Control Strategies and Policies For The Recycling of ULAB in The Informal Sector Notes Pages in B &amp W

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International Lead Management Center Inc.

The International Lead Management Center

Workshop on Building National Capacity in Sustainable

Management of Recoverable Material/Resources in Rapidly
Industrializing Countries
Bangkok, 20-22 September 2001

Control Strategies and Policies for the Recycling of Used

Lead Acid Batteries in the Informal Sector
“The Philippine Experience”

Brian Wilson, ILMC Program Manager

Control Strategies and
Policies for the Recycling of
Used Lead Acid Batteries in
the Informal Sector
“The Philippine Experience”

Brian Wilson

It is very easy when pursuing policies and programs to improve environmental
performance and reduce population exposure to pollutants to overlook the social
impacts of our decisions. While nobody, and least of all the International Lead
Management Center (ILMC), would wish to defer projects and technologies
designed to raise the standards of environmental performance, it is important to
take into account the social needs, priorities and aspirations of those people directly
affected by Government policies, national legislation, new technologies and
changes in trading patterns.
Such a situation, typical of many in the developing world, can be found in the
Republic of the Philippines. The Philippines is an archipelago of over 7,000 islands
and a population of over 78 million people. The Government actively promotes
legislation to raise environmental standards, supports the Basel Convention and in
conjunction with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the ILMC is
determining the most appropriate strategies to ensure that used lead acid batteries
(ULAB) are recycled in a environmentally sound manner.
Why is Recycling Important?
1. Large battery manufacturing sector
2. No indigenous lead deposits
3. Lead has to be imported and/or
recycled to meet demand
4. Reduces Risks of Environmental
and Population Lead Exposure

Why is Recycling Important?

So the first question is, “Why is the recycling of ULAB important to the

1. Firstly, the Philippines’ has a multimillion-dollar automotive battery

manufacturing sector that provides one of the essential “locally produced”
components in the overseas car assembly plants located outside Manila.
2. The country does not, however, have any natural deposits of lead ore and so
the secondary industry provides the only local source of lead.
3. Consequently the battery industry can only survive if primary lead is imported or
the Philippine secondary industry can recycle sufficient quantities of ULAB to
meet the ever-growing demand for refined lead.
4. The recycling of used lead acid batteries (ULAB) reduces the risk of
environmental and population lead exposure from the thousands of automotive
batteries discarded every year.
Lead Supply
1. Domestic
• Formal, licensed sector
• Informal, unregulated sector
2. Imports
• Primary lead
• Scrap lead - used batteries


Lead Supply

Domestic lead supplies are generated by recycling used lead acid batteries in the
Formal licensed and Government regulated sector, primarily Philippine Recyclers
Inc., and the Informal unregulated sector.
Lead imports are in the form of either primary refined lead ingots or used lead acid
batteries, imported under Government license, drained of electrolyte and in transit
to a secondary lead plant.
Philippine Pb Consumption
Imported Pb – 5,000 MT
Recycled Imported
ULAB – 12,000 MT
20,000 Domestically sourced Lead
ULAB and recycled - MT
23,000 MT

Philippine Lead Consumption

Lead consumption in the Philippines last year was about 40,000 tonnes of refined
lead. Recycling domestically sourced ULAB produced 23,000 tonnes. 12,000
tonnes was produced from imported ULAB and the balance of 5,000 tonnes was
imported from the primary producers as refined lead. That means that nearly 60%
of the lead consumed in the Philippines is sourced within the archipelago and
nearly 90% of all lead consumed is produced by the secondary lead industry from
scrap batteries.
The formal licensed sector, primarily PRI, produced 23,000 tonnes of secondary
lead and the balance of 12,000 was produced by the informal sector. These
statistics mean that the informal sector accounts for 30% of the secondary lead
production in the Philippines.
Social Impacts
Formal Sector Informal Sector
Licensed Recyclers - Backyard Smelters
Battery Retailers - Reconditioners
Corporations - Families
400 employees - 20,000+ workers
Exports~US$ 12M - Income~US$ 5M

Social Impacts

Whilst we can calculate the tonnages produced by the informal sector, in order to
determine the full economic impact of the informal sector we need to understand the
social interactions. To an extent this can be achieved by comparing the two sectors
and their respective societal components.
The Formal sector is comprised of licensed battery recyclers and battery retailers
that return ULAB to the regulated secondary smelters. These organizations are part
of multi million dollar corporations and employ about 400 people directly and
approximately another 1000 either indirectly or part time. Annual export earnings
are estimated to be in the region of US$ 12M.
In contrast the Informal sector comprises of “backyard smelters” and battery
reconditioners owned and managed by small family groups, but employing an
estimated 20,000 or more people. The income generated by this sector is at least
US$ 5M, albeit much of it within the “black economy” thereby denying the
Government valuable tax revenues. Nevertheless, informal sector incomes are
usually only just sufficient to keep the families involved above the subsistence level.
Environmental Impacts
Electrolyte disposal
Occupational hygiene
Atmospheric pollution
Furnace residues
Population Exposure

Environmental Impacts

Whilst the income generated by the families in the informal sector is vital to their
daily survival, this sector is responsible for virtually all of the pollution arising
from the recycling of ULAB in the Philippines. Moreso since PRI currently
comply with all the environmental containment legislation and are accredited
with ISO 14001 for their Environmental Management System.
Operating practices and working conditions in the informal sector vary
tremendously, but on the whole;
• There are little or no facilities for the neutralization and safe disposal of battery
electrolyte. Hence acidic effluent percolates into the water table, rivers and
sanitary system.
• Occupational hygiene is poor and few operators wear little more that a towel to
protect themselves from the lead fumes.
• There are few furnace exhaust control systems to prevent atmospheric
• Furnace residues are leachable, tend to have a high lead content and are
dumped indiscriminately either around the premises of the unlicensed smelter
or are sent to landfill.
• Many of the informal operations are located close to shops and homes
increasing the risk of population lead exposure.
Battery Unregulated
Reconditioner Recycler

Scrap Battery

Battery Licensed
Retailer Recycler

Manufacturer ILMC


So where do unlicensed secondary smelters obtain their scrap materials and

where do they sell their lead ingots? The ULAB supply train and the sales
outlets for the informal sector in the Philippines is typical of many in the
developing world. For example:

• A battery manufacturer will sell a battery to a retailer.

• The retailer will sell the battery to the owner of a vehicle.

• When the battery is “spent” the vehicle owner will need a replacement
and he could return the used battery to the retailer for recycling and a
possible discount on the new battery.

• In which case the retailer will send the battery to a licensed recycler and
the recovered lead will be sold to the manufacturer. The non metal
components will also be treated in a environmentally sound manner,
some recycled, others neutralized prior to disposal.
• However, the retailer might not take back used batteries and the vehicle owner
may have to take the used battery to suitable used battery collection point.

• The battery scrap collector will then send the used batteries to the licensed
recycler for recovery of the recyclable materials.

• However, depending on the prevailing market conditions there might be a

better financial reward for the vehicle owner if the used battery was sold to a
battery reconditioner. Sometimes a reconditioner can reclaim a used battery by
cannibalizing another and using those components with some “life” left in them.
These reconditioned batteries will not have a long life, but often find a ready
market amongst the poorest in society.

• Those “spent” components that the reconditioner cannot reuse are usually sold
to an unlicensed recycler, often referred to as a “backyard” recycler. This
secondary lead sector of the industry is called the “informal” sector, although a
more appropriate term would be “unregulated” as operating practices will rarely
conform to sound environmental and occupational performance standards.

• In order to establish an accurate picture of the life of a battery in Central

America account must be taken of all of the possible scenarios outlined above.

• Nevertheless, the informal secondary lead sector will often supply the battery
manufacturers and the licensed recyclers with unrefined lead bullion. Anther
outlet for the lead bullion produced by the informal sector is fishing sinkers.

• Sometimes the vehicle owner is unable to take a used battery to any recycling
collection point and the battery is disposed of in the nearest municipal “dump”.
This scenario not only poses serious long term problems for the environment,
but is a loss of a valuable resource.

• Where municipal authorities have sorting facilities, any used batteries are
segregated and either sent to the nearest used battery collection point for
shipment to a licensed recycler or directly to the licensed recycler.

• In many cases, particularly in the developing world, scavengers scouring

rubbish dumps for anything of value will recover the used battery as a saleable
recyclable commodity and sell it to a secondary lead plant, usually an
unlicensed recycler.
Informal Characterization
­ Battery Reconditioners
• Charges flat batteries
• Rebuilds batteries
­ Small Recyclers
• Collects batteries
• Smelts leaded materials ILMC

Informal Characterization
Throughout the major cities of the Philippines, and in particular the capital Manila,
there are hundreds, possibly thousands of small battery reconditioners employing
as many as 6,000 Filipinos. The typical battery reconditioner occupies a small
motor accessory shop located along main city roadways with street access and is
usually found amongst other shops selling a variety of provisions, fast foods, and
domestic and consumer goods.
The battery reconditioner will perform two main tasks, namely recharging “flat”
batteries and rebuilding batteries that are “spent” by cannibalizing “good” cells from
one battery to replace those that are “dud” in the spent battery. Despite the fact that
reconditioned batteries have a very short life compared to a new battery, especially
in the hot climate of the Philippines, there is a thriving trade in renting or leasing
these reconditioned batteries for daily, weekly and monthly periods to self
employed truck, “Jeepney” and taxi drivers.
There are 12 known Smaller Battery Recyclers in the Philippines employing about
150 Filipinos and producing approximately 12,000 tonnes of secondary unrefined
lead ingots per annum. Six of the smelters are located on the main island located
close to Manila, and six on the smaller islands. The small recyclers have their own
collection infrastructure to snare those batteries that are not returned to the major
battery retailers for recycling and they also purchase and smelt the “spent” cell
plates from the reconditioners. At best the Smaller Battery Recyclers probably
recover about 90% of the available lead in the grids and battery paste.
The informal sector’s environmental performance is poor, but they also bring some
benefits to the recycling process. The reconditioners provide a valuable recharging
service that increases battery life. The Smaller Battery Recyclers collect batteries
that are uneconomic for the major secondary smelters to recover and at least
prevent them from being dumped in landfill sites.
Short Term Improvements
­ Environmental Controls
• Emissions
• Effluent
• Residues
­ Occupational Education
• In the Workplace
• In the Home ILMC

Short Term Improvements

However, if the informal sector is to retain its “niche” place in the life cycle of
the lead acid battery there has to be a dramatic improvement in
environmental performance and occupational health.
In the short term there is a need to introduce or upgrade the environmental
control systems and regimes to reduce furnace emissions, prevent
contaminated effluent polluting the waterways and entering the sanitation
systems, and ensure that the leachable solid residues are contained.
In addition it must be borne in mind that such improvements will only be
effective if there is a complimentary and comprehensive education program
to educate those who work in the industry and their families to reduce the risk
of occupational and population lead exposure.
Ten Commandments

Wear respirators Wash hands & eat

Segregate work areas Keep canteen clean
Wear works clothing Shower daily at work
Keep homes clean Avoid high exposure
Change work-wear Do not smoke

Ten Commandments

Any education and awareness program should focus on the following “10
Commandments” to reduce the risk of lead exposure:
I. Make respirators available, ensure they are worn during charging and tapping

II. Operators must only wear work clothes in the workplace

III. Shower after every shift and whenever contamination risks have been high

IV. Change into clean work-wear every day or shift

V. Avoid procedures that generate high levels of exposure

VI. Segregate working and clean eating areas

VII. Keep eating and drinking areas clean and lead free

VIII. Wash hands and face prior to eating at work

IX. Keep homes clean and lead free, do not take work-wear home

X. Do not smoke in a lead recycling plant

Long-term Options
­ Reduce informal Lead Recovery
­ Raise domestic collection rates
­ Define a role for the small recycle

­ Integrate the Informal sector into

the Formal sector

Long-Term Restructuring Option

Long term solutions to improve the environmental performance of the
recycling industry and reduce the risk of occupational and population lead
exposure fall into four distinct categories:
Reduce Lead Recovery in the Informal Sector:
The first stage must be the introduction of long life batteries that provides up
to 5 years of reliable service thereby reducing the number of batteries in the
recycle loop and rendering the reconditioned battery poor value for money.
Raise Domestic Collection Rates
It would be beneficial for the small recyclers to be located in those regions
of the Philippines where it is unprofitable for retailers to economically return
small quantities of ULAB for recycling. Ideally located in unpopulated rural
areas and employing new technologies that enable environmentally sound
secondary plants to be designed on a smaller scale.
Define A Role For The Small Recycler
Consideration should be given to setting up Regional Secondary Lead
Consortiums between the battery manufacturers and the Smaller Battery
Recyclers so that; battery scrap can be collected and segregated,
electrolyte neutralized, leaded scrap toll processed, and clean
polypropylene and lead ingots shipped to the manufacturers.
Further Integrate Recycling in the Philippine Republic
The Government has a key role in this process to ensure that assistance is
available to provide relocation incentives and technology transfer to those
small recyclers receptive to environmental improvements to complete their
transition to from the informal to the formal sector of the industry.
National Strategy & Policy
­ Improve domestic collection rates
­ R & D to extend battery life
­ License all reconditioners/smelters
­ Monitor all lead industries
­ Eliminate all unsound activities


National Strategy and Policies

As far as the Government of the Philippines are concerned a move by battery

manufacturers to purchase more primary lead at the expense of secondary
lead could eventually lead to an adverse change in the balance of payments
of as much as US$ 20M. The Government when devising a National strategy
to improve environmental performance in the lead industry has to take these
factors into account.
Accordingly the Government will want to maximize the number of domestic
ULAB collected and recycled and should be formulating strategies that
provide economic incentives for batteries to be recovered even in remote
areas, in conjunction with the formation of manufacturing and toll based
recycling consortiums.
In order to further reduce the pressures on the domestic lead supply/demand
gap the Government should try to initiate ways of extending automotive
battery life beyond the current average of two years.
In return for assisting those recyclers in the informal sector the government
should introduce a formal licensing scheme for all battery reconditioners,
smelters, retailers and collectors so that the industry can be properly
Above all, however, the Government and the Industry should work together
to eliminate all unsound operations and practices in the secondary lead and
battery reconditioning businesses.
­ Environment is better protected

­ Lead exposure is reduced

­ Reduces reliance on imports

­ Avoids severe social hardship



The benefits to the Republic of the Philippines for adopting these strategies
and policies are fourfold:

1. the environment will be better protected from the adverse effects of ULAB
2. occupational and population lead exposure will be reduced.
3. immediate and severe financial hardship will not be inflicted on the many
Filipinos in the local population involved in battery recycling and who might
be adversely affected economically and socially by the immediate
imposition of improved environmental performance.
4. the Philippine economy will be less reliant on the import of primary lead to
meet the shortfall of secondary lead

Currently the policy measures outlined in this paper are under consideration
by the Government of the Philippines through a multi-stakeholder panel set
up by UNCTAD and now with the Philippine Board of Investment as the
lead agency. Membership of this panel comprises a number of Government
agencies, NGO’s and representatives from both the formal and informal
secondary lead sectors.

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