WorkplaceHealthInterviewQuestions Tobacco PDF
WorkplaceHealthInterviewQuestions Tobacco PDF
WorkplaceHealthInterviewQuestions Tobacco PDF
Signature of Interviewer
Note to Interviewer:
VP = questions that a Vice President or Senior Management should be
1. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] Could you begin by telling us who you are and what is your
role at <Organization Name>? Note: Ask each individual if group interview.
3. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] What do you see as the benefits of a health program to your
4. [VP, S, H, EHS] What do you see as the common health and safety issues
impacting employees at <organization>?
[H] What are the biggest drivers of employee health care costs at
8. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] Could you tell me the types of program activities you would
be interested in seeing implemented in a workplace health program?
9. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] What would you see as the overall goals of a workplace
health program?
a) How do you foresee a program impacting the work environment?
b) How would a program impact the health and safety climate?
c) What benchmarks would you expect to reach in 6 months to one year?
How about 1-3 years?
10. [VP, S, H] What department do you think would be responsible for
a) How would such a program be administered and managed? (e.g. in terms
of staffing, coordinating and implementing programs, communications,
budget and fiscal management)
b) Would this person have the authority to run the program?
health program/committee?
For instance, which of following is most accurate:
i) There is no wellness program or committee,
ii) There is a small or informal wellness committee or designated staff
member(s) who organize wellness activities,
iii) The company has an active wellness committee, including participation
from a cross-section of employees.
e) Who do you think are/would be good program champion(s)?
f) How active in the program do you feel senior leaders will be?
C. Program Costs
11. [VP, H] Does your company have an operating budget for health promotion
Additional Question Pool: Program Costs:
Tell me about staffing the program, who are the core staff involved?
How would you describe the operating costs for the program?
What will the start up costs be for the program? (e.g., any one time costs such as equipment
purchases, consultant fees, etc.)
workplace safety?
d) What has proved particularly helpful addressing barriers?
17. [EHS, E] What involvement, if any, has the committee had with workplace health
18. [EHS, E] How feasible would it be for the committee to help plan workplace
health programs?
a) What (other) type of committee might you suggest?
19. [EHS, E] What have you learned from your experience on the committee that
would provide useful lessons for an advisory or employee committee to address
health promotion?
a) Tobacco cessation,
b) Nutrition programs,
d) Vaccination programs,
h) Disease management,
k) Other programs?
If yes, probe:
Tell me more about that.
[If a: Tobacco Cessation services = Yes]
l) [H] What, if any, tobacco cessation services does <organization> offer?
m) Does <organization> offer Over-The-Counter (OTC) Nicotine
Therapy (NRT, e.g., the patch) to tobacco users who are trying to quit? Is
there any out of pocket cost to employees?
Additional Question Pool: Tobacco Cessation Services
Does your company or a contracted vendor provide referrals to employees for tobacco cessation
assistance (e.g., phone numbers to state telephone quitlines, or information for local counseling
Does your company provide an employee telephone tobacco cessation quitline? Is it available to
Does the quitline service report measures of effectiveness, including utilization and long term (6
months or longer) quit rates?
Does your company allow employees to use the quitline service while at work (outside of lunch
breaks or other schedules breaks)?
21. [H] Does <organization> offer any of the following preventive health services at
the worksite:
a) Flu vaccine,
b) Pneumococcal vaccine,
c) Mobile mammography,
If yes, probe:
Tell me more about that.
B. Training, Education, and Support
22. [H] Does <organization> provide training or resources to employees on medical
consumer issues?
23. [H] Does <organization> engage in decision-support practices to inform
Does your program promote support groups or buddy systems for employees trying to improve
their health through company supported health promotion/wellness programs?
In the past 12 months, what has your organization done regarding a health promotion campaign
specifically targeting health behaviors?
Does your company offer disease management programs?
Does your company offer work/life balance programs (including stress management skills
Does your company offer education programs on self-care or lifestyle management?
Does your company offer education or training programs on injury prevention; safety; identification,
reporting, and eliminating workplace health and safety hazards?
b) Health screening,
g) Facility assessment,
h) Absenteeism records,
i) Disability claims,
k) Injury reports,
If yes, probe:
a) How often does this occur? When and where do they occur (e.g., during
work time)?
b) How do you collect survey responses?
-- Random Sample
-- Convenience Sample
D. Program Suggestions
26. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] What would you suggest to create or provide to strengthen
the program?
27. [S, H, EHS, E] Tell me about the types of program activities you would be
interested in seeing implemented in [a workplace health/an enhanced workplace
health] program.
Health Promotion Policy
Were also interested in learning about the types of policies <organization> may have in
place to support employee health.
28. [S, H, EHS, E] What kind of policies does <organization> have to support
employee health?
A. Screening policies
28a. [S, H, E] What kinds of policies do you have related to health screening?
1) Does your company have a policy such as flex time that enables all
employees to obtain preventive medical services or schedule doctors
appointments during the week without using sick time?
2) Does your company provide paid time off from work specifically for
preventive services and screenings?
B. Nutrition policies
28b. [S, H, E] Does <organization> currently have any nutrition policies in place?
If yes, what are these?
1) Do your company worksites adhere to catering guidelines that state
healthy foods will be provided at meetings or other employee events?
C. Physical Activity policies
28c. [S, H, EHS, E] Does <organization> have any written policy that encourages
fitness standards for certain positions?
1) Do you allow employees to exercise during work hours?
2) Does <organization> have a policy such as flex time that enables all
employees to participate in physical activity or health promotion programs
during the week without using sick hours?
D. Tobacco policies
28d. [S, H, E] Does <organization> have any written policy restricting employee
tobacco use? If yes, how are they enforced?
Probes for tobacco policy:
b) Who is eligible?
31. [H] Do the health plan options include coverage for preventive services?
a) At what level?
32. [H] Do health insurers conduct any outreach activities to enrollees on health
promotion/disease prevention?
a) If yes, how often?
33. [H] Does your organization stipulate in health insurance contracts that health
plans send age-appropriate reminders to network providers about preventive
care services?
34. [H] Does you organization stipulate in health insurance contracts that health
plans report HEDIS data or other measures of health plan quality/performance?
What data do they provide?
35. [VP, H] Who is responsible for developing the annual benefits package?
a) Are there ways in which you get employee input about the benefits that are
provided? (i.e., Is the health benefits package consumer driven in anyway?)
36. [H] Does your company offer an employee assistance program (EAP)?
a) What are the services provided (including depression/mental health; weight
management; stress management; tobacco use; drug/alcohol misuse; caregiving support; bereavement, other?)
B. Incentives
37. [S, H, EHS, E] Does <organization> provide any incentives for participation in
health promotion/wellness programs?
If yes, probe: Tell me more about that.
38. [H, E] Are any discounts on health insurance premiums given to nonsmokers?
If yes, probe:
a) How is this policy received?
A. Program Barriers and Resources
39. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] What barriers, if any, do you see at your worksite to a healthy
lifestyle or safe work environment?
40. [S] How feasible is it for <organization> to allow employees to take time during
work hours to exercise or attend a health program such as a screening,
education session, etc.?
41. [H] Are there multi-purpose rooms that are (or could be) used for classes or
group activity (including physical activity in the absence of a gym, or for providing
on-site health assessments like blood pressure checks?
42. [EHS] What environmental changes (e.g., lighting, ventilation, safeguarding
machines and equipment, ergonomics, walkways, etc.), if any, has the
organization made to prevent injuries or promote safety?
How do you foresee the program having an impact on the worksite environment?
Nutrition Environment
Does your organization offer on-site food services? If yes, are healthy foods available in cafeterias
and vending machines?
Could your company subsidize/competitively price healthy food choices available to employees?
Where food is available, does your organization post nutritional content or health food labels on
available products to help employees make healthy choices?
Physical Activity Environment
Does your organization provide access to physical activity facilities at or near the worksite?
Are there elevators at your worksite? [If yes] Are there signs or reminders to take the stairs?
What is the overall work environment like? Noise level, lighting (natural or electric), ventilation, open
space, safeguarded machines and equipment.
Are there conference rooms at your worksite?
Are there First Aid kits? Respirators, fire extinguishers, other safety equipment?
Is there an occupational medicine clinic or first aid station?
Are there breastfeeding/lactation rooms?
Are there quiet rooms (for stress reduction)?
46. [S, H, E] Are there other programs available in the community that target
increased physical activity and/or improved nutrition (e.g., farmers markets)?
47. [VP, S, H, E] Does your organization participate in community campaigns to
promote healthy lifestyles?
Additional Question Pool: Community Linkages
Does your organization contract with community organizations and programs involved in
preventive care, healthy lifestyles, or recreation? If so, does your company advertise these
48. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] How would you like to be involved as planning for a possible
health program moves forward?
49. [VP, S, H, EHS, E] Is there anything else about <organization> you would to add
that was not reflected in the interview?
Thank you for your time and your input. You have provided us with very helpful and
useful information!
If you have any questions following the interview please contact [name, title] at [phone
number, email].