Ethylene Oxide Ethylene Glycol Process Flow Diagram

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The passage describes the integrated process for producing ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol. It recovers products at high yields and purities while minimizing waste.

Ethylene and oxygen are fed to a catalytic reactor where the reaction occurs. The products are then scrubbed, stripped, and purified through multiple distillation columns to separate the final products.

The main products are ethylene oxide, monoethylene glycol (MEG), diethylene glycol (DEG), and triethylene glycol (TEG).

Ethylene oxide ethylene glycol process flow diagram

The modern ethylene oxide/ethylene glycols plants are highly integrated units where ethylene
oxide from the ethylene oxide reaction system can be recovered as glycols with a co-product of
purified ethylene oxide if desired. The integration allows for a significant utilities savings as well
as the recovery of all bleed streams as high grade product, which would otherwise have been
recovered as a lesser grade product. The integrated plant recovers all MEG as fibergrade product
and ethylene oxide product as low aldehyde product. The overall recovery of the ethylene oxide
from the reaction system is 99.7% with only a small loss as heavy glycol residue.
Ethylene and oxygen in a diluents gas made up of a mixture of a mainly methane or nitrogen
along with carbon dioxide and argon are fed to a multi-tubular catalytic reactor (1).
The temperature of reaction in controlled by adjusting the pressure of the steam which is
generated in the shell side of the reactor, and removes the heat of reaction. The ethylene oxide
(EO) produced is removed from the rection gas by scrubbing with water in a Scrubber after Heat
Exhanger with the circulating reactor feed gas.
The by-product CO2 is removed from the scrubbed reaction gas in a CO2 removal system (3,4)
before it is recompressed and returned to the reaction system where ethylene and oxygen
concentrations are restored before returning to the reactor.
The ethylene oxide in steam-stripped (5)
From thescrubbing solution and recovered as a more concentrated water solution (6) that is
suitable for use in a EO purification system (7) or as feed to a glycol plant. The Stripped water
solution in cooled and returned to the Scrubber for reuse.
The glycol plant feed along with any high aldehyde EO bleeds from the EO purification section
are sent to a glycol reactor (9) and then to a multi-effect evaporation train (10,11,12) for removal
of the bulk of the water from the glycols. The glycol is then dried (13) and the passes to the
glycol distillation train (14,15,16) where the MEG,DEG,TEG products are recovered.
Yields : The ethylene yield for that portion of the production going to purified EO is 1.31 kg of
EO product / kg of ethylene. The yield to glycol is 1.81 kg of glycols per kg of ethylene.

Product Quality : When ethylene oxide is produced as a co-product the EO meets low aldehyde
specification requirement of 10 ppm aldehyde maximum that is required by most derivative
units. Glycol product qualities have set the standard for the industry.

diagram alir proses Etilen oksida etilen glikol

pabrik Etilen oksida / etilena glikol modern unit yang sangat terintegrasi dimana etilen oksida
dari sistem reaksi etilen oksida dapat diperoleh sebagai glikol dengan co-produk dari pemurnian
etilen oksida jika diinginkan. integrasi memungkinkan untuk utilitas penghematan yang
signifikan serta pemulihan semua berdarah aliran produk kelas tinggi, yang tidak akan telah
ditemukan sebagai produk kelas rendah. Pabrik ini diintegrasikan memulihkan semua Megas
fibergrate produk dan produk etilen oksida produk aldehida rendah. Pemulihan keseluruhan dari
etilen oksida dari sistem reaksi 99,7% dengan hanya kerugian kecil sebagai berat residu glikol.
Etilena dan oksigen dalam gas pengencer terdiri dari campuran dari terutama metana atau
nitrogen bersama dengan karbon dioksida dan argon diumpankan ke reaktor katalitik multitubular (1).
Suhu reaksi di dikendalikan dengan menyesuaikan tekanan dari uap yang dihasilkan di sisi shell
dari reaktor, dan menghilangkan panas reaksi. Etilen oksida (EO) yang dihasilkan akan dihapus
dari gas reaksi dengan membersihkan dengan air dalam Scrubber kemudian Heat Exchanger
dengan gas umpan reaktor bersirkulasi.
produk oleh CO2 dihilangkan dari gas reaksi menggosok dalam sistem dihilangkan CO2 (3,4)
sebelum dimampatkan dan kembali ke sistem reaksi di mana etilena dan oksigen konsentrasi
dikembalikan sebelum kembali ke reaktor.
Etilen oksida dalam steam-stripped (5)
Dari scrubbing larutan diperoleh sebagai larutan air yang lebih pekat (6) yang sesuai digunakan
dalam sistem EO pemurnian (7) atau sebagai umpan untuk pabrik glikol. larutan air didalam
Stripped didinginkan dan kembali ke Scrubber untuk digunakan kembali.

Umpan bersama dengan aldehida mengeluarkan EO berkadar tinggi dari bagian EO pemurnian
glikol dikirim ke reaktor (9) dan kemudian ke train multi -effect penguapan (evaporator)
(10,11,12) untuk menghilangkan sebagian besar air dari glikol. glikol tersebut kemudian
dikeringkan (13) dan glikol lolos kekereta distilasi (14,15,16) di mana produk MEG, DEG, TEG
berhasil didapatkan kembali.

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