Experimental Organic Chemistry
Experimental Organic Chemistry
Experimental Organic Chemistry
Professor of Organic Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Author
of "The Principles of Organic Chemistry," "A Textbook of Inorganic
Chemistry for Colleges," and Joint Author of "Laboratory
Exercises in Inorganic Chemistry"
M c G R A W - H I L L BOOK C O M P A N Y , I N C .
COPYRIGHT, 1915, 1924, BY THE
most cases, the properties of compounds that have not been stud-
ied commonly in laboratory courses in organic chemistry.
A feature of the book is the introduction of directions for the
preparation of certain compounds on a very small scale. Stu-
dents often acquire the habit of careless work in the laboratory
practice in organic chemistry. Preparation-work on the small
scale serves to counteract this effect and to develop a technique
that is valuable. Such work is often necessary in the identifica-
tion of unknown compounds when a small amount only of the
substance is available. In many cases a crystalline derivative
whose melting-point can be determined, can be prepared in a
pure condition from but two or three drops of a substance.
Among the examples of work of this kind which are given are the
preparation of acetanilide from acetic acid, glyceryl tribenzoate
from glycerol, dinitrobenzene from benzene, and dibenzalacetone
from acetone. In order to facilitate such work, a section in the
first chapter is devoted to a consideration of the technique used
in the manipulation of small quantities of substances.
The final chapter of the book deals with the methods used to
identify organic compounds by a study of their chemical behavior
and physical properties. The method is outlined only, since the
pedagogical value of the work depends largely upon giving the
student opportunity to apply the knowledge he has gained
throughout the course in the study of the behavior of the typical
classes of organic compounds. It has been the experience of
the author for a number of years, that laboratory practice of this
kind undertaken at the end of the course, is of great value to the
student, on account of the fact that it gives him an opportunity
to review, correlate, and apply many of the facts he has learned.
The practical application of his knowledge is evident. When a
student has been able to identify definitely a number of com-
pounds which were unknown to him, he feels that he has gained
power in handling problems in organic chemistry.
A chapter of the book is devoted to detailed directions for
carrying out the simpler operations used in laboratory work in
organic chemistry. In order that the student may make use of
this information when it is necessary, references are given through-
out the book to the paragraph and page where the particular
process to be employed is described. It is impossible to repeat
Formic acid, 64—Acetic acid, 65—Soap, 67—Oxalic acid, 69.
Ether, 72—Isoamyl-ethyl ether, 75—Acetic anhydride, 75—
Succinic anhydride, 77—Potassium ethyl sulphate, 78—Ethyl
acetate, 79—Isooamyl acetate, 80—Fats and oils, 81.
Formaldehyde, 84—Acetaldehyde, 85—Acetone, 87.
Methylamine, 89—Lecithin, 91—Acetamide, 91—Urea, 93.
Cyanogen, 95—Potassium cyanide, 95—Potassium ferrocyanide,
96—Potassium ferricyanide, 96—Methyl cyanide, 97—Iso-
cyanides, 98.
Methyl iodide, 99—Ethyl bromide, 100—Ethyl iodide, 102—Iso-
amyl bromide, 103—Butyl chloride, 104—Chloroform, 105—
Ethylene bromide, 106—Acetyl chloride, 108.
prepared. In this case the test of the skill with which the prepara-
tion is carried out is determined by this fact; the percentage yield
should be calculated, accordingly, from the weight of iodine used.
3. Integrity in Laboratory Work.—The student should record
in his notebook his own observations only, and the results he
has obtained himself, unless there is a definite statement to the
contrary. If a student has carried out an experiment along
with another student a statement to this effect should be put
into the notes.
4. Cautions in Regard to Laboratory Work.—A student uses
in laboratory work in organic chemistry inflammable liquids and
substances like sodium and phosphorus which have to be handled
with great care. Unless care is exercised fires may happen.
The laboratory should be provided with buckets of sand and a
fire-extinguisher. A heavy woolen blanket should be near at
hand to be used in case the clothing catches fire.
Inflammable liquids such as ether, alcohol, and benzene should
not be poured into the jars provided for acids.
Only cold solutions should be extracted with ether, and the
process should be carried out at least twelve feet from a flame.
When carrying out a reaction in a test-tube, care should be
taken to hold the tube in such a position that if the contents
are violently thrown out, they will not come in contact with the
experimenter or any one in the neighborhood. If the odor of a
substance in the tube is to be noted, do not look down into the
tube. If this is done and a violent reaction takes place suddenly,
the material in the tube may be thrown into the eye.
FIG. 2.
cork, taking care that the hole is bored through the center of
the cork, the borer is then removed and a hole made from the
center of the other end of the cork to meet that first made. By
proceeding in this way the edges of the holes on the two sides of
the cork will be clean cut, and thus make a tight joint with the
tube to be passed through the hole; and the latter will run evenly
through the axis of the cork.
17. Position of the Thermometer.—The bulb of the thermom-
eter should be so placed that it is about 1 inch below the side-
arm of the distilling flask. If the liquid boils at such a point
that the end of the thread of mercury is hidden by the cork
during the boiling, the position of the thermometer can be shifted
downward, or the upper or lower end of the cork can be cut away.
The bulb should never be placed above the side-arm, since it
is essential that it be covered completely by the vapor during
the distillation.
18. Heating the Flask.—The best way of heating the distilling
flask is determined by the boiling-point of the liquid to be dis-
tilled. If the liquid has a low boiling-point, up to about 80° or
90°, the flask should be placed in a water-bath in such a position
that the level of the water is just below that of the liquid in the
flask. Toward the end of the distillation the flask should be
raised in order to prevent superheating the vapor of the liquid.
With very volatile liquids great care is necessary to prevent this
Another method which is often used is to place the flask on
an asbestos board in which a hole is bored having a diameter
about one-half that of the flask. The smallest flame which will
furnish heat enough to boil the liquid is used. This method can
be used for distilling in general, whatever the boiling-point of
the liquid.
If a flask of 250-cc. capacity or greater is used, it is advisable
to support it on a wire gauze. This precaution is also advisable
when the burner is put in place, and the distillation allowed to
take place of itself. It is often better to hold the burner in the
hand and keep the flame in motion during the distillation. In
this way the process is more carefully watched and the rate of
distilling can be controlled.
The heating of the flask should be discontinued before all of the
liquid has distilled; it is customary to leave a residue of 2 to 5 cc.
in the flask.
19. Rate of Distillation.—The distilling flask should be heated
in such a way that the distillate falls in drops from the end of the
condenser at the rate of about one drop per second. Care
should be taken to avoid the rapid distillation of very volatile,
inflammable liquids, such as ether, alcohol, and carbon disulphide.
If such liquids are distilled very rapidly, a part of the vapor is
not condensed, and a fire may result when this vapor comes in
contact with a near-by flame. In order to prevent accidents
the method of collecting such liquids which is described in §34,
page 23, should be used.
regulating the flow of water the cooling effect on the vapor can be
varied. The principle of fractional condensation which is used
effects the separation of the vapor into low- and high-boiling con-
stituents. The combination of a still-head of this type with a
column containing short pieces of glass tubing about 15 mm.
long and 3 mm. internal diameter makes, perhaps, the most
efficient fractionating apparatus available for laboratory use.
It is illustrated in Fig. 11.
23. When a mixture of two liquids which boil at different
temperatures is distilled, the temperature of the vapor during
the distillation rises, in most cases, from the boiling-point of
FIG. 12.
Fig. 14.
in the vessel a few pieces broken from a porous plate. The so-
called capillary boiling-tubes are also valuable. They can be
made by drawing out pieces of glass tubing to stout
capillary tubes; these are cut off at such a length that
they will reach from the bottom of the flask to well into
the neck. They are next put into the flame and melted
at such a point that the tube fuses together at about
0.5 cm. from one end. When this end is placed under
a liquid the small cavity is filled with air, and as the
liquid boils bubbles of vapor are formed at the end of
the tube and even boiling results. If the liquid cools
below its boiling-point after it has been heated some
time, the cavity at the end of the boiling-
tube becomes filled with liquid as the result
of the condensation of the vapor. In this
case the tube must be withdrawn and the
drop of liquid shaken from it, or a new
tube must be inserted.
40. Dropping Funnels.—A dropping fun-
nel like that shown in Fig. 18 is very useful.
With a funnel of this type it is possible to
observe at the point marked a the number
of drops which pass through the funnel. If
such a funnel is not available one can be
made from an ordinary separatory funnel
by attaching to its end a short calcium
FIG. 18. chloride drying tube as shown in Fig. 19,
and connecting the latter by means of a
glass tube to the apparatus to be used.
41. Manipulation of Sodium.—Sodium is used in the
preparation of a large number of organic compounds.
As the metal reacts rapidly with oxygen and with
water-vapor, it should not be allowed to stay in con-
tact with the air any longer than is necessary. When
sodium is to be cut with a knife or pressed into a wire,
the coating which covers the metal should be first care- FIG. 19.
fully removed and rejected; and the sodium should be
placed immediately under dry ether, if it is not to be used at once.
In many preparations in which sodium is used a part of the metal
platinum wire. After the liquid had been introduced, the beads
arc: hung at the bottom of the neck of the flask, which is then
filled with more beads, just enough room being left for the ther-
mometer. A column of beads only a few centimeters high is
remarkably efficient in bringing about the separation of liquids
of different boiling-points through distillation (see Fig. 5, page 11).
46. Extraction of Small Amounts of Substances.—When
a small amount of substance is to be extracted the solution is
shaken with about an equal volume of ether or other solvent
in a test-tube. To separate the two liquids the upper layer is
drawn into a pipette. In order
to be able to see clearly the posi-
tion of the end of the pipette,
a long rubber tube is connected
with it so that the test-tube may
be held at the level of the eye
while the liquid is being drawn
If a number of extractions are
to be made a simple apparatus
which can be made readily is of
value. This consists of a test-
tube with a side-arm placed at a
point slightly above the middle
of the tube. The tube is filled
with the liquid to be extracted
up to the side-arm, which is FIG. 20.
and the piece selected should have clean freshly cut surfaces on
all sides. The test-tube is warmed, and the sodium dropped in.
The burner is placed directly under the tube which is heated
until a layer of the sodium vapor about 1 cm. thick is formed.
The substance to bo analyzed is now dropped into the tube, care
being taken to have it fall directly onto the hot sodium without
coming into contact with the tube. If the substance is a liquid,
about 3 drops should be used. If it is a solid, a little should
be taken up on the end of a pen-knife or spatula and dropped into
the tube; a second portion should then be added. The flame is
removed immediately, and when the tube is cold, the lower end
of it should be broken off by tapping the tube with a pestle in a
clean, dry mortar. If, during the heating, some of the unde-
composed substance has settled on the upper part of the tube,
this part should be rejected; only the very end which contained
the sodium vapor should be used. About 2 cc. of alcohol is then
added to react with any excess of sodium present. When the
metal has ceased acting, the contents of the mortar are ground
with 20 cc. of distilled water, transferred to a small beaker,
heated to boiling, and filtered. If the decomposition has been
satisfactorily accomplished a colorless solution is obtained. If
this is not the case, a second fusion with sodium should be made,
and great care taken to introduce the substance directly into the
sodium vapor.
Separate portions of the filtrate are tested for non-metallic
elements as follows:
Test for Sulphur.—Add to about 2 cc. of a dilute solution of
sodium hydroxide 2 or 3 drops of a solution of lead acetate.
To the resulting mixture add about 5 cc. of the filtrate obtained
as described above. If sulphur is present, black lead sulphide
will be formed. If but a small amount of sulphur is present,
a yellow color may be produced without the formation of a pre-
cipitate. If this is the case, filter the solution after a few minutes,
and examine the paper for a precipitate of lead sulphide.
59. Test for Nitrogen.—Boil for a minute about 2 cc. of the
solution from the fusion with 5 drops of a 10 per cent solution
of sodium hydroxide and 5 drops of a solution of ferrous sulphate.
Cool, and add dilute hydrochloric acid drop by drop, until the
solution becomes acid and the precipitate of ferrous hydroxide
71. Preparation and Properties of Ethylene (SECTION 32).—
( a ) Weigh directly into an 8-inch test-tube 4 grams of phosphorus
pentoxide. Connect the test-tube by means of a closely fitting
cork with a reflux air-condenser; immerse the tube in cold water,
and pour 5 cc. of ethyl alcohol slowly into the condenser. The
alcohol should be added cautiously in small portions and the
test-tube shaken under water, as much heat is evolved when
alcohol comes in contact with phosphorus pentoxide. Support
the test-tube at an angle of about 45° with the table by means of
a clamp, and connect it with a delivery-tube arranged to collect
a gas over water. Heat the tube carefully until the mixture
becomes homogenous; then more strongly until a steady stream
of gas is evolved. Collect three 250-cc. wide-mouthed bottles
of the gas, and prepare an explosive mixture of ethylene and air.
This can be done by placing 20 cc. of water in a 250-cc. wide-
mouthed bottle, covering the latter with a glass plate, inverting
in a pneumatic trough, and displacing the water by ethylene.
(b) Inflammability of ethylene.—Throw a lighted match into a
bottle of ethylene. In order to facilitate the removal of the gas,
a stream of water should be poured into the bottle as the gas
burns. Note the color of the flame, and compare with results
obtained when methane was burned. (Explain.)
(c) Explosive mixture of ethylene and air.—Throw a lighted
match into the bottle containing the mixture of ethylene and air.
(d) Ethylene and bromine.—HOOD.—Add 2 drops of bromine to
a bottle of the gas. (See experiment 66d, page 45.) Replace
the glass cover and shake. When the color of bromine has
disappeared, observe carefully the contents of the bottle. Are
there drops of an oil present? (Eq.) Test the gas in the bottle
with moist blue litmus paper. Compare the results with those
obtained with methane.
drop by drop, from the funnel onto the carbide. (Eq.) Fill
four 250-cc. bottles with the gas generated, rejecting the first
bottle-full collected. W h y ? Prepare an explosive mixture of
acetylene and air by putting 15 cc. of water into a wide-mouthed
bottle, covering the bottle with a glass plate, inverting the bottle
in the pneumatic trough, and displacing the water by acetylene.
C A U T I O N . — D o not let acetylene escape freely into the air; the
gas has an unpleasant odor and is poisonous.
(b) Inflammability of acetylene.—Throw a lighted match into
a bottle of the gas. Is much soot deposited? Note the luminos-
ity of the flame and compare your results with those obtained
when methane and ethylene burned.
(c) Explosive mixture of acetylene and air.—Throw a lighted
match into a bottle containing the mixture of acetylene and air.
How does the explosion compare in intensity with those obtained
with methane and ethylene?
(d) Acetylene and oxidizing agents.—Apply the potassium per-
manganate test for unsaturation. (See experiment 66e, page 45.)
(e) Acetylene and bromine.—Add to a bottle of the gas about
5 drops of bromine. Replace the cover of the bottle and shake.
If the color does not disappear in a minute, add to the bottle a
few cubic centimeters of a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide
and shake. When the color has disappeared, observe the con-
tents of the bottle carefully. (Eq.) Note the odor of the prod-
uct formed. How could acetylene be obtained from this com-
pound? (Eq.)
(f) Test for the triple bond.—Test a bottle of the gas for a
compound containing a triple bond, using an ammoniacal solu-
tion of cuprous chloride which can be made as follows: Heat
together in a test-tube over a flame, a few pieces of copper oxide
and metallic copper with about 10 cc. of dilute hydrochloric
acid (sp. gr. 1.1). When the solution becomes colorless, cool,
decant off about 5 cc. of the liquid and add ammonia until the
solution is alkaline. Add this solution to a bottle of the gas;
cover the bottle and shake. (Eq.)
NOTES.—(a) The acetylene prepared in this way from commercial cal-
cium carbide contains impurities, such as hydrogen sulphide and phosphine.
If the gas is to be used to prepare other compounds, it should be purified
by passing it through a wash-bottle containing a solution of mercuric chlo-
ride in hydrochloric acid.
76. Properties of Methyl Alcohol (SECTION 56).—( a ) Inflam-
mability of methyl alcohol.—Pour about 1 cc. of methyl alcohol
into an evaporating dish and apply a burning match. (Eq.)
Note the appearance of the flame.
(b) Solubility of methyl alcohol.—Test the solubility of methyl
alcohol in water, ether, ethyl alcohol, petroleum ether, and ben-
zene. Use about 1 cc. of the alcohol in each test.
(c) Methyl alcohol as a solvent.—Test the solubility of anhy-
drous calcium chloride and sodium chloride in methyl alcohol.
(d) Methyl alcohol and sodium.—Add a piece of sodium the
size of a small pea to 5 cc. of methyl alcohol. (Eq.)
77. Tests for Methyl Alcohol.—(a) Methyl salicylate.—Mix
together in a test-tube about 0.2 gram of salicylic acid, 1 cc. of
concentrated sulphuric acid, and 1 cc. of methyl alcohol, and
warm gently. Note and describe the odor. The compound
formed is the methyl ester of a salicylic acid, HO.C 6 H 4 .COOCH 3 .
(b) Formaldehyde (SECTION 177).—Dissolve 5 drops of methyl
alcohol in 3 cc. of water. Wind a piece of stout copper wire
around a load pencil so that a closely coiled spiral about 2 cm.
in length is formed; leave about 20 cm. of the wire to serve as a
handle. Heat the spiral in the upper part of a Bunsen flame,
and plunge it while red hot into the solution of methyl alcohol.
Withdraw the spiral, cool the liquid under running water, and
heat again with the hot spiral. In this way the methyl alcohol
is oxidized by the hot copper oxide formed on the wire. Note the
odor of the liquid while hot. Cool the liquid, add 2 drops of a
0.5 per cent solution of resorcin and pour the resulting mixture,
slowly so the two liquids do not mix, down the side of an inclined
test-tube containing about 5 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid.
78. Preparation of Ethyl Alcohol by Fermentation (SECTION
58).— ( a ) Dissolve 40 grams of commercial anhydrous glucose in
350 cc. of water in a 500-cc. bottle. Add one-fourth of a yeast
1 Yeast requires for its growth certain salts which are present in Witte's
peptone. If the latter is not available it may be replaced by 20 cc. of a
solution made by dissolving 10 grams each of potassium phosphate, magne-
sium chloride, and calcium nitrate in 1 liter of water.
NOTES.—(a) Tests which are based on the recognition of odors are not
reliable for the absolute identification of compounds. Whenever possible
the compound to be identified is converted into a solid substance, which
possesses a definite melting-point. For a test for ethyl alcohol based on
this principle see "The Identification of Pure Organic Compounds," by
S. P. Mulliken, Vol. I, page 168.
(b) A number of substances yield iodoform when treated with iodine
and sodium hydroxide. Isopropyl alcohol and acetone give the test imme-
diately in the cold.
(Eq.) Pour the mixture slowly into 400 cc. of cold water and
after a few minutes filter it through a moistened filter paper, to
remove the insoluble oil, which should have a volume not greater
than about 2 cc. Place the aqueous layer, which contains the
alcohol formed, in a large flask connected with a condenser.
Distil off about 100 cc. of liquid. Dissolve about 10 grams of so-
dium hydroxide in the distillate, separate the oil, and place it in
a small distilling flask. Add 15 grams of sodium hydroxide and
attach to the flask by means of a cork a glass tube about 75 cm.
long. Place a cork over the side arm of the flask (see Figure 16,
page 26) and reflux gently for about 15 minutes. This process
serves to remove the water dissolved in the alcohol. Fit the
flask with a thermometer, attach it to a condenser, and distil.
The alcohol should boil between 115° and 119.5°. If much low-
boiling material is obtained the alcohol should be refluxed with
more sodium hydroxide to remove dissolved water which lowers
the boiling point.
The alcohol obtained is a mixture of pentanol-2 and pentanol-3.
(Eqs.) The former boils at 118.5°-119.5° and the latter at 116.5°.
The yield of mixed alcohols is about 60 per cent of the theoretical.
NOTE.—If concentrated sulphuric acid is used in this preparation, a large
part of the amylene is polymerized. If a more dilute acid is used than that
recommended, the reaction requires a longer time. Sodium hydroxide is
added to the distillate to precipitate the alcohol which is dissolved in the
water. Alcohols in general are less soluble in a solution of bases than in
1 If the anhydrous salt is not available, dehydrate the crystalline salt for
this experiment according to the directions given in experiment 66a, page
2 If the acid prepared does not freeze, determine the melting-point, as
of hydriodic acid (sp. gr. 1.7). lit the tube by means of a cork
to a delivery-tube bent at a right angle, (See Fig. 20, page 31.)
The end of the tube should extend nearly to the bottom of a
test-tube which is placed in cold water. Heat the mixture of acid
and ether carefully. When about one-third of the liquid has
distilled over, add a little water to the contents of the cold tube
and shake. Are there two liquids? Is one heavier than water?
ment with lard (experiment 92a, page 67). As soon as the mix-
ture is thick and homogeneous, pour it into 15 cc. of water.
Transfer the solution of soap to a distilling flask, acidify with 25
cc. of sulphuric acid (1 part of acid to 4 of water), and distil over
about 15 cc. Test the distillate with litmus paper. Are the
volatile acids soluble in water? Note the odor of the solu-
tion. What causes the odor? Determine whether the oily
layer in the distilling flask contains acids. Find out if it is solu-
ble in alkalies. What happens when an acid is added to the alka-
line solution so formed?
(f) Test for unsaturated glycerides.—Dissolve 5 cc. of olive
oil or cotton-seed oil in 5 cc. of carbon tetrachloride, and add a
solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride, drop by drop.
(g) Oils and concentrated sulphuric acid.—Add to 10 cc. of
olive oil or cotton-seed oil contained in a small beaker 5 cc. of
concentrated sulphuric acid. Stir with a thermometer and note
the rise in temperature. Repeat, using kerosene. Is there a
difference? Explain.
(h) Emulsification of oils.—In five test-tubes prepare the fol-
lowing mixtures: (1) 10 cc. of a 0.2 per cent solution of sodium
carbonate and 2 drops of neutral olive oil. (2) 10 cc. of a 0.2
per cent solution of sodium carbonate and 2 drops of rancid olive
oil. (3) 10 cc. of a warm solution of soap and 2 drops of the
neutral oil. (4) 10 cc. of white of egg solution and 2 drops of
neutral oil. (5) 10 cc. of water and 2 drops of neutral oil. Shake
the tubes very vigorously and let them stand for a few minutes.
Record the results in each case. Under what conditions is the
oil most perfectly emulsified?
Examine a drop of milk under a microscope.
NOTES.—(b) The fat can be extracted from milk in the usual way in a
separatory funnel with ether. In the analysis of foods, however, the prod-
uct is always dried before extraction. Milk can be dried as directed above,
or it can be absorbed on filter-paper which is then dried.
(d) If saponification is complete there should be no separation of oil
when the product is diluted with water.
(e) When this reaction is carried out quantitatively and 5 grams of fat
or oil are used, the number of cubic centimeters of a tenth normal solution of
sodium hydroxide required to neutralize the soluble volatile acids is called the
Reichert-Meissl number.
(g) The reaction illustrated in this test is the basis of a method used in
the analysis of oils. The number of degrees rise in temperature when 50
grams of an oil are treated with 10 cc. of sulphuric acid, in a vessel con-
structed in such a way as to avoid loss of heat by radiation, is called the
Maumené number of the oil.
(h) Oils which have become rancid contain free fatty acids. The latter
can be detected as follows: Dissolve in about 2 cc. of alcohol a drop
of phenolphthalein solution and 1 or 2 drops of a very dilute solution of
sodium hydroxide. To the resulting solution, which should have a light
pink color, add an alcoholic solution of the fat to be tested for free acid.
If the latter is present the color will disappear.
If a sample of rancid olive oil is not available for the experiment, mix
together the neutral oil and oleic acid in the proportion of 1 cc. of the former
to 1 drop of the latter, and shake 2 drops of the mixture with the solution
of sodium carbonate.
The factors which lead to the formation of emulsions are not definitely
known. The most permanent emulsions are formed when an insoluble
oil is shaken with a solution which contains a substance that interacts with
one of the constituents of the oil to produce a colloid. This occurs when an
oil containing free fatty acids is shaken with an aqueous solution of an
alkali. A layer of soap is formed around the particles of the oil, and it is
probable that a layer of oil may surround the colloidal particles of soap.
When a solution of egg albumin is shaken with olive oil, a layer of the coagu-
lated protein is formed around the drops of the oil and emulsification
takes place.
1See Appendix.
collect a gas over water. Heat the solution gently and collect
two test-tubes full of the gas. (Eq.) Test the second tube for
nitrogen with a glowing splinter. Distil over about 3 cc. from
the tube into a second tube, surrounded by cold water. Test
the distillate for methyl alcohol (experiment 77b, page 55).
114. Isolation of Lecithin from Egg-yolk (SECTION 217).—
Grind the yolk of one hard-boiled egg with 50 cc. of ether. Filter
and wash the solid residue twice with 10 cc. of ether. Evaporate
off the ether on the steam-bath, or distil it off from a small
flask. Extract the residue twice with hot alcohol, using 10 cc.
each time. Pour off the alcohol from the heavy oil through a
small filter. Evaporate off the alcohol, dissolve the residue in
10 cc. of cold ether, and add 10 cc. of acetone. Stir until the
particles of the precipitated lecithin adhere together and form
a ball. Place the latter on a filter-paper. Describe its proper-
ties. Boil about one-fourth of the lecithin with about 10 cc.
of a 10 per cent solution of sodium hydroxide. Note the odor
of the gas evolved. What is it? Cool the solution. Is there
any evidence of the formation of a soap? Filter, dissolve the
precipitate in warm water and add dilute hydrochloric acid to
the solution. What is precipitated? Test a part of the lecithin
for nitrogen and for phosphorus (§§58, 59, 61, page 39).
each tube 1 cc. of dilute acetic acid. Compare the amount and
color of the gas given off in each case. (Eqs.)
(e) Urea and sodium hypobromite.—Prepare an alkaline solu-
tion of sodium hypobromite by adding 3 drops of bromine to
5 cc. of a dilute solution (10 per cent) of sodium hydroxide. Add
this solution to a dilute solution of urea. (Eq.)
(f) Urea and mercuric nitrate.—To a dilute solution of urea
add a 1 per cent solution of mercuric nitrate. A compound of
the formula CO(NH 2 ) 2 .Hg(NO 3 ) 2 .HgO is precipitated.
(g) Action of heat on urea: biuret (SECTION 224).—Heat cau-
tiously about 0.5 gram of urea in a dry test-tube; continue the
heating until a white opaque solid is formed. The residue is a
mixture of biuret and cyanuric acid (SECTION 249). Treat the
residue when cold with about 5 cc. of water, shake, pour off
the aqueous solution of biuret, and add 5 cc. of a solution of
sodium hydroxide and a few drops of a dilute (1 per cent) solu-
tion of copper sulphate.
Dissolve the residue insoluble in water in a little ammonia,
add a few cubic centimeters of a solution of barium chloride and
shake. A precipitate of barium cyanurate is formed.
NOTES.—(a) The nitrate of urea is difficultly soluble in cold water and in
nitric acid. This fact is made use of in the isolation of urea from urine.
(c) Ammonium salts can be distinguished from amides by means of sodium
hydroxide; the former yield ammonia in the cold.
(e) Ammonium salts give nitrogen when treated with a solution of
sodium hypobromite; they must, therefore, be absent when applying the
test to urea. This reaction is used in the clinical examination of urine for
(f) Many substances related to acid amides, for example the proteins,
give precipitates with solutions of mercuric salts.
(g) This test for biuret is not characteristic; it is given by many substances
in which there is a linking of atoms similar to that in biuret. The test is
useful in the study of proteins.
denser so that the end of the adapter is below the surface of the
water. These precautions are taken because ethyl bromide is
a very volatile liquid (boiling-point 39°). Place a sand-bath
under the flask containing the reaction mixture, heat with a
large flame, and distil as rapidly as possible. As distillation
proceeds, the ethyl bromide drops to the bottom of the receiver,
and the aqueous part of the distillate finally overflows into the
beaker. Distil until drops of the insoluble bromide cease to
appear, About one hour is required for the distillation if it is
carried on rapidly.
Decant off most of the water from the ethyl bromide into a
beaker, add a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide, shake, and
decant. Wash again with water, and transfer to a separatory
funnel; run off the lower layer into a small dry distilling flask,
add anhydrous calcium chloride (about one-fourth the volume
of the bromide), and close the flask tightly with corks. Set
aside until the liquid is quite clear and no drops of water are
visible; if the calcium chloride appears moist, add more and set
aside again. Connect the flask with a long condenser and use
as a receiver a dry flask surrounded by ice-water. Distil from
a water-bath and collect the portion which boils at 35°-40°.
Calculate the theoretical yield from the potassium bromide used
(why from the bromide?) and the percentage yield obtained.
Write equations for all reactions. Why does the solution turn
red during the heating? (Eq.)
Ethyl bromide boils at 38.4° and has the specific gravity 1.47
at 13°. The yield in this preparation should be about 80 per
cent of the theoretical.
NOTE.—The ethyl bromide prepared in this way contains a small amount
of ether, from which it cannot be separated readily by distillation, since ether
boils at 35° and ethyl bromide at 38.4°. In separating the two substances
advantage is taken of the fact that ether is soluble in cold concentrated sul-
phuric acid, while ethyl bromide is not soluble. The bromide prepared
by the method given above can be purified by adding it slowly with con-
stant shaking, to an equal volume of concentrated sulphuric acid kept cold
by immersion in ice-water. After this treatment the liquids are separated
and the ethyl bromide shaken with water, dried, and distilled.
132. Properties of Ethyl Bromide (SECTIONS 254, 255).—( a )
Solubilities of ethyl bromide.—Using about 1 cc. in each test,
determine whether ethyl bromide dissolves in the following
NOTE.—It has been shown recently that alkyl chlorides can be prepared
from alcohols and hydrochloric acid in the presence of water, provided zinc
chloride is present. The metallic chloride probably acts as a catalytic agent
and not as a dehydrating agent, as has been assumed in the past. During
close the tube with a stopper, and allow it to stand several days in
a place where it will be in a strong light. Note the odor, shake
with water, and test the aqueous solution with silver nitrate.
(g) Chloroform and sodium hydroxide.—Heat a few drops of
chloroform for 1 minute with about 5 cc. of a very dilute solution
of sodium hydroxide free from chlorides. (Eq.) Test half of
the solution for chloride. Neutralize carefully the rest of the
solution with hydrochloric acid, add 5 drops of a dilute solution
of mercuric chloride and heat. (See note below and experiment
87d, page 65.)
(h) Carbylamine reaction (SECTION 206).—HOOD.—Warm
together 1 drop of aniline, which is a primary amine and has
the formula C 6 H 5 NH 2 , 1 drop of chloroform, and 1 cc. of an
alcoholic solution of potassium hydroxide. (Eq.) On account
of the very disagreeable odor produced, the test-tube should be
washed in the hood with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
(i) Oxidation of chloroform.—Heat together a few drops of
chloroform, a small crystal of potassium bichromate, and 2 cc.
of concentrated sulphuric acid. (Eq.) Cautiously note the
odor of the gas formed.
more, until the liquid is clear and no water is visible, filter through
a funnel, containing a bit of cotton wool, into a small distilling
flask. Distil, using a thermometer and water condenser, and
collect the fraction which boils at 130°-132°. Calculate the per-
centage yield both from the alcohol and bromine used.
Ethylene bromide melts at 8.4° and boils at 132°, and has the
specific gravity of 2.189 at 15°. The yield in this preparation
is about 55 grams.
(b) With sulphuric acid as dehydrating agent.—Mix cautiously
in a 1-liter, round-bottomed flask 90 cc. of alcohol and 135 cc.
of concentrated sulphuric acid; then add about 50 grams of
coarse sand and about 5 grams of aluminium sulphate. Place
the flask on a wire gauze and connect it by means of a tightly
fitting stopper, preferably one of rubber, with an absorbing train
of test-tubes like that described in (a) above. In this case use
four test-tubes which contain, respectively, beginning with the
one nearest the flask, 20 cc. of a dilute solution of sodium
hydroxide, 20 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, 10 cc. of bromine
covered with water, and 10 cc. of bromine covered with water.
Attach a drying tube containing soda-lime to the last tube.
Place all of the tubes in cold water. Make a test to determine if
all joints in the apparatus are tight.
Heat the flask at the lowest temperature at which ethylene is
freely evolved. It is very essential to avoid over-heating, which
results in frothing and the liberation of carbon. If this occurs,
the contents of the flask should be poured out and ethylene should
be prepared from a new mixture. When the bromine is decolor-
ized, treat the product as directed in (a) above.
The yield is about 55 grams.
NOTE.—Sand is added to the flask to distribute the heat more evenly and,
thus, to assist in preventing frothing. In the presence of aluminium sul-
phate, the decomposition of alcohol into ethylene takes place at about 140°,
whereas in the absence of the sulphate a temperature of about 180° is
required. At the lower temperature carbonization is not apt to occur.
NOTE.—(a) The sour milk used in the preparation contains the lactic
acid bacteria. The milk should be used before the curd has separated.
The latter is needed for the development of the bacteria during fermenta-
tion. Calcium carbonate is added to neutralize the lactic acid as it is
formed, since the fermentation stops if the acid accumulates. Toward the
end of the fermentation butyric acid is usually formed. The odor produced
is due to this cause. When the sugar has been fermented the calcium car-
bonate passes into solution. If there is a large residue at the end of a week
the milk was not satisfactory. The zinc salt of lactic acid is characteristic.
It can be prepared by digesting a strong solution of the acid with zinc car¬
bonate, filtering hot, and evaporating to crystallization.
NOTES.—(b) This test for a-hydroxy acids must be made in the cold, as a
solution of ferric chloride alone develops a decided yellow tint on being
heated. In applying the test to an unknown substance a very dilute solu-
tion should be used, and the color developed should be compared with that
formed in a solution of equal concentration of an a-hydroxy acid (tartaric
acid). Many solutions of hydroxyl compounds when sufficiently concen-
trated give a yellow color with ferric chloride. The colors given by poly-
basic and ketonic acids are usually more intense or of a different shade from
those given by a-hydroxy acids.
(d) In making this test the calcium tartrate is usually filtered off before
solution in sodium hydroxide, since the carbonate that the alkali contains
produces a precipitate of calcium carbonate, which is insoluble. The
presence of ammonium salts should be avoided in making the test, as they
interfere with the precipitation of calcium tartrate.
NOTE.—By converting the benzoic acid into sodium benzoate in the pres-
ence of an excess of sodium hydroxide, an intimate mixture of the two sub-
stances is obtained. In this condition the compounds enter into reaction
more readily and at a lower temperature than does a mixture of the acid
and soda-lime; such mixtures are commonly used in the preparation of
hydrocarbons from acids.
The benzene prepared in this way contains a small amount of diphenyl,
which may be isolated from the residue left after the distillation of the hydro-
carbon. The residue on crystallization from alcohol yields crystals of di-
phenyl, which after two sublimations melt at 71°.
164. Properties of Benzene (SECTION 430).—( a ) Test for
thiophene in commercial benzene (SECTION 653).—To a few drops
of sulphuric acid add a crystal of isatin, about 5 cc. of crude
benzene, and shake.
NOTE.—A low yield of nitrobenzene may be the result of one of the fol-
lowing causes: Either the nitration was effected at too low a temperature and
a quantity of benzene is recovered in the final distillation, or the tempera-
ture of the mixture reaches too high a point and a large amount of dinitro-
benzene is formed. In the latter case there will be an appreciable residue
in the flask when the temperature reaches 207° in the final distillation. This
result is apt to occur if the benzene is added too rapidly at first, and the mix-
ture of acid kept at too low a temperature; little nitration occurs, and when
the mixture is heated in the water-bath, the reaction takes place rapidly,
and the heat generated causes the temperature to rise above 60°, with the
result that dinitrobenzene is formed. The effect on the result of the tem-
perature at which nitration is carried out is marked, as can be seen by com-
paring with the above preparation that of dinitrobenzene described below.
It is necessary to wash the nitrobenzene free from nitric acid. If this is
not done, the acid which remains dissolved in the nitrobenzene will react
further with it when the product is distilled. Brown vapors of oxides of
nitrogen will be given off, dinitrobenzene will be formed, and an explosion
may occur. The residue of dinitrobenzene should not be distilled; it is apt
to decompose violently when the flask is nearly empty. It may be dissolved
out of the flask and crystallized from alcohol.
171. Properties of Nitrobenzene (SECTIONS 461, 469).—( a )
Solubility of nitrobenzene.—Describe the odor of nitrobenzene.
Determine whether nitrobenzene is soluble in alcohol, ether,
benzene, dilute hydrochloric acid, and a solution of sodium
hydroxide. Mix about 2 cc. of nitrobenzene with 5 cc. of con-
centrated sulphuric acid and pour the mixture into water. How
could you most readily separate into its constituents a mixture
of benzene and nitrobenzene?
(b) Reduction of nitrobenzene to aniline.—Place 2 cc. of nitro-
benzene and about 3 grams of granulated tin in an 8-inch test-
tube, and add with constant shaking, in portions of 1 cc., 5 cc.
of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The acid should be added
at such a rate that the tube becomes hot, but care should be
taken to avoid a violent reaction. Do not add the next portion
of acid until the solution begins to cool. Finally, boil the solu-
tion for about 3 minutes, shaking the tube constantly. Cool
under running water and add a strong solution of sodium hydrox-
ide (1:2) until the precipitate first formed has largely dissolved
(about 20 cc.). Remove with a pipette a few of the oily drops
which separate. Put 1 drop of the oil on a watch-glass and
place near it a drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid; bring
the drops together by touching them with a glass rod. (Eq.)
200 cc. of water. Filter by suction, and wash twice with water.
Dissolve the dinitrobenzene in 40 cc. of hot alcohol and set
aside to crystallize. Filter off the crystals by suction and wash
with 10 cc. of cold alcohol. Dry the crystals on a porous plate,
and determine their melting-point. By adding 10 cc. of water
to the filtrate a small additional amount of dinitrobenzene can
be obtained. Calculate the percentage yield.
m-Dinitrobenzene crystallizes in colorless, odorless needles,
which melt at 90°, and boil at 297°. It is readily soluble in hot
alcohol; it dissolves in about 28 parts of alcohol at 20°. The
yield in the preparation should be about 9 grams.
NOTE.—Small quantities of benzene and other hydrocarbons can be readily
identified by converting them into solid nitro derivatives the melting-points
of which can be determined. As little as 2 or 3 drops of benzene is sufficient
for the identification of the hydrocarbon in this way. In working with such
a small quantity proceed as follows: Mix 3 drops of benzene and 1 cc. each
of concentrated sulphuric acid and concentrated nitric acid. Boil the mix-
ture for one-half minute. Cool, and pour slowly into 10 cc. of water. Shake,
filter by suction (§42, page 29), and wash with water. Dissolve in a boiling
mixture of 4 cc. of water and 4 cc. of alcohol. Set aside to crystallize, filter,
wash with 5 cc. of cold 50 per cent alcohol, and dry on a porous plate. The
compound prepared in this way melts at 89°-89.5°.
based on the fact that the calcium salts of sulphonic acids are
soluble in water, whereas calcium sulphate is very difficultly
soluble. In certain cases it is advisable to prepare the barium
(a) Dissolve 65 grams of sodium chloride in 250 cc. of water,
and filter the solution if necessary. Measure off 200 cc. of the
solution, and reserve the rest for washing the crystals of sodium
benzenesulphonate. Pour into 200 cc. of the salt solution,
slowly and with stirring, the mixture of benzenesulphonic acid
and sulphuric acid. Filter off from the warm solution the di-
phenylsulphone, (C 6 H 5 ) 2 SO 2 , which separates, and cool the
filtrate in cold water, using ice if necessary. If crystals do not
separate, scratch the side of the vessel containing the solution
with a glass rod. Let the crystals stand with the mother-liquor
for about 15 minutes to insure the complete separation of the
salt. Filter by suction, and drain off as much of the liquid as
possible by pressing the solid down firmly with a spatula. Dis-
connect the filter-flask from the pump, and cover the salt with a
part of the sodium chloride solution which was reserved for this
purpose. When the liquid has penetrated into the solid, remove
it by the aid of the pump; repeat the washing with more of the
salt solution. Draw off as much of the liquid as possible, and
transfer the sodium benzenesulphonate to a porous plate to dry.
The compound prepared in this way contains about 0.5 per cent
of sodium chloride. Weigh the product and calculate the yield.
About 30 grams of sodium benzenesulphonate should be obtained.
(b) Pour the mixture of sulphuric acid and benzenesulphonic
acid into 500 cc. of water in a large evaporating dish, and heat
it to boiling. Add precipitated calcium carbonate, which has
been rubbed to a thick paste with water, until the solution no
longer shows an acid reaction. Filter through a cotton cloth
filter to separate most of the calcium sulphate, and wash the
precipitate with hot water. If a small amount of solid passes
through the filter the solution need not be refiltered, as the
precipitate will be removed in a later filtration. Evaporate the
solution to about one-half its volume, and add just enough of a
solution of potassium carbonate to precipitate the calcium and
convert the salt into potassium benzenesulphonate. If it is
difficult to determine when the calcium has just been precipitated,
filter off a few cubic centimeters of the solution from time to time,
and add to the filtrate a drop of the solution of potassium car-
bonate. An excess of potassium carbonate should be avoided,
for a sample of pure potassium benzenesulphonate is desired.
Filter off the calcium carbonate, wash it with a little hot water,
evaporate the solution to crystallization, and let it cool. Filter
off the crystals and dry them on a porous plate. The filtrate
on evaporation will yield a further quantity of the salt. Calcu-
late the percentage yield obtained.
Potassium benzenesulphonate crystallizes in lustrous plates,
which effloresce in the air. The salt is very soluble in water, and
melts above 300° with decomposition.
NOTE.—(b) The free sulphonic acid can be obtained from the calcium
salt by adding to its solution just enough sulphuric acid to precipitate the
calcium as sulphate, evaporating the solution to a small volume, and placing
it in a desiccator to evaporate over sulphuric acid. In the preparation of
free sulphonic acids in this way it is better to prepare the barium salt,
as barium sulphate is less soluble in water than calcium sulphate, and the
free acid is not contaminated with a small amount of sulphate.
pour off the water and wash the oil twice with water by decanta-
tion. Separate the benzenesulphonyl chloride and calculate
the percentage yield.
The chloride can be used without further purification for the
experiments given below. If it is desired to preserve the chloride
for future use (see experiment 186, page 157), it should be taken
up in ether, dried over calcium chloride and distilled under
reduced pressure (§24, page 15) after the ether has been removed.
Benzenesulphonyl chloride is a colorless liquid which distils
at 246°-247° with decomposition, and undecomposed at 120°
under a pressure of 10 mm. It melts at 14.5°.
176. Preparation of Benzenesulphonamide (SECTION 474).—
Put into a test-tube about 1 cc. of benzenesulphonyl chloride
and add about 5 cc. of strong ammonia. Shake until a solid is
formed and the odor of the chloride has disappeared. Pour
off the liquid and wash twice with water by decantation. Add
about 20 cc. of water; heat to boiling until the substance has
dissolved. Filter, if necessary, and set the solution aside to
crystallize. When cold, filter by suction, wash with cold water,
and dry the amide for half an hour on a porous place. Deter-
mine the melting-point of the amide. If the crystals do not melt
sharply, recrystallize them from hot water.
Benzenesulphonamide crystallizes from hot water in needles,
which melt at 156°.
Pour a few drops of the liquid or place a few crystals on the gauze
and place it for an instant in a flame. Remove the gauze and
note whether soot is formed by holding the burning substance
in front of a piece of white paper. Determine whether the
following substances burn, and whether soot is produced:
Benzene, bromobenzene, dibromobenzene, benzyl chloride, ethyl
bromide, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride. What conclusions
can be drawn from the experiment? (See the note to experi-
ment 164d, page 134.)
(c) Comparison of the behavior of compounds containing the
halogen joined directly to the benzene ring with those containing the
halogen in a side-chain.—Read carefully SECTIONS 479, 480.
Compounds of the two classes behave differently with an alco-
holic solution of potassium hydroxide. In order that conclusive
results may be drawn from the test, it is necessary to have a solu-
tion of the alkali which is free from halogen. As all samples
of commercial potassium hydroxide contain potassium chloride,
prepare a solution by dissolving about 1 gram of the hydroxide
in 20 cc. of absolute alcohol; filter from the undissolved carbonate
and chloride and use the clear filtrate for the tests.1 Test a
part of the solution so prepared for a halide as follows: Dilute
with water, acidify with nitric acid, and add silver nitrate. Add
3 drops of benzyl chloride to 5 cc. of the alcoholic potassium
hydroxide solution, and boil gently for 2 minutes. Dilute with
water, acidify with pure dilute nitric acid, and add a few drops of
a solution of silver nitrate. Repeat the experiment, using
bromobenzene. In order not to confuse with silver bromide
the cloudiness produced when the bromobenzene is precipitated
from the alcoholic solution by the addition of water, add 3 drops
of bromobenzene to 5 cc. of alcohol and dilute with the amount
of water used in the test. Compare the appearance of the solu-
tion with the one which was heated. If the unchanged precipi-
tated organic halogen compound interferes with the observation
of the silver halide, it can be removed by shaking the solution
with ether, and adding the silver nitrate to the clear aqueous
1 A solution which can also be used for the test may be prepared by dis-
solving about 0.5 gram of clean sodium, free from any crust, in 20 cc. of alco-
hol and adding a few drops of water.
given off, and test it with moist litmus paper. Write equations
for all the reactions.
186. Use of Benzenesulphonyl Chloride in Distinguishing the
Three Types of Amines (SECTION 473).—Shake together for 2
or 3 minutes 0.5 cc. of aniline, 50 cc. of a strong aqueous solution
of sodium hydroxide (1 to 4) and 2 cc. of benzenesulphonyl
chloride. Warm gently until the odor of the chloride disappears.
Filter and add hydrochloric acid to the filtrate. (Eqs.)
Repeat the experiment using methylaniline and then dimethyl-
aniline. Test the solubility in dilute hydrochloric acid of the
substances separated in these two cases by filtration. Write
equations for all reactions, and state clearly how the reagent
serves to distinguish from one another the three classes of amines.
(§34, page 23.) Wash the drying agent with some of the recov-
ered ether, and add this solution to the flask. Pour the residue
into a small flask, and distil using an air-condenser. Collect the
fraction boiling at 180°-183°. Calculate the percentage yield.
Phenol melts at 43°, boils at 183°; it is soluble in about 15 parts
of water at 16°. The yield in this preparation should be about
15 grams.
off the solution, distil off the ether, and distil, using an air-
p-Tolunitrile melts at 38° and boils at 218°. The yield should
be about 13 grams.
190. Preparation of Diazoaminobenzene (SECTION 514).—Dis-
solve 10 grams of aniline in a mixture of 100 cc. of water and 20
cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Add 100 grams of ice.
When the solution is cold add a solution of 8 grams of sodium
nitrite in 40 cc. of water. Dissolve 10 grams of aniline in a mix-
ture of 7 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 50 cc. of water,
and add 50 grams of ice. Pour the solutions of aniline hydro-
chloride slowly with stirring, into the solution of the diazo com-
pound. (Eq.) Dissolve 25 grams of hydrated sodium acetate in
50 cc. of water, and add the solution to the mixture. At the
end of half an hour, add about 300 cc. of water, stir, and filter
by suction; wash the precipitate with cold water. Press the
diazoaminobenzene on a porous plate, and let it stand until dry;
do not heat it. Weigh the product and calculate the percentage
Crystallize a little of the compound from petroleum ether as
follows: Digest for 2 or 3 minutes 2 grams of the diazoamino-
benzene with 100 cc. of petroleum ether, filter hot, evaporate to
about 50 c c , and set aside the solution to crystallize.
Diazoaminobenzene crystallizes in yellow plates, which melt
at 98°; it explodes when heated above its melting-point. It is
insoluble in water, and is soluble in benzene, ether, and alcohol.
The yield obtained in the above preparation is about 15 grams.
Allow the salt to dry for about 5 minutes. Heat for 1 hour on
a water-bath the mixture so that the temperature of the latter is
between 50° and 60°; stir frequently. Dissolve the product in
50 cc. of glacial acetic acid, and pour the solution slowly into
400 cc. of water, stirring vigorously. After about 5 minutes
filter by suction, wash with water and set aside to dry.
Convert a part of the aminoazobenzene into the chloride as
follows: Dissolve 2 grams of the compound in 10 cc. of alcohol
and pour the solution into a boiling mixture of 20 cc. of concen-
trated hydrochloric acid and 200 cc. of water. Boil for 10 min-
utes and set aside to crystallize. Filter and wash the crystals
with water containing some hydrochloric acid.
Crystallize the rest of the aminoazobenzene as follows: Dis-
solve the substance in alcohol in the proportion of 1 gram of
aminoazobenzene to 10 cc. of alcohol. Heat to boiling and add
water until the solution begins to cloud; set aside to crystallize.
Filter off the crystals and wash them with a mixture of equal
volumes of alcohol and water.
Aminoazobenzene crystallizes in yellow prisms, melts at 127°,
and distils undecomposed above 360°. It crystallizes well from
hot water in which it is difficultly soluble.
192. Preparation and Properties of Phenylhydrazine (SECTION
517).—( a ) In a beaker pour slowly, with stirring, 20 grams of
aniline into 170 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Cool the
beaker to 0° in a freezing mixture of ice and salt, and add, drop
by drop, from a separatory funnel, a mixture of 20 grams of
sodium nitrite dissolved in 100 cc. of water, until a drop of the
solution when diluted with a few drops of water produces a blue
color with iodo-starch paper. (See experiment 187, page 158).
The mixture should be stirred during the addition of the sodium
nitrite. Dissolve 120 grams of hydrated stannous chloride in
100 cc. of water, cool the solution with ice-water, and pour it
slowly into the solution of the diazo compound. After an hour
filter off by suction the precipitate of phenylhydrazine hydro-
chloride, using a porcelain funnel or a filter-plate and hardened
filter-paper. Remove as much of the mother-liquor as possible
by pressing the crystals, and then transfer them to a flask and
add an excess of a solution of sodium hydroxide. Extract with
ether, dry over anhydrous potassium carbonate, and distil off
the ether. The resulting oil can be used for the following
experiments. If it is desired to keep the phenylhydrazine, it
should be distilled; as it decomposes slightly on distillation it
is better to distil it under diminished pressure (§24, page 15).
The compound can also be purified by freezing it and pouring
off the liquid which does not solidify.
Phenylhydrazine is nearly colorless when pure; it melts at
17.5°, boils at 242°, and has the specific gravity 1.097 at 23°.
The yield in this preparation should be about 10 grams.
(b) Conversion of phenylhydrazine into benzene.—Dissolve 35
grams of copper sulphate in 100 cc. of water in a 500 cc. flask
connected with a reflux condenser. Heat the solution to boiling,
remove the flame, and drop into the solution from a separatory
funnel suspended in the condenser 10 grams of phenylhydrazine
dissolved in 10 cc. of acetic acid and 50 cc. of water. As soon as
the phenylhydrazine has been added, arrange the condenser
for distillation, and distil as long as an oil comes over. Separate
the oil and shake it with anhydrous calcium chloride until no
drop of water can be seen, and the benzene is clear. Distil the
oil and note its boiling-point.
Benzene, the product of the reaction, boils at 80.4°. The
yield should be about 6 grams.
Add 2 drops of phenylhydrazine to Fehling's solution.
(c) Formation of a urea derivative from phenylhydrazine: phenyl-
semicarbazide.—Dissolve 1 cc. of phenylhydrazine in 1 cc. of
glacial acetic acid and 5 cc. of water, and add a solution of 0.5
gram of potassium cyanate dissolved in 2 cc. of water. Heat to
boiling, cool, and shake. Filter off the precipitate, wash with
cold water, and crystallize it from boiling water. Phenylsemi-
carbazide melts at 172°.
(d) Formation of a phenylhydrazone.—Dissolve 2 drops of
phenylhydrazine in 12 cc. of alcohol, and add 12 cc. of water.
Add to the solution 2 drops of benzaldehyde and boil for half a
minute. Cool, shake thoroughly, and filter by suction (§43,
page 30). Wash with 10 cc. of 50 per cent alcohol, and recrys-
tallize the precipitate from 25 cc. of boiling 50 per cent alcohol.
Cool, filter off the crystals, and wash them with 10 cc. of 50 per
cent alcohol. Dry the crystals, and determine their melting-
NOTES.—(d) If the ferric chloride solution contains much free acid it will
not give the usual test—the production of a marked color. If this occurs
make up a reagent for this and the following experiments as follows: Add to
a 10 per cent solution of ferric chloride a solution of sodium hydroxide, drop
by drop, until a permanent precipitate is just formed on shaking. If too
much alkali is added, a little of the solution of ferric chloride can be used to
almost dissolve it. Filter the solution, which should have a deep yellow
color and mix with three volumes of water.
(e) When bromine is added in excess to an aqueous solution of phenol, a
compound of the formula Br3C6H2.OBr, is formed, which is converted by
sulphur dioxide into tribromophenol, Br3C6H2.OH. On account of the great
insolubility of this compound in cold water, it is of value in detecting the
presence of phenol in dilute aqueous solutions. Salicylic acid, and a few
other compounds are converted into tribromophenol by bromine water.
dozen pieces and added slowly, and the flask should be kept cold
by immersion in water. When the sodium has reacted, add to
the solution 10 grams of phenol and 20 grams of methyl iodide.
Attach a reflux condenser to the flask, and heat on a water-bath,
until a drop of the solution, when diluted with water, no longer
shows an alkaline reaction. The reaction is complete in about an
hour. Distil off the excess of methyl alcohol on a water-bath,
and add about 25 cc. of water to the residue. Extract with a
small amount of ether, dry the ethereal solution with calcium
chloride, and distil off the ether on a water-bath. Distil the
residue over a free flame. Calculate the percentage yield from
the phenol used.
Anisol boils at 155°. The yield is nearly the theoretical.
(b) Solubility of anisol.—Determine if anisol is soluble in the
following: dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium hydroxide,
and cold concentrated sulphuric acid.
tube, avoiding getting water into the tube. Add about 2 cc.
of carbon tetrachloride, and filter into a dry test-tube through a
small funnel containing a paper moistened with carbon tetra-
chloride. Add a solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride,
drop by drop. What does the behavior indicate?
217. Preparation of Sulphanilic Acid (SECTION 598).—In a
small round-bottomed flask containing 25 grams of aniline, pour
cautiously 80 grams of pure concentrated sulphuric acid. Heat
the mixture for from 4 to 5 hours in an oil-bath at 180°-190°.
In order to determine whether the reaction is complete, remove a
drop of the mixture on a glass rod, and mix it on a watch-glass
with a few drops of a solution of sodium hydroxide. If any
aniline sulphate is present in the mixture, the aniline will separate
as an oil; if sulphonation is complete, the sodium salt of sulph-
anilic acid, which is soluble in water, is formed. When the
reaction is complete, pour the product into about 300 cc. of cold
water. Filter, wash the precipitated sulphanilic acid with cold
water, dissolve it in boiling water, avoiding an excess of the latter,
add about 2 grams of bone-black, and boil for 5 minutes, stirring
occasionally. Filter the hot solution and set aside to crystal-
lize. Dry the crystals in the air; weigh them as soon as dry as
the acid slowly loses its water of crystallization on standing.
Calculate the percentage yield.
Sulphanilic acid crystallizes from water in plates, which con-
tain 2 molecules of water of crystallization; it is converted into
tribromoaniline by an excess of bromine water. The yield in
this preparation is about 25 grams.
218. Preparation of m-Nitroaniline (SECTION 600).—In a 100-
cc. flask dissolve 10 grams of m-dinitrobenzene in 50 cc. of hot
alcohol; cool the solution under running water so that small
crystals are formed, and add 10 cc. of a concentrated solution of
ammonia in water. HOOD.—Pass into the solution a rapid
stream of hydrogen sulphide as long as heat is evolved by the
reaction ( Eq. ) ; this requires about one-half hour. Heat on the
steam-bath for 10 minutes. Pour the product into 200 cc. of
water, filter by suction, and wash the precipitate with water.
Put the mixture of m-nitroaniline and sulphur into a beaker, add
100 cc. of water and 20 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, stir,
and filter off the residue of sulphur by suction. Set the filtrate
in 2 cc. of the sodium hydroxide solution and add 100 cc. of water;
dissolve 0.1 gram of phenol in 1 cc. of the sodium hydroxide solu-
tion and add 100 cc. of water.
Transfer the cloth from the diazo bath to a beaker containing
about 500 cc. of water and stir. Put one piece of cloth in each
of the developing solutions, and allow them to stay 5 minutes.
Wash the dyed cloth twice with water and dry.
over that required to dissolve the oil. Next add a few cubic
centimeters of a solution of sodium nitrite and stir vigorously.
Continue the addition until the solution smells strongly of the
oxides of nitrogen. The quinoline is liberated from its salt by
adding a solution of 40 grams of sodium hydroxide in 50 cc.
of water. Distil again with steam as long as an oil passes over.
Separate the oil, dry it with solid potassium hydroxide and dis-
til. By extracting with ether the aqueous solution, from which
the quinoline was finally separated, the yield can be slightly
Quinoline boils at 238°. The yield in this preparation is
about 38 grams.
NOTE.—The ferrous sulphate prevents rapid oxidation from taking place,
and, as a result, reduces the violence of the reaction.
some of the alcohol on the steam-bath. When all the gliadin has
been removed the protein is no longer elastic. Dissolve the glu-
tenin in dilute sodium hydroxide and apply a few of the protein
NOTE.—Wheat contains the following proteins: Soluble in water, leucosin,
about 0.4 per cent, and a proteose, about 0.3 per cent; soluble in 10 per
cent sodium chloride, edestin, about 0.6 per cent; soluble in 75 per cent
alcohol, gliadin, about 4.3 per cent; insoluble in neutral solvents, glutenin
from 4.0 to 4.5 per cent.
a few seconds blow out the flame and observe the appearance of
the charred residue.
(b) Action of sodium hydroxide.—For this and the following
experiments use pieces of the material about 1 inch square.
Place in a test-tube a piece of cotton, a piece of silk, and a piece
of wool; add about 10 cc. of a 10 per cent solution of sodium
hydroxide. Heat the solution to such a temperature that the
tube can just be held in the hand (about 65°); shake, and keep the
tube hot by heating it occasionally until the wool dissolves. Heat
to boiling for some minutes and note the effect. Explain the cause
of the difference in behavior of the animal and vegetable fibers.
(c) Action of concentrated hydrochloric acid.—Shake pieces of
cotton, silk, and wool with about 10 cc. of cold concentrated
hydrochloric acid. One of the pieces should dissolve.
Place a piece of cotton and a piece of wool in a mixture of 1 cc.
of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 5 cc. of water. Press out
as much of the solution as possible. Set aside to dry and examine
at the next exercise. Try to tear the material.
(d) Examination of wool and of silk for sulphur.—Add a few
drops of a solution of lead acetate to about 20 cc. of a 10 per cent
solution of sodium hydroxide. Divide the solution into two
portions. In one dissolve a piece of wool and in the other a
piece of silk.
(e) Action of Millon's reagent (SECTION 686).—Millon's reagent
is prepared by using the substances in the following proportions:
One gram of mercury is dissolved in 2 cc. of hot concentrated
nitric acid and the resulting solution diluted with 3 cc. of water.
Dilute 2 cc. of the reagent with 10 cc. of water, add to the solu-
tion pieces of cotton, silk, and wool, and heat to boiling.
(f) Test of textile fabrics.—Test the samples submitted, mak-
ing use of the results obtained in ( a ), ( b ), (c), (d), and (e) above.
The samples may consist of cotton, silk, or wool, or mixtures
of any two of the fibers. It is a common practice to make
fabrics in which the threads running in one direction are of
one material, and those running in another are of a different
material. Designs in pure silk are often woven into a fabric
made of mercerized cotton. These designs can be readily
developed by warming a sample of the material with Millon's
Gliadin, 201 L
Globulin 200
Gluten, 201 Lactic acid, 110
Glycerol, 69 Lactose, 121, 122
properties of, 62 Lecithin, 91
Glyceryl tribenzoate, 63 Leucosin, 201
Grignard reaction, 46, 166
H Malachite green, 188, 191
Melting-points, determination of, 33
Halogen compounds, 99 Mercaptan, 129
aromatic, 148 Mercuric thiocyanate, 129
Halogens, test for, 41 Metals, tests for, 39
Heller's test, 197 Metaproteins, 200
Hemp seed, 202 Methane, preparation of, 44
Heterocyclic compounds, 193 properties of, 45
Hexaphenylethane, 137
Methyl alcohol, 55
Hopkins-Cole reaction, 199
-amine, 89
reagent, 212 -aniline, 156
Hydriodic acid, preparation of, 212 cyanide, 97
Hydrobenzamide, 174
iodide, 99, 100
Hydrobromic acid, preparation of,
orange, 187
212 salicylate, 55
Hydrocarbons, aromatic, 132 Milk, 203
saturated, 44, 47 formaldehyde in, 84
unsaturated, 50, 51, 52 Millon's reaction, 198
Hydroxy acids, test for, 113 reagent, 211
Mixture, analysis, 209
I Molisch reaction, 119, 199
Mordants, 191
Identification of compounds, 205 Mucic acid, 122
Iodine, test for, 41 Murexide test, 130
Iodobenzene, 159
Iodoform test, 59 N
Ingrain colors, 191
Naphthalene, 137
Ink, 185
Nicotine, 195
Isoamyl, acetate, 80
Nitroaniline, m, 181
bromide, 103
p, 182
ethyl ether, 75
Nitroanilines, salts of, 183
Isocyanides, 98
Nitro-acetanilide, 182
benzene, 139-141
K compounds, 139
-phenol, o and p, 179
Kerosene, 47 Nitrogen, test for, 40
Ketones, 87 test for in proteins, 196