Gipe 044850
Gipe 044850
Gipe 044850
be returned
.6 JUN $7~
,,4 JUL 1979
.The'" Superintendent,
(1) ~T...~ ~
and Orissa
~ ~~,
(11) Tn ST'''''...D L"..,.lTl!1l' Co., LTD. 13-1, Old Coo'" S ...... StrM, Calcutta.
..... 1_...
IltrnLT DD6T.
200. Bow
Buar Street.
a Son.
Patna Cit,.
a Co .
roa- Tnu.
'TAe he NOf)ember, 1935.
Section 1
Section 8
11 end 4.-
Section 14
Section 16
Section 111
B. '" 0 .. Act
Section 2SA
Section 26
Section 211
e of
11120, a. 9.
Sention 48
Section 46
Section 47
n ....
Section 60
Section 61
Section 78
Beotion 74A
Section 64
Section 80
Repealed in part
Section 81
Section 6S
Section Ifl
_. Amended
Section IflA
SeotiOil 89
Section 90
Section 91
Section '9'4
... 0-.
6'6otiondDtl ,..
B. &r.!lr.Act 6 of 1920, s. 2.
Section. l:l~ .
Seotion. 12.'t
Seetion. IS:'
B. i; o..Aot. 6 of 1920,
8., 66.
8., 87.
B . &.0. Aeto5
Seotion l00A
Section 189A
Act 5 of 1928, s. 4-
I ....rled
B. &1, 0.,.
Section 15L
6'eotion, 1611
"', AmenCed.
& of 1920,
Section 164.
Section ..}oo
Sectiaa. 170
Section, 177
Section 181'
Seetion: ISlA'
Section- 209 .
Section' 21&
Section 211
Seotion, 212
Section 218
Section, 2IaA.,
Inserted .
Section. 214 .
Substituted .
Actt 6 of 1920.
Seetion. 211....
Section, 218,
Section. 224.
Chapter., XVlAI,
Sootio,"" 280.
'3o.!ion. 28QA,
Se.tion . 288.
Seotion '
Sa.tion, 241,
SeetieD 244-
Section 248
Section 256,.
Section 261
Section 264
Section 265
Repealed in part
Repealed in part
.0 II.
Classes of tenants.
Meaning of
Meaning of
Menning 01
Meaning of
tenure.holder ".
raiyat H.
[Ben. Act
cJ>/ ..."""pjIft'!";ght.
E"h<Jnc8ment of Rent.
81. Application for increase of rent in r&Bpact of land -held ;in ,61\_ pf ,t.Qe "rea
for which rent was previously paid.
82. Procedure on receipt of such application.
88. Savings.
R.d"""",, -&~ll.nt.
114. Applieation to Deputy Con:u;nillsiQ!le. for Jeduotion of rent.
85. Procedure on receipt of suoh IlPplioation.
f6nt ..
I ....NDs1IXJIM1>T;&D
l'1\OlI CmPrlms
.'-ND . VI.
49. Bar to acqui.iti"n "r ,;ght of occupancy in. and t<> application of ChapterVI
to, l.ndlorJs' privileged land@ !1M ~rtDill other lands.
Methods 01 payment of rent.
Receipts fOl' rent and interest thereon.
Deposit of rent in Courtof .Depu~y (Jommiasioner.
56 . Procedure on receipt of deposit, and payment of same.
57. Limitation of suit or application for rent due prior to deposit.
i .. Kind.
[Ben. Aut
CuSTOM AND CON",....""_
Saving 01 custom.
Saving sa f.o service tenures and holdings.
Restrictions on exclusion of Act by agreement.
~ 01" RENTS.
87A .
8 of 1908.]
100. V&lid.tion of direotion. given, before the oommenoeDlent of this Aot, lOF the
raooM of certain rights.
lOOA. Application of certo.ip: provisions to rights of pasturage, to take forest
produce, etc., and to payments in respect thereof.
[Ben. Aot
.-.rftEBB iCOGlilZoUlIiB .~ ~
DJaou'n Cmons.IONBL
165. Power to direct attendance of party whose agent cannot answer material
166. Decree when to be made.
16'1. Power to postpone trial to take further evidence.
166. !'roduction of witneosea.
169. Procedure when neither party appears on day fixed for final bearing of suit.
170. JUdgment.
171. Local inquirie.
172. Payment irito Court by defendant, aftsr tender to plaintiff .
.l73. Payment into Court hy defendant, without prior taader to plaintili.
174. Prohibition ofinte>eot on sums paid into Court.
175. Power to award damages to plaintiff in rent..8uit.
1~6. .t>owerto ..ward compensation to defendant in ren\.auit.
177. Procedure where third party claima right to receivs rent.
178. Suit for ejectment of non-oocupancy-raiyat, or cancelmODt of lease of any
tenant. for arrears of rent.
179. Power of Deputy Commisoioner to grant I.... to rsiyst in defa'llt of landiord.
180. Procedure where tenant fails to deli TOr counterpart engagement to landlord.
BZ6Cution of DeCf'tt6a and Orden 0/ tA. Deputy CommianoRet'.
181. Limitation of time for application for ex..ution.
18IA. ApplieatiOll.for _ution lly .asaipe <If rani dearea.
8 O't 1908.].
19'1. Exeeutio.n of Tent deoree obtained 'by a co-sharer landlord.
1~~ Execution against immovable property in certain cases, if judgment not
Appeal from orders of lXIoputy Commjssioners.
Limitation of appeal. !rom such ordors.
Bar to further appeals. with proviso for reviaia by Board-OI' Commissioner.:
Appeal in certain suits.
Appool to Deputy Commissioner when to be presented.
Appsal when to be hoard.
Re.admi..ion of appeal.
Ro.hearing of appeal on applioation 01 ruppudont agains. whom. ... -,...,..
docree p&seod.
!\lB. Judgment in appeal.
224. Appeol to J udioial c.mum..ioner or High Court.
225. Hoaring 0/ appoala by Judlaial Commiaoioner instoed of by Depu~J'. Com>
rISen. Alit
4(iir, 1914.
229A, Recovery of arrears of rent uoder. the certifinete procedure in certain ......
8 of 1908.)
267, Jojnt.lan.dIo;ds,
8M to suit. CIn4 final.ity of cUciBio7UJ in certain
261. Cosio in suilo ODd application
262. of co.ts of proceedings to be inourred by the Govwmnent.
Production of Witnt'lB' and Document.
cmd Notifiti.....
Du ...
269. Transfer of cases from one Revenue~flicer- to another.
2'10. Control over Deputy Commj ..ionera ODd neputy Collectors.
Bommutll A.-Acts ODd Notification repealed in the Chota Nagpur Division, except
the district 01 Manbhum.
BomwULB B.-Acts prospectively repealed in th. district of Manbhum.
ProviaioI.a of the Chota NagpuT Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1920, not in.
oorporatad in the text.
Ii o!}embe1',. 1908.)
Novm.nllm, 1935.]
WBRREAs it is expedient to &Olend and consolidate certain enactments relating to the la.w of landlord and tenant and the settlement of
rents in Chota. N agpur;
And whereas the sanction of' the Governor-General haa been
c. 14. obtained, under section 5 of the Indian Councils Act, 1892[,] to the
passing of this Act.;
55 and 56
1. (1) This Act may be called the Chota. Nagpur Tenancy Act, 1908; Short 6itle
(l] The Act hAs been materially modified by B. '" O. Am 6 of 1920. For Stete
ment of Objeota and R _ of libe original Aot, ... CaIc.dtA G....tle. 1908. Part IV,
p. Il\l: for Report of the Select, CalcuttA Gao.!Ie, 1908. Part IV,
Extraordinary, p. 3i for proceedings in Council ~. Calcutta Gasette 1 1908, Part IVA,
pp. 207 and 252. For Stat.ement of Objeo!e and ReeIlODS of lib. amending Am
(B. '" O. Act 6 of 1920), I Bihar ....<1 Ori.... Gaulle. 1\lllO, Part V. p. 50: for
Report of the Select Committee, .t, Bihar and Ori Guctu I Extraordinary, dated
6th March, 1\lllO; for proooedinga of the Legislative Counoil.... Bihar <mtl
0 ..111., IIrMl, P,,", VI, pp. 60, 159 and 262. The "",ending Aot came into opt!1'&tian with the exception of sections 88 and 88 in the district of Manbhum, and with
the """"ption of _tions 18, sa ....d 88 in the other di.triota of libe Chota Nagpur
Division, on the 6th November 1\lllO, the data appointed by notiJicationa i ..ued
under ...tion 1 (2) of thet Act 88 amended by section 2(2) of the Chota Negpur
Tenancy (Amendment) Amending Am, 1920 (B. & O. Act 7 of 192(). For no6i!l
oationa, IN BthGr a.Ra on,,8- GueUe, 1920~ Pan III pp .. 1287 and l2B8~ SectioDa
sa and 88 came moo operation ill the Chota Nagpur Division on the lst March.
192( (... no6i!lootion no. 18'/7.R. , doted the 22nd Feb~'~~ 1924, p. 155, Hiha,
God Ori.... GG..It.. 1924, Part II).
For Stot.ement of Objecto and Re_no 01 the Chota N agpur Tenancy (Amend'
ment) Act, 1929 (B ... O. Act S of 1929), H. libe Bih", <mtl
Gao.It 1927,
Part V, p. 81: for Report of the Seloot Committee, ... the Bihar <mtl Ori.." G..._ ,
1928, Port V, p. 16; and for prooeedingo in Cowleil, ... the Bihar and Oriaoa
Legislative Counoil Debate&Vol. XVI, p. 625.
Vol. XVll, pp. 167, 28'/ and 809.
Vol. XIX, p. 1469, and
Vol. XX, pp. 78, '111, 485, MO, 690 and 869.
This Amending Am was brought into force on the lat March, 1980.
[l] s.. DOW lib. GoVOl1lmODt 01 India Act.
11Leg. D.
and extent.
(Sec. 8.)
part.of an estate;
(:r:xii) "registered" mean. registered under any Act for the time be,iug in force for the registration of documents;
Actl 1908.
f,8ec. 4.)
Cl..... of
11 of -1008.]
(Secs. /j-7.)
non-occupanCy raiyats, that is to &ay, -raiyats oot having
81lCh aright of occupancy, and
(c) raiyats having khunt-katti rights;
(3) under-raiyats, that is to say, tenants holding, wliether
immediately or mediately, under raiyats, and
. (4) Mundari khunt-kattidars.
S. "Tenure-holder" means primarily a person who has acquired Meaning of
from the proprietor, or from another tenure-holder, a right to hold '~_
land for the purpose of collecting rents or bringing it under cultivation
by establishing tenants on it; and includes(a) the sooeessors in interest of persons who have acquired $Uch.
a right, and
(b) the holders of tenures entered in any register prepared and
confirmed under the Chota Nagpur Tenures Act, 1869,
but does not include a Mundari khunt-kattidar.
8. (l) .. Raiyat .. mesns primanly a person who has acquired a Meaning of
right to hold land for the purpose of cultivating it by himself, or by .. raiya$ ",
members of his family, or by hired servants, or with the aid of partners;
-and includes the successors in interest of persons who have acquired such
a right, but does not include a Mundari khunt-kattidar.
Explanation.-Where a tenant of land ha.s the right to bring it
under cultiva.tion, he shall be deemed to han acquired a right to hold
it for the purpose of cultiYation, notwithstanding that he uses it for
the purpose of gathering the produce of it or of grazing cattle on it.
(2) A person shall not be deemed to be "raiyat unless he holds
land either immediately under a proprietor or immediately under a
tenure-holder or immediately under a Mundari khunt-ka.ttidar.
-(3) In determining whether a tenant is a tenure-holder or a raiyat,
the Court shall have regard to-Ca) local custom, and
(b) the purpose for which the right of tenancy was originaUy
7. (1) "Raiyat having' khunt-katti rights" means II raint. in Meaning 01
occupation of,or having any subsisting title to, land reclaimed" from ~'
jungle by the original founders of the village or their descendants in khUDt--ka~
the male line, when such raiyat is a member of the family which righ- ",
founded the village or a descendant in the male line of any member of
such family :
Provided tha.t no raiyat shall be deemed to have khunt-katti rights
.in IIny land unless he lind all -his predec.:ssors in title have heJd 8Uch
land or obtained II title thereto by virtue of inherit-a.n~e from the
original founders of the village.
BaD. Act 2
of 186~.
[Ben . Aot
(Sees. 8-9A.)
(2) Nothing in this Act shall prejudicially affect the rights of any
person who has lawfully acquired a title to a khunt-kattidari tenancy
before the commencement of thie Act.
Meaning of 8." Mundari' khunt-kattidar" means a Mundari who has
.. Mundari acquired a right to hold jungle land for the purpose of bringing suitable
kh";'!t-katti- portions thereof under cultivation by himself or by' male members of
his fa.mily, Bnd include~
(a) the beira ,male in the male line of any such Munda.ri, when
they are in possession of such land OJ: have any subsisting
title thereto, _and
(b) a.s regards =y portions of such lsnd which have remained
continuously in the possession of any such Mundari and
his descendanta in the male line, such descendants.
Tenure.- ,
_ 8 .No tenure-holder who holds his tenure (otherwise than under
holiI~ . : - a terminable lease) at a fixed rent which has not been changed from
to $e time of the l'ermanent Settlement shall be liable to any. enhance-ment of
ment of lIuch rent, in the Bengal Decennial ,Settlement
Regulation, 179.3, section 51, or in any other law, to the contrary B of 1798.
P][8A; (1) Where the rent of a tenure-holder or village headman
Enhancement of
is liable to enhancement during the continuance of his tenancy, such
rent of
enhancement shall be made only by an order of the Deputy CommistanUl'8Bioner pa.ssed upon an application made to him, or by ~n order of a
bolder or
Bevenue-officer pa.ssed under Chapter xn or Chapter xv.
(9) An enhancement, progressive or otherwise, may, subject to
any' valid contract between the parties, be ordered up to the limit of
the customary rate payable by persons holding similar ienancies in tbe
vicinity, or where no lIuch customary rate exists, up to such limit a.s is
lair and equitable. In determining what is a fair and equitable rent,
rilgard shall be had to the origin and history of the tenancy_
(3) When the rent of a tenure-holder' or village headman has been
enhanced, it 8h~n not again be enhanced for a period of fifteen years
except by an order of .. Revenue-officer passed under ChBpter XII or
Chapter XV.
(4) Nothing in this Section sha.ll apply to a temporary
holder, or to a tenure-holder the rent of whose tenure is subject to
~tion in accordance with principles expressed in the contract
whereby the tenure W8!I created.]
(ll This aection was inserted by \h. Chota Nagpur '.l;enomcy (Amendmaz>tj.Act,
1920 (B. '" O. AQ~ 6 of 1920). s. 6.
0' 19t18.]
(Beca. 10-12.)
18. No bhuinhar whoSe lands are entered in any register prepared CertaiD
Act 2 and 'confirmed IUIlder the Chota N agpur Tenures Aot, 1869, aha.ll be bhui~=
men. of
. rent.
11. (1) When any tenure or portion thereof is transferred 'by Regi.~on
succession: in~eritance, Ilalle, gift or exchange, th~ trnns~eree or his : . :of
successor m tdile shall cause the transfer to be registered lD the office ten_ .
of,the landlord. to whom the. rent of the tenure or ponionis payable.
(2) The -landlord shall, in the absence of sufficient reason to the
contrary, a!low the registration of all such transfers.
(3) Whenever any 9\lch transfer ill registered in the office of the
landlord. he shall be entitled to levy a registration fee of the following
Qmonnt, namely:'
(Il) when rent is payable in respect of the' tenure or portioIl-'a
fee of two per centum on the annual rent thereof:
provided that no such fee shan be less than one rupee or
more than one hundred rupeell, and
(b) when rent is not payable in respect of tbe tenure or portion
--Q fee of two rupees.
(4) If an application for the registrnt:on of any transfer of a tenure
or portion thereof under subsection (1). is . not made within It period
of one year from the date of the transfer ,and if the registration fee
authorized by sub-section (3) is not paid or tendered within that period,
the transferee or his successor in title shall not be entitled to recover,
at any time after the expiry of the .aid period, by suit or other proceeding, any rent which may have become due to him, as the owner of such
tenure or portion, between the date of the transfer and the date of the
application for registration.
(5) Nothing in this section sha.ll~
(.) validate a transfer of Ilolly tenure or portion thereof which,
by the terms upon which it is held, or by any law or
local custom, is not tranSferable. or
(iil a1fect the right of the landlord t.o resume a resumable
12. If any la.ndlord refuses to allow the registration of any such Procedure
transfer as is mentioned in section 11, the transferee or his successor on ",fusal
in title may. make ...pplic...tion to the Deputy Commiesioner; and the :;-~
Deputy Commissioner shall thereupon, after causing notice to be served registration
on the landlord, make such inquiry all he considers necessary; and, if 01 transfer
no' sufficient ground" are shown for the refusal, shall pass an order 01 tenure.
declaring that the transfer shall be deemed. to be registered.
[Ben. Aot
(Seos. 18-16.)
Division of
13. Notwithiltanding anything contained in section 11 or section
12, 3 division of o.ny tenure or portion thereof, or & distribution of the
:r.:n~~tiOD rent po.ya.ble in respect of any tenure or portion thereof, 808111 not he
binding on the Io.ndlord unless it hi made with the express consent
in writing of the landlord or of his agent if speeially authorized in that
14. (1) Upon the resumption of & resumable tenure, every lien,
~":'~n Bub-tenancy, ea.sement or other right or interest created, without. the
reaumption consent or permission of the granror or his successor in interest, by
of .... umablethe grantee or any of bis successors, on the tenure, or in 'limitation of
his own interest therein, shall be deemed to be annulled, except the
following, namely :-.
Saring of
rights of
of 1808.]
(8808. 111-11.)
"18.[1][(1)] Every raiyat who, immediately before the commence- c;mtin~""""
ment of this Act, has, by the opern.ti.on of any enactment, or by locaJ':':':~
Illlstom or usage or otherwise, a right of occupancy in any land, shall. ripte, ,
when this Act comes into force, have a right of occupancy in that "
land notwithslanding the fact that he may not have cultivated or held
the land for a period of twelve years.
, P][(2) The exclusion from the operation of this Act by a notification
under SIlbsection (2) of section 1 of any &l'ea or PlD:t of an area, which
is constitnted a munioipality under the provisions of the Bengail
", 'lao. A.t 8 Municipal Act. 1884.['] or which is within a cantonment. shan not alfect
~, 1884.
any right, obligation or liability previously acquired. incurred or accrued
in reference to such area,]
17. (1) Every person who. for a period of twelve whether ~:':::.d' of
wholly or p&l'tly before or alter the commencement of this Act. bas raijAt ",
continuously held as a rruyat land situate in any village. whether under
a lease or otherwise, shall be deemed to have become. on the expiration
of that period. a settled rruyat of that village,
(2) A person shall be deemed, for the pllI'pOl!eS of this section,
to have continuously held land in a village notwithstanding that tho
particular land held by him has been different at dilferent times.
(3) A person shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to
have held as a raiyat any land held as a raiyat by a person whoso
heir he is.
(4) Land held by two or mOre oo.sharers 88 & raiyati holding shaD
be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to have been held as a
raiyat by each lIuch co-sharer.
(5) A person shall continue 0 be & settled raiyat of a viJlage as
long as he holds any land as & raiyat in that village and for three yeard
(6) If a raiyat recovers possession of land under section 71. or
by suit, he shall be deemed to have continued to be a settled raiyat
notwithsfanding his having been out of possession more than three
[Ben. Act
(Sees. 18-20.)
landlord under whom be holds the land, be presumed, for the purposes
of this section, until the contrary is proved or admitted, that he has
for twelve years continuously held that land or some pa'rt of It as
a ra.iyat.
18. The following classes of persons shall be deemed to be settled
:unt.kat~ raiyats for the purposes of this Act, in reg&rd to the land in their
dart! to be
:?:te to
Effect of
villages which they cultivate as raiyats (other than their own BhUinhari
or Mundari khunt-kattidari land, and other than landlords' privileged
lands as defined in section 118), and the provisiolls. of sub-sections (3)
to (6) of section 17 shall apply to such persons .ag.if they were ra.iyats,
J;lIunely;(a) where any land in a village, oth.el," than land known 8.jI
manjhihas or bethkheta, is entered in any regis~r prepared and confirmed under the Chota Nagpur Tenures Ben. Act
Act, 1869-all members of any Bhuinhari family who of 1869.
hold, and have for twelve years continuously held, land in
such village, and
(b) where any village contains land nut forming part of a
Mundari khunt-kattidari tenancy and an.entry of M.undari
khunt-kattidari tenancies or of Munda:ri khunt-kattidars
in 9Ueh village has been made in any record-of-rights as
. finally .published under this Act or under any law in force
before the commencement of this Act-all male members
of any Mundari khunt-kattidari family who hold, and have
for twelve yelU's continuously. held, land in such village,
19. Every person who is a settled ra.iyat of a village within the
meaning of section 17 or section 18 shall [11 [subject to the provisions of
section 43] have a right of occupancy in all land ["] [ ...] for the time
being held by him as a raiyat in that village.
and shall not hold it by any subordinate right whatsoever, but nothing
in this sub-section sh'aill prejudicially affect the rights of any third
[l] The words and figures .. subject to the provisions of section 48 .. were inserted
by lb. Chota NagpurlenaDcy (Amendment) Act, 11120 (B. & 0, Act 6 of 19"1O), a. 8(1).
l'] The brooke.. , worda ....d figures " (other than landlord.' privileged land. as
defined in section 118) " were omitted by ibid, s. 8(2).
( a] This .ection was substituted for the original ction 20, by ibid, s, II.
8 of 1908.]
X. A suh-lets the land to Y who takes it for the purpose of establishing tenants
Gn it; Y becomes a tenure.holder in respeet of the ]and~ Or, A sub-lets it to Z,
who takes it fOT the purpose of cultivating it himself; Z becomes a raiyat in respect
of tho land.
In determining from time to time wh&t is a. rair and equitable sum
[Ben. Aot
Incidents of occupanc.y4ight.
21. When a raiyat has a right of Occupancy in respect of any land.,
he may use the land(a) in any manner which is authorized. by local custom or usage
(b) irrespective of any local custom or usage, in any manner
which d.oes not materially impair the value of the land. or it unfit for the purposes of the tenancy.
22. An occupancy-raiyat shall not be ejected. by his land~ord. from
his holwng, except in execution of a d.~ree for ejectment passed. on
occupancy. "'h
Bij'ht. of
ocoupancyraiyat in
...spect of
U08 !!f land.
ef '808.]
Enhancement of Rent.
of occupaneyraiyat to
25. The rent for the time being payable by an occupancy-raiyat P....umpt.iaa
shall be presumed to be fair and equitable until the coutrary is proved. ~':!,~
raiyat is
and equitable,
[Ben. Act
(86118. 28-29.)
Bioner for
29. (1) When ILny such application has been received, the Deputy
Commissioner-ftlC8ipt of
auch appli.
(al shall forthwith give notice of the contents thereof to the
raiyat, and
(b) may, if he thinks fit, order IL measurement of the land, and
(0) may, upon <:onsideration of all the circumBt!lnces set forth
in the application, and after hearing any objection
advanced by the raiyat, by order, fix such enhsl1(:ed renr,
or otherwise vary the rent for the said land, as to him
may seem fair and reasonable:
Provided that no enhallcement shall be ordered except on one or
more of the following grounds, namely.Proce-
(i) that the rate of rent paid by the raiyat is below the prevailing
- ,. -
[1J These worda were in.erted by the Chot.. Nagpur Tonmcy (AmepdmOllt) Act,
1920 (B. .to O. Aot II 01 1920), .. .
8 of 1908.1
(Sees. 80-81.)
(ii) that there has been a rise in the average local prices of
11 Leg. D.
[Ben. Act
(Be&. 82.)
(g) the amoum of. the said increase;
(h) the manDl\~ in which the said increase hall. been. or should
Ii snrvey
Act, or under any other law in force before the commencement of this
in clause (b) or cla.use (fJ of
sub-section (2). the .. area and description" required by those clauses,
reepec.tively. shall, he specified. by stating the plot number, area and
cl88S of eaeh field included in the land, as shown by such survey and
(4) Sections, 146 to 149 shall apply to every application made
UDder this section.
on receip'
of such
32. (l) When any sncbapplication bas " - received, the Depoty
(a) shaD forth~ith give notice of the comentB thereof: to the
miyat; and
(ll) shall refer to the entry (if any) relating to the tenaocy in
the record-of-rigbts prepared under this Act or any other
law for the time being. in force; and'
(e) mllY. if he thinks fit, order a measurement of.. tbe land held
by the raiyat; and
Cd) may, upon consideration of .all tbe cirelUIlsmnOOS set fcrib
in the application, sntl after hearing any objection advanced
by the miya, and making such further inquiry as the
Deputy CommissiOllel' may think necessary, order such
1111 increasa, whether progressive or otherwise, as he may
coBBider to h fair and reasonable:
Provided that, if the landl6rd proves that, at the time when the
measurement on which the claim is based was made. there existed;
in the estate or tenure or pa.rt thereof in which the holding is situate.
a practice of measuring land before settling rents, the Deputy Commisllicfter may presume that the area of the holding as entered. in any
lease or counterpart engagement or (where there is an entry or area in
a counterfail reeeipi corresponding to the entry in the rent-roll) in the
rent-roll relating to the holding was 00 entered after measurement :
Provided also that an increase of rent sh&1I not be ordered where
it would oontra_ any local ouetom or usage prohibiting an increase
of rent in respect of the intreMe in srea.of.a holQing.
('J) When any increase has been 80 ordered. it shall be payable
from the (lOmmencement of tbe agricultur&1 year following that in which
the order is passed, and may be recovered froqi' the raiyat in ~ny suit
instituted against him for arrears of rent.
8 of 1908.]
The Chota
(Sees . 3331).)
33. Nothing in sections 31 and [;2 shall. prohibit. a. landlord from Saving&.
realizing(a) increasecl rents from a OOyat for separate parcels of lsnd
settled with him in any manner authorized by I~w, or
(b) rents on land converted from upland into ko.rkar in scoordance
with loca.l custom or
Red1ictio" of Rent:
34~ (1) Any occupaooy-raiyat wishing to. claim a. reductioo of the Applioataon
rent previously paid by him may present an application to the Depnty
Commissioner to assess the rent on the lana in respect of which such Ilion.. for
reduction is sought, and (if neceBS8ry) to measure the land.
(2) Every such application shall specifyof ren"
(a) the yoorly rent payable by the OOyat at the. date of t~
(b) the area and description of the land for which the said rent
is payable;
(e) the proceedings (if anyl by which the said rent. w~ fixeQ;
(d) the general rate prevailing in the village for corresponding
classes of lands;
(el the date (as nearly as it can be ascertained) when. tlJe said
gene.&! rate w";' Illst adjusted. in the village;
(j) the amount of reduction claimed;
(g) the grounds on which such reduction is claimed; and.
(II) any other prescribed particulars.
(S) Sections 146 to 149 shall apply t<l every applil'.ation made under
this section.
35. (1) When any such application ha.s heeD renaived, the Deputy Proced~
Commissioner-on _ p i
of: such
[11 This .1._ .... au_'*'<! for oril'iaal c ..... (i) of h proviso by
Cbola liagpur T ......."I (.m"Rdmentl Aot, 1\t~ (B. " 0, Ad 6'" 1920], .. l2..
[Ben. Act
(8ees. 86-37.)
of the land held by the raiyat by reason of lIo deposit, of
8IIlld, failure or deterioration of irrigation facilities, or
other specific cause, sudden or gradual;]
(ii) that there has been a fall, not due fu a temporary cause,
in the average loea.! prices of staple food-crops during the
currency of the present rent;
.(iil) tha.t the lan.d held by the raiyat is of less area than the
area for which rent has previously been paid by him.
(2) The rent as so fixed or varied sha.1l be payable by the raiyat
from the commencement of the agricultural year following the yea.r
in which the order is passed, and may be recovered in any suit instituted
against him for arrears of rent.
(3) Nothing in this section shall bar the right of the 1a.ndlord to
claim at any time an enhancement under section 29 of the rent of
such r a i y a t .
t'eduotion of t'ent.
Bar to
enhancement or
38. (1) When the Tent of an occupancy holding in any area referred
to in clause (a) of section 27 has been enhanced by order of the Deputy
Commissioner passed under section 29, such rent shall not again be
for a period of fifteen years, except--.
Qf ......
by order of the Deputy Commissioner, on the ground of a
it DOT6Qomiandlord's improvement; or
(b) by order of a Revenue-officer passed under Chapter XII.
(2) When the rent of an occup9.ncy holdfug in any such arel!o has
been reduced by order of the Deputy Commissioner under section 34,
otherwise than on the ground specified in proviso (iii) to section 35,
such rent sha.1l not a,,"lLin be reduced for a period of fifteen yeMS,
(I) by order of the Deputy Commissioner, on one of the grounds
specified in provisos (J) and (iii) to section 35, or
(li) by order of a Revenue-officer passed under Chapter XII.
IDoidanIo of
tenancy of
80t 1908.]
(Sees. 88-4I.)
tenancy of such Itmd was crea.ted more than twenty years
before the commencement pf this Act; and
(b) when a.n order is for the enfiancement of the rent
payable, by a ra.iya.t having khunt-katti rights, for any
Itmd in respect of which he has such rights, the enhanced
rent fixed by such order sha.ll not exceed one-ha.lf of the
rent payable by an occupancy-raiyat for Itmd !)f a similar
description and with similar advantages in the same village.
raiyatinhis .
40. The rent of a non-occnpa.ncy-ra.iyat shall not be enhanced, C<mditioDs
except by registered agreement or by agreement under section 42.
of non..ooou
p&l101-raiya' .
'[Bell. 'Act
(Bec. 42.)
,(e) on 'the ground t.ha.t he ha.s refused to 1>gree to pay 110 fair
of ejectmrt
this section. may either(a) file it in the ~ce,of tine Deputy Commissiamer"f service
on the miya.t; or
,(h) send it to the raiyatmrect, either by re"aistered po8t or by
8 ofU08.1
{See. 43.)
term of five yeam from &he date of &he agreement, bot on &he expiration of that term shall be liable to ejectment on &he second ground
mentioned in clause (e) of Otion 41., unl..... he has acqnired a righi
of oocnpancy.
UO} H &he raiyat does not agree to pay &he rent 80 determined,
&he Depoty Commissioner ehal! paas a decree for ejectment.
UU In Getermining what rent is fair and equitable, the Depnty
Commissioner oball have JegSrd to &he reo&a geuerally paid by nonoocopancy-raiya&a for land of .. simiIaz- oleseription and wi&h like
adftmages in the same village and (if the Deputy Commissioner thinks
fit) in adjoining villages.
aDd to
Ii_ T-...,.
[Ben. Act
(Sees. 4,/,-46.)
8 of 1908.]
(5) Nothing in &his Section shan affect the validity of any transfer
(not otherwise invalid) of a rai;yat's right in his holding 01" any portion
thereof made bona fide befOl"e the first day of .January, 1903.
______- - - - - - - - . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - P) This sub.oecbon ...... inserted by'the Chota :11_ T"""""J (A_m""",tl
Aci. 19".!O (B . O. Aci 6 of 1920). s. H(2).
[O} The worda aDd figun!s .. tile :Bihar and Orissa Public Demands Becaver->
1914" ..... _
...ted fa< the words and figun!s .. the Public Demands ..., Aci.
An. 1895 .. by the Bihar aDd Orissa Public Demands _....,. Ao\. 19'
Aci of 1914)... 811 aDd Bob..
tBmt. 'Aot
(81m1/. 48-49.)
on transfer
p)-i.! Po 452.
[oJ Ib~vieo was inserted by til.. Chota NOBPur ~_y-(AmeDdaent) Act.,
PI This P>! 6 of l\l2O), s. 16.
llrj() (B. " O. AI.
!.~~~ 2-
[3] [(e) in any case, the use of the land for the purpose of ,mining
m for1<llYother'pnrpose'whichthe Local Government may
. by notification declare' to be subsidiary thereto or for access
lk> land used or reqnired for any such purpose.]
(3l Every such transfer must be 'made by registered deed, and,
before the deed is . registered and the land .tranSferred, the written
ronsent of the Deputy Commissionen:nuBtbe obtained to the terms of
the det><! and to the transfer.
(1) Before consenting to .any SIlch transfer, the Deputy Commissioner shan Imtisfy himself that [4] [adequate compensation is tendered
to the landlord for the loss (If any) caused to him by the. transfer ,] and,
wbere only part of a holding or tenure iijtransierred, may, if he thinks
lit, apportion between the tmnsferee s.nd the original temi.nt the rent
payable for the holding or tenure.
[5][(5) Nothing in this section shan apply." ~he tra.nsier'by an
occupaneJ-raiyat of his right in his holding or any poroo.. thereof,'H 1ile
Local Government has declared. in rules. _der 8\lbseetion (6), of
section 46 that such transfer may bevoJidly made.]
[6][50. (1) Notwithsianding anytllingeontained'in-t!eeiiontl 461md Aoquisition
47, the Deput.y ComllliBBiouer m a y - , - .
(<I) on the applicatron of the landlord of a. holding and on 'being landlord for
satisfied that he is desirous of aquiring the hording or any ...rtain
part . thereof for some reasonable and sufficient purpose purpo....
having relation to the good of the holding or of the tenure
or estate in which it is comprised, snch as the use of the
[Ben. Act
(Sec 60.)
8 of 1908.]
(8ec. 51.)
,of 1894.
(6) Any person interest<ld who has not accepted the award under
this seetion may, by written application presented to the Deputy Commissioner within six weeks of the date of the award, require that the
matter be referred to the principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction for
determination in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Part m
of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.[1J
(7) Nothing herein contained shall enahle the Deputy Commissioner
to authorize the acquisition of any part of a holding whereon a temple,
mosque or other place of worship, sacred grove, burial or burning ground
51. (1) A tenant shan not, when his landlord's interest is T.......... "'"
transferred, be liable to the transferee for rent which became due after liable to
the transfer and was paid in good faith to the landlord whose interest =~ >t
Was so transferred, unless the transferee has before the payment served inte:es' for
notice of the transfer on the tenant.
rent paid to
1] PrInted in
former land.
lcml, with.
out IlOIiioe
of the
(9) Whel'e tl:we i 8 _ than -oBe tenant paying rent to the landlord
wh_ iDtel'tlSt ill transferred, a general notice from the transferee to the
tea..Rta. published in the prescribed manner, shall be a sufficient notice
foo. the pw-poaes of thia sectiOD.
[' J The sub-heading" Presumptions .. to fixity of rent " and section 51A were
inserted by tho Chota Nagpur 'Ienanoy (Amendment) Aot, l~O (B. "" O.. Aot 6 of
1920), 18.
of 1885,
T.Iw Cb9l4.NQ{J1I1I'
Act. 11J08
(&ea.llIMl4.) ,
Paym81lt- of Rem:
&2. Subject to any registered agreement Or' Iooal custom or usage to Instalments;
the contrary. a money-rent payable hya tenant shall,be payable in four
equaL instalments f~ dne. on. the-. last . a..y of, ~h qna.ricr of the
agricWtuml year..
54. (ll Every tellant. who makes ... payment. Q1L account of rent, aT Receipt.. for
interest,dne thereon; or both, to his landlord shall be entitled ta obtain ~ ~d
forthwith from the landlord or. his agent,.free-oi charge. a signed,receipt :.,:"n.
for the same,. in. the prescribed form.
[Ben. Act
(Sees. 55-06.)
55. In any of the following, namely,(a) when a tenant tenders or remits money on acco1lJ;lt of rent,
Court of
a.nd the landlord ot his agent refuses to receive it or refusee
Commilto grant a receipt for it; or
(b) when a tenant, who is bound to pay money on account of rent
has reason to believe, owing to a tender having been refused
or a receipt withheld on a previous occasion, that the
landlord or his agent will not be willing to receive it and
to Irolnt him a receipt f!)r it; !)r
(e) when the rent is payable to co-sharers jointly, and the tenant
is unahle to obtain the joint receipt of the co-sharers for
the money, and no person has been empowered to receive
the rent on their behalf; !)r
(d) when the tenant entertains a b01la fide doubt as to who is
entitled to receive the rent,
the tenant, whether a suit has heen instituted against him or not,
may deposit, to the credit of the landlord, the fnil amount which he'
considers to be due from him, in the C!>11rl of the Depnty Commissioner
having jurisdiction to entertain a suit or application for such rent;
and such deposit shall, as far as the tenant and all persons claiming
through or under him are concerned, in all respects operate as, and have
the full effect of, a payment then made by the tenant of the amount
deposited to the credit of the landlord.
56. (1) On the written application of the tenant or his agent, and
~P!:l on his making a declaration in the prescribed form, the Deputy
p:~::;t of Commissioner shall receive such deposit and give a receipt for the sum
(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall, as soon as possible after
the receipt of any money so deposited, issue a notice, in the prescribed
form, to the landlord to whose credit it has been deposited.
(3) If any person claiming to be entitled to receive the money in
deposit appears and applies for payment' thereof to him, the Deputy
Commissioner may pay the amount to him if he appears to be entitled
to the same, or may, if the Deputy Commissioner thinks fit, retain
the amount pending a decision hy a Civil Court declaring what person
is 80 entitled.
(4) Any sum deposited as aforesaid may, in the absence of any
order of a Civil Court to the contrary, be repaid to the depositor(a) at the discretion of the Deputy Commissioner, and after
serving notice en the landlord and giving him an opportunity to object, and for reasons to be recorded in writing,
-at any time within a period of three years from the
date on which the deposit was made, or
(b) upon the applica.ti!)n of the depositor-at any time after
the expiration !>f the said period.
Deposit of
-rent in
tI of 1908.1
57. Whenever any deposit has been received by the Deputy Limit~tion
Commissioner, no suit shall be maintained, and no application for a :;p~::i:
certifica.te under section 244 shan be entertained, against the person for rent due
making the deposit, or his representatives, on account of auy rent prior .to
which accrued due prior to the date of the deposit, unless such suit depoS1t.
be instituted or such applica.tion be made within six months from
the date of the service of the notice issued under section 56 in respect
of such deposit.
A"ears of Rent.
58. (1) Any instslment of rent which is not paid before sunset What to be
on the day when the same is payable shall be deemed an arrear o f :d
rent, and, shaJl be liable to simple interest not exceeding twelve and of rent;
a half per centum per annum :
interest on
Provided that, where a tenant pays his rent in full within the arrears.
agricuUuraJ year in which it accrues due, interest shall not exceed eix
and a quarter per centum on the yearly rent lawfully payable.
(2) Sub-section (1) shall not apply to dues which are recoverable
_. Act 9 under the Cess Act, 1880, as if they were rent.
60. The rent of a tenancy shall be a first charge on the tenancy: Arrear of
rent to be
Provided that, if a tenancy is sold in execution !)f a decree for first charge
arrears of rent, the purchaser shall acquire the tenancy free of aJl on teoanoy.
liability for rent for any period prior -to the date of the sale, and rent
due for any such period shall be a first charge on the sale-proceeds of
the tenancy.
. !)ne 0 f kind.
a f the crop, or at rat as varymg
Wlth the crop, or partly m
those ways and partly in another, or partly in lliPy of those wa.ys and
partly in money, then the rent so payable shaJI not be aJtered, whether
by private contract or otherwise, except on the a.pplication of either
the tenant or his landlord to have the rent commuted to a money-rent.
(2) Such application may be made to the Deputy Commissioner
or a Revenue-officer.
11 Leg. D.
[8en. Apt<.
(Sec. 62.)
(3) When any such application is made, the Deputy Commissioner or Revenue-officer may, after such inquiry as he thinks fit to
make, determine the sum to be paid as money-rent, and may order
that the tenant shall, in lieu of paying his rent in kind or otherwise
as aforesaid, pay the sum so determined.
(4) In making the determination, the said officer shall have
regard to--;- .
(a) the average money-rent payable by tenants for land of a
8 of 1908.1
(Sec. 63J
(b) by order of a
Xll; and
r][63. (1) H any landlord or his agent levies, except under any PeaaIty em
8pecial enactment for the time being in foree, any money or anything Jand!ord for
in kind from a. tenaut in excess of the rent lawfully payable, with interest ~ .
thereon, or enforces romplianoe by any tenant with any pra.edia1 condition ...... of m
to which he is not lawfully entitled, the Deputy Commissioner of the ~ (iDelud
district or any other officer who may be specially empowered by the ~
Local Government in this behalf, may in a summazy proceeding by order /awful
impose on the landlord or on his agent or on both as penalty ouch sum
as 8U<'b officer thinks fit, not. eDleeding two hundred rupees, !)r when
double the amount or value of what is so levied exceeds two hundred
rupees, not exceeding double that amount or value :
Provided that ~ aggregate of the sumo imposed. as penalty on the
landlord and on his agent sbaJl not exceed the maximum of two hundred
rupees, or when double the amount or value of what is levied exceeds
two hundred rupees, of double that amount or value. Such officer sbaJl
a.ward to the tenant by way of compensation and costa such portion of
the penalty as he thinks fit.
The Deputy Commissioner of the district or any other offieer
empowered as aforesaid IDlly proceed against the Ia.ndlord and his agent
in the same
or in aeparate
(2) Any levy of looaI cess from a tenant (not being a tenant holding
on a permanent mukamui lease from a proprielN or permanent tenurebolder in a permanently-settled area),
Ca) in excess of the net a.mount preocribed by cla.use (2) of sectiqI
tm. Ao\ II
41 of the Cess Ad, 1880, or
(b) on any ecaIe in excess of that prescribed hy cla.use (3) of that
ehall be deemed to be a levy of money in excess of the rent lawfully
payable within the meaning of sub-section (1),
[Ben. Act
(Bee. 64.)
and all stipulations and reservations for payment of any such excess
contained in ant contract made between a landlord and a tenant on or
after the 13th day of October, 1880, shall be void, unless such contract-(t) was made between a temporary tenure-holder and his landlord
before the first day of April, 1920, or
(ii) relates to a tenancy situate in pargana Dhalbhum, the Estate
of Porahat or the Kolhan Government Estate, in the district
of Singhbhnm, and was made prior to the first day of
October, 1883, the first day of April, 1896, and the first day
of September, 1917, respectively.
(3) If in any snit, application or proceeding under this Act or any
otber law, the Court or presiding officer (not being the Deputy Commissioner) has grounds for believing that any landlord is liable to a penalty
under this section, such Court or officer shall inform the Deputy
(4) A proceeding under sub-section (1) may be instituted(a) at any time, npon complaint made by a tenant or on his behalf ;
(b) within three months of the receipt by the Depnty Commie-.
sioner of information under sub-section (3), or of the
termination of any suit, application or proceeding under
this Act or any other law, in the course of which the
.Depnty Commissioner has grounds for believing that the
landlord is liable tp a penalty under this section;
(e) in any other case, within one year of the levy in respect of
which the landlord is liable to a penalty under this section.
(5) If in any proceeding instituted under sub-section (1), the Deputy .
Commissioner discharges any landlord and is satisfied that the complaint
or allegation of the tenant on which the proceedings were instituted, is
false or vexatious, the Deputy Commissioner may, in his discretion, by
his order of discharge, direct the tenant to pay to the landlord such
compensation, not exceeding fifty rupees, as the Deputy Commissioner
may think fit.]
c.... in
CIOD88!l' of
required for
. CIOD-version
land in~
84. (1) The oral or written consent of the landlord for the conversion
land into korkar shall be required in every case except.
. I dedill the
(a) where the land was, before such conv~on,
m~ u
tenancy of a cultivator who has acqUIred a right of occnpancy in it or
8 of 1908.]
(Sees. 65-67.)
(b) where, by the custom or usage of the village, tenure or estate.
(;;) where any land in a village is entered as a Mundari kbuntkattidari tenancy. or any tenant of land in a village is
entered as a Mundari kbunt-kattidar, in any record-ofrights finally published under this Act or under any other
law in force before the commencement of this Act,-by a
member of a .Mundari khunt-katti family,
who holds land in such village.
(3l. Where the consent of the landlord is required by this section for
the conversion of land into korkar. such consent shall be deemed to have
been given if, within two years from the date on which the cultivator
commenced such conversion, the landlord has not made an application
to the Deputy Commissioner for the ejectment of the cultivator rJ[and
no cultivator who is a tenant or resident of a village, shall be ejected from .
land of that village, which he has commenced to convert into korkar.
otherwise than upon such an applicationJ. .
65. When any BUch application is made, the Deputy Commissioner Power to
may, after making such inquiry a8 he thinks fit.eject culti.
(a) order the ejectment of the cultivator from the land eo converted ~':
int-o korkar, upon payment by the landlord of such reason- ~ pooa_
able compensation (if any) as the Deputy Commissioner BlOIl.
may direct, or
(b) direct that. the cultivator be left in undisturbed possession of .
the land.
67. Every raiyat who cultivates or holds land which he or any Bight of
member of his family has converted into korkar shall have " right of?"k~
occupancy in such land, notwithstanding that. he 'bas not cultivated or m or .
held the land for " period of twelve years.
. ['] Th..e word ..ere inserted by
ll1iO (B. " O. Act II of ll1iO), s. 21.
!.~,,:t not
except in
execution of
deeree 01"
(al that he hall used the land comprised in his holding in a manner
which is not authorized by local custom or usage or which
materially impairs the value of the land or renders it unfit
for the purposes of the tenancy; or
(b) that he has broken a condition, consistent with this Act, on
breach of which he is, under the terms of a contract between
himself and his landlord, liable to ejectment,
shall declare the amount of compensation which would reasonably .be
.payable to the plaintUf for the misuse or breach, and whether, in the
opinion of the Court, - the misuse or breach is capable of remedy; and
shall fix a period during which it shall be open to the defendant to pay
that amount to the plaintiff, and, where the misuse or breach is declared
to he capable of remedy, to remedy the same.
(2) The Court may from time to time, for special reasons, extend
a period fixed by it under sub-section (1).
(3) If the defendant, within the period or extended period (as the
case may be) fixed by the Coint under this section, pays the compensation
mentioned in the decree, and, where the misuse or breach is declar.ed by
the Court to be capable of remedy, remedies the misuse or breach to the
satisfaction of the Court, the decree shall not be executed.
70. A decree or order for ejectment passed under this Act shall take
ejectment effect from the end of the agricultural year in which it is passed, or at
whan to. such earlier date (if any) as the Court may direct.
take elfeat.
Power to
71. If any tElnant is ejected from his tenancy or any portion thereof
repJII08. in in contravention of section 68, he may, within a period of one year (or.
if he is an occupancy-raiyat, three years) from the date of such ejectment.
unlawfully present to the Deputy Commissioner an application praying to be
replaced in possession of such tenancy or portion; and the .Dep~ty
Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, after making a summary mqurry,
replace him in possession in the prescribed manner.
Burrande. of
I~d by
period may, at the end of any agricultural year, 8~ender his ~olding.
(2) But, notwithstanding the surrender, the ratyat shall he Ii,able to
indemnify the landlord against any loss of the rent of the holding for
the agricultural year next following the date of the surrender, unless be
gives to bis landlord, at least fonr months before he surrenders, notice
of his intention to surrender.
(3) The Taiyat may, if he thinks fit, canse the notice to be served
through the Court of the Depnty Commissioner within whose jurisdiction
the holding or any portion of it is situate.
(4) When a raiyat has surrendered his holding, the landlord ma.y
enter on the holding and either let it to another tenant or take it into
cultivation himself.
73. (1) If It raivat voluntarilv abandons the land held or cultivated Aba_
by him, withont notice to the lai:.dlord, and ceases either himself or=\~:
throngh any other person to cultivate the land and to pay his rent as raiya\.
it falls dne. the landlord may, at any time after the expiration of the
agricultural year in which the raiyat so abandons and ceases to ,,,,Itivate,
enter on the holding and let it to another tenant or take it into cultivation
(2) Before a landlord enters under this section, he shall send a. notice
to the Deputy Commissioner, in the prescribed ma.nner, sta.ting tha.t
he has trea.ted the holding as a.bandoned snd is a.bont to enter on it
a.ocordiugly; and the Deputy Commissioner shall cause a. notice of the
fact to be published in the prescribed manner ['](and if an objection is
preferred to him within one month of the date of pnblica.tion of the
notice. shan make a. summa.ry inquiry and sha.1I decide whether the
landlord is entitled under sub-section (1) to enter on the holding. The
landlord shan not enter on the holding unless and until such objection
ba.s been decided in his favour. or if no objection is preferred. nntil tha
expimtion of one month from the date of pUblica.tion of the notice.]
(3) When a. landlord enters nnder this section, the raiyat sha.!J be
entitled to apply to tbe Deputy <'ommissioner for the recovery of p0ssession 9f the land at any time not Inter than the expirntion of three years,
in the casg of an occupan~y-raiyat, or, in the case of a. non-x:upancymiyat, one year, from tbe da.te of the publica.tion of tbe notice; a.nd
thereupon the Depnty Commissioner may. on being satisfied tha.' the
miyat did not volnntarily abandon his holding. restore him to possession,
in the prescribed manner. on su~h terms (if any) with respect to comJ'8Dsation to persons injured !lnd payment of of rent 88 to the
Deputy Commissioner ma.y seem jnst.
[l} Tb.... words ....'" inoerted by the Chota Nam>"" Tonano, C&mend""'lli> Ad
. 1920 lB. '" O.
6 at 1920), 22.
(86(;8. 74-74A.)
Continuance of Oecupation.
74. When IL tenure-holder, village-hea.dman or raiya.t h~ been in
occupation of a. tenure or holding, and a. lease is executed with a. view
to the continuance of such occupation, he shall not be deemed to be
admitted to occupation by thlLt lease, notwithstILnding that the lease may
purport to admit him to occupation.
to admit
to oooup....
ti.on after
Detetmination of
be village
[1] This .""tion W88 ineeried by the Chota Nagpur T$nano), (Am$Ildm""t) Act,
1926 (B, '" O. Aot 6 of 1920), s. 28.
lof 1808.]
(Bees. 15-76.i
75. (1) Every landlord of an estate, tenure or Mundari khunt- Measurekattidari tenancy shan have a right to make a general surveyor
measurement of the lands comprised in such estate, tenure or tenancy,
unless restrained from doing 80 by express engagement with the occupants
of the lands.
(2) If any landlord intending to measure any land which he has
a right to measure is opposed in making such measurement hy the
occupant of the land,
or if any tenant, having received notice of the intended measurement
of land held or cultivated by him, which is liable to such measurement,
refuses to attend and point out such land,
the landlord may present an application to the Deputy Commissioner.
(3) On receipt of such application the Deputy Commissioner shall,
after taking such evidence and making such inquiry as he considers
necessary, pass an order either allowing or disallowing the measurement,
and, if the cnse so requires, enjoining or excusing the atttendance of any
(4) If any tenant, after the issue of an order enjoining his attendance,
refuses or neglects to attend, any map or other record of the boundaries
and measurements of the land, prepared under the direction of the landlord at the time when the tenant was directed to attend, shall be
presumed to be correct until the contrary is shown.
78. Nothing in this Act shall affect any custom, usage or customary SaviDg of
right not inconsis!~nt with. or not expressly or by necessary implication_tom..
modified or abolished by, its provisions.
[Ben. -Aut
(Sees. 77-79.)
ill. A custom or usage whereby " raiyat is entitled to make improvements on
his tenancy and to .receive compensation therefor on ejectment is not inconsistent
with! ~Dd is no~ expressly or by necessary implication modified or abolished by J the
proViSIons of this Act. That oustom or usage, aeeordingly, wherever it msts will
not be "ffected by this Act.
IV. A custom or usage whereby korkar i. held(a) during preparation for cultivation, Tentfree, or
(b) during or after preparation, at rate of rent less than the rate payable for
ordinary raiyati land in the 8Bme village, tenure or estate,
is not inconsistent with. and is not expl'essly or by necessary implication modified
or abOlished by, the provisions of this Act. ihat eustom or usage, accordingly.
wherever it exists, will not he affeoted by this Act.
te nures an
J8 of 1908.]
(Sec8. 80-81.)
(flii) take away the right of a raiyat to surrender his bolding in
80. (l) The Local Government may make an order directing that Power to
a survey be made and a record-of-rights be prepareq, by a Revenue-Officer,
in respect of the lands in any local area, estate, or tenure or part thereof. tion ~r;par.
(2) A notification in the ["] [*] Gazette of an order under sub- l6OOrd-ofsection 0) shall be conclusive evidence tbat the order has been duly rights.
(S) The survey shall be made and the record-of-rights shall be
prepsred in the prescribed manner.
81. Where an order is made under section SO, the particulars to be Partieularo
recorded shall be specified in the order, and may include. either without to berdad
. or in addition to other particulars, some or all of the following, reco
namely :~
Cal the name ot each tenant or occupant;
(b1 the class to which each tenant belongs, that is to say, whether
he is a tenure-holiler, Mundari khunt-lmttidar, settled
miyat, occupancy-raiyat. non-occupancy-raiyat, raiyat
haying khunt-katti rights, or under-raiyat, and, if he is a
tenure-holder. wbether he is a permanent tenure-holder
or not, and whether his rent is liable to enhane.-ment during
the continuance of his tennre;
(el the situation nnd quantity and one or more of the boundaries
of the land held by each tenant or ~npier;
(d) the name of each tenant's landlord:
(8) the name of each proprietcr in the local area or est1<!e;
(j) the rent payable at the time the record-of-rights is being
prepared ;
(g) the mode in which that rent has bren fixed-whether by
contrnet, by order of a ('ourt. or othernise;
. Pl Thi. proviso was inserted by the Chota Nagpur Tenanoy (Amendmebt) Act,
1920 (D. & O. Aot 6 of 1920), s. 24.
[1] The' wurd .. Calcutta ....... mniltad by wid, s. 11(2).
[Ben. Att
(Sec. 8,g.)
(h) if the rent is a gradually increasing rent, the time at which,
aa to
- [1]
-These words were ins.rted
------------ _.
by the Chota Nagpur Tenancy (Amendment) Ac'
8 of t908.)
['1 This eq>lan.ti... was in.erted by the Chota N .gpur TenaDOy (Amendment)
A.,. 192{) (B, a. o. .1...- 6 of 1920) 28(1),
[Ben: Act'
[1] The word .. three" w,," substituted for the word two" by the Chota
Nagpur Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B. &; O. Act 6 of 1920)., s. 2~(2) .
[0] Th.... words ware substituted for the words .. undor th.. s.ctiO!1 IS made
after the final pubUeation of the record:<>!-righta " by ibid, s. 26(3).
[0] ih_ words were inserted by '&1<1, 27(1)(,,)_
(Sees. 87A-89.)
nooer the provisions of section 85 before the final publication of the'
record.of.rights,] whether such dispute be(a) between landlord and tenant, or
(b) between landlords of the same or of neighbouring estates, or
(e) Detween tenant and tenant, or
(d) as to whether the relationship of landlord and tenant exists, or
(e) as to whether land held is properly so held, or
['] [(ie) as to any question relating to the title in land or to any
interest in land as between the parties to the suit ; or]
. (j) as to any other matter;
and the Revenne-officer shall hear and decide the dispute:
ProVided that. the Revenue-officer may, subject to such rules as
may be made in this behalf under section 264, transfer any particular.
C&se or class of cases to ... competent Civil Court for trial :
Provided also that, in'any suit under this secticn, the Revenne-officer
.hall not try any issue which has been, or is already, directly and sub>tantiaJly in issue between the same parties, or between parties under
who.m they or any of them claim, in proceedings for the settlement of
rents under this Chapter, where such issue has been tried and decided,
or. is already being tried, hy a Revenueofficer under section 86 in
proceedings instituted after the final publicaticn of the record-of.rights.
(2) An appeal shall lie, in the prescribed manner and to the
. prescribed officer, from decisions passed under sub-section (1)[,] [and a
second appeal to the High Court shall lie from any decision on appeal of.
such officer as if such decision were an appellate decree passed by the
Judicial Commissioner under Chapter XVI].
[aJ [87A .When in a proceeding for the settlement of rents under Undersection 85 or in a. suit under section 87 the status of a tenant is in issue, :::~
the Revenue-officer shall direct that every person, holding directly or party in
indirectly under such tenant, whose interest ma.y he affected by' the certain pro.
decision of the issue. shall, if he is not already ... party to the proceeding ::;tin!!."
or the suit, as the may be, be joined 88a party.]
88 .A note of all renta settled under section 85, and of all decisions Entry in
under subsection (1) and decisions on appeal under sub-section (2) of
asction 87, shall be made in the record-of-righta as .finally published under r'!ts .ettled
section B3; and such note shall be considered as part of the record.
and dem.
sioll8 mads.
(1J This clause was inserted by the Chota Nagpur TeDBDcy (AJDendmsnt) Aot,.
19lIO (B. " O. Ac' 6 of 1920). s. 27(1)(0).
[oJ Thos.....rds and letters ware inserted by ibid, s. 27(2).
[oJ Thill S..,tiOD ..... inserted by ibid, s. as.
. ['] Til... wo'!Ia .._
iIlBerted by ibid,
The Chow
[Ben. Act
(Sees. 90-91).
or section 86, revise the same, whether it was made by himself or by any
other Revenne-officer, but not 110 as to affect any order pasaed under
toection 87 or any order passed in appeal under section 85, sub-aootion (4) :
Provided that no such order or decision shall be so
if a snit
or an appeal in respect tbereof is pending under section 85, b-aooiion
(4), or section 87, or until reasonable notice has been given to e parties
concerned to appear and be beard in the matter.
(2) An appeal shall lie, in the prescribed manner and to the prescribed officer, from any order passed under sub-aootion (1).
90. Any Revenue-officer specially empowered by' the Local
by ~- Government in this behalf may, on application or of his own motion,
ill within (1][two years] from the date of the certificate of the final publicaNOOrd-aftion of the record-{)f-rigbts under sub-section (2) of section 83, correct
any entry in such record-{)f-rigbts whicb he is satisfied has been made
owing to a bona fide mistake:
Provided that no such correction shall be made if a snit or an appeal
affecting such entry is pending under section 87, section Ill, clause (8) .
or clanae (10), section 252 or section 253, or until reasonable notice has
been given to the parties concerned to appear and be beard in tbe matter.
91. (1) When an order haa been made under section SO, or under
Stay of
ceNiD pro- any law in force before the commencement of this Act, directing the
preparation of a record4-rights, then, notwithstanding anything conbefonI
tained in the foregoing sections of this Chapter, no Deputy Commissioner
or Civil Court shall, until six months after the final publication of the
siOD8l' or
record-{)f-rigbts, enten any snit or application (not being an
Ciw Court
under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898)
Ii of I8ge
wbma order
made for
(a) in which there is in issue, either directly or indirectly, the
[!][existence, non-existence, nature or extent], in the area
of NOOrd-af
to which the record-{)f-rights applies, of any rigM referred
to in clanae (n) of section 81, ["][or for the determination,
assessm~t or alteration of the sum payable by any person
in respect of such right;] or
(b) for the alteration of the rent or the determination of the
stains of any tenant in such area:
Provided that, if any person considers himself aggrieved by any act
of waste or damage committed by any other person in resped of any
waste-land or jungle-land during the period within which snits and
Bpplications are prohibited by this section, he may.apply to the Deputy
=. . .
b" &he
6 of 1908.]
(Sees. 92-94.)
93. (1) When a record-of-rights in respect of any land has been Stay of
prepared. under this Chapter, and finally published, no application or .e~~ pro.
nit affecting any such land or any tenant thereof shall, within six
months from the date of the certificate of final publication of such Deputy
record-of-rights, be made or instituted before the Deputy Commissioner~or in any Civil Court for ~e decision of any of the following issues, ~~er <i::"un
(a) whether the relation of landlord and tenant exists;
record..,f(b) whether the land is part of a particular estate or tenancy;
(0) whether there is any special condition or incident of the publiehed.
tenancy; or
(d) whether any easement attaches to the land.
(2) ;If, before the final publication of the record-of-rights in such
.area, a suit iRvolving the decision of any of the issues mentioned in
Bub-section (1) has been instituted before the Deputy Commissioner or in
a Civil Court, the RevenuEj-Officer shall Il,ot entertain any suit under
l!OOtion 87 involving the decision of the same issue.
(3) Where the making of an application or the institution of a suit
has been delayed by sub-section (1), the period of six months therein
mentioned shall be excluded in computing the period of limitation
provided for such suit or application.
94. (1) When the rent of an occupancy holding is entered in a Period for
reoord-of-rights which has been prepared and finally published under this whloh ~!B
Chapter or any law in force before the oommencement of thia Act, then,:t&nld ::
@ubject to the provisions of sections ['][85], 87, 89 and 90,
such rent shall not, except on the ground of a landlord's improve- sre '?
ment, be enhanced for a period of::::::::ed
(a) fifteen years after the final publication of the record-of-rights,
when such publication was made after the commencement
of this Act, or
[1] The figu,,, .. 86," were inserted by the Chota Nag:>ur Tenancy (Amendmant)
".', 19110 (B. '" O. A.t 6
11 Leg. D.
(SeD. 95;)
(b) seven yeWs after the nnalpublication of the reeord.of.rights,
Ezpens.. of;
Chapter. -
8>of 19l18.]
(8) The estimate ... amount of the expenses likely to, be incurred for
maintenance, repair or r~storation of boundary-marks for a period
not exceeding fifteen years, or snch part of such amonnt as the Local
Government may direct, may be recovered, in advance in the same
manner &sif such eXll"nses had been already incurred.
(4) The portion of ~e expenses referred to in the foreg(ling
]Jrovisions of this section which anJ person is liable to pay shall be
recoverable by the Government as if it were an arrear of land-revenue
due in respect of the said looal area, estate, tenure or part"
Explanation.-The word .. tenure" in this section includes all
revenue-free and rent-free tenures and holdings within. a. 100M &rea.,
estate or tenure.
96. In framing a. rSllQrd.<lf.righta, a.iuI in deciding disputes, 1lIIder Power of
&his Chapter ,the Reveque-officer shall give effect to any la.Mula,gree- Re,enue.
ment or compromise made or entered into by any landlord and hia:::~
t<> agreeProvided as follows : _ , OP
(a) the Revenue-officer shall not give effect to ~y agreement or compzomiae.
compromise the terms !If .which, if they were embodied,in
a contract, oould not be enforced under this act; and
(0) where the terms of any agreement or compromi~ are such
as might unfairly or inequitably affect the rights of third
parties. the Revenue-officer shall not give effect to such
agreement or compromise unless and until he is satisfied
by evidence that the statements made by the parties thereto
are correct,
:!f; .
'98. (1) The Local Government may at a.ny time, elther 0< its O'Wn,&vi&ioD, .t
motion or on the application of any landlord or tenant, direct that l1.Ily ~rd....t
record-of-rights which has been finally published under'this Act or under ::!!\B~
Imy law in force before the commencement of this Ad, or any portion mODt of
of any such record-of-rights" be revised, in the prescribed ma.nner. but rent., under
not so as to affect any rent entered therein.
(~} At ally time after the expiration of the period ofGovern(a) fifteen years from the date of the certificats of tbe final pubJi- men\.
aatlon of a r.eoord-of-rights, when SIlCh, publiaation was
made after th~ commencement of this ,Act, or
[Ben. Aot
(81JC8. 99-100A.)
(b) seven years from the date of the certificate of the final publi-
reeord M
Qf oortain
(1] [100A. [I] [.] The provisions of this Chapter, excluding section
94, and of sections 53 to 58, both inclusive, and section 63, shall. so far
t.1'O~M as may be, apply to any of the following rights (not being rights
p8ltumge. created by a ['][registered contract]), namely. rights of pasturage, rights
to take
to take forest-produce, rights of fishery. or other similar rights, and to
~1'81!' pro- the sum, if any, payable by a person in respect thereof, as if such rights,
,,::d\~te~y. person and sum were respectively land held by a tenant, the tenant
menta in
thereof, and the rent payable in respect thereof, and as if the payee of
such sum were the landlord under whom such person holda.
(1] Thiction was inserted by the Cho~ Nagpur 'l'enancy (Amendment) Act,
1920 (B. '" O. Act 6 ef 1920), s. 88.
B] The braoke~ and figure "(I)" were emitted after the figures BIld J.tter
" l00A .. by the ChQte N agpur Tenancy (Amendment) Aot. 1923 (B. '" O. Act 5 ef
1923), 8. 4.
a] Th.... worda were Buhatituted for the words "- apecifin contra.. for a dellni~
peried .. by ibid.
[el Sub-eeetion (2) WIllI omitted by ibi.t.
8 of 1988.)
(Sees. 101-105')
Ohota. N(I:gpv.i
Am, 19~8.
(8ug. 'lV6-1IJ8.)
(Se(1f J()P-Ml.,)
1II')jj., coll$i@r any objectW!ls w4i,ch,.ml!-Y I?e~,!dll. W lHJ.y -m$ry therein or
to any omissipll ther~ro!!l dWing. the peri'ld, Qf PIlbl#:a,tion.
(il) Wh!l)l objec~ioJls, 4~v~ .~!l!19nsi.derJ}d, .Iffl!l. ,wSJl9.&ed of ill the
prescribed mll;Qnllf, thll :re<;ord 6halllllllil)lII1y f~e,cj.!l>!).<l.iPubliahlld ill
the llrl~~1ld ~annoc.
(3) S;>pl/o!;Rte drafta or Ie~f;de D;\ay be P~b)ish.ed /lllIJ!\l' Bub-aection
(1) Qr S.~;~,t,iQll (2) for diJIe,[email protected] l~I9.'el!, e.~~tIl.~,.j;/).pres or parts
tR9. All
app~ !>h~
pr<ls<;ri~ pJlWer, frp'fI'. 1!oIlY. of~r' ofa :&~enJle-9lfl.s;er under this ~:::..
118. The Commissioner. or the B.oard ma..y ~ the ""vision of any Revision by
re.card prepared under this Chapter, or any porti9n <>f sueb record, at C?<>mmisany. ~ witbin two y_8, fr,om the dat.s of the, fiDal publication of the
reco!'A, hut ~t 110 lIS Iio aJ'fect any deciaion f.toJp :which an appeal has
been preferrlld under section 100 :
Provi.ded tbat nOl>uch Ilirectionshall Wltil ~Ie.notice
hIlS b~J;l gi V.ell tp the parties cooc&neQ. 4> appear .and he beard ill the
,11>1. In .,very local lWla, estate, tenure or part thereof, ill which a Procedure
SIUvey is being made and a record-of-rightq is being prepared under this whore
Act or under any law in force'before the commencement of this Act,
'and ill which a record of prredial conditions is being prepwed and a of.righfa
commutation thereof is being made under an order issued undoc ~beeing
Note of
deciaiona in
Deaision of
qu..,tioD as
.. payment
In kind is a
[Ben. Aot
of rent In
Oommenoe114. (1) When the commutation of anI prlBdial conditions is settled
ment and under this Chapter, for any local area or estate, tenure or part thereof,
effaet of
eommuta_ the settlement shall take effect froro the beginning of the ""
year next after the final publication of th" record.
8 of 1908.]
(Secs. 116-118.)
(2) The amount determined by a Revenu&-!lfficer under this
Chapter to be payable by a tenant in commutation of prmdi.'\l conditions
shall be deemed to be'part of the rent payable by the tenant, and s)Jall be
recoverable accordingly.
115. When in any case the proceedings under section 105 have been E%peDSM of
completed, the Revenue-officer shall apportion the total expenses thereof voluntary
between the landlord and tenant in such proportion as, having regard to
all the circumstances, he may deem fit; and the amounts 80 apportioned
ehall be recoverable as an arrear of land-revenue.
118. (1) The expenses incurred by the Government in carrying out Expenses of
in any local area or any estate, tenure or part thereof any order made record and
under section 106, or such part of those expenses as the Local Govern"
ment Inay direct, shall be defrayed by the landlords and tenants of land tion.
in that local area, estate, tenure or part, in such proportions as the Local
Government, having regard to all the circumstances, mAy determine.
(I!) The portion of the aforesaid expenses which an, person is
liable to pay sball be recoverable by the Government &II if it were an
arrear of land-revenue due in respect of the said 10caJ area, estate, tenure
or part.
E;xplanation.-The word "tenure" in this section includes aU
revenue-free and rent-free tenures and hol!lings within a., local area,
estate or tenure.
117. No proceedings under this Chapter shall bar the right, of any SaviDg of
or landlord to claim a reduction or enhancement uf rent under UllIiUD
~~~t ~,
this Act ..ft,er such proceedings have been completed.
'ticm or
ment of
(2),Fmm BlICh,Qat.eP] .as theJ,~\~~~",mf\oY, bi: IltlI;ipcadired;, llf> 1 _ P][wJ' ~.WIJt wJmili 4!~ ~ /Iljg4t ip ,~f
poesibleaent tWleed,eoeyEllU'] lIhJlIl M 'lOPfW~ t9c ~lMI,B~,l,Jt
clause (a) of this section unless it be in writing.
~1S. ~~ ,Lo(;1U Gp~~meJl.t. may,.!!/, ~otij}C!>tioJ), gir~t a. Re:v@ueP-.,~
o~ to ~ a. lIurYey llJ).d ~~d .qf ~JI 1.~
I>"Y s~eQ. loca.l
tl:l(l' m~ Qf
record of
1leCt.m. U6.
c)~ I,a),.qf
Power to
121. Wh6111UlY ~ ill a~g<)<). to,~ .a. ~dlQrd:.s p!=U'e~ ~q,
~~ land witbi.n the m.eanj,Qg 9l ~ W of _tioo U8, t./.teIJ, Qn' t,4e "Ppli~t.i9)1
privileged of the laaOlOl'll oz: <Ill 8I[IY '~ of ~ l/Illd, 1ld on 4tBQSit,j~ the
IBDdli~ ~
reqnitled auwunUpz: {t~...j, ~8ffll~ fIJI1;y~, ;Wd, J:e9;lJ4
cation w hd.her ,.,..,
''-- 1__ '"
, . ,jJ.PI:..,.
"_' J?ljlV...."
. ;!4n_"
1__ "
of IandJord
- .IS fif I.!l
.... _
_.. _+h4
or tenant.
1U ,In,a!).l ~~
Chap~.r, .a~ev:enue-officer~
,(2) ,~ PtQC~
*'" .
'124. Where any land in any ..mage is entered &8 manjhibas or No IBD~ in
bethkheta in any regi<lter prepared ahd <lOnfirmed und"" the' C~ certain
N agpur Tenures Act, 1869, a Revenue-officer acting'lmdel' this, Chapt
shall nat record lilly ot.ber larula in thatflliage lIB beingllwdlords' as 1MV" hI
privileged lamd.
125~ When
""tego~ ..,
; )enti'
128. An appeal shall lie, in' fuepreseribed' .....nner lllM 'to 1K>e'~~
prescribed officer, from decisions ami ....ders of a llil~' under
this Cilapter.
by ibi4. ... ~.
[Ben. Aot
(Secs. 129-132.)
83, section 84, sub-sections (1) and (2), and sections 89 to 96, so far as
they may be applicable, shall apply as if such rewrd were .referred to in
those sections.
(2) When any such notification directs that a settlement of fair
rents be made, the provisions of section 85, Sub-sections (3), (4) and (5),
section 86, section 89 and sections 95 to 97, so far as they may be
applicable, shall apply to such settlement as if it were r. settlement
. referred to in those sections.
129. At the time of tile final publication of a record prepared by a
Revenue-officer under this Chapter, that officer shall cause 9. copy of the
entries therein to' be served, in the prescribed manner, on all persons
interested in such entries, 80 far as such persons can be ascertained.
130. (1) Where there is a dispute regarding tile correctness of any
Suils to
made in a record prepar..d under this Chapter, or regarding any
disputes as incorrect omission therefrom, a suit may be instituted before a Revenueto entries officer,. at any time within three montha from the date of the certificate
of the final publication of the record :
Provided that, in any' suit under this section, the Revenue-officer
shall not try any issue which has been, or is already, directly and substantially in issue between the same parties, or between parties under
whom they or any of them claim, in proceedings for the settlement of
rents, where such issue has been tried and decided, or is already being
tried, by a Revenue-officer acting under section 86 in proceedings
instituted after the final publication of the record.
(2) In all suits under this section the Revenue-officer shall, subject
to any rules made in this behalf under section 264,- adopt the procedure
laid down in Chapter XVI for the trial of suits before the Deputy
(3) An appeal shall lie, in tha prescribed manner and to the
prescribed officer, from the decision of the Revenue-officer in such
Note of Jinal
131. A note of all decisions under sub-section (1) pf section 130,
deaiaiona in and of all decisions on appeM unJer sub-section (3) of that section, shall
be made in the record prepared under section 127, and such Dote shall be
considered as part of the record.
132. When a record has been finally published under section 128,
or amended under section 131, the entries made therein shall ['][in
every suit, application or proceeding to which the landlord or a tenant,
or any person claiming to be the landlord or a tenant is I> party] be
conclusive evidence of the rights and obligations of the tenants to which
such entries relate, and of all the particulars recorded in su~h entries.
Notice of
entries to
(1J Th.... words were iBB8rted by the Cboa Nagpur Tenancl (Amendmen') Acli.
192() (B. & 0, An' 1\ of 1920). s. SII.
8 of 1908.]
133. In making inquiries under this Chapter into the rights and Revenue.
obligations of tenants, the Revenne-officer shaJ.l have regard to the origin :cer to
and nature of each tenancy and to the real status of the tenlillt, notwith. to ::'ri~
standing that the tenant may' have been described in any document as a B1ld nature
thikadar or tempor",?, lease-holder or in any other similar terms.
134. When a record of the rights and obligations of raiyats having Exclusion 01
khunt-katti rights has been prepared under this Chapter for any locall~~
_ . no lands in such area, which are not entered in such record, shall :tegory ~
be recognized as lands in respect of which khunt-katti rights can be khunt-katti
135. The Deputy Commissioner may hold a Court. for hearing and Place for
determining suits and applications under this Act, in any place within holding
the local limits of his jurisdiction :
Provided that every hearing and decision shall be in open Court. sloner'.
and that the parties to the suit or application. or their agents. shall Court.
have had due notice to attend at such place.
136. Suits and spplications before the Deputy Commissioner under Office for
this Act shall respectively be instituted and madein~tit=g
(a) in the revenue-office Ilf the district; or
(I when the "ause of action has arisen within the local limits applicatiuno.
of the jurisdiction of a Deputy Collector whll is empowered
to receive such suits or applications. then in the Ilffice of
such Deputy Collector; or
(0) in the office of the Revenue-officer having jurisdiction to
entertain the same.
137. The Deputy Commissioner may withdraw any Buit, p][appIics- Withdrawal
t,ion or proceeding] from any' Deputy Collector-<Jr Revenue-officer who of suils.
is exercising powers of the Deputy Commissioner under this Act, and
may try it himself or transfer it to any Deputy Collector.
136. (1) When any suit is instituted or application made in respect lurisdiotion
of any land comprised in a tenure or holding, and such land is situated ~Ire~ ~
in more than one district or subdivision, the district or subdivision in : : : .
which the greater part of such land is situated shall be deemed to be thaD, 0D8
the distric,t or subdivision in w':ich the cau~ of acti~n ~ arisen;. .. - :,:'i!i1~.:",
and. if any question be ra1S8d respectlllg the distnct or subd,.."non
in whIch the greater part of the land is situted, the Board or (if the
[I] Tire word. " applioation or proceediog" _
inserted by tho Chota Nogpur
Tenanoy (Amendment) Aot, 1920 (B. Ii O. Aot 8 of 1920). 8. 8'1.
[!lSn. Act
(Sec. 139.)
(I] Cla~ (2), (8), (4), (4A), (5) and (6) were substituted lor the original .1.._
(!) to (~ by the ehoU Nagpm' Tenaney (Amendment) .lot, 1920 (B. " O . .lot 6
of 1000), 80< 88.
[IJ These words were substituted for the words rigbta of psstura"oe .. by \h_
t!lhMa N _ r Tenanoy (Amendment) Act, 1923 (B. &; O. A,t 5 of 19'18), "- 5(1}.
[IJ'lh, words .. 1IIIder-\lbia.Ac$."
~ by ibid, s. 5(2}.
rrheChot.\l> Nagpul'
(S-, 189.4<-140,)
(1] Thi. proviso was added by tho Chat" Nagpur _ _.I' (A.mend",ootl Act,
[Ben. Act
(Sees. Hl-H2.)
Order or
decm!e in
uit or on
142. (l) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 257. a cosharer landlord may institute a snit to recover from a tenant(a) his share of the rent, when such share is collected separately,
(b) the whole of the teent due to the plaintiff and his co-sharers,
when all or any of his co-sharers who refuse {o join in
. the snit are made defendant.s therein.
(2) When, in a suit instituted under clause (b) of sub-section (1),
the plaintilf is unable to ascertain what rent is due for the whole tenure
or holding, or whether the rent due to the other co-sha.rer landlords
has been paid or not, owing to the refusal or neglect of the tenant or
the said landlords to furnish him with correct information .on these
points or either of them,
the 'Deputy Commissioner shall determine-(i) what sum (if any) is due to the plaintilf for rent, interest
thereon, and costs, and
(is) what sums (if any) are due to the said landlords, respectively,
on a.ccount of their share of the rent and interest thereon,
for the period in respect of which the suit is brought; and shall
decree the suit a.ccordingly.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Explanation I to
section 47. or in section 196, a decree awarding to a plaintiff a II1llIl
referred to in cla.usa (i) of sub-section (2) shall, as regards the remedies
for enforcing the same, be as effectual as a decree obtained by a sOle
landlord or an entire body of landlords in a snit brought for the rent
due to all the co-sha.rem.
(4) When the sums due from a tenant to any co-sha.rer la.ndlord
are determined under cla.use (ii) of sub-section .(2), in respect of any
of tSO )
period, then no further snit shall lie against such tenant for rent alleged
to be due to such landlord in respect 9f tha~ period.
143. Snits before the Deputy Commissioner under thiS Act shall Institution
be instituted by presenting a statement of claim, showingof .uita b!
(a) the name, descr~ption and place of abode of the plaintiJf;
(b) the name, descnptlOn and place of abode of the defendant, men~ of
80 far as they can be ascertained;
(0) the substance of the claim; and
(It) the da te of the rause of action.
144. (1) In all snits aud applications before the Deputy Commis- Addi~
.uoner for the recovery of an arrear of rent, or for the ejectment of a ~~
tenant from any tenure or holding, or .for the recovery 9f occupancy ~1D f
or poaseatliou of any tenure or holding, the statement of claim or applies- cJaim in 0
tion shall eontBm, in addition to the particulara required by section
. ..
(0) a specification of the situatmn and designation of the land applicatiODS.
held by the tenant, and
p,) a. specification of the extent and boundaries of such land,
or (if the plaintiff is unable to specify the extent or
boundaries) a description sufficient for the identification
of the land.
(ll) In all snits and applications referred to in sub-section (1), and
in all other snits and applications before the !Deputy Commissioner
\Ander this Act relating to the rent of land 'or to any right or easement
arising out of land,
if a survey has been made and a record-of.rights has been finally
published under this Act or under any law in force before the C9mmencement of this Act, in respect of the land to which the snit or applicatiQn
the statement of claim or application shall further C9ntain the
fol;',w.;ng particulars, namely:(I) a list of the survey plots comprised in the tenancy,
(Ii) a statement of the rental of the tenancy according to the
reC9rd-of-rights, and
(iii) a copy of all entries in the reC9rd-of-rights in regard 10 the
subject-matter of the snit or application,
unless the Deputy Commissioner is satisfied, for reasons ~ be
recorded in writing, that it is not necess&ry that snch particulars or
RDy of them should be furnished or that the p\aintiJf was prevented by
any sufficient cause from furnishing sneh particulars' or any of them:
Provided that, in all cases in which the Deputy Commissioner
"dmits a statement of claim or application which does nol contain the
said parliiculars, he may direct the aupply, without payment of fee,
11 Leg, D.
[Ben. Aot
(Sees. 145-160.)
whom to b.
of .tatement of
01 document.. by
148. (1) If the plaintiff relies in support of his claim on any document in his possession, he must produce such document before the
Deputy Commissioner at the time of presenting his sta.tement of claim.
(2) If such document be not 80 produced. it sha.1l not afterwards be
admitted unless the Deputy Commissioner, for Bufficient reasons to be
recorded in writing, thinks fit to admit it.
149. If the plaintiff requires the production of any documeut in the
possession or power of the defendant, he may, at the tinle of presenting
01 docu
ment.. by l>is statement of claim, deliver a description of the document to the
Deputy Commissioner. in order that the defendant may be directed to
produce the document.
Return or
150. If the statement of claim does not contsin the several particu- !
lars r~uired by secti.0n 143 or by.sections 143 ~d 144, 118 :he case maYj
men' of
he, or 18 not subacnbed and verified as requu:ed by sectlOn 147, the
e of 1968.1
(Bees. 161-1{j7.)
Issue of
of defandsnt
153. The oeid summons shall order the d,efendant to produce any Produotion
document :which he has in his possession and of which the plaintilf of
demands inspection, or upon which the defendant may intend to rely documents
in support of his defence;
and shall also enjoin the defendant to bring his witnesses with him
if they are willing to attend without issue of process.
Deposit of
ocet of
156. ~. on snch day, only the defendant appears. the Deputy
Commissioner shall dismiss the suit, unless the defendant admits the
claim or part thereot. in which case the Deputy Commissioner shall pass
a decree ag8.lnst
t edef
e ndan t npon auch ....
wlsSlon. Wl'tho1!t costs, and
wbere part only of the claim has been admitted. shall "dismiss the snit
so {Il): as it relates to the remainder :
Provided that such der.ree, if there be more than one defendant.
shall be only against the defendant who makes the admission.
" 151. If, on such day, only the plaintiff appears, the IDepnty
Commissioner, upon proof that the summons has been duly served, shall
proceed to oXGilline the plaintiff or his agent. and, after considering the
. p] These
19S0 (B, .. 0 .
when only
~ defend.
an, appeara.
[Bella Act
(Sees. 168-163.)
allegations of the plaintiiI and any documentary or oral evidence adduced
by him, may either dismiss the case, or postpone the hearing of it to a
future day for the attendance of any witness whom the plaintiiI J]J.ay
wish to call, or decree the suit ex paTte against the defendallt.
158. If the defendant relies on any document in support of his
he shall produce it before the Deputy Commissioner at the
by defend first hearing of the suit; and, if such document is not so produced, it
shall not lifter wards be admitted, unless the Deputy Commissioner, for
sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, thinks fit to admit it.
159. If the defendant appears on any subsequent day to which the
of the suit may be postponed under section 157, the Deputy
on aay to
Commissioner may, upon such conditions (if any) as to costs or otherwise
.,..... is
as he may think proper, allow the defendant to be heard in allswer to
postponed. the suit as if he had appeared on the day fixed for his attendance.
160. A female plaintiff or defendant shall not be required to attend
1n person if of & rank or class which, according to the customs and
manners of the country, would render it improper for her to appear in
attenaan ce public.
161. (1) Any party to a suit before the Deputy Commissioner under
of &genla. this Act may employ an agent to conduct the case on his behalf; but
the appointment of an agent shall not excuse the personal attendance
of the plaintiiI or defendant in cases where his personal attendance is
required bytlle summODa. or by any order of the Deputy Commissioner.
(2) Processes served on any such agent shall be as effectual for all
purposes in relation to the suit as if they had been served on the party
in person; and all the provisions of this Act relating to the service of
processes on a party to the suit shall be appliCll.ble to the service 011
processes on such agent.
162. The Deputy Commissioner may in any case grant time to the
Power to
grant time plaintiff or defendant to proceed in the prosecution or defence of a suit,
or adjourn
and may a.lso from time to time, in order to secure further evidence, or
for other sufficient reason to be reCorded by him, adjourn the hearing
or further hearing of any case in such manner WI he may think fit.
163. (1) When both parties appear in person on the day named in
tiOD and
the summons; or. upon any subsequent day to' which the hearing of tht'
==~D ofCBSe may be adjourned under section 162, the Deputy 'Commissioner
padi.. or
p][may prooeed to examine them, and if he examiues them] either party
thdirofagenta or his agent may cross-examine the other.
(2) If either of the parties is not bound to attend personally, any
agent by whom he appears["][may] be examined and cross-examined in
=_. ;
by aefe!!-
--'[1] These words we.... substituted for the words ...hall proceed to examine them,
and .. by the Chota Nagpur Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B. &: O. Act 6 of
1920), a. "'(1).
[I) 'lh. W!>rd .. IIl!IY ....... substituted 1.or the W!>rd " aIoaIl .. by ibia, B, "'(:I).
G of 1908.]
(Sees. 164-168.)
like manner as the party himself would have been if he had attended
(3) At his first appear;mce, or at any time before the issues are
framed, the defendant may, with the leave of the D\lputy Commissioner.
tile a written statement of his defence.
(4) Such statement shall be verified in the manner provided in
section 147.
(5) If either of the parties produces a witness on the day aforesaid,
the Deputy Commissioner may take the evidence of such witness.
164. (1) The examination of the parties or their agents shsll be Cooduot aad
,onducted according to the law for the time being in force for the "'.(lr,d ~
, ,
exammatlOn 0 WItnesses.
(2) The depositions of parties, agents and witnesses shsll be
teoorded in English ['] [ ...].
165. If the agent of either party is unable to answer any material P?Wer to
qnestion relating to tbe case, which the Deputy Commissioner is of ~.~
opinion tbat the party whom be represents ought to answer and is likely ~ p~" ee
to be able to answer if interrogated in person, the Deputy Commissioner Wh0B8 agent
may postpone the hearing of the case to a future day, and may direct """"ot
that such party shall attend in person on such day;
..nd, if such party fails to appear in person on the day &ppointed, question.
the Deputy Commissioner may decide the snit as in case of default, or
make such other order as he may deem proper in the circumstances of
the case.
166. If after the examination["][referred to in]section 163, andDecreewhen
Ilfter the examination of any witness who may attend to give evidence to be mad
on behalf of either of the parties, and after a consideration of the documentary evidt>nC8 adduced, a decree CIm proparly be made without taking
further evideb<'-8, the D\lputy Commissioner shall make a decree
167. If it appears that the parties are at issue on any question upon Power to
which it is necessary to hear further evidence, the Deputy Commissioner ~
shsll frame issues. and shall fix a day for the examination of witnesses : : to
and the final heartng of the suit; and the trial shall take place on that further
day, unless there he Bufficient reason for adjourning it, which reason evidenee.
"hall b.. reoorded by the Deputy Commissioner.
168. The pa.Tties shall produce their witnesses on the day of the Production
trial; and, if eith6l' party requires assistance to procure the attendance of "!
a witne... on such ilay, either to give evinence or to produce a document, Wltneaeee.
['1 The following words we... omitted by the Chats Negpur Tenancy (Amendment)
Act. 1920 (B, ... O. Act 6 01 1920). 0, 4:!:
.. Of. if the Doputy Commissioner is not sufficiently acquaint.ed with English
then in the vernacular language of the Deputy CQDmissioner n ~
'] The word. .. referred to in" were substituted for the 11roZ'Cls .. required
by" by ibid, a. 48.
[Ben. Act
(Secs. 169-172.)
169. (1) If, on the day fixed for the final hearing of the suit, neither
of the parties, the case shall be struck off under the conditions
provided in section 155.
(2) n. on such day, only one of the p~es appears, the suit may
~aI hearing be tried and determined, in the absence of the other party, upon such
of suit.
proof as may then be before the Court.
172. (1) The defendant in any suit before the Deputy Commissioner
undel' this _>\ct may. if he has duly tendered the same to the plaintilf
~fore the institution of the suit, pay into Court such sum of money as
aft<Ir~':' he may consider to be due to the pla.intitr, without paying in any costs
inlo Coon
~ t
10 plaiDtilf.
[1] The fullo'll"inlJ proviso ....... omitted from s. 1'10 by the Chota Nagpur Tenancy
(Amendment) Aot. 192() ~B. '" O. A~ 6 of 1920), s. 44;
Pnmded that lID! judgment may be writt.m in the vel'll&ClUlar if the Deputy
C.ommjesioner is DOt: sufficiently aoquaim;ed with English. n
of 1908.J
(Sees. 173-176.)
incnrred by the pla.intilf np to the time of such payment; and snch snm
shall immediately be paid ont of Court to the pla.intilf.
(2) If, after snch payment, the plaintilf elects to proceed with the
snit, and ultimately obtains a decree for no more than was paid into
Conrt, he may be charged with all costs of the snit incurred by the
defendant; but. if the plaintiff ultimately obtains a decree for mor'; than
was paid into Court, the defendant may be charged with all costs of the
173. (1) The defendant in any snit before the Depnty Commissioner ~aymOllt
under this Act may, withont having tendered the same to the plaintiff::;to Com
before the infltitntion of the snit, pay into Court snch sum of money as defendant.
he may -consider to be dne to the plaintilf, together with the costs (to WithOut der
be fixed by the Depnty Commissioner, if necessary, as npon a snit :,no;l~tiJf.
oricinally institnted for the amonnt so paid into Court) incurred bv the
plaintiff np to the time of snch payment; and snch snm shall immediately
be paid ont of Court to the pla.intilf.
(2) If, after snch payment, the plaintiff elects to proceed with the
snit, and nltimately obtains a decree for no more than was paid into
Conrt, h~ may be charged with all costs of the suit incurred by the
defendant snbsequently to snch payment; hnt, if the plaintilf ultimately
obtains a decree for more than was psid into Conrt, the defendant may
be charged with costs as upon a snit originally instituted for the whole
amonnt for which the plaintiff nltimately obtains a decree, but shall have
credit thereout for the amount of costs paid into Court by him in the
first instance.
174. From the date on which any sum is psid into Court bv the Prohibition
defendant under section 172 or section 173. no interest shall be allowed'::
to the plaintilf on such sum, whether it be in full satisfaction of his paid mto
claim or falls short thereof.
175. (1) In any suit for rent nnder this Act, if it appears to the Power to
Deputy Commissioner that the defendant has, without reasonable or~ damaprobable cause, neglected or refnsed to pay the amount due from him, plaintiJf in
and that he has not, before the institution of the snit, tendered such
amount to the plaintiff or his agent, or, in case of refusal of the pla.intilf
or such agent to receive the amount tendered, has not deposited such
amount in the Court of the Depnty Commissioner under section 55
hefore the institution of the snit,
the Deputy Commissioner may, for reasons to be recorded in writing.
award to the plaintiff, in addition to the amount decreed for rent aud
costs, such damages, not exceeding twenty-five per centum on the amount
of rent dE'<'r6ed, as the Court rna" think fit, unless interest due under
aectapn 68 is decreed.
[Ben. Aot
(Secs. l'l6-17R.>
(2) Any damages so awarded, as well as the amount of rent and costs
decreed in the suit, shall carry interest, from the date of decree until
payment thereof, at such mte pM centum as the Deputy 'Commissioner
deems reasonable.
Power to
178. In any suit for rent under this Act, if it appears to the Deputy
Bward ""'!: Commissioner that the plaintili has instituted. the suit <>aainst the
defendant in e en ant WIt out reasonable or probable cause,
or that the deCendant, before the institution of the suit, duly
deposited in the Court of the Peputy Commissioner, under section 55,
the full amount which the Deputy Commissioner finds to have been due
to the plaintili at the date of such deposit;
the Deputy Commissioner may, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
award to the defendant, by way of compensation, such sum, not exceeding twenty-five per centum on the whole amount claimed by the plaintilI',
as the Deputy Commissioner may' think fit.
177. When, in any suit before a Deputy Comruissioner under this
d Act between a landlord and a tenant~ p][tbe tenant or a third person
~gh( to8lms pleads that the right to receive the rent of the land or tenure cultivated or
held by the tenant belongs to such third person] on the groll1}d that such
third person, or a person through whom he claims, has actually and in
good faith received and enjoyed such rent before and up to the time of the
institution of the suit,
such third person shall be made a party to the suit, and the question
of the actual payment of the rent to such third persen in good faith shall
be inquired into, and the snit shall be decided according to the result
of such inquiry :
Provided that such decision shall not aJfect the right of any party,
who may liavea legal title to such rent, to establish such title by suit
in a Civil Court, if instituted within one year from the date" of the
&:wt for
178. (1) Any landlord desiring to eject a non-cupancy miyat on
~:::::~~' of the ground that he hIlS failed to pay an arrear of rent, or to cancel the.
penoy raiyat lease of any tenant on account of the non-payment of arrears of rent,
or eanceI. Dlay sue for such ejectment or cancelment and for the recovery of tho
:::: ::
arrears in the same snit, or may, in a snit for such ejectment ~r r-ancelany tenant ment, adduce any unexecuted decree for arrears of rent as eVldent'e of
for ami...... the existence of such arre&I'S.
of rent.
(2) In all cases of suit-s for the ejectment of a non-occupancy rdiyat
for non-payment of arrears of rent, or for the cancelment of a It-ase for
non-payment of arrears of rent, the decree shall specify the amount
[1] These worda wera substituted for !.he words" !.he right to ...ceive !.he ~t
of !.he land or tenu....ultiv.ted or held by !.he tenant lS dISPUted, and ouch rlghl.
io claimed by or on behalf of a third person" by !.he Chota Nagpur Tenaney (Amend
ment) Act, 1920 (D. & O. Act 6 of 1920), .. 46.
8 of 1908.J
<Sees. 179-183.}
of the arrear; and if such amount. together with- interest n.nd <'OSts or
lIlIit. be paid into Court within thirty days from the date pI the fin ..l
de..ree, the decree shall not be executed.
(3) The Deputy Commissioner may, for special reason. to be
T.>corded in writing, extend the period of thirty days mentioned in eub!ledi"n (2).
179. If a decree is given for the grant of a lease to s miyat, and the Power of
landlord fails. for a period of three months after the ,late of th{' decree, Deput;y
to grant such lease, the Deputy Commissioner may grant a I..a..oe in ('()n-~
formity with the terms of the decree, under his own hand nnd seaJ; and grant lease
sueh It-ase shan have the same force and effect as if g-a.nted by the to raiyat in
default of
180. If a decree is given for the delivery of a counterpart nngagt'>- Procedura
ment by a tenant to a landlord, and the tenant fails, for a period of::e ::aut
thrM months after the date of the decree, to deliver such counterpart, deliver
the decree shall be evidence of the amount of rent claimable from such counterpart
tenant, and .a copy of the decree under the hand and seal cf the :ns~ge:f"~
Deputy Commissioner shall have the same force and effect as a counter- 0 IlIl 10
pert engagement delivered by the tenant to the landlord.
Execution of decrees and orders of the Deputy CommlssWner.
181. P] [No application fOr the execution of a decree or order Limi~.tion
passed by the Deputy Commissioner under this Act shall be entertained of tm~. for
nnless such application be made] within three y~s fromf':P
(a) the date on which the decree or order is signed, or
(b) where there h88 been an appeal, the date of the final decree
or order of the Appellate Court, or
(e) where there h88 been a. review of judgment, the date of the
- decision passed on the review.
[I] [181 A. An application for the execution of a decree for arrears Alpplication
of rent obtained by a landlord shan not be made by an assignee of the!:, ~ecu
decree unless the landlord's interest in the land has become and is vested "..i~ f
in thEl assignee.]
182. A decree or order passed by a Deputy CommissiOIler under this ~=b and
Act may be executed either by his own Court or by any other prescribed what
Court. .
to be
183. Every application for the execution of a decree or order passed F~ of.
by a Deputy Commissioner under this Act shall be in writing, shall be P: ' : '
made in the prescribed form, and shall be 'Verified by the applicant or tion.
his agent in the form provided in section 147.
. (1] These word8 were substituted fOT the words "No proeess of execution of any
description wh&tsoev8:r shall be issued on any decree or order passed by the DopuLy
Commissioner Undt"T this Act~ except upon an appliC'stiun nHuie " by Chota
Negpur Tenancy (Amendmeut) Act, 1920 (II .I: O. Act 6 of IltlO, e. 46.
[IJ This .ection W88 ioaertod by ibid, .. (7.
Issue of
process of
[Ben. Aot
penon or
186. The following particulars shall be exempt from attachment and
attach- 8 ...
_. e m
. execut'Ion 0 f any d ecree or order passed by a Deputy Commissioner
and sale. under this Act, namely:(a) the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the judgment-
8 of 1908.]
(Sees. 189-192.)
189. Second and successive warrants of execution may be issued, Second and
liyorder of the Deputy Commissioner. on the application of the successive
judgment-creditor, after the expiration of the period fixed for the WalT~ta 01
contmuance III .orce 0 a previous warrant.
190. (1) A warrant of execution shall not be issued upon any decree Notice when
or order without previous notice to the party against whom execution is to be ~ven
. maue,
_""-' of
appIie d Ilor, if,when appIicat"Ion I,or th
e 'Issue 0 f t he warrant IS
a pllriod of more than one year has elapsed from the date of the decree of execu.
or order, or from the date of the last previous application for execution. tion.
(2) A warrant of execution shall not be issued against the heir or
other representative of a deceased party without previous notice to such
representative to appear and be heard.
191. (1) If a warrant is issued against the person of a judgment- Procedure
debtor, the officer charged with the execution of the warrant shall bring when judg.
him with all convenient speed before the Deputy Commissioner.
(2) If the decree in execution of which the judgment-debtor was
arrested is a decree for money, and if he does not immediately deposit
in Court the full amount specified in the warrant, or make arrangements,
aatisfactory to the judgment-creditor. for the payment of the same, or
aatisfy the Deputy Commissioner that he has no present means of payiog
the same,
the Deputy Commissioner shall send him to the civil jail, there to
remain for such time 88 may be directed by warrant addressed to the
keeper of the jail, unless in the meantime he pays the said amount:
Provided that no judgment-debtor shall be imprisoned in execution
of a decree under this Act for a longer period than six months or (if the
decree is for the payment of a sum of money not exceeding fifty "rupees)
six weeks.
(3) If the decree in execution of which the judgment-debtor was
arrested is a decree for the delivery of papers or accounts, and if the
papers or accounts are not immediately delivered by him to the Deputy
the Deputy Commissioner may commit him to the civil jail, there
to remain for such time, not exceeding six months, 88 the Deputy
Commissioner mav direct, unless in the meantime he delivers the papers
or accounts according to the terms of the decree.
192. (1) When any judgment-debtor has been discharged from the Furth"""
civil iail, he shall not be imprisoned a second time under the same decree ~lDgs
Or order.
(2) If tbe amount due under such decree or order does not exceed from jail.
fifty rupees. the Deputy Commissioner may dedsre such discharged
person to be absolved from liability thereunder.
(Sees. 193-196.),
(3) In other cases the discharge shall not extinguish the Iiabilitv of
the di~charged 'person under such decree or order, or exemptprop~rty
belongmg to hIm from attachment in execution thereof.
193. (1) An~ person who applies for a. warrant of execution against
subsist.nce the person of a. Judgment-debtor shall deposit in Court, at the time of
of prisouers. the issue of the warrant, diet-money for thirty days, at such rate as the
Deputy Commissioner may direct, for the subsistence of the prisoner ..
(2) The said person shall also pay diet-money, at the same rate,
before the commencement of each succeeding month of the imprisqnment; and, if he fails to make any such payment, the prisoner shall be
(3) All diet-money spent in providing subsistence for any prisoner
shall be added to the costs in the suit; and any diet-money not so Npent
shall be returned to the person who paid it.
Exeoution of
194. (1) If the decree or order is for the. ejectment of anycultivstor
decree or from land occupied by him, or for the re-instatement of any' cultivstor
ortiel fOl
ejectment in the occupancy of land from which he has been ejected, the decree or
order shall be executed by giviJrg the possession or occupancy of the land
r.-mst.te. to the person entitled by the decree or order to such posse!'Sion or
ment of
rull.ivator. . occupancy.
(2) If any opposition to the execution of the order for giving Buch,
possession or occupancy is made by the party agaiust whom the order,
is made, the Deputy Commissioner shall, in the exercise of his powers
as. a Magistrate, give effect to the order.
T<:xecution of
195. If the decree or prder is for the cancelment of any lease or.
~Ad-I ur the eJ ectment of any tenant (not being an actual cultivstor), or for the
t or) In the
caocelment ro-instatement of any tenant (not bemg
an actnaI cultIVS
lor possession of a tenancy from which he has been ejected, the decree or
~r lor 1'8order sh aII b e execut e d.
(a) by proclaiming its substance to the cultlvators or other
of tenant
occupants of the tenancy by beat of drum, or
(b) by notification reciting the s~bsta.nce of th~ ~ecree or. order
and affixed in some conspIcuoUS place wIthm, or adjacent
to, the tenancy, or
(e) in such other manner as may be prescribed.
::t ':::J
of deere.
for rent
given in
favour of
sharer in
..tate or
Chota NagpuT
(Sees. 197000.)
instituted, and unless the sale of such property (if any) has proved
insufficient to satisfy the decree;
and such tenure may then, with the previous sanction of the
Commissioner, but not otherwise, be sold, in execution of the decree,
in the manner in which any other immovable property may be sold in
execution of a. decree for money under the provisions of clause (b) of
section 210.
197. When one or more co-sharer landlords applies or apply for the Exeoution
execution of a. decree obtained in a suit instituted under clause (b) of of rent
section 142, by the sa.1e of a tenure or holding, the Court executing such :~:~:ed by
decree shall, before proceeding to sell the tenure or holding, give notice .. co-sharer
of the application for execution to the other co-sharers.
198. In the execution of any decree or order by the Deputy Exeoution
Commissioner under this Act for the payment of money, not being money ~ainoi
due or recoverable as an arrear 0 f rent, property in
if satisfa.ction of the decree or order cannot be obta.ined by execution certain
against the person or movable property of the debtor within the district ':"""Sd ' if
, Wh'ch
the SUl't was IDS
' t '1tUted ,
" n o jU
t gment
the judgment-creditor ma.y apply for execution against any immova.ble property belonging to such debtor;
and such immovable property may, with the sanction of the
Commia.sioner. but not otherwise, be brought to sale in the manner
provided in clause (b) of section 210.
Saies in eo:ecldion' of decrees of the Deputy Commissioner.
199. (1) For the purpose of executing a warrant of execution issued Notification
by the Deputy Commissioner under this Chapter against the movable o~ intended
property of a judgment-debtor, the officer charged with the execution ;:'o!aW~
of the warrant shall prepare a list of the property pointed out by the property,
judgment-creditor; and shall publish a. proclamation specifying the day ~ oustody
upon which the sale is intended to be held, and a. copy of the said list,O property.
at the intended place of sale and at the residence of the debtor.
(2) A copy of the said list and proclamation shall be transmitted to
the Deputy Commissioner, and shall be affixed in his office.
(3) Until the da.y pf sa.1e, the said property shall in the
oustody of the officer execnting the warrant (1][ or of some other person
to whom such officer _by a writing under his hand commits the custody
thereof. Such person shall be deemed to be a public servant within the
meaning of the Indian Penal Code].
200. No sale of any movable property (other than perishable Interval
seized in execution under this Chapter shall be made until the between
-w-,,"-:ta--::N:-.-gp-ur-=Ten::-an:-:-o-y-:(:;Am--en-dm~an::::::t):-A:-o=-t, .ale.
~ct, 1908.
[Ban. Aol
(Sees. 201-206.)
expiration. of a period of ten days after the day on which the property
was so se1zed. ~
Place and
2~1. (1) Such sale shall be held at the place where the property is
manner of
or at the nearest market or other place of public resort if the
officer executing the warrant thinks it is likely to sell there to better
(2) The property shall be sold by public auction, in one or more
lots as the officer executing the warrant may think advisable; and if the
jUdgment-debt, and the costs of the execution and sale, are realized by
the sale of a portion of the property, the execution shall immediately be
. . . withdrawn with respect to the remainder.
202. Officers executing warrants for the sale of property under this
by officers. Chapter, and all persons employed by, or subordinate to, BUch officers,
are prohibited from purchasing, either directly or indirectly, any property
sold by such officers.
Postpone203. If, on the property being put up for sale, no price which the
~e~!rofT-:: officer executing the warrant considers fair is offered for it, ~and the owner
be not
of the property, or some person authorized to act l)n his behalf, applies
to have the sale postponed until the next day, or the next market day
if a market be held at the place of sale or in the vicinity, the sale shall
be postponed until such day, and shall then be completed at whatever
price may be offered for ~the property.
Payment of
204. (1) The price of every lot shall be paid at the time of sale, rJ!
:,r;::;:e-and as soon thereafter as the officer executing the war:ant may direct; and,
delivery of in default of such payment, the property shall agam be put np and sold.
property to
(2) When the purchase-money has been paid in full, the officer
pllr<haser. executing the warrant shall deliver the property to the purchaser, with
a certificate describing the property an!! stating the price paid.
205. (1) From the proceeds of the sale, the officer executing the
of proeeede warrant shall make a deduction, at the rate of one anna in the rupee.
of &ale.
on account of the costs of the sale, and shall transmit the amount so
deducted to the Depnty Commissioner in order that it may be credited
to the Government_
(2) The said officer shall deal with the rest of the proceeds in the
prescribed manner _
206. (1) If, before the day fixed for the sale, a third party appears
wh~re t~ird before the Deputy Commissioner and claims a right or interest in any
f.:;.,.~Im:::. of the movable property seized in execution, the Deputy Commissi~ner
shall examine such party or his agent according to the law for the tlDle
being in force relating to the examination of witnesses; and, if he sees
sufficient reason for so doing, may stay the sale of such property.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall. after taking evidence, ad~udj.
cate upon such claim. and shall make such order thereupon as he thmks
a of t908.]
The Ohota
(Sees. 267~208.)
(3) If the claimant fails to establish his right to the property seized
in execution, the Deputy Commissioner may, by his order under subsection (2), award to the judgment-creditor against the claimant, in
addition to the costs of the proceedings, such sum as the Deputy Commissioner may consider sufficient to cover any loss of interest
any other
damage which the judgment-creditor has sustainad by reason of the
postponement of the sale.
(4) The party against whom any order is passed by the Deputy
Commissioner under this section may, at any time within one year from
the date of the order, bring a suit in the Civil Court to establish his
Provided that, if the property has been sold, the suit shall not be for
the recovery of the property, hut for damages "",ainst the judgmentcreditor by whom th'l property was brought to sale.
207. No irregularity in puhlishing or conducting .. sale of movable fueguproperty under a wa.rrant of execution issued under this Chapter shall l.riti
'"-tinte such sale; but nothing contained in this section shall bar any :'ia~
person who sustains damage by reason of any such irregularity from .aIe.
recovering damages by suit in the Civil Court, if instituted within one
year from the date of the sale.
Bon. Aot>
8 of 1866.
208. (1) When a decree passed hy the Deputy Commissioner under 8a1e 01
this Act is for an arrea.r of 'ent due in respect of 8 tenure or holding,
the decree-holder may apply for the sale of snch tenure or holding, and exeouJo':of
the tenure or holding may thereupon be brought to sale, in execution of dee...... for
the decree, according to the provisions for the sale of under-tenures con.. arrears of
tamed in the Bengal Rent Recovery (Under-tenures) Act, 1865; and .ent.
all the provisions of that Act, except sections 12, 13, 14 and 15 thereof,
shall, as far as may be, apply to such sale:
Provided that the purcha.ser of a tenure at any such saTe shall not
be entitled to annul any, right or tenancy referred to in clauses (a)
to (e) of section 14 of this Act:
Provided also that the C()mmissioner may, by order, in any case in
which he may consider it desirable so to do,(a)
stay any Bueh omIe lor any period specified in the order:.
Provided also that any sale of .. resumable tenure under this section
shall not a!feet the right of the grantor or his successor in title to resume
such tenure, but shall be made "ubject to such right.
(2) When a wa.rrunt of execution has been issued under this Chapter
against the person or movable property .of the judgment-debtor, no
[Ben. Act
(8ec. 209.)
6 of 1908.]
(Sees. 210-211.)
210. (11 If, after the sale of a tenure or holding in pursuance of Bale 01
section 208, ..ny portion of the amount decreed remains due, process other
may be applied for against any other property, movable or immovable, =:~
belonging to the judgment-debtor.
ae_a for
arrears of
(2] (4) When immovable property has been brought to sale iD the
manner provided by sub-section (3)(b), and such sale has become
Ilbsolute. the property .hall be deemed t<l have vested in the purchaser
from the time when the propel ty is sold and not from the time when
the saJe becomes absolute.]
211. (1) If. before the day fixed for the sale of any tenure or holding Procedure
in pursuance of section 208, a third party appears before the Deputy where ~
Commissioner and alleges that he, and not the person a,,"ainst whom the
decree has been obtained, WIlS in lawful possession of, or had some lawful
interest in, the tenure or holding when the decree was obtained,
_a..i"" of"
:t f!""""
tenure or
[Ben. Act
(Sec. IUS.)
deposits in Court or gives security for the amount of the decree, the
Depnty Commissioner shall stay the sale, and shaD, af~r taking
evidence, adjudicate upon the claim :
Provided that no such adjudication shan be made if the Deputy
Commissioner considers that the claim was designedly or unnecessarily
delayed :
Provided &Iso that no transfer of a tenure shall be recognized unless
it has been registered in the office of the Iandford or sufficient cause for
non-registration is shown to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissiooer.
[,][(lA). (11) If the Deputy Commissioner gives judgment in
favour of such third party, the &mOunt of the decree shall
he satisfied from the deposit or security aforesaid, and the
Deputy Commissioner shall in his judgment set ont the
portion, if any, of the said amount and of his costs in the
proceedings which such third party is entitled to recover
from each of tbe other persons liaving an interest in the
tenure or holding, anil such sum shall be deemed to be
money (not being due or recoverable as an BlTear of rent)
payable Ullder an order of tha Deputy Commissioner under
this Act.
(b) If the Deputy Commissioner gives judgment against such
third party, the sale shall prooeed. and 81lCh third party
shall, upon payment of the costs, if any, allQ!Wed against
him. be entitled to the return of the deposit or C&I1cenation
of the security, as the case may be.] .
(2) The party against whom judgment is given by the Deputy
Commissioner tmdar 8ub-section (1) may, at any time within one year
from the date of the judgment, bring a suit in the Civil Court to establish
hHl right [~[and if the sale has been held, to have it set aside on payment
by him of the amonnt of the decree.]
212. (1) When any immovable property has been sold under this
to oe'~. Chapter iB Mecution of a decree, any person who owned such property
.a1e of Ul)..'~edi atel'! be'lore the sa Ie, or wh
0 c rums an mterest t erelD \.nder a
property. on title la.wfully acquired before the sale, may, at any time within a period
deposit of of thirty days from the date of the sale, apply to have the sale set aside
~.._ .on his depositing in the Court of the Deputy Commissioner ,_
tion to
Cal for payment to the purchaser-a sum. equal to five per centum
of the purchase-money, and
(b) for payment to the decree-holder-the amount specUied in the
proclamation of sale &8 that for the recovery of which the
[t] Thiub.... ti<>n was ins61'tatl by !.he Chota Nagpur Tenaney (Amendu>fIlt)
Act, 1920 (B. " O. Aot 6 of 1920), s. 61(~.
[oJ ThO"' wQlda were addad by ibid, s. 61(2).
e of
(Sees. Sl18-Sl18A.)
sale was ordered, less any amount which ma.y, since the
date of such proclama.tion (1 J[of] ...Ie, DeeD. receive<}
by the decree-holder:
Provided tha.t, if a. person 'applies un'der section 213 to set aside the
sale of his immovable property, he shan not he entitled to makea~
application under this section.
(2) If the said deposits are made within, the said period, the Court
shall pass an order setting aside the ...le, [2}[and the purcha.ser sh&ll be
entitled to an order for the payment of the aforesaid sum equal to five
peT centum of the purchase-mon~y and to an order for repayment of his
purchase-money, with or without interest as the Court may direct, against
any person to whom it has been paid. J
213. (1) When any' immovable property has been sold under this Application
Chapter in execution of a. decree, the decree-holder ar the person. who ~!"!taside
owned sUch property immediately before the sale may [3J [at any time immovable
within I> period of thirty !lays fr.QlIl the date of the sale J apply ,to the
Deputy Commissioner to set aside the saIe on the ground of a material ~:u.nty
u"l'egularity [3] [or fraud] in publishing or conducting it; but no sale orfr!'Ud.
shall be set aside on the grcmnd Gf irregularity lmIesa the applicant
prGves to the satisfaction of the ~puty Commissioner that he has
sustained substantial injury by reason of snch irregularity:
Provided that, if a person applies under section 212 to set aside the
sale of his immovable property, he shall not be entitled to make an
Iiopplicllitioo under thla section.
(2) If ao application be made nnder this section. and if the objection
be allowed, the Deputy Commissioner shall pass an order setting aside
the sale.
(~][213A. (1) Where a decree for rent is set aside, a.ny sale of Bal. in
immovable propertv in execution of such decree shall he deemed to be exeQution
set aside, and the Court of first instance shall restore the judgment-ilebtor
to such ownership, and if he is not in possession, to such posses.;ion of when
the immovable property as he had at the date of the saIe, and sha.ll upon
___ 1 h
f oat 081de
the aPI'lcatlOn
0 any person affected by the sale or the rev"" .... t ereo , and resto~
pROS such further orders as will, so far as may be, place the parties, tioD of
including the auction-purchaser a.nd bis suocessor in interest, if a.ny, in ,.l4tu. guo
the position which they would have occupied but for such decree; and ....t
for this purpose the Court ma.y make any orders, including orders for
(1] lh. word .. of .. was substituted lor the word .. and .. by the Cbot!!> Nagpur
Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 11l2O (B. '" O. Act 6 of 1920), s. 52(1).
"] These .......Is ....... ",,_tuted for the words .. and the provisiona of ...,tiOD
. 81t) of tbe Code of Civil Prooedure shall Apply in the case of a sale so set BBlde n
by ibid, s. 52(2).
[0] Theaa word. were inserted by ibid, 68.
[<] This ....tioD woo iDa8rO&d by' ibid, a. Sf.
[Ben. Act
(Sees. 214-216.)
the refund of coats, for the payment of interest, damages, compensa.tion
and mesne profits which are properly consequenijal on such reversal.
(2) No suit shall be instituted in any Court for the purposes of
obtaining any restitution or other relief which could be obtained by
application under sub-section (1).]
lhRunda on
wAiah suit
6ioI1 to ....
aside ~8
may be
any sale made under ibis Chapter, save under section 211.
section 212 or section 213 or on the ground of fraud or want
of jurisdiction, or
Appeal hom
215. (1) All orders passed by a Deputy Commissioner under the
foregoing provisions of this Act, not being(a)
judgments in snits, or
(b) orders passed in the course of suits and relating to the trial
thereof, or
(e) orders passed after decree and relating to the execution thereof,
(d) orders passed under section 206 or section 211,
shall be appealable(I) to the Commissioner, or
(ii) if passed by a Deputy Collector exeI'Clsmg powers of a.
Deputy Commissione~to the Deputy Commissioner.
(2) No judgment of a Deputy Commissioner in any suit, and no
order of a Deputy Commissioner passed in any suit and relating to the
trial thereof. or after decree and relating to the execution thereof, sha.ll
be open to revision or appeal otherwise than as expressly provided in
this Act.
[1] Thia .""tion W8B substituted for the original section 214 by the Chota Nagpur
i'enano:!, (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B. & 0, Aot 6 of 1~0) . 65.
of 1909,
8 of 1908.]
(Sees. rJl6-2IUJ.)
[>]6 of
(3) Orders passed after decree and relating to the execution thereof
p][(except orders passed under section 206, or section 211, or ur.der
section 212, Bub-section (2) setting aside a sale, or under rule 50, rule 61
or rule 62 of Order XXI of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 19(8)] p] [and orders passed under section 2ISA] shall be
appealable to the Court to which an appeal from the decree itself would
218. EveI}' appeal under section 215 shan be presented to the Limitation
Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner, as the case may be, within ~peaIa
thirty days from the date of the order.
.,;.m "'!lara.
217. Orders passed by the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner:Bar to
in appeals preferred under section 215 shall not be open to any further furihar
appeal; but the Board or (in the case of appeals decided by the Deputy :~'
Commissioner) the Commissioner may call for any case and pass such proviso for
orders thereon .... it or he may think proper.
218. (1) In suita referred to in clause ['][ (m {e)l or clause (7) of AppeallD'
section 139, tried and decided by a Deputy Commissioner, if the amount ~
sll<ld for, or the value of the property claimed, does not exceed one am ,.
hundred rupees, the judgment of the Deputy Commissioner shall be final,
and not open to revision or appeal except as provided in sub-section (2),
unless in any such suit a question relating to a title to land, or to some
int&est in land, as between parties having conflicting claims thereto,
has been determined by the judgment, in whicl\ case the judgment shall
be open to appeal in the manner pronded in section !il24.
(2) '\\nen any such suit in which. if tried and decided by a Deputy
Commissioner, the judgment of the Deputy Commissioner would be
final, is tried and decided by a Deputy Collector. an appeal from the
judgment of the Deputy CoDector shall lie to the Deputy Commissioner.
219. Every petition of appeal to the Deputy Commissioner under Appeal to
section 218, sub-section (!ill, shall be presented within thirty days from
the date on which the decree appealed against was signed.
aicmer whea
[1] Th~ words wwe ~ubstituted 10: !he words and 6 _ .. _pi oro... passed
under _tum 906 or section 211 of this Aot or under _tion 280, _tion 281 ""
soo_ _ of !he Coda of elYil Prnoadure," by !he ChotaNagpur Tenaney (Amend.
ment) A.t. lllllO (B... O. A.t 6 of l\l2O), s. M{l).
Pl The worda .. and oro... passed under 8I!OtIon 21SA " wera iDserted. b1 i6id
[>] The lellar, word ODd 6 _ .. V of 1908 .. were aubotituted for the
word and 6 _ .. XIV of lSSi .. by ibid, s. i(S).
. ['J The figure, bnDkela and Ielter .. (2) I," ...'" substituted for !he brackela
and fitture .. (8) .. 1>1 ibid. " 61,
(Seca. 221-224.)
(2) If, on the day fixed for bearing the appeal, or on any other day
which the hearing may be adjourned, the appellant does not appear
iu person or by agent, the appeai shan be dismissed for default..
(3) If on 8l1ch day the appellant appears and the respondent does
not appear in person or by agent, the appeal shall be heard e:e patrte.
Bion of~
in appeal.
Appeal to
CommiBaiODer or
High Oowt.
except(a) suits in
of '&808.]
High Court from any a.ppellate decree passed by !.he J udicia.l Commissioner under this Cha.pter. 01i from any order ps.!lsed by him on appeal
under section ~15. Bub-section (3), OG Im!)l 0' the. foll_ing grounds,
namely:(al the decision heing contrary to law Gr to som& wmge having the
force of la.w ;
(b) the decision having failed to determine some JD,aterial issue
of law or usage having the force &f la.w;,
(el a subst&ntia.l error or defect in the procsduu provided by this
Act which,. may possibly have produced em>r or d~ in
the decisioll of the case upon the merits;
and the provisions of Part VII and of Order XLI of the First
Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1008, shan apply,
5 of 1908.
90 far as may be, to Buch appeals.]
225. (1) Where, in analogous @uits, some appeals beeB H,earing of
presented to the Deputy Commissioner and oth~s to the J u~cial appeals by
Commissioner, the Judicial Commissioner may, ~n the applicatiom- of any ~=~_
of the parties, trausfer t{) his owu Court the psndiag in the aionor.
Court of the Deputy Commissioner.
~tead of
(2) Where, in analogous suits, some appeals lie to the Peputy ~:J:.~ty
Commissioner ;a.nd others to the J'udiciaf Commissioner; a plaintilI Or si<>ner.
defend\l.nC whose appea;] would ordinarily lie to the Deputy Commissioner
, may, if an appeal in any such Buit has been presented by any other
plaintiff or defendant to the Judicial Commillsioner and ad'mit~ed, present
his &ppeal to the Judicial Commissioner instead of to the Deputy
Commissioner, and the Judicial Commissioner may hear &nd decide the
22.. Appeals to the .rudiciat Commissioner ~t to the Ifigh Court Limitation
_der this Chapter shall be presentea within the time provided! for the
p1'eSeD,tation 01 appea.1s to a. Diatrict Judge or the Higll CoorlI, a.8' tile Co..i.m...
[oJa 01 case may be, undell the Code of a'V;r Frooedure,[']{l008,} by- tjle'lai~.r Or
for the moe being in force for the limitation of'.
High 00"""
221. (1) No appeal by a plaintiJt or defendant shall ne from Power
judgment or order passed against him by default for. non-appearance', ~d.
whether such jadgment or order were givell under section 155. section
156, section 157 or section 169.
(2) If the party againat whom any sucll Judgment or ordet has been'" 1"''"
given appears, either in perB9n or by agent,by <lefault.
(a) if " pla.intilf. within thlriy daya hom the date of the Deputy
Comooismaner's order. and,
Pl 'llur liS- " woe ,. were inaertled by the Ohola Nagpuo T_:r EAmendmen.) Act, 100JO (B. '" O. Act 6 of 11lllO), o. 2(8).
LoJ 'rhe letter" WGllI and liS- " V of 1 _ " were lIUboti(ute<t b th,,' Iotlierl,
word and li&una XlV 01 188i.l! b;y ibut,.
[Ben, Aot
(8eM. 228229A,)
(b) if a
tbeCode 01
Recovery of
229A. (1) Any landlord (other than the Government) whose land
arrears of is situate in an area for which a record-of.rights has been prepared and
under final Iy publi shed, and 1D
, :- d ma.y app1y
the oerti.
w 'ICh such record Is'mamwuue,
to the LoeM Government, through the Deputy Commissioner of the
procedure In district in which his land is situate, for the application of the procedure
prescribed by the Bihar and Orissa Public Demands Recovery Act, B. &0 O.
1914, to the recovery of arrears of rent which he alleges are, or IllBY t;:4~ of
become, due to him for lands in such area.
(2) The Local Government may reject any such applioation, or
may allow it subject to such terms and conditions as it may see fit to
[1] The.e worda, letter. and figures "'e.. substituted for the words and figures
.....hlon 561 of the Cod. of Civil Prooedure .. by tb8 Chote Nagput Tenanoy (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B, & O. Act 6 of 1920), s, 59(1).
[I] Tbe letter, word and figure. .. V of 1908 .. were 8ubstituted for the Ie~rs,
word and figures ,. XIV 01 1882," by ibid, 8. 2(2).
[I] The worda .. or of .. " we.. added by ibid, 8_ 69(2).
[.] Thi. Chapter was inserted by ibid, e. 60,
8 of 1808.)
The ChottJ
(Sec. 22M,)
impose, and may at a.ny time add to or vary any terms or conditions 110
imposed, or withdraw its I!Illowa.nce of the application, withOllt, in a.ny
of these caseS. assigning any reason for its ..,tion.
(3) When any such applicatipn has been allpwed, the landlord may
make a requisition in writing, in the Corm prescribed, to the Certificateofficer Cor the recovery of any arrears of rent which he allege. are due to
him from any tenant.
B. &0 .
Act' 01
, of l8'/O.
(4) Every such requisition shall be signed and verified by the landiord making it. in the manner prescribed by rule 1 in Schedule IT to the
Bihar and Orissa Public Demands Recovery . Act, 1914, as amended
ior the time being by rules made under section 39 thereof, and shall be
chargeable with a fee of the amount which would be payable under the
Court-fees Act. 1870,[,] in respect of a plaint for the recovery of a sum
of money equal to that stated in the requisition as being due.
{II PrinWd
(SeQ. B-'10-2110A.)
(7) The Bihar and Orissa Public Demands B.e.xwery Act, 1914, B. " O.
wiih such restrictions and modificati0D8 (if any) lIB may be preac.ribe6, Act 4 of
shall apply to the eJqeCution, and to all proceedings. arising onl; Qf the 1914.
execution, of certificates filed under sub-section (5).
(8) No nandlord shall, during the pende!ley of any proceedings under
this section, institute a snit for the remvery of any arrears of rent in
respect of which h..e has made a requisition under sub-section (3); and,
enbject to the provisions of section 43 of the Bihar and Orissa. Public B. " o . .,
Demands Recoorery Ad, 1914., DO tenant shall, after the signing of Act .. of
lilly certificate against him under snh-.sectiCHl (I) of this sectioa, i.BBtitnt.e 1914. ~
a llllit before, or: make an applicatiea io the Deputy Commissioner for
the alteration of the rent payable by him, or the Getermination of his
status sa .. terumt, in reaped of the period "Dring which the arrean of
rent ffr which sach certiJicaie was signed. have accrued.
(9) Tloe word .. landlord .. in this sectWD includes an eatire body
of landlords, and &leo one or more oo-sharer landJords wbo collects or
collect his or their share or shares of the rent separately; and, wbere the
Certificate-oflicer sign.1 a certificate on the requisition of one or more
such co-6harer landfurds, he shall at the same time issue to each of the
remaining co-sharer landlords a copy of such certificate.
. (10) Nothing in this section shall apply to a Mundari khnnt-kattidari
tenancy, notwithstanding tbat it constitutes, or is situate in, an area
described in sub-section (1).]
A.... 1008.
S~a1 rule
?f limi~tioa Limiaotilm
po 8M.
[t] Tbe figu_ .. 1908 .. were substituted for the figmeo .. 1877 .. by the Cholla
Nagpur Tenancy (Amendment) Ad. 19'26 (B,. " O. Ad!' of llllJO). '" 3{'l).
raj This """tioa _
inserled by ilrirl .. 61.
f taos.]
TaB Chm
Nagp1IIT T8nanct1
/ld.- 1908.
(Sea.. 281-236.)
le..e.; eta.
233. Suits for the ejectment of an oocupa.ney-rniyat or a non- Limitation
occupancy-ra,iyat on any of the grounds mentioned in section 22 or in of ~'t"
clooses (b) and (e) of section 41 shall be instituted within l1wo years :~o:"'ent.
from the date of the misuse or breRoCh complained of.
234. Suits, ..nd applieation8' llUder secti_ 244, for the t"IlCO'ferJ'. of Limi_
&rrearB of rent, .hall be instituted within three years from the end of the
agricultural year in which the arrea.r became due.
un &rU_
of rent_
235. (1) Where a landlord has inst~tuted a Buit agMnst a ten&nt If S~cc...ive
applied for a certificate under section 240 agam.t e. Muudarj khnm;. :;;,t;:o~ion
. ka.ttidar, for the reoovery of any rent of his tenancy, the landloft alillili for reoovery
not institute another suit or a.pply for a.nother such certifie&te IIIgllinet of Mnt.
him for the recovery of any rent of that tenancy untd after m meuth",
from the date of the institution or making of th~ previOft8 suit or
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shalf prohibit a fresh suit for reM
when 110 former suit has been withdrawn with leave to sue, or when
s. claim Has been rejected unifer section 154, or when, & esse h&s been
struck off uuder sectiou 155 or seCtion 169.
238. Suits for the recovery of money in the hs.uds of &ft agent, er Limi~.tion
for the delivery of accounts or papers by s.n agent, m1>y be Brought at of ~U.~.
any time' during the agency, or within ons yea.r after the determination
of the agency, of such agent:
Provided that, if the person having the 'right to sue bas, by fmud, acoounts or
been kept from knowledge of the recetpt of any sneh money y the
agent, or if any fraudulent account hilS been rendered by the agent, the
suit ma.y be brought within one yea.r from the time when the fxa.ud first
became known to such, person; but ne such suit shall m "'1 ease be
brought at Imy time exceeding three from the termination of thB'
[ ...~ Aot
JSeC8. 28.7.-240.)
of "pplica237. Applications for the recovery of possession of a. holding. or any
tions for
portion therEl!)f, frpm which an occupllncy-raiyat has been unlawfully
recovery of ejected must be instituted within three years from the date of such
of holding. ejectment.
238. Suits or applications for recovery of possession of his office or
agricultural land by a (1][village-headman] against a landlord or any
person holding by virtue of any assignment from a landlord. must be
headmen for instituted or made within three years from the date of dispossession.
of preceding
"""tions to
khunt- kattidari
8 of ,908.]
(Sec. 241.)
(BeC8. 242-S~.)
~3} AD mppeal against MrY order of a 'Deplfty Commie&ioner consenting or refusing tG OOIlsent to any Sl!Ch transfll!" shall lie as provided in
Oh~ XVI.
of penrons
Enhanooment of
(3) The provisions of sections 28 to 30 shall be applicable to proceedIJlgs for the enhancement of _the rent of a Mundari khunt-kattidari
Recovery of
[>'][244. (1) When an arrear of rent accrues in respect of a Mundari
='::.~ khuut-kattidari tenancy for which a record-{)f-rights has been prepared
the oertiLInder this Act or nndf\r any Ia.w in force before the commencement of
fiestA! pro- ttia Act,
no scit shall be maintainable in any Court for the recovery of the
arrear; But the landlord may apply in writing to the Deputy Commie~~rd.ol- VODer to sign & certificate authorizing the recovery thereof, with simple
rlg Is.
mtereBt not exceeding twelve-and-s.-half, or (in the case of money
l'eCOvera.bltl under the CeBS 'Act, 1880) at .twelve-an~-a-half per Ben. A
cemum per an1Wm. under the' Bih~ a.nd Onssa. Pubhc Demands of 188ti
Bt.covery Act, 1914.
B. It 01
4 of III
(2) Every 8uch application sha.1l be signed a.nd verified by the landlord ma.king it, in the manner prescribed by rule 1 in Schedule II to the
[1] 'Ibi ection was .ubstituted for the originlil .""lion 244 by the Bihar and
Ori... Publio Demand. Recovery Aot, 1914 (B. It O. Aot 4 of 1914), S, ,9, oohedule
Ill, part
' ,
f ......]
(Bee. 244.)
!!aid Act, as amended for the time being by rolee made uuder section 47
thereof; and mal'l be chargeable with a fee -of the _ n t which would
7 of 1870.
be payable under the Court-Fees Act, 1870,[,] in r88peCt of a plaint for
the recovery of a sum of money eq"al to that Bt&ted in the application as
being d118.
(3~ Upon receim.g any such application the Deputy Commissioner
may, after making SIIleh inquiry e.nd taking such evidence as he may
ronsi<ier necessary, and if he is sstislied that the arrear is due, sign a
~ertificate, in the preseribed fonn, stating that the s.rrea.r is due; and
shall include in the certificate the fee paj" under llUb.-section (2) and shall
cauae the certific..te to Ite fit"" in hie office.
. (4) The person in wh0'>6 favour any sueh certificate is signed
.ball be deemed to be the certificate-holder for the amount mentioned
. in the certificate. and the person a"o-ainst whom the certificate is signed
.roan he deemed to be the certificate-debtor for the .aid amount; and
all proceedings faken by the Certificate-otlicer for the recovery of such
amount shall be taken at the instance of the first..mentioned person,
and at his cost and on his responsibility, and aot otherwise.
B. " O. Acl
(6) The Bihar and 0rill9& PUblie Demands Recovery Act, 1914.
, 01 1914, end sections 181 to 207 of this Act, with anch restricti.ona and modiJica..
tions (if anyl 118 msy be preaeribed, mall apply to wex_tio a.nd to
all proceerungs arising eut Gf Cbe exeou.tiOll, of certificates filed :onder
sub-section (3):
[Ben. Aut
(Sees. 2"5-2"7.)
8 of ;1908.]
(Sees. 248-252.)
tenanoies in
251. No suit shall be entertained under section 87 for the decision 1e~ .uilo
of any dispute regarding any entry relating to a Mundari khunt-katti- unde. SOO.
dari tenancy in a record.of.rights.
tion In.
252. (1) At any time within three months from the date of the D~ision of
cel'tificate of the final publication of the record-of-rights under this Act, dis~~
or under any la.w in force before the commencement of this Act, a. suit ':ntrie;:'!'
may be instituted before a Revenue-officer, for the decision of any disput-e omissions in
_ r ..~arding any ~ntry of a Mundari ~hunt-ka~tid~ri. tenancy or the ~.()f
inCIdenta thereof m the record, or re,,"ltrdmg any omISSIon to enter such gh
a tenancy or My incident thereof in the record; Bnd the Revenue-officer
~hall hear and decide the dispute.
P] The words and figures u the Bihar t.nd Orissa Pubic DemQnds Recovery
Aot, 1914, U were substituted for the original words and figures It the Publio Demands
Recovery Act, 1895," by the Bihar and Ori.... Publio Demands Rooovory Act, 1914
(B. a. O. Aot 4 of 1914), 8. 69 and Sch. III, Part III.
[I] These word. were insort<ld by tho Cbat. Nagpur Tonancy (Amendment) Act,
1920 (B. '" O. Act 6 of 192', s. 64(1).
[I] lbese Wl1rds we.... added by ibid, s, 64(2),
11 Leg. D.
[Ben. lI.o!
(SeG8. 253-256.)
(2) In all such suits the Revenue-officer shall, subject to any rules
IllI1de in this behalf under section 264, adopt the procedure laid down in
Chapter XVI for the trial of lffiits before the Deputy Commissioner.
253. An appeal shall lie, in the prescribed manner and' to the
t auch prescriihld officer, from any decision of a. Revenue-officer under
eounons. st't.iion 252.
Entry of
254. 'Wbenever a suit instituted under s2ction 252 has been finally
decision in decided, a note of the decision shall be made in the record-of-rights, as
finally published, by the Revenue-officer referred to in that section; and
such note shall be considered as part of the record.
In prepar.
255. When an order has been issued 'under section 80 of this Act;
in!! !"hoord- or under section 101 of the Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885, in respect of 8 f lQ
ofng ts.
I al
, 0 """,
judgments. any OC
area, estate, tenure or part thereof, no Judgment, decree or
...... in suits order in any suit instituted thereafter shall be taken as evidence,
~~ to b&
in any inquiry
made by a Revenue-officer engaged in the preparation
tiWLeD as
of a record-of-rlghts for such area., estste, tenure or part. under Chapter
th"t torum XII of this Act or under Chapter X of the said Bengal Tenancy Act, 8 of 1885.
oies are or 1885
are not
respecting any claim that any tenancy within that a:rea, estate,
tenure or part is or is not & Mundari khunt-katlidari tenancy.
~u::dari Eball be conclusive evidence of the nature and incident!> of such tenancies
of 1908.]
(Sen. 257261.)
260. Every process iosued by a Deputy Commissioner or ReTen~ Autlwriic&officer under this Act shaD bear his seal ana signature; and &be eosi of - ....
serring the same shall be paid by such person and in !IllCh maoner aa ::...,- of
may be pnl6Cribed.
, I of 1-'
['][261. 'I"be provisions 01 sectioo 35 of the Code of Civil Proced...... CGoIs ill .
1900, and of sub-niles (2) ana (3) of mIe 6 of Order XX of the First
Schedule to the said Code shaD apply to all suil&, applications and
.......-.lings onder this Act.]
These.....a. __
S~ur T~
[Ben. Aut
(Sees. 262-264.)
Deposit of
"""ts of
to be incurred by
the Gov-
a.rul documents_,
263. For the purposes of any inquiry under this Act, any Deputy
Commissioner or Revenue-officer shall have power to summon and
enforce the attendance of witnesses and compel the production of
documents in the same mallner as is provided in the case of a Court by
[1][5 of
the Code of Civil Procedure,p][1908].
264. (1) The Local Government may make rules[2) to carry out the
objects of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Local Government may make rules(i) to prescribe particulars to be specified, in pursuance ali clause
(al of section 28, in applications for the enhancement of
the rent of occupancy holdings;
(ii) to limit the enhancement of the rent of occupancy holdings
under section 29;
(iii) to prescribe plU'ticulars to be specified, in pursuance of clause
(]) of section 31, in applications for increase of rent in
respect of increase in the area of land !leld by occupancyraiyats;
(iv) to prescribe particulars to be specified, in pursuance of
clause (h) of section 34, in applications for the reduction
of rent paid by occupiVlcy-raiyats;
(v) to prescribe the manner in which the possession of land
should be given under section 46. sub-section (4) 1 section
50, sub-section (2), section 71 or section 73, sub-section
(3) ;
[11 The figures .. 1908 .. werll inserted and the letter, word and figures .. V of
1908 .. substituted for the letters, word and figures .. XIV of 1882 " by the Chota
Nagpur Tananoy (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B. &; O. A<>t 6 of 1920), s. 2(8).
('l For a. list of rules made under this section and references to publications in
wbiob they have been publisbed. a the Bihar and Oris Local Statutory Rul.. a.rul
Orders. Vol. I. Part :vI.
. 8- of. 1908.]
(Sec. 264.)
(IIi) to prescribe the manner in which landlords shall. send D9tices
[Ben. Act
(Sec. 265.)
(xx) to prescribe the manner of service of notices, summonses
285. (l) The J..ocaJ Government may ["][...] make rules['] for
regulating the pI'!)Cl;dure of the ~puty Commissioner in matters under
p~ this Act for which a procedure is not provided hereby; and may-. by any
appi::tion such rule, direct that any provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure,
of "'.e .Code ['][1908] shall apply, with or without modification, to all or any classes r~] of
of cases before the ~pnty Commissioner.
make ruIsa
P] For a list of ruIsa rega:diog rent receipt. under secnoD M....u the
twd Orisla Loca! Statutory Rul.. and Orders, Vol. I, Part VI. For a list of rules
preoeribing forma for remitting rent by postal money order. u. ibid.
[I] ThiB olause wae inserted by ~ Chota Hagpur '1enaDCy {Amendment} .Act,
1\120 (B ... O. Act 6 of l\l2O), 8. 68.
For ruI.. regarding transfer of boldingJ. I the B... O. Loca! Statutory Rul..
twd Orders, Vol. I, Part VI.
[I] The words .. wiili the previous sanction of the Government of Iodia ., were
omitted by the Devolution Aot, 1\120 (88 of 19'20). s. I twd Scb. I. Part V.
[f] For rul.. made under this section.... ilie B .t O. Loca! Statutory Rulee twd
Ordare, Vol. I. Part VI.
[6] Tho figures .. 1908" inserted aod the leIter, word twd figures .. V of
1908" were substituted for ilie lette... , word and figures .. XIV of 188\1 .. by the
I:;bof;a Nagpur Tenonny (Amendment) Act. 1\120 (B. .t O. Act 6 of 1\120). e. 2(3).
8 ., 1801!..]-
,(Seo. 266.)
(2) When any provisio,n of ,the ~id Co,de is applied by ~uch fuies,
the rufes may further deolare that any promon of this Act which is
superseded by, or is inconsistent with, any provision so applied ~!>ll
be deemed to be repealed.
(3) Until rules are made under sub-section (I), and subject to "those
rules when made And to the other provisions of this Act, the promnns
of the elide of Civil Procedure, ['] [1908] relating t<>(a) the substitution and addition of parties;
shall, so f8r as may be, and in so far as they are not inconsistent with
this Act, apply to all suits, appeals and proceedings before the Deputy
Commissioner under this Act, and to all appeals from decisions passed
. in sucb suits or proceedings.
266. (1) All powers conferred by this Act for making rules are Publicatioq',
subject to the condition that the rules be made after previous 01 rule. in
['] The figu_ .. 1008 ., were insert.ed and tho letter, word and figures .. V 01
. 1008 ., were substituted for the letters, word and figures " XIV of 1882 .f by the
Chota N8gpur Tenancy (Amendment) Act, 1920 (B .to o. Ac~ 8 01 1920), s, 2(8).
[!] Clauses (I) to (a) were il1serted by ibid, s, 69.
[Ben. Aot
(8808. 267.271.)
(2) Sub-section (1) shall not apply to any rules made lind published
in the Calcutta Gazette witbiu a period of two months from the com
mencement of this Act; but all rules so made and published shall be
re-issued. after previous publication. and with such amendments (if any)
as the Local Government may consider necessary. within a period of
one year from such commencement.
and ef!eot of
267. All rules made, and notifica.tions issued, under this Act shall
be published in the (lJ [ ...] Gazette, and 9D such publication shall have
effect as if enact"d in this Act.
Recovery cf
]l,ecOficry of Dues.
268. (1) Costs and interest awarded under this Act; in rent suits,
and damages awarded under section 175. shall be recoverable as if they
were arrears of rent.
Control over
and Deputy
Saving of
[1] ~'he word .. Caloutta " was omitted by the Chota Nagpur Tenancy (Amend.
ment) Act, 1920 (B. '" O. Aot 6 of 1920) . 2(2).
.. ofi dOl.]
Number and
I of 1879
IV of 1897
Vof 1903
Vof 1905
V1ll of 1879
Short title.
Notifieation no. 1379-L. R., da.ted the 5th March, 1908, published
in the Calcutta Gazette of the 11th idem, Pa.rt I, page 631, Bnd in the ,
Gazette oJ India of the 21st idem, Pa.rt I, page 214.
~. ".1
Short title.
. 106
70. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, a Court shall
continue to exercise jurisQiction(1)
71. For sub-section (4) of section 26 of the Bihar and Orissa Public
;~(~:::~ Demands Recovery Act, 1914, the following shall be substituted,
Bihar awl namely:-
Ant, leU.
stay any such sale for any period specified in the order;
it is expedient to amend
the Madras Estates Land (Amendment) Act, 1934, in Its application to
Orissa. for the purpose hereinafter
It is hereby enacted as follows:Short till. and
Madr.. Act
Alru>udm&ut of
&eotlon 1~'1 of
M&d... Ac.
of 198~.