Meichenbaum - Stress Reduction and Prevention PDF
Meichenbaum - Stress Reduction and Prevention PDF
Meichenbaum - Stress Reduction and Prevention PDF
Edited by
Donald Meichenbaum
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Matt E. Jaremko
University of Mississippi
University, Mississippi
ISBN 978-1-4899-0410-2
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-0408-9
whose work on stress and coping has influenced
much of the research reported in this volume
to my former students
and present colleagues
whose collaboration and friendship
have continually enriched me.
who was a source of encouragement
from the beginning of this project.
FRANK ANDRASIK, Department of Psychology, State University of New
York, Albany, New York
MARGARET A. APPEL, Department of Psychology, Ohio University,
Athens, Ohio
OFRA AYALON, Department of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa,
ROY CAMERON, Department of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
THOMAS M. COOK, Program of Social Ecology, University of California
at Irvine, Irvine, California
Since 1950, when Hans Selye first devoted an entire book to the study of
stress,professional and public concern with stress has grown tremendously. These concerns have contributed to an understanding that has implications for both prevention and treatment. The present book is designed
to combine these data with the clinical concerns of dealing with stressed
populations. In order to bridge the gap between research and practice,
contributions are included by major researchers who have been concerned with the nature of stress and coping and by clinical researchers
who have developed stress management and stress prevention programs.
The book is divided into three sections. The goal of the first section is
to survey the literature on stress and coping and to consider the implications for setting up stress prevention and management programs. Following some introductory observations by the editors are the observations of
three prominent investigators in the field of stress and coping. Irving
JaniS, Seymour Epstein, and Howard Leventhal have conducted seminal
studies on the topic of coping with stress. For this book they have each
gone beyond their previous writings in proposing models and guidelines
for stress prevention and management programs. While each author has
tackled his task somewhat differently, a set of common suggestions has
In the second section of the book, a cognitive-behavioral perspective
on stress and coping as well as general guidelines for setting up training
programs are considered. This section concludes with a description of a
cognitive-behavioral stress inoculation training program. Several of the
authors in Section III have used this stress inoculation training program
in their work.
The third section of the book, which is divided into three parts,
focuses on specific stress prevention and management programs. The
papers in Part A describe programs for a variety of medical problems,
indicate the role played by cognitive and affective factors and interpersonal support systems in the coping process;
3. a critical evaluation of the training data for their specific populatio1'ls;
4. a description of how one may conduct a coping-skills training program on both a treatment and preventative basis;
5. a concluding brief discussion of needed future directions.
The editors have provided comments and summaries throughout on
the various programs. The editors believe that the authors have described
interesting and provocative demonstration projects that reflect the current
knowledge about stress and coping. The editors and the chapter authors
recognize the limitations of the reported interventions; but nevertheless,
there is a feeling of optimism and encouragement. It is in the spiri~ of
critical-mindedness and enthusiasm that we offer this volume. It is
dedicated to those who will critique and build on the efforts offered.
I: The Stress Literature: Implications for Prevention and Treatment
Ill: APPlications
Part B- Victims
9. Coping with Terrorism: The Israeli Case Ofra Ayalon
Concluding Comments
Author Index
Subject Index
The Stress Literature
Implications for Prevention and Treatment
their analysis they emphasize the role of cognitive, though not always conscious, processes in the determination of stress responses. Whether it is in
the form of perceptual representation, attention and elaboration,
schemata, or interpretations, Leventhal and Nerenz indicate that the ways
in which individuals cope with stress (e.g., with a disease such as cancer)
are often influenced by the deeper interpretations of the stressor's meaning
for that individual. Leventhal and Nerenz sensitize us to the complexities of
the stress and coping processes that must be taken into consideration in any
stress-management program.
In their discussion of stress-prevention and management programs,
they highlight the important role of (a) analyzing both the stressor and the
individual's representation or meaning of the stressor, (b) developing a
comprehensive training regimen, and (c) providing preparatory information. The same features are also underscored in the second chapter, by
Seymour Epstein.
Epstein has brought together diverse data, including Freud's work on
traumatized soldiers, Pavlov's observations on traumatized dogs, and his
own work on sport parachutists, in order to emphasize the important role
of graded stress inoculation as a general principle in the mastery of stress.
Epstein views the stress inoculation as a natural healing process by which
individuals maintain an optimum rate of assimilation of stressful events.
Epstein argues that in contrast to an "all or none" defensive system that
rarely helps to reduce stress (and in fact may often be stress engendering), a
more effective approach is to cope with stress in small doses, which is evident from the initial response to more displaced and less intensely
threatening stimuli. With experience and by means of self-pacing (or what
Epstein calls proactive mastery), individuals are able to handle more intensely stressful stimuli. Thus, graduated practice with increasingly
stressful events (i.e., stress inoculation) is offered as an important guideline
in the development of any stress prevention or management programs.
This process of graduation permits the stressed individual to become
increasingly aware of eady warning signs and to develop the ability to interrupt these at low intensity. According to Epstein, treatment programs
for individuals under stress should encourage graded exposure and repetition to the point where habituation occurs and new coping responses
develop. Such terms as corrective emotional experience, emboldening the
individual, fostering assimilation of stressful experiences that occur ingraded increments, and selective attention and inattention to cues of
threat reflect Epstein's suggestion that graded stress inoculation is a natural
healing process of the mind.
A similar view about the potential usefulness of a graded inoculation
Section I
Orne, D. Psychological factors maximizing resistance to stress with special reference to
hypnosis. In S. Klausner (Ed.), The quest for self-control. New York: Free Press, 1965.
Rachman, S. Fear and courage. New York: Pergamon Press, 1979.
A Model for Stress Research
with Some Implications for the
Control of Stress Disorders
For the past several years, we have been engaged in a program of research
with the aim of understanding how people comprehend and cope with
illness threats. Our early studies examined people's beliefs and behavior
in response to health communications urging them to stop smoking, use
good dental hygiene practices, drive safely, or take inoculations to protect against tetanus (Leventhal, 1970). Later studies dealt with ways of
preparing patients to cope with painful or unpleasant medical procedures
such as endoscopy, childbirth, and cancer chemotherapy, and preparing
students to cope with cold pressor pain in laboratory settings (Leventhal
& Everhart, 1979; Leventhal & Johnson, 1982). Although the studies
covered a number of different subject populations and health settings and
spanned a period of 15 years, they have been linked by a common thread.
Throughout, we have attempted to describe how people, as active agents,
interpret and represent the information they receive about health threats
from outside sources and from their bodies, and how their subsequent actions depend on their understanding of that information.
We have learned a great deal about how patients cope with specific
HOWARD LEVENTHAL and DAVID R. NERENZ Department of Psychology, University
of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.
1974, 1979, 1980; Leventhal & Everhart, 1979; Leventhal, Meyer, &
Nerenz, 1980; Leventhal, Nerenz, & Straus, 1980). The model attempts to
describe the steps in the self-regulative process that produce both shortand long-term adaptation to stress settings. The examples used in describing the model come from studies of patient response to illness and disease
symptoms, but the same concepts can be applied to a wide range of
stressful events.
The model conceives of the individual as a regulatory system that actively strives to reach specifiable goals (see Carver, 1979; Lazarus, 1966;
Leventhal, 1970; Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960; Powers, 1973). This
regulatory system is viewed as a feedback system comprised of a set of
serially arranged components or stages: an input stage, which represents
the stimulus field and sets goals; a response output or coping stage, which
provides for planning, selecting, and performing coping responses; and a
monitoring stage, which involves attention to the consequences of the
action in relation to the initial set of goals. The stage analysis of the
regulatory mechanism has been useful for the analysiS of pain (see Leventhal & Everhart, 1979), reactions to health threats (Leventhal, 1970,
1975), and the utilization of the medical care system (Mechanic,1978;
Mechanic & Greenley, 1976; Safer, Tharps, Jackson, & Leventhal, 1979;
Suchman, 1965).
An important feature of this model is the distinction between processing of what are termed objective features ofthe environment, such as
the form, location, and function of external objects, and the processing of
emotional reactions to objects, such as fear or anxiety (Leventhal, 1970,
1975). These two relatively separate, although interacting, regulatory
systems are involved in creating a conscious perception and associated
feelings about an illness, object, or person. In the area of pain and distress,
noxious stimulation is Simultaneously processed by an informational or
objective system and a distress or emotion system (Leventhal & Everhart,
1979). The systems operate in parallel; both function at stimulus reception and interact with one another as early as stimulus reception, and they
continue to act and interact in interpretation, coping, and monitoring.
It has also been hypothesized that these regulatory systems make use
of more than a single type of memory and that perceptual memories, as
distinct from conceptual or language memory, are central in the storage
of emotional experiences (Lang, 1977; Leventhal, 1980; Leventhal &
Everhart, 1979). The basic features of the model are described in Figure 1.
As an example of the sequence of stages in the model, one might
Exec:u tillS
of response of responses
(feedback loop)
_or), .)'.t... contributi",
to interpretation and
to copt",
Abstract, conceptual
COllcrete, pictorial
Affective, schematic
Steps in Processing
We will describe each of the steps of the processing system in serial
order, since the system often functions in just that way. But this descriptive ordering is also one of convenience because the system is circular,
and the stages can best be thought of as a processing loop. Sometimes one
might prefer to begin at a different pOint, for instance, with coping or
with monitoring and evaluation when describing or attempting to influence the system.
Perceptual Representation: The Primary Appraisal
The term cognitive encoding was the first label for the initial step of
self-regulation in stressful settings (Leventhal, 1970). This concept was
similar to what Lazarus meant by initial appraisal of threat: "The appraisal of threat is not a simple perception of the elements of the situation, but a judgment, an inference in which the data are assimilated to a
constellation of ideas and expectations" (Lazarus, 1966, p. 44).
Our concept differed in one important respect, however, from that
defined by Lazarus; we believed a substantial portion of the appraisal process to be automatic and nonconscious (see Mandler, 1975). Our work on
pain (Leventhal, Brown, Shacham, & Enquist, 1979; Leventhal &
Everhart, 1979) and our studies of patient behavior in stress settings
ijohnson, 1975;}ohnson & Leventhal, 1974; Leventhal &}ohnson, 1982)
have further persuaded us of the importance of recognizing the automatic, nonvoluntary components of appraisal. Conscious judgment is not
irrelevant to appraisal, but it is not always the most important aspect.
The second major idea is that the appraisals occur in at least two
parallel channels; appraisals are both problem-oriented and emotional
(Folkman & Lazarus, 1980; Leventhal, 1970). Emotion, a separable aspect
of the appraisal system, seems to be more fully automatic in function
(Leventhal, 1974, 1975, 1980; Zajonc, 1980).
Sensory Registration
The first step in responding to a stimulus involves the registration
and representation of the stimulus in the perceptual system. Registration
is the capturing of the input by a sense organ and the conduction of this
input to the central nervous system for further processing. The inputs
processed in illness generally include various types of bodily sensations,
such as side effects of treatment, pains or pressures produced by the disease, and other bodily processes. The presence of stress-induced emotions can add to the input, since stress appears to both generate and intensify body sensations (Leventhal & Everhardt, 1979; Pennebaker &
Skelton, 1978). The stimuli are then integrated with past memories to
generate a perceptual representation.
Our example makes clear that the meaning of a pain emerges from its
coding or interpretation. The schema acts as a template: when the sensory information fits the features of the template, the integration generates the experience of illness. The schema includes concrete sensory
features (lumps, burning pain, pulling, or cramping) and the abstract
labels linked to them (cancer, ulcer, muscle tear). The schema also has
prognostic and temporal features; we expect specific abstract and concrete consequences for particular time periods. And the schema includes
specific assumptions about cause, for example, "this pain was caused
when I pulled a muscle during racquetball or is due to my flu." The label,
symptoms, prognosis, time line, and cause are the critical features that
give the schema its meaning. These features are inferred by us as observers and theoreticians; they need not be in the consciousness of the patient. Our concept of features appears similar to Lang's (1979) conceptualization of imagery as defined by propositions.
The symptoms and signs of illness can be integrated with schemata
that are medical with reference to specific disease agents and underlying
physiological processes, or they can be integrated within a commonsense
or layman's schema. Commonsense definitions can be cultural and personal. Cultural concepts are shared ideas about the disease's impact on
the individual's ability to work and maintain social relationships, and the
obligations of others toward him, etc. (Fabrega, 1975). The individual's
have images of pain and death from cancer. Illness can generate moods
(Miller, 1964), and mood can generate the memory of illness, if not illness
itself. The most dramatic example is the reactivation of phantom pain
memories (experiences of pain in amputated limbs) by severe life stress
(Melzack, 1973).
Responding based on emotional schemata will share many properties with other automatic behaviors, the most important of which is that
much of it is not accessible to awareness. Individuals who respond emotionally are unlikely to be fully aware of their behavior; they are usally
unaware of their expressive reactions or the various defensive or instrumental actions taken to control their emotional memory schemata. Emotional schematization is likely to bring into awareness the eliciting
stimulus, that is, the object that one fears and that makes one angry, and
the feelings of fear and anger associated with that object.
The concept of interpretation may be summarized by reiterating
basic propositions:
1. Interpretation is a necessary antecedent to action.
2. Automatic responding is produced by a combination of the
stimulus with perceptual memory codes; conscious, volitional
responding is produced by a combination of the stimulus with abstract, conceptual codes.
3. Schemata are composed of features. They have content (abstract
labels and concrete symptom memories), causal features, temporal expectations, and prognostic implications. These features
give meaning to stimulation.
4. Emotional schematization of the stimulus leads to automatic
responding that may be difficult to bring under volitional control.
The Coping Process: Planning and Action
The development and execution of plans for action are processes as
complex as the construction of the representation of the threat. They also
draw on complex memory systems, abstract and concrete, and utilize
plans developed for affective states and plans developed for problem
solution. We can at best sketch out only a very small number of features of
planning and action
abstract features of the illness; the content of the illness label will influence seeking care, and the waxing and waning of symptoms will influence evaluation of treatment and disease progress. The presence of
emotion will evoke efforts to regulate affect. The perceived time line will
set limits on planning and influence the durability of coping efforts. The
perceived cause of the problem will lead to the addition of new responses
for coping or the subtraction of components of medically recommended
regimens (Hayes-Bautista, 1976, 1978). Finally, the similarity of the
symptomatology to past illnesses will evoke automatic and deliberate
responses associated with prior illness episodes.
Given the large number of events that guide coping, it is clear that
effective regulation requires clear differentiation of goals and clear staging or temporal sequencing of behavior. The individual needs to know
when emotional goals are uppermost and recognize that in attending to
an immediate emotional pressure, he may momentarily sacrifice
problem-solving. This also means realizing that controlling emotional
pressures can make it possible to be more effective in problem-solving
later on. Ability to delay and limit one's field of activity refer to strategies
for temporal sequencing of coping.
Health problems appear to place especially heavy demands on emotional coping resources because they provoke substantial levels of threat
and require reliance on external, expert sources of help (Folkman &
Lazarus, 1980)-hence the need for temporal staging of emotional and
objective problem goals. This is clearly seen in the behavior of patients
with metastatic breast cancer who show very high levels of tolerance for
hours of nausea and vomiting to achieve long-term treatment success.
Many people find it difficult to tolerate short-term distress for long-term
gain. Part of the problem seems to be the absence of a clear image of the
long-term problem and identifying the problem only with the immediate,
concrete pain and distress generated by both illness and treatment
(Zborowski, 1969).
The Schema: History Repeats Itself
A pervasive feature of coping with illness is the degree to which
behaviors designed to manage current illness episodes repeat actions
more appropriate to past episodes. This repetitiveness may be due to the
directive influence of both concrete symptomatology and emotional
reactions of fear, pain, and distress. Affects and symptoms focus the person on immediate gains, and this immediacy of focus seems to enhance
the tendency to repeat past illness behaviors. Meyer's (1980) findings
with hypertensives illustrate this point. His patients used symptoms as
signs of blood pressure, discontinuing medication when symptoms dis-
Resources/or Coping
Patients draw on a wide range of resources to meet the demands of
severe illness. Central among these is their own ability to generate coping
responses, or what Bandura (1977) has labeled a sense of self-effectance.
People with a history of effective self-regulation, who can differentiate
problems, generate plans, and act, are likely to do so when they confront
illness threats. For example, Meyer (1980) found that those hypertensives
who developed more elaborate coping plans had also developed more
elaborate views of their illness problems.
It is important to note that many patients appear to see their own fear
as a sign that they are unable to manage threat. Given time, they may calm
down and recapture their ability to generate coping responses. Kornzweig (1967) reported this phenomenon in individuals exposed to threat
messages about the dangers of tetanus. Subjects low in esteem seemed
temporarily paralyzed by their fearfulness. Given a day to recover, they
were quite effective in coping. Recently, Rosen, Terry, and Leventhal
(1982) found that low-esteem subjects did an effective job in smoking
reduction if they received a self-esteem bolstering message prior to their
exposure to a fearsome antismoking film.
response, the adequacy of the individual's general coping skills or competence, the resources of the individual's disposal, or the nature of the
threat ("cancer is treatable," "cancer is a deadly killer"). Appraisal is
important because it helps to determine the stability of the self-regulatory
process, that is, whether the system is coherent and regulating or incoherent and dysregulating (Schwartz, 1979). A dysregulating or unstable
system generates psychological and physiological distress that adds to the
total strain on the organism and increases the symptom load and sense of
illness (Pennebacker & Skelton, 1978). We will discuss each of these problems before turning to our final comments on the process of stress
Setting Goals
should press forward despite near exhaustion, we can see the value and
efficiency of the automatic affective response in contrast to the objective
alternative. The logical alternative adds to the overload; the automatic
response ends it.
One serious problem with affective information is its coarseness.
Emotional states are vague and are inexact guides for coping. A second
difficulty is that emotional responding may imply a variety of causal and
outcome expectations that generate adjustment problems. For example,
individuals may interpret their emotional outburst as meaning they cannot solve objective problems or may anticipate being rejected by support
figures for expressing feelings (e.g., anger) that imply doubt about the
support figure's competence or willingness to assist in regulating an illness danger (Janis, 1958).
A major difficulty with affective monitoring is interpreting the cause
of the emotional state. Emotions and moods and their associated autonomic sensations appear to be pooled or added together regardless of
their source (Bowlby, 1969; Leventhal, 1974, 1979). Hence, it is difficult
to assess accurately the determinants of fluctuations in emotions and
moods. This confusion is of special interest when we look at illness as a
determinant. Since illness may be more or less dearly identified at different times, the individual may readily attribute his mood shifts to illness
at some times but erroneously attribute it to internal or external causes at
other times. For example, it is easy to label oneself ill if one has specific
symptoms such as fever, pain, or a running nose. Under these circumstances, the vague signs of fatigue, depression, and irritability that accompany illness are attributed to it. But if depression, irritability, and
fatigue persist after the concrete symptoms disappear and one is labeled
well, it is not improbable that these emotions and moods will be attributed to some irrelevant external factor or to a "permanent" personality disposition. Misattributions of generalized emotional states (see
Zillman, 1978, for similar examples) may playa crucial role in the
development of chronic pain and illness behavior and the development
of long-term dependenCies in the elderly.
Stability of Self-Regulatory Systems
It should be made explicit that our model is not static, that is, it is not
meant to imply that a single interpretation leads to a single coping
response, which is performed a few times until a desired outcome is obtained. Simple negative feedback effects may apply to a few patterns of
behavior during illness but they provide a limited picture of the adaptation process. The picture is broadened as we recognize that the adaptive
Both represent sets of highly generalized or prototypic rules for appraising symptomatic change and response effectiveness. Hence, the
individual does not expect specific illness episodes or specific coping sequences to precisely fit the underlying model. Not every infectious, acute
disease need have the same symptomatology, precisely the same cause
(hypertension can be due to eating salty pork, to overwork, etc.) or exactly the same time line. Not every effort at coping succeeds; one expects to
"dream up" alternatives and to experience setbacks. The generality of
these prototypes and the anticipation of deviation protect them from
rejection! "Fuzzy sets" are not readily disconfirmed.
We also suspect that disconfirming experiences lead the individual to
substitute an alternative schema and to store rather than discard the old
one. For example, Meyer (1980) found that the longer patients were in
treatment for high blood pressure, the less likely they were to operate in
terms of an acute illness model. They shifted first to a cyclic modelexpecting their hypertension to dear and return at a later occasion-and
then to a chronic model. The "old" acute model was very likely still used
to interpret and generate representations of other illness episodes. Thus,
it is possible that there is a hierarchy or sequence of schemata with rules
for their own replacement.
The individual's underlying schemata also gain stability because they
are well anchored in cultural beliefs. The assumption that social stress
(Croog & Levine, 1969), foods, and/or environmental toxins cause illness
are widely shared (Herzlich, 1973; Young, 1978), as are basic assumptions
about illness being symptomatic, finite in duration, and so on. Schemata
are part of ideological systems. They are also compatible with the individual's history of illness experience; indeed, they are compatible with
the history of illness experience of family and friends with whom information on illness is shared.
The individual's sense of self-effectance also appears to be a relatively stable factor. But the levels of this factor remain to be explored. For
example, little is known about the individual sense of physical vulnerability. Some people clearly feel more vulnerable than others. And
many people feel vulnerable to particular illnesses (Ben-Sira, 1977; Niles,
1964). Indeed, it is not uncommon to find people expressing the belief
that they will die of a particular illness within some quite specific time
span. These beliefs in one's "organic" effectance may be conditioned by
early identifications. One's expectations of resistance to illness may be
very different, indeed, if one believes himself' 'like" a father who died of
a heart attack at 55 rather than like a grandfather who succumbed to lung
cancer at 90. But this is only one level of self-effectance. There are also
beliefs about resistance to everyday afflictions. A youngster can state with
very great certainty that he is healthier than most of his friends and report
that he was out with colds 12 times last school year! Running noses are
everyday malaises; they are not diseases. We also suspect that the individual's history and skill in regulating his internal affective states is also
closely related to his/her level of confidence in and stability of effectance
in coping with specific disease episodes (Ben-Sira & Padeh, 1978). Much
of self-diagnosis seems to center around the question "Are these symptoms signs of physical illness or signs of psychological upset?" The overlap in experience is likely to produce some overlap in the sense of effectiveness in self-management (Balint, 1957; Mechanic, 1972).
It would be ideal if we could generate a list of tactics to be used for
distress management by the practicing clinician. Unfortunately, we are
not yet prepared to do so. Indeed, we are only now conducting randomized trials in which we experimentally test many of the implications of
our model. Hence, what we say in this closing section must be highly
tentative. We also want to make clear that it is not our intent to propose a
grand system for distress management to replace other generalized strategies for teaching cognitive control of stress. Indeed, much of what we
have to say will undoubtedly fit models for stress-management training
such as Meichenbaum's (Meichenbaum, 1977; Meichenbaum & Novaco,
1978) three-stage model of Education, Rehearsal, and Application, or
the strategies for problem analysis proposed by D'Zurilla and Goldfried
(1971) and Mahoney and Arnkoff (1978). There is no need for us to substitute a new structure to organize the stress-management training process. Our strategy, therefore, will be to present some of the most obvious
implications of our model and let the reader organize them within the
framework of existing, programmatic approaches to stress management.
schemata, and how he can appraise whether it is doing so. In short, the
patient can learn the model and use it as a guide for organizing his
thoughts and interpreting the outcomes of his coping efforts.
An awareness of the recursive nature of adaptive processes, of the
separateness of abstract and concrete memory systems, of the parallel
nature of affective and problem-oriented self-regulation, etc., prepares
the individual for interpreting the successes and failures he will experience in the labor of learning self-regulation of distress. Awareness of
the nature of self-control and the difficulty and trial and error needed to
achieve it should be a strong inoculant against negative consequences of
failure, what Marlatt and Gordon (1980) have called Abstinence Violation
Effects. Failures in self-control can be cataclysmic if control is interpreted
as an all-or-none process.
Awareness of the Risks of Stability and Instability
Knowledge of the recursive nature of regulatory processes leads
naturally to preparation for periods of stability and instability in selfcontrol. Being aware of the feel of instability and the random and aimless
behavior accompanying it can reduce the felt pressure to recapture control and dissipate the distress it would otherwise induce. And stability
itself poses danger: Risk-taking and excitement-seeking may achieve
short-term alleviation of emotional dysphoria and boredom, but produce
more intensive long-term environmentally induced stress.
Training in the Use of Environmental Resources
Finally, stress-control training should include substantial emphasis
on identifying and making use of environmental resources. But this is
more than a matter of utilizing resources for action. It includes increased
awareness of the way the environment influences one's representation of
stressors. People may be only minimally aware of the degree to which
their adherence to acute-illness thinking is supported by an anxious and
fearful expectations of family members. Social support for inappropriate
representations of illness can lead to substantial delays in seeking care;
this is true of inappropriate expectations by practitioners as well as by
family members (Safer et ai., 1979; Salloway & Dillon, 1973).
Family members may also hold highly inappropriate criteria for
evaluating treatment progress. One somewhat unusual example appeared
in the sample of women we were studying during the time they were on
chemotherapy for breast cancer. Virtually all contact of this patient with
the medical care system included her family. The family defined the
nature of her illness and the criteria for appraising the adequacy of treatment, and played a major role in stopping chemotherapy when they
became convinced the treatment was more dangerous (and symptomatic)
than the disease. Although the suspicious, indeed paranoid, family environment proved an insurmountable barrier to treatment, it is interesting to note the patient did not fully share the paranoia. On an extraordinary occasion the interviewer chanced to see her alone and she
voiced concern about the adequacy of her family's definition of her illness and treatment. But in the absence of prior preparation for coping
with the support system and without any specific mechanisms to reinforce independent decision-making, the patient was trapped by a support
system that committed her to a speedy death despite the high probability
that treatment would have added several disease-free years to her life.
Another extremely important aspect of stress preparation would involve training patients in the art of yielding and then regaining control of
the regulation of emotions and environmental problems. There are times
during the stress of illness, and such times undoubtedly exist with other
stressors, when successful problem-solving requires yielding control to
someone else. Adequate self-regulation at the point of surgery means
yielding control to an anesthetist and a surgeon. Indeed, inability to yield
when yielding is necessary may substantially increase iatrogenic risks.
Many moderately invasive diagnostic procedures (e.g., cystoscopy and
endoscopy), can be performed in office settings without the risk of total
anesthesia or the cost and time loss of hospitalization. Excessive efforts to
self-regulated, struggling to stay awake, and excessive efforts to participate where no participation is possible may stimulate the practitioner
to make use of more drastic medical interventions. The patient needs to
know how to tum over control to the practitioner, and the practitioner
needs to know how to accept and again yield control with grace.
The model emerging from our studies of coping with stressful illness
situations has focused our attention on a host of new questions about selfregulation in stressful situations and helped us to generate new data to
clarify our thinking about these processes. As researchers, we wish to
conduct objective tests of the specific hypotheses we can generate from
the model. But we also strongly believe that much can be learned through
clinical application. Sharing the conceptual framework with patients can
provide us with an unusual opportunity to observe the use of abstract and
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Natural Healing Processes
of the Mind
Graded Stress Inoculation as an
Inherent Coping Mechanism
There are three broad systems with which humans adapt to the world
about them. These are learning, regulation of arousal, and maintenance of
an organized conceptual system. Associated with these three systems are
three kinds of behavioral disorder: Disorders arising from faulty learning;
disorders arising from excessive stimulation, as in the traumatic neurosis;
and disorders arising from threats to the integrity of an individual's conceptual system, as in acute schizophrenic reactions. A previous article
(Epstein, 1979) examined acute schizophrenic disorganization as a
natural healing process with the capacity to effect a constructive
reorganization. The present article examines a natural process that I shall
refer to as "graded stress inoculation," which facilitates the retroactive
and proactive mastery of excessive stimulation.
Seymour Epstein
Seymour Epstein
_. _.
Figure 1. Phases observed by Pavlov in a dog exposed to stress in the laboratory. The curves
were plotted from data provided on a single case by Pavlov (1927, p. 271). The
ultraparadoxical phase is not included. Phase I is the original gradient, phase II the
equivalence phase, an intermediate stage in which responses to all stimuli are equal, and
phases III and IV are paradoxical phases (from Epstein, 1967).
Seymour Epstein
everything they learned and would very likely become casualties if left to
their own devices. Fortunately, until they exhibit proficiency, their ripcords are pulled automatically by a "static line" that is attached to the aircraft. With training and experience, the disorganized and frightened
novice parachutist becomes a highly skilled, confident jumper who is
able to perform complex maneuvers in the air before his chute opens, and
who then is able to descend with remarkable accuracy to a small target on
the ground.
As a natural laboratory for the study of stress, sport-parachuting permits a degree of experimental control that is normally available only in
the laboratory. Parachutists are trained by a relatively standardized procedure, which allows the experimenter to select stimuli that have a common meaning to all parachutists but have no special significance to nonparachutists, who can be used as control subjects. The experimenter can
vary the intensity of stress by testing at different points in time from a
jump, and can arrange the rate and timing of jumping to meet the requirements of an experimental design. Order and sequence effects can be
controlled by testing some subjects first on the day of a jump and second
on a control day, and reversing the order for others. The effects of practice and mastery can readily be investigated by comparing parachutists
with different amounts of experience and by testing the same
parachutists longitudinally as they acquire experience. In all these
respects, sport-parachuting has advantages over other real-life stressful
situations that have been studied, such as natural disasters, warfare,
surgery, criminal interrogation, and academic examinations. Professor
Walter Fenz and I have conducted an extensive series of studies of sportparachuting for the purpose of investigating fear and its mastery. For our
present purposes, only those findings will be considered that have special
significance for the concept of graded stress inoculation
Not surprisingly, novice parachutists, when presented with a wordassociation test that contained words that varied according to their
relevance to parachuting, produced gradients of increasing GSR reactivity as a function of the stimulus dimension. They produced their smallest
reactions to neutral words, larger reactions to words that were moderately related to parachuting, and their largest reactions to words that were
strongly related to parachuting. The gradients of novice jumpers were invariably steeper when testing was done shortly before a jump than when
it was done on a control day. The situation was quite different for experienced jumpers. When experienced parachutists were tested on a control day, they produced monotonic gradients that were similar to the gradients of the novice parachutists. However, when experienced
parachutists were tested shortly before a jump, they invariably produced
B. J. :: Before Jump
A. J. : After Jump
Vl 3.
Before Jump
A. J. : After Jump
~ 2.0
~ 60
"'--"C~~OUP 4. B.J.
4, A.J.
I, A.J.
"-5th Jump
,_19th Jump
g; 1.0
Figure 3. Mean magnitude of the GSRs of a single parachutist tested longitudinally with a
inverted V-shaped curves. That is, they reacted most strongly to words at
an intermediate level of relevance to parachuting, so that the curves
resembled the responses of Pavlov's dogs in the paradoxical phase. With
increasing experience, the peaks of the curves became increasingly
displaced toward the low relevant end of the dimension. The pheno-
Seymour Epstein
----- --
.. ..........
c'" .....
."0 ..
>"0 ..
.. c
., '"
.. u
CD ..
";; ::J
1) 14
Figure 4. Self-ratings of fear of novice and experienced parachutists as a function of the
sequence of events leading up to and following a jump (from Frenz & Epstein, 1967).
- - - 50
::I: 40
,: I'\
,: 1\,
, I'
I- 25
Z 20
.,./ l5
... .,
...c: ...
< ....
... 8
Figure 5, Tonic skin conductance as a function of events leading up to and following a jump
for novice and experienced parachutists (from Fenz & Epstein, 1967),
Seymour Epstein
directed to the entire range of relevant cues along both cue and time
dimension. The same process of gradually expanding awareness through
successive displacement has been reported by Bond (1952) in wartime
For practical purposes danger is never treated as an entity, but is divided into
segments and each studied individually. Every dangerous event, as it comes
up, is broken off and isolated to become the subject of ruination and repetitive
conversation. Every possibility is explored, every potential outcome considered, and all defensive action carefully rehearsed. Once mastered, the
event drops into the preconscious, and attention is then turned to a new one.
How is the development of the inverted V-shaped curve and its successive displacement in parachutists to be explained? I have previously
(Epstein, 1967) proposed a two-factor theory of anxiety that assumes
that, with experience in effectively coping with a source of threat, two
developments take place. An increasing gradient of anxiety and an increasing gradient of inhibition of anxiety develop, with the inhibitory
gradient gradually becoming higher and steeper than the anxiety gradient, thereby reducing the higher more than the lower levels of anxiety.
The effect is to produce inverted V-shaped curves of anxiety, the peaks of
which are increasingly reduced and displaced to more distant points
along time and cue dimentions. (For a more detailed description of this
process, see Epstein, 1967.) The nature of the inhibitory process will be
discussed in greater detail later.
Control of Anxiety through Graded Stress Inoculation
I believe there is a general principle of graded stress inoculation that
is exhibited in a variety of forms in the mastery of stress in everyday life.
The principle is applicable to both proactive and retroactive mastery of
stress and to reactions at various levels of organization, from the reflexive reactions exhibited by Pavlov's dogs to the more complex, cognitively mediated responses exhibited by sport-parachutists. According to the
principle, stress is retroactively mastered through repetition of a stressful
event in memory or in reality, initially at highly displaced or weak levels
of intensity and gradually at less displaced or stronger levels of intensity.
In the retroactive mastery of stress, the process permits recovery from, or
prevention of, chronic pathology. In the proactive mastery of stress, the
process works in the opposite direction, proceeding from the most to the
least salient cues. Instead of reducing the anxiety-eliciting cues that are
Seymour Epstein
attended to, as in the retroactive mastery of stress, the range of cues is increased. At the same time, level of reactivity is kept within adaptive limits
so that anxiety serves as an effective early warning system without
reaching disruptive levels. Both processes involve careful pacing of the
amount of arousal with which the individual must cope at any moment.
Mastery proceeds to less salient stimulation only after it has been accomplished to more salient stimuli.
If there is a natural process of graded stress inoculation for coping
with stress in everyday life, the question remains as to why the process
does not always operate effectively. It was noted in the discussion of the
traumatic neurosis that other factors may interfere. In the traumatic
neurosis, repetition occurs in memory at levels too intense for habituation to take place. Given the overwhelming threat that instigates a
traumatic neurosis, it is not surprising that there is a prolonged period of
intense anxiety that does not readily habituate. This provides the individual with a strong incentive to take whatever steps are necessary to
avoid reexposure to the same or similar sources of threat, these steps obviously being adaptive under many circumstances. It follows that one of
the conditions that should maintain the disorder and prevent the stressful
experience from being assimilated through the natural process of graded
stress inoculation is concern over the reoccurrence of the trauma. It is of
interest, in this respect, to consider that Freud noted that if a soldier is
seriously wounded in combat, he is less likely to suffer from a traumatic
neurosis than if he is not. He attributed the protection afforded by the
physical injury to a diversion of cathexis from the traumatic event to the
wound. A more plausible explanation is that the wound provides insurance against being sent back into combat and therefore reduces the
need to retain a state of hyperalertness with respect to the reoccurrence
of the traumatic event. A second reason for a traumatic neurosis being retained is that it acquires secondary gain by insuring the continuation of a
pension or having dependency needs satisfied. A third reason is the
development of an all-or-none defense system.
In the traumatic neurosis, there is a failure of the natural process of
graded stress inoculation because the trauma is repeated in memory at excessive levels of intensity. This represents one arm of a maladaptive allor-none defense system, in which the individual must either completely
block out awareness of a stressful event or experience it in overwhelming
intensity. In his classic study of grief, Lindemann (1944) described the
reactions of people who did and did not recover following severe loss. In
the former cases he noted that a working-through process took place in
which the individual first grieved in response to displaced cues or
reminders of the deceased and gradually reacted to less displaced and
stronger reminders. In the cases in which recovery did not take place,
there was a general avoidance of all reminders of the loss and a consequent absence of grieving.
An all-or-none defense system is the antithesis of an adaptive defense
system, one in which stress is coped with in small doses. The difference
between adaptive and maladaptive defenses was well illustrated in the
studies of parachuting. Novice parachutists were often observed to exhibit extreme defenses characterized by perceptual denial. For example,
novices tended to misperceive anxiety-related words in a wordassociation test, although the words were loudly and clearly presented by
a tape recorder (Epstein & Fenz, 1962). One parachutist was so avoidant
of perceiving his own fearfulness that he reported being amazed at how
calm he was, until he looked down and saw his knees knocking together.
Despite the extremity of such defenses, they are gradually relinquished as
mastery progresses. The defenses apparently serve to pace the experience
of anxiety. Novice parachutists can cope with only so much anxiety, and
it is adaptive for them to avoid awareness of additional sources of anxiety. In this respect, it is particularly instructive to consider a few novice
parachutists who exhibited all-or-none defenses. These parachutists
were remarkably calm before their first jump, to the point that they were
envied by their more frightened comrades. When the jump became imminent, however, they experienced anxiety attacks and were unable to
jump, after which they decided to give up jumping forever. Such examples suggest that adaptive defenses are temporary defenses used to
pace the experience of stress so that individuals are not exposed to
greater anxiety than they can cope with at anyone time. These defenses
are gradually relinquished as ability to cope with the threatening events
increases. It is through this means that defenses facilitate the development of mastery of stressful events. Maladaptive defenses, on the other
hand, are all-or-none defenses that result in broad and sustained
avoidance reactions to anxiety-producing cues,preventing mastery from
occurring. Should the defense fail because of unavoidable stimulation, the
defense system collapses and the individual is exposed to overwhelming
levels of anxiety.
The observation that there is a natural process for the retroactive
mastery of stress has obvious implications for psychotherapy. It suggests
that stress inoculation in the form of graded exposure to increasing increments of stress should be a widely applicable procedure.
Seymour Epstein
Wolpe's (1958) systematic desensitization therapy provides an excellent example of the principle of graded stress inoculation. Systematic
desensitization utilizes a hierarchy of anxiety responses in conjunction
with a response incompatible with anxiety, such as eating, sex, or, the
one most frequently employed, relaxation. In systematic desensitization
in which relaxation is the presumed inhibitor, the patient is usually given
training in muscle relaxation. A hierarchy of anxiety-evoking stimuli is
established. The anxiety is progressively eliminated by having the patient
practice the relaxation response while imagining first the weakest
anxiety-eliciting stimulus and gradually progressing to stronger anxietyeliciting stimuli. When patients demonstrate that they can relax while
vividly imagining one level of anxiety, they are advanced to the next
level, and so on until the most threatening stimulus in the hierarchy can
be imagined without anxiety. The technique has been employed with
hierarchies of both real and imagined events. It is evident that the procedure is a remarkably close analog to the one I have described as a
natural process for the mastery of stress. Wolpe's theory of why the
therapy works, however, is considerably different from the one I
presented for the natural mastery of stress. According to Wolpe,
"reciprocal inhibition" accounts for the therapeutic effect of systematic
desensitization. Reciprocal inhibition refers to an inhibitory effect that a
response such as relaxation, sex, or eating is presumed to have on a
Seymour Epstein
Seymour Epstein
cues. The curve on the left describes a situation in which there are few inner mediating
responses and the one on the right describes a situation in which there are many inner
mediating responses.
small, and the other a considerable degree of internal mediation. The first
curve represents the impulses of an individual whose behavior is closely
tied to external cues and who is therefore apt to react to a mild insult with
immediate rage. The second curve represents the impulses of an individual whose emotional responses are mediated by a long sequence of inner responses, as in the above anecdote. It is obvious that the latter case
presents considerable opportunity for control, since once the individual
learns to recognize the inner responses that mediate the impulse, he or
she can stop the process anywhere in its development. In the former case,
because the development of the impulse is contingent on external cues, it
is still possible to intercede in the development of the impulse, as will
shortly be illustrated in the training of a dog, but it is more difficult than in
the latter case.
Some time ago, the author moved to a new town. His dog, a large
German shepherd who was used to roaming the countryside, decided to
establish territorial rights over the whole town. Invariably, when taken
for a walk, he would fight with other dogs. It happened in the following
manner. While walking at heel, the dog would see another dog approaching at a distance. Without barking or giving any other signal, he
would bolt for the other dog, paying no attention to the author's commands. Under other circumstances, the dog was obedient. Through trial
and error, the author learned that if he observed the other dog first, he
could abort the runaway reaction by saying "no" firmly whenever he
detected an incipient approach response. By following this procedure he
was able to lead his dog past other dogs without incident. Interestingly,
the dog remained calm throughout the encounters. Apparently, the impulse that could not be inhibited when it was full-blown could easily be
inhibited when it was but an incipient tendency.
An illustration of control of an emotion through the inhibition of
verbally-mediated responses is provided by a woman in psychotherapy.
The patient would burst into tears at the slightest sign of what she interpreted as criticism, which effectively prevented therapy from progressing. Interpretation of the defensive aspect of the reaction was impossible, because it too brought on a flood of tears. Once the weeping occurred, it lasted for the duration of the session. The impasse was broken
by the following procedure. The therapist suggested that both he and the
patient attempt to identify the incipient cues that elicited the weeping
response, and that, when they occurred, the patient should attempt to inhibit the inner response that mediated the weeping. For a while, the
therapist would report whenever he was about to say something that he
thought might be interpreted as critical, and he would ask the patient to
carefully observe her reactions. At times, she would burst into laughter
when she caught herself about to react to the most innocuous statement
with the sequence of inner verbal responses that instigated the weeping.
With practice, she became increasingly adept at recognizing the cues that
initiated the weeping response, and once she recognized them, she found
she could easily inhibit them. Before long, the weeping disappeared completely. As a by-product, the patient derived additional benefit in the
form of learning about the part she played in producing her emotions and
in acquiring a technique for controlling impulses, which had been a problemforher.
The view that there is a natural healing process for coping with stress
may seem to imply that the process is biologically determined and, therefore, that cognition can play no role in it. This need not be the case. A
biological basis need involve no more than making it highly unlikely that a
Seymour Epstein
have gotten into this" and' 'What if my main chute and my reserve chute
both fail to open?" The experienced parachutist is more apt to think of
constructive possibilities for action, such as how to deploy the reserve
chute in the event that the main chute fails to open.
It was observed that one of the main obstacles that novice parachutists had to overcome was fear. Attempts at control by novices were
relatively crude, often involving perceptual denial. Experienced parachutists controlled their fear in more subtle and adaptive ways. Thus, the
cognitive control of anxiety that the novice achieved with crude procedures the experienced parachutist achieved with more adaptive, finetuned, procedures. That active inhibition and not a simple dissipation of
anxiety was involved in the control of anxiety by the experienced parachutists was supported by the following observations: (1) the development, with experience, of an inverted V-shaped curve of anxiety, rather
than a simple decrease in the slope of the initial monotonic gradient; (2)
the increasing displacement of the peak of the inverted V-shaped curve as
a function of experience; (3) an after-discharge of anxiety following a
jump, exhibited only by experienced parachutists; (4) the breakthrough
of anxiety when there was reduced opportunity for cognitive control, as
in the case of the experienced parachutist who fell asleep during ascent of
the aircraft.
In summary, the mastery of anxiety in experienced parachutists appears to be mediated, in part, by selective attention and inattention to
cues of threat and by the production of inner responses that facilitate coping with threat and the simultaneous avoidance of unconstructive
anxiety-producing thoughts. It is through such cognitive processes that
anxiety is paced and attention is directed to new sources of realistic threat
as old sources of threat are mastered. A similar process of selective attention and inner verbal responding very likely occurs in the retroactive
mastery of stress. The assumption that the process is cognitive is not
meant to imply that it is conscious. Much of the process is assumed to occur at a preconscious level of awareness, which is not to suggest that the
process cannot be facilitated by making it conscious and by providing
specific training in redirecting attention and in replacing maladaptive
with constructive inner verbal responses.
The basic difference between normal and neurotic anxiety is that the
latter is based on unrealistic appraisals of threat. This raises the question
of why neurotic anxiety is not extinguished in the course of everyday liv-
Seymour Epstein
It has come to my attention that Bandura (1969) some time ago came to a similar conclusion. He has more recently abandoned this position for one in which he emphasizes a
client's beliefin "self-efficacy" as the basic condition of therapy (Bandura, 1977). I believe
that abandonment of the first position was premature and that it occurred because of a
failure to appreciate what is entailed in therapeutically experiencing a stimulus, namely
that it must be fully experienced, engaged, or attended to in a manner that permits it to be
perceived for what it is and not for what it is feared to be. This is a far cry from simply having the stimulus present in the absence of reinforcement.
Seymour Epstein
provides far more convincing evidence to the individual that the snake is,
in fact, harmless, than if the model were simply to say so. Thus, a convincing demonstration is provided that contributes to the invalidation of
the hypothesis that all snakes are dangerous and that awful things would
happen if one ever got close to one, let alone picked it up. While observing someone else does not provide as emotionally convincing an experience as picking up the snake onself, it paves the way for the latter action by reducing an individual's fear and indicating how to proceed safely. As a result, it emboldens the individual to discard defenses and approach the snake, something that the individual would not otherwise do.
lt is the direct experience of handling the snake in the absence of the
materialization of what is feared that ultimately contributes most to invalidating the fear-producing hypothesis. Thus, as with systematic
desensitization and flooding, an initial fear-producing hypothesis is
invalidated by an experience in which defenses are relinquished, a fearful
stimulus is fully confronted, and the individual, as a result, has an emotionally convincing experience that invalidates a fear-inducing
The view that overcoming an irrational fear simply involves a change
in cognition as the result of appropriate conditions for reassessment may
seem little more than common sense dressed up in cognitive metaphors.
Such a criticism should be weighed against the consideration that psychologists too often seek explanations that have a pseudoscientific aura
about them rather than seeking the simplest ones. There is, accordingly, a
proliferation of scientific jargon, a selection of metaphors that imply relationships with biology and physics, and a tendency to treat human beings
as lower-order animals or mechanical devices rather than as motivated
people who retain at least some responsibility for their emotionally
significant experiences. Furthermore, the explanation that was offered
does go beyond "common sense," because it stresses the importance of
subconscious, irrational cognitions that cannot be invalidated by simply
supplying intellectual information but require corrective emotional experiences along prescribed lines. If the argument is correct, it suggests
that present procedures often carry ritualistic overloads, and it invites experimentation on how to devise appropriate techniques for applying the
proposed principle in various circum.stances.
As an illustration of how the pri!1ciple of graded stress inoculation
can be incorporated into different approaches in psychotherapy, let us
consider the following example in an approach that emphasizes cognitive
processes. Such an approach woul~ be expected to be more effective than
standard systematic desensitization, when the anxiety reaction is mediated by implicit cognitions, which I believe it usually is, and less effective
than systematic desensitization when the anxiety is the result of accidental conditioning, which Wolpe believes it always is. The therapist explains to the client the principle of graded stress inoculation and how it
can facilitate the mastery of anxiety. Examples are given of the natural
process of mastery of stress, and it is noted that the same principle will be
applied in therapy. It is further explained that one never reacts to a
stimulus per se but to one's interpretation of the stimulus, which may occur either in the form of inner verbal statements or as implicit, unverbalized beliefs. It is noted that therapy requires fully experiencing the
stimulus for what it is rather than for what it is feared to be, and that to accomplish this it is important to attend to the stimulus very carefully or, if
it is presented in imagination, to visualize it very clearly. It is emphasized
that a change in intellectual thought by itself is not enough. Rather, it is
necessary to fully experience the stimulus without defenses, which
means suspending inner verbalizations and beliefs that have biased
perception of the stimulus in the past. As an aid in accomplishing such
perception without defensiveness, clients are told they will be exposed to
a hierarchy of increasingly fear-related stimuli, along which they can progress at their own rate. No training in relaxation is provided unless clients
are anxious to the extent that they cannot comply with the procedure. A
stimulus hierarchy is constructed in the usual manner. The stimulus at the
low end of the hierarchy is presented, and the client is encouraged to fully
experience it, that is, to imagine or perceive the stimulus as vividly and attentively as possible and to describe his or her reactions, which will, in all
likelihood, evoke a mild, manageable degree of anxiety. The client is told
to experience the anxiety without resisting it or in any way attempting to
defend against it. It is explained that attempts to avoid the anxiety in the
past have succeeded only in maintaining it. The client is further urged to
describe his or her thoughts and imagery, particularly how the perception
or imagination of the stimulus is cognitively embellished so that it is
experienced as something more than what it simply is. Through this process, it should become apparent to the client that it is the irrational construal of the stimulus and not the stimulus itself that is responsible for the
anxiety. Thus, the problem for the client shifts from having to control the
anxiety, which initially appeared to arise automatically from the
stimulus, to fully experiencing the stimulus in a way that allows it to be
objectively assessed. Once this is accomplished through practice and
with the aid of the therapist as necessary, the same procedure is applied to
the next stimulus on the hierarchy, and so on, until mastery of anxiety is
achieved over the entire hierarchy. Nor does therapy have to end here. A
valuable learning experience can be provided by discussing the implications of the symptom, the nature of the thought and beha'.lor that have
Seymour Epstein
maintained it, and the general features of the procedure that was used to
eliminate it. Once it is recognized that, rather than being a passive victim
of accidental conditioning, a person through his or her interpretations
and verbal responses plays an active role in acquiring and maintaining
symptoms, such knowledge can be of considerable value in coping with
other problems.
simple principle can account for the successful results of manifestly very
different therapies, including systematic desensitization, flooding, and
modeling. All of these therapies provide conditions in which a client
perceives an irrationally feared stimulus under circumstances in which
defenses are relinquished because of low anxiety or are prevented from
occurring because the client is forced to confront the stimulus without
having an opportunity to employ customary defenses. As a result, the
fear-inducing hypothesis that had never been adequately tested before is
invalidated by an emotionally convincing experience.
Arnold, M. B. Emotions and personality (2 vols.). New York: Columbia University Press,
Averill, }. R. Emotion and anxiety: Sociocultural, biological, and psychological determinants. In M. Zuckerman & C. D. Spielberger (Eds.), Emotion and anxiety: New concepts, methods and applications. New York: Wiley, 1976.
Bandura, A. Principles of behavior modification. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
Bandura, A. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological
Review, 1977,84, 191-215.
Bandura, A. , Jeffrey, R. W., & Wright, C. L. Efficacy of participant modeling as a function of
response induction aids. Journal ofAbnormal Psychology, 1974, 83,56-64.
Beck, A. T. Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. New York: International
Universities Press, 1976.
Bond, D. D. The love and fear offlying. New York: International Universities Press, 1952.
Ellis, A. Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1962.
Epstein, S. The measurement of drive and conflict in humans: Theory and experiment. In
M. R. Jones (Ed.), Nebraskas Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1962.
Epstein, S. Toward a unified theory of anxiety. In B. A. Maher (Ed.), Progress in experimental personality research (Vol. 4). New York: Academic Press, 1967.
Epstein, S. The nature of anxiety with emphasis upon its relationship to expectancy. In C. D.
Spielberger (Ed.), Anxiety, current trends in theory and research (Vol. 2). New York:
Academic Press, 1972.
Epstein, S. The self-concept revisited, or a theory of a theory. American Psychologist, 1973,
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Epstein, S. Anxiety, arousal, and the self-concept. In I. G. Sarason & C. D. Spielberger (Eds.),
Stress and anxiety (Vol. 3 ).Washington, D. C.: Hetnisphere Publishing Corporation,
Epstein, S. Natural healing processes of the mind: I. Acute schizophrenic disorganization.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 1979, 5, 313-321.
Epstein, S. The self-concept: A review and the proposal of an integrated theory of personality. In E. Staub (Ed.), Personality: Basic issues and current research. Englewood
Cliffs, N.}.: Prentice-Hall, 1980.
Epstein, S., & Fenz, W. D. Theory and experiment on the measurement of approach-avoidance conflict. Journal ofAbnormal and Social Psychology, 1962,64, 97-112.
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Epstein, S., & Fenz, W. D. Steepness of approach and avoidance gradients in humans as a
function of experience.Journal of Experimental Psycbology, 1965, 70, 1-12.
Fenz, W. D., & Epstein, S. Gradients of psychological arousal of experienced and novice
parachutists as a function of an approaching jump. Psycbosomatic Medicine, 1967, 29,
Fenz, W. D., & Jones, G. B. The effect of uncertainty on mastery of stress: A case study.
Psycbopbysiology, 1972,9, 615-619.
Fenz, W. D., Kluck, B. L., & Bankart, C. P. The effect of threat and uncertainty on mastery of
stress.journal ofExperimental Psychology, 1969, 79, 473-479.
Freud, S. Beyond tbe pleasure principle. New York: Bantam, 1959. (First German edition,
Lazarus, R. S. Psychological stress and tbe coping process. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.
Lecky, P. Self-consistency: A tbeory ofpersonality. Hamden, Conn.: The Shoe String Press,
Lindemann, E. Symptomatology and management of acute grief. American Journal of
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McReynolds, P. A restricted conceptualization of human anxiety and motivation.
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McReynolds, P. Anxiety, perception, and schizophrenia. In D. Jackson (Ed.), Tbe etiology of
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Meichenbaum, D. Cognitive bebavior modification. New York: Plenum Press, 1977.
Meichenbaum, D., & Novaco, R. W. Stress inoculation: A preventive approach. In C.
Spielberger & I. Sarason (Eds.), Stress and Anxiety (Vol. 5). New York: Wiley, 1975.
Novaco, R. W. Stress inoculation: A cognitive therapy for anger and its application to a case
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Pavlov, I. P. Conditioned reflexes (G. V. Anrep, trans.).London: Oxford University Press,
Rachman, S. J. Fear and courage. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1978.
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Stampfl, T. "Implosive therapy." In D. Levis (Ed.), Learning approacbes to tberapeutic
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Wolpe, J. Psycbotberapy by reciprocal inbibition. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University
Press, 1958.
Stress Inoculation in Health Care
Theory and Research
Stress inoculation involves giving people realistic warnings, reommendations, and reassurances to prepare them to cope with impending dangers
or losses. At present, stress inoculation procedures range in intensiveness
from a single lO-minute preparatory communication to an elaborate
training program with graded exposure to danger stimuli accompanied
by guided practice in coping skills, which might require 15 hours or more
of training. Any preparatory communication is said to function as stress
inoculation if it enables a person to increase his or her tolerance for subsequent threatening events, as manifested by behavior that is relatively efficient and stable rather than disorganized by anxiety or inappropriate as a
result of denial of real dangers. Preparatory communications and related
training procedures can be administered before or shortly after a person
makes a commitment to carry out a stressful decision, such as undergoing
surgery or a painful series of medical treatments. When successful, the
process is called stress inoculation because it may be analogous to what
happens when people are inoculated to produce antibodies that will prevent a disease.
IRVING L. JANIS Departtnent of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
06525. Preparation of this chapter was supported in part by Grant No. IROI MH32995-0I
from the National Institute of Mental Health.
Irving L. Janis
To some extent, the minor deviant findings may be attributed to the imperfect reliability of the measures of self-confidence and of fear in combat. Further, as Rachman suggests, they may result from the relatively low
correlations among subjective fear, physiological disturbances, and
avoidance behavior that makes for inadequate performance. Rachman
cites evidence that' 'the physiological aspects of fear are most susceptible
to habituation training" and predicts, therefore, "that this component
will decline as combat experience increases, provided the soldier succeeds in avoiding traumatic exposures" (Rachman, 1978, pp. 64-65).
Although at the time we knew very little about how habituation or related
stress inoculation processes work, the data from studies of combat
soldiers during World War II clearly highlighted the value of preparatory
training experiences for improving men's coping responses when they
subsequently encounter danger.
A few years after the end of that war, when reviewing the studies
bearing on fear reactions of civilians exposed to air war during World
War II, I again encountered indications that realistic warnings and
gradual exposure to stress stimuli might have positive effects as
"psychological preparation for withstanding the emotional impact of increasingly severe air attacks" Oanis, 1951, p. 155). I was especially impressed by Matte's (1943) observations of Londoners standing for long
periods of time silently and solemnly contemplating the bombing
damage. These observations, together with his clinical interviews, led
him to infer that the Londoners were "working-through" the current airraid experience in a way that prepared them psychologically for subsequent ones. He surmised that their gradual realization of the possibility of
being injured or killed minimized the potentially traumatic effects of a
sudden confrontation with air-raid dangers and at the same time
heightened their self-confidence about being able to "take it." Rachman's
(1978) review of the evidence from wartime research emphasizes the
unexpectedly high level of stress tolerance displayed by heavily bombed
people in England, Germany, and]apan during World War II. He points
Irving L. Janis
out that "some of the strongest evidence pointing to the tendency offears
to habituate with repeated [nontraumatic] exposure~ to the fearprovoking situation, comes from these [World War II] observations of
people exposed to air raids" (p. 39).
The value of psychological preparation was also implied by impressionistic observations of how people reacted to social stresses during
World War II. Romalis (1942), for example, reported clinical observations suggesting that the American women who became most upset when
their husbands or sons were drafted into the Army tended to be those
who had denied the threat of being separated. These women, according
to Romalis, were psychologically unprepared because they had maintained overoptimistic beliefs that their husbands or sons would somehow be
exempt from the draft. When the threat of being separated actually
materialized, they reacted with much more surprise, resentment, and
anxiety than those women who had developed realistic expectations.
While studying stress reactions in a series of case studies of surgical
patients during the early 1950s, I observed numerous indications that
preparatory information could affect stress tolerance. My first series of
case studies on the surgical wards led me to surmise that the earlier observations on psychological preparation of people exposed to military combat and air-war disasters might have broad applicability to all sorts of personal disasters, including surgery and painful medical treatments. I was
able to check on this idea by obtaining survey data from 77 men who had
recently undergone major surgical operations Oanis, 1958, pp. 352-394).
The results indicated that those surgical patients who had received information beforehand about what to expect were less likely than those given
little information to overreact to setbacks during the postoperative
period. Although no dependable conclusions about the casual sequence
could be drawn from these correlational results, they led to subsequent
experiments on the effects of giving patients various kinds of preparatory
information intended to increase their tolerance for the stresses of
Supporting evidence for the effectiveness of anticipatory preparation for stress-information about what to expect combined with various
coping suggestions-has come from a variety of controlled field experiments with adult surgical patients (e.g., DeLong, 1971; Egbert, Battit,
Welch, & Bartlett, 1964;]ohnson, 1966;]ohnson, Rice, Fuller, & Endress,
1977; Schmidt, 1966; Schmitt & Wooldridge, 1973; Vernon & Bigelow,
1974). Similarly, positive results on the value of giving psychological
preparation have also been reported in studies of childbirth (e.g., Breen,
1975; Dick-Read, 1959; Lemaze, 1958; Levy & McGee, 1975) and noxious
medical procedures (e.g., Johnson & Leventhal, 1974).
The research with surgical patients indicates that preparatory information can inoculate people to withstand the disruptive emotional and
physical impact of the severe stresses of surgery. Like people traumatized
by an overwhelming wartime disaster, those who are not inoculated experience acute feelings of helplessness and react with symptoms of acute
fright, aggrievement, rage, or depression. In this respect, the natural
tendency of ill people to deny impending threats during the preoperative
period is likely to be pathogenic.
A number of interrelated cognitive and motivational processes that
may mediate the effects of stress inoculation are suggested by case studies
of how hospitalized men and women react to severe setbacks after having
decided to accept their physician's recommendation to have an operation Oanis, 1958, pp. 352-394; 1971, pp. 95-102). Most of the case studies
deal with surgical patients who for one reason or another were not
psychologically prepared. These patients were so overwhelmed by the
usual pains, discomforts, and deprivations of the postoperative convalescent period that they manifestly regretted their decision and on some occasions actually refused to permit the hospital staff to administer routine
postoperative treatments. Before the disturbing setbacks occurred, these
patients typically received relatively little preparatory information and
retained an unrealistic conception of how nicely everything was going to
work out, which functioned as a blanket immunity type of reassurance,
enabling them for a time to set their worries aside. They sincerely believed that they would not have bad pains or undergo any other disagreeable
experiences. But then, when they unexpectedly experienced incision
pains and suffered from all sorts of other unpleasant deprivations that are
characteristic of postoperative convalescence, their blanket immunity
reassurance was undermined. They thought something had gone horribly
wrong. They could neither reassure themselves nor accept truthful reassurance from physicians and nurses.
Taking account of the surgery findings and the earlier research from
World War II, I suggested that it should be possible to prevent traumatic
reactions and to help people cope more effectively with any type of anticipated stress by giving them beforehand some form of "emotional inoculation," as I then called it (Janis, 1951, pp. 220-221; 1958, p. 323).
(Subsequently, Donald Meichenbaum [1977] called it "stress inoculation, " which I now think is a better term.) For people who initially ignore
or deny the danger, the inoculation procedure, as I have described it
Oanis, 1971, pp. 196-197), includes three counseling procedures:
(1) giving "realistic information in a way that challenges the person's
blanket immunity reassurances so as to make him aware of his vulner-
Irving L. Janis
ability" and to motivate him "to plan preparatory actions for dealing
with the subsequent crisis"; (2) counteracting "feelings of helplessness,
hopelessness, and demoralization" by calling attention to reassuring facts
about personal and social coping resources that enable the person' 'to feel
reasonably confident about surviving and ultimately recovering from the
impending ordeal"; and (3) encouraging' 'the person to work out his own
ways of reassuring himself and his own plans for protecting himself."
The third procedure is important because in a crisis many people become
passive and overly dependent on family, friends, and authority figures,
such as physicians; they need to build up cognitive defenses involving
some degree of self-reliance instead of relying exclUSively on others to
protect them from suffering and loss. The first two counseling procedures require careful dosage of both distressing and calming information about what is likely to happen in order to strike' 'a balance between
arousal of anticipatory fear or grief on the one hand and authoritative
reassurance on the other" Oanis, 1971, p. 196). For persons whose initial
level of fear is high, however, only the second and third procedures
would be used.
In my theoretical analysis of the psychological effects of preparatory
information, I introduced the concept of' 'the work of worrying' , to refer
to the process of mentally rehearsing anticipated losses and developing
reassuring cognitions that can at least partially alleviate fear or other intense emotions when a crisis is subsequently encountered Oanis, 1958,
pp. 374-378). The "work of worrying" is assumed to be stimulated by
preparatory information concerning any impending threat to one's
physical, material, social, or moral well-being. For example, it may playa
crucial role among men and women exposed to the physical and social
stresses of tornadoes, floods, and other natural disasters. Wolfenstein
(1957) reports having the impression from her review of disaster studies
that the people who seemed to cope best and to recover most quickly
were those who received unambiguous warnings beforehand and who
decided to take precautionary action on the assumption that they could
be affected personally. She suggests that among people who deny that any
protective measures are necessary up to the last moment, "the lack of
emotional preparation, the sudden shattering of the fantasy of complete
immunity, the sense of compunction for failing to respond to warnings
contribute to the disruptive effect of an extreme event" (1957, p. 29).
Essentially the same adaptive cognitive and emotional changes that
were discerned following stress inoculation in surgical patients have been
noted in many case studies and in a few field experiments that focus on
people who have encountered setbacks and losses when carrying out
other decisions, including typical problems arising after choosing a
career, taking legal action to obtain a divorce, and making policy decisions on behalf of an organization (Janis & Mann, 1977). Stress inoculation is also pertinent to the problems of backsliding recidivism, which
plagues those health-care practitioners who try to help their clients to improve their eating habits, stop smoking, cut down on alcohol consumption, or change their behavior in other ways that will promote physical or
mental health (see Janis & Rodin, 1979). Similarly, preparatory communications given prior to relocation of elderly patients to a new nursing
home or to a hospital have been found to be effective in reducing protests
and debilitation (Schulz & Hanusa, 1978).
Recently stress inoculation has begun to be used in schools to
prevent teenaged children from becoming cigarette smokers. A controlled field experiment with seventh graders showed that significantly
fewer teenagers became smokers by the end of the school year if they
were exposed to an experimental program of stress inoculation designed
to counteract the overt and subtle social pressures, such as dares from
friends, that frequently induce smoking (McAlister, Perry, & Maccoby,
1979). The stress inoculation procedures, which were given after the
students committed themselves to the decision to be nonsmokers, included role-playing skits to represent the various social inducements to
smoke, specific suggestions about how to handle difficult situations
when confronted with peer-group pressures, and rehearsals of appropriate cognitive responses of commitment to resist the pressures.
All of the various studies just cited on postdecisional crises support
the same general conclusion that emerged from the earlier surgery
studies, namely, that many people will display higher stress tolerance in
response to losses and setbacks when they attempt to carry out a chosen
course of action if they have been given realistic warnings in advance
about what to expect, together with cogent reassurances that promote
confidence about attaining a basically satisfactory outcome despite those
losses and setbacks.
During the past decade, stress inoculation has been extensively used
by clinical practitioners who have developed what they call a "cognitivebehavioral modification" form of therapy (see Goldfried, Decenteco, &
Weinberg, 1974; Meichenbaum, 1977; Meichenbaum & Turk, 1976,
1982b). In the earlier work I have just reviewed, stress inoculation was
Irving L. Janis
Irving L. Janis
Irving L.janis
ponents of the stress inoculation treatments that have already been found
to be at least partially successful in past research and to determine the
conditions under which each component has a positive effect on stress
tolerance. This new phase of analytic research on components includes
investigating several factors simultaneously in an analysis of variance
design so that interaction effects can be determined, which help to
specify in what circumstances and for which types of persons certain of
the components of stress inoculation are effective. In my opinion, this is
where stress inoculation research should have started to go a long time
ago; fortunately, this is the direction it is now actually taking.
From prior studies, we have already obtained important clues about
what could prove to be the crucial components. The variables that appear
to be leading candidates are discussed in the sections that follow.
According to a number of laboratory investigations, a person's
degree of behavioral control is increased by reducing uncertainty about
the nature and timing of threatening events (Averill, 1973; Ball & Vogler,
1971; Pervin, 1963; Seligman, 1975; Weiss, 1970). Several experiments
indicate that people are less likely to display strong emotional reactions
or extreme changes in attitude when confronted with an unpleasant
event if they were previously exposed to a preparatory communication
that accurately predicted the disagreeable experience (Epstein & Clarke,
1970; Janis, Lumsdaine, & Gladstone, 1951; Lazarus & Alfert, 1964; Staub
& Kellett, 1972). These experiments show that advance warnings and accurate predictions can have an emotional dampening effect on the impact
of subsequent confrontations with the predicted adverse events. Predictability may therefore be a crucial component in increasing stress
tolerance. This hypothesis implies that when a person is given realistic
preparatory information about the unpleasant consequences of a decision, he or she will be more likely to adhere to the chosen course of action despite setbacks and losses.
Although the hypothesis has not been systematically investigated
with relation to postdecisional behavior, it appears to be plausible in light
of a field experiment by Johnson, Morrisey, and Leventhal (1973) on psychological preparation of patients who had agreed to undergo a distressful gastrointestinal endoscopic examination that requires swallowing a
stomach tube. In this study one of the preparatory communications was
devoted mainly to predicting the perceptual aspects of the unpleasant
procedures-what the patient could expect to feel, see, hear, and taste.
Photographs of the examining room and the apparatus were also pre-
sented. Effectiveness was assessed by measuring the amount of medication required to sedate the patients when the distressing endoscopic procedure was given, which is an indicator of stress tolerance. The preparatory communication that predicted the unpleasant perceptual experiences proved to be highly effective, significantly more so than a control
communication that described the procedures without giving any
perceptual information. The effectiveness of the preparatory communication with the perceptual information cannot, however, be ascribed
unequivocally to the increased predictablity of the unpleasant events,
because here and there it also contained reassuring information about the
skill of the health-care practitioners and various explanations, which may
have involved another variable (discussed in the next section below).
If future research verifies the hypothesis that predictability is a variable crucial to increasing stress tolerance, a subsidiary variable to be considered will be the vividness of the perceptual information that is presented, which might make images of expected stressful events more
available, in the sense that Tversky and Kahneman (1973, 1974) use that
term. Psychodramatic role playing, films, and other vividness-enhancing
techniques might increase the effectiveness of stress inoculation procedures by increasing the availability of realistic images of the predicted
stressful events.
Another component of standard stress inoculation procedures consists of information about means for dealing with the anticipated stressful
event, providing people with more adequate coping skills. If this component is essential, we would expect to find that people will show more adherence to an adaptive course of action, such as following wellestablished health rules, if they are given preparatory communications
containing specific recommendations for coping with whatever adverse
consequences of the decision are most likely to occur. In most of the examples of stress inoculation used in the prior research that has already
been cited, two different types of coping recommendations are included.
One type pertains to plans for action that will prevent or reduce objective damage that might ensue if the anticipated stressful events occur. The
second type involves cognitive coping devices, including attentiondiversion tactics, mentally relaxing imagery, and the replacement of selfdefeating thoughts with reassuring and optimistic self-talk, all of which
can prevent or reduce excessive anxiety reactions.
A good example of the first type is to be found in the highly suc-
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equivalent groups of patients were given different preparatory treatments - an educational communication about the catheterization procedure and an attention-placebo intervention. There was also a notreatment control group. The patients given the stress inoculation procedure that encouraged them to develop their own cognitive coping
strategies showed higher stress tolerance during the cardiac catheterization than those in the other three treatment groups, as assessed by selfratings and by ratings made by observers (physicians and medical technicians).
One cannot expect, of course, that every attempt to encourage
positive thinking among patients facing surgery or distressing treatments
will succeed in helping their recovery during convalescence. One such attempt with surgical patients by Cohen (1975), using different intervention procedures from those in the preceding studies, failed to have
any effect on indicators of psychological and physical recovery.
Although few studies have been done among patients who are not
hospitalized, there is some evidence of favorable effects suggesting that
encouraging positive self-talk and related cognitive coping strategies
might prove to be successful in many different spheres of health care. In a
controlled field experiment, a stress inoculation procedure designed to
encourage positive self-talk was found to be effective in helping patients
reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of muscle-contraction
headaches (Holroyd, Andrasik, & Westbrook, 1977).
Cognitive coping procedures may also be effective for increasing adherence to such health-related decisions as dieting. That this is a likely
prospect is suggested by the findings from a doctoral dissertation by
Riskind (1982), which was carried out in the Weight-Reduction Clinic
under my research program. In this field study, all the clients were given
counseling and information about dieting but only one experimental
group was given additional instructions to adopt a day-by-day coping
perspective rather than a long-term perspective. Riskind found that the
coping instructions resulted in a greater sense of personal control and
more adherence to the diet (as measured by weight loss) over a period of
two months among clients with a relatively high initial level of selfesteem. The results are similar to those reported by Bandura and Simon
(1977) for obese patients being treated by behavior modification techniques. The patients who were instructed to adopt short-term subgoals
on a daily basis ate less and lost more weight than the patients who were
instructed to adopt a longer-term subgoal in terms of weekly
From the few systematic studies just reviewed, it seems reasonable to
expect that recommendations about coping strategies may prove to be
ingredients essential to successful stress inoculation. The evidence is particularly promising, as we have seen, with regard to increasing the stress
tolerance of medical and surgical patients by encouraging them to replace
self-defeating thoughts with positive coping cognitions. A similar conclusion is drawn by Girodo (1977) after reviewing the positive and negative
outcomes of treating phobic patients with the type of stress inoculation
procedures recommended by Meichenbaum (1977). Girodo goes so far as
to say that the only successful ingredients of stress inoculation are those
that induce the person to reconceptualize the threat in nonthreatening
terms and that all other ingredients are of limited value, serving to divert
attention only temporarily from threat cues. Any such generalization,
however, gives undue weight to a limited set of findings and would be
premature until we have well-replicated results from a variety of investigations that carefully test the effectiveness of each component of stress
Many innovative clinical psychologists who have developed stress
inoculation procedures and use them in their practice or research emphasize that teaching patients new cognitive skills is a necessary but not sufficient condition for helping them to deal effectively with stressful situations. They say that the patients not only need to acquire adequate coping
skills but also, in order to use them when needed, must feel some degree
of self-confidence about being successful (see Cormier & Cormier, 1979;
Meichenbaum & Turk, 1982b; Turk & Genest, 1979). Inducing the patients to believe that a recommended course of action will lead to a
desired outcome is only one step in the right direction; they must also be
able to maintain a sense of personal efficacy with regard to being able to
"take it" and to do whatever is expected of them (see Bandura, 1977).
Over and beyond the coping recommendations themselves, reassuring
social support may be needed to build up the patients' self-confidence
and hope about surviving intact despite whatever ordeals are awaiting
them (Caplan & Killilea, 1976).
For medical and surgical patients, the key messages include two
types of statements along the lines that I have just suggested. One type asserts that the medical treatment or surgery they are about to receive will
be successful, which makes them feel it is worthwhile to put up with
whatever suffering, losses, and coping efforts may be required. The second type asserts that the patient will be able to tolerate the pain and
other sources of stress. Among the "coping thoughts" recommended in
the stress inoculation procedure used by Meichenbaum and Cameron
Irving L.janis
(1973) for fear-arousing situations and by Turk (1977) for chronic pain are
some that are specifically oriented toward building a sense of self-confidence and hope-for example, "You can meet this challenge," "You
have lots of different strategies you can call upon," and' 'You can handle
the situation. " Even the standard recommendations concerning positive
self-talk, such as "Don't worry, just think about what you can do about
the pain," tend to create an attitude of self-confidence about dealing
effectively with the stresses that are anticipated. Similarly, the positive effects of the cognitive coping techniques used with surgical patients by
Langer et al. (1975) may be at least partly attributable to attitude changes
in the direction of increased self-confidence. The patients are encouraged
to feel confident about being able to deal effectively with whatever pains,
discomforts, and setbacks are subsequently encountered, which may
help them to avoid becoming discouraged and to maintain hope about
surviving without sustaining unbearable losses.
The crucial role of statements about the efficacy of recommended
means for averting or minimizing threats of bodily damage is repeatedly
borne out by social psychological studies of the effects of public health
messages that contain fear-arousing warnings (see Chu, 1966; Janis, 1971;
Leventhal, 1973; Leventhal, Singer, & Jones, 1965; Rogers & Deckner,
1975; Rogers & Thistlethwaite, 1970). A study by Rogers and Mewborn
(1976), for example, found that assertions about the efficacy of recommended protective actions had a Significant effect on college students'
intentions to adopt the practices recommended in three different public
health communications dealing with well-known hazards-lung cancer,
automobile accident injuries, and venereal disease. The findings from this
study and from the other studies just cited are consistent with the hypothesis that when a stress inoculation procedure presents impressive information about the expected efficacy of a recommended protective action,
it instills hope in the recipients about emerging without serious damage
from the dangers they may encounter, which increases their willingness
to adhere to the recommended action.
Obviously, it is difficult to test this hypothesis independently of the
hypothesis that information inserted to increase coping skills is a potent
ingredient of successful stress inoculation. Nevertheless, as I have already
indicated, there are certain types of messages that can induce attitude
changes in the direction of increased self-confidence and hope without
necessarily changing coping skills, and these messages could be used in
field experiments designed to determine whether the postulated attitude
changes mediate successful stress inoculation. For example, a patient's
self-confidence about surviving the ordeal of a painful medical treatment
might be increased by a persuasive communication containing an im-
lroing L. Janis
aware of serious risks for whichever alternative is chosen; (2) hope to find
a satisfactory alternative; and (3) believe that there is adequate time to
search and deliberate before a decision is required. If the second condition is not met, the defensive avoidance pattern occurs; if the third condition is not met, the hypervigilance pattern occurs.
Observations from prior studies by my colleagues and I in weightreduction and antismoking clinics indicate that clients often start carrying out a health-oriented course of action without having engaged in vigilant search and appraisal of the alternatives open to them Oanis, 1982).
The dominant coping pattern in many cases appears to be defensive
avoidance - deciding without deliberation to adopt the recommended
course of action, which appears at the moment to be the least objectionable alternative, and bolstering it with rationalizations that minimize
the difficulties to be expected when carrying it out. Defensive avoidance
also appears to be a frequent coping pattern among hospitalized surgical
and medical patients (see Janis, 1958; Janis & Rodin, 1979)
In order to prevent defensive avoidance, according to Janis and
Mann (1977), preparatory communications are needed to meet the
second of the three essential conditions for promoting a vigilant coping
pattern: Assuming that the clients are already aware of the problems to be
expected, interventions are needed that foster hope of solving these
problems. Such interventions may also be essential for maintaining a vigilant problem-solving approach to whatever frustrations, temptations, or
setbacks subsequently occur when the decision is being implemented.
On the basis of prior studies in clinics for heavy smokers and overweight people, it appears plausible to assume that backsliding occurs
when one or more major setbacks make the clients lose hope about finding an adequate solution Oanis, 1982). If this assumption is correct, we
would expect stress inoculation to be most effective in preventing patients from reversing their decisions to follow a medical regimen if the
preparatory communications contain information or persuasive messages that foster hope of solving whatever problems may arise from that
Closely related to patients' attitudes of self-confidence and hope are
their beliefs about being able to control a stressful situation. Stress inoculation may change a patient's expectations of being in control of a dangerous situation, both with regard to the external threats of being helpless to
prevent physical damage and the internal threats of becoming panicstricken and losing emotional control. The stress inoculation procedures
used with surgical and medical patients typically include statements designed to counteract feelings of helplessness and to promote a sense of active control. For example, in the stress inoculation procedures designed
by Turk (1978) for patients suffering from chronic pain, the coping
thoughts that are explicitly recommended and modeled include "Relax,
you're in control" and "When the pain mounts, you can switch to a different strategy; you're in control."
There is now a sizable body of literature indicating that perceived
personal control sometimes plays an important role in coping with stress
(Averill, 1973; Ball & Vogler, 1971; Bowers, 1968; Houston, 1972; Janis &
Rodin, 1979; Kanfer & Seiderk, 1973; Lapidus, 1969; Pervin, 1963;
Pranulis, Dabbs, & Johnson, 1975; Seligman, 1975; Staud, Tursky, &
Schwartz, 1971; Weiss, 1970). Some preparatory interventions may make
patients feel less helpless by making them more active participants,
increasing their personal involvement in the treatment. Pranulis et al.
(1975), for example, redirect hospitalized patients' attention away from
their own emotional reactions as passive recipients of medical treatments
toward information that makes them feel more in control as active collaborators with the staff. Perhaps many of the preparatory communications used for purposes of stress inoculation have essentially the same
effect on the patients' perceived control over distressing environmental
events, which could increase their self-confidence and hope.
Another psychological component that may contribute to the
positive effects of stress inoculation is the heightening of commitment.
As part of the stress inoculation procedure for a new course of action,
such as accepting medical recommendations to undergo surgery, painful
treatments, or unpleasant regimens, patients are induced to acknowledge
that they are going to have to deal with anticipated losses, which is tantamount to making more elaborated commitment statements to the healthcare practitioners. Prior psychological research on commitment indicates that each time a person is induced to announce his or her intentions
to an esteemed other, such as a professional counselor, the person is anchored to the decision not just by anticipated social disapproval but also
by anticipated self-disapproval Oanis & Mann, 1977; Kiesler, 1971; McFall
& Hammen, 1971). The stabilizing effect of commitment, according to
Kiesler's (1971) research, is enhanced by exposure ot a mildly challenging
attack, such as counterpropaganda that is easy to refute. A stress inoculation procedure for medical treatments or surgery might serve this function by first calling attention to the obstacles and drawbacks to be expected (which is a challenging attack) and then providing impressive suggestions about how those obstacles and drawbacks can be overcome
(which may dampen the challenging attack sufficiently to make it mild).
Irving L. Janis
A crisis arises, however, when direct contact between the helper and
the client is terminated, as is bound to happen when a counselor arranges
for a fixed number of sessions to help a client get started on a stressful
course of action such as dieting. When the sessions come to an end, even
if prearranged by a formal contract, the client will want to continue the
relationship, insofar as he or she has become dependent on the counselor
for social rewards that bolster self-esteem. The client is likely to regard
the counselor's refusal to comply with his or her demand to maintain
contact as a sign of rejection or indifference. If this occurs, the client will
no longer be motivated to live up to the helper's norms and will show little or no tendency to internalize the norms during the postcontact
In order to prevent backsliding and other adverse effects when contact with the helper is terminated, the person must internalize the norms
sponsored by the helper by somehow converting other-directed approval
motivation into self-directed approval motivation. Little is known as yet
about the determinants of this process, but it seems plausible to expect
that internalization might be facilitated by communications themes in
stress inoculation procedures that enhance commitment by building up a
sense of personal responsibility.
For certain types of persons, as I mentioned earlier, stress inoculation has been found to have no effect and occasionally even adverse effects. The Janis and Mann (1977) theoretical model of coping patterns has
some implications for personality differences in responsiveness to stress
inoculation. Certain people can be expected to be highly resistant to communications that attempt to induce the conditions that are essential for a
coping pattern of vigilant search and appraisal. The difficulty may be that
they generally are unresponsive to authentic information that promotes
one or another of the three crucial beliefs (that there are serious risks for
whichever alternative course of action is chosen, that it is realistic to be
optimistically hopeful about finding a satisfactory solution, and that
there is adequate time in which to search and deliberate before a decision
is required). Such persons would be expected to show consistently defective coping patterns that often would lead to inadequate planning and
overreactions to setbacks. In response to acute postdecisional stress, they
would be the ones most likely to reverse their decisions about undergoing
painful medical treatments.
Elsewhere (Janis, 1982, Chapter 20), I have more fully elaborated
these theoretical assumptions and reviewed the research findings on
lroing L. Janis
specific personality variables related to responsiveness to stress inoculation. In the discussion that follows I shall highlight the main fmdings and
A number of studies employing Byrne's (1964) repression-sensitization scale and Goldstein's (1959) closely related coper-versus-avoider test
suggest that persons diagnosed as chronic repressors or avoiders tend to
minimize, deny, or ignore any warning that presents disturbing information about impending threats. Such persons appear to be predisposed to
display the characteristic features of defensive avoidance. Unlike persons
who are predisposed to be vigilant, these avoiders would not be expected
to respond adaptively to preparatory information that provides realistic
forecasts about anticipated stressful experiences along with reassurances.
Relevant evidence is to be found in the reports on two field experiments
conducted on surgery wards by Andrew (1970) and Delong (1971). In
both studies, patients awaiting surgery were given Goldstein's test in
order to assess their preferred mode of coping with stress and then were
given preparatory information. The reactions of the following three
groups were compared: (1) copers, who tended to display vigilance or
sensitizing defenses; (2) avoiders, who displayed avoidant or denial defenses; and (3) nonspecific defenders, who showed no clear preference.
In Andrew's (1970) study, preparatory information describing what the
experience of the operation and the postoperative convalescence would
be like had an unfavorable effect on the rate of physical recovery of avoiders but a positive effect on nonspecific defenders. Copers recovered well
whether or not they were given the preoperative information~ In
Delong's (1971) study, avoiders were found to have the poorest recovery
whether or not they were given preparatory information, and copers
showed the greatest benefit from the preparatory information. The findings from the two studies show some inconsistencies but they agree in
indicating that persons who display defensive avoidance tendencies do
not respond well to preparatory information.
Correlational evidence from studies of surgical patients by Cohen
and lazarus (1973) and Cohen (1975) appears to contradict the implications of the studies just discussed bearing on vigilance versus defensive
avoidance. These investigators report that patients who were rated as
"vigilant" before the operation showed poorer recovery from surgery
than those rated as "avoidant." This finding seems not only to contradict
the earlier surgery findings but also to go against the expectation from the
conflict-theory model that people who are vigilant will cope better with
unfavorable consequences of their decisions than will those whose dominant coping pattern is defensive avoidance. But there are two important
considerations to take into account. One is that Sime (1976) attempted to
replicate Cohen and Lazarus's (1973) finding using the same categories but
was unable to do so. When there are disagreements like this, one suspects
that either there are unrecognized differences in the way in which the
variables were assessed or that the relationship between the two variables
is determined by an uninvestigated third variable, such as severity of the
patient's illness. A second consideration has to do with the way Cohen
and Lazarus define "vigilance." A careful examination of their procedures reveals that they did not differentiate between hypervigilance
and vigilance. The investigators state that they classified as vigilant any
patient who sought out information about the operation (which hypervigilant people do even more than vigilant ones) or who were sensitized
in terms of remembering the information and displaying readiness to discuss their thoughts about the operation. (Again, the hypervigilant people
tend to be much more preoccupied with information about threatening
consequences than those who are vigilant.) The one example Cohen and
Lazarus give of a so-called vigilant reaction would be classified as "hypervigilant" according to the criteria given in Janis and Mann (1977, p. 74
and pp. 205-206): "I have all the facts, my will is all prepared [in the
event of death] ... you're put out, you could put out too deep, your heart
could quit, you can have shock ... I go not in lightly." Consequently, the
correlation observed by these investigators might be attributable to the
relationship between preoperative hypervigilance and low tolerance for
postoperative stress, which has been observed by other investigators
(Auerbach, 1973; Janis, 1958; Leventhal, 1963). Auerbach (1973), for example, found that surgical patients who showed a high state of preoperative anxiety relative to their normal or average level (as assessed by the
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory developed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, &
Lushene, 1970) obtained poorer scores on a measure of postoperative
adjustment than did those who showed a relatively moderate level of preoperative anxiety.
In Auerbach's study, the postoperative adjustment of the patients
who showed moderate preoperative anxiety was found to be superior to
that of the patients who showed relatively low anxiety as well as those
who showed relatively high anxiety before the operation. In disagreement with contradictory findings reported by Cohen and Lazarus
(1973) and by several other investigators, Auerbach's data tend to conftrmJanis's (1958) earlier rmding of a curvolinear relationship between the
level of preoperative anxiety and postoperative adjustment. Such data are
consistent with the "work of worrying" concept, which assumes that inducing vigilance in surgical patients (manifested by a moderate level of
preoperative fear or anxiety) is beneficial for postoperative adjustment
(Janis, 1958; Janis & Mann, 1977). But it is essential to take note of the dis-
lroing L. Janis
agreements in the correlational results obtained from many nonintervention studies in the research literature on the relationship between
level of preoperative fear or anxiety and postoperative adjustment,
which can be affected by a number of extraneous variables that are difficult to control.even when they can be recognized (see Cohen & Lazarus,
1979). It would not be worthwhile, it seems to me, for investigators to
carry out more such correlational studies because even a dozen or two of
them cannot be expected to settle the issue. I think it is realistic, however,
to hope for dependable conclusions about the postoperative effects of
arousal of vigilance before surgery-and also about the interacting effects
of such arousal with personality characteristics-if a few more wellcontrolled intervention studies are carried out in which preparatory
information designed to induce vigilance is used as an independent
variable and is not confounded with social support or with any other
potentially potent variable.
Complicated findings on another pre dispositional attribute were obtained by Auerbach, Kendall, Cuttler, and Levitt (1976) in a study of stress
inoculation for dental surgery. Using Rotter's (1966) personality measure
of locus of control, these investigators found that "internals" (patients
who perceive themselves as having control over the outcome of events)
responded positively to specific preparatory information about the surgical experiences to be expected, obtaining higher ratings on behavioral
adjustment during surgery than those who were not given the preparatory information. In contrast, "externals" (patients who perceive
themselves as primarily under the control of external circumstances) obtained lower adjustment ratings when provided with the specific preparatory information. But subsidiary findings show the reverse outcome
when the patients were given general preparatory information that was
not directly relevant to their surgical experience.
As is so often the case with the correlational data obtained in personality research, the findings can be interpreted in a number of different
ways and it is difficult to determine which interpretation is best. For example, since prior research shows that "externals" tend to be more defensive than "internals," the main finding could be viewed as consistent
with the hypothesis that persons who are predisposed to adopt a defensive avoidance coping pattern fail to show increased stress tolerance
when given preparatory information about the specific stress experiences that are to be expected. An alternative interpretation would be
in terms of the importance of perceived control: Maybe only those patients who are capable of perceiving themselves as influencing what happens develop adequate coping responses when given preparatory information about anticipated stressors. In any case, the complex findings
from the many studies of personality variables suggest that, in order to increase the percentage of patients who benefit from stress inoculation, it
will be necessary to hand-tailor the preparatory information in a way that
takes account of each individual's coping style.
When opportunities for stress inoculation are made available, personality factors may playa role in determining who will choose to take
advantage of those opportunities and who will not. A study by Lapidus
(1969) of pregnant women indicates that when preparatory information
about the stresses of childbirth is offered free of charge, passivesubmissive women who are most in need of stress inoculation are unlikely to obtain it if it is left up to them to take the initiative. On various indicators of field dependence-independence, cognitive control, and flexibility, the pregnant women who chose to participate in a program that offered psychological preparation for childbirth differed significantly from
those who chose not to participate. The participants were more
field-independent and displayed stronger tendencies toward active
mastery of stress than the non-participants, many of whom showed signs
of strong dependency and denial tendencies.
In order to take account of individual differences in coping style and
other personality predispOSitions, it may be necessary in each clinic or
hospital to set up a number of different preparation programs rather than
just one standard program. The patients would probably have to be
screened in advance for their knowledge about the consequences of the
treatment they have agreed to undergo as well as for their capacity to assimilate unpleasant information. At present, health-care professionals
have to use their best judgment in selecting what they think will be the
most effective ingredients of stress inoculation for each individual facing
a particular type of stress. Until more analytiC research is carried out on
responsiveness to each of the major components of stress inoculation,
the hand-tailoring of preparatory information and coping recommendations will remain more of an art than a science.
The main point emphasized throughout this chapter is that sufficient
research has already been done on the effectiveness of stress inoculation
to warrant moving to a new stage of attempting to identify the factors that
are responsible for the positive effects. Analytic experiments are needed
that attempt to determine the crucial variables by testing hypotheses
based on theoretical concepts about basic processes. These can be carried
out as field experiments in clinics and hospitals where large numbers of
patients are awaiting distressing medical treatments or surgery. With
Irving L. Janis
regard to the problems of internal validity and replicability of the findings, investigators can use standard methodological safeguards, such as
random assignment of patients to conditions, that have evolved in experimental social psychology and personality research during the past three
decades. The major goal should be to pin down as specifically as possible
the key variables (and their interactions) that are responsible for the positive effects of stress inoculation on increasing tolerance for adverse
events, including those losses that disrupt adherence to healthpromoting regimens.
The key variables that should be given priority, in my opinion, are
the ones suggested by theory and prior research, as discussed in the preceding sections-(l) increasing the predictability of stressful events, (2)
fostering coping skills and plans for coping actions, (3) stimulating cognitive coping responses such as positive self-talk and reconceptualization of
threats into nonthreatening terms, (4) encouraging attitudes of self-confidence and hope about a successful outcome with related expectations
that make for perceived control, and (5) building up commitment and a
sense of personal responsibility for adhering to an adaptive course of
lroing L. Janis
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Concluding Comments
in some instances may involve direct action to change the situation for
the better, to escape from an intolerable situation, or to relinquish certain
goals. Direct action may take several forms, such as preparing for a
stressor, collecting information and engaging problem-solving, actually
avoiding or escaping the stressor, or asserting oneself and trying to
change the environment directly or trying to influence significant others
in the environment. Such direct actions may prove particularly helpful in
situations where one can anticipate the stressor and possibly act to prevent or lessen harm.
In other instances, in which stress cannot be altered or avoided, one
may use what Lazarus and Launier call palliative modes of coping, (Le.,
ways of responding that make us feel better in the face of threat and harm
without resolving the problem). In situations where little or nothing can
be done, various techniques may be used to regulate emotional distress.
Thus, in some situations, successful coping will not always involve active
mastery over one's environment. As Lazarus notes, stress prevention and
reduction programs must recognize that in some situations retreat, toleration, and disengagement may be the most adaptive responses. In our discussion of stress inoculation training in Chapter 4, we will consider further the direct-action and palliative coping procedures. As described in
Chapter 4, there is an affinity between the transactional model of stress
and the stress inoculation approach (Cameron & Meichenbaum, 1982;
Roskies & Lazarus, 1980). The stress inoculation treatment procedures
are designed to facilitate adaptive appraisals, to enhance the repertoire of
coping responses, and to nurture the client's confidence in his or her coping capabilities.
Given these brief comments on the transactional model of stress, we
can propose several factors or guidelines that should be considered in setting up any stress prevention or treatment program.
1. There is a need to appreciate that coping is neither a single act nor
a static process. As Lazarus (1981) notes, coping is a constellation of
many acts that stretch over time and undergo changes. What may be a
useful coping procedure at one time may not be as useful at another time.
Similarly, one needs to appreciate that stress is usually multiply determined and bas multiple and often long-term effects. Silver and Wortman
(1980), remind us that in some cases, individuals who have experienced
serious life stress events (e.g., death of a child, rape, and so forth) do not
recover but instead continue to experience stress.
2. Any training program must be sensitive to the role individual differences play in defining what will be appraised as stressful and what is
the most adaptive coping response. This point is further underscored by
Concluding Comments
the conclusions offered by Silver and Wortman, who indicate that there is
little evidence that people go through predictable and orderly sets of reactions following a life crisis. Various proposed sequences of how people
cope with stress are usually based on subjective interviews with small samples of patients. In most of these reports, there is little detail offered about
how the proposed pattern or sequence of reactions was determined. Stress
training programs that are based on such hypothetical sequences of coping
responses should be viewed with a good deal of caution.
3. Any training program must be sensitive to the important role that
cultural differences play in defining what will be appraised as stressful
and what the nature of the coping process is. In many non-Western
cultures, people adopt a fatalistic belief that can serve as a coping function. In some non-Western cultures, people tend to deal with the stresses
of life passively by trying to endure them (e.g., see Marsella, Tharp, &
Ciborowski, 1979). This may be in a sharp contrast to those in Western
societies, who usually look upon stress as a challenge, as a problem-to-besolved, and who attempt actively to modify the environment in some
fashion. Training programs must be sensitive to such cultural differences.
4. Stress prevention and training programs should foster flexibility
in a client's coping repertoire. One should guard against providing clients
with a single or simple formula or a cook-book approach for coping with
stress. The individual's ability to tailor his or her particular coping
response to situational demands seems critical. An emphasis on the
importance of flexibility is consistent with the findings of a number of
investigators who have studied coping processes (Mechanic, 1962;
Meichenbaum, 1982; Pearlin & Schooler, 1978; Silver & Wortman, 1980;
Rachman, 1978). A flexible repertoire seems to be the best resistance to
stress. Any training program should attempt to build in such flexibility
rather than focusing on a limited set of coping responses (relaxation,
problem-solving, etc.).
The stress training program should be individually tailored to the
individual's or group's needs. As we shall consider in the next section,
one way to accomplish such individual tailoring is to enlist the client as a
collaborator, a someone who adopts a "personal scientist" orientation
or engages in what Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery (1979) call "collaborative empiricism." In this way the client is actively involved in the
development, implementation, and assessment of the usefulness of coping procedures. Clients can be encouraged and guided to perform "personal experiments" in order to determine the adaptive value of specific
coping procedures. But how clients view the outcomes of such attempts,
what they say to themselves, or how they appraise such efforts will play
Concluding Comments
an important role in influencing the stress reaction. These appraisal processes will be considered as the next important factor to be included in
any training program.
S. How we feel and think about events-how we appraise stressors
and our ability to handle them-will influence our level of stress. Our attitudes toward the stressor, our prior experience with it, our knowledge
of its possible effects, and our evaluation of the costs and benefits of our
actions will each influence our stress reactions. When a stressor is
familiar, when it occurs at a definite time and place, and when we have a
sense that we can handle it, then our reactions will be less intense and less
debilitating. Insofar as we can prepare for the stressor by means of mental
rehearsal or by means of the constructive' 'work of worrying;" insofar as
we can view the stressor as a problem-to-be-solved or a challenge rather
than as a personal threat or interpersonal provocation, the stressor will
prove manageable. Preparatory communication can often stimulate such
constructive "work of worrying," problem-solving, and contingency
6. While the focus on appraisal processes has been primarily on the
individual, the coping literature (e.g., see Heller, 1979) has indicated that
the nature (number and quality) of the social contacts or social supports
can often act as a buffer to stress. This literature, as reviewed by Cassel
(1976), Cobb (1979), and others indicates that persons with established
support network (e.g., close relationships with others) are in better mental and physical health and cope better with stress than those individuals
who are unsupported. Individuals who live alone and who are not involved with people or organizations have a heightened vulnerability to a
variety of chronic diseases. The availability of such supports may provide
individuals with opportunities to express their feelings, find meaning in
crises with others, receive material aid, provide information, develop
realistic goals, and receive feedback. As Rachman (1978) has noted, people manifest less fear and stress and greater courage in the presence of
others than when they are alone. Thus, any training program should
assess the nature and quality of the individual's social support system and
moreover, should ensure that the individual has the interpersonal skills to
nurture and use others in a supportive manner.
In some instances, in order to avoid and reduce stress, the trainer
may focus his or her efforts directly on the group or family and not focus
on the individual client per se. In other cases, the trainer can work on
both the individual and group levels simultaneously. As described in Section III, several authors (e.g., Ayalon, Novaco et al., and others) describe
the ways in which the spouse, the group, and the community can be
employed to act as buffers to stress. In short, in order to avoid and reduce
stress one can intervene at various levels from the individual to the
Concluding Comments
Concluding Comments
Cameron, R., & Meichenbaum, D. A cognitive-behavioral model of effective coping processes and the treatment of stress related problems. In L. Goldberger & S. Breznitz
(Eds.), Handbook of stress. New York: Free Press, 1982.
Cassel, J. The contribution of the social environment to host resistance. American Journal
ofEpidemiology, 1976,104, 107-123.
Cobb, S. Social support and health through the life course. In M. Riley (Ed.), Agingfrom
birth to death: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979.
Heller, K. The effects of social support: Prevention and treatment implications. In A.
Goldstein & F. Kanfer (Eds)., Maximizing treatment gains. New York: Academic Press,
Lazarus, R. The stress and coping paradigm. In C. Eisdorfer (Ed.), Models for clinical
psychopathology. New York: Spectrum Publications, 1981.
Lazarus, R.S., & Cohen,). Environmental stress. In I. Altman &). Wohlwill (Eds.), Human
behavior and the environment. New York: Plenum Press, 1977.
Lazarus, R. S., & Launier, R. Stress-related transactions between person and environment. In
L. Pervin & M. Lewis (Eds.), Perspectives in interactional psychology. New York:
Plenum Press, 1978.
Marsella, A., Tharp, R., & Ciborowski, T. Perspectives on cross-cultuml psychology. New
York: Academic Press, 1979.
Mason,). An historical view ofthe stress field.]ournal ofHuman Stress, 1975, 1, 6-12.
Mechanic, D. Students under stress. New York: Free Press, 1962.
Meichenbaum, D. Coping with stress. London: Lifestyle Publications, 1982.
Pearlin, L., & Schooler, C. The structure of coping. Journal ofHealth and Social Behavior,
Rachman, S. Fear and courage. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1978.
Roskies, E., & Lazarus, R. Coping theory and the teaching of coping skills. 10 P. Davidson
(Ed.), Behavioral medicine: Changing health life styles. New York: BrunnerlMazel,
Silver, R., & Wortman, C. Coping with undesirable life events. In). Garber & M. Seligman
(Eds.), Human helplessness: Theory and applications. New York: Academic Press,
Turk, D., Meichenbaum, D., & Genest, M. Pain and behavioral medicine. New York:
Guilford Press, 1983.
Guidelines for Training
There are three purpo~es for this section of the book. First, it is designed
. to provide a transition from Section I, which reviewed the literature on
stress and coping, to Section III, which provides descriptions of specific
clinical applications. Second, this section provides a description and
clinical guide for the cognitive-behavioral treatment procedure of stress
inoculation training. Before considering the specifics of stress inoculation training, however, it is useful first to briefly discuss several procedural guidelines that should be considered in the formulation of a training
program. It is this third objective, namely, deciding what should go into
stress training programs, that is the focus of our attention in this brief
It is worthwhile to put the comments to be offered about procedural
guidelines in some perspective. For a number of years, the senior author
has been involved in developing and evaluating various training programs for children, adolescents, and adults (see Meichenbaum, 1977).
This experience, as well as content analyses of other training programs,
has suggested various guidelines that should be included in any training
program in order to increase the likelihood of generalization and
durability of treatment effects.
Table I lists procedural guidelines that should be considered in setting up any training program, or conversely, they represent a consumer's
guide for evaluating training programs. These guidelines are consistent
with advice offered by others who have also been concerned with issues
involved in training (Borkowski & Cavanaugh, 1978; Brown & Campione, 1978; Meichenbaum, 1980; Nickerson, Perkins, & Smith, 1980;
Stokes & Baer, 1977). Although most of these authors have commented
on what is needed to achieve generalizable and durable training effects
with children, the issues they raise are equally applicable to setting up
stress prevention and management programs with other populations.
Section II
Table I. Guidelines to Consider in Developing a Training Program
1. Analyze target behaviors. Conduct both a performance and situation analysis. Identify component processes and capacity requirements to perform target behaviors.
2. Assess for client's existing strategies, behavioral competencies, and affect-laden
thoughts, images, and feelings that may inhibit performance.
3. Collaborate. Have client collaborate in the analysis of the problem and in the
development, implementation, and evaluation of the training package.
4. Select training tasks carefully. Make training tasks similar to the criterion.
5. Training. Insure that the component skills needed to perform in the criterion situation are in the client's repertoire and then teach metacognitive or executive planning skills.
6. Feedback. Insure that the client receives and recognizes feedback about the
usefulness ofthe training procedures.
7. Generalize. Make the need and means for generalizing explicit. Don't expect
generalization-train for it.
8. Multiple trials. When possible, train in multiple settings with multiple tasks. Have
clients engage in multiple graded assignments in clinic and in vivo.
9. Relapse prevention. Anticipate and incorporate possible and real failures into the
training program.
10. Termination. Make the termination of training performance-based, not timebased. Include follow-through booster sessions and follow-up assessments.
Section II
What may work in the short run may not be as beneficial in the long run.
In each case, different types of coping responses may differentially correlate with different outcome measures.
The knowledge that the relationship among stress, coping, and outcome measures is complex is not new. T~is knowledge, however, should
provide a cautionary reminder to those who set up stress prevention and
mangement programs and to those who write prescriptive antis tress
books. There is a need to make clients and readers aware of the complexity of the processes involved and to enlist them in a collaborative process
(see Meichenbaum, 1982).
The assessment strategy that includes problem identification and
response enumeration and evaluation should allow a better understanding of problems and coping strategies. This procedure can also be used
to develop screening instruments to identify "high-risk" individuals in
need of intervention and to pinpoint the content and direction such interventions may take. The behavior-analytic assessment approach should
be useful in evaluating the relative efficacy of training programs as well.
Thus, prior to the implementation of a training program, it is
necessary to identify the problems posed by the demands of the situation,
the range of response options, and the relative efficacy of coping
strategies and resources. In other words, just because one stress training
program taught a group how to relax (e.g., by means of tensing and relaxing muscle groups), the trainer of another program using a different population should not mindlessly incorporate the relaxation with his or her
population. It is possible that such relaxation exercises under certain
conditions and for certain individuals may exacerbate stress or prove
irrelevant to the demands of the situation (as noted in the next chapter).
Instead, each trainer must ascertain for his or her population what set of
coping responses is most useful. We should be cautious about the supposed transportability of so-called packages of coping techniques.
Finally, it is critical for the trainer to maintain some perspective,
keeping in mind that the assessment or behavior analysis should be conducted not only with those who are seeking help or who have failed to
cope adequately, but also with those resilient individuals who have
adapted and coped adequately with stressful events. The inclusion of
such nonclinical populations in the analysis of coping skills should
enhance the efficacy of our training programs.
2. Assess for existing competencies and inhibiting processes. Closely associated with the first guideline of analyzing target behaviors is the
need for the trainer to assess the client's existing coping repertoire in
order to determine whether the client has the knowledge and abilities to
implement his or her already existing coping skills. Trainers should ascertain if such skills already exist in the client's repertoire or whether
specific affect-laden thoughts (e.g., negative expectations about outcomes, catastrophizing thoughts, etc.) interfere with the implementation
of such skills. Moreover, as noted in the discussion of stress inoculation
training, it is also necessary to assess the client's attitude about the use of
any specific coping response. Negative attitudes may interfere with the
acquisition or implementation of specific coping skills.
3. Collaborate. A careful assessment conveys to the client the need
to establish a collaborative working relationship. The training program
should be set up so that the client collaborates in the analysis of the problem and in the development and implementation of the training regimen. Such a collaborative approach reduces the likelihood of client res istence and treatment nonadherence, as discussed in the next chapter.
4. Selection of training tasks. The selection of training tasks is
critical in bridging the gap between training and the criterion situations.
The training should be focused On both component skills (e.g., communication skills, relaxation) and on more executive cognitive skills that apply
across stressful situations (e.g., self-interrogation, self-checking, analyzing tasks, breaking problems into manageable steps, and so forth). The
training of such metacognitive skills will encourage the client to become
a better problem-solver when confronting future stressors. Training
should not be limited to the acquisition and consolidation of specific coping skills, but should also focus on insuring that the client knows when,
where, and how to implement his or her coping skills. Training should attend to what clients say or fail to say to themselves about the use of their
coping skills.
5. Feedback. There is a need to insure that th~ client receives and attends to the feedback about the natural consequences of his or her efforts
at coping. If such efforts at coping are viewed as "personal experiments, "
then the consequences (e.g., whether the experiments worked or not,
how the client felt about the attempt, and so forth) can be viewed as data
to improve on. The trainer must insure that the client appreciates that the
use of the coping procedure does indeed make a difference.
6. Generalize. It is important to appreciate that the training will not
generalize unless the trainer has built into the regimen explicit efforts at
fostering such generalization. It is as if people are "welded" in the use of
spe,?ific coping skills and do not seem readily to apply coping techniques
across situations or over time. By discussing with the client exactly how
to apply the coping procedures across situations, and by using various imagery and role-playing techniques (as described in the next chapter), one
can increase the likelihood of generalization.
7. Multiple trials. One means of increaSing the chances of achieving
generalization and durability of training effects is to expand the training
across trainers and settings and over time. But such efforts will most
Section II
likely lead to some failures. The trainer should anticipate and incorporate
such failures into the training program by employing relapse prevention
techniques, as described by Marlatt and Gordon (1980). These procedures
focus on having the client identify high-risk situations in which he or she
may fail and in preparing clients for such possible failures by working on
specific coping skills.
8. Tennination. Finally, consistent with the general theme of individually tailored training programs, there is a need to base the length of
training on the client's performance and not on the mere passage of time
or on an arbitrarily fixed number of training sessions. One should also
build follow-up assessments and booster sessions into training if feasible.
In short, the trainer of any stress prevention and treatment program
should ask himself or herself a number of questions before undertaking
the training program. These questions include
(a) Have I identified what needs to be trained? How do I know that
this is what we should be working on?
(b) Does the client have coping skills within his or her repertoire?
Are there processes that are interfering with the use of such
(c) Have I enlisted the client as a collaborator in the analysis,
development, implementation, and evaluation of the training
(d) Why were these particular training tasks and coping skills
selected and how will the mastery of these skills help the client in
the criterion situations?
(e) What has been done to insure generalization of training effects
across situations and over time? Have I arranged for the client to
engage in multiple trials or "personal experiments"? Have I
reviewed the outcomes with the client in order to make feedback
(f) What have I done to anticipate and incorporate the client's possible failures? How can I reduce the likelihood of the client's
"catastrophizing" and help him or her begin to view stressful
events as problems-to-be-solved?
(g) Have I established performance-based criteria for determining
the length of training? What have I done to insure follow-up
assessment and arrange for booster sessions if necessary?
It is suggested that having trainers attend to such questions or procedural guidelines will increase the efficacy of training programs. The
next chapter on stress inoculation training, by Don Meichenbaum and
Roy Cameron, is designed to illustrate how these procedural guidelines as
Guidelines/or Training
StressInoculation Training
Toward a General Paradigm for Training
Coping Skills
lems, in both laboratory and clinical setting. However, the specific operations conducted during the course of treatment varied depending on the
population treated. That is, the content of the educational phase, the
specific skills trained, and the nature of the skills application phase were
geared to the target problem. Thus, stress inoculation training became a
generic term referring to a general treatment paradigm but not denoting a
specific set of operations.
There is striking diversity among treatments that have been conducted within the general stress inoculation paradigm. A wide variety of
problems have been treated. They include phobias, other anxiety-related
problems, pain, anger, rape trauma, and alcohol abuse. Treatment has
been as brief as one hour in the case of acute, situationally specific problems (patients preparing for aversive medical procedures) and as long as
40 treatments sessions for chronic problems (e.g., back pain). Training
has been undertaken not only to provide remedial treatment but also in a
prophylactic way, with police officers, military recruits, and patients
scheduled for stressful medical procedures. Trainers have included a
wide range of professionals (e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses,
social workers, and probation oficers) and lay peers of trainees (e.g.,
policemen and military servicemen). Treatment has been carried out with
individuals, couples, and groups, and it is beginning to be applied to
larger populations on a "community" basis. Many widely used cognitive
behavioral treatment procedures have been incorporated into these programs. The various applications of the stress inoculation paradigm are
described in subsequent chapters in this volume and elsewhere (Meichenbaum, 1977; Turk, Meichenbaum, & Genest, 1983).
As the preceding perspective suggests, stress inoculation training is
best viewed as an attempt to develop aframework for integrating familiar
(or innovative) assessment and treatment procedures. The therapist is
seen not as a technician who carries out a prescsibed, routinized set of
operations (although highly structured procedures may be included in
the treatment), but rather as a creative problem-solver who is faced with
the challenge of developing interventions specifically tailored to the requirements of individual clients.
The purpose of the present chapter is to provide an updated overview of the approach. The discussion will be organized around the three
phases of therapy, which we will refer to as the (a) conceptualization, (b)
skills acquisition and rehearsal, and (c) application and follow-through
phases. Readers interested in detailed information about specific applications should read the recent extended discussion by Turk et al. (198':.
Before we consider issues related to the three phases of therapy, we
would like to set the stage in two ways. First, we present a brief
theoretical perspective. Second, we comment on some general considerations not specific to any of the three core phases of treatment.
Brief Theoretical Perspective
A transactional view of stress appears to be emerging as a broad, integrative framework among stress researchers (Cameron & Meichenbaum,
1982). The transactional model has been developed largely by Richard
Lazarus and his colleagues (e.g., Lazarus, 1955; Lazarus & Launier, 1978;
Lazarus, Cohen, Folkman, Kanner, & Schaefer, 1980). As noted previously, the transactional perspective suggests that stress occurs in the face of
"demands that tax or exceed the resources o/the system or ... demands
to which there are no readily available or automatic adaptive responses"
(Lazarus & Cohen, 1977, p. 109; emphaSis in original).
The concepts of cognitive appraisal and coping responses lie at the
heart of the transactional model. A stressful transaction originates with a
primary appraisal that a situation demands an effective response to avoid
or reduce physical or psychological harm, and a secondary appraisal that
no adequate response is available. The person then either attempts a
response or fails to respond. The response (or its absence) has environmental repercussions and alters the situation. There is, then, an
ongoing series of appraisals, responses, and situational transformations.
The transactional sequences ceases to be stressful when the person judges
the danger to have passed, either spontaneously or because an effective
coping response has neutralized the threat. The model thus emphasizes a
complex interplay between the individual and the situation that determines onset, magnitude, duration, and quality of the stressful episode.
There is an affinity between the transactional model of stress and
stress inoculation approach (Cameron & Meichenbaum, 1982; Roskies &
Lazarus, 1980). The treatment procedures are designed to facilitate adaptive appraisals (conceptualization phase), to enhance the repertoire of
coping responses (skills acquisition and rehearsal phase), and to nurture
the client's confidence in and utilization of his or her coping capabilities
(application and follow-through phase).
It is worth highlighting the fact that the transactional model of stress
postulates that people both influence and respond to their environments.
Bandura (1977b) has discussed this bidirectional influence process in
some detail and coined the term "reciprocal determinism" as a convenient label for it. The concept of reciprocal determinism is central to
stress inoculation training. There is a recognition that situational deter-
stress inoculation training. There is a recognition that situational determinants of problems are important and are not to be underestimated.
Considerable therapeutic benefit may be derived from restructuring
situations and training clients to recognize this for themselves. At the
same time, it is postulated that trained coping responses are likely to have
an impact on the environment.
The goal of treatment is to bring about change in three domains.
First, there is a focus on altering the behavior of clients. Maladaptive
behaviors are identified and altered, and adaptive behaviors are fostered.
It is anticipated that such behavior change will alter transactions with the
environment and trigger a therapeutic ripple effect (i.e., have beneficial
environmental, cognitive, and affective sequelae).
Self-regulatory activity represents the second domain. Attention is
devoted to altering the ongoing self-statements, images, and feelings that
interfere with adaptive functioning. The aim is to reduce the frequency
and/or impact of maladaptive cognitions (e.g., distorted interpretations,
unwarranted catastrophic anticipations, self-denigrating ideation) and
disruptive feelings (e.g., anxiety, depression, and hopelessness) that may
interfere with effective coping. At the same time, attempts are made to
promote adaptive cognitions and affect (e.g., a problem-solving set,
facilitative self-regulatory cues, sense of morale, and optimism).
Finally, there is a focus on cognitive structures. By cognitive structures we mean tacit assumptions and beliefs that give rise to habitual ways
of construing the self and the world. For instance, clients may see themselves as inadequate or unlovable; they may see others as domineering or
exploitative. Given such a cognitive set, clients may handicap themselves
by misreading situations, avoiding opportunities, or behaving in a
maladaptive way. Change in one's cognitive structures is most likely to
occur by discovering through enactive experience that old cognitive
structures are unwarranted and that the adoption of new, more adaptive
structures is rewarding. The data of experience provide a convincing
basis for construing the self, the world, and the <:ommerce between the
two in a fundamentally different way.
General Considerations
A number of general, practical issues warrant comment before we
turn to a discussion of specific phases of therapy. First, one should avoid
assuming that intervention should necessarily be directed at the individual experiencing the distress. The social context in which clients
operate is an important focus of assessment and intervention. Sometimes
the most appropriate target of change is a social environment that en-
Promote smooth integration and execution of coping responses via imagery and role
Self-instructional training to develop mediators to regulate coping responses
Phase Three: Application and Follow- Through
Build sense of coping self-efficacy in relation to situations client sees as high risk
Develop strategies for recovering from failure and relapse
Arrange follow-up reviews
mutual understanding of the problem in terms that open the way for the
skills acquisition phase that follows. The second objective is to enhance the
client's problem-solving skills by training him or her to gather and interpret
data with greater sophistication. From the present point of view, then,
assessment and treatment are seen as highly interdependent: The therapist
not only conducts an assessment but also trains the client to better conduct
such assessments autonomously as future problems arise. The kinds of
questions the trainer asks, the assessment instruments employed, and the
therapy rationale offered are all seen as actively contributing to the training
process by providing models for the client. For purposes of explication,
however, the data collection-integration and the skills training endeavors
will be treated separately, although in practice they are quite interwoven.
Data Collection-Integration
The basic purpose of the assessment is to identify the determinants of
the problem. Determinants may be categorized as situational, behavioral,
cognitive, affective, and physiological. The essential task of assessment is
to identify specific variables in these various domains that appear to contribute to the maladaptive functioning.
This information may be obtained in three ways, namely, client
report, reports from persons who have observed the client on a day-to-day
basis or during crucial episodes, and direct observation of the client's
behavior. A number of methods may be used to collect such verbal reports
and behavioral observations. These include (a) interviews with the client
and significant others (e.g., the spouse), (b) imagery reconstructions of particularly stressful incidents, (c) self-monitoring reports and (d) observation
of spontaneous or contrived behavioral enactments. Each of these methods
will be described very briefly.
Interviews that focus on a functional analysis of the problem often
yield valuable information about the situational determinants of the
behavior. Detailed guidelines for conducting functional analyses have been
offered by Kanfer and Saslow (1969) and by Peterson (1968). The goal is to
identify (a) situations that increase or decrease the probability of adaptive
and maladaptive response patterns, (b) factors that relieve or aggravate the
problem, and (c) the environmental (especially social) consequences of the
behaviors under consideration. Key questions that are considered in these
interviews include the following: Under what specific circumstances does
the problem occur? What sorts of things seem to make the problem worse
or better? What have clients done to alleviate their stress, and what do they
believe can be done? What would it take to change?
As the client describes experiencs in specific situations, it is important to encourage detailed description. Ideally, one would like to know
what aspects of the situation the client attends to, what thoughts pass
through his or her mind, what is experienced emotionally, and what
behaviors are produced. In order to collect detailed information and also
to avoid misunderstanding, it is important that the therapist have the
client clarify the meaning of abstract terms like "anxiety" or "stress" by
indicating their referents (behavioral, cognitive, affective, and
physiological). We want, in other words, to know how "anxiety"
manifests itself in this particular client in this specific situation. Mischel
(1981) presents an analysis of classes of information that are important.
People who spend considerable time with the client or have had an
opportunity to observe the client in situations of particular interest are
often able to provide useful information about the problem. Moreover,
these individuals, often family members, may have become enmeshed in
the problem. For instance, families of pain patients sometimes encourage
dependent behaviors that work to the detriment of both the client and the
family. Thus, family members in particular are frequently able to playa
valuable role in both understanding and resolving problems.
The interviewer may check with the client to see whether there have
been situations in which the client has been able to find adaptive ways of
circumventing or surmounting difficulties similar to the presenting problem. The details of such experiences may provide important clues about
coping strengths that might be overlooked in an interview focused exclusively on maladaptive functioning.
Image-Based Reconstruction
During the course of an interview, the client may report an important
experience but have difficulty recapturing details. In this situation, it may'
be helpful to encourage the client to reconstruct the experience by means
of imagery. The intention here is to have the client generate potential
retrieval cues that may facilitate recall of important aspects of the experience. The imagery procedure has proven useful in helping clients attend to apects and details of their stress response that might otherwise
have been overlooked or underemphasized in a direct interview. The
retrieval of pertinent images, self-statements, and other self-generated
stimuli is particularly encouraged. Such subjective data, which are useful
for clarifying how the client's own reactions may actively contribute to
the problem, sometimes emerge in more detail during image-based
reconstruction than during a standard interview.
Some clients may feel strange about engaging in imagery reconstruction. Such discomfort may be minimized by explaining the rationale
underlying the procedure and by providing detailed instructions that in-
vite relaxed reflection and detailed responding. For instance, the trainer
may say something like this:
I'm going to ask you to do something a bit different. I'd like you to sit back,
relax, and just reflect on that experience. I'd like you to actually relive the experience in your mind's eye. Quite often this sort of imagery replay makes it
possible to remember important details of the experience.
Jfyou're all set, then, just settle back, close your eyes, and think about the
experience. Take your time, there's no rush. Just replay the experience in yoyr
imagination, as if you were rerunning a movie in slow motion. Begin at the
point just before you felt distressed and, taking your time, just go through the
whole experience, and see what comes to mind.
Describe anything you remember noticing, or thinking, or feeling, or doing. Any thoughts, feelings, or images you had before, during, or after the incident may be important even though they may seem insignificant.
When this procedure has been used in a group setting, each participant has been asked to engage initially in covert recall of a stressful experience. This prevents attention from focusing on a given member and
increasing self-consciousness. After covert imaging, one member is asked
to report aloud his or her reconstructions, with other group members
describing their reconstructions in turn. In the context of a group, clients
come to appreciate that they are not alone in having certain types of
thoughts and feelings that they may have viewed as idiosyncratic. This
"normalization" process is most likely to occur if the group is composed
of persons who are experiencing similar stressful demands (e.g.,
divorcees, policemen, etc.). Once the therapist has solicited the clients'
thoughts and feelings surrounding significant events, the therapist can
ask clients if they have similar thoughts and feelings in other situations. In
short, a situational analysis is conducted of the clients' experiences in a
variety of stressful situations.
Not all clients have equal access to their thoughts and feelings, nor
are all equally facile in expressing them. Indeed, with some clients,
reports of subjective experience are so consistently meager that one is inclined tQ. ..uspect that perhaps the stressful reaction has played itself out in
an automatic, scripted manner (Abelson, 1978; Langer, 1978). On the
other hand, a paucity of cognitive or affective reports may reflect client
discomfort with self-disclosure, and the therapist may be able to find
ways to overcome this by putting the client at ease (e.g., by modeling selfdisclosure in an appropriate way). In any case, although reports of subjective experience are often illuminating and useful (e.g., self-generated subjective stimuli may be used to cue coping behaviors), it is not clear that the
absence of such reports precludes any of the interventions (including selfinstructional training) we describe below. In short, if the client does not
appear to be "psychologically minded," the therapist should attempt to
create conditions maximally conducive to the production of subjective
reports. If attempts to elicit such reports continue to prove futile, the treatment process can nonetheless proceed. (See Turk et al. ,1983, for additional discussions of how one might handle some of the problems involved
in conducting an imagery-based assessment.)
Asking clients to record ongOing experiences represents an extremely
valuable source of information. Since interview and imagery reconstruction
methods are only as good as the client's memory, the immediate recording of
experience often results in a more fme-grained view of the factors related to
target experience. A number of different self-monitoring methods have been
used (Nelson, 1977); they include maintaining open-ended diaries, recording
details of specific types of reactions, and rating particular behaviors.
Different self-monitoring methods may be appropriate with different
clients (e.g., relatively nonverbal clients may balk at keeping open-ended
diaries but may faithfully complete checklists). Also, the type of selfmonitoring may shift with the same client over the course of assessment
and treatment. For instance, an open-ended approach may be used initially
to yield maximal information; as the nature of the problem comes into
focus, the client may report only on those variables shown to be relevant;
and eventually, only frequency counts of specified adaptive and maladaptive behaviors may be used to track therapeutic progress.
The value of self-monitoring reports appears to be proport~onate to
the immediacy with which they are completed. Clearly, records completed
hours or days after an experience are less likely to contain precise information than records completed immediately after (or even during) the experience. Hence, in planning self-mOnitoring procedures, it is important to
find methods that will increase the probability of immediate reporting. For
instance, clients are more likely to keep in situ records that can be completed inconspicuously in public situations.
Self-monitoring is uniquely suited to identifying low-intensity cues
that signal the onset of stressful transactions. Identification of such cues is
strongly encouraged as part of the self-monitoring process. As interventions are planned during treatment, these early warning signals may be used to cue coping responses before the client feels too overwhelmed to cope
A good deal could be said about how one should introduce homework
such as self-monitoring assignments (see Turk et al., 1983). The most important points that bear inclusion here are that homework assignments
should not be given without the therapist providing a rationale for and
checking with clients about their comprehension of the assignment (e.g.,
self-monitoring). The therapist should discuss with the clients any potential problems they may foresee in implementing the self-monitoring pro-
As the reconceptualization process unfolds, clients and therapist consider the heuristic value of looking at the data from various points of view.
The goal is to find a way of looking at things that not only fits available data
but also points the way to a solution. Note that the solution may not always
involve active coping or problem-solving, but could be the adoption of a
passive acceptance or even of "denial" (not thinking about it), as discussed
By questioning selectively, reviewing information, and suggesting
interpretations, the therapist shapes the process of reconceptualization
and encourages an attitude of self-inquiry. Another means of shaping this
process is to have clients engage in behavioral assessments in the clinic or
laboratory, as well as in vivo.
Behavioral Assessments
Direct observation of clients is often extremely revealing. This may be
accompanying the client as he or she undertakes stressful tasks or by
generating behavior samples in the clinic or laboratory. For instance, if the
client complains of communication problems, the client's spouse may be
invited to come in and discuss contentious topiCS with the client as the
therapist observes. The nature of the problem often becomes evident
There seem to be some advantages to providing clients with conceptual frameworks such as these. The most notable advantage is that an appropriate psychological model may serve to help the client integrate and
monitor experiences more effectively by calling attention to relevant
dimensions of the problems and the interrelationship among dimensions.
For instance, Lazarus's model provides a differentiated view of stress reactions in terms of primary appraisals of threat and secondary appraisals of
coping capabilities and coping responses. In situations that don't require
rapid responding, the client who has such a model in mind may consciously examine the actual degree of threat, consider response
capabilities thoroughly, and develop a plan for action. The model thus
provides a blueprint for organized adaptive responding.
A second potential advantage of providing such models is that they
may be reassuring. For instance, the pain patient who is suspicious of a
psychological interpretation of his or her problem may be reassured by
the gate-control model of pain, which integrates psychological and
physical variables in a psychophysiological model: Psychological factors
may amplify "real" pain and the problem is not being regarded as "imaginary." Or the client complaining of stress may be reassured by construing the problem in transactional terms rather than in terms of basic personal inadequacy.
If a psychological model is introduced, the manner in which it is
presented merits consideration. The model is most likely to be comprehensible and convincing if the data of the client's own experience are
used to illustrate its component elements (e.g., by referring to appraisal
processes that the client has described in the course of introducing the
transactional model of stress). Second, care should be taken to present the
conceptual model in lay terms, at a level appropriate to the client's
understanding so as to avoid 'bewilderment on one hand or condescension on the other. Third, it seems prudent to avoid trying to "sell" the
model as scientifically valid but simply to introduce it as a heuristic
device. This approach circumvents any necessity for didactic digressions
or having to defend the validity of models that may be empirically or
theoretically contentious, although heuristically useful.
The aim is not to convert clients to a "true" conception of their
problems, but simply to encourage them to adopt a way of looking at
difficulties that inherently allows for change. As the rationale for training
is offered, the trainer solicits clients' feedback, permits interruptions,
and reads the clients' reactions to the reconceptualization. Throughout,
clients (and their spouses, where possible) collaborate in the generation
of this reconceptualization. The reconceptualization evolves gradually
over the course of training and it is not formally agreed upon. "My prob-
At this point, the trainer conveys a conceptual model of stress, using the
client's own self-descriptions to illustrate and document each of the proposed components and phases. Written materials describing the model
may be given to the client. In order to avoid imposing a model on the client, the trainer can invite the client to review this written material to see
how well it fits for him or her, and to discuss reactions with the trainer.
In summary, the reconceptualization process often serves a
therapeutic as well as a diagnostic function. Clients sometimes come to
the clinic with concerns that they may have deep-seated "emotional" or
"mental" problems. As they begin to attriPute problems to situational
determinants in combination with self-defeating ways of thinking feeling, and behaving, and problems seem less sinister. Moreover, a sense of
optimism and improved morale is likely to develop as a plan for making
concrete changes starts to take shape.
Assessment Skills Training
For many clients, a second type of therapeutic benefit is derived as
well. If the client lacks skill in analyzing psychosocial problems (and this
deficiency seems common), the therapist attempts to train such skills during the course of the assessment. The goal of the conceptualization phase
is not only to analyze presenting problems but also to teach the client to
analyze personal and interpersonal problems autonomously.
More specifically, an attempt is made to train the client to collect
detailed information about determinants of problem behavior by conducting a functional analysis, self-monitoring, and so forth. Hypothetical
& Launier, 1978). Instrumental coping refers to actions that serve to meet
The therapist might ask clients what advice they would have for
others who are faced with similar stressful experiences. Quite often,
clients offer useful coping strategies that can act as catalysts for a discussion of problem-solving skills. The object of the discussion is to encourage and train clients to
1. define the stressor or stress reaction as a problem-to-be-solved;
2. set realistic goals as concretely as possible by stating the problem
in behavioral terms and by delineating steps necessary to reach a
3. generate a wide range of possible alternative courses of action;
4. imagine and consider how others might respond if asked to deal
with a similar stress problem;
5. evaluate the pros and cons of each proposed solution and rankorder the solutions from least to most practical and desirable;
6. rehearse strategies and behaviors by means and imagery,
behavioral rehearsal, and graduated practice;
7. tryout the most acceptable and feasible solution
8. expect some failures, but reward self for having tried; and
9. reconsider the original problem in light of the attempt at problem-solving.
The therapist works with clients to adopt such a problem-solving set.
This may entail encouraging clients to (a) talk to others in order to obtain
information; (b) review how they coped with past stressful events, with
the objective of encouraging clients to recognize that potential coping
skills may already exist in their repertoire and that these coping skills may
be transferable to the present stressful situation; (c) chunk stressful events
into smaller, manageable tasks; (d) make contingency plans for future
eventualities, drawing an analogy to the type of" game plans" that sports
teams make or contingency planning that astronauts may employ; (e)
mentally rehearsing ways of handling each mini-stress; and (f) viewing
any possible failures or disappointments as needed feedback to begin the
problem-solving process once again.
Many instrumental coping responses require complex behavioral as
well as cognitive responding. Some classes of enactive skills, such as
competence in communicating, time management, and setting priorities,
seem universally valuable for meeting important, recurrent demands in
our lives. Other skills, such as competencies related to studying or parenting, are significant to particular subpopulations. If the assessment indicates that the client lacks the capacity to produce behaviors required to
meet ongoing demands, behavioral skills training is indicated.
It is beyond the scope of the present chapter to review methods for
and martial support systems to reduce and avoid stress. The discussion of
the clients' building support systems often leads to a consideration of the
clients' communication and assertion skills and the clients' ability to seek
help. A number of cognitive-behavioral techniques can be used to
facilitate social training. These include role-playing, behavioral rehearsal, imagery rehearsal of possible interactions, and graduated in vivo attempts to develop such social supports.
A major goal of this training is to encourage clients to question
themselves before acting. How would they feel if someone asked them
for help in this particular manner at this particular time? How is someone
else likely to look on their request for help? The trainer not only wants
clients to adopt such perspective-taking approach, but also works with
clients to insure they have the interpersonal skills to state their requests
clearly and to identify problems and communicate needs. A good deal of
stress that clients experience daily is in the form of personal friction with
others. The ways in which clients communicate often play an important
role in contributing to the stress they experience and engender in others.
Clients who can convey their needs in terms that permit solutions have a
greater likelihood of receiving helpful stress-reducing responses.
It is noteworthy that social support systems are not always
beneficial. For instance, well-meaning family members may usurp activities that the client is capable of performing. Similarly, "self-help"
groups may be detrimental if the focus is on providing mutual sympathy
rather than on developing constructive coping strategies.
A fourth palliative coping strategy involves appropriate expression
of affect. It is widely believed that "ventilation of feelings" or "getting
things off one's chest" is adaptive when people experience pressures
they cannot control. It is probably true that there can be some advantage
in expressing emotion. For instance, an extremely stoical person who
refuses to talk about affect-laden problems or concerns may cut him or
herself off from useful social supports. Others may not detect the distress
or may even exacerbate the client's problem by misinterpreting and reacting negatively to the client's "moodiness" or preoccupation. However,
at the other extreme, perSistent, dramatic displays of affect over a long
period of time may be demoralizing, restrict communication, or even
result in abandonment. The way the client expresses (or inhibits) emotion
may be an important determinant of the quality of adjustment, and clients
may profit from learning how to express emotion in adaptive ways.
Training in relaxation skills can facilitate both instrumental and
palliative coping. Although progreSSive relaxation training is used widely, there are many procedural variations. It is not unequivocally clear
which methods are best with specific clients or specific problems
(Borkovec & Sides, 1979; Qualls & Sheehan, 1981). It seems reasonable
for the therapist and client to experiment with different variations so that
the client can select the approach that results in greatest personal benefit.
If relaxation training is conducted, the rationale provided may be as
important as the specific induction 'procedure used. For instance, if it is
emphasized that the client is acquiring a skill to be deployed in stressful
situations, this may enhance the client's sense of personal control. This
perception of control may in itself be therapeutic (e.g., Lefcourt, 1976;
Seligman, 1975). Moreover, this conceptualization encourages clients to
use relaxation techniques to interrupt established maladaptive
cognitive-behavioral chains that occur in stressful situations. Goldfried
(1980) and Turk et al. (1983) have discussed the use of relaxation skills
training in greater detail than is possible here. One point that warrants
emphasis here, however, is that the therapist must be sensitive to the issue
of treatment generalization. It is not sufficient merely to train clients to
relax (by whatever means); the trainer also much insure that clients know
how, when, and where they will use the relaxation procedures.
Before leaving the topic of relaxation training, it is perhaps worth
noting that it is unnecessarily restrictive to think of relaxation skills as being synonymous with deep breathing and the loosening of muscles.
Granted, these methods may be useful and have broad application.
However, pleasant recreational, social, sensual, athletic, and meditative
activities may also be relaxing for many clients. The wider the range of
methods considered, the more likely the client will end up with a variety
of options, appealing and useful, across a variety of situations.
There is obviously considerable overlap between instrumental and
palliative coping skills. It can be useful, however, for the client as well as
the therapist to recognize explicitly both generic types of responses so
that palliative skills are not overlooked. The client who has a concept of
palliative coping has an implicit set to recognize that some form of coping
response is possible in virtually any situation.
Skills Rehearsal
The second phase of therapy includes an emphasis on skills rehearsal
as well as skills acquisition. The goal is to have the client refine newly acquired or previously existing coping skills.
Rehearsal may involve exposing the client to models who
demonstrate a range of styles of implementing relevant skills (e.g., making effective assertive responses). Imagery rehearsal may be useful. Roleplaying also may be used in a variety of ways. The first and most obvious
approach to role-playing is to have the client practice the desired coping
At this point, the trainer explores with clients the various phases of the
stress reaction (preparatory, confronting stressful event, critical
moments of intense stress, and periods of reflecting on how the stressful
event went) and the specific thoughts and feelings they had at each phase.
This discussion provides the basis for the trainer to make the observation that if such reactions make stress worse, then different thoughts
and feelings (self-statements) may be employed at each phase to reduce
and avoid stress. In a collaborative manner, client and therapist generate
lists of incompatible coping self-statements that can be used. See Table II
for a description of such self-statements that were used in a stress inoculation training program for phobic patients (Meichenbaum, 1977) and for
Table II(Continuedj
Anger control patienta
Impact and confrontation
As long as you keep your cool, you're in control of the situation.
You don't need to prove yourself. Don't make more out of this than you have to.
There is no point in getting mad. Think of what you have to do.
Look for the positives and don't jump to conclusions.
Coping with arousal
Muscles are getting tight. Relax and slow things down.
Time to take a deep breath. Let's take the issue point by point.
Your anger is a signal of what you need to do. Time for problem solving.
He probably wants you to get angry, but you're going to deal with it constructively.
Subsequenct reflection
(a) Conflict unresolved
Forget about the aggravation. Thinking about it only makes you upset.
Try to shake it off. Don't let it interfere with your job.
Remember relaxation. It's a lot better than anger.
Don't take it personally. It's probably not so serious.
(b) Conflict resolved
You handled that one pretty well. That's doing a good job!
You could have gotten more upset than it was worth.
Your pride can get you into trouble, but you're doing better at this all the time.
You actually got through that without getting angry.
aAs listed in Novaco (1975).
as described in Table II, is that the trainer does not suggest, "Here is
a list of things to say to yourself that will make stress go .away."
One should not equate the problem-solving training to which clients
have actively contributed with the "power of positive thinking" approach as espoused by Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, or W.
Clement Stone. While there is an element of positive thinking and selfreliance inherent in the self-instructional approach, there is a difference
between providing clients with a questionable verbal palliative (e.g., see
Miller, 1955) and the active problem-solving training that is being proposed here. The rejection of schools of "positive thinking" should not
lead trainers to overreact and neglect to consider how cognitive control
might be employed to help clients cope with stress.
One way to introduce such coping cognitive strategies is for the
trainer to state:
In the last session we discussed some of the thoughts and feelings you have in
stressful situations and some of the possible alternative self statements you
might employ at each phase of your stressful reaction. I thought it would be
useful if I summarized our discussion. So I have put together a list of selfstatements that one can use before, during, and after stressful events. I have included your suggestions, as well as some suggestions that other clients like
yourselves have made and have found useful.
What I would like us to do is to take a few minutes to look over this list
and then discuss it. In reviewing the list of coping self-statements, keep in
mind that each person's situation is slightly different and that each of you is
unique. Look over the list with an eye to deciding what might be worth conSidering in your case.
At this point, the group considers the coping self-statments (such as those
described in Table II, but individually tailored to the specific population)
and how and when such self-statements may be of use.
In short, the self-instructional training begins by identifying the
client's habitual self-statements during various phases of stressful experiences (using assessment methods described prerviously). Therapist
and client then consider how these self-statements may exacerbate the
stress reaction and interfere with performance of adaptive coping
responses. Next, they collaborate in the generation of alternative selfstatements (similar to those presented in Table II) that may serve to cue
production of adaptive cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses.
Clients personalize these self-statements by using their own words in
developing self-regulatory mediators. The list of coping self-statements
can be extended as treatment continues.
The self-statements are also tailored to the specific target copingresponses pattern and inhibitions of individual clients. Consider, for instance, a man who inhibits assertive responses for fear of offending.
It should be noted that the exposure to an actual stressor does not necessarily result in
greater therapeutic benefit (Horan, Hackett, Buchanan, Stone, & Demchick-Stone, 1978).
The conditions under which exposure facilitates therapeutic gain are still being clarified
(Klepac, Hauge, Dowling, & MacDonald, 1981).
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Part A-Medical Problems
Section III
their communications with patients; and still others may entail intervention at an institution's structural level (e.g., hospital rules, bureaucratic
routines, architectural design). Consistent with the theme of this book,
Kendall highlights the need for employing multifaceted interventions to
solve complex problems.
Kendall also considers the need for being sensitive to individual differences and the value of individually tailoring treatment procedures. For
example, the trainer should be sensitive in adapting features of the stressreduction treatment, such as information-giving, to the patient's
cognitive coping style. Given the complexities involved in reducing
stress in medical settings, Kendall provides a description of a stress
management program directed at patients as well as a description of
possible systems-level interventions. While the results offered by Kendall
and his colleagues in reducing stress for patients about to undergo cardiac
catherization are encouraging, the research requires replication and
A somewhat related project with medical patients is reported by
Robert Wernick, who focuses on the stress of burn patients. Although
Wernick's study is a very preliminary demonstration project, it has a
number of innovative features and promising results. His session-bysession description of the treatment and his use of nurses as therapists can
provide the basis for future work with burn patients as well as other
medical populations. A more complete account of cognitive-behavioral
interventions with pain patients is offered by Turk et at. (1983).
Chronic headaches, bronchial asthma, and essential hypertension
are disorders that affect a sizable portion of the population. As Holroyd,
Appel, and Andrasik indicate, the relationship between such psychophysiological disorders and stress are complex. They trace the pathophysiology of each of these disorders, noting the important role of the
client's thoughts, feelings, and life style in contributing to the etiology
and maintenance of these disorders. They then consider how cognitivebehavioral interventions can be used in treating psychophysiological disorders. In each case, the goals and techniques of intervention should be
tailored to the characteristics of the particular disorder.
In these chapters the contributors focus on how individuals cope
with stress related to major health problems (hospitalization, noxious
medical examinations, burns, psychophysiological disorders). What happens when the individual's stress is self-imposed, that is, the result of
one's life style? This question is further complicated by the fact that in
some cases, individuals who are engaging in such potentially stressengendering behaviors perceive themselves as being "healthy" and "successful" and therefore do not feel they need to change or undergo
Ethel Roskies considers the problems involved in setting up a stressreduction training program for Type A individuals. Following a discussion of the coronary risk factors resulting from Type A behavior, (a constellation of hard-driving, striving intensely for achievement, competitive, easily provoked, impatient, driven by deadlines, abrupt in
gestures and speech) Roskies considers the complexities involved in altering such behaviors. She provides a very important caveat that the editors
wish to underscore; namely, in the absence of understanding the
mechanisms involved between the complex pattern of Type A behavior
and coronary risk, the therapist must be cautious in setting up such intervention programs.
With this caution in mind, Roskies describes a cognitive-behavioral
intervention program designed to help Type A individuals restructure
their environments, change the meaning of how they perceive stressful
situations, and reduce their emotional responsiveness to stress experiences. This need to include multiple aspects of intervention that
focus on direct-action and palliative modes of coping is once again
highlighted. As Roskies notes, no single technique nor particular mode of
coping can adequately respond to the variety of situations in which stress
is experienced and the many forms it takes. As discussed earlier,jlexibility in coping seems to be the most desirable object of training. The Roskies
project provides a promising prototype and a thoughtful consideration of
the issues that should guide future research.
Turk, D., Meichenbaum, D., & Genest, M. Pain and behavioral medicine: Theory, research
and clinical guide. New York: Guilford Press, 1983.
Stressful Medical Procedures
Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Stress
Management and Prevention
Philip C. Kendall
procedure, and concerned about both the probability of their death or the
likelihood of their subsequent existence in some vegetable state. It is no
wonder that the typical patient is not totally calm-the patient can
reasonably be considered under stress.
The stressful nature of various medical procedures is further
evidenced by the fact that many people who might possibly benefit from
certain procedures maintain a pattern of avoidance. Even among those
who present themselves for the procedures, many suffer such inordinate
anxiety as to interfere with the complete and proper execution of the procedure. Still others suffer from residual distress following the completion
of the medical procedures. As clinical psychologists and other behavioral
scientists become increaSingly involved in the psychology of medicine
(e.g., behavioral medicine, medical psychology), the ever-present
necessity of assisting these patients under stress becomes increasingly
The general purpose of the present chapter is to describe the
cognitive-behavioral intervention strategies relevant for application with
stressed medical patients. In so doing, we first examine two stressors that
arise in the medical context: the stressful environments and the invasive
medical procedures. The results of a survey of patients' self-reported
stressors are also detailed. Research and theory bearing on the roles of
cognitive and behavioral skills in stress prevention and management are
examined. Several cognitive-behavioral intervention programs are described, with research findings demonstrating clinical efficacy. A description of the cognitive-behavioral intervention provides the groundwork
for future research and application.
Before considering qualities of the hospital environment and aspects
of the medical intervention that are considered stressful, we must first
recognize that certain characterisitcs of the psychologist may "stress"
the patient, and that frictions within the hospital environment may in
turn stress the psychologist.
Clinical psychologists, when in the environs of a mental health service delivery system, are often viewed by clients as helpers whose sensivity, skill, and experience provide relief from psychological distress. In
non-mental-health settings, such as a medical ward, clinical psychologists
can be seen quite differently. Patients scheduled for examinations to
assess the presence or severity of heart disease may well wonder to
themselves why the hospital has sent a psychologist (" Do I look crazy to
them?' '). When patients are not yet experiencing psychological distress
and may even be denying the mere existence of the physical problem,
they are likely to view the clinician as an intruder rather than a helper. It is
essential for the providers of stress management service to try to
eliminate any additional stress caused by their own presence. Recognizing the normal-but-stressed nature of the patient's status (as opposed to
their being mental health patients) and communicating this directly to the
patient often relieves some concern about their mental health. Clear
statements to this effect, along with repeated exposure to and interaction
with the psychologist, added to the environments' acceptance of the
psychologist's role in the medical procedures all combine to transmit a
more accepting (and less stressful) perception of the psychologist's
The clinical psychologist-physician interactions can also be sources
of stress. Clinicians are, one hopes, inquisitive, and, coupled with only a
cryptic knowledge of the specifics of medical procedures, they are likely
to become students of the medical procedure. In an ideal setting, this
does not create a problem. In some settings, however, psychologists may
be seen as interfering with hospital scheduling, as untrained and
therefore unnecessary, and as general nuisances. For example, Braider
(1976) describes her experiences as a social scientist on a cancer ward:
She was perceived by staff as a threat to their efficiency-oriented hospital
system. This dilemma is sometimes exacerbated when physicians
themselves have learned to defend against the dehumanizing nature of
the patient's treatment and simply see the patient as a physical entity. It is
in the human-interest enterprise that the clinician's expertise is most
rewarding, and it is this aspect of the patient that physicians can come to
bypass. Many of the strategies for stress management and prevention will
be successful, but only to the extent that the hospital system is approached sensitively and the patient treated realistically.
The Environments
The hospital, a setting that is often responsible for extending life, has
attained an undeserved reputation as the source of pain, discomfort, suffering, and sometimes death. However, part of this reputation may be
valid since, after all, hospitalization often occurs when one's illness is
past the point when it can be treated at the doctor's office!
Beyond the somewhat general perception of the hospital as threatening, the routine of hospital care probably causes additional stress. Many
patients find bedside discussions with physicians and/or a nurse educational and reassuring. However, hearsay information can be distressing.
For example, the physicians in charge of patient X, while standing
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while another may suddenly begin to bleed and require emergency attention. A patient may be brought to the room screaming for relief from pain
while another lies quietly awaiting discharge. Suggested environmental
adjustments, such as curtains to separate patients, can prevent patients
from seeing certain events but cannot block out the sounds. Individual
rooms are expensive, and nurses have difficulty keeping an eye on patients when they are so segregated. Other aspects of the hospital environment, such as the "odor" and the presence of "machines," have also
been reported by patients to be stressful. As we will discuss, patients can
be told what to expect, can be prepared to cope with certain stressors,
and can be taught how to interpret constructively the environment that
surrounds them. All of these strategies can serve to minimize the stressful
nature of the medical procedures and the hospitalization.
The Procedures
Advances in modern medicine continue to offer today's hospital patient greater hope for accurate diagnosis and treatment of physical
disorders. This hope can be credited largely to technological advances in
medical assessment. The sometimes frightening appearance and nature of
the tools of medical assessment aside, these tools help save lives. Nevertheless, the procedures are stressful. Skydell and Crowder (1975) have
prepared a reference book that describes diagnostiC procedures and mentions, though entirely too briefly, ideas for patient counseling. Consider
the following examples as illustrations of stressful medical procedures.
Colonoscopy has been available only since 1969, with its practice
often limited to major medical centers. A colonoscopy provides direct
visualization of the large intestine through a fiber optic colonoscope. A
larger portion of the intestine can be seen than with other procedures barring surgery. The entire length of the colonoscpe is passed, and then withdrawn slowly so that the intestinal mucosa can be examined and suspect
tissue removed for further study. Although the time required to perform
colonoscopy varies, a procedure as brief as 30 minutes can be extended to
2 or more hours when passage of the colonoscope is difficult.
Patients about to undergo colonoscopy are limited to a fluid diet for
24 hours and are given enemas approximately 2 hours before the test.
Medications are used only to produce some relaxation in the patient
because the patient's cooperation during the test is important. Colonos copy is a tiring and trying procedure for many patients. Although it
may not be painful, it is difficult to endure because of the body position
that is assumed, the experience of cramps, and embarrassment from the
face-to-anus juxtaposition of the procedure.
Similar medical procedures seek visualization of the lower portion of
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Table l. Assigned Rank Order and Mean Rank Score for Events Related
to the Stresses ofHospitalization a
Having strangers sleep in the same room with you
to eat at different times than you usually do
Having to sleep in a strange bed
Having to wear a hospital gown
Having strange machines around
Being awakened in the night by the nurse
Having to be assisted with bathing
Not being able to get newspapers, radio, or TV when you want
Having a roommate who has too many visitors
Having to stay in bed or the same room all day
Being aware of unusual smells around you
Having a roommate who is seriously ill or cannot talk with you
Having to be assisted with a bedpan
Having a roommate who is unfriendly
Not having friends visit you
Being in a room that is too cold or too hot
Thinking your appearance might be changed after your
Being in the hospital during holidays or special family occasions
Thinking you might have pain because of surgery or test
Worrying about your spouse being away from you
Having to eat cold or tasteless food
Not being able to call family or friends on the phone
Being cared for by an unfamiliar doctor
Being put in the hospital because of an accident
Not knowing when to expect things will be done to you
Having the staff be in too much of a hurry
Thinking about losing income because of your illness
Having medications cause you discomfort
Having nurses or doctors talk too fast or use words you can't
Feeling you are getting dependent on medications
Not having family visit you
Knowing you have to have an operation
Being hospitalized far away fro~ home
Having a sudden hospitalization you weren't planning to have
Not having your call light answered
Not having enough insurance to pay for your hospitalization
Not having your questions answered by the staff
Missing your spouse
Being fed through tubes
Table I( Continued)
Not getting relief from pain medications
Not knowing the results or reasons for your treatments
Not getting pain medication when you need it
Not knowing for sure what illness you have
Not being told what your diagnosis is
Thinking you might lose your hearing
Knowing you have a serious illness
Thinking you might lose a kidney or some other organ
Thinking you might have cancer
Thinking you might lose your sight
receives instructions to swallow a tube, etc., the "good" patient not only
follows directions but also doesn't ask questions. Although this varies from
physician to physician, it is generally the case that information-seeking on
the part of the patient is considered bothersome. Similarly, it is considered
bothersome when patients recognize their current stress and seek emotional support. The good patient does not have any complications. Even
though complications may develop outside the control of the patient, the
"good" patient still is not supposed to have any.
A major paradox exists in medical treatment-the patient is physically
and psychologically in a weak and vulnerable position, yet the treatment
staff implicitly expects strength of character and will. The demands of a
"good" patient are, indeed, more than one might expect from a physically
and psychologically sound person.
Recognition of the stressful nature of invasive medical procedures led
Auerbach and Kilmann (1977) to consider them "crises," with the implication that crisis intervention strategies provide an available course of action.
Crisis intervention procedures are not designed to reconstruct the client's
personality, to change long-standing behavior patterns, or to resolve
systems of interpersonal conflict. Crisis intervention strategies are appropriate because there exists a clearly defined crisis, treatment is timeliminted, and the goals of treatment are narrowly defined (Butcher &
Maudal, 1976). A recent review of the literature on the psychological
preparation of stressed medical patients (Kendall & Watson, 1981) provided additional evidence to endorse such a conceptualization. With the patient seen as "in crisis," the clinician prepares to resolve the crisis.
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pain. The effects of the special attention and the behavioral skills training
cannot be separated from the treatment effects, but the results nevertheless provide some support for the efficacy of sensory informaton
Johnson and Leventhal (1974), employing patients undergoing an
endoscopy examination, compared the effectiveness of different interventions in reducing stress. All of the patients were told when the exam
would take place, what equipment would be used, etc. (procedural information), but only some of the patients were provided with sensory information. A second intervention proup was given specific breathing instructions and taught specific behaviors to be used during the insertion
(behavioral skills training). Both sensory and behavioral skills information were provided to a third group, with the fourth group receiving
nothing beyond the procedural information.
The design of the Johnson and Leventhal study allowed for the
evaluation of specific components of the treatment, but the results failed
to provide clear evidence for the superiority of any component. No
group differences were found in tension-related arm movements during
the procedure, and only marginal differences in heart rate for patients
under 50 years of age. Also, for those under 50, only the sensory information patients took less medication than controls. Both the combined information and sensory only groups gagged less than controls; however,
the tube procedure took longer for the combined information group than
for the controls.
Moderate support for the effectiveness of information provision was
also provided by Mohros (1977) and Johnson, Morissey, and Leventhal
(1973). Mohros's gastrointestinal endoscopy patients received different
types of information but showed no significant group differences on
measures of tranquilizer dosage or avoidant movements. Johnson et al. 's
(1973) gastrointestinal endoscopy patients also received varying types of
information but failed to show group differences in gagging, heart rate, or
restlessness. Less medication was required by information groups than
controls, and sensory information patients exhibited fewer tensionrelated movements. Yet these findings provide only a moderate level of
support for the utility of information-providing interventions. Recent
research by Mills and Krantz (1979) also reported moderate levels of support for the value of information provision. Nevertheless, since information provision is considered an important component of nursing care and
good medical practice, many patients routinely receive such treatment.
Numerous additional studies evaluating other types of interventions have
also routinely included the provision of stress-related information (e.g.
Cassell, 1965; Melamed & Siegel, 1975; Wolfer & Visintainer, 1975).
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interacted with the type of information (general versus specific) provided. Internal locus of control patients who viewed the specific information tape were rated by dentists as better adjusted than those who viewed
the general information tape. The converse was true for the externals,
who responded favorably to the general information tape.
How does the provision of information affect adjustment? Why does
coping style affect the information intervention? A reasonable conclusion
involves the congruence between the patients' typical stress-related
response patterns and the intervention strategy. When the intervention
focuses on providing specific information and when the subject's typical
response pattern involves active information-seeking and vigilant evaluation of stress cues (e.g., sensitizers, copers, internals), the coping styles
are congruent. Similarly, when patients have adopted a pattern of
cognitive denial and behavioral avoidance, the absence of information or
the presentation of general nonthreatening information finds a compatible recipient. Averill, O'Brien, and Dewitt (1977) have also demonstrated, in a laboratory situation, that individual differences in cognitive
style are predictive of coping in spite of subjects having similar expectations about the outcome. What is being suggested here is that there is no
one successful intervention strategy for all patients, but that some intervention strategies are successful when individual cognitive-coping
styles are considered and when the intervention and individual styles are
congruent. In other words, successful stress management strategies play
into, subsidize, and reinforce the patient's own coping style. We will
return to this issue in a later discussion of the cognitive-behavioral procedures for stress management and prevention.
An example of the effects of cognitive processing on stress appraisal
is available from a study that directly altered patients' cognitive processing. The patient, as the receiver of information, processes the new data
through a cognitive coping style. As an active processor, a patient may
misinterpret environmental or internal events and subsequently experience stress. Langer, Janis, and Wolfer (1975) provided an intervention that focused on the reduction of stress through selective attention
and cognition. Patients were taught to process stress-related information
by directing their attention to some favorable aspects of the situation.
This cognitive reappraisal or coping intervention was compared with (a)
information provision, (b) coping training plus information provision,
and (c) an interview-only control.
Nurses' ratings of patient's preoperative anxiety and ability to cope
showed significant group differences. The two groups receiving the
cognitive coping training were rated the lowest in anxiety and the highest
in ability to cope. In contrast, the information-only group was rated
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perceive the event as within their capability, and they adjust or cope, using the provided information, while others perceive themselves as incapable and demonstrate stress responses. In the latter case such information may merely exacerbate stress. Any training program must take into
consideration such wide individual differences. Before considering one
such cognitive-behavioral training program, let us consider other
cognitive-behavioral attempts to reduce stress in medical settings.
Based on a literature indicating that exposing a client to a model who
demonstrates desired behavior can help the client to engage in the desired
behavior, filmed modeling has been successfully employed to help
reduce patient stress. Unlike live modeling, where the demonstration by
the model is an actual ongoing event, and unlike covert modeling, where
the client creates a mental image of the model engaging in the desired
behavi01', filmed modeling presents the performance of the model by
means of film, videotape, or slide show with accompanying audio tape.
The filmed model is often a coping model, demonstrating initial fear and
stress followed by successful coping. In contrast, a mastery model
demonstrates successful coping, but without the initial fear or the
strategies for overcoming the fear. Coping models have been found
superior to mastery models in several studies (e.g., Kazdin, 1974;
Meichenbaum, 1971; Sarason, 1975), and they seem to be most potent
with naive as opposed to experienced patients (Klorman, Hilpert,
Michael, LaGana, & Sveen, 1980). Such coping models provide not only
procedural and sensory information but also response information about
how and when to cope.
We have already mentioned the Shipley et al. (1978, 1979) studies
within the context of the interaction between informational interventions and the patient's cognitive coping style. However, this work can
again be mentioned here, because they successfully used coping modeling films. Their films presented a coping model who showed some initial
difficulty and distress with the endoscopy and subsequent coping with
the procedure.
Another impressive program of research employs filmed models for
the reduction of childrens' stress in medical and dental contexts. For instance, Melamed and Siegel (1975) used filmed models to help 4- to
12-year-olds cope with surgery. The films lasted 16 minutes and consisted of coping models who described their feelings and concerns about
each event, but who ultimately completed each event in a nonanxious
manner. Description of the survey procedures and the operating and
recovery rooms were also provided on the film. On both a Hospital Fears
Rating Scale and observer ratings of anxiety, the children who saw the
filmed models scored significantly lower than children who saw a control
film at both pre- and postoperative assessment periods. Although the
modeling film initially increased anxiety, as measured by the Palmer
Sweat Index, these indices were significantly lower at both pre- and
postsurgery. Work by Ferguson (1979) also indicates positive effects from
a filmed modeling procedure, but Ferguson did not replicate all of Melamed and Siegel's (1975) findings. However, the discrepancies may be due
to the differential effects of the filmed model for different aged children.
Melamed and her colleagues (e.g., Melamed, Weinstein, Hawes, &
Kalin-Borland, 1975) have also reported on the reduction of fear-related
dental management problems through the use of filmed modeling. As
these authors noted, while earlier modeling intervention researchers had
reported equivocal findings, they had not employed conditions that maximized the effectiveness of the modeling. Melamed et al. (1975), in order
to maximize the effects of exposure to the filmed model, included praise
for cooperative model behavior, coping model characteristics, and showing the modeling film under conditions when the children were aroused
in anticipation of the dental work. Children either viewed the modeling
film or drew pictures for an equal length of time.
Data from a Behavior Profile Rating Scale, consisting of fear-related
disruptive behaviors, and a childrens' fear survey schedule were analyzed. The Behavior Profile Rating Scale indicated the frequency of
disruptive behaviors during successive three-minute intervals. Melamed
et al. (1975) reported that children who viewed the modeling tape
showed significantly less disruptive behavior during restorative dental
procedures than did the controls. (For a description of other related
studies, see Melamed, 1979.)
With both adults and children, filmed modeling interventions have
been found to produce positive results in terms of stress reduction and
the management of disruptive behavior. In the filmed modeling
paradigm, it appears that the efficacy of the treatment lies in the presentation of information about the impending event (both verbally and visually) and in the viewing of an example of successful coping. Evidence suggests that repetition of this exposure is desirable (Shipley et al., 1978) but
that there are also individual differences (repression-sensitization) that
interact with the success of repeated exposure (Shipley et al., 1979)'The efficacy of the filmed modeling may be enhanced further by including patient-therapist interactions, where the therapist engages the
patient in a discussion of the intended message. More importantly, the
therapist can require active rehearsal of the coping strategies with ap-
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inoculation procedures with patients hospitalized for severe stress reactions. These "stress reactions" covered a wide range of diagnoses, with
18 depressive neuroses, 4 anxiety neuroses, 4 marital maladjustments,
and a few in each of 12 other categories. Twenty-six acute patients were
randomly assigned to one of three groups: (a) stress inoculation training,
(b) stress inoculation training and chemotherapy, and (c) chemotherapy.
Subjects received the stress inoculation training in an average of eight
one-hour sessions from one therapist-the experimenter. The stress inoculation training included autogenic training as the relaxation coping
skill, cognitive restructuring as a cognitive change procedure, and rehearsal and modeling as performance-oriented behavioral procedures.
Dosage level and type of drug for chemotherapy patients were determined
by each patient's physician. Seven measures of distress (e.g., MMPI
Despression and Psychasthenia scale, subscores of the Sympton
Checklist-90, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) were combined by
means of multivariate methods to produce one independent measure called the Subjective Distress factor. Following rotation, this factor accounted for 93.5% of the variance. Patients were assessed within two
days after their arrival at the hospital, again five days later, and finally
after the intervention was completed.
There were no significant differences on the Subjective Distress factor among the three treatment groups on their arrival at the hospital. All
three groups showed some decrease in Subjective Distress during the first
pretreatment week in the hospital, but the group who received only
stress inoculation was significantly superior to the chemotherapy-only
group in reducing Subjective Distress over the course of treatment. While
these data are preliminary and one would like to see long-term follow-up,
they do suggest the utility of stress inoculation training with clinical patients suffering severe stress. Moreover, Holcomb's data suggest that
stress inoculation procedures were more effective than chemotherapy in
reducing Subjective Distress. Given the heterogeneity of these clinical patients, these data are most encouraging. Future research will need to address the likelihood of change occurring on measures of improvement
other than patient self-report.
Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Medical Stress Management
Recognition of the environmental, procedural, and personal factors
that can contribute to the excessive stress of the hospital patient leads one
to a multifactor conceptualization of the stressor. Similarly, recognition
of the role of the patient's cognitive coping style in processing stressrelated information leads to an individualized stress management pro-
Philip C. Kendall
Patient Contacb
r - - - - r-----, r - - - - - , r-----,
f~E~~~~~~~~~~~RAL ~C:~;;lon
'----- _
Components of
Stress Inoculation
of stress
of siren
Client Preparation
education stage
Skill Training
'A third patient contact for additional rehe.rsal can be scheduled If time permits
medical stress.
gram. Both of these factors are taken into consideration in the present
cognitive-behavioral program for stress management. The program is
sensitive to the sources of stress and the program provides an individually
tailored intervention. The stages of the cognitive-behavioral intervention
are described in Figure 1. Let us consider each of these stages.
Prior to the initiation of the intervention proper, the trainer who
may be a psychologist, nurse, or trained volunteer makes initial contact
with the patient. This first contact, often at bedside, is very important.
Whether a staff person has suggested that the clinician see the patient or
even if the clinician routinely provides service for incoming patients it is
not uncommon for the medically troubled patient to wonder "So they
think I'm crazy ...why else would they send a psychologist to talk to me?"
A brief initial pretreatment contact contributes to a smooth-running
intervention. It provides a chance for p~l:ent and clinician to become acquainted with one another. Generating casual conversation, offering suggestions that will enhance comfort, and, most important, being an attentive ear will promote the patient's reception of the clinician's presence
and recommendations. A useful technique is to anticipate the patient's
concerns and preoccupations and to include these at the same time. During an introduction, for example, one might say
Hello, I'm Dr.-. I work on this unit as a psychologist and I routinely see all patients to check on how things are going and to see what can be done to make
your stay more comfortable. The staff here recognize that a visit to the
hospital can be a trying event and that having a chance to talk about how
things are going may often prove helpful.
Seeing someone like a psychologist may seem odd, but it doesn't mean that
you are going crazy or that anyone is worried about you. What it does mean is
that we have come to appreciate how important stress is to the health process
and we'd like to help keep you from feeling unduly stressed.
The exact words are less important than the sentiment that is conveyed.
The effort should be on communicating that the psychologist will be a
resource that is on call. It is in this context that the description of the
intervention program is offered.
The clinician first presents the rationale for the program. The rationale places emphasiS on the normal-but-stressed nature of the patient's
condition. "Everyone experiences stress" and "You haven't been secretly identified as crazy" are statements that are reassuring for the patient to
hear. Describing the role of the psychologist in this setting as one who
facilitates the adjustment of normal-but-stressed patients also gives reassurance. Discussing how people cope with stress and practicing how to
cope with stress in advance are described as part of the program. The
trainer attempts to stimulate an appropriate level of positive expectancy
enhanced by mentioning that previous patients have found the discussions interesting and that they reported feeling less stressed as a result.
When operating procedures permit, the intervention proper would
begin at a second contact period that had been mutually agreed on by the
patient and trainer, giving consideration to the patient's hectic hospital
schedule. If scheduling or patient preference dictates, the next training
phase can proceed directly following the description of the program. It is
more likely, however, that the training will be more enthUSiastically
received, and perhaps therefore more effective, if the patient has had a
chance to think it over and anticipate talking about stress rather than if
the intervention follows directly after the program description. This particularly applies when the training is conducted on a group basis.
The discussion of stress begins the intervention (patient contact #2 in
Figure 1). The clinician acknowledges the fact that the medical procedures result in varying levels of stress and that stressors mayor may not
be easily recognized by the patient. The clinician, having done his or her
homework, is knowledgeable about the type of medical procedure the
patient is scheduled to undergo and discusses the procedure with the patient. The patient is instructed to try to identify what it is about the
medical procedure that is discomforting. 1 Specific cues can be identified
Where the swallowing of the endoscope is stressful, for example, the trainer can describe
"gagging" as a stress cue. The trainer takes his or her cue from the patient in considering
the most stressful features. The trainer should be cautious in invoking excessively emotional topics that might inflate the stress and distance the patient from the clinician (i.e.,
"I'm not going to listen to this guy, he thinks everything has to do with the fear of death").
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by some patients without prompting, but the survey of hospital stress factors discussed earlier in this chapter can be helpful to have the patient talk
about stressful cues.
In addition to being an aid in the identification of the patient's stress
cues, the clinician serves as a source of sensory, procedural, and response
information. Procedural information (and, to a lesser degree, sensory information) can be gleaned from medical texts (e.g., Skydell & Crowder,
1975) and discussions with phYSicians and nurses. For sensory information, it is more worthwhile to check with recent patients and interview
them about their sensory experiences than it is to rely on an observer's
retrospective report. The clinician should also observe the procedure
personally. Data gathered during these observations serve both to assure
that the clinician is not inaccurate when describing events to the patient
and to isolate certain "psychological" stress factors that may be overlooked by others. For example, some hospital staff may adopt a cold
interpersonal manner in treating patients. This style may be the stressful
cue for certain patients. The clinician serves as a trained outside observer
in the identification of the emotionally stressful components of the
medical procedures. Such observations will also provide the trainer with
information about the possible coping responses the client might use
when experiencing various stressful events.
Skills training proceeds directly from the therapist-patient discussion of stress. Unlike other settings where stress inoculation programs
can be implemented in 8, 10, or more sessions, interventions in a hospital
setting will often have to take place in a one- or two-hour period. If and
when scheduling permits additional sessions, the skills training and
rehearsal stages can be extended.
Following the discussion of stress and the identification of stressrelated cues, the therapist turns to the consideration of coping with
stress. It is often desirable at this time for the clinician to self-disclose a
personally stressful experience that had been difficult to cope with. The
clinician should have the experience thOUght through in advance. It is
important that the experience was real and that it was difficult to cope
with, since the therapist is self-disclosing as a coping model rather than a
mastery model (see example in Table II). The therapist, as a coping example, models both the negative thoughts and the aversive arousal
associated with the stress and the ways in which the stress was managed.
Experiences to be shared with the patient should arise from within the
realm of conventionally-acceptable behaviors, as self-disclosures that
may be highly personal yet considered "deviant" by the receiver of the
information have been shown to result in dislike for the discloser
(Derlega, Harris, & Chaikin, 1973).
The stage has been set for the therapist to ask the patient to describe a
prior stressful experience. The therapist remains nonjudgmental. As in
the early phases of brainstorming , in which the generation of alternatives
is encouraged without restriction. Encouragement, with shaping, eventuates into a stress-relevant story that will be useful in treatment. The
therapist inquires as to how the patient coped with prior stress. This
information subsequently becomes an example of how to cope with the
present stress.
When time permits, further assessment of the client's own coping
style is recommended (Kendall & Williams, in press). For example, a more
in-depth interview or use of one of several self-report inventories may be
useful, identifying the patient as a repressor or sensitizer or as having an
internal or external locus of control would help determine prior coping
preferences. When time is brief, however, the therapist will move on to
describing and rephrasing the patient's coping style for him or her. For instance, if the patient indicated that in former stress situations he went to
the library and read about the medical procedure, then the therapist
would describe information-seeking as a valuable stress management and
stress prevention strategy. The therapist would then inquire if the patient
felt that such a coping response would help in the present situation. In
short, the patient is seen as a collaborator in the suggestion of what could
be done to cope with the present stressor. It is important that the therapist
does not merely offer suggestions or tell the patient what should be done,
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but rather that he or she enlist the patient to view the surgical or medical
examination procedures as a problem-to-be solved. This set will permit
the implementation of specific suggested coping responses such as providing additional procedural, sensory, and response information and
perhaps arranging for reading materials to be left with the patient.
The trainer and patient can now turn to a reexamination of the
recently identified stress cues, incorporating certain suggestions for coping that were taken partially from the prior coping experiences of the patient. This portion of the intervention might be called reframing, cognitive restructuring, or strategy retraining. Nevertheless, the central idea is
recognizing stress cues and using these cues to trigger cognitive and
behavioral coping responses. For example, two cues that were fairly consistently identified as stressful by cardiac catheterization patients were (a)
the room full of machinery and (b) how young the doctors looked. In reexamining the stressful nature of the machinery, the therapist might say
"a room full of machinery sure is foreign-looking, sort of science fiction.
They're especially odd if you don't know what the machines do. What do
the machines make you think of?" The patient replies, "Oh, something
will go wrong with one of them." The therapist works with the patient to
recognize that when' 'thoughts about the machines and that something is
going to go wrong" start to run through the patient's head, it's the cue to
seek information about what the machines are for and how they work, in
general. Another possibility is to think about the advances in technology
and medical science. The therapist might say "as soon as you start thinking about the machines going awry, remember how far technology has
come to be able to even perform this test. Your health is in better hands
now than before the machines were available. Technology has come a
long way to be able to check you out so thoroughly."
"These young doctors make me worry, they're just out of diapers
and green all over. What do they know?" Indeed, many physicians do
look quite young to patients who are retired or in their later years. Physicians may wear beards or longer hair and appear nonprofessional to older
patients. This is certainly not always the case, but it does occur when the
stressful medical procedure is performed on predominately older
"You know," the therapist might say, "those young doctors just
finished their medical training. They're not bothered by middle age crisis,
they're not thinking about their teenage children, and they're not set in
their ways. They are trying to show that they're experts, they have a
positive view of their abilities, and, most important, they are up on the
latest advances in medicine. They're not performing the procedure for
the first time, and they're not doing it out of routine either." In both ex-
amples, the therapist guides the patient to recognize the stress cues and to
use them as reminders to engage in cognitive coping.
Rehearsal of the newly acquired skills constitutes the final stage of
the training. Various stress cues are mentioned as the patient rehearses
out loud the manner in which these cues can be thought of. Encouragement and social reinforcement are applied to build patient confidence. In
some circumstances where extreme muscle tension may plague the patient's ability to adjust, relaxation training can be provided. In such instances, the final stage should also include some rehearsal of the methods
of relaxation.
As evident from the stress events provided in Table I, lack of communication (e.g., "not knowing the results or reason~ for your treatments") was perceived by patients as very stressful. This stress can be approached from two directions. First, the therapist describes information-seeking to the patient as a desirable behavior. The therapist encourages direct inquiry by the patient and informs physicians that such
inquiries are to be supported. In some cases patients may need guidance
and encouragement about seeking such information. A second approach
is for the clinician to try and work directly with the staff (nurses and doctors) in order to educate them about the role of stress and what they can
do to reduce it. In some ways this is easier said than done. The attempt to
work directly with the hospital staff is a topic requiring a separate
Kendall, Williams, Pechacek, Graham, Shisslak, and Herzoff (1979)
compared the effectiveness of this cognitive-behavioral treatment and a
patient-education treatment in reducing the stress of patients undergoing
cardiac catheterization. To control for the effects of the increased attention given to treated patients, an attention-placebo control group was
employed. A final control group completed the assessment measures but
received only the typical current hospital experiences (Le., current conditions control). Patients in the cognitive-behavioral treatment group
received individual training in the identification of those aspects of the
hospitalization that aroused distress in them and in the application of
their own cognitive coping strategies to lessen that anxiety. The therapist
explained to the patient that stress is typical and that people cope in
various ways. The therapist served as a coping model by self-disclosing a
source of personal stress and discussing the strategy used to cope. The patient then discussed prior sources of stress and how they were coped
with. The therapist next illustrated ways in which the patient's strategies
could be used in the current situation. The therapist then helped the patient to rehearse the use of such cognitive and behavioral coping in
response to the stress cues.
Philip C. Kendall
Figure 2. Physician and technician ratings of patient adjustment for the four conditions in
the Kendall, Williams, Pechacek, Graham, Shisslak, and Herzoff (1979) study.
Philip C. Kendall
aFrom Kendall, Williams, Pechacek, Graham, Shisslak, and Herzoff (1979). Positive items (1,2,3,5,7,
10, 11,13,18, & 19) and negative items (4,6,8,9,13,15,17,20) are scored separately by computing
separate totals.
event from the staff. In this regard, visitors should be cautioned to avoid
spreading hearsay and to let the patient discuss questions directly with
the professional staff.
A patient's family members may require involvement in the intervention. A patient's spouse, for instance, may be severely discomforted
by the hospitalization and require relaxation training or perhaps sedation. Distressed spouses should be calmed prior to visiting and perhaps
encouraged to visit at the same time as nonstressed visitors. In contrast,
cooperative and successfully coping family members can facilitate the intervention procedures and can be kept informed and involved.
With pediatric patients, preparation of the child for the medical
stress might include both in-hospital and at-home preparations with
parental involvement (e.g., Wolfer & Visintainer, 1979). Parents can
become fearful of the possibility of a fatal outcome, guilt-ridden as a
result of feelings that they "caused" the medical problem, or rejecting
since they deny the severity of the child's needs. Indeed, parents as well
as their children can benefit from professional consultation regarding the
medical procedures, the implications of possible outcomes, and the
rehearsal of successful coping strategies.
While we have focused on the stressful nature of the patient's impending medical procedure, there are other related stressors to consider.
For example, the outcome of the medical procedure will not always
document positive health. Patients being assessed for heart disease or
cancer may discover that they have the disease and that it may be at a
serious stage. The diagnosiS of serious illness also carries with it the
possibility of long-term illness and death. Patients who must face these
additional stressors require additional interventions with additional coping rehearsal. When faced with the possibility of a lifetime of physical
disability, or when the crisis stress of the medical procedure is simply
replaced by a more continuous stress, brief coping training will be insufficient and long-range, systems-level involvement becomes essential.
Janis (1969) has cited research suggesting that "if a normal person is
given accurate prior warning of impending pain and discomfort, together
with sufficient reassurances so that fear does not mount to a very high
level, he will be less likely to develop acute emotional disturbances than a
person who is not warned" (p. 102). Warburton (1979), while summarizing the contributions to an edited volume on human stress, stated that
"psychological stressors must be considered with respect to the individual, and the stress responses will be a function of the person's
Philip C. Kendall
evaluation ofthe input" (p. 471). Clearly, the individual's cognitive processing of the stress-related information plays a central role in coping.
The cognitive-behavioral intervention for medical stress management and prevention strives to provide the patient with a realistic sense
of control and predictability. Through individualized learning experiences involving information and modeling, the trainer works with
the patient in order for the patient to learn that he or she (a) has coped in
the past, (b) knows how to cope now, (c) has practiced coping in the face
of the present stress, and (d) has planned for additional stressors and has
coping strategies prepared for them.
Andrews, J. Recovery from surgery, with and without preparatory instruction, for three
coping styles. journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1970, 15, 223-226.
Auerbach, S. M., Kendall, P. c., Cuttler, H. F., & Levitt, N. R. Anxiety, locus of control, types
of preparatory information, and adjustment to dental surgery.journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 1976, 44, 809-818.
Auerbach, S. M., & Kilmann, P. R. Crisis intervention: A review of outcome research.
Psychological Bulletin, 1977,84, 1189-1217.
Averill, J .R., O'Brien, L., & DeWitt, G. W. The influence of response effectiveness on the
preference for warning and on psychophysiological stress reactions. journal of
Psychiatry, 1977,45, 395-418.
Braider, L. Private experience and public expectation on the cancer ward. Omega, 1976,
Butcher,). N., & Maudal, G. R. Crisis intervention. In I. B. Weiner (Ed.), Clinical methods in
psychology. New York: Wiley, 1976.
Byrne, D. Repression-sensitization as a dimension of personality. In B. A. Maher (Ed.),
Progress in experimental personality research (Vol. 1). New York: Academic Press,
Cassell, S. Effect of brief puppet therapy upon the emotional responses of children
undergOing cardiac catheterization. journal of Consulting Psychology, 1965, 29,
Cataldo, M. F., Bessman, C. A., Parker, L. H., Pearson,). E., & Rogers, M. C. Behavioral
assessment for pediatric intensive care units. journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,
Cohen, F., & Lazarus, R. S. Active coping processes, coping disposition, and recovery from
surgery. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1973,35, 375-389.
DeLong, R. D. Individual differences in patterns of anxiety arousal, stress-relevant information, and recovery from surgery (Doctoral dissertation, University of California,
Los Angeles, 1970). Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971,32, 554B.
Deriaga, V.)., Harris, M. S., & Chaikin, A. L. Self-disclosure reciprocity, liking and the
deviant.journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1973,9, 277-284.
Egbert, L. D., Battit, G. W., Welch, C. E., & Bartlett, M. K. Reduction of post-operational
pain by encouragement and instruction of patients. New Englandjournal ofMedicine,
Ferguson, B. F. Preparing young children for hospitalization: A comparison of two
methods. Pediatrics, 1979,64,656-664.
Philip C. Kendall
Meichenbaum, D. H. Examination of model characteristics in reducing avoidance behavior.journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, 1971, 17, 298-307.
Meichenbaum, D., & Cameron, R. Stress inoculation: A skills training approach to anxiety
management. Unpublished manuscript, University of Waterloo, 1973.
Melamed, B. G. Behavioral approaches to fear in dental settings. In M. Hersen, R. Eisler,
& P. Miller (Eds.), Progress in behavior mOdifictition (Vol. 7). New York: Academic
Press, 1979.
Melamed, B. G., & Siegel, L.}. Reduction of anxiety in children facing hospitalization and
surgery by use of filmed modeling. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
Melamed, B. G., Weinstein, D., Hawes, R., & Katin-Borland,}. Reduction of fear-related
dental management problems with use of filmed modeling. Journal of the American
DentalAssociation, 1975,90,822-826.
Mills, R. T., & Krantz, D. S. Information, choice, and reactions to stress: A field experiment
in a blood bank with laboratory analogue. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 1979,37,608-620.
Mohros, K. L. L. Effects of reassuring information and sensory information on emotional
response during a threatening medical examination (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1976). Dissertation Abstracts International, 1977, 38, 13041305A.
Rotter, J. Generalized expectancies of internal versus external control of reinforcement.
Psychological Monographs, 1966, 80 (Whole No. 609).
Sarason, I. Test anxiety and the self-disclosing model. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 1975,43, 148-153.
Selye, H. Stress without distress. In C. A. Garfield (Ed.), Stress and survival: The emotional
realities of life-threatening illness. St. Louis: Mosby, 1979.
Shipley, R. H., Butt,}. H., Horwitz, B., & Fabry,}. E. Preparation for a stressful medical
procedure. Effect of amount of stimulus preexposure and coping style. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1978,46, 499-507.
Shipley, R. H., Butt,}. H., & Horwitz, E. A. Preparation to reexperience a stressful medical
examination: Effect of repetitious videotape exposure and coping style. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1979,47,485-492.
Skydell, B., & Crowder, A. S. Diagnostic procedures: A reference for health practitioners
and a guide for patient counseling. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975.
Turk, D. Cognitive control ofpain: A skills training approach. Unpublished manuscript,
University of Waterloo, 1975.
Turk, D. C., & Genest, M. Regulation of pain: The application of cognitive and behavioral
techniques for prevention and remediation. In P. C. Kendall & S. D. Hollon (Eds.),
Cognitive-behavioral interventions: Theory, research, and procedures. New York:
Academic Press, 1979.
Vernon, D. T. A., & Bigelow, D. A. Effect of information about a potentially stressful
situation on responses to stress impact. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974,29,50-59.
Volicer, B. }., & Bohannon, M. W. A hospital stress rating scale. Nursing Research, 1975,
24, 352-359.
Warburton, D. M. Stress and the processing of information. In V. Hamilton & D. M. Warburton (Eds.), Human stress and cognition. New York: Wiley, 1979.
Wolfer,}. A., & Visintainer, M. A. Pediatric surgical patients' and parents' stress responses
and adjustment as a function of psychologic preparation and stress-point nursing
care. Nursing Research, 1975,24, 244-255.
Wolfer,}. A., & Visintainer, M. A. Prehospital psychological preparation for tonsillectomy
patients: Effects on children's and parents' adjustment. Pediatrics, 1979, 64, 646-655.
Stress Inoculation in the Management
of Clinical Pain
Applications to Bum Pain
Robert L. Wernick
simply a function of tissue damage. It has been suggested that pain be viewed
as a subjective experience, of which sensory input is but one component.
Melzack and Wall (1965, 1975) have proposed a conceptualization of
pain in which cognitive and affective factors are viewed as important
mediators of the pain experience. Their gate-control theory emphasizes a
multidimensional perspective and offers an alternative to the specificity
model of pain. From this view, pain perception and response are seen as
complex phenomena resulting from the interaction of sensorydiscriminative, motivational-affective, and cognitive-evaluative components. The failure to take these components into account can explain the
frequent frustration encountered in the treatment of patients with somatic
methods designed to block pain pathways (Turk & Genest, 1979).
Weisenberg (1977) offers a comprehensive review of the correlates of pain
perception and notes that the gate-control theory emphasizes the role of
psychological influences in the perception of pain.
While the exact psychological mechanisims and anatomimcal bases
for the gate-control theory have been criticized, ,the multidimensional
perspective has received considerable support (Turk & Genest, 1979).
Weisenberg (1977) has noted that, regardless of specific inaccuracies, the
gate-control theory has been the most influential and important current
theory of pain perception. This theory has had considerable influence on
pain research and clinical pain control; it has stimulated a multidisciplinary
view of pain for research and treatment; and it has been able to
demonstrate the importance of psychological variables. The goals of such a
multidimensional approach include a decreasing reliance on medical
treatments, reducing the incidence of recurring pain after treatment, making pain more bearable when it cannot be eliminated, and increasing
tolerance of unavoidable clinical pain (Turk, 1975a).
It is the last goal that provides the focus ofthis chapter. Unavoidable
clinical pain can be viewed as one type of stress that can be managed in
much the same way as other stressors. Special emphasis in this area will be
placed on the unavoidable pain associated with bum trauma. The main
purposes will be to (a) briefly review the psychological literature related to
bum patients; (b) describe the sequence of treatment procedures involved
in bum care; (c) review the use of cognitive-behavioral interventions for
the management of clinical pain; and (d) describe a specific pain management program for bum patients.
Although hundreds of thousands of people are burned yearly, interest
in the psychological aspects of bum victims did not appear in the
literature until the Cocoanut Grove fire disaster in 1942. In their anecdotal reports, Adler (1943) and Cobb and Lindeman (1943) observed
psychological problems in more than 50 % of their subjects. While based
primarily on interviews and observations, these initial studies identified
burn victims as a population at high risk of psychological problems secondary to their injury.
In general, the literature focusing on the psychological aspects of
burn victims has remained relatively sparse. It has only been recently that
a multidiSciplinary team approach has been utilized to meet the many
psychosocial needs of these patients and their families (Miller, Gardner, &
Mlott, 1976; Morris & McFadd, 1978). It should also be noted that while
the pain experience of burn victims has long been identified as a major
problem area, very little attention has been paid to its management.
The burn experience has been described as both physically and emotionally devastating (Davidson & Noyes, 1973). Severe burns have been
characterized as a catastrophic illness (Andreasen, Norris, & Hartford,
1971), a physical and mental disaster (Miller et al., 1976), and one ofthe
most severe traumas that human beings can survive (Andreasen, Noyes,
Hartford, Brodland, & Proctor, 1972). This type of injury is unqiue in exposing patients first to severe pain, delirium, and the threat of deaththen later to prolonged convalescence and disfigurement. Thus, the
adaptive capacities of the individual are put to a severe test (Noyes, Andreasen, & Hartford, 1971).
The incidence of psychological problems in burn patients has been
observed to be quite high during hospitalization. Estimates of both
civilian and military adult populations have indicated that from 50 to
100 % of severely burned patients have developed at least brief periods of
psychological disturbance (Cobb & Lindemann, 1943; Hamburg, Artz,
Reiss, Amspacher, & Chambers, 1953; Hamburg, Hamburg, & deGoza,
1953; Lewis, Goolishian, Wolf, Lynch, & Blocker, 1963; Noyes et al.,
1971). Additionally, three factors were found to be associated with a poor
adjustment: (a) premorbid psychopathology; (b) prior physical problems;
and (c) burns covering more than 30% of the body (Andreasen, Noyes, &
Hartford, 1972). It should be noted that comparisons between studies
have often been difficult to make due to the variability or absence of objective criteria for such factors as psychological disturbance, severity of
burn, and adjustment.
The posthospitalization prospects for burn victims appear to be
more optimistic. The more favorable long-term prognosis suggested by
early reports (e.g., Adler, 1943) has generally received support from more
recent studies. Twenty patients without prior psychopathology were
evaluated some time between one and five years postburn and only 30%
Robert L. Wernick
ctor, 1972; Chang & Herzog, 1976; Hamburg, Hamburg, & deGoza, 1953;
Noyes et al., 1971).
Anxiety reactions, including such symptoms as insomnia,
nightmares, and emotional liability, have been cited as common occurrences with most severely burned patients. Several investigators have
noted that regression and marked dependence occurred frequently
enough to be considered major problems (Andreasen, 1974; Andreasen &
Norris, 1972; Davidson & Noyes, 1973; Hamburg, Hamburg, & deGoza,
1953; Steiner & Clark, 1977; Weisz, 1967). Problems related to extreme
noncompliance with treatment have been observed less frequently and
have been associated with premorbid psychopathology (Andreasen,
Noyes, & Hartford, 1972; Davidson & Noyes, 1973; Kjaer, 1969; Wernick, Brantley, & Malcolm, 1980).
It has been observed that since psychological difficulties impede the
recovery process and are associated with a poorer prognosis, their treatment should be an integral part of the patient's therapy (Andrasean, 1974;
Hamburg, Artz, Reiss, Amspacher, & Chambers, 1953; Morris & McFadd,
1978). In response to this issue, a variety of strategies have been recommended, including (a) the use of appropriate medications, particularly for
delirium; (b) the establishment of a close professional relationship be-
tween patient and physician; (c) providing accurate and reassuring information; (d) allowing patients to ventilate; (e) providing distractions; and
(t) requesting psychiatric consultation (Andreasen, 1974; Andreasen et
al., 1971; Andreasen, Noyes, Hartford, Brodland, & Proctor, 1972; Artz,
1965; Cobb & Lindemann, 1943; Hamburg, Artz, Reiss, Amspacher, &
Chambers, 1953; Hamburg, Hamburg, & deGoza, 1953; Jorgensen &
Brophy, 1975; Kjaer, 1969; Lipowski, 1967; Miller et al., 1976; Weisz,
Traditionally, psychological intervention with burn patients has taken
the form of sometimes vague suggestions or individual consultation for
specific problems. More recently, innovative approaches have been employed. Behavioral strategies have been successfully used to manage or
modify noncompliant and maladaptive behavior Oorgensen & Brophy,
1975; Simons, McFadd, Frank, Green, Malin, & Morris, 1978; Wernick et
al., 1980; Zide & Pardoe, 1976). Behavioral programs have been carried
out by nursing staffs and have often resulted in generalized patient participation in recovery and rehabilitation. Additionally, the multidisciplinary
mental health team has been described (Miller et al., 1976; Morris &
McFadd, 1978). This approach appears to offer a more effective model for
meeting the psychological needs of patients and staff alike.
Since bum units may be unfamiliar to many professionals, a general
description of the procedures involved in patient care will be presented.
It should be noted that the various degrees of bum involve increasingly
deep tissue damage. First degree bums (e.g., sunburn) involve damage to
only the outer layers of skin (epidermis), heal within a week, and leave no
permanent scars. Second degree (partial thickness) bums involve from
superficial to deep damage to the dermis and will eventually heal by
themselves. Third degree (full thickness) burns involve destruction of all
the skin and possibily subcutaneous tissue, including the nerve endings,
do not generate new skin, and require grafting to cover the wound (Gordon, 1978).
Emergency phase (the first few days post-burn): When a severely
burned patient is first admitted to the bum unit, a thorough examination
is conducted to determine the percentage of the body burned, as well as
the seriousness of the injury. The major concerns include the stabilization
of fluids and electrolytes, the maintenance of adequate respiration and
circulation, and the prevention o{ infection. The wounds will be cleaned
and dressed, and IVs will be inserted to replace lost fluids. The patient
will then be placed in an isolated, intensive care setting.
Robert L. Wernick
The intensive care setting can be quite frightening to the patient. The
constant activity and the Sights and sounds made by monitors, respirators,
and other equipment are often bewildering. The patient is likely to have
several lines and tubes connected to various parts of his or her body. A
compromised mental status is a common occurrence. At this time, second
degree burns will be very painful, while third degree bums will be painless
since the nerve endings have been destroyed.
Acute phase (until the patient is covered with new skin): This phase
may last from several days to several months, depending on the depth and
extent of the burn. The acute phase coinddes with the remaining period of
hospitalization; and while the patient will be transferred out of intensive
care early in this phase, his or her condition remains critical. The major
concerns are the healing and grafting of the burn wounds and the prevention of infection and contractures (loss of joint function).
Pain is a daily companion of the burn patient during the acute phase
(Andreasen, Noyes, & Hartford, 1972). Nerve endings begin to regenerate
in third degree burns early in this phase and result in added pain. Fagerhaugh (1974) noted that the outstanding features of burn pain are its intensity and long duration. Primary pain resulting from the burn itself gradually
improves, but it is usually not fully relieved until the skin heals or the
wounds are completely covered with grafts. The results of a pilot study
suggested that the time of hospitalization was identified as the most stressful period by burn patients (Simons, Green, Malin, Suskind, & Frank, 1978).
Robert L. Wernick
stress-related problems (Gentry & Bernal, 1977; Jaremko, 1979; Meichenbaum, 1977; Meichenbaum & Turk, 1976; Weisenberg, 1977).
Various strategies have been found to be effective, including relaxation
training (Bobey & Davidson, 1970), reversal of affect, emotive imagery,
refocusing of attention and other forms of distraction Oaremko, 1978;
Spanos, Horton, & Chaves, 1975; Stone, Demchik-Stone, & Horan, 1977;
Turk, 1978b), cognitive reappraisal (Meichenbaum & Turk, 1976), and
cognitive restructuring (Goldfried, Linehan, & Smith, 1978). Recent
evidence has suggested that using multiple strategies is more effective
than the use of anyone procedure Oaremko, 1979; Scott & Barber, 1977;
Spanos, Radtke-Bodorik, Ferguson, &Jones, 1979; Turk, 1978a).
Among the various packages of cognitive-behavioral techniques,
"stress inoculation" has received the most research attention. Stress inoculation was conceived as a flexible, coping-skills approach for the
management of stress-related problems (Meichenbaum, 1975). The stress
inoculation package has been found to be effective in the management of
anger (Novaco, 1976, 1977), experimentally induced pain (Horan,
Hackett, Buchanan, Stone, & Demchik-Stone, 1977), test anxiety (Hussian
& Lawrence, 1978), and interpersonal anxiety (Meichenbaum & Turk,
1976). While a few recent studies involving the management of clinical
pain will be reported here, the interested reader is referred to a recent
work for a more complete review of cognitive-behavior modification
Robert L. Wernick
royd, Andrasik, & Westbrook, 1977). Questions could be raised about the effective procedural ingredients since the discussion group did not differ significantly from the two self-control groups. Additional information concerning methods used to control headaches was gathered by means of interviewing subjects in the three treatment groups. The authors noted that all but one
participant in the discussion group reported devising cognitive self-control
procedures for coping that were similar to those taught to the participants in
the two self-control groups. These results provide support for the findings of
Chaves and Brown (1978) with dental patients. Additionally, they suggest
that the improvements shown by participants in the discussion group may
have resulted from their use of cognitive coping strategies of their own
In a more recent study, Rybstein-Blinchik (1979) examined the effects of
cognitive strategies on chronic pain. Subjects were 44 rehabilitation patients
with a variety of diagnoses involving chronic pain (e.g., amputation, spinal
cord injury, rheumatoid arthritis). Patients were assigned to one of four
groups: (a) somatization-subjects were told to replace the term pain with a
certain feeling and to concentrate on the sensation itself; (b) irrelevant cognitive strategy-subjects were instructed to replace thoughts accompanying
their experience of pain with new ones concerning "important events" in
their lives; (c) relevant cognitive strategy-subjects were instructed to
replace thoughts accompanying their experience of pain with new ones
all burn victims is the stress of an almost continuous encounter with pain.
In view of the success achieved in other preliminary studies using
cognitive-behavioral approaches to manage pain, Wernick (1980) proposed to test the efficacy of stress inoculation (SI) training in the management of clinical pain experience of burn patients.
The subjects were adult patients from the Burn Unit of the Medical
University of South Carolina. This unit is a nine-bed, isolated, critical care
facility with its own three-bed intensive care section. Patients with burns
to less than 15 % of the body, the intellectually impaired, and patients in
intensive care were excluded from this study. Sixteen subjects were randomly assigned to the SI or No-Treatment (NT) groups so that eight subjects were in each group.
Nine dependent measures were used in this study. The State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was administered three times: during the pretreatment, posttreatment, and follow-up assessment periods (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970). A manual with detailed, standardized
instructions for assessment and treatment strategies was developed for
use in this study (Wernick, Taylor, &]aremko, 1978). The staff of the Burn
Unit obtained several daily measures, including
1. Pain medication requests: Each request and administration of
analgesic medication was recorded. Unauthorized pain medication requests were defined as the number of requests made, minus the number of
administrations of analgesics.
2. Self-ratings: All subjects were asked to rate how they felt
physically and how they felt emotionally three times per 12-hour shift.
Both ratings were obtained on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), with a
rating of 50 representing a neutral point. Ratings were at least 1 Y..! hours
apart and were not obtained during any treatment procedure.
3. Dressing change ratings: Two ratings were obtained immediately
after the tanking or morning dressing change each day. Both employed the
same 0-100 scale. One rating was the subject's assessment ofthe level of
pain experienced during the tanking. The other rating was a staff member's
assessment of how well the subject tolerated pain during the procedure.
4. Behavior checklist: The checklist focused on six behaviors that
occurred on request by a staff member. A patient's participation and
cooperation with each of these were essential to optimal recovery. Each
time a request was made, the subject's response was recorded as compliance, refusal, or delaying. A compliance percentage, defined as the
number of compliance responses divided by the total number of
responses, was computed to reflect the subject's degree of cooperation
with treatment procedures. The six behaviors involved were eating,
drinking, wearing splints, physical therapy or exercise, dressing changes
and tankings.
Robert L. Wernick
5. Nurses' ratingfor shift: At the end of each shift, the nurse assigned to the subject made a global rating of how well the individual coped
with stress (pain) during that time interval. This rating also employed the
0-100 scale.
The staff of the Burn Unit were trained by the author in the assessment procedures with the aid ofa training manual (Wernick etai., 1978).
A one-hour session involved a detailed review of ratings, observations,
and the use of the assessment procedures. The registered nurses were
trained as therapists in two one-hour sessions. The first training session
consisted of a review of the rationale of the study and instructions for the
educational phase and physical coping strategies. The second session
consisted of procedures for cognitive coping skills, cognitive restructuring, and the application phase of the stress inoculation training. Additionally, the nurses practiced the treatment regimen with each other by
means of role-playing.
Three assessment periods were included-pretreatment (five days),
posttreatment (five days), and follow-up (three days)-in order to determine the efficacy of a five-day treatment period. Follow-up either took
place four weeks after the treatment period or it consisted of the last three
days of monitoring for subjects who were transferred or discharged
earlier. The same daily monitoring procedures were employed during
each assessment period.
For five consecutive days, subjects in the SI group received a 30 to
40-minute treatment session. Treatment, which focused on the management of the pain experience, consisted of three phases: education, skills
acquisition, and application. During the first session, subjects were
presented with the rationale and goals for treatment. A Schachterian
model of emotion Oaremko, 1979) was used to explain the stress cycle.
The next session consisted of a review of the education phase and the
beginning of the skills acquisition phase. Subjects were taught physical
coping strategies at this time: deep breathing, mental relaxation, and
modified muscle relaxation to take account of their physical condition.
Cognitive strategies were taught during the third session, which included
various forms of attention diversion. Cognitive reappraisal was also
taught during this session. The skills acquisition phase was completed
and the application phase was begun during the fourth session. At this
time, subjects were taught cognitive restructuring and how to combine
the various techniques. They mentally rehearsed use of the strategies
while imagining themselves being tanked and debrided. The application
phase was completed during the last session, in which the therapist served as a coach while the subject used stress inoculation procedures during
an actual tanking.
Subjects in the NT group did not receive any particular stress inoculation treatment, but instead, they received the usual services provided to
burn patients (e.g., psychiatric consultation, pain medication). In addition, NT subjects were offered a stress inoculation treatment after completing the posttreatment assessment period. For this reason, subjects
originally in the NT group were no longer available for a follow-up assessment. The conditions of the study at the hospital required that the NT
group be offered treatment prior to their leaving.
The results showed that there were no overall pretest differences in
either demographic composition or baseline levels on dependent
measures between the SI and NT groups. The data indicate that subjects in
the SI group changed significantly on each measure from pretreatment to
posttreatment, while the NT group improved significantly on only two
variables: physical and emotional self-ratings. Comparisons of the
amount of change revealed that the SI group showed significantly greater
improvement overall than the NT group in the ability to manage pain. Additionally, significant differences were found on five of the nine dependent measures when analyzed separately. These treatment effects for the
SI group were maintained at follow-up. In general, the results of Wernick
(1980) supported the efficacy of stress inoculation for the management of
clinical pain with burn patients.
While subjects were not asked to reduce their use of pain medications, it was anticipated that those who were better able to manage their
pain would request them less frequently. Although both groups were
about equal in unauthorized pain medication requests at pretreatment,
the SI group showed significant decreases at posttreatment while the NT
group nearly doubled their medication requests during this time. This
variable clearly differentiated the two groups and appears to be a valuable
measure of general pain tolerance.
Tankings are considered the most painful event in the daily lives of
burn patients. The primary focus of stress inoculation training was the
management of pain during a tanking procedure, and thus, the tanking
ratings (subject and staft) were particularly relevant measures of pain experience. The SI group showed Significant improvement on both ratings
while the NT group did not. These findings further underscore the efficacy of stress inoculation training in the management of the clinical pain
of burn patients.
The compliance data indicated the relative degree to which subjects
cooperated with essential aspects of their treatment to the Burn Unit.
Noncompliance in these areas can ultimately prolong hospitalization,
limit recovery of functioning, and render subjects more susceptible to
lethal infection. Since parents often identify pain and discomfort as
Robert L. Wernick
reasons for noncompliance, it was anticipated that those who were better
able to manage their pain would be more compliant. Only the SI group
showed significant increases on this measure and the difference between
the groups was highly significant.
Nurses assigned to each subject were asked to give a general rating
based on observations of adaptive and maladaptive behavior. Ratings
from pretreatment to posttreatment increased significantly for the SI
group but did not change significantly for the NT group. The difference
between the groups was also significant.
Since previous research had consistently identified anxiety as a major component of the pain experience, the STAI was administered once
during each assessment period to measure levels of anxiety. Significant
improvement was found only for the SI group on both A-State and ATrait. Differences in the amount of improvement between groups were
significant for A-State.
The specific focus of the stress inoculation intervention was the
management of painful stressors, especially during tankings. While the
tanking is perhaps the most prominent stressor during hospitalization, it
is only one aspect of a situation that is, in general, extremely stressful.
Several of the dependent measures could therefore be considered
measures of treatment generalization. For example, the compliance
percentage can be viewed as reflecting the general degree to which subjects allow pain behaviors to interfere with active participation in essential components of their treatment program. Similarly, the nurses'
overall rating can be considered a global assessment of adaptive coping
behavior, while the unauthorized pain medication requests can be
viewed as a measure of more general pain management. Therefore, the
results reported previously may be interpreted as providing evidence
for the generalization of treatment effects beyond specific tanking
While the Wernick (1980) data are very encouraging, several questions can be raised regarding some of the procedures used. No attempt
was made to control the analgesic regimen of any subject. Medication was
usually available to patients once every four hours and dose levels for different analgesics were generally equivalent. While it was anticipated that
stress inoculation subjects would be better able to manage their pain and
would request analgesics less frequently, no subjects were asked to limit
their medication use.
The nursing staff of the Burn Unit played a dual role in this studythey had primary responsibility for data collection and also served as
therapists. They were trained in procedures for both roles by the author,
This material is based on a procedure manual and does not include instructions for assess
ment procedures. The assessment instructions as well as the complete instructions for the
treatment procedures, are included in the original manual (Wernick, Taylor, &Jaremko,
1978), which is available from the author on request.
Robert L. Wernick
ever appropriate; (2) all sessions began with a review of the previous session; and (3) subjects were asked to practice on their own what they
learned at each session.
Session One
Rationale, Goals, and Contract
The subject is told that all burn patients experience pain. The severity of injury is only one of the factors involved in the experience of pain.
Other factors include past experiences of pain, what one says to oneself
about the experience, and one's ability to tolerate painful sensations by
such means as relaxation. In other words, two people with the same
degree of burn will have different perceptions of their pain. This pain
may be experienced quite differently even though the degree of the injury
may be the same.
Patients in Wernick (1980) were told-you are receiving all of the
pain medication that your system can tolerate. We know that it is a bad
feeling to have little or no control over your pain and to have to depend
on others to take care of you. Therefore, the purpose of this treatment is
to teach you additional ways to cope with your stress in general, and particularly with your pain. The goal is for you to achieve a greater degree of
control over your pain and to increase your ability to cope with stress.
To accomplish this, you will meet with your nurse for about 30
minutes each day this week. During these meetings we will teach you
some techniques, help you practice using them, and teach you when to
use them. The name of the treatment is Stress Inoculation training and the
reason for the name is important. You will be taught a variety of skills that
you can use to cope with stress-any stress, but mainly pain. Burn patients, like yourself, have found this procedure to be helpful. We do not
; /
Robert L. Wernick
2. Cognitive reappraisal
Cognitive Restructuring
Combining the Techniques
Application Phase
1. In vitro (imagery)
2. In vivo (in tank)
that remain tense after autogenic training. While this was accomplished,
patients did not find this strategy helpful and tended not to use it.
Session Three
Cognitive Strategies
Subjects are told that cognitive strategies are designed to be used at
point B, in response to the appraisal of pain and the focusing of attention
on the painful situation. The subject can learn which strategies are most
helpful by learning the various techniques and practicing them.
1. Attention Diversion (Distraction). Most subjects already use
distraction in one form or another. Therefore, the therapist asked subjects how they distract themselves. If subjects deny using distraction,
they can be asked how it was used in the past. For example, most people
have been able to distract themselves by such means as going fishing,
reading, watching television, playing the piano, or just daydreaming. The
purpose of distraction is to divert attention from the painful experience.
This can be accomplished either by thinking about other things or by doing other things. Categories of strategies (Turk, 1975b) include
Focusing on environmental aspects: Subjects can focus on the
physical characteristics of the room. For example, they might count ceiling tiles or take inventory of visible objects.
Mental distractions: This involves focusing attention on various
thoughts. For example, one can engage in mental arithmetic, make plans
for an outing or trip, sing songs, or recite poems to oneself (or aloud if
others don't mind).
Somatization: This involves focusing on bodily sensations in painful
or nonpainful areas. One may watch and analyze changes in the sensations, comparing them to sensations in other parts of the body.
Imaginative inattention: With this technique, the subject tries to ignore the pain by engaging in a mental image or goal-directed fantasy,
which, if real, would be incompatible with the experience of pain. The
subject should have the details of this fantasy prepared in advance so that
the images can be produced on cue. For example, the subject might fantasize about spending a pleasant day on the beach. The details should be
prepared as if a script were being written.
Imaginative transformation ofpain: In this strategy, the subject includes the experience of pain in the fantasy, but transforms the sensations. For example, the subject can imagine that a limb is made of rubber
or is numb, and thus, is unable to feel the hurt.
Robert L. Wernick
Robert L. Wernick
A subject might first prepare for the painful stressor by getting relaxed. As
the painful stimulation begins, the subject can first use one method of
distraction and then another as each becomes ineffective. This continual
switching to alternate strategies might progress through various imagery
scenes that had been prepared until the event has ended.
Application Phase
The subject is asked to imagine that it is time for the morning dressing
change. At this point, the subject should be preparing for this stressful
event. The therapist can act as a "coach" during the rehearsal. As subjects
imagine the beginning of the dressing change, they should stan to use the
coping strategies. As the rehearsal continues, subjects can use the coping
skills in a "cafeteria-style" format, as described previously. Perhaps this
method can best be illustrated by presenting a segment of a session in
which the therapist (nurse) and patient rehearse for a tanking.
We are going to practice using the strategies you've learned while imagining that you are being tanked. Close your
eyes and imagine that you are being prepared for a
I've got a clear image now. I can see myself being taken
to the tank.
Good. Begin preparing yourself for the tanking. What
will you do first?
I need to get relaxed so I'll start with deep breathing and
then use autogenic exercises.
Fine .... Now you are being lowered into the tank and your
old dressings are being removed. Can you visualize this?
Yes. This is not too hard for me to manage. I can count the
tiles on the ceiling while they are doing that.
All your dressings are off now and they are about to begin
washing you.
I can visualize this. I'm preparing for this. I know that it is
important to have my wounds washed to prevent infection. This will help me get well quicker. They know it is
painful and they try to be as gentle as possible. I will plan a
family picnic in my mind.
That's a good approach (Pause] It looks like you're having
some difficulty now. Is the pain becoming more severe?
Yes. They are washing some very sensitive areas now.
This is one ofthose critical moments we've talked about.
You're prepared for this. Switch to your beach scene. Imagine yourself at the beach-hear the surf, smell the salt
air, notice the people, feel the sun and the breeze. Can you
experience that?
The patient and therapist would continue in this fashion through the imagined tanking until it was completed.
Session Five
This session is to begin just prior to the subject's morning tanking.
The therapist (nurse) will again serve as a "coach" during this tanking, as
was practiced in the preceding session. As the tanking begins, the
therapist should suggest that the subject try to relax. The therapist should
also remind the subject to view the tanking as a series of four phases and
to use the coping strategies in a "cafeteria-style." If the subject appears to
have difficulty coping with the pain at any point during the tanking, the
therapist should suggest that the subject use another coping technique. At
the end of the tanking, the therapist as well as the subject should reinforce
the subject for having coped.
A few additional comments are in order before concluding the
discussion of Wernick (1980). Although each nurse-therapist was equally
capable of conducting a treatment session, providing a patient with the
same therapist for each session might prove beneficial. In addition to providing continuity, the therapist might be more familiar with strategy
preferences and might also be a more effective coach after having worked
with the patient during each session. As a preliminary test of stress inoculation, this study did not attempt to evaluate the various aspects of the
treatment procedures. While patient feedback indicated that strategy
preference and effectiveness varied a great deal, the task of identifying
the effective components of the treatment package for this population is
left to future investigations.
It is important to note that the treatment described in this study was
limited to the acute phase of the burn patient's treatment. How might
stress inoculation training be used to help the patient through the
relatively short but traumatic emergency phase? How can these procedures best be adapted to help the patient adjust to the many changes
that accompany the return to society during the rehabilitation phase?
This latter phase seems particularly important and yet, has not been the
focus of any systematic intervention. The case of Ms. B. may stimulate
some thought as to the use of stress inoculation for the rehabilitation
Ms. B. was a 29-year-old married mother of two, who served as a pilot
subject in the study just described. She was burned in a house fire along with
her two-year-old daughter and sustained second and third degree burns to
more than 60% of her body. Her total hospitalization lasted approximately six
Ms. B. was taught the stress inoculation procedures and found them
Robert L. Wernick
helpful in dealing with her pain. She began to look forward to going home as
she recovered. Toward the end of her hospitalization, she realized that she
would have a lengthy rehabilitation period after discharge and that she would
not "look like new" when released. She became quite anxious and fearful at
the thought of having to "face the world". At this time, she requested additional therapy.
It was going to be necessary for Ms. B. to wear her Jobst mask nearly all the
time. She anticipated that her different appearance would result in being
stared at and the thought of wearing the mask in public resulted in panic attacks. In her sessions, Ms. B. was able to generalize from her stress inoculation
training for the management of pain and apply what she had learned to this
new problem. Essentially, she was able to prepare for these stressors in much
the same way as she was prepared for a tanking. She got relaxed, distracted
herself with pleasant imagery and used cognitive restructuring to deal with
her negative self-statements. She collected her strategies and rehearsed them.
She even requested and obtained a short pass pior to her discharge for additional practice.
Ms. B. returned for follow-up several weeks after discharge. She reported
that managing her anxiety was extremely difficult at first and she was often
tempted to "just give up." However, she continued to use the strategies she
had prepared and gradually was better able to manage her stress. Her success
might best be illustrated by an anecdote she told with great relish. Her father
drove her to the bank one day and waited in the car while she went inside. She
was wearing her Jobst mask and as she waited in line, she thought people were
staring at her. She thought that these people might look at her mask and think
she was a bank robber. They might even think that her father was waiting in
the get-away car. She developed this thought into a rather pleasant fantasy
while waiting her turn and was quite proud of herself when she completed her
transaction and left the bank.
Adler, A. Neuropsychiatric complications of victims of Boston's Cocoanut Grove disaster.
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A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to
Psychophysiological Disorders
in a wide range of physical disorders, not just the subset of psychophysiological disorders recognized in the previous manual (DSM-II). It is unfortunate that the current manual provides few guidelines for determining
when and how stress might contribute to a particular disorder. The clinician is simply instructed to evaluate whether symptoms are preceded by
"intense affect," obviously stressful life events, or an "excessive
number" of smaller life changes (Looney, Lipp, & Spitzer, 1978, p. 307).
No guidelines are provided for this assessment and the difficulties of making such complex judgments appear to be minimized. In addition, the
possibility that characteristic ways of responding to daily stress may contribute to disease processes in the absence of either the expression of intense affect or dramatic life changes (Glass, 1977) and the possibility that
stress may be distally rather than proximally related to symptom formation (see later discussion of essential hypertension) are ignored. Thus, the
manual is likely to prove of limited use in evaluating the effects of stress
on physiological symptoms or in planning treatment.
We feel that the model of stress articulated by Richard Lazarus and
his colleagues over the past 15 years (Coyne & Holroyd, 1982; Coyne &
Lazarus, 1980; Holroyd & Lazarus, 1982; Lazarus, 1966, 1980, 1982;
Lazarus, Cohen, Folkman, Kanner, & Schaefer, 1980; Lazarus & Launier,
1978) provides a more useful framework for viewing cognitivebehavioral interventions with stress-related disorders than does the
model implicit in the current diagnostic and statistical manual. Lazarus's
model and cognitive behavioral interventions are similar in their emphasis on the active role of the individual in shaping stress experiences
and on the importance of cognitive processes both in determining stress
responses and in guiding efforts to manage and control stress. The model
thus provides useful categories for discussing psychological factors that
influence stress responses and for analyzing interventions designed to
alter these processes.
According to this formulation, psychological stress exists when
there is recognition by the individual of an imbalance between environmental or internal demands and the individual's resources for coping with them. When this imbalance occurs, stress responses are assumed
to be determined psychologically by reciprocally interacting appraisal
and coping processes. Appraisal refers to ongoing evaluations of events in
terms of their significance for the person's well-being (primary appraisal)
or in terms of available resources or options the individual possesses for
responding (secondary appraisal). Coping refers to both intrapsychic and
behavioral efforts to manage or tolerate stress. Whereas early research
focused primarily on appraisal as a determinant of stress responses, current work increasingly emphasizes coping (Lazarus, 1980, 1982).
Psychophysiological Disorders
protectively against disease processes (Amkraut & Solomon, 1974). Consequently, straightforward notions about the therapeutic effects of
reduced arousal (Stoyva, 1976) probably are, if not incorrect, at least
At present, we lack the precise understanding of the effects of coping
on physiological stress responses that could facilitate the development of
empirically based interventions. Laboratory paradigms in the biological
sciences have tended to isolate stress responses from their psychological
context. As a result, the potent role that psychological variables play in
eliciting neuroendocrine stress responses has been acknowledged only
recently by researchers in the biological sciences (Mason, 1975), and we
know relatively little about the types of transactions that elicit
pathogenic patterns of response in naturalistic settings.
It is fortunate that behavioral scientists are beginning to examine integrated biobehavioral responses to stress, and their research promises to
provide empirical guidelines for therapeutic intervention. For example,
Glass (1977; Glass, Krakoff, Contrada, Hilton, Kehoe, Manucci, Collins,
Snow, & Elting, 1980)has argued that fluctuations in catecholamines sufficiently dramatic to influence the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease
are elicited by a coping style that alternates between intense efforts to
control stressful transactions and helplessness when coping efforts fail.
Similarly, Obrist (Obrist, Light, Langer, Grignolo, & McCubbin, 1978) has
contrasted cardiovascular responses associated with active and passive
coping and has presented evidence that only active coping is accompanied by sympathetic stimulation of the heart and is thus likely to be
associated with the hemodynamic changes pathogenic for essential
Second, actual physiological symptoms may be learned or maintained because of their effectiveness as coping responses. Whitehead,
Fedoravicius, Blackwell, and Wooley (1979) have argued that only readily perceptible physiological symptoms, likely to come under the control
of environmental contingencies, will be learned in this manner.
However, drawing on research indicating that baroreceptor stimulation
inhibits reticular formation activity and thereby produces sedative-like
effects, Dworkin (Miller & Dworkin, 1977) suggests that even nonperceptible symptoms such as essential hypertension might be learned as
coping responses. Dworkin speculates that genetically predisposed individuals who lack more effective coping responses may learn to cope
with stressful situations by elevating blood pressure because this
response will be reinforced by sedative-like effects. Although this
hypothesis is speculative, it does illustrate one way in which
physiological activity and cognitive or behavioral coping responses may
not only serve similar functions but be highly interdependent.
Psychophysiological Disorders
An extended discussion of the material in this section can be found in Holroyd and
Andrasik (1982).
Psychophysiological Disorders
(Blanchard, O'Keefe, Neff, Jurish, & Andrasik, 1981). Over half of the
disagreements occurred because patients conveyed different information
to the two independent assessors or gave different emphasis to the same
Tension Headache
The dominant model of the pathogenesis of tension headache attributes head pain to the "sustained contraction of skeletal muscles"
usually occurring "as part ofthe individual's reaction during life stress"
(Ad Hoc Committee on Classification of Headache, 1962, p. 128). Head
pain is thought to result from (1) the stimulation of pain receptors in the
contracted muscles and (2) ischemia resulting from the compression of
intramuscular arterioles. The latter effect often persists for days after the
muscles relax (Haynes, 1981; Raskin & Appenzeller, 1980).
Migraine Headache
Migraine headache appears to be primarily of vascular origin, with
vasoconstriction in both the intra- and extracranial arteries occurring
during the prodromal phase and vasodilation occurring during the pain
associated with a migraine attack (Adams, Feuerstein, & Fowler, 1980;
Raskin & Appenzeller, 1980). Although these two phases usually occur sequentially, they may also occur concurrently. The high incidence of
migraine in close blood relatives of migraine sufferers (as high as 50% to
70% in some investigations) suggests that an inherited defect in
vasomotor regulation may provide a predisposition to migraine (Raskin
& Appenzeller, 1980).
Two Distinct Pathophysiologies?
The widely held view that tension headaches are of musclecontraction origin and migraine headaches are of vascular origin has little
empirical basis. Thus (1) tension headache sufferers do not appear to
show larger increases in EMG activity than do nonheadache sufferers in
response to stress (e.g., Andrasik & Holyrod, 1980a); (2) intensive case
study of tension headache sufferers reveals minimal relationship between
pain reports and EMG levels (Epstein, Abel, Collins, Parker, & Cinciripini,
1978; Harper & Steger, 1978); and (3) in treatment studies, improvements
in reported head pain and changes in EMG activity are often markedly
desynchronous (e.g., Andrasik & Holroyd, 1980c; Epstein & Abel, 1977;
Holroyd, Andrasik, & Westbrook, 1977). There is also evidence sug-
Psycbopbysiological Disorders
Migraine Headache
Stress is also the most frequent precipitant of migraine (Henryk-Gutt
& Rees, 1973; Selby & Lance, 1960). Data collected by Henryk-Gutt and
Rees (1973) from a sample of migraine patients over a two-month period
revealed that over half of the headache attacks were associated with
stressful events. There is a striking tendency for migraine symptoms to
appear not at the peak of stress, but during a period of relaxation immediately following stress, e.g., on April 16 for tax accountants and at the
end ofthe school year for teachers.
Migraine may also be precipitated by a large range of stimuli that are
not directly stress related. These include diet (particularly items containing nitrate, glutamate, tyramine, or salt), oral contraceptives, physical exertion, menstruation, alcohol consumption, and excessive glare from
light. Attempts to avoid these precipitants appear to be helpful in a small
minority of cases (Medina & Diamond, 1978; Raskin & Appenzeller,
1980). Because chronic headache can occasionally be cured in this manner, the therapist should be familiar with all possible headache
precipitants .
Relaxation and Biofeedback
During the last 10 years, biofeedback and relaxation training have
been used extenSively in the treatment of tension and migraine headache.
Existing evidence indicates that relaxation training, EMG biofeedback
from frontal muscle placements, and the combination of these two interventions are effective in reducing tension headache symptoms, with
from 40% to 90% of clients rated much improved by the end of treatment. Relaxation training, peripheral skin-temperature biofeedback,
autogenic training, and various combinations of these interventions appear also to be effective in reducing migraine symptoms, with from 40%
to 80 % of clients showing at least moderate improvement following
treatment. Analytical reviews and meta-analysis of existing studies fur-
ther indicate that these various treatments are equally effective (see
discussions by Adams et at., 1980; Andrasik, Coleman, & Epstein, 1982;
Blanchard, Ahles, & Shaw, 1979; Blanchard, Andrasik, Ahles, Teders, &
O'Keefe, 1980; Haynes, 1981; Turk, Meichenbaum, & Berman, 1979).2
Because similar results have been obtained with different treatments,
it has been suggested that these various treatments may operate through a
common mechanism, usually assumed to be relaxation. There is,
however, no clear empirical support for this hypothesis and there are a
number of findings that this explanation cannot easily accommodate. For
example, the ability to reduce EMG activity following biofeedback is
often unrelated to headache improvement (e.g., Andrasik & Holroyd,
1980c; Epstein & Abel, 1977; Holroyd et at., 1977). Investigations of
cerebrovascular responses to hand-warming have produced inconsistent
results (Largen, Mathew, Dobbins, Meyer, & Claghorn, 1978; Mathew,
A recent, relatively large-scale evaluation of relaxation training (Blanchard, Andrasik, Neff,
Ahles, Arena,Jurish, Pallmeyer, Teders, & Rodichok, 1981) calls this conclusion into question in finding that relaxation training is somewhat less effective with migraine and mixed
headaches than with tension headaches. This finding has treatment implications but has little implication for the models of headache discussed above because it is consistent with
both the syndrome and severity models.
Psychophysiological Disorders
was still evident at three year follow-up (Andrasik & Holroyd, 1982)
and has recently been replicated in a somewhat more elaborate study (Holroyd, Penzien,
Tobin, Hursey, Rogers, Marcille, & Holm, 1982).
No Change
Pre- 2
7 Post-
Figure 1. Integrated EMG activity during self-control periods (from Andrasik & Holroyd,
Psychophysiological Disorders
S> 110
D-Q Recording
Na Change
Pretreatment Treatment
Figure 2. Mean weekly headache activity (from Andrasik & Holroyd, 1980c).
in ways that generate the very responses they are attempting to control.
Therefore, treatment might be productively focused not solely on
physiological stress responses but also on the cognitive and behavioral
variables that influence these stress responses. Secondly, biofeedback
and relaxation training provide clients with only a single coping response
(relaxation), while the complex demands of everyday life often require
flexible coping skills. Relaxation may simply not be an effective method
of coping with many of life's stresses and alternate strategies will be required. Finally, cognitive-behavioral interventions appear better suited
than relaxation and biofeedback therapies to combating the negative affect (e.g., depression) that can be both a precipitant and a consequence of
chronic headache.
Psycbopbysiological Disorders
who are most effective elicit finely detailed accounts of the client's
response to stress, rather than global retrospective reports. We therefore
encourage clients to record their feelings, thoughts, and behavior prior
to, during, and following stressful events so they do not have to rely on
their memory during the treatment sessions themselves. Detailed information is also elicited by having clients imagine stressful situations they
have identified, reporting their perceptions and experiences in a streamof-consciousness fashion. As the client becomes familiar with this selfmonitoring, the therapist assists the client in identifying relationships
among situational variables (e.g., criticism from spouse); thoughts (e.g.,
"I can't do anything right"); and emotional, behavioral, and symptomatic responses (e.g., depreSSion, withdrawal, and headache).
Coping Skills and Problem-Solving
Therapy then begins to focus on preventing headaches by altering
the psychological and behavioral antecedents the client has identified.
Changes in environmental stimuli (e.g., elimination of possible chemical
precipitants) or in diet may occasionally become a focus of treatment.
Primary attention, however, is given to changing the way the client copes
with headache-related stresses.
Beck and Emery (1979) have provided a detailed description of
useful therapeutic techniques and we draw heavily on this work. Thus,
clients are encouraged to identify expectations and beliefs that might explain their stress responses to a variety of situations (e.g., "In each of
these situations where you made a mistake, you criticized yourself harshly, became depressed, and ended up with a headache. It appears you expect yourself to do everything perfectly.' '). They are then pushed to examine the behavioral and emotional consequences ofthese beliefs (e.g.,
"This requirement that you perform perfectly prevents you from attempting to learn new skills on the job, leads you to suffer unnecessary anguish
over simple human errors, and contributes to your headaches and your
having to leave work early to go home to bed.' ').At this point, the client
and therapist cooperatively generate alternative coping strategies, the
therapist helping the client rationally to evaluate options.
Once alternative courses of action are identified, didactic instruction, modeling, and graduated practice can be used to develop and practice coping skills. Signs of impending stress are then used as cues to implement strategies designed to alter stressful transactions or to manage or
control emotional responses. Such strategies may primarily involve
changes in behavior (e.g., more assertive behavior or withdrawal from
the situation) or changes in thinking (e.g., attributional changes or
changes in internal dialogue); although these coping processes are likely
to be proposed initially by the therapist, the primary goal of treatment is
to enable the client to develop effective problem-solving skills for managing everyday life stresses without therapeutic assistance.
Evaluation of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
In contrast to the large literature on the use of biofeedback and relaxation training in the treatment of chronic headache, there are only a
handful of controlled studies evaluating cognitive-behavioral interventions. In the first of these studies (Holroyd et at., 1977), 31 chronic tension headache sufferers received either eight sessions of cognitive
therapy or eight sessions of EMG (frontal) biofeedback, or were assigned
to a wait-list control group. Cognitive therapy was conducted essentially
as described above except that only cognitive and not behavioral coping
skills were taught. An index of headache activity obtained from daily
recordings is presented for each of the treatment groups and the wait-list
control group in Figure 3. It can be seen that cognitive therapy proved
highly effective in reducing headaches and that these gains were maintained at the 15-week follow-up evaluation. On the other hand, only
about half of the clients who received biofeedback showed improvement
in headache symptoms.
At a recent two-year follow-up of participants in this study (Holroyd
& Andrasik, in press), clients in the cognitive therapy group were still
significantly improved, with over 80% still showing fairly substantial
(/) 120
""0a:: "0
~ 100
i= 80
u 70
<t 40
0--0 Biofeedback
Figure 3. Mean weekly headache activity scores in two-week blocks (from Holroyd et al. ,
Psychophysiological Disorders
that they monitor the insidious onset of symptoms and can devise
methods for interrupting the chain of overt and covert events that
precipitate and aggravate symptoms.
Mitchell and White (1976, 1977) have used a treatment approach
with migraine sufferers similar to the cognitive-behavioral intervention
described here. They taught clients to monitor cognitive and behavioral
responses to stressful situations and to employ a number of strategies for
coping with the stressful situations they identified (e.g., self-instruction,
thought-stopping, and assertion training). In the only controlled evaluation of their treatment, Mitchell and White (1977) assigned 12 migraine
sufferers to either audiocassette versions of this treatment or relaxation
training or to one of two control groups. Both treatments produced
significant improvements in migraine symptoms, with the coping skills
treatment producing more improvement than relaxation training (73%
versus 44.9% improvement). Subjects in the control groups showed no
reduction in symptoms. Although these findings are promising, conclusions about treatment effectiveness should be tempered because of the
small number of people who were treated in this study.
Bakal is conducting an ongoing evaluation of cognitive-behavioral
therapy with chronic headache sufferers. In a preliminary analysis of data
from 45 treated tension, migraine, and mixed headache sufferers, Bakal,
Demjen, and Kaganov (1980) found highly significant reductions in
headache symptoms that were maintained at a six-month follow-up.
Moreover, all three types of headache sufferers appeared to be equally
responsive to this treatment approach.
The above findings appear sufficiently promising to justify the further evaluation of cognitive-behavioral treatment techniques in the
management of chronic headache. In particular, it would be helpful to
determine to what extent cognitive-behavioral interventions increase the
effectiveness of relaxation training or are effective with patients who do
not respond to relaxation training. Most therapists are likely to begin the
treatment of chronic headache sufferers with relaxation training because
it is not only frequently helpful in reducing headache symptoms but is
also simple and straightforward to teach. Therefore, cognitivebehavioral interventions are likely to prove particularly valuable if they
enhance the effectiveness of relaxation training or help individuals who
cannot be assisted with relaxation training.
More information is also needed concerning the long-term maintenance of gains obtained with relaxation training, biofeedback, and
cognitive-behavioral therapy. Because the goal of cognitive-behavioral
intervention is to enable clients to draw on a flexible set of coping skills
when they are confronted with stressful events, these treatment techniques may prove valuble in promoting the long-term maintenance of treatment gains (Lynn & Freedman, 1979), and Holroyd and\Andrasik's (in
Psychophysiological Disorders
Psychophysiological Disorders
Psychological reactions to an actual attack may also serve to aggravate or reinforce symptoms. For example, the asthmatic may panic at
attack onset and this emotional reaction may aggravate the attack. Panic
reactions of those observing the attack may also be aggravants. The likelihood of recurrence may increase when reinforcement such as attention
or release from an undesirable activity is given contingent on symptom
Considerable research attention has been given recently to psychological variables associated with the experience of breathing difficulty in
asthmatics. Dirks and his colleagues (Dirks et al., 1977, 1978; Dirks,
Kinsman, Staudenmayer, & Kleiger, 1979;]ones, Kinsman, Dirks, & Dahlem, 1979; Kinsman et al., 1977) have devised a measure of coping style,
Panic"Fear symtomatology, that assesses anxiety focused specifically on
breathing difficulties. Individuals with high Panic-Fear symptomatology
are greatly concerned about their illness and are vigilant about breathing
difficulty, whereas low Panic-Fear symptomatology individuals show little concern about their illness and often appear to not perceive or to
disregard breathing difficulty. Panic-Fear symptomatology may either
enhance or worsen medical outcome depending on the individual's
relative standing on a second measure, Panic-Fear personality. This
measure relates to individuals' anxiety, dependence, and coping styles in
a variety of situations and appears not to be dependent on or specifically
directed toward breathing difficulties in asthma. Dirks et al. (1979)
found that high Panic-Fear symptomatology combined with high PanicFear personality resulted in very poor medical outcome, whereas high
Panic-Fear symptomatology with moderate Panic-Fear personality resulted in very good medical outcome. Presumably, the asthma-specific
vigilance assessed by Panic-Fear symptomatology functions like signal
anxiety and mobilizes the individual to react; style and effectiveness of
coping are determined by characterological anxiety, which is assessed by
the Panic-Fear personality measure.
Behavioral Interventions in Asthma
A wide range of behavioral techniques have been used in treating
asthmatics, particularly asthmatic children (see reviews by Alexander,
1980, 1981; Creer, 1978, 1979; Knapp & Wells, 1978). Behavioral interventions have been generally more successful in changing behavior problems in asthmatics such as malingering (Creer, 1.970), lack of appropriate
academic behaviors (Creer & Yoches, 1971), and asthma panic (Miklich,
1973; Miklich, Renne, Creer, Alexander, Chai, Davis, Hoffman, &
Danker-Brown, 1977) than they have been in altering respiratory functioning. Techniques such as relaxation training, biofeedback, and system-
Psycbopbysiological Disorders
atic desensitization have produced improvements in pulmonary function, but the changes are often not clinically significant, leading some investigators to question their utility in the treatment of asthma (e.g., Alexander, 1980, 1981; Alexander, Cropp, & Chai, 1979; Miklich et al.,
1977). Obviously, more work must be done to find effective treatments.
Cognitive-behavioral interventions may prove useful in helping asthmatics to manage their disorder and to decrease asthma-related stresses.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Asthma
Goals of cognitive-behavioral treatment of asthma are to give clients
a better understanding of the disorder and to teach coping strategies that
will decrease the frequency and severity of attacks and alter the
behavioral and emotional sequelae of the disorder. Clients are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own health and to develop skills for
making critical decisions about management of the disorder (Clark,
Feldman, Freudenberg, Millman, Wasilewski, & Valle, 1979; Creer,
1980a). In the long run, more effective self-management should reduce
stress and decrease needs for medical and psychological services. For example, if a child learns to discriminate symptom onset quickly and to
make an effective intervention before the attack worsens, the need for
more vigorous intervention such as hospitalization or the use of corticosteroids will be reduced. The resulting decrease in both stress and
cost can be expected to have positive effects on both the child and family.
The cognitive-behavioral treatment described here draws heavily
on the self-management programs for asthmatic children and their
families developed by Creer (1979, 1980a,b) and Feldman and his colleagues (Clark et al., 1979). Readers interested in more detail on particular techniques should consult these sources. In addition, Creer's
(1979) book provides useful information about the antecedents, concomitants, and consequences of asthma. Clark et al. (1979) have provided a detailed assesssment that is helpful in setting priorities for
Educational Phase
Clients are first given basic information about their disorder. Topics
include symptoms and physiology of asthma, precipitants and aggravants
of attacks, medications and their side effects, and nonpharmacologic
methods of controlling symptoms. Treatment procedures and goals are
then explained. In some cases, providing information will produce
beneficial effects. Gaining an understanding of the disorder may be particularly helpful in relieving the guilt and frustration of intrinsic
asthmatics because Significant etiological variables for their asthma may
be unknown and response to medical treatment may be poor. These fac-
tors can lead to the mistaken and potentially harmful attribution that the
asthma is "all in the head" (Alexander, 1981).
Clients are next taught to self-monitor their asthma and asthmarelated behaviors. The most useful information is provided by a daily
asthma diary. Clients are asked to record several types of information
about their asthma, such as daily occurrence of attacks, a rating of attack
severity, morning and evening peak flow, and amounts and schedule of
medication taken. In addition, they should note the situations in which
attacks occur, emotional reactions, and steps taken to manage the attack.
Creer (1980a) has found that children as young as 6 years of age can be
trained to provide reliable observations about their symptoms. In the case
of young children, it may be helpful to have parents record the daily information about asthma as well as their own emotional reactions and
management efforts. These daily recordings provide valuable information about asthma symptomatology, precipitants and aggravants of attacks, and coping skills. This information is used later to determine treatment foci.
Since attacks can intensify quickly, asthmatics must recognize onset
rapidly so that they can initiate intervention while the attack is relatively
mild. Individuals may be taught to discriminate attack onset by attending
to physiological symptoms such as chest tightness or they can be shaped
to relate subjective feelings of pulmonary function with an objective pulmonary measure such as that provided by the Wright Mini Peak Flow
Meter (Creer, 1979). Taplin and Creer (1978) found that self-monitoring
of peak expiratory flow data enabled some asthmatics to predict episodes
with increased accuracy. When other family members assume at least partial responsibility for management of symptoms, they can be taught to recognize changes in the child's physical appearance that may precede
Coping Skills and Problem-Solving
Initial intervention efforts should focus on management of the attack
and its emotional concomitants. In consultation with the physician, a sequence of coping behaviors is developed that can be used to abort or terminate attacks (see Creer, 1980a,b, for examples of such response
chains). Clients are taught specific skills required at various points in the
chain, such as relaxation, breathing exercises, and postural drainage.
Cognitive restructuring and self-control relaxation can also be used to
reduce maladaptive panic-fear. Parents of asthmatic children may also
PsycboPbysiological Disorders
Since this section was written, outcome data have become available and are highly promising. Creer (personal communication) found significant changes in respiratory functioning,
self-concept, locus of control, attitudes about asthma, school absenteeism, and health care
Although several researchers have suggested that cognitivebehavioral interventions be evaluated as a treatment for essential
hypertension (Holroyd, 1979; Novaco, 1975; Seer, 1979) to our
knowledge not only has no outcome study been conducted, but no systematic description of treatment procedures exists. Therefore, in this section we will review selected literature on essential hypertension and attempt to answer questions that are likely to confront researchers interested developing cognitive-behavioral strategies for the treatment of
essential hypertension. We will also make suggestions for conducting
treatment. Until clinical trials demonstrate the effectiveness of this treatment, however, cognitive-behavioral therapy should be considered an
experimental intervention to be evaluated preventively or as an adjunct
to pharmacotherapy.
Symptoms and Epidemiology
Hypertension (elevated arterial blood pressure) of unknown cause is
called essential or idiopathic hypertension. This disorder is diagnosed by
exclusion when there is no evidence that elevated arterial pressure results
from specific organ dysfunction (e.g., kidney disease, dysfunction ofthe
adrenal or parathyroid glands, or constriction of the aorta), pregnancy,
or oral contraceptives. About 90 % of all identified cases of hypertension
are diagnosed as essential hypertension.
Essential hypertension occurs in 10% to 20% of the adult population
and substantially increases the individual's risk of cardiovascular disease.
Over a 10-year period, it has been estimated that almost two million
hypertensives aged 35-64 will die from the consequences ofthis disorder
(Kaplan, 1978). Even infrequent large increases in blood pressure may be
associated with a shortening of the life span (Merrill, 1966).
Stress and Essential Hypertension
The evidence implicating stress in the etiology of essential hypertension is largely circumstantial (see reviews by Gutman & Benson, 1971;
Henry & Cassel, 1969; Page, 1976; Shapiro, 1978; and critique by Syme &
Torfs, 1978). Stressful living and working environments have been
associated with an increased incidence of hypertension in epidemiological studies, and stressful laboratory environments have been devised
that induce hypertension and its cardiovascular sequelae in animals. For
example, an increased incidence of hypertenSion has been observed in
stressful urban neighborhoods (Harburg, Erfurt, Chape, Hausenstein,
Psychophysiological Disorders
Schull, & Schork, 1973; Harburg, Blakelock, & Roeper, 1979), taxing ocupations such as that of air traffic controller (Cobb & Rose, 1973; Rose,
Jenkins, & Hurst, 1978), and following natural disasters (Ruskin, Beard, &
Schaffer, 1948) or prolonged combat duty (Graham, 1945). Hypertension and many of its cardiovascular sequelae can also be induced in
mice if they are first raised in isolation so they do not learn to cope with
the intricate dominance-submission hierarchy that characterizes social
colonies, and then are placed in a living situation requiring territorial
competition and continuous social interaction (Henry, 1976; Henry &
Stephens, 1977). Environments capable of inducing hypertension in
susceptible individuals have been characterized as posing constant threat
and uncertainty (Henry & Stephens, 1977) and requiring coping
responses that involve "continuous behavioral and physiologic adjustments" (Gutman & Benson, 1971, p. 550).
Blood pressure is primarily a function of the amount of blood
pumped by the heart (cardiac output) and the resistance ofthe vesels to
this blood flow (peripheral resistance). These two variables are embedded in a complex network of reciprocally interacting regulatory systems
influencing blood vessel caliber and responsiveness, fluid volume, and
cardiac function (see, e.g., Brown, Lever, Robertson, & Schalekamp,
1976); however, if blood pressure is elevated, either cardiac output or
peripheral resistance must be increased. Frequently, cardiac output is
elevated early in the course of the disorder but is normal at a later point
when peripheral resistance is elevated (Kaplan, 1978).
Stress-related fluctuations in sympathetic activity may disregulate
hemodynamic control systems producing essential hypertension along
lines illustrated in Figure 4. Initially, increases in circulating levels of
catecholamines and renin alter kidney function so sodium and water are
not excreted appropriately in response to blood pressure elevations
(alteration of pressure-natriuresis curve). The resultant relative excess
fluid volume in concert with transient elevations in blood pressure during stressful transactions produces an adaptive thickening of the small
arterioles increasing peripheral resistance. Hypertension and the continued relative fluid excess may then trigger a decrease in renin release. At
this point, blood pressure remains elevated even though cardiac output
and renin levels may return to normal. Evidence supporting this model of
the pathogenesis of essential hypertension has been reviewed by Brown
et al., 1976; DeQuattro and Miura (1973); Julius and Esler (1975); and
Kaplan (1979).
Genetically susceptible individuals who are overwhelmingly stress-
Environmental Stress -
Kidney dysfunction
Iincrea.ed filtration
fraction I
Kidney damave
le.C).. arteriolar
Figure 4. Model of the pathogenesis of essential hypertension (adapted from Kaplan, 1979).
Psycbopbysiological Disorders
ander, French, & Pollock, 1968; Appel, Holyrod, & Gorkin, 1982; Harris
& Forsythe, 1973; Thomas, 1967). At-risk individuals are hypothesized to
cope with conflict by suppressing feelings of anger and then expressing
anger explosively when this coping mechanism fails. Since this coping
style is likely to leave unresolved or to exacerbate interpersonal conflicts,
stressful transactions may occur repeatedly in a wide range of interpersonal situations. Physiological responses that may be either specific to the
arousal of anger or more generally associated with the stress emotions are
assumed to initiate the hypertensive disease process in genetically susceptible individuals.
Although research on the anger hypothesis has been conducted
sporadically for 40 years, until recently studies have been so
methodologically flawed as to be readiy dismissed (see reviews by
Davies, 1971; Glock & Lennard, 1957; Harrell, 1980; Weiner, 1977). It is
only during the last decade that well-designed epidemiological and
longitudinal studies have promised to revive this hypothesis. For example, in an epidemiological study of hypertension in Detroit, Harburg et at.
(1979) categorized responses to hypothetical conflict situations as
oriented toward reflective problem-solving or resentment. Resentment
included hostile actions, expressions of anger, and denying or ignoring
conflict. Resentment was associated with higher age- and weightadjusted blood pressures than reflective problem-solving in both black
and white respondents. Similar results have been obtained in a 5-year prospective study of hypertension in 10,000 Israeli civil service workers
(Kahn, Medalie, Neufeld, Riss, & Goldbourt, 1972) and in a 20-year prospective study of Harvard graduates (MCClelland, 1979).
Evidence implicating psychological variables in the hypertensive
disease process is, at present, only suggestive. One hopes that recent
positive findings will stimulate investigators to specify these
psychological variables more completely, to identify subgroups of
hypertensives for whom psychological variables play a significant
etiological role, and to elucidate physiological mechanisms of action (see
e.g., Appel, Holroyd, & Gorkin, 1982; Esler, Julius, Zwelfer, Randall,
Harburg, Gardiner, & DeQuattro, 1977; Holroyd & Gorkin,in press).
Meanwhile, existing evidence seems sufficient that the management of
anger should be addressed during treatment.
Implications for Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
By the time hypertension is maintained primarily by an adaptive
thickening of the small arterioles, psychological interventions may yield
only modest reductions in blood pressure. Earlier in the disease process,
treatments that reduce environmental stresses or teach skills for more
effective coping with stress may help prevent the hemodynamic cascade
toward essential hypertension illustrated in Figure 4. Therefore,
psychological interventions need to be evaluated not only as treatments
for established hypertension, but also as preventive interventions for individuals at risk for this disorder. Relevant criteria for selecting subjects
for preventive intervention might include a family history of essential
hypertension (which doubles the individual's risk), borderline high blood
pressure, cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stresses such as those used by Obrist (Obrist, Gaebelein, Teller, Langer, Grignolo, Light, &
McCubbin, 1978), occupations associated with greater than average risk
for essential hypertension, race (black), and sex (male).
Educational Phase
There are no perceptible symptoms associated with hypertension
and, therefore, no discomfort to motivate clients to cooperate with
demanding treatment procedures. As a result, it is particularly important
in the case of essential hypertensives that clients understand the rationale
and potential advantages of treatment. The model of the pathogenesis of
essential hypertension described above, when presented in nontechnical
terms, may be helpful in this regard. Educational materials available from
the American Heart Association and from other sources (e.g., Galton,
1973; Kaplan, 1976) can also be useful. Adams (1981) has found that
young males identified as at risk for essential hypertension (both having a
positive family history of this disorder and showing cardiovascular
hyperreactivity during laboratory stress) can be successfully recruited into and maintained in a preventive treatment program when care is taken
to involve them in treatment.
Blood pressure and other indices of cardiovascular reactivity are only weakly related to self-reports of anxiety and distress. Therefore, selfassessments of stress are likely to be poor indices of cardiovascular activity. It is unclear at this point whether treatment should be focused on
teaching clients to cope with self-identified stresses or on modifying cardiovascular hyperreactivity, or should include both targets. Until this is
determined, clients should probably record events that are experienced
as stressful and should monitor heart rate and blood pressure periodically. Patel (1977) teaches clients not only to monitor personally stressful
events, but also to use frequently occurring cues as a signal to monitor
their stress levels. For example, a red dot can be attached to the client's
wristwatch so that looking at the watch becomes a signal to self-monitor
tension rather than to hurry. Sounds of doorbells and telephones or other
PsycboPbysiological Disorders
stimuli such as traffic lights are similarly used as cues to monitor pulse rate
and blood pressure. More elaborate automated recording equipment is
also available for both research and clinical use.
Coping Skills and Problem-Solving
Existing studies have largely limited coping-skills training for
hypertensives to teaching relaxation. For example, Taylor, Farquhar,
Nelson, and Agras (1977) assigned 31 hypertensives to self-control relaxation, supportive psychotherapy, or medical treatment only. The selfcontrol relaxation treatment involved five sessions of relaxation training
and instruction in the use of relaxation as a coping skill. However,
coping-skills training was limited to the instruction "to take a deep
breath, hold it momentarily, and'to imagine they were in a peaceful place;
then to think the word 'relax' as they exhaled" (p. 340). Self-control
relaxation training resulted in significantly larger reductions in blood
pressure (13.6/4.9 mm Hg) than either ofthe other treatments. Although
this improvement appeared to be maintained at six-month follow-up, attrition and improvements in the other groups prevented the differences
from reaching significance at follow-up. Other studies are consistent with
these fmdings in suggesting that at least moderate reductions in blood
pressure result from the regular use of relaxation as a coping skill (see
reviews by Agras & Jacob, 1979; Blanchard & Miller, 1977; Shapiro,
Schwartz, Ferguson, Redmond, & Weiss, 1977).
It seems reasonable to expect that treatments focusing more comprehensively on altering cognitive and behavioral responses to stress
might prove more effective than relaxation training alone if the latter
treatment ignores the way cognitive and behavioral responses to environmental demands influence stress responses. For example, treatment
might also focus on helping the client to recognize and monitor angerengendering conflict, identify characteristic styles of responding, and,
where appropriate, experiment with alternative ways of managing conflict. Cognitive-behavioral interventions for teaching skills to manage
anger and conflict have been described by Novaco (1975).
Coping is increasingly emphasized as a determinant of the
psychological and somatic costs of stress in theoretical formulations of
stress, and self-management is increasingly emphasized as the therapeutic
goal of behavioral medicine. At the same time that transactional models of
stress have focused on the role cognitive processes play in shaping stress
responses and in guiding coping efforts, cognitive-behavioral therapists
have drawn attention to the role cognitive processes play in selfmanagement and therapeutic change. Thus, there has been a convergence
of developments in stress theory, behavioral medicine, and behavior
therapy. One hopes that, in the coming years, the treatment of
psychophysiological disorders will reflect each of these developments,
drawing on advances in stress theory and behavioral medicine for a more
sophisticated understanding of the ways in which psychological factors
influence disease processes and on advances in behavior therapy and
psychotherapy for treatment techniques appropriate to particular
disorders and individuals.
Psychological approaches to the treatment of psychophysiological
disorders have frequently lumped different disorders together, ignoring
the fact that disorders included in such categories may have little in common. In our discussion, we have emphasized that the goals and techniques of cognitive-behavioral treatment must be tailored to the characteristics of particular disorders. For example, in the case of essential
hypertension, where stress may be primarily of etiological significance in
the early stages of the disorder, treatment may prove most useful when it
is preventive. However, in the case of chronic headache, where readily
perceptible symptoms tend to be triggered by stressful transactions, treatment may teach clients to control symptom onset by altering the ways
they cope with symptom-related stresses. In the case of bronchial asthma,
Psycbopbysiological Disorders
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PsychoPhysiological Disorders
Stress Management for Type A
Since 1976 my colleagues and I have been engaged in the paradoxical task
of seeking to develop a treatment program for apparently healthy men.
The individuals who are the target of our therapeutic efforts neither consider themselves sick nor are they so regarded by their families, coworkers, and even doctors. On the contrary, these men are so full of
energy and activity that they give the impression of being super-healthy.
Even a short interview reveals their mental alertness, emotional expressiveness, and rapid pace of thought and speech. Their ability to fulfill
valued social roles is also noteworthy. All hold responsible managerial
positions, and most add to their job demands a host of family obligations
and community activities. In spite of these multiple pressures, there are
remarkably few complaints of anxiety and depression. Some of the men
go so far as to state that they thrive on challenge and tight deadlines-the
more the better. Even when a man does experience malaise, be it in the
form of tight shoulder muscles or difficulty in falling asleep, the usual
tendency is to minimize the degree of discomfort and to accept it as a
necessary part ofthe "stress of modern life."
ETHEL ROSKIES Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3C 3J7. The work reported in this chapter was supported by grants from Health
and Welfare, Ottawa; Conseil de 1a Recherche en Sante du Quebec; and CAFIR, Universite
de Montreal.
Ethel Roskies
Ethel Rosktes
The CHD risk associated with type A behavior takes on added importance because the pattern is widespread and affects some of the most productive members of society. The WCGS classified 50% of its sample of
middle-aged, mainly middle-class males as type A; a study by Howard of
senior Canadian managers found a prevalence rate of 75% (Howard, Cunningham, & Rechnitzer, 1976). In general, the prevalence of type A behavior is positively correlated with occupational status, particularly high
concentrations being found in samples of individuals in high-stress occupations, such as cardiologists and NASA executives (Mettlin, 1976; Zyzanski, 1977). Women at large show a lower prevalance than men at large,
but when women and men at the same occupational level are compared,
this sex difference largely disappears (Shekelle, Schoenberger, & Stamler,
1976; Waldron, 1977; Waldron, Zyzanski, Shekelle, Jenkins, & Tannenbaum, 1977). Samples in the mainland United States shows a higher prevalence than do European samples, which in turn are higher than a sample of Japanese-Americans living in Hawaii (Cohen, Syme, Jenkins,
Kagan, & Zyzanski, 1979; Zyzanski, 1977). When individuals as young
as 20-25 years are included in samples, there is an inverse relationship
between type A prevalence and age (Mettlin, 1976; Shekelle et ai., 1976).
The highest concentration of type A individuals, therefore, is likely to be
found in young and early middle-aged males working in highly demanding white-collar occupations and living in competitive societies such as
the United States.
No risk factor for CHD is completely beyond controversy and there
are still many unanswered questions concerning the role of type A in coronary heart disease. We do not know the mechanisms by which type A
exerts its pathogenic effects nor even the relationship of type A to other
psychological factors that have been implicated in the onset of coronary
heart disease (Shapiro, 1979). Nevertheless, the accumulation of converging evidence from epidemiological, morphological, biochemical,
and physiological sources has led to the gradual acceptance of type A as
an important risk factor. In fact, a distinguished panel convened by the
(U. S.) National Heart Lung and Blood Institutue to evaluate the evidence
concerning the association between type A and CHD concluded that type
A did indeed constitute an important and independent risk factor, the increased risk being of the same magnititude as that associated with age,
systolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and smoking (The Review
Panel on Coronary-Prone Behavior and Coronary Heart Disease, 1981).
Since 1974 when Friedman and Rosenman first raised the possibility
of modifying type A behavior to reduce coronary risk, interest in this
area of therapeutic effort has grown rapidly. There are at least seven
published reports of treatment studies (Blumenthal, Williams, Williams,
& Wallace, 1979; Jenni & Wollersheim, 1979; Rosenman & Friedman,
1977; Roskies, Spevack, Surkis, Cohen, & Gilman, 1978; Roskies,
Kearney, Spevack, Surkis, Cohen, & Gilman, 1979; Suinn, 1975; Suinn &
Bloom, 1978) and a number of studies are currently in progress (Friedman, 1978; Roskies, 1979; Roskies & Avard, 1982). Recent annual
meetings of the American Psychological Association, the American
Psychosomatic Society, the American Public Health Association, and the
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy have all contained
papers on type A treatment, and the Society of Behavioral Medicine chose
this topic as a major program feature of its first annual meeting. In the
most recent Annual Review ofBehavior Therapy, the editors discuss the
available treatment studies in detail and predict "greatly increased
research activity in this important area of behavioral medicine in the next
few years" (Franks & Wilson, 1979, p. 382).
It is easy to understand why health psychologists working in the
newly emerging area of behavioral medicine have seized on type A intervention with such enthusiasm. Eager to prove to our medical colleagues that the new behavioral technology can be of practical value in
the prevention and trea~ment of disease, we are in search of medical problems responsive to behavioral input. The type A pattern is not only an
unusually clear demonstration ofthe etiological importance of behavior,
successfully and independently predicting the future emergence of a major somatic disease, but is is also an excellent example of the type of medical problem for which traditional pharmaceutical and surgical remedies
have little relevance. A treatment approach anxious to prove its mettle
has indeed found an appropriate challenge in the type A behavior pattern.
Unfortunately, the factthattype A constitutes a "hot" treatment area
has led us to gloss over the problems involved in designing treatment
studies that are clinically meaningful, methodologically sound, and
ethically responsible (Roskies, 1980). Many ofthe design problems ofthe
early studies, such as unrepresentative samples and inadequate control
groups, are those likely to occur in any new area of therapeutic endeavor
and will probably correct themselves in the course of time. Far more
serious is the conceptual weakness characterizing most of the studies to
date. Rather than developing a rationale to guide the choice of treatment
techniques and outcome measures, the tendency instead has been to apply, more or less haphazardly, a variety of currently fashionable therapies
(anxiety management, relaxation, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, exercise training) to type A individuals in the hope that these treatments
would change something in the person's physiological, emotional, or
Ethel Roskies
muli, internal as well as external, that provoke manifestations of the pattern. Instead of working with a symptom localized in time and space (e.g.,
examination anxiety), the therapist is confronting a response set that affects all situations and all relationships. The process of therapy,
therefore, necessarily involves entering into all aspects of the person's
life while at the same time remaining within the boundaries of a limited
therapeutic contract-a delicate and difficult task.
What further complicates the task of the would-be therapist is that
for type A individuals, the motivation to change their style of life is likely
to be rather weak. The health-belief model developed by Rosenstock
(1974) suggests that individuals are most likely to engage in preventive action when they feel that the disease to be avoided is a serious one, that
they are susceptible to it, and that the benefits of preventive action
outweigh the cost. For type A individuals, only the first of these conditions is met. While few would deny the seriousness of heart disease, most
do not see any connection between their general lifestyle and an increased risk of developing heart disease. They do not consider their rushed, competitive lifestyle as pathological; on the contrary, both they and
the society in which they live tend to view this lifestyle as normal and
even praiseworthy. In fact, for many type A individuals there is a fear that
any attempt to modify type A characteristics will make them less alive and
The intensity of the reluctance to change will vary depending on the
health status and demographic characteristics of the clientele being
treated. Individuals who have suffered heart attacks will, as a group, consitute the most receptive clientele for therapeutic intervention (Friedman, 1978, 1979), while healthy, busy, occupationally successful persons-the group we have chosen to work with-form the other end of the
motivational continuum. The men in this latter group do not deny the
vulnerability of middle-aged men to heart disease, or even the potentially
harmful effects of what they term' 'high-stress' 'jobs, but they also believe
that the alternative to their present lifestyle may be literally worse than
death itself. In their view, a time-pressured, competitive lifestyle is a
necessary condition for the achievement and rewards that make life
The fact that type A individuals are likely to be ambivalent in their
desire to change and experience little social pressure to undertake treatment creates definite constrictions for the types of therapeutic intervention that can be attempted. The initial low investment in change, even in
type A individuals who agree to enter a treatment program, places the
onus on the therapist of establishing from the outset a clearly favorable
cost-benefit ratio. Unless the individual rather quickly experiences
Ethel Roskies
benefits that are greater than the time, effort, and discomfort involved,
the risk of drop-out is extremely high. The margin for therapeutic error
here is a low one.
Balancing the type A individual's own resistance to change are the
ethical constraints faced by the therapist working in an area where the
risks of change are better documented than the benefits. At this point, we
can only hope that certain types of individual and/or environmental
changes will reduce the coronary risk associated with type A behavior,
but we have far more certain knowledge of the personal, familial, and
social disruption that can follow any radical change in lifestyle. Under
these circumstances there are obvious ethical restrictions on the type of
change that the clinician can responsibly advocate.
When we began our work, the only explanatory model of type A
behavior extant was that formulated by David Glass (Glass, 1977; Glass,
Snyder, & Hollis, 1974). According to his view, type A behavior is essentially a coping response used to counter the threat of actual or potential
loss of control. In contrast to individuals who are unable or unwilling to
adapt to social norms, type A individuals have internalized thoroughly
Western society's emphasis on the ability to control one's environment.
The positive side of this mastery orientation is enhanced self-esteem and
increased social reinforcement. The negative side of this adaptive pattern, in contrast, is the threat experienced in any situation in which the
individual cannot be sure of complete control. When signs of possible
loss of control do occur, as inevitably they must, the initial response is an
increased effort to regain control, involving greater mental and physical
exertion, stepped-up pace, heightened competitiveness, and so on (Glass,
1977; Glass & Carver, 1980). Even in situations where control is not attainable, type A subjects tend to avoid recognition of this fact and continue active struggling. Only when the cues signifying absence of control
are highly salient will the type A individual lapse into a state of learned
helplessness (Krantz, Glass, & Snyder, 1974; Glass, 1977). Thus, the usual
coping style of the type A person is one of psychological and
physiological hyperresponsiveness interspersed with periods of
helplessness and hyporesponsiveness.
Our understanding of the physiological and biochemical processes
linking this behavioral-emotional pattern to cardiovascular pathology
is still tentative, for research on the issue is only in its early stages. Glass
nevertheless postulates that the cycle of behavioral hyperreactivity and
hyporeactivity in type A individuals may be accompanied by an
Ethel Roskies
Ethel Roskies
The original aim was to recruit 30 men. The nature of our recruitment campaign, as well as the stringent requirements for entry (age
39-59, salary $25,000 +, absence ofCHD, full-timemanagerialorprofessional position, nonsmoker, agreement to attend at least 12 of 14 sessions, willingness to deposit $100), seemed to appeal to the competitive
instincts of type As and we were deluged by a flood of applicants. The
Standardized Interview (Rosenman, 1977) was used to screen for type A
characteristics. In this 15-minute interview, the interviewer poses a series
of questions concerning the respondent's reactions to waiting in lines,
need to win at games, desire for occupational achievement, and so on.
The attitude of the interviewer is a challenging one, rather than the traditional clinical stance of sympathetic listening. On the basis of voice
stylistics (loud, fast), motor mannerisms (tapping fmgers, ticks), interpersonal interactions (interruptions, hostile remarks), as well as response
content, individuals are classified as fully developed As (type At), possessing A characteristics in a less extreme form (type A z), non-As (type B), or
an almost equal measure of A and B characteristics (type X). All individuals selected for this pilot program were fully developed As (type
Of the 27 individuals who passed the physical examination (6 of the
33 men initially selected as At were later placed in a separate group
because of cardiac abnormalities revealed on an exercise EKG), 13 were
randomly assigned to a 14-week tension-regulation program. In this program, individuals were first taught how to quantify their level of tension
using a 0-10 scale and then instructed for a period of a week to record
hourly the activity currently in progress and the level of tension experienced. This self-observation permitted participants to become more
aware of variations in their level of arousal and the situations associated
with these changes. At the same time, a sequence of relaxation exercises
designed to foster physiological self-control was introduced. A
15-minute modified version ofJacobsonian muscle relaxation Oacobson,
1938) was presented and participants were asked to practice this exercise
twice daily following recorded instructions, noting tension levels before
and after each practice session. After a few weeks of this regime, the
muscle-relaxation exercise was shortened to 5 minutes and specific neck,
shoulder, and breathing exercises were added.
Eventually, participants reached a level of proficiency at which they
both could detect early warning signs of physical tension and could relax
on command. The task now became one of using these skills to maintain a
comfortably low level of tension. Regularly occurring events in the daily
routine (e.g., shaving, opening one's agenda book, driving the car)
became signals to check tension level and adjust it if necessary. Even
Ethel Roskies
lenge oflearning to make explicit that which had been implicit in the first
program. A brief treatment program might not be able to significantly
alter such global concepts as "need for mastery," but it could seek to alter
some of the expectations and interpretations that the individual brought
to the specific stress episodes. The unexpectedly good results of participants in the psychotherapy group, almost as good as those in the relaxation program, was another incentive for examining how techniques
devoted to changing cognitions could be incorporated into a behavioral
treatment program.
By the late fall of 1978 we were ready to recruit a new sample to test
a multifaceted cognitive-behavioral program. Instead of the very select,
highly motivated, extreme type As that constituted the sample for the initial treatment study, this time we sought to recruit men more representative of the population of type As as a whole. With the cooperation of
medical and personnel officers of three large Canadian companies, letters
were sent to all men at a designated middle-management level inviting
them to participate in a research stress management program. Entry
criteria were much less stringent than for the previous program: All men
at the designated occupational level who did not manifest overt signs of
heart disease would be accepted. The degree to which participants had to
commit themselves to the program was also considerably less. In contrast
to the first study, there was no deposit and both the initial screening interview and the treatment program were held at the worksite.
Sixty-six men volunteered during the two week recruitment period
in December 1978. Unlike the men in the first sample, all of whom had
been English-speaking, 44 % of this group was francophone. Because
these men were chosen at the middle-manager level, rather than the
senior-manager and professional levels of the first study, they were also
considerably younger (X = 41.33 versus X = 47.6). In this study smokers
were not excluded and, in fact, 30% of the sample were currently
smokers. Most important of all, however, was the difference in type A
status. In contrast to the first study, where all participants had been
classified as extreme type As (AI)' here only 47% of the sample (31 men)
were placed in that category. An additional 40% were less extreme As,
while 13% were chssified as non-As (types Band X).
Forty of these Sixty-six men were randomly assigned to a 13-week
immediate treatment program, while 26 constituted a waiting-list control. The men in the immediate treatment condition met weekly in
Ethel Roskies
form of major tragedy but rather of minor irritation. It is the surly son at the
breakfast table, the traffic light that won't turn green, the job project stagnating in a series of repetitious committee meetings, the co-worker who
won't listen, and so on that account for most of the strain on the human
system. But while the person cannot control, except to a limited degree,
the demands, challenges, and threats that impinge on his daily life, he can
play an active role in determining the impact of a potential stressor and in
shaping the course of a stress episode. An individual who is mentally
prepared to encounter these inevitable daily hassles, and who also has a
well-developed repertoire of coping strategies as well as confidence in his
ability to use them is much less likely to be thrown off balance by a potentially stressful episode. Even in those relatively rare occasions when the
minor stressor becomes a major one and the banal is transformed into the
tragic, such a person will be better equipped to handle the situation as adequately as possible (Benner, Roskies, & Lazarus, 1980).
The type A managers with whom we work are characterized by a
hypersensitivity to the hassles of daily life and invest a maximum of effort
and energy in combating them. That this type of coping response is effective, at least to a certain degree, is attested to by their occupational success
and their ability to maintain family relationships and community activities.
Where the type A pattern is deficient is in its stereotypy of perception and
response. Instead of carefully evaluating the nature of a given stressor and
the resources available to deal with it, and then selecting an appropriate
coping strategy, the type A person tends to behave in an automatic "all or
none" fashion. Thus, an inattentive waiter, an unfriendly co-worker, and
an alienated child are all perceived at the same level of severe threat.
Similarly, the same fighting response will be used indiscriminately whether
the situation is one of gaining a desired job or mourning its loss. These frequent, intense, and undifferentiated mobilizations constitute a maximum
expenditure of energy for what at times may be minimal results. The
physiological cost, however, is consistently high.
In contrast to this automatic, stereotyped response pattern is the individual who is aware of his thoughts, feelings, and physical and behavioral
reactions and exerts active control over them. The competent coper is no
more able than the deficient one to completely avoid potentially stressful
situations, but his mental preparedness for the possibility, his differentiated
appraisals of events (internal and external) and his broad repertoire of coping techniques allow him to respond in a manner that maximizes impact and
minimizes strain. The differential cost of effective versus ineffective coping is
analogous to the economical use of energy expended by an experienced
hiker climbing a mountain compared with the huffing and puffing of an outof-condition person who inadvertently finds himself on the same trail.
Ethel Roskies
Fortunately, effective coping is a learnable skill. The same motivation and practice that lead an individual to improve his tennis game or acquire proficiency in a foreign language can also be used to attain more differentiated evaluations of stress situations and more flexible responses to
them. The type A person who follows our program may still choose to use
his old pattern of coping responses in certain situations, but this will now
constitute an informed choice rather than simply a reflexive response.
Treatment Content
The coping techniques chosen for this program were muscle relaxation (Bernstein & Borkovec, 1973), rational-emotive thinking (RET; Ellis
& Grieger, 1977; Maultsby & Ellis, 1978) communication skills training
(Stuart, 1974), problem-solving (D'Zurilla & Goldfried, 1971), and, in a
special role, an adaptation of stress inoculation (Meichenbaum, 1977).
While the treatment rationale emphasized the development of a broad
repertoire of coping skills, there was nothing in the rationale itself that
would guide us to select these specific techniques from the multitude of
those available. Instead, the choice of specific techniques was influenced
by a number of other considerations.
First among these considerations was a therapeutic model previously
developed by Jacqueline Avard, a collaborator in this research project.
According to this model, personal effectiveness is defined as the ability to
function well in and maintain equilibrium among physical, emotional,
social, and cognitive functioning. In designing the program, therefore,
we included at least one technique for treating problems in each of these
four areas. Relaxation was seen as particularly useful for problems of
physical tension regUlation, RET for modulation of irrational emotional
outbursts, communication skills for reducing interpersonal friction, and
A second consideration guiding the choice of techniques was their
suitability for type A individuals. The literature contains a multitude of
coping strategies, all of which seek either to regulate cognitive, emotional, and physiological distress; to reduce the trauma in interpersonal
interactions; or to facilitate decision-making. Because of subtle differences in rationale and procedure, however, some are more obviously
relevant to the coping problems of type A individuals and, equally important, are more congruent with their self-image. Thus it is easier for a type
A individual to see himself as too frequently angry rather than as not loving enough, to accept that he argues abrasively rather than in a nonassertive manner, or to view his problems in decision-making as related to trying to do too much rather than having difficulty in getting started.
Using this criterion of acceptability, we chose communication skills training rather than assertion training, adapted RET to focus on the problem of
anger, and chose time pressure as the prototypical problem for stress
A final consideration governing choice was the ease with which
specific techniques could become an integral part of the daily routine.
Rather than having group members set aside a specific time period each
day to practice stress reduction, the aim was to have them repeatedly
monitor and reduce physical, emotional, and cognitive tension
throughout the course of the day. Following this criterion, we eliminated
"nonportable" techniques, such as jogging, yoga, and meditation, and
concentrated instead on strategies that could be used during a heated
business discussion or a confrontation with an untidy teen-aged son.
Once the specific strategies had been chosen, the next problem was
to decide in what order to present them. In accordance with our belief
that, in the absence of symptoms or social pressure as motivators, it was
essential for the therapy itself to maintain a favorable cost-benefit ratio,
we attempted to order the presentation of techniques according to their
consumer acceptability. Progressive muscular relaxation was chosen as
the first technique taught because it is among the easiest to use and the
benefits are almost immediate. Although participants are likely to show
slightly more resistance to the principles of RET, practice in the control of
negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression, also
brings an immediate increase in sense of well-being. For this reason, RET
was the second technique presented. Communication and problemsolving skills, designed to reduce the stress associated with interpersonal
conflict and decision-making, followed next in the sequence. Once participants were proficient in the use of each technique individually, a
modified form of stress inoculation was introduced to help them learn
how to combine techniques for maximum impact.
Teaching Methods
The process of learning to monitor and reduce tension is similar to
the acquisition of any complex skill. Initially, the willing pupil is only
likely to reproduce the model awkwardly and imperfectly, whether the
instructor is demonstrating a new tennis stroke or muscular relaxation.
With regular practice and instructor feedback, however, he or she will
gradually increase in ability until the new skill can be executed with ease,
and eventually it will become a smoothly functioning part of the total
To facilitate this learning process, the various techniques were bro-
Ethel Roskies
ken down into small units and taught as a series of steps. Initially, the person would simply be asked to observe and chart the behavior targeted for
intervention. When the new coping strategy was formally presented,
these previously recorded problem situations became the first practice
material. The person would be asked to fantasize the stressful situation,
with its accompanying discomfort, and then to fantasize using the new
coping strategy to reduce tension. The next stage was the practice of the
new strategy' 'after the fact." Following an upsetting experience, group
members were instructed to mentally replay the scene and imagine how
their emotional reactions to these events might have been changed by the
application of this technique. The final stage was the use of the technique
in the heat of battle itself, beginning with situations that were less upsetting or threatening, and progressing gradually to the use of tensionreduction even in the midst of a full-scale crisis.
Shaping through corrective feedback constituted an essential part of
the learning process. Between weekly sessions, the men were assigned
homework of which they were asked to keep written records. This
material could then be used by the therapist to provide suggestions for
improved performance. There was also actual practice oftechniques during sessions under the supervision and correction of the therapist.
Practice between sessions was necessary if proficiency in the use of
techniques was to be attained. To make this homework as palatable and as
feasible as possible, we asked participants to take a few minutes at a time,
several times a day, rather than concentrating practice in a few massed
sessions. The longest single homework session was the 20 minutes required for the long version of the muscular relaxation tape and this was
terminated after four weeks. To further increase adherence, we analyzed
the homework records for general trends, such as the most frequently
chosen relaxation cues, or the variety of situations to which problemsolving skills had been applied, and then fed this information back to
The group format provided considerable therapeutic assistance in
the acquisition of these new skills. Many of the stressful situations encountered were common to all the participants, and the discussion of
problems was leavened by humor and camaraderie. Also, other group
members were often quick to spot ways in which the effectiveness of the
techniques could be improved, or at least the frequency with which they
were used increased.
The actual steps used in the teaching of a coping strategy varied, of
course, with the particular strategy under consideration (cf. Roskies &
Avard, 1982). Nevertheless, the way in which RET was presented serves
as a convenient illustration of the teaching process. In the week pre-
Ethel Roskies
which the individual imagined two upsetting situations with accompanying negative feelings each time, modified them, and then recorded the
self-statements used to produce the changes. Discussion of these group
practices and homework assignments permitted the therapist to point out
the irrational nature of many common beliefs, as well as providing an opportunity to suggest more rational self-statements.
Reduction of negative emotions in imagery gradually changed to
modification of feelings on the spot. Initially, participants would use rational emotive thinking to calm down more quickly when they were
already upset but, as the weeks progressed, group members increasingly
reported success in attenuating the full force of the emotional storm, and
sometimes even heading it off completely.
Stress Inoculation as an Integrative Technique
During the course of treatment, participants would often mention
that they had spontaneously combined two or more techniques in a given
stress situation. For instance, a man baited by a surly clerk would first use
relaxation and RET to lower his internal thermostat and then invoke his
communication skills to state his needs as clearly and calmly as possible.
Where the problem was not helped simply by communication, problemsolving would be added to the list of coping strategies. To provide a formal rationale and procedure for this process of combining strategies, a
modified form of stress inoculation (Meichenbaum, 1977) was added to
the program as an "umbrella" technique.
The analogy used in presenting stress inoculation was that of playing
tennis. Up to now, participants had learned and practiced individual
strokes. To playa good game of tennis, however, the person must be able
to put these strokes together into a smoothly flowing process. Expert
players have the additional skill of being able to plot strategy in advance,
but, if necessary, changing this strategy as the game proceeds.
Stress episodes can be divided into those that can be predicted in advance on the basis of past experience, and those that arise unexpectedly.
The former are far more numerous than we commonly believe, if we are
prepared to accurately examine patterns of behavior and interaction. To
cite an example not usually associated with stress, the Christmas holiday
is habitually visualized as a time of joy and good cheer. Accurate recollection of previous holidays, however, permits individuals to pinpoint the
stresses that they personally experienced even during a good holiday.
These can include the time pressure of buying and wrapping gifts, gUilt
and anxiety concerning money expended, physical and mental exhaustion from too many social gatherings, interpersonal tensions generated
Ethel Roskies
When we first began our work, we were concerned that type A individuals without overt heart disease would not be motivated to seek
change. To overcome this anticipated reluctance, we launched what we
considered to be a clever recruitment campaign. The fact that we immediately attracted our full quota of volunteers was testimony, so we
thought, to the appeal of these specific recruitment procedures. To test
the second program, in contrast, we launched a much more low-keyed
appeal. Here too, however, we managed to attract almost a full quota (66
of the 80 originally wanted) in a two-week period just before Christmas.
This suggests that recruitment is a less imposing hurdle than we initially
imagined it to be. It appears that stress management is a topic that concerns healthy, occupationally successful, middle-aged men, and one for
which they are prepared to accept professional guidance.
Where recruitment procedures do make a difference is in the type of
sample that will be constituted. By imposing age limits, (39-59), health
limits (nonsmokers), and language limits (all English-speaking) in the first
study, we attracted a sample that was quite homogeneous in life situation.
The second treatment program, in contrast, used occupational level as
the sole demographic criterion for entry and this made for much more
heterogeneity. Some of our middle managers, for instance, were in their
early 30s and just beginning their occupational rise while others, in their
late 50s, had long since plateaued and were marking time till retirement.
Even more important, all participants in the first program had accepted
prior to entry that they shared a common problem of extreme type A
status. In contrast, participants in the second program knew that there
was a range of A status present (from individuals classified as extreme
type A to those classified as clear-cut non-As), and consequently, any individual could believe that the problems being discussed did not apply
fully to him. Because of this heterogeneity in life situation and lack of a
clearly defined common problem, it was much more difficult in the second program to form a cohesive group and to fully utilize the group as a
source of social support.
The presence or absence of stringent selection criteria also affected
the eventual level of commitment to the program. In the first program, all
men had overtly to accept that they were of high coronary risk because of
their type A status, they had to make the effort to come to the hospital for
the initial interview, and, most important of all, they had to deposit $100
as a guarantee that they would attend at least 12 of 14 sessions. This
screening procedure almost certainly eliminated a number of potential
participants, but of those who did complete it, only 2 men dropped out
and 85 % of the total sample (23 of 27 men) attended the minimum 12 sessions. The second program, in contrast, did not require either overt
Ethel Roskies
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Part B-Victims
When one thinks of individuals under stress, the picture of the victim often
comes to mind. Whether the victim is living under the threat of potential
violence; has been victimized by violence (e.g., terrorist attacks, rape); or
has experienced stressful social conditions, the plight of the victim in each
case calls for major efforts at coping. Two of our contributors share their
treatment research programs for victimized individuals.
In the first chapter, Ofra Ayalon combines a fascinating journalistic account with a psychological analysis of the demands of coping with terrorism in Israel. In many ways Israel is a living laboratory for the study of
stress. Since its birth in 1948, it has witnessed five major wars, mass immigration, triple-digit inflation, and, as Ayalon's chapter documents,
numerous terrorist attacks. Between 1974 and 1980, there were 14 terrotist attacks in Israel in which hostages were taken. In 11 of those incidents, children were directly involved in terrorist actions. Ayalon provides the scenarios for 10 terrorist attacks and then considers the very important role that the social system or group processes play in influencing
how individuals cope with stress. The structure and dynamics of the community prior to the stress of terrorist attacks had a major effect on how individuals coped. Thus, one could possibly identify high-risk groups or
communities that could be the focus of stress prevention programs.
Ayalon's account reminds us that if one wants to help individuals cope
with or avoid stress, then an important focus of our attention should be on
influencing and mobilizing the group process. Insofar as the group can be
viewed as a source of physical protection and emotional support; and insofar as the group can provide prior preparations for future stressors,
allocate roles, facilitate communication, provide speedy means of
recovery and a framework of traditional values and procedures to work
Section II/
through grief and sorrow; then the individual's ability to cope with stress
will be enhanced and the likelihood of secondary victimization will be
decreased. Clearly, any consideration of stress reduction and prevention
programs must consider interventions at the group as well as at the individual level. Her chapter is more than a reminder to consider group
processes, since she focuses her attention on children as victims of terrorist attacks. She challenges the would-be intervener to consider how
one's intervention has to be tailored to the needs of children. The use of
play and fantasy, the use of the ventilation of unspent feelings, the use of
the peer group, and the role that teachers can playas trainers are each
Finally, the Ayalon program indicates that having a program to
reduce stress is only half the battle. The other half is convincing administrators that they should permit the training procedure to be
employed. The discussion of patient resistance in Chapter 4 wanes in
comparison to the type of resistance one may encounter from administrators. It has been our experience, however, that many of the
clinical ploys, sensitivities, and conceptualizations that one employs
with a resistant patient can also be used with a resistant administrator.
There is a need to view the administrator's resistance from his or her
perspective. One needs to anticipate and overcome such resistance in the
initial presentation of the training program; one has to martial the data for
the need for such a program; one may have to use a "soft-sell" approach;
and one has to include objective evaluation of the training program in
order to have it considered by the administrators. In short, Ayalon's
chapter raises a number of very important issues that must be considered
in setting up stress prevention and management programs.
The impact oftraumatic events, such as terrorist attacks and rape, on
vicitms is often long-term and calls for different types of intervention at
different stages of the stress reaction. It is important to appreciate that the
nature of the stress management program required immediately after the
trauma may be different from the program required some years after the
Louis Veronen and Dean Kilpatrick describe a treatment program for
rape victims. Their description of the stress reactions of the rape victims
highlights the need for any stress management program to focus attention
not only on the Victim, but also on the significant others in the victim's
life, such as a spouse or those professionals who deal with the victim (e.g.,
police, doctors, lawyers, and courts). In many instances the attitudes and
behavior of significant others toward the rape victim may engender further stress rather than reduce it. As Holmstrom and Burgess (1978) note,
stress related to rape does not end with the assailant's departure but is
often increased by the treatment victims receive from hospitals and enforcement and judicial systems. Victims characteristically are herded
through appointments and examinations; treated as objects, intimidated,
pressured, and subjected to the stress of repeated confrontations with the
memory of the assault. Through this ordeal, the social agents often convey disbelief in her story, suspicion of her motives, condescension, and at
times outright disdain. Thus, stress prevention and reduction programs
should be directed not only at the victim but also toward significant
others and institutional systems. As Holmstrom and Burgess note, it is important to insure that institutions do not further harm the very people
they are supposed to help.
Holmstrom, L., & Burgess, A. Tbe victim of rape: Institutional reactions. New York:
Wiley, 1978.
Coping with Terrorism
The Israeli Case
One aspect of terrorism that is often neglected is the existence of the terrorized. At a time when terrorism has been commonplace, it is appropriate to take a close look at those who have been personally affected
by it.
Terrorist attacks against civilians have written a bloody chapter in
the Arab-Israeli conflict since the turn of the century. On top of the long
list of wars, armed clashes, and across-the-border shellings, noncombatant residents have been exposed to assaults of terrorists on schools,
the seizing of hostages, and various instances of random injury and
murder. As a result of these attacks, a large number of children have been
victimized. Some have been killed or wounded, while others have
witnessed the cold-blooded murder or wounding of their parents, siblings, and mates.
What happens to individuals who have been swept up in such a surge
of violence? What sequence of responses, feelings, and behaviors unfold
in such episodes of terror, when people suddenly awaken to discover
bloodshed and murder in their own homes?
This paper is mainly a study of children who, through no fault of
their own, became pawns in horrendous situations. Such child victims,
whether they are actual survivors of direct terrorist attacks or "nearmiss" victims, have often emerged from their plight carrying specific synOFRA AYALON Department of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
target population. Since Freud's time (1950), there have been ample empirical data that confirm the erosive effects of the uncertainty of impending danger on the ability of the individual to hold up under stress
(Rachman, 1978). Thus terrorization, as well as other militant acts, instigates extreme stress, which by definition is a state in which the
demands of the situation exceed the resources of individuals or groups.
According to Lazarus (1966), four basic threats influence an individual's
appraisal of stress, all of which are present in the situation brought about
by a terrorist attack. These include threats to one's life, one's physical integrity, one's emotional security anchored in one's kin, and one's selfimage and value system. Any such threat may produce a temporary or
chronic emotional shock, often referred to as traumatic neurosis, even in
previously stable individuals (Hastings, 1944; Janis, 1951, 1971; Star,
1944). The individual's assessment of the stressfulness of an event is affected by situational factors such as one's proximity to the location of the
stressor, the duration and ferocity of the assault, and the degree of ambiguity of the source and outcome, as well as by personal factors. The
most salient among the personal factors seem to be resourcefulness,
degree of anxiety, tolerance threshold for threat and pain, previous experiences (positive or negative) of exposure to danger, and confidence,
or lack of it, in one's ability to mold the environment to suit one's purpose Oanis, 1958; Lazarus, 1966; Spielberger, 1966). Intermittent recurrence of stress situations and their cumulative effect may contribute to
their bearers' gradual burn-out (Maslach, 1976) and reduce their
resilience. Added to the recurring stress of confronting the violence of
terrorist attacks is their irregularity, which precludes any prior warning.
This unpredictability of terrorism, which increases the impact of the
disaster, makes it an everpresent threat, in spite of its relatively low
The target population of this study has been exposed to various warlike hostilities during peace-time. One group of events comprised artillery shelling and booby trap explosions; and the other involved the capture and killing of hostages. Although both types of events are highly
loaded with stress-producing threats, recent studies (Ophir, 1980;
Zuckerman-Bareli, 1979) show that they elicit marked differences in the
reactions of the potential victims (i.e., the near-miss population). Shellings and explosions, though more frequent and rather unpredictable,
produce less morbidity and less lasting anxiety than do the random but
very powerful direct attack of terrorists. Remote-control hostilities are
perceived in a way similar to the view of natural disasters: The agent of
destruction is anonymous and the blow is finite, whether or not it is impregnated with ill intention (Erikson, 1979; Fredrick, 1980). The alarm
cided to flee were killed on the spot.) Should one try to overcome the
enemy by force? Again it is a decision that can be evaluated only by
retrospective knowledge. Twice in our cases did resistance of captives
eliminate the threat. At other times it was futile and tragic. Should one
distract the captors and let others flee? The longer the interim period between the onset of the threat and its termination, the more crucial does
the decision become. With the progress of time, other opinions arise; for
example, should one try to make contact with the terrorists, disarming
them by rehumanization?
Yet the process of decision-making is completely disrupted by the
very threat that the victim is desperately trying to avoid. All avenues of
escape are blocked, the time factor is unknown; and viable alternatives
for action become unavailable, as a result of which the victim may succumb to defensive self-deception, loss of hope, and panic behavior Oanis
& Mann, 1977). In this case panic behavior exacerbates rather than
alleviates the crisis, and may range from wild flight to total paralysis of
will and action (Schulz, 1964). In the final analysis, the very life of the victim may depend on whether, at this juncture of decision-making, his
behavior is adaptive or not. How does this face-to-face confrontation
with the attacker influence the victim's perception of the threat? What
may this interaction with the victimizer mean to the children who as a
rule are more dependent on others than are adults?
We will take a close look at the children's reactions to the exceptional events that have confronted them, in the light of their immediate
social surrounding. Table I presents in sequence the terrorist attacks on
civilian populations in Israel between April 1974 and November 1975. It
includes the objective aspects of the stress situation, such as the duration
of the attack, and its casualties. It also describes the population of each
target according to certain group characteristics, such as the structure of
the community and the socioeconomic level of the residents. An examination of those factors may begin to provide us with some informal guidelines relating to societal and individual coping processes. Table II brings
the documentation of the terrorist attacks on Israeli settlements up to
date. A brief description of each attack is provided in the next section.
Scenarios of Terrorism
April 11, 1974-Kiryat Shmona
The Community
Border kibbutz
Border development
Circassian village
Border kibbutz
November 7, 1974
December 1,1974
December 6, 1974
March 5, 1975
Border village
Religious border
Ramat Magshimim
Development town
16 hours
Development town
5 minutes
2 hours
6 hours
1 hour
2'h hours
2 hours
12 hours
4-5 hours
Border development
Kiryat Shmona
Duration of
Type of
Size of
Type of
3 dead; 2 wounded
2 dead; 4 wounded
7 dead; 11 wounded
no dead; 1 wounded
1 dead; 1 wounded
4 dead; 21 wounded
3 dead; 4 wounded
3 dead; 1 wounded
22 dead; 56 wounded
4 dead; dozens
18 dead; dozens
March 3, 1979
April 23, 1979
4 killed
April 8, 1980
Misgav-Am (kibbutz)
2 killed; 7 wounded
aSecond assault.
ing of the State ofIsrael and settled in Kiryat Shmona in the 1950s. Most of
the public positions and better jobs are held by the locally born (Sabras)
and Jews of European origin.
The town has been frequently shelled by terrorists based in southern
Lebanon, perpetuating, in an atmosphere of tension, a constant threat to
life and property. In spite of these constant threats, the community relies
for its defense not on local elements but the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).
To add to the already tense atmosphere, there is a scarcity of air raid
The Incident
A group of terrorists crossed the Lebanese border in the early hours
of the morning. The terrorists broke into two buildings; they ransacked
every apartment and shot everybody in sight. After the bloody massacre,
they barricaded themselves on the top floors of the buildings.
Initial Reactions
Half an hour after the first shots were fired, the alarm was sounded
and the inhabitants of a nearby building rushed into shelters. Curfew was
enforced for 41f2 hours, by the end of which period the security forces
stormed the occupied building, killing all terrorists. Throughout this
time, the wounded remain untended. Eighteen children and adults were
killed, and dozens were wounded.
Subsequent Reactions
As a direct result of the incident, angry demonstrations erupted in
the town. Residents burned the bodies of the terrorists. Funerals of the
victims were interrupted by outcries and accusations against city and
government authorities who failed to protect them. The community remained in an uproar for a time after the event. There were reports of
sleepwalking, symptoms of physical malaise, anxieties, and absenteeism
from work and school. Quite a few families moved from the area.
The attack on Kiryat Shmona was the first in a series of similar terrorist invasions of civilian settlements. However, while terrorist raids
across the border had been frustrated by the security defense network,
the terrorists' success in Kiryat Shmona in breaching these defenses
shook the residents' faith in the authorities and their protective measures,
as well as in their own image as capable defenders of their homes and
May 15, 1974-(A) Ma'alot
The Community
This is a Western Galilee development town near the Lebanese
border, surrounded by Israeli-Arab population. Residents are mostly recent immigrants from Moslem countries, still struggling with the effects
of dislocation. Many families are orthodox and are heavily loaded with
children, a blessing in accordance with their cultural and religious traditions. Low-placed on the economical and occupational scale, a substantial number of families are welfare clients. Large groups of children are
considered "educationally disadvantaged" (Marx, 1970) and in need of
specialized care in schooling.
The Incident
Three armed men who stole across the Lebanese border into Israel
hit the town at midnight, shooting an old man on their way. Next they invaded an apartment, chosen at random, killing, in bed, the father, the
pregnant mother, and a four-year-old child and gravely wounding their
five-year-old girl. They next stopped at a local school, apparently intending to wait for the children to arrive in the morning. As fate would have
it, over 100 teenagers with their teachers from another town (Tzfat) on a
shool outing were staying the night in this school building. On reaching
the school grounds the terrorists encountered one of the teachers, whom
they forced at gun point to take them inside the building. The terrorists
occupied the school for 16 hours, holding up to 105 hostages. Seventeen
pupils and most of the teachers fled from the very start, in addition to
several other children who were released while negotiations were in process. The IDF stormed the building. All of the terrorists were killed. This
rescue operation did not prevent the terrorists from first killing 1 soldier
and 22 children and wounding 56 more children. Because of the large
number of casualties, the incident is known as the Ma'alot Massacre.
The Incident
105 high school kids from Tzfat, camping in a school building, were
trapped and most ofthem held hostages for 16 hours by three armed terrorists. The terrorists wired explosives around the building and, firing occasionally, used their hostages for sandbags at the windows, shooting between their legs, while negotiations went on. The captors' treatment of
the hostages as a rule was relentless, except for a few hours when, unpredictably lenient, they allowed their captives some freedom of move-
Reaction to Crisis
The agony of the young hostages'close relativesbeganwith the news
coverage of the terrorists' attack on Ma'alot. More than 100 such families
underwent 12 hours ofthis agony, not knowing what would happen to
their children. The shocking announcement of the many deaths and
casualties added outbursts of rage and violence to a mourning, directed at
government institutions and the ministry of education, which were held
responsible for the disaster. In this hunt for scapegoats, the bereaved
families expressed acute feelings of deprivation, transformed into
demands for material compensation at a later stage.
No attempt was made to unite for any common goals or to assist one
another. The affected families, relatively isolated from the wider urban
community, experienced no communal support except for formal contacts with welfare and rehabilitation officials. Feelings and expressions of
bitterness were kept alive for a long time.
November7, 1974-Beit She'an
The Community
This is a development town in the Beit She' an Valley about 5 km west
ofthe]ordanian border. The population consists primarily of Asian and
North African immigrants. Most families are large and of the low-income
The Incident
At 4:45 A.M., four terrorists made their way into an apartment
building, shooting and killing at Sight. Breaking into an apartment, they
murdered the family's mother.
Initial Reactions
The remaining members of the family leaped out the window, as did
their neighbors on hearing shots. Two hours later, a security task force
stormed the apartment, killing the terrorists. Four residents of that apartment building were killed and 21 wounded, mostly as a result of leaping
to safety. Many people, consequently, went into shock with manifested
symptoms of panic for hours.
Subsequent Reactions
The town went into chaos, residents ran amuck, rampaging through
the streets and burning the terrorists' bodies. In the pandemonium, the
body of the one of the victims was burned as well.
These victimized populations share several common denominators,
all of which render them most vulnerable to crises of that kind. Mass
dislocation and immigration, the stress of acculturation, involving the
destruction of traditional and religious values and habits, have put a
heavy burden on individuals and families. On top of present stress and
strain, the toll of murders in three out of these four communities was
enormous and especially difficult to sustain because it hit children.
June 13, 1974-Kibbutz Shamir
The Community
A kibbutz about 5 km from Kiryat Shmona near the Lebanese border.
Its 600 residents are either native Israelies or of European and American
The Incident
Four terrorists invaded the kibbutz in the early hours of the morning,
shooting and killing three women and one man.
Initial Reactions
A six-year-old boy who witnessed the shooting ran off to alert the
guard, whereupon the internal predrilled defense procedure of the kibbutz was instantly put into operation. The ensuing close-range gun battle
put all the terrorists to death. Except for their special defense squad, the
kibbutz's residents stayed in the shelters equipped for emergencies of this
kind. The whole area was thoroughly searched for additional terrorists.
When none were found, vigiliance was restored to normal.
Subsequent Reactions
Mourning was restrained. Declarations of identification and the intention not to desert the place were made during and after the funerals.
The community regained its composure and functionability. No further
aftereffects were reported.
The Incident
A group of terrorists invaded the kibbutz from the Mediterranean, attacking a family at home. One man was injured.
Initial Reactions
Immediately the residents organized both for defense and pursuit. One
terrorist was killed on the spot and the others were forced to escape, eliminating the threat. The residents, still agitated but safe, tried to resume their
normal activities. They adamantly refused any outside interference by closing their doors on the security forces as well as the news media.
Subsequent Reactions
Within a short time the community dropped back into routine. It is
the only incident in which no lives were lost.
November 20, 1975-Ramat Magshimim
The Community
A newly settled religious agricultural village, on the Lebanese border.
Resident majority is of European or American origin, combining agriculture and religious study with army service in the village.
The Incident
Four terrorists overpowered five students as they were studying in
their living quarters. The terrorists withdrew from the room, taking one
hostage and hurling a grenade at the four students who remained in the
room. The hostage escaped as they retreated. Result of the incident: three
students were killed and two wounded. The incident lasted five minutes.
Initial Reactions
Thoroughly drilled security measures were put into immediate effect.
The IDF combed the countryside for 12 hours looking for other terrorists.
Subsequent Reactions
Mourning for the victims turned into an opportunity to express
religious solidarity in the community. Bereaved parents went to the ex-
tent of sending their younger sons to the village for Sabbath rituals as an
expression of their allegiance and faith.
Common Denominators
The common denominators recognizable at the incidents of Kibbutz
Shamir, Kibbutz Rosh-Hanikra and Ramat Magshimim are the readiness
of the community to meet attack (through prior drill and effective roleallocation and communication), rate of recovery, and the working-out of
grief through a framework of traditional values.
December 1, 1974-Rechanya
The Community
A small Circassian village, 1-2 km from the Lebanese border, consisting of and established by several of their traditional class. The Circassians, a tiny minority in Israel, are Moslem who left Russia at the end of
the last century in the wake of religious persecution. The village structure
is similar to that of a traditional Moslem Arab village. The young men
serve in the Israeli army.
The Incident
The terrorists infiltrated the village at about midnight. Bursting into a
home, they killed the head of the household and wounded his wife. In the
course of the attack, the terrorists discovered they had by "accident" attacked Arab-speaking Moslems. Apologizing to their victims, they turned
themselves over to the Israeli security forces. One of the terrorists was
Immediate: The wounded mother protected her son (aged 8), sent her
daughter (age 12) for help, and waited to be killed. The daughter did not
lose her head. Tending to her mother while transmitting information in
Circassian to her uncle, who subsequently called an army troop that captured the terrorists preventing further damage. Other residents of the
village, while expressing outrage over the attack, failed to act.
Subsequent: The villagers expressed their solidarity with Israel, rejected the terrorists' "apology," and asked to be allowed weapons for
future self-defense.
June 15, 1975-KfarYuval
The Community
A small cooperative farming village on the Lebanese border. Mter its
founding, settlers had deserted the site 20 years earlier; then Indian and
MoroccanJews resettled it. For a long time the settlement was threatened off and on by artillery bombardments.
The Incident
The terrorists penetrated the defense lines of the village at dawn, shot
the watchman, took control in an occupied home, and opened ftre in all
directions. Security forces blocking the roads attacked the terrorists' position, killing them all. The incident lasted 21f2 hours. During the ftre exchange, the head of the captive family managed to join the IDF task force;
he was killed in action. His wife and sons, kept hostage in the house, survived. The incident resulted in two killed and most of the hostages wounded.
After the attack, many residents expressed a heightened sense of commitment to their community. Expressions of grief were moderate. Within
hours, the community returned to normal.
June 25, 1974-Nahariya
The Community
A medium-size well-established community, situated on the coast not
far from the Lebanese border.
The Incident
About midnight, a group of terrorists attacked an apartment building
after shooting the watchman. Residents barricaded themselves in their
apartments. One of the neighbors attempted to save his wife and daughters
by lowering them to the ground through the window, but this proved fatal;
they were shot and killed in the process.
Upon arrival, the IDF wiped out the terrorists without further
In the beseiged building, neighbors took reasonable measures in selfdefense when they barricaded the doors of their apartments. The attempt
at safety by fleeing the building seems to have been based on a similar but
successful attempt during a previous terrorist raid at Beit She' an. The community returned to normal after a brief period of restrained mourning.
March 5, 1975-Savoy Hotel, Tel Aviv
The Community
Tel Aviv is Israel's largest city. Located on the seashore but away from
any hostile border, it is considered to be the safest place in the country.
Close to the beach in central Tel Aviv, the hotel is wedged in between the
city's more affluent and more deprived neighborhoods.
The Incident
During the night, a group of terrorists penetrated Tel Aviv's beach area
from the Mediterranean Sea. The infiltrators first attempted to take over a
movie theatre next to their target, but were thwarted by an usher who
blocked all exits and rushed the audience into the air-raid shelter. The terrorists took hold of the Savoy Hotel, herding into and keeping at gun point
all hostages in one room. The security forces got to the scene shortly
thereafter and began negotiating with the terrorists, using one hostage as
mediator. Six hours later, security stormed the building, while the terrorists succeeded in killing 7 and wounding 11 hostages and soldiers.
Hostages' Coping Reactions
One of those wounded pretented to be dead, while another believed
herself to be dying. A third person tried to sustain the other hostages' spirits
by messages of an optimistic nature. A young woman hostage took charge
of the group and acted as mediator between the terrorists and the army outside. According to her evidence, given later, she had discovered unsuspected resources in herself: physical stamina, first-aid skills, and fluency
in Arabic for the negotiations she conducted between the IFD and the terrorists. She reponed feeling strengthened by the sense of the commonality
of destiny and the preVailing spirit of togetherness, though the group of
hotel guests held hostage was random. Once it was over, she said she knew
she would never be afraid again (Golan, 1979).
Reactions ofBystanders
Those without a clearly defined role: milling around the scene, or running away, or passively waiting for orders. Those with clearly defined
roles: (a) the usher in the movie theatre barred the entrance exit doors; (b)
an ambulance driver, having blocked the street, summoned help and; (c)
doctors living in the area sped to the nearest hospital.
Subsequent Reactions
In no time, life in the affected area returned to normal. In the immediate area of the onslaught, residents remained agitated, but elsewhere
in the city there was hardly any noticeable effect.
When the individual is part of a group under attack his appraisal of that
group as a source of physical protection or emotional support influences
ture and dynamics of the community prior to stress has a dominant effect
on the manner of coping of the population at large and of individuals in
particular (Caplan, 1974). Although some generalized features appear in
groups of victims and survivors, individual differences still account for a
typical response, as will be evident from further analysis. The circumstances and outcomes in each case (e.g., the extent of the damage and
number ofthe casualties, etc.) contaminate comparison of the different
communities' approaches and reactions. In spite of this restriction, we
can identify three groups of factors that may account for the differences
in the stress-response:
1. Historical-cultural-demographic characteristics of a population,
including previous experience of stress and loss, determine its
orientation toward activity or passivity in handling morbid
2. Systemic features ofthe community-its boundaries, transactions and interactions, leadership and role allocation, group
cohesiveness, and channels of communication and supportmay be regarded as predictors of the coping potential of the community (see discussion of systems analysis in Bertalanffy, 1968;
see also Moldar, 1954).
3. The third group of factors involves the existence or absence of a
vigilant approach and preparedness to meet unpleasant life eventualities, such as war, civil strife, or terrorist violence.
In the same way that pooling resources improves the chances of
standing up to additional stress, the forces of disruption and confusion in
a problem-ridden community can snowball and lead to its deterioration.
Four out of six raided towns, Kiryat Shmona, Ma'alot, Tzfat, Beit
She' an-are small to middle-sized urban dwellings, inhabited by multiproblem, underprivileged immigrant populations. These populations
have, over decades, endured the crises of forced migration and cultural
transition, resulting in the loss or distortion of most of their communal,
cultural, and family values. Low on occupational and educational scales
(Smooha & Peres, 1974) and perpetually frustrated (Marx, 1970), their
deprivation is carried over to second and third generations (Frankenstein, 1968, 1970). The structure of these communities is loose, and interactions are diffuse. No credible leadership has emerged and the overall
orientation is passive. These features may contribute to the phenomena
of general panic and hopelessness during the attack and displaced aggression against local authorities in the aftermath.
As immigrants from Arabic-speaking countries, such as Morocco,
Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and refugees of previous racial persecutions, these populations were doubly traumatized by the all-too-familiar
threats from which they had tried to escape. Their frustration at the
failure of the authorities to protect their dear ones was tremendously
augmented by the massive bloodshed that they suffered during two of the
attacks. For a culture with a very high investment in its children, the toll
of children's deaths verged on the intolerable.
Small size and cohesive communities (like the Kibbutzim Shamir,
Rosh-Hanikra, and Ramat Magshimim and the villages Rechanya and Kfar
Yuval), with a high degree of awareness, credible leadership and
role-allocation, and open channels of communication, seem to have fared
much better in facing the threat and stress of the attacks. In the kibbutz, a
selective society with a tradition of self-reliance and mutual responSibility, emergencies were handled promptly and efficiently, and care was
given to casualties and survivors. Vigilance has paid off, leading to a continual readiness to meet emergencies and to deal with their consequences
(see also Ginath & Krasilowsky, 1970; Kaffman, 1977; Ziv & Israeli,
The two cities in which terrorist attacks took place represent a mixed
category, with heterogeneous populations and changing modes of operation under stress. In both cities (Tel Aviv and Nahariya) it was apparent
that people who had pre-assigned roles and were trained to deal with
emergencies (such as doctors, soldiers and psychologists) functioned
adaptively both during and after the crisis. People with no well-defined
roles, however, showed tendencies to mob and panic. Rumors spread and
increased the level of anxiety. Nearby neighborhoods were more adversely affected than was the periphery.
A more rigorous analysis of the ameliorating and exacerbating factors that influence coping with extreme stress should be conducted. A
small move in this direction is being made in a cross-cultural comparison
of coping with stress of guerilla warfare and terrorism in violent environments such as Southern Lebanon and Northern Ireland (Mar'i, Ayalon, &
Fields, 1980).
But even at this preliminary state of research, the conclusions that
can be drawn indicate the need to nurture those social attitudes and community resources, described before, that were found to be most adaptive
in dealing with stress. Stress-preventive intervention can be used as a
level for promoting community involvement and for tapping potential
for active coping.
What behaviors, thoughts, or feelings in the face of the extreme
stress of a hostage situation would be considered coping reactions rather
than failure and disintegration?
victim like a golem that rises against its maker and destroys him. The
resulting pathological phenomena have been described in detail by Janis
(1951), Selye (1956), Krystal (1968), Lifton (1967), Horowitz (1976), and
Ochberg (1978).
The effectiveness of any particular response cannot be evaluated in
isolation. Hence the difficulties in predicting how effective a specific
reaction will be in determining one's success in coping. By analyzing and
studying the response-repertoire revealed to us by the victims of terrorism, we can draw some guidelines for classifying coping patterns. We can
learn how to improve coping skills, though we must be cautious in drawing up a blueprint for how people should cope with such extreme stress.
We will consider implications of these conclusions in programs of services for survivors of violence and in training for stress prevention.
Patterns of Survival in Victimized Children and Adolescents
Very little is known about children's reactions to active, externallyinduced crisis, in contrast to the ample evidence accumulated on intrapsychic trauma (Furst, 1967). Children may be oblivious to threats which
are remote or abstract, such as war across the border, but will fully perceive and react to immediate physical danger. It is also true that children
usually experience stress through their "meaningful adults" (Bowlby,
blocking of affect, because he is struggling with issues of identity formation and independence. Earlier conflict over guilt and punishment were
reactivated in some of the juvenile hostage group. Regression was enhanced by the fact that the captors held control over toilet procedures
and the privilege to move, talk or eat. Given the fact that the group was
leaderless and created no alternative supports, the damaging effect of
isolation increased the need to cling to some external, even supernatural
sources of rescue.
Facing Terrorists
As noted, the various phases of coping make different demands and
require different interventions: the initial phase, during the event; the
recovery phase, from one week to a couple of months later, and the longrange adaptive phase that can last a lifetime. In order to illustrate these
various phases, we should consider the results of an interview study we
conducted with child survivors of terrorist attacks. The following are examples of behaviors during each phase, as drawn from survivors' testimony. In this study, the followup of survivors extends up to six years
following the event.
The main sources for data of the following response and coping profiles were interviews held with survivors and near-miss populations during 1978-1980. One series of interviews with exhostages was held 5-6
years after the event, the sample including noninjured, slightly injured,
and severely injured young adults, who were 16-17 years old at the time
of the victimization.
In more recent attacks, interviews and observation of victimized and
near-miss child population were conducted directly at the termination of
hostilities and have been going on ever since at timely intervals, to secure
knowledge of short- and long-term coping behaviors. This immediacy
reflects the growing awareness of victims' needs and the strict necessity
for systematic evaluation. One limitation of this kind of naturalistic study
is the amount of distortion that filters through in post hoc statements of
highly charged activities under stress. To gain more credibility, indirect
sources of data were used, such as officially collected testimonies, case
reports, and diaries and letters written within a few weeks after the attack. A persistent feature of interviewees' reactions was their willingness
to talk and their expression of relief for having been listened to.
The adaptivity of the specific behavior chosen by the individual is
contingent on his perception of the threat and his immediate goals. When
the perceived threat was that of being overpowered by gunmen and the
immediate aim was the elimination of the threat, both fight and flight
could be considered adaptive. Final assessments include the consequences of these behaviors. The degree of relief actually achieved by certain modes of operation is an indication of their supportive value.
Paralysis and panic were often determined by the constraints of the situation as much as by personal tendencies.
Immediate Response to the Onset of the Disaster
Although scarce in our case reports, as in other reported terrorist attacks (Schrieber, 1978), fighting back appeared at Rosh-Hanikra and
Shamir and during recurrent attacks on both Ma'alot and Na'hariya on the
part of highly vigilant adults. Other attempts to overcome terrorists by
fighting were reported by a few adolescents in Ma'alot, who planned a
"suicide rescue operation" and managed to snatch a knife from a captor's
bag. It is impossible to predict the adaptability of such plans, as they were
nipped in the bud by the bewildered resistance of the rest of the group.
Flying from captors at the onset of attack was feasible in many cases,
but was practiced by only a few. The decision to jump out of high-rise
windows demanded a high degree of risk-taking. Most jumpers were saved, though for a few the jump was fatal.
Methods of flight varied from hiding in a closet to jumping from a
high building. One eight-year-old girl at Kiryat Shmona overcame her initial confusion and paralysis and managed to escape her mother's and siblings' fate by hiding in a closet. A 16-year-old at Ma'alot hid in the bathroom, then found shelter under a corpse during the rescue raid, and finally threw herself from s second floor window, in spite of having been
wounded. Seventeen students in Ma'alot escaped by jumping out of the
windows, following their fleeing teachers. The same happened in Beit
She'an, when a boy (15) who jumped from a third-floor window was
followed by his brother (14), then by more children and adults. The decision to escape was also charged with a conflict between a life-preserving
tendency and responsibility toward others. One example, which had
many repercussions on later events, is the escape of the teachers in
Ma'alot, at the cost of pushing others from the escape routes and depriving the rest of the pupils of reliable leadership and moral support. A contrary example on the same scene came from youngsters who reported
later that their first inclinations to escape had been inhibited by
consideration of responsibility for a younger sibling. Sometimes caring
for others was incorporated in self-saving escape, as shown in the follow-
ing example: While fleeing with her family from her home to safety, a
13-year-old girl from Nahariya disregarded her mother's urging to keep
on running and stopped to wait for a small girl who was also running for
her life. She remembers thinking, "This is a human being, who cannot be
left alone in the middle of the night."
In all these cases, the children were on their own, the responsible
adults being either missing or killed. Those who were actively engaged in
a self-saving act not only survived, but, in the interview, appeared to have
also preserved a positive self-image. Interviews after a couple of years
with the same children revealed a mixture of a sense of self-reliance with
shame and guilt over having been spared the hardship of their classmates,
but less gUilt was apparent than was admitted by those children who
escaped totally unharmed after the rescue operation.
Flight from threat is a very basic reaction, but so is clinging to a
parent. Was it lack of appraisal of the danger, in one case, and premature
vigilance in the other that led to death of a five-year-old girl who insisted
on following her father to his own death, while her six-year-old neighbor
pulled herself away from her running father to hide and be saved?
Paralysis and Panic
followed by paralysis of will, confusion, and shock. "I sat quietly in the
midst of all the crying, not feeling anything," one 16-year-old reported.
One boy reported feeling "completely indifferent" and others dozed off
for long periods when they heard the terrorists. Concomitant with emotional numbing is the loss of the physical sensation of pain, reported by
several children who were wounded and others who trod on glass and
thorns in their escape. When paralysis wore off, it gave way to various
nonspecific responses that aggravated the situation.
Attempts to call for outside help are secondary reactions following
the initial stage of paralysis and panic, and demand a realistic assessment
of the danger and of the sources of rescue. In some of the cases, a wounded parent summoned enough strength to send the child to bring help
(Kiryat Shmona, Rechanya), while in other places, for lack or loss or
parents, the frightened children organized among themselves and sent
for help (Beit She'an).
In Shamir, it was vigilance and a quick decision that sent a boy of six
to alert the guard to the presence of armed strangers on the kibbutz
grounds. In Rechanya, a 12-year-old succeeded, under the threatening
guns of the terrorists who had just killed her father and wounded her
mother, to contrive a method of communication with the army, using a
different language to mislead the captors.
As stress lingered on, new patterns of active coping emerged, characterized by role-taking and altruistic behavior. Some activities took much
courage-serving as sandbags at the windows, shielding others from
bullets, or even planning a suicidal rescue attempt. One girl (17), who in
particular seems to have tried to gain more control than most, committed
risky endeavors by shielding the terrorists against bullets from the outside
while they were negotiating and by jolting the muzzle of one of their guns
away from an outside negotiator. On other occasions she attempted to
establish contact with the rescue forces.
Only a few individuals summoned enough energy to be activecaring for the wounded and comforting and nurturing the others. The activities seemingly served to distract them from the overwhelming fears as
well as benefitting the others.
I felt a raw, deep fear in my stomach. Looking around me I suddenly saw dry
lips, wide and frightened eyes. It dawned on me that I had to help in some way.
A girl fainted and then another. The terrorists ordered us not to move. What
could happen to me? I would feel a bullet and that's all. I got up and stepping
on the stretched bodies I went over to one of the girls, avoiding looking in the
terrorists' direction. I heard their order to sit down but I went on. Then I
turned and begged them, still not looking at them, to give me some water. I
said that in Arabic. Their commander hesitated, then called in Hebrew to
someone to go and bring water. Immediately one of the boys got up and went
to the toilets, returning with a full bottle. (Gal, 1980, p. 11)
A few more kids shared these chores. One or two girls took responsibility
for guiding others in prayer. Most hostages at Ma'alot, within the narrow
confines of possible behavior, displayed a relatively low level of activitiy.
Fearful and resentful, they thwarted more purposeful attempts at selfrescue planned by several boys. The few others who did not succumb to
passive, apathetic behavior occupied themselves within the limited
choice of actions, either by preparing food and perpetual eating, or by
providing others with food and drink.
The benefit of activity under stress is paramount (Gal & Lazarus,
1975). Those who muster the energy to be active gain a sense of purpose,
or at least succeed in distracting their thoughts from their ill fate. In spite
of its obvious advantages, it seems that only a few people spontaneously
initiate activity under extreme stress of this kind (see also Jacobson,
What can one do for victims of such violence? The period of
recovery is impregnated with hazards. Acute symptoms of traumatic
neurosis occur, at least temporarily, following the direct involvement in
such disasters, even in the most stable personalities.
The symptoms that we found in the children who were interviewed
or observed in this second phase of trauma coincided with Lindemann's
(1944) profile of prolonged traumatic reaction: shock, bewilderment,
partial loss of temporal and spacial orientation, preoccupation with
catastrophic ideas and images, prolonged grief, crying spells, and lability
of moods, loss of appetite, and sleep disturbances. The threshold for
tolerating nOises, darkness, and unexpected movements was temporarily
lowered. Some survivors expressed a pronounced consciousness of carrying a special mark that set them apart from other people. This period of
immediate recuperation was marked by a compulsive need for a
repetitive recounting of the experience, as the survivors tried to master
anxieties they could not cope with at the time by reliving the event in fantasy. Not heeded and treated, these symptoms may develop into a lasting
acute neurosis (Horowitz, 1976; Janis, 1971).
Secondary Victimization
The survivor's plight does not terminate with actual rescue, as has
been demonstrated by Klein (1968), Krystal (1968), Lifton (1967),
Erikson (1979) and so forth. But what is common knowledge in the professional community is vehemently denied by survivors themselves, by
their families, and by the community at large. This denial results in
avoiding further treatment that could ameliorate future morbid dysfunctions. When post-traumatic intervention is not administered to the survivors and others in the community, as has been the case in most of the
reported events, a process of secondary victimization is often set into
Secondary victimization is a complex phenomenon in which social
stigma adheres to the survivor, trapping him in the web of an antagonistic
atmosphere. At the same time, this phenomenon contains the seed for
prolonged or permanent personality injury that will affect the survivor's
future chances and choices. Evidence of secondary victimization was
revealed in our follow-up interviews, held from one to six yeas after the
terrorist attack. We will examine the social stigmatization and rejection
as observed by our subjects and then proceed to describe a condensed
profile of the most dominant features found in survivors six years after
the rescue.
Nahariya. Derisive remarks were made about their noctural flights, and
accusations heard about their taking advantage of the event in order to
skip lessons. These insinuations were shared by some ofthe teachers and
children's parents. One 13-year-old complained about his teachers' ignoring his newly acquired fears: "They shouldn't have put me on guard
duty at the gate so soon after what happened. I was shaking with fear."
"Children call us names; they think that we are bragging whenever we try
to talk about what happened," said a 14-year-old. She continued, "They
call us 'chickens' when we show signs of fear. Had they been there .... "
Long-Term Personality Changes
One major transformation in the self-image noted among the interviewees was an emergence of a "survivor's identity. " Whenever the new
identity was adopted or denied, it became the scale and measure of all ensuing experiences. The most extreme manifestation was provided by a
young man who began to sign correspondence using a self-administered
title: "Survivor of Ma' alot. " Others present themselves much in the same
way in new social contexts. The event and publicity have bestowed a certain halo with which there is a reluctance to part. At the other extreme,
we found a young woman who resented being reminded of the events
and tried to alienate herself from the others because she" does not want
common feature was their strong need to talk and share their experiences, in spite of the time elapsed. This pattern of reactions suggests
the need for some form of intervention following traumatic experiences.
Intervention may be useful not only immediately following the event, but
also, as the interviews indicate, many years later. The victimized children
may pay the price of their trauma long after its termination.
Apart from short and erratic attempts at crisis intervention, no
systematic stress prevention program has been implemented to help
these young people to come to terms with their experience. Services for
victims should be geared to reduce acute suffering among casualties and
to preventing long-range adverse psychological repercussions.
Moreover, stress inoculation for high-risk population could be of great
preventive value.
The arena that seems at first glance to be most appropriate for conducting stress-preventive intervention with children, prior to or following a traumatic event, is the school. The school is a good choice since it
encompasses vital peer-group interaction opportunities and the presence
of qualified adults in an educational framework. But existing practices
still lag behind the recommended ones, giving stress intervention a rather
controversial status. Until recently, even postcrisis treatment was regarded as superfluous, if not downright harmful (e.g., Bellos, 1977).
There is little mystery behind rationales and rationalizations antagonistic to stress intervention, stemming from various political and
social sources, and expressed by a reluctance to confront directly the
responsibility for stress and its consequences. The social system at large,
and the educational system in particular, are adamant in opposing the
demands for the allocation of financial and personal resources that a
large-scale preventive program would demand. The shift from instrumentalleadership to an expressive-lsupportive orientation is strongly
opposed by traditional school management. The teachers' basic training
is also considered inadequate to deal with emotionally charged issues
(Ayalon, 1979b). There is a prevailing tendency not to unbalance the
system during relatively peaceful periods, and reservations exist about
overloading the already burdened schedule.
At a less obvious level, the reluctance to invest in stress prophylactics
stems from fear and gUilt of violating social taboos that inhibit open
discussion of loss and death (Feifel, 1971; Toynbee, 1969). These proceedings may raise atavistic apprehensions such as those expressed colloquiallyas "inviting in the devil," "casting an evil eye," and "stirring up
The focus of COPE is affective education based on cognitive learning of discrimination and appraisal of threat cues. Essentially the program provides the children with opportunities to develop cognitiveemotional maps to guide them in different, unexpected threatening
Consistent with the stress inoculation procedure, COPE programs involve an initial stage in which a conceptual framework of stress and coping is offered, followed by a stage of identification of social skills, and
finally a stage focusing on the acquisition and training of coping skills
within a supportive atmosphere. The training is carried out in small peer
groups. One of the main ingredients of this approach is the emphasis on
the social supportive network within which all activities are performed.
Peer-group cohesion is encouraged throughout, within which identification, a sense of shared fate and open communication is enhanced. The
small group is used to generate alternative solutions to complicated
challenges that may be beyond the scope of individual capacity. Participants are encouraged to learn supportive behaviors, to receive support without humiliation, and to give support without becoming overprotective. By delegating such supportive roles to the children, the
teacher, who is an indispensable adult source of support, can act as a
facilitator to a great number of children when urgent needs arise, as will
be described shortly.
It is proposed that ;J crucial determinant of the childrens' ability to
cope with stress is the ability to ventilate' 'unspent emotions, " either by
talking, drawing, or reenacting. The techniques offered by COPE are
varied, flexible, and amenable to change by the program leader. An extensive use is made of in vitro exposures, such as ambiguous pictures and
photographs, used as triggers for role-playing and for expressive writing.
Carefully chosen short stories and poems are used for the same purpose,
in the spirit of bibliotherapy (Ayalon, 1979b). Several simulation games
were specially devised and conveniently packaged into the program. On
the whole, the child's language of play and fantasy, creative as well as
communicative expressions, are carefully employed to help nurture and
strengthen the children's ability to cope with unforeseen stress and also
to handle previous grievances. The child is encouraged to work through
his feelings using a variety of modes of expression and activities. The
focus of training is not only the ventilation of emotion and the development of cognitive problem-solving skills, but also the prompting of a
number of specific behavioral skills, such as relaxation, downgrading
reactions to fearful stimuli, etc. Special attention is given to practicing
relaxation techniques that, by the use of guided fantasy, become a most
effective tool for handling fear cues.
Activity is regarded as a most adaptive and appropriate behavior under
stress. The COPE program provides ample opportunities for the children
to develop an active attitude toward stress, either as a direct attempt at
reducing the stressor or using activity as a palliative device for the period
of possible confinement.
The teachers' role throughout the process is mainly to disseminate
relevant and reliable information, to stimulate and guide the various activities, and to provide reassurance by means of physical proximity and
empathy. The program is packaged in an "Emergency Kit" in the form of
a loose-leaf teacher's guide and resource book. The kit is constructed so it
can be used by non- or para-professional facilitators, in cases of teachers'
enforced absence (quite probable in a sudden alarm or during war-like
Facilitators, whether teachers, parents, or substitutes, are provided
with suggestions for implementing the stress-reducing activities. They
are guided to help the children channel distress into constructive,
growth-producing behavior. High motivation is achieved by adapting the
training of coping patterns to individual ages, temperament, and
previous life experience and by appealing to spontaneous and imaginative inner sources. For example, the use of projective techniques
helps to solicit the children's suppressed worries that may be consequently allayed. The ultimate aim of the program is to encourage mastery
through active coping that may contribute to a clearer assessment of the
stressful situation, tapping the children's potential adaptive resources.
As a crisis intervention, the COPE program has been used in cases of
distress caused by death in the family, separation and divorce, illness, and
surgery and ensuing physical handicaps. Pain and loneliness can be
mitigated by proper channeling of children's energies so that they may
acquire greater control over their environment and new modes of expressing fears and worries, by transforming their passive role into one of
The need for such a primary prevention program has been
highlighted in several recent emergencies that will be discussed presently. Clearly, during the acute stress there is almost always too little time to
make important decisions and too many issues to cope with. Such training aims at establishing beforehand workable routines and a clearly defined role-allocation. Producing a vigilant approach is a delicate art involving a balance between downgrading threatening cues, without
becoming callous, and staying alert, without being overwhelmed by anxiety. The following case describes our attempt to affect such a balance.
A Case of Crisis Intervention
What follows is a short description of a cnS1S intervention
"marathon" carried out by an ad hoc emergency team in Nahariya, the
day after terrorists raided a house on the beach. Two men and two small
girls were murdered, while the other residents of the immediate vicinity,
under the impression of being persecuted, either hid or fled. A survey of
the schools the next morning indicated that 54 children were absent.
Theywere identified as thenear-miss,high-risk group of school children.
The list of complaints these children reported included descriptions of
acute anxiety states, reawakening of early frightening fantasies, and fear
of the dark, of noises, and of the beach (the scene of the crime). Haunted
by images of the murdered girls, the children in this high-risk group found
concentration impossible and were given to crying spells, headaches,
stomach-aches, sleeplessness, and clinging to parents. These reactions
are consistent with the syndrome of acute stress neurosis reported in
adults Oanis, 1971). The treatment, however, was unique and prompt.
All the children (8-14 years old) were grouped according to age, to
be observed and treated for the duration of the crisis. Each small group
was conducted by a member of the crisis team for five consecutive days,
four hours each day, within the school setting.
The treatment, which was later documented (Ben-Eli & Sella, 1980),
proceeded through several distinct stages.
Initial Ventilation of Feelings
This stage was marked by a diffuse expression of the chldren's fear
and anger, both verbal and non-verbal (in drawing and finger painting).
Sighs and crying and feelings of misery and grief were dominant. Some
children seemed flooded with frightening images of past and present
Role-play and excited narration interchanged as the children relived
the traumatic events of the night. The cries, flights, and hidings, the sights
and sounds were repeated until exhaustion. Some children have chosen
to play the victims' roles or else the aggressors', imitating the terrorists'
shouts and even letting themselves be "captured" and "killed." Minute
descriptions of every move and thought, feelings of self and others were
reanimated and produced discharge of excessive affect.
All expressions, even the most idiosyncratic, were granted full
legitimation by the therapists and explained as "normal" for this stage of
Aggression Channeling
As violent emotions surged, they channeled themselves into
scenarios of vengeance and retaliation against the aggressors, acted out
through plays and puppet shows. First signs of relief were noticed in the
children at the end of what had become a mimicked execution of the puppet terrorists.
At that stage, children ventured angry accusations against the coast
guards who had failed them and exposed them to such horrid dangers.
Because these feelings had apparently become too frightening, solutions
were found in make-believe games, in which the guards or the children
succeeded in eliminating the attackers before they had a chance to
perpetrate their crime.
Gradual in vivo Exposure
It seems that overreaction to noises is one of the most persistent posttraumatic symptoms. The extinction of fear reactions to the beach was
carried out with the parents' help. Much support and encouragement was
needed until the prestress level of confidence was retrieved. One
14-year-old stated, "My father took me to the shore. I saw the terrorists'
boat, the rocks on which they smashed the head of the little girl. I regret
having seen the boat, it haunts me in my dreams. But I am not afraid of the
sea any longer." In addition, gradual exposure to noises has been conducted during relaxation (i.e., desensitization). But those imagery procedures led only to partial relief. In vivo exposure was more effective.
A brief behavioral intervention was agreed upon, in which the girls' difficulties were declared to be the focus. The underlying principles of the
following intervention were: a) Mastery through activity. b) Psychological
distance through humor. c) Desensitization. d) Personification of vague
frightening fantasies. e) Mutual support. t) Paradoxical intention. Examples
follow: Grading of rooms by level of fearfulness and signing girls' room with
self-made poster: "The room ofterrible fear." A "fear diary" to be written by
the girls whenever fear arises. In vivo training for mastery reactions to natural
fearful stimuli. Mothering of "frightened dolls" at fearful moments. After the
girls returned to their room: mock escape to parents' bedroom. Re-definition
of fear as legitimate essential to self-preservation, a "magic-word" was given
for self-administration of deep relaxation to overcome anxiety. The girls'
phobias disappeared after four 2-hours sessions. Marked decrease in parents'
fears was achieved. (Alon, 1980)
the schools of a previously mentioned town, Kiryat Shmona, a notoriously easy target for across-the-border shelling (Zuckerman-Bareli, 1979).
The effects of the training might not have become known, had it not
been for the occurrence of a recent ultrasonic boom that sent the whole
school running to the air shelter. A natural experimental design offered
itself to the ready observer. More than 400 pupils, aged 6-12, panicked in
the shelter in the same way they had done in previous shelling attacks,
having learned no prior adaptive behavior through repeated experiences.
Their teachers were helpless as well. But one large group of 50 children
stood out as an organized island of peace amidst the commotion. These
were the recipients of the coping training, who had already been well
drilled in routines for peer-group support and peer leadership, and who
were equipped with prearranged activity kits with tasks to be fulfilled in
the shelter. For them, the event was a cue to rehearse their newly acquired behaviors.
A second group of 16 children, only half-way through their coping
training, were rehearsing a simulated shelling attack when the alarm
struck. Their behavior was more problematic. Initially they panicked, but
they pulled themselves together in a very short while and joined the "experimental" group in modeling both mastery and ingenuity (reported by
M. Lahad, program facilitator).
At a time when social scientists and policy-makers argue about
preferred strategies to curb world terrorism, we have chosen to shed
some light on the fate of the victims. We have tried to understand what
determines the behavior of a person who has become a pawn in a gory
game not of his making. Can such behavior be predicted? Can it be channelled to assist the victims in regaining control over their threatened
lives? Is there any feasible way to reduce the damage caused to survivors?
Assessments of psychological damage have been used to determine the
amount of compensation due (Eitinger & Strum, 1973; Lifton, 1976;
Niederland,1968; Parkes,1976) and to initiate suitable treatment methods
(Brill, 1974; Fields, 1977; Frankl, 1970; Fraser, 1973; Klein, 1968;
Kliman, 1973). We suggest that such assessment be used for a study of the
potential prevention of the psychic trauma of victimization. Stress
prevention programs are in their preliminary stages of development and
should be researched, modified and consolidated. As far as we know, no
systematic evaluation of such programs has been undertaken with
children. Both the challenges and needs are great. The present clinical
description of our programs will, we hope, stimulate such research.
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Stress Management for Rape Victims
Our major objective in this chapter is to describe stress management procedures we have developed to be used with rape victims. We will discuss
issues involved in the definition of rape, in the estimation of its incidence,
and in the investigation of rape-related problems. We will briefly describe
the Sexual Assault Research Project and review our findings and those of
others regarding the aftermath of rape. Having substantiated our contention that rape is a stressful event that produces substantial, long-lasting problems for many of its victims, we will review other treatment procedures
for rape-induced problems, describe our stress inoculation procedure, present assessment data on victims requesting treatment, discuss preliminary
results regarding treatment efficacy, and provide information about the use
of stress inoculation training with a victim. The chapter will conclude with
some observations and speculations about general treatment issues.
Definition of Rape
How one defines rape obviously determines who one deSignates as a
rape victim. As we have discussed elsewhere (Veronen & Kilpatrick,
LOIS J. VERONEN and DEAN G. KILPATRICK Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 29425 and People
Against Rape, Charleston, South Carolina 29401. Data in this chapter are the result of
research sponsored and funded by the National Center for the Prevention and Control of
Rape of the National Institute of Mental Health through Grant No. ROI MH29602.
in press), rape can be viewed from many perspectives, and one's definition
of rape is largely determined by one's perspective. All perspectives are
shaped by a general overlay of cultural beliefs that define rape quite narrowly and hold victims responsible for their own assaults. Many people
believe that women like to be overpowered sexually, that women say
"no" but mean "yes," that "nice" women don't get raped, and that
many women make false rape reports to get even with a man or because
they are pregnant (Burt, 1980). What effect would these cultural beliefs
have on definitions of rape?
The first effect is that rape becomes defined narrowly. If the victim is
of unquestioned virtue and if considerable physical force is used, the act
is defined as "real" rape. The prototypic "real" rape occurs when a nun
on her way to Mass is attacked, raped, and brutally beaten by a motorcycle gang. In contrast, a woman forced to have sex by a man she just met
in a bar is not defined as a rape victim by many. A second effect is that
there is a tendency to trivialize the impact of a rape experience. Since
most victims are partially responsible anyway and like to be overpowered, how could unwanted sex cause major problems? As we shall
discuss, rape is considerably more than unwanted sex. A third effect is
that women whose rapes do not fit the pattern of a "real" rape may be
considerably less likely to report their rapes.
It is our contention that rape should be defined broadly. Therefore,
our definition is that rape is any form of nonconsensual sexual activity obtained through coercion, threat of force, or force. As clinicians, it is not
our job to make judgments about whether rape legally occurred. If a
woman considers herself to have had nonconsensual sexual activity, we
consider her to be a victim. Clearly, this definition places heavy emphaSis
on the victim's perspective. As cognitive-behaviorists, we argue that this
is where the emphasis should be since it is the victim's experience and interpretation of it that might be expected to have the greatest impact on
her subsequent adjustment.
Incidence of Rape
Unfortunately, good data on the incidence of rape do not exist. What
we know about the frequency of rape is based on official crime reports
and victimization studies. As Chappell (1976) noted, there are numerous
factors that influence official reporting rates. Nevertheless, FBI Uniform
Crime Reports indicate that the rate of reported rapes doubled from
1970, when there were 37,900, through 1979, when there were 75,989.
Victimization studies attempt to discover the extent of under-reporting
by interviewing randomly selected samples about victimization exper-
iences that were unreported. Chappell cited data from such studies indicating that the ratio of unreported to reported rapes ranged from 3.5: 1 to
2.0: 1. Application of these under-reporting rates to the 1979 FBI statistics
suggests that somewhere between 151,978 and 265,962 rapes occurred
during the year ..
There are several factors to keep in mind when trying to estimate
rape incidence. First, if someone is raped and never tells anyone, there is
no way of detecting her rape and including it in estimates of rape incidence. Second, official crime reports do not incude data from women
who report being raped but whose cases the police and/or prosecutor
"unfound" (Le., made a judgment that the evidence was insufficient to
pursue the case). Nor do statistics include cases that do not meet the legal
definition of rape and that are recorded as lesser charges (e.g., aggravated
assaUlt). Third, women are at the risk of being raped not just during one
year but throughout their lifetimes, a factor that increases the odds that a
given woman will be victimized. Fourth, as was previously noted, the
narrow definition of rape generally adopted and the cultural biases
against victims of more broadly defined rape have the net effect of reducing willingness to report, particularly for those women whose rapes do
not fit the "real" rape stereotype. A final factor to consider is that rape affects not only the victim but also her family and friends.
It is reasonable to summarize by stating that we do not have good
information on the true incidence of rape and that existing estimates underestimate the extent of the problem. However, we can state with certainty that rape occurs frequently and represents a major problem.
General Issues in Rape Victim Research
As we have discussed elsewhere (e.g., Kilpatrick, 1981), there are
numerous difficulties involved in conducting methodologically adequate
research on the effects of rape. A victim's mood, behavior, self-concept,
and psychological symptomatology after the rape can be conceptualized
as reflecting complex interactions of a variety of variables. Variables that
might affect her postrape functioning include her prior history, level of
functioning and coping skills, various aspects of the assault itself (e.g.,
amount of force or violence), her coping skills after the assault, various
environmental events, the reaction of significant others, and her access to
networks of social support. Most of these variables are difficult to
measure singly, and measuring their interactive effects is exponentially
more difficult. Considering the fact that there are natural fluctuations in
mood state and behavior that occur in most people, regardless of their
victim status, investigators might decide that the most prudent course of
action is to throw up their hands in despair. When we attempt to superimpose treatment and evaluation of its efficacy on this already complex set
of fluctuating variables, our problems are compounded. Our task is merely to identify all variables that affect the victim's behaviors, to devise
ways of measuring those variables, to develop appropriate and effective
treatment procedures, to identify appropriate outcome measures, and to
determine the relative contribution of each variable! Additionally, many
victims do not wish to participate in research (Veronen, Kilpatrick, &
Best, 1978), and there are differences between participants and nonparticipants.
Given the complexity of the topic, it is not surprising that definitive
research does not exist. Systematic research in the area is a recent
development, and we must consider this as we evaluate this literature.
The Sexual Assault Research Project (SARP)
The Sexual Assault Research Project is a joint effort of the Medical
University of South Carolina and People Against Rape, a Charleston, S. C.,
rape crisis center. It is funded by a five-and-a-half-year grant from the National Center for Prevention and Control of Rape, which opened in 1977.
The project has several objectives, two of which are (1) longitudinal
assessment of victim reactions to a rape experience, and (2) evaluation of
the efficacy of treatment procedures for rape-induced fear and anxiety
responses. To accomplish the former objective, recent rape victims and a
comparison group of nonraped women, matched for age, race, and
residential neighborhood, were assessed at the following postrape intervals: (1) 6-21 days, (2) 1 month, (3) 3 months, (4) 6 months, (5) 1 year, (6)
18 months, (7) 2 years, (8) 3 years, and (9) 4 years. Assessment measures
are objective, standardized measures of anxiety, fear, mood state, psychological symptomatology, self-esteem, self-concept, and social adjustment. There is evidence that participation may have been therapeutic for
victims. Therefore, we changed our design so that victims and nonvictims are now randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (1)
Repeated Assessment (these participants are assessed at 6-21 days, 1
month, 2 months, and 3 months postrape),(2) Delayed Assessment (these
are assessed at 6-21 days and 3 months only), and (3) Brief Behavioral Intervention Procedure (these are assessed at 6-21 days and 3 months, but
also receive 4-6 hours of cognitive-behavioral, feminist treatment). The
latter study, which is in progress, should provide data on the reactivity of
assessment procedures and about the prophylactic value of early
Many victims experience considerable rape-induced fear and anxiety
for months or even years after the rape. Therefore, a second thrust of our
research has been to develop a cognitive-behavioral treatment for these
rape-induced problems and to evaluate its efficacy. Designed for use with
victims whose rape was at least 3 months prior to treatment onset, this
stress inoculation training package is the major focus of the chapter. By
October 1, 1980, more than 150 victims and 100 nonvictims had participated in the Sexual Assault Research Ptoject.
The Aftermath of Rape-Empirical Findings
Prior to presentation of research findings, we would like to make one
cautionary remark. We will be talking about how rape victims in general
differ from nonvictims in general. However, we must remember not to
fall prey to a uniformity myth by believing that all rape victims are alike
and experience identical effects following a rape. We must appreciate
individual differences as well as group similarities. Having made this
pOint, let us consider the rape victim's perception of her rape experience.
She reports experiencing considerable anxiety, fear, and helplessness
during the rape (Veronen, Kilpatrick, & Resick, 1979). She views rape as a
threat to life, as a situation that has gotten out of her control to the extent
that she feels she may be killed or seriously injured. She feels degraded
and violated (Veronen & Kilpatrick, in press).
During assessments 6-21 days and 1 month postrape, victims experience generalized distress and disruption of behavior (Kilpatrick,
Veronen, & Resick, 1979a). Victims were Significantly more disturbed
than nonvictims on 25 of 28 measures. By three months postrape, generalized distress had diminished to the extent that victims scored significantly higher than nonvictims primarily on measures of fear and anxiety.
This same finding was obtained at the six-month postrape assessment. At
one year postrape, victims continued to experience significantly higher
levels of fear and anxiety (Kilpatrick, Resick, & Veronen, 1981). Results
of these two studies suggest that victims experience improvement in most
areas assessed within three months after their assault. Their fear and anxiety improves somewhat but remains at rather high levels for at least a
year postrape. Examination of the items and situations,rated as most
disturbing by victims but not by nonvictims using the Veronen-Kilpatrick
Modified Fear Survey (Veronen & Kilpatrick, 1980a) revealed that such
fears were rape-related (Kilpatrick, Veronen, & Resick, 1979b). Some
were rape cues or conditioned stimuli acquired through association with
the rape experience (e.g., darkness, a man's penis). Others were
attack-vulnerability cues, or cues that might signal potential vulnerability
to subsequent attack (e.g., darkness, strangers, being alone). Still others
roles in the first place tends to greet the victim's retrenchment with some
enthusiasm. Feminist authors, most notably Brownmiller (1975), argue
that rape is a major way in which men control women and maintain the
status quo. Our analysis suggests that here, feminists may be at least partially correct in that rape-induced fear restricts the lives of many victims.
We also contend that this whole topic warrants considerable investigation. Although we do not know the extent or exact nature of the effects, we do know that rape-induced fear and avoidance behavior have
major effects that require a broader perspective than the usual clinical
The Role of Expectancies, Attribution Theory, and Cognitive Appraisal
The problems experienced by the rape victim may vary greatly depending on the cognitions, beliefs, and expectations of the people with
whom she deals, as well as on her own cognitive framework. Just as the
epileptic of the Middle Ages was regarded as a pariah, from the lack of information about the true nature of this medical disorder, the rape victim
also has suffered. Through public education, treatment personnel as well
as the victim herself are becoming increasingly aware of the actual nature
of sexual assault and its impact on the victim. Our particular community
has the unique advantage of having had an active rape crisis center providing public education, training, and service to the community since
1974. Largely due to the efforts of this organization, the awareness regarding the needs of victims has been increased and victim-blame myths
have been dispelled. The stress inoculation treatment that we have designed is being conducted by treatment personnel who have sympathetic
attitudes toward the victim. The cognitive variables that we believe may
influence the victim and her reactions will be discussed. The three constructs particularly useful as theoretical underpinnings are (1) expectancy
theory, (2) attribution theory, and (3) cognitive appraisal. After briefly
defining these terms, we will examine implications of these concepts for
understanding effects of rape and for treatment of rape-related problems.
Expectancy as generally understood pertains to the belief that something will happen in a particular way. Expectancies in the case of the rape
victim relate to her actions or lack of actions when faced with the attack
itself, her actions or behavior in response to the assailant, the circumstances preceding the assault, and her reactions following the assault.
The expectations that women have regarding rape vis-~-vis themselves are varied. As researchers and clinicians who have worked with a
large number of women, it is our belief that the confusion between rape as
a sexual act and rape as an act of violence creates the wide range of expec-
tancies. Some women hold the belief that they could never be raped.
They naively believe the myth that no woman can be forced to have sex
against her will. This belief is based on the misconception that rape is sexual intercourse and that by holding their legs together, they can avoid being raped. The phrase uttered by some ignorant individuals, "You can't
thread a moving needle, " reflects the belief that a woman has the capacity
to prevent rape. They do not consider or recognize the violence, force,
and threat of force that is associated with rape, nor do they recognize
their own fear response and vulnerability when confronted with a situation in which someone is threatening a life. For a woman who held the
expectation that she was immune to rape, the reality of the rape creates a
state of disbelief and shock. Many women indicate that they never
thought rape could happen to them. These statements or beliefs are
typically resolved before a victim begins treatment. The "it could never
happen to me" issue usually arises immediately or within the first few
days after the assault. It is our impression that the victims who hold the
"it could never happen to me" belief also represent a large number of
Other expectancies that affect reactions of the victims are those
regarding how a victim should have behaved in the threatening situation
(Le., how much resistance should she have used to ward off the assailant?). We suggest that the victim should be told that if she survived the
assault, then she did the right thing in that situation. Some experts argue
that women who have been raped should not be called "victims" but
should be called "survivors" (Bart & O'Brien, 1980).
Victims also hold expectations as to how they should behave after
the rape. Some victims expect to be capable of resuming their schedules
and previous levels of activity immediately after the assault. Women who
hold unrealistically high expectations for themselves often experience a
period during which they become angry and frustrated at themselves and
wonder ifthey are "going crazy." They find themselves crying, scared,
having trouble sleeping, or exhibiting other behavioral disturbances
typical of a person whose life has been threatened but is unaware that
these are normal reactions for someone in that situation.
A comprehensive discussion of attribution is beyond the scope of
this chapter. However, attribution theorists (e.g., Wortman & Dintzer,
1978) state the individuals have a compelling need to understand their
experience and are constantly interpreting environmental events and attaching meaning to them. People feel more comfortable believing that the
universe is predictable and lawful. Having a' 'reason" for why things happen brings events more under one's control than does a belief that things
happen randomly and unpredictably. Attribution theory states that any
adequately, then sees herself as brave, strong, and capable. She experiences a sense of mastery in having successfully met the challenge.
Once victims cognitively appraise rape as a choice point or crossroads from which they can go in positive as well as negative directions,
they can be encouraged to identify ways in which they can take control of
their lives rather than restrict or limit themselves. As a part of treatment,
we might say to victims:
Now that you have been raped, you are at a crossroads. There are several
things you can do. Some of these things restrict or limit your freedom. These
include accepting subtle blame for the attack, limiting your physical movement (not going out at night, discontinuing a night course, never being alone),
limiting yourself socially (not meeting new people, making yourself physically unattractive), and limiting your growth and positive potential. By doing
other things, you can take control of your life. You can take an active role in
the police investigation and court procedures of your case. You can set your
own schedule. You can explore new avenues for personal growth. You can
help other victims. You can overcome what has happened to you.
when they have so many other agencies and individuals with which to
deal. It appears to be highly relevant. Victims' problems immediately
after the assault include anxiety, fear, the reactions of people to them,
depressive and negative thinking, and avoidance of activities and places
reminiscent of the attack.
Treatment Approaches for Nonrecent Victims
Systematic research on the treatment of long-term problems of
nonrecent victims is practically nonexistent. There have been two case
reports describing treatment of rape victims by psychoanalytically
oriented therapies (Factor, 1954; Werner, 1972), although both reports
were impressionistic rather than data-based. Notman and Nadelson
(1976) discussed the dynamiCS of the response to rape and discussed particular issues that victims may encounter at various life stages. They noted
that a young woman at age 17-24 may have different concerns and problems precipitated by the assault than does a middle-aged woman, and
they offered therapeutic suggestions for each life stage. However, the efficacy of these suggestions was not evaluated.
Except for our own work on treatment of long-term problems, the
behavioral literature consists of two single case study designs. Blanchard
and Abel (1976) used a heart-rate biofeedback procedure to reduce rapeinduced tachycardia successfully. Forman (1980) used cognitive
modification of obsessive thinking in a victim 34 months postassault. Additionally, Judith Becker, at Columbia University, is currently conducting a study investigating the efficacy of the behavioral treatment for
rape-induced sexual dysfunction.
A major objective of our project is to evaluate the efficacy of treatment for rape-induced fear and anxiety in nonrecent victims (three
months postrape or longer). Initially, the study design called for evaluation of three treatments: (1) stress inoculation training (SIT), (2) peer
counseling, and (3) systematic desensitization. The explanations for
treatment were offered by the co-principal investigator. A written explanation of each treatment was read to the victim.
The written descriptions of the treatment were all less than one
dominant one and influences the others. From one person to another, or
even for the same person at different times, the pattern may be different.
Examples of manifestations of the fear response in each of the three
channels are elicited from the victim in the following manner:
In the physical or autonomic channel, one may feel her heart begin to pound;
her throat may become dry; there may be ringing in the ears; a slight dizziness,
flushing, trembling, or weakness in the knees. What physical or autonomic
symptoms do you experience when you come in contact with or think about a
particular feared situation?
playing. Thought stoppage and guided self-dialogue are the coping skills
used to counter cognitive expression of fear.
Each of the coping-skills sessions is conducted in a similar manner.
The session begins with a review of the previous session's activity and an
update on the utilization of coping skills in the victim's natural environment.
The format that the counselors use to teach coping skills to victims
has been standardized. It includes a definition of the coping skill, the rationale and mechanism for the skill, a demonstration or explanation of
the skill, and two applications of the skill. The first time the skill is applied, it is used with a non-target-related fear; the second time, it is used
with a target fear.
An example of the format used for teaching role-playing to a
25-year-old military wife, raped in her home while she slept, is described
The counselor explained that role-playing is the "acting out of
behaviors, rehearsing lines and actions. It is pretending to be in a particular situation or in a set of circumstances." Role-playing is explained as
"a way to learn new behaviors and words for old ways of doing things. It
gives you a chance to practice before the event occurs. It is a dress rehearsal. The repeated practice of a behavior reduces anxiety and makes it
more likely that you will use the new behavior when it is called for."
The role-playing demonstration involved the counselor acting out
the role of the victim in a problem area. The victim described her problem
as being "put down" by a building contractor. For the demonstration of
the skill, the counselor played the victim, and the victim played the
building contractor. In the application, the victim played herself and the
counselor acted the role ofthe building contractor. The victim felt put
down, discounted, and dismissed by men with whom she tried to have
business dealings. She felt that the contractor did not take her seriously;
deferred to her husband, and did not follow her instructions. After one
role-play, she criticized herself and received suggestions from the
counselor. Feedback focused on voice, posture, and words used. She
role-played the scene three times, each time becoming more confident in
her request. Her homework assignment was to go home and tell the contractor what she wanted. During the next session, she role-played her
Ill'st target behavior situation, which was staying alone by herself at night.
She pretended that she was alone and role-played herself doing some
cleaning, talking on the phone, writing a letter, reading, and listening to
music. Following this session, she had as her homework aSSignment to
stay alone for a few hours by herself during the afternoon, which was an
approximation of the behavior of staying alone at night.
The six coping skills, a brief description of each, and the way in
which each is utilized are given below.
Muscle Relaxation. The]acobsonian (1938) tension-relaxation contrast training is used to teach muscle relaxation. In the third or fourth
hour of SIT, relaxation training is begun. The first session includes a total
relaxation of all major muscle groups. In addition, an audiotape of the
peer therapist conducting the relaxation training and a tape recorder are
provided for each victim so that she can practice relaxation between sessions. Additional sessions of relaxation training, using the "focusing"
and "letting go" procedures, are conducted until the victim is capable of
attaining a relaxed state in a relatively brief time. The victim is encouraged to practice relaxation skills during everyday activities such as driving the car, house-cleaning, or work-related tasks.
Breath Control. Exercises that emphasize deep, diaphragmatic
breathing are taught subsequent to muscle relaxation exercises. This type
of breathing is familiar to many women who have taken instruction in
yoga or gone to Lamaze natural childbirth classes. Again, this skill is practiced both in therapy sessions and at home.
Role-Playing. The role-playing skill is the third skill to be taught and
was described previously.
Covert Modeling. Covert modeling is described as "a skill similar to
role-playing, except that it is done through your imagination. " The victim visualizes or imagines scenes and situations in which she confronts
and successfully works through fear- or anxiety-provoking situations.
Training in this procedure is begun after the victim has experienced success with the three previous skills.
Thought Stoppage. Thought stoppage, a technique reported by
Wolpe (1958), has been used to counter the ruminative or obsessive
thinking characteristic of the rape victim (Forman, 1980). Although it was
originally utilized to obliterate self-devaluative and negative internal
dialogue related to social censure and criticism, its use in breaking up
obsessional thoughts of being harmed illustrates a natural extension of
the technique.
Thought stoppage was used with one victim who had a great
avoidance of taking a shower. In the shower, with the water running, she
could not hear what was going on outside the bathroom. An example of
ruminative thinking is given in the following situation:
Cathy is in the shower; the bathroom door is closed, the water is
beating down on her head, and she can't hear what is going on in other
parts ofthe house. Her thoughts are, "Was that a noise I heard? Someone
could be breaking in, and I can't hear him; I know someone will be
waiting for me when I step out of the shower." If her husband was home,
she would continue her thinking with, "Someone is holding Ted at gunpoint. I know he is going to get me. "
Thought stoppage is taught by having the victim think the
troublesome thoughts. After they have continued for 30-45 seconds, the
therapist, in a loud, commanding voice, says, "Stop," and asks the victim
what happened. She typically replies that the thought stopped. This process is repeated several times. The next step is to have the victim herself
say "Stop" aloud when the thought begins. Finally, the victim is capable
of stopping the thinking with a "Stop" verbalized silently.
Guided Self-Dialogue. This skill is perhaps the most important of the
coping skills taught. For acquisition of this skill, the therapist teaches the
victim to focus on her internal dialogue, or on what she is "saying" to
herself. Irrational, faulty, or negative dialogue is so labeled, and rational,
facilitative, or task-enhancing dialogue is substituted. The victim is instructed to ask and answer a series of questions or respond covertly to a
series of statements. The framework for the guided self-dialogue is taken
from Meichenbaum's (1974) examples in stress inoculation training. The
four dialogue categories include statements for (1) preparation, (2) confronting and handling a stressor, (3) coping with feelings of being overwhelmed, and (4) reinforcement. For each category, victim and therapist
generate a series of questions and/or statements that encourage the victim
to (1) assess the actual probability of the negative event happening, (2)
control self-criticism, (3) manage overwhelming avoidance behavior, (4)
engage in the feared behavior, and (5) reinforce herselffor attempting to
engage in the behavior and for following the protocol. Examples of
general self-statements that may be used by victims are presented in Table
I. For each Victim, the set of self-statements is tailored to fit her target
fears, though some general statements are nearly always included in a
particular victim's set of self-statements. Self-statements are written on
3 X 5-inch cards, and the victim takes them with her in order to practice
them outside the treatment session.
As the victim acquires the coping skills, she is encouraged to utilize
them in order to handle everyday problems and difficulties. Frequently,
there are spontaneous endorsements on the part of the victim regarding
the success of these coping skills.
An example of successful practice of coping skills and spontaneous
use of coping skills occurred in the following situation:
Nettie, a 68-year-old black victim, had been given the task of practicing her covert modeling and role-playing coping skills with a written
piece that she was to read as part of a church program. After the program,
people came up to congratulate her, and one ofthem hugged her abruptly. One of Nettie's target fears had been being touched unexpectedly. She
in her home, her approximations to the target fear included darkening the
room during the day and then turning out the light, turning out the lamp
at night while her hand remained on the switch, turning out the lamp at
night and placing her hand in her lap, turning out the lamp and lying in
bed, and eventually sleeping with the light out.
Because of the preliminary nature of our research, we are unable to
present definitive data regarding treatment efficacy. Nevertheless, there
are several issues related to SIT with rape victims that will be examined.
The first issue is treatment preference. When victims are given a thorough
description of three treatments, which do they select and why? A second
issue is: What are the characteristics of victims who desire treatment?
What is the nature of their complaints? A third issue is: What appear to be
the effects of treatment intervention? The final portion of this section will
illustrate the use of SIT through a single case-study format.
Treatment Preference
In traditional clinical practice, it is the therapist who makes the decision regarding what treatment the patient will receive. It is our impression that a great deal could be learned about face validity of treatment,
placebo effects, and the plausibility of our explanations by making the patient a collaborator in the selection of treatment. Furthermore, it is our
impression that in ordinary treatment facilities, motivation for treatment
would be higher if the patients felt they had a role in determining which
was the best treatment for them.
Prior to the change in procedure for this study providing SIT to all
clients, a total of 15 victims were given descriptions of the three treatment procedures (peer counseling, systematic desensitization, and SIT)
and were asked to select the one in which they wished to participate. One
victim could not make a selection and was randomly assigned to SIT.
Three selected peer counseling, and the remaining 11 selected SIT . None
chose systematic desensitization.
The selection process was interesting. Nearly all victims viewed peer
counseling as quite different from the two behavioral treatments. Peer
counseling was presented to them as a treatment that involved the sharing of common experiences and problems with a peer counselor as well as
examining societal reactions to women and their changing roles. It was
1. Walking alone
2. Being talked about
3. Being dominated/protected by
1. Being alone at night
2. Being approached by black men
3. Observing someone being confined, restricted, or made
1. Being alone at home at night
2. People behind me
3. People in authority
1. Waking up and being harmed or
child being harmed
2. Night/darkness
3. Sleeping in the bedroom
1. Being alone at home at night
2. Being approached by men
3. Being observed or criticized
aOarkness or night was mentioned as a component of a target phobia by 72% of these candidates.
didates are those victims whose fear and anxiety remain at a high level instead of declining, as is the case for most victims.
Target Phobias
Another source of information regarding fears that victims experience subsequent to an assault is provided by the target phobias.
Presented in Table II are the target phobias of 10 of 25 victims who have
been accepted into our treatment study. The letter identifies the treatment candidate. Each candidate selected three phobias, and they are
listed in order of greatest severity. The first fear listed is the most disturbing. According to our operational definition, a target phobia must be
more than a self-rating of discomfort or fear. A victim must indicate that
this fear results in avoidance behavior, by offering examples of ways in
which this stated fear has prompted some change in behavior on her part.
These victims are at a minimum of three months postassault, though
several victims sought treatment for assaults that occurred several years
ago and one, as long as seven years ago.
A summary of target phobias is presented in Table III. Listed are the
most frequently appearing fears and the number of victims who endorsed
each fear.
The data reveal that the most frequent and most intense fears that
bring a victim to seek treatment are being alone, staying alone, or going
places alone. Underlying all of the fears of being alone is a fear of subsequent attack-that someone may rape them again.
Effects of Treatment Intervention
Although several victims are now involved in SIT, six victims have
completed this treatment procedure. Because of the small number of
cases, we elected not to perform statistical analysis of the data obtained
from these women. However, we shall summarize pre- and posttreatment assessment data of these victims to permit preliminary evalua-
and reported walking well out of her way to avoid meeting a black man
on the street. She would become physically ill on seeing a depiction of
rape or physical violence against women on television or in the movies.
Particularly distressing to her were situations in which victims were
restrained, confined, and/or made helpless through force or threat of
force. Assessment revealed that her three target phobias were (1) being
alone at night, (2) being approached by black men, and (3) observing
somemeone being confined, restricted, or made helpless.
Stress inoculation training (SIT) was conducted according to the
previously described format. Following the tenth session, A..0. began
staying alone. While initially quite anxious, she stated that utilizing the
coping strategies she had been taught permitted her to become increasingly comfortable. Approach by black men also was markedly less
anxiety-provoking. She related incidents in which she had greeted older
black men as she quickly passed them on the street. The coping skill she
found most useful was guided self-dialogue.
During the final week of SIT, she was hospitalized for a respiratory
problem. Mter a week's hospitalization, during which numerous diagnostic tests were conducted, her physicians determined that she had a
rare lung disorder. Shortly after her release from the hospital, her husband experienced a period of severe behavioral disturbance during which
he (1) squandered their savings, (2) lost his job, (3) wrecked the family
car, (4) had a psychiatric hospitalization from which he left against
medical advice, (5) attempted suicide, and (6) was hospitalized for detoxification. Despite the magnitude of these stressors, she managed to cope
rather well and stated that her capacity to deal with these problems was
directly related to the skills she had learned in SIT. One may wonder
whether SIT should not also be offered to members of the victim's family.
Stress Inoculation Training's Efficacy
AnalYSis of A. D.'s SCL-90R profiles before SIT, after SIT, and at
three-month follow-up revealed the following findings: Her pretreatment profile was characterized by an extremely high score on the phobic
anxiety scale. After treatment, decreases were apparent on several scales,
most notably Anxiety and Phobic Anxiety. Interestingly, she scored
somewhat higher on the Somatization, Depresion, and Hostility
subscales. Experiencing increased symptomatology in these areas is not
surprising given her health and family problems. These findings also suggest that the SCL-90R is an instrument sufficiently sensitive to pick up
positive effects in some areas and negative effects in others. Examination
of data obtained at follow-up reveals that treatment effects were maintained and even improved in some cases.
The corresponding mood-state data were measured by the POMS.
Changes on this measure were less dramatic, but considerable improvement occurred on the tension-anxiety dimension. The decrease in the
mood state of vigor-activity at the end of treatment and at follow-up may
have been attributable to A. D. 's health problems. With the exception of
Vigor scores, all mood changes were in a favorable direction.
With respect to performance on the Veronen-Kilpatrick Modified
Fear Survey, a general pattern of improvement on all subscales was noted
except for Animal and Tissue Damage fears. Particular improvement occurred on the measures of SOcial-interpersonal, failure-loss of selfesteem, and rape fears. The 3-month follow-up data show that even
greater improvement occurred on most measures.
A similar pattern was noted with respect to A-trait and A-state scores.
The pretreatment, post-treatment, and follow-up A-state scores were 47,
39, and 37, respectively. The corresponding A-trait scores were 40, 37,
and 35. At the end of treatment and at follow-up, both A-trait and A-state
were within normal limits.
The use of stress inoculation training with A. D. appears to have been
highly successful. In addition to the favorable changes observed on the
psychometric measures, A. D. also reported considerable behavioral
change. She became able to stay at home at night alone and no longer had
to avoid black men. Although this specific target phobia was never
treated, her fear of viewing violence in the media also diminished.
Moreover, she attributed the skills she learned in SIT with helping her to
cope successfully with her health and marital problems. It is also encouraging to note that the therapeutic gains observed at the end of SIT
were maintained and even improved at follow-up assessment. Such a finding suggests that SIT teaches general problem-solving and coping skills
that can be used to deal with a variety of problems.
In this chapter, we have reviewed evidence suggesting that fear and
anxiety can be acquired through a rape experience and that fear, anxiety,
and avoidance behavior represent significant long-term problems for
many rape victims. We noted the paucity of information available about
treatment of rape-related problems and described our stress inoculation
training (SIT) package and treatment efficacy research project. We
presented preliminary data indicating that SIT is an attractive and preferred form of treatment for rape victims and that it appears to be an effective treatment as well. Data obtained for the single case study confirmed the efficacy of SIT and revealed that the victim appeared to learn
coping skills that enabled her to deal with problems other than those
specifically treated. Obviously, such a case study can prove only encouraging to us as we now undertake group and within-group comparisons.
What are the conclusions to be drawn from this material? What are
our opinions as to implications for treatment of rape-induced problems?
First, we do not think that SIT is appropriate for all victims for
several reasons. Both our own research and that of Frank and her colleagues identified some symptom-free victims, and these victims have little need for treatment. Most of the remaining victims experience high
levels of distress the first few weeks and months after the assault, and we
believe that high distress makes it extremely difficult for such victims to
participate in treatment procedures that require repeated, sustained contact. Most victims have problems that could benefit from treatment but
there is no evidence that sustained treatment is feasible for the majority of
victims. Frank and her colleagues found that fewer than one-fourth of recent (one month postrape or less) victims completed a 14-hour treatment
program, and our own data indicate that less than 50% of victims threemonths postrape or longer, judged in need of treatment, agreed to participate in SIT. Rape so disrupts women's lives that it is hard for them to
attend frequent, regularly scheduled appointments that are required for
therapy. Recent victims' ability to attend to, comprehend, and implement the demanding components of a treatment such as SIT may be
limited by problems in cognitive functioning caused by high levels of
rape-induced anxiety.
Second, our best guess is that SIT would work best with those victims
who have resolved most of their other rape-related problems but who remain fearful and anxious. Our assessment research shows that many
other problems appear to be resolved within the first three months postrape without formal treatment, suggesting that SIT might be more appropriately used with long-term victims. Victims with well-developed and
well-defined phobias should benefit most from SIT.
Third, the battery of asessment measures used in our research is quite
sensitive to the effects of therapeutic intervention. Particularly encouraging were the specificity of findings and the way test results corresponded with clinical observations of behavior change.
Fourth, we must carefully acknowledge the limitations of our current knowledge about treatment. What is known is vastly exceeded by
what is not known. However, we know more now than we did a few
years ago, and ongoing research should clarify matters considerably.
Moreover, preliminary findings are encouraging in that they suggest that
SIT can help some victims.
Finally, let us speculate a bit about a few other issues. Clearly, a victim's cognitive appraisal of her rape and of the problems it produces is
quite important. Providing her with information about the political and
social context in which rape occurs, offering her general emotional support, gently confronting her about irrational self-blame, offering her a
conceptual framework to explain how her rape-induced problems occur,
and encouraging her to view her rape experience as a choice point are all
actions that might help victims reappraise the rape in beneficial ways. It is
also clear that the behaviors and attitudes of family, friends, and institutions (e.g., health care delivery and criminal justice systems) have impact on the victim. Much ofthe effort ofthe rape crisis center movement
has been focused on educating individuals and institutions about the true
nature of rape and how to deal with victims more humanely, and mental
health professionals should join these educational efforts. Rape is stressful for family and friends as well as for victims, and there is definitely a
role for the use of stress management procedures in this context.
However, there are many cases in which family members of victims are
having problems but refuse to get involved in treatment because, they
say, it is the victim who has the problem, not them. A final area that requires additional attention is the development of early intervention
strategies that are both feasible and effective prophylactically. Our work
in this area should eventually provide useful information, but it would be
premature at this time to discuss our findings.
In conclusion, we offer one observation and one invitation. The
observation is that rape and its aftermath offer a fascinating opportunity
to study a complex and interesting topic. The invitation is that we urge
our cognitive-behavioral colleagues to join us in our quest to understand
the aftermath of rape and to develop ways for helping victims cope with
its effects.
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Part C-Specijic Populations
Military recruit training and combat experience are replete with stressful
events. Ray Novaco, Thomas Cook, and Irwin Sarason provide moving
descriptions of the nature of the stressful environment n both combat and
in marine corp training camp and of the resulting psychological and social
sequelae. With a substantial attrition rate during recruit training and during
the first term of enlistment, there is ample room for interventions designed
to reduce stress. Their chapter indicates the value of conducting a
behavior-analytic and social analysis in order to understand the factors that
contribute to stress and attrition. Their analyses indicated that the nature of
the training unit environment (e.g., group morale, quality of leadership,
social climate) plays a key role in affecting attrition rates and stress levels.
As in the case ofAyalon's description of the importance of Israeli communities in influencing how well individuals cope with terrorist attacks,
Novaco et at. report that the training unit environment or social climate is
critical in preventing and reducing the stress level of military recruits.
Thus, interventions can be focused at the group level as well as at the individuallevel. For example, such group procedures as the following can be
used to reduce the level of stress: setting superordinate challenges and
goals that foster group cooperation and an espirit de corps, setting up
group competition that fosters subgroup coherence, and providing leadership and communication training.
At the individual level, Novaco et at. indicate the importance of expectation, appraisal, and social support processes in the stress reaction. They
then consider the implications of these processes for a coping-skills training program. They emphasize the importance of the involvement and
cooperation of drill instructors and military officers for any such program
to be successful.
It is necessary to remember that any stress management program is offered in the context of a social milieu that can sabotage its effectiveness.
This point has been made by several contributors. All too often, program
developers focus on those elements of their program that are tailored to
the individual and they lose sight of how the social environment can be
the focus of intervention and how significant others in that environment
must be brought to the point of viewing themselves as collaborators. In
the same way that the cognitive-behavioral therapist tries to have the patient become a collaborator (using the personal scientist metaphor), the
trainer Similarly must enlist the collaboration of significant others who
can affect the training program.
In the previous chapters, the contributors have examined how individuals react to major life stressors such as traumatic events and
medical disorders. Matt Jaremko shifts the focus of concern to the stress
of social interactions. The incidence data reviewed by Jaremko indicate
that social anxiety is a significant social problem. In considering social
anxiety, it is important to appreciate the complexity of the problem. It is
not merely a case of physiological arousal, negative self-statements, or inadequate social skills. There is a complex interrelationship of these processes; which are in turn affected by the individual's current concerns or
personal attribution. AsJaremko notes, a stress-engendering cycle can be
established involving these several processes. Jaremko describes how a
cognitive-behavioral treatment approach can be used to help socially
anxious clients recognize and interrupt this maladaptive pattern. There is
a need to tailor the intervention procedures to the specific needs of the
client (e.g., anxiety prone but relatively skillful, and so forth). Whatever
the exact sequence of the intervention, it is necessary to insure that the
treatment techniques are offered in an organized procedural package that
follows from the treatment rationale.
Few social problems can induce more stress and havoc in a community than adolescent anger. The remarkable increase in juvenile crime, as
reported by Feindler and Fremouw, underscores the grave need for effective treatment interventions for this population. After briefly reviewing
the limitations of other treatment approaches, Feindler and Fremouw
describe an innovative cognitive-behavioral intervention for adolescent
offenders. As in the other projects reported in this volume, the Feindler
and Fremouw study provides encouraging data that bear replication and
extension. Two features of the program merit highlighting: (1) the use of
in vivo training tasks (simulated and real-life social provocations), and (2)
the training of child-care workers in the use of stress management procedures. The portability of such techniques across settings and personnel
is one of the strengths of the cognitive-behavioral stress training
Military Recruit Training
An Arena for Stress-Coping Skills
The study of human stress has no better context for investigation than in
military environments. The American soldier drew attention during the
Second World War, because theaters of battle were naturalistic, albeit
cruel, domains for the study of psychological trauma and adaptation to
extreme environments (Stouffer, 1949). Unmistakably, research on
human stress received a key impetus from investigations of psychological
functioning in warfare. l Stress as regards the military, however, pertains
to conditions and issues much broader than those of war. Problems of
stress, coping, and adaptation are not only paramount in situations of
combat but are also highly salient in recruit training and indeed remain so
throughout the enlistment period.
Just as World War I gave impetus to the study of human aptitudes, World War II set the
stage for the study of attitudes and their association with behavior. Many behavioral scientists who have made significant contributions to the field of psychology had participated in
wartime studies of adjustment among military personnel. In fact, many of the early formulations of stress, adaptation, and coping resulted from observations made by
psychological researchers working with the military. Psychologists not of this era who are
interested in stress might review the personal accounts of their forerunners (Doob, 1947).
tions can satisfy a need for adventure and may even become a way of life.
Yet for some persons, especially those who are married, who have
limited cross-cultural experience, or who must make a disproportionate
number of relocations, the frequent readjustments can exert considerable
The rigors of basic training, to be described later, are mainly intended to prepare recruits for combat. In a general sense, boot camp
habituates the recruit to the kind of unpredictable stressors likely to be
encountered in combat. Discipline, motivation, physical conditioning,
and weapons skills are the goals of basic training. Yet there is considerable
variance in the ease with which these objectives can be attained. Physical
conditioning and competence with weapons are more readily achieved
than are discipline and motivation. Conditions of war are unpleasant.
Preparing soldiers for war inevitably involves a degree of nastiness. To an
extent, boot camp is tacitly designed as an analog to the duress of combat.
The demands of recruit training must be understood in terms of
preparation necessary for survival in combat. The stress associated with
exposure to the extreme environments of warfare has been studied extensively. Among the most notable works are those of Grinker and Spiegel
(1945) on air combat units, Kardiner and Spiegel (1947) regarding
traumatic neuroses, Bourne (1969, 1970) on psychological and
physiological stress reactions in Vietnam, and Figley (1978) on combatrelated stress disorders among Vietnam veterans. It is beyond the scope of
our chapter to review the work in this area; our presentation here is
therefore cursory.
Combat environments entail multiple sources of stress that have
cumulative effects. Stress is engendered, in part, by exposure to elements
of environmental fields that require an adaptive response from the
organism or system (Novaco, 1979). Two principal classes of stressinducing factors prevalent in warfare are harsh physical circumstances
that affect tissue needs and the threatening psychological ambiance of
Deprivation, extreme stimulation, disease, and injuries are everpresent circumstances that threaten a soldier's well-being. The soldier is
often constrained in the quantity and quality of food available. Beyond
matters of nutrition, this can have significant effects on morale (cf. Kardiner & Spiegel, 1947). Sleep deprivation is a closely related factor.
Fatigue can occur even when there is opportunity for sleep, because
vigilance and anxiety preclude relaxation. Even air crews, whose living
quarters are the envy of infantry, are likely to have their sleep interrupted
by night briefings, early missions, and the tension of daily combat flights.
Oxygen deprivation has also been a problem in high-altitude flying.
Extreme stimulation in combat most commonly involves unpleasant
temperature and noise. Extreme cold and heat are ever-present stressors
in theaters of war, as determined by geographic climate and by lack of iflsulation from the elements. Combat vehicles, such as tanks and planes,
also have extreme temperatures associated with their use. While air
temperature is a continuous condition, loud noise from exploding
bombs, rockets, shells, etc. is an ever-present but often unpredictable
stressor in the battlefield. Auditory hypersensitivity is the most common
symptom of the traumatic neuroses and is linked with patterns of irritability and aggressiveness observed among psychological casualties of
warfare (Kardiner & Spiegel, 1947).
Soldiers are often exposed to disease-engendering conditions. Poor
hygienic conditions, inadequate diet, exhaustion, and limitations on
medical care create propensities for illness. Infections range from diarrhea to malaria. Injuries and battle-inflicted wounds are obvious sources
of combat stress and are the confirmation ofthe soldier's most basic fear.
Moreover, wounds often induce trauma in the victim. This was tragically
seen in Vietnam, where booby traps and mines were common causes of
injury resulting in multiple amputations.
These harsh physical conditions constitute only ne dimension of the
stress-inducing circumstances of warfare. The more pervasive dimension
is the psychological ambiance of combat. This has several components:
the continuous threat of death and injury, the loss of friends, and the
recognition of one's own destructive capacity. Along with the harsh
physical conditions of war, the psychological sources of strain summate
over time to increase risk of psychological impairment. The recognition
of these cumulative effects of exposure was in fact acted on in Vietnam,
where the tour of duty was limited (365 days) and there were opportunities for brief periods of rest and relaxation. These factors, along with
the application of modern military psychiatry, probably lowered the
psychiatric casualty rate in Vietnam, although there are a number of
reasons to question the reported statistics for that war. 2
2A variety of psychological adjustment problems, such as drug abuse, assault on superiors,
and insubordination occurred with considerably higher frequencies in Vietnam than in
previous wars. These forms of "unconventional psychopathology" (Kormos, 1978) in
many cases were not included in psychiatric casualty reports. These adjustment problems
were typically handled by the military command structure, rather than by psychiatric staff.
In our own research on recruit training, our analyses of the attrition process have found inconsistencies and variation in the use of discharge categories within the Marine Corps organization. Given the same behavior, recruits may be referred for a psychiatric evaluation
The business of war is the destruction of the enemy and of their will
to fight. Every soldier must therefore cope with the fear of death. One of
the early studies of fear in combat was undertaken by Dollard and Horton
(1944). They found that the most common symptoms of fear were a
pounding heart and rapid pulse, muscle tension, a sinking feeling in the
stomach, dryness of the mouth and throat, trembling, and sweating (in
that order of frequency). Fear was found to be greatest before going into
action and was reported by 7 out of 10 men. Of importance to cognitivebehavioral interventions, they found that over 80% of their subjects said
that it was better to admit fear and discuss it before battle. From the body
of their findings, it can be inferred that the best way to regulate fear in
battle is to expect to be afraid, to prepare for it in advance, and to
counteract fear in battle by concentration on the tasks at hand.
Analogously, we have utilized these ideas in our stress-coping skills intervention for recruit training.
All wars involve being immersed in a hostile atmosphere. The soldier
is enveloped by the sights, sounds, and smells of destruction. The
clandestine nature of the fighting in Indochina exacerbated the
psychological strain of the combat ambiance. American troops developed
"a sense of helplessness at not being able to confront the enemy in set piece
battles. The spectre at being shot at and having friends killed and maimed
by virtually unseen forces generated considerable rage which came to be
displaced on anyone or anything availble" (DeFazio, 1978, p. 30).
One of the most important resources for coping with stress in combat
is friendship. Beginning in basic training, the soldier learns the importance
of teamwork and discovers reciprocity in helping others. The loss of
friends in combat (due to death, injury, or transfer) is emotionally
traumatic, since extremely close attachments are formed among the
members of combat units. This loss of support is unquestionably stressinducing (cf. Cobb, 1976; Heller, 1979). Yet, those in combat may not only
suffer the bereavement but may also have witnessed the horrors of their
buddy's death. The anguish can persist with images indelibly impressed in
their memories.
Warfare is ugly and soldiers become tormented by the horror of their
own actions. Being responsible for the death of others induces guilt, but it
also creates apprehension about uncontrolled agressive impulses. In
or may be discharged administratively in a "training failure" category or in one of several
ability or motivation deficit categories. For example, the recruit training depot at Parris
Island, South Carolina, has registered during certain periods more than twice the frequency of "training failure" discharges than has the depot in San Diego. This does not
mean that MCRD, San Diego, is twice as effective in training recruits. It simply reflects differential use of separation codes by the two depots.
vide opportunity, education, and employment for everyone. Furthermore, there are subgroups within society (e.g., adventure seekers, risk
takers) having distinctive needs and desires that are unsatisfied by
established institutions. It can be argued that a significant latent function
of military training is to provide alternative channels for social mobility
for those who are otherwise excluded from the more traditional avenues
for personal and social advancement. Additionally, military experience
provides an opportunity for many to overcome a history of failure and
A significant number of those who enlist in the service do so for such
benefits as education, travel, and the opportunity to prove to themselves
and others that they have the ability to be productive and useful members
of the community. For some individuals, the primary motivation to enlist
comes from a need to be confronted with a challenge in which success
constitutes an immediate and tangible reward. In this regard, recruit
training can be viewed as an environment where individuals are tested on
their social, psychological, and physical adaptation skills.
Before concluding this section, we would like to discuss some issues
regarding the experience of the social scientist in the military training environment. It is often difficult for psychologists or social scientists, with
little military exposure, to view recruit training as anything other than
negative, aversive, and dehumanizing. The realities of the environment
are indeed harsh, demanding, and often unpleasant. There are, in fact, few
situations that equal these intense conditions, in which individuals are
systematically exposed to extreme demands. At first glance, it appears
that the sole purpose of training is to break individuals psychologically
and physically and to render them helpless in the face of the system's
These conditions may present some dilemmas for the research
psychologist. There is no doubt that the systematic process of stress induction that occurs in basic training far exceeds what would or should be
permitted in the laboratory. It is this contrast between the ethics of
human research and the ethics of preparing individuals for difficult and
unusual environments (e.g., combat and confinement) that may pose a
problem for researchers who may be hesitant about involvement with an
institution that ostensibly has little regard for human welfare.
The researcher entering the military setting should be prepared to confront the reality that people are being trained to win in combat through
the total destruction of a politically defined enemy. Regardless of the content of training, the basic mission remains to project maximum resources
in the theater of battle to destroy the opponent. All other considerations
are secondary. The questions posed by an association with the military are
not easy ones and demand that the researcher continuously evaluate both
the nature and the level of participation, keeping in mind that the military
is an institution that has a profound and far-reaching influence on present
and future sOciety.
Bearing in mind these issues, the recruit-training environment does
afford the stress researcher a unique opportunity to study stress and adaptation. The organizational structure of the military training environment
provides a degree of natural control not often found in field research settings. Record systems are systematic and comprehensive, allowing the
researcher to incorporate archival data and training-process information
at various levels of analysis. Naturally existing conditions allow the
researcher who has adequate knowledge of the system to achieve an acceptable level of experimental control without having to resort to the artificial manipulation of persons or environmental conditions. Of particular importance is the fact that stress levels in recruit training are often
quite high.
Each year, approximately 50,000 young men enlist in the Marine
Corps, where recruit training is commonly acknowledged to be the most
rigorous of all military branches. Marine recruits are trained in two
locations-Parris Island, South Carolina, and San Diego, Californiawith approximately 25,000 recruits being trained in each ofthese recruit
depots. Our research has been located at the training base in San Diego
and the associated facilities at Camp Pendleton.
The training base is an austere environment that is adjacent to the San
Diego Airport, Lindberg Field, from which the booming takeoffs of commercial jets regularly impede routine conversation. Incoming recruits arrive on commercial flights to Lindberg Field, where they assemble at a
military liaison facility in the airport to await an anxiety-filled bus trip to
the receiving barracks at the training base. When a sufficient number of
recruits arrive at the receiving barracks to form a platoon (60-90 men),
the first stage of recruit training, known as processing, will begin the
87-day training cycle.
Recruit training is conducted in four stages: processing and three
training phases. The processing stage is a 4-6 day period that is designed to acquaint the individual with military life and the members of
his training unit (platoon). This stage is an important period of transition
from the civilian to the military life style. During this period, the recruit
completes a number of administrative processing tasks, undergoes
various tests, and has a thorough medical and dental evaluation. While
the Marine Corps considers this time to be uneventful and' 'low stress, " it
is often quite traumatic for the young recruit.
From the moment he is ordered off the shuttle bus from the airport,
he enters an alien environment composed of unfamiliar sights, sounds,
faces, and rules. When first introduced to supervisory personnel (drill instructors), the recruit is confronted with an authority figure who is impeccable in bearing and dress and is in complete control of the situation.
Immediately, it becomes clear that the only acceptable behavior is that
prescribed by the drill instructor.
Disembarking from the bus, recruits quickly go to a warehouse,
where they receive a tub of gear, and then promptly assemble in a formation at the rear of the receiving barracks. The position of the formation is
precisely demarcated by rows of yellow footprints set at 45 angles to
denote the position of attention. Following a roll call, each recruit inventories his recently issued gear, explicitly directed by the drill sergeant,
whose instructions demand prompt and precise responses. Each piece of
gear is inventoried and is then stuffed into a large dufflebag (sea bag). The
recruits then are shown how to stand at attention, and the drill instructor
recites in a booming voice key articles from the Uniform Code of Military
Justice (laws governing the Armed Forces of the United States). The
statements come at a pace that defies information-processing capacities,
but the basic message is unmistakably clear: "Follow orders and respect
your supervisors or you will be punished." The message that unacceptable behavior will be quickly followed by aversive consequences is one
that is continuously reinforced.
Personal freedom, privacy, and individuality are lost. Within half an
hour of getting off the bus, the recruits file through the rear door of the
receiving barracks and receive their first Marine Corps haircut. The haircut takes about 30 seconds. They then file into a large room where they
are issued military clothing. Promptly, they remove their civilian
clothing and dress in a Marine Corps uniform. Sequentially, they move
to another room, where they are issued toiletries and stationery and
where, following a lecture on contraband, they have a period of amnesty
to surrender any forbidden articles, ranging from matches to weapons or drugs. Various personal belongings, such as photographs of girlfriends, are collected, to be returned after training is completed.
Bourne (1967) characterizes this period as one of "environmental
shock. " His view is that past experience with remotely comparable
events can ameliorate the high level of stress occasioned by the early
stages of basic training. The recruit who has been away from home, has
played sports, or perhaps has been in detention will, in Bourne's view,
have a less severe reaction. Differential adaptation during the initial
period is not related to preexisting psychopathology; with the exception of
extreme cases. Furthermore, whatever factors facilitate adjustment during the first few days may not be related to later adjustment.
It is very likely that this introductory period constitutes the point of
maximum stress for most recruits. Bourne (1967) noted that following
the first 24-hours, men exhibited a picture of dazed apathy. In addition,
he cited research indicating that this acute reaction is dramatically
reflected in the 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels of the men, comparable
to those measured in schizophrenic patients during incipient psychosis.
This is not surprising: Minutes after arrival, the recruit has been stripped
of his personal freedom, has been denied expression of idiosyncratic
behavior, and has had hair, clothing, and other personal belongings
removed. Previously learned verbal and nonverbal responses are quickly
found to be inadequate and inappropriate. All behavior is under the control of the drill instructor. Any display of emotion (fear, anger, disgust,
crying, smiling) brings an immediate negative reaction from supervisory
personnel. Any attempt by the recruit to exert personal control over the
situation, other than responding to the task commanded, results in personal criticism. Through the use of a variety of carefully planned and executed aversive measures, training personnel are able to bring behavior of
the group under their control. For the recruit, the first lesson learned in
training is the avoidance of aversive stimulation by quickly and accurately responding to the directions of the staff. This basic lesson is continuously reinforced throughout the training cycle at both the individual
and the group level.
Successful adaptation is in large measure contingent on the recognition that aversive stimulation decreases as the frequency and quality of
desired behaviors increase. In the early days of training, virtually all
reward involves negative reinforcement contingencies. Those who are
either slow or unwilling to modify their behavior accordingly are singled
out for increased attention, possible disciplinary action, or recommendation for discharge. Some recruits have acute stress reactions, resulting in
referral for psychiatric screening. Our analyses of archival data revealed
that approximately 58 % of those failing to adjust psychologically or
behaviorally are discharged within 17 days of the st~ of training (prior
to the start of Phase II). One is led to speculate that failure of these individuals to adapt begins during the first 24 hours and increases progressively over time. The stress reduction interventions that we have
developed are targeted on the recruits' psychological experiences during
the processing period. Our intent has been to help him understand his
reactions during these initial days, to prepare him cognitively for future
experiences, and to offer some coping strategies for the challenges he is
about to face.
After processing is completed, the recruit and his platoon are intro-
duced to the drill instructor team that will supervise their entire training. 4
Phase I dramatically begins with an event known as "sea bag drag," in
which the members of the platoon haul their sea bags, about three feet
long and about 50 pounds in weight, from the receiving barracks to the
training barracks, a distance of about one-quarter mile. The key elements
of this event are that it is to be done at a quick pace, in accord with the
drill instructors' urgings, and that the platoon is to move as a unit.
Sometimes platoons are circled back to pick up trailing recruits.
Phase I is a two-week period of basic instruction in military skills and
knowledge. Physical conditioning is given maximum emphasis, with the
recruit quickly progressing from basic physical exercises to very
strenuous tests of strength and endurance. The transition from Processing to Phase I requires adjustment to a new set of drill instructors who
have been glorified by personnel in the processing phase. In essence, the
recruits have been given a set of expectations regarding these new
authority figures that is indeed anxiety-producing. There is little doubt in
the recruit's mind that these drill instructors are in complete control of
him. There is also no doubt that engagement with the demands of training
has begun.
During this period, a concerted effort is made to increase performance and to instill discipline. As training moves into full gear, anxiety
begins to decrease, and what appears is a process described by Goffman
do the same thing, (3) activities are tightly scheduled and the scheduling is
imposed by institutional authorities, and (4) all activities are part of an
overall plan to fulfill the aims of the institution.
Although Goffman's concepts are distinctly applicable to the recruit
training environment, there are certain aspects of recruit training that
depart from his characterization of total institutions. For many recruits,
as our longitudinal data have shown (Cook, Novaco, & Sarason, 1982),
the training cycle provides an opportunity to learn that significant
rewards result from personal effort. Many recruits have overcome ingrained negative self-perceptions and experience the enhancement of
self-esteem as training progresses to the point at which graduation is in
sight. One characteristic of the early phase of training is equalization.
Those who have had minimal status in their past lives now have an opportunity for accomplishment. By meeting established performance criteria,
positions of responsibility and other rewards can be achieved by those for
whom reinforcement has been elusive. When recruits graduate, they are
in excellent physical conditioning and are imbued with confidence. They
are extremely proud of their accomplishments in the completion of training. Many feel they have now attained adulthood in society's eyes.
In order to understand fully the psychosocial demands of recruit
training, it is important to keep in mind that the primary purpose of basic
training is to prepare recruits for the stress of combat. The Marine Corps is
strongly committed to the position that the methods and techniques used
in training are necessary to provide a realistic test of stress tolerance.
From this perspective, the Marine Corps believes that it is more prudent,
and ultimately more humane, to provide this screening and learning
under conditions in which the probability of death due to error is very
low than it would be to send ill-prepared trooops into combat. This
assumption underlies both the process and content of training and is one
often overlooked in discussion of the efficacy of methods used by the
Of all the recruits who begin basic training ("boot camp"), 88% successfully complete the training cycle. The remaining 12% are discharged
(attrite) for a variety of medical, psychologicallbehavioral, and other
reasons. Attrition has proven to be a perplexing problem fo the military,
ranging up to 40% during the first term of enlistment. Given that approximately 3,000 recruits fail to complete training at each of the Marine
Corps' training bases each year, it is not surprising that attrition is a problem that receives organizational attention and has been extensively
researched (Hand, Griffeth, & Mobley, 1977).
The organizational structure for recruit training breaks down as follows: the regiment is the
basic organizational unit for the administration of training. Within the regiment, there are
three training battalions consisting of three to four companies. Each company is composed
of two series which contain four platoons. Our analyses of training units have focused
primarily on platoons, but we have examined effects at all organizational levels.
versely, low-attrition training units reflect laxity in achievement standards. Furthermore, this view maintains that low attrition during the
training cycle constitutes a suppression of attrition that will inevitably occur after graduation, during the enlistment period.
In order to test the alternative hypothesis, we constructed a threelevel classification (ATTRITVAR) of platoons according to their attrition
rate, thus generating low, medium, and high ATTRlTVAR groupings. Our
data have shown that there is no support for the belief that variation in attrition is due to differences in the initial composition of platoons or to the
performance standards hypotheses. Remarkably, no demographic, aptitude, or personality factor differentiates the ATTRITVAR groups at the
0.05 level of significance. This is striking because, given the sample size,
small differences that account for little variation and have no practical
significance can attain statistical significance. With regard to the performance outcomes, the results are particularly persuasive because the
analyses are biased in favor of the performance standards hypothesis in that
the performance measures are taken late in the training cycle-that is,
when the vast majority of attrition has occurred. Consequently, if recruit
attrition represents the exclusion of poor performers, then performance
must surely be highest in the high-attrition condition. However, the
results are that the high-attrition platoons do not produce higher performing recruits and that on certain measures (e.g., marksmanship and
military knowledge) they are significantly lower in performance. These
findings, obtained with the October 1978 cohort, were replicated with
the June 1979 cohort.
The second aspect of the performance standards hypothesis concerned the possibility that low attrition in recruit training merely suppressed attrition that would consequently occur after graduation. In
essence, high-attrition drill instructors are viewed as expediting the inevitable. However our recently obtained longitudinal data on the October 1978 cohort shows that at the two-year point in the enlistment
period, the postgraduation discharge rate for the low and medium
ATTRITVAR conditions is significantly lower than that for the high
ATTRITVAR group. Training units having high attrition during the training period continue to have high attrition after graduation. The difference in total attrition from the start of training to the two-year point is
striking when the two lowest attrition and the two highest attrition units
are contrasted (17.6% and 15.6% versus 48.8% and 33.3%, respectively). It is unmistakable that recruit training is being operationalized in different ways by unit leaders and that these differences in the implementation of training are important from both practical and scholarly
At present, we are studying the nature of the social environment of
the training unit as shaped by the drill instructor team. This is being
accomplished by repeated measurement of recruits over the training
cycle to assess changes in cognitions and affective states, as well as the
development of the social support network within the platoon. Some
of the findings on cognitive changes will be discussed in the subsequent
section. We are also conducting studies of drill instructors to determine
the correlates of low-attrition versus high-attrition outcomes in crosssectional investigations, and we are examining developmental processes in longitudinal studies beginning with the start of drill instructor
Some of his friends had told him boot camp "was a bitch," and there were
others who said that it wasn't so bad, "just a lot of physical training."
When he arrived at San Diego he tried to prepare himself for the experience, but despite his resolve, the uncertainty was evident.
Despite his efforts to learn what he could about the training regime before
his arrival, he found himself caught off balance.
"I just had to come to feel what it was like. I didn't expect it to be what it was.
[I'd tell others] you'd better be more ready for this than anything in your life.
You won't even expect half of what you get."
What are some of the things that recruits say to themselves when
they first get off the bus and encounter their drill sergeant?
"I want to go back home. "
"Is this guy for real?"
"Why am I here? I could be home enjoying myself."
"Why did I do this? Why didn't I go to the Navy or the Air Force?" ,
This disorientation and the associated anxiety lead to mistakef., hesitations, and general confusion. Virtually every recruit feels the apprehension of making mistakes.
"It felt like being tied up in a knot; not knowing which way to turn."
"You're just confused, nervous, and shaky."
"You start tryng to do things so fast, you just screw things up worse."
The theme of unexpected events and ambiance is consistently conveyed by those we have interviewed and by our field observations. The
disturbed affect associated with task demands and responding to the drill
instructor stands in contrast to how recruits respond to the haircut (electric clipper shaving) that they receive shortly after arrival at the receiving
barracks. The haircut, which can give shivers to an observer, really does
not bother the recruit. It is a clearly defined event, and they expect it.
They are psychologically prepared for it when it happens and commonly
joke about it afterwards. 6
Coupled with the exposure to unexpected demands is a low sense of
efficacy. Especially during the initial days of training, the recruit finds
that he cannot do anything right. This sense of incompetence is exacerbated by the absence of positive reinforcement from the training personnel. There is virtually no praise, complements, congratulations, or any
other form of verbalized encouragement in the utterances of drill instructors during the early phase of training. At best, the recruit strives to perform so as to avoid or escape criticism and punishment. When recruits fail
to meet their drill instructor's performance expectations, they are
punished by having to do intensive physical exercise (known as "incentive training' '), the length and pace of which is regulated in accord with
how far the recruit is in the training cycle. Thus, reward largely consists
of negative reinforcement contingencies. It is noteworthy that this low
sense of efficacy experienced and, to be sure, induced during the initial
part of training will be dramatically altered as the recruit progresses
through training.
The focus of the recruit's appraisal processes is the drill instructor.
His voice, which booms from beneath a Smokey-the-Bear hat, unfailingly
captures the recruit's attention. His impeccable dress and self-assured
manner stands in sharp contrast to the recruit's sense of personal
awkwardness and ineffectuality. He is very much in control of the recruit,
a fact that elicits a full gamut of emotional responses.
An almost universal experience is that, when going to sleep that first night, recruits are sensitized to their head being cold. They can vividly recall trying to keep their head warm as
they lay in bed, trying to shield it from the cold air coming in from the open windows in the
squad bay.
Coupled with the obvious anxiety is a modicum of anger arising from the
drill instructor's manner:
"I wanted to lay him out."
"I didn't like his attitude. He felt we were the lowest meat on the
counter-worms. "
''I'd besayin', 'Get off my case man, give me some slack.' "
"I cussed in my sleep."
"It wasn't the haircut, it was they way they handled my head."
The prime case of reappraisal occurs with regard to the drill instructor.
Recruits will commonly view him with high admiration, especially as the
day of graduation nears.
7 One
of our early ideas was that recruits who have been set back may be a high risk group for
problems. A coping skills intervention mlght be targeted specifically on such
recruits. However, we found that being set back in (raining had no particular relationship
to attrition.
To be sure, there are distinct differences in the personalities of drill instructors, who would all not be the object of encomium. We are now conducting longitudinal studies of drill instructors, beginning with their own
training for this organizational role. One focus of this work is on the
cognitive and behavioral attributes of drill instructors as associated with
their performance as unit leaders.
Reappraisal also occurs as a result of coping efforts. In order to
adapt to the manifold demands of the training environment, recruits
must learn to alternatively construe the harsh circumstances to which
they are exposed. Some of these coping reappraisals concern interactions
with drill instructors and their patented high-volume supervision:
"Ya wonder, did I really do all that bad to make him yell in my ear? Why is he
yelling? But then you think, ifI try harder the next time, then he won't be yelling at me."
"Yelling is just part of it, you couldn't have screwed up that bad. You just get
accustomed to it."
"You try hard not to make mistakes, but you're gonna make them, because
you're a recruit."
As competence and conditioning improve, pain and discomfort inevitably diminish. An irony in this regard is that the punitive "incentive
After approximately five weeks in the training environment, recruits undergo one week of
intensive field training designed to acquaint them with the realities of infantry life. They
are exposed to such experiences as weapons training (hand grenades, small artillery, etc.)
and to the fatigue that comes from long hours in rough terrain. For most, this time appears
to be most enjoyable in spite of the difficult physical demands. After this experience most
recruits can realistically look forward to graduation.
Making it through boot camp can seem like an overwhelming task, but by
taking the view of day-to-day chunks rather than a massive challenge,
coping can be facilitated. This is a central theme of the intervention
Considerable research has now shown that the impact of stressful
events can be moderated by the presence of supportive social conditions
that protect the person from debilitating forces (Cobb, 1976; Heller,
1979). Social support has been a rubric for studies otherwise identified as
investigations of social networks, social isolation, social participation,
loss of support, and psychological assets. The common denominator
in this research has been the concern with psychosocial factors that
mitigate the consequences of stressful conditions. Nevertheless, the
heterogeneity of research programs has produced considerable variation
in the way social support has been construed and operationalized. Cobb
(1976) viewed social support as "information leading the subject to
believe that he is cared for and loved, esteemed, and a member of a network of mutual obligations" (p. 300). This definition confounds social support as a preexisting condition, with its effects on the person.
In contrast, Caplan (1974) construes social support as "continuing social aggregates that provide individuals with opportunities for feedback
about themselvs and for validations of their expectations about others"
(p. 4). Caplan further emphasizes the reciprocity of need-satisfaction
in relationships persisting over time, and his view is suitable for characterizing social support phenomena in the recruit-training environment.
For the Marine recruit, social support has a prominent role in the adjustment process. The support has two basic origins: (1) family and loved
ones, and (2) fellow platoon members. Many recruits will drive themselves
through the demands of training by conjuring images of graduation day.
And associated with such images is the expected pride of their family and
friends. As they struggle through the hardships of training, recruits often
cope by thinking about those whom they love. However, thoughts about
home must be kept in balance, if the recruit is to succeed. Preoccupation
with matters extraneous to training tasks, particularly when news from
home is disconcerting, can seriously interfere with performance. Nevertheless, when asked about what "keeps them going," recruits commonly
mention letters from home as being a major source of motivation. Knowing
that there is someone back home who cares about them ameliorates the daily duress.
In addition to support from distal environment sources is that which
emerges within the proximal environment. The nature and progression of
training are inherently suited for the forming of social bonds among platoon members. Recruits tum to each other for validation of the concatenation of emotions and cognitons they experience during the early days.
They are relieved to find that everyone else has been scared, nervous, worried, and angry. As time goes on, they discover that getting singled out for
criticism is a routine but universal experience. They discover that few individuals are good in all aspects of training and that there is reciprocity in
helping others.
"Everybody's scared. If you act big and tough, you won't make friends. And
everybody will think you are a coward."
Datel and Lifrak speculate that their experimental film was not successful
because it did not include content related to the "culture shock" or
"stripping process" (Goffman, 1957) inherent in basic training.
However, it is unclear to us that a portrayal of "stripped identity"
phenomena would reduce stress. Rather, recruits must be presented with
suggested ways of coping. It is the absence of information about coping
techniques that would seem to be the key ingredient missing from the
Datel and Lifrak intervention.
An intervention effort analogous to that of Datel and Lifrak has been
undertaken with Marine Corps recruits at Parris Island. Horner, Meglino,
and Mobley (1979) developed an instructional film, called "PIRATE" (Parris Island Recruit Assimilation Training Exercise), which aims to give
recruits a realistic preview of recruit training experiences. Their intervention is also directed at recruit expectations, but the impetus for
their program comes from research on organizational management and
employee turnover. More specifically, it is guided by a role-choice model
that is a variation of the generalized expectancy models used in the study
of organizational behavior (Lawler, 1973; Mitchell, 1974; Porter &
Steers, 1973; Vroom, 1964). Mobley, Meglino, and their associates have
been studying the relationships of values, expectations, and intentions to
organizational problems such as attrition. The Horner et al. study used an
80-minute videotape that acquaints recruits with training situations and
does offer some advice for new recruits. They report an experiment consisting of a treatment, placebo, and control condition, finding reductions
in attrition both prior to and following graduation that they attribute to
the experimental film. Serious methodological problems, however,
weigh against their interpretation. Recruits were not randomly assigned
to conditions, which are badly confounded with training-unit effects that
go unnoticed by the investigators. Critically, no significant effects were
obtained on any manipulation check variables, yet Horner et al. ignore
this elementary and essential issue in explaining differential group outcomes. Furthermore, although presenting recruits with a realistic pre-
The San Diego version of "PIRATE" was made while we were in the process of producing
our coping skills module. The San Diego film, "The Beginning," differs from the Parris
Island version in that it devotes more attention to the processing period of recruit retraining, makes reference to coping with stress, and utilizes a role play. While these additions
were made in the San Diego production, the thrust of the illm is the realistic job preview.
group saw both films in reverse order (BG + MI); and the fifth group was
in a no-film control condition. The experimental design is a 2 x 2 factorial (viewing or not viewing each film) with an additional control group
(BG + MI) to counterbalance order of viewing.
The films were shown in large classrooms. After completing the
questionnaire instrument containing various sets of self-report scales,
recruits were sent to classroom locations corresponding to the treatment
conditions. Importantly, the randomization was done within platoons.
The procedure was implemented for each of 6 platoons in the September
1980 cohort. These platoons had formed on successive days and were
thus tested separately. The retest was administered two days later to each
platoon sequentially. The entire procedure was conducted over a period
of two weeks.
The dependent measures consist of ratings of perceived difficulty
and efficacy expectations for particular training tasks, perceptions of
control, adjustment problems, social support, locus of control (IE), and
other stress-relevant indices. Performance measures and archival data
pertaining to disciplinary action and sick call are also utilized in our
analyses. The results of the evaluation are forthcoming, and here we present only a few preliminary findings to illustrate the impact of the intervention. The complexity of the analyses, particularly insofar as they involve moderator variables such as locus of control, demographic factors,
and training-unit conditions, precludes presentation here.
Regarding the effect on cognitions during the processing period, we
have found that viewing the coping-skills module ("Making It") resulted
in a significant increase in efficacy expectations across training tasks. Using a 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA design (MI x BG x IE)l1 applied to a composite
index of changes on 11 task expectancy ratings, we obtained a significant
MI main effect, F(I,236) =. 5.26, P < 0.02, and the triple interaction approached significance (p < 0.07). No other main effects or interactions
resulted on this composite index. Examination of the analyses for individual task ratings shows that the MI main effect on the composite index in particular results from the efficacy ratings for marksmanship,
physical training, endurance under stress, controlling emotions, learning
essential knowledge, and living up to drill instructor expectations. The
groups that see "Making It" subsequently have higher expectations of
how the-r will perform on these tasks than do the groups that do not see
the coping-skills module. In addition, recruits in the MI conditions report
significantly less trouble adjusting to the demand of drill instructors, F =
3.85(1 ,251);p< 0.05.
The IE condition is a two-level factor consisting of the upper and lower tertHes of the IE
distribution. The analyses reported in the text thus involve a reduced sample as reflected
in the degree of freedom for the statistical tests.
Since drill instructors play such an important role in the creation and
maintenance of training-unit environments, it is both prudent and logical
that they be given an active part in the stress-coping intervention. If any
intervention is to be successful in this environment, it must receive the
support of drill instructors and junior officers (e.g., series officers and
company commanders). Including these supervisors in some meaningful
way would serve to increase acceptance of the program and boost the external validity of module content.
Drill instructors could be included in the intervention in the following ways. Those responsible for both the processing and the training
phases would be introduced to the rationale for the intervention and
given available data regarding the potential for recruit adjustment and
performance. All drill instructors responsible for the processing phase,
and selected drill instructors from training platoons, would then receive
a short training period in the techniques of guided discussions, with emphasis on those issues raised by the modules. The use of guided discussions is thought to be particularly effectual since all Marine leaders are
trained early in their career in such techniques as part of the Marine Corps
Leadership Program. Thus, discussions designed to reinforce the content
of the video modules could be implemented with a minimum of administrative and educational cost.
Such discussions could be held at the platoon level for the purpose of
clarifying concepts or issues and to provide a forum where fears, concerns, and behavioral options may be openly expressed and discussed.
Drill-instructor discussion leaders would then be able to provide valuable
feedback to recruits regarding the efficacy of various cognitive strategies
or .behaviors and to suggest alternatives based on personal experience and
the theoretical model.
Discussions could be scheduled immediately following the viewing
of each of the modules during the processing period and at several
selected points during the training cycle. The content of the discussions
would be derived from module content during processing and from a demand analysis of later phases of training (e.g., how to cope with the anxiety of rifle qualification) and platoon-specific issues could be selected by
the drill instructor.
The implementation of these additional procedures is expected to
enhance the impact of the stress-coping modules by providing the opportunity for transfer ard generalization across training phases and situations. In addition, the inclusion of drill instructors in the process is expected to increase program support and convey the subtle message to
recruits that the information is important because their leaders are actively involved.
Stress Inoculation Training
for Social Anxiety,
with Emphasis
on Dating Anxiety
The last decade has seen an increasing concern with the assessment and
treatment of social anxiety (Arkowitz, 1977; Curran, 1977; Rehm &
Marston, 1968). A major impetus for this increasing interest has been the
recognition that social anxiety represents a problem of considerable daily
concern to individuals (Borkovec, Stone, O'Brien, & Kaloupek, 1974).
Such problems as shyness, lack of assertion, dating anxiety, and fear of
others represent the most important referral source in university counseling services (Orr & Mitchell, 1975) while at the same time representing a
major concern of clinically referred populations (Kanter & Goldfried,
1979). When speaking of social anxiety, it is important to note that this
construct refers to a continuum from shyness to the extreme degree of
social phobia perhaps evident in the behavior of an agoraphobic. The importance of social anxiety reduction programs will no doubt increase in
the future as community-oriented outreach programs attempt to meet the
needs of problems in living (Barton & Sanborn, 1977). For example, a
significant percentage of college campuses already offer outreach proMATT E. JAREMKO Department of Psychology, University of MiSSiSSippi, University,
Mississippi 38677.
Matt E. Jaremko
grams that attempt to deal with social anxiety (Morrill & Oettuig, 1978).
This chapter will review previous work on the assessment and reduction
of social anxiety with specific emphasis on dating anxiety. Attention will
be paid to presenting and evaluating various treatment approaches. In
particular, the chapter will focus on treatment programs that view social
situations as stressful events and that utilize stress prevention and
management tehniques to deal with the troublesome aspects of social
A common clinical example of social anxiety demonstrates the
nature of this problem. A young man has occasion to be around a woman
he would like to ask out for a date. In this situation, he experiences a racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, and "butterflies." He interprets these
physiological phenomena as "anxiety." This global interpretation makes
it likely that the young man will emit highly idiosyncratic negative selfevaluations and self-references. He may say to himself, "She will not find
me attractive," or "She looks too old for me." These negative selfreferences lead to further physiological arousal, which keeps the cycle
going. The young man may face the stressor by talking to the woman and,
if he possesses social skills appropriate to the initiation stage of social interaction, his social anxiety will probably decrease when he judges the interaction successful. If he faces the stressor but is awkward and unskillful,
he may have a failure experience and increase his social anxiety. Finally,
the man can avoid talking to the woman (by procrastinating, devaluing
her attractiveness, etc.). In this case it will probably be more difficult for
him the next time he has occasion to talk with a woman. His social anxiety will only continue and may even get worse.
This example illustrates that social anxiety is a complex process in
which three specific categories of behavior interact to make the situation
aversive and the person less likely to engage in socially competent
behavior. The tripartite model, offered by Lang (1971) and Rachman
(1976), proposes that the three response systems of physiology, cognition, and behavior contribute to the stressful reactions. Data exist that
support the notion that socially anxious individuals can manifest unwanted responses in any or all of these three systems. For example,
Borkovec, Stone, O'Brien, and Kaloupek (1974) have shown that individuals high in social anxiety show higher heart rates in social situations.
Cacioppo, Glass, and Merluzzi (1979) found that socially anxious males
spontaneously generate more negative self-statements prior to a social interaction. And a number of workers have demonstrated specific behavi-
oral differences between high- and low-anxiety individuals (see below for
a brief overview of these data). For example, Fischetti, Curran, and
Weissberg (1977) found that socially anxious males were deficient in the
timing of their social interaction responses.
It thus appears that the assessment of social anxiety requires a
thorough task analysis (Schwartz & Gottman, 1976) before treatment can
be offered. For some clients, behavioral skills training will be required;
for others, phsyiological responses require attention; and still others will
require techniques designed to modify faulty cognitive processes and
structures. In other words, a broad-based treatment program is required
to deal effectively with all the aspects that can operate in social anxiety
problems. This chapter will suggest that stress inoculation training provides such a comprehensive treatment program.
A model of social anxiety also needs to account for how the three
response systems interact. Cognitive-behavioral writers have suggested a
model of social competence in which the three component systems interact in a self-perpetuating cycle Oaremko, 1979; Meichenbaum, Butler,
&]oseph, 1982). When interacting in a social situation, the anxious person not only experiences physiological arousal but also brings certain
"cognitive structures" (Meichenbaum et at., 1982) to the interaction.
These cognitive structures operate automatically and provide the
"scripts" for social interaction. The cognitive structures include the individual's meaning system or "current concerns" about the situation
(Meichenbaum et at., 1982), negative perceptual processes (Mahoney,
1974), and simple and/or higher-order rules that define the social situation as possibly leading to negative outcomes (Rathjen, Rathjen, &
Hiniker, 1978). In a discussion of social competence, Meichenbaum et at.
(1982) illustrate the role of cognitive structures by describing the meaning individuals might attach to social contacts at a party. For some, the
party represents a pleasant social event; for others, it is a chance to impress people; while for some it is a "trial" in which all are being judged.
The nature of one's cognitive structures influences how one appraises
social situations, what one says to him- or herself, and how one behaves.
Any treatment program for social anxiety requires attention to these
thematic, global cognitive phenomena (Lazarus, Kanner, & Folkman,
]aremko (1979) proposed a model of stress responding that bears on
the foregoing discussion. In his model, ]aremko suggested that
physiological responses (emotions) trigger cognitive appraisals (cognitive
structures) that in turn trigger a variety of negative self-statements and images. These self-statements and images perpetuate and augment the
physiological activity that, in turn, maintains the global cognitive activity.
Matt E.Jaremko
Matt E. Jaremko
Matt E.Jaremko
found that the dating frequency of the partner with whom one interacted
either facilitated or debilitated social performance by affecting the appropriateness of one's voice and emotional characteristics. The physical
attractiveness of the people involved also seems to account for a good
deal of the performance variance (Greenwald, 1977; Mitchell & Orr,
1976). Additionally, Keane and Lisman (1978) found that alcohol
debilitated social interaction, while Lipton and Nelson (1980) found that
the developmental stage of the social relationship was an important factor. It thus appears that the skills of social interaction are very complex,
and the reliable demonstration of specific skills-differences has not yet
been demonstrated. Given the equivocal nature of the findings, one
should be cautious in prescribing treatment and preventative programs.
This caveat applies to treatment programs of stress inoculation training as
well. Perhaps Curran's (1977) advice that a wide and diverse range of
skills should be taught is to be heeded. With appropriate mindfulness of
the problems in this area, general guidelines for intervention can be
Thus far, social anxiety has been shown to involve some forms of
deficits and/or excesses in three areas: physiology, cognition, and overt
behavior. Even though the knowledge base in each of these areas is
limited, this has not restricted attempts to intervene. There have been a
large number of treatment studies for social anxiety. These studies will be
reviewed briefly along the lines of the tripartite model of social anxiety
proposed earlier. It will be shown that previous treatments have focused
on only one or two of the three classes of response involved in social anxiety. A call will be made for programs that cover all three aspects of social
anxiety and their interrelationships. The stress inoculation approach will
be considered as an attempt to do this.
Emotional Approaches
Systematic desensitization has been the treatment of choice that
theoretically focuses on the physiological component of social anxiety. A
number of studies have shown that desensitization can decrease social
anxiety. For example, Orr, Mitchell, and Hall (1975) treated 31 socially
anxious males using traditional desensitization (6 sessions), short-term
desensitization (4 sessions), and no treatment. Results showed that the
desensitization groups were more improved on self-report anxiety, social
competence, and avoidance behavior than were the relaxation procedure
Matt E. Jaremko
1977). Curran (1977) offered five areas of deficiency that need improvement in these studies: subject selection (making sure subjects are seriously
troubled by social anxiety), assessment (using valid, reliable, and multiple
assessment), transfer measures (establishing the generalizability of the
treatments), follow-up, and attention to treatment-subject interactions.
Additionally, some recent studies have shown that behavioral skillstraining results in improvement only on behavioral measures (Elder,
Edelstein, Fremouw, Lively, Walker, & Womeldorf, 1978; Jaremko,
Myers, &Jaremko, 1979) and not in the other components of social anxiety. It is therefore difficult to conclude that behavioral skills-training is
the most adequate treatment for social anxiety. As with approaches focusing only on emotional components, skills-training by itself may not be
enough. More attention to other components is needed.
Cognitive Behavior Modification Approaches
Recently, a number of studies have evaluated the use of cognitive
behavior modification procedures in the control of social anxiety. These
approaches have had two purposes: (1) to treat the cognitive component
of social anxiety directly and (2) to extend the generalization of treatment
effects to nontreatment settings (Meichenbaum, 1977). These goals have
been met with varying amounts of success. Glass, Gottman, and Shmurak
(1976) compared a cognitive restructuring group, a behavior skillstraining approach, and the combination of the two. Meichenbaum (1977)
described the study by noting that the authors
compared the relative effectiveness of coaching and rehearsal versus
cognitive selfstatement modification in enhancing dating skills in girl-shy college males. They found that the cognitive self-statement intervention caused
the greatest transfer effects to untrained, laboratory, roleplaying situations
and to ratings made by females whom the subjects called for dates.
The subjects in the studies were trained to become aware of the negative
self-statements that they emitted, for such recognition was the signal to produce incompatible self-statements and behaviors. The training included a
coach who presented the situation and then acted as a cognitive-coping
model, verbalizing what he would say to himself as if he were actually in the
situation. This self-talk began negatively, continued with the model's realizing
that he was being negative, and then switched to positive self-talk. Finally, the
coach modeled giving himself verbalized reinforcement for changing his selftalk from negative to positive.
Following is an example of the training ....
1. Situation. Let's suppose you've been fixed up on a blind date. You've
taken her to a movie and then for some coffee afterwards. Now she begins
to talk about a political candidate, some man you've never heard of; she
says, "What do you think of him?" You say to yourself:
Matt E. Jaremko
Self-talk. An example of self-talk might be: "She's got me now. I'd better
bullshit her or she'll put me down. I hate politics anyway so this chick is
obviously not my type.... Boy, that's really jumping to conclusions. This
is only one area and it really doesn't show what type of person she is.
Anyway, what's the point of making up stuff about somebody I have
never heard of? She'll see right through me if I lie. It's not such a big deal
to admit I don't know something. There are probably lots of things I
know that she doesn't."
Self-talk reinforcement. "Yeah, that's a better way to think about it. She's
just human, trying to discuss something intelligently. I don't have to get
scared or put off by her." (1977, pp. 131-132)
experiences and tension levels before and after visualizing each scene.
After the presentation of the third scene, a group discussion of the client's
experiences in imagining the scenes took place. Homework was also included and involved practice relaxation in social and nonsocial
Cognitive restructuring involved helping the clients recognize their
unrealistic and self-defeating thoughts and images and replacing them
with coping strategies (Goldfried, Decenteceo, & Weinberg, 1974). In
order to achieve this, imagery training was used. The clients were asked
to visualize the hierarchy of social scenes and instructed to note any feeling of anxiety and the accompanying anxiety-engendering thoughts (e.g.,
"I'm going to say something foolish to these people, and they're going to
think I'm really dumb"). The clients were taught to challenge these
thoughts, and to substitute coping, anxiety-reducing thoughts (e.g.,
"Chances are I won't say anything foolish. Even if I do, it really doesn't
mean I'm a dumb person"). Since the treatment was conducted on a
group basis, group discussion about the ways to challenge anxietyprovoking thought was interlaced in the imagery training. Homework
assignments involved recognizing and implementing the coping
strategies. In subsequent sessions, the outcomes of these homework
assignments were discussed.
The treatment group who received the combined training engaged in
the same procedural process as the other treatment groups but they used
anxiety as a signal to relax as well as to identify anxiety-engendering
thoughts and to replace them with coping strategies.
The results indicated that the three treated groups showed more improvement than did the waiting-list control. The cognitive restructuring
group produced many more within-group differences than did desensitization or the combination group, but these were limited to self-report
measures. Thus, cognitive restructuring represents one potential procedure for use in treating social anxiety.
Another study demonstrating the relative effectiveness of a cognitive
restructuring approach was reported by Linehan, Goldfried, and
Goldfried (1980), in which unassertive women were treated. Cognitive
restructuring, behavioral rehearsal, and a combination of the two were
compared. Cognitive restructuring focused on the role of emotional
responses and beliefs in assertion as well as on anxiety-reducing thoughts
(e.g., "The fact that someone said 'No' does not mean that I shouldn't
have asked in the first place.' '). Cognitive coping strategies were modeled
by the therapist and rehearsed imaginally and behaviorally by the subject.
Subjects received feedback on their performance. The results showed
that the combination treatment was the most effective. The two separate
Matt E. Jaremko
Matt E. Jaremko
Combined group
Skills rationale
VI"., """1.",,,
<hoJbY U,,_,
Covert rehearsal
Overt rehearsal
Overt rehearsal
'dl,,"" "'"
J",on of homew",k
Ew.,,,, ""_onofbehavior
.1'."1"'" "'" f<e_
rei=tlon "'"
cognitive restructuring
l_ "h""~
''''''''''' md
""juon of hom"."""
Matt E.Jaremko
minutes, indicating the nature of the relationship, the length of the interaction, an intimacy rating of the interaction, the pleasantness of the interaction, and the nature of the interaction (a date, business, party, etc.).
Treatment took place in four two-hour sessions in groups of 4-10.
The behavioral skills-training involved a rationale for behavioral rehearsal and practiced role-playing using nonheterosocial situations. Within
this context, various skills were then presented, discussed, role-played,
critiqued, and role-played once again. The skills that were trained included grooming skills, detecting positive approach cues, functional opening
lines, smiling, giving compliments, what to do on a date, development of
prospective dates, and initiating a conversation. At the end of session
two, three, and four, each client practiced the skills by interacting with an
opposite-sex stranger for five to ten minutes. These three interactions
allowed the clients to practice the skills in a lifelike situation and to experience a prolonged-exposure type of treatment for social anxiety (Emmelkamp, Kuipers, & Eggeraat, 1978). Since the stranger was different for
each session, the client received a fairly strong dose of' 'practice dating."
This exposure is comparable to the application phase of stress inoculation
The stress inoculation training included the following: initially, a
conceptual model of dating behavior was offered to the clients. It included four stages of relationship development, namely initiation,
development, maintenance, and termination (Lipton & Nelson, 1980).
The clients were told that the workshop would focus on the initiation
process, especially overcoming the anxiety associated with interacting
with strangers. This aspect of social interaction received most attention
since it was deemed that clients frequently escaped or avoided potential
social interactions, thereby making their reactions to social stress worse.
The discussion of dating stress was conducted in the context of a selfperpetuating model of stress (see Figure 1) Oaremko, 1979).
Figure 1 is a diagram that was used to illustrate the model of stress for
the clients in the stress inoculation group. Talking to an opposite-sex person may be quite a stressful event that in turn leads to a readily predictable
cycle of internal and external behavior. If the cycle continues unabated, it
is likely that the person will further avoid interacting with people, which
serves to make it more difficult to interact in future situations. Thus, the
goal of treatment is to make subjects aware of this cycle, especially at the
incipient stages where prodromal cues are evident, and then interrupt
and break the cycle with the consequence of encouraging social interaction. In short, the cycle involved a repeating process in which the stressor
may set off uncomfortable physiological activity that contributes to the
appraisal process of the situation as potentially harmful. This negative
!!!l!!!I !l
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J:!l!!!I ~
P/rytl/olll ClJp/ng SltJ/1tI
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{reluNII in inorH6H
tlToullaltJ "..II,e, ,eluc'unce
to intertlCt In futureJ
!!9!!!.I !!.
I. Reappr";llIl (If 51relllltJl'
-belli, tNerwhllmn
-se" reinfrJrc_nt
Matt E.Jaremko
Table II. Treatment Component Sequence for Both Groups in Jaremko et al.
Skills training
Stress inoculation
PhYI" ,,,",,
Discut skill
Role-plllY skill
Imaginal and behavioral practice of integrated application of skills using a
"coping s.equence"
Discussion and feedback of
practice interactions
Matt E. Jaremko
tions. Such an understanding by the client provides the basis for the training of a wide variety of skills and coping techniques. Jaremko, Hadfield,
and Walker (1980) provide evidence that treatments are more effective
when they possess such a rationale or conceptualization phase. Another
implication is that treatment programs should possess a wide range of
skill and coping procedures so that the clients can choose "cafeteria
style" those procedures that will work best for them. This procedural
diversity should aid in producing treatment tailor-made to each client's
Given these characteristics of a desirable treatment program, there
are a large number of specific techniques that can be included in a comprehensive treatment program. Each of the techniques to be described
has been included in successful or partially successful programs, but very
few of them have been isolated as being contributory on their own; Their
inclusion in any comprehensive treatment program is obviously limited
by the restraints of practicality. The following techniques could be considered the procedural specifics that are to be used to serve the needs of
the implications cited earlier. These techniques are listed and briefly
described in Table III.
For treatment of the physiological component of social anxiety, a
number of skills haVe! been used. These include muscle-relaxation training, autogenic exercises, reducing idiosyncratic physical arousal,
diaphragmatic breathing, and mental imagery. One might also be able to
prescribe prophylactic physical exercise regimens to reduce and/or prevent untoward stress responses (Goldstein, Ross, & Brady, 1977).
The large number of cognitively oriented techniques for treating
social anxiety attests to the increasing realization of the importance of
this factor in social problems (Meichenbaum et at., 1982). These procedures include covert modeling and rehearsal, cognitive restructuring,
and the coping reappraisal of social stress. Rathjen et at. (1978) suggest a
lengthy list of cognitive procedures that might prove useful in treating
social anxiety, including identifying cognitive distortion patterns,
double- and triple-column techniques, testing cognitions, role reversal,
and coaching other socially anxious people.
The behavioral skills-training procedures that have been used in
treating the dating anxiety aspect of social anxiety have involved
behavioral rehearsal, role-playing, performance feedback, videotape selfobservation, coaching, and observing appropriate and inappropriate
models. The skills that have been taught include telephone talking, faceto-face conversation, giving and receiving compliments, nonverbal communication, description of feelings, handling silences, planning dates,
physical appearance enhancement, smiling, initiating conversation
Physiological arousal
5. Physical exercise
6. Covert modeling
Kazdin (1975)
General coping
Physiological arousal
Harvey (1978)
4. Diaphragmatic breathing
Physiological arousal
Jaremko, Hadfield,and
Walker (1980)
3. Reducing idiosyncratic
2. Autogenic exercises
Physiological arousal
Bernstein and
Borkovec (1973)
Jencks (1973)
Physiological arousal
B. Cognitive-Affective
9. Identifying cognitive
distortion patterns
Rathjen et al.
Meichenbaum and
Turk (1976)
8. Coping reappraisal
Kanter and
Goldfried (1979)
7. Cognitive restructuring
Faulty cognitions
Negative self-evaluations
appraisal of social situations
Negative self-talk
Lazarus (1971)
Melnick (1973)
Curranetal. (1976)
Jaremko, Hadfield,
and Walker (1980)
Christensen and
Arkowitz (1974)
Social avoidance
Social avoidance
Harmatz (1975)
(opening "lines"), communicating interests, judging receptivity, and initiating physical intimacy. The specific skills used for types of social anxiety other than heterosocial dating problems differ to some extent, and it
would be worthwhile for an interested investigator to compile a list in the
specific area of focus. Before training these skills, it is important to
demonstrate that such behavioral deficits in fact exist. Also, one must be
cautious to take into consideration cultural and situational differences
that influence the functional value of anyone of the behavioral acts.
Two other techniques that can be suggested for comprehensive
treatments in helping the client integrate the various treatment components are the use of imaginal and behavioral rehearsal, and in vivo
practice by using practice dates and/or interactions. The imagery coping
sequence procedure (Jaremko, Hadfield, & Walker, 1980) may act as a
memory-enhancing organizational device in order to help the client
structure and use the coping devices to which he or she has been exposed.
The laboratory-based interactions and in vivo practice dating procedures
may help to insure that the client will use the skills and coping devices in
the presence of the social stressor. Such practice also provides a component of graduated exposure or participant modeling to the treatment
package. Success in such social situations provide the needed feedback,
the "evidence" to change one's cognitive structures and behavior.
The many techniques recounted above need to be organized in a procedural package that will allow them to be presented in a smooth and effective manner. The model offered earlier (see Figure 1) provides a way to
integrate the various techniques that may be required in treating social
Since one of the goals of stress inoculation training is to make it more
likely that the client will not avoid or escape social situations, the existence of effective behavioral skills is very important. As described in the
previous model (Figure 1), clients are offered a stress model describing
the importance of effective interpersonal skills at Point D. Skills-training
would then take place, along with physical and cognitive skills that are
taught in stress inoculation training. Further, the client is made aware
that avoidance or escape behavior will lead only to further social anxiety,
as is shown at Point E in Figure 1. By appealing to the client's own ability
to control anxiety and skills difficulties, one employs a model of therapy
more likely to be generalized to real-world settings (Mahoney, 1980). By
helping the client adopt a' 'personal scientist" view in the prediction and
control of social behavior and anxiety, we impart skills that can be used in
a variety of settings. The comprehensive treatment program of stress inoculation training is designed to enhance a personal science view in those
with social anxiety problems. Thus, if a client tries a specific skill and it
Matt E.Jaremko
does not work, this should be the occasion to conduct a task and behavior
analysis. In fact, in training, the therapist can anticipate with the client
what problems may occur and what can be done about them. Will such
failures be occasions for further negative thinking and avoidance, or will
they prompt the client to employ the' 'personal scientist" perspective by
changing behavior and cognition accordingly? Given that the array of different techniques can overwhelm both the client and trainer, it is suggested that the "personal scientist" perspective will provide an important integrative framework. Stress inoculation training is designed to instill this perspective.
A model was presented that viewed social anxiety as conSisting of activity in three sometimes interactive and sometimes independent
categories of behavior: physiology, cognition, and overt behavior. A
review of previous research on the assessment and treatment of social
anxiety reveals that clinical work that comprehensively deals with all
three components has not been conducted. The organization and implementation of assessment and treatment techniques in all three areas is
proposed. Specific examples of techniques are presented and an overall
conceptual model to integrate these techniques is proposed as a way to
enhance a "personal scientist" view in treating social anxiety.
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Stress Inoculation Training for
Adolescent Anger Problems
Adolescent aggression and antisocial behavior represent a significant
clinical and social problem. Although youths between the ages of 13 and
18 form only 11 % of the population, in 1977 people under 18 years of age
constituted 41 % of the arrests for the Crime Index offenses of homicide,
rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and auto theft (Webster,
1979). Furthermore, the rate of arrests for violent juvenile crime increased by 98% between 1967 and 1976 compared with a 65% increase in arrests for people over 18 years of age (Federal Bureau of Investigation,
1977). These aggressive acts are not just transitory adjustment problems.
After review of 16 longitudinal studies, Olweus (1979) concluded that aggressive behavior is not situation-specific, but is a relatively stable, individually consistent reaction pattern to many situations. In fact, temporal
stability of aggreSSive behavior almost equals that typically reported for
intellectual and cognitive processes. While some aggression is instrumental in securing external rewards, much of adolescent aggression
represents rapid, unplanned, impulsive reactions to provocations
(Saunders, Reppucci, & Sarato, 1973).
Anger is commonly associated with adolescent impulsive and agEVA L. FEINDLER Department of Psychology, Adelphi University, Garden City, New
York 11530.
WILLIAM J. FREMOUW Department of Psychology, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505.
gressive behavior. Rule and Nesdale (1976) reported that the arousal of
anger facilitates aggressive behavior, especially toward the perceived
source of the anger state. While anger arousal does not always produce aggression and not all episodes of aggression are preceded by anger (Konecni,
1975a,b), the treatment of anger problems is one approach to reducing
adolescent aggressive and antisocial behavior.
Anger is typically conceptualized as an affective response to stress during which a person experiences high levels of physiological arousal
(Konecni, 1975b; Schacter & Singer, 1962). The stressful situations are
usually perceived as frustrations, annoyances, insults, or assaults and often
occur in social situations. The combination of one's perception of frustration or insult and a high level of arousal leads to the labeling of this state as
anger (Konecni, 1975b, Schacter & Singer, 1962). Novaco (1975, 1979) has
amended this two-component view of anger to include a behavioral determinant of anger. He states that one's behavior during provocation, not just
one's type of cognitions and level of physiological arousal, can affect the
level of anger. Aggressive response to provocation can increase the level of
anger because it may escalate the situation and elicit further provocations
from others. Conversely, coping responses such as appropriate assertiveness or leaving the situation may decrease the degree of provocation
being experienced and lower the anger. In this model, the level of anger is
the result of the continual interaction of cognitions, physiological arousal,
and behavioral reactions. Changes in each component affect the other two
components and the degree of anger produced.
Historically, Witmer (1908) reported the first successful treatment of
anger for an ll-year old boy. The boy was described as having "mean
moods" and' 'unreasoning anger," and he was treated by means of an educational, problem-solving procedures. Approximately half a century later,
Redl and Wineman (1951, 1952) popularized a neoanalytic conceptualization and treatment program for aggressive adolescents in their classic
books Children Who Hate and Controls from Within. Their residential
program was designed to strengthen ego functioning by providing the
youths with a consistent, structured, group-oriented environment.
Behavioral Treatments
The development of behavioral treatments has provided an alternative to Redl and Wineman's analytic view of anger and aggression as the
manifestation of intrapsychic conflicts. Many early programs extended
the successful application of operant token-reinforcement procedures,
from modifying academic work (Tyler & Brown, 1968) and interper-
sonal behaviors (Hobbs & Holt, 1976) to the treatment of anger and aggression among adolescents. Programs have manipulated the consequences of the aggressive behavior through reinforcement (Hobbs &
Holt, 1976), contracting (Weathers & Liberman, 1975), and response cost
and time out (Kaufman & O'Leary, 1972). Although initially effective,
Kazdin (1977) concluded that the behavioral improvements from the
operant-token programs "usually extinguish when the program is
withdrawn" (p. 175). Generalization of improvement across situations
and maintenance of change over time do not occur. Furthermore, the
selection of effective reinforcers for adolescents is very difficult.
Anger problems have also been treated through systematic desensitization to decrease the physiological arousal that precedes and accompanies
anger. This approach focuses on the respondent-conditioned component
of anger instead of the consequences. While deeply relaxed, clients are instructed to imagine themselves in an anger-provoking situation without experiencing anger. Research demonstrates that systematic desensitization is
effective relative to control conditions (Rimmm, deGroot, Boord, Heiman,
& Dillow, 1971) and maintains effectiveness six months after treatment
(Evans & Hearn, 1973). Although promising, systematic desensitization has
not been widely researched beyond these few initial studies and has not
been applied for adolescent anger problems.
Cognitive Behavior Modification
In addition to operant and respondent procedures, new treatments
have been developed to integrate the cognitive dimension with
behavioral treatment (Mahoney, 1974; Meichenbaum, 1977). Cognitive
factors are very relevant for the analysis of anger problems. Bandura
(1973) suggested that the absence of verbal skills to cope with stress often
leads to aggression. Experimental data also suggest that insufficient
cognitive mediation may lead to anger and aggression. Camp (1977)
found that young aggressive boys are deficient in the use of language skills
to control their behavior. They respond impulsively instead of responding after reflection. When they were trained to increase their selfverbalizations, their prosocial behaviors increased and their aggressiveness decreased (Camp, Blom, Herbert, & Van Doornick, 1977). Shure and
Spivack (1972) also report that poor cognitive skills are associated with
aggressive behavior. They found that youths in special schools, when
compared with those in regular schools, were deficient in problemsolving skills and that their solutions to problems were impulsive and aggressive. Hospitalized adolescents in comparison with a control group
were also deficient in their ability to generate alternative solutions and
should evaluate each of these. This section will review briefly some of the
devices available for the measurement of adolescent anger and aggression.
Self-monitoring procedures can be used for the individual to record
the situational, physiological, and cognitive stimuli antecedents to anger
and to note the topography and consequences of the anger episode.
Through an individual's self-monitoring of the specific antecedent and
consequences of anger, the person completes a functional analysis of the
anger problem that can be used in the training program and can provide a
continuous self-report of anger problems. This can be used to evalute the
intervention's effectiveness.
Table I represents a sample data sheet used for the self-monitoring of
anger experiences by residential delinquents in the Feindler (1979) study.
This' 'Hassle Log," which was to be completed following each hassle or conflict in which the adolescent was involved, required a minimal response, yet
remained open-ended for spontaneous recording of data. Through this datacollection procedure, adolescents learned discrimination of situational
variables such as time, place, other persons, and antecedent provoking
stimuli that may have influenced the aggressive response. The Hassle Log
also included an enumeration of all responses exhibited and the individual's
rating of performance and level of emotional arousal experienced. The
resulting data enable the clinician to evaluate the frequency and severity of
anger incidents, antecedent stimulus and response patterns, and the client's
self-observations and evaluations of internal and external events. In addition
to covering situational antecedents, this type of self-monitoring form could
be expanded to include enumeration of self-statements antecedent to the
anger. However, preliminary efforts with adolescents to monitor these
covert events indicated that they had little awareness of their self-statements
preceding anger outburst until they had received extensive training. Instead,
they were able to monitor situational events that did provoke anger. Thus,
the Hassle Log focuses on those types of antecedents.
Results from a three-week self-monitoring treatment phase (Feindler,
1979) demonstrated that self-monitoring itself does not reduce aggressive
acts. In fact, based on data from teachers, anger episodes slightly increased.
The adolescents did comply with the procedure and recorded both resolved
and unresolved conflicts. Based on this experience, self-monitoring procedures are a promising tool for anger assessment and warrant further
Self-Report Inventories
There are a few paper-and-pencil inventories designed specifically to
assess adolescent anger. The Rathus Assertion Schedule (Vaal, 1975), the
Specialty class _ __
Dining _ __
Gym _ _ _
Outside/on campus _ __
_ __
Off campus _ _ _ __
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ __
What happened?
Somebody teased me ............................................. _ __
Somebody took something of mine .................................. _ __
Somebody told me to do something .................................. _ __
Somebody was doing something I didn't like ........................... _ __
Somebody started fighting with me .................................. _ __
I did something wrong ............................................ _ __
Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Broke something
Was restrained
_ __
_ __
_ __
_ __
Other: _ __
Mildly angry
but still okay
Not angry
at all
Table II (Continued)
HIT (continued):
positive context (smiles and laughter). If several behaviors occur
in rapid sequence, mark as one episode but use greater severity
rating. If behaviors are separated by 10 seconds or more, mark as
two episodes. If the victim responds, and the target student HITS
again, do not mark this category, but move to FIGHT category.
1. A swift kick in the butt.
2. Several punches in the arm.
3. A rapid succession of blows to the head with a fist
ora2 x 4.
Mark only if you observe the target student engaged in an exchange of physical and agressive behaviors. This requires two or
more students including the target student and at least a threeresponse sequence of behaviors from the HIT category. Exclude
playful fighting or wrestling that is done in a positive context
and/or is accompanied by smiles and laUghter. Still mark this
category if one of the students involved in the exchange is only
making weak attempts to fight and is less aggressive.
1. Student A throws a pencil. Student B throws it back.
Student A kicks B.
2. Student A slaps student B on the back. Student B turns
and kicks A. Student A punches B's face.
3. Student A hits Student B in the face. Student B punches A's
head. Student A kicks B powerfully in the groin.
Mark this category only if you are cenain that the target student
started the fight (see above defmition)-you must observe the initial physical contact. Do not mark both the START and IN
FIGHT categories for the same fight episode.
Unauthorized destruction of personal or school propeny. Includes breaking, ripping, tearing, cutting, shredding, smashing,
burning, shattering, etc. Exclude appropriate disposal ofitems
such as stomping on a used milk carton and throwing it in the
trash. Include marking or marring.
1. Writing obscenities on the walls.
2. Tearing someone's shirt. Stepping on ping pong ball.
3. Smashing windows, punching through walls or fire
Selfmonitoring techniques
1. Identification of aggressive responses to provocation, antecedent provoking
stimuli, and consequent events.
2. Self-rating of anger components
3. Training in self-recording and compilation of own data.
4. Analysis of provocation sequences and behavioral patterns.
II. Training of alternative responses to external provoking stimuli
A. Self-instructions
1. Definition and generation of relevant self-instructions (termed, REMINDERS).
2. Modeling and role-playing of bow and when to use self-verbalizations to guide
overt and covert behaviors.
3. Training both generalized and specific self-instructions.
B. Self-evaluation skills
1. Detertnination of individual self-evaluating statements that currently function
as reinforcers or punishers.
2. Definition of self-evaluations as a form of self-instruction that provide feedback and guide performance in both resolved and unresolved provocation
C. Thinking-ahead techniques
1. Presentation of problem-solving strategy designed to help client use the
estimation of future negative consequences for misbehavior to guide current
responses to provocation.
2. Modeling and role-playing of how and when to use self-generated contingency
statements concerning negative consequences.
D. Relaxation techniques
1. Presentation of arousal-management techniques to aid in the identification of
physiological responses to provocation and to control muscle tension during
or in anticipation of conflicts.
2. Deep breathing as a time delay and an alternative response.
3. Deep muscle relaxation training.
III. Techniques to Control Own Provocation Behaviors
Behavioral Controls
The initial focus of treatment is usally the immediate suppression of
both verbal and nonverbal aggressive responding by the adolescent to the
variety of antecedent anger cues that have been identified through selfmonitoring procedures. Conceptually, simple impulse-delay techniques
are easy for the adolescent to understand and to transfer to in vivo provocations. However, developing the skill of sequencing the components of
the provocation cycle-namely, antecedent anger cues or external provocations, aggressive responses, and consequent events-is necessary first.
After adolescents are able to discriminate antecedents to aggression
and anger expression, they can begin to learn self-control by inserting a
time delay between the provoking stimulus and the automatic response.
Teaching adolescents to stop and either remove themselves from the provoking stimuli or ignore the external provocation for a few seconds will
lay the groundwork for the development of cognitive controls. These
"time-out" responses help the adolescent to slow down the behavior
chain and to better evaluate the provocation situation and allow time for
the substitution of alternative responses.
In addition to the adolescent's learning not to respond are other
techniques aimed at training more appropriate behavioral response to
provocations. For those adolescents who are able to discriminate
physiological anger-arousal cues and for whom this heightened level of
arousal interferes with adaptive responding, relaxation techniques seem
applicable. Responding with a few slow, deep breaths during the time
delay between the provoking stimulus and the subsequent response helps
to reduce the arousal level. Although actual deep-muscle relaxation may
not be the appropriate response to an aversive and threatening stimulus,
some adolescents who evidence anxiety and agitation will readily respond to increasing their control of physiological arousal. A shortened
version of the relaxation sequence that involved tightening and relaxing
selected, unobtrusive muscle groups such as the jaw, fists, and stomach
was employed, along with slow, deep breathing, during conflict situations for those adolescents able to discriminate their own arousal levels.
Another component of the behavioral control techniques centers around
the training of appropriate assertion and problem-solving skills. Until
recently (Feindler, Marriott, & Iwata, 1980j Lee, Hallberg, & Hassard,
1979), assertion training for aggressive delinquents was not explored.
However, if we are to assume a possible skill deficiency in assertion or
problem-solving (Platt et al., 1974), then appropriate verbal and nonverbal assertive responses designed to replace aggressive responding must be
taught concurrently with anger-control skills. Observations during roleplay and videotape feedback of brief conflict scenes can help to identify
the excesses and deficiencies in the verbal and nonverbal components of
assertive and aggressive responding. Through behavioral rehearsal of
conflict scenes, behaviors such as direct eye contact, appropriate
gestures, modulated tone of voice, and requests for another's behavior
change can replace the aggressive responses of staring, threatening
gestures, a harsh tone, and demands. A reduction in the use of threatening
body posture or in voice volume, for example, may result in others
perceiving the adolescent as less aggressive and as providing fewer provoking stimuli. The techniques of broken record, which involves calm
repetitions of the adolescent's original request or assertion until the problem is solvedjfogging, which entails an agreement with another's direct
criticism in such a manner as to confuse the otherj and minimal effective
response, which entails a gradual escalation of assertive demands, beginning with the least forceful and ending in a direct demand, can all be
modeled and practiced through role-plays of interpersonal conflicts.
Teaching the common assertion techniques detailed in popular literature
(Smith, 1975) will broaden the adolescent's repertoire and enable him or
her to obtain desirable reinforcers in a more appropriate manner.
Finally, problem-solving strategies similar to those suggested by
D'Zurilla and Goldfried (1971), which aid the adolescent in identifying
the problem situation and enumerating and evaluating alternative solutions, are useful with impulsive aggressors. Each problem-solving skill
(problem specification, enumerating alternative responses, listing consequences of each response and rank ordering alternatives, implementing
an alternative, and evaluating the outcome) is presented verbally to the
adolescent with accompanying examples from typical school and home
conflicts. Verbal rehearsal of these skills, accomplished by prompting an
analysis of numerous relevant problem situations and the identification
of each component step, teaches the adolescent to conceptualize problems in this sequenced manner and to use these skills to guide overt
responding. These problem-solving responses, which can be either
situation-specific or generalizable, provide the adolescent with yet
another set of alternative behaviors to emit following the discrimination
of aversive or provoking external stimuli.
Cognitive Controls
Incorporated into training programs for impulsive and aggressive
adolescents are specific cognitive techniques that provide the adolescent
with alternative mediating responses to provocations. Self-instructional
training, which entails the generation of specific covert self-verbalization
to guide overt behavior, has been effective in increasing self-control
(Camp et al., 1977; Hamberger & Lohr, 1980; McCullough et al., 1977;
Schlichter & Horan, 1977; Snyder & White, 1979). The content of the
self-statement can vary from specific strategies for solving particular
types of tasks to general instructions such as "stop and think" or to coping responses relevant to the adolescent's emotional response (e.g., "I'm
going to ignore this guy and keep my cool' '). Overall, a self-instruction sequence seems most effective if it (1) includes the inhibition of the first impulsive response of the adolescent, (2) enumerates and guides the selection of alternative responses to provoking stimuli, and (3) connects the
verbalizations with subsequent behavior (Fuson, 1979). In this manner,
self-instructions can be used to help prepare the adolescent for
aggression-eliciting events, to "remind" the adolescent of other behavior
controls learned, and to reduce the intensity of emotional responding
while increasing self-control. The Six-Step Coping Strategy outlined by
Schlichter and Horan (1979), in which different self-instructions are
utilized in a sequence of anger management, is presented in Table IV.
In teaching the adolescent to incorporate various self-statements and
to use them to guide overt behavior, several procedures have proven
helpful. Following the developmental sequence used with children (Meichenbaum & Goodman, 1971), desirable self-statements are modeled first
aloud by the trainer during a role-played conflict situation. The adoles--
cent should attend not only to the content of the self-instruction but also
to the precise timing of its occurrence relative to the behavioral sequence
of the interaction. Next, the roles are switched and the adolescent is
prompted to respond aloud with an appropriate self-instruction. Discussion following role-play should focus on the differing content of before,
during, and after self-instructions for conflict situations; the timing of implementation; and the evaluation of both internal and external outcome.
Finally, role-plays can be conducted in which self-statements are rehearsed covertly by both the trainer and the adolescent and subsequently
discussed in terms of the parameters outlined above. Some adolescents
require visual cues, such as self-statements on index cards or specified signals from the trainer, in the early stages of covert rehearsal of the self-instruction procedure.
Other cognitive techniques that focus on the client's attributions and
appraisals of the anger-eliciting situation have been proposed by Novaco
(1976, 1977a) and are readily incorporated into coping self-instructions.
In light of recent research suggesting that aggressive adolescents frequently misconstrue social stimuli as being hostile or provoking (Nasby,
Hayden, & DePaulo, 1980), what seems primary is the modification ofthe
adolescent's interpretations of aggression-eliciting antecedents. The inclusion of calming, reinterpretative, and coping statements-' 'This kid is
jealous that I did well in my test," "My brother is frustrated because ... or
"He must have one hell of a hang-up if he has to go around teasing
became skilled at controlling her impulsive verbal responses to mild provocations and at discriminating those provoking stimuli that she should
avoid and ignore. This increased anger control resulted in a reduction in
severe punishers (isolation and restraint) and an increase in social reinforcers from peers and adults. Lybie P. is now living in a small community
group home and is successfully attending a vocational training program.
Empirical Support for Adolescent Anger-Control Trraining
The cognitive-behavioral stress inoculation techniques that have
been described as effective in reducing the occurrences of anger and aggressive responding in explosive adolescents have been evaluated in
separate research projects. Each project extended the treatment
methodology to other settings and other target populations; a summary
of the data is presented below.
A Single-Subject Evaluation
Feindler (1979) evaluated the effects of self-monitoring and
cognitive-behavioral modification techniques on the reduction of angry
and aggressive behaviors of residential, delinquent adolescents ranging in
age from 13 to 161f2 years of age. These male and female students were
selected on the basis of staff ratings of the most aggressive residential
adolescents and on the basis of the highest frequencies of aggreSSion for
one week of direct classroom observation. Using a modified multiple
baseline design across students, in which introduction of treatment was
staggered, each subject was matched with a comparison subject. The aggressive behaviors of four students and four yoked, untreated, control
students were monitored with the ABOS direct observation system. All
eight students received pre- and post-test batteries, consisting of the
Raven's Progressive Matrices (Raven, 1958), the Jesness Behavior
Checklist and self-appraisal and observer forms (Jesness, 1966), and the
Means-Ends Problem Solving Inventory (Shure & Spivack,1972).During
14 twice-biweekly, 50-minute session, students received individual training in identifying critical self-monitoring and in using cognitive strategies
as self-instructions, coping statements, self-evaluation of one's behavior,
thinking ahead about future consequences, and also in relaxation. The
self-monitoring training was evaluated alone during an initial three-week
phase following baseline. A seven-month follow-up assessement was
conducted with the two treatment and the two control subjects still at the
residential facility.
The results indicated that self-monitoring and cognitive-behavioral
modification techniques were effective in reducing both the frequency
L __ ,
__ -I~~~.l
rj ,:o-q
---- Cottage
Figure 1. Mean daily frequency per week of total aggressive behavior during all phases of
treatment and comparison subjects (Feindler & Fremouw, 1980).
Anger Control
L_...., L_.,
o ILl
Figure 2. Mean frequency per week of critical incidents for treatment and comparison subjects during three conditions (Feindler & Fremouw, 1980).
general self-control strategies and strategies specific to anger/disruptive incidents. Sessions included information on relaxation techniques, selfinstructional training, evaluating consequences of behavior, ignoring, and
remaining task-oriented. Students learned to observe, sequence, and
analyze their own response patterns through flow charts and homework
Analyses of the results revealed significant change in scores for treatment subjects on several dependent measures. The number of Means provided on the Means-Ends Problem Solving Inventory increased Significantly [t(17) = 2.26 p<0.05] for the treatment group and decreased for the control group. Increases in response latency on the Raven's Matrices, in the
overall percentile score and in selected subscales of the Jesness Inventory
were also noted for the treatment group only. On the Self-Control Rating
Scale, the treatment group did not receive improved ratings by teachers,
whereas the control group did. This may be related to the chance pretreatment difference that was found between the groups. Although not
statistically Significant, the treatment group had a higher frequency of
disruptive behavior during baseline compared with control adolescents.
Figure 3 presents the changes in mean daily frequencies of fmes for disruptive behavior (single demerits) and for severe aggression resulting in expulsion from school (double demerits). Examples of behavior resulting in a
single demerit include yelling, threatening adults, refusal to comply with
rules, walking out of class, teasing others, throwing things, etc. Examples
of behavior resulting in a double demerit include hitting and other physical
assault, destroying property, stealing, and a tantrum requiring restraint or
removal. The mean daily frequency of single demerits for the treatment
group changed from a baseline level of7.8 per day to 6.8 per day during the
seven-week training program and finally to 7.2 per day during the fiveweek follow-up phase. Although this change is statistically insignificant, a
comparison with the changes in frequencies of single demerits for the control group supports the effectiveness of the intervention. During the
18-week data collection, the control-group mean changed from a 6-week
baseline mean of 5.2 single demerits per day to 7.5 during the treatment
phase and finally to 7.84 per day during the follow-up phase.
Figure 3 also presents the mean daily frequencies of double demerits,
which were fines for severe and continued disruptive or aggressive
behavior in school. The mean daily frequency for the treatment group
changed from a baseline level of 1.45 per day, to 1.0 per day during the
seven weeks of anger control training, to 0.72 double demerits per day during the follow-up. Again the comparsion with the control group daily
means of 1.37, 1.2, and 1.1 for the three phases further supports the effectiveness of the intervention.
\ ,I
r_,1I ~"
I I ' ' __ J I
! ,"
I \
control group
IN'., II'
10 11
12 13 14 15 11
- - .. periment.1
cant rol group
~ 2,0
I \
i .
14 15 II 17
Figure 3. Group changes in mean daily frequencies of single and double fines for disruptive
classroom behavior.
cant especially when compared with the control group, which showed a
reduction in school exclusions from a baseline mean of 10 per week to 8
exclusions per week during the intervention period [t(17) = O. 107, NS]. A
final class of school infractions, which included unit- and living-area
restrictions as well as restrictions on attending classes and other activities, provided less encouraging results. For the target unit, the pretreatment mean was 16 restrictions per week, and a small reduction in the
number of restrictions during and after training reduced this mean to 11
[t(17) = 1.28, NS]. These same data also showed a reduction for the control unit from 12.7 restrictions to 11 per week during the comparison
treatment phase [t(17) = 0.76, NS).
In summary, it appears that brief in-service training with child-care
workers from in-patient units housing the most aggressive adolescents is
effective in reducing the frequency of unit fines imposed for physical aggression. An estimate of the generalization of treatment effects is
available from the analysis of school exclusions and restrictions data,
which also showed modest reductions. Although the implementation of
specific stress inoculation techniques was not monitored, it seems that
the child-care workers were effective in reducing on-ward conflicts and
in modeling anger-management skills for the adolescents, but were less
effective in focusing on school-related provocations.
The preliminary empirical support for a stress inoculation, angercontrol training program is promising. Several areas related to angertreatment research invite further investigation. Perhaps the formulation
and description of these clinical research questions will stimulate interest
in the area of adolescent anger-control and will ultimately result in increased effectiveness and efficiency of the self-control treatment
Assessment Issues
Both clinicians and researchers in the field of adolescent anger
would benefit from the evaluation of existing assessment methodology
and the development of more reliable and valid methods of assessing
anger. Comprehensive validational research is needed for the variety of
structured inventories (Anger Inventories, Jesness Behavior Checklists,
Self-Control Rating Scale, etc.) as well as measures such as direct observation of aggression, analog role-play measures, and self-monitoring.
Because of the great potential of self-monitoring procedures, the reliability of self-monitoring and validity of self-report of anger incidents are
particularly important to determine. Unfortunately, little research on
reactive effects of self-monitoring and on the correspondence of verbal
behavior and motor behavior in the area of adolescent aggression has
been conducted.
The indirect methods of assessing adolescent anger also require further clinical and psychometric investigation. Measures such as monitoring existing institutional contingencies and frequency of fines or other
punishments contingent on aggressive behavior may prove to be valuable
for evaluating treatment programs. However, since such institutional
data reflect primarily the staff behaviors of observing, recording, and
providing consequences for adolescents' aggression, questions about
their reliability and validity are certainly of paramount importance. Comparisons of institutional measures and more direct observation during the
implementation and evaluation of treatment are warranted.
A final assessment issue involves the much-needed development of
analog assessment methods for adolescent anger. The "Barb" treatment
technique, described by Kaufman and Wagner (1972), involves the
presentation of a known provoking verbal stimulus and the observation
and recording of the subject's subsequent verbal and nonverbal responses
to this provocation. This technique could readily be developed to approximate the Behavioral Assertive Test for Children (Bernstein, Bellack,
& Hersen, 1972), in which peer models provide verbal prompts and assertive behaviors are rated for frequency and duration. The use of actual provoking models, such as school and authority figures and certain peers,
would increase the comprehensiveness of this type of assessement
device. The development of an analog assessment procedure would be an
efficient means to measure an adolescent's anger but would require
validation with the more direct methods of aggression assessment and
with the standardized inventories.
Treatment Methodology
Although the initial results with stress inoculation training for anger
are encouraging, the major need now is for the replication of substantial
treatment effects in studies with adequate control groups. If the stress inoculation procedure is effective in more rigorous evaluations, then
research could be directed at dismantling the treatment components.
Precisely which components of the treatment technology are most effective has not been determined. Many of the individual techniques incor-
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Concluding Comments
The chapters in Section I of this volume, by Leventhal and Nerenz, Epstein, and Janis, reviewed the stress literature and concluded that the
following factors all play an important role in determining how successfully individuals cope with stress:
1. flexibility in one's coping repertoire;
2. graduated exposure, or what Epstein calls "proactive mastery" of
stressful events by assimilating threat in small doses;
3. use of cognitive strategies or what Epstein calls "constructive
4. use of preparatory information and contingency planning;
5. predictability, personal commitment, and social support.
The chapter in Section II, by Meichenbaum and Cameron, described
how a cognitive-behavioral stress inoculation training regimen could be
developed to take into consideration the complexities of the stress and
coping processes described in Section I. The need for caution in determining an effective way to cope with stress is worth underscoring once
again. One should be cautious about prescribing coping techniques. Instead, a flexible collaborative "personal-scientist" self-evaluative approach should be established between client and trainer in order to determine the best ways for that particular individual to cope with stress.
Stress inoculation training recognizes that coping with stress is a dynamic
process that changes with time and circumstances. Indeed, stress inoculation training may be successful, in part, because of the flexibility afforded
due to its wide range of techniques and its focus on individually tailored
The chapters in Section III on "Applications" illustrate the procedural diversity and clinical flexibility in being able to individually tailor
stress inoculation training to the needs of specific populations. While
there is some diversity in the application of stress inoculation training
across populations some common features are apparent. These include
the important role placed on developing a reconceptualization of the
client's stress reactions and stressful circumstances, the training of direct
Concluding Comments
Author Index
Abel, G., 226, 228, 353
Abell, T., 224
Adler, A., 193, 194
Adams, H., 226, 228
Adams, N., 248
Agras, S., 249
Alon, M., 333, 334
Alexander, A., 238, 239,
Alexander, F., 246
Albert, E., 78
Altman, G., 454
Altman, N., 454
Alvarez, W., 223
Amkraut, A., 222
Amspacher, W., 193
Anderson, L., 458
Andrasik, F., 82, 199,200,
224, 225,226, 228,
Andreason, N., 193, 194,
195, 196
Anthony, M., 224
Antonovsky, A., 221
Appel, M., 219, 247
Appenzeller, 0., 226, 227,
Ardlie, N., 269
Arkowitz, H., 419, 426,
Arnold, M., 49, 396
Artz, c., 194, 195
Atkeson, B., 346
Atkinson, G., 199
Atsaides,]., 432, 435
Averbach, S., 90, 91, 92,
Author Index
Butcher,j., 167
Burstein, S., 416
Buss, A., 456
Butler, L., 421, 426, 458
Byers, S., 263
Byrne, D., 89,170
Caccioppo,)., 420, 425
Camp, B., 453, 465
Caffery, B., 262
Calhoun, K., 346, 426
Cameron, R., 83,176,177
Campione, )., 107
Cannon, W., 221
Caplan, G., 385
Carver, C., 9, 268
Cassell, S., 169, 105,221,
Cataldo, T., 162
Cavanaugh,j., 107
Chai, H., 240
Chambers, R., 193, 194
Chape, G., 244
Chaplin,)., 269, 354, 355
Chappell, D., 342
Chang, F., 193, 194
Chaves,)., 147, 199,200
Chertok, L., 77
Christensen, A., 429
Ciborowski, T., 103
Cinciripinni, P., 226
Claghorn,j., 228
Clark, W., 194
Clark, N., 241
Cobb, S., 9, 105, 193, 194,
Coelho, G., 18
Cohen, F., 76, 82, 90,91,
Coleman, D., 228
Coles, R., 327
Collins, c., 263
Collins, F., 222, 226
Contrada, R., 222, 263
Doering, S., 77
Dollard,)., 313, 383
Droppleman, L., 368
Dubey, D., 221
Duffy, B., 346
Dunbar, H., 267
Dunkel-Schetter, C., 13
Dworkin, B., 222
D'Zurilla, T., 25, 108,
Edelstein, B., 429
Egbert, L., 70, 79, 168
Eggeraat,j., 437
Eitinger, L., 335
Elliot, C., 432, 435
Ellis, A., 54, 238, 278, 282
Elting, E., 222, 263
Emery, G., 233, 103
Emmelkamp, P., 437
Endler, N., 431
Endress, P., 76, 79
Engquist, G., 12
Entwhistle, D., 77
Epstein, L., 226, 228
Epstein, S., 39, 43, 46, 49,
Erickson, K., 295, 315,
Esler, M., 245,247
Evans, D., 454
Everhart, D., 9, 10, 12, 15
Everist, M., 263
Fabrega, H., 13
Fagerhaugh, S., 196
Fanchamps, A., 227
Farbey,)., 170
Farr, R., 237
Farrell, A., 426
Fedoravicius, A., 75, 222,
Author Index
Feifel, K., 326
Feindler, E., 456, 458,
Feinleib, M., 263
Feldman, C., 241, 243
Feldman-Summers, S., 346
Fenz, W., 46, 51
Ferguson, B., 174,249
Ferguson, D., 249
Ferguson,]., 197
Feverstein, M., 226, 424
Fields, R., 296, 311, 320,
Figley, S., 381
Fischetti, M., 420, 427
Fisher, W., 77
Fixen, D., 468
Flessas, A., 263
Fodor, I., 458
Folkman, S., 9, 10, 12, 17,
Follick, M., 109
Fordyce, W., 20
Forman, B., 353
Fowler,J., 226
Frank, E., 346, 352, 371
Frank, H., 195, 197
Franks, C., 264
Frankenstein, c., 310, 313
Frankenthal, K., 313
Frankel, V., 335
Fraser, M., 327, 335
Fredrick, c., 295
Freedman, R., 221, 236
Fremouw, W., 49, 448,
French, T., 247
Freud, S., 39, 40
Freudenberg, N., 241
Friedman, M., 262, 263,
Friend, R., 431, 433
Frisch, M., 432, 435, 436,
Fuller, S., 76, 79
Furedy, J., 28
Furst, S., 314
Fuson, K. 483
Gaebelein, c., 246
Gagnom, R., 224
Gal, P., 320
Galanter, E., 10
Galton, L. 248
Gambrill, E., 433
Gardiner, H., 247
Gardner, H., 13, 193,221
Garfield, S., 428
Geary, 424, 428
Genest, M., 75, 77, 83,
105, 170, 191, 192,
Gentry, W., 147,223
Gigee, W., 269
Gilbert, F., 426, 428
Gildea, E., 262
Gilman, S., 265
Gilmore, B., 75, 432
Ginath, Y., 311
Girodo, M., 82
Gladstone, A., 78
Glass, c., 75, 420, 429,
Glass, D., 220, 221,222,
Glen, G., 269
Glock, c., 247
Goffman, E., 390, 391,
Golan, A., 308
Gold, K., 263
Goldboun, U., 247
Goldfried, M., 25, 73, 75,
108, 147,235,278,
Goldman, M., 424, 428
Goldstein, D., 446
Goldstein, M., 89
Gollishan, H., 193
Goodman,]., 458, 465
Gordon,]., 111
Gordon, M., 195
Gordon, W., 108
Gore, S., 221
Gorkin, L., 247
Heller, K., 105,383,404
Hemple, c., 7
Henry,J., 221, 244
Henryk, R., 227
Herbert, F., 453
Herd,J., 263
Hersen, M., 423, 426
Herzlich, C., 25
Herzoff, N., 81,183
Herzog, B., 194
Hieman,J., 453
Hilton, W., 222, 223, 263
Hilpert, P., 174
Hines, P., 426
Hiniker, A., 421
Hlastala, M., 271
Hobbs, S., 426
Hobbs, T., 453
Hoffman, A., 240
Holcomb, W., 176
Hollis,J., 268
Holmes, T., 6
Holmstrom, L., 290, 352
Holroyd, K., 82,176,220,
Holt, M., 453
Horan,]., 176,197,198,
Horner, S., 407
Horowitz, E., 170
Horowitz, M., 12,223,
Horton, c., 198,383
Houston, B., 87
Houiand, c., 433
Howard,]., 263
Howarth, E., 227
Huley, S., 223
Hunt,J., 431
Huntsinger, G., 455
Hurley, F., 224
Hurst, M., 245
Hussian, R., 176, 193
Huttel, F., 77
lanni, P., 229
Ilfeld, F., 274
Israeli, R., 311
Author Index
Iwata, M., 456, 464
Izard, C., 8, 27
Jackson, T., 10
Jacob, R., 249
Jacobson, E., 272, 296,
Janis, I., 7,23,68,69,70,
Januv, B., 309
Jaremko, M., 176, 197,
Jaremko, L., 429, 435
Javert, c., 77
Jeffery, R., 60
Jencks, B., 438
Jenkins, C., 221, 220, 222,
Jenni, M., 264
Jesness, C., 456, 465
Johnson,]., 12, 19,27,
70, 76, 78, 79, 80, 87,
Johnson,J.M., 401
Jones, B., 198
Jones, G., 48
Jones, N., 223, 240
Jones, R., 430
Jones, S., 19,84
Jorgensen,J., 195
Joseph, L., 421
Julius, S., 245, 247
Jurish, S., 226
Kaffman, M., 311
Kagan, A., 264
Kaganov, S., 236
Kahn, H., 247
Kahnemann, D., 79
Kallman, N., 424
Kaloupek, D., 419, 420
Kanfer, F., 26,96
Kannel, W., 263
Kanner, A., 220, 421
Author Index
Lang, P., 6, 420
Langer, E., 76, 80, 81, 83,
Lapidus, L., 93
Largen,}., 228
Launier, R., 101,220,274
Lawler, E., 407
Lawrence,S., 176,198
Lazarus, R.S., 6, 9,12, 17,
101, 102, 162, 170,
Lecky, P., 58
Lee, D., 464
Lemaze, F., 70
Lennard, H., 247
Levendusky,P., 198
Levenson, R., 221
Leventhall, H., 5,6,7,9,
12, 14, 15, 16,18, 19,
Lever, A., 245
Levinson, D., 221
Levitt, N., 135, 171
Levy,}., 118
Lewis,S., 193
Liberman, R., 453
Lichtenstein, B., 427
Liebeskind,J., 191
Lieblich, A., 336
Lifrak, 5., 406
Lifton, R., 314, 315, 323,
Light, K., 246
Lindeman, C., 125, 315
Lindemann, E., 40, 50, 197
Lindquist, C., 428
Linehan, M., 75,197,441
Lipowski, Z., 195
Lipp, M., 220
Lipton, D., 427, 438
Lira, F., 194
Lisman,S., 424, 427
Little, L., 426, 428
Lively, L., 429
Locke, E., 29
Lohr,}., 455, 465
Looney,}., 220
Lorr, M., 368
Lubin, B., 406
Lumsdaine, A., 78
Lushene, R., 91, 201, 263,
Lynch,}., 193
Lynn,S., 228, 236
Maccoby, N., 73
MacDougall,}., 263
MacDonald, M., 428, 435
MacMillan, W., 269
Mahoney, 453
Malcolm, R., 201
Malin, R., 195, 196
Malm,}., 162
Mandler, G., 12,21,32
Mann, L., 85, 87, 89, 90,
Manucd, E., 222, 263
Manuck, 5., 263
Mar'i, 5.,311
Mariotto, M., 426
Marks, I., 422
Mariett, A., 30, III
Marriott,S., 456, 464
Marsella, A., 103
Marshall, W., 75
Marston, A., 419
Marx, E., 310
Maslach, c., 294
Mason,}., 8,101,221,222
Masuda, M., 6
Mathe, A., 239
Mathew, R., 228
Matte, I., 69
Matteoli, 5., 223
Matthews, K., 263
Maudal, G., 167
Maultsby, M., 262, 265,
May,}., 425
McAlister, A., 73
McClelland, D., 247
McClure,}., 224
McCubbin, S., 222, 246
McCullough,}., 455, 465
McFadd, A., 193, 194, 195
Autbor Index
Moldar, M., 310
Moos, R., 223
Morillo, E., 221
Morrill, W., 419
Morris,]., 193, 194, 195
Morrissey,]., 124, 169
Myers, E., 427, 429, 435
Nasby, W., 466
Nay, W.,455
Neff, D., 226
Neiderland, W., 335
Neisser, U., 12
Nelson, R., 249,427,437
Nerenz, D., 13, 14, 16,21,
Nesdale, A., 451
Neufeld, H., 247
Nezlek,J., 436
Nickerson, 107
Nisbett, R., 27, 32
Noble,J., 229
Norris, A., 193
Noshervawi, H., 422
Novaco, R., 54, 75, 198,
392, 393, 396, 400,
Noyes,R., 193, 194, 196
O'Brien, G., 172,348,419
Obrist, P., 222, 245
Ochberg, F., 295, 314
O'Connor, P., 224
Oettvig, E., 419
O'Leary, K., 453
O'Keefe, D., 225, 228
Olweus, D., 451
Ophir, M., 295
Orne, M., 3, 328
Orr, F., 419, 427, 428, 436
Orwell, G., 309
Osler, W., 262
Ostfield, A., 227
Pachecek, T., 81
Pagano, R., 271
Page, L., 244
Author Index
Scadding, ]., 237
Schachter, S., 451, 452
Schacter,]., 6, 8
Schaefer, C., 220
Schaeffer, R., 245
Schalekamp, M., 245
Schlichter, K., 454, 455,
Schmidt, R., 70, 79
Schoenberger,J., 263
Schooler, C., 103, 108
Schork, M., 245
Schull, w., 244
Schulz, D., 297
Schulz, R., 72
Schwartz, G., 41, 43, 60,
Scott, D., 197
Seer, P., 244
Seider, M., 87
Seligman, M., 9, 78, 87, 396
Sella, M., 331
Selye, H., 314,6,221
Selvester, R., 263
Shacham, S., 12,20,26
Shapiro, A., 244, 249, 263
Shatan, c., 384
Shaw, B., 88, 103,228
Shields,J., 263
Shipley, R., 170, 174, 175
Shisslak, c., 81,183
Shmurak, S., 429
Sholtz, R., 263
Shrieber,J., 317
Shure, M., 453, 458, 473
Sibler, E., 18
Siegel,]., 169, 174,238
Sigg, E., 270
Silver, R., 102, 103, 109
Sime, A., 90
Simon, K., 82, 223
Simons, R., 195, 196
Singer, R.E., 6, 18,84,
Skydell, B., 162, 179
Smith, J., 75, 77, 107, 197,
Smooha, S., 310
Snow,J., 222, 263, 270
Snyder, M., 268, 465
Sobocinski, D., 426
Sokolov, Y., 41
Solomon, G., 222
Spanos, N., 197
Spector, S., 223, 237
Spevack, M., 264
Spiegel, H., 381, 382, 383
Spielberger, c., 90, 201,
Spitzer, R., 220
Spivack, G., 453, 458,
Stamler,J., 263
Stampfl, T., 60
Star, S., 294
Stark, E., 269
Staub, E., 78,87
Staudenmayer, H., 223,
Steers, R., 407
Steger,J., 226
Steiner, H., 194
Stephens, P., 221, 244
Sternbach, R., 20
Stokes, T., 107
Stone, c., 177, 197, 198,
Stouffer, S., 377
Stoyva,J., 221
Stuart, R., 278
Suchman, E., 10
Suinn, R., 264
Surkis, A., 264
Sus kind, D., 196
Sutton-Simon, K., 426
Syme, S., 244, 263
Symonds, M., 295, 322
Sveen, 0.,174
Tannerbaum, S., 263
Tanzer, D., 77
Taplin, P., 242
Taylor, F., 75,102,242
Teders, S., 228
Tellegan, A., 199
Teller, E., 246
Terr, L., 315, 321
Terry, N., 18
Wasilewski, Y., 241
Waters, W., 224
Watson, D., 167,431,
Weathers, L., 453
Webster, W., 451
Weinberg, L., 73,243,431
Weiner,}., 222, 224, 238,
Weinstein, D., 174
Weisenberg, M., 192, 197
Weissberg, H., 420
Weisman, A., 221, 223
Weiss,}., 9, 24,78,87,
Weisz, A., 194, 195
Welch, C., 70, 79, 168,
Wells, L., 240
Wernick, R., 194, 195,
Werthessen, 262
Westbrook, T., 82, 199
Author Index
Wetzel, R., 224
Wilcox, L., 458
Williams, R.B., 108, 181,
Williams, R.S., 264
Wilson, G., 264
Winget, c., 20
Wineman, D., 452
White, M., 465
White, R., 236
Whitney, S., 6
Whitmer, L., 452
Wheeler, L., 465
Wolf, M., 193,468
Wolfenstein, M., 72,309,
Wolfer,)., 76, 79,80,81,
83, 169, 172, 187
Wolff, H., 227
Wollersheim,]., 264
Wolpe,}., 52,60,361
Womeldorf,]., 429
Woods, R., 271
Wooldridge, P., 70, 79
Subject Index
Abstinence violation, 31
assessment of anger control problems,
barb technique, 468
behavioral approaches to anger control,
behavioral observations of anger,
cognitive-behavioral approach to anger
control, 452-453, 463-465
clincial implementation of anger
control techniques, 468-471
conceptual model of anger, 451-452
resistance to anger control, 470-471
self-monitoring of anger, 456-450
Subject Index
Behavioral medicine (Cont.)
smoking, 72-74
surgery, 70-73
Burn trauma
cognitive-behavioral approaches,
gate controltheory of pain, 191-192
medical treatment, 195-198
pain management, 201-213
physical coping skills, 207-209
stress inoculation training, 205-213
psychological aspects, 192-195
Clinical skills
anger management, 468-471
cognitive-behavioral therapy, 279-301
stress inoculation training, 107-113,
Cognitive-behavioral processes
appraisals, 399-401
attention, 12-13
attribution, 23
cognitive structures, 13-18,24-25,
expectations, 357-360
learning, 400-404
primary, 12-21
secondary, 21-22
Cognitive-behavioral modifications and
asthma, 236-244
cognitive coping skills, 74-75, 79-84,
components, 77-78
educational rationale, 167-174,
goal-setting, 21-22, 29-30
guided self-dialogue, 361-363
hypertension, 247-250
modeling, 19-20
stress-inoculation, 195-252
Coping behavior
breath control, 361
cognitive rehearsal, 58-63, 458
coping predisposition, 89-93
coping process, 16-21
coping theories, 221-224
environmental resources, 31-33
graded stimulus exposure, 39-44,
Subject Index
self confidence, 83-87
self defmitions, 59-60
self-efficacy, 18-19,25-26,68,83-84
self-esteem, 82-83
self-monitoring, 456-458
Sexual Assault
attribution, 348-351
brief behavioral intervention, 352-353
coping skills, 359-364
educational phase of treatment,
expectancy, 347-348
incidence, 341-343
positive consequences, 350-352
thought stopping, 361-362
treatment preference, 364-365
Social anxiety
assessment, 423-427
avoidance behavior, 420-422
cognitive-behavioral modification,
comprehensive treatment, 440-446
emotion based treatments, 427-428
incidence, 422-423
personal science, 445-446
skills training, 428-429
stress management, 432-440
cognitive control, 58-64
combat, 380-384
definition, 6-7
Stress (Cont.)
medical, 160-168
models, 9-26, 219-222
specificity theories, 6-10
transactional model, 107-113, 117-118
Stress inoculation training
anger, 451-482
application, 144-152
burn trauma, 205-214
components, 77-78
conceptualization, 120-132
sexual assault, 356-364
skills acquisition, 132-144
social anxiety, 435-446
type A behavior, 275-283
intervention, 326-336
long-term effects, 232-326
reactions to terrorism, 294-297,
secondary victimization, 322-324
terrorist raids, 297-308
Type A behavior
behavioral correlates, 262-264
conceptual model, 268-270
educational rationale, 276-278
perceived control, 268-269
physiological correlates, 262-264
recruitment, 283-285
treatment, 275-283