, incendiary,
and dummy

Rates of fire:

100 rpm


200 rpm


550 rpm


Figure 3-62.M60 rear sight.


5. Unlocking: The bolt is unlocked from the

barrel socket.

doors or escape hatches. The mount consists of an

ammunition can support, a spent round chute, a link
chute, and a stowage bag. The machine gun can be
easily installed and removed from the mount by use of
quick-release pins. Firing stops are incorporated into
the design of the mount to determine the azimuth and
elevation limits of the machine gun.

6. Extracting: The empty case is pulled from the

7. Ejecting: The empty cartridge case is thrown
from the receiver.
8. Cocking: The sear engages the sear notch.


The cycle starts by putting a round in the feed tray

groove and then pulling the trigger, releasing the sear
from the sear notch (fig. 3-63). It stops when the trigger
is released and the sear again engages the sear notch in
the operating rod. When the trigger is held to the rear,
the rear of the sear is lowered and disengaged from the
sear notch. This allows the operating rod and bolt to be
driven forward by the expansion of the operating rod
spring. Now that the gun is functioning, the steps of the
cycle can be traced.

The machine gun is designed to function

automatically as long as ammunition is fed into the gun
and the trigger is held to the rear. Each time a round is
fired, the parts of the machine gun function in a certain
sequence. Many of the actions occur simultaneously
and are only separated for teaching purposes. The
sequence of operation is known as the cycle of
For ease of understanding, the complete cycle of
operation is discussed in the following eight steps:

As the bolt begins its forward movement, the feed

cam is forced to the right, causing the feed cam lever to
pivot in the opposite direction and forcing the feed pawl
over the next round in the belt, ready to place it in the
feed tray groove when the rearward action occurs again.
As the bolt moves to the rear after the firing, the cam
roller in the top of the bolt forces the feed cam to the
left. The feed cam lever is forced to pivot, moving the
feed pawl to the right, placing a round in the feed tray
groove as shown in figure 3-64.

1. Feeding: A round is positioned in the feed tray

2. Chambering: A round is stripped from the belt
and placed in the chamber.
3. Locking: The bolt is locked inside the barrel
4. Firing: The firing pin strikes and initiates the
primer of the cartridge.


Figure 3-63.Sear disengaging from sear notch.



Figure 3-64.Feeding.

the chambering ramp causes the nose of the cartridge to

be cammed downward into the chamber as shown in
figure 3-65. When the round is fully seated in the
chamber, the extractor snaps over the rim of the
cartridge, and the ejector on the face of the bolt is

As the bolt travels forward, the upper locking lug

engages the rim of the cartridge. The pressure of the
front and rear cartridge guides hold the round so that
positive contact is made with the upper locking lug of
the bolt. The front cartridge guide prevents the link's
forward motion as the round is stripped from the belt.
The upper locking lug carries the round forward, and


Figure 3-65.Chambering.



Figure 3-66.Weapon locked, ready to fire.

After the bolt reaches its fully forward and locked

position, the operating rod continues to go forward,
independently of the bolt, for a short distance. The
yoke, engaged between the firing pin spools, carries the
firing pin forward. The striker of the firing pin
protrudes through the aperture in the face of the bolt,
strikes the primer of the cartridge, and ignites it. This
action is depicted in figure 3-67.

As the round is chambered, the bolt enters the

barrel socket. The upper and lower locking lugs contact
the bolt camming surfaces inside the barrel socket and
start the rotation of the bolt clockwise. The action of the
operating rod yoke against the bolt camming slot, as the
operating rod continues forward, causes the bolt to
complete its one-quarter turn clockwise rotation (fig.
3-66). Locking is then completed.


Figure 3-67.Firing.



Figure 3-68.Unlocking action of gases.

from the primer of the spent cartridge case. The action

of the operating rod yoke continuing to the rear against
the rear firing pin spool fully compresses the firing pin
spring. As long as the trigger is held to the rear, the
weapon will continue to complete the first seven steps
of functioning automatically. When the trigger is
released and the sear again engages the sear notch, the
cycle of functioning is stopped and the weapon is

After the cartridge is ignited and the projectile

passes the gas port, part of the expanding gases enter
the gas cylinder through the gas port. The rapidly
expanding gases enter the hollow gas piston, as shown
in figure 3-68, and force the piston to the rear. The
operating rod, being in contact with the piston, is also
pushed to the rear. As the operating rod continues to the
rear, the operating rod yoke acts against the bolt
camming slot to cause the bolt to begin its
counterclockwise rotation. The upper and lower
locking lugs of the bolt, contacting the bolt camming
surfaces inside the barrel socket, cause the bolt to complete its one-quarter turn rotation (counterclockwise)
and unlock the bolt from the barrel socket. Unlocking
begins as the yoke of the operating rod contacts the
curve of the bolt camming slot and ends as the bolt
clears the end of the barrel socket.

Two types of disassembly procedures may be
performed on the M60 machine gungeneral and
detailed. General disassembly procedures involve the
removal of most of the major groups and assemblies of
the weapon, while the detailed procedures consist of
removing the components of the major groups. Due to
the complexity of the detailed procedures, and the
many steps and parts involved, only the general
disassembly procedures are discussed here.

While unlocking is going on, extraction is

beginning. The rotation of the bolt, in unlocking,
loosens the cartridge case in the chamber. As the
operating rod and bolt continue to the rear, the extractor
(gripping the rim of the cartridge) pulls the cartridge
case from the chamber. As the case is withdrawn from
the chamber, the ejector spring expands. The ejector
presses on the base of the cartridge case, forcing the
front of the spent case against the right side of the
receiver, as shown in figure 3-69. As the bolt continues
to the rear, the action of the ejector pushing against the
base of the cartridge case and the extractor gripping the
right side of the case cause the cartridge case to spin
from the gun as the case reaches the ejection port. The
empty link is forced out of the link ejection port as the
rearward movement of the bolt causes the next round to
be positioned in the feed plate groove.
As the expanding gases force the gas piston to the
rear, the operating rod is initially moved independently
of the bolt. The yoke of the operating rod acts against
the rear firing pin spool, withdrawing the firing pin


Figure 3-69.Extraction and ejection.



5Cover assembly and cartridge tray

1Barrel assembly w/bipod assembly
assembly groups
2Trigger mechanism grip group
AHinge pin latch
ALeaf spring
BHinge cover pin
BRetaining pin
CTrigger mechanism grip assembly
DCover assembly
3Shoulder stock
ECartridge tray assembly
4Forearm assembly

6Buffer assembly and operating rod

assembly groups
ARetaining buffer yoke
BBuffer assembly
CDriving spring guide assembly
EOperating rod assembly
7Bolt assembly

Figure 3-70.Major groups and assemblies of the M60 machine gun.

The M60 machine gun can be disassembled into

eight major groups and assemblies without the use of
force or special tools. These groups and assemblies are
shown in figure 3-70. Removal disassembly of all the
groups and assemblies is not necessary for general
disassembly. With the exception of the barrel assembly,
all disassembly can be done with a driftpin or a similar
pointed object.


buffer assembly group consists of the buffer yoke and
the buffer. To disassemble the group, hold the palm of
the hand against the exposed buffer and press lightly.
Remove the buffer yoke from the top of the receiver as
illustrated in figure 3-72. Withdraw the buffer slowly.
Allow the drive spring to expand until the end of the
drive spring guide is exposed at the rear of the receiver.
Pull the buffer plunger from the drive spring guide (fig.

General disassembly begins with the bolt forward,

the cover closed, and the safety on SAFE. Before the
weapon is disassembled, it must be thoroughly
inspected to make sure it is unloaded. As the weapon is
disassembled, place the parts (in the order in which they
are removed) on a clean, flat surface. This reduces the
possibility of loss of parts and aids in reassembly. The
parts are replaced in reverse order. The nomenclature of
each part is learned by naming it as it is removed and
stock, raise the hinged shoulder rest and insert the nose
of a driftpin into the latch hole as shown in figure 3-71.
With the latch depressed, remove the stock by pulling it
directly to the rear.


Figure 3-71.Releasing the stock latch.



Figure 3-72.Removing the buffer group.


The operating rod assembly group consists of the
operating rod, drive spring, drive spring guide, and bolt
assembly. To remove the group, pull the drive spring
guide and spring from the receiver and separate them.
With the left hand, grasp the pistol grip and pull the
cocking handle to the rear until the bolt is separated
from the barrel socket. Continue to pull the operating
rod and bolt to the rear by pulling the cam roller as
shown in figure 3-74, view A.


Figure 3-74.Removing the operating group.

remove the group, press in on the front of the leaf spring

and rotate the front end down to clear it from the trigger
housing pin as shown in figure 3-75, view A. Pull
forward to disengage the rear notch from the sear pin.
Remove the trigger housing pin by pushing it to the left.
Slide the trigger housing slightly forward, rotate the
front of the housing down, and remove it (fig. 3-75,
view B).

When the operating rod and bolt are exposed approximately 4 inches to the rear of the receiver, grasp
them securely to prevent the bolt from "turning in," and
remove them from the receiver (fig. 3-74, view B).
Relax the grip and allow the bolt to rotate slowly. It is
not necessary to separate the bolt from the operating
GROUP.The trigger mechanism grip group consists
of the trigger mechanism grip assembly (trigger
housing, sear, sear pin, sear plunger, sear plunger
spring, trigger pin, and trigger), trigger housing pin
(interchangeable with the sear pin), and leaf spring. To


Figure 3-73.Separating the buffer from the drive spring



Figure 3-75.Removing the trigger mechanism grip group.


hand, push forward on the rear of the bolt, causing the

bolt to rotate until the locking lugs are in the vertical
position. With the cam roller up, push the operating rod
and bolt into the receiver until the end of the operating
rod is even with the rear of the receiver. Insert the drive
spring guide into the drive spring; then insert the
opposite end of the drive spring in the recess of the
operating rod, as shown in figure 3-77. Pull the trigger
and push in the drive spring until the head of the guide
is approximately an inch from the receiver (fig. 3-73).


The barrel assembly consists of the barrel, flash
suppressor, front sight bipod assembly, and gas
cylinder. To remove the assembly, raise the barrel lock
lever to the vertical position and remove the barrel
assembly by pulling it to the front as shown in figure
General disassembly to this point leaves the
receiver group, cover assembly and cartridge tray
assembly groups, and forearm intact, and is sufficient
for general maintenance and cleaning of the M60
machine gun.

4. Insert the buffer plunger into the drive spring

guide, as shown in figure 3-73. Push forward on the
buffer until the operating rod and bolt go fully forward.
Push in on the buffer until the recesses on the buffer are
aligned with the recesses in the receiver. Replace the
buffer yoke from the top of the receiver, as shown in
figure 3-72.

The assembly procedures for the M60 machine gun
are basically the reverse of the steps taken during
disassembly. Starting with the receiver, each group and
assembly are attached in the following manner:

5. Align the guide rails of the stock with the guide

rails on the receiver. Push forward until the stock is
fully seated. A distinct click will be heard when the
latch engages.

1. Make sure the barrel lock lever is in the vertical

position, as shown in figure 3-76. Insert the rear of the
barrel under the barrel cover and align the gas cylinder
nut with its recess in the forearm assembly. Lower the
barrel lock lever.

6. To check for correct assembly, pull the cocking

handle to the rear and return it to its forward position.
Close the cover and pull the trigger. The bolt should go

2. Engage the holding notch of the trigger

housing in its recess in the bottom of the receiver (fig.
3-75, view B). Rotate the front of the trigger housing up
and align the holes of the trigger housing with the
mounting bracket on the receiver. Insert the trigger
housing pin from the left. Engage the rear of the leaf
spring with the sear pin (fig. 3-75, view A). Make sure
the leaf spring is positioned so that the bent portion is
pressed against the side of the trigger housing. Rotate
the front of the leaf spring up and engage it with the
trigger housing pin.

The bolt must be in the rear (cocked) position to
close the cover.
For further information on the M60 machine gun,
refer to the Army's TM 9-1005-224-24 and TM

3. Insert the end of the operating rod into the

receiver. Hold the rod with one hand. With the other



Figure 3-77.Inserting the drive spring.

Figure 3-76.Removing the barrel assembly.




Figure 3-79.The Mk 38 Mod 0 machine gun system.

Figure 3-78.25-mm M242 automatic gun.

Gun operation is powered by an electric motor. The

power supply is a 24-volt battery located externally to
the gun. The electric motor, attached to the bottom of
the receiver, drives all the moving parts of the gun. The
gun consists of three major components, the feeder
assembly, receiver, and barrel (fig. 3-80).


The M242 is considered a minor caliber gun. The
25-mm M242 automatic gun (fig. 3-78) is a
short-range, up to 2,700 yards, surface-to-surface
weapon, designed for use aboard naval vessels
operating in coastal and inland areas. The gun is
mounted on the Mk 88 Mod 0 machine gun mount
to form the Mk 38 Mod 0 machine gun system (fig.

Driven by the electric motor, the feeder assembly

transfers linked ammunition from the feed chute, strips
rounds from links, places rounds onto the bolt face, and
removes spent cartridge cases from the bolt. The M242


Figure 3-80.M242 major components: A. Feeder assembly; B. Receiver; C. Barrel.


bolt forward and rearward with a dwell time at each

position. The forward dwell time allows propellant
gases to disperse after firing while the rear dwell time
allows for the spent case to be ejected and a new
cartridge inserted.

is often referred to as a "chain gun" due to the design of

the bolt mechanism. As shown in figure 3-81, the bolt is
operated by a chain that is driven by the electric motor.
The chain master link includes the slider that fits into a
perpendicular track on the bottom of the bolt carrier. As
the chain is driven around the track, the slider moves the


Figure 3-81.M242 bolt operation.


Figure 3-82.M79 grenade launcher.

controls, safeties and operation of the M79 and
Mk 19 Mod 3 grenade launchers.
Figure 3-84.Grenade launcher controls.

The Navy currently uses two types of grenade

launchersthe M79 and the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine
gun. Both fire 40-mm grenade ammunition. However,
the ammunition is not interchangeable. The linked
rounds for the Mk 19 Mod 3 have a longer casing than
those intended for use in the M79.

Controls of the M79 Grenade Launcher

The safety (fig. 3-84) is in the SAFE position when
pulled all the way back and in the FIRING position
when pushed all the way forward.


The barrel locking latch (fig. 3-84), when pushed

all the way to the right, permits the breech end of the
barrel to be swung up into the OPEN position. The
grenade launcher cocks as it opens.

The M79 grenade launcher (fig. 3-82) is a

break-open, single-shot weapon. It is breech loaded and
chambered for a 40-mm metallic cartridge case with
internal primer. Cartridges used with the M79 grenade
launcher are shown in figure 3-83.

The trigger guard (fig. 3-84) is shown in lowered

position. It can be released for setting to one side or the
other by pushing back the cylindrical housing at the
front. This makes it possible for a person wearing heavy
gloves or mittens to fire the grenade launcher. The
sighting equipment for the launcher is shown in figure
Operating the M79 Grenade Launcher
The following procedures should be followed when
loading and firing the M79 grenade launcher.

Figure 3-83.Cartridges used with the M79 grenade


Figure 3-85.Rear sight assembly.


Figure 3-86.Loading the M79 grenade launcher.


bore to be sure it is free of foreign matter or
obstructions. Check all ammunition to be sure the
proper type and grade are being used. Check launcher
to be sure it is properly cleaned. Inspect for malfunction
and other defects.

Figure 3-88.Firing the M79 from the prone position.

ranges from 50 to 80 meters (165 to 265 feet), the rear

sight frame assembly is placed in the lowered (called
the battle sight) position (fig. 3-85). Longer ranges are
fired with the rear sight frame in the upright position
(fig. 3-85) and the sight aperture bar set at the
approximate target range of the scale. TM
9-1010-205-10 provides detailed instruction on use of
the launcher's sights.

LOADING.Point the muzzle of the launcher at

the ground and clear the area of all personnel.
Move the barrel locking latch all the way to the
right and break open the breech. If the safety is not
already on SAFE, this procedure will cause it to move
to SAFE, provided that the barrel locking latch is
moved to its full limit of travel.

When firing grenades at targets within battle sight

ranges (50 to 80 meters or 165 to 265 feet), the operator
must be in a protected position. Targets that are within
80 meters (265 feet) of friendly troops must not be fired

Insert the projectile portion of the ammunition into

the chamber opening (fig. 3-86) and push the complete
round forward into the chamber until the extractor
contacts the rim of the cartridge case. Close the breech.

Field-stripping the M79 Grenade Launcher

FIRING.When the launcher is fired, you must

be in either a standing or prone position. In the standing
position, the butt is placed against the shoulder. In the
prone position, the butt is placed against the ground.
(See figs. 3-87 and 3-88.)

Field-stripping the M79 grenade launcher consists

of separating the fore-end assembly from the barrel and
receiver group and separating the stock from the
receiver group.

A detailed discussion of sightsetting is beyond the

scope of this course. However, to engage targets at

To remove the fore-end assembly, first use the

wrench assembly shown in figure 3-89 to remove the

Figure 3-87.Firing the M79 from the standing position.

Figure 3-89.Removing the fore-end assembly retainer screw.


Figure 3-90.Removing the fore-end assembly.

Figure 3-92.Removing receiver group attaching screw.

breech. Then, holding the stock and receiver stationary,

move the barrel rearward in the receiver until it is
disengaged from the fulcrum pin as shown in figure
3-91. Separate the barrel from the receiver group.
To separate the stock from the receiver group, use a
combination wrench assembly, as shown in figure 3-92,
and remove the pin-headed machine screw that secures
the stock to the receiver group.

Figure 3-91.Removing the barrel group.

machine screw shown in the same figure. Then pull the

front end of the fore-end assembly away from the
barrel, as shown in figure 3-90, until the lug on the rear
sight base is clear of the hole in the upper surface of the
fore-end bracket. Keeping the lug clear of the hole, pull
forward on the fore-end assembly until it is free of the
receiver assembly.

For further information on the M79 grenade

launcher, refer to U.S. Army TM 9-1010-205-24 and
TM 9-1010-205-10.
The Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun (fig. 3-93) fires a
40-mm grenade with antipersonnel fragmentation and
light armor-piercing capability. It is an air-cooled,

To remove the barrel group from the receiver

group, first actuate the barrel locking latch and open the

Figure 3-93.Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun.


Figure 3-94.Major components of the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun.

Operational Sequence

belt-fed, blowback-operated, fully automatic weapon.

The Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun is found on riverine
craft and surface vessels that are tasked to operate in
confined waters such as the Persian Gulf.

As described in the U.S. Army TM 9-1010-230-10,

the operation of the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun can be
broken down into three functionsloading/charging,
firing, and recoil/ejecting.

Major Components

LOADING/CHARGING.To begin operation

of the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun, with the weapon on
SAFE and the bolt in the forward position, raise the top
cover and load 40-mm ammunition into the feeder, as
shown in figure 3-95. With the female link first, feed the
belted 40-mm ammunition through the feed throat (fig.
3-95, view A) and into the feeder and across the first
pawl (fig. 3-95, view B). Now, move the slide assembly
to the left and close and latch the top cover.

The Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun has five major

components as shown in figure 3-94. These are the
receiver assembly, feed slide assembly and tray, top
cover assembly, sear assembly, and the bolt and
backplate assembly.
RECEIVER ASSEMBLY.The receiver assembly (fig. 3-94, 1) provides support for the other major
assemblies of the weapon.
feed slide assembly and tray (fig. 3-94, 2) holds the
rounds in the feeder and indexes ammunition into the
firing position.
assembly (fig. 3-94, 3) holds the feed slide assembly
and tray. It is opened by a latch (left side) for loading or
to clean and inspect the weapon.
SEAR ASSEMBLY.The sear assembly (fig
3-94, 4) holds the receiver sear. Trigger action depresses the sear, releasing the bolt and allowing the bolt
to move forward for firing. The safety is attached to the
sear assembly. When activated, the safety slide blocks
the sear from being depressed by the operator as long as
the safety is on S (SAFE).
Located on the bolt and backplate assembly (fig.
3-94, 5) is the handgrips and trigger. When depressed,
the trigger operates the sear assembly that releases the
bolt for firing. The bolt is driven forward by a duel set
of operating springs set around guide rods.

Figure 3-95.Loading the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun.


Figure 3-98.Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun firing sequence.

Figure 3-96.Charging the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun.

To charge the weapon, grasp the charger handles

with palms down, as shown in figure 3-96, depress the
charger handle locks, and rotate the handles down.
Then pull the charger handles sharply to the rear. When
you feel the bolt latch in the rear position, push the
charger handles forward and up into the locked
To load the first round, place the safety in the FIRE
position and press the trigger. The bolt will spring
forward and the first round will be loaded on the bolt
face in the extractors. This is called the half-load

Figure 3-99.Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun recoil and ejecting


RECOIL/EJECTING.As a round is fired,

recoil pressure from the burning propellant acts to force
the bolt rearward (fig. 3-99). As the bolt moves
rearward, it extracts the spent cartridge, cams the next
round down the bolt face, which forces the spent
cartridge out the bottom of the gun, and moves the
feeder drive levers to move the next round into position
for delinking. Firing will continue automatically as
long as the trigger is depressed. When the trigger is
released, the bolt is held in the rear position by the sear
assembly with a round in the bolt fingers.

Depress the charger handle locks and pull the

charger handles to the rear a second time to load a round
into position for firing (full-load). Pulling the bolt back
a second time (fig. 3-97) delinks the round from the
belt. The curved rail on the vertical cam assembly
forces the round down the bolt face, out of the
extractors, and into the bolt fingers.
FIRING.With the weapon in the full-load
condition, pressing the trigger causes the receiver sear
to release the bolt. The recoil springs force the bolt
forward (fig. 3-98). As the bolt travels forward, the
cocking lever is released and the bolt sear strikes the
receiver plate, pushing it rearward. This movement of
the bolt sear releases the firing pin, which strikes the
primer and fires the round.

The Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun should be kept

clean and lubricated as prescribed in the U.S. Army TM
9-1010-230-10 and the appropriate Navy 3-M Systems MRCs. Detailed disassembly, cleaning, and

Figure 3-97.Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun loading operation.


Figure 3-100.40-mm grenade launcher, M203, mounted on the M16A3 rifle.

boarding party, or special boat unit, you will have the

responsibility of the employment, trajectory, method of
firing, firing effects, malfunctions, and care and
cleaning of the launcher attachment.

troubleshooting procedures are also found in these two


The 40-mm grenade launcher (M203) mounted on

the M16A3 rifle is a lightweight, compact,
single-shot, manually operated weapon.


identify the weapons used to support the
SEABEEs and special boat units.
As a GM you may be assigned to a SEABEE or a
special boat unit. These units have several support
weapons that are not normally found in the fleet. In this
section we will briefly discuss the M203, the AT4, and
the 60-mm mortar.

The launcher is approximately 16 inches in overall

length. It weighs approximately 3.6 pounds loaded; 3
pounds unloaded. It has a maximum range of 400
meters. Its area target range is 350 meters; its point
target range is 150 meters. The launcher consists of a
handguard and sight assembly group, receiver
assembly, quadrant sight assembly, and a barrel
assembly (fig. 3-101).


When equipped with the grenade launcher, the
M16A3 rifle becomes the 40-mm grenade launcher,
M203, and loses its identity as the M16A3 rifle (fig.
3-100). As a GM attached to the SEABEEs as the
armorer, you may have to assemble the launcher
attachment on the M16. As a member of a landing or

Handguard and Sight Assembly Group

The handguard portion of the assembly group
(refer to fig. 3-101) is a molded plastic protective cover

Figure 3-101.40-mm grenade launcher, M203, controls and their identifications.


on safe the safety must be in the most rearward

position. The safety must be manually placed in either
of these position.

that fits over the barrel of the M16A3 rifle. The cover
prevents the operator from coming in contact with the
barrel when it becomes heated from rapid firing. The
heat produced by the rifle barrel dissipates through the
cooling holes and slots on the cover. The protruding
plastic tab on the left side of the cover prevents the
barrel latch of the grenade launcher from being
accidentally pressed when the weapon is laid on its

The barrel latch, when depressed, unlocks the

barrel so that it can be moved forward along the
receiver assembly. As the barrel and barrel extension
(which are interlocked with the cocking lever) move
forward, the cocking lever is forced downward. The
cocking lever, in turn, forces the spring-loaded firing
pin rearward. At the same time, the spring-loaded
follower follows the barrel extension forward. As the
barrel continues its forward movement, the barrel
extension disengages from the cocking lever. The
movement of the follower is restricted by the receiver;
the follower holds the cocking lever in the down
position. When the barrel is moved rearward, the
follower is driven rearward; the cocking lever again
engages the barrel extension, and the firing pin moves
slightly forward and engages the sear.

The sight leaf portion of the assembly group is a

metallic folding blade sight. It provides range selection
from 50 to 250 meters in 50-meter increments. The
windage adjustment screw moves the blade element
horizontally, providing a windage adjustment
capability. The elevation adjustment machine screw,
when loosened, allows the blade element to be moved
vertically, providing an elevation adjustment capability.
Receiver Assembly

The barrel stop (fig. 3-101) limits the forward

motion of the barrel assembly. This prevents the barrel
assembly from sliding off the receiver assembly barrel
track during loading and cocking operations. When
depressed, the barrel stop allows the barrel assembly to
be removed from the receiver assembly for

The receiver assembly (fig. 3-101) consists of an

aluminum receiver that houses the barrel latch, the
barrel stop, and the firing mechanism. The receiver
assembly attaches to the barrel of the rifle, mounting
the grenade launcher to the rifle. The receiver assembly
also contains the follower assembly, the trigger, and the
safety components that serve to fire or prevent
accidental firing of the grenade launcher.

Quadrant Sight Assembly

The safety is just forward of the trigger, inside the

trigger guard. To fire the launcher, the safety must be in
the forward position (fig. 3-101). To place the launcher

The M203 has a quadrant sight assembly (fig.

3-102), which connects to the carrying handle of the

Figure 3-102.Quadrant sight assembly.


The launcher and cartridge, 84-mm M139 (AT4),
HEAT, is a lightweight, self-contained antiarmor
weapon. It consists of a free-flight, fin-stabilized
cartridge packed in an expendable launcher. It is issued
as a round of ammunition and requires minimum
operator maintenance. The launcher (fig. 3-103) serves
as a watertight packing container for transportation and
storage; however, when the launcher is placed in the
firing position, it serves to ignite and guide the rocket
on its initial flight toward the target. Once fired, the
launcher is designed to be discarded.

Figure 3-103.Launcher 84-mm, M136 (AT4), Heat.

M16 rifle. It consists of a sight arm, a range selection

quadrant, and mounting brackets. The sight arm
contains an aperture and post for sighting operations of
the launcher. The range selection quadrant has
embossed range graduations from 50 to 400 in
25-meter increments. The quadrant sight is used at
ranges in excess of the 250 meters that is covered by the
leaf sight. The 25-meter increments also allow for
better accuracy at a greater number of range variations
than the leaf sight.

The AT4 is designed to withstand arctic, tropic, and

desert conditions or any combination of natural
environments. It may be used under conditions of
limited visibility. Target engagement, however, is
limited by the ability of the firer to detect and identify
the target visually and to determine the range to the
The launcher is a one-piece, disposable,
fiberglass-wrapped tube. The launcher has the following components affixed to it (fig. 3-104).

Barrel Assembly
The barrel (refer to fig. 3-101) of the barrel
assembly is constructed of specially treated and
machined aluminum. The barrel extension is a
rectangular, chrome-plated steel bar. It attaches to the
barrel and provides a means of attaching the barrel to
the receiver assembly. The handgrip is a molded plastic
corrugated sleeve. When the grenade launcher is being
fired, the plastic handgrip allows the operator to hold
the launcher without any discomfort from the heat.

Transport Safety Pin. Provides safety for

transporting. It is attached to the launcher by a
Cocking Lever. Cocks firing mechanism.
Firing-Through Muzzle Cover. Keeps out
moisture and prevents foreign objects from
entering the muzzle.

Figure 3-104.Launcher components.


Figure 3-105.Cartridge XM136 (AT4).

Color-Code Band. Indicates type of cartridge.



The 60-mm mortar (fig. 3-106) is a smooth-bore,

muzzle-loaded, high-angle-of-fire weapon. It consists
of a mortar barrel with a baseplug and a fixed firing pin
for drop firing. The mount consists of a bipod with
traversing and elevating mechanism. A spring-type
shock absorber absorbs the shock of recoil in firing.
The baseplate is a unit that supports and aligns the
mortar. For firing, the baseplug of the barrel passing
through the yoke of the bipod mount and secured to the
shock absorber. For transporting, disassemble the
mortar into three groups: barrel, bipod, and baseplate.
A telescope sight, the M64, is provided for adjusting
elevation and direction. The mortar can be hand carried
as three separate one-man loads or by one crew member
without disassembling it.

1. Front sight. Consist of a sight blade, center

post, and right and left lead posts.
2. Rear sight. Consist of a sight blade, range
setting knob, range indicator, 2-mm
peephole, and 7-mm peephole.
Venturi. Performs two functions:
1. Protects the weapon from damage if
2. Directs the flow of the backblast.
Forward Safety. Must be fully depressed and
held before pressing trigger button or launcher
will not fire.
Red Trigger Button. Fires the weapon.
Shoulder Stop. Helps stabilize the launcher on
the soulder.
Carrying Sling. Provides a means for carrying
the launcher.
Firing Mechanism.
The AT4 is issued as a round of ammunition. The
cartridge consists of a fin assembly with tracer element;
point-initiation, piezoelectric fuze; warhead body with
liner; and a precision-shaped explosive charge (it is the
only tactical ammunition for the AT4) (fig. 3-105). The
AT4 is used mainly as an antiarmor weapon; however, it
can be used against gun emplacements and bunkers.

Figure 3-106.The 60-mm lightweight mortar (M224).


locked in the open position, the magazine is out of the

weapon, and the chamber is visibly empty.

The mortar is fired by inserting a complete round

into the muzzle, fin assembly down. The elevation of
the barrel causes the round to slide toward the base of
the barrel. On reaching the base, a propelling charge on
the round is ignited by the firing pin. The pressure of the
gas produced by the burning propelling charge drives
the round up and out of the barrel. The fin assembly
stabilizes the round in flight.

When handling revolvers, a simple visual inspection is sufficient to determine if any chambers in the
cylinder are loaded.
Keep the hammer fully down when the pistol or
revolver is not loaded. When the pistol is cocked, keep
the safety lock in the ON (SAFE) position until ready to

The mortar can deliver fire at ranges up to

approximately 3490 meters. The sustained and
maximum rates of fire are related to the type of round
and charge being used.

Let us review briefly some of the safety precautions

that apply to the handling of all small arms:
Never point a weapon at anyone or anything you
are not ready to destroy.

The complete mortar weighs 46.5 pounds in the

conventional mode and 18 pounds in the hand-held
mode. This includes the cannon (14.4 pounds), the
bipod (15.2 pounds), the M7 baseplate (14.4 pounds)
and the M8 baseplate (3.6 pounds). The overall length
is 40 inches.

Unless the weapon is to be used immediately,

never carry it with a round in the chamber.
Unless you are about to fire it, the safety of every
small arms weapon must always be in the SAFE
position. Always keep your finger away from the
trigger. When the safety is moved from the
SAFE to the FIRE position, many small arms
will fire if the trigger is pressed as the safety is

A variety of shells and fuzes have been developed

to make the 60-mm mortar a versatile weapon. It can be
used as either an offensive or a defensive weapon.

Consider a gun loaded until you have opened the

chamber and verified that it is empty. It is not
enough to wail afterward, "I didn't know it was
loaded." The empty weapon is the dangerous


special safety precautions that every Gunner's
Mate should know before handling small arms.
Semiautomatic pistols in the hands of inexperienced or careless persons are largely responsible
for the saying, "It's always the unloaded gun that kills."
It is a fact that many accidental deaths and injuries are
due to the mistaken belief that removing the magazine
of the pistol (or other magazine-fed weapons) is all that
is necessary to unload it. Nothing could be further from
the truth. To completely unload a pistol or other
magazine-fed weapon and render it safe to handle, it is
necessary not only to remove or empty the magazine,
but also to make absolutely certain the chamber is
empty. The only way this can be done is to pull back the
slide or bolt and inspect the chamber either visually or,
it if is dark, by feel. This should be done after the
magazine is removed and with the muzzle pointed
upward. Of course, if the chamber is loaded, the round
will be extracted and ejected when the slide is operated.
"I didn't know it was loaded" is never an excuse for the
accidental discharge of a weaponespecially for the
Gunner's Mate. All weapons must be considered loaded
when the slide or bolt is forward and/or the magazine is
in the weapon. It is safe only when the slide or bolt is

Before firing any weapon, be sure there are no

obstructions in the bore.
Before firing any weapon, be sure the ammunition you are using is the right ammunition. For
example, the M14 ammunition cannot be used in
the M16 rifle. Nor should you try to use
illumination signals with shotguns, even though
they look much like shotgun shells.
Before firing, be sure there is no grease or oil on
the ammunition or in the bore or chamber.
Although lead bullets may be lightly waxed or
greased, there must never be any lubricant on the
cartridge case.
Keep ammunition dry and cool. Keep it out of
the direct rays of the sun. Keep ammunition
clean, but do not polish it or use abrasives on it.
Do not attempt to use dented cartridges,
cartridges with loose bullets, or cartridges eaten
away by corrosion. Be particularly careful


Inspections of each weapon are an important part of

preventive maintenance. Inspections to see if items are
in good condition, correctly assembled, secure, not
worn, and adequately lubricated, apply to most items in
preventive maintenance procedures.

with tracer ammunition, which can ignite

spontaneously if damp.
Misfires and hangfires can occur with small
arms ammunition as well as with other types. On
some weapons, like the automatic pistol, you
can recock and attempt to fire again without
opening the breech. If, after a couple of tries, this
proves unsuccessful, or if the weapon cannot be
recocked without opening the bolt, wait at least
10 seconds, then open the bolt and eject the
defective round. Defective small arms
ammunition should be disposed of according to
current regulations.


requirements for the security, stowage, and
issuing of small arms.
As a Gunners Mate, you are responsible for the
security, stowage, and issue of all small arms. The
increasing number of reported instances of ammunition
and weapon pilferage by dissident groups and
individuals indicates the necessity for stricter control of
storage, security, custodial responsibility, and
inventory reconciliation procedures for easily pilfered
items, which include small arms.

A misfire with blank cartridges may leave

unburned powder deposited in the bore; always check
the bore after any misfire and clean it if necessary.
If you experience a light recoil or report, clear the
weapon and check the bore for an obstruction. This
may indicate a partial burning of the propellant that
may not have been sufficient to force the bullet clear of
the muzzle.

Small arms should always be stowed in an

authorized and secure stowage to prevent pilferage. A
strict accountability must be maintained at all times.
Department of the Navy Physical Security Instruction
for Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
(AA&E), OPNAVINST 5530.13, contains detailed
instructions for the security of small arms and other
AA&E materials. This includes access control, key
custody, and storage requirements. Since this instruction is subject to frequent changes, we will not go into
any detail on its contents. However, you are strongly
encouraged to become familiar with the specifics of this
document and to make its contents the object of
frequent training and review in your work center.

Never try to dislodge a bullet from the barrel by
firing another bullet.
importance of proper maintenance on small
The cleaning, preservation, and care given to small
arms are determining factors in their operation and
shooting accuracy. You have undoubtedly heard that an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This can
aptly be applied to the maintenance of all ordnance
weapons and equipment. To properly maintain these
weapons, a system of preventive maintenance must be
employed. The preventive maintenance procedures for
Navy small arms are set forth in the appropriate 3-M
Systems MRCs.

Since all small arms are considered equipage, a

signature of subcustody is required before they are
issued from their normal place of stowage. Any type of
signed custody record may be used as long as it bears
the receiving individual's signature. Inside your armory
you should have a list of personnel who are qualified to
be issued weapons. Anyone who is not on that list
should not be able to draw a weapon from the armory. A
second consideration for issuing small arms is to
determine whether or not the requesting person is
authorized to draw a weapon at this time. Any
out-of-the-ordinary requests for weapons should be
prearranged and authorized. When in doubt, call your
chief, division officer, or the command duty officer.
Again, the important security measures are to keep the
weapon locked up and, when it is issued, to determine
qualification and authority, and to get a signature.

Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,

inspection, and servicing of material to maintain it in a
serviceable condition, prevent breakdowns, and assure
operational readiness. To maintain your small arms in a
state of readiness, they must be serviced (including
lubrication) each time they are used and periodically
when in stowage.


The range of a hand grenade is relatively short.

The range depends on the ability of the
individual and the shape of the grenade. A
well-trained sailor should be able to throw the
fragmentation hand grenade an average of 44
yards, but may average only 27 yards with the
heavier white phosphorus smoke grenade.


arms range duties and responsibilities both
ashore and afloat
As a Gunners Mate you may be assigned to duty at
one of the Navy's small arms ranges ashore. However,
you will certainly be routinely called upon to conduct
the small arms qualification firing of shipboard security
force and quarterdeck watch stander personnel. Both
cases require that you be proficient in range operation
and safety as well as marksmanship procedures.
Normally, every ship has two crewmen, usually
Gunner' Mates who have been to the Navy small arms
instructor school and are certified as range masters.
Certified range masters carry an 0812 or 0176 NEC.
NEC 0812 is permanent and qualifies the holder to run
a small arms range both aboard ship and ashore. NEC
0176 is valid for 3 years and qualifies the holder to run
shipboard ranges only. Even if you are not one of these
persons, you may be called upon to assist by acting as
an additional safety observer on the firing line, giving a
safety brief, providing marksmanship instruction, or
keeping score records.

The effective casualty radius of a hand grenade

is relatively small when compared to that of
other weapons. The term effective casualty
radius is defined as the radius of a circular area
around the point of detonation within which at
least 50 percent of the exposed personnel will
become casualties. The effective casualty radius
varies with the type of hand grenade used, so
casualties can and do occur at distances greater
than this radius.
Delay fuzes are used in all standard hand
grenades. Detonation of the grenade is not
on impact but after the delay element in the
fuze has burned. The fuze assembly (fig.
3-107) consists of a fuze body, safety lever,
safety pin, striker spring, primer, delay
element, and detonator or igniter. For further information about the operation of the
fuze assembly, refer to FM 23-30. All
casualty-producing grenades (fragmentation,
offensive, and white phosphorus) have a 4- to
5-second delay. Because of this short delay,
personnel must stay alert when arming and
throwing hand grenades.

Marksmanship procedures for each weapon are

contained in the TM or FM for that weapon.
type and purpose of the various hand grenades
used by naval forces.
A hand grenade is a small bomb with the user's arm
providing the motive power to get it to the target. Hand
grenades may be filled with explosives, explosives and
chemicals, or (for practice purposes) may be empty or
contain inert filler. Hand grenades come in many sizes,
shapes, and types and are designed to fulfill a wide
variety of purposes. They can be used for inflicting
material and personnel casualties, screening, signaling,
illuminating, demolition, harassing, and incendiary
The general types of hand grenades issued are (1)
training, (2) practice, (3) fragmentation, (4) offensive,
and (5) chemical. Each type is designed to do a special
job. For a summary of the characteristics and
capabilities of each hand grenade, refer to the Army
FM 23-30. Certain characteristics common to all hand
grenades are as follows:

Figure 3-107.Functioning of the fuze.



For greater accuracy and range, the grenade should
be thrown like a baseball, using the throwing motion
most natural to the individual. It is important to grip the
grenade properly. Figure 3-108 shows the proper
position of the grenade before pulling the safety pin.
First, cradle the grenade in the fingers of the throwing
hand. Hold the safety lever down firmly under the
thumb between the tip and first finger joint. In this way,
the grenade fits snugly into the curved palm of your
hand, giving you a firm, comfortable grip; but do not
relax your thumb pressure on the safety lever until you
throw the grenade.
The first steps in grenade throwing are to develop
good throwing habits and several throwing positions.
Four throwing positions are recommended: (1)
standing, (2) kneeling, (3) prone, and (4) crouch.
The procedures for throwing from the standing
position are as follows:
1. Stand half-facing the target, with your weight
balanced equally on both feet. Hold the grenade chest
high, using the correct grip (fig. 3-109, view 1).

Figure 3-109.To throw from the standing position.

4. Recover, then resume the original standing


2. Pull the pin with a twisting, pulling motion.

Cock your throwing arm to the rear (view 2).

FM 23-30 explains the proper steps to be taken

when using any of the other positions.

3. Throw the grenade with a free and natural

motion. As it leaves your hand, follow through by
stepping forward with your rear foot (view 3). Observe
the point for probable strike, then duck your head to
avoid fragments or other effects.

The following safety precautions should be
observed when handling or using hand grenades:
1. Do not take any grenade apart unless ordered to
do so by competent authority.
2. Do not tamper with grenades and do not
recover or tamper with live grenades that fail to explode
(duds). These duds are recovered and destroyed only by
qualified personnel.
3. Do not pull the safety pin until you are ready to
throw the grenade. If the safety pin will not pull out
easily with a pulling-twisting motion, straighten its
ends. In the majority of cases, this will not be necessary.
Maintain a firm grip on the safety lever when removing
the safety pin.
4. After you pull the safety pin, throw the
grenade. Do not attempt to replace the pin to return it to
a safe condition.
5. When throwing a fragmentation grenade
without protective cover, drop immediately to a prone

Figure 3-108.Proper way to grip the hand grenade.



position, face down, with your helmet toward the

grenade. Keep your arms and legs flat against the
ground. Other personnel in the area who are exposed
must be warned to drop to a similar position. Steel
helmets and body armor should be worn at all times
when using grenades.


equipment and discuss its proper assembly.
Landing-party or load-carrying equipment consists
of the items illustrated in figure 3-110. Each item has
been designed to make the job of carrying the
equipment you will need easier and more comfortable.
If you are a member of a boarding party, you may
substitute other needed items that are essential to your
mission. For example, you might want to replace the
entrenching tool with another canteen when boarding
foreign vessels. The U. S. Coast Guard is an excellent
source of information for other types of boarding
equipment and training.

6. Although little danger is involved in using

practice hand grenades, they require some degree of
care in handling and throwing. You can throw the
practice grenade a safe distance but, for the purpose of
training and to prevent injury from an improperly
loaded grenade, take cover. Wear the steel helmet, and
keep all other personnel at a safe distance. Practice
grenades that fail to function (duds) are not recovered
for at least 10 minutes and then only by trained

The suspenders is one of the most overlooked

necessities. The suspenders move the weight of the load
from the waist to the shoulders where it should be. They
also have hooks to hang additional equipment. Figure
3-111 illustrates an example of the equipment
assembled. Remember, carry only the equipment

7. Grenades are issued in the "with fuze" and

"without fuze" condition. They are not necessarily
shipped in separate containers. The detonator of a fuze
is very sensitive to heat, shock, or friction. Army FM
23-30 explains the safety precautions and steps taken
when fuzing hand grenades.

Figure 3-110.Load-carrying equipment.


needed to complete your mission, and keep your load as

light as possible. The assembled unit is usually worn
over an armored vest.
In this chapter we discussed the small arms
currently in use by the Navy, their operation,
functioning, and maintenance. We described some of
the responsibilities of a Gunner's Mate relative to these
small arms, including range operations, security
procedures, and general small arms safety. We
described hand grenades, how they are used, and some
safety precautions pertaining to them. Finally, we
described some load-carrying equipment commonly
used by boarding parties.

Figure 3-111.Assembled load-carrying equipment.



principles and applications of cams, gear trains, levers,
couplings, and bearings.

The purpose of this chapter is to explain some of

the fundamentals of mechanics and hydraulics to help
you better understand the ordnance equipment with
which you will be working in the fleet. We will also
introduce you to the air and power supplies that are
used by a shipboard gun system. The control
mechanisms of gun systems involve a combination of
mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, and electronic
devices. By studying this chapter, and the chapter that
follows (on electricity and electronics), you should
become familiar with most of the principles of how
these devices operate. Understanding how these
devices operate is the first step in becoming a good
technician. Pay particular attention to the references
listed throughout the text, which describe sources of
more detailed information on each topic. These
textbooks are included on the bibliography list of GM3
through GMC (from which advancement
examination questions are referenced).

A cam is an irregularly shaped device used to
transmit motion through a follower. The cam surface
contours are determined by the needs of the device the
cam serves. The follower may be used to operate any
number of other mechanisms.
In figure 4-1, we illustrate a face cam being used in
a cutout device for a gun firing circuit. The cam face is
contoured to correspond to the ship's firing and
nonfiring zones. Each position on the cam plate
corresponds to a specific position of gun train and
elevation. The low area corresponds to the positions in
which the gun may be safely fired; the raised area
corresponds to the areas where firing would endanger
permanent ship's structure. The cam is geared to the
train drive to rotate as the gun moves in train. The
follower is linked to move across the face of the cam as
the gun is moved in elevation. The follower is linked to
a switch in the firing circuit that opens when the
follower is raised by the high portions of the cam.

operating principles of the mechanical devices
used in ordnance equipment.

The face cam is one of many different styles. There

are also barrel cams and edge cams. The barrel cam is
similar to the face cam, but is cylindrical in shape, with
the cam surface on the inside or outside. Both face and
barrel cams are used in firing cutout mechanisms.

The movement and functioning of major systems

(directors, launchers, and gun mounts) are accomplished, in part, using one or more basic mechanical
devices. Our discussion centers on the functioning

Figure 4-1.A face cam used in a firing cutout mechanism.


Figure 4-2.A. A barrel cam used as a firing cutout device in a 5"/54 gun; B. An edge cam positioning a hydraulic valve.

a gear lubricant. You can be sure gears and gear trains

are at the heart of almost every type of machine.

An edge cam is one that has the irregular surface

machined around its outer edge. It may be stationary,
with the follower attached to a nearby moving
component, or rotary. Edge cams are used to shift
valves, make or break switch contacts, and to position
other mechanical devices. Figure 4-2 shows some of the
uses of cams in ordnance equipment.

Changing Direction of Motion

Figure 4-3 represents the fundamental concept of
reversing direction of rotation with gears. We have two
gears in this simple gear train: the drive gear and the
driven gear. The drive gear is rotating in a clockwise direction. This turns the driven gear in a
counterclockwise direction, reversing the direction of

Gears are used in almost all types of ordnance
equipment. They are used to change direction of
motion, to increase or decrease the speed of applied
motion, and to magnify or reduce applied force. Gears
also give you positive drive. There can be, and usually
is, some slippage in a belt drive. Gear teeth, however,
are always in mesh so there can be no slippage. This is
true as long as the teeth are in good shape and not worn.
Gears in ordnance equipment are normally not
seen. They are usually encased in a gearbox, filled with

This quality is inherent in all gear trains; one gear

turning another will always reverse the direction of
motion. This is not always the desired result. To
overcome this, an idler gear is inserted between the
drive gear and the driven gear as shown in figure 4-4.
The idler reverses the direction of motion coming from
the drive gear. This allows the driven gear to be turned
in the same direction as the drive gear.

Figure 4-3.Gears used to reverse the direction of rotation.

Figure 4-4.The function of an idler gear.


Figure 4-5.Gear configurations.

Changing Speed

Another form of direction change performed by

gear trains is a change in angular direction. Figure 4-5
illustrates some of the different gear configurations
used to change angular direction of motion. The first,
and most common, is the bevel gear (fig. 4-5, view A).
Bevel gears can be used to turn just about any angle.
There are several different forms of bevel gears. The
difference is in how the teeth are cut. The rack and
pinion-type gear (fig. 4-5, view B) is used in cases
where linear motion is desired. The rack and pinion
gear is used in the rammer mechanism of the 5"/54 Mk
42 gun mount.

Most hydraulic equipment is driven by a 440-volt

ac constant speed electric motor. To be efficient, these
motors have to spin at very high speeds. To be usable
for driving a hydraulic pump or anything else, the
output speed of the motor must be reduced. This is
accomplished through reduction gears. The reduction
gears are located in an oil-filled encasement, which
normally appears to be part of the drive motor housing.
Figure 4-6 will help you understand how this is
possible. Wheel A has 10 teeth that mesh with the 40

Worm gears (fig. 4-5, view C) are a special type of

gear train. They have a unique property that makes
them very useful for train and elevation drive trains and
ammunition hoists. A worm gear can transmit motion
in only one direction through the worm. In application,
this means that should you lose power half-way through
a hoist cycle, your hoist and ammunition will not
"free-fall" back to the bottom of the hoist.
Figure 4-5, view D shows a pinion and an internal
gear. Either can serve as the drive gear. This
configuration is used in most missile launcher and gun
mount train drives. The internal gear is mounted
stationary in the stand, while the pinion is part of the
mount or launcher. The train drive motor transmits
motion through a worm gear to the pinion, which walks
around the inside of the internal gear, moving the
mount or launcher with it.

Figure 4-6.Simple reduction gears.


resistances with relatively small effort. The principle of

leverage is used extensively throughout ordnance

teeth on wheel B. Wheel A will have to rotate four times

to cause wheel B to make one rotation. Wheel C is fixed
rigidly to the same shaft as wheel B. Therefore, wheel C
makes the same number of revolutions as wheel B.
However, wheel C has 20 teeth and meshes with wheel
D that has 10 teeth. This causes wheel D to rotate twice
for every one revolution of wheel C. If you rotate wheel
A at a speed of four revolutions per second, wheel B
will rotate one revolution per second. Wheel C also
moves one revolution per second, turning wheel D at a
speed of two revolutions per second. You get an output
speed of two revolutions per second from an input of
four revolutions per second, with a speed reduction of

The three basic components that comprise all levers

are the fulcrum (F), a force or effort (E), and a
resistance (R). Look at the lever in figure 4-7. You see
the pivot point (F, fulcrum); the effort (E) that you apply
at a distance (A) from the fulcrum; and a resistance (R)
that acts at a distance (a) from the fulcrum. Distances
(A) and (a) are the lever arms.
The application of leverage in ordnance equipment
uses mechanical linkages to transmit and increase
force. Figure 4-8 shows the mechanical linkages in a
5"/54 Mk 42 Mod 10 carrier ejector assembly. The
linkages act together to eject a complete round of
ammunition from the transfer station to the carrier tube.
The carrier tube must be completely open before the
round is ejected into it. Therefore, a time delay slot is
incorporated to allow the linkages to move, opening the
carrier before the transfer station ejectors actuate. For
further information on the fundamentals of levers and
linkages, see the Navy training manual Basic
Machines, NAVEDTRA 10624-A1.

Almost any increase or decrease in speed can be

obtained by choosing the correct gears for the job.
Magnifying Force
Gear trains can be used to increase mechanical
advantage. The rule is: whenever you reduce speed with
a gear train, you increase the effect of the force applied.
The theory of this principle will not be discussed here.
For further information on gears and gear trains, as well
as the theories of how they work, see the Navy training
manual Basic Machines, NAVEDTRA 12199.

In a broad sense, the term coupling applies to any
device that holds two parts together. For our purposes,
these two parts will normally be rotating shafts. In its
most familiar application, a coupling will permit one
shaft to transmit motion to another shaft that is, or may
be, misaligned. The misalignment may be intentional,
as in the case of an automobile drive shaft. The drive
shaft links the output shaft of the transmission in the
front of the automobile to the input shaft of the rear
drive unit. The engine and transmission are fixed to the
chassis, while the rear drive unit is spring-mounted to
the chassis to ride over bumps in the road. The
couplings (in this case universal joints) allow for the
efficient transmission of motion while at the same time
providing flexibility in the drive train. The misalignment may also be unintentional or unavoidable because


One of the simplest and most familiar types of
machines is the lever. Levers are used to overcome big

Figure 4-7.A simple lever.


Figure 4-8.The 5"/54 carrier ejector mechanism.


Figure 4-9.Couplings and their applications.


Plain (Sliding) Bearings

of wear or slippage. Figure 4-9 shows four types of

couplings commonly used in ordnance equipment.

Most often the parts that rub together are made of

steel. Sometimes the friction can be reduced
sufficiently by simply inserting a strip of softer metal,
such as bronze, between the two steel parts. This is the
theory behind the plain, or sliding, type of bearing. In
figure 4-10, you can see three applications.

The adjustable flexible coupling (also called

vernier coupling) joins two shafts by means of a
flexible metal disk with an adjustable element. By
loosening the clamping bolt and turning the worm, the
right-hand shaft can be turned. This type of coupling
can be found on nearly all types of guns in applications
that require finely adjusted mechanical outputs. A
flexible coupling is similar to this but does not contain
the adjustment feature.

In figure 4-10, view A, you see a gun slide

weldment in which the gun and housing move in recoil
and counterrecoil. The bearing strips (one is hidden)
inside the slide are made of bronze and support the
heavy housing as it moves forward and aft during firing.
The barrel bearing, also bronze, supports the barrel in
these movements. In (fig. 4-10, view B), you are
looking up at a sliding wedge type of breech
mechanism. The breech operating shaft, in its rotating
movement, raises and lowers the breechblock. Here, the
steel operating shaft is kept from coming into direct
contact with the steel gun housing and bearing caps (not
shown) by operating shaft bronze journal bearings. For
ease in assembly and disassembly, the bearings are in
two parts. Notice the oil grooves cut into the inside of
the bearing. These grooves distribute the lubricant
around the shaft from a zerk fitting on the bearing caps.

The fixed sliding lug (Oldham) coupling is not as

rigid as its name implies. While it is not designed to
connect shafts that meet at an angle, it will transmit
motion and allow for some misalignment between
shafts that are parallel but fail to meet each other
exactly. Figure 4-9 shows the output shaft of a drive
motor linked by a fixed sliding lug to the input shaft of a
hydraulic pump located inside a fluid reservoir. This is
necessary for two reasons. First, if the shaft were
common to the two devices, when one device required
replacement, both would have to be replaced. Secondly,
any wear or misalignment in one device would cause
bearing or seal wear in the other device.
The universal joint is used in ordnance equipment,
as we said earlier, where the shafts intentionally meet at
an angle. Universal joints also have the advantage of
great strength, making them useful in heavy load
applications. Other connecting devices and adjustments are discussed in chapter 8 under mechanical
We must start our discussion of bearings with a
brief word on friction. Friction is the resistance to
relative motion between two bodies in contact.
Sometimes this resistance is useful. For example, it is
hard to walk on ice because there is very little friction
between your shoes and the ice. In ordnance, however,
friction is mostly unwanted. It takes effort to rotate
trains of gears, move levers and shafts, and so forth.
Friction in these mechanisms adds to the effort
required. Lubrication is one answer; this is discussed
later in chapter 8. It coats the surfaces of moving parts
in contact with one another and separates them by a
fluid film. In some cases, though, this is not enough.
Sometimes the speed of the moving parts or the load on
them is so great that the oil film will be thrown out or
ruptured. In this case bearings (and lubrication) are the

Figure 4-10.Example of plain (sliding) bearings.


The bronze bearing blocks, up inside the

breechblock, transmit the rotating movement of the
operating shaft to a vertical movement to raise and
lower the breech. These are oblong bearings, riding in
slanted blockways in the block. They are lubricated by
means of oil holes drilled throughout their length.
Bearings With Roller Contact
The plain bearings we have just described will
reduce friction. A much more efficient type, however, is
that which inserts a rolling contact between the
stationary and moving elements of the mechanism. The
rolling elements are balls or rollers. The bearing
assembly usually is made up of three parts: the rolling
elements, a separator, and two races.
An ordnance application of roller bearings can be
seen in figure 4-11, view A. Here, they are used to
reduce friction between the rotating gun mount (base
ring) and the stationary stand. The horizontal rollers
support the weight of the mount. The upper race (roller
path) is part of the base ring. The lower race is part of
the stand. The separator keeps the roller bearings from
getting canted and running into one another. The
upright (radial) bearings reduce friction between the
base ring and stand when a sideways force is exerted on
the mount.
In (fig. 4-11, view B), you see tapered roller
bearings used in trunnions. In this application, they
allow the trunnions to rotate freely but restrict sideways
and up-and-down movement as the gun bucks during
Ball Bearings
Figure 4-11.Bearings with roller contact.

The roller bearing assemblies just described can be

disassembled for replacement of parts, for cleaning,
and for examination. Ball bearings, on the other hand,
usually are assembled by the manufacturer and
installed as a unit. Like roller bearings, the ball bearings
reduce friction and, in some applications, prevent
unwanted movement.

putting a shoulder between the load and the inner race

would not do. It would just pop the bearings out of their
races. The answer is to arrange the races differently, as
in (fig. 4-12, view B). Here is a thrust bearing. With a
shoulder under the lower race and another between the
load and the upper race, it will handle any axial load up
to its design limit.

Sometimes maintenance publications refer to roller

and ball bearings as being either thrust or radial
bearings. The difference between the two depends upon
the angle of intersection between the direction of the
load and the axis of rotation of the bearing. Figure 4-12,
view A, shows a radial ball bearing assembly. The load
here is pressing outward along the radius of the shaft.
Now suppose a strong thrust is exerted on the right end
of the shaft, tending to move it to the left. The radial
bearing is not designed to support this axial thrust. Even

The horizontal bearings shown in figure 4-11, view

A, are another example of a roller thrust bearing
assembly. The vertical roller bearings in the illustration
are called radial bearings. Sometimes bearings are
designed to support both thrust and radial loads, thus
the term radial thrust bearings. For an example of such
bearings see the tapered roller bearings in figure 4-11,
view B.


Figure 4-12.Ball bearings: A. Radial type; B. Thrust type.

In figures 4-13 and 4-14, the systems contain

pistons with the same area. This makes the output force
equal to the input force. Remember what we said
earlierthe force applied is transmitted to all surfaces

principles of hydraulics and the application of
hydraulics in ordnance equipment.
Hydraulic machines are used throughout ordnance
equipment. They provide smooth and accurate train and
elevation movement for gun mounts and missile
launchers, and operate the loading systems. To
appreciate the usefulness of hydraulics, we need to
understand some basic characteristics and definitions.
In the practical sense, hydraulics is concerned with the
uses of a fluid-filled system in transmitting applied
forces and producing (or controlling) mechanical
Let's deal first with the transmission of applied
force. There are two qualities of fluid that make them
useful as a means to transmit force. They are (1) they
take the shape of their containers and (2) they are not
compressible. Therefore, pressure applied to a fluid in a
closed container will be felt equally against the entire
inside surface of the container. The force is transmitted
equally in all directions as illustrated in figure 4-13.
This is true regardless of the shape of the container.
This means that it is not necessary for the tube
connecting the two pistons to be as large as the pistons
throughout. A connection of any size, shape, or length
will do, as illustrated in figure 4-14. The size of the line,
however, will determine the volume of fluid flow,
which, in turn, affects operating speed.

Figure 4-13.Force transmitted through fluid.

Figure 4-14.Transmitting force through a small pipe.


Although its primary function is to provide storage

space for the system's fluid, it may also perform several
other functions. Reservoirs may be used to dissipate
heat, separate air from the system, and remove
Reservoirs dissipate heat by radiation from the
external walls. Some are constructed with external
radiating devices such as cooling coils or fins. The
separation of air from the system is accomplished by
the design of the reservoir. Baffles are used to slow the
fluid as it returns to the reservoir. Air bubbles have a
greater chance of escaping to the surface when the fluid
is moving at a slow velocity. The tank is fitted with a
device that allows the air bubbles to escape while not
permitting contamination to enter. The separation of
contamination from the fluid requires some form of
filter or strainer.

in the container equally. Now consider figure 4-15. The

input piston is much smaller than the output piston.
Assume the area of the input piston is 2 square inches.
With a force of 20 pounds applied to it, a pressure of 10
pounds per square inch (psi) will be felt throughout the
container, including the output piston. The upward
force on the output piston is therefore 10 pounds for
each of its 20 square inches, or 200 pounds. We have
effectively multiplied the applied force.
The system works the same in reverse. Consider
piston (2) the input piston and piston (1) the output. The
output force will be one-tenth the input force.
You should now have a basic understanding of
hydraulic principles. More information on hydraulic
principles and theory can be found in the Navy training
manual Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964. This manual
has a wealth of information that will be very useful to
you as a Gunner's Mate.

Filtering Devices
Most malfunctions in a hydraulic system can be
traced to some type of contamination in the fluid.
Foreign matter in the system can cause excessive wear,
increased power loss, and clogged valves, which
increase maintenance costs. For this reason, every
effort must be made to prevent contaminants from
entering the system. Contaminants that do make their
way into the system must be removed before they can
cause damage. Filtration devices perform this function.
The filtering devices used in hydraulic systems are
most commonly referred to as strainers and filters.
Since they share a common function, the terms strainer
and filter are often used interchangeably. As a general
rule, devices used to remove large particles are called
strainers, and those used to remove small particles are
called filters.
A strainer will most often be found on the end of
the pipe used to supply fluid to a pump from the
reservoir. There it can remove any large particles that
could clog or damage the pump. Filters can be placed
anywhere in the system, but are usually located
between the pump and the pressure control device.
Pumps do not normally have small orifices, which
could easily clog. Pressure control devices, however,
use very small passages and pistons that must be kept
clear for proper operation.
Filters are classified as either full-flow or
proportional-flow. In the full-flow type filter, all the
fluid passes through the filtering element. In the
proportional-flow type, only a portion of the fluid is
passed through the filter. Because of the complex
nature of ordnance equipment, most systems use the
full-flow type of filter. Figure 4-17 illustrates a

Let's discuss some of the hydraulic components

that are used in ordnance equipment. We will cover
common system components: pumps, actuator pistons,
and hydraulic power drives.
Every hydraulic system has the same basic
requirements. It must have a tank to store an adequate
supply of fluid, a pump, and a device for removing
impurities from the fluid. Most systems also have a
mechanism for regulating the system output pressure
and a flask for storing fluid under pressure.
The reservoir (fig. 4-16) is a basic component of
any hydraulic system. In most systems, the reservoir is
a separate component. It may also be used as a housing,
with the hydraulic pump inside submerged in fluid.

Figure 4-15.Multiplication of forces.


Figure 4-16.A fluid reservoir.

Figure 4-17.A. A full-flow filtering device; B. A micronic filter element.


Pressure Regulators

full-flow filter device (view A) and a common micronic

filter element (view B). This type of element is
designed to prevent the passage of 99 percent of solids
greater than 10 microns in size. The element is usually
made of disposable paper and is required to be replaced
at regular intervals. Notice that the full-flow filter
device is equipped with a bypass valve. Should the filter
become clogged, the bypass valve opens, allowing
unfiltered fluid to enter the system. This triggers an
indication to the system operator that the filter is
clogged. The system should be secured and the filter
replaced immediately. The system does not secure itself
under these conditions, since the filters could clog in
the heat of battle.

The control and unloading valves shown in figure

4-18 are used to regulate the operating pressure in an
accumulator power drive system. The operating range
of the fluid pressure for the functional description that
follows is assumed to be 950 psi to 1,050 psi.
The control valve and its piston maintain the
operating range of the system's fluid pressure by
controlling the position of the unloading valve. The
unloading valve (also called a bypass valve) is a
three-way, plunger-type directional valve. Its function
is to port the pump output to the accumulator during a

Figure 4-18.Control and unloading valves.


covers the tank line and the lower land opens the PA
line. PA enters the chamber between the control valve
and its piston. PA is also ported to the large area side of
the unloading valve, forcing it on its seat and beginning
another charging cycle.

charge cycle, or to tank (back to the reservoir) during an

unloading cycle.
During an accumulator charging cycle (fig. 4-18,
part A), the spring holds the control valve in the DOWN
position. A drilled hole through the lower land of the
control valve ports system pressure (PA) from the
accumulator to the chamber between the control valve
and its piston. The piston has PA applied to both ends
and, therefore, does not affect operation of the control
valve during this portion of the cycle. However, PA is
only applied to the lower end of the control valve. The
position of the control valve is determined by the
amount of pressure in the accumulator system. As the
pressure increases, the valve moves upward against
spring pressure.

Pressure Accumulator
Accumulator power drive systems are the most
common hydraulic power drives used in ordnance
equipment. Instead of having the output flow of the
system's pump being put directly to use operating a
mechanism, it is pumped into an accumulator flask.
The prime function of the accumulator is to store a
volume of fluid under pressure. As the system demands
fluid, it is supplied from the flask. The pressure
regulator we just described monitors the pressure in the
flask, keeping it within prescribed limits. Systems that
require a high volume of fluid under pressure will be
equipped with several flasks. The upper gun loading
system of a 5"/54 Mk 42 gun mount, for instance, has
six accumulator flasks.

During the charging cycle, PA is also ported from

the upper chamber of the control valve to the
spring-loaded (large area) side of the unloading valve.
Pump output is also applied to the lower area around the
unloading valve's seat (small area). The combination of
spring pressure and PA on the large area keeps the
unloading valve on its seat. In this position, fluid
discharged by the pump is ported to the accumulator.

Figure 4-19 illustrates the most common type of

accumulatorthe gas-operated, bladder-type flask.

As fluid pressure in the accumulator increases, it

forces the control valve upward against its spring
pressure. When the pressure reaches 1,050 psi, the
lower land of the control valve blocks PA and the upper
land uncovers the tank line (fig. 4-18, part B). This
vents the pressure from the chamber between the
control valve and its piston and from the large area side
of the unloading valve.
With no pressure in the chamber between the
control valve and its piston, the piston moves upward
into contact with the valve. Because the piston is larger
in diameter (more working area for the fluid pressure)
than the control valve, the control valve moves further
up against spring pressure.
When the pressure is vented from the large area
side of the unloading valve, the pressure in the pump
output line, acting on the area around the unloading
valve's seat, overcomes spring pressure and shifts the
valve upward. This causes pump output to be
discharged to tank.
During the unload cycle, PA, acting on the bottom
of the control valve piston, holds the control valve in the
UP position against spring pressure. As the pressure in
the accumulator system decreases, spring pressure
overcomes fluid pressure, moving both the control
valve and its piston downward. When system pressure
decreases to 950 psi, the upper land of the control valve

Figure 4-19.A gas-operated, bladder type accumulator.


The axial piston pump is used in most power drives

that require either a variable output or a high-volume
output. First, let's describe the principle of operation,
then we can show how they are used.

This accumulator flask uses a nitrogen-filled bladder

inside a steel cylinder. The cylinder has a poppet valve
to keep the bladder from being pushed into the output
line by its nitrogen pressure when the system is not
energized. The bladder, filled with nitrogen to a certain
pressure, is compressed by the fluid as the cylinder fills.
When the upper level pressure is reached, fluid flow
from the pump to the accumulator is stopped. The
bladder pressure then continues to cause fluid flow,
maintaining system pressure. Without the accumulator
flasks, the system's pump could easily fall behind
system requirements during times of peak demand.

Figure 4-21 illustrates how the output of an axial

piston pump is varied. The pump uses pistons attached
to a movable tilt-plate. The pistons and cylinder barrel
rotate together, driven by an electric motor, between the
tilt-plate and the valve-plate. The tilt-plate is moved
either left or right by stroking pistons. The larger the tilt
angle, the longer the piston stroke and the larger the
quantity of pump output. The direction of flow is
reversed by reversing the direction of tilt. When the
piston stroke is on zero stroke, there is no pump output,
even though the pump is still rotating.

Pumps and Power Drives

The purpose of a hydraulic pump is to supply a flow
of fluid to a hydraulic system. The pump does not
produce pressure. The pressure is developed in the
system due to the system's resistance to fluid flow.
Pumps can be of several different types, but the most
common are the rotary gear pump and the axial piston

This configuration of the axial piston pump is used

primarily for the train and elevation power drives,
magazine ready service rings, and loaders on gun
mounts and missile launchers. The pump output is used
to drive a hydraulic motor. The only difference between
the pump (A-end) and the hydraulic motor (B-end) is
that the tilt-plate is set at a permanent angle. These
combination A-end pumps and B-end motors are
referred to as CAB units. Figure 4-22 illustrates a CAB
unit setup. The pump output is transmitted to the motor,
which operates just the reverse of the pump. The pump
takes a mechanical input and turns it into a variable
bidirectional hydraulic output. The motor takes a
variable hydraulic input and converts it to a variable
bidirectional mechanical output.

The rotary gear pump (fig. 4-20) operates by

trapping fluid at the inlet (suction) port and forcing it
through the discharge port to the system. The gear
pump is used throughout ordnance systems to supply
fluid flow at a variety of pressures. They are most
efficient, however, at pressures around 500 psi. There
are several configurations and modifications of the gear
pump. These will not be discussed in this text.

Another common configuration uses the same

pump but with a fixed angle tilt-plate. The pump has a
constant output that is supplied to an accumulator
system with a pressure regulator. This type is used to
power most gun mount and missile launcher loading
Now that we have seven the basic components of a
hydraulic system, let's take a look at a hydraulic
mechanism. Up to now, we have pumped the hydraulic
fluid from the reservoir through the filter and have it
regulated to the desired pressure. Now, let's have it do
some work.
Glance back to figure 4-8. This is the illustration of
the 5"/54 carrier ejector mechanism we used as an
example of a mechanical ordnance device. The linkages
in the ejector are operated by hydraulic pistons. The
pistons extend and retract to operate the ejector. The
fluid that moves the pistons is controlled electrically by

Figure 4-20.A rotary gear pump.


Figure 4-21.Operation of the axial piston pump.

Figure 4-22.A hydraulic CAB unit.


NAVEDTRA 12964, and system maintenance publications.

solenoids. Figure 4-23 shows the inside of a solenoid

housing and valve block.
Notice that there are two solenoids attached to the
same linkage at opposite ends. The linkage has a pivot
point in the middle. The pivot is actually a shaft that
extends through the solenoid housing into a hydraulic
valve block. The linkage is keyed to the shaft so that
when one of the solenoids is energized and moves the
lever, the shaft will rotate. Inside the valve block (fig.
4-23), the shaft is attached to a valve. As the shaft is
rotated, it positions the valve. One position allows fluid
to be ported to one side of the piston, extending it. The
other position ports fluid to the other side of the piston,
retracting it. When fluid is ported to either side, the
other side is opened to allow the trapped fluid to return
to tank. A newer configuration of this same device that
has the solenoids and valve all in one component.
It is used on the newer Mk 45 gun mount. This
configuration is discussed in chapter 5.

major hydraulic-mechanical components used
in GMLS and describe the operational function
of each component.
Now that we have covered a typical accumulator
type of power drive, the next logical step is to see what
its PA can do for a GMLS. In the next chapter we will
examine its electrical interlock control circuits. The
final object for the various extend and retract signal
paths was to energize a solenoid. The solenoid initiated
the hydraulic-mechanical actions that actually moved
the center guide.
We will first discuss the hydraulic components
associated with the center guide. We will then extend
the unit from its normally stowed position. As we
describe these hydraulic-mechanical operations, you
may find it helpful to compare the two hydraulic
schematics in figure 4-24 (extend cycle) and figure 4-25
(retract cycle).

For more information on hydraulic systems operation, see the Navy training manual Fluid Power,


The hydraulic components of the center guide
include the following:
1. A solenoid assembly
2. A directional control valve
3. A hydraulic cylinder
4. Two latches
All of the components are mounted in the guide arm
and are located directly above or near the center guide
The solenoid assembly (shown in figures 4-24 and
4-25) is identified as LCGA(B)1 and LCGA(B)2. It is a
detente type of unit that is mounted to directional valve
UVGA(B)22. Hydraulic fluid from the solenoid assembly controls the position of the directional valve.

Figure 4-23.Solenoid housing and valve block.


Figure 4-24.Center guide extended; hydraulic schematic.

Figure 4-25.Center guide retract; hydraulic schematic.


upper latch. After the GMLS is activated, PA is

distributed throughout the hydraulic system. Both
latches are automatically retracted when PA overcomes
latch spring pressure. Since the solenoid is detented, PA
is also routed through it and the directional valve to
pressurize the bottom (or retract) side of the cylinder.
The center guide is held in the retracted position as long
as PA is available. The latches will not extend until the
GMLS is secured and PA drops below latch spring
tension. Figure 4-25 shows the equipment condition
just described.

The center guide cylinder (fig. 4-26) contains a

movable piston UCGA(B)4 and four ball type of check
valves. These check valves function to restrict fluid
flow and slow down or cushion part of the stroke of
the piston. The lower pushrod of the piston connects
to the center guide casting and moves it. The upper
switchrod (and arm) of the piston actuates the extended
and retracted interlock switches SIGA(B)20 and
SIGA(B)19, respectively. The two spring-loaded
latches UCGA(B)5 and 6 (refer to figs. 4-24 and 4-25)
extend outward to engage the arm on the switchrod.
The upper latch slides under the arm to lock the center
guide in its retracted position. The lower latch slides
over the arm to lock the center guide in its extended
When the GMLS is secured, the center guide is
normally in the retracted position. It is held there by the


The hydraulic-mechanical actions that extend the
A-side center guide begin when solenoid LCGA(B)1
energizes (fig. 4-24). The detente mechanism is
released and UVGA(B)12 shifts to the right. This pivots
the rocker arm which shifts UVGA(B)11 to the left.
The detente mechanism reengages. At this point, the
interlock control circuit has done its job and, in effect,
is no longer needed. The remaining actions are all
strictly hydraulic and mechanical.
When solenoid valve UVGA(B)11 shifts left, it
connects PA on the left end of the directional valve
UVGA(B)22 to the tank. By bleeding this fluid
pressure to the tank, the directional valve is free to be
shifted. When solenoid valve UVGA(B)12 shifts right,
PA is connected to the right end of UVGA(B)22. This
fluid pressure causes the directional valve to shift to the
left. It is very common to see solenoid valves control a
directional valve in this manner. By itself, the solenoid
assembly cannot handle the volume requirements of the
system, primarily due to its small size. By controlling a
larger directional valve, the volume requirements of the
system are satisfied.
The speed at which the directional valve
UVGA(B)22 can shift is regulated by the two orifices in
the end chamber lines. They are installed to prevent a
sudden shock to the cylinder. As UVGA(B)22 shifts, it
connects PA to the top (or extend) side of the cylinder. It
also connects the bottom (or retract) side of the cylinder
to the tank.
As PA enters the cylinder, the piston (UCGA(B)4)
moves down. This extends the center guide into
alignment with the front guide. The piston is tapered at
its ends. As it nears the bottom of the cylinder, it
gradually closes the tank port and buffs to a smooth
stop. The check valves at the top of the cylinder permit
a rapid, but controlled, acceleration of the piston. The
check valves in the bottom of the cylinder assist in the
buffering action as the piston nears the end of its stroke.
To complete the extend cycle, the arm on the
switchrod has now actuated interlock switch

Figure 4-26.Center guide hydraulic cylinder.


GMLS equipments. Launcher carriages, guide arms,

loader chains, hoist chains, and RSRs are a few such
The secondary purpose of a CAB type of power
drive is to provide certain hydraulic fluid outputs.
These fluids are usually identified as servo fluid and
supercharge fluid pressures. The application of these
fluid pressures is normally limited to the CAB type of
power drive that produced them. This differs from an
accumulator type of power drive which produced PA.
PA was distributed throughout the entire general
loading system and, in some cases, to all guide arm
A CAB type of power drive is a variable speed,
bidirectional hydraulic transmission system. Its main
element is a combined A-end/B-end unit or CAB unit.
A hydraulic pump (A-end) is joined to a hydraulic
motor (B-end) by a valve plate. Driven by a constant
speed electric motor, the A-end hydraulically drives the
B-end. The B-end converts fluid power into a rotary
mechanical motion. The speed and direction of B-end
motor rotation (output) is controlled by the A-end.
In the ordnance community, there is one other
version of the CAB unit. The unit is called a "Special
K" type of installation. It uses one A-end to drive two
B-ends. All units are separated by transmission lines. A
Special K unit is used by the Mk 13 GMLS RSR/hoist
power drive. The principles of operation and many of
the individual components are identical among the two
(CAB and Special K). We will concentrate on the CAB
type of unit.
A typical CAB type of power drive (fig. 4-27)
includes the following major components:

SIGA(B)19. The switch sends an electrical signal to

the coil of control relay (center guide extended)
and energizes it. They open and solenoid LCGA(B)1
The hydraulic-mechanical operations that retract
the center guide begin with energizing LCGA(B)2 (fig.
4-25). They basically reverse the extend cycle actions.
We will not go into a detailed explanation of this
operation. Study and compare the extend and retract
hydraulic schematics and you will see the differences.
Retract time is 1.17 seconds.
The GMLS center guide hydraulic-mechanical
operation was relatively simple. A piston within a
hydraulic cylinder was made to move. Fluid power was
converted into a mechanical linear motion. Different
hydraulic actuators may convert this fluid power into a
rotary type of motion. However, the hydraulic power
source is still the samean accumulator type of power
major components of a CAB type of power
drive system used in GMLSs.
In addition to the accumulator type of power drives,
GMLSs also use CAB type of power drives. The main
purpose of a CAB type of power drive is to produce a
mechanical output. Through a drive train, this
mechanical output is used to move or position various

Figure 4-27.A basic CAB type of power drive.


1. A-end

launcher in train. The launcher can train in either

direction (left or right) at various speeds.

2. B-end


3. Dual gear pump

4. Power-off brake (not shownsee figures 4-25
and 4-26)

The A-end pump of a CAB unit is very similar to a

parallel (or axial) piston pump associated with an
accumulator type of power drive. The main difference
between the two is that the fluid output of an A-end can
be varied in its volume and direction. The major
components of an A-end are shown in the lower portion
of figure 4-28, an A-end and B-end combination.

5. Main relief valve

6. Control assembly
As we describe these components, you may find it
useful to relate their operation to moving a missile

Figure 4-28.A-end and B-end combination; CAB unit.


Some CAB units have stroking pistons that are the

same size or of equal area. To apply tilt to this type of
A-end, the control assembly causes hydraulic fluid
pressure to increase on one of the pistons and to
decrease on the other. Other CAB units have stroking
pistons that are different in size. The area of one piston
(the large area piston) is twice that of the other (the
small area piston). In this case, the control assembly
continuously applies a fixed (or regulated) fluid
pressure to the small area piston. It also applies a
controlled fluid pressure, valued at one half of
regulated fluid pressure, to the large area piston.
(Remember the formula for force is area times
pressureF = AP.) To apply tilt to this type of A-end,
the control assembly varies the controlled fluid
pressure to the large area piston. The regulated fluid
pressure applied to the small area piston remains
constant. With both types of installations, the tilt plate
and socket ring are made to move from their neutral
positions by an unbalance of forces.

The A-end drive shaft connects to the output shaft

of an electric motor. Usually this connection is through
a small reduction gear unit and a flexible coupling. The
drive shaft imparts rotation to a socket ring through a
universal joint. The drive shaft also rotates a cylinder
barrel through a sleeve and two lock keys. A bearing in
the center of the valve plate supports and holds the drive
shaft in place.
The socket ring has evenly spaced sockets for the
connecting rods that drive the axial pistons of the
A-end. The socket ring rotates within a tilt plate (fig.
4-29). The bowl-shaped tilt plate turns on two integral
trunnions that ride on bearings within the A-end
housing. The tilt plate does NOT rotate; however, it can
be moved or positioned through a limited degree of
travel by the action of the two stroking pistons. In a
neutral or zero-degree position, the face of the tilt plate
is parallel to the face of the valve plate. The tilt plate can
be turned or "tilted" a maximum of 20 either side of
ZERO position.

The rotating cylinder barrel bears against and

forms a hydraulic seal on the face of the valve plate.
The barrel contains an odd number (usually nine) of
evenly spaced cylinder bores. They are open on the
valve plate end. Pistons in the cylinders are linked to the
socket ring by connecting rods. In response to the angle
of the tilt plate (and socket ring), these pistons perform
the pumping action of the A-end. Hydraulic fluid is
ported from the cylinder bores and into the valve plate.
A small amount of hydraulic fluid is also ported
through holes drilled in the pistons, their connecting
rods, and socket balls. This fluid is used to lubricate the
bearing surfaces in the socket ring.

The two stroking pistons operate inside separate

cylinders located behind the tilt plate. Two sockets in
the tilt plate housing are for the connecting rods of these
pistons. The stroking pistons regulate the angle of the
tilt plate anywhere between its 40-degree arc of travel.
Any change in tilt plate angle is transmitted to the
rotating socket ring. Changing the position of the tilt
plate is commonly referred to as applying tilt to the
A-end or stroking the A-end. An external control
assembly varies the hydraulic fluid pressure(s) supplied
to the stroking pistons to apply tilt.

Figure 4-29.Tilt plate, socket ring, and stroking pistons.


Figure 4-30.Valve plate.

into their cylinders. Suction continues until they reach

the end of their intake stroke. Meanwhile, the cylinder

The valve plate (fig. 4-30) is like a hydraulic

manifold with seven internal fluid passages. It connects
the A-end to the B-end, both physically and
hydraulically. It also mounts external components. The
two main fluid passages have crescent-shaped ports on
the valve plate faces (A-end and B-end). These ports
separate the intake fluid from the pressurized discharge
fluid. Each of these passages is joined by another fluid
passage that leads to the main relief valve of the CAB
unit. A small-diameter passage from the relief valve
serves as a bleeder passage to the tank. The two
remaining passages extend through the valve plate.
They permit the free exchange or circulation of fluid
between the A- and B-ends. This fluid exchange aids in
dissipating heat generated within the CAB unit.
The operation of an A-end can be seen in the four
views of figure 4-31. Remember which components are
rotatingthe drive shaft, the socket ring, the
connecting rods, the pistons, and the cylinder barrel.
Remember what the tilt plate and stroking pistons are
Figure 4-31, view A shows the tilt plate of the
A-end on exact neutral. While in this position, the
length of every piston stroke is zero. No pumping
action is taking place. If you are relating this operation
to training a launcher, it is not moving since the pump
of the A-end is not providing any output fluid. The fluid
pressure in the two stroking piston chambers is either
"equal" (if they are the same size) or "balanced" (if they
are of different sizes).
Figure 4-31, view B shows what happens to the
components of the A-end when a small degree of tilt is
applied to the tilt plate. The control assembly made the
bottom stroking piston extend. The connecting rod of
the stroking piston pushes the lower end of the tilt plate.
The tilt plate repositions the main axial pistons. As the
pistons move away from the valve plate, they draw fluid

Figure 4-31.Basic operation of the A-end.


plate face. The cylinder barrel of the B-end has the

same number of cylinder bores as the A-end. The
cylinders are open at their lower end to receive and
return fluid to the A-end.
Just as the tilt plate of the A-end had to be tilted to
develop a pumping action, the B-end must also be
"tilted" to develop a rotation. In relation to the valve
plate, the socket ring in figure 4-28 is installed at an
angle. The socket ring of the B-end is normally placed
at (about) a 30-degree fixed angle. It is sometimes
referred to as the "fixed tilt plate" of the B-end.
In operation, the B-end responds directly to the
A-end. If the tilt plate of the A-end is on neutral, no
pumping action takes place and no fluid transfer is
accomplished. The B-end is not rotating in this
situation; the missile launcher is stopped.
In view A of figure 4-32, the A-end has gone off
neutral and is pumping. The output fluid of the A-end
acts on some of the pistons of the B-end and pushes

barrel has rotated far enough so that the pistons have

passed the intake port and are approaching the
discharge port.
Now, because of the tilt applied, the pistons reverse
and move toward the valve plate. Fluid is forced from
the cylinder and through the crescent-shaped discharge port. Actually, several pistons are drawing
fluid in while several pistons are discharging. This
multiple-piston operation reduces pulsations in the
output of the pump. In this example, our missile
launcher is training slowly to the left.
Figure 4-31, view C shows the A-end with the tilt
plate at a greater angle. The pistons make longer
strokes. Longer strokes mean a greater fluid output
volume is supplied to the B-end. The missile launcher is
now training faster to the left.
Figure 4-31, view D shows the A-end with the tilt
plate positioned in the opposite direction. Note that
almost all of the components have reversed their
function. The upper stroking piston now becomes the
controlling piston. The intake and discharge lines have
reversed. However, the electric motor keeps the drive
shaft and all its driven components rotating in the same
direction. Our launcher is now training to the right.
The B-end is the hydraulic motor of the CAB unit.
Physically, it is very similar to the construction of the
A-end. A B-end converts fluid pressure from the A-end
into a rotary mechanical motion. In a CAB unit
installation, the B-end is secured to the opposite face of
the valve plate. In the Special K type of units, the
B-end(s) is/are separately mounted and receive fluid by
transmission lines.
The major components of the B-end are shown in
the upper portion of figure 4-28. The bearing housing,
the cylinder barrel housing, and the valve plate enclose
and support the other components of the motor. The
unit is sealed to prevent fluid leakage.
The output drive shaft of the B-end rotates on
bearings inside the bearing housing. The shaft connects
to the mechanical drive train units of the power drive
system. It also drives the response gearing of the B-end
that provides launcher position information to the
control assembly.
The socket ring of the B-end is mounted to the other
end of the drive shaft. The socket ring causes the drive
shaft to rotate. The socket ring is attached to the cylinder barrel by connecting rods and a drive link and pin.
The cylinder barrel bears on and rotates against the
side of the valve plate face of the B-end. The cylinder
barrel is bearing-mounted to a stub shaft in the valve

Figure 4-32.Basic operation of the B-end.



The dual gear pump assembly (fig. 4-33) of a CAB
type of power drive is better known as the servo and
supercharge pump assembly. The pump housing is
physically mounted to the aft end of the electric motor.
When the motor is running, a common drive shaft turns
both gear pumps. (Meanwhile, the forward end of the
electric motor is also driving the A-end.)
The dual gear pump housing is similar to that
described with a single gear pump of an accumulator
type of power drive. (Refer to fig. 4-20.) A divider plate
separates the two pumping chambers. The larger
gearset belongs to the servo pump. The smaller gearset
is for the supercharge pump. Both pumps share a
common intake or suction port. They draw their fluid
through a suction screen/strainer in the main fluid
supply tank.

Figure 4-33.Dual gear pump assembly.

Two separate output lines direct the discharge

fluids to a valve block assembly. Here the fluids are
filtered, controlled, and regulated. The servo fluid
normally charges a small accumulator and is distributed
to the hydraulic system of the power drive. Servo fluid
pressure is the higher of the two and, as mentioned
before, normally ranges between 400 and 500 psi. It is
used for control purposes, primarily in the control
assembly of the power drive.

them. Because of the imposed angle of the "fixed tilt

plate," the drive shaft of the B-end starts rotating.
The speed and direction of rotation of the B-end are
factors determined by the A-end. The amount of tilt of
the A-end determines the speed of rotation of the B-end
(small tilt, slow speed; large tilt, fast speed). As long as
the A-end is on tilt, the B-end will continue to rotate.
When the tilt of the A-end is removed (returned to
neutral), the B-end will stop. The direction of rotation
of the B-end is determined by the direction of tilt
applied to the tilt plate of the A-end. View B of figure
4-32 shows the reaction of the components of the B-end
when fluid flow is reversed.

Supercharge fluid pressure is the lower of the two.

It does not charge an accumulator and only averages
around 100 psi. Supercharge fluid is supplied directly
to the CAB unit. Here it compensates for or replenishes
fluid lost through internal slippage and leakage.

Figure 4-34.Interaction between a basic CAB type of power drive and a control assembly.


pneumatic drive mechanism instead of a hand crank,

but the force is still applied to the power-off brake.
The main components of a power-off brake are
shown in figure 4-35. The lower end of the brake shaft
is coupled to the output shaft of the B-end through a
gear reduction unit. The other end of the brake shaft is
splined to a set of inner friction discs. These inner discs
are alternated with outer friction discs. The inner discs
rotate with the brake shaft as the B-end turns. The outer
set of friction discs is splined to a disc housing. The disc
housing and outer discs are fastened to a worm gear
drive. The worm shaft extends outside the brake
housing and provides for either manual or pneumatic
drive connections.
A spring-loaded pressure plate at the top of the
brake housing bears against the upper inner disc. The
pressure plate is operated by a brake-release piston.
Braking action occurs when the pressure plate presses
the rotating inner discs into (friction) contact with the
stationary outer discs. Through a positive gear-drive
relationship between the brake shaft and the drive shaft
of the B-end, the load (launcher) comes to a halt.

Figure 4-35.Power-off brake.

The power-off or brake of a B-end of a CAB type of
power drive is connected to the output drive shaft of the
motor of the B-end. (Refer to fig. 4-34.) When the brake
is released, the power drive and the driven equipment
are free to move. When the brake sets, it halts the
movement of the equipment during a power failure.
When the brake is set, it secures the equipment against
the roll and pitch of the ship. It also provides for manual
hand crank operations during emergency, installation,
or maintenance procedures. Some GMLSs use a

Figure 4-36 shows a simplified schematic of the

"set" and "released" positions of a power-off brake.
When the power drive is secured (fig. 4-36, view B),
there is no hydraulic fluid pressure (normally servo
fluid pressure) on (or under) the brake-release piston.
The spring- loaded pressure plate forces the friction
discs into a braking engagement. Manual or pneumatic
drive can now be accomplished by rotating the worm
shaft, commonly called driving through the brake.

Figure 4-36.Power-off brake operation.


the CAB unit when the A-end is tilted in either


During normal power drive operation, servo fluid

pressure is ported to the brake-release piston. By
"lifting the brake," the friction discs separate, as shown
in (fig. 4-36, view A). This action permits free rotation
of the brake shaft and the drive shaft/equipment of the

The valve is classified as a compound-relief valve

since a small pilot valve controls a larger main valve.
The simplified schematics of the main relief valve (figs.
4-37 and 4-38) show its major component parts. The
valve works on the differential-in-pressure principle.
The area of the main valve plunger exposed in chamber
A is equal to the area exposed in chamber B. These two
areas combined are equal to that area exposed in all of
chamber C. Therefore, the fluid pressure in either
chamber A or chamber B must be slightly more than
twice the fluid pressure in chamber C to unseat the main
valve plunger.

When an operating power drive is shut down, either

normally or through a power failure, a power-off brake
solenoid ports the servo fluid pressure to the tank. The
pressure plate springs "set the brake." Should a sudden
power failure occur, the equipment will not come to a
screeching, abrupt stop. Hydraulically controlled
valves in a nearby valve block govern or meter the servo
fluid of the piston returning to the tank. This action
quickly sets, releases, sets (and so on) the brake to bring
the equipment to a smooth and controlled stop.

Depending on the direction of CAB rotation, fluid

pressure (from the A-end) may build up in either
chamber A or chamber B. When the A-end is not
pumping, supercharge fluid pressure fills these
chambers. The main relief valve functions during
power drive start, normal, and excessive fluid pressure
conditions. The fluid pressures involved are
supercharge, servo, and a variable high pressure from
the A-end and the tank.


The main relief valve of a CAB type of power drive
serves two primary purposes. First, it protects the CAB
unit from excessive fluid pressure conditions. Second,
it prevents cavitation of the A-end by directing
supercharging fluid to the pump.
The main relief valve (also called a safety relief
valve) mounts to the outside of the valve plate.
(External location can be seen in figs. 4-27 and 4-28.)
The valve is connected into both main fluid passages
that join the A-end and B-end. In this manner it protects

Start Condition Operation

To understand the operation of the main relief valve
when the power drive is initially started, you must
realize two facts. First, fluid pressures developed by

Figure 4-37.Start condition of a main relief valve.


Figure 4-38.Normal condition of a main relief valve.

pressure of supercharge fluid is not enough to shift the

spring-loaded pilot valve. Therefore, supercharge fluid
flows through the lands of the pilot valve plunger and
fills chamber C. It is also directed to the brake-release
valve. Supercharge fluid initially assists in keeping the
brake set until servo fluid pressure can build up and take

hydraulic systems do not instantly reach their normal

levels or values. It takes a few seconds for fluid
pressures to build up to a normal, or at least a minimum,
level before they can be effective. Second, tilt plates
"drift" or tend to come off neutral at the A-end when the
power drive is secured. This means that when the power
drive is restarted, the pistons of the A-end are
automatically positioned to start pumping to the B-end.
The B-end would rotate and move the equipment. This
could result in damage to certain components (like a
power-off brake). It is also dangerous to life and limb if
you are unable to jump out of the way fast enough.

Since the supercharge fluid pressures in chambers

A, B, and C are all equal and acting on the same-size
areas (A + B = C), they cancel each other. The large
spring of the main valve plunger is rated at about 75
pounds of force. It is the only force holding the valve
downward on its seat.

The main relief valve performs two important

functions when a power drive is started. It directs
supercharge fluid, which builds to its low pressure (100
psi) very quickly, to the A-end and power-off brake
lines. This initially fills the system to compensate for
fluid lost through leakage or which "drained" from the
lines while the system was secured. The main relief
valve also prevents an off-neutral A-end from driving
the B-end through a set brake. Refer to figure 4-37 as
we see how these actions are performed.

If the A-end is on neutral, there will be no problems

or pumping action. If the A-end is not on neutral, one of
the transmission lines (line A or line B) will be
pressurized. Let's say line A is the pressurized line.
Line B is the suction or return line.
As fluid pressure of the A-end enters chamber A, it
seats the lower ball of the double-check valve. It also
seats check valve No. 1 in the supercharge fluid
pressure line. Spring pressure on the pilot valve plunger
holds it downward. With the main valve held on its seat
by only a 75-pound spring force, any fluid pressure
above 75 psi of the A-end causes the main valve to lift.
The excess fluid pressure is ported back to the suction
line of the A-end (through line B) and bypasses the
B-end. The maximum fluid pressure buildup between
the A-end and B-end is limited to about 75 psi. That is
not enough to move the brake-held B-end.

Supercharge fluid enters the relief valve and

unseats the No. 1 and No. 2 ball type of check valves.
The No. 1 check valve permits fluid to fill chamber A
and one transmission line (A) to the A-end. The No. 2
check valve permits fluid to fill chamber B and the
other transmission line (B) to the A-end. The
double-check valve is also unseated. It allows
supercharge fluid to act on the pilot valve. The 100-psi


The plunger of the main valve lifts. This action limits

pressure of the A-end in the CAB unit to a preset
maximum and prevents damage to the power drive.

When the power-off brake solenoid energizes, it

positions the release power-off brake and main relief
control valve. The valve is positioned so it ports servo
fluid pressure to the top of the main valve plunger. This
action seats the main relief valve. With servo fluid
pressure on top of the main valve, the pilot valve
regulates the pressure in the main relief valve.

The control assembly of a CAB type of power drive
is also known as a receiver-regulator. Basically stated,
the control assembly controls power drive operation.
Figure 4-34 shows the general relationship and
interactions of the control assembly with the rest of the
power drive components.

Will the main relief valve stay in this condition?

No, because, as other fluid pressures build in the
system, the control assembly automatically returns the
A-end to neutral. Pumping action quickly stops and the
main relief valve returns to its seat.

A control assembly is a complex arrangement of

electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components. It
receives electrical signals that order the driven
equipment to a new position. Components within the
control assembly determine the difference between the
existing (or actual) position and the ordered position.
The difference (or error) is eventually transformed into
hydraulic valve movements. These valve movements
cause the stroking pistons to shift and apply tilt to the
A-end. This drives the B-end and driven equipment to
the ordered position.

Normal Condition Operation

When all system fluid pressures are available and
the GMLS is ready to operate, the main relief valve
assumes its normal condition (fig. 4-38). The pilot
valve is set to maintain about one half of the fluid
pressure of the A-end in its middle chamber. When the
A-end goes tilt, high-pressure fluid from line A flows
through the diagonal passage drilled in the bottom land
of the pilot valve. This high-pressure fluid fills the
chamber below the land and forces the plunger of the
pilot valve to rise. The lower land moves over variable
orifice M while the upper land moves toward variable
orifice N.

As the equipment moves to the new position, it is

continually feeding back information to the control
assembly. This feedback is known as response and
involves A-end and B-end inputs. As the equipment
nears the ordered position, feedback reduces the
position-difference (or error) in the control assembly.
Through either a decreasing electrical error signal or a
mechanical limiting action, the angle of A-end tilt
decreases. This action decelerates the moving
equipment until it stops at the ordered position.

The plunger is now in its middle position; orifice M

is not quite closed and orifice N is just barely open.
Only a small amount of high-pressure fluid is allowed
to escape to the tank. Very minor overpressure
conditions can be relieved this way. Should a small
overpressure condition occur (beyond what the pilot
valve can handle), the main relief valve will unseat by a
few thousandths of an inch. The small overpressure in
line A is bypassed to low-pressure line B. In actuality,
both the pilot and main relief valves are constantly
making these minor adjustments or shifts to maintain
CAB unit fluid pressures within normal limits.

The description of a control assembly has

purposely been brief. In chapter 5, we will examine the
different types of GMLS control assemblies in more
detail. For now though, concentrate on the
hydraulic-mechanical aspects of a CAB type of power
drive, primarily the CAB unit.

Excessive Fluid Pressure Condition Operation


Should the A-end develop an excessive fluid

pressure condition, the pressure in the lower chamber
of the pilot valve increases dramatically. (Refer to fig.
4-38.) The pilot valve shifts upward, fully closing
orifice M and opening orifice N. Fluid in chamber C is
vented to the tank through the plunger of the pilot valve.
This decreases the force or pressure holding the main
valve down.


hydraulic system and components used in the
Mk 75 gun mount.
The hydraulic system for this gun mount provides hydraulic pressure for operation of the
ammunition-handling system and the cold recoil jacks.
The hydraulic power unit (fig. 4-39) supplies the fluid
system and develops the pressure for operation of the

The excessive fluid pressure in chamber A (or B)

now offsets the force of the spring of the main valve.

Figure 4-39.Hydraulic power unit.

tank help dissipate heat generated by the system. An oil

level indicator provides a means to quick-check the
quantity of hydraulic fluid in the system.

hydraulic components in the system. The five main

assemblies of the hydraulic power unit are the hydraulic
oil tank, the filter, the motor and pump, the
accumulator, and the bypass assemblies.

A full-flow cartridge type of filter assembly
removes contaminants from the hydraulic fluid as the
fluid flows through the filter element. The filter is in the
return line to the hydraulic oil tank.

The hydraulic oil tank assembly serves as a

reservoir and expansion chamber for the hydraulic
fluid. It also provides a static head of pressure for the
hydraulic system. Corrugated external surfaces on the


starts, the bypass valve ports the pump output to the

tank until the motor reaches operating speed. When the
motor and the pump are shut down, the bypass valve
automatically dumps the accumulator pressure to the
hydraulic oil tank.


An electric motor drives a gear pump that supplies
hydraulic fluid under pressure to the several components of the hydraulic system. A flexible coupling
connects the motor to the pump.


The lower gun loading system supplies ammunition to the upper gun-loading system. A revolving
magazine and a screw feeder are the principal parts of
the lower gun-loading system.

The accumulator assembly serves to cushion

pulsations in the hydraulic system. It also stores a
supply of pressurized hydraulic fluid to augment pump
delivery during brief periods of peak demand. A
nitrogen charge in the accumulator keeps a constant
pre-established head of pressure in the system. The
accumulator is connected to a pressure gauge and has a
safety valve to prevent damage from overpressures on
the system.

Revolving Magazine
The revolving magazine (fig. 4-40) stows ammunition and delivers it to the screw feeder. Ammunition
stowage cells in the magazine are arranged in two
concentric circlesan inner circle and an outer circle.
The circles hold 70 ready-to-fire rounds of ammunition. As the magazine rotates, ammunition passes from
the outer circle to the inner circle.


The bypass valve assembly reduces the starting
load on the electric motor and the pump. As the motor

Figure 4-40.Revolving magazine and screw feeder.


through a hoist reduction gear assembly, rotates the

screw feeder and drives the hoist lift pawl assemblies.
The revolving magazine is geared to the screw feeder so
both the screw feeder and the revolving magazine rotate
in unison.

Screw Feeder
The screw feeder (fig. 4-41) receives ammunition
from the revolving magazine and hoists ammunition to
the last station screw feeder for delivery to the upper
gun-loading system. A hydraulic motor, driving

Figure 4-41.Screw feeder and related components.


function in the same manner. Both arms pivot on a shaft

that passes through the left trunnion of the slide


The upper gun-loading system (fig. 4-42) positions and holds ammunition for ramming into the
gun barrel chamber. A pair of rocking arm assemblies,
a loader drum assembly, and a transfer tray mechanism assembly are the principal parts of the upper
gun-loading system.
Rocking Arm Assemblies

In operation, the rocking arms have a swinging

motion and move alternately in opposite directions.
When one arm is at the end of its upward travel to
deliver a round to the loader drum, the other is at the end
of its downward travel to take a round from the last
station screw feeder.

Right and left hydraulically operated rocking arm

assemblies (fig. 4-43) transfer ammunition from the
last station screw feeder to the loader drum. The two
rocking arms differ somewhat in configuration but

Hydraulically and mechanically operated clamps at

each end of the rocking arms hold ammunition while in
transit between the screw feeder and the loader drum.
When a rocking arm reaches the loader drum, the
clamps on the raised arm open to release a round to the

Figure 4-42.Upper gun-loading components.


loader drum. Simultaneously, the clamps on the

lowered arm close to take a round from the last station
screw feeder.
Loader Drum Assembly
The hydraulically operated loader drum assembly
(fig. 4-44) is synchronized with the operation of the
rocking arms. The loader drum has two shaft-mounted
disks (star wheels) with U-shaped cutouts to receive
ammunition from the rocking arms. A round received
by the loader drum is moved, one position at a time,
through four stations. From the last station, upon
completion of the firing circuit, a round is deposited in
the transfer tray for ramming into the gun barrel
A set of star wheels below the loader drum accepts
ammunition from the rocking arms and transfers it to
the loader drum. Another set of star wheels (not shown)
is geared to the loader drum. These star wheels receive
ammunition from the loader drum and deposit it into
the transfer tray.

Figure 4-43.Rocking arm assemblies.

Figure 4-44.Location of loader drum assembly.


The rammer assembly is within the transfer tray

mechanism assembly. Movement of the transfer tray
operates the rammer assembly. As the tray moves to the
DOWN position (in counterrecoil), the rammer
assembly extends, performing two functions: (1) it
rams a round into the gun barrel chamber and (2) it
pushes the ejected spent case of the previously fired
round out of the empty case tray into the empty case
ejector chute. The spent case then ejects through the
chute and out of the gun mount.

Transfer Tray Mechanism Assembly

The transfer tray mechanism assembly (fig. 4-45),
within the slide, receives ammunition from the loader
drum and positions it for ramming into the gun barrel
chamber. The transfer tray is connected to the upper
part of the slide and, through linkages, to the breech
housing support. During recoil and counterrecoil
actions of the gun, the transfer tray moves in an up and
down swinging arc.
As the gun moves in recoil, the transfer tray swings
from the DOWN position to the UP position. In the UP
position, the transfer tray is aligned with the loader
drum to receive a round.


The equilibrator and compensator assemblies (fig.
4-46) operate together to perform three functions:

The empty case tray is attached to the lower part of

the transfer tray frame. As the gun recoils, the empty
case tray moves up into alignment with the breech end
of the barrel to receive the spent cartridge case. As the
gun moves in counterrecoil, the loaded transfer tray
swings from the UP position to the DOWN position to
align the round for ramming into the barrel chamber.

1. Counterbalance the gun.

2. Compensate for the shifting center of gravity of
the barrel and breech assemblies that occurs during
recoil/counterrecoil and during elevation/depression

Figure 4-45.Transfer tray mechanism assembly.


Figure 4-46.Equilibrator and compensator assemblies.

As the gun recoils and counterrecoils, the porting

of hydraulic fluid between the compensator assembly
and the equilibrator cylinder assembly changes the
position of the upper spring seat in the equilibrator.
This, in turn, varies the counterbalancing spring tension
on the steel cable attached to the elevation arc. As the
gun moves back in recoil, less counterbalancing force
is needed; conversely, when the gun moves forward
in counterrecoil, more counterbalancing force is

3. Stop counterrecoil movement of the gun if a

short recoil fails to eject the empty powder case from
the gun barrel.
The equilibrator is attached to the bottom of the
carriage and extends down inside the revolving
magazine assembly. It consists of an equilibrator
cylinder assembly and two sets of coil springs. A steel
cable extends from a spring seat at the bottom of the
equilibrator to the elevation arc. In operation, the coil
spring tension pulls on the steel cable to counterbalance
the gun as it elevates and depresses.

The compensator assembly prevents the flow of

hydraulic fluid into the equilibrator cylinder if a short
recoil fails to bring the gun back to the hooks position
(or if the hooks fail to engage the gun). This prevents
counterrecoil of the gun.

The compensator assembly is a hydraulic cylinder

attached to the slide above and parallel to the gun
barrel. A hydraulic line connects the compensator
assembly to the equilibrator cylinder assembly in the


Figure 4-47.Slide assembly.

cylinders, connected hydraulically to a recuperator, and

performs five functions:

The slide assembly (fig. 4-47) is suspended
between the two trunnion supports. The slide serves as
a support structure for the gun mount components that
elevate and depress. The main components of the slide
are the following:

1. Absorbs gun recoil force to ensure prescribed

recoil lengths
2. Maintains a nearly constant recoil force
throughout the recoil stroke
3. Stores energy to return the gun to battery
4. Regulates the counterrecoil stroke to keep it
within the prescribed rate-of-fire limits
5. Brakes recoil and counterrecoil movement at
the end of their strokes

Breech mechanism
Recoil/counterrecoil system
Recoil/counterrecoil dampers
Cold recoil jacks
Gun port shield
Elevation arc
Firing cutout mechanism
Counterrebounding mechanism

Only the recoil/counterrecoil system and cold

recoil jacks will be discussed in this chapter. For a
detailed description of the Mk 75 slide assembly, refer
to Technical Manual for 76-mm 62-Caliber Gun Mount
Mark 75 Mods 0 and 1, Description and Operation,
SW314-AO-MMM-A10 series.
Recoil/Counterrecoil System
The recoil/counterrecoil system (fig. 4-48) controls movement of the gun during the recoil and
counterrecoil strokes. The system consists of two recoil

Figure 4-48.Recoil/counterrecoil system.


dissipated by the resistance to the flow of hydraulic

fluid through throttling grooves between the stationary
and moving parts of the cylinders.
During counterrecoil, the energy, stored in the
recuperator as pressure, moves the gun from its
maximum recoil position to the gun-at-hooks position.
When the gun is released by the gun releasing
mechanism, the pressure stored in the recuperator
moves the gun to the in-battery position. In this phase of
counterrecoil, the recoil cylinders act as stroke
regulators and release energy stored by the recuperator
at a regulated rate.
Cold Recoil Jacks
Two hydraulic cold recoil jacks (fig. 4-49) are on
the forward part of the slide. The recoil jacks are
primarily for maintenance work to move the gun in and
out of battery. They also move the gun to the hooks
position in preparation for firing.

Figure 4-49.Location of cold recoil jacks.

The recuperator is a hydropneumatic device having

separate chambers for hydraulic fluid and nitrogen.
During the recoil stroke, the energy developed by the
recoiling gun is absorbed by the recuperator and the
recoil cylinders. The energy absorbed by the
recuperator is stored as pressure by compressing the
nitrogen. The energy absorbed by the recoil cylinders is

The ammunition-handling system (fig. 4-50) for
the gun mount moves ammunition from the revolving

Figure 4-50.Ammunition-handling system.


drives the revolving magazine and the screw feeder and

hoist. Hydraulic cylinders drive the rocking arm and
loader drum assemblies.

magazine to the last station loader drum where the

ammunition is subsequently deposited into the transfer
tray, rammed, and fired. The ammunition-handling
system holds a maximum of 80 rounds of ammunition.
When a round is fired, each of the other rounds
advances one position.

Ammunition is manually loaded into the revolving

magazine, which holds 70 rounds. The ammunition is
held vertically in two concentric circles of stowage
cells; each circle holds 35 rounds. The revolving
magazine turns when the hydraulic motor rotates the
screw feeder.

The ammunition-handling system consists of the

revolving magazine, the screw feeder and hoist system,
the right and left rocking arm assemblies, the loader
drum assembly, and the hydraulic power unit. The
entire ammunition-handling system moves with the
gun mount in train. The loader drum, which is mounted
within the slide, moves with the gun in elevation.

During rotation of the revolving magazine and

screw feeder (fig. 4-51), a round moves from the inner
circle of stowage cells to the screw feeder. When a
round leaves the inner circle of cells, a round from the
outer circle replaces it, leaving an empty stowage cell in
the outer circle.

The hydraulic power unit, mounted on the carriage,

provides the hydraulic pressure to operate components
of the ammunition-handling system. A hydraulic motor

Figure 4-51.Movement of rounds in revolving magazine.


When a round reaches the screw feeder, it is lifted

in a spiraling manner by hoist lift pawl assemblies of

the hoist as the screw feeder rotates (fig. 4-52). The

screw feeder, with a capacity of six rounds, delivers a

Figure 4-52.Ammunition flow diagram.


The loader drum has a capacity of four rounds. As

the loader drum receives a round from the rocking arm,
it rotates to deposit the round in the last station loader
drum and then into the transfer tray for subsequent
ramming and firing (fig. 4-54). The last station loader

round to the rocking arms. The rocking arms alternately

raise the rounds to the loader drum (fig. 4-53). While
one rocking arm is lifting a round to the loader drum,
the other arm is returning empty to take the next round
from the screw feeder.

Figure 4-53.Movement of rounds from screw feeder to loader drum.


Figure 4-54.Movement of rounds in loader drum.

revolving magazine delivers another round to the screw


drum is the last station of the ammunition-handling

system; a round at this station can advance to the
transfer tray only when all conditions of the firing
circuit are satisfied.



Upon completion of the firing circuit, the round in

the last station loader drum is moved onto the
transfer tray, rammed, and fired. At the same time, a
rocking arm takes a round from the screw feeder to the
loader drum. The screw feeder lifts a round to
replace the one removed by the rocking arm, and the


hydraulic system and components used in the
Mk 45 gun mount. Explain the mechanics of
pneumatic systems used in ordnance equipment.


Figure 4-55.Gun-loading system; general components.


Figure 4-56.Lower accumulator system.

The Mk 45 hydraulic system is divided into two

components: stationary and rotating (fig. 4-55). The
stationary gun-loading system components are in the
loader room and in the ammunition-handling rooma
compartment one or more decks below the loader room.
The stationary components are a loader drum, the fuze
setter, a hydraulic power source (lower accumulator),
and a lower hoist (if required). The rotating hydraulic
components are a cradle and rammer, a breech
mechanism, an empty case ejector, an empty case tray,
recoil-counterrecoil system, some components of the
slide, and a hydraulic power source (upper
accumulator). The slide itself is primarily a supporting
structure and a counterbalance for the gun barrel.
The lower accumulator system (fig. 4-56), mounted
in the loader room, provides the hydraulic power for
operating the lower hoist, the loader drum, the fuze
setter, and the upper hoist. The major components of
the system include a main supply tank, a header tank, a
main motor and pump, an exercise and emergency
power drive, hydraulic controls, and an accumulator.
Lower Hoist
The lower hoist (fig. 4-57) provides a means for
ammunition handlers (members of the gun mount crew)
to onload 5-inch 54-caliber ammunition into the loader
drum from a remote station. It also provides a means for
striking down ammunition into the ship's ammunition

Figure 4-57.Lower hoist.


Figure 4-58.Loader drum.

Figure 4-59.Fuze setter.


Fuze Setter
The fuze setter (fig. 4-59), an electrohydraulic
device mounted atop the support structure for the loader
drum, sets mechanical time (MT) or control variable
time (CVT) fuzes on projectiles positioned for
mechanical fuze setting in the transfer station. The coil
assembly, at the base of the fuze setter, energizes to set
the ESFs electronically (electronically settable fuzes).
Upper Hoist
The upper hoist (fig. 4-60) receives a round from
the loaded drum and, in turn, transfers the round to the
cradle for ramming into the gun breech. Upon receiving
a round, the upper hoist raises it to the cradle, a pivoting
tube attached to the rotating structure above deck. A
pawl on the open-end chain within the upper hoist tube
raises the round and then lowers it into position for the
next load cycle. Also, the upper hoist can receive
(unload) ammunition from the cradle. Ammunition
handlers remove the round through a projectile
unloading door and a powder case unloading door on
the upper hoist. The lower accumulator system operates
the raise cycle of the upper hoist. The upper
accumulator system operates the lower cycle of the
upper hoist. For example, if you have only the lower
system lit off and raise the upper hoist, it will not lower
until the upper system is energized.
The upper accumulator system (fig. 4-61),
mounted on the carriage, provides the hydraulic power

Figure 4-60.Upper hoist.

Loader Drum
The loader drum (fig. 4-58) receives and stows
ready service ammunition, positions the rounds for fuze
setting, and ejects themone by oneinto the upper
hoist. A rotating drum indexes as a unit within the
cagelike support structure of the loader drum.

Figure 4-61.Upper accumulator system.


latches into alignment with the gun bore. The gun

barrel housing is a mounting block for the gun barrel,
the breech mechanism, and the two recoil pistons (or

for operating the gun-loading components on the

rotating structure: the cradle, the rammer, the breech
mechanism, two recoil pistons, the empty case tray, and
the empty case ejector. The major components of the
upper accumulator system include a main supply tank,
a main motor and pump, an exercise and emergency
power drive, hydraulic controls, a main accumulator,
and an emergency accumulator. The main supply tank
also stores hydraulic fluid for the train and elevation

Breech Mechanism
The breech mechanism (fig. 4-63) opens and closes
the breech, extracts spent powder cases or guided
projectile (GP) shrouds from the breech, and ejects gas
from the gun barrel. The main components are a
breechblock, an empty case extractor, and a gas ejector.

The cradle (fig. 4-62) is a pivoting tube that
transfers ammunition between the upper hoist in the
loader room and the slide in the rotating structure.
When in the DOWN position, the cradle aligns with the
upper hoist; when in the UP position, it aligns with the
gun bore.

General Operation


When the round fires, recoil drives the gun barrel

housing rearward, or out of battery position. The
moving housing, which slides on horizontal keys in the
slide, drives the recoil pistons against hydraulic fluid to

When the rammer transfers a round from the cradle

to the breech or completes the loading of a (GP) powder
case behind a guided projectile (GP), the breechblock
lowers to close the breech, to connect a firing cable, and
to position a firing pin against the powder case primer.

The rammer, a chain-operated pawl inside the

cradle, rams the round into the breech when the cradle

Figure 4-62.Cradle and rammer.


Figure 4-63.Slide and slide-mounted components.

Counterrecoil movement triggers the hydraulic

actions that raise the breechblock. With the
breechblock fully raised, two arms of the empty case
extractor pull the spent case out of the breech and into
the empty case tray. At the same time, the gas ejector

absorb the shock and bring the recoil movement to a

halt. Pressurized nitrogen then drives the counterrecoil
pistons forward to put the gun barrel housing in battery
position. The counterrecoil pistons also help buffer the
shock of recoil.


The supercharge fluid goes to the valve plate of the

hydraulic transmission. A series of check valves ensure
that the supercharge fluid is always available to replace
slippage losses in the transmission.

releases pressurized air into the breech to clear the gun

barrel of gases.
The empty case tray and the empty case ejector,
mounted atop the slide, receive the spent powder case
from the breech and eject it out of the gun shield and
onto the weather deck. An ejector pawl moves the
powder case from the empty case tray into an ejector
tube, which leads to an opening in the gun shield.

The servo fluid, through the electrohydraulic

transducer and servo valve, operates the stroking
pistons of the A-end. The servo accumulator stores a
small amount of fluid for periods of high demand. The
accumulator also reduces pressure variations of the
pump and pulsations of the relief valve.

The gun barrel, which consists of a tube and a liner,

seats ammunition and, upon firing, imparts rotation to
the projectile. Interrupted threads in the tube lock the
barrel to the gun housing. Rifling in the liner imparts
clockwise rotation to the projectile.

For a more detailed description of the Mk 45

hydraulic system, refer to Technical Manual for 5-Inch
54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45, NAVSEA
SW323-D1-MMO-010 series.

Hydraulic Control System


The servo and supercharge hydraulic system (fig.

4-64) provides pressurized fluid to control and
replenish the power drives. The gear pump draws fluid
from the main hydraulic tank and discharges the fluid
through separate outlets. The fluid goes through filters,
then on to an auxiliary relief valve block, which
regulates the servo pressure to about 450 psi and the
supercharge pressure to about 150 psi. This valve block
also controls servo fluid to a solenoid-operated valve
that sets and releases the power-off brakes.


operation of power drive systems in the various
types of GMLSs.
Accumulator and CAB type of power drive systems
provide a GMLS with all the hydraulic fluid forces
needed to perform its functions. The primary difference
between the two systems involves what their output

Figure 4-64.Train/elevation hydraulic system; block diagram.


does for the GMLS. Accumulator type of power drives

produces a supply of hydraulic fluid under pressure to
operate the general GMLS equipment. Electrically
controlled solenoids direct this pressurized fluid to
operate hydraulic cylinders, for example. CAB type of
power drives produces a mechanical output that is used
to position the launcher or operate a RSR and hoist. In
response to electrical order signals, the control
assembly governs the operation of the CAB unit.


We will now briefly examine the various power

drives of the individual GMLSs. Although you will
notice differences in design, physical appearances,
operating fluid pressures, and so forth, the basic
principles are similar.

Train Power Drive System

The Mk 26 GMLS (all mods) has four primary

power drive systems. Each power drive unit has a
unique emergency drive capability. Also, we will
encounter some different fluid pressure values.
Because the Mk 26 GMLS power drives are somewhat
different, especially in functional capabilities, we will
present them separately.

The train power drive system has only one

purposeto rotate the launcher in train. It is located
under the launcher platform and above the ICS. One
electric motor drives four pumps: (1) A-end, (2) lube
pump, (3) supercharge pump, and (4) servo fluid pump.


The main unit is the integrated hydrostatic

transmission and brake assembly (fig. 4-65). This
assembly is an in-line or straight CAB unit and
power-off brake mounted within one housing.
Physically it is different; functionally it is the same as
other GMLS CAB and power-off brake units. Study
this figure and compare it with figures 4-28 and 4-35.

The Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7 GMLSs have four

hydraulic power drive units. Basically there are very
few differences between the power drives of the various
mods. Operating fluid pressures do vary and only
average ranges will be noted.
The launcher guide power unit (LPU) is an
accumulator type of power drive located in the base
ring. It supplies PA to operate guide components and
the blast door. A gear pump charges three accumulator
flasks to develop an average operating pressure of
between 1,500- to 1,600-psi PA.

A small lube pump circulates a lubricating oil

through the train reduction gear unit. The supercharge
pump delivers fluid to a supercharge accumulator.
Supercharge fluid pressure is developed to about 375
psi and replenishes lost fluid in the transmission unit.
The servo pump delivers fluid to a servo accumulator.
Servo fluid pressure is developed between 1,100 and
1,400 psi. It is used to operate the train control
assembly, positioner latch, and power-off brake.

The magazine RSR/hoist power drive is a Special K

type of unit. One A-end drives the RSR B-end or the
hoist B-end. The power drive also produces servo fluid
and supercharge fluid pressures. Supercharge fluid
pressures are between 100 and 150 psi. Servo fluid
pressure is developed by charging an accumulator flask
and is about 400 psi for all mods. This fluid is supplied
to the components associated with RSR/hoist selection
and drive operations. Equipments include the inner and
outer RSR latches, the RSR positioner, the hoist chain
shifter, and the inner and outer hoist retractable rails.

Elevation Power Drive System

The elevation power drive system has two primary
functions. Through its integrated hydrostatic
transmission and brake assembly, it elevates and
depresses the guide arms. Through its accumulator
system, the elevation power drive supplies PA to
operate the guide arm components. The elevation
power drive is located within the launcher carriage. One
electric motor drives three pumps: (1) A-end, (2)
supercharge pump, and (3) guide arm PA pump.

The train and elevation power drives are CAB type

of units located in the upper part of the inner structure.
The power drives are similar and function
independently. Supercharge fluid pressure is about 150
psi for both train and elevation systems. Train servo
fluid pressure is developed by a small accumulator and
is about 525 psi for all mods. Elevation servo fluid
pressure, also developed by an accumulator, averages
around 440 psi.

The transmission unit and the supercharge pump

function like those of the train power drive system.
Elevation supercharge fluid pressure is only developed
to about 150 psi, however.


Figure 4-65.Mk 26 GMLS integrated hydrostatic transmission and brake assembly; typical for all main power drives.


The integrated hydrostatic transmission and brake

assembly responds to orders from the RSR/hoist
control assembly. The B-end provides a mechanical
output to the RSR/hoist shifter assembly. Through this
unit, the RSR is indexed or the hoist is raised and

The guide arm PA pump (gear type) delivers a

volume of fluid to charge a piston type of accumulator
(fig. 4-66). Guide arm PA is developed between
1,350 to 1,525 psi. A portion of this fluid is also
ported to a pressure-reducing valve. This valve
provides a 1,100-psi output which is used to charge a
servo accumulator. Elevation servo fluid is derived
from the guide arm PA. It is used to operate the
elevation control assembly, position latch, and
power-off brake.

The case circulation gear pump supplies a

low-volume, low-pressure circulating fluid to lubricate
and cool the transmission unit.
The accumulator pump (gear type) supplies fluid to
the RSR/hoist accumulator system. Part of the output of
the pump charges the PA/servo piston type of
accumulator flask. PA/servo is developed between
1,350 and 1,525 psi and is distributed throughout the
magazine equipments. These equipments include the
blast door, span rail, fin opener, RSR components, hoist
components, and the strikedown system. It also
operates the RSR/hoist control assembly and power-off

If the elevation power drive system is running but in

a standby or not operating condition, a guide arm
PA accumulator solenoid will energize. The
solenoid shifts a valve to block the output of the
accumulator to the guide arms. (Servo fluid flow is not
affected and remains available to the system.) This
action prevents hydraulic slippage in the guide arm
components and reduces the cycling rate of the
accumulator. It also reduces heat buildup in the
hydraulic fluid.

The other portion of the output of the accumulator

pump is applied to a pressure-reducing valve. This
valve provides the hydraulic fluid that charges a
supercharge accumulator flask. Supercharge fluid
pressure is developed to about 400 psi and is supplied to
the transmission unit.

RSR/Hoist Power Drive System

The magazine hydraulic system consists of the
A-side and B-side RSR/hoist power drive systems.
They are identical units which are located within the
six-missile sections and hoist ends of the RSR
structures. The electric motor of each system (A and B)
drives three pumps: (1) A-end, (2) case circulation
pump, and (3) accumulator pump. We will only cover
one side/system.

Emergency Drives
Each of the four power drive systems has an
emergency drive capability. A small hydraulic motor is

Figure 4-66.Piston type of accumulator; typical.


mounted to the B-end of each transmission unit. Its

output shaft is coupled to the power-off brake (fig.
4-67). When the small emergency drive motor is
activated, it mechanically drives through the brake and
moves the equipment. The Mk 26 GMLS does not have
a manual or pneumatic means to drive through its
power-off brakes.

2. While performing or completing necessary

GMLS functions should one or more main power drive
systems fail

Exercise and Emergency Accumulator Type of

Power Drives

These exercise and emergency systems can be

operated from any normal, alternate, or emergency
440-volt ac ship power source. Power selection is made
at the PDC by the MCC operator. The major
components of the exercise and emergency systems are
hydraulically incorporated with components of the
main power drive systems. However, no tactical
operations can be performed using the exercise and
emergency systems (i.e., firing a missile).

3. For operating GMLS equipments at reduced

rates and fluid pressures when purging air from
hydraulic components during initial start-up or after
corrective maintenance actions

The Mk 26 GMLS has three exercise and

emergency accumulator type of power drive systems.
They permit limited, but total, GMLS operation under
the following conditions:
1. During maintenance procedures

Figure 4-67.Mk 26 GMLS emergency drive; typical arrangement for all power drives.


pump charges a small accumulator flask. Exercise and

emergency fluid pressure is developed between 800 and
935 psi. The emergency fluid is then distributed to the
appropriate components of the GMLS listed in the last


The A- and B-side RSR/hoist exercise and emergency
power drives provide two alternate sources of hydraulic
operating pressure. They can operate the RSRs, hoists,
strikedown equipments, blast doors, and jettison
devices. They also provide fluid to operate the A- or BRSR/hoist emergency drive motors and the train
emergency drive motor.

Because of the small size and capacity of the

components of the emergency system, the GMLS
equipments operate at greatly reduced rates of speed.
Through the RSR/hoist emergency drive motor, the
RSR can be indexed slowly in either direction. When
selected, the hoist can be lowered with or without a
missile. However, because of a weight factor, it can
only be raised when it is empty.

The components of an emergency power drive are

shown in figure 4-68. A small electric motor drives a
small gear pump located inside the main fluid supply
tank for each RSR/hoist system. The output of the

Figure 4-68.RSR/hoist exercise and emergency accumulator system; power drive components.



A manual transfer valve assembly (fig. 4-69) is

mounted to the bulkhead in the strikedown area. Two
hand-operated levers control four directional valves.
They route both PA and tank fluids from the RSR/hoist
power drives. These fluids are directed to the
strikedown mechanism and train emergency drive.
These "fluids" may be from either the main
accumulator systems or from the exercise and
emergency accumulator systems. In the OFF position,
the strikedown and train emergency drive equipments
are isolated from any hydraulic fluid supply. When
either lever is positioned to ON, operating fluid is
ported to these equipments. Locking pins prevent both
levers from being ON at the same time. In this manner,
hydraulic fluids cannot intermix between the A- and
B-side systems.


procedures that should be used while working
on power drive systems in GMLSs.
Safety is everybody's job. Awareness of danger,
knowledge of how to avoid it, and constant vigilance
are the three basic requirements for the prevention of
Safety is both a result and a reflection of good
training. The crews of missile launching systems may
be trained so that every man knows how to do his job
thoroughly. However, the crew still cannot be
considered well trained unless every man is safety
conscious. Safe working habits must be impressed
upon every crewman through proper instructions,
constant drills, and continuous supervision.
Carelessness, cockiness, and lack of training have led to
disaster while working with all types of ordnance
equipment and material.


POWER DRIVE.The third source of emergency
hydraulic fluid is the guide arm exercise and emergency
accumulator system. The components of this
emergency system are physically and hydraulically part
of the elevation power drive system. Reduced hydraulic
fluid pressure is developed to about 815 to 935 psi. It is
supplied to operate the guide arm components and the
elevation emergency drive.

Each piece of ordnance equipment has a specific

list of safety precautions to be observed during
operation and/or maintenance. Consult the safety
summary of the equipment OP. Study it thoroughly
before attempting to operate or repair any piece of
equipment with which you are not familiar.

A manual shutoff valve assembly is mounted inside

each guide arm structure. Each assembly consists of
two rotary valves turned by a common operating lever
(fig. 4-70). In the ON position, the valves port PA and
tank fluids between the guide arm components and the
hydraulic supply. These fluids can also be from the
main elevation accumulator system or the guide arm
exercise and emergency accumulator system. During
maintenance operations or in case of a failure in one or
more of the components of the guide arm, the valve
may be turned to OFF. Isolating the "bad" arm ensures
sufficient operating pressures are still available to the
other arm.

Any high-pressure system, hydraulic or pneumatic,

is dangerous and may cause serious or fatal injuries
when improperly handled. Exercise great care when
operating any GMLS equipment.
The following safety rules are but a few of the many
that must be observed when operating or working on
hydraulic or pneumatic systems:
All hydraulic and pneumatic equipment should be
installed and operated in compliance with prescribed
safety precautions.

Figure 4-69.Manual transfer valve assembly; in strikedown area.


Figure 4-70.Manual shutoff valve assembly; in each guide arm.

Personnel should be thoroughly trained and

properly checked out on any high-pressure system
before being authorized to operate the system.

Inspect threads of air and hydraulic system

couplings before mating. Make certain they are free of
dirt, oil, and physical defects.

Do not mix air and hydraulic fluid in a pressurized

system. An explosive mixture could result (commonly
known as diesel-action).

Adhere to test, inspection, and replacement

schedules for flexible lines. Never use worn, damaged,
or outdated materials.

Never use oil on gauges associated with pneumatic

systems. Do not use an oil gauge on an air system. Keep
gauges clean at all times. Check the accuracy of gauges
frequently as prescribed with maintenance requirement

Do not kink a high-pressure line or hose nor strike a

fitting or air line that is under pressure.
Before applying air or hydraulic pressure to any
connection, make sure that it is properly secured. Do
not attempt to loosen or tighten any high-pressure
connection while the system is under pressure.

Light oils, benzene, or kerosene must never be used

as a cleaning or lubricating agent in a high-pressure air
system. These oils vaporize easily and form a highly
explosive mixture with compressed air.

Carefully bleed pressure from all lines before

removing or loosening them. Never disconnect any
pneumatic or hydraulic lines or equipment until the
accumulators have been dumped to the tank and zero
pressure has been verified in the system.

Do not close or open air or hydraulic valves rapidly

unless authorized to do so.

Immediately report any leak in an air or hydraulic

system to the work center supervisor or person
operating the equipment.

Never manually actuate switches, solenoids,

relays, or valves on pneumatic or hydraulic systems
unless you are authorized and directed to perform these


Ensure that all flexible hoses are rigidly secured to

prevent them from flailing or whipping about if a
connection breaks under pressure.

Most hydraulic fluids are flammable and can cause

skin irritation if prolonged contact occurs. Change
clothing immediately if drenched with hydraulic fluid
and wash thoroughly.


stop the most carefully planned exercise. Many

Gunners have learned the hard wayyou need to check
the availability of compressed air the day before an
important exercise. It is extremely important that you
know where your air comes from and who controls it.

Hydraulic fluid becomes a hazard if it is sprayed,

heated to its flash point, or otherwise subjected to
conditions that cause vaporization. Hydraulic fluid
must never be stored in a missile stowage, testing, or
maintenance area. Do not handle hydraulic fluid in the
presence of electrical sparks or open flames. Hydraulic
fluid should be kept in closed metal containers. Bulk
supplies should be stored only in approved and
authorized areas.

The air supply system is operated and maintained

by the ship's engineers. Air systems are classified by
their operating pressures. In the ordnance world, we are
concerned primarily with high-pressure (HP) air. We
will briefly discuss the main applications of HP air in
gun systems.

Spilled fluids make a surface slippery. Wipe up

spilled or leaking fluid immediately. Oily rags and
clothing should be stored in a closed metal container to
avoid a potential fire hazard. They should be properly
disposed of at the first opportunity.

HP air plants and systems are generally designed to

provide compressed air at a nominal operating pressure
of 3,000 psi or 5,000 psi. They are installed when one of
the ship's services requires a pressure in excess of 1,000
psi. They are also used when a ship's function requires a
flow rate that cannot be readily supported by either a
low-pressure or medium-pressure plant. HP
compressed air plants support high flow demand
systems by the addition of HP air storage flasks in the
system. Once an adequate quantity of compressed air is
stored in these flasks, the high flow rates and pressure
demands can be supported by way of pressure reducing


When working with high-pressure equipments, you
must wear approved safety glasses or face shields. Do
not direct high-pressure air against the deck,
workbench, or other equipments. Low-pressure air may
be used for certain specified maintenance-related
cleaning or drying tasks. Always obtain permission to
use low-pressure air for these purposes. Never direct
any pressurized air jet toward your (or a shipmate's)

The primary use of HP air in a gun system is to

operate the gas ejection system. The gas ejection
system uses compressed air to evacuate gases and
unburned solids from the bore after firing. Gas ejection
is a high-flow system. The compressed air is pumped
from the engineering space to a flask in the vicinity of
the gun mount. The air is then routed through a reducer,
where it is regulated to system pressure, then up to the
gun where it is used. The same air is also used, without
passing through the reducer, to recharge the gun's
counterrecoil system after maintenance.

During any GMLS equipment operation, keep all

parts of the body clear of any component that moves as
a result of pneumatic or hydraulic pressure.
Safety precautions must be observed and common
sense used ALL THE TIME. Do not think that once you
have learned all the applicable safety rules you can sit
back and relax. Review them periodically, particularly
for those jobs seldom performed. Try to improve upon
any rules in effect. Safety is everyone's responsibility,
not just those who drew up the regulations. Many
accidents are caused by personnel who are so familiar
with their jobs they think they can take shortcuts.
Personnel who do not know the applicable safety
precautions often are the cause of accidents. We also
cannot forget the many tragic accidents caused by
practical jokers. However, in the majority of instances,
plain carelessness is the biggest threat. Stay alert!

In this chapter, we have looked at some of the basic
mechanical and hydraulic principles used in gun mount
equipment. We also discussed the Mk 75 and Mk 45
hydraulic systems, control equipment and HP air
systems that support gun mount operation. Most gun
mount casualties are mechanical or hydraulic
malfunctions; therefore, a thorough understanding of
mechanics and hydraulics is essential for the GM
rating. In the next chapter, we will discuss the control
circuits that regulate the operation of these devices. In
chapter 8, we will describe maintenance and repair
procedures for mechanical and hydraulic equipment.

Most, if not all, ordnance systems use compressed
air in one way or another. Though the compressed air
supply system is not considered part of your ordnance
equipment, it is a critical support element. In many
cases, you may find that the lack of compressed air can




All the mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic
mechanisms in a modern gun mount are controlled by
the action and interaction of the various devices of the
control and power circuits. The control circuits regulate
the application of power to motors and to
solenoid-operated hydraulic valves. Operation of the
gun mount is performed sequentially. Barring a malfunction, no action, hydraulic, mechanical, or electric,
can occur out of sequence because of the interlocking
action of switches, relays, and solid-state devices.
Power circuits are normally 440 VAC and are used
to operate the electric motors that power the hydraulic
pumps associated with the gun mount. Gun mount
control circuit voltage can be ac and/or dc of any value
up to approximately 30 VDC or 115 VAC. Control
circuit voltage is normally supplied by gun mount
transformers that step-down 440 volts ac.

There are many electrical and electronic circuits

used in ordnance equipment. These circuits perform
such jobs as power supply, lighting, loading system
control, train and elevation control, and overload
protection. All electrical circuits are made up of basic
electrical or electronic devices. These devices,
individually or working together, can delay, interrupt,
isolate, or integrate electrical and electronic circuits,
and prevent damage to equipment.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide functional
information of how these devices are used to operate
and control ordnance equipment. Portions of this
chapter are based on foundational information
contained in other training manuals. You are assumed
to have knowledge of the fundamental properties of
electricity and how to operate a multimeter to read
voltage, resistance, and amperes.
Before proceeding with this chapter, you should
review the information in Navy Electricity and
Electronics Training Series (NEETS) modules 1, 2, 3,
and 16, Introduction to Matter, Energy, and Direct
Current, NAVEDTRA 172-01-00-79; Introduction to
Alternating Current and Transformers, NAVEDTRA
172-02-00-85; Introduction to Circuit Protection,
172-03-00-85; and Introduction to Test Equipment,
NAVEDTRA 172-16-00-84, respectively.
First we will explain some of the more common
electrical and electronic devices used in gun mount
control circuits. Next we will describe the operation of
the two common types of control circuits and explain
the procedures used to locate common failures within
each circuit.
The final sections of this chapter are devoted to a
discussion of the fundamentals of synchros and
electrical safety. Safety precautions required for
working with electrical and electronic equipment are
provided throughout the chapter.

This portion of the chapter covers the more
common electrical devices used in power and control
Indicator Lights
Indicator lights are used to indicate the position of
mount components or the status of switches, solenoids,
fuses, and control and power circuits. Figure 5-1 shows


electrical components used in a typical gun
mount power supply and lighting circuit, their
functions, and how they are tested.

Figure 5-1.Power-on indication circuit.


a simplified circuit with a light (LI) that indicates when

the motor is running. The letters L or LI are the
reference designations for lights on the schematics for
the older gun mounts; the new ordnance equipment
uses the designation DS.
The fuse is the simplest form of a circuit protective
device. It consists of a metal alloy fusible element that
melts at a predetermined value of current. Thus, if a
circuit draws more current than the rated value of the
fuse, the fuse opens (blows), and the circuit
components are protected.
Fuses are rated according to the amount of current
they can safely carry; this current is usually measured
in amperes. The most common cause of fuse failure is
an overloaded circuit. There are, however, other causes.
Failure to set the fuse into its contacts properly can
cause a fuse to open.

Figure 5-2.Switch classification according to number of

poles and throws.

come to rest and, at the same time, open or close a

circuit. As you can see in figure 5-2, switches through
which only one circuit can be completed are called
single-pole, single-throw switches. Switches with two
poles, through each of which one circuit can be
completed, are described as double-pole, single-throw
switches, while those with two poles, through each of
which two circuits can be completed, are described as
double-pole, double-throw switches.

On schematics for older gun mounts, fuses are

designated by the letters F or FA (fig. 5-1). Except for
the 76-mm/62-caliber Mk 75 gun mount, fuses are
designated FE on schematics of the newer gun mounts.
A switch is a device used for making, breaking, or
changing the connections in an electric circuit.
Switches are used extensively in gun mount control
circuits to start and stop motors, to turn indicating lights
on and off, to channel information from one point in the
system to another, and to shift system mode of
operation, to name a few of their many uses.

Switches are also classified by method of actuation

(push button, toggle, rotary) and by the trade name of
the manufacturer. An example of this is the
ROTARY SWITCHES.A rotary switch can
take the place of several switches. As the knob or
handle of a rotary switch is rotated, it opens one circuit
and closes another. This can be seen from an
examination of figure 5-3. Most rotary switches have
numerous layers called wafers or pancake sections. By
adding wafers, the switch can be made to operate as a
large number of switches. Rotary switches are used in
gun mount equipment to select modes of operation and
for many other functions.

An essential function of any switch is to maintain a

good, low-resistance contact when the switch is closed.
A poor connection between switch elements produces
considerable resistance. This results in overheating the
contact area. When heavy current is being carried by
the switch and the switch contacts are opened, an arc is
produced. Therefore, switches should be opened and
closed quickly to minimize arcing. Usually, they are
designed to have snap action.
Switches are frequently classified by the number of
poles, by the throw, or by the number of positions. The
pole of a switch is its movable blade or contactor. A
switch may have one or several poles. The throw of a
switch indicates the number of circuits each pole can
complete through the switch. The number of positions a
switch has is the number of places at which the
operating device (toggle, shaft, plunger, and so on) will

Figure 5-3.The J multipole rotary switch.


Make-before-break means that as the switch is

rotated the rotor contacts touch the next J pole before
breaking the previous contact. Break-before-make
means that as the switch is rotated the rotor contacts
leave the original pole before the movable contacts
touch the new pole. In rare cases you may find a switch
containing both types of switching arrangements. Extra
wafers are provided for use as spares.

J Rotary Switch.The J rotary switch (fig. 5-3)

consists of an equal number of rotors and pancake
sections. The number of sections required in the switch
is determined by the application. A shaft with an
operating handle extends through the center of the
rotors. The movable contacts are mounted on the rotors,
and the stationary contacts are mounted on the pancake
sections. Each section consists of eight stationary
contacts, designated A through H, and a rotor with two
insulated movable contacts spaced 180 degrees apart.
Figure 5-4 shows the contact array for all pancake
sections. Each movable contact is arranged to bridge
two adjacent stationary contacts. The switch has eight
positions. A detente mechanism properly aligns the
contacts in each position of the operating handle. In one
position, the rotor contacts bridge segments A-B and
E-F; in the next position, the rotor contacts bridge
segments B-C and F-G. Diagonally opposite pairs of
contacts are subsequently bridged for the remaining
positions. The various circuit leads are connected to the
proper pancake terminals. To transfer circuits, you just
turn the handle.

As the handle of the switch is turned, the rotor

blades in all wafers turn simultaneously to make and
break the circuits. A detente wheel is incorporated in
each switch assembly to ensure proper positioning.
Also, a stop plate (fig. 5-5, view A) limits the rotation of
the switch by means of a stop pin. The pin is fixed in the
stop plate to prevent over travel.
The JR switch is smaller in size and more readily
disassembled than the J switch. These features result in
a saving of space and also facilitate repairs. The JR
switch is classified as a 1JR, 2JR, 3JR, or 4JR type.
The 1JR switch has only one movable contact per
section. This movable contact bridges two adjacent
stationary contacts.

JR Rotary Switch.The letters JR are the

designation for a family of rotary switches. These
switches (fig. 5-5), by a single motion, control a
number of switches called pancakes or wafers located
on the same shaft. To do this, the switch is built in
layers, or wafers, along the shaft of the switch handle
(fig. 5-5, view A). The number of contacts determines
the type of switching circuit. Usually all the wafers in
the JR switches are identical; that is, they may be all
make-before-break or break-before-make (fig. 5-5,
view B). Each wafer is in itself a separate switch (fig.
5-5, view C).

The 2JR switch is the same electrically as the J

switch and is the type used for general ordnance
applications. The 2JR switch has two movable contacts
per section, 180 degrees apart. Each movable contact
bridges two adjacent stationary contacts.
The 3JR switch uses one of the stationary contacts
as a common terminal. This stationary contact is
connected, in turn, to each of the other stationary
contacts of the section by a single wiper contact. The
3JR is used for selecting one of several (up to seven)
The 4JR switch has two movable contacts in each
wafer. The movable contacts bridge three adjacent
stationary contacts.
The JR switch is stacked in multiples of 5 sections
(up to 25 sections). In some cases, a switch with a
number of sections that are not a multiple of 5 has been
installed. If this switch must be replaced, a switch with
the next largest number of sections that is a multiple of
5 should be installed if space permits. It is preferred to
have all sections of a switch the same; but, if absolutely
necessary, a switch with some sections of one type and
some sections of another type can be provided.
The JR switches are rated at 115 volts, 60 Hz, and
10 amperes. The switch should not be used on dc
circuits because of the possibility of severely burned
contacts when operated slowly (teased).

Figure 5-4.The J switch contact arrangement.







Figure 5-5.JR rotary switch: A. Typical switch arrangement, schematic; B. JR switch contact arrangement; C. Face view.


latter has no OFF position. The microswitch is

frequently used in referring to this type of switch.

Barriers are also provided between sections to

prevent terminals from turning and shorting to adjacent

Sensitive switches are usually of the push-button

variety and are often used as interlock switches. These
switches usually depend on one or more springs for
their snap action. For example, the heart of the so-called
microswitch is a beryllium copper spring, heat-treated
for long life and reliable action. The simplicity of the
one-piece spring contributes to the long life and
dependability of this switch.

If the sections are not uniform, the switch will be

designated JRSP, followed by the number of sections.
The stop deck on the JR switch (fig. 5-5, view A)
permits setting the switch to the number of positions
desired. By inserting pins or screws in the stop deck
immediately after the desired last position, you can
keep the switch from moving beyond that point.

When a sensitive switch is used as an interlock, the

plunger (push button) is actuated by mechanical means.
The device for moving the plunger can include a
rotating cam, lever, wedge, or bellows arrangement.

INTERLOCK SWITCHES.Interlock switches

include a large group of switch types that are actuated
manually, by mechanical linkage, or by hydraulic fluid.
They act as control or protective devices and are used
on all gun mounts.

Sensitive switches of the micro type are also used

as manual push-button switches on the control panels
for the 5"/54 gun mounts. Figure 5-6, view B, shows a
cutaway view of this type of switch. Note that this
switch has indicator lights built into the body of the

Sensitive Switches.The most common type of

interlock switch is the sensitive switch. There are
various kinds of sensitive switches with different means
of actuation.
These are small, short-traveling, snap-action
switches (fig. 5-6, view A). They are manufactured as
normally open, normally closed, and double-throw. The

Proximity Switches.Proximity switches, also

called Hall-effect switches, are extensively used on the
5"/54 Mk 42 Mods 9 and 10 and 5"/54 Mk 45 gun

Figure 5-6.A. Sensitive microswitch; B. Manual push-button switch.


Figure 5-7.Proximity and optical switches.


mounts. These switches (fig. 5-7) are magnetically

actuated devices that sense component positions. A
typical proximity switch consists of a switch circuit and
a housing with a bayonet connector on one end and an
epoxied magnetic-sensitive area on the other end. The
switch, enclosed in either a straight or a 90-degree
switch housing, is normally mounted on a stationary
component. The housing has a quick-disconnect
bayonet connector that connects the internal circuitry to
the gun mount control system cable.

The operating speed of a relay is determined by the

time between the closing of the coil circuit and the
closing of the relay contacts. In small specially
designed relays, like the ones in the 5"/54 gun mount
control circuits, the operating speed may be as low as 1
millisecond. The operating speed of a relay may be
increased by any technique that reduces eddy currents
in the core. Making the core of laminations is one
method of reducing eddy currents and thus increasing
the operating speed of a relay.

In operation, the switch senses the position of a

magnetic field. The magnet, in a protective housing,
normally is mounted on a moving component. As the
actuator approaches (comes into proximity), the switch
actuates; as the actuator departs (not in proximity), the
switch deactuates.

Another method is to place a resistor in series with

the relay coil and increase the operating voltage. This
will increase the speed of closing because, at the instant
power is applied to the relay, all the voltage will appear
across the coil and the magnetic field will build up
faster. The speed of relay operations can be reduced by
placing a heavy copper sleeve over the core of the coil.
This has the effect of a shorted turn. Current flow in the
sleeve opposes the field in the coil as it builds up or
collapses, thus delaying the relay's operation.

Optical Switch.The optical switch is found on

the upper and lower hoists of the Mk 45 Mod 1 gun to
indicate the presence or absence of a projectile or
propelling charge. The unit consists of an optical switch
(detector) and an infrared light transmitter. As a round
of ammunition breaks the light beam, the switch
deactivates. Micro, proximity, and optical switches all
provide inputs to the gun control circuits described in
the next section.

The type of material used for contacts depends on

the amount of current to be handled. Large power relays
usually have copper contacts and use a wiping action to
make sure of a good connection. Small relays may use
silver or some silver alloy, while in some applications
tungsten or some very hard material may be used that
will prevent contact burning or oxidation. In general,
relays that open and close with a fast positive action
cause much less trouble than those that operate slowly.
Relays that malfunction or fail completely should be
replaced. It is not good practice to repair them.

Other Types of Interlock Switches.Transistors

and triacs can be used as switches in solid-state circuits.
More information is presented on these switching
devices later in this chapter.

CONTROL RELAYS.Control relays are used

in control circuits to perform switching operations
automatically and in the proper sequence.

A relay is simply an electromagnetically operated

switch. It is designed to open or close a circuit when the
current through its coil is applied and removed, or
varied in magnitude. The main parts of a relay are a coil
wound on an iron core and an armature that operates a
set of contacts. A simple relay and circuit are shown in
figure 5-8.
Looking at figure 5-8, if you close switch S1,
current flows through the coil, energizing the
electromagnet and drawing the armature upward. The
action of the armature closes the contacts and power is
applied to the load. More contacts can be added to the
armature so that other functions may be accomplished.

Figure 5-8.Simple relay circuit.


Figure 5-9.Miniature "canned" relay.

portion of the start-and-run circuit. The D contact

supplies an input to the control circuit, which indicates
that the contact is closed. There are three sizes of
contactors (00, 1, and 3) used in gun mounts. Size 1 is
shown in figure 5-11.

Miniature-Type Control Relays.Miniature

relays (fig. 5-9), often called "canned" relays, are
two-position hermetically housed relays with plug-in
pins that mate with a receptacle. Wiring from the
receptacle terminal arrangement completes electrical
circuits as appropriate. Basic internal components of
the miniature relay are a spring-return armature, a coil,
and six sets of contacts. (Each set consists of a common
contact, a normally open contact, and a normally closed
contact.) When the relay energizes, the normally closed
contacts (HB) open and the normally open contacts
(HF) close.
Time-Delay Relays.Time-delay relays (fig.
5-10) impose controlled time lapses into electric
circuits. The relays consist of pneumatic timing units,
coils and switch housings, and wiring terminals. When
the coil energizes, the coil plunger acts on the
diaphragm in the pneumatic timing unit. Because the
relay contacts cannot make (or break) until the air
escapes from the diaphragm through an adjustable
orifice, the size of the orifice determines the delaying
interval. The gun mounts use two types of time-delay
relays: slow-make instantaneous-break (SMIB) and
instantaneous-make slow-break (IMSB).
contactor (also called a power relay or motor contactor)
is a heavy-duty relay used to control motor circuits. The
coil of the relay is in the 115-volt start-and-run circuit,
while three of the contacts (designated A, B, and C) are
in the 440-volt motor circuit. Contact D is in the run

Figure 5-10.Time-delay relay.


Figure 5-11.Size 1 contactor.

Figure 5-12.Overload relay.

The main components of the size 1 contactor are a

coil, an armature, a group of four stationary contacts, a
group of four movable contacts (linked to the armature
through a crossbar), an inertia shock latch, and an arc
suppressor box that encases the contact assemblies.

of switch contacts. The plunger is attached to a disk

suspended in an oil-filled chamber (dashpot). The coil
connects in series with an associated 440-volt motor
supply circuit and the switch contacts are in a 115-volt
start-and-run circuit for the motor.

When the coil energizes, the resultant armature

movement pulls the crossbar upward and closes the
main contacts (A, B, and C) and the auxiliary contact
(D). This action, in turn, completes the 440-volt circuit
to the associated motor. An inertia shock latch prevents
the contactor from closing (if de-energized) or opening
(if energized) from inertia shock. When the contactor is
subjected to shock, a latch weight moves a slider bar to
momentarily lock the armature in position.

During normal operation, the magnetic flux

induced by the coil is not great enough to cause an
appreciable movement of the plunger. However, if an
overload of sufficient magnitude and duration occurs,
the increased current through the coil draws the plunger
When the plunger and disk reach the end of their
upward travel, the normally closed contacts open in the
115-volt start-and-run circuit, de-energizing the motor
contactor which opens the 440-volt motor supply
circuit. With the motor circuit open, the overload relay
plunger drops and the relay resets.

The main components of the size 00 and size 3

contactors are basically the same as those of the size 1,
except that the size 00 does not have an arc suppressor
box. The armature of a size 3 contactor pivots to close
its contacts, and it also has five sets of contacts (one
more auxiliary contact than the size 1). A kickout
spring inside the contactor on the size 3 opens the
contacts when the coil de-energizes. This spring also
prevents shock or vibration from closing the contactor.

Since the dashpot retards upward movement of the

plunger disk, the circuit does not break instantaneously
during an overload. Two conditions determine the delay
time: (1) the size of the orifice in the plunger disk
through which the oil must pass and (2) the magnitude
of the overload (strength of the magnetic field).

OVERLOAD RELAY.The overload relay (fig.

5-12) consists of a coil, a plunger, a dashpot, and a pair


Circuit Breakers


Circuit breakers (fig. 5-13) have two purposes: (1)

to perform switching functions and (2) to provide
overload protection. Each circuit breaker consists of a
housing, a sealed trip unit, three movable contacts,
three fixed contacts, and three arc chutes. Gun mount
control systems use two types of circuit breakersthe
magnetic trip and the thermal-magnetic trip.

Solenoids convert electrical inputs from control

circuits into mechanical outputs that actuate mechanical linkage or hydraulic valves.
All the solenoids consist of a coil and a movable
core or armature. When the coil is energized, an
electro-magnetic field is created that either pulls or
pushes the core. A mechanical linkage is attached to
and travels with the core. In response to core movement, the linkage moves something. In most cases, that
"something" is a small hydraulic valve (known as a
pilot valve). Shifting the pilot valve redirects system
hydraulic fluid to (for example) a piston. The piston is
made to move so it extends or retracts a particular
GMLS or gun mount component (e.g., a latch).

Magnetic trip circuit breakers are used in the

440-volt power supply lines. They provide instantaneous protection against current surges up to
1,400 percent above the rated value of the circuit
breaker. These circuit breakers have a set of auxiliary
contacts (microswitches) that are wired into the control
circuit to indicate the actual position of the circuit
breaker contacts.

The newer type of solenoid housing used in the Mk

45 gun system (fig. 5-14, view C) includes a
nondetented two-solenoid configuration and pilot
valve. (The function of the circuit board is described in
a later section of this chapter.) This unit virtually
replaces the older types of solenoid housings that were
attached to large valve blocks to control the operation
of hydraulic equipment. The small pilot valve in this
solenoid unit controls the flow of hydraulic fluid to

Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers are used in the

440-volt supply lines to the control transformer and in
the gunhouse heating and ventilating supply lines.
These circuit breakers provide instantaneous protection
against current surges up to 700 percent above the rated
value of the circuit breaker. A bimetal element,
connected in series with a coil, provides the protection
against sustained overloads.

Figure 5-13.Circuit breaker and terminal arrangements.


Figure 5-14.Solenoids: A. Two-coil; B. Three-coil; C. Mk 45 gun solenoid unit.

serves as part of the hydraulic valve block. Energizing

either coil pivots the lever arm. It shifts the (one) pilot
valve to redirect hydraulic fluid to the associated valve
block. De-energizing the coils allows the return spring
to shift the pilot valve back to neutral.

system operating pistons. While many times smaller,

these units efficiently perform the same function as the
large solenoid housing and valve block configurations
described earlier. These units are also much easier to
maintain. When a solenoid malfunctions, the entire unit
is removed and replaced simply by removing four bolts.
The unit requires no adjustment and, because of its
configuration, it also requires fewer hydraulic seals that
can leak and lead to time-consuming repairs.


The symbols presently used to designate
electrical/electronic parts and assemblies in NAVSEA
drawings are specified in ANSI Y32.2-1975, Graphic
Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams. This
publication provides alternate methods for symbolizing
certain parts and should be consulted when a symbol is
not clearly understood. The electrical/electronic
schematic print section of your systems maintenance

Therefore, a solenoid plays an important role in

GMLS and gun mount operation. It serves as the
primary link between the electrical control system and
the GMLS's hydraulic system.
The solenoid assembly shown in figure 5-14 is the
type used by the Mk 13 Mod 4 and Mk 26 GMLSs and
the Mk 45 gun mount. The housing of the assembly also


Normally, the designations used by each manufacturer

are published in the OP for that particular gun mount.

manual will normally provide a description of the

symbols used. Figure 5-15 shows the electrical symbols
used in the reference drawings of gun mounts currently
in service.

In general, the electrical components or devices

used in a modern gun mount (5"/54 Mk 42 Mods 9 and
10 and the 5"/54 Mk 45) are identified by a combination
of letters and numbers or groups of letters and numbers.
Table 5-1 is a partial listing of first- and second-group
designations used on the 5"/54 Mk 42 Mods 9 and 10

In some modern gun mounts, other than standard

reference designations may be used for parts peculiar to
a particular system. In this event, the manufacturer
assigns reference designation letters and numbers.

Figure 5-15.Electrical symbols.


Table 5-1.Electrical Component Designations


Motor (control synchro, servo, etc.)
Motor (electric power)
Circuit breaker
Light, bell, buzzer (warning device)
Control panel
Generator (control, synchro, tach, etc.)
Generator (electric power)
Relay (control)
Relay (power, contactor)
Relay (time delay)
Solenoid housing
Switch (interlock)
Switch (manual)
Transformer (control)
Transformer (power)

5"/54 Mk 42 Gun - Third Letter Major Assembly Codes

A and B
C and D
G and H
J and K
L and M
O and P

Loader drums
Lower hoist
Upper hoists
Fuze setters
Transfer trays
Empty case tray and ejector
Breech mechanism

5"/54 Mk 45 Gun - Third Letter Major Assembly Codes


Breechblock and housing

Lower hoist
Empty case ejector
Fuze setter
Loading system, general
Indicators (warning, communication, misc.)



gun mounts and the Mk 45 gun mounts. The first two

letters identify a specific type of component. The third
letter identifies the major equipment assembly within
which the component is located. The number that
follows the third letter indicates the number of the
device within the assembly. For example, SIH1 is an
interlock switch (SI) used in the left upper hoist (H) and
the number 1 distinguishes this particular switch from
all other switches in the hoist.

A transistor is a solid-state device constructed of

semiconductor materials. Transistors are capable of
performing many of the functions of different types of
electronic and electrical components such as electron
tubes, interlock relays, switches, control relays, and
current amplifiers. In gun system control circuits,
transistors are used as electronic switches that control
the flow of current.

As is often the case, there is one modern gun mount

(76-mm/62-caliber Mk 75) in which both the electrical
symbols and designations are not all consistent with
other gun mounts. For example, a relay is designated
with a number followed by the letter K, followed by
another number (1K1, 2K1, and so on). The symbol for
a relay is a rectangular box.

In most cases, transistors are more desirable than

tubes for ordnance equipment because they are smaller,
require no warm-up power, and operate at low voltages
with comparatively high efficiency.
Semiconductors are the basic components of a
transistor. How these materials behave and the
electrical conduction properties that give the transistor
its basic characteristics are explained in NEETS
module 7, Introduction to Solid-State Devices and
Power Supplies, NAVEDTRA 172-07-00-82.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Describe electronic control circuit components, how they
function, and proper troubleshooting procedures.

Transistors are classed as either PNP or NPN,

according to the arrangement of impurities in the
crystal. The schematic symbols for both types are
similar but not identical, as illustrated in figure 5-16. A
heavy straight line represents the base, and the two lines
slanted toward the base represent emitter and collector
terminals. An arrowhead in the emitter line always
points toward the N-type material. Thus, if the arrow
points toward the base line, the base is of N-type
material. Since the base is always of the opposite type
of material from the emitter and collector, the transistor
is of the PNP type. Similarly, if the arrow points away
from the base line (toward the emitter), the transistor is
of the NPN type. In other words, the arrow points
toward the base in PNP transistors and away from the
base in NPN transistors.

Modern control circuits allow a single operator to

control the entire operation of a gun system from one
electrical panel. Low-voltage components and wiring
are used to control the flow of high-voltage power to
drive motors and solenoids. Imagine the size of a switch
or push button that would be required to control 440
VAC 3-phase power to a gun drive motor. Most guns
have three to five drive motors. This alone would
require a second panel and operator just to start and stop
the drive motors.
We will begin this section by examining the control
circuit used to energize the train drive motor of a 5"/54
Mk 42 gun mount. This circuit is a good example of the
older type of transistorized gun control circuits. Later,
we will describe the newer solid-state logic circuits
used to control the 5"/54 Mk 45 gun system. You will
see how a circuit that looks fairly complicated at first
glance actually is made up of individual one-function
circuits. These smaller circuits are made up of just one
or two simple devices (and their associated wiring) and
do just one job. When properly connected to other
one-function circuits, they can act automatically to start
or stop current flow in a circuit, combine or divide these
circuits, and act as safety devices to protect equipment
and personnel. The transistor is the component that
makes all this possible, so that is where we will begin.
We will also describe the control circuits used in the
newer 5"/54 Mk 45 gun system.

Figure 5-16.Transistor schematic symbols.


Recall that we said transistors are used as electronic

switches to control the flow of current in a circuit. Let
us now explore how this is possible. Transistors used as
switches are operated in one of two conditions: (1) the
transistor is reverse bias (nonconducting) to open a
circuit, or (2) the transistor is forward bias (conducting
heavily) to close a circuit. Under these conditions, it
acts as a simple ON-OFF toggle switch.

Logic circuits function just like the transistorized
circuits we just described; they just look different. The
basic component of both systems is the samethe
transistor. However, instead of individual transistors
attached to a circuit board and wired together to form a
circuit, logic circuits use silicon chips printed or etched
with several transistors and a circuit. The etched
circuits are designed to perform a standard
summarizing function. They take several inputs in and
provide one output. We will describe the operation of
logic circuits as we examine the circuit used to close the
breechblock of a Mk 45 Mod 1 gun mount.

A transistor conducts when it is forward biased and

stops conducting when it is reverse biased. An NPN
transistor is forward biased when the electrical
potential felt at the base is HIGH in relation to the
electrical potential felt at the emitter. A PNP transistor
is just the opposite; it is forward biased when the
potential at the base is LOW in relation to the emitter.
To illustrate the principle of electrical potential, think
of a garden hose with the water pressure turned on.
With the nozzle turned off, no water flows through the
hose, but water pressure is felt at the nozzle.

Logic Symbols
The silicon chips in a logic circuit, called "gates,"
come in five varieties: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and
inverter. The most commonly used are the AND, OR,
and inverter gates. Table 5-2 illustrates the symbol for

Table 5-2.Logic Circuit Symbology


This circuit consists of AND gates, OR gates, and

an inverter. The numbers within the gates identify the
printed circuit board in the EP2 panel on which the
circuit is located. The numbers on the input and output
lines of the gates identify the terminal pin that connects
to that point. The circled numbers in figure 5-17 are
added for ease in identifying items as we illustrate the
operation of the circuit.

each gate and provides a brief description of its

Logic Circuit Operation
Figure 5-17 shows a typical logic circuit that uses
inverted and buffered switch outputs to trigger a
solenoid driver. The solenoid driver, in turn, controls a
solenoid that initiates a gun-loading cycle, in this case
closing the breech of a Mk 45 Mod 1 gun.

Inputs to the logic gates are identified by both

alphanumeric nomenclature and a brief description of

Figure 5-17.Typical logic control circuit.


driver is used to forward bias a transistor circuit located

in the solenoid housing. This energizes the solenoid by
allowing current to flow through the coil to DC
RETURN. The A and B legs of the +25 VDC solenoid
supply, point 7, represent a primary and secondary
power supply to the solenoid.

what the input means. The input SIB4-1 (BREECH

PARTIALLY CLOSED) to gate 1 comes from the
number 1 output leg of the inverter buffer associated
with SIB4 (fig. 5-18). When the breech is partially
closed, the switch is activated and the high switch
output through the inverter buffer produces a low logic
input at input pin 45 of gate 1. Remember, gate 1 is an
AND gate and requires all inputs to be LOW to produce
a LOW output.

Troubleshooting Logic Circuits

The Mk 45 Mod 1 gun system is equipped with a
microprocessor that monitors the gun's sequence of
operation through equipment position switch inputs.
Notice the last output destination on the 1 and 2 legs of
the inverter buffer circuit shown in figure 5-18. P
INPUT indicates that switch output is supplied to the
microprocessor. On the EP-2 panel there is a Test/Fault
Code Keyboard and Display (fig. 5-19) that is used to
interface with the microprocessor. To test the output of
a switch or summary circuit, the operator need only to
type in the test number for that circuit or switch. The
result of the test is displayed as a 0 or a 1 in the
Test/Fault Code Display above the keyboard. A zero (0)
indicates a LOW output and a one (1) indicates a HIGH
output. In this case, the test number for SIB4 is 1476 for
leg 1 and 1466 for leg 2 (fig. 5-19). The test code
number is displayed in brackets along with the circuit
or switch input/output identification (note the same
number [1476] in the SIB4-1 input to gate 1 in fig.

The inputs to gates 1 and 2 in figure 5-17 initiate the

operation of breech closing solenoid LHB1-LC1 in the
normal mode of operation, AUTO LOAD. The six
inputs indicate that the gun-loading system has
delivered a complete round into the breech of the gun,
the LOWER CRADLE circuit is energized, and the
cradle has moved clear of the slide. With these
conditions met, gates 1 and 2 pass a LOW logic signal
to gates 3 and 4 respectively. Since gates 3 and 4 are OR
gates, they require only one LOW input to produce a
LOW output. The two LOWs from gates 3 and 4 are
applied, with another LOW from summary circuit
QCX8, to gate 5. When all inputs to gate 5 are LOW it
passes a LOW to gate 6, which is an inverter. With a
LOW input, the inverter passes a HIGH output to the
solenoid driver. This solenoid driver, unlike the type
used in the Mk 42 gun system, does not control the
current flow to the solenoid. The output of the solenoid

Figure 5-18.Inverter buffer circuit for SIB4.

Figure 5-19.Test/Fault code keyboard and displays.


Logic circuit failures are isolated much the same as

they are in the older types of control circuits. Refer to
figure 5-17 again as we walk through a typical
troubleshooting routine. You have verified equipment
position and determined that the equipment stopped at
the CLOSE BREECH step in the loading sequence. The
first problem is to isolate the fault to one side of the
circuit. This is done by entering the test code for
QCB1-1, [1633]. A LOW would indicate the problem is
in the right side of the circuit, in gate 6the solenoid
driver or the solenoid. Let us assume we read a HIGH
here, the problem is in the left side of the circuit. Since
there are no test codes for gates 3, 4, and 5, we skip over
to the switch inputs for gates 1 and 2. If all the inputs to
gates 1 and 2 are LOW, the problem is on board 62. A
HIGH at any of these test points would lead you back
through the inverter buffer circuit for that input. In this
case we will assume a HIGH input is detected at
SIB4-1. Refer to figure 5-21 as we examine the inverter
buffer for SIB4. Since we have read a HIGH at leg 1,
test code [1476], we can assume the inverter buffer is
functioning if we read a LOW on leg 2, test code
[1466]. This leads us back to the proximity switch.
After verifying that the switch is in proximity, we test
the switch by checking switch input at point 8-71. This
is accomplished using a circuit card extender. The
circuit card extender allows you to take input and
output readings on a particular circuit card while the
system is energized. The circuit card extender provides
an extended circuit card jack with test points for each
pin connection. A LOW reading at pin 8-71 would
indicate a bad proximity switch.

of the system OP along with a systematic procedure for

isolating the defective component.
purpose and advantage of synchros in naval
ordnance equipment.
Synchro is the name given to a wide variety of
position-sensing devices used to convert mechanical
signals to electrical signals or to convert electrical
signals to mechanical signals. The name synchro comes
from the word synchronize that means "to happen or
take place at the same time." All synchros are
self-synchronous; hence, the name is most descriptive
of their basic action.
The purpose of synchros is the precise and rapid
transmission of data among equipments and stations.
The change in course, speed, and range of targets, and
the changes in a ship's position (related to a target's
position) must be acted upon in a minimum of time.
Speed and accuracy of data transmission are most
important. Without the position-sensing device known
as the synchro, the offensive and defensive capability of
the fleet would be greatly limited. Navy ships rely on
synchros for rapid data transmission within weapons
systems in such equipments as computers, fuze setters,
sightsetters, guns, and missile launchers. Gun system
power drive controls make extensive use of synchros.


The flexibility of synchros over mechanical

mechanisms, such as gearing and shafting, gives them
marked advantages; for example:

The system should always be de-energized when

removing electronic components to avoid shock
hazard and damage to the equipment.

The controlling unit can be a long distance from

the controlled unit.

If a fault is isolated to a circuit card, the system

provides a test slot to verify your diagnosis. Simply
insert the suspected card in the test slot and enter the
appropriate test code for that type of card.

Any obstacle in the path can easily be bypassed

by leading connecting wires around it.
The synchro system uses very little electrical
power and eliminates the necessity of
mechanical linkages between widely separated

Fault Codes
In some cases, a malfunction in the system will be
detected and presented as a fault code on the Test/Fault
Code Display. The fault codes are defined in volume 1

Besides the advantages of using synchros over

mechanical mechanisms, there are other advantages:


They provide continuous, accurate, and

need-to-know information between widely separated stations.

following types: (1) torque receiver (TR) and (2)

control transformer (CT).
Torque receivers are used where the rotors must
perform a mechanical function, such as positioning a
dial or valve. The main difference between torque
receivers and torque transmitters is in their rotors.
Rotors of torque receivers have a damper, while rotors
of torque transmitters do not. Torque receivers were
originally known as synchro motors.

They have good reliability, requiring minimum

They are small in size, providing a significant
saving in space and weight.
They have a wide adaptability without sacrificing precision.

Control transformers are used where an electrical

signal output is required. It is safe to say that all power
drives controlled by amplifiers also have control

Synchro systems are important in the ordnance

field in controlling naval weapons because of their
accuracy and speed. Experience with naval weapons
control and operation of ordnance readily proves the
importance of the synchro mechanism. A point to
remember is that naval weapons controlled from
remote stations must use synchro systems for their
control. A well-placed shot can save many lives, and the
accuracy of a weapon depends upon the correct
operation of the synchro system.

The synchro differential is used to add or subtract

two signals and to transmit the result either to another
synchro or as a mechanical output. In either case, the
differential can always be identified by its rotor (R)
leads. All other synchros have only two rotor leads
while the differential has three. Functionally,
differentials are classified as (1) torque differential
transmitter (TDX), (2) control differential transmitter
(CDX), and (3) torque differential receiver (TDR).

Classification of Synchros

A mechanical device known as an inertial damper

is used to prevent oscillation or spinning when the
torque synchro receiver's rotor turns in response to a
sudden change of a received signal. The most common
type of inertial damper consists of a heavy brass
flywheel that is free to rotate around a bushing attached
to the rotor shaft. A tension spring on the bushing rubs
against the flywheel so that they turn together during
normal operation. If the rotor shaft tends to change its
speed or direction of rotation suddenly, the inertia of the
damper opposes the changing conditions, and the
resulting friction between the spring and the flywheel
dampens the tendency to oscillate. Because of the
inertia damper, torque receiver and transmitter
synchros are not completely interchangeable; a receiver
may be used as a transmitter, but a transmitter is not
suitable for use as a receiver.

Synchros work in teams. Two or more synchros

interconnected electrically form a synchro circuit.
Basically, synchros can be divided into three
classifications: (1) transmitters, (2) receivers, and (3)
The synchro transmitter is located at the controlling
station; its output is an electrical order signal. These
synchros were originally called synchro generators, but
are now functionally classified into two types: (1)
torque transmitter (TX) and (2) control transmitter
Torque and control transmitters are mechanically
identical. However, the types of systems in which they
are used differ. Torque transmitters are used in systems
that require a mechanical output (dials and so forth),
while control transmitters are used in systems that
require an electrical output.

Synchro Symbols

The synchro receiver is located at the station being

controlled, and its output can be either electrical or
mechanical, depending on the type of synchro used.
These synchros are functionally classified into the

A synchro consists of a rotor (R) and a stator (S).

The letters R and S are used to identify rotor and stator
connections both on the synchro and in wiring
diagrams and schematics. Synchros are represented by



the symbols shown in figure 5-20. The symbols shown

in parts (A) and (B) are used when it is necessary to
show only the external connections to a synchro, while
those shown in parts (C), (D), and (E) are used when it
is important to see the positional relationship between
rotor and stator. The small arrows on the rotors in parts
(C), (D), and (E) indicate angular displacement of the
rotor; in this illustration the displacement is zero.

Synchros are electromagnetic devices; therefore, a

review of magnetism will be necessary to understand
synchro principles.
A bar magnet illustrates the magnetic field and pole
relationship of the synchro. The lines of force flow
from the south pole to the north pole inside the magnet,
as shown in figure 5-21.

Synchro Terms

Two bar magnets, shown in figure 5-21, illustrate

the actions of like and unlike poles in bar magnets.

Some standard synchro terms that you will use are

defined as follows:

Three bar magnets, spaced 120 degrees apart, and a

removable bar magnet free to pivot within the ring of
mounted magnets show basic synchro principles (fig.
5-22). If the ring of three magnets is fixed, the single
pivoted magnet moves so that its south pole is in line
with the north pole of magnet #1. Since its north pole is
attracted equally by the south poles of magnets 2 and 3,
it will remain between the two. The pivoted magnet,
therefore, aligns itself with magnet #1. The three
magnetic fields combine to form one resultant magnetic
field. If the three magnets are now rotated 120 degrees
and held in that position, the resultant magnetic field is
also rotated through 120 degrees. The pivoted bar
magnet will turn in the same direction so that it remains
aligned with the resultant magnetic field of the three
stationary magnets. This illustrates the action of a
torque synchro receiver.

Rotor position: Amount of rotor offset from zero

position, measured in degrees, minutes, or seconds
Electrical zero: Standard position used as the
electrical reference point from which all angular
displacements are measured (not necessarily the zero
position of the dial)
Angular position: Counterclockwise (viewed from
the shaft extension end) angular rotor displacement
from electrical zero position
Direction of rotation: Clockwise or counterclockwise rotor rotation, determined when facing the
shaft extension end of the synchro
Increasing reading: Reading transmitted to a
synchro when numerical value of the information
transmitted increases

Figure 5-20.Schematic symbols for synchros.


Figure 5-21.Repulsion and attraction.

the proper bar magnet can be made to rotate in either

direction. The permanent magnet pivoted in the center
could also be replaced by an electromagnet (fig. 5-23).

Three dc electromagnets could be used in place of

the three permanent magnets mounted on the ring, and
the effect on the magnet pivoted in the center would be
the same. By feeding the proper amount of current in,

Because synchros operate on ac voltages, the

magnet (R1, R2) pivoted in the center is energized by
an ac source; the fixed magnets (S1, S2, S3) are also
energized by the ac source through another set of coils.
The arrangement is shown in figure 5-26.
The pivoted electromagnet will react in the same
manner as the bar magnet did when dc voltage was
applied. The pivoted electromagnet will assume a
position that depends upon the magnetic field
established by the stator coils.
If the 115 VAC is applied to the rotor, at a given
instant the flux takes the directions shown by the arrows

Figure 5-23.Synchro primary magnetic field.

Figure 5-22.Pivoted bar magnet.


If it is desired that a director control a gun by use of

a torque synchro system, the transmitter rotor will be
geared to the director so that when the director is
moved, the rotor of the transmitter is also moved. An
electrical signal representing the amount of rotation of
the transmitter rotor is transmitted over wires to a
synchro receiver located at the gun. This signal causes
the rotor of the synchro receiver to turn, or attempt to
turn, the same amount that the transmitter rotor has
turned. If the synchro receiver is connected to a power
drive through a servo system, as shown in figure 5-27, it
will control the drive and thereby cause the gun to turn
the same amount as the director.

in figure 5-24. Both flux loops cut the S2 winding, but

only one cuts the S1 and S3 windings. If a voltmeter
could be placed directly across the S2 winding, it would
indicate 52 volts; across the S1 and S3 windings, it
would indicate 26 volts.
The coils of the stator are Y-connected (shown
upside down in these illustrations). The stem of the Y is
one coil and the branches of the Y are two other coils.
They have a common connection, but no lead is brought
out from this point.
Torque synchro transmitters and receivers are used
often in ordnance equipment to transmit information
electrically from one point to another. The synchro
transmitter sends out the signal and the synchro
receiver receives it.

In synchro transmission, any movement of the rotor

in the torque synchro transmitter produces a
corresponding movement of the rotor in the torque
synchro receiver. The position of the rotor of a synchro
receiver always conforms to the position of the rotor in
a synchro transmitter.

These synchros are connected in such a way that

any amount of rotation of the transmitter rotor causes
the rotor of the receiver to turn the same amount. The
receiver either indicates the value of the signal by
turning a dial, as shown in figure 5-25, or positions a
light mechanical load, such as the valves shown in
figure 5-26.

If reversing the direction of rotation of a receiver

becomes necessary, it is done by interchanging stator
leads S1 and S3; S2 represents electrical zero.
Changing the S2 lead would introduce an error of 120

Figure 5-24.Effective stator voltages.


Figure 5-25.Torque synchros used to position a dial.

If synchros are to work together properly in a
system, it is essential that they be correctly connected
and aligned in respect to each other and to the other
devices, such as directors and guns, with which they are
used. Needless to say, the best of ordnance equipment
would be ineffective if the synchros in the data
transmission circuits were misaligned electrically or
mechanically. Since synchros are the heart of the

Figure 5-27.Basic synchro system.

transmission systems, it only stands to reason that they

must be properly connected and aligned before any
satisfactory shooting can be expected.
Electrical zero is the reference point for alignment
of all synchro units. The mechanical reference point for
the units connected to the synchros depends upon the
particular application of the synchro system. As a GM
on board ship, your primary concern with the
mechanical reference point will be the centerline of the
ship for gun train and the standard reference plane for
gun elevation. Remember that whatever the system, the
electrical and mechanical reference points must be
aligned with each other.
A typical example of proper alignment is a TX-TR
synchro team coupled to a gun director, so adjusted that
the gun position can be read on the TR dial. The gun
director is at zero when the gun points directly toward

Figure 5-26.Torque synchros used to move valves.


the ship's bow (fig. 5-28). A TX is coupled mechanically to the director, and a TR is connected electrically
to the TX. If this system were set up without paying any
attention to the position of the TX rotor, it would
indicate the gun position accurately if the TR dial were
set on zero when the gun director read zero. If the same
synchros remained in the same system, it would not be
necessary to position them more accurately. Sometimes
TRs and TXs become defective and must be replaced. If
another TX were put into this system without checking
the TR dial, its rotor probably would be positioned
differently from that of the original TX. The TR would
follow the new TX, and the TR dial would read
incorrectly. To overcome this difficulty, a zero degree
point is needed, which is standard for all synchros. In
the preceding example of the gun director, the system
first should have been aligned so that all synchro rotors
were at electrical zero, and all dials read zero when the
gun director was on zero degrees. Then, any synchro
could be replaced, without introducing error into the
system, by installing the new synchro with its rotor on
electrical zero when the gun director was on zero
degrees. The electrical zero provides a standard way
of aligning synchro units when they are connected
together in a synchro system.

individually and only one GM is required to do the

work. Another advantage of using electrical zero is that
trouble in the system always shows up in the same way.
For example, in a properly zeroed TX-TR system, a
short circuit from S2 to S3 causes all receiver dials to
stop at 60 degrees or 240 degrees.

There are two ways this alignment can be

accomplished. The most difficult way is to have two
GMs, one at the transmitter and one at the receiver or
control transformer, adjust the synchros while talking
over sound-powered telephones or some other
communication device. The better way is to align all the
synchros to electrical zero. Units may be zeroed

Do not attempt to take a synchro apart, even if it

is defective. A synchro is a piece of precision equipment that requires special equipment and techniques
for disassembly. If the synchro is faulty, return it to the
supply department if they require it for turn-in and draw
a replacement.

In summary, zeroing a synchro means adjusting it

mechanically so that it will work properly in a system
where all other synchros are zeroed. This mechanical
adjustment is accomplished normally by physically
turning the synchro rotor or stator.
One of the duties aboard ship will be to keep the
synchro systems that are used in ordnance equipment in
good working order. This means that GMs must be
familiar with the do's and don'ts of synchro
maintenance and repair.
The following is a list of don'ts:
Do not attempt to zero a synchro system that is
already accurately zeroed because of a desire for
practice. Quite often this results in misalignments.

Figure 5-28.System zero.


Never attempt to lubricate a synchro. A synchro,

unlike an electric motor, does not require periodic

2. S1 and S2 shortedrotor locks on 120 degrees

or 300 degrees.
3. S2 and S3 shortedrotor locks on 240 degrees
or 060 degrees.

Never force a synchro into place; drill holes into

its frame, use pliers on the threaded shaft, or use force
to mount a gear or dial on the shaft.

4. S1, S2, and S3 shortedrotor spins.

5. R1 or R2 shortedrotor aligns as 090 degrees
or 270 degrees from the signal; fuse blows.

Signal lights indicate either overload conditions or

blown fuses. An overload indicator is actuated by
excess current flowing in the stator windings. In one
form of indicator, a neon lamp is connected to the stator
leads by means of two transformers. The primary,
consisting of a few turns of heavy wire, is in series with
two of the stator leads; and the secondary, consisting of
many turns of fine wire, is in series with the lamp. The
turn ratio is such that when excess current flows
through the stator windings, the neon lamp lights. For
example, when the difference in rotor positions exceeds
approximately 18 degrees, the lamp lights, indicating
that the load on the receive shaft is excessive.

6. R1 or R2 openrotor aligns at 0 degrees or

180 degrees; proper rotation, poor torque.
7. S1 openrotor oscillates over S1 or 180
degrees from S1.
8. S2 openrotor oscillates over S2 or 180
degrees from S2.
9. S3 openrotor oscillates over S3 or 180
degrees from S3.
10. R1 and R2 reversedrotor aligns 180 degrees
from signal; proper rotation, good torque.

Fuse indicators are panel lights that glow when a

fuse in the rotor circuit blows. If excessive current flows
in the rotor windings due to a short circuit or excessive
mechanical overload, one of the fuses will glow and the
neon lamp across that fuse will light. Another type of
blown fuse indicator uses a small transformer with two
identical primaries and a secondary. With both fuses
closed, equal currents flow through the primaries that
induce mutually canceling voltage in the secondary. If a
fuse blows, the induced voltage from one primary is
present in the secondary and the lamp lights.

11. S1 and S2 reversedrotor aligns at 120

degrees from signal; reversed rotation, good
12. S2 and S3 reversedrotor aligns at 240
degrees from signal; reversed rotation, good
13. S1 and S3 reversedrotor aligns at 0 degrees;
reversed rotation, good torque.
Synchro units require careful handling at all times.
For more information on synchros, refer to the Navy
Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS),
module 15, Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros,
NAVEDTRA 172-15-00-80.

Synchro maintenance and troubleshooting is a very

complex undertaking in modern ordnance equipment,
and skilled personnel with ordnance rates work jointly
to maintain the synchro systems in a high degree of
readiness. The Navy Handbook, MIL-HDBK-225
(AS), is devoted to synchro troubles and should be used
during analysis of synchro system casualties. The
tables contained in this publication are useful tools for
learning the many problems that may exist in synchro

electrical and electronic system maintenance
and repair.
The failure of a circuit to function properly usually
is caused by a break in the circuit (open), a short circuit
(a circuit that permits current to bypass a part of the
circuit), or a grounded circuit (this permits an undesired
path of current return to the source).

If the casualty exists in the transmitter, all receivers

will be affected. If the casualty exists in a receiver, only
that receiver will be affected, except in the case
of shorted stator leads, when all synchros will be

Any of these faults affects the current and voltage

values and causes the circuit to function improperly.

A list of synchro casualties and effects on a typical

synchro system follows:

Open circuits may result from dirty or loose

connections, improperly installed wire, mechanical
damage, faulty installing or repair, and vibration. If

1. S1 and S3 shortedrotor locks on 0 degrees or

180 degrees.


connections are clean and tight, no resistance is added

to the circuit.

current (amperes) checks, and (3) resistance (ohms)


Short circuits are low-resistance paths or shortcuts

that cause the current to bypass the load. The current
from the source passes through the short instead of the
load, causing the load to function improperly. Most
shorts are accidental. They occur when vibration wears
away the insulation, when salt water gets into
connection boxes, when heat melts away insulation, or
when carelessness brings two conductors together.

Voltage checks reveal the amount of potential force

present to move electrons in a circuit.

A grounded circuit is one in which one side of the

path is connected to ground either intentionally or
accidentally. An intentionally grounded circuit uses a
ground that is the ship's hull, equipment chassis, and so
forth, as one side of the line or one conductor. If the "hot
side" conductor of a grounded source touches ground
accidentally, a short circuit results. Power circuits in the
Navy are not grounded and must be insulated from
ground at all times. One side of this circuit may be
grounded accidentally and no harm will result, but if
both sides are grounded, a short circuit is the result. An
ungrounded circuit has a safety feature. If anyone
accidentally touches one side of an ungrounded circuit,
there will be no path for current flow through the body
to the other side of the source. This is one reason why
power circuits in the Navy are insulated from ground.

With the proper use of test equipment, failures in

electric and electronic circuits can be detected and
isolated to specific components by using one of these
three checks.

Current checks show the actual amount of current

flowing through the circuit.
Resistance checks tell the resistance characteristics
of the circuit; that is, how much opposition the circuit
offers to the flow of current.

Since volts, amperes, and ohms are units of

electrical measure (Ohm's law is explained in NEETS,
module 1), some measuring device must be used to
measure them. One device used for this purpose is the
multimeter. The Simpson AN/PSM-4A and 260 series
are the most commonly used types of multimeters. The
specific operating procedures for these meters are
contained in the manufacturer's manual. Multimeters
and other test equipment are also covered in
NEETS, module 16, Introduction to Test Equipment,
NAVEDTRA 172-16-00-84.


Another type of current measuring device you

should be familiar with is the ground detection
indicator. A ground detection indicator is a continuous
monitoring system designed to detect a first ground.

There are three basic circuit checks used to locate

shorts, grounds, and open circuits within electric and
electronic equipment: (1) voltage (volt) checks, (2)

Figure 5-29.Gun control panel.



Because the power distribution and control circuits are

powered by ungrounded currents, the first ground will
not always cause a malfunction. However, if the first
ground is not discovered, and a second develops, the
result could be an illogical and destructive sequence of
gun mount operation. The reason for this action is that
the two grounds act as an electrical conductor between
the grounded components. A ground detection
indicator will produce audio and visual indications if a
gun system develops a short or ground.


describe the Mk 75 gun mount control system.
The Mk 75 gun mount control system consists of
the equipment used to distribute power to the gun
loading and gun laying systems. It includes equipment
required to activate, control, monitor, and test gun
mount operations, and equipment required to prevent
excessive gun barrel temperatures during firing
operations. The gun mount control system also includes
equipment required to prevent ice from forming on the
gun port shield and the roller path assembly during cold
weather operations.

For example, if a ground were to occur in the 5"/54

automatic loading system, and it was not corrected,
perhaps nothing would happen. Operations might be
normal. If a second ground develops, however, and
some safety interlocks are energized due to the
grounded circuit, the equipment could be damaged and
personnel might be injured. The elimination of grounds
and potential grounds is preventive maintenance and
the responsibility of the GM.

This section will cover only a general description

of the Mk 75 gun mount control system. For a more
detailed and in-depth description, refer to Technical
Manual for 76-mm 62-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 75
Mod 0 and 1, SW314-AO-MMM-A10/GM MK 75 0-1,

When the ground detector indicator indicates that

some part of the gun system is grounded, the GM must
determine the location and cause of the ground by using
a multimeter. Ground detection indicators are being
installed on all new gun and missile systems.


The gun control panel (GCP) (fig. 5-29 and table
5-3), located in the ammunition handling room,

Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and Indicators

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation









breakers to prevent
unauthorized activation of
the gun mount



Circuit breaker

Disconnects 440-VAC
power from distribution

Connects 440-VAC power to

distribution circuits

Disconnects 440-VAC
power from hydraulic unit

Connects 440-VAC power to

hydraulic unit


Indicates 440-VAC power

(60-Hz for Mod 0 or 400-Hz
for Mod 1) available at GCP


440V 60 HZ
(Mod 0) or
440V 400 HZ
(Mod 1)



Circuit breaker

Indicating lamp


Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and IndicatorsContinued

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation




115V 400 HZ


Indicating lamp


Indicates 115-VAC 400-HZ

power available at GCP



Indicating lamp


Indicates +28-VDC power

supply energized

115V 400 HZ IN


Indicating lamp


Indicates 115-VAC 400-Hz

power distribution circuits

440V 60 HZ MAIN
(Mod 0) or
440V 400 HZ
(Mod 1)


Indicating lamp


Indicates main transformer


440V 60 HZ
UNIT (Mod 0) or
440V 400 HZ
UNIT (Mod 1)


Indicating lamp


Indicates 440-VAC power

(60-Hz for Mod 0 or 400-Hz
for Mod 1) available for
operation of hydraulic power
unit motor




rotary selector

Connects control of gun

mount to GCP


Connects control of gun

mount loading system,
firing, gun laying, and barrel
cooling to FCS




Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel temperature

is 150 to 250C




Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel temperature

over 250C




Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel cooling

system in operation






Activates barrel cooling





Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel cooling

system not in operation






Deactivates barrel cooling





Indicating lamp


Indicates elevation servo

system in operation


Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and IndicatorsContinued

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation









Activates elevation servo





Indicating lamp


Indicates elevation servo

system not in operation






Deactivates elevation servo





Indicating lamp


Indicates train servo system

in operation






Activates train servo system




Indicating lamp


Indicates train servo system

not in operation






Deactivates train servo





Indicating lamp


Indicates hydraulic power

unit in operation






Activates hydraulic power





Indicating lamp


Indicates hydraulic power

unit not in operation






Deactivates hydraulic power





to deactivated

Starts and maintains operation of revolving magazine,

hoist, and screw feeder

to deactivated

Starts and maintains operation of rocking arms and

loader drum

to deactivated

Starts and maintains operation of revolving magazine,

hoist, screw feeder, rocking
arms, and loader drum








Stops operation of revolving

magazine, hoist, and screw

Stops operation of rocking

arms and loader drum

Stops operation of revolving

magazine, hoist, screw
feeder, rocking arms, and
loader drum

Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and IndicatorsContinued

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation




rotary selector

Selects rate of fire at 10

rounds per minute


Selects rate of fire at 40

rounds per minute


Selects rate of fire at 60

rounds per minute


Selects maximum rate of fire


Allows firing circuit to be

completed if gun mount is
not within 25 minutes of the
position ordered by FCS


Prevents firing circuit from

being completed if the gun
mount is not within 25
minutes of the position
ordered by FCS





toggle switch



Selects rate of fire at 20

rounds per minute




Indicating lamp


Indicates gun mount ready

for operation




Indicating lamp


Indicates gun mount under

control of FCS




Indicating lamp


Indicates gun mount ready to

load a round

On and

Indicates no round in last

station loader drum

Indicating lamp


Indicates breechblock up
and gun in battery

Indicating lamp


Indicates gun ready to fire a


On and

Indicates gun mount not

aligned with FCS signal or in
a nonfiring zone










Indicating lamp


Indicates elevation
handcrank engaged with
power drive




Indicating lamp


Indicates train handcrank

engaged with power drive




Indicating lamp


Indicates revolving
magazine handcrank
engaged with power drive


Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and IndicatorsContinued

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation







Indicating lamp


Indicates elevation securing

mechanism engaged




Indicating lamp


Indicates train securing pin





Indicating lamp


Indicates control of gun

mount at GCP




Indicating lamp


Indicates control of train and

elevation of the gun mount
by dummy director


(Mod 1 only)


Indicating lamp


Indicates forward strut of

hydrofoil deployed and
firing zones modified




Indicating lamp


Indicates no empty case in

empty case tray




Indicating lamp


Indicates no round in last

station loader drum




Indicating lamp


Indicates gun in battery but

breechblock open




Indicating lamp


Indicates recuperator pressure below 72 (2) kg/cm2




Indicating lamp


Indicates either or both train

and elevation servo systems
not in operation




Indicating lamp


Indicates breechblock up,

gun in battery, and firing pin




Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel pointing into

a nonfiring zone




Indicating lamp


Indicates gun mount not

aligned within 25 minutes of
ordered position




Indicating lamp


Indicates personnel inside

weather shield of gun mount
have actuated switch 4S3




Train position
indicator dial

0 to 360

Indicates position of gun

mount in train




toggle switch


Trains gun mount to the left

in local control
Trains gun mount to the right
in local control



Table 5-3.GCP: Controls and IndicatorsContinued

Item on
figure 5-29

Panel nomenclature Designation







indicator dial

-15 to +90

Indicates position of barrel

in elevation




toggle switch


Depresses barrel in local





Elevates barrel in local control




Indicating lamp


Indicates firing circuit complete




Indicating lamp


Indicates barrel at elevation

stow position


Indicating lamp


Indicates gun mount at train

stow position


toggle switch


Reduces train speed to 26

degrees per second
(maximum) when in remote
control/dummy director


Keeps train speed at normal

velocity in remote control


Turns on indicating lamps on

face of GCP, except for
DS24, DS25, DS26, DS27,
DS28, DS29 (and DS41 on
Mod 1)








provides the intermediate link between the fire control

system (FCS) and the gun mount. The GCP includes
solid-state plug-in modules which contain the
electronic control circuits for the systems of the gun
mount. The GCP also includes transformers, circuit
breakers, indicating lamps, control switches, train and
elevation position dials, and the train and elevation
toggle switches.

Control switches permit local control of the gun

systems for maintenance and test purposes. Control
switches also enable the GCP operator to load
ammunition to the last station loader drum. The train
and elevation position dials permit these positions to be
monitored from the GCP. Train and elevation toggle
switches permit local control of the train and elevation
systems (at low speed only).

needed for the electrical and electronic systems and

components of the gun mount. Circuit breakers permit
the distribution of this power to the hydraulic power
unit, the servo system, and the other electrical systems
of the gun mount. Indicating lamps provide visual
indications of the gun status and permit the GCP
operator to monitor gun mount systems.

When the gun mount is operated in remote control,

the GCP receives control inputs directly from FCS.
When the gun mount is operated in the remote mode,
the GCP is normally used to monitor system functions
and gun status.


Figure 5-30.Inside top cover of GCP.

3. Inside bottom compartment

The equipment of the GCP is organized into

compartments. Each compartment permits ready
accessibility for maintenance and testing. An interlock
switch under each compartment cover opens the GCP
circuit breakers when the cover is removed. The
following locations provide access to equipment and
test points at the GCP:

4. Right side
5. Left side
Inside Top Cover
The top cover of the GCP is hinged in the back and
secured in the front with capscrews. With the top cover
open (fig. 5-30), access is provided to the components
listed in table 5-4.

1. Inside top cover

2. Inside top compartment

Table 5-4.Inside Top Cover of GCP

Item on
figure 5-30





circuit breaker

Provides 440-VAC 3-phase power to GCP circuitry

when positioned to I; de-energizes 440-VAC 3-phase
power when positioned to 0


UNIT circuit breaker

Provides 440-VAC 3-phase power to GCP circuitry

when positioned to I; de-energizes 440-VAC 3-phase
power when positioned to 0

TB1 through

Terminal boards

Provide connection points for GCP circuitry


Control panel
interlock switch


HYDRAULIC UNIT circuit breakers when top
cover is opened (provided BATTLE SHORT switch
is positioned to NORMAL)


Switch and counter Refer to table 5-12 GCP: Controls and Indicators
board assembly
(Top Cover Open)


Figure 5-31.Inside top compartment of GCP.

Inside Top Compartment

screws. With the cover removed, access is provided

to the plug-in modules and components listed in table

The top compartment of the GCP (fig. 5-31) is also

protected by a cover plate secured with cap-

Table 5-5.Inside Top Compartment of GCP

Item on
figure 5-31





Power supply

Provides +12- and -12-VDC power supplies,

demodulator signals, stickoff voltage, and brake
release and silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) module
oscillator start signals


Elevation amplifier Contains coarse and fine demodulator output circuits,

changeover and time-delay circuits, upper and lower
limit adjustment circuits, and elevation amplifier


Train amplifier

Contains coarse and fine demodulator output circuits,

changeover and time-delay circuits, and train
amplifier circuits


Table 5-5.Inside Top Compartment of GCPContinued

Item on
figure 5-31





Signal ramp module

Contains ramp reference circuit, phase consent

circuit, contouring circuit, and misalignment circuit;
provides high and low nonpointing zone signals for
train and elevation limit-stops


SCR module

Provides increasing and decreasing orders for

elevation motor


SCR module

Provides increasing and decreasing orders for train



SCR module

Provides increasing and decreasing orders for

elevation motor


SCR module

Provides increasing and decreasing orders for train



Relay and switch


Contains firing and loading relays 1K1 through 1K7



Relay and switch


Contains train and elevation start relays 2K1 through




Relay and switch


Contains firing, barrel cooling, and hydraulic power

unit start relays 3K1 through 3K12



Relay and switch


Contains 400-Hz changeover relays 4K1 through




Relay and switch


Contains synchro phase changeover relays 5K1

through 5K14



DC control module

Contains current drive circuits, rate of fire circuit, and

logic circuit



Logic module

Contains loading and firing electronic logic circuits



Power supply

Provides +18-VDC power supply for electronic logic




Hydraulic unit

Energizes electric motor for hydraulic power unit



Filter board

Provides filtering for sawtooth transformer T2

circuits; contains capacitors C1 through C6 and
resistors R1 through R6



Terminal board

Connects SCR outputs to train and elevation motors



Control panel
interlock switch


HYDRAULIC UNIT circuit breakers when access
cover is removed (provided BATTLE SHORT switch
is positioned to NORMAL)


Figure 5-32.Inside bottom compartment of GCP.

Inside Bottom Compartment

secured with capscrews. With the cover removed, access is provided to the components listed in
table 5-6.

The bottom compartment of the GCP

(fig. 5-32) is also protected by a cover plate

Table 5-6.Inside Bottom Compartment of GCP

Item on
figure 5-32





Main transformer

Supplies 170-VAC 6-phase, 115-VAC

3-phase, and 20-VAC 6-phase power for electric motors and most electrical systems of the
gun mount


Signal ramp (sawtooth) Provides 50-VAC 6-phase power for signal

ramp and phase consent circuits in signal ramp
module 1J4

Table 5-6.Inside Bottom Compartment of GCPContinued

Item on
figure 5-32





Indicator supply

Provides 28-VAC power for:

1. 440V 60 HZ AVAILABLE lamp (Mod 0) or
440V 400HZ AVAILABLE lamp (Mod 1)
2. Safety interlock circuit rectifier plate in GCP


Indicator supply

For Mod 0, provides 28-VAC power for 440V 60

For Mod 1, provides 28-VAC power for 440V


Indicator supply

For Mod 0, provides 28-VAC power for 440V 60

For Mod 1, provides 28-VAC power for 440V


Indicator supply

Provides 28-VAC power for 115V 400 HZ



Control panel interlock Trips SERVO SYSTEM AND SERVICES and

HYDRAULIC UNIT circuit breakers when
access cover is removed (provided BATTLE
SHORT switch is positioned to NORMAL)

T1-F1 through


Provide circuit protection for 170-VAC supply

from T1

MCL module

Motor Current Limiter

(MCL) module

Prevents excessive current draw by train and

elevation electric motors


D1 through D6

28-VDC rectifier boards Rectify 20-VAC power from T1



D7 through D11

Rectifier boards (PR)

Rectify 28-VAC power from T3 for:

1. Interlock switches
2. 440V 60 HZ AVAILABLE lamp (Mod 0) or
440V 400 HZ AVAILABLE lamp (Mod 1)


R1 through R3

Motor feedback

Provides current feedback from motors


FL1 through FL6


Remove stray frequencies (noise) from

170-VAC supply (FL4 through FL6 are directly
behind FL1 through FL3)



Convenience outlet
circuit breaker

Provides circuit protection for convenience




Shield lighting circuit


Provides circuit protection for gunhouse red and

white lights



28-VDC circuit breaker

Provides circuit protection for +28-VDC supply



28-VDC circuit breaker

Provides circuit protection for +28-VDC supply

* CB5 and CB6 control 20-VAC (6-phase) power which is rectified to obtain +28-VDC.

Figure 5-33.Right side of GCP.

Table 5-7.Right Side of GCP

Item on
figure 5-33






Test point
Test point



Test point
Test point
Test point
Test point



Test point
Test point
Test point

Provides common return for test purposes

Provides function generator input for elevation frequency
response test
Provides 36X DC elevation error signal
Provides signal from elevation tachometer
Provides 1X DC elevation error signal
Provides function generator input for train frequency response
Provides 36X DC train error signal
Provides signal from train tachometer
Provides 1X DC train error signal

Table 5-7.Right Side of GCPContinued

Item on
figure 5-33






Test point
Connector jack





Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Connector jack
Ground strap
connection boss
Connector jack

Provides common return for test purposes

Provides test jack for proximity switches, solenoid units,
misalignment circuit, and firing cutout circuit (refer to table 5-8)
Provides input for elevation dummy director
Provides input for train dummy director
Provides connection for cable W010
Provides connection for cable W007
Provides connection for cable W008
Provides connection for cable W002
Provides connection for cable W013
Provides connection for cable W014
Provides chassis ground
Provides connections for sound-powered telephone lines into

Right Side

and a ground connection. Table 5-7 is a list of the test

points and connectors. Table 5-8 lists the connector
jack J12 test points.

The right side of the GCP (fig. 5-33) contains 10

test points behind a protective plate, 10 connector jacks,

Table 5-8.Connector Jack J12 Test Points

Connector test point pin

Function/circuit tested


Firing pin released proximity switch 3A4

Breechblock closed proximity switch 3A3
Round at last station loader drum proximity switch 3A1
Loader drum rotation complete proximity switch 3A5
Spent case in tray proximity switch 3A6
Loading tray up and empty proximity switch 3A2
Gun on hooks proximity switch 3A7
Right rocking arm down proximity switch 2A6
Left rocking arm down proximity switch 2A7
Round in transit screw feeder proximity switch 2A8
Round in last station screw feeder proximity switch 2A9
Screw feeder empty proximity switch 2A5
Rocking arms electrovalve 2HP1 return
Raise right rocking arm solenoid 2HP1D
Raise left rocking arm solenoid 2HP1S
Revolving magazine and screw feeder electrovalve 2HP2 return
Revolving magazine and screw feeder electrovalve 2HP2
Firing solenoid 3HY1
Firing solenoid 3HY1 return
Misalignment circuit
Misalignment circuit return
Firing cutout circuit
Firing cutout circuit return
Proximity switch return

Left Side

contains 12 connector jacks. Table 5-9 lists the

connectors for Mod 0 and Mod 1.

For the Mod 0, the left side of the GCP

(fig. 5-34) contains nine connector jacksthe Mod 1

Figure 5-34.Left side of GCP.


Table 5-9.Left Side of GCP

Item on figure 5-34





Connector jack

connection for
cable W001


Connector jack

connection for
cable W009


Connector jack

connection for
cable W003


Connector jack

connection for
cable W006


Connector jack

connection for
cable W086


Connector jack

connection for
cable W005


Connector jack

connection for
cable W019


Connector jack

connection for
cable W088


Connector jack

connection for
cable W087



Connector jack

connection for
cable W300
(Mod 1 only)



Connector jack

connection for
cable W016
(Mod 1 only)



Connector jack

Spare (Mod 1


Figure 5-35.Microswitch.

Figure 5-38.Indicating lamp.

Figure 5-36.Proximity switch.


Figure 5-39.Push-button switch.

The control system commonly uses the

components shown in figures 5-35 through 5-43. Table
5-10 provides a brief description of the components and
gives their function in the control system. The
designations of some components contain number
codes which indicate their general location. For
example, the first number in the relay designations used
in plug-in modules identifies the module (2J1 through
2J5) containing the relay. A relay with a designation

Figure 5-40.Toggle switch.

Figure 5-37.Fuses.

Figure 5-41.Module.


Figure 5-42.Synchro.

Figure 5-43.Circuit breaker.

beginning with 4 (4K10, for example) indicates that the

relay is located in module 2J4.

beginning with a "1" indicates the component is

mounted on a bulkhead; "2" indicates the component is
located on the training mass; "3" indicates the
component is located on the elevating mass; and a "4"
indicates the component is mounted on the weather

Likewise, for any component designation

beginning with a number, the number indicates its
general location on the gun mount. A designation

Table 5-10.Control System Components






A mechanically actuated miniature switch that provides indications to

control circuits.


Proximity switch

A switching device that provides indications to control circuits. Ferrous

metal actuators are mounted on moving components to actuate the switch
as the component nears the switch (moves into proximity). The gun mount
uses 17 proximity switches.



Circuit protection devices which melt (blow) and open the circuit if
current in the circuit exceeds the rating of the fuse. The amperage rating is
tailored to the specific circuit. The gun mount uses four sizes of fuses.


Indicating lamp

A light bulb providing quick-look verification of the status of the gun

mount. Indicating lamps are located on the GCP and on anti-icing junction
box assembly 1JB1.


Push-button switch

A manually actuated switch device used in the control circuits of the GCP.


Toggle switch

A manual switch actuated when the projecting lever (toggle) is moved.



A plug-in device (similar to a printed-circuit card) containing the

electronic circuits and components of the control system. The GCP
contains 16 plug-in modules.



A component of the servo system that converts the angular displacement

between its stator and rotor to an electrical error signal. The signal
controls gun mount movement in train and elevation.


Circuit breaker

A power switch that provides overload protection. Two circuit breakers on

the GCP are manually actuated to activate the gun mount but
automatically deactuate in the event of an overload.




The barrel cooling control panel (fig. 5-44) is

located on a bulkhead in the ammunition handling
room. Figure 5-45 shows the interior components of the
barrel cooling control panel. Table 5-11 provides a brief
description of the use or function of these components
in the control system.

The anti-icing system uses thermostatically

controlled heating elements. These heating elements
allow the gun mount to continue to operate when the
above deck temperature is as low as -40EC. They
prevent ice formation from interfering with train and
elevation movements. The anti-icing system consists of
seven heating elementsone for train and six for

This panel controls the flow of water to cool and

flush the gun barrel. Both salt water from the ship's fire
main and fresh water from the ship's supply are
connected to the panel for delivery to the gun barrel
water jacket. The flow of salt water cools the barrel
during firing; fresh water flushes the barrel cooling
system after firing to prevent excessive saltwater

The heating element for train is mounted on the

outside of the water shield. The controlling thermostat
is beneath the outer ring of the roller path assembly.
The six heating elements for elevation are on the
inner surface of the gun port shield. The thermostat is

Figure 5-44.Barrel cooling control panel.


Figure 5-45.Barrel cooling control panelinside cover.

Table 5-11.Barrel Cooling Control Panel (Inside Cover)

Item on figure 5-45





Manual shutoff

Opens and closes saltwater line to

barrel cooling control panel


Manual shutoff

Opens and closes freshwater line

to barrel cooling control panel



Provides self-sealing hose connection for freshwater supply to

gun barrel water jacket



Provides self-sealing hose connection for saltwater supply to gun

barrel water jacket



Opens and closes water line to gun

barrel water jacket


Pressure gage

Indicates saltwater pressure to

barrel cooling control panel when
manual shutoff valve is open


Solenoid valve

Controls the diaphragm valve that

opens/closes saltwater line to gun
barrel water jacket (two models of
1HP1 are in current use)


Manual control

Permits manual operation of 1HP1


the train heating element via the train anti-icing

junction box assembly 1JB2. Junction box 1JB1
distributes power to the elevation heating elements via
the slip ring assembly and elevation anti-icing junction
box assembly 3JB2. Junction box 1JB2 is located above
deck on the underside of the water shield; 3JB2 is
located on the right side of the slide forward of the

mounted in the gun port shield above and to the left of

the barrel. The heating elements for both train and
elevation receive power from junction box 1JB1 (fig.
5-46, Mod 0 gun mount; fig. 5-47, Mod 1 gun mount).
Junction box 1JB1 is located in the ammunition
handling room. It distributes 440-VAC power (60-Hz
for Mod 0 gun mount, 400-Hz for Mod 1 gun mount) to

Figure 5-46.Junction box 1JB1 (Mod 0 gun mount).


Figure 5-47.Junction box 1JB1 (Mod 1 gun mount).


The components of 1JB1 are a transformer, a

rectifier, four relays and associated diodes (two relays
in Mod 1), four fuses and fuse-blown indicators, and
four cable connectors. An indicating lamp and the
fuse-blown indicators are mounted on the cover to
permit quick verification of the operational status of the
anti-icing system.

Electrical cabling and barrel cooling piping

extending into the gun mount are routed through the
slip ring assembly. The slip ring assembly, through the
use of rotating electrical contacts and a rotary pipe
joint, allows unlimited training of the gun mount.


on bearings mounted on top of the lower end of the of

the assembly.


The slip ring assembly (fig. 5-48) provides
continuous electrical connections between the cabling
of the stationary structure of the gun mount and the
cabling of the training mass. The slip ring assembly
also contains a rotary joint for the barrel cooling system

Brushes inside the shaft of the slip ring assembly

rotate around stationary ring-shaped conductors as the
gun mount moves in train. The ring-shaped conductors
maintain continuous electrical contact with the brushes
as the gun mount trains. Each wire going into or out of
the slip ring has its own ring and brush assembly.

The slip ring assembly extends up the center of the

gun mount. The lower end of the slip ring assembly
contains plug-in connectors for the cabling on the
stationary structure. The lower end of the slip ring
assembly is prevented from rotating by guides mounted
to the deck, which engage a retaining lug on the
slip ring.

The three electrical auxiliary systems of the Mk 75
gun mount are the ventilation system, lighting system,
and the telephone system.
Ventilation System

The shaft and upper end of the slip ring assembly

rotate with the gun mount in train. The upper end
contains plug-in connectors for the electrical cables on
the rotating structure. When the gun mount moves in
train, the upper end and the shaft of the slip ring rotates

Ventilation in the ammunition handling room is

provided by the ship's ventilation system. Ventilation
inside the gunhouse is provided by an exhaust fan
mounted in the weather shield above the entry hatch
(fig. 5-49). The fan motor operates on 115-VAC 60-Hz
power. The fan is controlled by the mount exhaust fan
on switch 2S4. Switch 2S4 is located on the outside of
the lower feed system support next to the train-securing
pin-operating handle.

Figure 5-49.Exhaust fan (inside view).

Figure 5-48.Slip ring assembly.


In addition to the light fixtures, the gun mount has a

115-VAC convenience outlet located on the base of the
right trunnion support. This outlet provides power for
use inside the gunhouse. Circuit protection for the
convenience outlet is provided by circuit breaker CB3
in the bottom compartment of the GCP.

Fumes resulting from gun firing contain
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and other toxic gases
which are potential health hazards. The proper
operation of the gun mount ventilation system is
imperative when firing the gun.

Lighting System

The convenience outlet provides only a limited

amount of current. Equipment requiring more than 3
amps should NOT be connected to this outlet.

Illumination inside the gunhouse is provided by

two fluorescent light fixtures (fig. 5-50) mounted on the
inside of the weather shield. One fixture is on the left
side of the gun mount; the other is on the right side.
Each light fixture contains three fluorescent tubes. The
two outer tubes are connected to the ship's white light
supply. The center tube has a red sheath over it and is
connected via the GCP to the ship's red light supply.
The red lights are on at all times. The white lights are on
when the ship's white light supply is on and when two
interlock switches are actuated. Circuit protection for
the gunhouse lighting system is provided by circuit
breaker CB4 in the bottom compartment of the GCP.

Telephone System
Shielded cable for two telephone lines is provided
from the GCP to the gunhouse for use with
sound-powered telephones. The telephone connector
jacks are located on the right side of the GCP (refer to
fig. 5-33 and table 5-7) and on the right trunnion
support (fig. 5-51). The telephone lines are routed
through slip ring assembly 2C1 and signal junction box

One of the interlock switches, the mount hatch

closed switch 4S1, is a manually actuated switch
located inside the entry hatch. In normal operation,
however, it is actuated when the entry hatch is closed.
The other interlock switch, mount white lights, on
switch 4S2, is a manually actuated switch located
inside the weather shield on the right side of the entry
hatch. When both switches are actuated and ship's
power is on, all lights (white and red) are turned on.

There are three miscellaneous electrical components in the GCP not involved in the gun control
system. The three components are the GCP blowers, the

Figure 5-50.Light fixture.


Figure 5-51.Sound-powered telephone jack box (J302).

Figure 5-52.GCP blowers.

Figure 5-53.Switch and counter board assembly.


SYSTEM AND SERVICES circuit breaker is

positioned to I (see fig. 5-29 and table 5-3).

GCP Blowers
Two GCP blowers (one intake, one exhaust)
circulate air inside the GCP to prevent excessive
temperatures from damaging the electrical
components. The blowers are mounted on the back of
the GCP, on top of air ducts leading into the GCP (fig.
5-52). The blower motors receive 115-VAC 3-phase
power (60-Hz for Mod 0, 400-Hz for Mod 1) from the
main transformer T1, and are on whenever the SERVO

Rounds Counter CC
The ROUNDS COUNTER CC is located inside the
top cover of the GCP. The counter CC is operated by a
solenoid which is energized when a round is fired, and
allows the gun crew to monitor the number of rounds
fired (fig. 5-53 and table 5-12).

Table 5-12.GCP: Controls and Indicators (Top Cover Open)

Item on
figure 5-53








Digital counter

0 through 9999

Indicates number of rounds fired



Digital counter

0 through 9999

Indicates elapsed-time 115-VAC

400-Hz power is applied to gun mount
in hours

400 HZ


toggle switch


Allows 115-VAC 400-Hz power to be

positioning SERVO SYSTEM AND
SERVICES circuit breaker to I



SERVICES circuit breaker to be
positioned to I for 115-VAC 400-Hz
power to be supplied from GCP


Bypasses the 5-second delay on

energizing servo systems start circuit


Causes a 5-second delay on energizing

servo systems start circuit


Not used


Allows gun mount to load and fire in

remote without energizing either/both
servo systems








toggle switch

toggle switch





toggle switch




Allows gun mount to load and fire in

remote only when both train and
elevation servo systems are energized
circuit breakers from being turned on
when panel covers are open
Bypasses interlocks so SERVO
HYDRAULIC UNIT circuit breakers
can be turned on when panel covers are
opened or removed

The train and elevation systems consist of two

independent but similar power drives, power supplies,
and control systems. Because of their similarity, only
the train system will be discussed in this section. A
more detailed description of the train and elevation
system can be found in the TECHNICAL MANUAL
MODS 0 AND 1, SW314-AO-MMM-A10/GM MK 75
0-1 series.

Elapsed Time Counter CO

located inside the top cover of the GCP. The counter CO
allows the gun crew to monitor the running time of the
gun mount for maintenance purposes. Counter CO
operates whenever 115-VAC 400-Hz servo power is on
(refer to fig. 5-53 and table 5-12).



describe the Mk 75 gun mount train and
elevation system.

The train system consists of a train power drive (fig.

5-54) that is mounted on the rear platform of the
carriage. The power drive moves the gun mount around
the stationary ring of the roller path assembly in
response to train positioning orders. Train movement is
unlimited due to a slip ring assembly for electrical
cabling and a rotating coupling for the barrel cooling
piping. The train system consists of these six

The train and elevation systems position the gun in

response to gun-laying orders from the fire control
system (FCS) or from the gun control panel (GCP). The
train and elevation systems use low-inertia dc drive
motors with reduction gearing as power drives. Both
systems also use conventional synchros with associated
power supplies and electronic control systems to
regulate current to the motors.

1. Electric motors
2. Reduction gear assembly

Figure 5-54.Train power drive.


The brake has a manual release handle for

power-off operation. It also has a push button for use
with a manual handcrank. The push button releases the
brake only when the servo system power is on and the
handcrank is installed.

3. Train synchro control box assembly

4. Power supply
5. Motor control system
6. Train securing mechanism

The handcrank fits into an opening in a bracket on

top of the brake. The handcrank is used to manually
train the gun mount during maintenance and power-off
operations. A proximity switch, mounted under the
bracket, turns on the TRAINING HANDCRANK IN
lamp at the GCP (refer to fig. 5-29 and table 5-3). The
proximity switch also disables the train amplifier ready
circuit and this, in turn, disables the motor start-run
circuit. With the handcrank installed, a microswitch,
mounted under the bracket, is actuated. This enables
the brake to be energized by the brake push button.

Electric Motors
The train system uses two electric motors (fig.
5-55) to drive the reduction gear assembly and move
the gun in train. The electric motors are lightweight
(25kg), low-inertia, dc motors with permanent magnet
fields and printed disk rotors. The rated output of each
motor is 3 kW at 3,000 rpm.
The left electric motor (No. 1) has an
electromechanical brake assembly installed on the top
of its output shaft. The brake assembly consists of an
electromagnet, a braking disk, and a rotating disk
splined to the motor output shaft. With no power
applied to the brake, steel springs around the top of the
electromagnet push the braking disk up. When power is
applied to the brake, the electromagnet pulls the
braking disk down (compressing the springs) and
releases the rotating disk. The electromagnet remains
energized and the brake remains released as long as
power is applied to the brake.

The right electric motor (No. 2) has a tachometer

control assembly installed on the top of its output shaft
beneath a protective guard. The tachometer produces
voltage in direct relation to the motor speed. This
voltage provides feedback to the motor control system.
Reduction Gear Assembly
The train reduction gear assembly (refer to fig.
5-55) reduces the high rpm rate developed by the

Figure 5-55.Train power drive (cutaway).


marker on the outside of the train synchro control box

assembly provide an installation benchmark.

electric motors by a 308.7-to-1 ratio. This reduction

ratio and the motor control circuitry produce a
maximum train rate of 65 degrees per second. The
reduction gear assembly consists of the gear housing,
two pairs of reduction gears, and the pinion gear.

The train synchro control box (fig. 5-57) houses the

train synchros, tilt-angle potentiometer, motor and
firing cutout camstack assembly, and the dials and
dial-illuminating lamp components of the train servo

The reduction gear assembly is mounted on the rear

platform of the carriage. The train pinion gear extends
through the carriage and meshes with the stationary
ring of the roller path assembly. The two electric train
motors are mounted on top of the reduction gear
assembly. The pinion gears of the electric motors drive
the gear train.

TRAIN SYNCHROS.As the gun moves in

train, the train response shaft rotates the synchros
through the synchro gearing in the bottom of the train
synchro control box. The antibacklash gears and the
couplings ensure that the rotation of the synchros
exactly matches the train movements of the gun mount.

The reduction gears operate in a lubricating oil

bath. A fill plug is located on the side of the assembly
and a drain plug is located on the bottom. Removing the
fill plug permits the oil level to be checked and, if
necessary, permits oil to be added. Removing the drain
plug permits the oil to be drained.

Three of the train synchros are control transformers

(CTs). Two CTs receive position signals from the FCS
and generate error signalsthe third is a spare. The
error signals, when amplified and processed by the
motor control circuitry, regulate the current applied to
the train motors. One of the CTs (1X) is for coarse
control (error signal greater than 1.5 degrees); the other
CT (36X) is for fine control (error signal less than 1.5

Train Synchro Control Box Assembly

The train synchro control box assembly houses the
train synchros. The train synchro control box assembly
and the train synchro transmission gear assembly (fig.
5-56) are mounted on the rear of the carriage platform
forward of the elevation power drive. Graduations and a

In addition to the 1X and 36X CTs, the train

synchros include two torque transmitters (TXs) and five
control transmitters (CXs). The 1X TX continuously
transmits the train position to FCS and to a torque
receiver synchro at the GCP. The torque receiver
synchro operates the train position indicator dial. The
180X TX continuously transmits a superfine indication
of train position to FCS.
One of the five CXs is for tilt-angle correction. This
CX adds error through the tilt-angle potentiometer to
the output of the elevation 36X CT. The error is based
on the tilt-angle difference between the roller path of
the gun mount and the ship's master level.
Of the remaining four CXs, one is for the high
nonpointing zone, one is for the low nonpointing zone,
and the other two are spares. The outputs of the
nonpointing zone CXs are used to temporarily override
training orders. This prevents the barrel from training
into a nonpointing zone until it elevates over the zone.
tilt-angle potentiometer adjusts the intensity of the
correction signal from the tilt angle correction CX. This
adjustment is made during installation. It compensates
for any angular difference between the plane of the gun
mount and the plane of the ship's master level. The
tilt-angle potentiometer can correct an angular
difference up to 10 minutes. On ships outfitted with the

Figure 5-56.Train synchro control box assembly and

transmission gear assembly.


Figure 5-57.Train synchro control box components.

movement. The cams are cut during installation to

conform to the ship's structure at the gun mount

FCS Mk 92, the potentiometer is set at 0 and is locked

down since the computer makes this correction directly.
CAMSTACK ASSEMBLY.The motor and firing
cutout camstack assembly, like the train synchros, is
driven by the synchro gearing in the bottom of the train
synchro control box. The camstack assembly consists
of a stack of 10 cams and 10 cam-actuated
microswitches. As the gun mount moves in train, the
camstack rotates in a 1-to-1 ratio matching train

The cams are numbered 1 through 10 from top to

bottom. The No. 1 cam is a spare. The No. 2 cam is cut
to indicate the train stow position. When the gun mount
is at the stow position, the No. 2 cam deactuates its
microswitch, which allows the normally closed
contacts to close and light the TRAININ STOW
POSITION lamp at the GCP.


Main Transformer T1

Four of the remaining cams deactuate their

associated microswitches (opening the contacts) to
disable the firing circuit as the gun mount trains into
nonfiring zones. Two other cams are spare nonpointing
zone cams. The remaining two cams deactuate their
associated microswitches (opening the contacts) to
disable the train motor circuits. With the motor circuits
disabled, the brake is set. This prevents the barrel from
entering the nonpointing zone if the electronic
nonpointing zone system fails. When the motor circuits
are disabled, the barrel must be manually cranked out of
the nonpointing zone.

The main transformer (T1) is located at the GCP

and supplies power to the train and elevation motors.
The ship's supply provides 440-VAC 3-phase power
(60-Hz for Mod 0 or 400-Hz for Mod 1) to T1.
Transformer T1 then provides six outputs of 170-VAC
power. The six outputs provide a common power
supply to the train and elevation motors.
Signal Ramp (Sawtooth) Transformer T2
The signal-ramp (sawtooth) transformer (T2)
supplies power to the phase-consent and signal-ramp
circuits. The ship's supply provides 440-VAC 3-phase
power (60-Hz for Mod 0 or 400-Hz for Mod 1) to T2.
Transformer T2 then provides 50-VAC 6-phase power
to the phase-consent and signal-ramp circuits.

D I A L S a n d D I A L - I L L U M I NAT I N G
LAMPS.The train synchro control box contains five
dials, driven by the synchro gearing. The dials indicate
the train position of the gun mount. One of the dials is
on the tilt-angle potentiometer; another is on the
tilt-angle correction CX. These dials are used to adjust
the tilt-angle correction between the gun mount and the
FCS reference (not used with the Mk 92 FCS). The
remaining three dials are graduated to provide coarse,
fine, and superfine indications of the train position.

Electronic Supply Transformer 1J1-T1

The electronic supply transformer (1J1-T1) is
located in the power supply module 1J1 of the GCP.
Ship's supply provides 115-VAC 400-Hz single-phase
power to 1J1-T1.

The coarse position dial is graduated in degrees

from 0 to 360. This dial makes one revolution with each
revolution of the gun mount. The fine position dial is
graduated in 5-minute increments between 0 and 10
degrees. This dial makes 36 revolutions with each
revolution of the gun mount. The superfine position dial
is graduated in 1-minute increments between 0 and 120
minutes. This dial makes 180 revolutions with each
revolution of the gun mount.


The motor control system regulates the polarity and
amplitude of the current supplied to the train and
elevation motors. This controls the direction and speed
of motor rotation. The motor control system is mostly
electronic and consists of the following components
and circuits at the GCP: the silicon-controlled rectifiers
(SCRs), the phase-consent and signal-ramp circuits,
demodulator circuits, error amplifier circuits,
tachometer circuits, and motor current-limiter circuits.

The train synchro control box contains two

dial-illuminating lamps. With the protective cover of
the synchro control box removed, the lamps permit the
synchro dials to be read. The lamps are on when servo
system power is on.

Silicon-Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs)

The SCRs (fig. 5-58) are solid-state electronic
devices that act both as switches and as rectifiers. The
train and elevation systems each use 12 SCRs to control
the speed and direction of the drive motors. The 12 train
SCRs are located on modules 1J6 and 1J8 (refer to fig.
5-31 and table 5-5). A pair of SCRs control each of the
six 170-VAC voltages. These voltages are supplied to
the SCRs by the main transformer T1.

The train and elevation systems use a common

power supply consisting of three transformers located
at the GCP. The transformers supply the power required
to drive the train and elevation motors. The
transformers also supply power to the train and
elevation motor control systems. The power supply
transformers (refer to fig. 5-32 and table 5-6) are the
main transformer (T1), the signal-ramp (sawtooth)
transformer (T2), and the electronic supply transformer
(1J1-T1) (not shown).

One SCR in each pair conducts current for

clockwise rotation, the other conducts current for
counterclockwise rotation. The polarity of the error
signal determines which SCR in each pair conducts.
The magnitude of the error signal determines the


voltage can then be used by the error amplifier circuits.

semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET
switches), operated by reference square wave signals.
The MOSFET switches are used to produce the
required full-wave rectification.
Error Amplifier Circuits
The train error amplifier circuits are located in
submodule A2 of 1J3. The error amplifiers amplify and
process the demodulated error signals from the synchro
systems. They provide one input to the tachometer
Tachometer Circuits
The train tachometer circuits are located in
submodule A1 of 1J3. These circuits combine the
output from the error amplifier and either the obstacle
contouring circuit or the limit-stop circuit with a
velocity output from the tachometer and a current
feedback signal from the drive motors. The outputs
from the tachometer circuits are order signals that, after
passing through the motor current-limiter circuits,
control the gating of the SCRs.

Figure 5-58.Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR).

amount of current flow through the SCR. The current

controls the speed of the motors.

Motor Current-Limiter Circuits

The conduction of the SCR depends on a positive

potential being present on its control gate. It also
depends on a forward bias between its anode and
cathode. Once turned on, the SCR continues to conduct
until the potential between the anode and cathode is
either interrupted or inverted.

The train motor current-limiter circuits are located

in the current-limiter module in the bottom
compartment of the GCP. These circuits monitor the
current feedback from the electric drive motors. If the
drive motor draws high levels of current longer than the
short time required for normal acceleration, the
current-limiter circuit reduces the order signal. This, in
turn, reduces the current applied to the drive motors.

Phase Consent and Signal Ramp Circuits

Each of the two submodules (A1 and A3) of the
signal-ramp module 1J4 at the GCP (refer to fig. 5-31
and table 5-5) contains three phase-consent (square
wave) circuits and three signal-ramp (sawtooth wave)
circuits. These circuits generate six phase-consent
signals and six signal-ramp signals. These signals, in
turn, are used to control the control gate voltage to the
six pairs of SCRs for the train system and the six pairs
of SCRs for the elevation system.


The train securing mechanism locks the carriage to
the stationary outer ring of the roller path assembly
when the gun is stowed. The train securing mechanism
consists of a stowing pin shifting lever, a train stowing
pin, and the train stowing pin handle. A proximity
switch, mounted behind the stowing pin handle, is
actuated when the stowing pin is engaged. The stowing
pin handle is on the left side of the mount and extends
down into the ammunition handling room. The
proximity switch lights the TRAIN LOCK IN lamp at
the GCP. With the stowing pin engaged, the train
amplifier ready circuit is disabled, in turn, disables the
train motor start circuit.

Demodulator Circuits
The train demodulator circuits are located in
submodules A7 and A8 of elevation amplifier module
1J3 at the GCP. These circuits rectify the 400-Hz error
signals from the train synchros into a dc voltage. The dc


2. Control panel (EP2)



3. Train and elevation local control unit


components of the Mk 45 gun mount control

4. Display panel (EP3)

Individual components of the gun mount control
system are located throughout the gun mount. This
section will cover only a general description of the Mk
45 gun mount control system. For a more detailed and
in-depth description, refer to Technical Manual for
5-Inch 54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45,
SW323-D1-MM0-010/GM MK 45, series.

Components of the Mk 45 gun mount control

system control and distribute power to the gun-loading
and gun-laying systems. The power panel EP1, located
in the loader room, distributes power to the control
components. The control panel EP2, also located in the
loader room, controls the gun mount operations and
provides a means for testing and exercising the
gun-laying and the gun-loading systems. The display
panel EP3, located adjacent to the lower loading
station, displays round orders for ammunition handlers.


Power panel EP1 contains the electrical
power-distribution and power-converting components
of the gun mount control system. Power from the ship's
440-VAC normal or alternate supplies enters EP1 and
passes through circuit breakers and contactors to the
drive motors. A stepdown transformer in EP1 reduces
the 440-VAC motor supply to 115 volts for control,
lighting, anti-icing, and test purposes.

The gun mount control system also includes

position sensors (proximity and optical switches),
relays, and solenoids that activate, control, monitor, and
test operations of the gun mount. Solid-state logic and
microprocessor circuits in the EP2 interlock and
sequence cycles of gun-loading system components
and also control electric motor operation. The panels of
the control system (fig. 5-59) are as follows:

Panel EP1 contains motor contactors, overload

relays, manual interlock switches, +25-VDC power
supplies for solenoids, lights, switch circuits, a fan,

1. Power panel (EP1)

Figure 5-59.Electrical control system panel.


applied to the panel. Figure 5-60 shows the back of the

EP1 door, and table 5-13 is a list of the components
mounted on the back of the door. Figure 5-61 shows the
interior of EP1, and table 5-14 lists the components
inside of the EP1.

batteries, battery chargers, an electronic component

assembly, ac output driver circuit cards, resistors,
capacitors, rectifiers, relays, fuses, and terminal boards.
A solenoid door latch prevents the panel door from
being opened when normal or alternate 440 VAC is

Figure 5-60.Power panel EP1 (back of door).


Table 5-13.Power Panel EP1Back of Door

Item on Fig. 5-60






Contains fuses for base ring heater

Output driver circuit board



Contains 115 VAC to contactor coils

and to train warning bell



Contains fuses for 115 VOLTS

light DSZ2

Terminal board


Provides wire connection points



Provide electrical load for emergency

firing supply batteries during battery

24-volt rechargeable batteries


Provide emergency power for firing


Resistor circuit board


Prevents shorts from damaging power


Terminal board


Provides wire connection points

Bridge rectifier


Rectifies 115-VAC 60-Hz input

voltage for power supplies


Solid-state relay


Applies control supply power to

power supply inputs when not testing


Metalized film capacitors


Dampen inductive voltage in

electrical circuits


Klip-Sel selenium rectifier


Dampens inductive voltage from

control transformer


Battery chargers


Recharge emergency firing supply





Lock EP1 door when 440-VAC power

is applied to panel




Applies load to batteries during

battery test


Figure 5-61.Power panel EP1 (interior).


Table 5-14.Power Panel EP1Interior

Item on Fig. 5-61 Name

Top Mounting Plate
Contactor size 3
Overload relay
Overload relay
Contactor size 1
Overload relay
Overload relay
Center Mounting Plate
Contactor size 1
Overload relay
Overload relay
Contactor size 1
Overload relay
Overload relay
Contactor size 1
Overload relay
Overload relay
Control supply transformer
Bottom Mounting Plate
Terminal boards
Side Mounting Plate

Terminal board

Center Mounting Plate

+26-VDC power supplies

Electronic component assembly


Rechargeable batteries


Terminal board


Battery chargers


Contactor size 1
Contactor size 1

Top Mounting Plate

Contactor size 3
Overload relay
Overload relay
Contactor size 3
Overload relay
Overload relay




Connect 440 VAC to train motor and protect

motor from overloads


Connect 440 VAC to elevation motor and

protect motor from overloads


Connect 440 VAC to blower motor and protect

motor from overloads


Connect 440 VAC to upper accumulator

emergency motor and protect motor from
Connect 440 VAC to lower accumulator
emergency motor and protect motor from
Contain and mount fuses
Contain and mount fuses
440-volt to 115-volt single-phase step-down
transformer and TB7


Provide wire connection points


Dampen inductive voltage in electrical circuits

PSZ1 thru

Contain and mount fuses

Cools four +26-VDC power supplies
Provide dc power for system switches,
solenoids, and lights
Applies emergency batteries to power supply
inputs during control power failure
Provide +144-VDC power supply for battery
backup system (+24-VDC per battery)

PSZ9 thru
PSZ18 thru
PSZ12 thru

Provides wire connection points for connecting

to ship supply

Provides connection point for six +24-VDC

Charge six +24-VDC batteries
Connect 440 VAC to empty case ejector door
heater, base ring heater, and gun port shield


Connect 440 VAC to upper accumulator motor

and protect motor from overloads


Connect 440 VAC to lower accumulator motor

and protect motor from overloads


console with switches, indicators, and two telephone

The back of the front door contains relays,
synchros, servtorqs, an emergency firing circuit card
assembly, an alert buzzer, relay pin straighteners, a
magnet gage and magnet chargers, indicating lights and
displays, a relay test meter, and a door interlock switch
(fig. 5-62 and table 5-15). The angular shelf contains


Control panel EP2 contains components which
control gun-loading system functions and locally
controlled gun-laying system functions. The panel
has a front door, an angular shelf, and a rear door.
The front door and shelf contain the operator's

Figure 5-62.Control panel EP2 (back of front door).


Table 5-15.Control Panel EP2Back of Front Door

Item on
Fig. 5-62



Alert buzzer

Sounds audible alarm, when mount is assigned but mount

ready relay is not energized


Provide for multiple switching

Door interlock switch SIZ3

Disconnects +24-VDC lighting from display indications

on front of EP2 panel door when door is open

Fuze setter safe-set order


Provide safe-set fuze order to fuze setter and fuze setter


Train stow order synchros

Provide a train stow order

Elevation stow order synchros

Provide an elevation stow order

Figure 5-63.Control panel EP2 (inside of angular shelf).


the control switches, indicating lights, and digital

displays (fig. 5-63).

mechanical counters, and test plates for train, elevation,

and fuze-setting functions. It also contains a circuit card
information plate, a power supply test plate, and a lower
hoist configuration switch.

The inside of the rear door (fig. 5-64 and table

5-16) contains elapsed-time indicators, electro-

Figure 5-64.Control panel EP2 (inside rear door) (sheet 1 of 2).


Figure 5-64.Control panel EP2 (inside rear door) (sheet 2 of 2).

Table 5-16.Control Panel EP2Inside of Rear Door

Item on Fig. 5-64

Name/Panel Nomenclature


Information plate

Loading system traces test plate

Electromechanical counters

Elapsed-time indicators


Fuze-setter test plate

Train and elevation test plate
Power supply test plate

Locates printed circuit (PG) boards and spares in

card rack. Lists PC boards by part number
Provides a means of recording the velocity and
position traces of gun-loading system components
Indicate total number of times:
Loader drum has indexed
Gun was out of battery (simulated)
Gun was out of battery (rounds fired)
Indicate total elapsed operating times of:
Control supply
Elevation motor
Upper accumulator motor
Lower accumulator motor
Accumulator pressure to fuze setter
Provides a means of testing the fuze setter
Provides a means of testing the gun-laying system
Provides control system with lower hoist

Provides a and b:
a. Jacks for access to outputs of dc power
supplies, emergency firing supplies, and
batteries for voltage checks
b. Mount for BATTERY TEST switch and


Figure 5-65.Control panel EP2 (inside rear) (sheet 1 of 2).

The inside rear of the panel case (fig. 5-65 and table
5-17) contains four rows of circuit cards, the train and
elevation servo amplifier, the electronic components
housing, three +5-VDC power supplies, two time delay
relays, two transformers, two fans, three SCRs, two
fuseholders, and a synchro control assembly. The
electronic components housing contains six circuit
cards and, behind the lockbox door, two toggle
switches (fig. 5-65, sheet 2). The inside front of the

Figure 5-65.Control panel EP2 (inside rear) (sheet 2 of 2).


Table 5-17.Control Panel EP2 (Inside Rear)

Item on Fig. 5-65

Name/Panel Nomenclature





Cools circuit cards in card rack

Electronic component
housing assembly


Houses auxiliary circuit cards, power

distribution circuit card, and fuze-setter
amplifier circuit cards

+5-VDC power supplies


Supply +5-VDC power for all logic and

microprocessor circuits

Train and elevation servo

control unit


Processes train and elevation position error

signals and velocity order signals to control
the train and elevation power drives

Firing transformers


Step down 115 volts to provide 20 VAC for


Time delay relays


Provide time delay on de-energizing firing




Cools +5-VDC power supplies

Silicon-controlled rectifiers


Provide +5-VDC external over-voltage


Fuseholders (quantity 2)


Contain fuses for +5-VDC logic supply circuits


Zeroing synchro control



Zeros the gun loading system test synchro


Fuze-setter amplifier circuit

card assemblies:


Provide fuze-setter amplifier circuitry

Attenuation and
changeover circuit


Output amplifier


Indexing control and

logic circuit


Circuit card assemblies:

Auxiliary circuit


Auxiliary circuit


Power distribution



Auxiliary circuit cards provide miscellaneous

transistor and triac control circuits. Power
distribution circuit card monitors power
supply voltage levels

Table 5-17.Control Panel EP2 (Inside Rear)Continued

Item on Fig. 5-65

Name/Panel Nomenclature


Circuit card assemblies:


Inverter buffer

PC1 thru


PC13 thru


PC22 thru

Dc output driver

PC78 and

Latching relay

PC80 thru


PC84 and


PC87 thru


PC106 thru

Solenoid driver

PC110 thru

Light driver

PC113 thru


PC126 thru

Nonvolatile memory

PC131 thru

Setter unit receiver


Setter unit transmitter


Fire control interface


8085 Central Processing

Unit (CUP)






* For gun mounts without ORDALT 15703 installed.


Provide control system logic and
microprocessor circuits

Table 5-17.Control Panel EP2 (Inside Rear)Continued

Item on Fig. 5-65

Name/Panel Nomenclature


Circuit card assemblies:


Inverter buffer

PC1 thru


PC13 thru


PC22 thru

Dc output driver

PC78 and


PC80 thru


PC86 and


PC106 thru

Solenoid driver

PC110 thru

Light driver

PC113 thru


PC126 thru

Nonvolatile memory

PC131 thru

Setter unit receiver


Setter unit transmitter


Fire control interface


8085 Central Processing

Unit (CPU)








Provide control system logic and
microprocessor circuits


UPDATE switch


Places system in manual update mode




Resets microprocessor or places

microprocessor control in monitor program
for engineering diagnostic interrogation via
external monitor

** For gun mounts with ORDALT 15703 installed.


panel case (fig. 5-66 and table 5-18) has a covered

wire-wrap backplane, 18 terminal boards, a fuseholder,
and two transformers.


The train and elevation local control unit (refer to
fig. 5-59) is on top of the EP2 panel. It contains the gun

Figure 5-66.Control panel EP2 (inside front).

Table 5-18.Control Panel EP2 (Inside Front)

Item on Fig. 5-66



Backplane cover

Protects connector pins on backplane


Contains fuse for fuze-setter amplifier 115-VAC 400-Hz

synchro power

Fuze-setter transformers
TCP1 and TPP1

TPP1 provides 400-Hz step-down power for fuze-setter

amplifier. TCP1 provides negative and positive phasing of 1X
synchro order signals for use by fuze setter amplifier.

Terminal boards
(quantity 18)

Provide wire connection points

Wire-wrap backplane

Provides point-to-point connection between circuit boards


be given on how they interact on the control system of

the Mk 45.

mount position synchros used when exercising and

testing the train and elevation systems. The control unit
also contains four synchros (fig. 5-67) and the gearing,
which produce train and elevation order signals.

Solenoid units controlled by control circuits initiate

gun loading and unloading cycles. Control circuit
interlock switches sense component and round
positions. Control switches select modes of control
(AUTO, STEP) and type of operation (LOAD,
UNLOAD, and so on). Circuit cards contain electrical
and logic circuits that use interlock and control switch
input signals to trigger solenoids; logic and electrical
circuits also control the fuze setter. Indicating lights on
the panels indicate equipment and round position,
switch status (activated, deactivated), and solenoid
status (energized, de-energized). Segmented readout
displays give numerical quantities that represent rounds
of each type in the loader and test or fault codes. A
wire-wrap backplane contains pins and connectors to
interface the circuit cards.


Display panel EP3 (refer to fig. 5-59) contains only
those components mounted on the front panel face. All
indicators are protected by a sealed waterproof door.
The door can be unlatched and swung down for easy
access to burned out light bulbs.
Components of the gun mount control system are
located throughout the gun mount (fig. 5-68 and table
5-19), generally near the equipment with which the
component functions. Connection boxes throughout
the gun mount interconnect the panels with motors,
proximity switches, photocells, solenoids, the fuze
setter, anti-icing heaters, and the firing pin. Many of the
control system components were discussed in the
beginning of this chapter. Only a brief description will

Connection Boxes
Connection boxes serve as terminals for cabling
between EP2 and the switches, solenoids, fuze setter,
and firing pin. There are two types of connection

Figure 5-67.Train and elevation local control unit, back of panel.


Figure 5-68.Gun mount control system components (sheet 1 of 3).


Figure 5-68.Gun mount control system components (sheet 2 of 3).


Figure 5-68.Gun mount control system components (sheet 3 of 3).


Table 5-19.Gun Mount Control System Components

Item on Fig. 5-68


Connection Box/Solenoid Unit



Breech open-close

Left slide


Rammer extend-retract

Left slide


Distribution box

Left shield


Jack box

Loader drum


Jack box

Front of hoist drive


Engage-disengage lower hoist latch and


Ammunition hoist


Lower hoist rack extend

Ammunition hoist


Lower accumulator dump valve

Lower accumulator


Observer control jack

Base ring



Jack box




Upper accumulator dump valve

Left trunnion



Telephone jack

Left door




Left door



Jack box

Right slide



Jack box

Right trunnion



Elevation power-off brake-release

Right trunnion



Train power-off brake-release

Right trunnion




Right door



Telephone jack

Right door



Cradle raise-lower

Right carriage



Positioner pawl retract

Right carriage



PA to fuze setter

Top of loader drum



Fuze setter extend-retract

Top of loader drum



Jack box

Bottom of loader drum



Loader drum counterclockwise

Bottom of loader drum



Loader drum clockwise index

Bottom of loader drum



Transfer station positioner

Bottom of loader drum



Upper hoist raise-lower

Bottom of loader drum



Transfer station ejector extend-retract

Top of loader drum



Loading station ejector extend-retract

Top of loader drum



Terminal box

Right carriage



Electrical components assembly

Top of ventilation system duct



Empty case tray raise and lower

Right slide



Empty case ejector extend-retract

Right slide



Telephone jack

Back of strike-downunloading station



Jack box

Back of lower loading station


cable jack. These solenoid units are often mounted on a

solenoid valve assembly. Six separate solenoid valve
assemblies, each with up to four solenoid units, are
mounted at various points on the gun mount.
Interlock Switches
An interlock switch electrically indicates the
position of a component or the position of a round of
ammunition. The gun mount has two main types of
external interlock switchesthe proximity switch and
the optical switch (refer to fig. 5-7).
proximity switch is a straight (or 90-degree) metal tube
with threads on one end, a hex nut area around the
center, and a cable jack at the other end. The switch
element, which is sensitive to a magnetic field, is in the
threaded end. A magnet, generally moved by a lever,
slide, or cam, activates or deactivates the proximity

Figure 5-69.Jack box.

boxesjack boxes (fig. 5-69) and terminal boxes (fig.

5-70). Some boxes also serve as connection points for
distributing electrical power from EP1 to the lights,
heaters, and motors.

OPTICAL SWITCH.The optical switch, used

on the lower and upper hoist, is a straight (or 90-degree)
metal tube with a mounting flange near one end and a
cable jack at the other end. An identically shaped
transmitter unit, aimed directly at the optical switch
(detector unit), sends pulses of infrared light to the
detector unit. The modulated infrared detector circuit
then activates the optical switch output. When a
projectile, powder case, or other obstruction interrupts
the light path, the switch deactivates.

Solenoid Units
The solenoid units (refer to fig. 5-14) converts an
electrical signal from logic circuits into a hydraulic
output, which initiates a mechanical motion. Each
solenoid unit consists of two coils, a lever arm, a circuit
board, a pilot valve, and a housing with a cover and

Figure 5-70.Terminal box.


Figure 5-71.Light-emitting diode switch/indicator assembly.

Control Switches
Control switches on the EP2 are used by the EP2
operator to select, start, and stop various equipment
operations. Three types of control switches are
usedthe light-emitting diode (LED) switch/indicator
assembly (fig. 5-71) (or the switch/indicator assembly)
(fig. 5-72), the thumbwheel switch (fig. 5-73), and the
rotary switch (fig. 5-74).

Figure 5-72.Switch/indicator assembly.

independently controlled. The lens module

permanently connects to the switch module. The lens
module contains a colored (red, green, or amber) LED
capsule seal.
switch/indicator assembly (refer to fig. 5-72) is a
rack-mounted, plug-in type, lighted push-button switch
or indicator light assembly with a display face. The
push-button unit has a momentary-type action that
transfers switch contacts whenever the front lens is
pressed. Indicator lamps are isolated from the switch
contact and, therefore, are independently controlled.
However, the indicator light feature is not used in all
push-button units.


ASSEMBLY.The LED switch/indicator assembly
(refer to fig. 5-71) is a rack-mounted, plug-in type,
lighted push-button switch and LED indicating light
assembly with a display face. The assembly consists of
a switch module and a lens module.
The switch module contains a radio interference
(RIF) ground and a momentary-type action switch that
closes switch contacts whenever the lens module is
pressed. A locating pin at the base of the switch module
ensures that the LED switch/indicator assembly can
only be plugged into the panel-mounted rack in one
direction to avoid damaging the LEDs contained inside
the lens module. The lens module contains LEDs which
are isolated from the switch contacts and, therefore, are

The display screen and lamp capsule assembly

permanently connects to the basic unit. This assembly
contains a legend lens, color filters, a radio frequency
interference (RFI) protective screen, and four light
bulbs. When the display screen and lamp capsule is

Figure 5-73.Thumbwheel switches.


for a given dial position. The numerical thumbwheel

dials have 10 positions; the round assignment
thumbwheel dials have 12 positions. No position stops
exist for any of the dials. All thumbwheel switches are
water and dust protected by a hinged transparent
covering (bezel assembly). The covering screws down
tightly whenever dial positions are not being changed.
ROTARY SWITCH.The rotary switch (refer to
figs. 5-3 and 5-74) contains layers of multiple contacts.
The layers are mounted in a circular pattern inside a
cylindrical housing which has external connectors.
Rotary switches have from two to seven layers of
enclosed contacts and from two to six possible switch

Figure 5-74.Rotary switch.

pulled out, light bulbs are immediately accessible for

replacement. The remaining lens, filters, and screen are
accessible by sliding the lens retainer housing upward.
rotary thumbwheel switches are used on the EP2
panellocal electronic fuze order switches and type
assignment switches (refer to fig. 5-73). Each
thumbwheel dial contains one layer of multiple contact
points; each contact point connects to a common wiper

Circuit Cards
The circuit cards (fig. 5-75) contain the transistors,
integrated circuits, capacitors, diodes, and other

Figure 5-75.Circuit cards.


electronic components. These rectangular fiberglass

cards, coated with a clear epoxy insulating lacquer,
have printed conductors and contacts on both sides.
The top and bottom edges of the card slide in
mounting channels that guide the contacts into a circuit
card connector in the circuit card rack. Key pins in a
locking bar on a corner of the circuit card prevent the
wrong circuit card from being inserted into a connector.
A capscrew on the locking bar locks the card into place.
The circuit card rack in EP2 holds four rows of
circuit cards, including the microprocessor CPU circuit
card and all microprocessor-associated cards. Other
circuit card racks include the electronic components
housing located in EP2 which holds six cards; the
circuit card housing in EP1 which holds three cards;
and the electrical components housing on the
ventilation system duct which holds three circuit cards.

On older mounts, LEDs on EP2 are limited to the

weapons control round order display. These LEDs are
mounted on one circuit card assembly containing the
necessary current limiting resistors and using a
+5-VDC power supply.

Indicating Lights

The wire-wrap backplane (fig. 5-77) is a wiring

board inside EP2 that interfaces circuit cards PC1
through PC140. The backplane contains circuit card
receptacle connectors, backplane connectors, pins,
wires, and a board. Wires are wrapped around pins
providing electrical connection between circuit cards
and between the circuit cards and the backplane
connectors located at the bottom of the assembly. The
backplane connectors provide external interfacing for
all control signals leaving or entering the backplane as
well as the +5-VDC and +25-VDC power supplies
needed by the circuit cards. A large cover which
mounts on the backplane protects the wire-wrap pins
and wires.

Segmented Readout Displays

The segmented readout displays (fig. 5-76) are
two- and five-digit numerical readouts located on EP2.
The two-digit displays indicate round quantities loaded
in the loader drum and lower hoist. The five-digit
displays are used along with the built-in-test features
of the control system (refer to fig. 5-19) for
Wire-Wrap Backplane

The three types of indicating lights used on the

panels are indicator lights, indicator lamps, and LEDs.
The indicator lights used on EP1 indicate that an
electrical circuit is energized and that power is
available. The indicator light has a step-down
transformer in the base to reduce the supply voltages
from EP1 to the 2 volts needed for the two bulbs in each
indicator light.
Indicator lamps are used on EP2 as operational
sequence indicators, mount-ready status indicators, and
warning indicators. Indicator lamps contain from 3 to
16 lights, with each light illuminated by two 28-volt
bulbs. For some older gun mounts these indicator lamps
on EP2 are replaced with LEDs.

Figure 5-77.Wire-wrap backplane.

Figure 5-76.Segmented readout displays.


step-jettison operation, a loaded rail can be retracted if

required. Bear in mind, this operation is not a normal
circumstance, but it is available. In step-exercise, the
rail must be empty/not loaded during a retract cycle.
Depressing the correct push button on the EP2 console
initiates the desired operation.
Figure 5-78 shows the schematic used to retract the
launcher rail electrically. Take a moment to review the
drawing. Some of the items you should notice include
the following:


information concerning operation of a Mk 13
Mod 4 GMLS solid-state control circuit.
We will now describe the operation of an actual
solid-state control circuit. Our example comes from the
Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS and pertains to the retractable rail
of the launcher.
The normal position of the retractable rail is to be
extended, ready for launcher loading. When the GMLS
is in auto-load mode, the rail retracts automatically
during two operations: (1) missile firing and (2) dud
jettisoning. When the GMLS is in step control, the rail
can be retracted in two modes: (1) step-load and (2)
step-exercise. Usually the rail is not retracted during
step-load operations. However, in conjunction with a

1. A variety of AND, OR, and OR-AND logic

gates. Refer to table 5-2 as we go through these gates.
There are no polarity indicators (flags) used.
2. A latching relay and a solenoid driver circuit
are used.
3. A +5-volt dc logic supply controls the +26-volt
dc (+25-volt dc backup) relay, solenoid, and
miscellaneous power supplies.

Figure 5-78.Retract launcher rail schematic; Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS retractable rail.




1. SIL1-2Not launcher rail retracted

Retracting the launcher rail during a missile firing

does not (directly) involve the solid-state circuit in
figure 5-78. After the rocket motor of the missile
ignites, the round travels about 20 inches up the rail.
The forward missile shoe contacts the retract trigger
located on the underside of the rail. The trigger shifts
(or cams) a valve to start the hydraulic-mechanical
actions that move the rail. The rail retracts to provide
clearance for the tail-control surfaces of the missile as
the round leaves the launcher.

2. PC67-K 9B-1H a rpoon miss i l e s af e

3. PC67-K6-2Not extend launcher rail cycle
GROUP A INPUTS.Input SIR1-1 ensures that
the launcher rail does not retract during a jettisoning
operation unless the guide arm is loaded. The aft
missile shoe contacts the rail-loaded indicator plunger.
The plunger moves an actuator into proximity with
launcher rail loaded switch SIR1. The switch activates
and applies an input signal to an inverter-buffer circuit.
The output line 1 of the circuit goes high. This high is
applied to the OR-AND gate at 77-48.

However, in dud jettison, step-load, or exercise

operations, the solid-state circuit is directly involved in
initiating a retract cycle. Solid-state interlocks are used
to ensure equipment conditions are correct before
energizing the retract launcher rail solenoid
LHL1-LC1. The solenoid, located in the guide arm,
then initiates the hydraulic-mechanical actions to
retract the rail.

Input SIR3-1 ensures the contactor and fin opener

arm assembly has disengaged from the missile before
the launcher rail retracts. Proximity switch SIR3 is
activated and, through its inverter-buffer circuit, applies
a high to gate input 77-46.

Auto-Not-Unload Circuit (Jettison)

Input QCY5-1 ensures that dud jettison summary

circuit QCY5 is activated. A summary circuit
summarizes a variety of different input conditions into
one output statement. The QCY5-1 input to 77-44 will
be high when remote dud jettison pointing or local dud
jettison pointing is selected.

The auto-not-unload circuit is the primary signal

path used to retract the launcher rail. The object of this
circuit is to energize relay coil PC67-K5A, RETRACT
When the A- or set-coil energizes, the PC67-K5
contacts close. This action applies a +5-volt input
signal to LHL1-LC1's solenoid driver circuit. The
solenoid driver circuit activates and energizes the LC1

Input QCX7-1 is high when auto-not-unload

selected summary circuit QCX7 is activated. This
signal is applied to 77-40 when the control system is
placed in automatic control and the not-unload mode.

The following logic gate inputs must be satisfied to

energize PC67-K5A. They are listed (and explained) by
groups for ease of presentation. Locate them in figure

The step-load related input to 77-42 is low at this

time. With four high inputs to the OR-AND gate, a high
is produced at output 77-38. The high output is used as
an input to 77-43, the next OR-AND gate.


GROUP B INPUTS.Input SIA1-1 ensures the

launcher rail does not retract until two equipment
conditions are met. The arming device must be
extended and the forward-motion latch must be
unlocked. When these two conditions are satisfied,
proximity switch SIA1 and its inverter-buffer circuit
apply to high to 77-47.

1. SIR1-1Launcher rail loaded

2. SIR3-1Contactor and fin opener cranks disengaged
3. QCY5-1Dud jettison
4. QCX7-1Auto-not-unload selected

Input KPX4-1 ensures the launcher power unit

(LPU) motor contactor is energized. When the
contactor is energized, the electric motor drives a
hydraulic pump. The LPU supplies the required
hydraulic fluid pressure to operate the launcher guide
and blast door components. The high signal is applied
to 77-49.

1. SIA1-1Arming device extended and

forward-motion latch unlocked
2. KPX4-1Launcher power unit motor contactor energized
3. SIN1-2Not strike-down fixture on launcher


Input SIN1-2 ensures the launcher rail does not

retract if the strike-down fixture is installed on the
guide arm. If the fixture is not on the arm, an actuating
lever is not in proximity with SIN1. The switch
deactivates and its inverter-buffer circuit provides a
high output on line 2. This high is applied to 77-51.

77-39 now goes low. The change in input status

produces a low output at 77-36. The low-output signal
turns off the NPN transistor and de-energizes
PC67-K5A relay coil. Since it is a detented relay, its
contacts remain closed to the LHL1-LC1 solenoid

The step-exercise related input to 77-45 will be low

at this time. The four high inputs at the OR-AND gate
will produce a high output at 77-35. The high is then
applied to 77-50.

The second result of SIL1 activating affects

OR-gate 132-6. Its SIL1-1 input now goes high. The
output signal produced at 132-14 goes high. It turns on
the other NPN transistor (67-44) that energizes the
PC67-K5B relay coil. This coil, being the reset coil of
PC67-K5, causes the contacts of the relay to open. The
high input to the solenoid driver of LHL1-LC1 is
thereby removed. The solenoid de-energizes and
returns to neutral.

GROUP C INPUTS.Input SIL1-2 ensures that

the circuit to LHL1-LC1 de-energizes after the
launcher rail retracts. When the rail is in the extended
position, a magnetic actuator is not in proximity with
SIL1. The switch is deactivated and a high signal from
output 2 of the inverter-buffer is applied to 77-37.

The other input to OR-gate 132 is QCS21-1,

system start reset. This input is high whenever
summary circuit QCS21 is activated. The purpose of
summary circuit QCS21 is related to safety. It is
activated during system start or turn on procedures.
When activated, QCS21 produces a high output. This
signal is supplied to every reset coil of all the guide arm
component relays. Energizing each reset coil prevents
the accidental movement of equipment. After initial
light off and when the system is ready to operate,
QCS21's output goes low.

Input PC67-K9B-1 ensures a Harpoon missile has

been disarmed and is safe to jettison. The Harpoon
booster is electrically disarmed through a signal circuit
of the 23-pin missile-to-launcher contactor. When this
disarming is accomplished, PC67-K9B-1, Harpoon
missile safe (reset) (detented) relay coil will energize.
The input to 77-39 will go high.
Input PC67-K6-2 ensures an extend launcher rail
cycle is not in progress. This action prevents
LHL1-LC1 from energizing until an extend cycle has
been completed. This high input is applied to 77-41.

Step-Load Circuit

The logic gate activates with four high inputs and

produces a high at 77-36. A latching circuit (or holding
circuit) is established by the high output at 77-36
feeding back to input 77-52. The latching circuit is used
to keep the logic circuit energized whenever the
launcher rail is retracted in exercise mode. That is
required because the console operator will release the
RETRACT push-button switch of the rail before the
retract cycle ends.

The step-load circuit centers around the two inputs

of Group D in figure 5-78. The circuit is used to retract
a loaded launcher rail if jettison operations must be
performed in step control. Therefore, many of the
conditions of an auto-not-unload mode must still be
satisfied for the step-load cycle.
When the console operator changes modes, the
QCX7-1 (Group A) input to 77-40 goes low. This
change effectively disables the entire retract circuit and
PC67-K5A cannot be energized. As the console
operator switches into step-load, the QCX4-1 (Group
D) input to AND gate 77-8 goes high. This action only
satisfies one of the required inputs to the circuit.

The high signal from 77-36 is also used to forward

bias the NPN transistor at 67-42. The transistor
conducts and PC67-K5A relay coil energizes. When
the contacts of the relay close, a high input signal is
applied to the solenoid driver circuit. The LC1 solenoid
energizes and initiates the hydraulic-mechanical
actions to retract the launcher rail.

To retract the launcher rail, the console operator

depresses push button SML1. The switch provides an
input signal to its buffer circuit. The unflagged output
line of the circuit goes high. The high SML1-1 input
applied to 77-10 activates the AND gate. It provides a
high output at 77-18. This signal satisfies the OR-AND
gate's (Group A) inputs and the launcher rail retracts.


When the launcher rail is fully retracted, proximity
switch SIL1 activates. The 1 and 2 outputs from its
inverter-buffer affect the retract circuit in two ways.
First, the SIL1-2 input (Group C) to OR-AND gate


9. SIL2-1Launcher rail extended

Step-Exercise Circuit

10. QCS21-1System start reset

The step-exercise circuit centers around the Group

E inputs on figure 5-78. When the three input
conditions to the Group E AND gate are satisfied, a
high is produced at 77-54. The high is applied to 77-45
of the OR-AND gate in Group B. The remaining circuit
inputs and operations are the same as a step-load cycle.
Notice that all Group A inputs are low at this time and
are not used.

When the first eight inputs in the above list are

satisfied (high), PC67-K6A will energize. Its contacts
close to activate the solenoid driver circuit. LHL1-LC2
solenoid coil energizes and the launcher rail extends.
When the rail is extended, proximity switch SIL2-1
activates. The inverter-buffer outputs change and
SIL2-2 (item # 8) goes low to de-energize PC67-K6A.
The SIL2-1 input (item # 9) goes high to energize
PC67-K6B (reset). This action de-energizes
LHL1-LC2 that returns to neutral.

Take a minute to review the various retract cycles

performed by this solid-state control circuit. It is
important that you understand the principles involved.

Step-Load and Step-Exercise Circuits


The following logic inputs are involved with the

two-step modes of control used to re-extend the
launcher rail:

The launcher rail automatically extends following

missile firing or jettisoning operations. After the rail is
empty, the aft-motion latch and arming device retract.
The forward-motion latch also locks in place. These,
and other conditions, complete the auto-not-unload
circuit to energize extend solenoid LHL1-LC2. The
hydraulic-mechanical actions are then initiated to
re-extend the rail. In step-load and exercise modes,
depressing the extend push button initiates the circuit to
energize LHL1-LC2.

1. QCX4-1Step load selected

2. QCX6-1Step exercise selected
3. SIR1-1Launcher rail loaded
4. SIE14-2Not elevation not at load position
(90 degrees)
5. SIR1-2Not launcher rail loaded

We will not go into a detailed analysis of the extend

circuit shown in figure 5-79. It is very similar to the
retract circuit in terms of logic gate operation and
sequence of events. Refer to figure 5-78 as the
following paragraphs describe the various signal paths.

6. SIA2-1Arming device retracted and

forward-motion latch locked
7. SML2-1Launcher rail extend push button

Auto-Not-Unload Circuit

The remainder of the circuit is the same as the

auto-not-unload signal path.

The following logic inputs are involved with the

extend auto-not-unload circuit. Locate them and trace
their outputs on figure 5-79.

Solid-State Control CircuitSummary

The solid-state circuits we studied in figures 5-78
and 5-79 were relatively simple in nature. But, again,
they are not "hard" if you do the following:

1. QCX7-1Auto-not-unload selected
2. QCY1-2Not aim

1. Understand the sequence of equipment operation.

3. SIR1-2Not launcher rail loaded

4. SIA2-1Arming device retracted and
forward-motion latch locked

2. Understand how solid-state devices function

(and use the truth tables).

5. SID2-1Dud jettison retracted

3. Practice to develop your skills.

6. KPX4-1Launcher power unit motor contactor energized


7. PC67-K5-2Not retract launcher rail cycle



power distribution and safety of working on
and around electrical or electronic equipment.

8. SIL2-2Not launcher rail extended


Figure 5-79.Extend launcher rail schematic; Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS retractable rail.

source be interrupted for any reason, it switches to the

secondary source automatically. Some gun maintenance will require the power supply to be secured
from this switch box.

As with compressed air, the electric power you

need to run your equipment is generated and controlled
by the ship's engineers. Ship's power is referred to as
either 60 or 400 cycle (or Hz). All ship's electrical
power begins as the 440-volt, 60-cycle, 3-phase output
of the ship's generators. This output, as shown in figure
5-80, is directed through the ship's main switchboards
to the various sections of the ship. Gun mount power
drive motors normally operate off this power.
Transformers are used to regulate some of the output to
115-volt, 60-Hz ac for lighting and other common uses.
Other circuits convert some of the output to 400 Hz.
Gun mounts use 400-Hz ship's power to operate the
synchros in positioning equipment, fuze setters, and

It is beyond the scope of this text to explain the

details of electric power generation and distribution.
Our intent is to give you the fundamental knowledge of
its existence and impact on your equipment. For further
information about power generation and distribution,
refer to the Navy Electricity and Electronics Training
Series (NEETS), Module 5, Introduction to Generators
and Motors, NAVEDTRA 172-05-00-79, and ship's

Gun mounts normally have more than one source

of electrical power. Both the primary and secondary
sources are made available to the equipment through a
large switch called an automatic bus transfer (ABT).
The ABT powers the equipment from the primary
source as long as it is available. Should the primary

Some common safety features of electrical or

electronic equipment are interlock switches, bleeder
resistors, current-limiting resistors, insulating controls,
and powerline safety devices, such as fuses. Keep in
mind that these features cannot always be relied upon to

Figure 5-80.Shipboard power distribution on a FFG-7 class ship.


Electric shock may cause instant death or may

cause unconsciousness, cessation of breathing, and
burns. If a 60-Hz alternating current is passed through a
person from hand to hand or head to foot, the effects
when current is gradually increased from zero are as

function. Do not develop a false sense of security just

because an equipment has safety features. The
following list of safety precautions will help prevent
electric shock or burns when working on or near
electrical or electronic equipment.
1. Do not block high-voltage protective cutout on
doors or covers to keep the circuit energized with the
cover off. It is intended that work be performed on such
electrical equipment while the circuit is de-energized.

1. At about 1 milliampere (0.001 ampere) the

shock can be felt.
2. At about 10 milliamperes (0.010 ampere) the
shock is severe enough to paralyze muscles so that a
person is unable to release the conductor.

2. Always ground the provided ground lead

located at the plug of portable tools, such as electric
drills, to protect yourself from shock in case a ground
occurs within the tool.

3. At about 100 milliamperes (0.100 ampere) the

shock is fatal if it lasts for 1 second or more.

3. Always be sure all condensers (capacitors) are

fully discharged before commencing work on a
de-energized high-voltage circuit. Use an insulated
shorting bar for this purpose.

It is important to remember that current is the shock

factor rather than the amount of voltage.
You should clearly understand that the resistance of
the human body is not great enough to prevent fatal
shock from a voltage even as low as 115 volts. In many
cases, voltages less than 115 volts are fatal. When the
skin is dry, it has a high resistance. The resistance
may be high enough to protect a person from fatal
shock even if one hand touches a high voltage while
another part of the body touches the chassis or another

4. Tag the switch OPEN (open the switch and

place a tag on it stating "This circuit was ordered
open for repairs and will not be closed except by
direct order of
.") at the switchboard supplying
power to the circuit you will be working on. When
possible, remove the fuses protecting the circuit and
place them in your toolbox for safekeeping until the job
is complete.

Contact resistance decreases when the skin is moist

and body resistance may drop to as low as 300 ohms.
With this low resistance, it can be seen that a very low
voltage could supply enough current to cause death.

5. Always remove fuses with fuse pullers, and

never remove fuses until after opening the switch
connecting the circuit to the source of supply. Never
replace a fuse with one larger than the circuit is
designed to handle.


6. Observe utmost caution when inspecting

behind an open-back switchboard in an energized state.

In this chapter we have looked at some of the

components that make up electronic gun control
circuits. We have also examined the two predominate
types of control circuits used to control gun system
operationtransistorized circuits and logic circuits.
We described the basics of their operation and the
procedures for troubleshooting them when they fail. We
described some of the fundamentals of synchros and
some general circuit failure principles. The Mk 75 and
Mk 45 control systems were only briefly described.
Finally, we addressed some common safety procedures
for working with electricity.

7. Never use an incandescent test lamp unless its

voltage rating is greater than the highest voltage that
may be tested.
8. Always test a supposedly de-energized circuit
with a voltage tester before commencing work on the
9. Never work on an electric circuit or network
without first thoroughly acquainting yourself with its
arrangement and with its points of power feed.




train (horizontal) and elevation (vertical) angle. This
includes the stand, base ring, trunnions, carriage, and
slide, as shown in figure 6-1. It also includes the gun
train and elevation power drives.

The guns aboard modern naval vessels, though

complex in detail, are made up of basic components
that vary little from one gun to the next. In this chapter
we describe these common components and how they
function. The remainder of the chapter is dedicated to
describing the operation of the gun systems in the fleet
today, including misfire procedures.

StandThe stand is a steel ring bolted to the deck

that serves as a foundation and rotating surface for
movement in train. The stand contains both the train
bearings and the training circle. The training circle is a
stationary internal gear that the train drive pinion
"walks around" to move the gun in train.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Describe common gun system components and discuss the
purpose of each component.

Base RingThe base ring is also called the lower

carriage. It is the rotating platform, supported by the
stand, that supports the upper carriage.

Every gun system includes equipment used for gun

positioning, loading, and firing. Although loading
equipment varies in design from gun to gun, its purpose
remains the sameto load a complete round in the gun
chamber for firing. The greatest similarities between
the guns are the positioning and firing components. We
will describe these components first, followed by a
discussion of the various gun systems in use today. As
we discuss each gun system, we will describe the major
components and how they work together to load and
shoot a complete round of ammunition.

Gun CarriageThe gun carriage is also called the

upper carriage. It is a massive pair of brackets that holds
the trunnion bearings. The trunnion bearings support
the trunnions, which are part of the slide, together
forming the elevation pivot point.

Before we begin, let us examine three terms that are

very basic to this subjectordnance, gun, and gun
mount. As terminology is basic to a thorough
understanding of gunnery, other terms have been
highlighted throughout this discussion to attract your
ORDNANCEOrdnance is the term covering all
weapons, weapons system components, and support
equipment (guns, ammunition, missiles, launchers,
bombs, rockets, mines, torpedoes, fire control, and so
GUNA gun is a tube, closed at one end, from
which a projectile is ejected at high speed by the gases
produced from rapidly burning propellants.
GUN MOUNTA gun mount consists of all the
machinery used to position, load, and fire a gun.
Positioning equipment includes all the machinery
used to support and move the gun tube to the desired

Figure 6-1.Gun-positioning equipment.


General Description

SlideThe slide is a rectangular weldment that

supports all the elevating parts of the gun.

The power drives for the 5"/54 Mk 45 gun mount

are physically smaller than those used on the 5"/54 Mk
42 gun mounts because the Mk 45 gun mount is lighter
in weight. Other than size, the main difference involves
the use of only one gear pump and one auxiliary relief
valve block to provide the fluid pressure for both the
train and elevation power drive servo and supercharge
requirements. Because the train and elevation power
drives on this mount operate in a similar manner, only
the elevation power drive is presented. Figure 6-2
shows the arrangement of the principal elevation power
drive components.


The power drives for the 5"/54 Mk 45 Mod 1 gun
mount consists of the train and elevation power drives.
The train power drive responds to one set of order
signals to rotate the carriage, while the elevation power
drive responds to another set of order signals. Activation of the power drives occurs as follows:
1. The elevation and train motors are started. The
elevation motor is started first because it furnishes
servo and supercharge fluid to both the elevation and
train power drives.
2. The power-off brakes release when a mode of
operation is selected.
3. After being assigned to a fire control system by
weapons control, the mount trains and elevates in
response to a remote signal.

Electric Motor (5"/54)

A 15-horsepower constant-speed electric motor
drives the A-end of the cab unit. The train and elevation
power drives are independent with their own motors.

Figure 6-2.Elevation system power drive.


The motors are supplied with 440-volt 60-Hz power

from the EP1 panel.

A-END.The A-end is coupled to, and driven by,

the elevation electric motor. Controlled hydraulic fluid
from the receiver-regulator, acting on stroking pistons
in the A-end, controls the volume and direction of fluid
that the A-end pumps to the B-end. The A-end output,
therefore, controls the speed and direction of rotation of
the B-end output shaft.

Hydraulic Transmission (CAB UNIT)

This CAB unit (fig. 6-3) consists mainly of an
A-end, a valve plate, and a B-end. Here, a brief description of how they operate is presented.

Figure 6-3.Elevation CAB unit (cutaway view).


applied to the piston for the thrust stroke. As the

cylinder bore moves past the land separating the two
ports, fluid empties into the discharge port as the piston
moves in the retract stroke. The discharge port for the
B-end, which is replenished with supercharge fluid,
connects to the intake port for the A-end. This action
keeps hydraulic fluid in the CAB unit circulating within
a closed loop, with only supercharge fluid replenishing
fluid lost through slippage.

The cylinder barrel in the A-end (fig. 6-4) contains

nine pistons located axially around the drive shaft. The
pistons reciprocate (move back and forth) within the
cylinder bores, drawing fluid in during 180-degree
rotation of the A-end and discharging fluid during the
other 180-degree rotation. The volume of fluid pumped
depends on the length of piston travel in the cylinder
bore, which is determined by the angle of the variable
tilt plate. Two stroking pistons, one on each side of the
tilt plate, control the tilt plate angle.

Safety Relief Valve

VALVE PLATE.The stationary valve plate

between the A-end and B-end has two crescent-shaped
ports. The valve plate keeps the fluid being drawn into
the A-end separate from the fluid being discharged
under pressure to the B-end.

The elevation safety relief valve (fig. 6-5, view A)

is a compound relief valve consisting of a pilot valve
(UVE67), main relief valve (UVE68), and four check
valves (UVE69, UVE70, UVE71, and UVE72). There
are two springs in the valve block that hold UVE67 and
UVE68 seated until an excessive pressure condition
occurs. There are two control orifices in UVE68 that
prevent pressure buildup in the CAB unit during normal

B-END.The B-end, with its fixed position tilt

plate, operates in a reverse manner from the A-end,
converting fluid flow into rotary motion. When fluid
output from the A-end piston is applied to the B-end
piston, the resultant thrust of the ball-end connecting
rod against the inclined socket ring causes the socket
ring to rotate. A universal joint connects the socket ring
to the B-end output shaft so that both the output shaft
and the cylinder barrel rotate with the socket ring (fig.
6-4). The cylinder barrel rotates against the two
crescent-shaped ports in the valve plate. One port
supplies A-end fluid to the axial pistons for a thrust
stroke, the other port receives displaced fluid from the
pistons on the retract stroke. During continuous
rotation of the B-end, hydraulic fluid from the A-end is

The safety relief valve has two functions:

1. It limits hydraulic pressure buildup in the highpressure output line of the A-end. (It operates in
conjunction with pressure cutout switch SIE2A.)
2. It prevents pump cavitation by porting
supercharge fluid to the low-pressure return line of the
A-end (compensating for fluid lost through slippage
and leakage).

Figure 6-4.CAB unit (mechanical schematic).


Figure 6-5.Safety relief valve operation.


Under these conditions, UVE68 is in hydraulic

balance and its plunger is seated. Any variation in the
load on the CAB unit varies the discharge pressure in
the valve plate. This variation acts on the top of UVE67.

The direction of the A-end stroke determines which

chamber of the valve plate ports A-end output (high
pressure) fluid and which ports return (low pressure)
fluid. The operation of the main relief valve, however,
is independent of the direction of stroke. Figure 6-5,
view A, shows the valve plate feeding A-end output to
chamber A and return fluid to chamber B of the main
relief valve. The valve functions in the same manner
when the fluid in chambers A and B are reversed.

During normal operations, however, the fluid

pressures do not exceed the preload of the UVE67
spring. Accordingly, UVE67 never bypasses fluid to
tank. With no line open to tank, the main relief valve
cannot unseat.

Check valves UVE71 and UVE72 control the flow

of supercharge fluid to the CAB unit valve plate. Check
valves UVE69 and UVE70 allow the flow of A-end
output to UVE67 while preventing its flow into the
return passages. During normal operation, A-end
discharge fluid pressure holds one check valve open
and the other closed. With A-end discharge fluid in
chamber A', UVE70 opens a passage leading to pilot
valve UVE67 in the safety relief valve block, to pilot
valve UVE16 in the auxiliary relief valve block, and to
the reverse side of UVE69. When the discharge fluid
pressure is in chamber B', UVE69 opens chamber B' to
UVE67, to UVE16, and to the reverse side of UVE70.

During excessive pressure operation (fig. 6-5, view

B), the conditions affecting the safety relief valve are as
1. The A-end is on stroke.
2. Either the gun barrel elevates or depresses into
a physical obstruction or the brake sets as the result of a
power failure. (The physical obstruction could be
something on deck or it could be the elevation or
depression buffer.)
The pressure cutout switch (SIE2A) in the tank line
of UVE67 shuts down the electric motor to protect the
valve plate against high temperatures developed during
prolonged bypassing (more than 0.9 second). The
preload of the UVE67 spring determines the hydraulic
pressure required at the top of UVE67 to unseat its
plunger and, in turn, to bypass discharge fluid to tank
through the slot in the plunger. Thus, the two valves that
determine when the main relief valve unseats are
UVE67 and UVE16.

The plunger of the main relief valve (UVE68) has

four faces of identical effective areas. These areas are in
chambers A, A', B, and B'. It also has identical orifices
(UOE9 and UOE10) that restrict the flow of fluid from
chambers A to A' and from B to B'. When no fluid is
flowing from the lower chambers to the upper
chambers, the hydraulic pressure in all four chambers is
equal. When discharge fluid pressure in A and A' are
equalized and supercharge fluid pressure in B and B'
are equalized, the only effective force is the initially
compressed mainspring that holds the plunger seated.

When the gun elevates or depresses into a physical

obstruction, pressure in the discharge passage of the
valve plate rises beyond the bypass limit of the safety
relief valve. This abnormally high pressure offsets the
preload of the UVE67 spring and shifts the UVE67
plunger downward to bring slot S and counterbore P
into line-to-line orientation. Further increase in
pressure on the top of UVE67 shifts the plunger farther
down to permit a proportional flow of discharge fluid to
tank through counterbore P and slot S.

When either UVE67 or UVE16 opens to tank, it

also opens chambers A' and B' to tank. Any fluid flow
through UVE67 or UVE16 must come from the valve
plate through the two orifices and UVE70 and UVE69.
The fluid pressure in the upper chambers drops below
that in the lower chambers because of the orifices.
When this occurs, the fluid pressure overcomes the
force of the mainspring and UVE68 plunger unseats.
Now, with UVE68 unseated, A-end discharge fluid in
chamber A bypasses to chamber B and into the return
(low pressure) passage of the valve plate.

When the resulting flow causes the pressure in the

lower chambers of UVE68 to offset the force of the
mainspring, the UVE68 plunger unseats. Thus the
safety relief valve keeps the discharge pressure in the
CAB unit within the bypass limit.

During normal operation the conditions affecting

the safety relief valve are as follows:

Servo and Supercharge Supply System

1. The A-end is on stroke.

The servo and supercharge supply system consists

of a servo and supercharge pump, an auxiliary relief
valve block, a servo accumulator, a charging valve, and
a pair of fluid filters. This system shares the main

2. Valve UVE16 in the auxiliary relief valve

block is blocking discharge fluid.
3. The power-off brake is released.

replenish the transmission lines. As supercharge fluid

builds up to its normal operating pressure of 150 psi, it
forces UV59 downward against its spring and, through
orifice UO4, forces supercharge pressure switch piston
UC5 upward against its spring. When supercharge fluid
reaches 150 psi, UC5 activates switch SIY3 indicating
that supercharge fluid pressure is normal and, at the
same time, UV59 moves down and opens a port that
bypasses part of the supercharge fluid to the elevation
CAB unit. Thus, UV59 maintains supercharge fluid
pressure at 150 psi and bypasses the surplus fluid to
circulate through, and cool, the elevation CAB unit.

tank and the header tank with the upper accumulator

servo and supercharge pump is mounted on the aft end
of the right trunnion support and is driven by the
elevation electric motor. This dual output gear pump
supplies servo fluid to control both CAB units (train
and elevation) and also the supercharge fluid to
replenish CAB unit slippage.
auxiliary relief valve block (fig. 6-6) is mounted in the
middle of the right trunnion support. Its purpose is to
limit supercharge fluid pressure to 150 psi, limit servo
fluid pressure to 450 psi, control the operation of the
power-off brake, indicate by means of switches the
availability of supercharge and servo fluid pressures,
and provide a flow of fluid to cool the elevation and
train CAB units.

Servo pressure relief valve UV58 functions in the

same manner as UV59 to limit servo fluid pressure to
450 psi. Orifice UO3, piston UC6, and switch SIY4
function in the same manner as do orifice UO4,
pressure switch piston UC5, and switch SIY3.
Servo fluid is ported to both train and elevation
power-off brake release plungers UVT18 and UVE18,
to the solenoid operated pilot valves UVE86 and
UVT86, and to the servo accumulator. Surplus servo
pump output is also ported by UV58 to circulate
through and cool the train CAB unit when servo fluid
pressure reaches 450 psi.

When the elevation electric motor is started,

filtered supercharge fluid enters the valve block
through check valve UV77 and is ported to the center of
supercharge pressure relief valve UV59. From UV59, it
ports to the train and elevation safety relief valves to

Figure 6-6.Auxiliary relief valve block (elevation motor started).


Solenoids LHT1 and LHE1 located on top of the

auxiliary relief valve block, set or release the power-off
brakes and activate the safety relief valves. When LHE1
energizes (fig. 6-7), UVE86 shifts to the left, porting
servo fluid to the bottom of UVE18. As UVE18 moves
upward against spring tension, its lower land closes a
port to tank and its upper land opens a servo fluid line to
power-off brake release piston UCE1. At the same time,
the center land of UVE18 opens another servo fluid line
to the left end of pilot valve UVE16, shifting it to the
right and blocking the A-end output from the elevation
safety relief valve. With the A-end output blocked by
UVE16, the safety relief valve seats, allowing the
A-end output to build up pressure to the B-end.

SERVO ACCUMULATOR.The servo accumulator (fig. 6-8) maintains a reserve of servo pressure
to meet peak demands for both the train and elevation
power drives. Servo pressure enters the accumulator
through a spring-loaded check valve, UV84. Valve
UV84 prevents accumulator pressure from feeding
back through the pump during shutdown. Fluid then
ports to the accumulator flask and to the
receiver-regulator of each power drive. The fluid
reserve in the flask is held under pressure by the
nitrogen charged bladder.

When the elevation power drive is stopped, LHE1

de-energizes and shifts UVE86 to its neutral position,
porting the fluid on the bottom of UVE18 to tank. This
closes the servo fluid line and ports UCE1 to tank,
setting the power-off brake. Pilot valve UVE16 then
shifts to the left because the pressure on its left end is
ported to tank and is spring loaded. This allows the
safety relief valve to open and port A-end output to

The Mk 75 uses two 3-kW low-inertia dc motors

and reduction gearing for train, and a single 4.5-kW dc
motor and reduction gearing for elevation. This system
was discussed in detail in chapter 5.




firing equipment common to all naval gun

Figure 6-7.Auxiliary relief valve block (power-off brake released).


Figure 6-9.The sliding wedge breechblock.

opening. The grooves are slanted so that the

breechblock moves forward as it covers the back of the
casing, wedging it in place. The interrupted thread
breech plug closes similar to the way a bayonet lug
camera lens is installed. The lugs on the plug are cut to
allow it to be inserted into the grooves cut in the
threaded breech. Once inserted, the plug is turned 120
degrees and locked in place. The Mk 45 and Mk 75
employ the use of the sliding-wedge type of
breechblock. The sliding wedge breechblock is
illustrated in figure 6-9.

Figure 6-8.Servo accumulator (schematic diagram).

The firing equipment includes all the components

necessary to allow the gun to safely fire, absorb the
shock of recoil, and reposition for further firing. This
includes the housing, breechblock, recoil, and
counterrecoil systems.
HousingThe housing is a large steel casement in
which the barrel and breechblock are fitted. The
housing moves in recoil inside the slide.

Recoil SystemNormally, a recoil system (fig.

6-10) consists of two stationary pistons attached to the
slide, set in a liquid-filled cylinder in the housing. As
the housing moves rearward in recoil, the trapped liquid
is forced around the piston head through metered
orifices, slowing the movement of the housing.

BreechblockThe breechblock seals the breech

end of the barrel. Breechblocks are of two different
typessliding wedge or interrupted thread. The sliding
wedge consists of a machined steel plug that slides in a
grooved way in the housing to cover the breech

Figure 6-10.Recoil and counterrecoil systems.


Counterrecoil SystemA counterrecoil system

consists of a piston (or pistons) set in a pressurized
cylinder. As the gun recoils, the piston protrudes further
into the cylinder. After the force of recoil is spent, the
nitrogen pressure, acting against the piston, pushes the
housing back into battery (the full forward position).
The piston may be attached to the slide or set in a
chamber mounted to the inside of the slide. Figure 6-11
shows the configuration used on the 5"54 Mk 45 gun
system. Nitrogen pressure holds the free-floating
pistons against the back of the housing, which forces
them into the stationary chamber during recoil.

Firing CutoutsA firing cutout mechanism

interrupts firing when the gun is pointed at or near
permanent ship's structure. A firing cutout is a
mechanical device that monitors gun position. Figure
6-12 illustrates a firing cutout mechanism. Notice the
inputs from the system. The gun train position input
rotates the cam, while the elevation input positions the
follower. While the cam follower is on a low area of the
cam, the firing circuit is closed or enabled. As the gun
trains and elevates and the follower rides up on a raised
portion of the cam, the firing circuit is opened.

Since the nitrogen pressure in the counterrecoil

system is the only thing holding the gun in battery, all
guns are equipped with a safety link. The safety link
physically attaches the housing to the slide to prevent it
from moving if system pressure is lost. The safety link
is disconnected before firing.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe general
prefire requirements for naval gun mounts.
Before firing, each of these systems must be
inspected and tested. Gun power drives and the loading
system have their hydraulic fluid levels checked, are
inspected for gear adrift, and then are test operated.
Fluid levels in the recoil and counterrecoil systems are
checked and firing circuits and firing cutouts are tested.
The detailed procedure for performing prefire checks is
provided on the appropriate system maintenance
requirement card (MRC). Prefire and postfire barrel
maintenance requirements are described in chapter 8.

Firing CircuitsBasically, a firing circuit supplies

firing voltage to the propelling charge primer. This
sounds simple, but the application can be quite
complicated. Certain conditions must exist before
firing to ensure a safe evolution. Making sure the gun is
pointed in a safe direction, all the loading equipment is
in the fire position (out of the way of recoiling parts),
and the breechblock is all the way closed are just a few
of the obvious things that must be correct before firing.
A typical electronic firing circuit includes interlock
inputs that serve to monitor these and many other
conditions, allowing firing voltage to pass only after all
safety conditions have been satisfied.

The components we have just described are

common to all guns. We will now discuss the individual
gun systems in the fleet today, paying particular
attention to the loading system in each one.

Figure 6-11.5"/54 Mk 45 recoil and counterrecoil systems.


Figure 6-12.Firing cutout mechanism, response gearing, and cam.

THE 5"/54 MK 45 GUN

crew positions and their responsibilities.
Describe the loading sequence of the Mk 45
and Mk 75 gun mounts.

The 5"/54 Mk 45 gun, developed in the early 1970s,

is the newest of the 5-inch guns in the fleet today. It is
found aboard the DD-963, DDG-51, LHA-1, and
CG-47 class ships with the Mk 86 GFCS. The Mk 45
gun is currently found in two versions, the Mod 0 and
the Mod 1, with Mods 2 and 3 currently under
development. The Mod 0 is currently being replaced
with the Mod 1. The major differences between the two
is that the Mod 1 is designed to fire guided projectiles
and has electronic upgrades in its control circuits.
These will not be covered in this text since the main
components of the loading system are very similar.

As you read this section and study the illustrations,

note the different configurations of machinery designed
to accomplish the same task from one gun to the next.
When speaking of gun equipment, all directional
nomenclature (left, right, front, back) is relative to the
muzzle of the gun (the end of the barrel that the
projectile exits when fired) that is to the front as you
stand inside the gunhouse.


locally from the EP2 panel for maintenance purposes


The Mk 45 (fig. 6-13) is a fully automatic,

dual-purpose, lightweight gun mount capable of firing
the full range of 5"/54 projectiles, including RAP
(rocket-assisted projectiles), at a rate of 16 to 20 rounds
per minute. During normal operation, the loading
system (fig. 6-14) is operated locally by the mount
captain while gun laying, fuze setting, and firing orders
are generated by the FCS. The gun may be positioned

Crew Positions and Responsibilities

The manned positions on the Mk 45 gun during
normal operations are the EP2 panel operator and the
mount captain in the loader room, and a magazine crew

Figure 6-13.The 5"/54 Mk 45 Mod 0; general arrangement.


Figure 6-14.The 5"/54 Mk 45 gun-loading system; major components.

The loader drum can also be loaded in the loader drum

room through the upper loading station.

in the magazine. The gun mount itself (upper gun), is

unmanned. The mount power distribution panel, EP1, is
the mount captain's responsibility.

Loading Sequence

The loader drum holds a total of 20 complete

rounds of ammunition. Before an operation, the
magazine crew will load the drum, through the lower
hoist, with 20 rounds of various types of ammunition.

Usually at the start of a load-and-fire operation,

the rotating drum already has a compliment of
ready-service ammunition. If not, the magazine crew


Figure 6-15.Filling of the loader drum through the lower hoist.


immediately begins hand-feeding powder cases and

projectiles into the loading system at the lower hoist
(fig. 6-15). The lower hoist then raises the rounds to the
upper loading station, where the ejector transfers the
rounds into the rotating drum.
With a load-and-fire order in effect, the rotating
drum indexes until a loaded cell reaches the transfer
station. At the transfer station, a positioning mechanism aligns the round to the fuze setter mounted
overhead. If the projectile has an MT fuze, the fuze
setter extends (fig. 6-16), sets the fuze, and retracts. An
ejector then transfers the round into the upper hoist
(fig. 6-17).
With the first round in the upper hoist and the hoist
raising, the rotating drum indexes clockwise to bring
the next loaded cell into place. The upper hoist raises
the first round into the cradle (fig. 6-18), which is

Figure 6-17.First round in the upper hoist.

Figure 6-16.A round at the transfer station with fuze setter

in place setting fuze.

Figure 6-18.First round raised into the cradle.


Figure 6-19.The cradle raises.

Figure 6-21.Rammer retracting and loader indexing.

Figure 6-20.Cradle completely up and rammer extending.

Figure 6-22.Cradle lowers and empty case tray lowers to the

FIRE position.


and another round is ejected into the upper hoist

(fig. 6-21).

latched at the hoist position. The cradle pawl holds the

round while the hoist pawl lowers for the second round.
When the hoist pawl is clear of the cradle, the cradle
unlatches and pivots upward (raises) to align with the
gun bore (fig. 6-19).

With the rammer retracted, the cradle lowers, the

breechblock closes completely, and the empty case tray
lowers to the fire position (fig. 6-22).

The cradle completes the raise cycle and latches to

the slide (fig. 6-20). The rammer extends, driving the
round into the breech. At this time, the breechblock
partially lowers (closes) to hold the round in the breech,
while the cradle lowers to receive another round.

With the loading system latched in the fire position,

the gun fires and recoils (fig. 6-23). The breechblock
opens, the empty case is ejected into the empty case
tray, and another round is raised into the cradle by the
upper hoist (fig. 6-24).

While the cradle is still raised, and after the

round has been rammed, the rammer retracts,

As the cradle raises to ram the second round,

the empty case tray raises to align with the case ejector

Figure 6-23.The gun fires and recoils.

Figure 6-24.The breech opens and the empty case is ejected.


(fig. 6-25). The empty case is ejected out onto the deck
at the same time the second round is rammed for firing.

at high rates of fire without excessive barrel wear or the

danger of a "cook-off" if a misfire occurs.

This completes one firing cycle. The loading

system continuously keeps each station full as rounds
are fired.

The Mk 75 gun fires a somewhat limited variety of

percussion primed ammunition types. The types of
ammunition currently available include point
detonating (PD), infrared (IR), radio frequency (RF),
and blind-loaded and plugged (BL&P).


The Mk 75 gun (fig. 6-26) is a fully automated,
remotely controlled gun mount that stows, aims, and
fires 76-mm, 62-caliber ammunition. The system is
currently aboard FFG-7 and PHM class ships along
with the Mk 92 FCS. The design of the gun mount
makes extensive use of lightweight corrosion-resistant
alloys and modern engineering techniques. The result is
a lightweight, compact, fast-firing, versatile weapon. It
is primarily a defensive weapon used to destroy
antiship cruise missiles. However, it can also be
effectively used against surface and shore targets. The
gun has a variable rate of fire of up to 80 rounds per
minute with a range of up to 16,459 meters and a
maximum altitude of 11,519 meters. The most notable
innovation featured on this system is the automatic
barrel cooling system. This allows sustained operation

Crew Positions and Responsibilities

The gun mount crew consists of the mount captain,
two loaders, and the safety observer.
The mount captain is stationed in the
ammunition-handling room at the gun control panel
(GCP). It is his or her responsibility to set the gun up for
the desired mode of operation, then monitor it, in case
of a malfunction. In case of a malfunction or misfire,
the mount captain supervises and directs the corrective
The two loaders are stationed in the
ammunition-handling room during loading and
unloading operations. Their primary duties are to load
and unload the gun, clear misfires, and assist in
corrective maintenance.
The safety observer is stationed topside, near the
gun. His or her responsibility is to monitor the gun and
the area around the gun for any unsafe condition. The
safety observer is in direct contact with the mount
We will now describe the loading system, as we
walk through a loading sequence.
Loading Sequence
The ammunition-handling system (fig. 6-27) for
the Mk 75 gun mount moves ammunition from the
revolving magazine to the last station loader drum,
where the ammunition is subsequently deposited into
the transfer tray, rammed, and fired. The handling
system holds a maximum of 80 rounds. When a round
is fired, each of the other rounds advances one position.
The handling system consists of the revolving
magazine, the screw feeder and hoist system, the right
and left rocking arm assemblies, and the hydraulic
power unit. The entire loading system moves with the
gun in train. The loader drum, which is a slide-mounted
component, moves with the gun in elevation.
The hydraulic power unit, mounted to the carriage,
provides hydraulic pressure to operate the loading

Figure 6-25.The cradle and empty case tray raise to ram the
second round and eject the empty case.


Figure 6-26.The Mk 75 gun system, general configuration.

Figure 6-27.The Mk 75 gun-loading system; major components.


round leaves the inner circle of cells, a round from the

outer circle replaces it, leaving an empty cell in the
outer circle.

Ammunition is manually loaded into the revolving

magazine. The revolving magazine consists of two
concentric circles of stowage cells, each holding 35
rounds of ammunition. The revolving magazine turns
when the hydraulic motor rotates the screw feeder.

When a round reaches the screw feeder, it is lifted

in a spiraling manner by the hoist lift pawl assemblies
of the hoist as the screw feeder rotates (fig. 6-29). The
screw feeder, with a capacity of six rounds, delivers a
round to the rocking arms. The rocking arms alternately

During rotation of the revolving magazine and

screw feeder (fig. 6-28), a round moves from the inner
circle of stowage cells to the screw feeder. When a

Figure 6-28.Movement of rounds in the revolving magazine and screw feeder.


Figure 6-29.Ammunition flow from the revolving magazine through the screw feeder.


which it is ejected out of the system. This completes the

loading cycle for one round.

raise rounds to the loader drum (fig. 6-30). While one

rocking arm is lifting a round to the loader drum, the
other arm is returning empty to pick up the next round
from the screw feeder.



The loader drum has a capacity of four rounds. As

the loader drum receives a round from the rocking arm,
it rotates to deposit the round in the last station of the
loader drum, and then into the transfer tray for
subsequent ramming and firing (fig. 6-31). The Mk 75
gun system uses a percussion firing system.


maintenance, prefire, and misfire requirements
for current naval guns.
The power and complexity of the gun mounts we
just examined call for a high degree of skill and
knowledge on the part of the operator to ensure safe

During recoil, the breechblock is lowered and the

empty case is extracted into the empty case tray from

Figure 6-30.Movement of rounds from the screw feeder to the loader drum.


Figure 6-31.Movement of rounds in the loader drum.

efficient operation. Gun firing operations are very

dynamic in nature. The operator must possess a
thorough knowledge of the system's capabilities to be
effective. As mount captain, you will coordinate the
actions of your gun crew while controlling the
operation of the gun. This includes prefire inspections,
gun loading and firing, changing ammunition types,
down-loading, and post-fire cleanup. When casualties
occur, you will also coordinate the troubleshooting and
repair effort. If a casualty results in a misfire situation,
you will supervise the crew in clearing the round from
the gun. A misfire is the failure of a round of
ammunition to fire after the initiating action. A hangfire
is a firing delay beyond the normal ignition time after
the initiating action. Because of the danger of a
hangfire, you should always wait 30 seconds before
opening the breech of a gun that has misfired.

A casualty situation involving a misfire is very

dangerous. Having a hot gun further compounds the
problem. A hot gun condition exists when the gun
barrel temperature is raised sufficiently to cause the
danger of ammunition cook-off. Cook-off occurs when
some ammunition component (powder or projectile)
reacts (burns or detonates) due to heat absorbed from
the walls of the gun barrel. The exact procedure for
clearing misfired rounds from the chamber of a gun
varies from one gun to the next and will not be covered
here. However, we will provide you with a general
overview of some common elements in the procedure.
While firing, the mount captain monitors how
many rounds have been fired and notifies his or her
crew and CIC when a hot gun condition is reached. On a
5"/54 gun mount, this occurs after 50 rounds have been


position and checking a few connections at the

beginning of a misfire could save a lot of time in
clearing that misfire. The problem could be as simple as
the firing lead having come loose from the firing lock.

fired in 4 hours or less. When a misfire occurs, the

mount captain notes the time of the misfire, makes
additional attempts to fire using alternate firing circuits,
and determines if the breechblock is closed. All this
information is passed to CIC and the gun crew. The
mount captain then uses a safe clearing time predictor
chart to determine if a 10-minute safe clearing time
exists. The time duration of firing and the number of
rounds fired are used to determine whether or not a
10-minute safe clearing time exists. If a 10-minute safe
clearing time exists, the mount captain then requests
permission from CIC to clear the gun according to the
procedures prescribed in Clearing of Live Ammunition
From Guns, SW300-BC-SAF-010. A cold gun is
cleared one step at a time, with the mount captain
getting permission from CIC for each step. However,
after getting permission to clear the gun in a hot gun
situation, the mount captain takes charge and carries
out each step on his or her own authority while CIC
monitors the situation.

While clearing the gun, it must be kept on a safe fire

bearing. This is to avoid accidentally hitting friendly
forces when clearing the round through the muzzle. If
the gun is hot, commence external cooling
immediately. External cooling consists of attaching a
fire hose to the barrel at the gun shield so that it sprays
cool firemain water on the outside of the barrel around
where the projectile is seated. Internal cooling can only
be started after the propelling charge has been removed.
Internal cooling uses a straight applicator that is
inserted in the barrel to spray cooling water around the
projectile. If the propelling charge is not removed, and
happens to cook-off with the barrel full of water, the
blast would demolish the gun.
The exact procedures for clearing misfired
ammunition from guns used by the Navy, including
small arms, are found in Clearing of Live Ammunition
From Guns, SW300-BC-SAF-010. The information
provided in this manual should not be used as a
reference for actual operations.

It is useful to consider here that a misfire can be

caused by a variety of casualties. Given the complex
nature of modern gun systems, their firing circuits are
designed to act as safety interlocks that prevent firing
until all necessary conditions have been met. The round
may be chambered and the breechblock closed, but if
all the surrounding equipment is not in place with all
the correct switches energized, the gun will not fire. A
failed or misaligned switch, a sticking or misaligned
latch mechanism, or a faulty control circuit component
can cause a misfire. Misfires are caused by these types
of casualties, often more frequently than by faulty
ammunition. While a misfire caused by a faulty powder
charge is remedied by replacing it, electronic and
mechanical casualties must be diagnosed and repaired
before firing can resume. Verifying your equipment

In this chapter we described gun positioning and
firing equipment. We reviewed the gun systems
currently in the fleet, focusing on their loading systems.
In subsequent chapters we will describe how each of
these systems is used with a fire control system, how
the systems are aligned, and other maintenance
requirements associated with guns. The chapter
concluded with a discussion of gun operation and
misfire procedures.




launcher also provides two major electrical connections
to the missile. One connection supplies preflight
missile orders that are generated by the missile fire
control system (MFCS) computer. The other
connection supplies firing (ignition) voltage to the
propulsion unit of the missile. The firing signal is
normally initiated by the weapons direction system
(WDS) and weapons direction equipment (WDE).

The purpose of any delivery unit is to place

(launch) a weapon into a desired flight path. That task
must be done safely, efficiently, rapidly, and as
frequently as the situation demands.
We will discuss the major GMLSs maintained by
GMs. There are other missile launching systems in use,
but GMs do not man them. These systems include the
NATO Seasparrow and the Harpoon and Tomahawk
canister launchers.

Launchers may be rigidly attached to the ship or

they may rotate in train and elevation axes. The Mk 41
Vertical Launching System (fig. 7-1) is an example of a
rigid launcher. The Mk 26 and Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7 are
examples of rotating axes launchers.

Before continuing, let's define the terms mark and

modification, commonly abbreviated Mk and Mod,
respectively. Each assembled unit of ordnance
equipment is identified by a name, a mark number, a
modification number, and a serial number. This
information is stamped directly on the equipment or on
an attached nameplate. A mark number designates a
major change in design. Modification numbers are
added when there has been minor, but significant,
design alterations. Units of identical design have the
same name, mark, and mod numbers, but are assigned
different serial numbers.

As you study chapters 7 and 8, pay particular

attention to the terminology associated with each
system. For effective communication, we cannot
overemphasize the necessity for using correct technical
terminology. For example, what is the difference
between a fixed rail and retractable rail? These terms
refer to a common launching system component whose
basic function is to stow or guide a movement of the
missile. The use of correct terminology when talking
about a particular system is absolutely essential. Some
system components do have slang names that are
generally recognized by all GMs and, if appropriate and
within good taste, the manual will mention them. For
more "colorful" definitions, go ask your chief!

The missile launcher is an integral, but separate,

element of the weapons system. The launcher provides
support for the missile before and during launch. Initial
missile flight orientation is provided by aiming the axis
of the launcher along the computed line of fire. The

Figure 7-1.Major GMLSs.


text will address the Mk 13 Mod 4 configuration. The

Mod 7 has the same configuration as the Mod 4.

Additionally, throughout the chapter, some

component descriptions will include various size
dimensions. They are given only so you will have a
better idea of a physical arrangement.

The Mk 13 Mod 4 (fig. 7-2) GMLS can stow up to
40 missiles, one of which will be a guided missile
training round (GMTR) in the rotating ready service
ring (RSR) cells of the magazine. The outer ring stows
24 missiles and the inner ring stows 16 missiles. The
system is capable of identifying up to seven types of
missiles, A through G, plus the GMTR.


purpose/function of the Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7
GMLS major components.
We will now study the Standard launching system
by covering a launcher commonly known as the
"one-armed bandit." The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS is
installed aboard FFG-7 Oliver Hazard Perry-class
ships and the Mk 13 Mod 7 is installed aboard CGN-36
California-class ships. They provide a varied tactical
arsenal of missiles to engage air and surface targets. It
stows, selects, identifies, loads, aims, and fires
Standard SM-1, SM-2, and Harpoon missiles.

The main structural units of the magazine are the

base, the outer shell, the inner structure, and the stand.
A plenum chamber, attached to the base, vents gases if a
missile accidentally ignites in the magazine. The inner
structure houses, among other components, the train
and elevation power drives, the RSR/hoist power drive,
the launcher relay control box, and the missile dc power
supply. In operation, the RSR rotates (between the
outer shell and the inner structure) to position the
selected missile at the hoist station for loading onto the

The Mk 13 Mod 7 GMLSs were originally built as

Mods 0, 1, and 3, but because of the design changes in
the control system giving the launcher Mod 4
characteristics, they are now designated as Mod 7s. The

Figure 7-2.Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS.


Also, if properly set up, the fire control system

(FCS) can remotely light off the launching system and
auto-load (or auto-unload) a selected type of missile.
The launcher can be aimed and a missile fired before
the GM can return from the mess decks with a fresh cup
of coffee.

The missile launcher carriage has unlimited motion

in train. The elevation load angle is 90. The two train
load positions are 0 (inner ring) and 180 (outer ring)
(fig. 7-3).
Automatic pointing cutout systems prevent pointing a missile at any part of the ship. A firing cutout
mechanism prevents firing missiles in areas hazardous
to personnel and at the ship's structure. Individual ship's
structure determines pointing and firing cutout zones.

Step control is the step-by-step sequencing and

operation of the Mk 13 GMLS components by manual
switching at the EP2 panel. The system can be operated
in step control to load and launch missiles in a tactical
situation if the automatic control circuitry becomes
inoperable. Missiles may be loaded onto the guide arm
in step-load and may be unloaded into the magazine in
step-unload. System components may also be cycled in
step-exercise. Interlocks in the system ensure that
selected step control functions are sequentially correct.
Indicating lamps on the EP2 panel signal completion of
each component function.

A dud-jettison unit is an integral part of the

launcher guide. The dud-jettison unit ejects missiles
overboard that fail to fire and are unsafe to return to the
Modes of Control
The Mk 13 GMLS has two modes of control:
automatic control and step control. Automatic control
is the normal mode for loading a missile onto the guide
arm and for unloading a missile from the guide arm to
the magazine. The weapons control system (WCS)
selects continuous loading or single loading to load and
launch missiles in automatic control. Continuous
loading initiates loading and launching until the
magazine is empty or until WCS halts the operation.
Single loading initiates the same operations as
continuous loading, except that after launching one
missile, the launcher trains and elevates to the LOAD
position to await further orders. The operation resumes
when WCS orders another single loading or continuous

The launcher train and elevation systems operate

under remote and local control signals. The FCS
computer generates remote orders. Local orders come
from synchro transmitters within the launching system
Functional Operation
Upon selection of a Standard or Harpoon missile in
the magazine, the weapon is hoisted onto the single
guide arm. Harpoon missiles receive initial warm-up on
the guide arm. (Standard missiles do not require

Figure 7-3.Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS, launcher load positions.


Mk 13 GMLS requires the services of a launcher

captain and a safety observer. The launcher captain
supervises the overall operation of the system and
performs all functions at the EP1 and EP2 panels as
directed by WCS. The safety observer watches the
launcher area and warns the launcher captain of unsafe

The launcher trains and elevates in response to

order signals from WCS to aim the missile toward the
predicted target. When the launcher synchronizes
within 1 either side of the ordered position and the
missile is ready internally, WCS may initiate firing.
After the missile fires, the launcher automatically
returns to the LOAD position to receive the next missile
selected for loading from the magazine.


During continuous launching operations, the

system is capable, under ideal conditions, of a
successive firing rate of (1) Standard missiles at
10-second intervals and (2) Harpoon missiles at about
22-second intervals. This action continues until a
cease-fire order is given or the missile capacity
(excluding the GMTR) of the magazine is exhausted.

The Mk 13 GMLS consists of three major

component areas, which are the launcher, the magazine,
and the launching system control. We will discuss the
launcher first, then the magazine. Again, watch the
The launcher (fig. 7-4) is a self-powered major
assembly that supports, aims, and prepares the missile
for firing. Part of the launcher is on top of the stand,
while the rest of it sits within the magazine structure.
The main components of the launcher are the guide, the
carriage, and the train and elevation power drives.

Personnel Requirements
A launcher control station contains controls and
indicators to regulate and monitor launching system
operations. Under normal operating conditions, the

Figure 7-4.Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS, launcher.


to forward and aft shoe tracks, it contains an internal

track for the hoist chain, the pawl, and the rollers. A
cam track engages a special pair of rollers on the chain
to compensate for any hoist chain overtravel as it
extends up to the launcher. This is called the adjustable
buckling chain link and is shown in figure 7-12. The
cam track directs any excess chain into an upward
curving chamber midway within the fixed rail.

Launcher Guide
The single arm launcher guide is mounted between
the left- and right-hand trunnion supports and consists
of the guide arm structure and a yoke. The guide arm
holds and prepares the missile for firing. The yoke is an
extension of the guide structure, or weldment. It pivots
on trunnions extending from the left- and right-hand
trunnion supports. The yoke also provides a
weatherproof housing for some guide components and
serves as a passage for electrical cables and fluid lines.

An actuator arm in the forward left section of the

fixed rail is a safety device. Through mechanical and
hydraulic interlocks, it prevents the aft-motion latch
from prematurely retracting during an unload cycle
until the hoist pawl properly engages the aft missile

FIXED GUIDE RAIL.The fixed rail (fig. 7-5)

is slightly less than 30 inches long and is secured to the
lower or aft end of the guide arm structure. In addition

Figure 7-5.Guide arm.


surface. Another plunger of the aft-motion latch pivots

a piece on the hoist pawl to disengage it (hoist pawl)
from the aft shoe of the missile.


launcher retractable rail is an 8-foot-long unit that
pivots between two positions. It remains extended
except when the fired missile goes into free flight and
during a jettison operation. During missile firing, it
guides the missile for the first 20 inches of travel and
then retracts so the aft shoe and fins do not strike it. For
jettisoning a missile, the rail must be in the retracted
position to engage the jettison mechanism.

Forward-Motion Latch.The forward-motion

latch (fig. 7-5, Detail B) is a dual-purpose stop. It acts as
a positive stop when the hoist raises a missile onto the
retractable rail. Until missile firing or jettisoning, the
latch also restrains the missile from moving forward on
the rail and falling onto the deck.

A pivot unit connects the aft end of the retractable

rail to the guide arm structure. The two retract shafts at
the forward end of the retractable rail extend or retract
the rail by means of the rail operating piston and control
valve block. Latches secure the rail in the extended or
extracted position. A cable within the right-hand shaft
contains leads for the rocket motor igniters. The
left-hand shaft contains some of the components of the
rail retract trigger.

The latch is a steel piece that pivots into and out of

the track chamber of the retractable rail, where it makes
contact with the aft shoe of the missile. The
forward-motion latch and its operating mechanism
provide a 2,320-pound restraining force that holds the
missile on the guide arm. When fired or jettisoned, the
missile overcomes this force, pivoting the latch out of
the track chamber.

The rail retract trigger is a pivoting bar that

protrudes through a slot at the forward end of the
retractable rail. When contacted by the forward shoe of
the fired missile moving forward, the trigger initiates
the mechanical and hydraulic actions that retract the

The forward-motion latch lock is a movable piece

that bears against the forward-motion latch. The lock
provides the positive stop when the hoist raises a
missile onto the retractable rail. During the missile
firing sequence, a release piston disengages the latch
lock. Through linkage, this action causes the arming
tool to arm the missile.

The arming tool is located between the rocket

motor igniters. It mechanically opens and closes the
circuitry between the missile firing contacts and the
ignition squibs of the rocket motor. The tool is a
cylindrical piece that contacts the arming lever of the
missile. It is actuated by a spring-loaded rod and
linkage mechanism attached to the latch lock of the
forward-motion latch. Disengaging the latch lock arms
the rocket motor.

The Mk 13 also has a key-operated lock in the

release piston linkage. When closed, the key-operated
lock prevents the forward-motion latch lock from
disengaging and, in turn, causing the missile to arm.
The launcher captain uses the keylock as a safety device
to prevent accidental arming of the rocket motor during
missile checkout or inspection.
FIN OPENER AND CONTACTOR ASSEMBLY.Functionally, the identification probe (fig. 7-6)
is used twice in system operation. During an initial
strikedown on-load of a missile, the fin opener assembly is extended to the missile. The probe connects the
missile-type information to the control system of the
launcher. There it is stored in the identification memory
circuits as missile-type and cell-location data. When
this action is accomplished, the fin opener assembly is
disengaged and the missile may be unloaded into a cell.

Aft-Motion Latch.The aft-motion latch (fig.

7-5, Detail B) is located near the pivot point of the
retractable rail. This device is a stop that prevents a
missile from moving backward on the retractable rail.
The latch is a hydraulic piston that extends behind the
aft shoe of the missile. One of its associated
mechanisms is a rod that mechanically detects when a
missile is on the guide arm. This rod also provides a
discharge path for electrostatic charges on the missile


Figure 7-6.Right-hand fin opener and contactor assembly.

at the aft end of the guide arm structure (fig. 7-5,

Detail A). When the blast door is open and the
launcher guide is at 90 elevation, the tapered nose of
the piston extends down to engage a spud on the door.
This locks the launcher guide to the carriage. The
piston, or positioner, retracts up into a bore within the
guide arm structure to allow launcher elevation
movements. The latch prevents the positioner from
springing out due to a loss of hydraulic fluid pressure or
because of vibration.

During a load-and-fire operation, the fin opener

assembly and probe are engaged again to recheck
missile identification. If the type of missile on the guide
matches the type of missile ordered from the RSR,
preflight orders/Harpoon warmup are applied to the
missile. Otherwise, circuits to the 23-pin contactor will
remain open and the incorrect missile cannot be
positioner consists of a hydraulic piston and a latch


rail (about 4 1/2 inches long) on one side of the

weldment aligns with a fixed rail on the base ring and
the fixed rail on the guide arm. These rails provide the
continuous tracks for the missile and the hoist. Also,
when the door is open, a spud on the door aligns with
the elevation positioner on the guide arm. The blast
door drive is a hydraulic unit that opens and closes the
blast door. One piston raises and lowers the door and
another pivots the door sidewards through a 95-degree

The carriage (fig. 7-7) is mounted on the magazine
stand and is the support structure for the launcher
guide. The carriage rotates in response to mechanical
movements of the train power drive and transmits the
mechanical movements of the elevation power drive to
the launcher guide. In addition, the carriage connects
the launcher guide with electrical cables, hydraulic
lines, and anti-icing lines. The main components of the
carriage are a right-hand trunnion support, a left-hand
trunnion support, and a base ring.

A small section of guide rail is attached to the

structure of the base ring just below the blast door
opening. It is called the fixed rail and rotates with the
base ring. The fixed rail spans the distance between the
top of the inner and outer retractable rails of the
magazine and the spanning rail of the blast door.


trunnion support is a weatherproof, 8-foot-high housing bolted over an opening in the base ring. The
structure contains an opening in its base through which
the elevation chain drive extends.

Launcher Guide Power Unit.The launcher

guide power unit is an accumulator-type power supply
that provides hydraulic fluid pressure to components in
the launcher guide and the blast door. This power
supply uses an electric motor to drive a rotary pump
submerged in the main supply tank. A valve block
regulates and filters the hydraulic fluid before charging
three accumulators. Part of the structure of the base ring
forms the supply tank for the launcher guide power

The trunnion is a drive shaft keyed to the yoke on

one end and splined to the elevation arc on the other.
This shaft transmits movements of the elevation arc to
the launcher guide. The trunnion helps support the
launcher guide and rotates on bearings mounted within
an opening of the trunnion support.
The elevation chain drive is a chain and sprocket
assembly that transmits the movements of a drive shaft
in the base ring to the elevation arc. Four chains connect
the lower sprocket to the upper sprocket. Each sprocket
assembly has four wheels. The drive shaft in the base
ring rotates the lower sprocket. The upper sprocket
turns the elevation drive pinion that moves the elevation
arc. The chain guide, near the lower sprocket, is a
four-channel track that bears outward on the four chains
to dampen their vibrations when operating. The chain
tightener, near the upper sprocket, is also a four-wheel
sprocket with an adjustment screw for establishing and
maintaining the proper chain tension.

Train and Elevation Mechanical Drives.The

train circle gear is mounted to and around the perimeter
of the structure of the base ring. It is an external spur
gear that meshes with the train drive pinion. Movement
of the pinion rotates the base ring and launcher on the
stand bearings.
Elevation drive components transmit the rotary
motion of the elevation B-end motor to the chain drive
mechanism in the right-hand trunnion support. A
combination of shafts, couplings, and a planetary
differential gearbox is in the base ring area.

The left-hand trunnion support is physically similar

to the right-hand structure. It holds the non-driven
trunnion shaft and mainly serves to route cables and
hoses up to the fixed rail and rotates with the base ring.

Electrical Contact Ring.The electrical contact

ring (another term for a slip ring) is an electrical
transfer device that allows continuous connections
between the rotating base ring and the stationary
magazine structure. The ring suspends from the bottom
of the elevation planetary differential.

BASE RING.The base ring is a circular,

blastproof structure about 6 1/2 feet across and 17
inches high. It is designed to rotate within an off-center
opening of the stand. The base ring also supports
various components located inside the stand and
trunnion supports.

Train and Elevation Power Drives

The text will provide thorough coverage of the Mk
13 GMLS power drives in chapter 5. The Mk 13 GMLS
power drives are mounted in the top inner structure of
the magazine. (See fig. 7-4.)

Blast Door and Fixed Rail.The blast door is a

movable weldment that pivots up and aside to allow the
transfer of a missile between the magazine and the
launcher guide. With the door latched open, a spanning


Figure 7-7.Launcher carriage.



launcher, and serves as a mounting pedestal for the

launcher. The magazine may be divided into four main
structural areas that contain the various major
equipment assemblies.

The Mk 13 GMLS magazine (fig. 7-8) stows the

missiles, transfers them up to or down from the

Figure 7-8.Magazine structure.


The top inner structure is essentially a cylindrical

shell with several mounting pads. The magazine
hydraulic power supply main tank and the train and
elevation hydraulic power drive main tank are integral
parts of the top section. This section also contains a
missile restraint ring similar to the one in the outer

The stand (shown in figure 7-8) is a stationary,
round structure about 3 feet high. It forms the entire top
part of the magazine structure. Besides the off-center
base ring opening, the stand has four blowout plates
equally spaced around its circumference. Two
personnel hatches lead to the inner structure and the
RSR areas.

The middle inner structure has openings and

components for the warm-up electrical contact ring.
The RSR radial bearings are in the rims at the top and
bottom of this section.

Outer Shell
The armor-plated outer shell is the structure
between the stand and the base. Service openings are
located near the bottom and halfway up the shell. They
provide access to the warmup contactors and RSR
components, respectively. A bearing race for the RSR
rollers is attached to the upper section of the shell. A
four-segment missile restraint ring is directly above the
bearing race. If a missile accidentally ignites in the
magazine, the restraint ring holds it in place.

The bottom inner structure, the shortest of the three

sections, has five rectangular openings. Three of the
openings have covers that provide access to a ring gear,
warm-up contactors, and a hoist track. The other two
openings are for the RSR drive pinion and drive
The magazine base (shown in fig. 7-8) is at the
bottom of the magazine structure. Its main components
are a base structure, a plenum cap, a flame tight hatch,
96 blow-in plates, and 96 water injectors. The base adds
lateral strength to the outer shell, contains all the
magazine service connections, and houses the missile

Inner Structure
The inner structure (fig. 7-9) of the magazine is in
the center of the outer shell. It is made up of three
sections: top, middle, and bottom.

Figure 7-9.Inner structure.


outer shell. It indexes the cells clockwise or

counterclockwise to deliver selected missiles to the
inner or outer hoist positions. A station-at-hoist
interlock switch produces a lamp indication on the EP2
panel, informing the operator which cell is at the
selected hoist position.

water injection system. If a missile ignites in the

magazine, the plenum chamber receives the exhaust
gases and conducts them to an elbow-shaped duct at the
edge of the chamber. From here, the gases escape into
the atmosphere.
The plenum cap contains a total of 96 compartments under the RSR cells. Under the 16 inner ring
cells, there are 3 compartments for each cell (48).
Under the 24 outer ring cells, there are 2 compartments
for each cell (another 48). As a result, a compartment is
always underneath each missile for any of the 32
possible RSR index positions. Each of the 96
compartments holds a blow-in plate assembly and a
water injector nozzle.

A hydraulic B-end motor inside the inner structure

drives the RSR. A speed reducer, consisting of a series
of gear trains enclosed in a housing, connects the B-end
output shaft to a speed reducer drive pinion. The pinion
meshes with the RSR circle (ring) gear. Two radial
bearings support the RSR laterally on the inner
structure. Twenty-four roller assemblies fastened to the
upper RSR rim between each cell support the RSR
vertically. These rollers ride on a roller path mounted
on the outer shell. A positioner (or latch) under the RSR
locks the structure in any one of 32 index positions. The
positioner blade engages locking clevises along the
lower circumference of the RSR.

Ready Service Ring (RSR)

The RSR (fig. 7-10) is a separate rotating structure
inside the magazine between the inner structure and the












Figure 7-10.Ready service ring.




the forward shoes to help steady the missile in the cell.

Also, at the bottom of each cell is a flame cone. The
cone directs the flame of an ignited missile into the
plenum chamber. Access to each cell is through
individual doors along the lower inner and outer walls
of the RSR.

A magazine contactor is at the bottom of each cell.

As a missile lowers into a cell, a male-type connector
plug in the contactor enters a female-type receptacle in
the base of the missile. That establishes systemto-missile connection. Through this device, missile cell
identification circuits are possible.
Each cell has one full-length magazine rail that
guides and supports the missile and hoist chain. A
missile latch near the bottom of the rail locks the aft
shoe of the missile in the cell. On the opposite wall of
each cell is a forward-shoe retainer. It engages one of

Hoist Assembly
The components of the hoist assembly (fig. 7-11)
perform all vertical transferring of the missiles. The












Figure 7-11.Magazine hoist.


half-link into alignment with either the inner or the

outer hoist pawl unit's shifter half-link (see fig. 7-12).
Two curved track assemblies, one for the inner ring and
one for the outer ring, serve to guide the hoist chain and
connected pawl unit. They pivot out and up to the
magazine rail of the cell at the selected hoist position.
Additionally, the hoist pawl units are stored in their
respective curved track sections when the hoist chain is
fully retracted at the magazine position.

hoist chain (fig. 7-12) is an open-end roller and

link-type chain with cam-type projections and detentes
on some specific links. They actuate interlock switches
and valves, couple with the shifter half-links on the
hoist pawl units, and act as travel limit-stops.
The chain stowage housing, mounted in the inner
structure, stows a majority of the length of the chain
when it is retracted. A small section of chain remains
exposed on the drive sprocket and in the chain shifter.
The hoist B-end hydraulic motor connects to a speed
reducer and drive sprocket that drives the chain.

A hoist pawl unit is extended to engage the aft

missile shoe to load a missile. As the hoist pawl reaches
the intermediate position (the point where the aft shoe
of the missile rests), a cam follower forces the pawl
latch to pivot sufficiently away from the pawl link to

The hoist chain shifter is a hydraulically operated

device located between the drive mechanism and the
curved tracks. It raises or lowers the hoist chain's shifter

Figure 7-12.Hoist chain components: A. Hoist chain; B. Outer hoist pawl.


shifter). The power drive consists of an electric motor

that drives a hydraulic A-end pump. The pump provides
hydraulic fluid pressure to either the RSR B-end or the
hoist B-end. A hydraulic control valve shifts or
redirects the output of the A-end to the selected motor.

clear the aft shoe. At the same time, other surfaces on

the hoist pawl are unlocking and camming the cell latch
open. The pawl link contacts the bottom of the shoe. A
compression spring returns the pawl latch to its normal
position, closing over the top of the shoe. The missile is
then raised to the guide rail of the launcher. There the
aft-motion latch mechanism extends and pivots the
pawl latch to release it from the aft shoe. The missile is
now secured to the launcher rail and the chain retracts
to the magazine.

It is not unusual to see this type of arrangement

(one pump or A-end capable of driving two individual
motors or B-ends) in ordnance systems. In the Mk 13
GMLS, the RSR cannot index while the hoist is cycling
(and vice versa). This type of power drive is very
practical in design and results in a smaller, more
compact unit.

Associated with the hoist assembly are the inner

and outer retractable rails of the magazine. (See fig.
7-11.) When either rail extends, it forms a continuous
track between the magazine rail of the station at the
hoist position and the fixed rail mounted on the carriage
base ring. With both retractable rails retracted,
clearance is provided between the missile heads and the
RSR during RSR rotation. Only one retractable rail
may extend at a time.

Harpoon Warmup
A Harpoon missile does not require warmup in the
magazine, but does require about 10 seconds' warmup
on the guide arm. Harpoon warmup power is applied
through the fin opener arm (23-pin) contactor.

Magazine Hydraulic Power Supply


The magazine power supply furnishes hydraulic

pressure to operate components of the RSR/hoist power
drive (refer to fig. 7-2) and other units in the magazine
(that is, retractable rails, RSR positioner, and chain

The launching system control is the control, power

distribution, and test center for the GMLS. The main
components are the EP1, EP2, and EP3 panels located
within the launcher control station (fig. 7-13). Other

Figure 7-13.Launcher control station.


115- and 440-VAC power indicators, circuit breaker

on/off switches, fuses, elapsed time indicators, ground
detection indicator, and system safety and power
supply switches. The system safety and power supply
switches are a two-position rotary keylock switch that
controls the system motors. In the SAFE position, the
switch opens the start/run circuit of the motor. The key
may be removed (and retained) by system personnel.
This is a safety feature that prevents system operation
when personnel are working around rotating
machinery. A solenoid-operated latch locks the door
when power is available to the panel.

components in or near the launcher control station are

the power transfer device (PTD), an intercommunication unit, a strikedown hand control, a
clinometer, a safety observer switch, jacks, and
receptacles. The strikedown and safety switch
receptacle and a telephone jack are mounted outside the
control station.
Power Panel, EP1
The EP1 panel (fig. 7-14) is the power distribution
unit for the launching system. This panel contains

Figure 7-14.Power panel, EP1.


The EP2 control console (fig. 7-15) is the control

unit for the GMLS. It contains the operating controls
and indicators on two angular sections on the upper part
of the console. These controls and indicators allow the
operator to select and monitor GMLS operation.

normal missiles. Missile code and type assignment

switches are thumbwheel switches that assign a
designated missile numerical code to type A through
type G missiles and T for the GMTR stowed on the
RSR in the magazine. Also, rows of indicating lamps
light up to display the load status of each station (cell)
and identify which station is at the HOIST position.

UPPER SECTION.The upper section contains

missile-related switches. The 40 dud assignment
switches designate which RSR stations contain dud or

The Harpoon casualty mode and firing safety

switches are connected in the normal and emergency
firing circuits. The firing safety switch is another rotary

Control Console, EP2

Figure 7-15.Control console, EP2.


key-type switch. The key is removed in the SAFE

position to inhibit the rocket motor firing circuit.

remote motor starting. In local launcher control, the

EP2 operator has control of the system.

LOWER SECTION.The lower section of the

EP2 contains the launching system controls and
indicators. The controls are push-button indicator
switches used to activate and select the mode of control
and type of GMLS operation. For normal auto/remote
control operation, three primary control switch groups
at the center of EP2 start the GMLS load-and-fire
operation. The remote launcher control or local
launcher control push button selects who has control
over loading operations. If remote launcher control is
selected, FCS controls loading and, if applicable,

The other switches are used with the primary

switch groups for motor activation, step, exercise, and
test modes of system operation. The indicator lamp
groups provide the console operator with information
related to the launching system and missile status.
A timing code and logic status (TCLS) selection
and display module is on the right side of the shelf. This
module is used to troubleshoot and test GMLS
operations. Physically, it is very similar to a pocket
calculator in size and construction.

Figure 7-16.Electronics panel, EP3 (sheet 1 of 2).


second condition is used during maintenance or

troubleshooting procedures in a normal power-off
condition. System personnel activate the manual
handcrank solenoids control and position a selected
toggle switch. This actuates a particular solenoid and
permits handcrank or handpump operation of a
component (that is, extend or retract the launcher
retractable rail).

Push buttons on the TCLS let the operator enter

numerical codes for obtaining information on equipment electrical status and for timing component
operations. Light-emitting diode (LED) indicators
display timing and circuit status according to the codes
(numbers) punched (entered).
INTERNAL COMPONENTS.Access to components inside the EP2 console is through a large door
on the back or two small doors on the front. The
components accessible through the back door are the
printed circuit (PC) cards on the wire-wrap backplane,
fuses, manual handcrank solenoid controls, receptacles
with polarizing key positions, electronic component
circuit cards, terminal boards, and other miscellaneous
components. All components in EP2 are identified by
an electrical designation stamped (or applied) on or
near each component.

Electronics Panel, EP3

The EP3 electronics panel contains the electronic
control and test equipment for launcher train and
elevation power drives. The front of the EP3 panel (fig.
7-16) contains the train and elevation test module and
the digital director (DD), the local control handwheel
module (LCHM), and the electronic servo control unit

Accessible through the two front doors are

rectifiers, low dc voltage power supplies, a
rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery, a battery
charger, and a fan for component cooling.

The LCHM (fig. 7-16, sheet 2 of 2) generates train

and elevation local control position order signals to
point the launcher. Digital readouts on the LCHM show
launcher train and elevation positions. Response
signals from synchros in the train and elevation power
drive receiver-regulators operate the digital readouts on
the LCHM. The LCHM is the primary local control unit
for the launcher and comes on-line automatically when
local pointing is selected. During a HARPOON
casualty mode, the LCHM is required to point the

The rechargeable battery provides dc power to

launching system solenoids under two conditions. If a
power failure occurs in the 115-VAC power distribution
network during an operational cycle (that is, raising the
hoist), the dc battery supply will activate automatically.
The battery will provide a dc output for about 5 seconds
and permit completion of the interrupted cycle. The

Figure 7-16.Electronics panel, EP3 (sheet 2 of 2).



The test module is used to test train and elevation nonpointing zones, nonfiring zones, and
synchronization of the power drives. It contains
switches and jacks to select the tests and record traces.


purpose/function of the Mk 26 GMLS major
components with Mod differences.

The DD is used to operate the train and elevation

power drives in local control. It is also used with the test
module and the electronic servo control unit (ESCU) to
check and test power drive operation. The DD has
rotary and thumbwheel switches to control the power
drives. Digital readouts indicate DD output in degrees
and minutes for train and elevation. A diode matrix
pinboard, behind a locked cover, generates the
stationary position orders for load, strikedown, and
jettison operations.

The Mk 26 Mods 0 through 5 GMLSs (fig. 7-17)

have been designed to be an extremely versatile and
sophisticated addition to the missile community. They
are installed aboard the DD-993 Kidd-, CGN-38
Virginia-, and CG-47 Ticonderoga-class ships. This
GMLS possesses one of the quickest reacting and
fastest firing rates of any comparable dual-arm system.
Although the Kidd and Virginia class ships have been
decommissioned all Mods will be covered to illustrate
the differences.

The ESCU is located in the rear of EP3 and is the

servo amplifier for the train and elevation power drives.
The unit consists of a solid-state amplifier with 13 PC
cards on the upper half and amplifier controls and test
jacks on the lower half.

Constructed with advanced solid-state electronic,

hydraulic, and mechanical features, the Mk 26 GMLS
is compatible with a variety of fire control systems
(Standard, ASROC, and AEGIS). The system also
handles a mixed arsenal of missiles including Standard

Figure 7-17.Mk 26 GMLS with Mod differences.


The launcher performs all missile preflight

preparations like other GMLSs except for unfolding the
missile fins. That action is accomplished in the
magazine. Additionally, an adapter rail for the ASROC
missile is not required on the Mk 26 GMLS.

SM-1, SM-1A, and SM-2 rounds and the ASROC (both

torpedo and depth charge configurations).
As a major subsystem of the ship's combat system,
the Mk 26 GMLS consists of a launcher, a magazine,
and a launching system control. Depending on the Mod
configuration of the system, 24 to 64 missiles are
stowed vertically on the two rotating RSRs of the
magazine. In response to remote or local commands,
the system auto- or step-loads one or two missiles to the
launcher. A firing rate of two missiles approximately
every 9 seconds (with a 1-second salvo time delay) can
be maintained.

The RSRs independently index the nearest selected

missile(s) to the hoist position at one end of the
magazine. When the RSR indexes a missile to the
other end of the magazine, it aligns with the
strikedown/intertransfer mechanism. System on-load,
off-load, and intertransfer (from one RSR to the other)
operations are performed here.
The launching system control (fig. 7-18) is the
brain of the launching system. Its electrical/electronic
equipment controls all launching system operations in
response to ship computer signals. The integrated
control station (ICS), located below the launcher in
front of the two RSRs, is the major component of the
launching system control. All the control panels and
equipment necessary to activate the system, monitor its
operations, initiate local orders, and transfer automatic
control to weapons control are in this compartment. In

The launcher is capable of unlimited train and may

be elevated or depressed through an arc of 100. The
elevation load position is about 90, with one train load
position of 0 or 180 for forward- and aft-mounted
launchers, respectively. The launcher must be within 20
minutes either side of the remote signal position to be
synchronized with an FCS pointing order.

Figure 7-18.Launching system control components.


interface with the AEGIS equipments. The magazine

capacity is the same as Mod 1 and 4 systems.

addition, the ICS houses all the testing and cycle

monitoring equipment needed for maintenance procedures.

The magazine size of the different Mods also

affects some auxiliary equipment. The amount of
piping needed for the sprinkling and water injection
systems grows with the magazine stowage capacity.
The extra piping also needs more pressurized seawater.
Ship air-conditioning demands differ among the
various Mods.

The ICS operator can communicate directly with

other shipboard command stations through a 20-station
ship communication network as well as sound-powered
telephone circuits. Also, the operator can watch the
whole operation of the launching system. Two special
high-strength windows in the front of the ICS let the
operator see into the forward parts of the magazine. A
closed-circuit television system with two remotely
located cameras allows the ICS operator to monitor
on-deck actions and parts of the magazine not visible
through the windows during all system operations.

The launcher is the same for all six Mods. Except

for internal logic circuitry and some panel displays,
the ICS for each Mod is the same. The
strikedown/intertransfer mechanism is unchanged.
However, additional RSR modules do move the
mechanism farther from the launcher.




The Mk 26 GMLS is currently divided into six

different Mods that differ mainly in missile-stowage
capacities and "value engineering design changes."
Refer to figure 7-17.

For normal tactical operation, four persons are

required to run the system. The main control console
(MCC) operator activates, readies, and monitors
system functioning. A launching system captain is in
charge of the ICS and supervises total system
operation. Two other personnel are assigned as fin
assemblers/folders and remain at-the-ready in the ICS.
They also help observe magazine equipment operation
through the two observation windows and visually
verify that correct missiles are at the hoist positions.

The magazine of the Mod 0, called the basic

system, contains two RSRs that can stow 12 missiles
each. By adding one 10-missile module to each RSR,
the Mod 0 becomes a Mod 1; likewise, by adding two
10-missile modules to each RSR, the Mod 0 becomes a
Mod 2. The Mod 0, then, can stow 24 missiles; the
Mod 1, 44 missiles; and the Mod 2, 64 missiles. The
first eight systems manufactured were assigned serial
numbers 1 through 8 and are currently the Mods 0, 1,
and 2 systems. They are primarily installed on the
CGN-38 Virginia class.

The text will now provide a general physical

description of the major component areas of the Mk 26
GMLS. We will use the Mod 0 configuration (the basic
system) as our model, and only the A-side equipments
will be covered. Be particularly alert to the terminology
associated with the Mk 26 GMLS.

Mk 26 systems with serial numbers 9 through 18

have incorporated valuable engineering design changes
into various components of the launching, loading,
strikedown/intertransfer, and control system. These
design changes alter the physical characteristics of
components and systems without affecting their
functional characteristics. Generally, these minor
design changes were made to reduce system cost and
weight. They also improved system reliability,
maintainability, and availability (RMA). These systems
were originally built as Mod 0s and Mod 1s but,
because of the number of changes made, are now
designated Mod 3s (old Mod 0s) and Mod 4s (old Mod
1s). They are primarily installed on the DDG-993 Kidd

The magazine is a below deck, weathertight
compartment for handling and stowing the missiles in
an environmentally controlled condition. Its components perform all operations involved with loading,
unloading, strikedown, and intertransfer.
Ready Service Ring (RSR)
A complete 12-missile RSR (fig. 7-19) is made by
joining three basic support structures: a hoist end, a
six-missile section, and a strikedown end (assembled in
that order). The two end sections are structurally
similar and provide space to mount three hanger rail
assemblies apiece. The six-missile section is inserted
between the end sections and is fastened to the

The Mk 26 Mod 5s are installed on the CG-47

Ticonderoga-class ships with the AEGIS weapons
system. Additional design changes have been made to


Figure 7-19.RSR components, general arrangement.

Each basic section has three hanger rail chain

tracks (upper, intermediate, and lower) that guide the
hanger rail chains. A roller track, mounted just above
the lower chain track, guides the hanger rail rollers. The
hoist end also has six proximity switches
gang-mounted near its bottom. As the hanger rails
move past these switches, rail-mounted actuators
activate them in various combinations. This action
identifies to the control system individual hanger rails
according to the number assigned them.

magazine deck. It also supports the launcher platform

above. It has space for three hanger rail assemblies
along each side.
To increase magazine capacity, either one (Mods 1,
4, and 5) or two (Mod 2) 10-missile sections are added
to a basic RSR. (See fig. 7-17.) Physically placed
between a six-missile section and the strikedown end, a
10-missile section provides space for five hanger rail
assemblies along each side.


arms which close on the missile to stabilize it in the

RSR. A hydraulic piston and linkage arrangement at the
hoist station and a similar mechanism at the strikedown
station actuate the snubbers. The arms open to clear the
way for all loading and unloading operations.

Hanger Rail Assemblies

A hanger rail assembly (fig. 7-20) is made up of a
13-foot structural rail column. The individual
components of the hanger rail support and hold a
missile on the RSR. Mounted on the back of each
column are three chain sections with rail links. When
joined to other hanger rails, three continuous chains are
formed around the RSR. They secure the rails to the
RSR and provide a means for indexing. A hanger rail
roller supports the assembly vertically in the RSR roller

PUSHER BAR.The hanger rail pusher bar is a

device that rides in the rail tracks and holds the aft shoes
of AAW and ASW missiles. There are three different
latch groups associated with the pusher bar. A pusher
bar retainer latch at the bottom of the hanger rail locks
the bar at its fully lowered position. The latch is
retracted by the hoist retractable chain track when it
extends to align with a hanger rail at the HOIST
position. The retainer latch is spring-loaded to the
extended position and reengages the pusher bar when
the hoist retractable chain track retracts.

Rail tracks on the front of the column engage and

guide the pusher bar, missile shoes, and hoist chain.
During loading/unloading operations, the hanger rail at
the HOIST position is locked to the RSR fixed rail
above it.

An ASW aft shoe restraining latch is near the top of

the pusher bar. An AAW aft shoe restraining latch is
near the bottom of the pusher bar. Both latches are
spring-loaded devices that close over their applicable
aft missile shoe, locking it to the pusher bar.
Functionally, during a hoisting operation, the hoist
pawl engages the pusher bar and raises it to the
launcher. There, guide arm components unlock the
(AAW or ASW) shoe restraining latches and disengage
the missile from the pusher bar. The hoist retracts,
returning the empty pusher bar to the magazine.

SNUBBER ASSEMBLY.A snubber assembly

is mounted to the back of each hanger rail. It has padded

LOAD SEGMENTS.The hanger rail contains

two different load segments. They are small, outer
sections in the guide track. They pivot open to admit
missile shoes to the hanger rail at the strikedown station
(only). They close to hold the shoes in the rail at all
other times. The upper segment receives the forward
shoe of an AAW and an ASW missile. The lower
segment receives only an ASW aft shoe. (The AAW aft
shoe enters a loading slot cut in the bottom of the
hanger rail near the AAW aft shoe restraining latch.)
When a hanger rail is indexed to the strikedown station,
the load segments align with a hydraulic piston

Figure 7-20.Hanger rail assembly.

Figure 7-21.ASW depth charge indicator.


the spring-loaded fin indicator plunger that extends

through the rail. This action moves the switch actuator
plunger and actuator magnet.

assembly. Through linkage, the load segments are made

to open and close as the piston extends and retracts.
hanger rail mounts a hanger rail nuclear lock (referred
to as a rail lock). This key-operated device functions in
conjunction with a system nuclear lock to permit or
prevent the hoisting of a missile from that particular
rail. The rail lock is locked (or extended) whenever a
nuclear missile is initially onloaded into that rail. For
conventional missiles, it is normally left unlocked.

The magnet will activate a proximity switch

(mounted to the RSR at the hoist station) when that
hanger rail is indexed to the HOIST position. An
electronic signal is relayed to the control system
indicating a depth charge round is at the hoist station.
Also, before any hoist cycle may start (for any type
of missile), the fin plunger must be retracted to allow
the hoist chain to pass. A hydraulic piston on the RSR is
made to extend and, through linkage, retracts the
plunger from the chain track of the rail.


ASW depth charge indicator (fig. 7-21) is a device that
informs the control system whether an ASROC depth
charge missile is or is not at the hoist station. Mounted
to the back of each hanger rail, the device consists of
two plungers and a proximity switch actuator.

Hoist Assembly
The Mk 26 GMLS hoist assembly (fig. 7-22) is an
integral part of the RSR and is very similar to other

Functionally, when a depth charge missile is loaded

into a hanger rail, one of the fins of the rocket depresses

Figure 7-22.Hoist components, general arrangement.


The curved and retractable chain tracks extend

from the hoist speed reducer and drive sprocket
assembly to the hanger rail. The curved chain track is
stationary. The retractable chain track is a pivoting
track that aligns the curved track section with the
hanger rail for hoisting operations. When the
retractable chain track extends, it actuates a mechanical
linkage that releases the pusher bar retainer latch.

hoist assemblies. The hoist chain is a link-connected,

roller type about 31 feet long with magnet actuators
mounted to various links. They activate proximity
switches on the chain stowage track that indicate the
raised, lowered, and intermediate positions of the hoist.
A hoist pawl and latch, an adjustable link, and a
buckling link are on the forward end of the hoist chain.
The hoist pawl and latch connect the hoist chain to the
pusher bar for hoisting operations. The adjustable link
makes possible the proper positioning and alignment of
missiles on the launcher guide arm. The buckling link
compensates for any overtravel of the chain on an
extend cycle.


nuclear lock (also known as the RSR lock) is a device
similar to the hanger rail nuclear locks (fig. 7-23). It is
mounted to the retractable chain track of the hoist. Both

Figure 7-23.Hanger rail and system nuclear locks.


Figure 7-24.Fin opener assembly.

assembly shifts laterally between two positions, AAW

or ASW, if required. This action aligns the fin cranks to
the fins on the different diameter missiles. Once in
proper position, the assembly then raises to engage the
missile, unfolds the fins (of AAW and ASW rounds),
and then lowers.

locks work together to prevent unauthorized loading of

nuclear warhead missiles.
Both locks must be locked to perform their
intended function. Figure 7-23, view A, shows how the
retractable chain track is prevented from aligning with
the hanger rail. If the locks are in the conditions
displayed in views B, C, and D, hoisting can be

During an unload cycle of an ASW missile, the fin

opener assembly raises, unlocks, and refolds the ASW
fins. The fins of AAW missiles cannot be automatically
refolded. System personnel must enter the magazine
and manually close them.

One key fits all the rail locks of one RSR, while a
different key fits the system nuclear lock. According to
nuclear weapon security regulations, the commanding
officer or a designated representative (must be a
commissioned officer) maintains custody of these keys
at all times. To load a nuclear ASROC round, personnel
must enter the magazine, prepare the missile, and
(according to ship's doctrine) unlock at least one of the

Associated with the fin opener assembly is an

AAW identification probe (fig. 7-25). It is located

FIXED RAIL.The fixed rail section is mounted

to the top of the RSR's hoist end section. (See figs. 7-19
and 7-22.) This 4-foot rail bridges the gap between a
hanger rail and the span rail assembly. All three rails are
locked together by hydraulically operated aligning rods
extending into appropriate alignment guides.
Fin Opener Assembly
The Mk 26 GMLS fin opener assembly (fig. 7-24)
is mounted to the magazine deck at the hoist station. It
is somewhat physically comparable to other fin opener
arm assemblies. During a load cycle, the entire

Figure 7-25.AAW identification probe.


necessary hydraulic forces to operate the system during

normal and emergency conditions. The principal
hydraulic systems are the RSR/hoist main accumulator
and power drive system and the exercise and emergency
accumulator system.

within the inlet of the plenum assembly at the hoist

station. The probe is used to identify AAW missile
groups before they are hoisted. When the fin opener
assembly shifts to the AAW position, an actuator plate
on the left-hand opener engages a linkage rod attached
to the probe. As the assembly raises (or lowers), the
probe also raises (or lowers) to engage (or exit) the aft
receptacle of the missile.

RSR/HOIST SYSTEM.Sharing a common

electric motor, the RSR/hoist main accumulator system
and the RSR/hoist power drive function during all
normal GMLS operations. The main accumulator
system supplies various hydraulic fluid pressures to
operate components of the loading system, the
strikedown system, the jettison devices, and the
RSR/hoist power drive.

Magazine Hydraulic Systems

Within each RSR's six-missile section and hoist
end section are the components that produce the

Figure 7-26.RSR/hoist power drive.


The carriage supports the guide arms and consists

of various components, as shown in figure 7-27. The
stand is secured to the platform and serves as a
stationary support structure. The base ring fits
inside the stand and rotates on two sets of bearings.
Ball bearings near the top of the stand support the
weight of the rotating launcher. Roller bearings near the
bottom of the stand hold the base ring in vertical

The RSR/hoist power drive (fig. 7-26) provides the

hydraulic power and control needed to index the hanger
rails and to raise/lower the hoist chain and pawl. A
hydraulically operated shifter mechanism transfers the
output of the hydraulic transmission to either the RSR
speed reducer and drive sprocket or to the hoist speed
reducer and drive sprocket. The individual drive trains
for the RSR and hoist are shown in figure 7-26.
and emergency accumulator system. It is used in the
event of normal electrical power failure or for
exercise/maintenance purposes. This system is
hydraulically part of the RSR/hoist main accumulator
system. However, it uses a smaller electric motor and
pump to deliver a reduced hydraulic fluid pressure to
the magazine components and the train power drive.

The trunnion support is a boxlike structure

mounted to the top of the base ring. It supports the
trunnion tube on ball- and roller-bearing assemblies. It
also houses the elevation drive and other hydraulic
components. The electrical contact ring is located
within the base ring area. It transmits electrical power
and anti-icing fluid between the stationary and rotating
parts of the launcher.


Blast Door and Span Rail

The launcher consists of all the components

necessary to receive missiles from the magazine and
prepare them for launching. A rectangular plate about
18 feet long and 10 feet wide, called the platform,
supports the carriage and two dud-jettison devices. It
also provides mounting surfaces for the blast doors,
span rails, and some train drive components.

A blast door is mounted to the platform under each

guide arm. (See fig. 7-17.) In opening, the door
unlatches, raises, and swings aside. This provides
sufficient clearance for a missile with fins extended to
pass through. In closing, the sequence is reversed and a
seal on the bottom of the door forms a water- and
blast-tight closure.

Figure 7-27.Carriage, general arrangement.


ing on the mode (AAW or ASW) in which the system is

operating, the applicable equipments connect to and
prepare the missile for flight.

A separate span rail assembly (not part of the blast

door) is located inside the door opening. (See fig. 7-22.)
It is a pivoting rail segment, about 3 feet long, extended
by a hydraulic piston. A bumper pad on the rail contacts
the edge of the blast door opening to provide a positive
aligning stop. When fully extended, aligning and latch
rods lock the span rail to the fixed rail of the guide arm
and the fixed rail of the magazine.

GUIDE RAILS.Of the three individual guide

rail sections on each guide arm, two are fixed and one is
movable. The total length of the aft fixed rail is about 50
inches. It contains a pair of hinged rail track segments
and an overtravel cam. The pivoting segments, about 19
inches long, open and close to form the rail track for the
aft shoe of an AAW missile. The overtravel cam
accommodates a positioning link on the hoist chain and
pawl to allow proper positioning of a missile on the
guide rail.

Guide Arm
The guide arm structure (fig. 7-28) is a steel
weldment with three different guide rails, ASW-related
components, and AAW-related components. Depend-

Figure 7-28.Guide components, general arrangement.


The forward fixed rail is about 11 1/2 feet long and

contains no functional components. This rail is used
only when firing ASW missiles and provides the longer
on-rail guidance required by this type of missile.
The retractable rail is mounted between the two
fixed rails and is about 6 1/2 feet long. During a loading
operation, it extends to align with the aft fixed rail. This
combination forms one continuous rail track for AAW
and ASW forward missile shoes. With an AAW missile,
the rail remains extended until the round is launched.
As the missile moves forward, the rail retracts to clear
the fins of the missile. With an ASW missile, the rail
retracts as soon as the round is loaded onto the guide
arm. It remains retracted to form the longer guidance
track with the forward fixed rail.
different components involved with preparing and
launching ASW missiles on the guide arm. The ASW
fire-thru and aft-motion latch piston and control
assembly operates two of these devices.

Figure 7-29.ASW contactor assembly.

The two hinged-rail segments (mentioned earlier

on the aft fixed rail) operate with the aft-motion latch
linkage. When an AAW missile is loaded to the rail, the
segments are open to accept the missile. As the
aft-motion latch extends, mechanical linkages cause
the segments to pivot closed, engaging the aft missile
shoe. In this position, the segments prevent any lateral
movement of the missile. They also provide a short
on-rail guidance track. After firing or during unloading,
whenever the aft-motion latch retracts, the segments
pivot open to release the shoes.

The ASW fire-thru latch is extended through the

rail to engage the forward edge of the aft missile shoe.
As it extends, it causes the ASW aft shoe restraining
latch (on the pusher bar) to release. During firing, the
fire-thru latch holds the ASW missile on the rail until
about 2,600 pounds of thrust is developed by the rocket
motor and then it trips (releases).
The ASW aft-motion latch is extended by the same
assembly to engage the rear edge of the aft missile shoe.
It secures the missile to the rail and allows the pusher
bar and hoist chain to retract to the magazine.

A blast shield also operates with the aft-motion

latch linkage. The shield extends with the latch. In this
position, it can protect the mechanism from launch
sequence, rocket firing voltage is applied, and the
motor ignites.

The third component is the ASW contactor assembly (fig. 7-29). When it extends, the contactor pins
penetrate a pad near the aft shoe of the missile.
Electrical power, preflight data, and firing voltages are
transmitted through this connection from UBFCS and
WCS to circuits within the missile. At firing, the
contactor retracts into the guide arm.

Launcher Hydraulic Systems

There are three hydraulic systems associated with
the launcher. They provide all the necessary hydraulic
forces required to train, elevate, depress, and operate
the guide arm components.

AAW RAIL COMPONENTS.The rail components required to load, prepare, and launch AAW
missiles involve three separate (and more complicated)
assemblies. Located above the aft fixed rail, the AAW
fire-thru and aft-motion latch assembly (see fig. 7-28)
is functionally similar to its ASW counterpart. The
AAW fire-thru latch trips from 4,000 to 4,600 pounds.
The AAW aft-motion latch extends to release the AAW
aft-shoe-restraining latch (on the pusher bar) to secure
the missile to the rail.

The train power drive system is located under the

launcher platform. It drives the launcher through the
training circle gear mounted to the base ring.
The elevation power drive system is located inside
the carriage. It drives the guide arms through the
elevation arc mounted to the trunnion tube. In addition
to elevating or depressing the guide arms, the elevation
power drive system provides the main accumulator
pressure for the guide arm components. Figure 7-27


with which you are not yet familiar, but they will be
explained later in the text.) Although not physically
located in the GMLS area, the digital serial transceiver
(DST) (shown in fig. 7-18) is a solid-state electronic
module in the weapons control area. It serves as a
communication link between WC and launching
system control. This module receives parallel order
data (electrical signals) from a computer in WC. It
changes the order data from parallel to serial form for
transmission to the ICS through cables. One cable
connects to the digital interface module (DIM) and the
other to the local control module. The order data signals
direct launching system operations in remote control.

shows the location of the elevation power drive and the

guide arm accumulator and control assembly.
The third hydraulic system is the launcher exercise
and emergency accumulator system. (It is very similar
to the exercise and emergency accumulator systems
described with the RSR/hoist power drives.) This system is hydraulically connected to the elevation power
drive system. Hydraulic fluid at reduced pressure is
supplied to operate the guide arm components and the
elevation power drive.
The launching system control components perform
three main functions: (1) They distribute electrical
power, (2) they process system orders and responses,
and (3) they perform tests to determine system
readiness. As you study the Mk 26 GMLS control
system, you will notice a break with tradition. Panels
are no longer designated EP1, EP2, and so on, but are
known by their full name or first-letter abbreviations.

The DST also provides response data from launching system control to WC. The DST receives serial
response data from the local control module on cables.
It changes these data from serial to parallel form. In
parallel form, these data are in the correct format for
transmission to the WC computer. The response data
show the status of the launching system.

Most communications and interface between

weapons control, FCS, and the GMLS are in digital
word format. (There may be some terms presented here

Integrated Control Station (ICS)

The integrated control station (ICS) (fig. 7-30),
located at the hoist end of the magazine, is a water- and

Figure 7-30.Integrated control station.



PDC houses the electrical components that distribute
and regulate all power to the launching system. It is
comparable to other EP1 power panels.
MCC (fig. 7-31) is a modular, wraparound type of unit.
It contains the operating controls and indicators needed
for programming and monitoring launching system
operations. The individual modules in the MCC are
shown in separate figures for clarity.
The video monitor module (fig. 7-32, view A)
consists of electrical components and a TV screen used
for watching either the launcher area or rear magazine
The local control module (fig. 7-32, view B) is used
by the MCC operator as the local control station for the
train and elevation power drives. Also provided are a
firing safety switch, rail and system nuclear lock
indications, and digital readout displays of both
launcher ordered and actual positions. This module acts
as a communication link between the DST and other
ICS equipments.

Figure 7-31.Main control console.

blast-tight compartment. It houses most of the power,

control, monitoring, and test equipments of the system.
The major cabinets in the ICS are the power distribution
center (PDC), the MCC, the right- and left-hand circuit
card housings, and the train and elevation control test

The intercom module assembly (fig. 7-32, view C)

has a 20-station intercom to other parts of the ship. A
small compartment can store a set of sound-powered
phones for the MCC operator (plus a deck of cards,
favorite magazines, and the latest copy of the GM
training manual).

Figure 7-32.Main control console modules.


The missile select and launcher display

module (fig. 7-33) has a variety of switches and
indicators used by the MCC operator during remote and
local control modes. When the system is operating in
remote control, the operator monitors the indicators
that show the status of power drives, remote WC orders,
and load-and-fire operations. When the launching
system is operating in local control, the operator selects
the type of missile, a load (or unload) operation, and
either one or both launcher guide arms and RSR/hoist

horizontal working space and mounts five separate

modules. They will be described left to right.

The console control shelf assembly is directly in

front of the MCC operator's chair. It provides a

The system control module (fig. 7-34, view C)

contains the all motors start/stop, loading selection,

The system availability module (fig. 7-34, view A)

contains push-button indicating and toggle switches.
They are used to tell WC of launching system availability status and to select various test modes.
The strikedown step module (fig. 7-34, view B)
contains the strikedown hatch, emergency motor, main
motor, and strikedown step control push-button indicating switches.

Figure 7-33.Missile select and launcher display module.


The telephone selector module (fig. 7-34, view E)

has two rotary switches and a telephone jack. The load
and firing indications lamp test switch is a 13-position
rotary switch. The MCC operator uses this switch to
test the load-and-fire indicator lamps in the missile
select and launcher display module. The telephone
selector switch is a six-position rotary switch. The
MCC operator positions this switch to select telephone
channels to communicate with either WC or local
launching system sound-powered phones.

pointing selection, magazine safety, launcher warning

bell, and system selection groups of switches.
The launcher step module (fig. 7-34, view D)
contains the launcher step control, jettison, and
launcher emergency drive groups of switches. This
module provides the controls and indicators for
performing and monitoring load and jettison operations
and for directing the launcher using the emergency

Figure 7-34.Console control shelf assembly modules.


monitored. The equipment is also used for programming and testing integrated circuit components.

The last component of the MCC is the power

supply module (fig. 7-35). Electrical receptacles on the
bottom of the module connect it to the PDC. The
components of the module provide regulated dc power
to solenoids and solid-state circuits throughout the
system. Many of the various rated dc-power supplies
are identical, interchangeable, and adjustable.

The DIM is a solid-state electronic control module.

It provides train and elevation analog signals to the train
and elevation control and to the ESCU. Inside the DIM
are PC cards that accept either a remote, test, load, or
jettison order signal. The signal depends on the
pointing mode selected at the MCC. In remote mode,
the PC cards accept serial order data from the DST
oron an alternate paththe same serial order data
from the local control module (view B in fig. 7-32).


HOUSINGS.The right- and left-hand circuit card
housings (fig. 7-36) are on either side of the MCC.
These housings contain the electrical/electronic
components used for system control. The two housings
are arranged the same but show different information.
The right-hand circuit card housing shows A-side,
train, and elevation system status. The left-hand circuit
card housing shows B-side and strikedown system

The PC cards change the serial order data to two

analog signals: a synchro position order and a velocity
order. The synchro position order causes the train and
elevation control to position the launcher. The velocity
order allows the ESCU to compensate the train and
elevation control.


CENTER.The train and elevation control test center
(fig. 7-37) is mounted on the right bulkhead of the
control compartment. It houses launching system test
equipment, a DIM, and an ESCU.

The PC cards process test orders the same way as

remote orders, except that the order signal generator
(OSG) provides the serial order data. For load or
jettison mode, a diode pinboard in the DIM generates
fixed-position signals. These signals allow the PC cards
to generate the desired position.

Launching system test equipment is on the upper

two shelves of the train and elevation control. The test
equipment is used for programming and signal tracing
of train and elevation components. Operating cycles of
the launching system may be timed and proximity
switch actuators may be tested and charged. The
elapsed running time of motors, control system, and
strikedown equipment, along with the cumulative
number of RSR index and raise hoist cycles, are

The ESCU is the servo amplifier for train and

elevation control. The PC cards inside the ESCU
generate command signals that cause the train and
elevation power drives to move the launcher to an
ordered position. The PC cards give command signals
by processing analog synchro pointing orders from the
DIM and comparing these orders to the actual position
of the launcher. The actual launcher position is

Figure 7-35.Power supply module.


Figure 7-36.Circuit card housings, typical.

Figure 7-37.Train and elevation control test center.


launcher rail to the radar channel frequency of the fire

control system.

provided to the ESCU by feedback signals from train

and elevation controls.

An ASW-missile setting panel (also not part of the

launching system) contains electrical and electronic
equipment used for programming ASW missiles. The
thermal battery compartment (shown in fig. 7-18)
stores 15 ASROC missile (depth charge) thermal
batteries. A battery is installed manually in the weapon
before it is loaded onto a guide arm. The compartment
has two doors and a combination lock.

Auxiliary Equipments
Located on top of the ICS compartment are other
components not directly associated with the control
system, but they do bear mentioning.
The personnel access trunk (fig. 7-38) serves as a
passageway connecting the ship security station to the
ICS. It also mounts various weapons system-related
electrical and electronic equipments. Interconnecting
cabling from WC and ship's power enter the trunk and
are routed to a receptacle assembly. The cables are then
attached to quick-disconnect plugs and routed to the

purpose/function of the Mk 41 vertical
launching system (VLS). Identify the major
components and Mod differences of the VLS.

A filter box assembly has components that filter

115-volt ac, 400-Hertz synchro power and the 28-volt
dc power for firing circuits. A channel selector (not part
of the launching system) contains components used to
match the frequency of the AAW missile on the

We will now discuss the physical and functional

characteristics of the Mk 41 Mods 0, 1, and 2 VLSs.
The Mk 41 Mod 0 VLS is used with the AEGIS,

Figure 7-38.Personnel access trunk.


stow, select, prepare for launch, and launch the

Standard missile Type 2 (SM-2), the Tomahawk cruise
missiles, and the vertical launch antisubmarine rocket
(ASROC VLA) against air, surface, land, or subsurface

Tomahawk, and underwater weapon systems onboard

CG-47 and CG-52 and up class ships. The Mk 41 Mod
1 is used with the Tomahawk and underwater weapon
systems onboard DD-963 class ships. The Mk 41 Mod
2 is used with the AEGIS, Tomahawk, and underwater
weapon systems onboard DDG-51 class ships.

The missiles are contained in separate sealed

canisters that are installed vertically below deck in
individual cells of a vertical launcher. The Mk 41 Mod
0 VLS on CG-47 and -52 and up class ships has both a
forward and aft launcher with 61 cells in each. The


The VLS (figs. 7-39, 7-40, and 7-41) is a
multipurpose launching system that can load/accept,

Figure 7-39.Vertical Launching System Mk 41 Mod 0.


Figure 7-40.Vertical Launching System Mk 41 Mod 1.


Figure 7-41.Vertical Launching System Mk 41 Mod 2.


Figure 7-42.Launcher control unit Mk 211 Mod 0.

systems maintenance control or damage control center.

The status panel maintains communication with the
remote launcher enable panel (RLEP) in CIC for
remote control of the magazine power and launch
enable. The panel also includes a relay that is controlled by the safety observer's safety switch during
strikedown operations.

Mk 41 Mod 1 VLS on DD-963 class ships has a single,

forward 61-cell launcher. The Mk 41 Mod 2 VLS on
DDG-51 class ships has an aft launcher with 61 cells
and a forward launcher with 29 cells.
Each Mk 41 VLS contains two launcher control
units (LCU 1 and LCU 2), Mk 211 Mod 0 or Mk 211
Mod 1 (figs. 7-42 and 7-43), depending on the class and
the equipment installed. The LCUs interface with the
ship's WCSs, manage VLS operations, and interface
with VLS weapons for hazard monitoring and to select,
prepare, and launch missiles. Each LCU is capable of
controlling all missiles in either launcher. They
maintain simultaneous communications with the
WCSs and each other.

Remote Launch Enable Panel (RLEP)

The RLEP, located in CIC, interfaces with the
status panel to provide control of the remote magazine
power and remote launch enable signals to the launcher.
The Mk 428 Mod 0 RLEP is a double panel with one
side for the forward launcher and an identical side for
the aft launcher. The Mk 441 Mod 0 and 1 RLEP is a
single panel for controlling one VLS launcher.

Status Panel


The status panel Mk 416 Mod 0 or Mk 430 Mod 0

monitors hazards and continuous power, controls
launcher power, enables strikedown and anti-icing, and
provides the launcher hazard status to the combat

There are two types of launchers associated with

the VLSthe Mk 158 Mod 0, which is a 61-cell
launcher, and the Mk 159 Mod 0, which is a 29-cell
launcher (figs. 7-44 and 7-45). The launchers are

Figure 7-43.Launcher control unit Mk 211 Mod 1.


Figure 7-44.Vertical launcher Mk 158 Mod 0.

Figure 7-45.Vertical launcher Mk 159 Mod 0.


The intermediate structure forms the midsection of

the module and is also a part of the gas management
system. It consists of five uptake sections bolted
together and the outboard structures. The uptake
sections form a fluelike structure for venting missile
exhaust gases. The outboard structures are bolted to the
sides of the uptake sections that serve as canister guide
rails for installation and removal of canisters.

housed in watertight compartments that extend

vertically from the second platform to the 01 level in all
three ship classes.
The module is the primary structure component of
the VLS launcher (fig. 7-46). It consists of the deck
structure, the intermediate structure, and the base
On the 8-cell module, the deck structure consists of
eight cell hatches and an uptake hatch. The deck
structure provides ballistic protection and supports the
upper ends of the canisters. The deck structure is part of
the gas management system that prevents rocket motor
exhaust gases from escaping into the open launcher
area. All hatches (with the exception of the strikedown
hatch) contain heating elements to prevent icing. The
cell hatches and uptake hatches are automatically
opened by individual drive motors before missile
launch. After a 10-second delay, to permit venting of
the remaining missile exhaust gases in the launcher
cells, the cell hatches automatically close.

The base structure serves as a base structure for the

module and as a plenum for the gas management
system. The intermediate structure mounts directly to
the base structure for support of the module and
canisters. The interior surface of the plenum and uptake
are protected with ablative material to prevent the heat
blast from overheating the VLS structure or ship
The launcher sequencer, mounted to the module
structure at cell 1, is the interface unit between the
controlling LCU, other module equipment, and the
missiles. The launcher sequencer monitors the status of
the module and the cells within the module.

Figure 7-46.Module structure.


structure is part of the outboard structure. The

intermediate structure holds four cells on one side of
the modulethe fifth cell, the elevator, and the crane
assembly are on the other side of the module.


The 5-Cell Strikedown Module Mk 3 Mod 0 (fig.
7-47) consists of the deck structure, the intermediate
structure, the base structure, and the strikedown
equipment. The major subassemblies are common to
the 8-cell module.

The base structure is the same as that for the 8-cell

module, except that the elevator and crane in the 5-cell
strikedown module replace the area containing cells 6
through 8 on an 8-cell module. There are no cell
openings in the plenum at cells 6 through 8.

The deck structure consists of 5-cell hatches, 1

uptake hatch, and 1 elevator hatch. The strikedown
module related equipment is the same as that for the
8-cell modules, except the elevator hatch replaces cell
hatches 6 through 8.

The strikedown equipment consists of a crane, an

elevator, an elevator control panel, an elevator power
distribution panel, and a junction box (see fig. 7-47).
The crane is a hydraulic extendable boom that is stored
below deck. The elevator raises and lowers the crane on

The intermediate structure is the same as that of the

8-cell module, except that the elevator extension

Figure 7-47.5-Cell strikedown module Mk 3 Mod 0.


system must be operated for a minimum of 20 minutes

before personnel enter the launcher and for 1 minute
each hour thereafter that personnel remain in the

its platform by means of a three-stage telescoping

hydraulic cylinder, controlled by the elevator control
panel. The elevator power distribution panel and
junction box provides 440 VAC, 60-Hz, three-phase
power to the hydraulic power supply.

The VLS power distribution consists of an ac
power distribution system THAT applies 60-Hz,
three-phase, 115 VAC and 440 VAC to the motor
control panel (MCP), power distribution panels, system
transformer platform, and module transformer
platform. Dc power is produced within the MCP for
equipment use outside of the MCP, such as prelaunch
operations, hatch motors, and the Tomahawk missile
prelaunch phase.

The vertical launcher support equipment consists

of a sill adapter assembly, a canister adapter, and a
plenum cell cover that are coated with a heat-absorbing
ablative material that protects the equipment from heat
The sill adapter assembly is an open, funnel-like,
steel weldment assembly that provides the lower
mating surface for the missile canisters. The sill
assembly also directs missile exhaust away from the
sides of the missile cell and into the plenum.

Fault processing is the detection and reporting of
faults within the VLS. This process can be
accomplished by system level fault detection and
reporting operations or local level built-in test
equipment (BITE) tests.

The canister adapter is a combination nozzle and

spacer installed under the bottom of the canister to
prevent rocket motor exhaust gases from circulating
back into the canister. When used in an empty cell, the
canister adapter holds the plenum cover at latching

System level BITE tests are conducted only when

the VLS is in standby mode and LAUNCH ENABLE is
not applied to the launcher. The LCU initiates a system
level BITE test within approximately 30 seconds from
the time the VLS is placed in the standby mode and
every 2 hours thereafter. Other system BITE tests
include the LCU, single module, system module, and
deluge BITE tests.

The plenum cell cover is used with the canister

adapter to seal cell openings when a canister is not in
place. The cover also prevents gas from missile firings
in that module from entering the empty cell.
The gas management system includes all the
systems, assemblies, adapters, and covers that were
discussed in the vertical launcher and launcher support
equipment sections. The purpose of the gas
management system is to direct exhaust gases from a
missile firing to the external atmosphere.

In this chapter we described the major GMLSs
currently in the fleet, focusing on the major
components, function, and operation. In subsequent
chapters we will discuss their secondary and auxiliary
equipment, guided missiles, ordnance handing
equipment, and other maintenance requirements
associated with the different types of GMLSs.

Another part of gas management is the blowout

system. It removes toxic fumes from the launcher by
opening vent lines and activating the motor controller
of the vent fan. After a missile firing, the blowout




or interfere with tactical operations, the order to jettison
the round could be given. In some cases, however, after
an appropriate waiting period, the missile may be safely
returned to the magazine.

You should now have a pretty good understanding

of the general physical arrangement and operational
characteristics of the major guided-missile launching
systems (GMLSs). The subject matter of this chapter
will continue along those same lines. We will describe
the secondary and auxiliary functions performed by the
launching systems.

In any event, the final decision rests with the

commanding officer. The orders to prepare to jettison
and to actually jettison are relayed to GMLS personnel
by the weapons control system (WCS). The launcher
and jettison devices are readied for operation.
Generally, a piston slowly extends out to contact the
missile. The piston then ejects (or pushes) the missile
over the side. The ejecting force is usually supplied by a
high-pressure pneumatic source.

Secondary functions involve the equipments

associated with guided-missile jettison and strikedown
operations. Auxiliary functions cover a variety of
equipment areas. We will only address the major types
of fire suppression and environmental control systems.
A brief section of general GMLS equipment safety
precautions is presented at the end of the chapter. Pay
close attention to the terminology used to describe each


The Mk 13 GMLS uses a jettison device (fig. 8-1)
that is an integral part of the launcher guide arm.
Components of the device are located within the
forward part of the guide arm and the yoke. (Also see
fig. 7-6.) The jettison device is essentially a
high-pressure, hydropneumatic ram-type piston.
Jettison operations may be performed in the remote,
local, or exercise modes as selected by the EP2 panel

Throughout this chapter, as well as in other areas
of this manual, certain equipment or system
operating procedures will be presented. This is for
general training purposes ONLY. The information
presented should NOT be misinterpreted as the
absolute step-by-step sequence of events in any case.
ALWAYS refer to and use the applicable reference
instructions (GMLS publications, maintenance
requirement cards, ship doctrines, and so on) when
dealing with actual operational procedures.

Physical Description
The main jettison components in the guide arm are
a piston, a beam, a track, two shafts, and a latch. The
piston, working from hydraulic and nitrogen pressures,
is the propelling force. In extending, the piston moves
the beam and the two shafts, pushing the missile from
the retractable rail. With the retractable rail retracted, a
crossbar receiver on the beam engages the crossbar of
the two shafts. The beam, attached to the forward end of
the piston and riding on rollers, is guided onto the beam
track. The shafts are two tubes that slide into bores
within the retractable rail. The crossbar receiver
engages the shafts and latches them to the beam. Two
pawls below the shafts engage the missile forward shoe.
The latch is a spring-loaded valve that extends its
plunger into a recess of the beam. The latch locks the
beam and jettison piston in their retracted positions.

purpose for missile jettisoning, and list the
major components and operation of the
dud-jettisoning assembly for the Mk 13 Mod 4
and Mk 26 GMLS.
Jettisoning, also known as dud jettisoning, is the act
of clearing an unwanted missile from a launcher guide
rail by ejecting it overboard. Whenever the firing key is
closed, there is never a 100 percent guarantee that every
missile will properly ignite and launch under its own
power. A dud or misfire condition could exist that may
lead to a potentially hazardous situation. Should the
missile endanger the safety of the ship and its personnel

Other jettison components are in the yoke section

of the guide. They include a pressure intensifier pump,


Figure 8-1.Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison device.

contains a piston and shutoff valves. The valves are

used to maintain the nitrogen supply and hydraulic
pressure at the proper level for operating the jettison

a nitrogen tank, and a booster and charging valve block.

The pressure intensifier pump is a special pumping unit
for boosting hydraulic pressure when retracting the
jettison piston. The increased hydraulic pressure offsets
the high nitrogen pressure used to extend the piston.
Attached to the pressure intensifier pump is a shutoff
valve block and solenoid assembly. It opens or closes
the hydraulic fluid pressure line to the launcher guide
components. The nitrogen tank is a steel flask charged
with nitrogen. This pressurized gas extends the jettison
piston at the velocity needed to eject a missile
overboard. The booster and the charging valve block
are part of a hydropneumatic unit. This unit also

Portable nitrogen supply cylinders (bottles) and a

nitrogen booster pump supply nitrogen to the tank.
Supply cylinders normally are charged to only 1,800
psi. This is insufficient pressure to operate the jettison
device safely. A manually operated nitrogen booster
pump is, therefore, used to increase supply cylinder
pressure. The pump increases nitrogen pressure to
about 2,400 psi when the nitrogen tank is filled or


Hydraulic fluid is, therefore, ported around the

latch. The fluid is directed to a pressure intensifier valve
in the pressure intensifier pump. A pumping action
takes place as this valve is made to shift rapidly back
and forth. The principle behind this action involves the
conversion of an applied pressure with great volume by
a large area piston into a greater pressure with less
volume by a smaller area piston. Hydraulic fluid
pressure is, thus, intensified to more than 8,000 psi and
is ported to the front of the jettison piston. Intensified
fluid pressure overcomes the nitrogen pressure behind
the piston. The jettison piston and beam retract slightly
to release the bind on the latch. Normal hydraulic fluid
pressure may then retract the jettison latch.

recharged. The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS has a permanently

installed unit in the inner magazine structure.
Functional Description
Functionally, the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison
device is a compact, simple, ready-to-use piece of
equipment that is totally independent of the ship's HP
air system.
JETTISON REMOTE.When jettisoning is
ordered, the launcher captain activates the REMOTE
DUD JETTISON switch on the EP2 panel. Control
system circuits automatically cause various guide arm
components to set up for jettisoning. The fin opener
arm assembly retracts. The forward-motion latch
unlocks, and the arming device extends. As the
retractable rail retracts, the crossbar between the
jettison shafts enters the slot in the crossbar receiver.
The guide arm is then mechanically prepared for the
jettison operation.

As the latch retracts, the output of the intensifier

pump is isolated and stopped. Nitrogen pressure behind
the jettison piston causes it to creep forward. Its speed
is restricted by an orifice. Movement of the piston cams
the two jettison pawls into contact with (behind) the
forward missile shoe. The forward-motion latch is
displaced, and valves are shifted to remove creep
control. The piston accelerates and propels the missile

The remote circuits also affect the launcher power

drives. Train control is transferred from the fire control
system (FCS) computer to synchros in the launching
control system. Elevation control is switched to a
remote FCS gyrocompass. In response, the launcher
automatically moves to a jettison position that aims the
missile seaward. Train bearing will be either directly
port or starboard. It is controlled by stationary position
orders from the digital director in the EP3 panel to the
launcher synchros in the train and elevation receiver
regulators. Elevation angle will be 3640' relative to the
horizon. As the ship rolls and pitches, gyrocompass
signals will maintain the 3640' elevation angle. This
angle ensures the jettisoned missile will clear the ship.

At the end of piston travel, a buffering action takes

place to slow and stop the piston and beam. Also, an
interlock switch is actuated to provide the launcher
captain with an EXTENDED lamp indication.
Retract Jettison.After the extended lamp lights,
the launcher captain pushes the DUD JETTISON
RETRACT push button. A solenoid energizes to
activate the intensifier pump once again. A retract cycle
requires a large volume of hydraulic fluid. A special
isolation valve provides this large supply by closing
and isolating hydraulic fluid from the other
components of the guide arm. This action is necessary
to prevent these components from reducing the volume
of fluid available to the intensifier pump.

Extend Jettison.When the launcher synchronizes to a jettison position, the EP2 operator reports
ready and awaits the final order. Pushing the DUD
JETTISON-JETTISON push button on the EP2
initiates the extend and jettison cycles.

Intensified hydraulic fluid is then applied to the

front of the extended piston. As the jettison piston and
beam retract, nitrogen is forced back into the nitrogen
tank. In approximately 15 seconds, the piston reaches
its fully retracted position. The latch engages the beam
and activates an interlock switch. The control system
indicates RETRACTED.

The extend dud-jettison solenoid is energized.

Hydraulic fluid pressure (1,500-1,600 psi) from the
launcher guide power unit is applied to the front of the
jettison latch. However, at this time the latch cannot be
retracted. That is because nitrogen pressure (at 2,400
psi) is constantly applied to the back of the jettison
piston. This pressure forces the jettison beam forward
(slightly) and places a bind on the latch. Thus normal
hydraulic fluid pressure cannot overcome the higher
nitrogen pressure. The jettison latch remains extended
at this point in the extend sequence.

The isolation valve shifts to make hydraulic fluid

available to the other guide components. The
forward-motion latch locks, and the arming device
retracts. The retractable rail reextends; the launcher
slews to the load position, ready for future operations.


to withstand the explosive force developed by the gas

generator. A motor housing is bolted to the back of the
cylinder. It contains a small bidirectional hydraulic
motor that is controlled by a solenoid valve assembly.

JETTISON LOCAL.If the remote elevation

order signal is not available from the FCS
gyrocompass, the launcher captain switches to LOCAL
DUD JETTISON. Fixed position synchros in the EP2
then supply the elevation signal. Ship roll
compensation consists of the launcher captain watching
a clinometer bubble. The jettison operation is timed to
coincide with a down roll. All other operations are the

The extender mechanism consists of an extender

screw, extender nut, and extender sleeve. The extender
screw is coupled to the output shaft of the hydraulic
motor. The extender nut is threaded onto the screw and
bolted to the extender sleeve. The extender screw is
rotated counterclockwise (to extend) or clockwise (to
retract) by the motor. The extender nut and sleeve (with
the expendable piston assembly) travel out or in on the
threads of the screw.

JETTISON EXERCISE.For maintenance testing, the EP2 operator shifts the system to the
STEP-EXERCISE mode. Step push buttons must be
activated to extend the arming device and retract the
retractable rail.

The extender sleeve serves as the barrel for the

expendable piston assembly. A key and keyway prevent
the sleeve from turning as the mechanism is extending
or retracting. Gas ports in the aft section of the sleeve
permit expanding gases from the fired gas generator to
enter the sleeve. Gas pressure fills the sleeve up to the
expendable piston. Only the piston assembly is
propelled overboard.

With the guide arm empty, the rail-loaded indicator

plunger and a hydraulic valve are extended. The
extended valve ports hydraulic fluid to a throttle valve.
This valve restricts the flow of hydraulic fluid to the
jettison piston and limits the speed of piston travel. The
reduced speed prevents equipment damage that would
occur under a no-load condition. Retraction of the
jettison piston in the exercise cycle is the same as that in
an actual jettison operation.

The expendable piston assembly weighs about 75

pounds and fits inside the extender sleeve. A split lock
ring is bolted to the piston cap. It attaches the cap to the
piston sleeve and the piston assembly to the extender
sleeve. A piston plug is inside the piston sleeve. It
serves as a guide for the positioner rod of the safety
mechanism. The piston plug is also a header for the
expanding gas pressure.

The Mk 26 GMLS has two jettison devices. They
are deck-mounted at an angle to the launcher platform
at the A and B dud-jettison positions. The two units are
hydromechanically extended and retracted. They use an
explosive gas generator to provide the ejecting force.
Both the missile and an expendable piston assembly
jettison over the side. Jettison operations start with a
preparatory order from the ship's combat system (SCS).
The main control console (MCC) operator in the
integrated control station (ICS) controls all subsequent
actions. The jettison devices of the various Mk 26
GMLS mods are identical.

The gas generator contains an electrically ignited

explosive charge. When the generator is fired,
expanding gases propel the piston assembly and a
missile from the guide rail. The generator is a one-shot
device that must be replaced after each firing.
What if a gas generator accidentally fired while the
jettison device was retracted? A pressure safety relief
mechanism is built into the unit. Components of the
mechanism will safely vent the expanding gases to the
atmosphere. They also prevent the piston and other
metal pieces from ejecting outward.

Physical Description
Above the deck, the jettison mounting bracket
supports, encloses, and protects the upper jettison
components (fig. 8-2). Anti-icing fluid is circulated
around the expendable piston cap to prevent ice
buildup. A locking post and screw secure the gas
generator cover to the bracket.

When the extender sleeve is retracted, a blow-in

plug assembly in the wall of the sleeve aligns under the
gas generator. The assembly is designed to collapse into
the forward chamber of the expendable piston. Gas
pressures act only on the front side of the piston plug.
That keeps the piston assembly inside the extender

Below the deck, the 4-foot jettison housing

cylinder contains the extender mechanism and the
expendable piston assembly. The upper end of the
cylinder is thicker than the lower end. It must be thicker

Two headless straight pins are staked at right angles

to the center of the positioner rod. They serve as a


Figure 8-2.Mk 26 GMLS jettison device.


be initiated manually. The firing circuit to the gas

generator may be checked but the unit is not ignited.
The gas generator is classed as a high-explosive hazard.
Handling and stowing procedures are conducted within
strict adherence to applicable safety regulations.

capture cage for pieces of the blow-in plug assembly. A

rupture disc (or plug) is in the center of the piston cap. It
breaks (from internal pressure) and allows the gases to
escape. Normally intact, the ruptured disc keeps
moisture out of the jettison device.
Functional Description


When ordered to prepare for jettison operations, the MCC operator presses the RSR/RAIL
Automatically, the launcher slews to the correct
position and readies itself for jettisoning. For an antiair
warfare (AAW) missile, the AAW arming device
disarms. The two firing contactors and the AAW
contactor retract. For an antisubmarine warfare (ASW)
missile, the ASW contactor retracts. The retractable rail
extends, and the ASW fire through latch unlocks.


major components of the major GMLS systems, and describe the operational procedures
for strikedown of these systems.
Strikedown is a term associated with special GMLS
equipments, operational procedures, and modes of system control. They are used during a missile onload or
missile offload process. An onload operation transfers
missiles from an outside source into the missile
magazine. An offload operation is just the opposite.
Strikedown, for our purposes, is strictly an
in-house GMLS operation. How a missile is transferred
between a supplying activity and a receiving activity
comes under the topic of replenishment. As GMs, we
are generally not responsible for the actual
replenishment actions. However, we must be aware of
the basic procedures. Our main task is to move the
missile between the ship's replenishment area and the
GMLS strikedown area safely.


launcher synchronizes to the jettison position and the
guide arm components are correctly positioned, jettison
device operations begin. Jettison control circuits
automatically energize control valve solenoids. The
solenoids start the hydraulic-mechanical actions to
extend the extender sleeve and piston. When the sleeve
leaves its retracted position, the train and elevation
power-drive brakes set. They hold the launcher aligned
to the jettison position. The extender mechanism drives
the expendable piston to within one-half inch of the tail
cone of the missile and stops (fully extended).

Guided-missile replenishment can be performed in

various ways. Underway replenishment (UNREP) can
be in the form of a connected replenishment
(CONREP) or a vertical replenishment (VERTREP).
For CONREP, missiles are moved between ships on
appropriate riggings or highlines. For VERTREP, a
helicopter is used to deliver/remove missiles from the
ship. VERTREP may also be performed while the ship
is at anchorage and, in some rare cases, pierside. A
crane is used during dockside or lighter replenishment.
(A lighter is an ammunition barge.) The crane is the
simplest of replenishment methods. We will examine
replenishment methods in greater detail later. For now,
we will stay with the strikedown operations performed
by the GMLSs.

JETTISON FIRING.With all jettison circuit

interlocks satisfied, a ready-to-jettison indication is
given on the MCC. When the jettison order is received,
the operator depresses the JETTISON FIRE push
button. The firing circuits apply 20 VAC to the gas
generator squibs. The generator ignites and jettisons the
missile and expendable piston assembly.
operator starts retract operations by depressing the
extender mechanism returns the sleeve to its retracted
position. When the sleeve is fully retracted, control
system circuits automatically release the train and
elevation power drive brakes. The ASW or AAW aft
shoe latch retracts. The AAW rail segments also retract
to clear the guide arm for the next missile. The MCC
operator may return the system to normal operation.


The strikedown onload and offload operations of
the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS require special strikedown
handling equipment, which must be installed on the
launcher. This equipment provides a pneumatically
driven chain mechanism to transfer the missile between
the guide arm and transfer dolly (fig. 8-3). Figure 8-4

Jettison operations are usually performed in the

auto-load mode. For maintenance purposes, the
step-load mode is used. All component operations must


Figure 8-3.Transfer dolly.

Figure 8-4.Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS strikedown operations.


shows a Mk 13 Mod 4 strikedown operation with

strikedown handling equipment installed.
Transfer dolly handling and most launcher and
guide arm component movements are initiated and
controlled by system personnel topside.
Strikedown Gear
The special Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS strikedown gear
consists of a hand-control unit, a chain-drive fixture,
and air supply components. This gear is stowed near the
launcher area and must be set up before onload
operations begin. Strikedown air originates from the
ship's HP air system. At the GMLS, HP air is reduced
and regulated to the low-pressure requirements (about
100 psi) of the equipment. This arrangement provides
the strikedown gear with sufficient operating volume
and pressure. In the following discussion, we will call
this reduced HP air "supply air."
strikedown hand-control unit is a hand-held portable
switch box. It is sometimes referred to as the deck
control box. The operator of this unit can control train
and elevation launcher movements, the elevation
positioner (latch), and both power-drive brakes.

Figure 8-5.Typical strikedown hand-control unit.

room. (Location varies between mark and mod of

GMLS.) Figure 8-5 shows a typical hand-control unit.
Note what functions are controlled and indicated by the
switches and lamps.

The box has six toggle switches (five are

functional) and six indicating lamps. A detachable
cable connects the box to the strikedown jack
receptacle of the GMLS. The receptacle is mounted on
the stand or on a bulkhead outside the launcher control


(or strikedown) fixture is shown in figure 8-6. It is
installed and locked to the front of the guide by two

Figure 8-6.Chain-driven fixture.


position. The GMLS is secured once more. Topside, the

deck control box is connected to its receptacle. The EP2
operator activates the GMLS, selects step control and
strikedown, and retracts the train positioner. All
subsequent launcher movements are controlled by the
deck control box operator.

quick-release pins. Probes on the fixture actuate a

strikedown-fixture-on-launcher interlock switch and
deflect the retractable rail trigger. That prevents any
interference between the trigger and the strikedown
The link-type chain is guided by the forward shoe
tracks of the retractable rail. A pair of spring-loaded
latches on the forward end of the chain engage the
forward missile shoe. An air motor on the fixture drives
the chain through a simple gear reduction and sprocket
mechanism. As the chain is made to extend or retract, it
pulls the missile up to the guide arm or lowers it to the

Strikedown Onload Operations

As the loaded transfer dolly arrives on board, the
deck control operator assumes control. The train brake
is released, and the strikedown port (or starboard) train
control is selected. Fixed-position synchros drive the
launcher to the predetermined strikedown position.
When the launcher arrives at the strikedown position,
the operator resets the train brake.

Air motor operation is controlled by a

pressure-regulating valve and an air-throttle valve.
Both components are mounted on the chain-drive
fixture. The pressure regulator reduces supply air to
about 20-25 psi for a chain extend cycle. This low
pressure drives the air motor at a slow extend speed. It
also prevents the chain links from buckling when the
latches engage the missile shoe. The air-throttle valve
serves two purposes. First, it functions as a directional
valve controlling the direction of motor rotation.
Second, it controls the speed of chain travel near its
extended and retracted limits. The valve throttles or
reduces the air pressure available to the drive motor.

When ready to engage the dolly, the operator

retracts and releases the elevation positioner and brake.
The guide slowly depresses from the 90 degree load
position when the elevation control switch is actuated.
The guide mates with and picks up the dolly. The guide
continues to depress until the elevation strikedown
angle is reached. The operator resets the elevation brake
and extends the positioner. Chain-drive operations can
then begin.
EXTEND CHAIN.The manual air-control
valve handle is turned to EXTEND. This ports supply
air to shift the air-throttle valve. From the air-throttle
valve and the pressure regulator, 20-25 psi air causes
the air motor to extend the chain slowly. The chain
travels the length of the retractable rail of the launcher.
It also extends along a portion of the guide rail of the
dolly to reach the forward missile shoe.


manual air-control valve is a three-position,
hand-operated valve (see fig. 8-4). Air line hoses
connect it to a convenient ship supply air source near
the launcher. Other hoses connect it to the pneumatic
components on the chain-drive fixture.
The air-control valve is used to start, stop, and
select the direction of chain travel. When the valve is in
the NEUTRAL position, supply air is isolated from the
drive fixture to stop the chain. When the valve is in the
EXTEND or RETRACT position, supply air is ported
to shift the air-throttle valve appropriately.

Near the end of the chain travel, a cam on one of the

chain links contacts and shifts linkage connected to the
air-throttle valve. The main air port of the valve closes.
However, through a restricting orifice, supply air
continues to reach the motor. As a result, chain-drive
speed is reduced even further. When the latches of the
chain engage the forward missile shoe, chain
movement stops. The air-control valve handle is
returned to its NEUTRAL position.

Strikedown Preparations
The EP2 panel must be activated to prepare for an
onload operation. The launcher is moved to and secured
at a convenient location to install the strikedown gear.
Additionally, the launcher rail must be extended, the
arming device retracted (disarmed), and the aft-motion
latch retracted.

System personnel visually verify that the

spring-loaded chain latches have fully engaged behind
the forward shoe of the missile. If the latches are only
partially engaged, the missile may break loose as the
strikedown chain is retracted. The missile will slide
down the rail, shear off the shoe plate on the dolly, and
drop on deck. Do not even hang around to explain that
one to the chief!

After the chain-drive fixture and the supply air

hoses are attached, the EP2 operator activates the
system and (carefully) returns the launcher to a LOAD


During a strikedown offload operation, the

aft-motion latch is retracted with a special tool inserted
into a slot on the fixed rail. The tool is turned manually
to simulate the presence of the hoist pawl. The EP2
operator may then retract the aft-motion latch. The
missile can then be lowered onto the transfer dolly.

RETRACT CHAIN.To move the missile onto

the guide, system personnel must shift the manual
air-control valve handle to RETRACT. Full supply air
pressure drives the motor at this time, and the missile is
pulled onto the guide arm. As the aft shoe of the missile
nears the forward-motion latch in the guide, another
chain cam shifts the air-throttle valve. An orifice
restricts air flow to slow motor speed again. Movement
stops when the aft shoe of the missile contacts the
forward-motion latch. The aft-motion latch
automatically extends behind the aft shoe, and the
manual air-control valve handle is turned to

The Mk 26 GMLS strikedown/intertransfer system
is used for strikedown onloads and offloads. It is also
used for intertransfer movement of missiles between
RSRs. The Mk 26 GMLS is adaptable to all standard
replenishment methods.

After verifying that the aft-motion latch has fully

extended, system personnel release the two chain
latches. That is done by depressing a latch lever. See
figure 8-6. The manual air-control valve handle is
turned to RETRACT again. The chain is returned to its
stowed position in the fixture. The manual air-control
valve handle is placed in NEUTRAL to conclude
air-drive operations.

The strikedown/intertransfer system can be divided

into two primary equipment areas. The strikedown/
intertransfer mechanism is the main component of the
system. It functions above and below deck.
Components on the strikedown end of the RSRs work
with this mechanism in transferring missiles. The other
equipment area involves the portable, on-deck handling
equipments. Different equipments are used for AAW
and ASW rounds.

Return Launcher to Load

The EP2 operator is instructed to select the unload
mode. An empty cell in the ready service ring (RSR) is
indexed to the hoist station. The deck control operator
releases and retracts the elevation brake and positioner.
The guide is elevated slowly to the 90 degree
load/unload position, disconnecting from the dolly as it
travels. When the dolly is rolled clear, the deck control
operator releases the train brake. The launcher slews to
align with the blast door.

Strikedown/Intertransfer Mechanism
The strikedown/intertransfer mechanism moves the
missiles between the deck and magazine and from RSR

The EP2 operator takes control and proceeds with

normal unload operations. The identification probe of
the fin opener arm assembly must be extended to
identify the missile type on the guide arm. If strikedown
operations are completed, the deck control box is
disconnected and replaced by a dummy plug. This
device restores full GMLS control to the EP2 panel.
The launcher is moved to a convenient location for
removal of the strikedown gear.
Strikedown Offload Operations
Strikedown offload operations are basically the
reverse of onload operations. The one difference
concerns the aft-motion latch of the guide arm. Control
system circuits normally prevent the aft-motion latch
from retracting with a missile on the rail unless the hoist
pawl is extended and engaged.

Figure 8-7.Mk 26 GMLS strikedown/intertransfer



beam is hinged to the index drum. The beam is

depressed to horizontal to pick up a missile from or
deliver it to the on-deck handling equipment. It is
elevated to vertical and latched to ride up and down the
support structure.

to RSR. The mechanism consists of six major

assemblies, as shown in figure 8-7.
The strikedown support structure mounts the
equipment used to raise and lower the carrier assembly.
The carrier assembly rides up and down on guide rails,
and it is moved by a threaded screw shaft. The shaft is
rotated by a small hydraulic motor.
The index drum is a major subassembly of the
carrier. It is mounted on top of the carrier and supports
the strikedown beam assembly. Hydraulic components
of the index drum serve to position the strikedown
beam. When the carrier assembly is in the magazine,
the index drum can be rotated 60 on either side of the
centerline. This rotation aligns the strikedown beam to
the A-RSR or the B-RSR. When the carrier assembly is
raised to deck level, the index drum can be rotated 80
on either side of the centerline. This rotation aligns the
strikedown beam to the A-receiver or B-receiver
positions on deck. At all five positions, the index drum
is latched in place.
Components within the index drum also elevate
and depress the strikedown beam. The strikedown

A strongback assembly (fig. 8-8) hangs from the

strikedown beam. It is used to secure a missile to or
release it from the beam. The strongback is capable of
extending and retracting at both the vertical and
horizontal positions. Four separate openings in the
strongback accept the forward and aft shoes of the
AAW and ASW missiles. Shoe latches within these
openings secure the missile to the strongback.
When the strikedown beam is horizontal, the
extended strongback is capable of some small vertical
and lateral movements. The mobility of the extended
strongback enables it to align itself to the missile shoes.
When the strikedown beam is vertical, the extended
strongback is only allowed a small lateral movement.
When the strongback is fully retracted to the beam, it is
latched securely in place.

Figure 8-8.Strikedown beam and strongback assemblies.


any similarity ends. To orient an AAW missile to the

strikedown beam properly, the Mk 26 GMLS uses two
special devices: the AAW dolly deck track and the
AAW missile receiver beam. These portable
equipments are used to transfer a missile between a
transfer dolly and the strikedown mechanism.

The strikedown beam also serves to identify the

missiles to the control system. The identification takes
place through various proximity switches and an AAW
identification probe. Missile group and type information is sent to the ICS even before the missile is lowered
to the magazine.
The strikedown marine hatch (refer to fig. 8-7) is
the last major component of the strikedown/
intertransfer mechanism. The hatch is hydraulically
opened and closed by the MCC operator. A strikedown
control panel is mounted to the underside of the hatch.
When the hatch is opened for strikedown operations,
the panel is exposed. This panel permits local control of
the strikedown operations performed on deck. Note the
functions of the switches and lamps of the panel, as
shown in figure 8-9.
The strikedown/intertransfer mechanism receives
its hydraulic fluid supply from either the A- or
B-RSR/hoist power-drive accumulator system. A
manual transfer valve is positioned to select A-side or
B-side supplies. The fluid from one system is not
allowed to intermix with the other.

AAW Dolly Deck Track.The AAW dolly deck

track is shown in figure 8-10. It serves to guide and
secure a transfer dolly over the in-deck receiver piston.
When the dolly arrives on deck, it is pushed up the
wheel ramps and guided along the long deck track
channel. The dolly is locked in place by forward and aft
wheel stops (pins).
Two alignment lever handles are used to shift the
track and dolly laterally. This action aids in aligning the
shoes of the missile to the AAW receiver beam.
AAW Receiver Beam.The AAW missile
receiver beam is shown in figure 8-11. It is used to
transfer the missile between the transfer dolly and the
strikedown beam. The beam is connected and secured
to the receiver piston. It is allowed some "floating"
movement to aid in missile alignment.
Raising the receiver piston transfers an AAW
missile from a dolly to the receiver beam. (Maximum
travel is about 5 inches.) The bottom shoes of the
missile enter the forward- and aft-shoe receptacles in
the beam. The manual lever on the beam is turned to
move a "finger" in the aft-shoe receptacle. This finger,
in contact with the aft missile shoe, shifts the missile.
As the missile shifts, its upper shoes are disengaged
from the transfer dolly rail. At the same time, the lower
shoes are engaged to the receiver beam. The receiver
piston is then lowered, and the transfer dolly is cleared
from the area. An offload procedure is just the opposite.

On-Deck Strikedown Equipment

The Mk 26 GMLS uses a variety of special on-deck
handling equipments. They correctly align and position
AAW or ASW missiles to the strongback of the
strikedown beam.
Mounted flush in the strikedown area deck are two
piston assemblies. They are located about 80 on either
side of the strikedown beam centerline. One is for
A-side operations, and one is for B-side operations.
These piston assemblies are known as the receiver or
positioner pistons. They also receive hydraulic fluid
supply from the selected RSR/hoist accumulator
system. The receiver pistons serve to raise and lower
the missile between the deck and extended strongback.
This operation is controlled by the on-deck strikedown
control panel operator.


missiles are shipped to a Mk 26 GMLS in Mk 183
shipping containers (instead of transfer dollies). A
special piece of equipment is used to transfer an ASW
missile between its shipping container and the
strikedown beam. This device is called the ASW
container receiver plate (fig. 8-12). The ASW receiver
plate is secured to the receiver piston. It also has some


missiles are shipped to a Mk 26 GMLS in the same
transfer dolly used by other Tartar systems. But here

Figure 8-9.On-deck strikedown control panel; front panel.


Figure 8-10.AAW dolly deck track.

Figure 8-11.AAW missile receiver beam.

Figure 8-12.ASW container receiver plate.


rotated 80 from center to the selected receiver

position. The strikedown beam is then depressed to its
horizontal position over the missile. Identification then
takes place. The DCO visually identifies the missile as
an AAW or ASW type. A missile identification switch
on the panel is placed in the AAW/ASW MISSILE
position. The strongback will extend its full distance in
this case. The other two switch positions (fig. 8-9), the
SSM MISSILE and OFF positions, limit strongback
extend-distance to accommodate the larger diameter
SSM round. Both positions are inactive at that time.

degree of floating movement to aid in missile shoe

When an ASROC missile arrives on board, special
hand trucks are used to position the shipping container
over the receiver plate. After the container is secured to
the receiver plate, the top lid of the container is
removed. The strikedown beam is then depressed to
horizontal. The combined acts of extending the
strongback and raising the receiver piston cause the
upper shoes of the missile to engage the ASW shoe
latches of the strongback. When the latches are
engaged, the strongback is retracted. This action lifts
the missile out of its container, and the receiver piston is
then lowered. An offload operation is just the opposite.

Ensuring the strongback shoe latches are retracted,

the DCO extends the strongback to the missile. The
receiver piston is raised to place the upper missile shoes
in the shoe recesses of the strongback. Jogging the
RAISE switch controls the amount of receiver travel.
(About 3 l/2 inches of lift is required to seat the missile
shoes.) On-deck personnel make final alignment
adjustments using the various lever handles. The
missile is shifted from the dolly to the strongback. The
DCO closes the strongback shoe latches and retracts the
loaded strongback to the strikedown beam.

Strikedown Onload Operations

An Mk 26 GMLS strikedown onload may be
studied in three phases: preparations, on-deck
operations, and below-deck operations. Many of the
equipment actions do overlap. An entire onload
sequence can be performed rather rapidly either in step
or auto control. In our discussion, we will onload one
AAW missile using the A-side of the GMLS.

The second phase of missile identification has just

taken place. Proximity switches were activated when
the forward and aft missile shoe latches engaged. For an
AAW missile, a switch was activated to identify the
AAW missile group. The AAW identification probe of
the strikedown beam (similar to the identification probe
at the RSR hoist station) was extended into the round to
identify the AAW missile type. If an ASW missile was
loaded, one switch would identify the round as an ASW
type. Another switch would activate if the missile was a
depth charge configuration. The purpose of strikedown
beam identification (topside) is to generate control
system orders. The RSR may then automatically index
an empty hanger rail with the same missile type
assignment to the strikedown position.

SYSTEM PREPARATIONS.The MCC operator performs the initial steps to ready the GMLS. After
activating the control system, a missile-type
designation is assigned to an empty hanger rail. The
A-RSR/hoist motor is started, and the manual transfer
valve is shifted to provide hydraulic fluid to the
strikedown mechanism. The MCC operator selects
either auto or step strikedown loading control and
opens the marine hatch.
The deck control operator (DCO) establishes
communications with the MCC operator. The
strikedown control panel is turned ON. Deck personnel
remove the protective cover from a receiver piston
assembly (which one depends on the replenishing side
of the ship).

Back on deck, the DCO raises the loaded

strikedown beam to vertical. The index drum is rotated
to centerline and latched. The carrier is lowered into the
magazine and stops at the intertransfer level. While the
carrier is lowering, snubber wedges on the selected
hanger rail unlatch. The snubbers open to receive the
missile from the strikedown beam.

The DCO raises the receiver to set up the AAW

dolly deck track and receiver beam. After the handling
equipment is installed, the receiver and beam are
lowered. The system is then ready to receive the first


carrier reaches the intertransfer level, the MCC
operator assumes control. The AAW identification
probe is retracted, and the index drum is rotated 60$ to
the A-RSR hanger rail. The hanger rail load segments
open to receive the missile shoes. The strongback and
missile then extend outward.

ON-DECK OPERATIONS.The transfer dolly

arrives on deck and is pushed onto the AAW dolly deck
track. The missile is aligned and secured over the
receiver beam. The DCO operator raises the carrier
from the magazine. After the strikedown beam reaches
the strikedown level (raised position), the index drum is


Strikedown Offload and Intertransfer

When the missile engages the hanger rail, the load

segments close around the missile shoes. The carrier
lowers 6 inches to the carrier stowage level. Lowering
the carrier and missile engages the missile shoe
restraining latches. The strongback shoe latches open,
and the strongback retracts to the strikedown beam. The
index drum rotates the beam back to centerline. The
snubbers close and the snubber wedges engage.

A strikedown offload is a reverse sequence of

onload operations. Intertransfer operations change the
distribution pattern of the magazine load. Intertransfer
uses a combination of onload and offload procedures
performed solely below deck. The marine hatch
remains closed, and the MCC operator controls all
equipment functions. The operation may be accomplished in step or automatic control.

One missile onload has just been completed. If

additional rounds are to be onloaded, the process starts
over again when the DCO raises the carrier. If the
onload is finished, personnel topside disconnect and
stow the handling equipment. The MCC operator
closes the marine hatch and returns the GMLS to


The Mk 41 vertical launching system (VLS)
strikedown equipment is housed in the 5-cell
strikedown module Mk 3 Mod 0 (fig. 8-13). This

Figure 8-13.5-cell strikedown module Mk 3 Mod 0.


connected to, and operated by, the hatch dog/undog

cylinder. Two directional control valves, located below
the hatch on the walkway side (fig. 8-15), direct the
flow of hydraulic fluid to the hatch dog/undog cylinder
and the open/close hatch cylinder. The valves can be
actuated manually in an emergency. The hatch
operation is controlled by toggle switches located on
the control panel A19.

strikedown equipment occupies cells 6, 7, and 8the

same cell space used in 8-cell modules Mk 1 Mod 0 and
Mk 2 Mod 0 for missiles. The VLS strikedown
equipment gives the VLS crew self-contained
equipment that can be used to onload and offload
missile canisters Mk 13 and Mk 15 and training canister
Mk 19 into and out of the module cells. The strikedown
equipment can also be used to remove any empty
canisters and move other strikedown equipment as

ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY.The elevator assembly Mk 2 Mod 0 shown in figure 8-15 consists of the
support structure, elevator platform assembly, control
panel A19, and power distribution panel A20. These
parts work together to raise and lower the elevator

Strikedown Equipment
The five-cell strikedown module consists of three
subassemblies: the elevator hatch, elevator, and crane
assemblies. When not in use, the hatch is closed and the
elevator and crane are stored below deck until onload or
offload operations.

The support structure forms a shaft on which the

elevator platform assembly travels. The shaft has lock
bar sockets and guide rails that interface the platform
with sensor switches on the support structure; these
switches indicates the position of the platform. An
alarm bell, mounted on the upper part of the support
structure, sounds when the hatch or platform is in
motion. An eight-section metal safety screen prevents
personnel from falling into the elevator shaft and the
moving platform. If the powered hydraulic pump fails,
a manual hydraulic pump (fastened to the lower support
structure) can be used only to dog/undog and
open/close the elevator hatch.

ELEVATOR HATCH ASSEMBLY.The elevator hatch assembly (fig. 8-14) is hinged to the deck
platform. This assembly provides weather and ballistic
protection for the strikedown crane, elevator, and
launcher interior. The hatch is driven open or closed by
the elevator hatch cylinder. When closed, the hatch is
secured by six hatch dogs. The hatch dogs apply
pressure to a watertight seal. The dogs are linked
together and actuated by two chains, which are

Figure 8-14.Elevator hatch in OPEN position.


Figure 8-15.Elevator assembly Mk 2 Mod 0.


Figure 8-16.Control panel A19.

The control panel A19 (fig. 8-16) is a watertight

cabinet mounted on the elevator support structure just
below the upper walkway, as shown in figure 8-15. The
A19 control panel lever-lock toggle switches control
the motor hydraulic power start-up, elevator hatch,
lock bars, and elevator. These switches, except
actuated and held until the desired function is complete.
Except for MOTOR-START and MOTOR-STOP, the

The elevator platform serves as a base for the

strikedown crane. The platform, which is rectangular in
shape, is mounted on a three-stage telescoping
hydraulic cylinder. The cylinder raises and lowers the
platform. The platform can be moved only when the
crane is stowed. An emergency system, consisting of a
spring set and two knurled rollers, stops the downward
motion of the elevator if hydraulic pressure falls below
200 psi.

Figure 8-17.Power distribution panel A20.


support structure, as shown in figure 8-15. The overload

relay reset switch and elapsed time meter (that records
component in-service time for the elevator) are located
on the access cover.

operation can be stopped any time by the release of the

toggle switch.
The power distribution panel (PDP) A20 (fig. 8-17)
routes the 440-VAC, 60-Hz, three-phase power through
a three-phase power contactor to the 30-hp electric
motor of the hydraulic power supply. The cabinet is
watertight and mounted near the top of the elevator


strikedown crane (fig. 8-18) is a hydraulically powered,
knuckled-type crane. The crane mast is bolted to the

Figure 8-18.VLS strikedown crane Mk 1 Mod 0 in operating configuration.


The crane operator's console contains the

directional control levers (fig. 8-19) used to train the
crane mast, raise and lower the inner boom, raise and
lower the outer boom, extend and retract the boom
extensions, and raise and lower the whip hook. Four
visual indicators are located near the controls. The train
bearing, inner boom elevation angle, and boom
extension indicators enable the operator to position the
boom over any selected cell. The temperature gauge
allows the operator to monitor hydraulic fluid
temperatures during crane or elevator operations.

elevator platform through the drive king post. The crane

mast contains the crane operator's console, collapsible
operator seat, footrests, and access steps. The elevator
assembly supplies the electric power for the crane
indicator night lights and the hydraulic power that
drives the crane.
The crane has an inner and outer boom connected
in series to the upper end of the mast by pivot points
(referred to as knuckles). Two parallel hydraulic
cylinders pivot the inner boom at the mast, and two
others pivot the outer boom at the inner boom. A
duplex-type hydraulic cylinder attached to the outer
boom extends and retracts the two boom extensions.

Strikedown Operations
All strikedown operations contribute to the safe
loading or offloading of missile canisters from the
VLS. These operations require a well-trained, competent crew that strictly adheres to basic strikedown

The crane contains a static hook (on the bottom tip)

that is secured with a stowage pin when not in use. A
whip hook, on a pulley block, raises and lowers as the
winch pays out or reels in the winch cable. The
winch/drive assembly is hydraulically driven.

Figure 8-19.Crane operating controls.


Before any strikedown operation, the deck

supervisor reviews the planned operations with the
crew and delegates specific assignments. During
strikedown operations, it is paramount that the crew
maintain constant communication. All members of the
strikedown crew, with the exception of the deck crew,
must be personnel qualification system (PQS) certified
and have a naval enlisted classification (code) (NEC) of

rocket motor. Should the rocket motor accidentally

ignite in the magazine, the stream of water will control
the burning reaction of the propellant. The water will
also cool the missile and the surrounding area. It MAY
EVEN extinguish the burning rocket motor, but not
necessarily. Water injection systems are also known as
booster suppression or quenching systems.
Sprinkler systems are designed to spray water onto
the missiles in magazine stowage and handling areas of
a GMLS. Sprinkler systems aid in extinguishing fires.
They also cool the missiles below the temperatures that
could start rocket motor ignition or warhead

Strikedown Procedures
Because of the complexity of the procedures
for strikedown operations of the VLS, they cannot
be covered here. These procedures are described in detail in NAVSEA Technical Manual
SW394-AF-MMO-050/VLS, revision 2, Vertical
Launching System Mk 41 Mods 0/1/2 Strikedown

In covering the various GMLS fire suppression

systems, we will deviate slightly from the sequence we
have followed so far. A typical or representative system
will be presented. Any important differences or unique
features of individual GMLSs will be noted. Mainly,
component location and numbers are the greatest


purpose and basic functions of fire suppression
systems used in GMLSs.


A typical GMLS carbon dioxide (CO2) system is
permanently installed (fixed) in the missile magazine
area. The system is designed to detect an excessive
temperature buildup and activate automatically. Once
the system is activated, the entire space is flooded with
a large volume of CO2 extinguishing agent. The system
may also be activated manually from either a local or
remote control station.

GMLS fire suppression systems are designated as

auxiliary equipments within the launching system.
They protect the ship and its personnel from hazardous
conditions resulting from fires or the high temperatures
of fires. The text discusses three basic classes of fire
suppression systems used in the GMLS community:
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) systems
2. Water injection systems

Physical and Functional Description

3. Dry-type sprinkler systems

The primary pneumatic-mechanical components of

a simple CO2 system include the thermopneumatic
control elements and supply cylinders. The supply
cylinders are equipped with control and discharge
heads. The system also has other associated valves and
alarm switches. Many of these components are located
just outside the magazine structure. The control devices
and CO2 discharge nozzles are inside. They are
strategically placed near fire-prone equipments
(electric motors, connection boxes, slip rings, and so

CO2 systems are used primarily to combat electrical fires. Fixed or installed CO2 systems normally
protect the unmanned GMLS areas, such as magazines
and some launchers. Portable systems (you and a
15-pound CO2 extinguisher) are normally used to
protect the manned GMLS areas, such as launcher
control rooms.
Water injection systems are designed to direct a
continuous stream of water into the exhaust nozzle of a


generated by the mishap is conducted to the air inside

the HSD bellows. The air inside the bellows quickly
expands and increases in pressure. This pressure
"signal" is transmitted to the control head of the
cylinder. The pressure-sensitive head is tripped, and the
system is activated.

HEAT-SENSING DEVICES.Heat-sensing devices (HSDs) were formerly designated thermosylphon

units. HSDs are the detecting units of the system (fig.
8-20). They are designed to develop a pneumatic
pressure signal when space temperature increases to a
preset activating point. The rate of rise in space
temperature may be rapid or slow.

In the event of a smoldering type of fire or a heat

buildup resulting from a fire in an adjacent
compartment, a slow rise in space temperature is
experienced. In this case, the air inside the HSD
bellows expands (as before). However, its reaction is
not quick enough to trip and activate the system. For
this reason a fusible element is used.

The HSD consists of a spring-loaded, rubber

bellows housed in a mesh-style cage. The bellows is
held in an extended or expanded position against a
compressed spring by a fusible element. HSDs are
mounted above the area they monitor. They connect to
the control head of the CO2 supply cylinder by a
pneumatic transmission-line network.

HSDs are designed with a fusible link as the

melting element. The link is made of a lowmelting-point metal compound similar to solder. When

In the event of an actual fire or explosion, a rapid

rise in space temperature is experienced. The heat

Figure 8-20.Components of a CO2 system; inside magazine structure.


a certain temperature is reached, the compound starts to


applied in the other direction. One circle seal check

valve is installed in each transmission line leading from
an HSD. The valve is installed with its directional arrow
(stamped into the body) pointing toward the control

In a GMLS CO2 system, the fusible link is designed

to melt at about 160F 3). When the fusible element
melts, the compressed spring around the bellows is
released and allowed to expand. This action causes the
bellows to collapse. The sudden compression of the
HSD bellows creates a pneumatic pressure impulse
signal. The magnitude of this air signal is measured in
ounces per square inch (osi). The pressure impulse trips
the control head and activates the system.

The check valve prevents the rapid increase of air

pressure created by one HSD (such as when its bellows
collapse) from pressurizing the other HSDs. The full
air-pressure signal is then ported directly to the control
head. This action ensures positive system activation.
A vent is installed in the body of the check valve.
The vent permits a slow backflow of air to bypass the
main check valve element. This venting equalizes air
pressure within the system in response to normal
changes in ambient (surrounding) temperature.

Transmission Lines.Transmission lines connect

the HSDs to the control head. The lines are 1/8-inch OD
(outside diameter) by 0.088-inch ID (inside diameter)
rockbestos-covered, seamless copper tubing. Quite a
few rules pertain to the correct material and installation
requirements associated with these lines. Refer to
Technical Manual for Magazine Sprinkler Systems for
guidance when repairing or replacing transmission
lines. (Although this manual is the master reference for
sprinkler systems, much of its information also pertains
to CO2 system requirements.)

SUPPLY CYLINDERS.GMLS fixed CO2 systems usually have at least two supply cylinders. Each
cylinder has a 50-pound CO2 capacity and weighs 165
pounds when fully charged. It contains liquid carbon
dioxide under a pressure of 850 psi at 70F. Each
cylinder of the system has a discharge head and a
cylinder valve. At least one of the cylinders will also
have a pneumatic control head. The other cylinder(s)
will be in tandem with the main control cylinder(s). See
figure 8-21.

Circle Seal Check Valves.The circle seal check

valve (shown in fig. 8-20) is a brass, spring-loaded
check valve. It closes against a rapid change of air
pressure in one direction and opens when air pressure is

Figure 8-21.Components of a CO2 system; outside magazine structure.


Pneumatic Control Head.A pneumatic control

head (shown in fig. 8-21) reacts to HSD pressure
signals or to manual operating levers. The control head
is tripped to open the discharge head and cylinder valve,
which release the liquid CO2 from the cylinder. The
control head consists of an air chamber with a
diaphragm. The control head also has two plungers,
safety locking pins, and a manual (local) operating

DISCHARGE NOZZLES.CO2 discharge nozzles are installed so that their discharge blankets certain
key electrical components. The nozzles are also located
so that the entire area they serve is flooded with CO2.
The nozzle is a bell-shaped device (fig. 8-20) with an
orifice at its discharge point. The orifice restricts the
discharge of the CO2 and creates an even flow from all
system nozzles. The gaseous "snow" of CO2 quickly
extinguishes the fire.

The pressure chamber in the control head has an

orifice that vents air pressure at a predetermined rate.
When pressure in this chamber increases faster than it
can be vented, the diaphragm expands. This movement
trips a lever that releases a trigger mechanism. The
trigger mechanism shifts the two plungers. Shifting the
plungers opens the pilot seat in the cylinder valve.

manually operated shutoff valve is installed in the CO2
discharge line between the supply cylinders and
discharge nozzles. (See fig. 8-21.) The valve is
physically located outside the magazine near its
entrance. To avoid a CO2 suffocation hazard, unlock the
valve and close it before you enter the magazine. If the
system should activate, the supply cylinders will
release CO2. However, the closed valve will stop the
CO2 so that you can keep breathing.

Cylinder Valve and Discharge Head.The

cylinder valve and discharge head are shown in figure
8-22. Together, they block the escape of the liquid CO2
from the cylinder until the control head is activated.

CO2 pressure entering the supply line activates an

operation alarm switch (fig. 8-21). Audible alarms and
lights are turned on, signaling that the CO2 system has
activated. These warning devices are usually located
right outside the magazine area and at the ship's damage
control (DC) central room. The switch must be
manually reset if activated. The alarm circuits may be

When the plungers from the "tripped" control head

open the pilot seat, CO2 flows into the chamber above
the discharge head piston. The piston is shifted (down)
against its spring. The ball check valves trap gas
pressure in the upper chamber. This keeps the piston
open (down) and ensures rapid and complete cylinder
discharge. Shifting the piston opens the cylinder valve,
allowing CO2 to flow to the exhaust manifold and
supply lines. (See fig. 8-21.)

A remote control pull box allows personnel to

release the pneumatic control head(s) manually. The

Figure 8-22.Cylinder value and discharge head schematic.


pull box is located outside the magazine. It has a

transparent, breakable shield and a pull handle. A wire
cable is connected to the control head trigger
mechanism. Breaking the glass and pulling the handle
activates the system. The CO2 system can also be
activated locally. Manually removing a safety pin and
tripping a lever on the pneumatic control head releases
the CO2.

The Mk 13 GMLSs do have fixed CO2 systems in

addition to portable extinguishers. The Mk 13 GMLSs
have separate inner and outer magazine CO2 systems
(fig. 8-23). The inner system covers the center column
or inner structure. The outer system floods the RSR

Actual GMLS CO2 Systems

The general purpose of a water injection system has

already been stated. In a static or ready condition,
injection system piping places a charged supply of
freshwater under each missile. Should a missile
accidentally ignite, blast pressure will activate the
system. Instantly, a pressurized stream of freshwater
injects into the core of the rocket motor. When the
limited supply of freshwater is depleted, salt water
(from the fire main supply) is used to continue the


Every GMLS has some type of CO2 fire-fighting

capability. Some GMLSs have a combination of fixed
and portable CO2 protection. Other GMLSs only have
portable extinguishers available. System design and
configuration sometimes restrict the installation of
fixed CO2 system hardware.
The Mk 26 GMLSs do not have a fixed CO2
system. Portable extinguishers, readily accessible
throughout key areas of the GMLSs, provide the

Once the injection system is activated, it must be

secured manually. Additionally, provisions must be

Figure 8-23.Arrangement of inner and outer CO2 systems.


located in a machinery room below or near the

magazine. The tank is an enclosed structure, normally
filled with freshwater to one half of its 125-gallon
(approximate) capacity. The tank is then charged to 200
psi from a ship's HP air supply. The 200-psi freshwater
pressure is transmitted throughout the injection piping
network and remains in a static state under each missile.

made to remove and discharge the large quantity of

water remaining in the magazine. That is normally
accomplished by a magazine drainage system and an
overboard eductor system.
Why use freshwater? Freshwater is used because it
does not promote corrosion as quickly as salt water. Salt
water can ruin the piping and valves of the system.
Normally, an additive to the freshwater slows any
corrosive action and helps seal minor leakage.

A flow switch is installed in the outlet line of the

tank. When the system does activate, freshwater flows
through the switch. The switch actuates and energizes a
variety of equipments. Examples include ship fire
pumps, alarm circuits, and eductor systems.

System Description
Many of the water injection system components are
located outside the magazine area. They function to
maintain the system in a ready state and supply the
freshwater and salt water. The components inside the
magazine distribute and activate the injection system.
Refer to figure 8-24 for a schematic illustration of a
typical water injection system.

A check valve is also installed in the outlet line of

the tank. When open, it permits freshwater to flow to
the water injector piping. When closed, it prevents salt
water from flowing back into the compression tank.
Another hydraulically operated check valve,
designated the main check valve, is shown in figure
8-24. It isolates the fire main supply from the injection
system until the system activates. In a static state, the


The compression tank of the injection system is usually

Figure 8-24.A typical water injection system; these components are located outside the magazine.


200-psi freshwater supply keeps the valve closed

against the ship's fire main supply. (Let us assume fire
main supply pressure is rated at 70 psi. Actual fire main
pressure varies among ships.) However, when the
system does activate, the 200-psi freshwater pressure
will decrease. As fire main pressure equals or exceeds
freshwater pressure, the main check valve opens. Salt
water flows to the piping network of the system. A
manually operated shutoff valve above the main check
valve must be closed to secure the system.

The actuation piston is held in place by the

gold-wire spring pin. A force of approximately 16
pounds is required to break (or bend) the pin. Should a
missile accidentally ignite, the pressure created by
rocket motor exhaust acts on the top of the actuation
piston. The piston is forced downward and breaks the
pin. The lock balls drop into the throat of the nozzle and
release the closure piston. The 200-psi freshwater
pressure forces the closure piston upward to activate the
injection system.


The injection system piping network distributes
injection water around the magazine base area. At every
position a missile can come to rest, a standpipe is
threaded into the supply lines. Attached to the top of the
standpipe is a water injection (detector) nozzle. The
unit is just a few inches below the tail cone of the rocket

SYSTEM OPERATION.Now that the injection

system is activated, the other components begin to
function. As the freshwater continues to shoot out the
detector nozzle, the flow switch actuates. Freshwater
pressure decreases and, in a matter of seconds, the main
check valve opens. The system continues to operate,
discharging the fire main supply from the (one)
activated nozzle. When the emergency is over,
personnel turn off the fire main supply to secure the
system and replace the detector nozzle. The system is
then flushed, refilled, and charged.

The main component parts of a detector nozzle (fig.

8-25) include a closure piston and an actuation piston.
Three lock balls and a gold-wire spring pin connect the
two pistons. The lock balls (l/4-inch ball bearings) are
forced outward by the actuation piston. They serve to
hold the closure piston in place against the 200-psi
freshwater supply.

A word of caution worth rememberingUse

extreme care when working around a water injection
nozzle. The gold-wire spring pin is sensitive. A
dropped tool or a misplaced foot can result in a
tremendous surprise!

Figure 8-25.Water injector (detector nozzle).


Figure 8-26.Mk 13 GMLS magazine base; injection system arrangement inside magazine area.

port of the RSR station. Loss of a blow-in plate releases

the drop-away plunger of a sprinkler-actuating valve
assembly. Water pressure in the sensor line decreases
and starts zone sprinkling. The operation is unique to
the Mk 26 GMLS.

Actual GMLS Water Injection Systems

All GMLSs have a water injection system. Each
system operates on the same principle. Only the
physical location and number of components differ.
The Mk 13 GMLSs (fig. 8-26) have a total of 96
detector nozzles (48 on the inner ring and 48 on the
outer ring). Since the Mk 13 GMLS RSR rotates, the
RSR cells (16 inner and 24 outer) can be indexed and
stopped at over 96 different positions. The Mk 26
GMLS has one detector nozzle at each RSR hanger rail
position. The Mk 41 VLS has a deluge system for each
cell canister, which floods the canister during rocket
motor ignition without the missile leaving the canister.
The Mk 13 GMLSs use a special valve in their
water injection systems. It is called a restart valve. In
the typical water injection system schematic (fig. 8-24),
this valve would replace the manual shutoff valve above
the main check valve. The restart valve may be operated
manually or by a remote-controlled solenoid. The
solenoid is actuated by a switch located inside the
launcher control room.
Initially, the injection system must still be activated
automatically. However, the restart valve may be used
to secure the system. It can also be used to reactivate
(restart) the system in an emergency situation (such as a
A special feature of the Mk 26 GMLS is that a
sensing line connects the water injection system to the
sprinkler system (fig. 8-27). Should a rocket motor
ignite, the detector nozzle activates the injection
system. Additionally, the blast pressure pushes the
blow-in plate down, causing it to fall into the plenum

Figure 8-27.Mk 26 GMLS water injection system.


Once the system is activated, it must be secured

manually. System design permits it to be activated at
one station and be secured from another station.


A dry-type sprinkler system is one in which the
piping from the outlet side of the main sprinkler control
valve up to the sprinkler heads contains no water in a
normal or ready state. This piping remains "dry" until
the system is activated.

The Mk 13 GMLS and Mk 41 VLS have dry-type

magazine sprinkler systems. A dry-type sprinkler
system can be divided into four main equipment areas:

The sprinkler system may be activated automatically or manually. A thermopneumatic system,

using HSDs, performs the automatic function. Manual
control valves, located at separate local and remote
control stations, are used to activate the system manually.

Automatic control system

Hydraulic control system
Main sprinkler control valve
Sprinkler alarm system

Figure 8-28 is a general schematic arrangement of

the major sprinkler components. Take a moment to

Figure 8-28.Dry-type sprinkler system schematic; in static condition.


study it, as we will refer to it frequently. Locate the four

equipment areas.
Automatic Control System
The automatic or thermopneumatic control system
used on this sprinkler system is similar to that of a CO2
system. The fusible link of the sprinkler HSDs (fig.
8-29) melts at 160F (3) and functions the same way
as that in the CO2 system.
Each HSD will also have its own circle seal check
valve. Groups of HSDs can be connected to a common
manifold. Each manifold will also have its own vented
check valve. Transmission line tubing is the l/8-inch
OD rockbestos style.
VALVE.The pneumatically released pilot (PRP)
valve (fig. 8-30) is the main component of the hydraulic
control system. It is shock-mounted to the local control
panel inside the magazine or RSR. The PRP valve, in
response to the pneumatic pressure signal from one or
more HSDs, starts automatic sprinkler activation.

Figure 8-30.Pneumatically released pilot value (PRP).

The outer body of the PRP valve is a circular

bronze housing. Inside the housing is an operating
mechanism, a diaphragm, and a compensating vent
(fig. 8-31). The operating mechanism is a spring-loaded
lever device connected to the diaphragm. The slightly
flexible diaphragm is mounted inside an air chamber of
the housing. The back side of the diaphragm chamber
(or case) is connected to the HSD tubing network. The
front side of the diaphragm is open to the interior of the
PRP valve housing.
The compensating vent connects to the back side of
the diaphragm chamber. Its purpose is to "leak off" any
small increases or decreases in air pressure around the
diaphragm. These variations are caused by normal
space temperature or pressure fluctuations. The slow
"leak off" serves to equalize the pressure on both sides
of the diaphragm. In doing so, the compensating vent
prevents inadvertent PRP valve actuation. The
compensating vent is factory calibrated and adjusted,
so do not make any "sailor alterations" to it.
Components outside the PRP valve housing
include a hydraulic pilot valve, a Schrader valve, and an
air-pressure gauge (see fig. 8-30). The pilot valve is
installed in a saltwater line of the hydraulic control
system. It rotates between a SET (closed) position and a
TRIPPED (open) position. The pilot valve must be
manually rotated back to its SET (closed) position with
a special wrench (reset key).

Figure 8-29.Heat-sensing device (HSD).


Figure 8-31.PRP valve; internal schematic.

The Schrader valve is nothing more than an air

valve stem (like that on a car or bicycle tire). It is only
used during maintenance testing. Internally, it connects
to the chamber area of the diaphragm. The air-pressure
gauge monitors diaphragm chamber pressure ranging
from 0 to 36 ounces per square inch (osi).

VALVES.The local and remote manual control
valves (fig. 8-32) are lever-operated rotary valves. Each
one has three positions: OPEN, NEUTRAL, and

PRP VALVE OPERATION.As space temperature rises, one or more HSDs activate. They
transmit the air-pressure impulse signal to the back side
of the flexible diaphragm of the PRP valve. If the
increased pressure is of such magnitude that the
compensating vent cannot bleed it off fast enough, the
diaphragm will bend or move inward (fig. 8-31).
If the diaphragm moves far enough, it releases the
lever of the operating mechanism. In turn, the lever
rotates and trips the pilot valve. Salt water starts
flowing through the hydraulic control system piping.
Hydraulic Control System
The components of the hydraulic control system
are located on the local and remote control panels. (See
fig. 8-28.) Various manual shutoff valves and strainers
are used in the system. They isolate certain components
during maintenance procedures and filter marine
growth in the saltwater supply. Most of the valves are
manufactured by the Cla-Val Company and are known
by their Cla-Val designation.

Figure 8-32.Remote control panel.


hydraulic control system when it is returned to AUTO


The operating handle has a spring-loaded lever

behind it. The lever actuates a locking pin that extends
into a recess in the body of the valve. Three separate
recesses or holes allow the valve to be locked in any of
its three positions. Installed between the handle and the
lever is a rectangular locking key. The key is secured in
place by easily broken safety wire (lead-wire seal). The
locking key prevents accidental sprinkler activation
since the handle and lever cannot be squeezed together
with the key in place. If they cannot be squeezed, the
locking pin cannot be retracted and the handle will not

Main Sprinkler Control Valve

The main sprinkler control valve is located
inside the magazine. The valve (fig. 8-33) is a
diaphragm-operated, normally (spring) closed,
globe-type valve. The upper diaphragm in the bonnet
chamber is raised or lifted by a minimum of 40-psi fire
main pressure. As it lifts, the lower disc is pulled off its
seat. Fire main supply is then free to flow to the
sprinkler heads. The upper end of the valve stem can be
seen in a glass sight tube. It provides a visual indication

INLINE CHECK VALVES.Four inline check

valves, designated Cla-Val No. 81M, are located on the
local control board. (See fig. 8-28.) They are
spring-loaded check valves that open wide when salt
water flows in the proper direction (with the arrow).
They close tight when salt water flows against the
arrow. By preventing backflow to other stations, these
check valves permit the sprinkler system to be activated
from more than one station.
VALVE.The hydraulically operated check valve is
designated Cla-Val No. 81PM-1 (fig. 8-28). It is a
normally closed, globe-type check valve that becomes
functional only during the stop cycle of sprinkler
When fire main is ported to the upper chamber of
the valve, its diaphragm lifts and opens the bottom
chamber. Fire main from the top of the main sprinkler
control valve is then ported out unrestricted to drain line
#3. This action permits the main valve to close under
spring pressure, which secures sprinkler operation.
control system has three drain lines and two orifice
restrictions (fig. 8-28). The drain lines are normally
located so that they can discharge into a portable
container (bucket). The lines should be numbered and
tagged so that they can be quickly identified.
Drain lines #1 and #2 contain .098-diameter-orifice
plates. The orifices (holes), drilled through flat metal
plates, serve two purposes. The primary purpose of the
orifices is to prevent a buildup of saltwater back
pressure in control system piping. Back pressure is
normally caused by valve leakage. Eventually, this back
pressure could be enough to activate the system. On
your daily magazine inspection, you will notice a
puddle of water on the deck or in the bucket. Report it
so that repairs can be made. The secondary purpose of
the orifices is to vent operating pressure from the

Figure 8-33.Main sprinkler control valve.


the valve closes. In either case, salt water will leak by

and enter the switch body. Because water is a good
conductor of electricity, it activates the switch element.
An alarm is energized in DC central on the FH (water)

of the condition of the stem (stem down, valve closed;

stem up, valve open).
A removable cover is located on the bottom side of
the body of the valve. Normally, the cover remains
installed. During any maintenance testing or repair
work, the cover is unscrewed and replaced with a
special test casting (fitting).

The operation alarm or flow alarm switch is

installed farther downstream from the main valve. (See
fig. 8-28.) When the system is activated, fire main
pressure actuates this switch to set off other FH alarms
in DC central.

The test casting is so shaped that it extends up to the

lower seat of the disc. When the disc lifts, the fire main
is prevented from flowing to the sprinkler heads by the
body of the test casting.

Sprinkler System Operation

The test casting also has a removable cap. When

unscrewed, it may be replaced by a standard fire hose
and fitting. After the system activates, the fire main
flows through the hose and is discharged over the side.
This process flushes the saltwater piping of the
hydraulic control system.

Refer to figure 8-28 as we describe a remote

START and a remote STOP sprinkler operation. At the
remote control station, the lead-wire seal is broken and
the locking key removed. The handle and lever of the
valve are squeezed together and turned to the START
position. (When the locking pin engages its recess hole,
you can let go of the handle.) Fire main control pressure
flows through one of the inline check valves on the
local board. (Trace the water flow on the figure.)

The test casting MUST be installed before any

work is performed on the sprinkler system. The test
casting MUST be removed after the job is completed.
These two "rules" are extremely important.

The control pressure flows to the top of the main

sprinkler control valve, which lifts to start sprinkling
operations. Control pressure also flows to the bottom
chamber of the hydraulically operated check valve. A
small amount of water flows out drain line #1. The
other two drain lines will be dry at this time. (If you
forgot to put the test casting in, your missiles are getting

Sprinkler Alarm System

Two water-activated switches serve as the alarm
portion of the system. Both units are located on the dry
or downstream side of the main sprinkler control valve.
(See fig. 8-28.)
The leakage alarm switch (fig. 8-34) is the early
warning unit. The seat of the main control valve can
become deteriorated through age. A piece of marine
growth (like a seashell) can get caught on the seat when

When the system must be secured, the remote

control valve handle and lever are squeezed and turned
to CLOSED. Fire main control pressure is rerouted
through the stop line to another inline check valve.
Control pressure enters the upper chamber of the
hydraulically operated check valve, causing it to lift.
The control pressure in the upper chamber of the main
sprinkler valve is then vented. It flows through the
hydraulically operated check valve and out drain line
#3. As the pressure decreases, the main sprinkler valve
After the main sprinkler control valve has seated,
the remote control valve may be returned to OPEN. Fire
main control pressure is then isolated from the
hydraulic control system. The hydraulically operated
check valve will be closed by its spring as water
pressure decreases. Any remaining pressure in the lines
is bled through the #1 and #2 orifice drains.
The other operational possibilities will not be
described in detail. The major steps for two such

Figure 8-34.Leakage alarm switch.


sequences are listed below. Refer to figure 8-28 as you

run the cycles.

When system air pressure balances or equalizes

near 16 osi, disconnect the pump and wait 5 minutes. If
the pressure stabilizes within the 8-16 osi range, the
system is satisfactorily airtight. A pressure drop below
8 osi indicates an air leak, which must be repaired. Use
a leak-detector solution to find loose or cracked
transmission line fittings, cracked HSD bellows, and so

Remote station OPEN and local station CLOSED:

1. RemoteTurned to OPEN
2. LocalTurned to CLOSED
3. RemoteTurned to NEUTRAL
4. LocalTurned to NEUTRAL

If the system is "tight," CAREFULLY depress the

stem of the Schrader valve. SLOWLY bleed the system
to 8 osi. The PRP valve may, after repeated testings, be
damaged if a higher pressure is used during the
following step.

Automatic (PRP valve) OPEN and remote station

1. PRP valveTrips
2. RemoteTurned to CLOSED

The next phase of the operation tests the PRP valve,

hydraulic control system, and main sprinkler control
valve operation. Fully depress the Schrader valve stem.
The air from the front side of the diaphragm will be
vented quickly to the atmosphere. The 8 osi of air on the
back side of the diaphragm causes it to move. The
operating mechanism is released, the pilot valve trips,
and the system activates.

3. PRP valveReset manually

4. RemoteTurned to NEUTRAL
Sprinkler System Maintenance
Sprinkler system maintenance is performed periodically under the Planned Maintenance System. We will
describe some of the general procedures used during
sprinkler testing. ALWAYS refer to the applicable
maintenance instructions BEFORE per- forming ANY

The system may be secured normally after it

flushes for a few minutes. By the way, we hope you tied
the end of the fire hose down. Unsecured, it will whip
around under full fire main pressure.
When testing is completed, ensure ALL the air is
bled from the PRP valve. That is done by depressing the
Schrader valve stem. The test casting is removed as the
final step. Take your time during sprinkler system tests.
Be sure you are performing each step correctly.

A test casting is treated as a controlled or
accountable item. In other words, the commanding
officer or a designated representative maintains
custody of the test casting. Before any maintenance is
started, two events must occur. First, permission must
be obtained from proper authority to begin the work.
Second, the test casting must be issued. After the
work is finished, the test casting must be turned in.
This issue/turn-in procedure assures command that
the test casting is NOT accidentally left in the system.

The necessity to perform sprinkler system maintenance correctly cannot be overstressed. To emphasize
this point, we will reprint a portion of an article that was
published in the Ships Safety Bulletin. The Bulletin is a
monthly publication prepared by the Naval Safety
Center. The information contained in the Bulletin is
intended for use by all hands. (The course number
given at the end of the article may change, but
otherwise the information remains valid.)

The first rule is to install the test casting. (The chief

will INSIST on that!) Connect the fire hose and fitting
to the test casting if the system is to be flushed.


Inadvertent flooding of shipboard magazines are
on the increase. Causes appear to be the unfamiliarity of
personnel in operating and maintaining sprinkler
system components, lack of formal training, improper
supervision, and failure to follow prescribed PMS

The next phase of the operation tests the automatic

control system. Connect a tire (or bicycle) pump to the
Schrader valve on the PRP valve. Stroke the pump
slowly to pressurize the pneumatic system. That may
take awhile as the entire pneumatic system is being
filled. Do NOT exceed 16 osi on the air-pressure gauge
during the pumping. Excess air pressure can damage
the PRP valve/diaphragm.

In one incident, a group of three magazines was

inadvertently sprinkled because the petty officer in


The Mk 41 VLS has its own uniquely designed

damage control system known as deluge. The deluge
system applies water directly to a missile when a
restrained firing or canister overtemperature occurs.
Restrained firing is defined as missile motor ignition
and subsequent rupturing of the canister after closure,
without missile motion. Overtemperature is defined as
an internal canister temperature of 190F or above
WITH a missile present. When either of the above
conditions exists, a sensing device in the canister sends
a deluge request to the deluge control circuits in the
launch sequencer (LSEQ), which sends a DELUGE
SYSTEM ON command to the motor control panel
(MCP). The MCP determines which cell requires
deluging and issues a DELUDE ON signal to cause
deluging of that particular cell.

charge failed to ensure that proper step-by-step PMS

procedures were followed. In completing PMS, the
technician restored system lineup before air test
pressure was fully bled off the pneumatically released
pilot valve (PRP). Personnel error and haste were at the
root of this mishap.
NAVSEA OP-4, Vol. 2, Fifth Rev., Change 9, para.
3-22, requires that tests and maintenance of sprinkling
systems be conducted in accordance with NAVSEA
Technical Manual S9522-AA-HBK-010 and applicable
PMS instructions. Formal training is available in the
Sprinkler Systems School at the Fleet Training Centers
in Norfolk and San Diego. Assistance can also be
obtained from the Fleet Technical Support Center
(FTSC) in your area.
Actual GMLS Dry-Type Sprinkler Systems

A deluge control assembly (fig. 8-35), containing a

solenoid control assembly, check valve, pilot valve,
deluge control valve, and associated plumbing, is
provided for each cell in the module. All eight
assemblies (five for the strikedown module) are
mounted on the inboard side of the modules above the
upper walkway.

The dry-type, saltwater-operated, magazine

sprinkler systems used by the Mk 13 and Mk 26
GMLSs and the Mk 41 VLS are similar. The remote
control stations are located outside the launcher control
rooms. The local control panels are located inside the
magazine center areas. The HSDs and sprinkler heads
are equally spaced around the missile cell/RSR areas.

A 28-gallon freshwater accumulator tank is filled

with 15 gallons of freshwater and pressurized to

Figure 8-35.Deluge water supply and components.


In many cases, the GMLS auxiliary systems rely on

the ship's "hotel services" to operate. These services are
the responsibility of the ship's engineering department.
Steam from the boilers and chilled water from the
cooling plants are two such services supplied to our
equipments. In such cases, a little interdepartmental
cross-training can be valuable.

225 psi. An additional 50 gallons of freshwater is

present in the launcher supply lines between the
accumulator tank and the Hy-check deluge control
valve. This water is used first, followed by the water
from the accumulator tank. The water level in the
accumulator tank is monitored by a sensing device. The
sensing device sends a signal to both the status panel
and central control station (CCS), causing an alarm
indicating that the water level has dropped below 13
gallons. When the accumulator tank pressure drops
below 190 psi, a signal is sent to both the status panel
and CCS, causing another alarm. When the
accumulator tank pressure drops below that of the
ship's fire main, the Hy-check deluge control valve
switches the system from freshwater to sea water to
complete the deluge. The deluge flow rate is 40 gpm.

Every GMLS has some type of auxiliary system
that prevents the accumulation of ice formations around
critical moving components. One such system is
referred to as an anti-icing or circulating system. It is
used to circulate a heated fluid throughout the
equipments exposed to the weather. Another type of
system uses an electrical coil or strip-type heating
element to protect the exposed equipment.

The deluge is secured by an internal reset signal

originated by the launch sequencer (LSEQ) after 100
seconds 10 seconds) or by manual operation of the
DELUGE RESET switch on the status panel. A third
method of securing the deluge is by operation of the
deluge two-way manual control valve, which secures
the saltwater supply.

Regardless of style, each system has the same end

purposeto melt the ice. Each GMLS also has its own
version of an anti-icing system. We will briefly
describe a typical system and then point out any unique
differences between the GMLSs.

When a deluge condition is initiated in a particular

cell, any cell in that module which has been deluged
before that time will be deluged again. This deluge
operation will continue until the deluged canisters have
been replaced. Also, any empty canisters in the module
concerned are deluged.

A Typical Anti-Icing System

The typical anti-icing system is an enclosed
pressurized fluid system. Its main component is a heat
exchanger tank (fig. 8-36). It is normally located in an
auxiliary equipment room near the magazine and serves
as a reservoir and heater for the anti-icing fluid. This
fluid is normally a 50:50 mixture of ethylene glycol and
water. The solution is similar to the antifreeze mixture
in the radiator of your car.

role of environmental control systems used in
guided-missile launching systems. Identify the
major components or systems used in this
All GMLSs contain a variety of auxiliary systems
that protect the launching equipment and missiles from
excessive environmental conditions. Environmental
control systems perform the basic functions of heating
and cooling. Ship operations in the tropical climates
will create high internal magazine temperatures and
humidity levels. These conditions affect the reliability
of missile propellant grains and play havoc with
solid-state electronic control circuits. The colder
climates also affect missile propellant performance and
launcher component operation. If ice forms around
movable guide-arm components, it could feasibly
freeze or lock those components in place.

Figure 8-36.Anti-icing heat exchanger tank.


Inside the heat exchanger tank is a coiled network

of steam tubes. They are supplied by ship's auxiliary
steam from the main or auxiliary (donkey) boilers. The
tubes transfer heat to the anti-icing fluid as it (the fluid)
flows through the tank. An air bladder (accumulator)
inside the tank is charged with low-pressure air. The
bladder acts on the fluid to keep a constant pressure in
the system. The bladder also compensates for changes
in fluid volume caused by temperature variations and
minor leakage.

circulates a cool fluid mixture used to help dissipate the

heat created by a missile blast.

A steam control valve and a temperature-sensing

valve monitor and regulate the temperature of the fluid.
The sensing valve is installed in the return fluid line of
the system and connects to the steam control valve. The
sensing valve is adjusted to open and close the steam
control valve within a selected temperature range. This
action automatically maintains the anti-icing fluid
within the desired heat range. Although the design
specifications of each GMLS will vary, return fluid
temperature is generally maintained between 40F and
60F. A thermometer is installed in the return line to
monitor the temperature of the system.

Actual Anti-Icing Systems

The anti-icing system in the Mk 26 is also used for

missile blast cooling. When blast cooling is selected
and a missile is fired, the system starts and runs
automatically to circulate anti-icing fluid in the
guided-missile launcher, blast door, jettison devices,
blowout plates, and platform. The system runs for
approximately 10 minutes after the last missile is fired.

The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS uses a heat source other

than auxiliary steam. Twelve electrically controlled
immersion heating elements are located within the heat
exchanger tank of the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS. Each
element is a 1/2-inch copper sheath about 6 feet long. It
is bent into a loop that projects about l 1/2 feet into the
tank. The copper sheaths are heated by single-phase,
440-VAC, 60-hertz power. They are energized through
a heater-controller panel located near the launcher
control room. Tank fluid is heated as it flows across the

A small electric motor is used to drive a

centrifugal-type pump. The pump draws heated fluid
from the tank and discharges it into the system. The
supply and return fluid piping networks route the fluid
throughout the critical areas of the GMLS. The piping
system includes the normal variety of flow control,
relief, and air-bleed valves. Strainers and distribution
manifolds are also used. In many systems, anti-icing
fluid is circulated through special internal passageways
drilled or machined in a component.

The Mk 41 VLS anti-icing system is designed to

prevent a buildup of snow or ice that might prevent a
cell or uptake hatch from opening during launch
operations. The anti-icing system does not provide
coverage of the strikedown hatch. Anti-icing must be
manually enabled for each module individually at the
launcher status panel.
The main items of the anti-icing system are heaters
and thermostats built into the uptake and cell hatch
assemblies (fig. 8-37). The uptake hatch contains one
tubular 14-watt-per-inch heater element and two

In addition to circulating heated fluid, anti-icing

systems can also run unheated. This optional feature

Figure 8-37.Module hatch heater elements.


thermostats that activate the anti-icing system when the

temperature falls within the 33F to 43F range. Each
cell hatch has three heater elements; two of the heaters
are 175-watt cartridge elements that are built into the
hinge brackets on either side of the trunnion. The third
heater is a 25-watt-per-inch tubular element built into
the cell hatch cover and located around the perimeter of
the hatch.

period serves as a cool-down period. The cool-down

period prevents hydraulic fluids and lubricants from
re-igniting when exposed to a new air supply. After the
cool-down period, the space should be ventilated a full
15 minutes before anyone enters it. The air system
removes the CO2 gas and restores air to a
life-sustaining level.
We w i l l b r i e f l y e x a m i n e t h e v a r i o u s
air-conditioning and ventilation systems used in the



Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7 GMLSs

Air-conditioning and ventilation systems are

used in GMLS areas for the general safety of
equipment, personnel, and the ship. The purpose of
these systems is to circulate air around vital system
components. This circulated air maintains normal
temperature and humidity levels within a space.
Air-conditioning systems use ship-supplied chilled
water, a cooling-coil unit, and fan-blower units to
circulate cool air. Ventilation systems only use a
fan-blower unit to circulate ambient (surrounding)
temperature air.

The magazine ventilating systems on the Mk 13

GMLSs use air, which is forced into the magazine, from
the ship's air-conditioning system. It cools the missiles
and inner structure (center column) equipment areas
(fig. 8-38). Air enters the magazine through intake
ducts under the cells. It flows up around the missiles
and enters the inner structure through ventilation
screens at the top of the structure. The exhaust ducts are
in the center of the base.
Mk 26 GMLS

Launcher control rooms and missile magazines are

always air-conditioned spaces. Some GMLSs use a
separate ventilation system to cool their launcher
car r i a g e s. Ventilat ion syst ems are usua lly
thermostatically controlled to maintain space temperature ranges between (an average) 70F and 100F.
Also, a majority of air systems have cutoff valves
installed somewhere in the supply and exhaust lines.
These valves should bear a Circle William damage
control classification. Learn where these valves are
located. They must be closed during nuclear,
biological, and chemical (NBC) drills. Additionally,
make SURE all air filters are cleaned properly on a
strict maintenance schedule. That will keep these
systems operating at peak efficiency.

The Mk 26 GMLS and Mk 41 VLS use standard

ship-operated air-conditioning units to cool their
spaces. The Mk 26 has one unit that supplies the ICS
and another that supplies the magazine.
safety precautions personnel use while working on guided missile launching systems.
The object of the last section of this chapter is
to introduce you to the topic of safety. Specifically,
we will emphasize certain safety precautions and
warnings that apply, in general, to shipboard GMLS

Magazine air-conditioning/ventilating systems can

also serve an important secondary purpose. Consider a
missile magazine with an installed or fixed CO2
system. If fire breaks out, the space will be flooded with
CO2 extinguishing agent. The air system must be
secured quickly to prevent the CO2 from being drawn
out of the space. Normally, the CO2 system has a
pressure-operated switch that interconnects to the
electrical circuit of the air system. When the CO2
system activates, the switch secures the air system
(turns off the blower).

The Navy distributes many safety-related publications, periodicals, and special messages. Their
contents are devoted entirely to important safety
practices. Some are general in nature. Others deal
with more specific precautions related to a single
equipment or knowledge area. Certain general
ordnance safety publications are also included in the
GM3 through GMC bibliography list (NAVEDTRA
10052, current revision). These are references you
should study when preparing for an advancement

The air system should not be turned on for at least

15 minutes after CO2 discharge. This 15-minute time


Figure 8-38.Mk 13 GMLS magazine ventilation system.

equipment in proper working order are also included.

Volume 1, which gives the description and operation of
the GMLS, will always contain a section entitled
"Safety Summary." The safety summary is usually
given in two parts: (1) general safety precautions and
(2) specific safety precautions.

Each launching system comes with a set of "books"

called ordnance publications, or OPs for short. (They
will be discussed in more detail later in this manual.)
Published in a series of volumes, a GMLS OP describes
the system and gives its operating procedures.
Information and instructions needed to keep the


is injurious to health when in prolonged contact with

skin. It is also a fire hazard. Immediately wipe up
spilled hydraulic fluid.


General safety precautions, as the name implies,
have wide applications in a variety of work-related
situations. They pertain to the use of tools and to the
exposure to high voltages and pressures. Additionally,
they address the general safe handling of explosives
and other volatile materials. Study these precautions so
that you will recognize the potential hazards involved.
Apply these precautions during all phases of operation
and maintenance. The following precautions are a
small sampling of warnings that pertain to all the

High-Pressure Water Hazard

Do not perform any maintenance procedures on the
water injection system until all pressure in the lines has
been dissipated. Do not work directly over water
injection nozzles. Do not tamper or drop anything on
water injection nozzles.
High-Pressure Air Hazard

Establish Communications

Do not point a jet of high-pressure air at any part of

a human body. The jet may be fatal.

Do not activate the launching system until

communications have been established between the
safety observer and the launcher captain.

High-Pressure Nitrogen Hazard

Use only approved nitrogen to charge
accumulators. Never use oxygen or compressed air. A
mixture of hydraulic fluid and oxygen is explosive.
When charging accumulators, do not disconnect the
charging line until it has been bled. High-pressure
nitrogen is present in the charging line.

High-Voltage Hazard
Be careful when working in lethal voltage areas.
Do not work on live circuits unless absolutely
necessary. Under some conditions, dangerous voltage
potentials may exist in electronic circuits after the
power is shut off. When such potentials are suspected,
discharge the appropriate components before touching
them. Do not perform work in a lethal voltage area
under any circumstances without the presence of at
least one person able to give first aid in the event of
electric shock.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Hazard

Suffocation hazard exists. Before entering the
magazine area, unlock and close shutoff valve(s) for
CO2 system(s).
Live Missile Hazard


Return any live missile to the magazine before

troubleshooting components in the launcher area.

Do not work with or near high voltages unless you

are familiar with the methods of artificial respiration.
Obtain resuscitation information from the appropriate

Explosion Hazard
Do not take naked lights, matches, or other
flame-producing apparatus into a compartment
containing explosives. Smoking is not permitted at any
time within these compartments.

Hydraulic Pressure Hazard

Always bleed the hydraulic systems of pressure
before attempting to remove or disassemble any
hydraulic component. Make sure system pressure is
zero by observing installed gauges.

Moving Equipment Hazard

When troubleshooting, shut down the power-drive
motors of equipment not involved in the malfunction or
casualty. After locating a fault, shut down all
power-drive motors; then proceed with corrective

Hydraulic Fluid Hazard

If clothing becomes drenched with hydraulic fluid,
immediately change into dry clothing. Hydraulic fluid


Launcher Area Hazard


Ensure that the safety observer's safety switch (or

deadman's key) is installed before entering the training
area/circle of the launcher. Do not leave the switch

Even though GMLSs are complex machines, they

can be operated and maintained in a relatively safe
manner. Safety precautions DO work if the proper
equipment and procedures are used. All applicable
safety warnings must be strictly followed. Always use
your common sense and do not skylark.

Unauthorized Panel Operation

All equipment operations should be performed

carefully, methodically, and without hurrying. Greater
individual and team effectiveness will be developed by
increased familiarity with the proper and safe methods
of accomplishing a task. Should a malfunction occur or
an incorrect indication appear on a control panel, STOP
the operation immediately. Then determine whether it
is safe to proceed. Consider the effect of your decision
on both equipment and personnel. Do NOT be afraid to
ask for help.

Do not allow unqualified or unauthorized

personnel to operate the control panels. Trainees or
other persons undergoing instruction will operate
panels under the strict personal supervision of a
qualified and responsible operator.
Servicing, Adjusting Hazard
Do not reach into any equipment or enter the
magazine structure to service or adjust components
except with someone who can give first aid.

Cleanliness and good housekeeping practices in all

work areas are important. They are major factors in
effective accident prevention. Keep tools in good
working order, and always return them to a proper
storage place.


Specific safety precautions and warnings appear
twice in a GMLS OP. They are stated near the
equipment description or operating procedure to which
they apply. They are also repeated in the second part of
the safety summary for emphasis.

Changes, modifications, or alterations to any

ordnance equipments should not be made unless
explicit authority from NAVSEA or another cognizant
authority is obtained. Safety devices found on GMLS
equipment were installed for the protection of
personnel and equipment. These devices should never
be removed, disabled, or bypassed. Specific authorization from the commanding officer or a designated
representative is required if a safety device must be
altered. Adequate notices should be posted to warn (and
remind) personnel of the potential hazard.

We will not attempt to list every specific safety

precaution. The warnings given in the following
paragraphs, however, can generally be applied to all the
Warning bells or horns will be sounded to alert all
personnel of impending equipment movement. This
movement could happen at any time. Do not start the
power-drive motors without clearance from the safety
observer. Verify all personnel and equipment are clear
before moving the launcher.

This chapter only scratches the surface of safety.

You will see more about safety throughout the rest of
this manual. You will be involved with it everyday of
your career. Become familiar with ALL the ordnance
safety publications, and set the example in following

Remove and retain safety switch handles or keys.

That prevents the power-drive motors from being
started when you are working on or around
power-operated equipment. The launching system must
be deactivated before personnel are permitted to fold
missile fins inside the launcher area.

In this chapter, we discussed the secondary and
auxiliary functions of the major GMLSs. This
discussion was primarily directed toward the
procedures used in jettisoning and strikedown
operations. We covered various fire suppression
systems, including the CO2, water injection, dry-type,
and Mk 41 deluge systems. Environmental control

If a missile is on the guide arm, do not retract the

aft-motion latch unless the hoist pawl is in full
engagement with the aft missile shoe. Personnel must
not pass or crawl through an open blast or magazine
door with the system energized. Observing the
clinometer, jettison on the down roll.


systemsanti-icing and A/Cwere also covered. The

operational and safety requirements for the different
types of sprinkler systems were also discussed.

cautions. It would probably serve you well to reread

this section on safety.
In the next chapter, we will discuss the common
electrical and electronic components and their
schematic symbols, used in the current GMLSs.

We concluded the chapter with a safety summary

on the GMLSs and a section on general safety pre-




Weapon systems consist of four major equipment
areasthe Detect, Direct, Deliver, and Destroy units.
For the last two chapters, we have concentrated on the
Delivery unitsthe GMLSs. We will now discuss the
units that Destroythe guided missiles.

which it will be subjected. These "forces" will be

encountered during preflight shipping, handling, and
stowage periods. Other forces, such as gravity, heat,
pressure, and stresses of acceleration, will also be
experienced in flight.

The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you

with the basic principles associated with guided
missiles. We will study the major systems of a missile
and learn why and how the missile flies. You should
then be able to apply these basic principles to the
missiles used in the surface missile system (SMS) in the
fleet. Pay attention to the terminology of these new

In most missiles, the main body is a slender,

cylindrical structure capped on either end by nose and
tail sections. Several types of nose sections can be used
(fig. 9-2). If the missile is intended to fly at supersonic
speeds (greater than the speed of sound), the forward
(nose) section usually is designed with a pointed-arch
profile. The sides taper in lines called "ogive" curves.
With missiles intended for subsonic speeds, the nose is
often not as sharp or even blunt. The forward section of
most SMS missiles is covered by a "radome." This type
of nose protects a small radar antenna inside the

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall the basic
structure of a missile to include its three
primary sections.

Typical structures (airframes) contain a main body

that terminates in a flat base or tail cone. When the
contour of the tail cone is slightly streamlined at the
rear, it is said to be "boattailed." Attached to the body
(also known as the skin or outer surface) are one or
more sets of airfoils. These airfoils (wings, fins, or
control surfaces) contribute to in-flight stability,
provide lift, and control the flight path of the missile.

Missiles, for the most part, are made up of several

sections or shells (fig. 9-1). They are machined from
metal tubing and contain the essential units or
components of the missile. Sectionalized construction
of a structure has the advantage of strength with
simplicity. It also provides for easier replacement and
repair of the components, since some sections are
removable as separate units. The sections are joined by
various types of connections which are also designed
for simple operation. Covers and access doors are often
installed on the outside of the structure to provide easy
access to key interior components.

The design configuration of a particular missile

depends on various factors. Consideration must be
given to the speed, the operating range, and the turning
rate of the missile. The purpose of the missile and the

The missile exists to carry the warhead to the target.

Therefore, the structure is designed around the size and
weight of the warhead. The structure of the missile
must be as light and compact as possible, yet strong
enough to carry all the necessary components. The
structure must also be able to withstand the forces to

Figure 9-2.Missile noses.

Figure 9-1.Sectionalization of a missile.


medium(s) through which the round will travel (such as

water, air, or a combination of the two) are other
important factors. The location of the primary control
and/or lifting surfaces also determines the
configuration of the missile. Two popular designs are
wing-control and tail-control missiles (fig. 9-3).
Wing-control airfoils are mounted at or near the center
of gravity of the structure. Tail-control airfoils are
located at the rear of the missile.
Figure 9-4.Missile configurations.

Most SMS missiles have dorsal fins and tail-control

surfaces (fig. 9-4). The dorsal fins are attached to the
main body of the missile. These stationary surfaces are
used to provide stability and (some) lift during missile
flight. The tail-control surfaces normally are folded
during stowage. These surfaces are erected (unfolded)
just before launch. The tail-control surfaces are turned
or pivoted to control (steer) the missile along its flight

The principal forces acting on a missile in level
flight are thrust, drag, weight, and lift. Like any force,
each of these is a vector quantity that has magnitude
and direction. These forces are shown in figure 9-5.
Thrust is directed along the longitudinal axis of the
missile. It is the force that propels the missile forward at
speeds sufficient to sustain flight.

aerodynamic forces and basic motions that
impact on the design and performance of a

Drag is the resistance offered by the air to the

passage of the missile through it. This force is directed
Weight is comparable to the force of gravity acting
on the missile. This force is directed downward to the
center of the Earth.

Before we examine the control system of a missile,

it is important to understand a little about
aerodynamics. Aerodynamics is the science that deals
with the motion of air and other gases. It also considers
the forces acting on bodies moving through these gases.
The principles of aerodynamics that apply to the
operation of most aircraft also apply to high-speed

Lift is an upward force that supports the missile in

flight. Lift opposes the force of gravity and is directed
perpendicular to the direction of drag. Lift is the force
that concerns us the most.
Lift is produced by means of pressure differences.
The primary requirement for lift is that the air pressure
on the upper surface of an airfoil (wing or fin) be less
than the pressure on the underside. The amount of
lifting force produced is dependent, to a large extent, on
the shape of the airfoil. Additional factors also

Figure 9-3.Missile airframe design with respect to control

surface location.

Figure 9-5.Forces acting on a moving missile.


Missiles, like other aircraft, have six degrees or

dimensions of freedom (movement). To describe these
motions, we use a reference system of lines or axes.
These axes intersect at the missile's center of gravity.

determine the amount of lift. The airfoil area and the

angle at which its surface is inclined to an airstream
affect lift. The air speed and air density passing around
the airfoil are two more factors. The airfoil that
provides the greatest lift with the least drag in subsonic
flight has a curved (or camber) shape (fig. 9-6).

A missile can make three kinds of rotary

movementspitch, roll, and yaw (fig. 9-7). Pitch, or
turning up and down, is rotation about the lateral axis.
The lateral axis is the reference line in the horizontal
plane and is perpendicular to the line of flight. The
missile rolls, or twists, about the longitudinal axis. This
axis is the reference line running through the nose and
tail. The missile yaws, or turns left and right, about the
vertical axis.

Some standard airfoil terms are also included in the

drawing on figure 9-6. The foremost edge of the airfoil
is the leading edge. The rear edge is the trailing edge. A
straight line between the leading and trailing edges is
the chord. The large arrow (in view B) indicates relative
wind or the direction of airflow in respect to the moving
airfoil. The angle of attack is the angle between the
chord and the direction of relative wind.

A missile can make three kinds of translation or

linear movements. For example, a sudden gust of wind
or an air pocket could throw the missile a considerable
distance from its desired trajectory. This displacement
could happen without causing any significant rotary or
angular movements. Any linear movement can be
resolved into three componentslateral, vertical, and
along the direction of thrust.

As relative wind strikes the airfoils tilted surface,

air flows around its upper and lower surfaces. Different
amounts of lifting force are exerted on various points of
the airfoil. The sum of all these forces is equal to a
single force acting on a single point and in a particular
direction. This point is the center of pressure. From
here, lift is in a direction perpendicular to relative wind.
The dynamic or impact force of the relative wind
against the airfoils lower surface contributes to lift.
However, the major portion of the lifting force is
obtained from the pressure differential above and below
the airfoil. The angle of attack causes the air flowing
over the airfoils upper surface to travel a greater
distance. The farther the air has to travel, the faster it
moves. Faster speed creates a lower pressure.
Therefore, since the air pressure above the airfoil is less
than that below it, the result is lift. The magnitude of the
lifting force is proportional to the pressure difference.

The missile must sense and correct for each degree

of movement to maintain an accurate and stable flight
path. This stable flight path is often called "attitude"
and refers to the position of the missile relative to a
known (horizontal or vertical) plane. The control
system contains various components used to maintain a
proper flight attitude.
Gyroscopes are very important control system
components. Any spinning object (a top, a wheel, etc.)
is fundamentally a gyro. It can be defined as a
mechanical device containing a spinning mass. It is
mounted in such a manner as to have either one or two
degrees (directions) of freedom.

Like any moving body, a guided missile executes
two basic types of motionrotation and translation. In
pure rotation, all parts of the missile pivot around the
center of gravity. In movements of translation, or linear
motions, the center of gravity moves along a line.

Figure 9-7.Rotary movements of a missile: pitch, roll, and


Figure 9-6.Wing cross section.


A gyro that has two degrees of freedom is referred

to as a free gyro. Its rotor is mounted in gimbals so it
can assume any position. View A of figure 9-8 shows a
free gyro that can turn on two axes, Y and Z. View B
shows a different type of gyro. It is called a rate gyro
and has only one degree of freedom or axis.
Gyros have two useful characteristics in guided
missiles. First, the gyro rotor tends to remain fixed in
space if no force is applied to it. The idea of
maintaining a fixed plane in space is easy to
understand. When any object is spinning rapidly, it
tends to keep its axis pointed in the same direction. A
toy top is a good example. As long as it is spinning fast,
it stays balanced on its point. A gyro, like a spinning
top, resists the tendency of gravity to change its spin
axis. The resistance of a gyro against any force which
tends to displace the rotor from its plane of rotation is
called rigidity in space.

Figure 9-9.Precessing a gyro.

When a downward force is applied at point A, the force

is transferred through pivot B. This force causes a
downward movement at point C.

The second characteristic of a gyro is that its spin

axis tends to move at right angles to the direction of an
applied force. This action can be seen in figure 9-9.

That movement, at a right angle to the direction of

the applied force, is called precession. The force
associated with this movement (also at right angles to
the direction of the applied force) is called the force of
Free Gyros in Guided Missiles
To see how free gyros are used in guided missiles to
detect changes in attitude, refer to figure 9-10. Let us

Figure 9-10.View A.missile horizontal; View B.missile

rolls; View C.missile pitches; View D.missile yaws. In
all cases, gyro remains fixed in space.

Figure 9-8.Gyroscopes: A. Free gyro has two degrees of

freedom; B. Rate gyro has one degree of freedom.


must also be positioned to meet variations in lift and

drag at different flight speeds. All these actions
contribute to the in-flight stability of the missile.

assume the missile shown in view A has a horizontal

design attitude. A gyro within the missile has its spin
axis in the vertical plane and is also gimbal-mounted.
Any deviation in the horizontal attitude of the missile
does not physically affect the gyro. In other words, the
missile could roll and the gyro will maintain its position
in space.

Stability and Lift

So far we have discussed the principles of
producing lift by using chambered or curved airfoils.
Chambered airfoils are mainly used on subsonic,
conventional aircraft. The present-day supersonic
guided missile must use a different kind of control
surface to provide stability and lift.

View B illustrates the last point. The missile has

rolled about 30 but the gyro remains stable. If we
could measure this angle, we would know exactly how
far the missile deviated from the horizontal plane. This
information could then be used to change the position
of the control surfaces and correct or stabilize the
missile. View C shows that a free gyro with a vertical
spin axis can also be used to monitor or detect pitch.

In most SMS missiles, lift is achieved almost

entirely by the thrust of the propulsion system of the
missile. The control surfaces must, therefore, be
streamlined to reduce any resulting air turbulence. The
lift that a missile fin does contribute is based on a
slightly different principle than that seen in figure 9-6.
At subsonic speeds, a positive angle of attack on the
fins of the missile will produce lift just as with the
conventional airfoil. However, at supersonic speeds, the
formation of expansion waves and oblique (angled)
shock waves also contribute to lift.

Actually, a minimum of two free gyros is required

to compensate for roll, pitch, and (the third factor) yaw.
However, for yaw, a second gyro must be mounted so
its spin axis is in the horizontal plane, as shown in view
D. (You are looking down onto the missile.)
Rate Gyros in Guided Missiles

View A of figure 9-11 shows the upper surface of a

supersonic fin in detail. Because of the shape of the fin,
the air is speeded up through a series of expansion
waves, resulting in a low-pressure area above the fin.

The free gyros just described measure and generate

correction signals necessary to maintain a stable
attitude. However, because of the momentum of the
missile in responding to these signals, another problem
develops. Large overcorrection would result unless
there were some way of determining how fast the
angular movement is occurring. In other words, the
missile would overshoot and oscillate around the given
Rate gyros (shown in view B of fig. 9-8) take into
account the momentum of the missile and continuously
determine any angular accelerations. By combining the
free and rate gyro signals, the tendency of the control
surfaces to overcorrect is minimized and better in-flight
stability is obtained. Normally, there is an independent
rate gyro for each (roll, pitch, and yaw) axis.
Aerodynamic control is the connecting link
between the guidance system and the flight path of the
missile. Effective control of the flight path requires
smooth and exact operation of the control surfaces of
the missile. They must have the best possible design
configuration for the intended speed of the missile. The
control surfaces must move with enough force to
produce the necessary change of direction. The
adjustments they make must maintain the balance and
center of gravity of the missile. The control surfaces

Figure 9-11.View A.expansion wave; View B.airflow

around a supersonic fin.


View B of figure 9-11 shows a full cross section of the

fin. Beneath it, the force of the airstream and the
formation of oblique shock waves results in a
high-pressure area. These pressure differences produce
Fin Designs and Arrangements
Figure 9-12 shows the basic design shapes of
supersonic fins. In view A, the double wedge offers the
least drag but lacks strength. The modified double
wedge has relatively low drag and is stronger. The
biconvex causes considerable drag but is the strongest
of the three designs. The biconvex is also the most
difficult and expensive to manufacture.

Figure 9-13.Arrangement of control surfaces.

View B of figure 9-12 shows the side view of

popular supersonic fin designs. These particular shapes
are used to reduce unwanted shock wave effects.

necessary steering corrections to keep the missile in

proper flight attitude and trajectory.

Fins can be mounted on the structure of the missile

in many different arrangements. Figure 9-13 shows
some of the variations. The cruciform style is the most
predominant in SMS missiles.


control signals may come from inside the missile, from
an outside source, or both. To coordinate these signals,
the missile has onboard computers to mix, integrate,
and rate the control signals.

External Control

The computer network takes into account guidance

signals, missile movements (rotation and translation
dimensions), and control surface positions. By
continuously computing this information, the computer
network generates error signals. These signals cause
the control surfaces to move and result in steering

Guided missiles are equipped with two types of

control surfaces. The stationary (dorsal) fins provide
for in-flight stability and some lift. The movable
control surfaces (tail control surfaces) provide the

Does the information in the last paragraph

sound familiarkind of like a servo system? Well,
it should because guided missiles use servo
systems/servomechanisms that are very similar to those
we discussed with GMLS power drives.
diagram of a basic missile control system is shown in
figure 9-14. Free gyroscopes provide inertial references
from which missile attitude can be determined. For any
particular attitude, gyro signals are sent from the
gyroscope sensors to the summing network of the
computer. These signals are proportional to the amount
of roll, pitch, and yaw at any given instant.
After the gyro signals are compared with other
information (e.g., guidance signals), correction signals
are generated. These signals are orders to the controller
servo and are used to position the control surfaces.
In addition to the internal feedback (response), an
external feedback feature is present. Because the

Figure 9-12.High-speed fin configurations.


Figure 9-14.A basic missile control system (servo).

gyroscopes continuously detect changes in missile

attitude, they are always producing an output order.

3. Directingthe directions or correcting signals

are applied to the controlling units.


4. Steeringusing the correcting signals to direct

the movements of the control surfaces.


purpose and functions of missile guidance
systems to include the phases of guidance and
the various types of guidance systems.

The first three processes are performed by the

guidance system of the missile. The fourth process,
steering, is accomplished by the control system of the

The guidance and control functions of a missile are

often confused as being the same. Well, they are in one
sense and are not in another. A guidance system is used
to keep the missile on its proper flight path (trajectory)
and headed toward the target. The guidance system can
be thought of as the brain of the missile. The control
system performs two distinct tasks. First, it maintains
the missile in proper flight attitude. Using instruments
like gyros, the control system corrects for problems
experienced through rotation and translation. Second,
the control system responds to orders from the
guidance system and steers the missile toward the
target. Think of the control system as the muscle of the

Figure 9-15 is a simple block diagram of a basic

guidance system. This system is very similar to a basic
control system shown in figure 9-14. The two systems
interrelate and interact in their operations.
Generally, missile in-flight guidance is divided into
three phasesboost, midcourse, and terminal. These

Therefore, the guidance and control systems DO

work together to (1) determine the flight path of the
missile and (2) maintain the missile in proper flight
attitude (stability). Four processes are involved with
these combined operations:
1. Trackingthe positions of the target and
missile are continuously determined.
2. Computingthe tracking information is used
to determine the directions necessary for control.

Figure 9-15.Basic missile guidance system.


Midcourse Phase

names refer to the different parts or time periods of a

trajectory (fig. 9-16).

The second or midcourse phase of guidance is often

the longest in both distance and time. During midcourse
(or cruise) guidance, the missile makes any corrections
necessary to stay on the desired course. Guidance
information can be supplied to the missile by various
means. The object of midcourse guidance is to place the
missile near the target.

Boost Phase
The boost phase of missile flight is also known as
the launching phase or initial phase. It is during this
period that the missile is boosted to flight speed. It lasts
until the fuel supply of the booster burns up. For the
medium-range (MR) missiles that use a dual-thrust
rocket motor (DTRM), the booster propellant grain is
consumed and burns out. For extended range (ER)
missiles, the separate booster drops off at burnout.

Terminal Phase
The terminal phase of guidance brings the missile
into contact or close proximity with the target. The last
phase of guidance must have quick response to ensure a
high degree of accuracy. Quite often the guidance
system causes the missile to perform what is best
described as an "up-and-over" maneuver during the
terminal phase. Essentially, the missile flies higher than
the target and descends on it at intercept.

The boost phase is very important to the flight path

of the missile. The launcher and missile are aimed in a
specific direction by orders from the FCS computer.
This aiming establishes the line of sight (trajectory or
flight path) the missile must fly along during the initial
phase. At the end of boost, the missile must be at a
calculated point. Some missiles are guided during
boost; others are not.

We will now discuss the various types of guidance

systems and how they direct the missile to the target.

Figure 9-16.Guidance phases of flight.


In the radar command guidance method, radar is

used to track the missile and the target. Guidance
signals are sent to the missile by varying the
characteristics of the missile radar tracking beam.
Sometimes a separate radio transmitter is used.

The four main categories are (1) command, (2) homing,

(3) composite, and (4) self-contained.
Command guidance missiles are those which are
guided on the basis of direct electromagnetic radiation
contact with a friendly source (i.e., ship, ground, or
aircraft). All guidance instructions, or commands,
come from outside the missile. The guidance sensors
detect this information and convert it to a usable form.
The output of the guidance computer initiates the
movement of the control surfaces and the missile

Figure 9-17 shows the basic arrangement of radar

command guidance. As soon as radar #1 (target tracker)
is locked on target, tracking information is fed to the
computer. The missile is launched and tracked by radar
#2 (missile tracker). Data from both target and missile
radars, such as ranges, elevations, and bearings, are fed
continuously into the computer. The computer analyzes
the data and determines the correct flight path for the
missile. The guidance signals or commands generated
by the computer are routed to a command (radar or
radio) transmitter and sent to the missile. The receiver
of the missile accepts the instructions, converts them,
and directs the control surfaces to make steering

There are (or were) various types of command

guidance methods. Early examples included remote
control by wire and by radio command. Generally
command by (believe it or not) wire was limited to
air-launched missiles. A pair of fine wires was unrolled
from coils after the missile was launched. The airplane
pilot mentally calculated and manually controlled the
trajectory of the missile to the target. Radio command
eliminated wires and extended the range of a missile.
However, one solution always leads to another
problem. Radio command was effective as long as the
operator could see the missile. After it flew beyond the
range of normal vision . . . well, you can understand the
problem if you have ever owned a remote-controlled
model airplane. From wire, to radio, to the next logical


Homing guidance systems also rely on electromagnetic radiations for guidance information. The
homing device is usually a small antenna located within
the nose of the missile. It detects some type of
distinguishing feature or radiation given off by or
reflected from the target. This information is converted
into usable data and positions the control surfaces.
Three types of homing guidance systems are used by
SMS missilesactive, semiactive, and passive.

Figure 9-17.Basic radar command guidance.


as a seeker head or signal antenna). The ships fire

control radar serves as the transmitting source and
directs its radar energy to illuminate the target. As in
active homing guidance, part of this energy is reflected
or bounced from the target. The receiver of the missile
picks up the reflected energy and uses it to generate its
own steering commands.

Active Homing Guidance

In active homing guidance (view A of fig. 9-18),
the missile contains an onboard transmitter and
receiver. The transmitter sends out radar signals in the
general direction of the target. These signals strike the
target and reflect or bounce back to the missile. These
return "echoes" are picked up by the receiver antenna of
the missile and fed to the guidance computer. The
computer output generates steering corrections for the
control system. Active homing guidance does not
require a ships radar; the missile is entirely on its own
after launch.

Passive Homing Guidance

The passive homing guidance method (view C of
fig. 9-18) depends on the missile's detecting some form
of energy emitted by the target. A receiver antenna
inside the missile picks up this "signal" and computes all necessary guidance information. Steering
corrections are made and the missile homes in on the

Semiactive Homing Guidance

In semiactive homing guidance (view B of fig.
9-18), the missile contains only a receiver (referred to

Figure 9-18.Homing guidance system: A. Active; B. Semiactive; and C. Passive.


Preset Guidance

Passive homing guidance, like active homing, is

completely independent of the launching ship. Passive
homing normally is not used to guide the missile all the
way (from launch to intercept). However, it is well
adapted to serve as a secondary or backup guidance
system. Should the enemy sense any radar illumination
(such as from active and semiactive homing methods),
electronic jamming could be initiated. This jamming
"mixes" up the guidance information to the missile.
Sensing the jamming, circuits within the guidance
system of the missile switch over to passive mode. The
missile continues toward the target, homing on the
jamming source. Other sources of energy used for
passive homing can include light, sound, heat from a
propulsion unit, and so forth.

The term preset completely describes this method

of guidance. Before the missile is launched, all the
information relative to target location and the required
missile trajectory must be calculated. The data is then
locked into the guidance system so the missile will fly
at correct altitude and speed. Also programmed into the
system are the data required for the missile to start its
terminal phase of flight and dive on the target.
One disadvantage of preset guidance is that once
the missile is launched, its trajectory cannot be
changed. Therefore, preset guidance is really only used
against large stationary targets, such as cities.
Navigational Guidance Systems


When targets are at very great distances from the

launch site (beyond the effective range of radar, for
example), some form of navigational guidance must be
used. Accuracy at these distances requires exacting
calculations and many complicated factors must be
considered. Three types of navigational guidance
systems that may be used by long-range missiles are
inertial, celestial, and terrestrial.

There isn't any one type of guidance system

(command or homing) best suited for all phases of
guidance. Therefore, it is logical to design one
guidance system that combines the advantages of the
others. For example, a missile may ride a signal until it
is within a certain range of the target. At this point, the
signal is terminated and a type of homing guidance
takes over until intercept.

INERTIAL GUIDANCE.The inertial guidance

method is similar to the preset guidance method.
Inertial guided missiles also receive preprogrammed
information before launch. After launch, there is no
electromagnetic contact between the missile and its
launch point (the ship, in our case). However, unlike
preset guidance, the missile can make corrections to its
flight path and does so with amazing accuracy.

Control of a particular guidance subsystem may

come from more than one source. A signal is set up to
designate when one phase of guidance is over and the
next phase begins. This signal may come from a tape,
an electronic timing device, or from a radio or radar
The device that switches guidance subsystems is
often called a control matrix. It automatically transfers
the correct signal to the guidance subsystem regardless
of conditions. If the midcourse subsystem should fail,
the matrix switches in an auxiliary subsystem. Should
the original guidance subsystem become active again,
the matrix switches back to the primary subsystem.

Flight control is accomplished by using special

sensors, called accelerometers, mounted on a
gyro-stabilized platform. All in-flight accelerations are
measured continuously and the guidance and control
systems generate steering orders to maintain the proper
trajectory. The unpredictable outside forces (e.g., wind)
are also monitored by the sensors. Correction orders are
generated to maintain proper flight attitude.


Certain guided missiles have self-contained
guidance systems. All guidance and control functions
are performed totally within the missile. They neither
transmit nor receive any signals during flight.
Therefore, jamming or other electronic countermeasures are ineffective against them. Generally,
self-contained guidance systems are used in
surface-to-surface or shore applications.

The use of an inertial guidance system takes much

of the guesswork out of the long-range fire control
problem. It has proven to be extremely reliable and,
above all, very accurate.
CELESTIAL GUIDANCE.A celestial guidance system uses stars or other celestial bodies as
known references (or fixes) in determining a flight path.
This guidance method is rather complex and


Thermal Jet Engines

cumbersome. However, celestial guidance is quite

accurate for the longer ranged missiles.

Missiles with thermal jet engines "breathe" in a

predetermined amount of air and compress it. Liquid
fuel is then injected into the compressed air and the
mixture is ignited. Combustion takes place within a
combustion chamber. The resulting hot gases are
expelled through an exhaust nozzle at the rear of the
missile. At this point, heat energy is transformed into
kinetic energy and the thrust or propulsive motion is

guidance is also a complicated arrangement. Instead of
celestial bodies as reference points, this guidance
system uses map or picture images of the terrain which
it flies over as a reference. Terrestrial and celestial
guidance systems are obviously better suited for large,
long-range land targets.

An air-breathing jet engine must rely on oxygen

obtained from the atmosphere for fuel combustion to
take place. That is a disadvantage because the flight
altitude (or ceiling) of the missile is thereby limited.
However, at lower altitudes, the air-breathing (thermal)
jet engine is very efficient.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall the types

of missile propulsion, engines, and fuels, the
affects of acceleration, and the four associated
speed regions.
"Propulsion" is defined as the act of driving
forward or onward by means of a force that imparts
motion. Considering all the different types of weapons,
there are three methods of propulsion:

Rocket Engines
A rocket (jet) engine does not depend on air intake
for its operation. Hence it is capable of functioning at
very high altitudes and even beyond the atmosphere. A
rocket engine carries within it all the materials required
for combustion. That usually includes a fuel, either
solid or liquid, and an oxidizer. The oxidizer is a
substance capable of releasing the oxygen that is
necessary to support combustion.

1. Gun or impulse
2. Reaction
3. Gravity
Any weapon that uses an internal source of
propulsive power to carry it to a target is said to be a
reaction-propelled weapon. Guided missiles are
reaction-propelled weapons. The propelled power is
obtained from the combustion of a fuel in a reaction

Once the propellant of the rocket engine is ignited,

hot gases are expelled from the exhaust nozzle. Heat
energy is changed to kinetic energy and thrust is
created. The amount of thrust developed by a
rocket-type engine generally is rated as extremely high
compared to the thrust of a similar sized air-breathing

The basic principle of reaction propulsion can be
summarized by the old law of physics that states, "for
every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." A
person walks forward by pushing backward against the
ground. A missile moves forward when a mass of gas (a
jet) is expelled rearward at high speed.

The more important characteristics of all rocket

motors are summarized below.
1. The thrust developed by a rocket motor is very
high, nearly constant, and is independent of missile

Jet propulsion is another term that describes

reaction propulsion. Jet propulsion is a means of
locomotion obtained from the momentum of matter
ejected from within a body. This matter must be in the
form of a fluid jet. The fluid can be water, steam, heated
air, or gaseous products produced from burning a fuel.
For our purposes, jet propulsion systems used in guided
missiles may be divided into two typesthermal jet
engines and rocket engines. Both types operate by
expelling a stream of high-speed gas from an exhaust

2. Rockets will operate in a vacuum.

3. Rockets have relatively few moving parts and
simple design.
4. Rockets have a very high rate of propellant
5. Essentially the burning time of a rocket
propellant is short.
6. Rockets need no booster since they develop full
thrust at takeoff. If a booster is used, it aids the missile


motors. The major elements of such propulsion units

include (1) propellant, (2) combustion chamber, (3)
igniter or squib, and (4) exhaust nozzle (fig. 9-20).

in reaching flight speed in minimum time and can

extend range.
We'll now discuss two types of reaction/jet
propulsion units used in SMS missiles. First, we'll
examine a thermal jet-type engine known as a turbojet.
Then we'll cover solid-fuel rocket motors which are
classified as rocket engines.

The combustion chamber of a solid-fuel rocket has

two purposes. First, it acts as a stowage place for the
propellant. Second, it serves as the area where burning
takes place. Depending on the grain configuration used,
this chamber may also contain a device to hold the
propellant in a certain position. A trap of some sort may
be included to prevent flying particles of propellant
from clogging the throat of the exhaust nozzle.
Additionally, the chamber may have resonance rods.
They absorb vibrations set up in the chamber during

A turbojet engine is an air-breathing, thermal jet
propulsion system. It is called a turbojet because a
portion of its exhaust is used to operate a turbine. The
turbine, in turn, drives an air compressor. The primary
function of a compressor is to receive and compress
large masses of air. It then distributes this air to the
combustion chambers.

The igniter consists of a small explosive charge,

such as black powder or a comparable material. The
substance is easily ignited by either a spark discharge or
small electric current. As it burns, the igniter produces a
temperature high enough to activate the main
propellant charge. The igniter is sometimes known as a
primer or a squib.

Therefore, the major areas of a turbojet engine are

an air intake system, an air compressor, a combustion
chamber, and a turbine. These components essentially
form an open-cycle gas turbine combined with a jet
stream. In operation, the compressor is driven by the
gas turbine, as shown in figure 9-19. It supplies air
under high pressure to the combustion chamber. The
turbine absorbs only part of this energy while the rest is
used for thrust. Once the engine is started, combustion
is continuous.

The exhaust nozzle serves the same purpose as in

any other jet-propulsion system. It must be of heavy
construction and heat-resistant due to the high
pressures and temperatures of the exhaust gases.
Operation of a solid-fuel rocket is simple. To start
the combustion process, the igniter or electric squib is
"fired" to initiate the main propellant. You get a cloud
of smoke, a pretty loud roar, and a rail-clear indication!

The turbojet does have one minor disadvantage. Its

speed is limited to less than the speed of sound. If it
approaches that point, shock waves develop on the
compressor blades and interfere with engine

Types of Solid Propellants

There are two basic types of solid-propellant
chargesrestricted burning and unrestricted burning. A restricted-burning charge has some of its
exposed surfaces covered with a liner or inhibitor


Although there are solid- and liquid-fuel rockets,
the majority of SMS missiles have solid-fuel rocket

Figure 9-20.Components of a solid-fuel rocket motor, with

end burning grain.

Figure 9-19.Cross-sectional view of a basic turbojet.


Unrestricted-burning charges are designed so they

burn on all surfaces at once. The charge is usually
hollow and burns on both the inside and outside
surfaces. (See view C of fig. 9-21.) Since the inside area
increases while the outside area decreases during
combustion, a constant burning area is maintained.
For an unrestricted-burning charge, thrust is also
proportional to the burning area. The burning time of
hollow grains depends on their web thickness. That is
the distance between the inside and outside surfaces.
An unrestricted-burning charge delivers a lot of thrust
for a short period of time. It normally is used in the
booster section of the propulsion system of the missile.
Certain SMS missiles use a separate
missile-booster combination. The solid-fuel booster,
using an unrestricted-burning charge, provides the
initial large thrust for a short period of time. In doing so,
it gets the missile off the launcher rail, up to flight speed
quickly, and extends the range of the weapon. The
solid-fuel sustainer of the propulsion system of the
missile uses a restricted-burning charge. It is ignited at
booster separation and provides the low thrust, long
burning time to "sustain" or keep the missile going
down range.

Figure 9-21.Solid propellant grains: A. Restricted burning;

B. Restricted bored; C. Unrestricted burning; D. Grain

(view A in fig. 9-21). This covering confines the

burning area and aids in controlling the burning rate of
the propellant. The use of an inhibitor lengthens
burning time and helps to control combustion-chamber
A restricted-burning charge is usually in the shape
of a solid cylinder. It completely fills the combustion
chamber and burns only on its end. The thrust
developed is proportional to the cross-sectional area of
the charge. Burning time is proportional to the charge
length. The restricted-burning charge provides a low
thrust and long burning time. Normally, it is used in the
sustainer section of the propulsion system of the

Other types of SMS missiles use what is called a

dual-thrust rocket motor (DTRM) (fig. 9-22). The
solid-fuel propulsive charge is formed by bonding two
types of propellants into a single unit. The center
(booster) grain is an unrestricted charge and boosts the
missile into flight. The outer (sustainer) grain is a
restricted charge and sustains the missile until the end
of flight.

Figure 9-22.Cutaway view of a dual-thrust rocket motor.


propellant grain resulting from the missile being

dropped or jarred during handling will have the same

Burning Rate of Solid Propellant Grains

The key point to understand about the restricted
and unrestricted charges is that their burning rate is
controlled. An uncontrolled burning rate would result
in an explosion. That is fine for the warhead which we'll
discuss next, but for a rocket motor . . . it could really
ruin a paint job on the launcher.

High temperatures can make certain grains lose

their shape and become soft and weak, possibly
resulting in unsatisfactory performance. The optimum
temperature ranges for most solid propellants in
stowage is between 70F and 100F.

The ideal solid-propellant would be ignited easily

and continue to burn evenly. However, "ideal" is not
possible. One way to control a burning rate is to use an
inhibitor. An inhibitor is any substance that interferes
with or retards combustion. The lining and washer
shown in views A and C, respectively, of figure 9-21 are
two examples of inhibitors.

Since we are in the area of propulsion, it is
appropriate to talk about acceleration as it affects a
missile. Acceleration is a change in either speed or
direction of motion. A missile experiences the forces of
acceleration as it increases or decreases speed during
flight. Changes in direction, dives, pullouts, and so
forth, are also acceleration forces acting on a missile.

Another method of controlling the burning rate of a

propellant is to use various grain shapes. Common
examples of these shapes are shown in view D of figure
9-21. Resonance rods, mentioned earlier, may be used
to offset the resonant burning or "chugging" of a
propellant. These metal or plastic rods are sometimes
included in the combustion chamber. They serve to
break up regular fluctuations in the burning rate and
accompanying pressure variations. They do so by
maintaining a constant burning area while the surface
of the grain is being consumed.

These forces are measured in terms of the standard

unit of gravity. This unit is abbreviated by the letter g. A
free-falling body is attracted to Earth by a force equal to
its weight. As a result, it accelerates at a constant rate of
about 32 feet per second. That is equal to one g.
Missiles, making rapid turns or responding to major
changes in propulsive thrust, experience accelerations
many times that of gravity. The maximum g-force a
missile can withstand determines the maximum turning
rate of the weapon.

The burning characteristics of a solid propellant

depend on various factors. Examples include its
chemical composition, initial temperature, size and
shape of the grains, and so forth. In most missiles, the
propellant is case-bonded to the combustion chamber
walls. This bonding means the propellant composition
is melted and then poured or cast directly into the
chamber. This technique makes full use of the entire
chamber area.


Missile speeds are expressed in terms of Mach
number, rather than miles per hour or knots. A Mach
number is the ratio of missile speed to the local speed of
sound. If a missile is flying at one half of the local speed
of sound, it is traveling at .5 Mach; twice the local speed
of sound is Mach 2.

One limitation to solid-fuel propellants is their

sensitivity to temperature changes. The burning rate of
the propellant can be affected. A particular grain may
produce more thrust on a hot day than it will on a cold
day. Now, this doesn't mean you can't fire missiles on
your next North Atlantic cruise (for you East Coast
Sailors). However, it is a factor to be considered in the
fire control problem.

Notice that we have referred to the "local" speed of

sound. That is because this quantity is not fixed or
constant. The speed of sound in air varies with the
temperature of the air. At sea level, with ambient
temperature about 60F, the speed of sound is around
760 miles per hour. If you measure it at the top of the
troposphere (about 10 miles up), the speed is only
around 660 mph. At higher elevations, it then increases
(800 mph+).

Temperature also affects the physical state of a

solid-fuel propellant. At extremely low temperatures,
some grains become brittle and tend to crack. Cracks
increase the burning area surface leading to an
increased burning rate and combustion-chamber
pressure. If the pressure exceeds the design strength of
the chamber, the missile could explode. Cracks in the

Regarding guided missiles, we are concerned with

four speed regions.
1. Subsonicthe region in which airflow over all
missile surfaces is less than the local speed of sound.


The subsonic region starts at Mach 0 and extends to

about .75 Mach.

result of the missile. The text will examine the

following types of payloads: blast and fragmentation.

2. Transonicthe region in which airflow over

the missile surfaces is mixed; subsonic in some areas,
higher in others. The limits of this region are not
sharply defined but range between .75 Mach and Mach

Blast-Effect Warheads
A blast-effect warhead consists of a quantity of
high explosives in a metal case. The force of the
explosion creates a pressure or shock wave in the air or
surrounding medium. It is this pressure wave that
causes damage to the target.

3. Supersonicthe region in which airflow over

all missile surfaces is at speeds greater than the local
speed of sound. This region extends from about Mach
1.2 upward.

Blast-effect warheads are most effective against

underwater targets. Because water is incompressible
and relatively dense, the effect of the blast is essentially
magnified. A blast-effect warhead is also fairly
successful against a ground or surface target. A
blast-effect warhead is least effective against an air
target. Air is not that dense and the shock wave
dissipates quickly as it expands outward.

4. Hypersonicspeeds on the order of Mach 10

and higher.
Most SMS guided missiles are designed for use
against supersonic air targets (antiair warfare). These
missiles normally travel in the Mach 2 to 2.5 range.
Other SMS guided missiles, especially those designed
only for use against surface targets (like Harpoon),
travel in the subsonic region.

In all applications, timing is a predominant factor

for blast-effect warheads. Figure 9-23 illustrates this


Fragmentation Warheads

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall the types,

purpose, and effectiveness of missile warheads, the types of fuzes, and the purpose of the
safe and arming device.

Fragmentation warheads use the force of a

high-explosive charge to break up the container or
casing of the warhead. These "fragments" are then
hurled outward as many high-speed pieces to cause
damage to a target. The design and construction of a
warhead can control the size, the velocity, and the
pattern of fragment dispersion.

Guided missile warheads are the business end of

the missile. The basic warhead section consists of three
functional elementspayload, fuze, and safety and
arming (S&A) device. Variations in warhead design
can be obtained by altering any one of the three
elements since they are usually separate units. In other
types of ammunition, like a gun projectile, the fuze and
S&A device are combined into one single unit. The
fuze function and S&A function are still performed
separately but the device is known just as a fuze.

Fragmentation warheads are most effective against

air targets. They can have a greater miss distance than a

In this text, we will refer to an S&A device as a
safe and arming device. In other publications, you
may see S&A (or S-A) defined as safety and arm,
safeing and arming, and so forth. Functionally, all
S&A devices are the same, only the name has
changed. Don't be confused.
The primary element of the warhead is the payload.
It is the destructive portion and accomplishes the end

Figure 9-23.A blast-effect warhead.


blast-effect warhead and do not have to make actual

contact with the target. There are many design
variations of fragmentation warheads. In SMS guided
missiles, a popular fragmentation-style warhead is
known as the continuous rod warhead. (See fig. 9-24.)
Early experiments with short, straight,
unconnected rod warheads (view A of fig. 9-24) had
shown that they could inflict serious damage to an air
target. They could chop off propeller blades, penetrate
engine blocks, slice up wings, and so forth. However, as
airplanes got bigger, their structures were designed so
they could receive a number of small "hits" and keep on
flying. But, a long continuous cut in their structure was
"bad news," and that's what a "continuous" rod warhead
will do.
The continuous rod warhead is packaged in two
bundles inside the missile. At detonation, a
high-explosive force (inside the bundles) causes them
to expand outward. (See view B of fig. 9-24.) The rods
expand radially into a ring pattern which lengthens and
increases in diameter. Generally, two semicircles are
formed as the rods expand. (See view C of fig. 9-24.)
These semicircles prevent disintegration of the pattern
when maximum expansion is reached.
The expansion action can be likened to unfolding a
carpenter's rule. The effect of these metal rods is a
cutting action. If you've ever run into a clothesline
while riding your bicycle, you can clearly understand
this principle!
The fuze is the second element of a warhead of a
missile. The primary purpose of the fuze is to initiate
detonation of the payload. To be effective, detonation or
"fuzing" must occur at a point where maximum damage
will be inflicted on the target. This point is often called
the "optimum time of detonation." It is the job of the
fuze to determine this time or point, which is based on
the nature of the target and the attack geometry
A large variety of fuze types is available. Three
general classes are contact (impact), proximity, and
ambient. The fuze type for a given application depends
on the characteristics of the target, the missile, and the
warhead. In guided missiles, the fuze is generally
referred to as a target detection device (TDD). Some
guidance systems produce or gather much or all the
information required to make the fuze function. In other
cases, the TDD itself provides this information.

Figure 9-24.View unconnected rod warhead; View

B.a continuous rod warhead bundle and its expanding
action; View C.the continuous rod warheads circular
pattern and cutting action.


The resulting burst pattern occurs at the most effective

time and location relative to the target. Designing a fuze
to produce an optimum burst pattern is not that easy.
The most desirable pattern depends largely on the
relative speed of the missile and of the target.
Sometimes the fire control computer (during preflight
programming) can adjust the sensitivity of the fuze.
This action can compensate for varying target speeds
and sizes. (We'd want a more sensitive fuze for a small
target compared to a less sensitive fuze for a larger
target.) Proximity fuzes, therefore, activate the warhead
detonating system after computing two factors: (1) the
distance to the target and (2) the rate at which
missile-target range is closing.

Contact Fuzes
Contact or impact fuzes are actuated by the inertial
force that occurs when the missile strikes the target.
Figure 9-25 illustrates the action of a contact fuze
before and after impact. (The booster charge and main
charge are not part of the fuze.)
During the launch and flight of the missile, the
plunger remains in the after end of the fuze. When the
missile strikes the target, it decelerates rapidly. The
inertia of the plunger carries it forward to strike the
sensitive priming mixture. The primer detonates and
starts a chain reaction by igniting the fuze booster
charge which ignites the main charge.
Sometimes a time delay element is used with a
contact fuze. This delay permits the warhead to
penetrate the target before detonation. Quite often a
contact fuze is also used in conjunction with another
type of fuze. For example, the main fuze can be a
proximity-type fuze. Should it fail to operate as the
missile approaches the target, the contact fuze would
still function on impact. In this sense, a contact fuze
serves as a backup or secondary fuze.

Since a proximity fuze operates on the basis of

information received from the target, it is subject to
jamming. If jammed, the fuze could become
inoperative. The missile would only damage the target
if a direct hit (contact fuze) were scored. More
seriously, jamming the fuze could result in premature
detonation. In that case, the missile has no chance to
reach the target. Most proximity fuzes use some means
of electronic countermeasure or counter-countermeasure to eliminate or bypass the effects of jamming.

Proximity Fuzes

Of all the types of influence available (i.e.,

photoelectric, acoustic, pressure, etc.), the electromagnetic methods (radio and radar) are most practical.
The TDD (fuze) transmits high-frequency energy
waves toward the target (fig. 9-26). Some of the waves
are reflected from the target. Because the missile is
constantly closing on the target, the reflected signal is
of a higher frequency than the transmitted signal. The
two signals, when mixed, will generate what is called a
Doppler frequency. Its amplitude is a function of target
distance. When the amplitude reaches a predetermined
level, the fuze is programmed to operate and warhead
detonation is initiated.

Proximity fuzes are actuated by some characteristic

feature, influence, or property of the target or target
area. Several types of proximity fuzes are available.
The influence may be photoelectric, acoustic, pressure,
electromagnetic (radio and radar), or electrostatic.
Each of these influences could be preset to function
when the intensity of the target characteristic reaches a
certain magnitude.
Proximity fuzes are designed to initiate warhead
detonation as the missile approaches or nears the target.

Figure 9-25.Contact fuze action: A. Before impact; B. After impact.


problem cannot be corrected rather quickly, circuits

within the missile activate its self-destruct fuze.
The safe and arming (S&A) device is the third
element of a warhead. Throughout a guided missile,
there are many S&A-type devices. The one we are
discussing here is related to the warhead and operates in
conjunction with the fuze or TDD.

Figure 9-26.A proximity fuze.

Fuze action may be divided into two

phasesfunctioning and S&A. The functioning process involves initiating payload detonation at the
optimum time, thus inflicting maximum damage. The
S&A device has a dual purpose. As a safety feature, it
must prevent premature initiation of the payload. The
safety is effective until a specific signal or series of
signals is received. At this time, certain events have
occurred in correct sequence or (maybe) a desired time
interval has elapsed. In any case, it is now safe to arm
the warhead.

Ambient Fuzes
An ambient fuze is one that is activated by some
characteristic of the environment surrounding the
target. Ambient fuzes are used mainly for surface or
subsurface applications. A simple example involves a
hydrostatic fuze for underwater detonation. In this case,
the fuze is basically a depth meter and activates when
water pressure reaches a certain amount.
Command Fuzes

For the arming feature, the arming mechanism of

the S&A device must actuate. This acuation removes or
cancels the safety feature and permits the transfer of
energy between the fuze and payload.

A command fuze responds to some form of signal

from a remote control point. In guided missiles, this
type of fuze is often used to order the weapon to
self-destruct. The remote control point would be the
firing ship. If the trajectory of the missile goes "wild"
and/or the flight path endangers friendly forces, the
firing ship orders command-destruct.

Normally, the safety function is accomplished by

inserting a physical barrier between the fuze and payload. The S&A device thus acts as an open switch until
safe detonation can be performed. Armed, the switch is
closed and the explosive train is capable of activating.

Other types of self-destroying fuzes are designed to

actuate under certain conditions. For example, the
missile can "lose sight" of the target. That may occur if
some internal component malfunctions or the fire
control radar ceases to transmit. Regardless of cause,
the missile cannot respond to guidance data. If the

Study figure 9-27 for a moment. It depicts a typical

explosive train for a warhead and illustrates the
relationship between the fuze (TDD), S&A device, and

Figure 9-27.Schematic of typical explosive train with safety device.


medium-range missile and SM-2 ER extended range

missile. SM-2 missiles are used on vertical launching
system (VLS) ships.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall the types,
capabilities, and uses of SMS guided missiles.

The Harpoon missile (fig. 9-29) is a subsonic, low

altitude cruise missile for use against surface targets
only. It is equipped with a self-contained midcourse
(cruise) guidance system and uses advanced active
homing techniques with countermeasure capabilities.
Harpoon is designed as an all-up-round (AUR) for all
weather operations and is capable of engaging
over-the-horizon targets.

We will show and provide a brief description of the

various guided missiles launched from SMS GMLSs on
naval ships in the fleet. Some of these weapons are
capable of being launched from aircraft and submarines
too. For the most part, SMS guided missiles are
designed to be used against air targets. However,
several missiles in our SMS arsenal can engage surface,
underwater, and land targets.

Tomahawk cruise missile (fig. 9-30) is a

long-range, subsonic, land-attack, and anti-ship missile
with a solid propellant booster and a liquid propellant
turbofan engine.

The Standard missile (fig. 9-28) represents the

largest group of guided missiles in the SMS arsenal
used primarily against air targets. The popular
designation of the missile is expressed as SM-1 MR

Figure 9-28.SM-1 MR and SM-2 ER major sections, components, and physical configuration.


Figure 9-29.Harpoon missile.

Figure 9-30.Tomahawk cruise missile.


Missiles are identified by various methods. The

military designation method is shown in table 9-1. The
missile is classified as to its launch environment,

mission, and vehicle type. For example, a RIM

designation represents a ship-launched guided missile
designed to intercept air targets.

Table 9-1.Missile Categories




Silo Stored
Silo Launched


Soft Pad


Air launched.
Capable of being launched from more than one environment.
Stored horizontally or at less than a 45 degree angle in a protective enclosure (regardless
of structural strength) and launched from the ground.
Vertically stored below ground level and launched from the ground.
Vertically stored and launched from below ground level.
Launched from a ground vehicle or movable platform.
Partially or nonprotected in storage and launched from the ground.
Launched from a surface vessel, such as ship, barge, etc.
Launched from a submarine or other underwater device.


Special Electronic


Surface Attack
Underwater Attack


Vehicles designed or modified to confuse, deceive, or divert enemy defenses by

simulating an attack vehicle.
Vehicles designed or modified with electronic equipment for communications,
coun-termeasures, electronic radiation sounding, or other electronic recording or relay
Vehicles designed to destroy land or sea targets.
Vehicles designed to intercept aerial targets, defensive or offensive roles.
Vehicles designed for target, reconnaissance, or surveillance purposes.
Vehicles designed or per-manently modified for training purposes.
Vehicles designed to destroy enemy submarines or other underwater targets or to
detonate underwater.
Vehicles designed to observe, record, or relay meteorological data.

Guide Missile



Unmanned, self-propelled vehicles designed to move in a trajectory or flight path all or

partially above the earths sur-face and whose trajectory or course, while the vehicle is in
motion, can be controlled re-motely or by homing systems, or by inertial and/or
programmed guidance from within. This term does not include space vehicles, space
boosters, or naval torpedoes, but does include target and reconnaissance drones.
Non-orbital instrumented vehicles not involved in space missions that are used to
pen-etrate the aerospace environ-ment and report information.
Self-propelled vehicles without installed or remote control guidance mechanisms,
whose trajectory cannot be altered after launch. Rocket systems designed for line of
sight are not included.

The military designation of the ASROC missile is RUR-5A since it is a ship-launched rocket designed to destroy enemy submarines. It is the
first (A) of its assigned design number (5). If necessary, to denote a special status, one of the following letters is affixed before the military



Special Test (Temporary)

Special Test (Permanent)

Vehicles especially configured simply to accommodate test.

Vehicles so modified they will not be returned to original use.
Vehicles under development.
Preproduction vehicles for test.
Vehicles in planning stage.


3. Guidance systemswith references to various

types (command, homing, and self-contained) and how
they interact with the control system to control flight

A type and configuration letter-number combination can be added to the basic designation. For example,
RIM-66A identifies a STANDARD SM-1A missile. An
RGM-84A identifies a ship-launched surface attack
guided missile or the HARPOON missile.

4. Propulsionwith references to air-breathing jet

engines (turbojets) and solid-fuel rocket motors,


5. Warheadswith references to the payload,

fuze, and S&A device, and

In this chapter we have discussed the missile basic

systems, the principles of guided missiles, and the SMS
guided missiles. We covered

6. SMS guided missiles-used on surface launched


1. Structuresor the airframe,

For specific and detailed discussions of particular

systems, refer to system technical manuals and the
references cited in an appendix to this TRAMAN.

2. Control systemswith references to aerodynamics and how flight attitude or stability was




Up to now we have centered our discussion on guns
and GMLSs and their operation. However, modern
weapons systems rarely, if ever, function
independently. A complete weapons system also
includes elements that detect and track the target,
compute a fire control solution, and generate control

to collect, analyze, and correlate sensor data to obtain a

clear picture of the tactical situation. A good tactical
picture includes complete target data on all ships,
aircraft, and submarines in the area of concern. This
picture is then converted to digital format and supplied
to the weapon systems of the ship and to other ships
over the communications data link.

We will begin this chapter by describing some of

the equipment and processes used to detect and identify
a target. We will then describe the different elements
involved in the fire control problem and the major fire
control systems now in the fleet. We will introduce the
subject of system testing and a very important piece of
equipment, a guided missile training round (GMTR).

Figure 10-1 is a simple line drawing that shows the

NTDS function. The picture supplied by the NTDS is a
"real time" display; it is not a projection, but a
representation of the tactical situation as it is at that
moment, based on available sensor data. Some weapon
systems are able to use raw sensor data to engage
targets, although this use is not the most effective mode
of operation. The use of raw data is normally reserved
for casualty mode use.


When two or more ships operate together, one ship

will be designated to maintain the communications link
network. This designation allows ships in the task force
to feed target data into the link for use by the entire
group. Each ship in the link will be able to use all the
processed target data from all the other ships in the link.
Access to this collective data serves to broaden the
tactical picture for the task force commander and for
individual commanders as well.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe the major components of Navy fire control systems.
The modern detection process involves more than
the location of possible targets by the sensors of the
ship. Before sensor information from your ship (or
other ships) can be fully used by the weapons system, it
must first be processed. Processing involves the
extraction of data concerning the course of the target,
speed, bearing, range, identity as friend or foe, and type
of target (air, surface, or subsurface). This information
is called target data and it is processed by the Naval
Tactical Data System (NTDS). The NTDS function is
central to the modern detection process, so we will
describe it firstthen we will describe the types of
sensors that supply the data to the NTDS.

In the past, as with other systems, the NTDS was

considered an individual unit instead of a component of
the combat system of the ship. This is no longer true.
Older ships are adopting a one-system philosophy.
Newer systems are designed as a single system. The
NTDS function is now being performed by the same

Many different detection systems are in use today.

A discussion of the operation of each one is beyond the
scope and intent of this book. Therefore, in this chapter
we will not discuss specific systems, only the general
characteristics of the different system types. For
detailed information on a specific system, consult the
system's technical manual(s).
The NTDS consists of high-speed computers, data
display consoles, communication links, and operational computer programs. The total system functions

Figure 10-1.The NTDS function.


(such as the AN/SPS-49) provide course range and

bearing information and IFF capabilities similar to
those of the three-coordinate radars. They do not,
however, provide elevation information.

equipment that performs other functions formerly not

associated with NTDS. The AEGIS weapon system is
the first system designed under the one-system concept.
The AEGIS Command and Decision (C&D) system not
only performs the NTDS function but also controls the
electronic warfare (EW) system, IFF challenges, and
several other functions as well.

Electronic Support Measures

Electronic support measures (ESM) is the passive
side of the total electronic warfare capability of the
ship. Its function is to detect electronic emissions and
aid in the rapid identification of the source platform or
weapon. A low-flying antiship cruise missile (ASCM),
such as our Harpoon, may not be detected by the radar
of your ship. The first indication you might see is the
electronic emissions of the missile seeker when it
initiates its homing phase. This first indication could
give you just 90 seconds, or less, to react before the
missile strikes your ship.

The NTDS collects data from each of the sensors of
the ship (radar, IFF, ESM, and sonar) as well as other
target data of the ship over the data link. We will now
provide brief descriptions of the type of information
each sensor supplies. Sonar will not be covered in this

Modern ESM not only detects the emission but also

supplies the operator with a suggestion regarding the
source. The operator must then visually verify the
accuracy of the suggestion. If he agrees with the
evaluation, the push of a button sends the data to the
NTDS. Should he disagree, he inputs his evaluation
through a manual keyboard.

The Navy uses a variety of search radars to detect

surface and air targets. However, they can all be
classified as either surface search/navigation or two- or
three-coordinate air search radars.
SURFACE SEARCH/NAVIGATION RADARS.Radar sets (such as the AN/SPS-65) are
short-range, two-coordinate, narrow-beam radars
capable of good discrimination in range and bearing for
surface search and low-flying aircraft. They are also
valuable because of their ability to detect modern
low-flying antiship missiles.

The LAMPS III helicopter is also equipped with

ESM equipment that further extends sensory range. A
single ESM unit can only supply target bearing data.
The LAMPS III helicopter, however, can be sent out
away from the ship to monitor the same emission, thus
allowing a vector of the position of the target and range
data. Two ships can perform the same maneuver.

T H R E E - C O O R D I N AT E R A D A R S .
Three-coordinate radars (such as AN/SPS-48 or
AN/SPY-1) are normally the primary source of air
target information. These radars provide precise air
search data consisting of range, bearing, and elevation
angle to the NTDS or weapons direction system
(WDS). These radars also provide IFF (identification,
friend or foe) data. IFF is a subsystem that issues an
electronic challenge to aircraft. Depending upon the
response or lack of response from the aircraft, the
aircraft is determined to be friendly or hostile. The air
search data and synchronized IFF interrogation
information are displayed on operator consoles in the
combat information center (CIC) for target engagement evaluation. Electronic counter-countermeasure
(ECCM) features improve the display when jamming
environments are encountered.

Figure 10-2 shows the configuration of a modern

weapon system aboard an AEGIS-equipped ship.
Remember that the NTDS function is accomplished by
the C&D equipment in the AEGIS system.
function of the weapons direction system
The weapons direction system (WDS), also
referred to as weapons control system (WCS),
functions to schedule, control, and assess the
engagement of targets with the weapon systems of the
ship. WDS consists of a computer set, a computer
program, and two or more operator consoles.


source of air target information for a weapon system is
a two-coordinate radar. These are the primary means
for detection of long-range air targets. These radars

WDS receives target data from NTDS. Each target

is analyzed and assigned a threat priority. The system
then assigns a weapons system to engage the highest

Figure 10-2.The AEGIS combat system.

The WDS computer is programmed to prioritize

and engage targets that exhibit certain characteristics.
In addition to this programming, the operator consoles
can also be programmed to include quick reaction
(QR) zones. These zones determine at what range, and
from which direction, approaching targets are
automatically engaged. These parameters are constantly updated as the tactical situation changes. QR
zones may also be used to help make sure friendly ships
and aircraft are not mistakenly engaged.

priority target. Weapons system assignment includes

(in the case of a missile engagement) the selection of
the number and type of missiles to be fired, as well as
which director will be used to track and illuminate the
target. In the case of a fully automatic engagement, the
system will also initiate missile firing. However, not all
systems are capable of full automatic operation. In all
cases, the operator may manually override the system
to alter the method of engagement.
Before the advent of WDS, each of these functions
was performed by the individual action of system
operators. Therefore, response time and accuracy were
limited to the speed and skill of the operators. A rapid
and accurate response is required to defend against the
sophisticated modern weapons currently in the arsenal
of the world. WDS enables the entire engagement
(or portions thereof) to be executed rapidly and

components of a basic fire control system and
discuss the function of each.
A basic fire control system consists of a computer, a director and radar, and a stable element. The


range, bearing, and elevation data to the computer.

Radar provides target range, and the director, based on
its train angle and the elevation angle of the radar
antenna, provides target bearing and elevation data.

following sections will provide a brief description of

each of these.
The definition of a computer is any device capable
of accepting data, applying mathematical operations to
that data, and obtaining useful information from those
operations. A fire control computer accepts target and
own-ship's data, processes it, and provides a solution to
the fire control problem. Own-ship's data includes
course, speed, pitch, and roll. Also included are other
variables, such as wind direction and, in the case of
guns, projectile initial velocity. This data will be
discussed further as we describe the fire control
problem later in this section.

A ship, by its very nature, is in constant motion.
The weapon systems, especially gun systems, require a
stable platform to deliver accurate fire. Since it is
impossible to build a ship that is not subject to constant
movement, the stable element input is added to the fire
control computer. A stable element is a gyroscope
mounted to gimbals. Its output provides the computer
with a stable horizontal reference from which to
compute a fire control solution. Some older systems
have their own dedicated stable element, while most
newer systems use an input from the gyro of the ship.

The fire control solution for a gun engagement

consists of gun mount train and elevation orders, fuze
setting orders, and in some cases, gun sight orders. For
a missile engagement, the computer supplies launcher
train and elevation orders and missile prelaunch


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss the characteristics of the fire control problem and the
components involved.

A guided missile, unlike a gun projectile, can

change course in flight. Therefore, the missile fire
control computer continuously updates the solution for
target intercept after the missile is fired. The updated
solution is transmitted to the missile that then corrects
its course to intercept the target. These actions are
occurring during the midcourse phase of an SM-2
missile engagement. The SM-2 engagement also
requires target illumination to be scheduled and ordered
(during the terminal phase of missile flight). These two
actions are also accomplished by the fire control

To deliver accurate fire, a fire control system must

consider and compensate for own-ship's movement,
gun characteristics, natural forces, and target
movement. Each compensation involves a different set
of variables. Compensating for these variables is the
essence of the fire control problem.
Own-ship's movement and characteristics involve
platform stabilization (stable element), parallax, and
interior ballistic considerations. Natural forces are
compensated for as exterior ballistics. Target movement involves considering exact target position in
reference to your ship, then predicting its future


The fire control system's director and radar are
discussed as a single unit since, once assigned, their
combined outputs are the primary source of target
information for the fire control computer.

If guns were physically located at the reference
point (the director), projectiles fired from the guns
would hit the target without further correction. The
guns are, of course, not located at the reference point
but are some distance forward or aft of this point and
below it (the director is located high on the
superstructure). This difference in location puts the gun
at a different angle from the target than the director,
giving each unit a different line of sight to the target.
Unless corrected, this difference will result in large
errors in accuracy. The parallax correction is normally
accomplished in the fire control computer.

The radar antenna is mounted to the director. Once

assigned by the WDS, the director "slews" to the
ordered bearing and elevation where the radar conducts
a search for the target. The search is controlled by a
subsystem that moves the director in a predetermined
pattern around the ordered position until the radar
"acquires" the target. Once acquired by the radar, a
subsystem of the radar unit controls the director to keep
the radar "locked on" the target. The system then begins
to track the target. While locked on and tracking, the
radar and director continuously provide precise target

is then entered into the fire control computer for

consideration in the final fire control solution.

Ballistics is the science of projectile motion. It is
divided into two branchesinterior and exterior
ballistics. Interior ballistics is the study of projectile
motion while inside the gun. Exterior ballistics pertains
to the projectile motion after it leaves the gun.

Exterior Ballistics
Exterior ballistics starts with a projectile traveling
at a known speed (initial velocity) and in a known
direction. This direction, called the line of fire (LOF),
coincides with the center-line axis of the gun bore.
Once the projectile leaves the gun, you have no further
control over its trajectory. Natural forces, such as
gravity, air, wind, drift, and the rotation of the Earth, act
on the projectile in flight to alter its trajectory.
Therefore, to hit a target, it is necessary to compensate
for the effects of these forces by offsetting the LOF of
the gun before firing. For example, if it is known that a
projectile is going to drift right, the gun should be
trained to the left. If it is known that a projectile is going
to curve downward, the gun should be elevated.

Interior Ballistics
The speed at which a projectile is traveling at the
instant it leaves the gun bore is known as initial
velocity (IV). The initial velocity of a projectile must
be known to predict its trajectory. Initial velocity is
determined by the gun, the projectile, and the
propelling charge. Projectiles and propelling charges
are standardized. This standardization means that all
size, weight, and shape variations are predetermined.
The only variables left to consider are the condition of
the gun and the temperature of the propelling charge.
The propelling charge temperature is determined by
averaging the powder magazine temperatures for the
previous 3 days.

The ultimate purpose of a gun fire control system
is (1) to find the correct position for the gun barrel to
make the projectile fall where desired and (2) to put
the gun in that position.

Figure 10-3 shows the components of a gun. When

a projectile and propelling charge are loaded into the
gun, the projectile rotating band engages the rifling in
the gun bore. The rotating band forms a seal at the
forcing cone. When the gun is fired, the expanding
gases from the burning propellant push the projectile
through the bore and out the muzzle. As the projectile
passes through the bore, the twisted rifling imparts a
spin to the projectile that stabilizes it in flight.

GRAVITY.Gravity is a continuous attracting

force, acting perpendicular to the surface of the Earth,
that tends to pull all objects toward the Earth. Without
gravity, a projectile (fired in a vacuum) would continue
to travel in the direction it was fired until something
interfered with its flight.

Each firing wears on (erodes) the interior surfaces

of the gun. This erosion results in a gradual
enlargement of the bore. Erosion begins at the rear and
extends to the end of the bore as the gun is used. As the
bore enlarges, the seal becomes less effective, resulting
in a slower initial velocity.

Gravity acts on a fired projectile, causing it to begin

to fall as soon as it leaves the muzzle of the gun. The
projectile, however, is traveling forward and falling at
the same time. The projectile has two forces acting on
it: (1) the momentum and (2) the pull of gravity. The
path of the projectile, as a result of these two forces, is a
curved trajectory.

Data from the annual star gauge inspection and

from the regular projectile seating and distance gauge
(PSDG) tests is used to compute IV. The determined IV

Figure 10-3.Cross section of a gun.


of the descending curve and the location of the

maximum ordinate in the air trajectory. These
characteristics, as well as the greatly reduced range, are
due to air resistance.
The density of the air determines the amount of
resistance the projectile will experience. Air density
depends on temperature and barometric pressure, both
of which are changing all the time. Dense air will slow a
projectile more than thin air. Density also varies at
different altitudes, which further complicates the

Figure 10-4.Vacuum and air trajectories for the same

elevation angle.

AIR.When a projectile is traveling through the

air, it takes a different path from the one it would follow
in a vacuum. In a vacuum, with gravity as the only
retarding factor, an angle of departure and an angle of
fall of the projectile would be identical (fig. 10-4). The
maximum ordinate would be in the exact center of the

WIND.The effect of wind on a projectile in

flight is obvious. Depending upon its force and the
direction it is coming from, wind can cause a projectile
to fall short, overshoot, or fall to the left or right of the
target. As with air density, the longer a projectile is in
flight, the more it will be affected by wind. The size of a
projectile is also a factor: the larger the projectile, the
more it will be affected.

Air resists the motion of a body passing through it.

This resistance is a form of friction that slows the
movement of the body. The result is that a certain
amount of velocity is being lost for each second of
projectile flight. The longer the projectile travels
through the air, the slower it goes. Notice the steepness

True wind is used in all fire control calculations. If

the wind is blowing along the LOF, either with or
against the projectile, it is called range wind (fig.
10-5). If the wind is blowing at right angles to the LOF,

Figure 10-5.Correcting for the effects of wind.


it is called cross wind. Range wind is compensated for

by increasing or decreasing gun elevation angle.
Corrections for cross wind are made to the train angle
of the gun. Normally, however, the wind will be at some
angle to the LOF. In that case, the true wind must be
broken down to the range and cross wind components
(fig. 10-6). This calculation allows for the realized
effect of the wind in each direction.

Figure 10-7.Effect of drift.

Frames of Reference

DRIFT.Naval guns are rifled to give a spinning

motion to the projectile. The spinning projectile
assumes the properties of a gyroscope. The gyroscopic
actions tend to keep the projectile pointed along the
trajectory and prevent it from tumbling. These actions
make the projectile almost rigid in its trajectory and
ensure it will land point first. This rigidity makes the
flight characteristics of the projectile predictable.

A frame of reference is a system of lines, angles,

and planes, within which target position can be
measured and lead angles computed. A position can be
described only by relating it to a known reference point.
A reference frame has a point, called the point of
origin or reference point, from which all measurements are made.
Two frames of reference are used by fire control
systems. One is rigidly attached to the ship, while the
other is considered rigidly attached to the surface of the
Earth. The frame of reference of the ship has its point of
origin built into the fire control system. All
measurements are made from this point. This point is
unstabilized, subject to the pitch and roll of the ship.
The frame of reference of the Earth is a horizontal plane
established by the stable element, independent of the
pitch and roll of the ship.

In addition to this useful effect, gyroscopic action

causes the harmful effect of drift (fig. 10-7). Notice that
the effect increases with range. Drift is always to the
right in a gun with right-hand rifling (the twist of the
rifling is to the right from the chamber to the muzzle).
EARTH'S ROTATION.In our discussion so far
we have assumed that the Earth is flat and does not
rotate. For ranges up to about 20,000 yards or so, this
assumption does not seriously affect our fire control
solution. At ranges over 20,000 yards, the rotation of
the Earth has a serious affect.

LINES.Given the effects of exterior ballistics,

two lines are required. One line, called the line of sight
(LOS), is used to establish the present location of the
target; the second line, called the line of fire (LOF), is
used to establish the position of the gun bore with
respect to the LOS. The LOS is the primary reference
from which the offsets are made to establish the LOF.

An object in motion above the surface of the Earth

tends to turn toward the right in the Northern
Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern
Hemisphere. Corrections are made to the left or right
accordingly. The correction is only made on guns with
bores larger than 5 inches.

LEAD ANGLES.Two lead angles are considered in the fire control problemsight angle and
sight deflection (fig. 10-8). Sight angle is the

Figure 10-8.Lead angles in a surface problem.

Figure 10-6.Reading true wind.



difference between the LOF and the LOS, measured on

the plane perpendicular to the trunnion axis. Sight
deflection is the angle that the plane through the gun
bore is deflected left or right from the LOS.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe the fire

control systems currently in use.
Several fire control systems (FCSs) are currently in
use aboard U.S. Navy ships. The most modern of these
is the AEGIS weapon system. AEGIS is a complete
system, incorporating all the elements of a weapon
system. It is included here in the control section
because of the unique advancements it uses in the
integration of control systems. We will provide a basic
description of the AEGIS system, the Mk 34 GWS, the
Mk 86 GFCS, and the Mk 92 FCS. These systems
represent the most modern fire control capabilities in
the world and should be in our inventory well into the
next century.

REFERENCE PLANES.Reference planes are

flat surfaces that may extend in all directions to infinity.
Normally, these planes are pictured with boundaries
equal to the range of the fire control problem, as shown
in figure 10-9.
The fire control system establishes target location
as a point on a plane using the same three-coordinate
system described earlier in this chapter. Once the
position, speed, and direction of travel of the target are
determined, its future position can be accurately
The steps in the solution of the fire control problem
can be described as follows:


The AEGIS weapon system is a fast-reaction,
high-performance, computer-controlled system that
uses a multipurpose radar to detect contacts in all
directions. It is the only system in the free world that
can detect, track, and engage multiple threats while
maintaining continuous surveillance from horizon to
zenith. AEGIS is the first system in the Navy to be
capable of a fully automatic reaction to intense air

Determining present target location in relation to

own ship
Predicting future target position in relation to
own ship
Stabilizing the system
Calculating the required correction to the gun or
launcher train and elevation orders
Transmitting the data to the delivery device

AEGIS is equipped with embedded

computer-controlled tests that continuously monitor
the system to detect equipment failures. When a failure
is detected, the system automatically reconfigures
using backup systems to keep the system operational.
These features make AEGIS the most reliable system in
the fleet.

We have attempted to cover the basic elements

involved in the fire control problem. Each element must
be compensated for exactly, because once fired, a gun
projectile cannot be redirected. The entire problem is,
however, much more complex than the general
description we have provided. The next section
provides a more detailed description of the actual
systems used in solving the gun fire control problem.

The AEGIS weapon system Mk 7, as shown in

figure 10-10, is made up of the following nine elements:
1. AN/SPY-1 Radar
2. Command and Decision (C&D) System
3. Weapons Control System (WCS)
4. Fire Control System (FCS)
5. GMLS Mk 26 or VLS Mk 41
6. Standard Guided Missile
7. AEGIS Display System (ADS)
8. Operational Readiness Test System (ORTS)
9. AEGIS Combat Training System (ACTS)

Figure 10-9.Reference planes.


Figure 10-10.AEGIS weapon system Mk 7 major elements.

Standard missile and both launchers will not be


Of the nine elements, seven have sophisticated

computer programs for operation, control, and
interface. These are the AN/SPY-1, C&D, WCS, FCS,
ADS, ORTS, and ACTS. Operators manage and control
the C&D, WCS, and SPY programs with doctrine
statements. These statements allow the operator to
define parameters that control the computer program
for the tactical situation. Doctrine statements define
automatic actions for targets meeting specific

AN/SPY-1 Radar System

The AN/SPY-1 radar system is the primary search
and track radar for AEGIS-equipped ships. It is a
multifunction, phased array radar, capable of
three-dimensional surveillance, while simultaneously
providing fire control tracking for hundreds of air and
surface targets in clear and ECM environments. In
addition to search and track, it provides midcourse
guidance to the Standard missile (SM-2).

A general description of each of the major elements

of the AEGIS weapon system is offered here. The


Command and Decision System

The command and decision (C&D) system is a
manned computer and display complex that
coordinates and controls the AEGIS mission. C&D
operators manage automatic CIC operations related to
the following:
Air, surface, and subsurface engagements

displays the highest level of system impact. Through a

keyboard, the operator can initiate tests, evaluate
system performance, and load programs into the
various AEGIS computers. When tests are being
conducted, the system uses embedded test equipment
throughout the system to measure voltages, analyze
data, and measure power and phase.
AEGIS Combat Training System

Electronic warfare system control

The AEGIS combat training system (ACTS)
enables shipboard personnel to conduct highly
integrated multifaceted warfare training scenarios. It
also provides the capability to record and print out
specific training events for self-evaluation.

Data link control

IFF challenges
User defined information alerts
Weapon tight zones
Weapons Control System
The weapons control system (WCS) schedules,
controls, and assesses all air, surface, and subsurface
engagements. It is the interface between the C&D and
the FCS of the delivery system.

All these elements form the core of the AEGIS

combat system (ACS). The ACS also integrates and
controls the following elements:
Harpoon weapons system
Gun weapon system
LAMPS helicopter

Fire Control System

Electronic warfare system

The fire control system (FCS) provides illumination control for Standard missile engagements. WCS
assignment orders and AN/SPY-1 target data make a
designation source for the FCS illuminators. The FCS
consists of four AN/SPG-62A radar sets. These four
sets permit the illumination of multiple targets
AEGIS Display System

Air and surface search radars
Navigation system
The complete integration of all these systems
serves to enhance the capability of a ship to engage and
defeat numerous multiwarfare threats simultaneously.

The AEGIS display system (ADS) is a

computer-controlled display complex that provides
various pictures and information of the tactical
environment. With the ADS, commanders can observe
and control a graphic representation of selected tracks,
coastal maps, weapons release zones, and specific
warfare environments. After entry of selected
information, the displays are automatically updated in
regard to own-ship's position. The ADS receives all
track information from the C&D system.
Operational Readiness Test System
The operational readiness test system (ORTS) is a
computer-controlled test and monitor system that
performs automatic fault detection, fault isolation,
status monitoring, and system reconfiguration. When a
fault occurs, the ORTS automatically assesses and

The Mk 34 gun weapon system (GWS) is a

departure from past gun fire control systems. In line
with the one-system concept, the Mk 34 GWS is
designed as a fully integrated subsystem of the AEGIS
Combat System (ACS) to include the fire control
computer, gun mount, and sight. The Mk 34 GWS
receives target engagement orders from the AEGIS
command and decision (C&D) system. It receives
target data from shipboard sensors, performs ballistic
calculations, and generates gun control orders. Digital
target data is provided primarily by the AN/SPY-1
phased array radar system, with the AN/SPS-67 surface
search radar serving as the secondary source of target
data. Figure 10-11 shows the functional interface of the
Mk 34 GWS with other elements of the combat system.
The Mk 34 GWS will be installed on all new
construction AEGIS ships beginning with the DDG-51


Figure 10-11.Functional interface of the Mk 34 GWS.

class destroyer. Several of the later Ticonderoga class

cruisers will also be fitted with the Mk 34 GWS. The
system consists of a Mk 160 gun computer system
(GCS), a 5"/54 Mk 45 gun system, and an EX 46 optical
sight. The following is a brief description of each of
these components except for the 5"/54 Mk 45 gun that
was described in chapter 6.
Mk 160 Gun Computer System
The Mk 160 gun computer system (GCS) receives
target data from shipboard sensors to compute a
ballistic solution. From this ballistic solution, it
provides gun orders and selects projectile types. The
GCS also generates the fire order to the gun mount. The
Mk 160 GCS consists of the following elements:
Gun console computer (GCC)
Computer display console (CDC)

Signal data converter/gun mount processor

Gun mount control panel (GMCP)
console computer (GCC) serves as the primary
interface between the GWS and the AEGIS C&D
system and combat system sensors. It acts as a filter for
target data, passing data for the selected target to the
computer display console (CDC), also known as the
gun console (GC), serves as the operator-to-GCS
interface for providing target/system status and data
entry displays. It also permits manual selection of the
engagement mode and type of ammunition, queuing
and engaging targets, entering ballistic data, and
adjusting fire.


recorder-reproducer is a standard lightweight digital
tape storage subsystem using a tape cartridge medium.
The GCS uses two of these units to load operational
programs, record, and retrieve system operational data.

supply air target tracking and continuous wave illumination (CWI) for control of SM-1 missile engagements.


PROCESSOR.The signal data converter/gun mount
processor (SDC/GMP) consists of two primary
segmentsthe signal data converter (SDC) and the gun
mount processor (GMP). Both are contained in a single
watertight cabinet located in the gun mount. The GMP
computes two ballistic solutions for the target being
engaged, based on filtered target data, control
commands, and other ship related information. The
GMP converts ballistic solutions into gun orders that
are transmitted to the gun mount by the SDC.

Refer to figure 10-12 as we describe the major

components of the Mk 86 Mod 10 FCS. For ease of
discussion, the physical units are grouped into related
functions as follows:


mount control panel (GMCP) is used to monitor and
display GCS and GWS status in the normal modes of
operation. The primary function of the GMCP,
however, is to provide a casualty mode means of target
data entry into the SDC/GMP should data not be
available from the GC.
VELOCIMETER.The velocimeter is a
Doppler radar system used to measure projectile IV.
The IV data is passed digitally to the GMP to
update/correct ballistic computations. The velocimeter
antenna is mounted directly to the gun above the barrel.
EX 46 Optical Sight
While still in development at this writing, some
information is available on the EX 46 optical sight
(OS). The sight is described as a stabilized imaging
sensor. The OS will supplement the coverage of the
sensors of the ship, allowing the operator to detect and
track surface targets, support the engagement of
counter-battery threats, and act as a safety check sight
during gun operations.

Other improvements enable the system to control

SM-2 engagements. In this text, however, we will
discuss only the gun control function of the system.

Operator consoles
Power central
Surface search radar
Air action radar
Data/video units
Optical sighting system
Operator Consoles
The operator consoles consist of the control officer
console Mk 67 (COC, unit 1) and two Mk 113 weapons
control consoles (WCC1 and WCC2, units 2 and 3).
The COC and WCCs are the principal command
positions for the Mk 86 FCS.
The COC allows the control officer to control and
monitor overall operation of the FCS. From this
position he initiates radar tracking of targets and
assigns weapons to the WCCs.
An operator may control one or both guns from
either WCC, depending on the weapon assignment
made by the COC operator. The WCC operator enters
fire control data into the computer through his keyboard
and associated controls. This data includes ballistics
data, ammunition selection, target data, grid
coordinates, and spotting data. The WCC also has a TV
monitor for visual surveillance and optical tracking.
Power Central

The Mk 86 gun fire control system (GFCS) is a

shipboard, digitally controlled system that directs
gunfire against surface, shore, and air targets. The
system is designed to control the 5"/54 Mk 45 rapid-fire
gun mount currently found aboard various platforms,
including the DD-963, DDG-993, CG-47, CGN-36,
CGN-38, and LHA-1 class ships.
Variations of the system integrate it with the missile
FCS of the ship. The ship can use the Mk 86 system to

Power central (Mk 12, unit 5) is the central power

control and distribution point for all units except the
AN/SPG-60 radar set, the digital computer, and the
digital input/output (I/O) console.
The systems computer/peripherals group consists
of the AN/UYK-7 computer, the digital I/O console,


Figure 10-12.Mk 86 Mod 10 FCS.


Unit 17Antenna

and the magnetic tape recorder-reproducer. (These

units are shown as units 7, 8, and 37, respectively, in fig.
uses the AN/UYK-7 general-purpose computer set.
The program, once loaded into the computer memory,
contains all instructions and constant data required to
perform the computations and functions related to the
fire control problem. The computer performs ballistic
computations to determine the line-of-fire of the gun
and the time-in-flight of the projectile from which gun
orders are generated.
console consists of a paper tape reader and perforator
and a teletypewriter (keyboard/printer). The I/O
console is primarily used for troubleshooting and for
running system diagnostics.
recorder-reproducer (MTRR) interfaces with the
AN/UYK-7 computer to load the operational and
maintenance programs for the system. The MTRR also
records all system engagements for future review.
Surface Search Radar
The surface search radar consists of the
AN/SPR-9A radar set that is comprised of units 10
through 15 (fig. 10-12).

Unit 18Radar receiver

Unit 19Radar transmitter
Unit 21Antenna control
Unit 22Signal data converter
Unit 23Power distribution control
The antenna is mounted with a TV sight that allows
the WCC operator to track targets visually. The same
antenna is used in variations that supply CWI with the
addition of a waveguide and feedhorn for CWI
Data/Video Units
The data/video units consist of a signal data
translator (unit 6), a signal data converter (unit 20), and
a video processor (unit 25). The signal data translator
interfaces the computer with other units of the Mk 86
FCS. The signal data converter converts gun position
synchro signals for use by the signal data translator.
The video processor operates in conjunction with the
computer system to acquire, track, and develop position
and rate data for targets detected by the AN/SPQ-9A
radar set. The video processor receives raw data from
the radar and correlates it with present and previous
radar echoes to provide a high-detection probability
and low incidence of false alarms.

Unit 10Radar receiver

Optical Sighting System

Unit 11Frequency converter

The optical sighting system (unit 4) consists of a

gimbal-mounted TV camera (separate from the one
mounted to the AN/SPG-60 antenna). The sight permits
the WCC operator to monitor and track targets visually.
The sight can be positioned automatically by the
computer or manually by the WCC operator.

Unit 12Transmitter
Unit 13Antenna
Unit 14Radome
Unit 15Control amplifier
The AN/SPQ-9A is the prime sensor of surface
targets for the Mk 86 FCS. The radar is also equipped
with circuitry for the reception and interrogation of a
radar beacon (described later).
Air Action Radar
The air action radar consists of the AN/SPG-60
radar set and the tracking radar of the system that
provides the director/radar inputs to the computer. The
system is comprised of units 17 through 19 and 21
through 23 (fig. 10-12).


The Mk 92 fire control system (FCS) is installed
primarily on FFG-7 class ships. The system, in
conjunction with the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS and the
76-mm Mk 75 gun, is capable of simultaneously
detecting, tracking, and engaging multiple air and
surface targets. Much of the terminology and some of
the components, associated with the Mk 92 FCS, are
similar or identical to those used in the Mk 86 FCS.
Both systems, for instance, use the AN/UYK-7
general-purpose computer set to perform all the fire
control calculations. Watch for other similarities as we


describe the functions of the major components of this

system. The system consists of the following major
Combination antenna system (CAS) and radar
Separate track and illuminating radar (STIR)

tracking capability than is possible with the CAS. The

STIR is solely a tracking radar with no search
capability. The antenna is equipped with CWI for the
control of Standard missiles. The STIR is a separate
radar from CAS.
The STIR WCC is a single-operator console. It is
identical to the CAS WCC except that the search radar
controls have been eliminated. The operator is
responsible for the acquisition, the tracking, and the
engagement of targets by gun or missile, as ordered by
the WCP.

Weapons control processor (WCP)

Data exchange auxiliary console (DEAC)
Planned position indicator (PPI) display console
Combined Antenna System

Weapons Control Processor

The combined antenna system (CAS) consists of
search and track antennas mounted on a stabilized
platform and enclosed in a radome (fig. 10-13). The
search antenna provides air and surface surveillance but
can also be used to track a limited number of targets
while scanning. The search antenna is also equipped
with IFF for target interrogation.
The CAS track antenna is primarily used for
three-dimensional (three-coordinate) tracking of air
targets. The antenna is also equipped with a continuous
wave illumination (CWI) horn to provide target
illumination for the guidance of Standard semiactive
Both antennas are part of the same radar unit. Both
are controlled and operated from the CAS weapon
control console (WCC). The CAS WCC is a
two-operator console. One operator is responsible for
the acquisition, the tracking, and the engagement of air
targets by gun or missile. The second operator is
responsible for the tracking and engagement of surface
targets. The console is interfaced with the weapons
control processor (WCP). In the normal mode of
operation, the WCP designates targets for engagement
by the CAS operators.
Separate Track and Illuminating Radar

The Mk 92 FCS uses the AN/UYK-7 computer set

to perform all fire control calculations and threat
evaluations. The WCP is the source of gun mount and
missile launcher position orders and missile
Data Exchange Auxiliary Console
The data exchange auxiliary console (DEAC)
provides a variety of input and output capabilities for
the WCP. The DEAC provides a keyboard and page
printer, a paper tape reader and punch, a magnetic tape
recorder/reproducer, and an output teletype
communications interface. The DEAC is capable of
accepting from either the WCP or the weapons support
processor (WSP). (The WSP is another AN/UYK-7
computer that is part of the WDS.) The DEAC can
exchange data with either the WCP or the WSP.
Planned Position Indicator Display Console
The planned position indicator (PPI) console,
AN/UYA-4, serves as the weapons control officer
(WCO) console. It displays selected radar and track
data received from external search radars and the CAS
search radar. The console may also be used, in the
casualty mode, to enter track data into the WCP.

The separate track and illuminating radar (STIR)

(fig. 10-14) provides the system with a longer range

Figure 10-14.The STIR director antenna.

Figure 10-13.The combination antenna.


Figure 10-15 shows the equipment layout aboard

an FFG-7 class ship.
general requirements and procedures for
weapons system maintenance and testing.
In today's SMS fleet, the name of the game is
readiness. Is the weapons system ready IN ALL
RESPECTS to engage a target successfully? To achieve
the optimum state of readiness, the weapons system
must be maintained and tested.
At the equipment level, the gear (i.e., GMLS,
computer, radar set, etc.) must be lubricated, aligned,
and checked. This routine maintenance ensures
individual accuracy and reliability. These general
maintenance tasks are performed by the technicians
assigned to the various work centers. (Chapter 12
discusses general maintenance in greater detail.)
At the system level, maintenance actions are
concerned with alignment and electrical operability
testing. The maintenance responsibility shifts to all
personnel assigned to the missile division. In short, a
team effort is required. Normally, the missile Fire
Controlmen assume the lead in system maintenance
actions. However, Gunner's Mates are equally involved.

To determine the readiness of the missile weapons
system, a series of tests has been developed under the
SMS program. These tests are known as system
maintenance tests (SMTs). They are used to evaluate
the ability of a weapons system to perform effectively.
If SMTs uncover a problem, corrective action is
required. Quite often troubleshooting must start at the
system level. It then works its way down to the
individual piece of equipment at fault.
SMTs, in conjunction with separate equipment
level tests, provide a thorough check of the entire
weapons system. The tests are designed (for the most
part) not to overlap each other. In other words, a
particular equipment level check is not rechecked by an
SMT. Also, SMTs are scheduled at the minimum
frequency or period necessary to ensure reliability.
Since system testing is a form of maintenance,
SMTs come under the Navy's planned maintenance
system (PMS). Hence SMT scheduling and format are
identical to equipment-level maintenance actions. Each
SMT is letter-number coded according to its required
time interval. The letter D stands for daily check, W for
weekly, M for monthly, and so forth.
For certain weapons systems, weekly tests are
designed to check different equipment combinations,

Figure 10-15.Mk 92 FCS equipment configuration on FFG-7 class ship.


setups, and modes of operation. This concept requires

that these weekly tests be scheduled over a 6-day
period, Monday through Saturday. Quite often there
will be 12 different weekly tests, identified W-1
through W-12. Depending on how a ship sets up its
maintenance schedule, W-1 and W-7 would be held on
Monday. On Tuesday, you run W-2 and W-8;
Wednesday it's W-3 and W-9; and so forth. In this
concept, each GMFCS and guide arm (on dual-arm
launchers) is exercised daily with a different problem.
Testing Requirements
A typical missile system test program normally
includes (but is not limited to) the items listed below:
Daily system operability test (DSOT)
Search radar readiness

tested to ensure its continued reliability. The

periodicities of these tests are usually greater, such as
monthly, quarterly, or longer.
SMTs check the equipment in two major
areasalignment requirements and electrical
operability requirements. Alignment requirements
consist of in-space RF alignments and internal
(shipboard) alignments. In-space RF alignments verify
that RF beams from the search, fire control, and
guidance radars all coincide. This coinciding action is
very important. Assume a search radar is tracking a
target at 180 true bearing. Also assume a fire control
radar beam is 10 out of alignment with the search
radar. At designation, the fire control radar is searching
empty space, 10 off target. Acquisition could be
Internal or shipboard alignments are mechanical
and electrical in nature. They affect individual
equipments and the interactions between different
equipments. For example, consider a GMLS power
drive system with its synchros and receiver-regulators.
Synchronization will never be achieved with
misalignments between the computer and the GMLS.

Supplemental (auxiliary) firing readiness

Casualty mode operation
Ship parameters (gyro inputs)
Radar collimation/correlation
ECCM capabilities

Alignment procedures are provided to correct any

in-space RF or internal misalignments. However, they
are only performed on an as-needed basis, when
discovered by faulty test results.

Fire control radar parameters

Live target tracking (AAW)
Balloon tracking (designation accuracy)
Surface target tracking
Overall system testing is centered around the daily
system operability test (DSOT). (Actually, a DSOT is
one of the 12 weekly scheduled checks, W-1 through
W-12, mentioned earlier.) The DSOT is designed to
exercise almost all of the functional circuits related to
the primary mode of system operation. The DSOT is
very important and we'll examine it in detail shortly.
Other system tests check the areas of the system not
covered by DSOT. For example, weapons systems have
different modes of operation. Antiair warfare (AAW) is
the normal mode, usually. Antiship missile defense
(ASMD), surface warfare (SUW), antisubmarine
warfare (ASW), and shore modes are optional. There
may also be a casualty mode to permit system operation
should certain equipments be inoperable. Each mode is

The quality of system test results can be determined

by system responses and parameter tolerances.
(Parameterany set of values that determines the
normal or desired characteristics and behavior of
something.) Test result data may be obtained from
indicators, lamps, dials, meters, and computer readouts
(printouts). Analyzing the data provides the technicians
with a "yardstick" for measuring the success or failure
of a particular test.
Testing Procedures
System test procedures are printed on standard
maintenance requirement cards (MRCs). Each system
test MRC contains the same information as found on
any other equipment MRC. Ships' 3-M Manual,
Volume I, OPNAVINST 4790.4, explains MRCs in


The actual test procedure is presented in an

easy-to-read, step-by-step format. Figure 10-16 shows
a sample system test MRC page. Note that the
information is listed in four columns:
1. Stepa number to indicate the phase or point
in the test sequence.
2. Equipmentthe equipment of a station/work
center that performs the step.
3. Procedurewhat action must be accomplished.
4. Responsethe "desired" response or result
from a particular step.

Also note that pertinent safety warnings and

operational notes (special instructions) precede important steps.
Since a system test normally requires the
participation of many individual stations/work centers,
coordination is a must. DSOT, for example, can include
four or five different stations. Each station will have its
own copy of the MRC of the test. That way, all involved
personnel can follow along with each step as it occurs.
Test procedures are arranged so one individual
serves as the test conductor/coordinator. The test
conductor controls and directs the performance of the

Figure 10-16.Sample system test MRC page.


test (keeps it going). Normally, this individual is

located at the WDE, but that varies among ships. The
test conductor can also call out each step number and
record any response data.
Refer to figure 10-16, step 49. The test conductor
calls out "Step 49." You, the EP2 panel operator, must
observe the reaction of the ALERT indicator lamp and
buzzer of the GMLSs. Knowing how your system
operates, you realize the lamp should flash and the
buzzer buzz when they are activated. (Step 48 activates
them.) If they work properly, you report over the
sound-powered phone circuit, "Step 49, flashing and
buzzing." The test conductor acknowledges your verbal
response and the test goes on. This procedure may vary
from ship to ship, but the idea is the same.

Test Evaluation and Fault Isolation

Each system test is divided into independent phases
where possible. This division helps in conducting the
test and is a fault isolation aid. Particular parts of the
system may be checked without conducting an entire
Selected parameters under test are sampled or
measured to specified tolerances. These tolerances,
along with the desired responses, are listed on the MRC
following the applicable steps. Step 40 on figure 10-16
shows parameters and tolerances.
Fault isolation directories are located in each MRC
and keyed to corresponding test steps (fig. 10-17). If an
out-of-tolerance condition or incorrect response is

Figure 10-17.Sample test fault directory.


observed, the fault isolation direction should be

consulted. It lists system and equipment OPs that can
be referenced to aid in troubleshooting.
Ideally, the test should be completed without pause
for fault isolation. Completing the test permits a more
accurate evaluation of the fault. It also results in the
most efficient use of manpower.
A significant feature of a GMFCS is its
general-purpose digital computer. In addition to
solving the tactical fire control problem, the computer
is also a test instrument. Digital test programs have
been designed to enhance system testing.
Dynamic digital tests are controlled by the
computer complex of the GMFCSs or the computer
complex of the NTDS/WDSs. The computer stores
special test programs and generates a variety of
dynamic target problems. The test program solves the
fire control problem to arrive at ideal values. These
values are then compared with actual test responses to
provide error monitoring. Teletypewriters can be used
to print out this information for evaluation.
A new concept in digital system testing uses the
computer to isolate a fault. This testing can be
performed during or separate from normal computer
operations. The advantages are obviousquicker
repair times and increased readiness.


The purpose of DSOT is to assess missile system
readiness in its normal mode of operation. For most
systems, this would be the AAW mode, although the
specific functions tested may vary between systems.
DSOT usually involves testing target detection and/or
designation, acquisition, tracking, and missile firing. A
typical DSOT is described in the following paragraphs.
Figure 10-18 is a simplified block diagram of DSOT
data flow.
Preliminary Setup
Before the test sequence is started, each equipment
station prepares for operation. Technicians follow a list
of instructions provided at the beginning of the MRC
test procedure. Most setups involve equipment turn-on
actions and switch positioning. In some cases, the test
conductor announces a particular equipment configuration.
In systems that test this function, a synthetic
(artificial or man-made) target video is inserted in the
3-D search radar. The target is at a predetermined
range, bearing, and elevation. These data are routed

Figure 10-18.Simplified DSOT data flow.


through normal distribution circuits. The target video is

checked at the NTDS/WDS or WDS consoles. The test
target is then entered into a WDS tracking circuit.
GMFCS Assignment
If the detection function is not tested, the
NTDS/WDS or WDS operator initiates the test target at
the TSTC. A GMFCS is assigned to one of the tracking
channels. The accuracy of the designated position is
checked at the radar set console. Position repeat back
data are checked at the NTDS/WDS or WDS consoles.
Acquisition and Static Track

Engageability displays are observed at the weapons

control area. Displays indicate when the target is within
firing range and the launcher is in a clear firing bearing.
If all conditions are correct, the firing circuit is closed
(ITL). A proper firing indication is monitored at the
launcher station and is verified at various weapons
The launcher operator must initiate a
missile-in-flight condition. That is usually done by
depressing a switch button which simulates the
launcher rail is clear/empty. In effect, we electrically
"lie" to the system, but it is necessary to continue the

A test RF generator provides the fire control radar

with a simulated target return signal. Radar jamming
signals may also be provided. The scope display of the
radar is monitored to see how well the radar can acquire
the target. How much of the radar receiver is tested is
determined by where the test signal is introduced. The
test signal contains information needed for radar
tracking, including angle, error, and range. Target
parameters are usually controlled by a test program, as
previously mentioned. Control is also possible from an
analog test set.

Test Missile Readouts

Launcher Loading and Missile Selection

After missile readouts are finished, all stations are

secured or set up for the next test.

After track is attained, the launcher goes through a

loading sequence to place a training missile on the rail.
the DSOT would result in the actual launching of a live
missile. (Don't laugh, it HAS happened!)
Missile type and mode selection might also be
tested at this time. The simulator of the test missile
provides these functions.
Dynamic Evaluation

Certain signals are essential to missile operation

but may not be automatically checked. Visual
observations, by means of built-in lamps and dials, are
made at the simulator of the test missile. Signals, such
as missile orders, are sometimes checked with a
multimeter. A serious safety hazard exists when you are
making measurements or otherwise approaching the
missile while it is on the launcher. ALWAYS ENSURE

Another test you may be involved with is the
overall combat system operability test (OCSOT). The
OCSOT provides a tool to make rapid assessments of
ship readiness. It tests the entire combat system as an
integrated system. An OCSOT uses normal equipment,
software, and interfaces during both simulated and
controlled live target phases. As a rule, the following
systems are tested:

During this phase of DSOT, two aspects of system

operation are tested. The first is the FCS tracking of a
dynamic target. The second is launcher assignment and
synchronization to a computer-ordered position.
Target parameters are selected that simulate an
incoming enemy aircraft. The fire control system is
monitored to ensure smooth and accurate tracking. The
launcher is assigned and the fire control problem
solution verified by monitoring launcher and missile


Guided missile fire control

Gun fire control
Antisubmarine warfare
Electronic warfare
Tactical data
Identification friend or foe (IFF)
Search radars
Electronic navigation

The OCSOT has specified parameters, such as

range, bearing, and elevation tolerances, for all phases.
Proper reaction times for systems and operators are also
monitored. As an added benefit, the OCSOT results in
training for improvement of operational readiness in a
combat environment.
general purposes of and the maintenance
requirements for the Guided Missile Training
Round (GMTR).
A training missile is an integral part of every
missile weapons system. A training missile consists of
two major subassembliesa training round and a
guided missile simulator. The training round is an inert
shape or body that resembles a tactical missile shape.
The guided missile simulator is an electronic unit or
module that simulates the electrical performance of a
tactical missile.
In the SMS community, the primary training
missiles are the guided missile training round (GMTR)
(pronounced gim-ter) used by the Mk 13 and 26
Other training rounds and missiles do exist.
Examples include the ASROC training round and the
(relatively new) training antisubmarine warfare missile
(TASWM). Although these items are special-purpose
equipments, functionally they are similar to GMTRs.
This discussion will be limited to the GMTRs.
Training missiles are electrically and mechanically
compatible to their launching and fire control systems.
Training missiles are also capable of simulating the
performance of any tactical missile handled by a
particular weapons system.

GMTRs are carried by combatant ships for two

purposestraining and testing. GMTRs are used to
train personnel in magazine loading, launcher
operation, missile firing, and missile handling
evolutions. The GMTR is also used during DSOT and
as an aid in other system testing/equipment
maintenance actions. The training and testing functions
are really inseparable operations and greatly contribute
to overall system readiness.
Training missiles may also be used as display
shapes. As your ship enters/leaves port, the GMTRs
will be loaded to the launcher. The same thing applies
for public/VIP tour demonstrations. This policy may
vary among commands, but it is the general rule.
GMTRs are mandatory items in a magazine
loadout. Single-arm GMLSs will carry one training
missile; dual-arm launchers will carry two training
missiles. Although these missiles are inert rounds
(contain no explosive materials), they should always be
treated as real tactical weapons.
The current version of the GMTR is designated the
Mk 60 Mod 6, 7. It is capable of simulating ITR,
SM-1A (MR), SM-1 (MR), SM-2 (MR), Standard
ARM, and Harpoon missiles. Externally, the GMTR is
similar to a tactical SSSM round. Although the sections
and markings are not the same, the GMTR adequately
serves for all general handling and display purposes.
The Mk 60 Mod 6, 7 GMTR is made up of two
major subassemblies:
1. Mk 59 Mod 3 guided missile dummy round
2. Mk 63 Mod 5, 6 guided missile simulator
The GMDR (fig. 10-19) forms the body of the
GMTR. It consists of ballasted dummy sections and is

Figure 10-19.Mk 60 Mod 6, 7 GMTR for Standard missile systems.


visual observation of switch positions and lamp

A target acquisition console (TAC) source and
emitter are mounted in the adapter section of the
GMDR. These units are used in testing Standard ARM
missile features. The dummy rocket motor igniter
assembly is mounted in the forward part of the dummy
DTRM (fig. 10-20). Four firing contact buttons and the
S&A (SAFE/ARM) levers are also located here.
The tail cone assembly of the GMDR includes two
external electrical connectors (fig. 10-21). The six-pin
missile-to-magazine connector provides for round
identification and application of warmup power (if
applicable). The missile-to-launcher connector (MLC)
provides a 23-pin jack receptacle for application of
preflight missile orders and simulator power. The MLC
is easily removed/replaced and protected by a rubber
composition pad.
Figure 10-20.GMTR dummy igniter and S&A lever.

painted blue. Tail control surfaces and dorsal fins are

painted white. The Mk 63 Mod 5, 6 GMS is located in a
compartment of the dummy rocket motor section. A
removable door protects the simulator from the outside
elements. The door has a clear plastic window to permit

The tail cone assembly houses a large red light bulb

called the tail cone lamp. When a firing circuit is
completed, the lamp lights to simulate rocket motor
ignition. The aft end of the tail cone is sealed with a
clear plastic window. The tail cone lamp is easily
observed through this window. Figure 10-21 also
illustrates how a GMS is installed and connected
(electrical cables) to the GMDR.

Figure 10-21.Tail cone assembly components and simulator removal.


The Mk 63 Mod 5, 6 GMS is a very versatile

electronic unit. Figure 10-22 shows the front panel of
the simulator. The GMS furnishes the electrical loads,
voltages, frequencies, and responses for any of the six
missile types mentioned earlier. A round identification
switch (item 1 in the figure) selects the correct circuits
for simulation of the desired missile type. Lamps,
switches, displays, and test jacks on the front panel
facilitate DSOT and other system testing.
Most of the major simulator circuits are designed to
function independently. They also have associated

indicators to display readouts of their operations. The

roll corrector circuit includes an LED display (item 21
in the figure) for direct reading in degrees of roll. Visual
readout of the selected missile code or channel number
(item 22 in the figure) is also displayed on an LED
The importance of maintaining all training missiles
in peak condition cannot be stressed enough. If these
devices are allowed to deteriorate, the operational
readiness of the entire weapons system is in jeopardy.
Gunner's Mates are responsible for the proper
maintenance and care of the GMTRs. A majority of
these maintenance actions come under the headings of
inspecting and servicing.
Maintenance requirement cards (MRCs) provide
the guidance necessary to maintain the training
missiles. The MRCs describe the required periodic and
unscheduled maintenance actions applicable to the
round. In case of functional problems or equipment
failure, be sure to consult these MRCs.
Inspections include the preventive maintenance
procedures required to detect problem areas before they
cause equipment failures. Listed below are a few
examples of what to look for during a training missile
1. Examine all painted surfaces for chipping and
2. Inspect tail control surfaces for hard or rough
movement as they are folded/unfolded.
3. Inspect the S&A levers/arming tool socket.
Ensure they are in the SAFE position and they offer
some tension or resistance to being turned. Also inspect
the firing contact buttons or points for wear and
4. Examine all plastic covers/windows for cracks
and chips.
5. Examine the front panel items of the simulator.
Check for damaged lamp lenses, broken or loose
switches, and so forth.

Figure 10-22.Mk 63 Mod 5, 6 front panel of the guided

missile simulator.

6. Inspect the launching shoes for excessive or

uneven wear by using a micrometer or special
GO/NO-GO gage tool. Consult the applicable training
missile OP or MRC for maximum/minimum wear


If possible, correct any deficiencies noted at the

time of inspection. If an immediate repair cannot be
made, report the problem to proper authority.
Servicing a training missile prevents corrosion and
deterioration of the round. While in stowage, training
missiles require no external care other than routine
cleaning. Gross accumulations of oil, grease, and dirt
must not be permitted to remain on the surface of the
round. If you are cleaning the sockets, apply the
compound liberally to the socket area. Then carefully
clean the socket with an LP air supply. Reapply the
compound, but do not wipe it dry. This point applies to
any application of corrosion-preventive compound. If
you wipe it dry, you wipe away the effectiveness of the
Training missiles are NOT sealed, watertight
devices. Excessive exposure to moisture not only
affects the external surfaces of the missile but can
cause serious internal damage. This problem is
particularly acute in the area of the simulator.
Remember, a simulator is a very sensitive electronic
test instrument.

Training missiles will corrodethat's a fact of life.

Therefore, an effective maintenance program is
mandatory. Also, DO NOT LET THE GMTR GET
WET. If it begins to rain, immediately unload the round
to the magazine. If taking this action means interrupting
a DSOT, so be it. The DSOT can be set up and rerun in a
matter of minutes after the storm passes. It may take
you days to thoroughly dry a "soaked" training missile
and its simulator. In the long run, it is better to keep the
round dry.
In this chapter we covered the weapons system
processes of detection and control. We described how
raw data is gathered by the various types of sensors,
then processed by the NTDS for use by the WDS. You
saw how the WDS functions as an information gatherer
and engagement controller. We then examined some of
the compensations in the fire control problem required
to deliver accurate fire. We then looked at the three
most modern fire control systems currently in the fleet.
Finally, we described system testing and the
characteristics/uses of a guided missile training round
(GMTR). Remember to refer to the within text
references for more specific information about these
subject areas.



constructed. Once constructed, alignment is
continually perfected up to the point where the ship is
placed in commission and its permanent operational
crew is on board. As a ship goes through its normal life
cycle, it is the job of the crew to verify this alignment
continually, making corrections as necessary.

For any weapon system to be effective, the

destructive device must be delivered to the target
accurately. Many air targets are now capable of speeds
faster than sound; therefore, they must be detected and
engaged at greater distances. Technological improvements in modern weapons systems require that
equal improvements be made in their associated
detection and fire control systems. Proper battery
alignment is a must if ordnance is to be delivered on

Certain steps in a combat system alignment process

must be accomplished according to a specified
sequence. The sequential steps are as follows:
1. Establishment of reference planes

In this chapter we will describe the basic

fundamentals of alignment principles and battery
alignment. We will also discuss firing cutout
mechanisms, radar alignment, and the final alignment
and test.

2. Establishment of reference marks

3. Establishment of parallelism
4. Performance of fire control radar radio
frequency (RF)optical alignment
5. Performance of train and elevation alignment


6. Establishment of bench mark and tram

reference readings

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Describe alignment principles and procedures on naval gun


7. Performance of dynamic train alignment

The elements of a modern combat system must

work together with a great degree of accuracy to deliver
ordnance on target. All are electrically and/or
mechanically linked to pass data from one unit to the
next. Each equipment with alignable properties must be
aligned to a common reference to ensure a correct
exchange of data between the various systems. Data
transmission and response synchros must be properly
zeroed. All gun bores, missile launchers, fire control
directors, radar antennas, gyrocompasses, and other
similar pointing lines must be parallel (when no
parallax or ballistic corrections have been made).
Combat system alignment is the process of establishing
parallelism, within acceptable tolerances, between the
elements of the combat system.

Establishment of Reference Planes

The first major alignment step is the establishment
of reference planes. A position can only be described
by relating it to a known reference point. Reference
planes allow combat system elements to be described as
to how they are situated in relationship to each other.
Reference planes are established during the initial construction of the ship and are used as required during
alignment of the combat system. Reference planes consist of the center-line reference plane (CRP), the ship
base plane (SBP), the master reference plane (MRP),
and the weapons control reference plane (WCRP).
center-line reference plane (CRP) is the first plane
established. It is the plane containing the ship's center
line and is perpendicular to the SBP. The CRP is the
reference used to establish the train zero alignment of
all of the combat system equipment.

In this section we will describe the sequence used

in establishing combat system alignment. Following
that, we will discuss the more familiar sequence of
alignment verification.

SHIP BASE PLANE.The ship base plane

(SBP), the basic plane of origin, is perpendicular to the
CRP and includes the base line of the ship, but is not
necessarily parallel to the keel.

Combat system alignment begins with the design

of the ship. Alignment is established as the ship is


Establishment of Parallelism


reference plane (MRP) is a plane within the ship
parallel to the SBP. On most ships, the MRP is
represented by a master level plate that has been
accurately leveled to the SBP and aligned in bearing to
the CRP. The MRP is used as the machining reference
to establish the foundations of the combat system
equipment. After initial construction alignment, the
MRP is only used as a reference plane following major
damage or modernization.

The third major alignment step is the establishment

of parallelism between the roller path planes (RPPs) of
all the equipment in the combat system. This step is
also accomplished during initial construction. It is
accomplished again as new systems are added or old
equipment is replaced. The steps necessary to achieve
the required degree of parallelism are foundation
machining, inclination verification, and interequipment


PLANE.The weapon control reference plane
(WCRP) is established during initial construction
and is usually represented by the roller path plane
(RPP) or the equipment that has been designated the
alignment reference. This is the plane, which most
people are familiar with, that is involved with
alignment verification. On the FFG-7 class ship, for
example, the WCRP is the roller path of the Mk 75 gun


combat system equipment is installed aboard ship, the
equipment foundations are machined so that the planes
of the foundations are parallel, within tolerance, to the
reference plane and then smoothed to the required
When the equipment is mounted aboard ship, the
RPPs will not be precisely parallel. It is not possible
under normal conditions to attain perfect accuracy in
machining or in the construction of equipment. There
will always be some error. However, once machined
within tolerance, there are devices incorporated into
most equipment that can be adjusted to compensate for
roller path alignment error. These devices are discussed

Establishment of Reference Marks

The second major alignment step is the
establishment of reference marks. Reference marks
include center-line reference marks, offset center-line
reference marks, and equipment bench marks.

verification consists of the measurement of the tilt
between equipment RPPs of the equipment in the
combat system and the reference plane. Figure 11-1
shows a plane tilted with respect to the reference plane.
Note that the inclination varies with the bearing. In the
direction of line OA, the inclination is zero. Inclination
increases gradually in the direction of line OB until it
reaches maximum positive angle at 90 from line OA.
Point B is the bearing of the high point (Bhp). Point D is
a negative angle, proportionate to the positive angle of
point B. All the references to roller path alignment are
expressed in terms of the bearing and inclination of the
high point. The tilt of the RPP is determined by using
clinometers or similar devices.


Center-line reference marks are established during
initial construction to represent the ship's center line.
Several small plates (at least two forward and two aft)
will be installed at intervals along the center line to
indicate its location.
MARKS.Offset center-line reference marks are also
established during initial construction to facilitate the
combat system alignment. The offset center line is
established parallel or perpendicular to the ship's
center line. These marks are installed to prevent
repeating the center-line survey during subsequent
alignments. They must be maintained within 1 minute
of arc of the CRP.


accomplish equipment leveling through the use of
leveling rings, shims, adjusting screws, equipment
adjustments, or offset by software.

BENCH MARKS.Bench marks are the most

familiar of all the reference marks to the average
equipment operator/maintenance person. A bench
mark is installed for each equipment that has an
alignment telescope. Bench marks are installed at any
convenient location that is visible through the
equipment telescope. Equipment bench marks are used
throughout the life of the ship to verify alignment.

A common device used to offset the effects of roller

path misalignment is the roller path compensator. The
roller path compensator is incorporated into the
elevation receiver-regulator of most gun mounts. It is
connected through gears and linkages to the train drive


Figure 11-1.Variation of roller path inclination with bearing.

is the alignment between the axis of the RF energy

beam emitted by the fire control radar and an optical
device attached to the radar antenna. During initial
installation, the alignment is established and the optics
are secured in place. During subsequent alignment
checks, you can make adjustments to correct any errors
detected. Radar collimation checks are normally
conducted using a certified shore tower facility. Some
radars, however, may be collimated while tracking a
target. Figure 11-2 shows the essence of radar

unit. The roller path compensator is set with the bearing

and magnitude (in minutes) of the high point. As the
gun moves in train, the compensator is moved and
either adds or subtracts from the elevation order the
number of minutes necessary to cancel out the roller
path error at that bearing. For further information on
roller path alignment, see NAVSEA OP-762, chapter 5.
Performance of Fire Control Radar RF-Optical
The fourth major alignment step is the verification
of fire control RF-optical alignment (collimation). This

Figure 11-2.Radar collimation.


established, it is the responsibility of shipboard

personnel to verify and maintain the alignment of the
system. This is the part of the combat system alignment
that is more familiar to most fleet personnel.

Performance of Train and Elevation Alignment

The fifth major alignment step is the performance
of train and elevation alignment. This alignment is
performed by fleet support personnel to make sure the
pointing lines are parallel. This procedure is the same
one performed by fleet personnel to verify system
alignment. Two procedures can be used for train and
elevation alignment. The first is the establishment of
train and elevation zero (theodolite method); the second
is the train and elevation space alignment (star check

Several procedures are fundamental to alignment
verification. In this section we will describe a typical
gun mount alignment verification procedure, including
tram and bench mark readings and star checks. Since
each system is configured differently, we will not
attempt to explain in any detail how corrections are
actually made.

The theodolite method aligns train zero to the

center-line reference plane and elevation zero to the
roller path plane of the equipment. The more familiar
star check method establishes parallelism between
combat system elements by having them all sight on a
celestial body, then aligning their dials to match those
of the weapons control reference plane (WCRP). The
star check method will be discussed further in the next
section of this chapter.

Tram and Bench Mark Readings

Establishment of Bench Mark and Tram


Once established, tram and bench mark readings

give the maintenance person a ready reference to check
the alignment of the equipment. A piece of equipment
will be fitted either for tramming or with a fixed
telescope for sighting a bench mark. Typically, gun
mounts and missile launchers are trammed, while
directors are aligned to bench marks. Some systems,
however, may be fitted for both.

The sixth major alignment step is the establishment

of bench marks and tram reference readings to furnish
an easy means of verifying the alignment of equipment
in the future. It is necessary to have reference readings
because the equipment position data dials and data
transmission synchros may become misaligned due to
wear, vibration, or normal maintenance. These
reference readings are normally established by a
shipyard or NAVSEA representatives after all of the
system elements are aligned. The application of these
reference readings will be discussed further in the next
section of this chapter.

TRAM.A gun mount is fitted with two sets of

tram blocksone set each for train and elevation. The
blocks are welded, one to the rotating element and the
other to a stationary element nearby. Elevation tram
blocks are attached, one to the underside of the slide
and the other to the trunnion support. Train tram blocks
are attached, one to the bottom of the carriage and the
other to the stand. Tram blocks are provided with
machined plates with concave centers that fit the ends
of the tram bar. The telescoping tram bar is the most
common type in use and will be the only type discussed
The telescoping tram bar consists of two parts, one
sliding inside the other. The parts have a small
movement with respect to each other and are extended
by an internal spring. A scribe mark on the inner part is
visible through an opening in the outer part. Engraved
on the edges of the opening is a zero mark. When the
inner scribe mark and the outer zero mark are aligned,
the tram bar is at the correct length. The tram bar is
placed in the tram blocks, and the gun mount is trained
or elevated to compress or expand the bar until the
marks are aligned. This serves to place a known
distance between two fixed points, corresponding to a
specific train or elevation angle. Once this angle is
determined, it becomes the reference for future
alignment verification.

Performance of Dynamic Train Alignment

The last major step is the train alignment between
the reference and alignable combat system equipment
not equipped with a telescope. This is accomplished by
comparing equipment position with the position of the
alignment reference while simultaneously tracking an
isolated target. Fleet and fleet support personnel
conduct this alignment.
These steps are used to establish the combat system
alignment. Shipboard personnel are not usually directly
involved in most of this process. What we have
described thus far is what takes place while a ship is
being constructed or in a major overhaul. Once


Star Checks

Figure 11-3 shows a tram bar installed in a set of

gun mount train tram blocks. Tram readings are taken
as an average of several readings. The air drive motors
are used to move the gun mount. Several readings are
taken, moving the mount to compress the tram bar into
alignment; a like number of readings are taken, moving
the mount to extend the bar into alignment. By moving
the gun mount in both directions, you can detect any
lost motion in the gear train. The readings are then
averaged and compared to the reference readings that
are inscribed on a plate normally attached to one of the
trunnion supports.

Star checks are used to verify parallelism between

elements of the combat system and the WCRP. To
illustrate this process, we will assume that the gun
director is also the WCRP. We will now align the gun
mount to the director. To begin with, you can fit the gun
with a borescope and all the ballistic and parallax
corrections are set at zero by the GFCS. The borescope
is inserted into the breech of the gun and its cross hairs
aligned with the axis of the bore.
In the evening, a celestial body (star) is selected,
and the director is moved to track the star with its
optics. Be careful not to choose a satellite. Satellites
show up early and are usually very bright. This makes
them tempting choices for star checks. However, once
you have locked onto a satellite, you will find that it
moves very quickly across the sky, making it difficult to

Elevation tram readings are almost always taken
with the gun mount trained to 90 from the bearing of
the high point. At any other train bearing you will get
erroneous elevation readings due to the offsetting
inputs of the roller path compensator. Refer to your
ship's alignment manual for exact instructions for
avoiding this situation.

The gun is driven simultaneously with the air drive

motors to track the same star through the borescope.
Once the star can be seen through the optics of both the
gun and the director, each is moved to pass the vertical
or horizontal cross hair over the star. When the star is
centered in the cross hair, the person at the telescope
gives a "MARK." When both the director and the gun
MARK at the same time, all the movement is stopped
and the dials are read. This is done several times from
each direction: from the bottom and the top in elevation
and from the left and the right in train. Each crew then
averages their train and elevation readings individually.
The averages are compared and the gun is adjusted to
the director if the error is out of tolerance.

BENCH MARK.The bench mark is used much

the same as tram readings. The equipment to be aligned
trains and elevates to align the telescope cross hairs
with the bench mark. The bench mark, however, may be
some distance from the equipment you are aligning.
This increases the probability that the bearing to the
bench mark will change in relation to your equipment
due to hull distortion. No alignment adjustments should
ever be performed based on a single tram or bench mark

Each time this is accomplished, the results of the

verification, as well as any adjustments, are recorded in
the Combat Systems Smooth Log. Refer to Align
Theory, SW225-AO-MMA-010/OP762, and the appropriate volume of the SW225-XX-CSA-010 series of
publications pertaining to your ship type for further
information on combat systems alignment procedures.
purpose and procedures for proper battery
The purpose of battery alignment is to adjust all the
elements of a weapons system and fire control system
so that the weapons can be accurately aimed and the
ordnance delivered on target. In other words, you

Figure 11-3.Tram bar and tram blocks.


direction, and the other angle is a plane perpendicular

to the reference plane and is measured from the
reference plane.

should target the gun barrel to the exact point that the
gun radar or sight is centered on.
Several things may cause your systems to be out of
alignmentnormal wear and tear, gun-bore erosion,
improper maintenance, alterations/modifications to the
system or ship, and so on. Initially, alignment is
accomplished in the shipyard by the builder, but the
continued accuracy of the ordnance installation relies
upon constant maintenance.

Before any alignment can be accomplished on a

new ship, you must establish the reference frame.
During the construction of a ship, one baseplate is
installed within the ship's hull. This plate is referenced
to a similar plate on a fixed ground installation. The
plate is leveled as accurately as possible before the ship
is launched, and an imaginary base plane is figured
from the average readings taken from the baseplate.
The foundation and the roller paths for the fire control
directors, launchers, and gun mounts are machined so
that they are (as nearly as possible) parallel with the
base plane. The fire control reference plane or weapons
control reference plane (WCRP) is the horizontal plane
to which all combat system elements are aligned. The
WCRP is perpendicular to the ship's center line (SCP)
and parallel to the ship base plane (SBP). In practice, it
is defined by the roller path plane of one and sometimes
two of the major elements of the ship's combat systems

The alignment of a weapons system is primarily
concerned with the directions that the equipment
(launchers, guns, directors, etc.) are pointed. To
establish directions, you must use a definite and
complete set of geometric references. The necessary
references are contained in the geometric structure,
called a reference frame. The reference frame consists
of a reference point, a reference direction, and a
reference plane.
Directions are expressed by giving instructions
from a specific point. Any desired point may be
selected as the starting point, and once this selection
has been made, it becomes a part of any measurement.
Since this measurement must refer to the starting point,
it is called the reference point.

After battery alignment in train has been

accomplished, you can begin alignment in elevation.
The purpose of this alignment phase is to set all the
elements so that when they are positioned in elevation
with their lines of sight parallel to their own roller path
plane, the elevation dials of all the elements will read
zero and the elevation synchros will be at electrical

After a reference point has been selected, it is

necessary to have a reference direction from which to
measure angles. The angles are measured about the
reference point, starting from the reference direction. In
naval ordnance, a fore-and-aft line, pointing in the
direction of the ship's bow, is the most frequently used
reference direction.

So that guns, directors, and launchers can be

realigned to the same position, you can provide bench
marks and tram readings. Once established, tram and
bench mark readings give the maintenance person a
ready reference to check the alignment of the
equipment. A piece of equipment will be fitted either
for tramming or with a fixed telescope for sighting a
bench mark. Typically, gun mounts and missile
launchers are trammed, while directors are aligned to
bench marks. Some systems, however, may be fitted for
both. Upon completion of initial alignment or
subsequent realignment by shipyard or support
activities, you must submit a shipyard alignment report
to the commanding officer of the ship. Included in this
report are the alignment data, tolerances,
demonstration results, and any other pertinent data for
all of the combat systems and subsystems aligned by
shipyard personnel. This data is maintained in the
Combat Systems Smooth Log.

Angles expressing direction cannot be described

completely unless a means is available for specifying
the particular planes in which the angles are to be
measured. This condition is met when a reference plane
is selected. The horizontal plane (also called a deck
plane) is one of the most commonly used reference
planes. When the ship is afloat and you are comparing
the horizontal plane to several other planes, two spirit
levels are necessary for each comparisonthe
inclination of one plane with respect to another.
The three references described in the preceding
paragraphs must all be used when measurements are
given to describe directions. In the complete reference
frame, directions are specified by two angles measured
about the reference point. One angle is in the reference


You should not proceed with synchro alignment

unless the preliminary checks show a misalignment. If
the synchro is close to zero, you should make only the
fine adjustment.

Shipyard personnel initially install equipment
using precision methods in a newly constructed ship.
They take into account stress caused by operational
loading and adjust for accurate alignment when the ship
is waterborne and contains 90 percent of the total load
(builder yard only). When alignment procedures are
undertaken thereafter, the ship should contain
80 percent of the total load of fuel, water, armament,
and stores, distributed normally. The greater part of the
work will consist of checks and small adjustments
unless the equipment has been damaged or moved out
of alignment.

Precise mount alignment requires extreme
accuracy in the performance of alignment checks and
adjustments. These checks should be made with the
ship moored to a pier or anchored in calm seas.
Train alignment checks provide an accurate
method of determining the degree of parallelism
between the zero train lines of all the components of the
system. When the director is trained to any point and
the mount dial pointers are matched with zero settings,
the director and mount lines of sight are parallel in

System alignment requires orienting and adjusting

several components to each other so that they function
properly together as a whole. No alignment work
should ever be undertaken without first making careful
tests to make certain that adjustment is necessary. An
incorrect or unnecessary adjustment can cause serious
problems in the system.

Because the ship is afloat, it is impracticable to use

multiple targets to obtain parallelism between the
mount and director. However, if the lines of sight of
both the director and the mount are aligned on a target
at infinite range, they will, for all practical purposes, be
parallel. The most accurate method of alignment is to
use a celestial body.

The alignment requirements for a weapons system
include the internal alignment of each of the
components and system alignment of the different
components or equipment with each other. The internal
alignment of an ordnance component is established by
the manufacturer. A high degree of machining and
fitting of structural parts assures good internal
alignment. If any basic alignment is necessary because
of faulty manufacture, overhaul at a shipyard usually is
required. Each director should be internally aligned
with the ship's references. All the parts of the weapons
system are aligned to the reference while the ship is
being outfitted or in dry dock, and the whole system is
tested. When the ship is afloat, you must recheck
the operation of the system. If there are serious
distortions, the ship is returned to the shipyard for

When train alignment is performed simultaneously

for several components, the train dial readings from all
the stations should be transmitted to a central station
(such as CIC) for systematic recording. The recorders
at the individual components should cross-check all the
readings to eliminate possible errors in recording the
readings. Rotation of the earth and ship's motion may
cause the line of sight to drift from the target, but this
drift is not detrimental as long as the line of sight is on
the target when the reading is taken.
The mount is aligned in elevation to the director. It
is elevated in manual control to bring its bore (or
launching rail) into a position parallel to its roller path
plane (at a point of known inclination) within 3 minutes
of arc. All the elevation indicators are adjusted to
indicate zero elevation.

The launchers and gun mounts must be aligned to

the directors in train and elevation.


Before any alignment work is undertaken afloat,

you should perform a transmission check. Synchro and
dial errors corrected at this point will keep you from
compounding the errors or from introducing errors into
the ensuing alignment procedures. Initially undetected
errors would be revealed before the alignment was
completed. At this point, you could be faced with the
task of redoing one or more of the alignment phases.


importance of firing cutout mechanisms.
It is hard to overstate the importance of checking
the firing cutout mechanisms after making the original
alignment or after doing any work or repair on the
mount that would disturb the firing cutouts. Every
casualty caused by the ship's firing into their own


The train and elevation limit stops restrict mount

movement under certain conditions. When activated,
the limit-stop system neutralizes the associated power
drive, thus limiting the movement of the mount. The
limit-stop cam controls the deceleration rate of the
power drive of the mount. Train and elevation require
different rates of deceleration, so their cams differ in
contour. The actuating cams are identical. When the
mount approaches a nonpointing zone, the actuating
cams start the limit-stop system.

superstructures testifies to the seriousness of any

misalignment of the firing stop mechanisms. In every
case, these casualties could have been prevented. These
casualties have resulted from negligence on the part of
ship's force personnelthe cams were cut improperly
(in some cases misaligned) or the firing cutouts were
inoperative through a lack of preventative or corrective
As you may remember, firing cutout mechanisms
are designed to interrupt electrical firing circuits and
firing mechanism linkages whenever guns and
launchers are trained or elevated to position where
firing the mount would endanger personnel or cause
damage to the ship. They should not be confused with
the limit-stop assemblies that are used to limit the
movement of some mounts to a safe firing zone. Firing
cutout mechanisms do not interfere with the free
movement of the gun or launcher.

An adjustment screw is secured to the bottom of

each limit-stop cam. As an aid in alignment, scribe lines
are scored into the cams. The cam-stacks, which
automatic-pointing-cutout and automatic-firing-cutout
systems, have a vernier that permits simultaneous
adjustment of all of the cams in the stack, and each cam
can be adjusted to a vernier in its base.
Firing cutout cams, limit-stop cams and associated
shafts, switches, and components are preset by the
manufacturer and checked by the installing activity.
These cams do not require routine adjustment. They
should be checked periodically and reset only if they
are not within plus or minus 1 of actual mount settings.

The Naval Sea Systems Command has issued

definite instructions for personnel responsible for
plotting, cutting, installing, and checking firing cutout
cams and mechanisms. These regulations are to be
complied with in all cases. In addition, special
instructions govern particular installations. The
computations for the safety clearances of the mount
relative to the ship's structures and equipment are
complicated and extensive. A high degree of precision
and skill is required to make these computations and to
prepare and install the cutout cams in the mount. The
computations are now done with computers at the
Naval Surface Weapon Center (NSWC), who prepares
the cutout data for the requesting ship. NSWC also
prepares the cutout cams and assists in their installation
and adjustment.

importance of radar alignment on a guided
missile battery.
All the elements of a guided missile battery are
aligned in the same manner as a conventional weapons
battery. There is, however, one additional step you must
accomplish before the physical alignment of the
battery. You must first align the radar reference beam
and the boresight telescope of the radar antenna. This
can be accomplished by using a shore tower
approximately 100 feet high and at least 1,300 feet
from the ship. The tower must be equipped with an
optical target and a tunable radar transmitter.

When a new cam is installed, it is essential that the

two train reference points be reestablished. These are
the train B-end stopped position and the nonpointing
zone cam arrested position. The nonpointing zone
switches must be set accordingly. NSWC personnel
will assist in performing this task.

On some missile systems, the radar beam is used as

the reference for this alignment. The radar beam is
trained and elevated to the tunable radar transmitter and
electrically aligned. The boresight telescope is then
adjusted to the optical target and locked in place. In
other missile systems the boresight telescope is the
reference. The boresight telescope is trained and
elevated to the optical target on the tower and then the
radar beam is aligned to the tunable transmitter. This is
the most critical alignment, because, in both cases, the
boresight telescope, after alignment, becomes the only

The firing cutout cams are plotted, scribed, and cut

during the final stages of the initial installation or
overhaul period. This is accomplished after all the
installation and alterations to the topside,
superstructure, masts, and rigging are completed.
Procedures for scribing and matching the firing
cutout cams are outlined in the applicable system OPs.
Performance of the cams should be checked before
each firing, whenever new cams are installed, and as
prescribed by the PMS schedule of your system.


If possible, select several targets with different

bearings and at ranges that will be as close as possible
to the mean battle range for the equipment. For
antiaircraft installations, try to use air targets which are
at an elevation angle near 45. The target should
produce a slow bearing so that accurate tracking is not

reference line of sight for the director. Bench mark data

is provided to check this optical alignment periodically.
The above explanation is for dry dock alignment
performed by shipyard personnel, perhaps assisted by
the ship's force personnel. When the ship is afloat, the
radar reference beam is again checked by the ship's
force. While at the pier, the shore towers are used. At
sea, all the guided missile ships will use bow and/or
stern towers installed according to current NAVSEA
instructions. Each tower will contain an optical
boresight target, a capture antenna, and a track and
guidance antenna.

Train and elevate the director to track a target as

accurately as possible, especially in train. When on
target, the director-trainer will call "MARK" by
telephone to the operators at their stations. The operator
at each station observes the target through the boresight
telescope or the boresight and makes a note of any train
error present when the director is on the target. This
should be done for targets at various bearings, some
moving to the right and some moving to the left. In this
check, some small error is to be expected because there
is always some lag-and-lost motion in the follow-up
servomechanisms. Regardless, the error observed when
tracking to the left should be essentially equal to that
observed when tracking to the right and should be in the
opposite direction. If the errors do not change direction
when the direction of tracking is changed or if they are
considerably larger for one tracking direction than the
other, a misalignment is indicated. This can be
corrected by adjusting the train synchros. Before any
adjustment is changed, however, a careful analysis
should be made to be certain that the error is not caused
by some other factor. For example, a misalignment of
the sight telescope could cause an error. This should be
corrected by boresighting the telescope, not by
adjusting the synchros. Adjusting the synchros, in this
case, would result in firing errors. If, after careful
analysis, an adjustment is made to the synchros, a check
should be made to see whether or not a corresponding
adjustment must be made to the dials or any other part
of the system.


importance of testing after a battery alignment
and recording the results in the Combat
Systems Smooth Log.
The success of a weapons system depends to a great
extent upon the mechanical and electrical alignment of
the system. Minor errors in synchro or dial adjustments
can result in missing the target by a great distance.
If any error corrections were made to train or
elevation receiver-regulator dials, you must establish
new alignment readings. Obtain the detailed
instructions for your system and follow them with care.
Upon completion of the train and elevation checks,
the elements of the system are rechecked against their
respective bench marks and new dial readings are
recorded in the ship's battery alignment and fire control
smooth logs.
Although both of the above tests can and should be
conducted by the ship's force, it would be wise to ask
for technical assistance from a repair facility if you are
unsure of the procedures.

As you can see, every component in a weapons

system is linked either directly or indirectly to the
others, as are the operators and maintainers of the
equipment. You must think and act in terms of the
weapons system as a whole. What you do, and how
your equipment operates, will affect the operation of
the system as a unit.

Modern ordnance installations are operated almost

exclusively in automatic control, except under certain
special conditions or in emergencies. Therefore, it is
especially important for an installation to be aligned
accurately for automatic operations. If the alignment
methods described in this chapter are used so that the
dials of each element are aligned accurately with the
dials of the reference element, you should end up with a
good alignment. It is advisable to check the results
under conditions which approximate those under which
the equipment will be used. The checks should be
performed with the system in automatic control and
with the parallax equipment functioning.

Before undertaking any alignment tasks, you

should become thoroughly familiar with the contents of
SW225-AO-MMA-010/OP762, Align Theory, Theory
of Combat System Alignment Manual. This publication
will assist you in obtaining a general understanding of
the total combat system alignment methods. It defines
combat system alignment, why it is needed, and what it


Table 11-1.Smooth Log Data and General Outline


c. All plots of roller path, cutout cams and zones (firing and radiation), and X
horizon checks

d. Bench mark readings and plate locations, tram readings (including bearing of X
mount for elevation tram, when applicable)

Section A - Alignment
a. Record of checks (changes if any), dates held, and methods used
b. Collimation data dates and results of radar antenna and X beam alignment

Section B - Calibration
a. Double echo checks and resultant settings

b. Sonar calibration and source levels

c. Divergence

Section C - Range finder calibration

a. Record of range finder calibration checks and adjustments

b. A curve for range finder, and a smooth copy of each operators B curve

Section D - Erosion
a. Star gauge data

b. Records of erosion gauge readings

c. Records of bore searches

d. Equivalent service rounds

Section E - Rounds fired

Entries in tabular form for each gun and/or launcher showing rounds fired,
projectile, powder charge, etc.

Section F - Firing reports

File of all firing reports kept in chronological order

Section G - Competitive exercise reports

File of all competitive exercise reports

Section H - List of test equipment

A list of test equipment grouped by type and listed by title, mark, mod, and serial X
Section J - Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information System (SCLSIS)
Subsystems and equipment portion of current SCLSIS
S = Search Radar Subsystem
G = Gun Weapon Subsystem
M = Missile Weapon Subsystem
U = Underwater Weapon Subsystem
N = Navigation System


does and does not accomplish. The principles of

alignment and the general reasoning behind the
procedures involved in alignment are explained.
Detailed instructions for the alignment of specific
systems are not covered in this TRAMAN.
The SW225/OP 2456 series, Total Combat System
Alignment Manual, contains specific alignment
procedures for each class of ship. This publication is
intended to be used as a guide when performing combat
system alignment. It is to be used in conjunction with
PMS testing and maintenance. PMS tests are designed
to check the proper operation of all the subsystems,
either as a single entity (total combat system) or as
individual subsystems. Although most PMS tests are
not developed solely for alignment purposes, review of
the results of those tests that provide alignment
verification over a period of time will indicate trends
toward out-of-tolerance alignment conditions.
The importance of maintaining an alignment
smooth log cannot be overemphasized. Upon
completion of the alignment, data must be documented
to provide information for future alignments and to
inform responsible personnel of system and subsystem
alignment status. A complete and accurate alignment
data package is essential for effective combat system
Upon completion of the initial, or a subsequent,
alignment by a shipyard or support activity, an
alignment report is submitted to the ship's commanding
officer. The data in this report becomes the base line
information in the Combat Systems Smooth Log for
future system alignment verification. The Combat
Systems Smooth Log is a perpetual record of all
alignment, calibration, and internal ballistic data. The

importance of maintaining the smooth log cannot be

overemphasized. A general outline of data that should
be included in the smooth log is provided in table 11-1.
Reproducible forms for use in the Combat Systems
Smooth Log are located in the back of
The Combat Systems Smooth Log, section J,
contains weapon system configuration data from the
Ship Configuration and Logistics Support Information
System (SCLSIS) Manual for your ship. The central
SCLSIS data base contains the configuration
information related to each unit's installed and planned
equipment hardware. It identifies the proper level of
logistics support required to maintain each piece of
configuration data is passed to the Weapon Systems
File (WSF) at SPCC, which is used to determine spare
parts requirements for ships. The on-board availability
of spare parts is critical to keeping your systems up and
operational. Therefore, you should always make sure
this section is 100 percent accurate. For more
information on SCLSIS and SCLSIS reporting, see
NAVSEA Technical Specification 9090-700A.
The main role of a GM is to deliver the ordnance on
target. Your weapon system may be fully operational,
but if you cannot hit your target, it's useless. The
importance of accurate battery alignment cannot be
overemphasized. Although some alignment procedures
are described in this chapter, it is more important that
you know where to find alignment procedures and
instructions that are written specifically for the systems
you will be working with on a daily basis.



equipment. The purpose of preventive maintenance is
to prevent malfunctions before they appear and
discover existing malfunctions before they become
critical. Preventive maintenance is based on the
well-known principle that an ounce of preventionin
the form of adequate routine maintenanceis worth a
pound of curein the form of emergency repair,
replacement, and overhaul.

As a Gunner's Mate, maintenance is at the heart of

your profession. For you, the art of gunnery comes
down to your ability to get the "rounds out" on
command safely. The reliability of your gun is directly
related to your skill as a maintenance person. This
chapter will cover a wide variety of maintenance items.
We will begin by discussing the essentials of preventive
and corrective maintenance. Following this, we will
discuss lubrication, corrosion control, barrel
maintenance, and tools. We will then discuss the
content and use of equipment maintenance manuals.
We will also provide some practical instructions for
performing common maintenance procedures, such as
replacing hydraulic seals and making mechanical
adjustments. Finally, we will discuss some safety
precautions that apply to maintenance.

Preventive maintenance is neither dramatic nor

exciting. While the need for routine lubrication is
obvious, you may envision your leading petty officer
(LPO) as being a little obsessive when it comes to gun
mount cleanliness and inspection. You may think time
spent cleaning and inspecting components that have
always been in good shape to be a waste. However, you
will realize this time has been well spent when you
consider the impact that an undiscovered hydraulic leak
or a missing retainer clip could have in the midst of
firing the gun. These situations represent major
casualties just waiting to happen with serious and
sometimes fatal consequences. By taking a little time
and trouble to do routine preventive maintenance now,
you can save yourself a lot of work later by heading off
breakdowns and time-consuming emergency repair

The information in this chapter assumes you have a

functional knowledge of the Maintenance and Material
Management (3-M) Systems. You may find it useful to
review the requirements of the 3-M Systems before
beginning this chapter.
difference between the maintenance completed
by the ship's force, tender repairs, and repairs
handled by the shipyards. Briefly describe the
Phased Maintenance Program (PMP) and its
primary elements.

The Navy uses maintenance requirement cards

(MRCs) in the planned maintenance system (PMS) to
make sure routine maintenance jobs are done at the
required regular intervalsdaily, weekly, monthly, and
so on,and no steps are forgotten.
MRCs are obtained from the Gunner's Mate under
whom you work. They provide a step-by-step guide for
performing a specific maintenance action. MRCs
prescribe the minimum required preventive maintenance for a given gun mount. MRCs cover all
lubrication, some inspections, and some cleaning.
Anyone with a little training can perform maintenance
from an MRC. However, an MRC will not tell you to
inspect mechanical linkages for cracks or missing
retainer clips while you lubricate each of its pivot
points. It will not instruct you to determine the cause of
a fresh puddle of hydraulic fluid on the deck under a
piece of gun loading machinery and initiate steps to
have it repaired. As you become more knowledgeable
in gun mount maintenance, you will develop an

The term maintenance includes many different

types of tasks. However, all maintenance is classified as
either preventive or corrective. In this section we will
discuss the elements and implications of preventive and
corrective maintenance. The intent of this section is to
provide you with a sense of the importance of your role
in keeping your gun operating smoothly and safely.
Of the two main classes of maintenance work, the
most important, which accounts for most of the
maintenance work you do, is preventive maintenance.
Preventive maintenance consists mainly of the regular
lubrication, inspection, and cleaning of your


appreciation for the importance of these unstated

commonsense preventive maintenance practices.


As stated earlier, MRCs cover all minimum

lubrication requirements. However, you or your LPO
may determine that it is necessary to lubricate certain
mechanisms more frequently during very heavy
operational conditions. This is acceptable and shows
that you possess a good understanding of the actual
purpose of maintenanceto keep the system operational!

Be sure to consult with your supervisor before

attempting to correct any equipment misalignments.
Let's tie all these ideas together as we close out this
section on preventive maintenance. As a maintenance
person you have three good tools available to help you
keep your equipment operating at peak
performanceMRCs, system maintenance manuals,
and common sense. MRCs form the foundation of
preventive maintenance by providing minimum
maintenance standards. System maintenance manuals
provide additional in-depth system operation and
maintenance information. Effective preventive
maintenance requires a high level of technical
knowledge mixed with some good old-fashioned
common sense. You can do the minimum required
maintenance and be within the letter of the law, but still
have the least reliable gun on the waterfront, and be
known as a poor maintenance person. You may believe
that you are a maintenance person because you can
complete the MRCs assigned to you. However, if the
extent of your maintenance expertise encompasses only
the requirements of your systems MRCs, then you are
really only a maintenance person's helper. A
maintenance person has, or is continually working on,
an in-depth understanding of the system. When you
invest that little extra time on the gun while performing
routine lubrication, you can take a good look at the gun
to make sure all is in order. You will see in the next
section how preventive maintenance is the foundation
of corrective maintenance.

Inspections required by MRCs normally consist of

checks that verify fluid levels in hydraulic and gearbox
reservoirs and mechanical adjustments and clearances.
The term inspection may also be applied to
MRC-directed equipment operational checks,
electrical continuity checks, and gun order checks.
A good example of cleaning maintenance required
by an MRC is the removal of lubricants from the gun
barrel before firing and the removal of residue from the
barrel after firing. Other cleaning maintenance covered
by MRCs includes the cleaning of electrical contacts
and the removal of excess grease from around grease
fittings after they have been lubricated. The general
cleanliness of your equipment is also an important
factor. Dirt and dried hydraulic fluid on machinery
make it less likely that you will notice a fresh leak or
damaged component. It is also much more pleasant to
work on clean equipment.
In addition to MRC-guided preventive maintenance, you have the system maintenance manuals.
These manuals contain detailed descriptions of the
operation and care of the gun systems. You should be
intimately familiar with these manuals. They include
all the clearances and tolerances for the mechanical
systems of the guns as well as detailed procedures for
component replacement. MRCs do not require the
verification of the majority of these adjustments and
clearances. Over the years, mechanical equipment
wears, the hull of the ship twists, and mechanical
adjustments slip. For this reason it is a good practice to
review system maintenance manuals to identify these
adjustments and clearances. Routinely including the
verification of some of these adjustments in your
preventive maintenance schedule will serve to extend
your knowledge of the operation of the system while
helping to ensure its reliability. These adjustments also
make good topics for professional training. Mechanical
adjustments are covered in more detail later in this
chapter. Further discussion on maintenance manuals is
also covered later in this chapter.

Corrective maintenance involves the repair or
replacement of gun components that have been
identified as worn, defective, or broken. In the course of
routine preventive maintenance, you will discover
components that require repair. This is the ideal
situationfind the casualty and repair it before it
affects the operation of your gun in a firing situation.
Occasionally, however, in spite of the best preventive
maintenance, equipment will unexpectedly malfunction or break down altogether during an exercise.
You must acknowledge this eventuality and be ready to
deal with it when it occurs. Remember, a comprehensive preventive maintenance program will keep
these occurrences to a minimum.


procedures are described in detail in chapter 5 of


The more you know about how your equipment

works, the better you will be at troubleshooting and
repair. Experience is a great teacher, but you cannot
wait until your gun breaks down in battle to find out
how to repair it. This is where the knowledge and habits
you developed in performing preventive maintenance
really pay off. The maintenance person who has studied
and understands the details of how the system works
will have a head start in detecting the cause of any
malfunction. This is especially true of electronic
control circuit casualties. Casualty diagnosis is the
heart of the corrective maintenance problem. Once the
casualty has been accurately diagnosed, component
replacement is normally a simple task. If you routinely
experience casualties in your system during firing
exercises, especially mechanical and hydraulic
casualties, you need to take a serious look at your
preventive maintenance habits. Constant test operation
and inspection of your gun system is the only sure way
to detect problems before they can get serious enough
to put you out of action.

Maintenance Skills
In performing any type of maintenance, a Gunner's
Mate requires specific information relating to the
particular equipment to be maintained and repaired.
You must also possess the required skills and
knowledge that apply to the maintenance of a myriad of
equipment. The information needed can be found in the
particular OP of the system, but skill and knowledge
take many hours of dedicated training to develop and
fine tune.
We can assume that you have developed those
general skills by following the procedures as set forth in
your personnel advancement requirements (PARs). As
the LPO, you must be prepared to teach those skills to
your subordinates. Your trainees will not be too
impressed if you do not know how to take an ohmmeter
reading or check the clearance of a microswitch. You
must learn more about the overall and continuing plan
of maintenance and the responsibilities of
administration, as well as the technical duties in


Until now, your experience in PMS management
has probably been limited to duties as a work center
supervisor. As a result, you were closely involved in the
day-to-day upkeep of the cycle, the quarterly, and the
weekly PMS schedules of your particular work center.
As an LPO, you may frequently find yourself assigned
as a group supervisor. This means you will be
supervising other work centers within your division or
department. Consequently, you will be spending more
time in the upkeep of PMS schedules. As you can see,
knowing how to make up the cycle, the quarterly, and
the weekly schedule is an important aspect of a CPO's

Maintenance Planning
A study of the occupational standards shows that
the GM1 must be able to overhaul, repair, test, adjust,
and record all authorized maintenance performed. Note
that nearly all the knowledge factors are required at the
GM3 and GM2 level, with exception of the principles
of receiver-regulators, functions of fire control, and
supply procedures. You are expected to have
knowledge of the basic geometric layout for drawings
and sketches, to be able to prepare freehand sketches,
and to read and interpret diagrams and service

Although the department head is responsible for

the preparation of the cycle schedule, this duty is often
delegated to the chief. Special care should be taken in
the preparation of the cycle schedule because it will
directly affect the long-range scheduling of PMS due to
operational schedules, overhaul cycles, and availability

The success of any planned maintenance program

depends upon the cooperation you receive at the
working level. Your maintenance personnel need to
understand how their day-to-day work of lubrication,
cleaning, and similar routine upkeep helps prevent
costly and time-consuming breakdowns and the
subsequent hard repair work.

The cycle schedule is used as the basis for the

preparation of the quarterly schedule. Concurrently, the
quarterly schedule is used as the basis for preparing the
weekly schedule.

The responsibility of the leading GM in

administering the PMS and the MDS is described
generically for PO1 in OPNAVINST 4790 (latest
revision). Planning the daily maintenance work is your

Because you should already be thoroughly familiar

with the preparation of PMS schedules, it will not be
discussed at any great length in this text. These


records is part of your job; the weapons officer must

have this information to plan the overhaul work.
Pending maintenance and equipment history records
are maintained as part of the maintenance data system
(MDS) that is a part of the 3-M Systems. The
documentation of equipment malfunctions is briefly
described in the "Common Maintenance Procedures"
section of this chapter.

System Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance components are built into
some ordnance systems to help detect faults within the
systems. One of these components is a ground detection
The ground detection indicator is a continuous
monitoring system designed to detect a system ground.
Since most control circuits in ordnance systems are
powered by ungrounded 115-volt, 60 hertz,
single-phase current, the first ground is not very
important from an operational point of view. However,
if the first ground is not discovered and a second
develops, the result could be an illogical and destructive
sequence of system operation. The reason for this is
that two grounds act as electrical conductor between
the grounded components. When the ground detector
indicates (by light or buzzer) that some of the control
circuitry is grounded, you should determine the
location and cause of the ground. The elimination of
most grounds and potential grounds is good
maintenance and housekeeping.

Work by tenders and repair ships are also

scheduled, so it must be planned for ahead of time.
Authorized alterations (ORDALTs) are also made
aboard these ships when possible, although some may
be accomplished by ship's force but supervised and
verified by the appropriate Navy Sea Support Center,
Atlantic or Pacific (NAVSEACENLANT/PAC).
ORDALTs requiring special team efforts will be
accomplished under the direction of NAVSEACEN
personnel and supported, as required, by the in-service
engineering agent and/or contractor representatives.
ORDALTs usually state by whom the work is to be
done. Changes of a minor nature are authorized by
NAVSEASYSCOM instructions.
The upkeep period is time assigned to a ship while
moored or anchored or when the ship's force and other
forces afloat can work to perform upkeep duties
without interruptions.


Most of the maintenance work on armament aboard
ship is done by the strikers and Gunner's Mates
themselves as part of the ship's routine. This is called
ship's force maintenance.

Special assistance in maintenance, especially for

new equipment, may be obtained from contract service
engineers who are specifically trained for specific
equipment, or from mobile ordnance technical units
(MOTUs) which consist of military personnel who
have been trained to handle certain equipment and can
be assigned to instruct others in its use and care.

The ship's force, however, does not have the

facilities or the skills to perform certain less frequent,
but equally necessary, maintenance operations.
Examples of this type of operation are repair of
gunsight or boresight telescopes and calibration of
pressure gauges. Work of this nature is done aboard
repair ships and tenders that have the equipment and
skilled personnel required for this type of repair work.


All U.S. Navy ships are assigned regular overhaul
availability cycles for the purpose of maintenance and
updating/improvement of the ship and its installed
equipment. The two types of availability are the
Regular Overhaul (ROH), and the Phased Maintenance
Program (PMP). As a leading GM, you will be closely
involved with the planning and implementation of these
programs. In addition, you will also have to supervise
the maintenance of your assigned equipment through
the use of Inactive Equipment Maintenance (IEM).

Lastly, there are some jobs, like major overhaul of

hydraulic systems or repair or replacement of roller
paths, that are customarily completed in shipyards.
Such work may be completed by yard workers, by the
ship's force, or by both. Maintenance work completed
in shipyards is termed navy yard maintenance.
Routine overhauls are scheduled far ahead of time
at a specified navy yard for each ship. To get the most
out of the overhaul work, you must keep records of
mishaps, signs of defects, or poor operation of gunnery
equipment so that each of the items can be taken care of
during the overhaul. You must also keep records of all
repair work done by the ship's force. Keeping the

Regular Overhaul (ROH)

One of the most important considerations affecting
the performance of ship's overhaul is the determination
of what work is actually to be performed during the

before the overhaul commencement or when the SARP

screening action has been provided to the ship):

ROH. This phase of the planning process is developed

into the Ship Alteration and Repair Package (SARP) or
the Integrated Work Package (IWP) as applicable.
Because the SARP/IWP is both a planning and working
package for ROH, it will be addressed at this time.

1. Work discovered during POT&I and

designated for IMA accomplishment will be
documented on an OPNAV Form 4790.2K and coded
for availability.

For most ships, a SARP is the document that

defines and authorizes work to be done during the
overhaul, assigns the level of accomplishing activity for
each work item, and indicates cost estimates for each
shipyard job. The IWP performs the same functions for
small ships (ARS/ATF/MSO) when the OPNAV
4790.2K maintenance forms are arranged in order by
ship system. The purposes of the SARP (or IWP) are as

2. Work previously documented into the CSMP

file, but which was originally coded for other than IMA
accomplishment, and for which subsequent screening
action changed the accomplishing activity to IMA,
will require submission of a correction document
(OPNAV Form 4790.2K) to change the type of
availability code.
The above work items, along with those already
coded for IMA accomplishment in the ship's CSMP file
(plus any desired master job catalog items), will form
the IMA work package for preoverhaul and concurrent

1. Integrates related customer work requirements

2. Resolves redundant and conflicting work
3. Identifies work on a ship system basis

The time between regular overhauls varies from 2

years to 5 years. The interval is the maximum period
consistent with keeping the ship in fighting trim.

4. Serves as the single source document for all

customer authorized work
The SARP/IWP is maintained as a continuing
document that contains the information necessary for
the following:

An analysis of the problem of building,

overhauling, or converting ships reveals that the
following factors play essential roles:

1. Estimating the overhaul cost and duration

1. The ship must be available for the uninterrupted accomplishment of yard work.

2. Early decision making by higher levels of

command concerning budgeting, funding, operating
schedules, and overhaul duration

2. The contemplated work must be decided upon,

arranged in order of priority of accomplishment, and
actually authorized to be performed.

3. Commencement of additional advance planning, design work, and material procurement by those
activities responsible for supporting and conducting the

3. Sufficient funds must be available to cover the

cost of the work.
4. Material must be available.

Key inputs for developing the SARP/IWP are as


5. Personnel must be available to do the work.

1. The Current Ship's Maintenance Project

(CSMP) as submitted by the type commander to the
cognizant Planning and Engineering for Repairs and
Alterations (PERA) approximately 12 months in
advance of the ROH start date

Advance Planning
The advance planning stage of the regular overhaul
begins approximately 18 months before the scheduled
beginning of the overhaul. During this stage, the plans
progress from a very rough to a refined and definite
schedule. In the broad sense, advance planning
provides a solid foundation for the accomplishment of
work on naval ships in all shipyards. Availabilities of
ships are approved by CNO on a fiscal-year basis.
Before they are approved, schedules are commented on
by forces afloat and NAVSEASYSCOM.

2. Results of the Pre-Overhaul Tests and Inspection (POT&I)

3. Type commander Title "D" SHIPALT Authorization Letter
Advance Planning/Authorization Letter


The main factors considered in formulating the

overhaul schedule are as follows:

For ships using the SARP overhaul package, the

following action will be taken (approximately 90 days


The home port of the ship

end of the period. Local training facilities and fleet

schools should be used to the maximum degree
consistent with obtaining a good overhaul.

The intervals between the previous overhaul

availabilities of the ship and the proposed

While the ship is undergoing overhaul, special

precautions against fire, flooding, theft, and sabotage
must be taken. The shipyard is prepared to help with
matters of security, but the responsibility for
establishing security measures remains with the ship's
personnel. The overhaul plan should include the
necessary organization for these precautions.

The placing of the ship in the home shipyard or

shipyards capable of performing any required
special type of work
The provision of a level of work in all shipyards
to avoid laying off personnel intermittently


greatest continuous hazard to ships undergoing
overhaul is fire. Disruption of fire-fighting facilities and
burning or welding work in progress are the most
dangerous conditions contributing to fire hazards. The
ship's force is responsible for providing properly
trained fire watches for each burning or welding job in
progress aboard ship. All watch personnel should be
instructed in the location of the shipyard fire alarm
boxes nearest to (or on) the ship and the current
shipyard directives concerning fires and fire fighting.

The probable availability of critical material on

important jobs
Any special factors that may arise
The final approved schedule represents the best
compromise possible. It is used as a basis for planning
by the material commands, the shipyards, and the
forces afloat.
It is quite possible, in view of the remote,
long-range nature of the schedule, that changes and
adjustments may be required from time to time. As the
need arises, proposed changes are evaluated and
approved/ disapproved by CNO. Changes in start or
completion dates may be made by the type commander
with the concurrence of the shipyard commander or the
superintendent/supervisor of shipbuilding (SUPSHIP)
when the change is 3 weeks or less from the assigned


The possibility of engineering spaces flooding through
sea connections or through leaks in piping systems
must not be overlooked. The security plan should
require frequent inspections of all unattended spaces in
which this possibility exists.
SABOTAGE.Responsibility for the security of the
ship against acts of theft or sabotage rests largely with
the security watches and the inspectors of shipyard
work. Security measures should be enforced tactfully,
so shipboard personnel will not be offended. To reduce
the possibility of theft, you should place all tools,
valuables, and clothing in locked stowage. Stowage
spaces within the shipyard may be available to the
ship's force for this purpose. Acts of sabotage can best
be prevented by the vigilance of watch and duty
personnel. Periodic patrols conducted at irregular
intervals through ship's spaces and proper identification
of all personnel boarding the ship are basic
requirements for security.

Advance planning on the part of the ship's

personnel is necessary for a successful overhaul. The
commanding officer must ensure that adequate plans
and preparations are made for the accomplishment of
the following activities:
1. Work of ship's force
2. Training of the ship's personnel during the
3. Security of the ship's spaces, including
protection against fire, flooding, theft, and sabotage
All work within the capacity of the ship's force
should be accomplished by the ship's personnel. A
schedule of the work of the ship's force should include
the names of the persons responsible for performing the
work, the estimated date of completion, the estimated
number of work hours required for completion of the
work, and a list of the necessary materials or tools
required from the shipyard to perform the work.

Ship's Force Overhaul Management System

Effective management of resources is a continuing
challenge at every level of command in the Navy.
Spiraling costs, the growing complexity of mechanical
and electronic components, and the limitations of
funds, skills, and time available for proper maintenance

Plans for training during the overhaul period

should outline the objective to be accomplished by the


initiatives (prepositioned equipment), the class

maintenance plan (CMP), and contracting for PMAs.

of naval ships demand full use of the best management

techniques. The SFOMS provides management
techniques for the control of ship's force work during an
overhaul. The SFOMS also provides the necessary
elements for a smooth transition from an operating
environment to an industrial maintenance environment.

OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES.Operating and maintenance schedules

incorporate PMAs of 2 to 4 months duration at intervals
of approximately 15 to 18 months. Minor variations
allow for operating cycle differences between classes.
One PMA in the cycle is extended by 1 month to
include dry docking. PMAs include both repairs and

The commanding officer is directly responsible for

the effective accomplishment of all ship's force jobs,
and for the management of both human and money
resources during the overhaul (availability) so that upon
completion of the work, there is a dependable, trained,
and responsible crew. At the same time, the ship's
company must have the leave and recreation they need.
SFOMS provides the tools to help in attaining these
goals. The system provides for a staff of shipboard
personnel to schedule, manage, and control work to be
accomplished by the ship's force by

PORT ENGINEERS.Port engineers manage

the planning for, monitor the execution of, and evaluate
maintenance work on the small number of ships each
port is assigned. They carry out these functions through
personal observation and direct contact with ship's
force, group staffs, NAVSEADET PERA, SUPSHIPs,
TYCOM SUPPORT GROUPS, and other planning
agencies. Port engineers are primarily concerned with
depot level repairs and secondarily with IMAVs. Port
engineers are directly responsible to TYCOM staff
maintenance officers for planning, for work definition,
and for screening recommendations. This includes
conducting work definition conferences (WDCs).
Through a memorandum of understanding (MOU)
between TYCOM and the individual SUPSHIPS, the
relationship between SUPSHIP and the port engineer is
established, particularly regarding the joint
authorization of any growth work by the port engineer
and SUPSHIP. (New work may only be authorized by
SUPSHIP after TYCOM port engineer concurrence.)
Port engineers, however, do not authorize ship

identifying work that must be done;

finding out what work force, materials, and
facilities are required and available; and
developing cost estimates and schedules.
In this way SFOMS helps achieve an effective
overhaul; that is, completion of the work at the least
cost and in the minimum time without sacrificing
quality. However, SFOMS is no longer a required
management program; its use is at the discretion of the
commanding officer. Further information and
guidelines for the use of SFOMS are located in the
Phased Maintenance Program (PMP)

MATERIAL SUPPORT INITIATIVES.Material support initiatives for PMP are the use of
prepositioned equipment for change-out instead of
repair and contingency spares to prevent delays of
scheduled PMA completions because of the lack of
repair parts. The prepositioned equipment is limited to
a small number of major items, and the contingency
spares are kept at or near the industrial activity.

The PMP is a maintenance strategy in which depot

level maintenance is performed in a series of short,
frequent, phased maintenance availabilities (PMAs)
instead of regular overhauls. To the maximum extent
practicable, repairs are authorized based on the actual
material condition of the ship and its equipment. In
addition to innovative material support procedures,
PMP contracts enable depot level maintenance to be
performed by a single contractor throughout a complete
operating cycle. The goals of the PMP are maximum
ship availability, improved operational readiness, and
upgraded material condition.

Readily available parts in the Navy or Defense

Logistics Agency (DLA) supply systems are excluded
from contingency spares.
class maintenance plan defines anticipated organizational, intermediate, and depot level maintenance
requirements for systems and equipments throughout
the operating cycle. Except for "legislated"
requirements, a CMP task does not imply mandatory
accomplishment. The judgment of the port engineer,

Primary Elements of PMP

The primary elements of the phased maintenance
program consists of the operating and maintenance
schedules, the port engineer, the material support


shipyard and ship's force, resulting in long-term

savings in dollars and workdays

actual equipment condition, priorities, and risk

assessment are part of the repair decision.
CONTRACTING FOR PMAs.Contracting for
PMAs is generally accomplished by the award of an
incentive type, multiship/multiyear option contract
with a competent contractor, usually in the ship's home
port. Although in particular circumstances other types
of contracts may be used, the main objectives of this
type of contract are as follows:

Overhaul Maintenance Requirements

During an overhaul period, work that pertains to the
repairing, docking, and altering of the ship is done by
the shipyard work force. At the same time, however,
shipboard equipment is still maintained by ship's force
personnel. Although most shipboard equipment is shut
down and not in use during an ROH, it still must be kept
in the best possible condition of readiness. This is
accomplished through the use of Inactive Equipment
Maintenance (IEM). At the same time, the shipboard
PMS package is going through a constant updating
process. The flow of PMS documentation involved
during an ROH period is shown in figure 12-1. The
Integrated Logistics Overhaul (ILO) concept was
developed because of logistic support problems

1. To avoid the requirement to specify an

inflexible work list before the availability is negotiated
2. To allow incentive payments for cost control,
high quality, and schedule adherence
3. To allow the crew to live in home port during
shipyard periods
4. To obtain "learning curve" payoffs in the form
of improved efficiency and familiarity for both

Figure 12-1.PMS documentation support during overhaul.


As you can see, the PMS documentation process

for an overhaul period starts long before the overhaul
actually begins and proceeds through the ROH and
afterwards. Table 12-1 lists the Pre-ROH, during ROH,
and Post-ROH actions and responsibilities for a ship to
maintain its 3-M program while involved in an

existing in the Supply Operations Assistance Program

(SOAP). The ILO program provides more comprehensive PMS documentation and supply support for
shipboard equipment, including equipment that may
not be affected during an overhaul. NAVSEA is
responsible for the development and implementation of
the use of the ILO program. Information about
ILO-governed PMS procedures is contained in
COMNAVSEASYS- COM Policy and Procedures
Manual, Volume 4, (PMS Policy and Procedures for
ILO), SL105-AA-PRO-040/ILO.

During an ROH, much of your equipment is

naturally going to be removed, partially dismantled, or
shut down. However, some equipment must be
maintained while inoperative through the use of

Table 12-1.ROH-Related 3-M Actions






Update CSMP

According to TYCOM
ROH Milestones


Generate Automated Work

Request Package

According to TYCOM/IUC
ROH Milestones

ADP Facility or Ship

Implement IEM

Equipment is Taken Off the

Line for Extended Periods

Shipyard or Ship

Compare and Verify LOEP

Provided by NAVSEACEN
Against Ships Configuration
Baseline Determined by ILO

Overhaul IAW SL


Implement IEM

When Equipment is Placed

in Extended Inoperative


Phase-Out IEM Procedures and

Commence Normal Operational

Immediately Prior to Each

Systems Light-Off


Update PMS Package

Upon Receipt of SFR

Package, Prior to
Completion of ROH IAW
SL 105-AA-PRO-040/ILO


Update CSMP



Configuration Changes Installed

by Ship Reported to ILO

Throughout Overhauls and

Availabilities with ILO or


Update CSMP

Immediately Upon
Completion of ROH


3-M Assist Visit

As Requested by Unit






Inactive Equipment Maintenance. Essentially, IEM

provides modified maintenance for equipment that is to
be inoperative for extended periods of time. Figure 12-2
shows how a quarterly schedule is modified to include
IEM requirements. Shown are two quarterly cycles
with IEM beginning in the 23rd quarter and ending 4
months later during the 24th quarter. Basically the
schedule remains the same, but the changes (as denoted
by the circled numbers with arrows) are explained as
1. When making out the new schedule that
includes a portion of the ROH, draw red-colored
vertical lines on the schedules designating the start and
end of the overhaul. Indicate the IEM status of the
equipment by entering a II or III. IEM status categories
are identified in chapter 6 of OPNAVINST 4790.4.
2. Considerations, such as whether the ship is in
dry dock under own-ship's power or air conditioning is
available, should be noted as aids in scheduling maintenance requirements in the event that specific services
or conditions are necessary to complete the check.
3. Operational PMS should be scheduled as
normal up to the beginning of the ROH period.
4. Indicate "YD" with an arrow-tipped line on the
MIP line for the equipment that yard personnel or
contractors are responsible for.
5. Schedule operational PMS for equipment that
will remain operational during the ROH.
6. From the IEM section of the MIP, schedule in
green all lay-up and periodic maintenance requirements. Note the scheduling of periodic maintenance of
a different periodicity than that specified on the MRC.
In this case, for example, the W-2 will only be
accomplished monthly as designated by (M) written on
the schedule beside the W-2 requirement.
7. Schedule start-up maintenance, and if necessary, operational tests toward the end of the ROH
When making the transition into the operational
portion of the schedule, do not reschedule requirements
that have been accomplished by IEM actions.
Weekly PMS schedules are modified in the same
manner as quarterly schedules by drawing a line
through the preprinted operational requirements and
substituting the IEM requirements.
Guidelines for the proper use and documentation of
Inactive Equipment Maintenance are located in chapter
6 of OPNAVINST 4790.4.


characteristic properties and functions of
lubricants. Identify lubrication symbols used
on charts and drawings. Explain why corrosion
control is an important part of any maintenance
If you grew up in a large city, perhaps the only
connection you had with lubrication was taking the
family car to the garage or the gas station for greasing
and an oil change. But, if you grew up on a farm or had a
car that you had to keep in running condition yourself,
you are well aware of the need for regular lubrication of
all moving parts. If your car had a burned out bearing,
you learned a lesson that you are likely to remember.
Since you have been in the Navy, you have heard a lot
about the importance of lubrication. We place
additional emphasis on the subject in this section as we
describe the different lubricants and lubrication tools
that you will encounter. We will also discuss some of
the fundamentals and practices involved in corrosion
Lubricants are of two general classesoils and
greases. Oils are fluids; greases are semisolids at
ordinary temperatures. Both have several qualities that
determine their suitability for a particular lubrication
job. One of the most important is viscosity.
Viscosity is the measure of the internal resistance
of a fluid that tends to prevent it from flowing. It varies
with the temperature as well as with the nature of the
substance. Petroleum jelly can hardly be said to flow at
room temperature, but it can be melted to a rather thin
liquid. On the other hand, many kinds of oils flow
readily at ordinary temperatures but become much
thicker when they are cold. A fluid that flows easily has
a low viscosity, while a fluid that flows slowly has a
high viscosity.
Viscosity is expressed in terms of S.S.U. units.
(S.S.U. means Seconds Saybolt Universal and
represents the number of seconds it takes a given
quantity of the lubricant at a specified temperature to
pass through the Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter or
Viscometer.) The higher the S.S.U. number of a
lubricant at a given temperature, the more viscous the
liquid. The Navy uses the S.S.U. measurement, rather
than the S.A.E. (Society of Automotive Engineers),
grades to designate lubricants.


Figure 12-2.Sample IEM schedule for ROH.

The viscosity index (VI) is an indication of the

variation of viscosity of the lubricant with variation in
temperature. The higher the index, the less the viscosity
varies with the temperature. Thus a high index is a
desirable quality. You want a lubricant that will not
solidify and gum up in cold weather nor liquefy and
leak away in hot weather.
A viscosity index can be improved up to a point by
putting chemical additives into the oil. (Additives are
put in by the manufacturer. Do not try to brew up your
own special oil by adding anything to it.)
The flash point of a lubricant is the temperature at
which it gives off flammable vapors. The fire point
(always higher than the flash point) is the temperature
at which it will catch fire if ignited and continue to burn.
The pour point (of an oil) is the lowest temperature at
which it will pour or flow.
Oiliness is the characteristic of an oil that prevents
scuffing and wear. You might think this depends on
viscosity, but a complicated relationship of many
factors is involved. Certain substances have been found
that increase the oiliness of a lubricant.
Chemical stability is the ability of the lubricant to
"take it." Certain oils and greases tend to deteriorate
under the influence of high temperatures, exposure to
air or water, or introduction of impurities. A lubricant
with good chemical stability will resist such
deterioration. You can often detect deterioration by
change in color, by formation of varnish or gum
deposits, by formation of sludge, by change in viscosity
(of oil) or consistency (of grease), by hardening (of
grease), or by other telltale signs. Change in viscosity
can be more accurately measured by a viscometer, but
serious change is easy for the expert to detect.
These signs of deterioration mean that the
lubricating and corrosion-preventing qualities of the
substances are impaired. You will find it useful to know
the signs of deterioration in oils and greases well
enough to recognize them should they appear.
Lubricants, preservatives, and hydraulic fluids all
protect metal against corrosion, at least to a certain
extent. Corrosion prevention is, of course, the main
function of a preservative. The corrosion-resisting
qualities of lubricants and hydraulic fluids can be
improved by adding chemicals, called inhibitors. In
general, inhibitors are added to the substance by the
manufacturer before delivery to the Navy.
Other qualities or properties of lubricants are the
dropping point, the penetration, the neutralization

number, the work factor, the viscosity change, and the

aniline point. Chemists working with lubrications need
to understand the meaning of these terms; we list them
only to impress upon you that not just any oil will do.
Lubricants are used for three purposesto reduce
friction, to prevent wear, and as a protective cover
against corrosion. As a protective cover against
corrosion, the use is obvious. As a preventive against
wear, the use is equally obvious when you consider the
matter of friction. Lubricants form a layer or film
between the metal surfaces that actually keeps the
metals from touching. The moving parts literally ride
on the lubricant. In the instance of two metal surfaces
sliding across each other where space cannot be
provided for ball bearings, the lubricants themselves
serve as liquid bearings. In all mechanical devices,
lubrication is necessary to counteract friction as much
as possible. The presence of only a thin film of lubricant
separating metal surfaces keeps machinery running. If
the film disappears, you have hotboxes, burned-out and
frozen bearings, scored cylinder walls, leaky packings,
and a host of other troublesthe least of them being
excessive wear. All of these troubles are the result of
direct metal-to-metal contact without adequate
Because proper lubrication is an absolute necessity,
selection of high-quality lubricants having the right
viscosity and other properties for each job is of vital
importance. When you drive your car into the local
filling station and tell the attendant, "One quart of
10W30 oil," you are specifying the kind of oil you
Most lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cleaners,
coolants, and related materials used by the Navy are
purchased under federal or military (MIL) specifications. These specifications supersede all specifications
formerly issued by the Navy. Table 2-3 in NAVSEA OD
3000, Lubrication of Ordnance Equipment,
cross-indexes superseded Navy specifications and
designations with the current federal or MIL
The specifications are identified by names, numbers, and letters. Lubricants, preservatives, hydraulic
fluids, and many other items are often known and
referred to by these specification numbers and symbols
alone. An example of an item you have probably


already used is MIL-F-17111a power transmission

Many oils used by the Navy in ordnance equipment
are identified by four-digit symbols preceded by the
letters MS (military symbols). You need to be able to
read and translate these symbols.
The following classes of MS oils are approved for
use in naval ordnance:
Class 1 Aircraft engine oils
Class 2 General-purpose lubricating oils (130F)
Class 3 General-purpose lubricating oils (210F)
Class 5 Mineral cylinder oils
The viscosity for oils of classes 1, 3, and 5 is
determined at a temperature of 210F and for oil
of class 2 at 130F. These classes are straight
petroleum-based oils without corrosion inhibitors.
Now, assume the MS on a certain oil is 2135. What
does this tell you about this oil?
The first digit tells you that the oil is class 2, a
general-purpose lubricating oil. The last three digits
indicate the viscosity as 135 at a temperature of 130F.
That is how you read military symbols for oils.
On lubrication charts, note that the number of the
lubricant to be used at each place is not repeated, but a
"target" symbol is used instead. This avoids confusion
with the number used to identify the part to be
lubricated, which may be used several times in the
chart. The meaning of the target symbol is explained in
the notes on the chart, as well as in OD 3000.

Calcium (lime) soap grease will not absorb

moisture or emulsify (separate into its original
ingredients). Consequently, it is specified for general
lubricating purposes where bearings are exposed.
However, calcium soap grease has a low-melting point
and is not suitable for hot-running bearings.
Sodium-soap grease emulsifies in the presence of
moisture but has a higher melting point. It should be
protected from moisture. It is used for ball and roller
Other kinds of soap bases used in greases are
aluminum soap and lithium soap, with others added to
the list through experimentation and test at laboratories.
Graphite grease, as the name implies, contains
graphite. The graphite acts as a mild abrasive to smooth
roughened wearing surfaces, as a filler to smooth over
any pits in the surfaces, and as a friction reducer.
However, because of its abrasive action, graphite grease
should not be used in bearings that are in first-class
condition, except under high temperatures when
ordinary greases would be destroyed. Technically,
since graphite grease contains no soap, it is classed as a
lubricant oil, but it looks and is applied like other
Gear lubricants are a mixture of high-viscosity oils
and just enough sodium soap to cause jellying. Gear
lubricants are suitable for high gear tooth pressure and
moderate speeds where the design of the case is such
that ordinary oil cannot be retained.
As with oils, the viscosity of greases varies with
temperature. If temperature changes make it necessary
to change oil, check your lubrication chart to find out
whether you have to change the grease too.

Lubricating greases are a mixture of

soapscommonly, calcium or sodium soapand
lubricating oil. The oil may be a mineral oil
(petroleum-based) or a synthetic oil.
The purpose of the soap is to make the oil stay put
at the point of application. The soap traps the oil within
its mass, but the actual lubrication is done largely by the
oil in the grease. You might think of it as an oil-soaked
sponge. The heat of friction squeezes the sponge,
melting the grease and releasing the oil to perform the
Greases are classified according to the kind of soap
used in making them. Each kind of soap has specific

Some lubricants are applied by smearing them on

the surfaces to be lubricated. You will most often use a
tool (grease gun, oiler, or grease pump) especially
designed to put the lubricant into the equipment
through a lubrication fitting.
Grease Guns
Grease is applied by a grease gun, or pump,
through a nozzle that is designed to match the fitting.
Although ordnance plants and repair shops have
electrically or pneumatically powered equipment, you
probably will have to depend on your own right arm for
power to operate the lubricating equipment. Therefore,


in this section we will discuss only the hand-powered

lubricating equipment you are likely to use.
Hand-operated grease guns are of two types,
depending on how they are loaded. To load one style,
you remove a cap that comes off with the handle and
stem (fig. 12-3) and fill the body with grease, using a
paddle or spatula. As you might expect, this method of
loading can be messy; it also exposes the lubricant to
dirt and moisture. A faster and cleaner kind of gun
(fig. 12-3, view A) is loaded by removing the cap nut
from the end of the hollow handle and forcing grease in
through the handle with a handgun loader (fig. 12-4,
view A) or a bucket type of lubricant pump (fig. 12-4,
view B).

The handgun loader is a 25-pound container

equipped with a hand-operated pump and a fitting that
mates with the opening in the handle of the grease gun.
The bucket type of lubricant pump makes use of a
loader adapter and loader valve when it is used for
loading a grease gun. One pound of lubricant is
delivered with every seven full strokes of the pump. The
loader will deliver lubricant only when the grease gun is
placed on the loader valve. The job is much less messy
with the loader, and it protects the lubricant against
contamination. Besides, you do not have to run back to
the storeroom to refill your gun.
Different nozzles can be attached to the grease gun
for different types of fittings. The lubricant pump has

Figure 12-3.Hand-operated grease guns.


Figure 12-4.Hand-operated grease pumps: A. Handgun loader; B. Bucket type of lubricant pump.

various couplers and adapters that attach to the hose,

allowing the pump to be used on different fittings.
A grease gun can be used for oil if the point to be
lubricated has the proper fittings, or an oil gun (fig.
12-3, view E) may be used.
A lever type of grease gun (fig. 12-3, views C and
D) is being introduced; it gives more positive
lubrication than the push type (Zerk) of grease gun.

rammer, hoist upper end, and so on, repeat the sequence

of application down in the handling room.
Grease fittings are of several typeshydraulic
(unofficially called the Zerk fitting, after its inventor),
button-head, pin-head, and flush (fig. 12-5).

When you need to apply large quantities of

greaseas, for example, in a gun mount roller patha
grease gun is too small. The bucket type of
hand-operated lubricant pump (fig. 12-4, view B) holds
the same amount of grease as the handgun loader and is
fitted with a pump operated with a lever. It has a 10-foot
hose with a hydraulic T-handle adapter and a 90-degree
adapter for working in cramped spaces. With this pump
you can build up a lubricant pressure of 3,500 psi and
deliver a pound of lubricant every 20 full strokes.
The hand-operated lubricant pump can handle any
type of lubricant generally required on naval ordnance
equipment except greases of the calcium soap type.
If you can arrange it, use several grease gunsone
for each type of lubricant you will need. You can save
time by taking care of all the fittings requiring a specific
type of lubricant before going on to apply the next type.
For example, if you are working on a 5"/54 mount, take
care of all the fittings around the gunhouse that require
MIL-G-81322 before working on those that take
MIL-L-18486. After you have finished with the gun,


Figure 12-5.Lubrication fittings.

The hydraulic fitting protrudes from the surface

into which it is screwed and has a specially shaped
rounded end that the mating nozzle can grip. A
spring-loaded ball acts as a check valve. The nozzle
will not slip off the fitting during lubrication but can be
easily disengaged by a quick forward-backward
movement. Figure 12-5, view A, shows a
cross-sectional view of a straight hydraulic fitting, and
view C shows hydraulic fittings made for different
angles. They are made to fit almost any angle and have
different threads and body lengths. When using a gun
equipped with a nozzle for hydraulic type of fittings,
just place the nozzle on the fitting and push forward on
the handle. This slips the nozzle onto the fitting and, at
the same time, builds up hydraulic pressure in the gun,
forcing the grease out of the nozzle. Then relax the
pressure. A spring forces the handle back, ready for the
next stroke. Three strokes are usually enough. Only one
hand is needed to work this type of gun. The grip action
of the nozzle coupler holds the nozzle firmly to the
fitting until it is pulled free. Hydraulic fittings are being
replaced by commercial button-head and pin-head
fittings (fig. 12-5, views D and E) that provide more
positive connection with the grease gun. The grease
gun can be used with the button-head fitting by adding
an adapter.
The flush fitting (fig. 12-5, view B) is flush with (or
below) the surface into which it is set so that it will not
foul moving parts. It is also used where there is not
sufficient clearance to install protruding fittings. The
flush fitting also has a ball type of check valve. When
pumping lubricant using a gun equipped for the flush
type of fittings, you must exert a steady pressure against
the grease-gun nozzle to keep it in contact with the
flush fitting, since the nozzle has no grip on the fitting.
Otherwise, the method of use is much the same as with
hydraulic fittings.
The oil cup with the ball valve (fig. 12-5, view F) is
the most popular type for oil fittings.
As with other routine jobs, it helps to have a
standard operating procedure that you can follow. Here
is one that will be helpful:
1. First, consult the lubrication chart and locate
the fitting.
2. Clean the fitting carefully with a lint-free cloth.
3. Apply the correct amount of the specified
lubricant. (Be careful of the amount you applytoo
much will cause excessive heat in the bearing and strain
the grease retainers, while too little is on a par with too

4. Wipe all excess grease from around the fitting.

5. Check off the fitting on your chart. A fitting
must not be missed just because it is battered or frozen.
A frozen fitting could mean that the lubricant holes
throughout the bearing are clogged. This means tearing
down the bearing and cleaning all parts carefully.
Grease that fitting even if it requires an hour of extra
work. This is where a little extra tenacity can pay big
dividends later by preventing a major casualty. Plastic
protective caps are often provided for fittings. These
caps keep out contaminants and also aid in keeping the
grease in the fitting.
Frequent reference has been made to the
lubrication charts. They are published in the OPs for
older ordnance equipment and on MRCs for all
ordnance equipment. These charts are necessary to do
your maintenance job properly. Copies of some charts
may be obtained for use as checkoff lists. A sample
chart is reproduced in figure 12-6. On it, you can see the
use of target symbols (Nos. 1 and 2) and schedules for
lubrication. Large equipments have several charts or
MRCs with numerous places indicated for oiling or
greasing. It would be easy to forget some places or to
use the wrong lubricant if you did not have the chart or
MRC to guide you and to check off as you work.
Lubrication Symbols
On lubrication charts and MRCs, lubricants and
hydraulic fluids are identified by symbols, each symbol
signifying a specific oil or grease. Examples are shown
in figure 12-6. The symbols are identified in OD 3000.
Alternates and Substitutes
If the lubricant prescribed in the OP or MRC for a
piece of equipment is not available, you may find it
necessary to use either a substitute or an alternate
A substitute lubricant is one that will fill the need
for a limited time but does not have all the essential
properties of the prescribed lubricant. As soon as the
prescribed lubricant becomes available, all of the
substitute must be removed, and the equipment must be
completely relubricated with the prescribed material.
An alternate lubricant is one whose characteristics
closely resemble those of the prescribed lubricant so
that its removal is not necessary when the prescribed
material is available.


Figure 12-6.A sample lubrication chart.

Alternates and substitutes for prescribed lubricants

(as well as for cleaning materials, hydraulic oils, and
preservatives) are listed in OD 3000. If none of the
alternate lubricants are available, you must choose a
substitute. Keep in mind that the substitute should be as
near as possible to the specified lubricant in lubricating
and rust-preventive qualities, viscosity, and ability to
withstand the temperature ranges of the equipment. In
brief, when the prescribed lubricant is not available, use
an alternate if you can, a substitute if you must.
Lubricants and related materials may be stowed for
long periods before use. Although they are relatively
stable, they are not inert, and proper stowage methods
are important.
Many factors contribute to the deterioration of
materials in stowage. The nature of their constituents
makes them more or less susceptible to chemical and
physical changes. These changes are accelerated by
elevated temperatures, humidity, exposure, and the
presence of certain catalysts. The principal physical
changes are separation and contamination.
Oxidation is the most common chemical reaction in
stowed materials. It occurs when the material is
exposed to air, particularly moist air, and is accelerated
by high temperatures and the presence of certain
catalysts. Materials containing soluble additives may
deteriorate by decomposition or precipitation of the
additive. These and other chemical changes can
produce such harmful substances as acids, gases, water,
insoluble gum, and sludge. Animal and vegetable oils
are generally more susceptible to chemical change than
mineral oils.
Physical changes include separation of oils from
the soap component in greases and separation of
insoluble additives from the parent material in oils.
These changes may not be as serious as chemical
changes, since a thorough mixing may restore the
material to a usable state.
Rain, melted snow, and water vapor in the
atmosphere can contaminate materials that are exposed
or improperly sealed. Water vapor trapped in the
container before sealing can condense when the
ambient temperature drops.
Generally, containers used to package materials
supplied under specification requirements are suitable for stowage purposes. The effects of overheating,

insufficient ventilation, and proximity to dangerous

materials must be considered when handling and
stowing lubricants and related materials. Good
housekeeping in handling and stowage areas should be
stressed at all times.
Containers, when stowed, should be handled
carefully to avoid breakage. If they are stacked,
overloading of the lower ones should be avoided, as this
may open seams and permit loss of material. To prevent
accumulation of water in their upper ends, you should
stow drums on their sides. Lubricants and related
materials should be segregated from explosives and
other dangerous materials.
Before containers are stowed, they should be
inspected for corrosion, leakage, and complete closure
of all plugs, caps, and covers. All corrosion should be
removed and the affected areas repainted.
During stowage, containers should be inspected
frequently for leakage and corrosion. If tests indicate
that the contents of leaking containers are in satisfactory condition, the materials should be transferred
immediately to serviceable containers. The leaky containers should be removed and destroyed.
Stowage areas should be inspected for adequate
drainage, foundations, and properly placed under
undamaged tarpaulins. Any deficiency found during
inspection should be corrected immediately.
Vapors from oils, greases, solvents, and similar
products are flammable. When the vapors are
combined with air in certain concentrations, they may
form explosive mixtures that can be ignited easily by a
spark, an open flame, or a lighted cigarette. To prevent
accumulation of flammable vapors, you must ventilate
stowage areas properly. To safeguard against fire and
explosion, you should display warning signs
prominently. Keep oil-fire extinguishing equipment
available, and keep interiors of stacks open to permit
entry of fire-fighting equipment. Only spark-enclosed
forklift trucks should be used.
Flammable materials, such as oils, greases, and
solvents, packed in metal containers or overpacked in
fiberboard or wood boxes, are best protected when
stowed in prescribed areas. Your ship should have an
authorized stowage area for lubricants and other
flammable materials. You may find it tempting to stow
your often used grease gun and oil can in or near the gun
mount. This is a dangerous practice and should be
avoided. A temperature range of 40F to 80F is the
most desirable for stowage.


Vapors from lubricants and related materials may

frequently have a toxic effect on the human system.
Every precaution should be taken to prevent excessive
concentrations of such vapors in the air.
The following safety precautions should be observed when you are working with materials that have
toxic effects:
1. Provide sufficient mechanical ventilation to
reduce the concentration of toxic fumes to a safe level.
When possible, ventilation should include an exhaust
for fumes as well as intake for fresh air.
2. When a safe level of ventilation is doubtful,
workers in the compartment should wear an air line
respirator provided with a pure air supply.
3. Personnel working in a compartment where
fumes may be above a safe toxic level should always
work in pairs so that one person remains outside the
compartment as a safety watch at all times. The person
outside should have a respirator in case it is necessary
to enter the compartment to bring out someone who has
been overcome by toxic fumes.
In addition to the use and stowage of lubricants,
new regulations are in effect that prescribe how
lubricants are to be disposed. This includes oil- and
grease-soaked rags. Your ship will have an instruction
that details the disposal of these materials. As a petty
officer, you must see that the regulations are observed
by your personnel.
Every member of the crew is expected to maintain
his or her living spaces. Therefore, besides the technical
maintenance details on your gear, you will also be
responsible for cleaning, painting, and similar
housekeeping work. It is the duty of the division officer
to supervise the maintenance, the preservation, and the
cleanliness of all spaces and equipment assigned to the
division, but the actual tasks are usually assigned by the
division LPO (this may be a PO3 or PO2). That means
you have to know how to do the work and be able
to teach others. Basic Military Requirements,
NAVEDTRA 12018, chapter 19, describes general
housekeeping preservation, procedures, and requirements.
As a GM, most of your cleaning and preserving
work will be done on metal surfaces, principally steel.
The preservatives must protect the metal against rust
and corrosion; the cleaning materials must clean the
surface before the preservative is applied.

Rust is caused by the slow burning (oxidation) of

iron. When iron or steel rusts, it combines slowly with
the oxygen in the air.
Technically, corrosion is not exactly the same as
rust since its meaning includes metal being eaten away
by acid or by the action of salt water or other
substances. Rust and corrosion are dangerous and
destructive saboteurs that attack unguarded metal at the
slightest opportunity.
The way to protect metal from rust and corrosion is
to protect it from the air. Paint is a good protective, but
many metal surfaces, such as moving parts, cannot be
The lubricants used on moving parts serve as rust
preventives to some extent, but often this protection is
not enough. These are temporary preservatives for
protecting metal from water and weather. Light oils and
greases are applied to exposed gun parts and mounts as
temporary protection against corrosion. Bright
steelwork, such as exposed cam and linkage surfaces,
should have such protection. Slushing oils, available in
several grades, are provided for this purpose. All old oil
and dirt should be cleaned from the part and the surface
thoroughly dried before new oil is applied.
Authorized Cleaning and Preserving Materials
Some lubricants (preservative lubricating oil for
use in small arms and light machine guns) have
preservative additives (rust inhibitors) and can serve for
short-term preservation, but no preservative is intended
for use as a lubricant.
When lubrication is not desired, there are special
preservatives (permanent type) that may be brushed or
sprayed on the surface to be protected. Small parts of a
mechanism may be dipped. After treatment, the
preserved mechanism can be stowed for a long period.
(The length of time depends on the characteristics of
the preservative, the kind of stowage, and so forth.)
A rust preventive that can be used either to protect
exterior surfaces or (as when pumped through a
hydraulic system) for preserving interior surfaces,
tubes, and so on, is the thin-film compound,
MIL-C-16173, that is available in several grades. A
hard-film compound is available for metal exterior
surfaces only.
Rust preventives are not lubricants and should not
be used instead of lubricants. Before treating metal
surfaces with rust preventives, be sure to remove all
traces of rust and corrosion and all the old lubricant.


Be sure to remove all of the rust preventive before

adding lubricant to ordnance equipment that has been
stowed with rust-preventive compound coating. OP
1208, Instructions for Inactivation, Maintenance and
Activation of Ordnance in Vessels in Inactive Status,
gives step-by-step instructions for removing
preservatives from gun mounts and other ordnance
equipment. Chapter 5 of OD 3000, Lubrication of
Ordnance Equipment, deals with cleaners and
preservatives. It contains a chart of all of the cleaning
and preserving materials authorized for use on
ordnance materials. This chart gives the specification
number, characteristics, applications, national stock
number, container size, and substitutes, while the text
elaborates on the use of each item. Some of the
materials will be described very briefly in the following
Dry-cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Varsol or Stoddard
solvent) is useful for cleaning away old grease, oil, and
rust preventives. However, it is hard on rubber (use soap
and water on that). Because of its irritating, flammable
fumes, it should be used only where there is plenty of
ventilation and where there are fire extinguishers
handy. Diesel fuel or kerosene can also be used for the
same purposes as dry-cleaning solvent. The correct
solvent must be used since some solvents leave a
residue or cause corrosion. Therefore, always check the
OP for the equipment.
Spraying or splashing of the solvent must be
avoided during cleaning. If the solvent were to fall upon
a bearing surface, it would cut or render the lubricant
less effective, causing excessive wear. After the solvent
has been used, the parts must always be wiped dry with
a clean, lint-free cloth.
Removing Rust
When using abrasives to remove rust, be careful to
select the proper type (see OD 3000) and use it
Never use abrasives without permission from the
proper authority. Only experienced personnel may use
abrasives or wire brushing. Carelessly used abrasives
can do more damage than rust. A few strokes of even a
fine abrasive could destroy the accuracy of many
close-fitting parts that are machined to close tolerances
and could lead to costly replacements. Always be
extremely careful to keep grit from getting into
bearings or between sliding surfaces.
After the rust has been removed, the parts must be
thoroughly cleaned and dried. Avoid leaving your

fingerprints on the metal. Cleaned surfaces should not

be touched by bare hands before the rust preventive is
finally applied. When the surface is clean and dry, you
are ready to start applying paint or a preservative.
Painting Pointers
Painting is one of your important maintenance jobs.
Instructions for using the chipping hammer in
preparing metal surfaces for painting are outlined in
Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools,
Except for special applications like camouflage,
the primary purpose of painting in the Navy is for
preservation, rather than decoration. You do not paint
just for the sake of appearance nor as a substitute for
cleaning. When you do paint, you should do a thorough
and neat job. "Thorough" means that you cover every
square inch of the surface to be painted, and "neat"
means that you keep paint off places where it does not
belong. You have learned from past experience that it is
much better and easier to keep the paint off the places
where it should not be than to clean it off later. Always
keep paint off gaskets, brightwork, grease fittings,
rubber parts and rubber-covered wires, electrical leads
and contacts not protected by armor or conduits,
instruction or data plates, and working parts of surfaces
that are normally supposed to be protected by a coat of
The first thing to do when you are given a painting
job is to remove the old paint, which you have been
taught to do properly. The paint stripping solution
recommended in OD 3000 is 8 ounces of sodium
hydroxide (O-S-598 Type 1) in 1 gallon of near-boiling
water. Rinse it with clean, hot water after the paint is
removed. O-S-598 should not be used on aluminum,
zinc, tin, terneplate, or lead.
Before applying paint, be sure the surface is clean
and dry. Paint will not adhere to damp or oily surfaces
or to surfaces covered with dirt, rust, or solvent.
Galvanized surfaces must be wiped with ammonia,
vinegar, or a special priming solution called wash
primer before the paint will adhere. Brush the solution
on, allow it to dry, and then wipe it off. Never use an
abrasive on galvanized surfaces.
Soap and water are one answer to the problem of
removing all dirt and traces of old oil or grease from
metal surfaces to be treated with rust preventives, paint,
or other preservatives. Wash away all soap; then see that
the surfaces are dry; and, finally, apply rust preventives
(or paint) without delay. It is sometimes hard to get at


pockets or cavities where water collects; be sure they

are not neglected.
The standard finish for United States naval ship
superstructures is a gray paint; the exact color and
composition are prescribed by NAVSEA. You will also
use gray paint for the exterior of gun mounts.
A prescribed gray-blue paint is used for exterior
steel decks. Interior bulkheads and overheads are
painted with a white paint prescribed by NAVSEA, and
interior steel decks are usually finished with gray deck
paint, although white is prescribed for decks in
ammunition spaces. These are the general rules for
painting; you will receive details on painting jobs from
your leading GM.

Cleaning Gear
The bore and chamber maintenance tools and
accessories issued for the 5"/54 are typical of such
implements. The wire bore brush (with the sectional
handle), the bristle sponge, and the lapping head are the
basic cleaning instruments.
The sectional handle is a wooden rod with
couplings at both ends that can be fitted either to similar
couplings on other sections or to bore maintenance
tools, like lapping heads and gauges. In the 5"/54 set,
there are several of these sections supplied so that, by
joining one to the other, you can make a pole of any
appropriate length for the job at hand. The number of
sections supplied with any gun makes any part of the
bore accessible.
The bristle sponge is a cylindrical brush used for
cleaning the bore and chamber. It fits onto the end of the
sectional handle. When stowed, it is covered with a
canvas protecting cap.


required care and maintenance of naval gun
barrels and the purpose of using the proper
tools, gauges, and inspection instruments.
Every gun used in the Navy has a bore and
chamber. Taking care of them is one of the first duties of
the Gunner's Mate.
Care of the bore and chamber is no once-a-year or
once-a-month matter. They must be cleaned, dried, and
inspected before firing. They must be cleaned,
inspected, and oiled weekly. They must be gauged
periodically, and the bore must be decoppered when
necessary. Maintenance of the bore and chamber is an
important jobnot ordinarily a very difficult one, but
one that must be done properly and at the prescribed
Frequent reference has been made throughout the
manual of the need for keeping your guns cleaned and
lubricated. This has been done for a purposethe need
to emphasize the importance of your job in keeping
your equipment "fire-ready."
With the exception of one or two small-arms
weapons for which maintenance tools are usually
issued separately, every naval gun is equipped with
certain basic maintenance tools and accessories. Larger
guns and mounts are, of course, equipped with more
elaborate sets of tools, but all sets include, as a
minimum, the implements that are required for care of
the bore and chamber.

The lapping head is a cylindrical block on which

can be mounted four removable spring-loaded
segments. It is intended for removing relatively slight
constrictions in the bore. In stubborn cases, you will
need to use the wire bore brush. Its stiff steel wire
bristles are effective in all but the very worst cases.
The tompion is used to keep dirt out of the gun bore
and chamber. It is not used when there is a likelihood of
condensation forming in the barrel with the muzzle
plugged. It is also not used in wartime when there might
not be time to remove it before firing. Sometimes
plastic or canvas covers are used over the muzzle; the
guns can fire through them if necessary (unless heavily
ice-coated or if supersensitive nose fuses are used).
The bore plug gauge is a metal cylinder accurately
machined so that it just passes through the bore when
the gun is new. After the gun has been put to active use,
constrictions may develop in the gun bore. The bore
plug gauge is used to locate these constrictions. On
guns of 5 inches or smaller, the bore plug gauge fits
onto the end of a section handle in the same manner as
the previously covered accessories or is attached to a
line and pulled through the bore.
The bore erosion gauge is used in the gun barrel to
measure the amount of erosion of the metal caused by




The Mk 9 Mod 0 projectile seating distance

(PSD) gauge was developed to replace the 5" Mk 2
bore erosion gauge for estimating velocity losses and
percent-expended conditions in all 5"/54 gun barrels.

Observe ventilation and fire precaution rules

when using dry-cleaning solvents. Remember also
that solvents are drying and irritating to the skin and
destructive to rubber and insulation.

The PSD gauge is similar in construction to the old

Mk 2 bore erosion gauge. The major difference is that
the PSD gauge measures the seating location of the
projectile, rather than the wear near the origin of the
bore. For instructions and use of the Mk 9 Mod 0 PSD
gauge, see OP 1549, NAVSEAINST 8300.1, and
Inspection Instruments
Visual inspection of the bore and chamber precedes
and follows cleaning operations. A light, of course, is
very helpful in finding inadequately cleaned areas,
pitted areas, rust or corrosion, deformed lands or rifling
grooves, cracks, or other deviations. A bore searcher is
used on 20 mm and larger guns. Look for corrosion at
the muzzle end caused by salt spray.

Afterfiring care is more elaborate than prefiring
care. Every time a gun is fired, something besides the
cartridge case is left behind. Deposits of corrosive salts
(powder fouling) are left on the interior of the bore and
the chamber. As the rifling cuts into the projectile
rotating band, some of the metal of the rotating band is
left behind as a deposit of copper in the bore (metal
fouling or copper fouling). Both kinds of deposits are
harmful and must be removed.

If the chromium plating in the chamber of the bore

appears pitted, the combat systems officer will decide if
it is bad enough to need replating.

Standard maintenance procedure (postfiring

maintenance) is to remove the dirt and powder foulings
by washing out the bore and chamber with a Break-Free
solution (CLP#7) that cleans, lubricates, and preserves
in one application. The gun is then secured until the
next firing or a scheduled maintenance action. Pre- and
postfiring barrel maintenance requirements are listed in
detail on the appropriate MRC, normally a situation
requirement (R) card.



To prepare the gun for firing, you must inspect and

clean the bore and chamber. Removal of the lubricant
and the muzzle cover, or tompion, is but one of the
operations in the preparation for firing.

Weekly maintenance is principally concerned with

inspecting the bore and the chamber for signs of
corrosion and renewing the coating of oil. Decoppering
and gauging may also be done at the time of weekly
inspection although they are usually a part of the before
and after firing routine. Weekly maintenance is
particularly important during periods when the gun is
not being fired every day.

Removing the muzzle cover, or tompion, is easy. To

clean out the bore, however, you must wipe away the
lubricant coating. In small arms, as you remember, this
is done with a cleaning rod and a patch. In larger guns,
you use the sectional handle instead of a cleaning rod
and clean toweling wrapped around the bristle
sponge in place of the patch. But the idea is exactly the
These instructions apply to guns that have been in
use and were given afterfiring care when last used. If
you are preparing a gun barrel that has been taken from
stowage or if it is a new one, you have much more work
to do. The preservative used on new or stowed barrels
must be removed with dry-cleaning solvent. When all
the preservative has been removed, the solvent must be
wiped out of the gun.

The plug gauge, described earlier, is used with guns
3 inches and larger for detecting constriction of the
bore. After the bore has been cleaned, attach the gauge
to the extended sectional handle and pass it carefully
through the muzzle until it clears the chamber end. If it
passes through smoothly, the bore is not constricted.
If copper fouling has constricted the bore, the
gauge will not pass. The next step is to mark the part of
the sectional handle that is flush with the muzzle end to
locate the constriction. Then draw out the gauge,


remove it from the sectional handle, and attach the

lapping head in its place. Push it into the gun bore up to
the mark you placed on the handle and rotate it in the
constricted area. Use the cylindrical segments for the
lands and the rifled segments for the grooves. A
mixture of pumice and oil may be used as an abrasive.
Continue lapping until the bore gauge will pass freely.
Never try to force the gauge through the bore; it may
stick, causing damage to both bore and gauge.
The plug gauge is the gauge you will use most in
maintenance of gun bores. But there are other
gaugesheadspace gauges, breech bore gauges, and
star gauges.
Information about the types and uses of gauges is in
system Ops and ODs.
We have already described the use of lapping heads
and a fine wire brush (0.003-inch wires) to remove
copper deposits in gun barrels. If the constriction is not
removed after a few trials with the lapping head, the
decoppering head may be used. These are mechanical
or abrasive methods.
If there is metallic lead in the propellant, there is
much less copper fouling when the round is fired. That
is why older propelling charges were manufactured
with lead foil in the case. However, the lead causes
flash, and the more lead, the brighter the flash, which
you do not want. To keep the flash to a minimum, you
must keep the lead in most charges to a minimum.
Propelling charges now being manufactured contain
lead salts for decoppering effect.
use of common hand tools, power tools, types
of torque wrenches, and special tools used in
gun mount maintenance.

Power tools
Measuring tools and gauges

Special tools
General-purpose hand tools are hand-powered and
hand-operated. They are designed to perform simple
mechanical operations. Examples of typical hand tools
are hammers, screwdrivers, and hacksaws. General
information about hand tools is in Use and Care of
Hand Tools and Measuring Tools, NAVEDTRA 12085.
Power tools can either be electrically or
pneumatically powered and are hand-operated. They
are designed to save time and manpower. Examples of
power tools used by the Gunner's Mate are soldering
guns, electric drills, and pneumatic grinders.
Measuring tools and gauges are used for measuring
and for layout work. Accurate measurements are
essential for proper fitting and trouble-free equipment
operation. Measuring tools and gauges range from a
simple ruler to a highly accurate micrometer. Use and
Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools gives a
detailed discussion on all types of measuring tools and
gauges that includes the common steel rules, calipers,
micrometers, dial indicators, feeler gauges, and depth
gauges. When studying Use and Care of Hand Tools
and Measuring Tools, pay particular attention to
reading micrometers and how to make feeler gauge
readings. These two measuring tools are used for
testing, checking, and adjusting many types of
electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic units used with
ordnance equipment.

You must be familiar with the techniques and tools

required to maintain, repair, and adjust ordnance
equipment. Further, a GM must be able to select the
proper general-purpose tools and special tools and
know the safety rules applicable to their use.
Maintenance tools can be classified as follows:
General-purpose hand tools

Torque tools

There are times when, for engineering reasons, a

definite pressure must be applied to threaded fasteners
(nuts and bolts, as they are commonly called). This
pressure can be properly applied by a torque wrench.
Proper torque aids in the locking of all types of
thread-locking fasteners. After tightening, nuts and
bolts are held by the static friction of the nut and bolt
head against the surface of the items being held
together and the friction on the threads of the nut and
bolt against each other. This friction is caused by the
clamping force created by a slight stretching of the bolt
when the nut is tightened. The metal, being slightly


elastic, will pull back toward its original dimensions,

creating large clamping forces. Excessive tightening
will cause the metal to pass its limit of elasticity and
cause a permanent stretch.
The principle of torque is based on the fundamental
law of the lever; that is, force times distance equals a
moment, or torque, about a point. Torque is often called
a torsional or twisting moment. It is a moment that
tends to twist a body about an axis of rotation. For
example, if a common-end wrench is used to tighten a
bolt, a force times a distance, a torque is applied to
overcome the resistance of the bolt to turning.
Figure 12-7 shows three torque wrenchesthe
deflecting beam, the dial-indicating, and the
micrometer-setting types. The deflecting beam is
probably the simplest and most common. The primary
component is the beam or measuring element. It is
made of alloy steel and may be round, double round,
straight flat, or tapered flat. To one end of the beam is
attached a headpiece containing the drive square (tang)
and fixed pointer mounting. A yoke is attached to the
other end. Mounted on the yoke is the torque scale
handle and, when provided, the signaling mechanism.
As a force is applied to the handle, the beam deflects
with the scale. The pointer remains fixed; hence, a
torque is indicated on the scale.
The torsion bar or rigid case dial-indicating type of
wrench, also shown in figure 12-7, has its actuating
element enclosed in a rigid frame with a removable
access cover. The deflecting beam, used in some rigid
case wrenches, is similar to that explained previously.

The third torque wrench shown is the

micrometer-setting type. To use this wrench, unlock the
grip and adjust the handle to the desired setting on the
micrometer type of scale, then relock the grip. Install
the required socket or adapter to the square drive of the
handle. Place the wrench assembly on the nut or bolt
and pull in a clockwise direction with a smooth, steady
There are several different types of torque
wrenches, but all of them have two basic
partssomething that will deflect with the load and
something to show how much the sensing element has
The torque wrench should be calibrated frequently.
One that has not been recently calibrated and is not
normally stowed in its protective case should be
considered as a dangerous tool. You cannot expect to
get a meaningful reading from a precision instrument
that has been abused. The flat- and round-deflecting
beam types will normally give true readings as long as
their pointers indicate zero and the drive heads are tight.
Because this type can be kept in calibrations, it is
recommended for shipboard use.
Other types of wrenches that indicate by means of
dial indicator or by releasing or signaling when a preset
load is reached are more sensitive to shock and dirt,
hence should be calibrated whenever possible. A
minimum of 30 days between calibrations is
recommended. Never check one torque wrench against

Figure 12-7.Torque wrenches.


An important point to remember: always use the

proper size wrenchthe one with the desired torque
near the three-fourths mark of full scale.
When torquing, the critical maneuver is the
application of force to the wrench handle. It must be
applied slowly and evenly until the desired torque value
is indicated on the wrench scale. When installing a unit
that is circular or has more than one side, you should
cross-torque the bolts. It may be necessary to
cross-torque two to three times before an even torque is
reached, but be sure the maximum torque is not
Nuts and bolts should be tightened to the torque
reading required by the installation drawings. The
formula often used is torque in foot-pounds is 0.2 times
the bolt diameter times the desired bolt load. A load of
about 60 percent of the yield stress of the bolt material
is used for most naval applications. However, bolt load
varies depending upon whether the bolt or stud is used
to support the load itself or to hold together two
load-supporting members. Installation drawings will
indicate the torque value specified by the designer.
If the bolts are loaded in tension, the torque must be
great enough to maintain tightness when the assembly
is unloaded and not so large that the bolts yield under
load. With this type of loading, all bolts must be equally
torqued to share the load.

when working on or around explosives. These tools are

generally made from a copper alloy (bronze). However,
they may be made from other nonsparking materials.
Since these tools are made from a relatively soft
material, care must be exercised when using them to
prevent breakage or distortion of the tool. Nonsparking
tools should be stowed in separate toolboxes and should
not be used as common hand tools.
Before a job is started, all work procedures should
be planned and the proper tools selected to complete the
job. Tools not actually needed for a job should be
properly stowed in toolboxes or tool lockers.
The quality and type of all tools must conform to
Navy standards.
All tools in active use must be properly maintained.
Defective tools should not be used.
Portable electric and pneumatic tools must be kept
in the best condition possible. These tools should be
checked frequently by the tool keepers for defective
switches, electric cords, control valves, and hose
Extensions to the tool handles should never be used
to increase leverage.

Always inspect for clean, lightly oiled threads
and clean surfaces before torquing. Discard all
hardware with burred threads. For more detailed
information on the use and care of torque wrenches,
refer to Naval Shops Technical Manual (NSTM),
Chapter 075.
Special tools are used for one purpose and only on
one type of equipment. They are supplied by NAVSEA,
and instructions for their proper use are provided in the
Ops applicable to the specific type of equipment.

Pressure gauges are used frequently in conjunction

with ordnance equipment. Accurate pressures are
necessary to obtain proper operation of hydraulic,
pneumatic, and nitrogen accumulator systems used in
ordnance equipment. Pressure gauges are also used
with hydraulic test kits and magazine sprinkler
systems. These gauges are the means of accurately
measuring pressures in pounds per square inch (psi).
Pressure gauges are used in weapon systems to measure
hydraulic fluid pressures (oil gauge), magazine
sprinkler system pressure (water gauge), counterrecoil
system pressure (air gauge), and accumulator systems
pressure (nitrogen gauge).


Nonsparking tools are common hand tools and
special tools made from nonferrous metals (metal not
containing iron). The Gunners Mate uses these tools


Gauges used on weapons equipment are

considered critical and require annual testing and

The two most common types of gauges used with

ordnance equipment are the Bourdon and Schroeder
pressure gauges. The theory of operation of these
gauges is explained in Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA

(FMs) and Army technical manuals (TMs) used by

Navy activities. Your OP 0 may or may not be on

The following are some precautions to be observed

when using pressure gauges.

OPs are used by the operating forces and contain

descriptions of ordnance equipment and their
component parts and instructions on how to operate,
maintain, disassemble, reassemble, test, and adjust the
equipment. All OPs have a section on safety
instructions for operating the equipment and general
and specific safety orders when troubleshooting. The
OPs are published by NAVSEASYSCOM, each under
its own OP number. Newer OPs are issued using the
new Technical Manual Identification Numbering
System (TMINS). As older OPs are updated, they are
often converted to the new numbering system. They
may be prepared by some other naval activity, by the
manufacturer, or by the command itself. Any changes
to OPs are issued by NAVSEASYSCOM. Changes
issued to the fleet are numbered and a record of all
changes is listed on a change record sheet posted in the
front of every OP. The information on these sheets
includes the change number, the date the change was
made, the title or brief description of the change, and
the signature of the person making the change.

Do not allow pressure to remain on gauges that are

permanently installed in hydraulic systems.

Never use a hydraulic fluid gauge for testing air
pressure, nor an air gauge for testing fluid pressure. A
diesel action may occur! Diesel action is the ignition
of hydraulic fluid by air that causes combustion.
Never use a gauge on any system in which the
maximum pressure exceeds the maximum designated
range of the gauge.
sources of ordnance data and maintenance



It would be impractical to try to squeeze into this

chapter the many details you must know to perform
maintenance, troubleshooting, disassembly, and
reassembly to ordnance equipment assigned to you.
Since there are many different marks and mods of
equipment performing the same function but having
different working parts, the Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) prints a publication
requirement list for every active-duty ship now in
service. This list is based on the major units installed
and lists all the Ops, Ods, FMs, and TMs needed for
repair, maintenance, test, and operation of these
equipments. Copies of all the publications listed in this
list are furnished to the vessel as part of the original
commissioning allowance. If additional copies are
required, they can be ordered through the appropriate
supply point.
OP 0 is the index of the NAVSEASYSCOM
ordnance publications. It lists by number and subject
the ordnance publications (Ops) and ordnance data
(ODs) used in the Navy. OP 0 also lists all current
revisions, changes, and supplements to OPs and ODs.
In addition, it includes current Army field manuals

ODs are a kind of catchall. They are used for

publishing advance information or instructions on
ordnance equipment installation and alignment data,
parallax data, and other miscellaneous information,
such as tables of weights and dimensions. ODs are
numbered consecutively by the issuing agency. ODs,
like OPs, are listed in OP 0.
One OD that is required reading for you and for all
other Gunner's Mates is OD 3000, Lubrication of
Ordnance Equipment. It is the one OD that your ship's
library of ordnance publications must not be without.
Other ODs may be useful to you, depending on the type
of ship you are aboard and its armament. For this
information you should consult OP 0. If the ODs are not
already in your ship's library, they can be ordered.
Revisions are made to OPs and ODs when the
original publication becomes obsolete due to many
design changes to the equipment. Revisions are
numbered and the latest revision supersedes the
previous one. When revisions of OPs are made



available, be sure you check the new OP for the purpose

of the revision. In some cases, a revision may
completely replace other OPs or ODs and their
supplements. A statement in the front of each revised
OP or OD identifies those publications that are made
obsolete by the revision.


main types of drawings used in gun maintenance and overhaul. Discuss the purpose of
the illustrated parts breakdown (IPB) publication. Discuss the purpose of the standardized symbols used in hydraulic diagrams.

Changes may consist of pen-and-ink changes,
complete page changes, or changes to drawings and
sketches. Changes are made to OPs and ODs after
Ordnance Alterations (ORDALTs) have been
completed or when errors and inaccuracies are found in
a publication.
A supplement is an addition to an OP or OD that
reflects changes to equipment or its operation made
since the OP or OD was published. The original
publications are still used; the supplements describe
only the differences between the major assemblies or
the differences between the marks and mods of gun
mounts, missile launchers, and rocket launchers.
Supplementary Sources
At times, during the course of your work, you may
require information not covered in OPs or ODs. Where
you find this information depends upon the type of
ordnance equipment with which you are working. If
you are working with demolition equipment, for
example, explosives ordnance demolition bulletins
(EODBs) could help you. Other types of publications
are special weapons ordnance publications (SWOPs),
NAVSEA instructions and notices for general policy
matters, and such other publications as ORDALTS-00
that supply information on all ORDALTs for aircraft,
shore stations, and all classes of vessels.
The Army prepares several publications that are
also applicable to Navy ordnance. These include field
manuals (FMs), technical manuals (TMs), technical
bulletins (TBs), and joint publications of the Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps. These publications are listed
in the Index of Doctrinal, Training, and Organizational
Publications, DA-PAM 310-3, U.S. Army, or SL-1-3,
Index of Publications Authorized and Stocked by the
Marine Corps (PASMC).

To do any kind of maintenance work on your

equipment, you must know it well. A good way to learn
about it is to study the hardware itself. But you will
learn faster and you will learn more by using certain
source materials. This manual is such a source; so are
the OPs, ODs, and other publications. In many ways,
however, your most valuable source material could be
ordnance drawings.
All manufacturers of ordnance equipment make
drawings of all equipments they manufacture. Copies
of these drawings, reproduced by blueprinting, Xerox
process, or in some other way, are supplied to every
naval ship or installation that either has the equipment
or, for some other reason, requires copies of these
drawings. Many drawings are reproduced in OPs and
other technical manuals. Some of the drawings you will
use are made by NAVSEA, but many others are made
by the contractors who manufacture the equipment for
Drawings differ depending on their purpose. The
main types of drawings, as classified according to
purpose by NAVSEA, are as follows:
1. General arrangement drawings. This kind of
drawing shows the complete equipment assembled. It
indicates general appearance and relationships of important component assemblies and identifies the drawings that describe the components of the equipment.
2. Installation drawings. These drawings show
such features as mounting pads and brackets, shock
mounts, points for entrance of cabling and mating
mechanical parts, type of cable required, dimensions of
mounting hardware needed, and directions for how to
orient the equipment and secure it to its place on the
bulkhead or deck. One variety of this type of drawing,
called an outline drawing, shows overall dimensions
and clearances required for operating and servicing


3. Assembly and subassembly drawings. These

drawings show the constructional details of the
assemblies that make up the complete equipment. In
general, you can think of an assembly (or subassembly)
as any group of two or more parts assembled to make up
a unit. An assembly drawing is intended to enable a
properly equipped shop to make up the finished
assembly from the prescribed parts and assembly and
finishing materials.
4. Detail drawings. When you disassemble any
piece of equipment far enough, you eventually get
down to individual pieces that cannot be disassembled
any further. These are represented by detail drawings
that give all the information that a properly equipped
shop will need to make the piece exactly as required.
5. Wiring drawings. The main purpose of a wiring
drawing or diagram is obvious from its nameit shows
you how to wire a piece of equipment or a system.
There are several varieties of wiring diagrams.
An external wiring diagram shows how to connect
an item of equipment to the ship's wiring system or to
other pieces of equipment. It shows terminal boards,
binding posts, plugs, jacks, and other connection points
and devices, and identifies them by letters and numbers.
Lines denote the electrical conductors to be installed.
The drawing shows the size and type of wire to be used;
the kind of insulation, shielding, ductwork, and
armoring specified, as applicable; length needed;
where ground connections are to be made; where joints
must be soldered, welded, or clipped; and so on. It also
specifies the kind of current (ac or dc), frequency, and
voltage for each conductor.
An internal wiring diagram does the same for
wiring inside equipment. It also identifies and shows
where the fuses are, the size and type to be used, and
their circuits. It locates and identifies, with standard
symbols, all lamps, motors, synchros, resistors,
capacitors, transformers, chokes, switches, relays, and
all other electrical components in the equipment and
gives their electrical values, as applicable. It identifies
all the terminals and connection points. This is one of
the most useful kinds of drawings for electrical
maintenance and troubleshooting.
An elementary wiring diagram is about halfway
between the diagrams we have just discussed and the
schematic to be taken up shortly. It shows terminal and
connection points, component locations and values,
and so on, but it is also arranged so that it is much easier
to follow and understand the circuit than with the usual

wiring diagram. But note that the elementary, like the

pure schematic, has little respect for the actual sizes and
shapes of parts or equipment or for their physical
location or orientation. The traceability of the circuit is
a much more important consideration.
6. Schematic drawings. About the only general
statement you can make about schematic drawings or
diagrams is that their primary purpose is to help the user
understand the functioning of the equipment. In
ordnance, schematics of electric, hydraulic, and
pneumatic systems are of great importance in assisting
you as a repairman. Schematics often have very little to
do with the actual physical appearance or construction
of the equipment diagrammed.
7. Lubrication drawings. A lubrication drawing
or chart for naval equipment is often a general
arrangement drawing, or a group of them showing
several views, where lubrication fittings and other
points are called out by labels. The OP on older
equipment normally has a lube chart in its appendix.
8. Tool drawings. Special tools, such as spanner
wrenches, for specific marks and mods of guns are
described in tool drawingsusually assembly or detail
type. These tools are listed in the specific OP.
9. Lists of drawings (LDs). LDs, as mentioned
previously, are considered by NAVSEA to be a variety
of sketches. In itself, this detail of classification is not
especially important in your job, but it is worth
remembering that an LD looks like and is treated like a
kind of engineering drawing, rather than like a publication.
LDs are, in a sense, the key to the drawing system
used by NAVSEA. Beginning at the top of the system, a
master list of drawings, or master LD, is prepared for
each major ordnance equipment (such as a gun mount).
This list includes all components of the equipment
concerned. Each component is itemized by assemblies,
subassemblies, and details on a separate LD.
The identifying number for each component LD is
given, together with the general arrangement drawing
number on the master LD for the equipment. Each
component LD also shows the special tools required for
servicing that component. By reference to the LD and
the drawings for the mark and mod of a given assembly
or subassembly, it is possible to work down to
an individual part and to identify the correct
nomenclature, drawing, piece number, design dimensions, tolerances, and all other necessary information.


When we refer to a drawing or engineering drawing

without qualification, we usually refer to an assembly,
subassembly, or detail drawing. Such drawings, as we
have seen, explain how to manufacture some part or
assembly. And they are also valuable guides for you in
overhauling and repairing equipment. These drawings
are valuable not only because they show how parts fit
(though this is very important itself) but also because
they describe and enumerate the fastening hardware
you need to put the assembly together (including the
proper bolts, nuts, patent fasteners, pins, etc.). They
also show the minor, but essential, parts that the
assembly must have so that it will continue to function
as the designer intended. A watertight enclosure, for
example, will leak if it does not have the exact gasket
called for in the drawing; screws may loosen if they
have not been assembled with the lock washers
specified in the drawing; and nuts will work free if they
have not been secured with the cotter pins listed in the

Down in the lower right-hand corner of each

drawing you will find a drawing number. On each detail
pictured in the drawing, you will find another smaller
number. These are the piece numbers. These numbers
identify both the hardware and the drawing. Sometimes
you will find a letter after the piece number showing
how many times that piece has been changed or
modified since the original design.

Other types of drawings are equally valuable.

General arrangement drawings are good references for
the exact nomenclature of major units and as guides to
drawings on component assemblies. Installation and
outline drawings contain just the information on
clearances and dimensions that ship's personnel require
when a new piece of equipment is to be installed, and
they show how to arrange the piping and wiring to be
connected to it. External wiring diagrams show just
how to hook equipment into the ship's wiring. After
installation, they aid in troubleshooting for faulty
circuits and malfunctioning components and in
electrical alignment of synchros and other data
transmission devices. Internal wiring diagrams are
equally valuable for making circuit checks in case of
trouble in the equipment. Elementaries are helpful in
training personnel and can be used in checking circuits.
And, finally, LDs are valuable guides in tracking down
the particular piece of information you may be looking

An illustrated parts breakdown (IPB) is a

publication usually in the form of an OP that describes
and illustrates all components used in ordnance
equipment. An IPB is broken down into sections that
identify component parts by major assemblies,
subassemblies, and detailed parts. All illustrations in
these publications have figure and index numbers for
proper repair part identification. The figure number
represents a unit; the index number identifies just one
part of that unit. Each unit has an identifying part
number and accompanying each part number are the
name and description of the part it represents. Part
numbers are then cross-referenced to a current NSN to
order replacements. The IPB illustrates the assembly of
your equipment using expanded drawings. These
expanded drawings are very helpful in locating
lubrication fittings and other components that often
elude a maintenance person.

Every ship carries copies of drawings on its

equipment in the form of blueprints, photo prints,
microfilm, or microfiche. These copies are assembled
into sets, each set covering one item. Photo prints are
usually bound in books. Aboard ship, both blueprints
and photo prints are called ordnance drawings.
Blueprints and photo prints are available to you either
in a special file in the repair shop or in the custody of
your department head. Make use of them; they will help
you become familiar with the ordnance you will
overhaul. (Remember to treat Confidential drawings as
you would any other Confidential publication.)

Every part of every ordnance device (unless it is

very small) has a part number stamped on it. The first
number is the drawing number; the second is the piece
number. For example, you will find numbers like
120460-2. This should be read: "drawing number
120460, piece number 2."
Look for these numbers and use them. Refer to
them when you report on a particular piece or when you
order new parts.

Some IPBs have a cross-reference section that

converts the identifying number to a part number or
national stock number (NSN). These cross-references
may not have the latest NSN; the appropriate section of
the Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL)
should list all the latest NSNs. An index of IPBs is
listed in OP 0.
Hydraulic symbols are used throughout the world
in design, operation, and maintenance of fluid power
systems. A thorough knowledge of hydraulic symbols


will enable you to read and understand hydraulic circuit

diagrams and other drawings of hydraulic circuits.
Hydraulics today have many and varied applications; therefore, a standardized set of symbols was
agreed upon at a joint industrial conference of industry
leaders. This conference recommended a system of
designating symbols that some of the commercial
manufacturers are presently using. These symbols for
fluid power diagrams are listed in USAS Y32.10.
Graphic symbols provide clear-cut circuit
information, and well-prepared circuit diagrams show
every part of a hydraulic circuit clearly. Symbols are
available for most commercial components. Drawings
that use symbols will normally also supply a legend for
their interpretation. Blueprint Reading and Sketching,
NAVEDTRA 12014, and Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA
12964, give some elementary information on the
theoretical background of drafting, on how to read
drawings of all types, how to sketch, what type of
information is found in a title box of drawings and
schematics, and additional information on symbols
used in electrical, electronic, and pneumatic sketches,
schematics, block diagrams, and mechanical drawings.
When ordnance parts are identified through the use
of the IPB, ordnance drawings, or from part of
manufacturer's numbers stamped on the parts, an NSN
for each part is required before the parts can be
requisitioned. These NSNs are listed in the COSAL that
has a cross-reference section that converts a part
number to an NSN.
The COSAL establishes the shipboard allowance
for installed and portable equipment, equipage, and
supporting material. Each COSAL is prepared for an
individual ship and enables that ship to have a
maximum self-supporting capability for an extended
period of time.
Ships are issued a separate COSAL for each
category of material. The index to all COSALs is issued
by the Naval Supply Systems Command. Normally,
one copy of the ordnance COSAL is kept by the supply
department and one copy by the weapons or combat
systems department.
If an NSN for a part cannot be found, the part can be
requisitioned by the drawing and piece number and any
other identification, such as the equipment's mark and
mod, the manufacturer's name, the amperage and
voltage rating, the name of electrical parts, and the
serial number of the major unit from which the part was
removed. Additional information about a part can also
be obtained from equipment IPBs.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss hydraulic and mechanical maintenance procedures, seal replacement, and special tools
used on naval gun systems.
Traditionally, some of the most common preventive
maintenance procedures have had to be learned by the
maintenance person on the job. This is the case with
replacing hydraulic seals and making mechanical
adjustments. In this section we will provide you with
some insight into the performance of these procedures.
It may be helpful to have the maintenance manuals for
your system handy to refer to as we go through these
procedures. In all cases, you must consider the system
maintenance manuals and maintenance requirement
cards (MRCs) as your primary source of guidance and
information. The information provided here is intended
to augment and clarify these manuals.
Most modern gun systems are loaded and
positioned by hydraulic machinery. System pressures,
in many cases, exceed 1,000 pounds per square inch
(psi). As a Gunner's Mate performing routine
maintenance on your gun, you need to be constantly on
the lookout for hydraulic fluid leaking past the seals
around pistons and operating shafts. When your system
is leaking, it is telling you something. The seals are
breaking down or are worn and could rupture at any
time. Should the packings around a large high-pressure
piston fail, you could dump 10 or 15 gallons of
hydraulic fluid before the system can be secured. All
leaks need to be reported, documented, and repaired as
soon as possible.
Leak Documentation
When a leak is first discovered, it should be
reported to your leading petty officer (LPO) and/or
work center supervisor (WCS). Normally as the
maintenance person, you will also be required to
document the leak using the ship's 3-M Systems, Form
4790-2K. In the write-up, it is important to use proper
terminology in describing the exact location and
component where the leak exists. In describing what is
required to correct the problem, it is helpful to include
the part number and quantity of seals and other repair
parts needed to do the job. Component names and part
numbers are found in the IPB. Providing an exact
description of the problem and the parts required to


effect the repair serves two purposes. If, for some

reason, you are not available to help when the repair is
scheduled, other maintenance personnel will be able to
identify the problem and its solution easily. Second,
when a problem is documented, it is incorporated into
the Current Ship's Maintenance Project (CSMP). The
CSMP provides Navy managers at all levels with
information concerning the readiness of the systems
aboard ships. It is used to plan and coordinate
maintenance actions in the work center and to put
together overhaul packages for completion by tenders
and shipyards.
This documentation procedure not only applies to
hydraulic leaks but to all other corrective maintenance
you will perform. It is not normally necessary to document routine mechanical adjustments. However, if the
adjustment is necessary due to replacement of a damaged or worn component, the circumstances surrounding the component replacement should be recorded.

Figure 12-9.Encased seal.

of the packing gland. Since both are machined to very

close dimensions, an O-ring is sufficient to contain any
seepage that may occur. O-rings are used throughout
ordnance equipment in low-pressure sealing applications.
Another type of seal you may encounter is the
encased seal (fig. 12-9). This type of seal is found
where rotating shafts exit gearcases or other fluid-filled
reservoirs. As the name implies, the seal is encased in a
metal housing. Sealing surface tension around the
rotating shaft is maintained by a spring located under
the lip of the seal. The metal case of the seal allows it to
be pressed into the component casing.
Seal Replacement

Types of Seals
Before we go into the actual repair process, we
need to describe some of the common types of seals
used in ordnance equipment. A normal high-pressure
packing consists of a U-Cup seal and a wiper ring. The
U-Cup seal is installed with the cup facing the pressure
it is to contain. As hydraulic pressure is applied, the cup
fills and the sealing edge is held against the shaft or
piston surface. The wiper ring keeps the piston surface
clean to prevent wear of the U-Cup seal. These seals are
often contained in an insert, called a packing gland,
which is bolted or screwed into a valve block or
cylinder. The packing gland allows for easy
replacement of the seals since it can be removed. Figure
12-8 shows these seals and how they are installed in an
actual valve block. The U-Cup seal is contained in a
machined groove on the inside surface of the packing
gland. The wiper ring is installed into another machined
groove at the outside edge of the gland. Note the rubber
O-ring seal in the machined groove around the outside

In replacing hydraulic system seals, you must take

care not to contaminate the system. Contaminates in a
hydraulic system can have devastating effects. Damage
can range from accelerated seal wear to the total
destruction of pumps, valves, and drive units. Using
some simple precautions can help make sure your
system remains free from contamination. First, make
sure the area around the component you are going to
disassemble is thoroughly cleaned. Second, after a
component is removed, cover all exposed openings into
the system with rags. Components removed for access
can be reinstalled with their bolts turned finger tight.
Reinstalling components and their retaining bolts also
helps you to keep track of them. Last, make sure the
component and the area it is to be reinstalled into are
thoroughly cleaned. Anything you can do to limit
hydraulic system exposure to outside conditions will
help you maintain a system free of contamination.
Seal replacement often requires the use of special
tools. A good example of this is the tool used to reinstall
the packing gland over the end of the recoil piston (fig.
12-10). The tool is in the form of a ring, tapered on the

Figure 12-10.Use for a hydraulic seal replacement special


Figure 12-8.A typical high-pressure hydraulic seal.


outside, that is slid over the threaded end of the recoil

piston and up against the squared end of the enlarged
section of the piston. The tapered outside of the tool
allows the sealing surface of the U-Cup seal, which is
fitted into a machined groove inside the packing gland,
to slide easily past the squared end of the enlarged
section of the recoil piston. The disassembly and
reassembly of major gun system components are
described in the system maintenance manual. Any
special tools needed are identified throughout the
procedure as required. All gun mount special tools are
illustrated and described in the system maintenance
The disassembly of hydraulic equipment inevitably
causes air to get into the system. Your system will be
fitted with vent plugs for releasing this air. Air is
compressible and can cause your system to operate
erratically or sluggishly. Be sure to follow the detailed
instructions found in your systems maintenance
manual or the appropriate MRC for venting air from the
hydraulic system.
You may also find it necessary to replenish your
system with hydraulic fluid after a repair is completed.
The procedure for adding fluid to the system can be
found both in the system maintenance manual and on a
situation requirement (R) MRC. You will normally
follow the procedure described on the MRC. Additional information on seals and seal replacement can
be found in Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964.

The most common mechanical adjustment involves
a threaded linkage that is screwed into or out of another
component to adjust its travel or proximity to other
components. Most mechanical linkages are connected
to each other and to the components they control or
operate with a clevis (fig. 12-11). A clevis is a U-shaped
piece of metal with holes through the ends where a pin
is inserted to attach one thing to another. The clevis is
used as a flexible connection for mechanical linkages.
It can be adjustable or nonadjustable and is often
referred to as a yoke. The adjustable clevis may be
either threaded through the base to allow for the
insertion of a threaded shaft or it can be manufactured
to include a threaded shaft. Often, the two configurations are used together as opposite ends of an adjustable
Threaded Shaft
Another common mechanical adjustment consists
of an operating shaft threaded in one or both ends. A
connecting shaft or actuator is screwed in or out of
these threaded ends to adjust its travel or proximity to
another component. This configuration can be used to
adjust cam followers and mechanical actuators that
push or pull a component to cause its operation (fig.

Gun loading system hydraulic machinery uses
hydraulic pressure to position mechanical devices that
move rounds of ammunition through the system for
firing. Almost without exception, these mechanical
devices must be adjusted to maintain travel and
proximity tolerances to ensure proper performance.
Some adjustments are verified during routine
maintenance as part of the procedure contained on an
MRC. Most often, however, you will need to make
adjustments to mechanical equipment after it has been
disassembled, repaired, and reassembled. Such is the
case, for example, after a linkage has been removed to
get to a hydraulic packing that required replacement or
after a damaged component has been removed and
replaced. You must refer to the system maintenance
manual to determine the exact procedure and tolerances
before making any mechanical adjustments. With this
in mind, we will now provide you with some general
information on the different types of mechanical
adjustments found on gun mounts.


Figure 12-11.The clevis.

Eccentric Shaft
In some special instances a mechanical adjustment
may involve shifting the rotational axis of a pivoting
component. This is accomplished through the use of an
eccentric shaft. An eccentric shaft, as shown in figure
12-13, is an otherwise straight shaft with an offset disk
in the middle. The offset disk is the rotational axis of a
pivoting component. Being offset, it allows this axis to
be adjusted simply by rotating the shaft. In some cases,
the eccentric shaft may be used as an adjustable
securing pin instead of a pivot point.
Some gun mount adjustments are accomplished
using shims. This is often the case when a major
component is replaced and must be "fitted" into
alignment or proximity with surrounding components.
A shim is a noncompressible material, in sheet form,
that is inserted between two components that are bolted
together. Shim material is available in a standard pack
of three different dimensions that can be cut and added
together to achieve the desired thickness.
Hydraulic and mechanical maintenance is at the
core of the traditional work of the Gunner's Mate.
Mastery of hydraulic and mechanical maintenance,
along with proficiency in troubleshooting electronic
control circuits (chapter 5), is the defining
characteristics of your expertise as a Gunner's Mate.
importance of divisional damage control on
naval ships.
A common attitude throughout the fleet is that
damage control (DC) is the responsibility of the
engineers. As a result, the material condition of a ship
frequently deteriorates due to a lack of attention to
damage control maintenance at the various levels of
performance. In fact, DC is an all-hands responsibility
and should be performed and managed as such. What's
the value of having a gun or radar working at 100
percent capacity if the ship is already sinking?

Figure 12-12.Threaded linkage adjustments.

Figure 12-13.Eccentric shaft.


A large amount of DC maintenance, such as

weighing fire extinguishers or checking the operability
of battle lanterns, are considered to be routine tasks and
can be accomplished by just about anyone. Figure
12-14 shows a typical organizational structure of the
DC PMS program aboard ship. As shown, a senior Hull
Technician/Damage Controlman serves as the
shipboard damage control work center supervisor. Each
division assigns a damage control petty officer (DCPO)
to the DC work center. The DCPO then performs the
routine maintenance on the DC equipment located in
his or her division spaces as assigned by the DC work
center supervisor.
PMS schedules for DC are kept in nearly the same
manner as regular PMS schedules and are maintained
for the entire ship by the DC work center supervisor.
Individual weekly schedules may also be maintained by
the DCPO within his or her spaces in the division. Since
the quarterly schedule lists each division assigned to
perform DC PMS, it will not match the cycle schedule
line for line.
Scheduling instructions for DC PMS is located in
chapter 5 of OPNAVINST 4790.4. Shipboard damage
control organization and requirements are outlined in
Surface Ship Damage Control, NWP 62-1.
importance of PMS management at shipboard

and type commander levels, and the definitions

used to evaluate the PMS program.
One of the most important considerations in the
operation of a PMS program is the proper management
of that program at all levels concerned.
To have an effective maintenance program, you
should be involved at all levels of management aboard
ship in the supervision and evaluation of PMS. It can be
safely said that every officer and most chief petty
officers will be tasked with evaluating the
accomplishment of PMS aboard their ship. A typical
example of the structure of the 3-M organization aboard
ship is shown in figure 12-15. As you can see, the
majority of senior shipboard personnel are involved
with PMS functions.
One of the best ways to evaluate the effectiveness
of shipboard PMS is by conducting spot checks of
individual maintenance requirements. As the leading
GM, you may often be tasked with performing a spot
check on a work center outside of your department.
Table 12-2 identifies the minimum shipboard spot
check requirements, who they should be accomplished
by, and the periodicity at which they should be
The maintenance prescribed in the PMS package
is defined as the minimum required. Therefore, a

Figure 12-14.Representative organizational structure for damage control PMS.


failing grade and will definitely bring down some

high-powered attention from such people as your
squadron or group commander.
To ensure standardization for the measurement of
PMS performance, you should use the following
definitions to evaluate PMS performance:
PPR(PMS Performance Rate). This is an
overall quantitative evaluation of the actual
performance of the required maintenance planned for
RAR(PMS Recorded Accomplishment Rate).
This is the percentage of maintenance scheduled during
the period of examination that is recorded as
ACF(PMS Accomplishment Confidence
Factor). This is the percentage of maintenance
recorded as accomplished that is evaluated as actually
having been performed.
AThis is the symbol that identifies the number of
maintenance requirements actually scheduled. It is
used to compute the RAR.

Figure 12-15.Shipboard 3-M Systems organization.

maintenance requirement that has been deferred

beyond its assigned periodicity is not considered to be
accomplished. These deferrals will affect the
accomplishment rate of the PMS of the work center and
should be kept to a minimum. The work group or work
center supervisor should know at all times what
maintenance requirements have been deferred and for
what reason(s).
In addition to shipboard evaluation, type
commanders (TYCOMs) are also tasked with
monitoring the effective management of PMS within
their respective commands. The TYCOM conducts
PMS inspections at periods of 18 to 24 months, using
his or her own qualified inspectors, working in
conjunction with the ship's 3-M coordinator and other
shipboard managers as required. These inspections are
conducted on a "no advance notice" basis. A PMS
Performance Rate (PPR) of less than 75 percent is a

BThis is the symbol for the number of

maintenance requirements recorded as fully
accomplished. It is also used in computing the RAR.
CThis is the symbol for the number of partials
and is the final factor required to compute the RAR.
NThis is the symbol for the number of
maintenance requirements evaluated by the inspector
as not accomplished. It is used to compute the ACF.
PThis is the symbol for the number of
maintenance requirements evaluated by the inspector
as having been partially accomplished. It also is
required to compute the ACF.
SThis symbol represents the number of
maintenance requirements sampled by the inspector
and is the final factor required to compute the ACF.
The ship's final grade is determined by
computation of its PMS Performance Rate (PPR) as

Table 12-2.Minimum PMS Spot Check Requirements and Periodicity of Accomplishment




Commanding Officer/ Executive Officer

1 per own ship


Head of Department

3 per department


Division Officer

1 per division work center



First, you must determine the RAR by using the

following formula:


3. Ordnance material is controlled during

handling and stowage to prevent the existence of unsafe
conditions or degradation of serviceable material.
4. Periodic maintenance is performed as required
and maintenance and renovation operations are
controlled to ensure that ordnance material completing
these operations conforms to all applicable
specification requirements.

Second, determine ACF by using the formula

 S   N 

ACF = 

5. Only safe and serviceable ordnance material is

issued to operational units.

Now you can determine your PPR by using the

This system may seem complicated but is actually
simple once you have learned to use it. You can use it to
monitor your accomplishment rate, as well as to
identify problem areas within your ship's PMS
program. Detailed instructions on PMS inspections and
their procedures are located in chapter 5 of
quality assurance program, its importance, and
responsibilities of the Gunner's Mate with
respect to naval ordnance.
The Quality Assurance (QA) program is designed
to provide the fleet with safe ordnance material of the
highest quality in a timely manner. The basic priorities
are safety first, quality second, and quantity third. The
program is conducted when the material is acquired
from the contractors and during receipt, production,
maintenance, stowage, and issue of ordnance material
at naval activities.
Quality assurance requirements and procedures
ensure that:
1. Incoming ordnance material is of the
designated type and quality; has not been damaged in
shipment; is identified with the appropriate condition
code status (serviceable, unserviceable, suspended,
etc.); and is packed, packaged, and preserved as
necessary. This will permit further processing in a safe
manner and aid in the prevention of material damage or
deterioration during stowage, handling, and issue.
2. Ordnance material is segregated into
compatible groups by explosive content and condition
code for stowage, further processing, or transshipment.

6. Ordnance material destined for outload is

packed, packaged, and preserved as specified in
applicable technical documents and, after loading, is
securely blocked, braced, and dunnaged in the carrier to
facilitate safe transport.
The commanding officer of an activity has final
responsibility for the quality of issued ordnance
material. Weapons and ordnance personnel are
responsible for ensuring the quality of ordnance
material to be issued and for maintaining control of
ordnance material throughout activity operations. The
quality assurance organization within a command is
responsible for providing assurance that the necessary
controls are established and maintained and that
ordnance material being issued meets specified quality
A quality assurance organizational element
responsible for performing quality assurance functions
on ordnance material is required at each activity. This
quality assurance element must be established at a level
that provides the organizational independence
necessary to achieve full implementation of quality
assurance procedures. Each activity must plan,
establish, staff, and maintain the ordnance quality
assurance organization commensurate with local work
load. The head of quality assurance serves as the
commanding officer's representative and reports
directly to the CO.
At ordnance-oriented activities, such as naval
magazines and naval ordnance facilities or naval
stations, the ordnance quality assurance organization
should be established as a division within the
weapons/ordnance office. Another alternative at these
types of activities is to include the ordnance quality
assurance organization as a division within the QA
department of the activity, along with quality assurance
organizations for other programs.


Each division within the QA department must be

divided into branches as necessary to perform the
required QA functions effectively.
The head of an ordnance QA organization ashore
may be military or civilian. However, it is essential that
this person be well-qualified in ordnance QA
procedures, methods, and techniques, in addition to
being knowledgeable in the technical aspects of the
specific ordnance material being processed. In any
event, the individual must have the ability to plan and
manage the ordnance quality assurance functions and
train subordinate personnel as required. Collateral
nonquality assurance functions assigned to the
ordnance QA organization should be kept to a
minimum. This is necessary to avoid detracting from
the essential ordnance QA functions. Subordinate
personnel must also have a good working knowledge of
both the technical aspects of the material and ordnance
QA procedures.
In some cases, because of budgetary, manpower, or
other limitations, it may not be possible to establish a
separate quality organization. In this case, qualified
personnel from within the activity must be selected and
trained to perform the QA functions. Such personnel
should be permitted to perform the assigned QA
functions without undue external pressure, the bias of
inspecting their own work, and being held responsible
for delays in production.
The weapons department should have an ordnance
indoctrination/training program. The QA organization
should provide the materials for the quality assurance
segment of the indoctrination/training. The QA
segment of the indoctrination may be accomplished by
QA personnel or through normal activity training
program procedures.
A list of military and civilian personnel whose
work assignments may directly affect the quality of
ordnance material must be compiled and the personnel
scheduled into the indoctrination/training program.
New personnel destined to perform work related to
ordnance material should be scheduled into the
indoctrination/ training program as they arrive on
station. Weapons supervisory personnel and QA
personnel must be constantly alert to the need for
refresher training or other specific ordnance-related
training requirements as evidenced by the quality of
work performed. Weapons supervisors will ensure that
the necessary on-the-job training (OJT) or classroom
training is provided before assigning personnel to new
jobs related to ordnance material processing. Records

of OJT and classroom training for weapons personnel

must be prepared and maintained.
The head of the QA organization will schedule all
personnel who will be assigned to perform QA
functions into training in the content and application of
the quality assurance procedures.
Each supervisor will provide OJT through
rotational work assignments to provide increased range
and depth to the capability of QA personnel. These
periods of OJT should be of a sufficient duration to
ensure that the trainee is fully qualified to perform his
or her duties in that area of assignment.
QA must ensure that only currently calibrated test
and measuring equipment is used to record or generate
quantitative measurements or data during maintenance
actions. Each QA inspector should verify that
calibration labels and tags are affixed to all test and
measuring equipment within his or her work area. The
labels and tags must indicate that the equipment is in an
"in-calibration" status or does not require calibration.
Any discrepancies noted should be documented.
QA personnel should perform daily monitoring
within each work area to ensure that only those gauges
authorized for use by the ordnance work instructions
are being used or are available for use by weapons
personnel and that the gauges display current evidence
of calibration. During these daily monitoring actions,
QA should verify that all activity organizational
elements properly use, handle, and stow these gauges.
Information feedback is needed for corrective
action purposes when deficiencies are found in material
received as serviceable (RFI) from other activities or
from the supply system. NAVMATINST 4855.8
establishes a DoD system for reporting quality
deficiency data and provides the reporting procedures
and forms for this purpose.
Quality deficiency reports are submitted to a
screening point within the activity originating the
report. Here, the responsible action point (activity
responsible for resolution of the deficiency) is
determined and the report is forwarded to that action
point. Complete instructions on quality deficiency
reporting are contained in NAVMATINST 4855.8.
Only Category I reports will be addressed in this text.


A Category I report is submitted when a deficiency

is found that might affect life or limb of personnel or
impair the combat capabilities of the using organization
or individual. Deficiencies that affect an operational
capability to the extent that accomplishment of the
mission is jeopardized are included in Category I.
Category I reports must be submitted by message.
When urgency dictates, reports may first be transmitted
by the most expeditious means available (e.g.,
telephone or local visits). Oral communications must
be confirmed by a message. Information copies of
Category I reports may be submitted to any activity
considered necessary to alert them to the problem.
The originator of the Category I report must
forward the report to the designated screening point
within 24 hours after discovery of the deficiency. The
report must be screened for completeness and accuracy
and forwarded to the appropriate action point within 48
hours after receipt. The component or activity
responsible for action must acknowledge receipt of
each report to the screening activity within 24 hours.

that they know how to do their jobs; however, the crew

still cannot be considered well trained unless each of
them is safety conscious. Safe working habits must be
impressed upon every crewmember through proper
instructions, constant drills, and continuous
supervision. Carelessness, cockiness, and lack of
training have led to disaster while working with all
types of ordnance equipment and materials.
Practical safety features are incorporated into Navy
equipment to eliminate potential hazards to personnel.
Since familiarity with equipment leads to carelessness,
observation of all safety notices and rules is mandatory.
No relaxation of vigilance should ever be permitted.
Each piece of ordnance equipment has a specific
list of safety precautions to be observed during
operation and/or maintenance. Study these thoroughly
before attempting to operate or repair any piece of
equipment that you are not familiar with.
The following safety rules are but a few of the many
that must be observed when operating or working on
hydraulic or pneumatic systems:
Never disconnect hydraulic lines or disassemble
hydraulic equipment when the hydraulic system power
motor is running.

importance of observing proper safety
procedures when working on naval gun
systems and ordnance.

Never disconnect hydraulic lines or disassembly

hydraulic equipment until the accumulators have been
manually dumped to the tank.

The primary reason for the vast amount of

information available on the subject of safety
precautions is simply the desire to prevent accidents.
Research has shown that a majority of all accidents
came about through sheer carelessness. Not only is
there a loss of time involved in an accident but there is
also an accompanying loss of equipment, material, or,
in the extreme case, life itself. Aside from these
important considerations, there is a vast amount of
money wasted in replacing damaged equipment,
making investigations, paying for hospitalization or
funerals, and for man-hours not worked during
convalescence. These are but a few of the problems
faced every day by the Navy because personnel fail to
heed the posted and required safety precautions.
Safety is everybody's job. Awareness of danger,
knowledge of how to avoid it, and constant vigilance
are the three basic requirements for the prevention of
accidents while you are working on or operating
ordnance equipment.
Safety is both a result and a reflection of good
training. The crews of a gun mount may be trained so

Never manually actuate switches, solenoids,

relays, or valves on hydraulic systems under pressure
unless you are competent and qualified to perform
these actions.
Report hydraulic leaks immediately, so that they
may be repaired at the first opportunity.
If clothing becomes drenched with hydraulic fluid,
immediately change into dry clothing. Hydraulic fluid
is injurious to health when in prolonged contact with
the skin. It is also a fire hazard. Immediately wipe up all
spilled fluid.
Do not direct a high-pressure air jet at any part of
the human body; this may be fatal.
All personnel taking part in and observing
operation of power equipment must remain alert, keep
clear of moving parts, and be thoroughly familiar with
the safety precautions applicable to that equipment. At
no time should skylarking be allowed in the vicinity of
operating power equipment.
Hydraulic systems operate under hydraulic
pressures ranging from approximately 100 psi to 2,000


psi. Some pneumatic systems operate in approximately

the same range of pressures as hydraulics. These
pressures are dangerous and can be hazardous to
Safety precautions must be observed when
performing maintenance, testing, and operating
ordnance hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. The
high-pressure liquid or air can cause major injuries to
your face, hands, and other parts of the body by jets of
air or liquid escaping from valves or pipe connections
that are highly pressurized.
The following summary of safety precautions is
intended to be general in nature, but its importance
should not be misunderstood:
Do not service or adjust live equipment without the
presence of another person capable of rendering first
Never measure potentials over 600 volts by means
of flexible test leads.
Do not tamper with interlocks or any other
equipment safety feature.
If possible, use only one hand when working on
live circuits.
Never use electrical or electronic equipment known
to be in poor condition.
Do not allow unqualified personnel to operate the
control panels. Trainees or other persons undergoing
instructions should be allowed to operate control panels
only under the strict supervision of a qualified and
responsible operator.
Except for general quarters, always sound the
train-warning bell and get an all-clear signal before
training and/or elevating the gun mount (before each
time the equipment is to be moved).
Whenever any power drive unit that is capable of
inflicting injury to personnel or material not
continuously visible to the person controlling such
motion is moved, the officer or petty officer authorizing
the unit to be moved by power must ensure a safety
watch. The on-deck safety watch is not necessary
during general quarters but must be maintained in areas
where such injury is possible, both inside and outside
the unit being moved. There should be a telephone or
other effective voice communications established and
maintained between the station controlling the unit and
the safety watch.
The following are a few basic rules that you should
keep in mind when using wrenches:

Always use a wrench that fits the nut properly.

Keep wrenches clean and free from oil. Otherwise,
they may slip, resulting in possible serious injury to you
or damage to the work.
Do not increase the leverage of a wrench by placing
a pipe over the handle. Increased leverage may damage
the wrench or the work.
Provide some sort of kit or case for all wrenches.
Return them to it at the completion of each job. This
saves time and trouble and facilitates selection of tools
for the next job. Most important, it eliminates the
possibility of leaving them where they can cause injury
or damage to personnel or equipment.
Determine which way a nut should be turned before
trying to loosen it. Most nuts are turned
counterclockwise for removal. This may seem obvious,
but even experienced personnel have been observed
straining at the wrench in the tightening direction when
they wanted to loosen it.
Learn to select your wrenches to fit the type of
work you are doing. If you are not familiar with these
wrenches, make arrangements to visit a shop that has
most of them and get acquainted.
The following precautions should be observed
when using torque wrenches:
Do not use the torque wrench as a hammer.
When using the micrometer-setting type, do not
move the setting handle below the lowest torque
setting. However, it should be placed at its lowest
setting before being stowed.
Do not use the torque wrench to apply greater
amounts of torque than its rated capacity.
Do not use the torque wrench to break loose bolts
that have been previously tightened.
Never stow a torque wrench in a toolbox or in an
area where it may be damaged.
Be thoroughly familiar with all posted safety
precautions and those listed in the OP pertaining to the
equipment to which you are assigned.
Do not think that once you have learned all
applicable safety precautions you can sit back and take
things easy. Review the precautions periodically,
particularly those for jobs seldom performed. Try to
improve upon any rules in effect. Safety is everyone's
responsibility, not just those who developed the
regulations. Most accidents are caused by personnel
who are so familiar with their job they think they can


take shortcuts; by personnel who do not know the

applicable precautions; by practical jokers; or, in the
majority of instances, by plain carelessness.
As in all other evolutions, the observance of proper
safety procedures is also an important consideration
when performing PMS. It is extremely important that
personnel involved in maintenance are thoroughly
trained in safety practices. Nothing can replace good
common sense when performing any kind of task, but
awareness of the specific hazards of a given job will
save lives and prevent damage to equipment.
Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) have
warnings and cautions inserted immediately before the
procedural step they apply to and should be obeyed as
closely as possible. Any discrepancies or inadequacies
in PMS safety procedures should be reported
immediately via an urgent PMS Feedback Report. Navy
Safety Precautions for Forces Afloat (OPNAVINST
5100) contains safety instructions and precautions to be
used when performing PMS.
Index marks and safety lines are painted on or near
ordnance equipment and are used by the GM to indicate
a complete mechanical function and to indicate safe
An example of the index mark is the breech-closed
index painted on the gun housing (fig. 12-16). The

Figure 12-16.Breech-closed index mark.

index mark shows at once whether the breechblock

rises promptly to full breech-closed position, or is
sluggish, or sticks. Some guns also have index marks on
the housing and slide to indicate full return to the
battery. These index marks tend to wear off and require
periodical freshening up. Be careful not to get the paint
on any other part of the sliding surfaces.
Safety lines mark off safe working areas. Circular
safety lines are painted on the deck around a gun mount
to indicate the areas you should stay out of when the
gun is being trained. "Blast area" lines are painted on
the decks around rocket launchers to show how far
away you must get to be safe from the hot-rocket blasts.
Similar safety lines are necessary to show safe working
areas around overhead conveyors and other machines
that may be dangerous to personnel who fail to keep
away from working parts.
Gun maintenance involves a wide variety of skills
and knowledge. However, all of the skill and
knowledge in the world are useless without a high
degree of personal dedication to your job and the
people around you. The dangers involved in gunnery
are readily apparent. Your vigilance as a maintenance
technician may well make the difference between a
successful gunshoot or missile launch and a
catastrophic accident. Take the time to learn your
system and never assume anything.
In this chapter we have discussed the various
maintenance requirements involved in keeping a gun
and missile system operational. We described the
important foundational role preventive maintenance
plays in both system readiness and your personal
development as a technician. We described the
lubricants and tools used in routine maintenance as well
as the reference publications that provide in-depth
information about the operation, upkeep, and repair of
your gun or launcher. We described some specific
maintenance actions that you will be involved in, such
as barrel maintenance, replacement of hydraulic seals,
and mechanical adjustments. We also discussed some
maintenance-related safety precautions. We concluded
with a brief discussion of PMS, quality assurance, and





As you have already discovered, there is much

more to being an LPO or LCPO than just telling people
what to do. As you advance, you become more
knowledgeable about the way your command operates
on a daily basis. You also become more involved in the
administrative aspects of the management process. This
process, of course, goes far beyond 3-M reporting or
logging daily magazine temperatures. In this chapter
we will acquaint you with some of the more important
administrative procedures you may become involved
with as a senior Gunner's Mate.

Did you ever wonder where all that data you submit
on an OPNAV 4790.2K ends up? One important
destination for this information is the 3-M Systems'
Central Data Bank located in Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania. The Naval Maintenance Support Office
(NAMSO), which is a subordinate department of the
Naval Sea Logistics Center (NAVSEALOGCEN),
maintains this data bank. Fleet personnel submit MDS
reports, such as work requests, deferrals, configuration
changes, and failed-parts reports. They are then entered
into this data bank. This data is then made available to
whomever requests the information. This bank is the
source of most of the 3-M reports that are sent to ships,
other levels of naval management, and authorized
defense contractors. However, these reports are also
available to any requesting naval activity. Figure 13-1
shows a completed request form used to obtain 3-M
reports from the central data bank. Detailed instructions
on how to fill out this request form, as well as a
summary and explanation of what reports are available,
are located in chapter 4 of the Ships' 3-M Manual,

cause and effect of corrective maintenance.
Many people operate under the philosophy "If it's
brokefix it; if it worksleave it alone." However,
this attitude defeats the purpose of discrepancy trend
analysis. In other words, you should closely monitor
the documented histories of your equipment. You
should then be able to predict potential problems or
breakdowns based upon your knowledge and
familiarity of that equipment. This practice could
enable you to spot recurring equipment tendencies and
prevent discrepancies before they occur. You are then
accomplishing the purpose of performing preventive


Another important tool in heading off equipment
problems before they happen is through the review of
the various system logs and records. It is impractical to
list them here because they are covered in some detail in
other training manuals. Instead, two examples are
provided here to show how a log or record may aid in
the trend analysis process.


One of the best aids in identifying material
discrepancy trends is through the use of the Current
Ship's Maintenance Project (CSMP). All levels of
management can use the CSMP. The work center
supervisor, up through the type commander, can use it
for such purposes as operational scheduling, overhaul
work packages, and availabilities. Above all, they can
use it as a means of identifying trouble areas within a
particular unit, system, or even component. We will not
show you how to maintain a CSMP; you should already
know how to do that. A properly maintained historical
record of the equipment you are responsible for may
prove to be a highly invaluable tool in its upkeep.

While performing bore erosion checks, you notice

what you consider an unusual amount of erosion. In
checking the fire control smooth log, you verify that
this is trueyou have more than the usual amount of
bore erosion for a given time period and a given amount
of rounds fired through the gun. At this point, you may
decide that the gun needs to be rebarreled at an earlier
date than may have already been planned.
You are reviewing magazine temperature records
and discover that the forward magazine consistently
has a 2 higher daily temperature reading than the after


Figure 13-1.Ships 3-M Data Request Forms.

reference pubs, training pubs, and handbooks should

exist. The tech library should also have at least one
up-to-date copy of each applicable equipment and
system technical manual.

magazine. Is the forward magazine getting warmer than

the after magazine? Is one of the magazine
thermometers out of proper calibration? These are
some of the factors that should be examined and acted

As with other publications, you should have a

master inventory of the tech library publications. The
publication record and inventory card, OPNAV
5070/11 (fig. 13-2), will help the tech library petty
officer keep track of publications (issued, on hand, and
so on). When changes to publications arrive, you can
consult the record cards for the location and quantity of
publications requiring changes. Using this card, you
can ensure that all publications held receive changes as
they should.

As you can see, your system logs can provide

valuable insight into any number of equipment
deficiencies or tendencies. Always try to maintain
accurate records and logs.
Whether you are on a small or large ship, some type
of division technical library for technical pubs,


Figure 13-2.Publication Record and Inventory Card (5x7). OPNAV 5070/11.

At least one petty officer should be assigned to

maintain the ready reference library (technical library)
of your division. A second person should be assigned as
a backup so that your tech library will stay current if the
assigned librarian is absent.

As publications become unusable because of

extensive wear and damage, order new publications
(and changes) to replace them. Issue these
replacements to work center personnel as necessary. To
avoid confusion, ensure that the old publications are
discarded or destroyed after the new replacement
publications have been received. Be sure to follow
applicable security requirements when discarding or
destroying a publication.

Another problem of maintaining publications is

that of keeping them updated. Of real help to you will
be the Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms,
NAVSUP 2002, and the Ships Technical Publications
System (STEPS) products.

Several methods can be used in maintaining a tech

library. NWP-0 and Naval Air Systems Command
Technical Manual Program (NAVAIR 00-25-100)
contain guidelines for maintaining major technical
libraries. Applicable sections of these manuals may
provide guidance you can adapt to your local situation.

NAVSUP 2002 is a master set of microfiche, issued
quarterly, that lists most Navy publications and forms.


Vol. 1. General Publications

Each edition supersedes and replaces the previous

edition in its entirety. The NAVSUP 2002 contains
three major sections:

Vol. 2. Electronics
Vol. 3. Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical


Vol. 4. Weapons


Volume 1 is not equipment oriented and is in

publication number sequence only. Volumes 2, 3, and 4
have two parts so that you can look up technical
manuals either by equipment name or by technical
manual publication number.

Naval technical directives

This microfiche set provides data, such as
canceled, canceled-no superseding stock numbers,
canceled-incorporated in basic stock number, "replace
by" information, and effective dates.





The Guide for User Maintenance of NAVSEA

Technical Manuals, S0005-AA-GYD-030/TMMP, has
been developed to assist technical manual users in
interfacing with the NAVSEA Technical Manual
Management Program (TMMP). It also provides
specific information in the following areas:

The Ships Technical Publications System (STEPS)

is also a master set of microfiche. Several STEPS data
products are distributed that contain information
concerning technical documentation supporting the
following general documents:

How to identify what technical manuals are needed

Ships selected records

How and from what activity to request technical


Ships electronics
Hull, mechanical, and electrical (HM&E) and
ordnance systems

How technical manual deficiencies are reported

Equipment under the cognizance of Naval Sea

Systems Command (NAVSEA)

How technical manual deficiency reports are


Equipment under the cognizance of Space and

Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR)

How to update (through changes or new publication) technical manuals


How to determine whether technical manuals are


The Publication Applicability List (PAL) is one of

the products of STEPS. This microfiche set is intended
to assist in determining the publication needs of the
ship or shore station to which it applies. It is an
important tool in identifying the technical manual that
you need. The PAL applies to NAVSEA and
NAVELEX (SPAWAR) technical manuals for systems
and equipments reported to be installed on your ship. It
is not a list of publications required for your ship but is
a list of publications that apply to your ship. The PAL
lists technical manuals two waysby equipment name
and by publication number. If you know one, you can
get the other, as well as the publication title of the
technical manual. The PAL is organized into four
separate volumes, matching the categories of technical
manuals aboard ship. These volumes/categories are as

What must be done upon receipt of technical

manuals in hard copy or microfiche form
Another publication you will need for operating a
technical library is the Technical Manual Identification
Numbering System (TMINS) Application Guide and
Index, M0000-00-IDX-000/TMINS. This publication
serves as the sole reference handbook for all
component commands involved with the composition,
construction, interpretation, or assignment of technical
manuals or associated technical document identification numbers. This guide will help you understand how
the TMINS numbers apply to the new publication
numbering system.



Table 13-1.Equipment Evaluated During CSRR


importance of a Combat System Readiness
Review (CSRR).

Surface Missile (and associated Fire Control

Before deployment, a ship undergoes several

different evolutions in preparation for that deployment.
One of the more important processes is the
performance of a Combat Systems Readiness Review
(CSRR) or a Combat Systems Readiness Test (CSRT).
As directed by the appropriate type commander, a
CSRR is conducted aboard surface ships in the Atlantic
Fleet, while Pacific Fleet surface ships receive a CSRT.
Basically, the two programs are the same with only
minor technical and administrative differences. For the
purpose of explanation, the COMNAVSURFLANT
CSRR procedures will be described in this text.

Gun (and associated Fire Control Equipment)

Antisubmarine Warfare Batteries (and associated
Fire Control Equipment)
Navy Tactical Data System
Electronic Warfare
Search Radar
Target Interrogator (IFF)
Navigation Aids

Primarily, the CSRR is conducted to assist ship's

force in achieving the maximum level of combat
systems readiness and efficiency attainable immediately before deployment. Additionally, the CSRR
should assist ship's force personnel in correcting
material problems and provide on-the-job training to
improve mission self-sufficiency. The systems and
subsystems evaluated (tested) during CSRR are listed
in table 13-1. A CSRR is conducted approximately 60
to 120 days before a ship's deployment, and depending
upon the class of ship being tested, requires 5 to 10
working days to complete. A CSRR on a Naval Reserve
Force ship is conducted approximately 30 to 60 days
before Refresher Training (REFTRA).

Interior Communications
Dry Air
400 Hz Power
Radar Cooling
Sonar Dome Pressurization

An important part of the CSRR is the software

review portion of the test. "Software," for the purposes
of the CSRR, is defined as test equipment, technical
documentation, and supply documentation. The
software review phase may include performance of the

A review of configuration and field changes

applicable to the equipment necessary to support
performance of the required operability tests.

GPETESAT. A review of the ship's general- and

special-purpose electronic test equipment, including
calibration status.

The operational testing portion of the CSRR is

accomplished using current equipment PMS checks as
well as any other existing equipment level tests that
may be necessary.

The software review is conducted by the appropriate NAVSEACEN before the functional equipment testing phase of the CSRR.

PUBSAT. A comparison of the ship's publication

inventory (including the latest changes and revisions)
with the Publication Applicability List (PAL).

At the conclusion of the CSRR, the type commander and any applicable addressees are notified of
test results via the "Quick Look" message format.
Additionally, all parties concerned are provided with a

LOGSAT. A review of the ship's COSAL,

APLs/AELs, and selected repair parts.


The casualty report (CASREP) system has been

designed to support the Chief of Naval Operations and
fleet commanders in the management of assigned
forces. The effective use and support of Navy forces
require an up-to-date, accurate operational status for
each unit. An important part of operational status is
casualty information. With this system, Navy managers
are kept aware of when we need such things as repair
parts or assistance to maintain maximum equipment
efficiency. When casualties are reported, operational
commanders and support personnel are alerted to the
status of significant equipment malfunctions that may
result in the degradation of a unit's readiness. The
CASREP also reports the unit's need for technical
assistance and/or replacement parts to correct the
casualty. Once a CASREP is submitted, CNO, fleet
commanders in chief (FLTCINCs), and the Ships Parts
Control Center (SPCC) receive a hard copy of the
message. Additionally, the CASREP message is
automatically entered into the Navy Status of Forces
data base at each FLTCINC site, and follow-up
messages are forwarded to the CNO data base.

CSRR Detailed Discrepancy Report (fig. 13-3) and a

CSRR Summary Report (fig. 13-4).
It is important that you become actively involved in
an assigned CSRR/CSRT. It is an excellent means of
identifying functional and procedural deficiencies that
may exist within your equipment or work centers.
Detailed guidelines for CSRR/CSRT procedures
demonstrate a working knowledge of the
casualty report system.
As the LPO or LCPO, the number of systems and
ancillary equipment you become involved with is going
to increase. Because of such factors as lack of
experienced personnel, lack of repair parts, or a need of
technical assistance, equipment may remain
inoperative or damaged for extended periods of time.
To alleviate these situations, the Navy has developed
a system of reporting and monitoring equipment

As CASREPs are submitted, managers are able to

monitor the current status of each outstanding casualty.
Through the use of high-speed computers, managers

Figure 13-3.CSRR Detailed Discrepancy Report.


Figure 13-4.CSRR Summary Report.

2. Reduce the unit's ability to perform a

secondary mission (casualties affecting secondary
mission areas are limited to Casualty Category 2).

are able to collect data concerning the history of

malfunctions and effects on readiness. This data is
essential to the maintenance and support of units
dispersed throughout the world.

3. Reduce a training command's ability to provide

a major segment of its program and cannot be corrected
relatively quickly by local action alone.

Unit commanders should be aware that alerting

seniors to their unit's operational limitations, brought
about by equipment casualties, is important in
expediting receipt of replacement parts and in obtaining
technical assistance. Both of these functions of
CASREP are necessary to provide the information
needed in the realm of command and control of U.S.
Navy Forces and to maintain the units in a truly combat
ready status. Unit commanders should not delay or
withhold reports to maintain the unit's readiness rating
artificially at a higher than actual level. Support from
every level, including intermediate and unit
commanders, is essential to maintaining the highest
level of combat readiness throughout the Navy.

The CASREP system contains four different types
of reports: INITIAL, UPDATE, CORRECT, and
CANCEL. These reports of equipment casualties are
submitted using a combination of two or more
messages, depending on the situation and contributing
factors. These four types of reports are described in the
following paragraphs.

A "casualty" is defined as an equipment

malfunction or deficiency that cannot be corrected
within 48 hours and falls into one or more of the
following categories:

The INITIAL CASREP (fig. 13-5) identifies, to

an appropriate level of detail, the status of the casualty,
repair parts (if any are required), and whatever
assistance may be necessary. This information is
essential to allow operational and staff authorities to
apply the proper priority to necessary resources. Each

1. Reduce the unit's ability to perform a primary



P 151744ZAPR82










TECHPUB/NAVSEA 0956-LP-023-0810//



/01 9H5930010506624




/02 9H6630010490947











/01 V033630094W400






/02 V033630094W401









Figure 13-5.Example of and INITIAL CASREP message.


Initial CASREP should contain a CASUALTY set,

followed by one or more sets that convey information
concerning that casualty. Further explanation of the
message sets is provided later in this chapter. An Initial
CASREP should be submitted using the following

reported in the RMKS set for a full 30-day period,

commencing on the earliest date that the unit can
receive the assistance and/or parts. In addition to the
scheduling information, the unit commander may also
report any effect the casualty is expected to have on the
unit's employment during the 30-day period.

1. An Initial CASREP may be submitted if a unit

is in need of outside assistance only; that is, no parts are
required to correct an equipment casualty.

5. An Initial CASREP is used to report the

occurrence of a significant equipment casualty and
provides specific information concerning repair of the

2. When a casualty results from inadequate

general-purpose electronic test equipment (GPETE) or
preventive maintenance (PMS). The affected system
should be the subject of the Initial CASREP with
GPETE or PMS reported as the cause in an AMPN set.

6. Only one initial casualty should be submitted

in the Initial CASREP; best estimates for unavailable
data should be included in the Initial CASREP and
corrected as soon as possible in an Update CASREP.

3. An ASSIST set should be used to report

whether or not a unit requires outside assistance to
repair an equipment casualty.


An UPDATE CASREP (fig. 13-6) is used to report
information similar to that in the Initial CASREP. With
the exception of the CASUALTY and ESTIMATE

4. When a unit requires assistance and/or parts to

repair a casualty, scheduling information should be

P 201234ZAPR82
Figure 13-6.Example of an UPDATE CASREP message.


P 141735Z MAY 82
























DL04 49002//





/03 V033630094W402






/04 V033630094W403








Figure 13-7.Example of a multiple UPDATE CASREP message.


sets, only previously unreported casualty information

or information that has changed (or was reported in
error) need be reported. Information in a previously
reported data set may be changed by merely submitting
the same data set again with the corrected information,
except for the ASSIST, 1PARTS, and 1STRIP sets. An
Update CASREP should be submitted using the
following criteria:
1. There is a need to complete any information
reporting requirements or to revise previously submitted information.
2. The casualty situation changes; that is, the
estimated repair date has changed, parts status has
changed significantly, additional assistance is required,
and so forth.
3. Additional malfunctions are discovered in the
same equipment.
4. All parts ordered to repair the equipment have
been received.
5. Upon receipt of any significant part or equipment, inclusion of the date of receipt is required in the

There should only be one outstanding CASREP for

each item of equipment. Additional problems or
malfunctions on the same item should be reported using
an Update CASREP and do not require the submission
of a new Initial CASREP.
Each casualty being updated in an Update
CASREP should begin with a CASUALTY set,
followed by one or more sets that convey information
concerning that casualty. An AMPN set should be used
(immediately following the ESTIMATE set) to report
the receipt of parts previously reported as being
required to repair a casualty.
Figure 13-7 shows an example of a multiple Update
CASREP message. This type of update may be used
when a number of outstanding CASREPs remain
uncorrected for various reasons.
A CORRECT CASREP (fig. 13-8) is submitted
when equipment that has been the subject of a casualty
report is repaired and back in operational condition.
CASREPs that report the correction of a casualty

P 010914ZJUN82










DL01 132044ZMAY82
DL03 142230ZMAY82

DL02 132044ZMAY82
DL04 142230ZMAY82//

Figure 13-8.Example of a CORRECT CASREP message.


situation should include the following information in an

AMPN set:
1. The delay, expressed in hours, in correcting the
casualty because of parts unavailability caused by the
supply system
2. A final parts status, including a list of all parts
requested and the dates they were received
3. The number of man-hours expended in correcting the casualty
A CANCEL CASREP (fig. 13-9) is submitted
when equipment that has been the subject of casualty
reporting is scheduled to be repaired during an overhaul
period or other scheduled availability. Outstanding
casualties that are not to be repaired during such
availability should not be canceled and remain subject
to normal follow-up procedures. The reason for
cancellation (i.e., the scheduled availability, including
location and date during which a casualty is expected to
be repaired) should be identified in an AMPN set
immediately following the CASUALTY set.
As you can see by the example CASREP messages,
the addressees listed are commands and activities that
are concerned with your unit's casualty. They may be
the commands or activities that will expedite any

assistance or support required. These addressees will

vary with major geographical locations (Pacific,
Atlantic, Mediterranean, etc.). The senior operational
commander, immediate operational commander, and
cognizant type commander should be the action
addressees on all CASREPs. The appropriate aviation
type commander should be included as an information
addressee on all CASREPs from naval air stations and
facilities. Certain other addressees are required to be
included as information addressees when the CASREP
deals with specific equipment types. These addressees
are identified in NWP 10-1-10.
You should use the appropriate AIG (address
indicating group) for information addresses. Other
special action addressees and information addressees
dictated by fleet commanders, type, or other
operational commanders will be included. The
communications and operations officers of your unit
can provide you with the required addressees you will
need when submitting a CASREP.
A casualty category is associated with each
reported equipment casualty. Categories 2, 3, and 4
(category 1 is not used) reflect the operational urgency
or priority of the casualty. The casualty category,
although not a readiness rating, is directly related to the

R 281923ZSEP82










Figure 13-9.Example of a CANCEL CASREP message.


unit's equipment readiness (this information is

explained in OPNAVINST C3501.66, UNITREP) in
those primary and/or secondary missions that are
affected by the casualty.
The casualty category (2, 3, or 4) is based upon the
specific casualty situation being reported and may not
necessarily agree with the unit's overall readiness
status. The casualty category is reported in the
CASUALTY set and is required in all CASREPs.
The selected casualty category should never be
worse than a mission area M-rating reported through
UNITREP for the primary missions affected by the
casualty. Table 13-2 shows the criteria for determining
the casualty category.
A CASREP message consists of one or more data
sets that convey sufficient information to satisfy the
requirements of a particular casualty reporting
situation. These data sets are preceded by a standard
Navy message header consisting of precedence,
addressees, and classification. Specific guidelines for
both the message header and data sets to be used are
contained in NWP-10-1-10, Operational Reports. This
publication also provides detailed information for
typing each kind of casualty report (INITIAL,
UPDATE, CORRECT, or CANCEL) with examples of

different CASREP situations and how to submit the

applicable report for each.
A CASREP message will always be serialized.
This serialization will be the MSGID (message
identification) set, which appears immediately after the
message classification line. The serial numbers are
sequential from 1 through 999 for every CASREP
originated by a unit. These serial numbers should never
be repeated until a new sequence of 1 through 999 has
begun. A new sequence of numbers starts after the unit
has submitted CASREP message number 999.
The date-time-group (DTG) of the message
transmission is the effective time ("as of" time) of the
CASREP. Follow-up CASREP messages (UPDATE,
CORRECT, or CANCEL) should reference the
Because of the importance and priority of CASREP
message transmission, these messages should be
transmitted even under communications MINIMIZE
conditions. The standard naval telecommunications
systems (NTS) service procedures are used in
correcting any messages having transmission errors.
Refer again to the example messages shown in
figures 13-5 through 13-9. Notice that many data sets
(such as MSGID, POSIT, and REF) are used in the
CASREP messages. The following is a list of
authorized data sets as they are used in submitting
CASREP messages:

Table 13-2.Casualty Categories and Criteria




a. A deficiency exists in mission essential equipment which causes a minor

degradation in any primary mission, or a major degradation or total loss of a
secondary mission.*
b. The unit must have reported an Equipment Readiness Resource-Specific Rating
of 2, 3, or 4 in primary missions affected by this casualty.

a. A deficiency exists in mission essential equipment which causes a major

degradation but not the loss of a primary mission.
b. The unit must have reported an Equipment Readiness Resource-Specific Rating
of 3 or 4 for a primary mission affected by this casualty.

a. A deficiency exists in mission essential equipment that is worse than casualty

category 3, and causes a loss of at least one primary mission.
b. The unit must have reported an Equipment Readiness Resource-Specific Rating
of 4 for a primary mission affected by this casualty.

*Casualties affecting a secondary mission will always have a Casualty Category of 2.


who has to draft and submit these reports, so it is

essential that you become familiar with the CASREP




Provide amplifying information concerning the immediately preceding set.


Report the requirement for outside





Identify the type of casualty and the

equipment suffering the casualty.


Report changed information in

columnar data sets (1PARTS and
1STRIP) only.


importance of ordnance management and
administration procedures.


Remove selected CASREP data from

the unit's record. DELETE may be
used only with the ASSIST, 1PARTS,
and 1STRIP sets.

DWNGRADE Provide declassification and/or downgrading instructions for classified


Report the estimated time of casualty

correction and factors that might affect
the estimate.


Report identifying information for all

Navy reporting structure (NRS) messages.


Report parts required to repair an

equipment casualty.


Provide equipment identification information.


Report a unit's present location and

effective date and time.


Identify the Initial CASREP



Provide amplifying information concerning all or a part of the message.

Also, training commands report percentage of lost training and affected


Report equipment MILSTRIP information.


Identify the technical manual that

pertains to a casualty item.

As you can see, a working knowledge of CASREP

procedures is an important tool in the maintenance of
your unit's material and operational readiness. A lot of
care and effort should be made to ensure that CASREP
messages are correctly submitted. You may be the one

You know that there is more to ordnance

accountability than maintaining the ammunition ledger.
You may find yourself in charge of several different
types of ordnance, both ashore and at sea. Because of
budgetary restraints or material availability and
security, the Navy has to maintain very strict
accountability on all ordnance material.
The Conventional Ammunition Integrated
Management System (CAIMS) is the automated data
processing management information system for
conventional ammunition. CAIMS is composed of
large files that contain the various elements of data
required for the worldwide management of the Navy's
expendable non-nuclear ordnance. The data in these
files is processed into reports and other outputs that are
required by various ammunition logistic managers on
Navy staffs and commands throughout the world.
CAIMS is the single point of reference within the U.S.
Navy for the worldwide status and visibility of the
Navy's expendable non-nuclear ordnance data
regardless of inventory management or ownership
Conventional ammunition includes bullets, projectiles, rockets, grenades, torpedoes, bombs, guided
missiles, propellants, primers, fuses, detonators,
charges of conventional explosives, and chemical or
other materials excluding nuclear material. All
component parts thereof must also be considered
conventional ammunition.
The ordnance material specifically included by
CAIMS is listed by the ordnance management
cognizance symbols shown in table 13-3.
Worldwide ammunition asset and expenditure
recording is accomplished through CAIMS by the use
of a computer located at SPCC, Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania. The computer uses a series of remote
terminals via a secure network to disseminate data
rapidly. Expansion of this telecommunications network


Table 13-3.Ordnance Management Cognizant Systems and Materials






USMC-Owned Conventional




Conventional Air Ammunition




Conventional Surface and

Underwater Ammunition




ALM (Air Launched Missile)





Torpedoes, Torpedo
Components, and ASROC
(Antisubmarine Rockets)




Underwater Mines and





Air Launched Guided Missiles

and Components




SUBROC (Submarine Rocket)





Surface Launched Guided

Missiles and Components







is constantly ongoing. CAIMS users have continuously

updated worldwide ammunition asset information
available to them. If a ship anywhere in the world is
ordered on a mission, CAIMS can be queried by remote
terminal to determine the status of the ship's
ammunition load out.
CAIMS data distribution is not limited to activities
having a CAIMS terminal. Hard-cover listings,
computer tapes, and microfiche reports are furnished to
hundreds of activities having a need for this information.
Reporting into CAIMS is accomplished by
two means: (1) TIR (Transaction Item Reporting)
by AUTODIN (Automatic Digital Network) for
CONUS activities according to SPCCINST P8010.12,
Policy, Procedures, Responsibilities for Supply Management of Conventional Ammunition; and (2) message reporting for fleet

8010.4/COMNAVLOGPACINST 8015.1. The validity

of CAIMS data is directly related to the care and
accuracy with which the various ships and activities
report their data to SPCC.
SPCCINST P8010.12, as inferred by the title,
provides policy, procedural, and responsibility
guidelines for the supply management of conventional
ordnance. While portions of this instruction apply
primarily to CONUS shore activities, it also provides a
considerable amount of information valuable to fleet
users, such as ammunition definitions and codes,
procedures for fleet retrograde of ammunition,
requisitioning procedures, allowance list information,
and procedures for manual stock recording for
nonautomated activities.
Ammunition support received by the fleet is
directly related to the Navy's ability to justify its
ammunition budget requests. Since CAIMS data
provides the basis for this justification, it should be


noted that fleet support is related to the timeliness and

accuracy of fleet transactions reported into the CAIMS.
It should also be emphasized that the need for
coordination and close cooperation between weapons
and supply department personnel in ammunition
management is a necessity if the CAIMS is to operate
efficiently and correctly.
Activities report in the fleet format report on an
"as occurring" basis via naval message. The data
reported includes receipts, issues, combat expenditures, training expenditures, losses and gains by
inventory, transfers out of the system, test and
evaluation expenditures, and disposal. These activities
also report serial and lot data for maintenance of the
Master Serial/Lot Item File (MSF). Document numbers
are reported for receipts from major shore activities to
maintain the "in transit" files.
Naval weapon stations, naval air stations, and other
ordnance activities ashore report by TIR on a daily
basis. These activities use the full range of TIR
Ammunition Transaction Reporting
The most important file maintenance function of
the CAIMS is performed by the asset reporters. This
function is accomplished through the submission of
Ammunition Transaction Reports (ATRs). An ATR
should be submitted for any action that affects the
on-hand quantity of conventional ammunition (e.g.,
issues, receipts, expenditures, and inventory gains or
losses). Any stock adjustment exceeding 1 percent of
assets should be justified with an appropriate explanation.
To minimize the reporting burden of the fleet, you
should submit ammunition transaction reports only to
SPCC, which will serve as the central repository for this
information. All requests for Navy ammunition data
will be fulfilled by SPCC (based upon CNO approval).
Information addressees on fleet ATRs will be held to
the minimum required for operational reasons, except
that fleet commanders will be information addressees
on all transaction reports.
Each reporting activity is responsible for the
accuracy of CAIMS data for its particular unit.
Inventory managers have a responsibility for ensuring
the accuracy of CONUS assets listed in the CAIMS.
Fleet logistic agents have a responsibility for ensuring
the accuracy of listed fleet assets. All CAIMS users
have an obligation to pursue apparent errors in the

CAIMS data base and ensure their correction whenever

It is important to recognize that fleet support for
ammunition is directly related to the timeliness and
accuracy of fleet transaction reporting into the CAIMS.
Accuracy in this reporting process cannot be
The CAIMS data base is updated daily. Insofar as
possible, transaction reports must be submitted on an
as-occurring basis within 24 hours of the transaction. A
report should not be delayed several days to justify or
correct discrepancies. Prompt reporting should be
accomplished and followed by a corrected report, if
A simple checkbook procedure is used for fleet
reporting in an effort to minimize errors. Each
transaction begins by reporting the opening balance,
which must agree with the last reported closing
balance. If it does not, an error message is sent to the
reporting activity. Reconciliations are accomplished by
message on an exception basis. Reconciliation procedures provide that a reconciliation transaction report,
to confirm on-hand balances, should be submitted by
the ship or unit for items having no activity in a
6-month period. All asset balances in CAIMS should be
reconciled at least every 6 months.
As described before, reports of ammunition
transactions form the basis for the maintenance of the
CAIMS data file, which, in turn, is the sole source of
asset and expenditure information for ammunition
logistics management. The high cost and limited
availability of many munitions create a need at all levels
of command for continuous, intensive, and careful
management of ammunition. This can only be
accomplished if the CAIMS data file is current and
reliable. Therefore, it is extremely important for
individual ATRs to be accurately prepared and
forwarded in a timely manner. ATRs are normally
forwarded by routine messageNOT by NAVGRAM
or naval letter.
The ATR is prepared in a prescribed message
format and transmitted electrically. The message report
consists of 7 paragraphs. Paragraphs 1 through 5
identify the number of transactions being reported, the
serial number of the report, the UIC of the reporting
activity, the action class code (ACT) of the reporting
activity, and the date of the transaction, respectively.
Paragraph 6 provides specific information on the type
of transaction, type of material, quantity of material
involved in the transaction(s), on-hand assets of the


material, and other data pertinent to the transaction.

This section may contain one or more lines. Each line
corresponds to a single transaction involving one type
of material. All reportable transactions should be
included in this paragraph whether or not the items are
included in paragraph 7 of the report. Paragraph 7 is for
remarks concerning weapon serial numbers and other
explanatory data, as required. Figure 13-10 shows a
typical ATR, reporting the receipt of ammunition from
a shore activity.

components. SLIT reporting is required of both the

receiving and issuing ships when an intership transfer is
involved. The receiving/issuing ship must address each
other for information on ATR message submissions.
This requirement enables each ship to verify the
transfers, correct any discrepancies, and submit the
appropriate modified ATRs to SPCC.
All items that require SLIT reporting are contained in publication TW010-AA-ORD-010/NAVAIR

Again, detailed reporting procedures, report

format, and requisitioning procedures are provided
in CINCLANTFLTINST 8010.4 and COMNAVLOGPACINST 8015.1. Dependent upon which fleet
you are operating with, these instructions are the
primary directives used in submitting ATRs.


calibration and repair of test/measuring equipment.

Serial/Lot Item Tracking

Serial/Lot Item Tracking (SLIT) is required for airand surface-launch missiles and boosters. SLIT
provides for the complete tracking of certain items
from birth to death by their unique serial or lot number.
Fleet units must SLIT-report on-loads from or
off-loads to CONUS shore activities. They must also
report intership transfers, expenditures, and condition
code changes of all-up-rounds (AURs) and their

In the typical weapon system work center, there are

several different devices (tools, test sets, and gauges)
that are used to measure some component or function to
a required standard. If these measuring devices are not
maintained within the designed operating parameters, it
only follows that your equipment will not function
within its designed specifications. Three types of test,
measuring, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) are used
with which you will be concerned:

R 152332Z JUN 84















UIC 03368/0




DATE 84166/5









Figure 13-10.ATR showing receipt from a shore activity.


1. Electronic Test Equipment (ETE). Electronic test equipment is broken down into two
a. General-Purpose Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE). General-purpose electronic test
equipment has the capability, without modification, to
generate, modify, or measure a range of parameters of
electronic functions required to test two or more
equipments or systems of basically different designs.
An oscilloscope would be classified as GPETE.
b. Special-Purpose Electronic Test Equipment (SPETE). Special-purpose electronic test
equipment is specifically designed to generate, modify,
or measure a range of parameters of electronic
functions of a specific or peculiar nature required to test
a single prime equipment or system. An example of a
SPETE is the Mk 363 Missile Electrical System Test
Set (MESTS) used with the ASROC launcher.
2. Electrical Test Equipment. Electrical test
equipment is any device that is specifically designed
and primarily used to measure the basic parameters of
current, voltage, resistance, and frequency of electrical
power distribution equipment or systems. An example
of electrical test equipment is a multimeter.
3. Mechanical Test Instrument (MTI). A
mechanical test instrument is any device that is used to
test, inspect, or diagnose a range of parameters in the
measurement areas of pressure, temperature, flow,
linear, optical, torque, weight, mass, and vibration.
Torque wrenches, flow control metering valves,
pressure gauges, and thermometers are just a few of the
devices that are classified as MTIs.
The Navy Metrology and Calibration (METCAL)
Program was instituted to help provide calibration
facilities so that sophisticated equipment, precise
standards, and laboratory conditions would be
available. Various echelons of calibration activities
were established to meet these calibration
requirements. These echelons are integrated so that
each level activity has traceable standards tied to the
highest standards available for calibration. We will
describe the following calibration echelons:
National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
Metrology Engineering Center (MEC)

Navy Standards LaboratoryType I

Navy Standards LaboratoryType II
Navy Calibration Laboratory (NCL)
Fleet Calibration Laboratory (FCL)
Field Calibration Activity (FCA)
National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) is the
chartered agency of the federal government having
custody of the nation's basic physical standards
(national standards). It provides the common reference
for all measurements made within the scope of the
Navy calibration program and certifies the Navy
standards submitted by the Navy Type I Standards
Laboratories according to an approved schedule.
Metrology Engineering Center (MEC)
The Metrology Engineering Center (MEC) is an
engineering group responsible for the technical
coordination of the Navy calibration program. It is
under the management control and technical
guidance of the Naval Sea Systems Command
(NAVSEASYSCOM). The Metrology Engineering
Center is located at the Naval Industrial Reserve
Ordnance Plant, Pomona, California, and is under the
military command of the Naval Plant Representative
Office, Pomona, California.
Navy Standards LaboratoryType I
The Type I laboratories maintain the highest
standards within the Navy calibration program. They
maintain and disseminate measurements of the highest
accuracy within the program. They obtain calibration
services from NBS and provide calibration of
laboratory standards and associated measuring
equipment received from Type II standards laboratories
and calibration laboratories.
Navy Standards LaboratoryType II
The Type II laboratories furnish the second highest
calibration services to assigned geographic areas
within the naval establishment. They obtain standard
calibration services from the cognizant Type I Navy
Standards Laboratory and calibrate laboratory
standards and associated measurement equipment
received from lower echelon laboratories.


Navy Calibration Laboratory (NCL)

NCLs are located in shipyards, ship repair
facilities, and at various NAVELEX field activities. An
NCL is usually made up of a Reference Standards
Laboratory (RSL) and one or more Local Standards
Laboratories (LSLs). The RSL is a Type II laboratory.
The LSL normally receives calibration from the RSL.
Field Calibration Laboratory (FCL)
The FCLs are established aboard tenders and repair
ships and at selected shore activities. They provide
calibration for fleet-held and selected shore-based
activities' test equipment. The equipment submitted for
calibration by ships will be funded by the shore activity
or its sponsor.
Field Calibration Activity (FCA)
The Field Calibration Activity (FCA) segment of
the Navy calibration program was established to extend
calibration-support capability to selected ships and
shore activities to ensure the accuracy and reliability of
electronic test and measuring equipment. It also
permits users to calibrate certain items of their own
low-accuracy, high-volume electronic test equipment.
A complete FCA consists of suitable working
spaces, field calibration packages, trained personnel,
and the necessary support documentation, such as the
Metrology Requirements List (METRL) and instrument
calibration procedures (ICPs). The ICPs are provided
as maintenance requirement cards and as NAVAIR
17-20 VQ series procedures.
The preceding section explained the calibration
echelons established for calibration of test equipment.
Now let's take a look at an important calibration
program called the Metrology Automated System for
Uniform Recall and Reporting (MEASURE) Program.
The MEASURE Program is an automated data
processing system designed to provide a standardized
system for the recall and scheduling of test equipment
into calibration facilities. It was developed to support
the Department of the Navy's Metrology and
Calibration (METCAL) Program in an effort to ensure
that all equipment requiring calibration and servicing is
submitted to a calibration activity on a timely basis and

thus is maintained to a maximum level of efficiency and

dependability. In addition, the system provides documentation of actions performed by the calibration
The initial cycle of MEASURE begins with the
completion of the inventory forms for equipment held
by an activity (fig. 13-11). These forms are forwarded
to the cognizant MEASURE data processing facility
(DPF) to establish the data base. The activity holding
the test equipment is then provided a printed inventory
and a set of preprinted Metrology Equipment Recall
and Report (METER) cards (fig. 13-12). The
MEASURE cycle is completed when the cognizant
METCAL representative provides recall schedules to
the activity holding the test equipment and to the
concerned calibration activities. As equipment is
gained or lost, more inventory forms and METER cards
are processed or deleted, the data base is kept current,
and the system continues to cycle.
Through the submission of METER cards, each
activity must promptly update its recorded inventory;
that is, the inventory data maintained in the computer
data base by the MEASURE Operational Control
Center (MOCC) and the Control Data Base Facility
(CDBF), Concord, California. In this manner, calibration requirements can be projected in enough time to
permit their incorporation into the next recall schedule.
If the inventory is not updated promptly, new activity
items will have to be rescheduled or be submitted to a
calibration activity for unscheduled calibration upon
prior approval of the cognizant METCAL authority.
The MEASURE Program provides management
personnel with a wide variety of valuable information
on fleet readiness, budget and funding information, and
calibration problems.
MEASURE products and formats have been
designed to meet the information requirements of
several levels of management. Many MEASURE formats are forwarded automatically by the MOCC or
CDBF to the activities on a regular basis. Such
distribution is based upon the type and level of those
activities and upon established requirements. Others,
however, are available only upon the receipt of an
approved request from the cognizant METCAL
authority. Accordingly, activities needing a particular
format that is not being received automatically should
forward the requirement to the cognizant METCAL
authority for approval. Any such request should include
a justification of the need for the format and a statement
indicating the frequency at which the format is


Figure 13-11.MEASURE TMDE Inventory Report Form.

Figure 13-12.OPNAV Form 4790/58, MEASURE METER Card.


Just as the 3-M Systems generate automated data

and reports, so also does the MEASURE Program. The
following MEASURE products are distributed
automatically to activities by the MOCC and/or CDBF
at the intervals shown below:
Format 215

Unmatched Listing

As required

Format 310

Test Equipment Inventory Monthly

Format 350

Test Equipment Inventory Monthly

in Subcustodian Order

Format 802

Recall Schedule and

"On-Site" Equipment


Format 802

Recall Schedule and

"Equipment due in


Replenishment preprinted As required

METER cards
Blank METER cards

Initial issue

For detailed information on the MEASURE

Program (including the above listed formats), refer to
the Metrology Automated System for Uniform Recall
and Reporting (MEASURE) User's Manual, OPNAV
43P6A, commonly called the MEASURE User's
Equipment Calibration Status
The Navy calibration program has a series of
distinctive labels and tags for indicating the calibration
or serviceability status of all Navy test and
measuring equipment. All calibration personnel
and equipment users should be familiar with each
label and tag and its meaning. Labels of
different nomenclature, color combinations, and
shapes have been designed to help users identify
the calibration status. These labels and tags
should be used by all participants in the Navy
METCAL Program and should be affixed
to all Navy standards and test/measuring
equipment. NAVAIR 17-35MTL-1/NAVELEX
0969-LP-133-2101/NAVSEA OD 45845, Metrology

Requirements List (METRL), lists Navy calibration

procedures and intervals for all laboratory standards
and test/measuring equipment. Only equipment
actually used for quantitative measurements requires
calibration. The Department of the Navy Metrology and
Calibration (METCAL) Program (NAVELEX
Instruction 4355.2) permits the custodians of test
and measuring equipment to obtain and affix
labels to test/measuring equipment. The METRL also
identifies test and measuring equipments that are
known to require cali- bration. Assistance in
identifying other test/measuring equipment in this
category is available from the respective METCAL
group, from the systems commands' designated
representatives, or from the Metrology Engineering
Center (MEC). Examples of all labels and tags used in
the METCAL Program are described and illustrated in
the following paragraphs.
13-13, black lettering with a white background) comes
in two different sizes and is the most commonly used
label in the Navy METCAL Program. It indicates that
the instrument to which it is affixed is within its
applicable tolerance on all parameters. If there are any
qualifying conditions for use of the instrument, one of
the other labels should be used.
13-14, red lettering with a white background) also
comes in two sizes. It is used when you must know
actual measurement values and associated uncertainties
to use the instrument.
SPECIAL CALIBRATION labels (fig. 13-15, black
lettering with a yellow background), differing in size
and content. There is also a SPECIAL CALIBRATION
tag, which is used with the smaller of the two labels.
The SPECIAL CALIBRATION label is to be used
whenever there is some unusual or special condition in
the calibration that should be drawn to the attention of
the user and/or calibrating activity. Examples of special


Figure 13-13.CALIBRATED labels.


the attenuator in a signal generator may require

calibration every 12 months, whereas the rest of the
instrument parameters should be calibrated every
4 months. Since the attenuator calibration is
time-consuming and may require unavailable
standards, use of the multiple-interval approach can
save many man-hours and can permit the more frequent
calibration to be performed at a lower level laboratory.
When a specific instrument has been designated for
multiple calibration intervals, such information is
provided in the applicable calibration procedure. The
SPECIAL CALIBRATION label or tag should be
annotated as Multiple Interval, and the type of
calibration performed should be indicated (i.e., partial 1
of 2, 2 of 2, or complete calibration). The calibration
due date reflects the due date of the next partial or
complete calibration, as the case may be.
Figure 13-15.SPECIAL CALIBRATION labels and tag.

conditions are deviations from usual calibration

tolerances, multiple calibration intervals, or a
requirement for in-place calibration. The special
condition that resulted in the special calibration should
be described directly on the large label where sufficient
space is available to mount the label on the instrument.
When there is only enough space for the small label on
the instrument, this condition should be described on
the tag. The following paragraphs briefly describe the
situations that may require the use of the SPECIAL
Deviation from Specifications.In cases where
the user does not require full-instrument capability, the
calibration could be performed to reduce tolerances or
cover less than all ranges and parameters. This
approach is often used when the instrument does not
meet full-calibration tolerances on certain ranges or
parameters but can still meet user requirements. On the
other hand, the special calibration may be for higher
accuracy than usual on a short-term basis upon the
specific request of the user. In many cases, users should
be requesting special calibration because of deviation
from specifications. For example, the user sends an
instrument in for full calibration but will never use it
over its full range. The user should have requested
special calibration of the instrument to cover only the
ranges needed. If this is accomplished Navywide,
thousands of calibration hours and dollars could be

Calibrated in Place.Some instruments should

be calibrated in place. Annotation on the SPECIAL
CALIBRATION label or tag and MEASURE format
should alert both the user and the calibration activity
that the instrument should not be removed but should be
calibrated where it is actually installed.
USER CALIBRATION.The user should calibrate some test/measuring equipments instead of
referring the instruments to a calibration facility. For
example, some instruments, such as hardness testers
and densitometers, are provided with their own
standards and should be calibrated each time they are
used or at least on a frequent basis. Instruments, such as
oscillographic recorders, may require calibration
before, during, and after each use. Some automatic
instruments have self-calibration tests that should be
performed each time they are used. Still other
instruments may require calibration as part of
check-out procedures performed daily or weekly.
These calibrations should be recorded in maintenance
logs. Whenever recognized, the requirement for
calibration by the user and the calibration interval are
indicated in the METRL. The USER CALIBRATION
label (fig. 13-16, black lettering with a white

Multiple Calibration Intervals.Some instruments have components that require calibration less
frequently than the rest of the instrument. For example,


Figure 13-16.USER CALIBRATION label.

background) is affixed when the calibration is

performed by the user. This label is not replaced at each
calibration. When the label is first affixed to the
instrument, it is annotated as to the appropriate
calibration intervals. Records of calibrations performed
(when calibration is performed other than each time the
instrument is used) should be by normal maintenance
practices, such as maintenance logs and maintenance
action forms.
INACTIVE.If an individual instrument due for
recalibration will not be used for some time in the
future, the user may indefinitely postpone the
recalibration by affixing an INACTIVE label (fig.
13-17, green lettering with a white background) to the
instrument. The INACTIVE label remains on the
instrument until it is recalibrated. The instrument
should not be used while it is bearing an INACTIVE
label. The inactivation of test equipment occurs most
commonly when a ship is in an overhaul status and the
test equipment has been removed from the ship and
stored in an environmentally safe location.
and test/measuring instruments not requiring
calibration are shown as NCR in the Metrology
Requirements List (METRL). The CALIBRATION
NOT REQUIRED label (fig. 13-18, orange letters with
a white background) is affixed on the instrument and
should remain there indefinitely unless its calibration
requirements are changed. If an instrument is not listed
in the METRL, you should use the following criteria (as
listed in the METRL) to decide if the instrument should


known or calibrated sources of performance within

required limits.
When you determine that an instrument falls into
should annotate the label as to the authority for the
decision, such as METRL, the applicable technical
manual, and letters or messages from higher authority.
REJECTED.If an instrument fails to meet the
acceptance criteria during calibration and cannot be
adequately repaired, a REJECTED label (fig. 13-19,
black letters with a red background) is placed on the
instrument and all other servicing labels are removed.
In addition to the REJECTED label, a REJECTED tag,
giving the reason for rejection, is attached to the
instrument. This rejection is also entered onto the
MEASURE format of the instrument. The REJECTED
label and tag remain on the instrument until it is
repaired and recalibrated. The instrument should not be
used while bearing a REJECTED label.

The instrument does not make quantitative

measurements nor does it provide quantified outputs.
The instrument is "fail-safe" in that any operation
beyond the specified tolerances will be apparent to
the user.
All measurement circuits are monitored during use
by calibrated instruments or are dependent on external

Figure 13-19.REJECTED label and tag.

Figure 13-17.INACTIVE label.



(fig. 13-20, black letters with a white background) is
placed over readily accessible (usually exterior)
adjustments to prevent tampering by the user when
such tampering could affect the calibration. The label
should not be used to cover adjustments or controls that
are part of the normal use or operation of the
instrument. This label may also be used to prevent
removal and/or interchange of plug-ins, modules, and
subassemblies when such removal or interchange will
affect the calibration.
Repair of Test/Measuring Equipment
Test equipment corrective maintenance is the
correction of test equipment troubles, including the
repair of an item after a complete breakdown, finding of
faults during preventive maintenance, or the tuning and
adjustment of an item to restore it to operating condition.
Many fleet activities are reluctant to repair electronic test equipment. However, the Navy expects fleet
personnel to perform a certain amount of maintenance
and repair of their own test equipment whenever
possible. The parts needed to make repairs may already
be aboard the ship. It will often be your responsibility to
decide when a piece of test equipment should be
repaired and who should repair it. You will need to
consider the following factors.
Much of the test equipment now being used by
naval activities is expensive and is built and calibrated
to a high degree of precision. Repair often requires
special laboratory facilities and skill. Although each
activity should accomplish all repairs within its
capabilities, the lack of qualified personnel or adequate
facilities limits the kinds of repairs each activity should
attempt. Repairs attempted by unqualified maintenance
personnel or personnel working in inadequate facilities
could result in extensive damage to equipment.
Therefore, you should evaluate each piece of test



equipment to determine if your personnel should make

the repairs, especially when maintenance of test
equipment requires repair of critical calibration or
frequency-determining circuits. When repairs are
accomplished locally, technical manual procedures
should be followed carefully; the repair and assembly
of parts should be meticulous. When your personnel
cannot make the repairs or when the necessary post
verification is beyond the capabilities and facilities of
repair personnel, the equipment should be forwarded to
the nearest maintenance activity that has the proper
Calibration laboratories are authorized to make
only incidental repairs, defined as those found
necessary during calibration to bring the item within
specified tolerances. Before submitting an inoperative
item of test/measuring equipment for repair to the
maintenance activity, you should note all faults,
symptoms, and any other malfunction characteristics
on an OPNAV Form 4790/2K and submit the
2K through the proper channels for repair-action
aspects of physical security of GM spaces and
classified material.
It is the responsibility of all personnel in the Navy
to safeguard military information. Since you may often
require the use of classified matter in your work, an
understanding of the proper safeguards and control of
such matter is essential.
The Department of the Navy Information Security
Program Regulations, OPNAVINST 5510.1 (latest
revision), is the controlling guide in safeguarding
classified information. There is no adequate substitute
for continuous day-to-day practice in the proper
methods of handling classified material.
Classified information or material may be used
only where the proper control facilities are available or
under conditions adequate to prevent unauthorized
persons from gaining access to it. The exact nature of
security requirements depends on a thorough security
evaluation of local conditions and circumstances.
Security requirements must permit the accomplishment
of essential functions while affording classified
information appropriate security. The requirements that
follow represent the minimum acceptable standards.


Custodians of classified material should be
responsible for safeguarding the material at all times,
and particularly, for locking classified material in
appropriate security containers whenever it is not in use
or under the direct supervision of authorized persons.
Custodians should follow procedures which ensure that
unauthorized persons do not gain access to classified
information or material by sight or sound or other
means. Classified information should not be discussed
with, or in the presence of, unauthorized persons.
Classified information or material should not be
removed from an officially designated office or
working area for the purpose of working on such
material during off-duty hours. Holding classified
material for purposes involving personal convenience
is not authorized unless specifically approved by the
commanding officer or his or her designee. Prior to
approval being granted, it must be determined that
a compelling necessity exists,
the required physical security can be provided, and
a complete list of the removed material will be left
with the command.
Buildings and spaces containing classified information must be afforded the security measures
necessary to prevent unauthorized personnel from
gaining access to it. This includes the security measures
necessary to prevent persons outside the building or
spaces from viewing or hearing classified information.

3. Preliminary drafts, carbon sheets, plates,

stencils, stenographic notes, work sheets, and all
similar material containing classified information
either should be destroyed by an approved method for
destroying classified material immediately after they
have served their purposes or will be given the same
classification and safeguarded in the same manner as
the classified material they produced.
4. Typewriter ribbons used in typing classified
material should be protected in the same manner as
required for the highest level of classification for which
they have been used. Also, they must be destroyed as
classified waste. The following are exceptions:
a. After the upper and lower sections have
been cycled through the machine five times in the
course of regular typing, all fabric ribbons may be
treated as unclassified regardless of their classified use
b. Any typewriter ribbon that remains
substantially stationary in the typewriter until it has
received at least five consecutive impressions may be
treated as unclassified.
Your command should require a security check at
the end of each working day to ensure that all classified
material is properly secured. The security check should
determine the following:
1. All classified material is stored in the manner
2. Burn bags are properly stored or destroyed.


3. The contents of wastebaskets that contain

classified material have been properly stored or

During working hours, you should take precautions

to prevent access to classified information by unauthorized persons. Among the necessary precautions
are the following:

4. Classified shorthand notes, carbon paper,

carbon and plastic typewriter ribbons, rough drafts, and
similar papers have been properly stored or destroyed.

1. Classified documents, when removed from

storage for working purposes, will be kept under
constant surveillance and facedown or covered when
not in use. Classified material cover sheets, such as
OPNAV Form 5216/96, may be used for this purpose.

5. Security containers have been locked by the

responsible custodians. The dial of the combination
locks should be rotated at least four complete times in
the same direction when securing safes, files, or

2. Classified information will be discussed only

when unauthorized persons cannot overhear the

The security check should be made a matter of

record with the record retained at least until the next
security check is conducted. Optional Form 62 may be
used for this purpose.


security classification equal to the highest category of

the classified material authorized to be stored in it.


Commanding officers are responsible for
safeguarding all classified material within their
commands and for ensuring that classified material not
in actual use by appropriately cleared personnel, or
under their direct personal observation, is stored in the
manner prescribed for that material.
As a leading Gunner's Mate, you should ensure that
any weakness or deficiency found in containers being
used for the protection of classified material is reported
to the proper authority.
Because they increase the risk of theft, valuables
should not be stored with classified material.
Containers should not have external markings that
indicate the level of classified information stored
within. For identification purposes, however, the
exterior of each container should bear an assigned
number or symbol.

Knowledge of, or access to, the combination of a

vault or container used for the storage of classified
material should be given only to those appropriately
cleared persons who are authorized access to the
classified information stored therein and have an
operational use for it.
Records of combinations should be sealed in an
envelope (OPNAV Form 5511/2 may be used) and kept
on file by the security manager, duty officer,
communications officer, or other person designated by
the command.
When key-operated high-security padlocks are
used, the keys should be controlled as classified
material of a classification equal to the classification of
the material being protected and should be safeguarded
as follows:
1. A key and lock custodian should be appointed
to ensure proper custody and handling of keys and
locks used for protecting classified material.

Combinations to security containers should be

changed only by individuals cleared for the highest
level of classified material in the container.
Combinations should be changed under any of the
following circumstances:

2. A key and lock control register should be

maintained to identify keys for each lock and their
current location and custodian.

1. When the container is first placed in use after


4. Keys should be inventoried with each change

of custodian.

2. Whenever an individual knowing the combination no longer requires access.

5. Keys should not be removed from the


3. When the combination has been compromised

or the security container has been discovered unlocked
and unattended.

6. Keys and spare locks should be protected in a

security container.

4. At least annually, unless a more frequent

change is dictated by the type of material stored therein.
5. When the container is taken out of service.
Built-in combination locks should be reset to the
standard combination 50-25-50. Combination padlocks
will be reset to the standard combination 10-20-30.
In selecting combination numbers, multiples of 5,
simple ascending or descending arithmetical series,
personal data, such as birth dates, and serial numbers
should be avoided. The same combination should not
be used for more than one container in any one
component of the command.
The combination of a vault or container used for the
storage of classified material should be assigned a

3. Keys and locks should be audited each month.

7. Locks should be changed or rotated at least

annually, and should be replaced upon loss or
compromise of their keys.
8. Master key is prohibited.
A record should be maintained for each vault,
secure room, or container used for storing classified
material. This record should show the location, and the
names, home address, and home telephone numbers of
persons having knowledge of the combination to the
storage facility. GSA Optional Form 63 or OPNAV
Form 5511/30 may be attached to the container to
identify the custodian. When Optional Form 63 is used,
a privacy act statement should be provided to those
listed and their consent obtained before any prominent
display is allowed.


Electrically actuated locks (e.g., cipher and

magnetic strip card locks) do not afford the degree of
protection required for classified information and
should not be used as the locking device on security

machines for the printing, the duplication, or the

reproduction of classified material and to assure the
proper recording and safeguarding of the classified
material reproduced by such means. In no event,
however, should classified material be reproduced
without the approval of competent authority.
Destruction of Classified Material

Classified information is normally prepared,

printed, and reproduced by Department of the Navy or
Department of Defense facilities. When this is not
possible, the preparation, the printing, and the
reproduction of classified information is authorized by
the following:

For instructions regarding the destruction of

classified material, refer to OPNAVINST 5510.1 (latest
different types of training available to GMs and
the importance of each.

1. For Top Secret material:

a. Only as specifically approved by the
Director, Navy Publications and Printing Service.
2. For Secret and Confidential material:
a. Government Printing Office
b. In commercial facilities having an active
facility clearance at least as high as the classified
information to be processed and obtained according to
the requirements of the Department of Defense
industrial security regulation and when specifically
approved by the Director, Navy Publications and
Printing Service.
Printing, Duplication, and Reproduction of
Classified Material
The Director, Navy Publications and Printing
Service, is responsible to the Commander, Naval
Supply Systems Command, for the technical guidance
and distribution of all Navy classified publications.
From a security viewpoint, the printing, the
duplication, or the reproduction of classified material
poses many problems: (1) it contributes to the
increasing volume of classified material; (2) it permits
quick and easy production of uncontrolled material
containing classified information; (3) the equipment or
processes require care or special procedures to prevent
or eliminate latent impressions or offset versions of the
classified information; and (4) a quantity of excess and
waste material is produced, which can contribute to
compromise of the classified information. Therefore,
local commands must require close supervision and
careful control of all reproduction facilities under their
jurisdiction. Of particular importance is the need to
control and supervise the use of office copying

Because of the mission of the Navy, warships and

aircraft are equipped with highly complicated devices
used for the detection, engagement, and destruction of
the enemy. To achieve the designed degree of
effectiveness, highly skilled personnel are needed to
maintain and operate this equipment. Naturally, these
skills are obtained through the various training
programs provided by the Navy. The basis of all
training is the development of these skills within the
individual. Group training can only be accomplished if
all individuals involved have been trained to the basic
level of knowledge of the required skills. For example,
before a damage control party can perform efficiently,
each member should be qualified at his or her assigned
position within that party. These qualified individuals
can now be trained to work together as a team,
performing a procedure based on several independent
As a supervisor, you are going to be very heavily
involved in the process of training personnel. Your
involvement may include any number of
proceduresfrom the planning of these training
programs to the actual training of personnel. Generally,
training is considered to be one of two typesformal or
The best definition of formal training is training
that is conducted off the ship or out of your unit. A
Sailor's first exposure to formal training is recruit
training. Once he or she leaves boot camp, training
really begins in earnest. The first duty assignment may
be to a class A school to get initial rate training. This is


followed by an assignment to a new command, which

may or may not involve assignment to other rate or
duty-related training. For example, a person could
possibly attend a class C school directly after
graduating from an A school. He or she could be
assigned to a precommissioning school or a damage
control school. Other formal training is provided by
such activities as fleet training groups (FTGs), mobile
technical units (MOTUs), or nuclear weapons training
groups (NWTGs).
Naval commands frequently send their personnel to
TAD to formal schools to upgrade their skills in all
areas of performance including military, in-rate, and
administration. The Catalog of Navy Training Courses
(CANTRAC), NAVEDTRA 10500, lists all formal
courses of instruction offered to naval personnel. This
catalog is published in microfiche form and contains
the following information about each of the courses

comfortable for you. Remember that correspondence

courses are not limited to training in a particular
rate/rating. Several hundred courses are available,
covering a large number of technical, administrative,
and scholastic skills. A complete list of correspondence
courses available is contained in the Catalog of
Nonresident Training Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.
Assist Visits
Traditionally, an assist visit is viewed as a working
inspection; but this is far from true. The real purpose of
an assist team is to observe your operations or
performance and provide instruction to correct any
problem areas observed. These assist visits are
conducted by activities, such as MOTU, NAVSEA,
FTG, or even by factory representatives investigating
equipment problems. As a rule, an assist visit is not a
graded evolution; it is provided to help you in preparing
for an operational evolution.

Course location
On-the-Job Training (OJT)

Course length
Class school (A, C, or P)
How frequently the course convenes
Purpose of the course
Scope of the course
Prerequisites for personnel attending the course
Quota control information
Reporting destination
The CANTRAC is normally maintained by the
educational services officer (ESO).
For all practical purposes, informal training can
also be called shipboard training because it is
conducted within the working environment. Many
different types of informal training can be conducted,
but to describe them all here would be impractical.
Instead, some of the more frequently used types are
identified in the following paragraphs to make you
aware of how extensive informal training really is.
Navy Correspondence Courses
In most cases, Navy correspondence courses are a
prerequisite to taking an advancement examination.
You are working on one right now. They can be
completed at your leisure and at a pace that is

On-the-job training is the most common form of

informal training available. It is also the easiest,
because, in most cases, it is provided while performing
in the working environment. Although the basics of
most tasks can be provided in the classroom, nothing
can replace the hands-on experience gained in learning
about any particular task, watch station, or a piece of
equipment. OJT is usually provided during drills,
watches, and actual operational evolutions. Ships'
crews are largely made up of experienced technicians.
As one of those senior technicians, it is your
responsibility to pass on your skills and expertise to
those you work with to maintain and improve the
maximum efficiency of your unit. One of the better
aspects of OJT is that while a person is being trained on
the job, he or she is also undergoing other forms of
informal training at the same time. For example, if a
person is standing a watch under your instruction, he or
she is also learning and demonstrating the required
PQS skills for that watch station. He or she may also be
receiving instructions or information that may be
provided through general military training.
General Navy Training (GNT)
General Navy training is conducted at every unit
for virtually everyone in the Navy. GNT is used to make
personnel aware of all the knowledges and skills
necessary to function from day to day within the Navy
environment. In other words, information is passed that


should become general knowledge to all naval

personnel. A wide variety of subjects are covered
through GNT and to list them all would be nearly
impossible. You should know, however, that each
command is responsible for maintaining a GNT
program. Guidelines governing the organization and
implementation of the GNT program are provided in
the unit's Standard Organization and Regulations
Manual (SORM).
Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)
The PQS Program is a qualification system for
officer and enlisted personnel to perform certain duties.
A PQS is a compilation of minimum knowledge and
skills necessary to qualify for a specific watch station,
maintain specific equipment, or perform as a team
member within a unit.
Watch stations refer to those watches normally
assigned by a watch bill, and in the majority of cases,
are operator oriented. Maintenance standards are tasks
pertaining to technical upkeep of systems of units of
equipment, such as a 5"/54 Mk 45 group maintenance
supervisor. Performance of a team member can best be
described as standards that refer to the knowledge and
skills appropriate for standardized qualifications that
are not peculiar to a specific watch station or piece of
equipment but apply more broadly within the unit, such
as a member of a damage control party.
A complete list of all PQS materials currently
available in the Navy supply system is contained in the
PQS Catalog, NAVEDTRA 43100-5, which is updated
quarterly. For further information describing the
implementation, logistics, and management of the PQS
program, refer to the Personnel Qualification
Standards (PQS) Management Guide, NAVEDTRA
The PQS program is not designed as a training
program but provides many training objectives. PQS
should be used as a key element of a well structured and
dynamic unit training program. Training, especially at
the informal (or shipboard) level, is a constantly
ongoing process. These are not all of the training
processes in existence, but the ones you will encounter
most frequently.
you can make available training effective.

Since we have identified the importance of

training, we must also point out the importance of the
ability to conduct this training; in other words, the
ability to be an effective teacher. Any time you show
someone how to do something, you have performed the
function of being a teacher. As a supervisor, you are
going to be called upon more and more to fill this role.
You are expected to impart your accumulated skills and
experience to your personnel as necessary to make
them efficient in the performance of their duties. You
should be able to teach by both the formal and the
informal methods. The majority of the instruction you
will provide is going to be informal. You may be
required to teach personnel in a number of areas,
ranging from general military information and skills to
the performance of a specialized technical operation.
To be an effective teacher, you should have some
specific skills as well as being adequately prepared.
First, you should be well versed and very
knowledgeable in the material that you are teaching. It
is virtually impossible to impart a level of knowledge to
someone if you do not understand what you are
teaching in the first place.
No matter what you are trying to teach, you should
take a personal interest in the preparation and
presentation of the material involved. If you stand up in
front of a group of people and speak in a monotone,
displaying an attitude of obvious boredom, you have
failed as an instructor and wasted a lot of valuable time.
This type of attitude tells whoever you are trying to
teach you do not believe what you are telling them is
important or worth knowing about. Consequently, they
are not going to pay attention to what you say or do,
because they also are going to become bored and
disinterested. When preparing your instruction or
lesson plan, you should look for ways to make the
material you plan to present as interesting as possible.
Repetition should only be done to emphasize the
importance of the material being presented.
One of the most important attributes of a supervisor
(an instructor) is self-confidence. A person's
confidence is based upon one's knowledge of the job,
and most importantly, one's own personal belief in his
or her abilities. Confidence begets confidence. A weak
or unsure supervisor will not inspire confidence in the
people around him or her. A supervisor who
demonstrates his or her knowledge, and the confidence
to use that knowledge, will usually inspire others to
attempt to gain and use the same knowledge.
Just as is true in most other operations, training also
includes a certain degree of quality control. This is


accomplished through such media as testing,

questionnaires, and demonstration of the skills
acquired from the training. What you are doing is
determining whether or not the training you conduct is
actually successful.
All training should be conducted with the
maximum technical support available. This technical
support may be available in the form of publications,
procedural guides, information handouts, safety
precautions, and even hands-on operations. The more
you can reinforce the subject matter being taught with
examples, the more likely the material you are teaching
will be retained by the students.


The Planning Board for Training (PB4T) is
responsible for developing and maintaining an ongoing
unit training program. This board reports to the
commanding officer, and, as a minimum, should be
comprised of the following personnel:
Executive officer (also designated as the chairperson)
Department heads
Damage control assistant
Educational services officer
Training officer


Command master chief

Because of the enormous amount of training

involved at the shipboard level, close attention should
be paid to ensure that a workable training plan is
instituted aboard your ship. Depending upon such
variables as the size of your ship, the number of
personnel in the crew, and the ship's mission, the
methods of training are going to vary. But no matter
what the size of the ship and crew, you are going to be
involved in the planning and implementation of the
on-board training program. A typical table for the
organization of shipboard training is shown in figure

3-M coordinator
Medical officer (or senior corpsman)
Safety officer
Other personnel may be assigned to the planning
board as required by specific training evolutions.
Although you should be familiar with most of the
personnel in the above list, it should be pointed out that
the training officer is a separate (or collateral) billet as
required by the size of the command. The training
officer is designated by the commanding officer to
assist the executive officer in the execution of the
command training programs. He or she has specific
duties within the scope of the training mission of the
command that should not be confused with the duties of
the educational services officer (ESO).
The Planning Board for Training meets at least on a
monthly basis and primarily performs the following
general functions:
1. Assist the commanding officer in the establishment of command training policies.
2. Establish the training program for the command and periodically reviews schedules within the
training program to evaluate training effectiveness and
3. Establish a training syllabus for officers and
another for enlisted personnel.

Figure 13-21.Shipboard training organization.

This is by no means the extent of the

responsibilities of the PB4T. The board can meet as
often as deemed necessary by the chairman and may
include whatever personnel required to perform the
specific training functions. Guidelines for the Planning
Board for Training are located in Standard
Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy


(SORM), OPNAVINST 3120.32. These guidelines

are also provided in the individual SORM of the

prepared using an OPNAV Form 3120/1A (fig. 13-22),

and training events should be prioritized in the
following sequence:


Schedule fleet exercises, trials, inspections, and

any other major evolutions that may be required by the
type or fleet commanders.


station training plans and how they impact on

Schedule all required exercises required by the

type commander to maintain a state of C1 readiness.

Now that your ship's training organization has been

established, the next step of the training process is to
determine what training is necessary and get it
scheduled. If you look at the amount and variety of
training for your particular ship's crew, you should
realize what a large undertaking this can be. Training
has to be scheduled and accomplished for virtually
every member of the ship's company. It is required in all
areasfrom every day shipboard routine to specifics in
rate skills necessary for an individual to perform his or
her duties within the work center. As you can see,
training plans are important tools in the control of
training programs at all levels aboard ship. Shipboard
training plans (or schedules) are of two
typeslong-range and short-range. These plans should
be developed by taking into account the ship's operating
schedule, daily routine, availability of required personnel, and any evolution that may affect scheduling.
The long-range training plan is the basic instrument
for the planning and recording of all training schedules
and is used to keep all personnel informed of projected
training goals and operating schedules. This schedule is
initially developed and maintained by the department
head and training officer. The department head is
responsible for consolidating the training information
for his or her department. He or she will forward it to
the training officer. The training officer then
consolidates the long-range plans received from all the
department heads, adds all unit level training
requirements (e.g., GNT, indoctrination training), and
presents it to the executive officer for review. The plan
then goes to the commanding officer for approval. Once
approved, this package becomes the unit's long-range
training plan. A copy of applicable portions is provided
to each training group (work center, team, etc.). This
plan provides the framework for the preparation of the
quarterly and monthly training plans, which contain
more detailed information about each of the training
requirements. The long-range training plan should be

Schedule any other applicable unit exercises.

Schedule all other unit training. Some examples
of unit training are damage control lectures, security
force training, general Navy training (GNT), and
telephone talker/lookout training.
Once the long-range plan has been developed and
implemented, then the short-range training plan is set
up and put into operation.
Because of the complexity of the day-to-day
operations of a ship, you should pay careful attention to
the scheduling of training evolutions. A short-range
training plan enables your unit to anticipate how much
training can actually be accomplished, based upon the
planning for short periods of time in the future. Initially,
the short-range training is developed at PB4T, but
the plan is carried out at all levels of training within
the unit. Basically, the short-range training plan
encompasses the quarterly, monthly, and weekly
training plans.
Quarterly Training Plan
During the Planning Board for Training of the last
month of a quarter, the training officer should distribute
copies of the Quarterly Employment Schedule to all of
the board members. This schedule provides
information about the ship's operational commitments,
such as deployments and overhaul periods. Using it as a
planning guide, the PB4T develops broad unit training
plans for the upcoming quarter. The purpose of this
quarterly training plan is to inform the individual
training groups of any unit plans that may affect the
scheduling of training group evolutions. Once the
quarterly plan has been developed for the whole unit,
department heads then insert any additional
departmental plans or evolutions and distribute the plan
to the groups within their respective departments. The
scheduling of any training during periods of less than a
quarter in length should be accomplished at the


Figure 13-22.Long-Range Training Plan.

departmental level. Figure 13-23 shows a Quarterly

Training Plan that might be used aboard ship.
Monthly Training Plan
Using the quarterly training plan as a guide, each
training group (or work center) submits a proposed
monthly training plan to their cognizant department
head. This schedule should be provided to the
department head no later than the last week of the
month. It should indicate what training is to be
conducted during the following month, on what days it
will be held, and who will conduct the training. The
department head receives the monthly plans from all of
the groups within his of her department. They serve as
his or her primary input for the scheduling of training at
PB4T. The monthly training plan for an engineering
division is shown in figure 13-24, but remember that
this schedule is also maintained at the department and
unit levels.

Weekly Training Plan

Each week the department head should provide his
or her training groups with a weekly schedule for
training. Basically, this schedule should include all
training applicable to his or her department, but each
division should get this weekly training plan for the
planning of their own division-level training
evolutions. No changes should be made to this schedule
without the approval of the department head. As shown
in figure 13-25, information provided in the weekly
training plan should include, as a minimum, the
training to be held, the time it is to be conducted, and
where it is to be conducted.
importance of up-to-date and thorough training

Figure 13-23.Quarterly Training Plan.


Figure 13-24.Monthly Training Plan.

Figure 13-25.Weekly Training Plan.


Try to remember how many different kinds of

training you have received during your years in the
Navy. Now imagine how your service record would
look if all of this training had been entered into it in a
hodgepodge manner. It would certainly be a lot of
paperwork, to say the least. For this reason, training
records should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Usually, your personnel record will contain only the
formal schools and training you have received. Certain
major PQS accomplishments or watch stations may
also be considered significant enough to be recorded in
an individual's service record. However, most PQS
accomplishments should be treated in the same manner
as GNT and placed in the division records accordingly.
It is still important to maintain some kind of on-board
records to keep track of what training has been

conducted, when it was conducted, and what personnel

received the training. One of the simplest ways of
recording training is by use of the General Record
(Type II) (OPNAV Form 1500-31). Figure 13-26 shows
the use of this form in recording training conducted for
an entire division. This form could also be used to
record an individual's on-board training. These local
records should be maintained by the group supervisor
for as long as the individuals listed may be assigned to
the unit.
Another important local record with which you
may be concerned is the Division Officer's Personnel
Record Form (NAVPERS 1070/6). Although this form
is not strictly a training record, it does contain personal, training, and qualification information regarding

Figure 13-26.Division Training Record.


assigned personnel. This form (figs. 13-27A and

13-27B) is required to be maintained as part of the
Division Officer's Notebook. If it is maintained
properly, it is an invaluable source of information
regarding an individual's training accomplishments
while he or she has been aboard. This form, and any
other personal record of training the individual has

received while aboard, should be given to him or her

upon his departure from the command. As stated
before, the use of training records should be kept to a
minimum; but whatever training records are used
should be maintained as correctly and as up-to-date as

Figure 13-27A.Division Officers Personnel Record Form (front).


Figure 13-27B.Division Officers Personnel Record Form (back).

Although this chapter is titled "Administration and
Training," its primary purpose is to make you aware of
the more complicated administrative and training
procedures involved at the management level. Use of
the CSMP, PMS reports, local logs, and admin and

training records were demonstrated as valuable aids in

analyzing equipment and personnel trends. These
records can be invaluable to you in the prediction of
breakdowns or conditions that might affect your work
center or the operational capabilities of your ship. The
need for the organization and maintenance of technical
libraries has also been described.


In somewhat more detail, the functions and

some procedures have been provided regarding
CSRRs/CSRTs, the casualty reporting (CASREP) system, and the management of conventional ammunition
(including the basic guidelines for ammunition transaction reporting).
The calibration and repair of test equipment and
measuring tools has been described with the emphasis
placed on the administrative and follow-up processes of
the METCAL Program.
A short segment has been provided to emphasize
the importance of effective instruction and supervision
of training programs.
Also described in this chapter is a discussion on
how shipboard training is organized and administered

via the Planning Board for Training, including the

development and implementation of long-range and
short-range training plans at the unit, department, and
division levels of management.
Finally, a brief description of local training
records is included to inform you of what is available
to you for the documentation of training aboard your
Because it is impractical to provide all the
information about these programs in this text, we have
noted the reference publications and instructions you
will need to assist you in the more important
administrative and training functions in which you will
probably become involved.



A-ENDA hydraulic pump that controls the output of
the B-end through a valve plate and a constant
speed motor.

CONTROL SYSTEMResponds to orders from the

guidance system and steers the missile toward the

AAWAnti-air warfare.

CONTROLLED AREAA security area that surrounds an exclusion area.

ASUWAnti-surface warfare.

AURAll up round.

CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCEThe replacement of components that are identified as worn,

defective, or broken.

B-ENDConverts fluid power from the A-end into a

rotary mechanical motion.

COSALAn established shipboard allowance of parts

for installed equipment.

BASEThe after end of the projectile.

CROSS WINDThe wind that blows at the right of

the LOF.

ASWAnti-submarine warfare.

BENCH MARKSInstalled for each equipment that

has an alignment telescope and used throughout the
life of the ship to verify alignment.

CSMPCurrent ships' maintenance project.

CYCLIC RATE OF FIREThe maximum rate at
which a weapon will fire in automatic operation,
stated in rounds per minute.

BICONVEXA supersonic fin shape that causes considerable drag but is the strongest fin design.
BITEBuilt-in test equipment.

DCCDamage control central, same as Central

Control Station (CCS) on some ships.

BODYThe main part of the projectile and contains

the greatest mass of metal.

DEAD TIMEThe time interval between the instant

the fuze is set and the instant the projectile is fired.

BOURRELETThe smooth machined area that acts

as a bearing to stabilize the projectile during its
travel through the gun bore.

DETONATORSA device used in initiating

high-explosive bursting charges.

C&DCommand and Decision.

DoDDepartment of Defense.

CAB UNITAn A-end and B-end combination.

DORSAL FINThe stationary fin provided for

in-flight stability and some lift.

CCSCentral control station, same as Damage

Control Central (DCC) on some ships.

DoTDepartment of Transportation.


Established during initial construction to represent
the ship's center line.

DOUBLE WEDGEA supersonic fin shape that

offers the least drag but lacks strength.
DRAGThe resistance offered by the air to the
passage of the missile through it.


The reference used to establish the train zero
alignment of all of the combat system equipment
aboard ships.

DTRMDual thrust rocket motor made of a solid-fuel

DUD-JETTISON UNITEjects missiles overboard
that fail to fire and are unsafe to return to the

CICCommand information center.

CONREPConnected replenishment between ships.
CONTROL SURFACEProvides the necessary
steering corrections to keep the missile in proper
flight attitude and trajectory.


a circular area around the point of detonation


within which at least 50 percent of the exposed

personnel will become casualties.

HSDHeat sensing devices that are used in detection

of slow or fast rise in temperature for automatic
activation of magazine sprinkler systems.

ELECTRICAL ZEROThe reference point for

alignment of all synchro units.

HYGROSCOPICExplosives that easily absorbs


ESCUElectronic servo control unit.

ICSIntegrated control station.

ESIExplosive safety inspection.

IFFIdentification friend or foe.

ESMElectronic support measures.

INITIAL VELOCITY (IV)The speed at which a

projectile is traveling at the instant it leaves the gun

EWElectronic warfare.
EXCLUSION AREAA security area that contains
one or more nuclear weapons or one or more
components of a nuclear weapon.

IPBIllustrated parts breakdown is a publication that

describes and illustrates all the components used in
ordnance equipment.

EXPLOSIONThe practically instantaneous and

violent release of energy which results from a
sudden chemical change of a solid or liquid
substance into gases.

LEDLight-emitting diode.
LIFTThe upward force that supports the missile in

EXPLOSIVESThose substances or mixtures of

substances that when suitably initiated by flame,
spark, heat, electricity, friction, impact, or similar
means, undergo rapid chemical reactions resulting
in the rapid release of energy.

LOFLine of fire is used to position the gun bore with

respect to the LOS.
LOSLine of sight is used to establish the present
location of the target.

EXUDATEA mixture of lower melting isomers of

TNT, nitrocompounds of toluene of lower nitration, and
possible nitrocompounds of other aromatic
hydrocarbons and alcohols.

LOW-PRESSURE (LP) AIRPneumatic air pressure ranging up to 150 psi.

MACH NUMBERThe ratio of missile speed to the
local speed of sound.

FCSFire control system.

MAGAZINE AREAThe compartment, spaces, or

passages on board ship containing magazine
entrances that are intended to be used for the
handling and passing of ammunition.

FIXED AMMUNITIONAmmunition that has the

cartridge case crimped around the base of the
FLASH POINTThe temperature in which lubricants give off a vapor.

MAGAZINEAny compartment, space, or locker

that is used, or intended to be used, for the stowage
of explosives or ammunition of any kind.

FODForeign object damage.

FUZESThe initiating device that detonates the warhead (payload).

MAIN RELIEF VALVEProtects the CAB unit

from excessive pressure buildup and cavitation of
the A-end.

GCPGun control panel.


plane used as the machining reference to establish
the foundation of the combat systems equipment.
After initial construction, the MRP is only used as a
reference plane following major damage or

GMLSGuided missile launching system.

GMTRGuided missile training round.
GUIDANCE SYSTEMKeeps the missile on its
proper flight path.
HEROHazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to


distance at which a weapon may be expected to fire
accurately to inflict damage or casualties.

HIGH-PRESSURE (HP) AIRPneumatic air pressure ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 psi.


PQSPersonnel qualification standards.

MAXIMUM RANGEThe greatest distance that the

projectile will travel.


lubrication, inspection, and cleaning of equipment.

MCCMain control console.

PRIMARY MAGAZINESAmmunition stowage

spaces, generally located below the main deck, and
insofar as is practical, below the waterline.


pressure ranging from 151 to 1,000 psi.
MFCSMissile fire control system.

PRIMERSA device used to initiate the burning of a

propellant charge by means of a flame.

MHEMaterials-handling equipment (industrial).

shape that has relatively drag and is stronger.
MRCMaintenance requirement cards.

PROPELLANTSA device used to provide a pressure that, acting against an object to be propelled,
will accelerate the object to the required velocity.

NALCNavy ammunition logistics code.

PRPPneumatically released pilot valve.

NECNavy enlisted classification code.

PYROTECHNICA device used for illumination,

marking, and signaling.

NEEWThe Net Equivalent Explosive Weight.


NPNA transistor with the arrow that points away

from the base.

QUAL/CERTExplosives-Handling Personnel
Qualification Certification Program.

NTDSNaval tactical data system.

RANGE WINDThe wind that blows along the LOF,

either with or against the projectile.

NWSNaval Weapons Station.

MARKSEstablished during initial construction
to facilitate combat systems alignment. They are
installed to prevent repeating center-line surveys
during subsequent alignments.

READY-SERVICE STOWAGEAmmunition stowage facilities in the immediate vicinity of the

weapon served.
READY-SERVICE MAGAZINESSpaces physically convenient to the weapons they serve; they
provide permanent stowage for part of the ammunition allowance.

OGIVEThe forward portion of a projectile.

OJTOn-the-job training.

RESERVOIRSUsed to dissipate heat, remove contamination, separate air, and store fluid in hydraulic

ORDALTSAuthorized ordnance alterations.

ORTSOperational readiness test system.
OSGOrder signal generator.

RFIRadio frequency interference.

PASystem operating pressure ranging from 1,400 to

1,700 psi.

RFIReady for issue.

PCPrinted circuit card.

ROLLThe rotation of a missile about the longitudinal axis.

PDPPower distribution panel.

ROTATING BANDThe circular band made of commercially pure copper, copper alloy, or plastic
seated in a scored cut in the after portion of the
projectile body.

PITCHThe turning rotation of a missile about its

lateral axis.
PNPA transistor with the arrow that points towards
the base.

RSRReady service rings.

POWER OFF BRAKEStops the equipment movement during power failures, secures equipment
movement against pitch and roll of the ship when
system is inactive, provides for manual hand
cranking during emergencies, installation, and

SEPARATE-LOADING AMMUNITIONAmmunition that is gun sizes 8 inches and larger.

consists of two unitsthe projectile assembly and
cartridge assembly.


minutes this rate can be sustained without damage

to the weapon.

SERVO PRESSUREHydraulic fluid pressure ranging from 400 to 500 psi.

TDDTarget detection device.

SHIP BASE PLANE (SBP)The basic plane of

origin and is perpendicular to the CRP and includes
the base line of the ship.

THRUSTThe force that propels the missile forward

at speeds sufficient to sustain flight.

SIGHT DEFLECTIONThe angle that the plane

through the gun bore is deflected left or right from
the LOS.

USCGUnited States Coast Guard.

VACVolts of alternating current.
VDCVolts of direct current.

SIGHT ANGLEThe difference between the LOF

and LOS and measured perpendicular to the
trunnion axis.

VERTREPVertical replenishment by helo to ship.

VISCOSITYThe measurement of internal resistance to flow of fluids.

SLIP RINGProvides a continuous electrical connection between the cabling of the stationary
structure of the gun mount or launcher and a rotary
joint for the cooling system piping.

VLAVertical launch asroc.

VLSVertical launching system.

SMALL ARMSAny firearm with a caliber (cal.) of

.60 inch or smaller and all shotguns.

WARHEADThe payload of the missile.

WCSWeapons control system.

SMSSurface missile system.

WDSWeapons direction system.

STREAMStandard tensioned replenishment alongside method.

pressure up to 150 psi.


(WCRP)This plane is established during initial
construction and used during alignment verification.


SUSTAINED RATE OF FIREThe average number

of rounds fired per minute with the number of

YAWThe turning of a missile about the vertical axis.




Although the following references were current when this
TRAMAN was published, their continued currency cannot be
assured. You, therefore, need to ensure that you are studying the
latest revision.
Chapter 1
Ammunition Afloat, NAVSEA OP 4, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1988.
Identification of Ammunition, NAVSEA SW010-AF-ORD-010, Commander, Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
Navy Gun Ammunition, NAVSEA SW030-AA-MMO-010, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1985.
Pyrotechnic, Screening, Marking, and Countermeasure Devices, Volume 1,
NAVSEA SW050-AB-MMA-010, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1990.
Transportation and Storage Data for Ammunition, Explosives, and Related
Hazardous Materials, Volume 2, NAVSEA SW 020-AC-SAF-020, Commander,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1995.
United States Navy Ammunition, Historical and Functional Data, NAVSEA
SW010-AB-GTP-010, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1981.
United States Navy Ordnance Safety Precautions, NAVSEA OP 3347, Commander,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1972.
Chapter 2
Ammunition Afloat, NAVSEA OP 4, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1988.
Approved Handling Equipment for Weapons and Explosives, NAVSEA OP 2173,
Volumes 1 and 2, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC,
Approved Handling Equipment for Weapons and Explosives, NAVSEA OP 2173,
NAVAIR 19-100-1.1, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1981.
Conventional Ordnance Stockpile Management, Policies and Procedures, NAVSUP
P-724, Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, Mechanicsburg, PA,
Explosives-Handling Personnel Qualification and Certification (Qual/Cert)
8023.5B, Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, VA,
and Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, San Diego, CA, 1991.

Functional Introduction to Vertical Launching System Mk 41, NAVSEA

SW394-AF-MMO-020/050VLS, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1992.
Handling Ammunition, Explosives, and Hazardous Materials with Industrial
Materials-Handling Equipment (MHE), NAVSEA OP 4098, Commander, Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1978.
Identification of Ammunition, NAVSEA SW010-AF-ORD-010, Commander, Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
Magazine Sprinkler Systems, NAVSEA S9522-AA-HBK-010, Commander, Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1989.
Navy Gun Ammunition, NAVSEA SW030-AA-MMO-010, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1985.
Shipboard Ammunition Handling and Stowage, Naval Ships' Technical Manual,
S9086-XG-STM-010, Chapter 700, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington,
DC, 1991.
Transportation and Storage Data for Ammunition, Explosives, and Related
Hazardous Materials, Volume 2, NAVSEA SW 020-AC-SAF-020, Commander,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1995.
Chapter 3
25MM M242 Automatic Gun, Description Operation and Illustrated Parts
Breakdown (IPB), SW360-AB-MMO-010, Commander, Naval Sea Systems
Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
U.S. Department of the Air Force, Military Shotgun, 12 Gauge, Pump Action, Model
870, TO 11W3-6-2-1, Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, DC, 1972.
U.S. Department of the Army, Browning Machine Gun, Caliber .50 HB, M2, Field
Manual, FM 23-65, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, 40-MM Grenade Launcher M79, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1010-205-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, 40-MM Grenade Launcher M79, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1010-205-24, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, 40-MM Grenade Launcher M303, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1010-221-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, Machine Gun, 7.62-MM, M60, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1005-224-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, Machine Gun, 7.62-MM, M60, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1005-224-24, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, Machine Gun, 40-MM, Mk 19, Mod 3, Technical
Manual, TM 9-1010-230-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army,
Washington, DC, 1991.


U.S. Department of the Army, Mortar, 60MM, M224, Technical Manual, TM

9-1010-223-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1987.
U.S. Department of the Navy, Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, Technical Manual,
Navy SW 370-AA-OPI-010/9mm, Headquarters, Department of the Navy,
Washington, DC, 1990.
U.S. Department of the Army, Rifle, 5.56-MM, M16, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1005-319-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, Rifle, 7.62-MM, M14, Technical Manual,
TM-9-1005-223-10, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
U.S. Department of the Army, Rifle, 7.62-MM, M14, Technical Manual,
TM 9-1005-223-20, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC,
Chapter 4
Basic Machines, NAVEDTRA 10624-A1, Naval Education and Training Support
Service, Washington, DC, 1988.
Compressed Air Plants and Systems, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Chapter 551,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1990.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk13 Mods 4, 5, 6, and 7, NAVSEA OP 4470,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk26, SW394-HO-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1986.
Chapter 5
5"/54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45 Mod 0, NAVSEA OP 3392, Volume 1,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1973.
5"/54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45 Mod 1, Volume 1, Part 1, NAVSEA
SW323-01-MMO-010, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1985.
76-mm 62-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 75 Mods 0 and 1, SW314-AO-MMM-010/GM
MK 75 0-1, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1981.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk13 Mods 4, 5, 6, and 7, NAVSEA OP 4470,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 1, Introduction to Matter,
Energy, and Direct Current, NAVEDTRA 172-01-00-79, Naval Education and
Training Program Development Center, Pensacola, FL, 1979.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 2, Introduction to
Alternating Current and Transformers, NAVEDTRA 172-02-00-85, Naval
Education and Training Program Development Center, Pensacola, FL, 1985.


Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 3, Introduction to Circuit

Protection, Control, and Measurement, NAVEDTRA 172-03-00-85, Naval
Education and Training Program Development Center, Pensacola, FL, 1985.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 16, Introduction to Test
Equipment, NAVEDTRA 172-16-00-84, Naval Education and Training Program
Development Center, Pensacola, FL, 1984.
Chapter 6
5"/54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45 Mod 0, NAVSEA OP 3392, Volume 1,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1973.
5"/54-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 45 Mod 1, Volume 1, Part 1, NAVSEA
SW323-01-MMO-010, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, DC, 1985.
76-mm 62-Caliber Gun Mount Mark 75 Mods 0 and 1, SW314-AO-MMM-010/GM
MK 75 0-1, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1981.
Clearing of Live Ammunition from Guns, NAVSEA SW300-BC-SAF-010,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1985.
Chapter 7
Guided Missile Launching System Mk13 Mods 4, 5, 6, and 7, NAVSEA OP 4470,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk26, SW394-HO-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1986.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk41, SW394-AF-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Guided Missile Training Round Mk60 Mod 6, SW850-A6-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1984.
Tomahawk Weapons System Mk 36 and Mk 37 Block III,
SW261-DE-MM0-030/Tomahawk, Department of the Navy, Program Executive
Officer, Cruise Missiles Project and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Joint Project
Office, Washington, DC, 1994.
Chapter 8
Guided Missile Launching System Mk13 Mods 4, 5, 6, and 7, NAVSEA OP 4470,
Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk26, SW394-HO-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1986.
Guided Missile Launching System Mk41, SW394-AF-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1991.
Guided Missile Training Round Mk60 Mod 6, SW850-A6-MMO-010, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1984.
Tomahawk Weapons System Mk 36 and Mk 37 Block III,
SW261-DE-MM0-030/Tomahawk, Department of the Navy, Program Executive
Officer, Cruise Missiles Project and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Joint Project
Office, Washington, DC, 1994.


Chapter 9
Safety Precautions for Standard Missile SM-1, SM-2, and VLS (MR & ER) Guided
Missiles, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1988.
Tomahawk Weapons System Mk 36 and Mk 37 Block III,
SW261-DE-MM0-030/Tomahawk, Department of the Navy, Program Executive
Officer, Cruise Missiles Project and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Joint Project
Office, Washington, DC, 1994.
Chapter 10
Fire Controlman Third Class, NAVEDTRA 10276-1, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1988.
Guided Missile Training Round Mark 60 Mod 4, NAVSEA SW850-A4-MM0-010,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1989.
Gunfire Control System (GFCS) Mk 86 Mods 8, 9, and 10, NAVSEA OP 4543,
Volume 1, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1982.
Maintenance Manual for Fire Control System Mk 92 Mod 2, Description, Operation,
and Maintenance (U), SW271-C2-MMO-010/(C) Mk 92 Mod 2, Volume 1, Part
1, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.
Shipboard Electronics Material Officer, NAVEDTRA 10478-A1, Naval Education
and Training Program Development Center, Pensacola, FL, 1982.
Chapter 11
SW225-AO-MMA-010/OP762, ALIGNTHEORY, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.
Chapter 12
Basic Machines, NAVEDTRA 10624-A1, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1988.
Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 12043, Naval Education and Training
Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1992.
Blueprint Reading and Sketching, NAVEDTRA 12014, Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1988.
Fluid Power, NAVEDTRA 12964, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1990.
Lubrication of Ordnance Equipment, NAVSEA OD 3000, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1978.
Ship Configuration and Logistics Support System, NAVSEA Technical Specification
System, 9090-700A, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington,
DC, 1988.
SW225-AO-MMA-010/OP762, ALIGNTHEORY, Commander, Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1987.


Chapter 13
Combat Systems Readiness Review (CSRR), COMNAVSURFLANTINST 9093.1,
Commander, Naval Surface Force, United States Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, VA,
Conventional Ammunition Integrated Management System (CAIMS), SPCC
Instruction 8010.12, SPCC, Mechanicsburg, PA, 1992.
IM 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10193-D, Naval Education and Training Program
Management Support Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1986.
Operational Reports, NWP 10-1-10, Office of CNO, Washington, DC, 1987.
Physical Security Instruction for Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives,
OPNAVINST 5530.13, CNO, Washington, DC, 1991.
Physical Security and Loss Prevention Manual, OPNAV Instruction 5530.14, CNO,
Washington, DC, 1983.
Ships' Maintenance Material Management (3-M) Manual, Department of the Navy,
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1987.
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. NAVY (SORN), OPNAVINST
3120.32, CNO, Washington, DC, 1987.


A-end, 4-20 to 4-23
Accumulators, 4-13,
Actual GMLS power drives
Mk 13 GMLS power drives, 4-49
Mk 26 GMLS power drives, 4-49
Aegis weapons system, 10-8
Alignment principles
alignment verification, 11-4
bench mark, 11-5
sequence of alignment, 11-1
star checks, 11-5
tram, 11-4
ammunition classification, 2-1
gun ammunition, 2-3
lot/location card, 2-16
lot numbers, 2-12
projectiles, 2-2
propelling charges, 2-6
requisitions, 2-17
serial/location card, 2-16
stock record, 2-15
transaction reports (ATR), 2-16
Ammunition handling and safety
ammunition safety, 2-39
arrival conference, 2-31
Qual/Cert program, 2-38
electromagnetic radiation hazard, 2-42
explosives-handling personnel qualification and
handling equipment, 2-31
inspection before accepting, 2-32
loading/offloading plan, 2-31
operating at night, 2-33
quantity-distance (Q-D), 2-42
AN/SPY-l radar system, 10-10
AT4, 3-48
Automatic (thermopneumatic) control system, 2-26
Automatic and semiautomatic firing systems
blowback operated, 3-4
gas operated, 3-3
range and rate of fire, 3-5
recoil operated, 3-4
small-arms operating principles, 3-3
Automatic gun, 25-MM M242, 3-49
B-end, 4-23
Barrel maintenance
afterfiring care, 12-21
gauging, 12-22
preparation for firing, 12-22
tools used, 12-21
weekly maintenance, 12-22

Battery alignment
mount alignment, 11-7
shipboard alignment, 11-7
shipyard alignment, 11-6
system alignment, 11-7
Bearings, 4-7
Bench mark, 11-5
Black powder, 1-6
Cab type of power drives
A-end, 4-20
B-end, 4-23
control assembly, 4-38
dual gear pump assembly, 4-24
main relief valve, 4-26
power off brake, 4-25
Calibration and repair test/measuring equipment
equipment calibration status, 13-22
metrology automated system, 13-19
test equipment calibration, 13-18
Cams, 4-1
Casualty report system (CASREP)
casualty categories, 13-12
correct CASREP, 13-11
message format, 13-13
types, 13-7
updates, 13-9
Characteristics of explosive reactions, 1-2
Circuit breakers, 5-10
Circuit elements, 5-1
Circuit failures
ground detection indicator, 5-26
types of circuit checks, 5-26
Color coding, marking, and lettering, 2-13
Combat systems readiness review (CSRR), 13-5
Combat systems readiness test (CSRT), 13-5
Common maintenance procedures
hydraulic -seal replacement, 12-30
mechanical adjustments, 12-32
types of seals, 12-31
Control, 9-2
aerodynamic forces, 9-2 to 9-3
basic motions, 9-3
control surfaces, 9-5
gyroscopes, 9-4
Control circuits
logic circuit, 5-15 to 5-18
transistorized control circuits, 5-14 to 5-15
Conventional ammunition integrated management
system (CAIMS)
lot/location card, 2-16
requisitions, 2-17
serial/location card, 2-16
stock record, 2-15
transaction reports (ATR), 2-16


Corrective maintenance management, 13-1

3-M systems central data bank, 13-1
current ships maintenance project, 13-1
publication applicability list (PAL), 13-4
ships technical publications system (STEPS),
system logs and records, 13-1
technical library, 13-2
technical manual identification numbering
system (TMINS), 13-4
technical manual management program (TMMP),
Couplings, 4-4 to 4-7
Damage control PMS, 12-33
Detection process
electronic support measures, 10-2
naval tactical data system, 10-1
radar, 10-2
Dry-type sprinkler systems, 8-29
Electric motors, 5-53
Electrical symbols and reference designations, 5-11
Environmental control systems
air-conditioning and ventilation systems, 8-36
anti-icing systems, 8-36
characteristics of explosive reactions, 1-2
high and low explosives, 1-1
initiation of explosive reactions, 1-3
service, 1-6
Final alignment and test, 11-9 to 11-11
Fire control
computer, 10-4
director and radar, 10-4
stable element, 10-4
Fire control problem, 10-4
air, 10-6
ballistics, 10-5
drift, 10-7
earth rotation, 10-7
frames of reference, 10-7
gravity, 10-6
lead angles, 10-7
lines, 10-7
parallax, 10-4
reference planes, 10-8
wind, 10-6
Fire control systems
aegis combat training system, 10-10
aegis display system, 10-10
aegis weapons system, 10-8
AN/SPY-l radar system, 10-9
command and decision system, 10-10

Fire control systemsContinued

ex-optical sight, 10-12
fire control system, 10-10
Mk 160 gun computer system, 10-11
Mk 34 gun weapon system, 10-10
Mk 86 gun fire control system, 10-12
Mk 92 control system, 10-14
operational readiness test system, 10-10
weapons control system, 10-10
Fire suppression systems
dry-type sprinkler systems, 8-29
magazine sprinkling systems, 8-34
typical carbon dioxide (CO2) system, 8-21
typical water injection system, 8-25
Firing cutout mechanisms, 11-7 to 11-8
Firing equipment (general), 6-8
Fuses, 5-2,9-18 to 9-20
fuse types and functioning, 2-10
GMLS safety summary, 8-38
carbon dioxide (CO2) hazard, 8-40
explosion hazard, 8-40
high-pressure air hazard, 8-40
high-pressure nitrogen hazard, 8-40
high-pressure water hazard, 8-40
high-voltage, 8-40
hydraulic fluid hazard, 8-40
hydraulic pressure hazard, 8-40
launcher area hazard, 8-41
live missile hazard, 8-40
moving equipment, 8-40
servicing, adjusting hazard, 8-41
specific safety precaution, 8-41
Grenade launchers
40-MM M203, 3-46
40-MM M79 grenade launcher, 3-41
Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun, 3-43
command guidance systems, 9-9
composite guidance systems, 9-11
homing guidance systems, 9-9
phases of guidance, 9-7
self-contained guidance systems, 9-11
Gun components
5"/54 Mk 45 Mod 0 gun mount power drive, 6-2
Mk 75 76MM positioning equipment, 6-8
positioning equipment, 6-1
Gun operation and misfire procedures, 6-22
Gun systems, 6-11
5"/54 Mk 45 gun, 6-11
76-MM Mk 75 gun, 6-18
Gyroscopes, 9-3
Hand grenades
procedures for throwing, 3-53
safety, 3-53
types and characteristics, 3-52


.9-MM M9 semiautomatic pistol, 3-6
High and low explosives, 1-1
Hydraulic machines
fluid characteristics, 4-9
hydraulic mechanisms, 4-14
system components, 4-10 to 4-14
Hydraulic-mechanical operation of a launcher
component center guide hydraulic components,
extend center guide operation, 4-18
retract center guide operation, 4-19
Hydraulic system
Mk 45, 5-inch 54, 4-41
Mk 75, M62, 76-MM, 4-28
Identification of ammunition
ammunition lot numbers, 2-12
color coding, marking, and lettering, 2-13
Indicators lights, 5-1
functional description, 8-3, 8-6
Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison, 8-1 to 8-3
Mk 26 GMLS jettison, 8-4 to 8-6
Landing-party equipment, 3-54
Levers and linkages, 4-4
Logic circuits, 5-15 to 5-18
Lubricants and corrosion control, 12-10
alternates and substitutes, 12-16
corrosion control, 12-19
fittings, 12-15
function of lubricants, 12-12
lubricating tools, 12-13
lubrication charts, 12-16
lubrication symbols, 12-16
qualities of lubricants, 12-10
specifications, 12-12
stowage of lubricants, 12-18
M14 rifle, 3-10
M16A3 rifle, 3-15
M60, 7.62-MM machine gun, 3-31
Machine guns
.50-caliber browning machine gun, 3-28
25-MM M242 automatic gun, 3-39
7.62-MM M60 machine gun, 3-31
Magazine alarms system, 2-30
Magazine sprinkler system
automatic (thermopneumatic) control system,
hydraulic control system, 2-24

Magazine sprinkler systemContinued

magazine alarm system, 2-30
magazine sprinkler control valves, 2-23
Magazine sprinkling systems, 8-36
Magazine types, 2-18
inspection of magazines, 2-20
magazine designation, 2-19
magazine security, 2-19
magazine types, 2-18
Main relief valve, 4-26
Maintenance tools
decoppering, 12-23
hand tools, 12-23
measuring tools and gauges, 12-23
nonsparking tools, 12-25
power tools, 12-23
pressure gauges, 12-26
rules applicable to repair tools before a job, 12-25
special tools, 12-25
torque wrenches, 12-23
Mechanical devices
bearings, 4-7
cams, 4-1
couplings, 4-4
gear trains, 4-2
levers and linkages, 4-4
Missile handling
containers, canisters, and handling equipment,
replenishment methods, 2-62
weapons station processing, 2-43
Missiles aboard ship
cleaning and preservation, 2-68
handling, 2-66
inspections, 2-67
stowage, 2-67
M9, 9-MM pistol, semiautomatic, 3-6
Mk 13 Mod 4 and 7 GMLS
base ring, 7-8
capabilities, 7-2
carriage, 7-8
harpoon warm-up power, 7-15
hoist assembly, 7-13
launcher guide, 7-5
launching system control, 7-15
magazine, 7-10
Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS, 7-2
Mk 160 gun computer system, 10-11
Mk 26 GMLS and Mods, 7-20
Mk 34 gun weapon system, 10-10
Mk 41 vertical launching system (VLS)
5-cell strikedown module, 7-45
description and capabilities, 7-39
fault processing, 7-46
gas management system, 7-46
launcher control units (LCU), 7-42
launcher support equipment, 7-46
power distribution, 7-46
remote launch enable panel (RLEP), 7-42
status panel, 7-42
vertical launchers, 7-42


Mk 41 vertical launching system, 7-38

Mk 45 gun mount control system, 5-58
Mk 45, 5-inch 54 gun, 6-11
Mk 45, 5-inch 54 hydraulic system, 4-41
Mk 75 gun mount control system
anti-icing system, 5-44 to 5-47
auxiliary systems, 5-48 to 5-51
barrel cooling control panel, 5-44
gun control panel (GCP), 5-27
slip ring assembly, 5-48
Mk 75 gun, 76-MM, 6-18
Mk 75 train and elevation system, 5-52
Mk 86 gun fire control system, 10-12
Mk 87 Mod 1 line-throwing rifle adapter kit, 3-24
canister, 3-26
chemical light wand, 3-25
grenade cartridges, 3-26
launcher, 3-24
maintenance, 3-28
preparation for firing, 3-27
projectile, 3-25
recoil pad, 3-26
shotline, 3-27
Mk 92 control system, 10-14
Mossberg M500 shotgun, 3-24
Multibase powder, 1-7
Mortar 60-mm, 3-49
Nitrocellulose (NC), 1-7
Ordnance drawings, 12-27
hydraulic diagrams, 12-29
illustrated parts breakdown, 12-29
parts numbers, 12-30
types of drawings, 12-27
Ordnance management system, 13-14
ammunition transaction reporting, 13-16
CAIMS reporting, 13-14
item tracking, 13-17
SPCCINST P8010.12, 13-15
Ordnance safety, 1-21
Payloads (warheads), 9-16
Physical security of classified material, 13-25
care during working hours, 13-26
care of working spaces, 13-26
custodians, 13-26
destruction of classified material, 13-28
reproduction of classified material, 13-27
securing classified material, 13-26
storage of classified material, 13-26
Pistol, 9-MM M9 semiautomatic, 3-6
PMS management
shipboard evaluation of PMS, 12-34
type commander evaluation of PMS, 12-35

Power drives and control circuit components, 5-1

circuit breakers, 5-10
circuit elements, 5-1
electrical symbols and reference
fuses, 5-2
indicator lights, 5-1
relays, 5-7
solenoids, 5-10
switches, 5-2
Power off brake, 4-25
Prefire requirements (general), 6-10
Preventive and corrective maintenance, 12-1
corrective maintenance, 12-2
maintenance by ships force, tender and navy
yard, 12-4
maintenance planning, 12-3
maintenance skills, 12-3
overhaul maintenance requirements, 12-9 and
overhaul work packages, 12-4
phased maintenance program, 12-7
plan maintenance schedules, 12-3
preventive maintenance, 12-1
ships force overhaul management system, 12-6
system preventive maintenance, 12-4
Projectiles types, 2-2
Propelling charges, 2-6
Propulsion, 9-12
acceleration, 9-15
math numbers and speed, 9-15
reaction propulsion, 9-12
solid-fuel rocket motors, 9-13
turbojet engines, 9-13
distress and hand signals, 1-16
marine illumination and smoke signals, 1-14
pistols, 1-16
pyrotechnic marine location markers, 1-11
pyrotechnic safety handling and stowage, 1-20
Quality assurance
calibration of test and measuring equipment,
organization and responsibilities, 12-36
quality deficiency reporting, 12-37
Radar alignment, 11-8
Relays, 5-7
Remington M870 shotgun, 3-19
Replenishment methods, 2-62
ROLMS, 2-14
ROLMS capabilities, 2-14
Safe and arm device, 9-19


air systems, 4-56
high-pressure safety rules, 4-54
hydraulic fluid precautions, 4-55
personnel safety precautions, 4-56
Safety, 12-38
Service explosives, 1-6
black powder, 1-6
booster explosives, 1-8
main-charge (burster) explosives, 1-9
Multibase powder, 1-7
nitrocellulose, 1-7
primary (initiating) explosives, 1-8
single-base powder, 1-7
smokeless powder, 1-7
Ships power and distribution, 5-84
Shipboard ammunition inspection, 2-17
Mossberg M500 shotgun, 3-24
Remington M870 shotgun, 3-19
Shoulder weapons
M14 rifle, 3-10
M16A3 rifle, 3-15
Small-arms fundamentals
cycles of operation, 3-1
small-arms nomenclature, 3-1
Small-arms maintenance, 3-51
Small-arms range duties, 3-52
Smokeless powder, 1-7
SMS guided missiles, 9-20
Solenoids, 5-10
Solid-fuel rocket motors, 9-13
Solid-state control circuit operation, 5-81
Sources of maintenance information ordnance
publications, 12-26 to 12-27
Special precautions for small arms, 3-56
Star checks, 11-5
Stowage and issue of small arms, 3-51
Strikedown, 8-6
Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS strikedown, 8-6
Mk 26 GMLS strikedown/intertransfer, 8-10 to
Mk 41 vertical launching system, 8-15
Structure of a missile, 9-1 to 9-2
Support weapons
40-MM M203 grenade launcher, 3-46
Switches, 5-2 to 5-7
Synchro circuits, 5-18
advantages of synchros, 5-18
basic principles of synchros, 5-20
classification of synchros, 5-19
electrical zero, 5-23
maintaining and troubleshooting synchro
systems, 5-24

Synchro circuitsContinued
purpose of synchros, 5-18
synchro system, 5-23
synchros symbols, 5-19
Technical manual identification numbering system
(TMINS), 13-4
Technical manual management program (TMMP),
Torque wrenches, 12-23
assist visits, 13-29
formal training, 13-28
GMT, 13-29
informal training, 13-29
management of training, 13-31
OJT, 13-29
planning board for training, 13-31
PQS, 13-30
records, 13-34
Training missiles, 10-22
general purposes, 10-22
inspections, 10-24
servicing, 10-25
standard GMTR, 10-22
Training plans
long-range plan, 13-32
monthly training plan, 13-34
quarterly-plan, 13-32
short-range plan, 13-32
weekly training plan, 13-34
Tram, 11-4
Transistorized circuits, 5-14 to 5-15
Turbojet engines, 9-13
Typical carbon dioxide (CO2) system, 8-21
Typical water injection system, 8-25
fuzes, 9-17
payloads, 9-16
safe and arm device, 9-19
Weapons direction systems, 10-2
Weapons system maintenance
daily system operability test, 10-20
OCSOT, 10-21
system testing, 10-16
testing requirements, 10-17


Assignment Questions

Information: The text pages that you are to study are

provided at the beginning of the assignment questions.

Textbook Assignment: Explosives and Pyrotechnics, chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-22.



What occurrence normally accompanies the

rapid release of energy produced by an explosive chemical reaction?


A fireball only
A fireball and a rapid rise in temperature
A rapid rise in pressure and a sonic blast
A rapid rise in temperature and pressure


What factor causes the rapid release of energy

experienced during an explosive chemical





What type of explosive material has its chemical reaction time measured in feet per second?

The heat produced

The gases produced
The force of detonation
The force of disruption



What method of initiation explodes a

small-explosive charge in contact with a larger,
less sensitive explosive to cause its initiation?

The heat produced

The velocity of the reaction
The pressure developed
The time of the reaction

High explosive
Low explosive

What is the most common method of initiating

low explosives?

What characteristic of an explosive reaction

represents its potential for doing work?

What conditions determine the behavior of an

explosive material when it is heated?


What feature of a low-explosive decomposition allows it to function as a propellant?



As a propellant
As a low explosive
As a high explosive

What term describes the instantaneous decomposition of an explosive material?


Ignition temperature

1. The manner of confinement and its sensitivity

2. Sensitivity and stability
3. Rate and manner of heating and manner of
4. Sensitivity and rate and manner of heating

An explosive compound that decomposes extremely fast is categorized as what type of





What term defines a measure of the energy

necessary to initiate an explosive?

1. The explosive material changing into a gas

2. The increase in temperature caused by the
expanding fireball
3. The restraining property of the explosive
4. The huge vacuum created by the explosion

What term defines a measurement of the shattering ability of an explosive?







Sympathetic explosion
Booster train
Explosive train
Progressive explosion



1. To function between the booster and the

main charge
2. To detonate the booster
3. To amplify the effect of the booster
4. To cause a time delay in the chain reaction


Extension tube



Extension tube


Water soluble

What is the oldest explosive known?



What term defines explosives that easily

absorb moisture?

What term defines the device used to initiate a

high-explosive bursting charge?


What term defines the loading process where

high explosives in liquid form are poured into
containers to solidify?

What term defines the device used to ignite a

gun-propelling charge?


Black powder

Burning rate
Web thickness

What term defines a propellant grain with a

surface area that increases as the grain burns?

What type of explosive is used in the igniter of

a gun-propelling charge?



Cylindrical with one perforation

Cylindrical with seven perforations

Cylindrical propellant grain sizes are normally

stated in which of the following terms?

What is the function of an intermediate charge?

Lead styphnate

The propellant grains in a 5/54 propelling

charge are in which of the following forms?

A focal cone
A lead styphnate igniter
An extension tube
A booster

By the explosives they contain

By the time they take to function
By the method of initiation
By the length of the primer tube

What is the common ingredient in single-,

double-, and triple-based propellants?

What device is used to increase the shock of

initiating explosives to the level necessary to
explode the main charge?

Primers are classified in what manner?


What term describes the chain reaction that

leads to the detonation of the main buster
charge of a gun projectile?



What method of explosive initiation uses a

percussion initiator?

Black powder
Calloided cotton






A Mk 58 marine location marker should burn

for approximately what maximum number of



20 to 30 mm
30 to 40 mm only
40 to 60 mm only
30 to 60 mm

The pull ring of a Mk 6 marine location marker

activates what device or solution?


A pull tape
A twist key
A transfer fuze

Quick match
90-sec delay fuze
First candle starting mix
The ignition squib

What is the most common type of initiating

explosive in use today?

When conducting man-overboard drills, you

should use what marine location marker, if



Lead azide
Lead styphnate
Mercury fulminate

Which of the following types of primary

explosives can be readily ignited by static discharges from the human body?



What propellant designation identifies a nonhygroscopic, diphenylamine-stabilized smokeless powder?


What initiator activates the igniter battery of a

Mk 58 marine location marker?

Heat only
Moisture only
Heat and moisture
Heat and age

What propellant designation is used to identify

an SPDF type propellant mixed with potassium



What condition(s) speed(s) the deterioration of

smokeless powder?

What type of signal is produced by the Mk 1

Mod 1 marine illumination signal?

Lead azide
Lead styphnate
Mercury fulminate


Mk 58 Mod 0
Mk 58 Mod 1
Mk 6
Mk 2

A red parachute-suspended star only

A red or green parachute-suspended star
A red, green, or yellow 7- to 11-second star
A free-falling white comet

Which of the following solvents should NOT

be used to remove exudate?

Which of the following signals is NOT

designed to be fired from the AN-M8
pyrotechnic pistol?



Clean, hot water

An alkaline preparation
Acetone solvents

What is the primary explosive ingredient in

compositions A-3, B, and C?

What color smoke is produced by the Mk 13

marine smoke and illumination signal?


Mk 1 Mod 0 marine illumination signal

Mk 1 Mod 1 marine illumination signal
Mk 2 marine illumination signal
AN-M37A2 aircraft illumination signal





At night, what feature identifies the flame end

of a Mk 13 marine smoke and illumination


Three beads on the plastic cap

A smooth plastic cap
A single protrusion on the plastic cap
A ridge cast into the signal body

The flame end of a Mk 13 marine smoke and

illumination signal is ignited in what manner?





Navy pyrotechnics are designed to withstand

which of the following minimum/maximum
temperature ranges?
-20F to 100F only
-65F to 100F only
-65F to 160F only
-20F to 165F

The smoke and fumes of Navy pyrotechnics

are non-toxic and cause only mild irritation to
the eyes and nasal passages of personnel when
exposed in any concentration.
1. True
2. False



When handled properly, Navy ordnance is

relatively safe.
1. True
2. False


If fired, a dented Mk 80 hand-fired signal poses

what danger, if any?

Moisture can have which of the following effects on pyrotechnic devices?


What color star signal is fired from the Mk 79

Mod 0 personnel distress kit?


It should be used as soon as possible

It should be turned in as soon as possible
It should be disposed of immediately

What total number of signals is contained in

the Mk 79 Mod 2 personnel distress kit?



What, if anything, should be done with a Mk 1

Navy light that gives off a vinegar smell?

Exposure to fresh water

Dents or cracks in the outer body
Lack of proper grounding
Exposure to nonorganic substances

1. It can make them more sensitive and dangerous

2. It can make them less dependable
3. It can make them more difficult to ignite
4. Each of the above

1. By rubbing a scratching surface across an

igniting compound
2. With a twist igniter
3. With a pull ring
4. With a saltwater battery

Which of the following situations can cause the

accidental activation of a pyrotechnic device
during handling?

Ordnance safety regulations may be altered or

waived, but only by area commanders.
1. True
2. False

It may not shoot straight

It may hangfire
It may react violently


What factor causes the majority of ordnance

safety regulations to be written?

Ordnance handlers should be constantly aware

of which of the following characteristics of


1. Some may be activated by exposure to

fresh water
2. All are highly unstable
3. All are very stable and require little care in
4. Some are intended to burn with intense

Personnel who routinely handle explosives

must guard against what personal characteristic?

Safety inspection results

Actual disasters
The CNOs concern for safety
Ordnance specialists brainstorming


Textbook Assignment: Ammunition, Magazines, and Missile Handling, chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-68.







a large-explosive
a large-explosive

a small-explosive

What term describes the machined surface of

a gun projectile that acts to stabilize the projectile as it passes through the gun bore?


What type of projectile has a backup point

detonating fuze that operates in case of primary
fuze failure?

What device serves to ignite the expelling

charge of an illumination projectile?

Stabilizer bearing


What type of projectile is designed to penetrate

one third of their caliber of armor?


a small-explosive

Stabilizer bearing
Rotating band

What type of projectile is fitted with a base

fuze only?


Fragmentation projectiles are normally constructed in what manner?


1. To provide an aerodynamic shape to the

2. To provide a rear bearing surface to stabilize the round in the gun bore
3. To allow for the insertion of a base fuze
4. To collect copper wiped from the rotating
What component of a gun projectile acts as a
seal preventing the escape of propellant gases?



1. With thick walls and

2. With thin walls and
3. With thick walls and
4. With thin walls and

What is the function of a cannelure on a gun



What type of ammunition is NOT designed to

be fired from a gun?




What term describes ammunition designed for

use in combat?



What ammunition assembly classification includes small-arms ammunition?




What term describes the type of ammunition

assembly that consists of two pieces rammed
together as a single unit?

The time fuze

The SD fuze
The NSD fuze
The burn-through of the tracer element



Which of the following is an advantage of

cartridge case type propelling charges?

1. The time of flight of a projectile fuzed with

a proximity fuze
2. The time elapsed between the setting of a
projectile fuze and the moment the projectile is fired
3. The time elapsed between the time when a
projectile is fired and the moment the fuze
4. The delay built into the fuze of an
armor-piercing projectile that allows it
time to penetrate the target before detonating the projectile

1. The steel case is reusable

2. They help prevent flarebacks
3. When fired, the case is consumed without
leaving an ash
4. The primer can be replaced in case of a

What is the function of the wad and distance

piece in a case type propelling charge?
1. To keep the powder charge tightly packed
in the case
2. To make room for the aluminum foil piece
3. To allow room for initial expansion of the
propellant gases
4. To keep the plug or projectile from accidentally being forced into the case




High angle


Angular acceleration
Centrifugal force



What force of inertia is used to align the fuze

firing mechanism so that it will function on



What projectile has light green body color


The year and month of manufacture

The lot sequence number
The lot suffix and alpha number
The lot intermix number

What year was the new lot numbering system


Angular acceleration
Centrifugal force


In the new lot numbering system, what information directly follows the manufacturers ID

Angular acceleration
Centrifugal force

Dead time
Frictional arming
Fuze quick

What type of projectile is painted olive drab

with a yellow band around the ogive?

What force of inertia is used to operate the fuze

clockwork of most mechanical time fuzes?

What term describes the fuze safety feature

that requires a projectile to be fired and clear of
the muzzle before its fuze arms?

What force of inertia is used to unlock the fuze

clock mechanism?



What type of propelling charge is often used in

firing on reverse-slope targets?

Which of the following best describes the term

dead time?





What level of ammunition inventory accuracy

is required by the CNO?
100 percent
99.5 percent
97.5 percent
95 percent


What responsibility, if any, does a GM3 have in

maintaining an accurate ammunition ledger?




What is the purpose of a gas check seal?

1. To seal the gun bore to prevent the escape
of propellant gases
2. To focus the force of propellant gases
3. To prevent propellant gases from penetrating into the explosive cavity of a projectile
4. To hold the base fuzes in place



Which of the following transactions is NOT

recorded on a lot/location card?

MILSTRIP in a Navy speed letter

MILSTRIP in a naval message
ATR in a Navy speed letter
ATR in a naval message

What chapter of the CAlMS manual describes

the preparation of an ammunition requisition?

On the MSRP
On the lot/location card
On the serial/location card
On maintenance due date record card

What chapter of SPCCINST 8010.12 provides

detailed instructions on the makeup and maintenance of the ammunition ledger?



Initial issue allowance list

Ship-fill allowance list
Training allowance list
The CAlMS manual

What format is used for ordering ammunition?



The maintenance due date of a missile is

recorded in what location on an ammunition



In a file separate from the ledger

In the commanding officers safe
In a file with the ledger
With the requisition file

What document lists the types and quantities of

ammunition that are authorized for issue to a
particular ship?

How many MSRCs would be required to

record 1,000 rounds of .45-caliber ammunition, NALC/DODIC A475, consisting of three
lots, if 400 rounds are condition code A and
600 rounds are condition code B?



The expending of small-arms ammunition

A change of ammunition condition code
A receipt of ammunition
A change in ammunition storage

The ATR file is kept in what location?


1. To make sure that ammunition items expended are identified and quantities
2. To make sure that ammunition items are
accurately stenciled
3. To make sure that ammunition items are
properly stored
4. None

Which of the following events does NOT

require the submission of an ammunition
transaction report?

What type of projectile is fitted with a gas

check seal?

Ammunition ordered
All transactions of that lot
A change in condition code
Ammunition of that lot which was transferred to another command

Those with a solid base

Those with a base plug only
Those with a base fuze only
Those with either a base plug or base fuze






Ready-service magazine
Ready-service stowage



Who is the custodian of all magazine keys

aboard ship?


On the daily magazine temperature report,

magazines are stated to be in satisfactory
condition if they meet what requirements?

NAVSEA 59522-AA-HBK-0l0

To check material condition

To check and record temperatures
To check for gear adrift
To check smokeless powder samples

Magazine inspection MRCs contain the same

criteria as is used by what inspection team?

Ready-service magazine
Ready-service stowage

OPNAV Instructions

What is the main purpose of the daily magazine


Which of the following publications provides

specific information concerning shipboard ammunition stowage requirements?

What is the primary source of magazine inspection criterion?


What type of magazine provides permanent

stowage of ammunition convenient to the
weapon that it serves?



Ready-service magazine
Ready-service stowage

What type of magazine is designed to hold a

ships entire peacetime allowance of ammunition?

What is considered the controlled area on a

ship armed with nuclear weapons?
1. The space where the weapons are stored
2. The space where the weapons are stored
and all immediately adjoining spaces only
3. The space where the weapons are stored
and all spaces within 50 feet only
4. The entire ship

NAVSEA 59522-AA-HBK-0l0

What type of magazine is located in the immediate vicinity of the weapon it serves?



What publication contains the complete description of how to inspect projectile gas check


What is the purpose of the exhaust ventilator

pipe and check valve in shipboard magazines?
1. To allow air to flow out of the magazine
2. To vent pressure when the space is flooded
by the sprinkler system
3. To allow the space to be flooded in case of
4. To limit the maximum water level in the
space if it is flooded

The duty GM
The weapons officer
The executive officer
The commanding officer





40 psi
50 psi
70 psi
100 psi


Spring pressure only

Firemain pressure only
A mechanical linkage
Both spring and firemain pressure

What factor allows firemain operating pressure

to overcome firemain pressure acting on the
valve disk?



1. Manual control valve

2. Hydraulically operated remote control
3. Spring-loaded lift check valve
4. Hydraulically operated check valve

155F (3)
160F (3)
165F (3)
175F (3)

What force or condition activates the PRP


What sprinkler system valve allows the system

to be secured from a station other than the one
from which it was activated?

Fire only
Rapid rise in temperature only
Fire and a rapid rise in temperature
A slow or rapid rise in temperature

At what temperature is the fusible link of an

HSD designed to part?


Hydraulically operated check valve

Pressure vent check valves
Drain lines

Heat-sensing devices are designed to create

pressure in response to what condition(s)?

1. The increased pressure produced by the

multiplier valve
2. The pressure on the valve disk is removed
at actuation
3. The area of the valve disk is larger than that
of the lower diaphragm washer
4. The area of the lower diaphragm washer is
larger than that of the valve disk

What sprinkler system component prevents a

buildup of pressure in the control piping
because of valve leakage?

What type of pressure holds a class 2 valve


What sprinkler valve releases operating pressure from a main sprinkling valve?
1. Power-operated check valve
2. Hydraulically operated remote control
3. Spring-loaded lift check valve
4. Hydraulically operated check valve

Dry type
Wet type
Hydraulic jacking cylinder

With what minimum firemain pressure are

sprinkler control valves designed to operate?



What type of magazine sprinkler system is

normally used in gun ammunition magazines?

A vacuum pressure
A differential pressure
Barometric pressure

What is the purpose of the compensating vent

on the PRP valve?
1. To equalize the system after it has been
2. To compensate for fluctuations in barometric pressure
3. To allow the PRP valve to be adjusted for
different temperature ranges
4. To vent slight pressures caused by normal
temperature changes

What sprinkler system valve permits a main

sprinkler valve to close rapidly and completely?
1. Power-operated check valve
2. Hydraulically operated remote control
3. Spring-loaded lift check valve
4. Hydraulically operated check valve


How much pressure is required to trip the PRP


8 oz
8 lb
5 oz
5 lb





l yr
18 mo
2 yr




Weight capacity
The Mk 85 is used for helo transfer only
The Mk 85 is used for pallets of powder
charges; the Mk 100 is used for pallets of


What is/are the Qual/Cert program requirement(s) for ammunition handling working
party personnel?


Quarter deck log

PMS cycle chart
Launcher log
Guided missile service record (GMSR)

Who is responsible for the cleanliness and

preservation of the missiles aboard ship?


Routine inspection
Off-load inspection
Receipt inspection
Daily inspection

The results of any guided missile inspection

should be logged in what document?

1. Complete certification
2. Partial certification
3. Training, temporary certification, and constant supervision by certified personnel
4. Training, a safety brief, and constant supervision by certified personnel

In an all-up-round (AUP) status

In a disassembled status
In a repair status
In need of a configuration summary form

Although all missile inspections are equally

important, for what inspection should you be
exceptionally thorough?


Serial number
Mark and mod number

In what condition are guided missiles delivered

to the fleet?

What requirement must be ever present and

maintained to validate a Qual/Cert program

Untrained crane operators

Carelessness and poor handling practices
Unapproved containers or canisters
Uncertified handling personnel

How are missile canisters and containers


1. Record of the commanding officers signature

2. Documented training
3. 3-M maintenance records
4. The certification record of the board chairman

What is the major cause of damage to a missile

during handling?

What is the difference between a Mk 85 and a

Mk 100 pallet sling?

Which of the following traits is usually found

in people who routinely engage in ordnance
1. A closer observance of safety precautions
2. A neglect for safety precautions
3. A deeper understanding of safety precautions
4. An instinctive safe behavior

What is the standard type of forklift truck used

aboard ship?



An MHE operators license is valid for what

maximum period of time?



What magazine alarm indicates water in the

dry side of the sprinkler system piping?


Textbook Assignment: Small Arms, chapter 3, pages 3-1 through 3-55.



Army FMs
Marine Corps FMs


Model 1911 Alteration 1

Mk 1911 Mod 1
Mark 1911 Model 1
Model 1911 Modification 1







Case remover and ejector

Extractor and ejector
Case remover and extractor
Sear and case extractor


What term defines the greatest distance a

weapon can be expected to fire accurately?



What type of small-arms operation allows a

weapon to keep firing as long as the trigger is
kept pulled?

What two small-arms components work together to remove a spent cartridge case from
the chamber and expel it from the weapon?


In what type of small-arms operation are the

barrel and bolt locked together for a short time
as they travel rearward after firing?

What function in the small-arms cycle of operation keeps the bolt closed after firing to
prevent loss of gas pressure?


In what type of small-arms operation is the

weight of the breech bolt an important factor?

What is the bore diameter of the 12-gauge



What type of small-arms weapon uses the force

of the burning propellant to operate the bolt and
feeder mechanisms?

1. .410 in
2. .729 in
3. .120 in
4. 12 mm

What type of small-arms weapon requires the

trigger to be pulled each time a round is to be

What is the Navy equivalent of the Armys



The Springfield Armory

The Marine Corps
The Army
The manufacturers

Small-arms maintenance requirements are

found in what publications?



From what source does the Navy get most of its

small arms?

Maximum accurate range

Accurate range
Effective distance
Maximum effective range




What term defines the number of rounds per

minute that a weapon can fire in full automatic

1. After the last round is fired, the bolt is

open, and the safety is set
2. When the safety is set, the bolt is open, and
there is no round in the chamber only
3. When the magazine is out, the bolt is open,
and there is no round in the chamber only
4. When the bolt is open, the magazine is out,
the safety is set, and there is no round in the

Cyclic rate of fire

Sustained rate of fire
Maximum rate or fire
Timed rate of fire

Which of the following actions should you take

before performing any work on a weapon?
1. Dry-fire the weapon
2. Make sure the weapon is clear of ammunition
3. Obtain permission from the work center
4. Inform the work center supervisor




On the left rear side of the receiver

Forward of the trigger guard
On the right rear side of the receiver
In the center of the rear hand grip


There is no magazine in the weapon

The bolt is not fully forward
The weapon is not cocked
The weapon is not loaded


Removing the extractor from the bolt

Removing the bolt from the weapon
Removing the stock from the receiver
Removing the operating rod and connector

The Al upgrade to the M-16 rifle provides what

1. Increased the bolt tolerances
2. Added the charging handle
3. Made the weapon capable of full automatic
4. Added the forward assist mechanism

The connector
The disconnector
The magazine latch
The magazine follower


The M-14 rifle uses what type of operation?


Field-stripping an M-14 rifle does NOT include which of the following?


What device activates the bolt lock of an M-14

rifle to hold the bolt open after the last round is

What action should you take to remove the

firing mechanism of an M-14 rifle?
1. Rotate the trigger guard away from the
stock while depressing the trigger
2. Rotate the trigger guard 90 degrees away
from the stock
3. Depress the retaining latch using the maintenance tool provided
4. Depress the retaining latch using the
pointed end of a cartridge

What condition probably exists if the safety on

an M-14 rifle will not engage?



The safety is in what location on the M-14


When is an M-14 rifle considered clear?


What must be done to remove the upper

receiver from the lower receiver of the M16
1. Unscrew the takedown and pivot pins
2. Detach the left and right retaining latches
3. Depress the retaining latches with the
cleaning rod
4. Press the takedown and pivot pins




Why is it preferable to load an M-16 rifle with

the bolt open?
1. It reduces the likelihood of first round
2. It is safer
3. It reduces the possibility of accidentally
firing the weapon
4. It allows the operator to inspect the chamber before loading



What must be done to chamber a round in an

M-16 rifle if the magazine is inserted with the
bolt closed?





What action must be taken to remove the barrel

of the M870 shotgun?
Unscrew the barrel retaining nut
Drive out the barrel retaining pins
Rotate the barrel lock 90 degrees
Remove the magazine cap

What action must be taken to remove the

breech bolt from the M870 shotgun?
1. Drive out the breech bolt retaining pin
2. Remove the fore-end unit from the receiver
3. Remove the bolt retainer and then pull the
bolt through the ejection port
4. Remove the trigger plate assembly and pull
the bolt through the bottom of the receiver

In the center of the rear hand grip

On top of the receiver
In the front of the trigger guard
To the rear of the trigger guard

To be in the SAFE position, you must push the

safety of the M870 shotgun in what direction?

At what point in the movement of the fore-end

of an M870 shotgun is a round of ammunition
released from the tubular magazine and fed
into the chamber?



The safety is in what location on the M870


What is the function of the action bar lock on

the M870 shotgun?

1. At the beginning of forward movement

2. At the end of rearward movement
3. When the action bar lock is released after
4. As the spent shell casing is ejected

After inserting a magazine

After chambering the first round
After the bolt fails to go fully forward
When the magazine is stuck

When fully loaded, the tubular magazine of the

M870 shotgun holds what maximum number
of rounds of ammunition?



The operator of an M-16 rifle should strike the

forward assist under what conditions?

Release the safety

Set the safety
Press the action bar lock
Release the action bar lock

1. It disconnects the trigger and sear assembly while the bolt is open and aligns each
round of ammunition for proper seating
2. It aligns each round of ammunition for
proper seating and locks the action closed
3. It locks the action closed and disconnects
the trigger and sear assembly while the bolt
is open
4. It aligns each round of ammunition for
proper seating and prevents double feeding

1. The charging handle must be depressed

2. The charging handle must be pulled fully
to the rear and then eased back into the
forward position
3. The charging handle must be pulled fully
to the rear and released
4. The charging handle must be pulled to the
rear and locked in position until the first
round is fired

To pump the fore-end to the rear when the

M870 shotgun is cocked, you must take what


Left to right
Right to left
Front to back
Back to front

The safety switch is in what location on the

M500 shotgun?


On top of the receiver

To the rear of the trigger guard
To the front of the trigger guard
On the bottom of the receiver



The Mk 87 Mod 1 line-throwing kit launcher is

installed on an M-14 rifle in what manner?
1. The flash suppressor is removed from the
rifle and the launcher is screwed onto the
barrel in its place
2. The launcher is clamped to the gas cylinder
of the rifle
3. The launcher is clamped around the flash
4. The launcher is slid over the flash suppressor and latched to the bayonet lug





After the operator of the M2 BMG releases the

trigger, what emergency action must be taken if
firing continues?

Excessive oiling of the M2 BMG should be

avoided for what reason?
1. It is wasteful and unnecessary
2. When fired, the oil may splatter on the
operator, possibly getting in his eyes
3. It is a fire hazard during sustained firing
4. It can solidify causing sluggish operation

80 yd
90 yd
95 yd
100 yd

2,000 yd
4,000 yd
5,000 yd
7,400 yd

What is the maximum effective range of the

M-60 machine gun?

The M2 BMG uses what type of operation?


The position of the firing selector switch

The position of the safety switch
The position of the bolt latch release lock
The set of triggers the operator uses

1. Keep the weapon on target and allow it to

expend all ammunition
2. Open the feeder cover and remove the ammunition belt
3. Break off the ammunition belt
4. Twist the ammunition belt

330 ft
500 ft
550 ft
600 ft

What is the maximum effective range of the



Its age
Its chemical composition
The ambient temperature
Barometric pressure

Bolt gap
Feed space
Head space
Timing space

When firing the M2 BMG, what factor determines automatic or semiautomatic mode of

What is the maximum reliable range of a

line-throwing projectile fired from an M-14



What is the approximate total length of a roll of

shot line?



What factor determines the active life of a

chemical light wand?

Which of the following terms defines the

distance between the face of the bolt and the
base of a cartridge case fully seated in the
chamber of an M2 BMG?


Spring and cam operated

When firing at a target 500 yards away, what

total number of clicks of the windage knob on
an M-60 machine gun will correct for a 5-yard


1,100 yd
1,200 yd
1,000 m
1,200 m





The M-60 machine gun uses what type of




What action causes the firing pin to strike the

primer of a chambered round in the M-60
machine gun?


What action causes the bolt of the M-60

machine gun to lock into the barrel?


What is the state of the M-60 machine gun

when the trigger is released after firing?

What action is accomplished when the barrel

locking latch of the M79 grenade launcher is
moved all the way to the right?


Drive spring
Spring guide

50 -80 ft only
50 -80 yd
165 -265 ft only
165 -265 m

What action must be taken to remove the barrel

from the stock of an M79 grenade launcher?


The safety is set

The barrel is locked in preparation for firing
The safety is disengaged
The direct fire sight is visible for use

What is the battle sight range of the M79

grenade launcher?

Which of the following is NOT a component in

the operating group of the M-60 machine gun?

How is the M79 grenade launcher cocked?


1. The bolt is locked to the rear and a round is

aligned in the feed tray
2. The bolt is forward with a round in the
3. The bolt is locked to the rear with a fresh
round held on the bolt face by the extractor
4. The bolt is locked in the half-cocked
position with a round in the feeder guide

The barrel
The forehand grip
The trigger group
The buffer group

1. By manually cocking the hammer using

your thumb
2. The weapon cocks itself as the bolt is
3. The weapon cocks itself as it is opened
4. By retracting the charging lever

1. The cammed barrel causes the bolt to turn

90 degrees counterclockwise locking its
three lugs into machined slots in the barrel
2. The operating rod yoke rides against the
bolt camming slot to turn the bolt 90
degrees clockwise
3. Spring pressure
4. Two locking levers are cammed out and
over the two bolt lugs as it closes the

On the bottom rear of the bolt

On the bottom of the operating rod
On the rear of the hammer
On the side of the hammer

When disassembling an M-60 machine gun,

what component must you remove before
removing the operating group?

1. The hammer striking the rear of the firing

2. A machined knob on the face of the bolt
striking the primer as the bolt closes
3. The firing pin being carried forward into
the primer by the operating rod yoke
4. The hammer striking the rear of the bolt
transmits force to the firing pin and into the

The sear notch is in what location on an M-60

machine gun?

Remove the retaining latches

Remove the securing pin
Remove the stock
Remove the fore-end

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic

of the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun?
1. Blowback-operated and air-cooled
2. Fire linked ammunition of the same size as
the M79
3. Fully automatic
4. Bolt is held in the rear position with a
round in the bolt fingers at cease fire





When loading the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun,

what action must the operator take before
closing the top cover?

1. The camming action of the ejector mechanism

2. A fresh cartridge moving down the bolt
3. The forward motion of the bolt as it chambers a fresh cartridge
4. The action of the feeder drive mechanism

Move the ejector assembly forward

Set the safety lever to the left
Move the slide assembly to the left
Align the ejector and slide assemblies

When fully loading the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine

gun, the second pull of the charger handles
accomplishes what action?

What action causes the spent case to be ejected

from the Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun?

Declines a round and chambers it for firing

Positions a round in the bolt fingers
Positions a round on the bolt face
Declines a round and releases the bolt sear


Textbook Assignment: Basic Mechanisms, chapter 4, pages 4-1 through 4-56.


What is the function of a cam follower?

1. To rotate the cam in response to an electrical signal
2. To position other devices in response to
cam contours
3. To cancel oscillations in cam movement
4. To prevent backlash in cam movement



1. The effect of the input force can either be

reduced or increased, depending on the
degree of speed reduction
2. The effect of the input force is reduced
proportionally with the output speed
3. The effect of the input force is magnified as
speed is reduced
4. None

Gear trains are NOT used for which of the following purposes?

To change direction of motion

To increase speed
To provide a positive drive
To provide a flexible coupling





Which of the following is a reason for putting a

fixed sliding lug coupling in the drive shaft
between a motor and the pump it operates?
1. To allow for major misalignment of the
2. To allow the pump and motor to be removed or replaced independently of each
3. To allow for fine adjustment of the output
4. To allow for seal replacement

What type of gears are most often used to

change the angular direction of motion in a
gear train?

What is another name for the pivot point in a

mechanical linkage?

What is the function of an idler gear?

1. To cancel the direction reversal effect of
one gear turning another
2. To take slippage out of the system
3. To span a distance between the drive and
driven gear in limited space applications
4. To reverse the direction of motion allowing
the output shaft to turn in the opposite
direction as the input shaft


What effect, if any, does a reduction in speed

through the use of a gear train have on the
amount of drive force applied?

Rack and pinion



What is the function of bearings and lubrication in ordnance equipment?

1. To reduce friction between moving parts
2. To support and preserve exposed linkages
3. To increase the effort required to turn gears
and shafts
4. To preserve and align rotating equipment

What unique property makes a worm gear useful in ammunition hoists and train and elevation power drives?
1. They are very strong and function well in
high torque applications
2. They are versatile because motion can be
transmitted through the gears in both directions
3. They can act as an emergency brake
because they transmit motion in only one
4. They are very resistant to slippage because
the worm and the drive gear are at
90-degree angles to each other


What characteristic(s) of fluids allow(s) force

to be transmitted through them in a closed
1. The density of their molecules only
2. They take the shape of their container and
they are not compressible
3. Their high weight-to-area ratio and the
density of their molecules
4. They are compressible




Which of the following is NOT a true statement

concerning fluids?

1. To divert a portion of hydraulic fluid for

filtering during normal operation
2. To secure the system if the filters become
3. To divert pump pressure back to the
reservoir if the filters become clogged
4. To pass fluid to the pressure control device
if the filters become clogged

1. They are not compressible

2. They transmit applied force equally in all
directions when contained
3. They transmit applied force in one general
direction when contained, directly away
from the applied force
4. The size of connecting pipes used to transmit hydraulic force affects the operating
speed by limiting fluid volume



If a force of 15 pounds is applied to a hydraulic

piston with a surface area of 3 square inches,
what force will be felt on the output piston with
a surface area of 10 square inches?

30 lb
45 1b
50 lb
150 lb

What is the function of baffles in a hydraulic




What is the primary function of an accumulator?

1. To provide fluid to the system during low
demand operations only
2. To store extra fluid in addition to the
3. To store fluid under pressure
4. To provide fluid to the system during high
demand operations only

Which of the following devices function to

remove large particles of contamination from
hydraulic fluid?

How does the control valve of a hydraulic pressure regulating device control the functioning
of the unloading valve?
1. By controlling the hydraulic pressure
applied to the large area side of the unloading valve
2. By controlling the hydraulic pressure
applied to the small area side of the unloading valve
3. By controlling the hydraulic pressure
applied to the lower control valve piston
4. By controlling the hydraulic pressure
ported to the top of the control valve

1. To separate air from the fluid

2. To keep the fluid from sloshing around as
the ship moves
3. To strain large objects from the fluid
4. To keep the oil from forming a layer of film
on top when the system is not running

What is the function of a bypass valve in a

full-flow hydraulic filtration system?



The filter is in what section of a hydraulic


When a hydraulic system is not energized,

what device keeps the accumulator bladder
from being forced into the system by nitrogen

1. On the end of the pipe that supplies fluid to

the pump
2. After the pressure control device
3. At the end of the fluid return line just
before the reservoir
4. Between the pump and the pressure control


What is the function of a hydraulic pump?



The bladder retainer

The poppet valve
The outlet line shield
A baffle

To produce hydraulic pressure

To supply a flow of fluid to the system
To pressurize the system
To reduce system resistance to fluid flow



What type of system usually uses an axial piston pump?

1. One that requires a constant output only
2. One that requires a constant or low volume
3. One that requires a variable output only
4. One that requires a variable or high volume




What is the function of the stroking pistons in

an axial piston pump?

To move the B-end tilt plate

To pump fluid from the A-end to the B-end
To move the A-end tilt plate
To operate the pressure regulator


What determines the direction of output flow

of an axial piston pump?





What are the principal parts of the lower gun

loading system on the Mk 75?

1,000 psi and 3,000 psi

2,000 psi and 3,000 psi
3,000 psi and 5,000 psi
1,000 psi and 5,000 psi


Why do gas ejection systems use HP air even

though they operate at a relatively low pressure?

Rocking arm assemblies

Loader drum assembly
Revolving magazine and screw feeder
Transfer tray and slide assembly

The revolving magazine on the Mk 75 holds

what maximum number of rounds?


The screw feeder on the Mk 75 operates independently of the revolving magazine.

1. True
2. False

1. Because they are critical systems

2. Because they are high-flow systems
3. Because they can be isolated from the air
supply to operate from a flask
4. Because they require the exact regulation
supplied by a reducer

The bypass valve assembly serves what purpose on the Mk 75?


To operate the air-drive motors

To operate the gun house air ventilator
To operate the gas ejection system
To recharge the gun recoil system after

What are the two normal operating pressures of

an HP air system?


1. It provides tank access

2. It provides a fill and drain port
3. It reduces the starting load on the electric
motor and pump
4. It increases the starting load on the electric
motor and pump

What is the primary use of HP air in a gun


A dip stick
A pressure gauge
An oil level indicator
A bleed plug

What gas keeps a constant preestablished head

of pressure in the accumulator on the Mk 75?

1. The direction of A-end tilt

2. The degree of tilt of the A-end
3. The direction of the aperture opening in the
regulator valve
4. The direction of B-end tilt

What device allows you to quick-check the

quantity of hydraulic fluid in the Mk 75
hydraulic system?


What type of force operates the rocking arm

assemblies on the Mk 75?

Cold recoil jacks are not a part of the Mk 75

hydraulic system.
1. True
2. False







What is the primary purpose of the cold recoil

jacks on the Mk 75?



Which of the following is NOT a rotating component of the Mk 45 hydraulic system?




Loader drum
Fuze setter
Breech mechanism
Lower accumulator

Lower hoist
Recoil-counterrecoil system

The hydraulic power unit is mounted in what

location on the Mk 75?

The Mk 45 lower accumulator system does

NOT supply hydraulic power to which of the
following components?



On the slide
On the carriage
On the loader drum
Outside the magazine

The screw feeder on the Mk 75 holds what

maximum number of rounds?



In the loader room only

In the magazine only
In the loader room and magazine
In the upper gun

Which of the following is NOT a stationary

component of the Mk 45 hydraulic system?

The Mk 75 ammunition handling system holds

what maximum number of rounds?


The stationary gun loading components on the

Mk 45 are in what location?

Loader drum
Revolving magazine
Screw feeder

1. They move the gun in and out of battery

during maintenance work
2. They elevate the gun barrel
3. They manually train the mount
4. They manually rotate the loader drum

The Mk 45 hydraulic system is divided into

what total number of components?


The breech mechanism is part of what assembly on the Mk 75?




The loader drum on the Mk 75 has what total

number of stations?



On the Mk 45, what component receives

hydraulic power from the upper and lower

The loader drum on the Mk 75 holds what

maximum number of rounds?



Breech mechanism
Upper hoist

On the Mk 45, the upper accumulator is

mounted in what location?


Loader drum
Lower hoist
Fuze setter

In the magazine
On the carriage
In the passageway
In the loader room





Which of the following is NOT a function of

the breech mechanism on the Mk 45?

On the Mk 45, what substance drives the

counterrecoil pistons forward to put the gun
barrel housing in battery after firing?


When the Mk 45 fires, what movement triggers

the hydraulic actions that raise the breechblock?





Power drives
Air systems
Cradle and rammer


To elevate the guide arms

To depress the guide arms
To rotate the launcher in train
To operate the blast doors

What is/are the primary function(s) of the Mk

26 GMLS elevation power drive system?

The Mk 45 servo and supercharge hydraulic

system provides pressurized fluid to control
and replenish what components?

The chain hoist shifter

The blast door
RSR latches
The RSR positioner

What is the purpose of the Mk 26 GMLS train

power drive?


Magazine RSR/hoist
Guide components and the blast door

The Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7 magazine RSR/hoist

power drive does NOT supply hydraulic power
to which of the following components?

Air pressure
Pressurized nitrogen
Hydraulic fluid
Pressurized argon


The Mk 13 launcher guide power unit supplies

PA to which of the following components?



The Mk 13 Mods 4 and 7 GMLSs have what

total number of power drives?

Rams ammo into the breech

Supports the cradle
Operates the breech mechanism
Controls the recoil pistons

1. Opens and closes the breech

2. Extracts spent powder cases from the
3. Ejects gas from the gun barrel
4. Return the gun to battery after firing

The Mk 45 auxiliary relief valve block regulates the servo pressure at what psi setting?

Main supply tank

Main motor and pump
Fuze setter
Emergency power drive

What is the main function of the Mk 45




Which of the following is NOT a major component of the Mk 45 upper accumulator


Elevates and depresses the guide arms

Rotates the launcher in train
Operates the blast doors
Operates the RSR

Textbook Assignment: Electrical and Electronic Circuit Analysis, chapter 5, pages 5-1 through 5-87.


What is the function of the gun mount/GMLS

control circuits?


1. To control the sequence of operation

2. To control the application of power drives
3. To act as a safety interlock for safe operation only
4. To provide a means of controlling the
o p eration of t he gun-loadi ng a nd
launcher-handling systems only


What is the normal source of gun

mount/launcher control circuit voltage?



What is the latest schematic designation for an

indicator light?



How are electrical fuses rated?

What device ensures the proper alignment of

switch contacts in a JR switch?
A stenciled plate with alignment marks
A spring lock inside each contact
A detente wheel
A spring-loaded lockpin attached to the
center shaft

The movement of a JR switch is limited by

what action?
1. By inserting pins in the top deck
2. By stops attached to the face of the unit
where the switch is installed
3. By stops installed at the factory
4. By the operator; no positive stops are possible


What is the latest standard schematic designation for a fuse?


The number of switch contacts operated by a

single rotary switch should be changed by
using what method?


1. In ohms, by the resistance they provide the

2. In amperes, by the current they can carry
3. In volts, by the voltage they can carry
4. In microfarads, by the impedance they can
produce safely

To increase response time

To minimize arcing
To streamline operation
To ensure a good low-resistance connection

1. By replacing the switch with a larger or

smaller version
2. By adding or subtracting switch layers
3. By wiring the contacts in series
4. By adding a canned relay

1. The ships 115-volt power supply

2. The ships 400-cycle generators
3. A transformer in the fire control switchboard
4. A gun mount/launcher transformer

Why do electrical switches normally operate

with a snap action?

What device is used to actuate a proximity

1. An infrared light beam
2. A magnet attached to a stationary component
3. A magnet attached to a moving component
4. A UV light beam





What determines the delay interval of a

time-delay relay?
1. The size of the in-line resistor
2. The number of core laminations
3. The thickness of the copper sleeve around
the core
4. The size of the adjustable orifice







What is the primary function of solenoids in

weapon systems?
1. To act as the primary link between the
electrical control system and the hydraulic
2. To shift the solenoid back to neutral after it
is de-energized
3. To provide equipment position feedback to
the control system
4. To energize LC3

To supply power to the drive motor

To indicate when the contactor is closed
To energize the contactor inertia lock
To provide a ground for the contactor body

The size of the adjustable air orifice

The magnitude of the overload
The viscosity of the oil in the dashpot
The size of the in-line delay resistor

Which of the following capabilities is NOT an

advantage of the new type of solenoid housing
used on the Mk 45 gun system?
1. It can be removed and replaced by removing four bolts
2. It requires fewer hydraulic seals
3. It is easier to adjust
4. It incorporates the hydraulic control valve

What is the function of the dashpot in an overload relay?

1. To cushion the contact plunger as it
reaches the end of its travel
2. To delay operation of the relay
3. To delay closing of the relay after the system has been reset
4. To transfer heat away from the overheated


Circuit breakers perform what function?



Solenoids convert electrical inputs into what

kind of output?

What factor determines the delay time for the

actuation of an overload relay?



What is the function of the D contact of a motor




What designation describes the normally

closed contacts of a miniature canned relay?


1. To act as a detente
2. To control the flow of hydraulic fluid to
system operating pistons
3. To direct hydraulic fluid flow to the desired
solenoid actuating piston where it is directed to a valve block
4. To act as a flow control check valve that
allows fluid flow in only one direction

What total number of sets of contacts are contained in a miniature canned relay?

What is the function of the pilot valve in the

new type of solenoid housing used on the Mk
45 gun system?

How should you determine the meaning of a

nonstandard electrical symbol used in a gun
system schematic drawing?

Overload protection only

Automatic power source transfer only
Overload protection and switching only
Overload protection, automatic power
source transfer, and switching

Which of the following designations identifies

an interlock switch in the empty case ejector
circuit of a Mk 45 gun mount?


Contact the manufacturer

Refer to the system OP
Refer to ANSI Y32.2-1975
Contact NAVSEA





What is the difference between the schematic

symbols of a PNP and an NPN transistor?


Which of the following circuits or situations

defines how logic circuits function?

What inputs are required (using LOW logic)

for the output of an AND gate to be HIGH?



What condition causes an NPN transistor to


All the inputs to be LOW

All the inputs to be HIGH
Any one of the inputs to be HIGH
Any one of the inputs to be LOW

What inputs are required (using LOW logic)

for the output of an OR gate to be LOW?

All the inputs to be LOW

All the inputs to be HIGH
Any one of the inputs to be HIGH
Any one of the inputs to be LOW

What is the function of the microprocessor in a

5/54 Mk 45 Mod 1 gun mount?
1. To monitor the operational sequence of the
2. To turn gun orders into train and elevation
3. To amplify gun orders only
4. To amplify gun and fuze setter orders

1. When the electrical potential on the base is

HIGH in relation to the potential on the
2. When the electrical potential on the base is
LOW in relation to the potential on the
3. When the electrical potential on the base is
HIGH in relation to the potential on the
4. When the electrical potential on the base is
LOW in relation to the potential on the

Attach a grounding strap to the circuit card

Attach a grounding strap to your wrist
Secure the power
Get permission from the weapons officer

1. A blown fuse in a 115-volt power supply

2. A transistorized circuit
3. A solenoid circuit
4. A meter reading of infinite ohms

As control relays
As interlock relays
As electronic switches
As current amplifiers

1. The arrow on the emitter of the PNP points

away from the base, while the NPN arrow
points toward the base
2. The arrow on the collector of the PNP
points toward the base, while the NPN
arrow points away from the base
3. The arrow on the collector of the PNP
points away from the base, while the NPN
arrow points toward the base
4. The arrow on the emitter of the PNP points
toward the base, while the NPN arrow
points away from the base

What action should you take before removing a

circuit board from an electrical panel?

A control relay
A time delay relay
A circuit breaker
A contactor

How are transistors used in the control circuits

of modern gun mounts?



What train system component is identified by

the Mk 45 gun mount designation KTTl?


What is the function of a circuit card extender?

1. It adapts the circuit card to the system test
2. It allows readings to be taken on a card
while the system is energized
3. It provides test points for some of the pin
connections on the card
4. It performs a diagnostic test of the cards

What is the first step in troubleshooting electronic control circuit problems?

1. Determine if the problem is in the 115-volt
or 24-volt circuits
2. Verify the operation of the output transistor
3. Check the output of the output transistor
4. Determine where in the operational sequence the equipment stopped


What is the function of a synchro?



To compute and generate gun orders

To transmit data
To interpret data
To modulate data



Accuracy only
Power only
Accuracy and power
Accuracy and speed


What are the three classes of synchros?


What is/are the function(s) of a synchro differential?



TX and CX
TX only
CX and TR


Rotor position
Electrical zero
Rotor zero
Electrical reference


Faulty installation
Clean or tight connections
Dirty or loose connections

Which of the following terms describes a

low-resistance path for current flow that
bypasses the intended load of a circuit?


One receiver fails to read correctly only

All receivers fails to read correctly
The receiver rotor locks at 180 degrees
The receiver rotor locks at 120 degrees

Which of the following factors is NOT a cause

of open circuits?

Which of the following terms defines the electrical reference point of a synchro?

Which of the following problems is an indication of a malfunctioning synchro transmitter?


What device(s) is/are used in a servo system

that requires electrical outputs?

What action must be taken before you replace a

synchro using the electrical zero method?
1. Position all equipment to mechanical zero
using a tram bar, slip all indicator dials to
read perfect zero, then replace the synchro
2. Position all equipment and indicators at
zero, set all synchros at electrical zero,
then replace the synchro
3. Set all dials at zero without regard to
equipment position, electrically zero all
synchros, then replace the synchro
4. Disconnect and electrically zero all system
synchros, then remove and replace the
synchro, and reconnect all synchros

1. To add two signals and transmit the results

2. To add or subtract two inputs and to transmit the results to another synchro to supply
a mechanical output
3. To position a mechanical device such as a
dial only
4. To add or subtract two inputs and position
a dial with the results

It is not necessary for the electrical and mechanical reference points of a gun system to be
1. True
2. False

1. Differential, receiver, and transmitter

2. Transmitter, receiver, and control transformer
3. Torque transmitter, differential, and control transformer
4. Torque transmitter, control transmitter, and

What is the basic principle of synchro system

1. The stator of the receiver matches the rotor
position of the transmitter
2. The rotor of the transmitter matches the
rotor position of the receiver
3. The rotor of the receiver matches the rotor
position of the transmitter
4. The stator of the receiver matches the
stator position of the transmitter

Loading system control

Control voltage generation
Power drive control
Control system diagnosis

Which of the following qualities makes

synchros useful for controlling naval weapons?



What is a primary applications of synchros in a

gun or GMLS system?

An open
A short
A ground
A hot ground



What is the purpose of the gun control panel

(GCP) in the Mk 75 gun mount control system?

1. The synchro gearing in the bottom of the

train synchro control box
2. The synchro gearing in the bottom of the
elevation power drive
3. The receiver regulator gearing
4. The train motor

1. It provides the intermediate link between

the fire control system and the gun mount
2. It provides for barrel cooling
3. It provides air conditioning and heating in
the ammo handling room
4. It provides sprinkler protection for the
ammo handling room




Slip ring
Barrel cooling
Heating element




Motor control system
Silicon-controlled rectifiers
Demodulator circuits

The Mk 45 gun mount control system controls

which of the following components?

Gun laying only

Gun loading only
Gun laying and gun loading
FCS interface

What is the purpose of the Mk 45 gun mount

EPl panel and where is it located?
1. It distributes power to the control components and is located in the gun pocket
2. It distributes hydraulic fluid power and is
located in the loader room
3. It distributes power to the control components and is located in the loader room
4. It distributes power to the control components and is located in the magazine

720 degrees
540 degrees
360 degrees

The train system on the Mk 75 is powered by

what total number of electrical motors?

What device regulates the polarity and amplitude of the current supplied to the train and
elevation motors?

Train movement is possible to what total number of degrees on the Mk 75 gun mount?




Which of the following systems is NOT an

auxiliary system on the Mk 75 gun mount?

The Mk 75 gun mount train and elevation systems use different power supplies.
1. True
2. False

What Mk 75 assembly allows for unlimited

training of the gun mount?



The inner surface of the gun port shield comes

equipped with what total number of heating

What device drives the firing cutout camstack

assembly on the Mk 75 gun mount?

What is the purpose of the Mk 45 gun mount

EP2 panel and where is it located?
1. It controls the gun mount in remote control
and is located in the gun pocket
2. It controls the gun mount operations and
provides a means for testing and exercising
the gun-laying and gun-loading systems
and is located in the loader room
3. It controls the gun mount hydraulic system
and is located in the magazine
4. It controls the gun mount operations and
provides a means for testing and exercising
the gun-laying and gun-loading systems
and is located in CIC


The train motor cannot be energized with the

training handcrank in place.
1. True
2. False





The MK 45 gun mount EP3 panel is located in

what area?


The loader room

The magazine
The gun pocket
The passageway adjacent to the gun mount

What device, if any, prevents the Mk 45 EPl

panel door from being opened when normal or
alternate 440-VAC is applied to the panel?



The train and elevation local control unit is in

what location on the Mk 45 gun mount?

On the Mk 13 Mod 4, what factor causes the

rail to start its retract cycle after a missile



On top of the EPl panel

In the gun mount pocket
On top of the EP2 panel

The ships 400-Hertz power is used for which

of the following in weapons systems?



1.0 amp
0.5 amp
0.25 amp
0.1 amp

What is the normal position of the retractable

rail on the Mk 13 Mod 4?

1. The hasp and lock

2. The mount captain
3. A solenoid door latch
4. None

At what minimum intensity may electric current cause death?

Power drives
Loading and power drives
Synchros, fuze setters, and sights

Missile control circuits

Forward missile shoe
Missile tail-control surface
Missile rocket motor

On the Mk 13 Mod 4, what device(s) cause(s)

the rail to start its retract cycle during dud
jettison, step load, or exercise operations?
1. Solid-state interlocks energizing the retract
launcher rail solenoid LHLl-LC3
2. Solid-state interlocks energizing the retract
launcher rail solenoid LHLl-LC4
3. Solid-state interlocks energizing the retract
launcher rail solenoid LHLl-LCl
4. The forward missile shoe

When working with electrical circuits, in

addition to tagging out the circuit you are
working on, what else must you do to ensure
your safety?

1. Have a second person stand by the tagged

out switch
2. Remove any fuses protecting the circuit
you are working on
3. Disconnect the power cables to the unit
you are working on
4. Tag out several switches in the circuit providing power to the unit you are working

On the Mk 13 Mod 4, the launcher rail

automatically extends following missile firing
or jettisoning operations.
1. True
2. False


Textbook Assignment: Gun Mounts, chapter 6, and GMLS: Primary Functions and Descriptions, chapter 7,
pages 6-1 through 7-46.


What is the main purpose of gun-loading equipment?

1. Handle ammunition
2. Stow ammunition
3. Load a complete round of ammunition in
the chamber for firing
4. To position the gun for firing




Positioning equipment includes all the machinery used to support and move the mount or
launcher in what direction?

What is considered the STAND on a mount or






What MUST be completed on all weapon systems before firing?

Base ring



10 rounds per minute

16 to 20 rounds per minute
25 rounds per minute
40 rounds per minute

On the Mk 45 gun mount, the loader drum will

hold what total number of rounds?

Sliding wedge
Interrupted thread

Postfire PMS
Prefire PMS
INSERV inspection
Magazine inventory

What is the rate of fire of the Mk 4S gun


What type of breechblock is used on the Mk 45

and Mk 75 gun mounts?

What is the purpose of a firing cutout mechanism?


When a gun mount fires, what component

moves during recoil?

A safety link
An electric motor
Air drives

1. Supplies the firing voltage for emergency

2. Interrupts firing when the gun is pointed at
or near a permanent ships structure
3. Interrupts firing when power drives fail
4. Solves complex fire control problems

Train only
Elevation only
Train (vertical) and elevation (horizontal)
Train (horizontal) and elevation (vertical)

1. Foundation and rotating surface for movement in train

2. Rotating surface for movement in elevation only
3. Rotating surface for movement in train and
4. Support for the ammunition hoist

On the Mk 45 gun mount, what factor or device

holds the gun in battery if pressure is lost in the
counterrecoil system?


What gas is used in the counterrecoil system on

the Mk 45 gun mount?

On the Mk 45 gun mount, when the upper hoist

raises a round into the cradle, what device
holds the round in position when the hoist





Hoist latches
Cradle latches
Hoist pawl
Cradle pawl



Empty case tray

75-mm, 61-caliber
76-mm, 62-caliber
77-mm, 63-caliber
78-mm, 64-caliber

The Mk 75 gun mount can fire what maximum

number of rounds per minute?


The revolving magazine on the Mk 75 gun

mount holds what total number of rounds?


When a misfire occurs in a hot gun, what

information is needed to determine if a
10-minute safe clearing time exists?

When is external cooling started when a

misfire occurs in a hot gun?
1. Immediately
2. After permission from the commanding
officer is obtained
3. After the propelling charge is removed
4. Before evacuating the gun at the end of the
10-minute safe clearing time


On the Mk 75 gun mount, the loader drum

holds what total number of rounds?



On the Mk 75 gun mount, the screw feeder

holds what total number of rounds?

After firing 40 rounds in 4 hours

After firing 50 rounds in 4 hours
After firing 20 rounds in 2 hours
After firing 25 rounds in 2 hours

1. The number of rounds fired only

2. The number of rounds fired and the time
duration of firing only
3. The number of rounds fired, the time
duration of firing, and the time of the last
attempt to fire
4. The time duration of firing only

1. 15
2. 20
3. 70
4. 80

When is a 5/54 gun considered to be a hot


1. 10
2. 40
3. 80
4. 99

What is the definition of a hangfire?

1. The firing of a round before it is completely rammed
2. A timed delay fuze that ignites prematurely
3. A firing delay beyond the normal ignition
time after the initiating action
4. A round hanging in the loading system

What is the correct ammunition for the Mk 75

gun mount?



On the Mk 45 gun mount, what is the last

component to be latched into the FIRE position?



Which of the following actions is NOT a cause

of gun misfires?

What is the definition of a misfire?


1. A round of ammunition that missed the

2. The failure of a round of ammunition to
fire after the initiating action
3. Ammunition that has jammed in the loading system
4. A fire in the magazine

Switch malfunctions
A faulty powder charge
A misaligned mechanical latch
Not being on a safe fire bearing

When is internal cooling started when a misfire

occurs in a hot gun?
1. Immediately
2. After permission from the commanding
officer is obtained
3. After the propelling charge is removed
4. Before evacuating the gun at the end of the
10-minute safe clearing time




Why should you verify equipment position

when a gun misfires?


1. To ensure that all equipment is clear of

recoiling components before using
emergency firing circuits that bypass
2. To help determine the cause of the misfire
3. To ensure that the gun is positioned at a
safe fire bearing
4. To ensure that all components are in the
ram position



The magazine crew leader

The mount captain
The hot gun crew


1. To allow for the possibility of a hangfire

2. To allow the hot gun crew time to get in
3. To allow time for starting external cooling
4. To allow time for notifying the commanding officer of the situation and to get
his permission to proceed


What is the function of the dud-jettison unit on

the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS?

The two modes of control on the Mk 13 GMLS

are the automatic and what other mode?


What maximum number of missiles can be

stowed in the (a) outer and (b) inner rings on
the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS?

180 degrees
270 degrees
300 degrees
0 degrees

1. Ejects missiles overboard that fail to fire

and are unsafe to return to the magazine
2. Ignites missiles that have misfired
3. Used as a backup firing cutout mechanism
4. Guides the missile on the rail


The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS can stow up to what

total number of missiles?



180 degrees
270 degrees
300 degrees
320 degrees

What is the load position for the inner ring on

the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS?

Which of the following publications contains

information on clearing live ammunition from




What is the load position for the outer ring on

the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS?

Before opening the breech of a gun that has

misfired, why should you wait 30 seconds after
the last attempt to fire?

Acts as a storage space for PMS materials

Acts as a sound buffer
Vents gases during routine missile firing
Vents gases if a missile accidentally ignites
in the magazine

The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS has what maximum

number of train load positions?

Who supervises the clearing of a misfire?


What is the function of the plenum chamber on

the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS?

Under ideal conditions, the Mk 13 GMLS has

what successive firing rate interval for standard

(a) 10 (b) 20
(a) 20 (b) 20
(a) 24 (b) 16
(a) 40 (b) 16










What is the primary purpose of the aft-motion

latch on the Mk 13 GMLS?






To act as a safety device

To act as a train brake release
To act as an elevation brake release
To act as a forward-motion latch release

Launcher power
Elevation power
Launcher status
Missile status

What device(s) is/are contained in the lower

section of the EP2 panel on the Mk 13 GMLS?

What is the main function of the key-operated

lock in the release piston linkage on the Mk 13


The upper section of the EP2 panel on the Mk

13 GMLS contains switches related to what
type of operation?

On the Mk 13 GMLS, when a missile is fired or

dud-jettisoned, it must overcome a restraining
force of what total number of pounds?





What power panel on the Mk 13 GMLS is the

control unit?

What latch prevents a missile from moving

forward on the rail and falling onto the deck?

Inner structure of the magazine

Inside the trunnions
Outer structure of the magazine
Under the magazine

What power panel on the Mk 13 GMLS is the

power distribution unit?



The Mk 13 GMLS train and elevation power

drives are in what location?


1. To act as a discharge path for electrostatic

charges on the missile surface
2. To act as a stop that prevents a missile from
moving backwards on the retractable rail
3. To act as a guide for the missile to return to
the magazine
4. To act as a power connection point for the

The blast door on the Mk 13 GMLS is operated

by what type of power?


Under normal conditions, what are the

manning requirements for the Mk 13 GMLS?



Under ideal conditions, the Mk 13 GMLS has

what successive firing rate interval for harpoon

Launching system controls and indicators

Missile status display
Fire control computer
STIR equipment

What is the function of the EP3 panel on the

Mk 13 GMLS?
1. Contains missile status indicators
2. Supplies fire control ballistic solutions
3. Contains the electronic control and test
equipment for launcher train and elevation
power drives
4. Contains missile firing indicators




180 degrees
270 degrees
420 degrees

Adapter rail
Missile fins
Missile preflight preparations
Launcher synchronized with FCS


During normal tactical operations, what is the

manning requirement for the Mk 26 GMLS?



Dud missile stowage

Support for the sprinkler system
Supports and holds a missile on the RSR

Where is the snubber assembly mounted and

what is its main function on the Mk 26 GMLS?
1. Mounted on the guide arm and used to
push the missile
2. Mounted in the magazine and used to support sprinkler piping
3. Mounted to the back of each hanger rail
and used to stabilize the missile in the RSR
4. Mounted to the back of each hanger rail
and used to provide an electrical connection



Where is the train power drive located on the

Mk 26 launcher and what is its primary function?

Where is the elevation power drive located on

the Mk 26 launcher?


What total number of latch groups are associated with the pusher bar on the Mk 26


1. Located on top of the launcher platform

and drives the launcher through the
training circle gear mounted to the base
2. Located under the launcher platform and
drives the guide arms through the elevation
3. Located in the carriage and supplies
hydraulic power to the RSR
4. Located under the launcher platform and
drives the launcher through the training
circle gear mounted to the base ring

What is the main function of the hanger rail

assembly on the Mk 26 GMLS?

What total number of launcher hydraulic systems are on the Mk 26 launcher?


1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four

During operations on the Mk 26 GMLS, what

is the function of the buckling link on the hoist
chain assembly?
1. To compensate for any overtravel of the
chain on an extend cycle
2. To parbuckle the missile to the guide arm
3. To make possible the proper positioning
and alignment of missiles on the launcher
guide arm
4. To steady the missile on the hoist chain

Which of the following components or actions

is NOT required on the Mk 26 GMLS for the
ASROC missile?



The Mk 26 GMLS is capable of how much


Inside the carriage

Under the launcher platform
On top of the launcher platform
Inside the magazine

What is the primary function of the elevation

power drive on the Mk 26 launcher?
1. Supplies hydraulic power to the train
2. Drives the guide arms through the elevation arc and provides hydraulic power to
the guide arm components
3. Depresses the guide arms and supplies
power to the train system
4. Elevates the guide arms only and supplies
power to the emergency accumulator system






What water- and blast-tight compartment is

located at the hoist end of the magazine on the
Mk 26 GMLS?

1. In separate sealed canisters that are installed vertically belowdeck in individual

cells of a vertical launcher
2. In separate sealed canisters that are installed horizontally belowdeck in the RSR
3. In separate sealed canisters that are installed vertically above deck in the ABL
4. On hanger rails in the magazine


The Main Control Console (MCC) on the Mk

26 GMLS contains the operating controls and
indicators needed for what functions?

1. Magazine and missile status

2. Programming launcher system operations
3. Monitoring launcher system operations
4. Programming and monitoring launcher
system operations



Bridge area
Launcher area only
Magazine areas only
Launcher area or rear magazine areas




What total number of missiles may be contained in the Mk 159 Mod 0 vertical launcher?



What total number of missiles may be contained in the Mk 158 Mod 0 vertical launcher?

Strikedown step
Launcher step
System control
System availability


One launcher control unit can control what

total number of missiles in either launcher?

On the Mk 26 GMLS, the console shelf

assembly has five separate modules. Which
module contains the launcher warning bell

The Mk 41 VLS contains what total number of

launcher control units?

The video monitor module consists of a TV

screen and associated electrical components
used for watching what areas of the Mk 26

Missiles are contained in what manner on the

Mk 41 VLS?


Textbook Assignment: GMLS: Secondary and Auxiliary Functions, chapter 8, and SMS Guided Missiles,
Aerodynamics, and Flight principles, chapter 9, pages 8-1 through 9-23.


Wh a t d oes dud jet tisoning ref e r to a s

a Gunners Mate?
1. A missile that has a delay in firing or
leaving the rail
2. The act of clearing an unwanted missile
from a launcher guide rail by ejecting it
3. The act of cleaning the launcher after firing
4. The act of disposing of retrograde



The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison device is

essentially what type of piston?



1. True
2. False

What gas does the MK 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison device use?





Automatic booster pump

HP air
LP air
Manual booster pump


On the Mk 26 GMLS, what will happen if the

gas generator accidentally fires while the jettison device is retracted?

Which of the following devices or components

are NOT part of the strikedown gear on the Mk
13 Mod 4 GMLS?

The nitrogen tank is pressurized to about what

psi on the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison device?


1. The piston will be ejected over the side of

the ship
2. A pressure safety relief mechanism will
safely vent the expanding gases to the
3. The gas generator will explode throwing
metal pieces about the launcher
4. A pressure safety relief mechanism will
vent gases into the plenum

What device is used to increase the nitrogen

pressure on the Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS jettison
device tank?

Explosive gas generator

Nitrogen PSI
Ships HP air
Ships LP air

On the Mk 26 GMLS, how many times can the

gas generator be fired before it must be

On the Mk 13 Mod 4, jettison operations may

be performed in the remote, local, or exercise
mode as selected by the EP2 panel operator.


What device or substance provides the jettison

ejecting force on the Mk 26 GMLS jettison

1. Low-pressure, hydropneumatic ram-type

2. Medium-pressure, hydropneumatic
ram-type piston
3. High-pressure, hydropneumatic ram-type
4. High-pressure, hydraulic piston

The Mk 26 GMLS has what total number of

jettison devices per launcher?



Air supply components

Chain-drive fixture
Hand-control unit






EP2 panel operator

Fixed-position synchros
Safety officer



1. Moves missiles from RSR to RSP only

2. Moves missiles between the deck and
magazine only
3. Moves missiles between the deck and
magazine and from RSR to RSR
4. Moves the missile from the dolly


A typical GMLS carbon dioxide (CO2) system

can be activated in what manner?


AAW container receiver plate

ASW container receiver plate
Aft-shoe receptacle
Forward-shoe receptacle

A typical GMLS carbon dioxide (CO2) system

is permanently installed (fixed) in the magazine area primarily to fight what type of fire?

What is the purpose of the

strikedown/intertransfer mechanism on the Mk
26 GMLS?

Train power-drive
Elevation power-drive
A-RSR/hoist power-drive only
A- or B-RSR/hoist power-drive

On the Mk 26 GMLS, what special piece of

equipment is used to transfer an ASW missile
between its shipping container and the strikedown beam?

15 degrees
35 degrees
45 degrees
90 degrees

45 degrees
50 degrees
60 degrees
80 degrees

The strikedown/intertransfer mechanism on

the Mk 26 GMLS receives its hydraulic fluid
supply from what source?


45 degrees
50 degrees
60 degrees
80 degrees

When the carrier assembly is raised to the deck

level, what maximum number of degrees can
the index drum be rotated to either side of

The LOAD/UNLOAD position on the Mk 13

Mod 4 launcher is at what elevation?


Pulls the missile up to the guide arm only

Lowers the missile to the dolly only
Lowers the missile to the magazine
Pulls the missile up to the guide arm and
lowers the missile to the dolly

What device or individual drives the Mk 13

Mod 4 launcher to the predetermined strikedown position?



The strikedown manual air-control valve on the

Mk 13 Mod 4 has three positions. Which of the
following is NOT a position on the valve?

On the Mk 26 GMLS, what maximum number

of degrees can the index drum be rotated to
either side of centerline when the carrier
assembly is in the magazine?

Elevation power drive brake only

Train power drive brake only
Elevation and train power drive brakes
A loaded transfer dolly

The strikedown chain-drive fixture on the Mk

13 Mod 4 serves what purpose?



The Mk 13 Mod 4 strikedown hand-control

unit can control train and elevation launcher
movements, the elevation positioner (latch),
and what other action?

Automatically only
Manually from local only
Manually from remote only
Automatically or manually from local and



100F (3)
120F (3)
150F (3)
160F (3)

What is the purpose of a typical water injection


Why is freshwater used in a typical water

injection system?





In the magazine
On the main deck
In the engine room
On a deck below the magazine


What is the definition of Restrained firing?

What is the definition of Overtemperature on

the Mk 41 VLS?
1. Internal canister temperature of 190F
above WITHOUT a missile present
2. Internal canister temperature of 180F
below WITH a missile present
3. Internal canister temperature of 190F
above WITH a missile present
4. External canister temperature of 190F
below WITH a missile present

The compression tank of a water injection

system is charged to (a) what psi and from (b)
what source?

What type of sprinkler system is unique to the

Mk 41 VLS?

1. A delay in the missile leaving the rail

2. A premature missile motor burnout
3. Missile motor ignition and subsequent
rupturing of the canister after closure
without missile motion
4. A missile motor failing to ignite

The compression tank of a water injection

system is usually in what location?

What is the main feature of a dry-type sprinkler



1. It does not promote corrosion as quickly as

salt water
2. It conducts electricity better than salt water
3. It is readily available
4. Because of system design


1. Uses dry-type chemicals

2. The piping from the outlet side of the main
sprinkler control valve up to the sprinkler
head contains no water in a normal or
ready state
3. Used in small-arms magazines only
4. Used in missile magazines only

By DC central
By bridge controls

1. It places a charged supply of freshwater

under each missile
2. It cools down the blast doors after firing
3. It keeps the missile from over heating in
the magazine
4. It is used for freshwater washdown

The Mk 13 GMLS water injection system has

what total number of detector nozzles?

On a typical water injection system, once the

system is activated, it can be secured in what



In a GMLS CO2 system, the HSD fusible link

is designed to melt at what temperature?

(a) 100 psi (b) ships LP air

(a) 200 psi (b) ships HP air
(a) 300 psi (b) nitrogen flask
(a) 400 psi (b) ships firemain


1. As firemain pressure equals or exceeds

freshwater pressure
2. On activation
3. When manually turned on
4. Never



What is the deluge flow rate on the Mk 41


At what point, if ever, does salt water enter the

water injection system when activated?


20 gpm
30 gpm
40 gpm
100 gpm



What is the major advantage of missiles being

made up of several sections?

1. Movement in a straight line

2. Movement at a right angle to the direction
of the applied force
3. No movement, stable flight
4. Opposing force applied to movement in
any direction

1. Strength only
2. Simplicity only
3. Strength, simplicity, and easier replacement and repair of components
4. Easier replacement and repair of components only



Missiles exist for what primary purpose?


To carry the warhead to the target

To add ballast to a warship
As a deterrent to enemy aircraft

Why is the forward section of a missile covered

by a random?





What linear movements can a missile make in



Control matrix
Electronic timing device
Propulsion unit

Which of the following missile guidance systems are best suited for large, long range, land

1. Lateral, vertical, and yaw

2. Lateral, vertical, and along the direction of
3. Lateral, vertical, and pitch
4. Pitch, roll, and yaw

Radio command

What device switches guidance subsystems

during missile flight?

Lateral, roll, and yaw

Pitch, roll, and vertical
Roll, yaw, and vertical
Pitch, roll, and yaw

Boost, computing, and tracking

Boost, midcourse, and computing
Boost, midcourse, and terminal
Boost, steering, and terminal

Which of the following is NOT a homing

guidance system used by a SMS missile?

Drag, lift, speed, weight

Drag, gravity, thrust, weight
Drag, lift, thrust, weight
Lift, resistance, thrust, weight

What rotary movements can a missile make in





A missile in-flight guidance is divided into

what three phases?

For in-flight stability only

Provides lift only
Controls the missiles flight path only
For in-flight stability, provides lift and
controls the missiles flight path

What are the principal forces acting on a missile in level flight?





Which of the following is a function of a missiles control system?


Why are airfoils (wings, fins, or control surfaces) attached to the body of a missile?

Which of the following is NOT a function of a

missiles guidance system?

1. Aids in flight
2. Aids in stability
3. Protects a small radar antenna inside the
4. Protects the warhead during stowage

What is the definition of precession when

referring to gyros in guided missiles?

Radar command and homing

Active and semiactive
Passive and composite
Celestial and terrestrial







What are the optimum temperature ranges for

most solid propellants in stowage for solid
rocket motors?


In guided missiles, a command fuze is often

used for what primary reason?

Firing pin
Reduced charge

Speed of sound
One-half the speed of sound
Twice the speed of sound
Two tenths the speed of sound

Which of the following warheads would be

most effective against underwater targets?

Combustion chamber
Exhaust nozzle
Guidance system


In relation to the speed of sound, a missile

traveling at Mach 2 would be traveling at what

What term is used to describe the igniter on a

solid fuel rocket motor?



Which of the following is NOT a major

element of a solid fuel rocket motor propulsion

What factor determines a missiles maximum

turning rate?


What is the major disadvantage of a missile

with a turbojet engine?



What type of propulsion is employed by

guided missiles?

Time delay

Which of the following descriptions best

describes a Harpoon missile?
1. Subsonic, low altitude cruise missile for
use against surface targets only
2. Subsonic, low altitude cruise missile for
use against air targets only
3. Supersonic, high altitude cruise missile for
use against air and surface targets
4. Supersonic, low altitude cruise missile for
use against surface targets only

1. 10F - -50F
2. 50F - -70F
3. 70F - -100F
4. 100F - -160F


Textbook Assignment: Target Detection and Weapons Control, chapter 10, Alignment, chapter 11, and
Maintenance, chapter 12, pages 10-1 through 12-40.


What is the function of the Naval Tactical Data

System (NTDS)?

1. A series of target readings

2. A reading of the magnitude of the detected
3. A source suggestion supplied by the equipment
4. A vector by a second platform equipped
with ESM equipment

1. To provide raw target information to the

ships fire control systems
2. To provide raw target information to other
3. To process target data for use by weapon
systems and other ships
4. To turn digital target data into raw target
data for use by weapon systems



Real time
Based on available sensor data
A correlation of sensor data


What weapon system component assigns

a threat priority to targets?

Elevation angle and 1FF
1FF only
Target angle


What is the function of ECCM in a radar unit?


Which of the following target engagement actions is NOT a function of the WCS?
1. Processing raw target data for target engagements
2. Controlling target engagements
3. Scheduling target engagements
4. Assessing target engagements a

In addition to range and bearing, what other

target information is supplied by a
three-coordinate radar?



Which of the following tactical data does NOT

describe the tactical picture supplied by

Which of the following data is required to determine a targets range using ESM?

What system allows all or parts of a weapon

engagement to be executed automatically?

To jam enemy sensors

To deceive enemy missiles
To mask the location of the ship
To counter the effects of jamming




What type of unit is used to det and identify

targets by their electronic emissions?

What WDS function allows for the automatic

engagement of targets approaching from a
specified direction?

3. ESM
4. 1FF


Which of the following orders is NOT an

element of a gun fire control solution?


Priority response
QR zones

Train orders
Elevation orders
Parallax orders
Fuze orders





What target information does a fire control

systems radar and director provide to the computer?


Range, bearing, and elevation

Range and bearing only
Range, bearing and 1FF
Range, bearing, and speed


What environmental factor determines the

amount of resistance a projectile will experience while in flight?



A stable vertical reference

A stable horizontal reference
Own ships course data
A stable central reference

What effect does the parallax correction

account for in the control solution?

Range wind and cross wind

Range wind and drift
Drift and ballistic wind
Ballistic wind and range wind

In what direction do gun projectiles tend to

1. With the ballistic wind
2. Against the ballistic wind
3. In the same direction as the guns rifling
4. In the direction of the cross wind

Interior ballistics
Ballistics speed
Initial velocity
Initial ballistics travel


What reference line is used to determine the

present location of the target?

What effect does bore enlargement due to

repeated firing of a gun have on the ballistic



Air temperature
Air density
Barometric pressure

What are the two components of true wind?


Which of the following terms describes the

speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the
bore of a gun?


Air density
Bore erosion

What input does a stable element provide to the

fire control computer?

1. Having a gun and the director in the same

2. Firing from a constantly moving platform
3. Having the gun in a different location than
the director
4. The effects of interior ballistics on gun

Which of the following environmental factors

is NOT included in exterior ballistics?


It increases initial velocity

It decreases initial velocity
It increases ballistic speed
It decreases ballistic speed

In the fire control problem, what reference line

represents the difference between the line of
fire and the line of sight?

What is the function of rifling in a gun barrel?

1. To provide a seal to prevent propellent
gases from leaking past the projectile
2. To prevent bore erosion
3. To impart a stabilizing spin to projectiles
when they are fired
4. To stabilize the projectile in the bore of the
gun when it is fired


Line of sight
Line of fire
Sight angle
Sight deflection

Sight deflection
sight angle

What feature allows AEGIS to rapidly detect

system failures?
1. conveniently located test points and
jumper locations
2. Built-in test
3. Fault alarms
4. Built-in gauges





Which of the following is NOT a function of

the AN/SPY-l radar system?






From what position in the Mk 86 FCS is radar

tracking of a target initiated?




I/O console
Mk 67 control

The forward TV sight is mounted in what location on the Mk 86 FCS?



I/O console
Mk 67 control console

From what position in the Mk 86 FCS do operators run a system diagnosis?



I/O console
Mk 113 control console

From what position in the Mk 86 FCS is ammunition selection entered?


What components of the Mk 34 GWS converts

the ballistic solution into gun orders?

Which of the following capabilities is NOT

currently available with the Mk 86 FCS?


Which of the following AEGIS subsystems

provides training for system operators?




Which of the following AEGIS subsystems

acts as an interface between C&D and the

What is the function of the velocimeter of the

Mk 34 GWS?

1. SM-l missile engagements

2. SM-2 missile engagements
3. Gun engagements with surface targets
using the 5/54 Mk 45 gun
4. Gun engagements with air targets using the
Mk 75 gun

Which of the following AEGIS subsystems is

used to control the AEGIS mission?


1. To dampen the train and elevation movements of the gun mount

2. To accurately determine target speed
3. To update projectile initial velocity
4. To allow all system components to track at
the same rate

To define automatic actions

To sequence target engagements
To restrict access to weapon firing controls
To provide computerized training for operators

1. To provide midcourse guidance for standard missiles

2. To search for targets
3. To track targets
4. To control air engagements

From what station in the Mk 34 GWS should

an operator manually select the ammunition


What is the purpose of the doctrine statements

used in the AEGIS system?



What element of the AEGIS system performs

automatic fault detection and system reconfiguration?

On the AN/SPA-9A antenna

On the AN/SPG-60 antenna
On the optical sight gimbals
On the data/video unit




The gun line-of-fire is determined in what

device in the Mk 86?

1. To assess missile system readiness in its

normal mode of operation only
2. To assess gun systems readiness in its
normal mode of operation only
3. To assess missile and gun systems
readiness in their normal mode of operation
4. To assess missile and gun systems
readiness in their causality mode of operation

In the AN/SPR-9A
In the MTRR
In the AN/UYK-7
In the WCC

Which of the following systems can be controlled by the Mk 92 FCS?

1. The Mk 75 gun only
2. The Mk 13 Mod 4 GMLS only
3. The Mk 75 gun and the Mk 13 Mod 4
4. Weapons Alpha





CAS tracking antenna

CAS search antenna


Handling training
Damage control
Display only
Training and testing

When is combat system alignment established?

1. When the ship is commissioned
2. As the ship is constructed
3. periodically by the crew while the ship is in
4. After the ship is constructed but before it is




What is the job of the ships crew in regard to

combat system alignment?
1. To establish alignment only
2. To verify alignment only


3. To establish and verify alignment

4. To verify and correct alignment as necessary

From what major area(s) do/does system maintenance tests check equipment?

GMTRs are carried aboard combatant ships for

what purpose?

From what console in the Mk 92 FCS can track

data be entered in casualty mode operation?


CAS tracking antenna

CAS search antenna

Gun mount and/or missile launcher position

orders originate from what location in the Mk
92 FCS?

A training missile consists of what major subassemblies?

1. Training missile shape only
2. Guided missile simulator only
3. Training missile and guided missile
4. Tactical missile and guidance system

What unit of the Mk 92 FCS provides 1FF




What unit of the Mk 92 FCS provides long

range tracking for the systems?

What is the primary purpose of the DSOT?

What is the first reference plane established in

a combat system?

Alignment only
Electrical operability only
Gyro inputs
Alignment and electrical operability requirements


Ships base plane




Centerline reference marks

Offset centerline reference marks
Bench marks
Telescopic reference marks


Bench mark readings

Star checks
Tram checks


A tram reading determines system alignment

in what manner?


To account for play in the indicator dials

To detect lost motion in the gear trains
To allow for wear in the air drive motor
To allow for roller path equalizer input

Lubrication procedures
Equipment material condition
Fluid level checks
Inspection of some adjustments

When, if ever, is it appropriate to lubricate

mechanical equipment more often than is
called for on the MRC?



What type of preventive maintenance procedures are NOT found on MRCs?



The SCLSIS log

The last star checks
The last alignment report

What section of the smooth log is used to

determine spare parts available for your system?

Tram reading are taken by moving the gun in

both directions several times with the results
averaged for what reason?

What information source is used as the

baseline for weapon system alignment verification?

1. By placing a known distance between two

fixed points
2. By measuring the distance between two
known points
3. By establishing the distance between two
fixed points
4. By reading train and elevation angles while
at known angles to the WCRP

What is the function of gun mount star checks?

1. To align the director to a bench mark
2. To verify alignment of the gun mount to
the reference tram readings
3. To establish parallelism between the gun
and the WCRP
4. To verify parallelism between the gun and
the WCRP

What type of checks is used as a ready

reference to verify gun system alignment?




For combat system elements that are equipped

with alignment telescopes, what type of alignment reference marks are established?

How should you train the gun before taking

elevation tram readings?
1. Move the gun to zero degrees in train
2. Move the gun to 2000 minutes in elevation
3. Move the gun to 90 degrees from the
bearing of the high point
4. Move the gun to 180 degrees from the
bearing of the high point


What reference plane is designated as the

alignment reference?



What reference plane is used to establish train


During heavy operational conditions

During equipment layup
During prefire checks




What problem(s), if any, can occur due to dirt

and dried hydraulic fluid being allowed to
collect on your equipment?
Mechanical adjustments can slip
Equipment damage can go undetected
Hydraulic leaks can go undetected

1. A good understanding of PMS

2. A thorough understanding of how your
gun mount/GMLS works
3. A thorough understanding of PMS
4. A thorough knowledge of MDS

Which of the following is NOT a cause of gun

mount mechanical equipment misalignment?

1. Wear
2. slippage
3. Dirt and dried hydraulic fluid accumulations
4. Twisting of the ships hull

Which of the following is a good indication

that you have a problem with your preventive
maintenance habits?
1. You routinely find casualties of potential
casualties while performing preventive
2. You routinely experience casualties while
performing preventive maintenance
3. You routinely experience casualties while
conducting firing exercises
4. You rarely experience casualties while
firing the gun

What, if anything, is the difference between a

maintenance man and a maintenance mans
1. A maintenance man knows how to use all
the tools available to him, such as MRCs,
technical manuals, and common sense; a
maintenance mans helper can only perform minimum skill tasks, such as PMS
2. A maintenance man is senior in rank to a
maintenance mans helper
3. A maintenance man has been in the Navy
longer than a maintenance mans helper
4. Nothing


Which of the following personal attributes

should improve your ability to identify and
repair gun mount/GMLS casualties as they


Which of the following information is crucial

to scheduling gun mount overhaul work?

Which of the following statements represents

the ideal situation for the identification and
repair of gun mount casualties?


Preventive maintenance records

The gun system supply log
Gun casualty documentation
The verbal recommendations of the
division officer

Which of the following phrases best describes

1. The number of specified uses for a certain
2. The prescribed temperature range for a
certain lubricant
3. A lubricant with additives
4. The thickness of a lubricant

1. To have the gun quit working during a

firing operation then find and repair the
2. To discover a problem while performing
prefire checks then find and repair the
3. To discover the problem while performing
routine preventive maintenance then find
and repair the casualty
4. To routinely replace gun mount components before they show any sign of wear
of defect


What term describes a lubricants reaction to

temperature variations?


What term describes the lowest temperature

characteristic of a lubricant?


Viscosity index
Temperature index
Temperature stability

Flash point
Flame point
Flow point



Which of the following signs indicates the

deterioration of a lubricant?
1. The inspection date stamped on the container has been reached or passed
2. Oil puddles form on the surface of grease
after being stored for a while
3. The lubricant changes color
4. The lubricant has been exposed to open air
for more than 14 days

In addition to lubrication, what other function(s) is/are performed through the use of


Corrosion prevention only

Corrosion prevention and oxidant removal
Seal out contamination
Collection and removal of oxidants from
the system only

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