Introduction and Evolution of MGT Theory
Introduction and Evolution of MGT Theory
Introduction and Evolution of MGT Theory
The neo classical Approach In the neo classical approach managers perform three
important roles interpersonal, informational and decisional roles
The extensive bureaucracy of the Roman Empire could not have been maintained in
such a form and for such a long time without the application of a management theory
that we know today.
The Chinese Empire
The construction of the Great Wall of China could not have been accomplished
without the sophisticated administrative and bureaucratic structures we know today.
The Pyramids of Egypt
The pyramids of Egypt could not have been completed without sophisticated
organization practices and structures of the modern period.
The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has also practiced many elements of classical theories for
almost 2 thousand years.
1.2.2 The Classical Theories
The classical theories were developed in three streams/approaches namely:
a) The Administrative theory
b) The theory of Bureaucracy
c) The scientific management Theory
The classical theories had the following general characteristics:
The classical theories concepts and applications have evolved and developed over
many centuries. However the first written theories developed through the
scientific method began appearing during the early part of the 20th century.
They were also developed at around the same period 1880 to 1950s.
Their main goal was to find out what needs to be made to organization structures
and relationships to improve efficiency in the organizations.
The most famous of those sociologists was Max Weber (1864 1920) who
was a German Sociologist. He published most of his works towards the
end of the 19th Century. Max Weber identified the following as the main
characteristics of bureaucracy:
Labor is divided so that the authority and responsibility of each member is
clearly defined.
Offices or position are organized in a hierarchy of authority resulting in a
chain of command.
All organizations members are to be selected on the basis of technical
qualifications through formal examinations or by virtue of training or
Officials are appointed not elected.
Administrative officials work for salaries and are career people.
The officials are separate from owners
The officials are subject to strict rules and controls regarding the conduct of
their official duties. Those rules are impersonal and uniformly applied to all
people and cases.
The above specifications by Max Weber were necessary because during this
period and before, most organizations were managed on a personal family
like basis. Employees were loyal to an individual rather than to the
organization or its mission. The dysfunctional consequences of the practice
were that resources were used to realize individual desires and goals rather
than organizational goals and needs. Employees in effect owned the
organization and used resources for their own rather than to serve customers
and organizations.
Max Weber envisages organizations that would be managed on an impersonal
basis. He called this form of an organization bureaucracy. Max believed that
organizations that exhibited the characteristics that he described would be
more efficient and adaptable to change.
Administrative Theory:
This theory was largely developed by Henri Fayol (1841 1925) who was a
French industrialist. He described a number of management principles that go
towards capturing the entire flavor of the administrative theory of management.
Some of those principles are:
There must be respect and obedience to the rules and objectives of the
Unity of Command
To reduce confusion and conflicts each member should receive orders from and
be responsible to only one superior.
Unity of direction
An organization is effective when members work together towards the same
A good balance should be found between centralization and decentralization.
Scalar Chain
There is a scalar chain or hierarchy dictated by the unity of command linking
members of the organization from the top to the bottom.
Kindliness and justice, largely based on predetermined conventions, should
prevail in the organization.
A manager who has initiative, and can get others junior to him to do it, is far
superior to the one who does not have this ability.
Esprit de corps
Unity is Strength- superior performance comes from working together; thus,
everyone in the organization should be encouraged to work together and have a
sense of belonging.
Technical ability
Technical ability predominates lower down the ladder and management ability
higher up.
Theory Y assumptions
Managers should note that employees are motivated first if they are not dissatisfied, and
second if they are provided with motivators. Both the dissatisfiers and motivators must
be provided if employees are to be motivated in their work
2.8 Vrooms Expectancy Theory
This theory proposes that people will be motivated to do things to reach a goal if
they believe in the worth of that goal, and if they can see that what they do will help them
in achieving it.
Vrooms theory proposes that people will be motivated to do things if they place
on the outcome of their efforts a value equal to the value multiplied by the expectancy.
Expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on
the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractions of
that outcome to the individual. It includes three variables of relationships:
1. Expectancy or effort performance linkage- is the probability by the individual that
exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of performance.
2. Instrumentality or performance reward linkage is the degree to which the
individual believes that performing at a particular level is instrumental in attaining
the desired outcome.
3. Value or attractiveness of the reward is the importance that the individual places
on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job.
This analysis can be summarized by the question; how hard do I have to work to
achieve a certain level of performance and can I actually achieve that level. What reward
will performing at that level of performance get me? How attractive is the reward to me
and does it help me achieve my own personal goals. Whether you are motivated to put
forth effort, (i.e. work hard) at any given time depends on your goals and your perception
of whether a certain level of performance is necessary to attain these goals.
Implications for managers
The key to expectancy theory is in understanding an individuals goal and the linkage
between effort and performance, between performance and rewards and finally between
rewards the individual goal satisfaction. Consequently, managers have to align rewards
with what the employee wants. After all we want to reward the employee with those
things that they value. Also expectancy theory emphasizes expected behaviors. Do
employees know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated?
Finally expectancy theory is concerned with perceptions. An individuals own
perception of performance reward and goal outcome, not the outcomes themselves will
determine his/her motivation (level of effort).
The implication for equity theory is that employees will be influenced significantly by
both absolute and relative rewards. Whenever employees perceive inequity, they will act
to collect the situation
Who are these others the employee will compare with? These includes
1. Individuals with similar jobs in the same organization in the same profession e.t c.
2. The systems including the organization pay policies procedures and systems
3. The self referring to the input outcomes ratios that is unique to the individual. It
reflects the past personal experiences and ant acts as influenced by jobs, or family
1.2.4 The basic elements of the Neo-Classical theories were:
Individual needs. Recognizes the existence of, and the variability of
individual needs, and characteristics e.g. feelings, emotions, and
Work Groups recognizes the existence and the importance of informal
groups in organizations.
Participatory Management emphasizes the need of involving employees
in decision making especially on things that affect them.
1. Organizations are complex social systems- with both formal and informal structures.
They are not mechanical units with inert objects which need only neat rules and
structures (explained by administrative and the theory of bureaucracy) and they are
not motivated purely by economic incentives as proposed by Taylor in his scientific
management theory.
To control the people you need to take into account
Contingency theories basically reject the one best way approach to management and
organizational structure. The structural and management styles adopted are dependent
(contingent) on the situational (contextual) variables facing the organization. The
contingency theories relate to how the organizational structure adjusts to fit with both the
internal environment such as work technology and the external environment such as
economic or political/legal. Contingency means that one thing depends upon another
thing or that one characteristic depends upon another characteristic. What works in one
setting may not work in another setting. There are no universal principles that apply to
every organization. There is no one best way. The most efficient organizational structure
may be contingent upon the size, technology or strategy and since organizations are open
systems, its environment. The main contingency variables are: Environment, Technology,
Size, Strategy, Culture and Growth. In a summary form the following are the structural
and management styles relationship with each of the above contextual variables.
3.2 Technology
3.2.1 What is Technology?
Technology refers to the process of transforming inputs into outputs in an organization.
It includes the tools the equipment the knowledge and the processes used in the
transformation process. Every organization uses technology to transform inputs into
outputs. Technology can be classified or differentiated in many ways. Some of those
ways are technical complexity of operations, interdependence of operations and
knowledge analyzability and variety. Technical complexity refers to the
differentiation in the use human labor versus the use of machinery and equipment in
the transformation process. The more the proportion of the human input the less
complex the technology and the more the proportion of the machine input the more
complex the technology. In the case of interdependence of operations, the greater the
interdependence the higher the technical complexity. In the case knowledge
analyzability and task variety the complexity of technology takes on four dimensions
of routine, engineering, non routine and craft technologies. These dimensions of
technology typologies are explained here below.
a) Joan Woodwards Technical Complexity
Joan Woodward was a British Industrial Sociologist. Her studies covered 100
manufacturing firms in South Essex, England. Her study was conducted between
September 1954 and September 1955. The study was designed to test whether
management principles as applied on organization structure, span of control, chain of
command etc led to successful organizations.
Method of study
Woodward and her research team visited each of the firms studied, interviewed managers,
examined company records and observed its manufacturing operations. Her data included
a wide range of structural characteristics of these organizations such as span of control,
levels of management, management and clerical ratios, work skill level, dimensions of
The number of skilled workers and the use of verbal versus written communication
also depend upon manufacturing technology. It is low in unit and process production
and high in mass production.
Overall, the management system in both unit and process technology is characterized
by organic while mass production is characterized by mechanistic system.
With respect to technology and performance, Woodward studies found that successful
firms tended to be those that had complementary structures and technologies i.e firms
that most nearly approximated the typical structure for their technology were most
effective. Firms that deviated in either direction from their ideal structure were less
Woodward was able to explain the disparity between her findings and the classical
prescriptions of management theorists these principles must have been based on
these theorists experiences with organizations that used mass production
technologies. The mass production firms had clear lines of authority, high
formalization, a low proportion of skilled workers achieved through a high division of
labor, wide span of control at the supervisory
level and centralized decision making.
To summarize, Woodwards study found a curvilinear relationship between
technology and structure as follows
b) James Thompson
James Thompson classified technology in terms of the degree of interdependence of the
operations or tasks in the production process. His main focus was on service industries.
He identified three categories ranging from least interdependence to the most
i) Pooled independence
When each part of an organization operates on a relatively autonomous manner but by
fulfilling their individual purpose they enable the organization as a whole to function
effectively for example the cashier in a bank.
ii) Sequential interdependence
Where the outputs from one part of an organization constitutes the inputs for other parts
of the system for example in a restaurant.
iii) Reciprocal interdependence
Where overall effectiveness requires repeated and direct interaction between an
organizations separate parts, for example in a hospital.
The basic findings of Thompson was that as interdependence increases coordination
through standardized procedures will become less effective and the need for flexibility
and more personal attention increases. Therefore as interdependence increases the
organization requires less complex structures and more organic management styles to
achieve efficiency.
c) Charles Per rows Knowledge Technology
Charles Per row tried to look at the limitations of Woodward namely the fact that
Woodward studied only manufacturing firms. Since manufacturing firms represent less
than half of all organizations, technology needs to be operational zed in a more general
way if the concept is to have meaning across all organizations.
Per row looked at knowledge technology rather than production knowledge. He defined
technology as the action that an individual performs upon an object, with or without the
aid of tools or mechanical devices, in order to make some change in that object. He
identified two dimensions of technology viz:
These two dimensions task variability and problem analyzability can be used to
contrast a two by two matrix- shown in fig 2 below. The four cells in this matrix represent
four types of technology, routine, engineering, craft and easy to analyze problems. The
mass production processes used to make steel or auto mobiles or refine petroleum
belongs in routine category. A banks tellers job is also an example of activities
subsumed under routine technology.
Many Exceptions
Ill defined
Routine 1
Well defined
The extent to which these groups engage in co-ordination of their work using either
feedback work or the planning of others.
Non Routine
Co-ordination and
Planning and rigid
Less rules and less
need for control
Environmental uncertainty
Departmental differentiation
Percentage in
Plastic Food
roles 22%
dependency the organization has on its environment is not one single, undifferentiated
dependency, it is a complex set of dependences that exist between an organization and the
specific elements of its environment found on the organizational network.
A resource dependency analysis begins by identifying an organizations needed resources
and then tracing them to their sources.
combination of the open systems and the-inter organizational network models (see Figure
below). The open systems model helps you to identify resource inputs and the outputs of
the organization. You then use the network model to define where the resources and
outputs are located. For example, firms that provide raw materials and equipment will be
found among the networks suppliers. Tracing the organizations outputs will identify
specific customers in the network. Labor, capital and knowledge are also brought into
the organization and are supplied through other elements of the network (e.g. labor from
employment agencies, capital from financial institutions, and knowledge from
Inputs (Investors)
Knowledge and
Raw materials
Outputs (Customers)
Labor Inputs
After specifying resources and their sources in the network of organization, the resource
dependence perspective moves your attention to those environmental actors who can
affect these organization-environment relationships and thereby support or interfere with
the organizations resource exchanges. Competition over raw materials and customers is
one source of potential influence, and this is where you should bring the firms
competitors into your analysis. Another source is regulatory agencies, and the special
interests groups who compete with the organization for influence over the regulators.
Of course the procedure given above is too ambitious. In practice it will be impossible to
consider every source of dependence that an organization has on its environment or every
potential competitive or regulatory move. The practical solution is to sort resources
according to their criticality and scarcity. Criticality is an estimate of the importance of a
particular resource. Critical resources are the resources without which the organization
cannot function. For example beef is a critical resource for MacDonalds, whereas
drinking straws are not. Scarcity is an estimate of the availability of the resource within
the environment. Gold and platinum are scarce; air and water are not. Resources which
are both critical and scarce are given highest priority in organizational efforts to track and
manage dependence because these create the greatest power base for other network
actors. To the extent that regulatory agencies or competitors affect the organizations
dependence, these will also be drawn into focus.
Managing dependence requires the establishment of countervailing power with respect to
the particular environmental elements on which the organizations dependence rests.
This means that the first step towards applying the resource dependence perspective is to
thoroughly understand the network with respect to criticality and scarcity of resources.
The second step is to seek ways to avoid dependency or make other environmental actors
dependent on the organization.
Organizations have found many different ways to manage their resource dependencies
and Pfeffer and Salancik document quite a few. In the area of managing suppliers of raw
materials, one common technique is to establish multiple sources of supply. This reduces
the power of any one supplier. Where there are benefits of using a limited number of
suppliers, such as with IT systems where the costs of changing suppliers are high,
contracting is a common strategy for managing dependences. Dependency on suppliers
developing personal relationships with members for firms on which yours is dependent,
and establishing formal ties such as taking up membership on their board of directors, or
inviting one of their officers to sit on your board. In the area of managing regulatory
dependence, a common strategy in the U.S. is to send lobbyists to Washington to
influence legislators for example to work, for competitive trade agreements or to note
government funding of research and development. All aspects of marketing sales,
advertising, and distribution can be seen as attempts to manage output dependencies via
influence on consumer purchases of company products. Counteracting negative public
opinion or the negative influence of special interest groups is sometimes achieved with
advertising for example issuing corporate image campaigns.
Labour and knowledge dependencies are sometimes managed with recruitment strategies
for attracting executives and other personnel away from competitors. A strategy that can
aid in the management of dependency with respect to competitor organizations and
regulations is the formation of trade associations.
members to share the costs of monitoring conditions and trends in the environment and to
pool their influence, for instance by jointly hiring lobbyists to represent their common
interests to the government. Of course trade associations are open to criticism and even
legal action if they are not careful to monitor themselves with respect to price fixing and
other business practices society regards as unfair. In societies in which price fixing is not
outlawed, price agreements and cartels are common means of managing environmental
dependence between competitors. OPEC is a prime example. Finally if all else fails the
organization can release itself from unwanted dependencies by changing its environment.
For example an organization can enter or leave a line of business or alter its
product/services mix through diversification or retrenchment (e.g. joint ventures, spin
offs, mergers, acquisitions).
dependence picture they do not eliminate the need to manage resource dependence.
resource dependence theory, PET starts from the assumption that organizations depend on
their environments for the resources they need to operate. In both views this dependency
gives the environment considerable power over the organization. However, whereas the
view point of RDT theory is clearly the perspective of the organization, population
ecology theory looks at organizations from the perspective of the environment. What
interests the population ecologist is not one particular organization seeking its own
survival via competition for scarce and critical resources (the resource dependence view)
but rather the patterns of success and failure among all the organizations that compete
within a given resource pool. The basic objective of the PET is to explain why certain
organizations survive and multiply whereas others languish and disappear in the same
Explanation of the PET
(i) The carrying capacity of the environment is limited. An excess population of
organizations leads to congestion and subsequently to the survival of only those
organizations successful in creating a niche in the market place.
(ii) Like biological elements organizations are doomed to die unless they meet the
environmental test of fitness. Environmental forces select out the most appropriate
structural forms for survival from among populations of organizations on the basis of fit
between structural attributes and environmental characteristics.
(iii) The population- ecology theory shifts away from preoccupation with organization at
the individual level towards population level. It is not the fitness of any single
organization that is of interest. It is the group or groups of organizations and they may be
influenced by actions and events with which they have no obvious or direct links
(iv) Management has no effect in deciding whether or not the organization will survive or
die. Environmental factors solely determine the survival of any organization.
The Aston study in Great Britain also found size to be a major determinant of structure.
The Aston group of researchers at the University of Aston in Great Britain looked at forty
six organizations and found that size was associated with greater specialization and
formalization. They concluded that an increased scale of operations increases the
frequency of recurrent events and repetitive of decisions which makes standardization
desirable. Another researcher, John Child, found that size, was positively related to
specialization, formalization and vertical differentiation but negatively related to
centralization. He concluded that larger organizations are more specialized, have more
rules, more documentation, more extended hierarchies, and a greater decentralization of
decision making, further down such hierarchies. He also agreed with Blau that the impact
of size on these dimensions expanded at a decreasing rate as size increased. That is, as
size increased, specialization, formalization and vertical span also increased but at a
declining rate. On the other hand centralization decreased but at a declining rate as size
What is Strategy?
Strategy can be defined as the determination of the basic long term goals and
objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of
resources necessary for carrying out these goals. Decisions to expand the volume of
activities, to set up distant plants and offices, to move into economic functions or to
become diversified along many lines of business involve the defining of new basic goals.
New courses of action must be devised and resources allocated and reallocated in order to
achieve these goals and to maintain and expand the firms activities in the new areas in
response to shifting demands, changing sources of supply, fluctuating economic condition
, new technological development and the actions of competitors. (Robbins, S.P., 2000).
These are two approaches to defining strategy: the planning view and the evolutionary
vie or /mode.
The Planning Mode
This view describes strategy as a plan or explicit set of guidelines developed in
advance. Managers identify where they want to go, then they develop a systematic and
structured plan to get there. Until, the 1990s this view point dominated literature on
The Evolutionary Mode
This approach looks at strategy as a process which evolves over time as a pattern in a
stream of significant decisions. The identification of goals and the different ways to
achieve the goals is dependent on environmental changes. Since environment is
continuously changing then the goals and the ways to achieve the goals must
continuously change, to keep up with the changing environment. As the environment (and
their markets) change, strategies become outdated and require alteration. Historically, in
the period up to the 1970s, organizations were able to achieve success via rigid planning
and strategy- implementation programs and processes. In the period since the mid 1970s,
the process of strategy and strategic management has become more emergent.
Organizations may begin with an idea of the manner in which they intend to achieve their
goals but are much more flexible about how they will get there. Therefore an important
aspect of the process of strategy is the strategic context in which the organization is
Most contemporary structure strategy theories focus on business level strategy. To the
extent that strategy actually determines structure, strategy level is an important point to
keep in mind. Why? For small organizations, in only one line of businesses, or nondiversified large organizations, business and corporate strategy will be the same, and the
organization should have a relatively uniform organization structure. But organizations
with diverse business strategies should be expected to have a variety of structural
configurations; that is management should design structures to fit the different strategies.
Dimensions of Strategies (or classifying strategic dimensions)
There are many ways of classifying strategy.
1) Chandlers strategy- structure thesis
One of the earliest studies on strategy-structure relationship was by a Harvard
University historian, who in the 1960s studied close to 100 of Americas largest firms.
Tracing the development of these organizations from 1909 to 1959, Chandler concluded
that changes in corporate strategy preceded and led to changes in an organizations
structure. As Chandler put it a new strategy required a new or at least a refashioned
structure, if the enlarged enterprise was to be operated efficiently or put it differently
unless structure follows strategy, inefficiency results.
Chandler found that the companies he studied began as centralized structures. This
reflected the fact that they offered unified product lines. As demand for their products
grew, the companies expanded. They increased their product lines, and had to develop
different structures to cope with their changing strategies.
Chandler essentially argued that organizations typically begin with a single product
line. The simplicity of this strategy is compatible with a mechanistic structure. Decisions
can be centralized. Because organizations strategy is narrowly focused, the structure to
execute it can be low in both complexity and formalization. So, Chandler concluded, the
efficient structure for an organization with a simple product strategy is one with high
centralization, and low formalization. As organizations seek to grow, their strategies
become more ambitious and elaborate. From the single product line, companies typically
expand activities within the same industry. This vertical integration strategy makes for
increased interdependence among the units and creates the need for a more complex
coordination device. This calls for increased formalization and complexity.
If growth proceeds further into product diversification, the structure must further be
adjusted if efficiency is to be achieved. A product diversification strategy demands a
structural form that allows for efficient allocation of resources, accountability for
performance and coordination of units. This can best be achieved through the creation of
a multiple set of independent divisions each responsible for a specified product line.
Thus, according to Chandler, successful organizations that diversify should have a
different structure from that of successful firms that follow a single product strategy.
4) Reactors
These organizations represent a residual strategy. In general reactors respond
inappropriately, perform poorly, and as a result they are reluctant to commit themselves
aggressively to a specific strategy. What can cause this? Top management may have
failed to make the organization strategy clear. Management may not have fully shaped the
organization structure to fit the chosen strategy. Whatever the reason the outcome is the
same. The organization lacks a set of response mechanisms with which to face a changing
Strategy- Structure Relationship according to Miles and Snows Theory.
Fig 5.4 describes Miles and Snows four strategic types as falling along a continuum
that range from low to high in terms of environmental change and uncertainty. Following
the logic of this theory, the more uncertainty and change the management forecasts, it
would move to the right along the continuum in fig 5-4. Similarly as strategies move to
the right along the continuum the organizations structure should be modified or
redesigned to be increasingly flexible and adaptive.
Explanation: management perceives little or no change and uncertainty in the
environment under defender strategy. The successful structure, under such conditions
should be designed for optimum efficiency. This efficiency can best be achieved through
high division of labor, high standardization, high formalization and centralized decision
making. Organizations following a reactor strategy respond to change reluctantly.
Management perceives some change and uncertainty, but they are not likely to make any
substantial adjustments until forced to, by environmental pressures. So this structure is
likely to be very much like the one discounted for defenders.
Managers pursuing analyzer strategy perceive a considerable degree of change and
uncertainty but wait until competitors develop a viable response, and then they quickly
develop it. Analyzers combine the best of both words by tightly structuring their current
and more stable activities, while developing flexible structures for new activities that face
general uncertainties.
iii).The goal of cost leadership strategy is to achieve efficiency through tight controls,
minimization of overhead expenses, and use of economies of scale. The best structure
of achieving these would be high formalization and high centralization.
iv). The product differentiation strategy demands a high degree of flexibility that can best
be achieved through low complexity, low formalization and decentralization.
4 Danny Millers Strategic Types
Danny Miller of the University of Montreal and McGill University developed four
strategy dimensions of innovation, marketing differentiation, breadth and cost control.
i) Innovation
In this type of strategy the firm introduces major new products or services. It does
this through scanning of markets to discern customer requirements. This strategy implies
major and meaningful innovations. Structural dimensions necessary to achieve these
objectives are decentralization and extensive use of coordination committees and task
ii) Marketing differentiation strategy.
In this type of strategy the firm strives to create customer loyalty by uniquely
meeting a particular need. The firm seeks to create a favorable image for its product
through advertising, market segmentation and prestige pricing. This would describe a
strategy used by premium beer products and designer label apparel manufacturers. This
requires moderate to high structure complexity, moderate to high formulation and
moderate decentralization.
iii) Breadth Strategy
This type of strategy refers to the scope of the market which the business caters: the
variety of customers, their geographic range, and the number of products. Some grocery
chains for instance have chosen to operate only in a given community. Others however
extend their operations to the regional, national or even international level. This requires
high complexity and low formalization.
iv) Control Strategy
This type strategy considers the extent to which the organization tightly controls costs,
refrains from incurring unnecessary innovation or marketing expenses, and cuts prices in
selling basic products. This strategy needs high formalization and centralization
Members initially exposed to the decision stimulus will not recognize it as being
strategic or will ignore it because of parochial preferences
A decision must satisfy a large constraint set, which decreases the likelihood that
decisions will be made to achieve organizational goals
Strategic action will be the result of an internal process of political bargaining and
moves will be incremental.
iv) Top managements cognitive limitations will be the primary constraint on the
comprehensiveness of the strategic process. The integration of decisions will be
relatively high
Source: Robbins S.P (2000) Organization Theory P 141 adapted from W. Fredrickson
(1986) The Strategic Decision Process and Organizational Structure Academy of
Management Review April 1986 P 28
Industry Structure Relationship
Closely related to the issue of strategys impact on structure is the role of industry as a
determinant of structure. There are distinguishing characteristics of industries that affect
the strategies in terms of growth possibilities, regulating constraints, barriers to entry,
degree of competitiveness and other factors. Simply knowing the industry in which an
organization operates allows one to know something about product life cycles, required
capital investments, long term prospects, and types of production technologies, regulatory
requirements and so force. Public utilities for example face little competition, and can
have more tightly controlled structures.
To illustrate how industry can affect structure, let us take two variables that tend to
differ by industry category- capital requirements for entry and product innovation rates.
Figure 5-6 shows four industry categories with examples form each. Type A industries
rate high on both variables, while type C industries are high on capital requirements and
low on product innovation. The high capital requirements tend to result in large
organizations and a limited number of competitors. Firms in type A and C industries will
be highly structured and standardized, with type Cs being more decentralized to facilitate
rapid responses to innovations introduced by competitors.
Type B and D industries because of low capital requirements tend to be made up of a
large number of small firms. Type D, however will likely have more division of labor and
formalization than type Bs because low product innovation allows for greater
standardization. In the same way that capital requirements influence organizational size
and number of competitors, we should expect high product innovation rates to result in
less formalization and more decentralization of decision making.
Capital Requirements
- Computer Software
Unit batch
Technical high
Few exceptions
Many exceptions
Non Routine
NB: The structure/technology, environment, strategy and size give a general framework for trying to align
structure to the contingent variables.
3.5 Culture
Culture refers to the particular set of values, beliefs, customs and systems that are unique
to an organization. Culture is reflected by language, symbols, standards, values, customs,
artifacts and beliefs held by the members of the group and accepted by the members as
peculiar to to the group. One way of differentiating/or measuring culture is in terms of
(a) Entrepreneurial culture this is characterized by creativity and innovation.
Members of the group practice and are encouraged to practice and are
rewarded when they are creative and innovative.
(b) Clan culture: this is characterized by participatory management styles and
a concern for people. The rationale for this type of culture is that it is
people who make an organization efficient and therefore taking care of
them through recognition and support will lead to organizational
(c) Bureaucratic culture In this culture rules and regulations are strictly
followed. There is a high degree of control.
(d) Mission culture In this culture emphasis is on the achievement of the
organizations goals
1.4.6 Weaknesses of the contingency theories
Larger organizations
Intense competition
2. The contingency theories offered plausible explanations of not only why these events
were causing problems for organizations, but also how to resolve them.
3. The theories were simpler to understand and apply than the neo-classical theories.
4. The theories were rational in that they explained known structural options and
identifiable contingencies.
Difficult to relate contingent factors to performance- many other factors come into
play in an organization setting
Use of the formal organization structure. The contingency theories only dealt with the
formal structures and ignored the informal structures which are also important in an
Therefore there is need for other theories to explain the complex natures of organizations
e.g. the information processing theory, the population ecology theory and the principles
propagated by Peters and Waterman.
iii) The second assumption of the information processing theory is that given the
various sources of uncertainty a basic function of organization structure is to create the
most appropriate configuration of work units (as well as the linkages between them) to
facilitate the effective collection, processing and distribution of information.
iv) The third assumption of the theory deals with the sub systems or the various
departments of an organization. Because the sub systems have different degrees of
differentiation (that is to say they have different time perspectives, goals, technology
etc) the important question is not what the over all organization should be but rather
what are the optimal structures for the different sub units within the organization.
v) The information processing theory views the organization as having
the tasks of the organization vary in their degrees of their uncertainty
as work related uncertainty increases, so does the need for increased amount
of information and thus the need for increased information processing
an organization will be more effective when there is a match between the
information processing requirements facing the organization and the
information processing capacity of the organization
if an organization ( or sub units) face different conditions over time more
effective units will adapt their structures to meet the changed information
This approach is led by three theorists namely Peters and Waterman, Kanter and Handy.
4.3 Peters and Watermans Management Principles
In their book, In Search of Excellence, the two authors made innovative proposals on
how to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in organizations. The book was based on a
study of 100 of the most successful U.S. companies during the 1970s. The authors
proposed the following principles to guide managers.
Bias for action A preference for doing something, anything, rather than sending
an idea through endless circles of analysis and committee reports.
Staying close to the customer Learning the customers preferences and catering
to them.
Autonomy and Entrepreneurship Breaking the corporation into small units and
encouraging them to act independently and competitively. Encouraging and
rewarding creativity and innovation at all times.
Productivity through people Creating in all employees the awareness that their
best efforts are essential and that they will share in the rewards of the companys
Hands on, value driven Insisting that managers keep in touch with the
companys essential business and promote a strong culture.
Stick to the knitting remaining with the business the company knows best.
Simple form, lean staff- Few administrative layers, few people at the upper levels.
Simultaneous loose tight properties Fostering a climate of dedication to the
central values of the company, combined with tolerance for all employees who
accept those values
4.4 Total Quality Management Principles (TQM)
These principles were first developed in the 1940s by Edward Denning. Denning
emphasized the importance of employees in achieving high quality. He described TQM
as empowering, energizing, and enabling employees to work with one another. He
transplanted those ideas to Japan after the end of World War II. By the 1970s Japanese
products were flooding markets around the world.
By the 1980S, the TQM philosophy was consolidated into the following principles.
TQM (Meaning of) a company wide effort that includes all employees,
suppliers and customers, and seeks to continuously improve the quality of
products and services to meet customer expectations.
Druckers other contribution is his proposals about what is likely to happen in the
future (until about 2010). For him the future (i.e. 21 st Century first decade) there
will be:
A rise in alliances globally linked by technology
A compelling need for decentralized organizations in an increasingly
uncertain environment.
An increase in the use of teams in organizations
An increase in the number of knowledge workers and continued decline
in blue collar workers.
The evolution of society into three sectors: business; government; and
non-profit the later will be interested only in social development. The
Non-profit sector will be characterized by volunteer services.
A world economy in which world markets will become more important
than domestic markets.
and information.
These alliances may take three forms
Opportunistic alliances
Service alliances
Stakeholders alliances
Opportunistic alliances comprises a joint venture whose aim is to take advantage of a
Core workers form the specialists, the professionals, who form the brain, the hub or the
nerve centre of the organization. These are people who are seen as being essential to the
The contractual fringe These may or may not work exclusively for the organization in question.
They are contracted to carry out certain tasks for which they are paid a fee. This group is cheaper
(they are only paid for what they do), their management is easier, and they are hired only when
there is work.
The flexible labour force comprises of a pool of part-time workers available for use by the
organization. These are people with relevant skills, who are not in need of, or who cannot obtain
full time employment but who are prepared to work on part time basis.
4.6 Factors affecting the development of the Management Theory
The Pre Classical Period:
Despite the extensive practice of management prior to the beginning of the 20 th
Century, very little was done to develop management theory as a science, or as an
important field of study. Economics, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines
were developed and written, but not management. The main reasons for this lack
of interest in developing management as a science were:
For centuries, business was held in low esteem.
characterization of business of buying and selling as unnatural moneymaking, Adam Smiths disparaging remarks concerning businessmen and
Napoleons castigation of England as a nation of shopkeepers are all
evidences of this fact. Smith referred to certain businessmen as an order
of men whose interest is never the same with that of the public, who have
generally an interest to deceive, and even to oppress the public, and who
accordingly have upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it
(in the Wealth of Nations published in 1776).
Another reason for the delay has been the preoccupation of economists
with political economy and non-managerial aspects of business. Adam
Smith was for example concerned with the wealth of a nation Ricardo was
mainly interested in wealth creation and the contribution of the factors of
production. Only in the 1930s did economists start working on the
individual firm.
Another reason for the delay was the tendency to compartmentalize the
discipline within the broad field of social science.
In addition to the above reasons, there was for many years a belief among
managers in business, that management is not susceptible to theory i.e.
management is totally an art, not to any extent, a science. Until Fredrick
Taylor nobody could associate management with science
The other reason is that business owners and managers themselves have
discouraged the development of a theory of management, because of their
preoccupation with technology, price, accounting, marketing, and totally
ignored the theory of management.
Factors affecting the Development of the Classical, Neo Classical and Modern
The Second World War and the subsequent defense and space programs
put emphasis on production at least cost in materials and labor, and this
focused greater attention to the job of a manager, as the strategic factor in
accomplishing the objective.
The increased productivity set off by the war, accelerated the movement
towards large and more complex business organizations. The challenge to
effective management increases as business size increases. As business
methods and products become more complex and as relationships with
other businesses, consumers, workers, and government become more
intricate, the need for skilled management increases.
Technological change
The freeing of world trade
The change from sellers to buyers markets
vi) The pressure for wages and fringe benefits increases has raised costs to such
levels, that businesses which fail to use modern techniques of management
are at the mercy of those which do.
The challenges facing Management Today (Early 21st Century)
The technological and human components of work are inextricably
Jobs are less tightly defined and programmed.
Contingent workers comprise a significant proportion of the work force.
Customers influence what is performed within the organization and the
standards applied to evaluating that work.
Teams rather than individuals produce the basic unit of work.
Organizational charts fail to capture the network of influence and
relationships that characterize the workplace.
Knowledge workers will not have a traditional contractual relationship with
employers. Instead they will rent their professional skills and knowledge on a
freelance basis to different companies at different times.
The corporate headquarters will evolve into heart centers, where emotional
intelligence fuels creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit.
Downsizing, upsizing, rightsizing, growth, and stabilization all will be welcome
forms of sizing the companies. People will have coping mechanisms that will
prepare them for any shift.
In the future, productivity will be driven by speed and efficiency rather than the
staff hours dedicated to a project
Internet speed workplaces will radically transform the world of work, making
work across multiple time zones and irregular schedules more and more common.
People wont work for organizations where they dont get a share of the profits and
where work/life balance is not a given.
Companies will no longer decide which benefits an employee needs. Instead
employees will log on to their companys website to customize their benefits
People will feel an increasing ownership of their destinies, lives and careers;
living skills will be just as important as professional skills.
The boundaries between work and school will blur. Learning will be centered
around professions and trades, and there will be more mentor/apprentice
relationships with internet based coaching provided by people one has never met.
A digital divide will emerge separating employees who are tech-savvy and those
who arent. Smart companies will invest more in human capital and become
virtual universities to narrow the gap.
The fortune list of companies will become less of an economic force. There will
be new forms of stock trading, where businesses will be valued according to their
contributions to the local and global communities.
It represents a new
The term paradigm comes from the Greek word, paradeigma, which translates to a
model, pattern or example. The term paradigm is now used to mean
a broad model
a framework
a way of thinking
a scheme of understanding reality
A paradigm establishes the rules, (written or unwritten), defines the boundaries, and tells
one how to behave within the boundaries, to be successful. The impact of
internationalization, information technology, diversity and ethics, etc. has led to a
paradigm shift. In other words, for todays, and tomorrows organization and
management, there are new rules with different boundaries, requiring new and different
behavior inside the boundaries for organizations and management to be successful
1.12 The Paradigm Effect
This is a situation in which those in the existing paradigm may not even see the changes
that are occurring let alone reason and draw logical inferences and perceptions about
changes. This effect helps explain why there is considerable resistance to change and
why it is very difficult to move from the old economy and management paradigm to new.
There is a discontinuous change in the shift to the new paradigm.
1.13 Importance of Managers/Management in an organization
Management is the;
Most strategic resource:- enables the organization to formulate, implement, and
achieve its goals
Most expensive in terms of societys capital and the employers direct investment
Managers determine the efficiency of other organizations resources, workers,
physical resources, reputation, financial and organizational resources.
Where a business reaches a certain size, in terms of horizontal, vertical, or spatial
complexity, when a variety of tasks have all to be performed in cooperation,
synchronization and communication, then a business needs managers and
Lewis suggests that the best way to implement change is to use a three step
approach to change the behavior of those opposing the change as follows.
Phase 4: Invention and Commitment: During this phase, attention switches to the
invention of new solutions capable of generating sustained commitment to new
courses of action. As in previous phase, the newcomer plays an active role, involving
all management levels in developing new ideas and methods for solving problems
and taking action. Solutions are based on shared power, emphasizing participation in
the invention of group solutions to the problems identified in phase 3. Such
collaboration has been shown to be particularly effective in developing quality
solutions and sustained commitment to action.
Phase 5: Experimentation and Search: In this phase solutions identified in phase 4 are
tested for credibility on a small scale before they are introduced on a companywide basis.
In addition, the method previously used to generate solutions (interaction and shared
power) is carefully evaluated. Further, rather than implementing major changes at the top,
numerous small changes are introduced at all organizational levels on an experimental
Phase 6: Reinforcement and Acceptance: This last phase is an outgrowth of the
acceptance and internalization of change as previously experienced. As a change is found
to be successful, and as participants support grows, it is introduced on a much larger
scale, ultimately being absorbed into all parts of an organization. Accordingly, this phase
involves reinforcement from positive results, leading in due course to an acceptance of
new practices. Greiner suggests that aside from the change itself, the most significant
outcome of this phase is greater acceptance at all organizational levels of the use of
shared power as an approach for introducing change.
Additional Aspects of Successful Change
Another way of looking at the change process and the elements necessary for change to
occur is by referring to the views of Daft (1983), Daft concedes that in order for a new
idea or behaviour to be adopted, a series of activities has to be completed. If any one of
these elements is missing the change process will fail. These elements are:
Need: A need for change occurs when managers are dissatisfied with current
Idea: An idea is a new way of doing things. The idea may be a model, concept or
plan that can be implemented by the organization. The idea may be a new
product, a new machine, or a new technique for managing employees.
Proposal: A proposal occurs when someone within the organization requests the
adoption of a new behavior, idea, or technique. The proposal gives the
organization the opportunity to decide if it wants to try the change.
Decision to adopt: A decision occurs when the organization makes a choice to
adopt the proposed change.
Resources: Human force and activity are required to bring about change. Change
requires resources. Change does not happen on its own. In order for a change to
be successfully proposed and implemented, resources must be allocated to it.
Principles of successful organizational change
Facilitation and Support: This involves the use of facilitative and supportive
skills. Particularly appropriate when resistance develops as a result of fear and
anxiety, this method may be traced to the interest stirrings of human relations
Negotiation and Agreement: This involves the use of covert attempts to side step
potential resistance to change. Manipulation is not simply a matter of persuasion
but more a devious tactic for persuading different minded groups that a proposed
change should be adopted. As such, manipulation involves supporting a position
through slanted appeals to the particular interests of a target system. Selective
distortion of information by both omission and commission may be involved. In
addition facts and emotional appeals most likely to be convincing to the principal
parties may be consciously misrepresent. Co-operation may be classified as a
form of manipulation. Absorption of various key resisters into an organizations
selection making structure has long been a popular method to avert opposition.
Explicit and implicit Coercion: This method assumes that there is a basic
disagreement and that the principal parties involved are operating from relatively
fixed positions. Typified by at least temporary abandonment of efforts at
consensus, coercion involves the use of force or threats or both to compel
acceptance of an enacted change. Tactics involved may include violent
disagreements as well as threatened firings, transfers and loss of promotion
possibilities. Coercion is generally used sparingly in practice.
must change. The more these values and beliefs of people can be changed, the more
organisational change can be achieved.
Provides managers with sensitivity for themselves and others and with
skills necessary to more effectively guide and direct changes in social arrangements
and relationships.
Enables managers discover and develop tested principles and improved methods of
human relations training
Sensitivity training is arranged usually away from the job, no activities or discussion
topics are planned. The focus is on the here and now issues.
The participants are encouraged to portray themselves in the group rather than in
terms of past experiences or future problems.
The consultant or trainer sees to it that an environment of mutual trust, understanding and
frankness is created
The managerial grid
- this method is used to bring about change in employees attitudes and values
- the technique was developed by two gentlemen Blake and Moulton
- the basic objective of the program is to develop managers with a high concern for
people and high concern for production. The program is carried out in six phases
Plans prescribes
recommends/ proposes
Creative department
Organic structure
Venture teams: These teams encourage creativity. The teams are often given a
separate location and facilities so that they are not constrained by organizational
procedures. The teams may be given total license to establish new venture
projects for any department.
New venture fund: a fund is created to provide financial resources for employees
who can develop new ideas, products or business. Employees are given leave and
resources to go out of the organization and create new business opportunities for
the organization. Employees can also use company labs and equipment to develop
a business idea. If the idea is successful, the company can provide the necessary
financial resources to start up the business.
Corporate entrepreneurship: here the company attempts to develop internal
entrepreneurial spirit, philosophy, and structures that will produce a higher than
average number of innovations.
5.1 What is Stress?
Stress is not
nor nervous tension or
something necessarily harmful,
Stress is excessive psychological or physical situation of the individual caused by
an event or a situation or action.
Stress is an adaptive response to an external situation that results in physical,
psychological and or behavioral deviation for organizational participants.
Job Stress is a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs, and
characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal
Burn out
- Chronic state of emotional exhaustion
It is work related and is often used to describe extreme cases of stress in the work
Reducing burnout
- Depersonalization of relationships i.e. viewing the people served as objects
instead of humans.
Results of burnouts
Headaches, mood swings, cynicism, increased use of drugs, alcohol, questioning
of self and family conflicts
This model acts just as an explanatory model as it has not been empirically tested
Perceived stress
Extra organizational
Results in
Results in
Of course not all the above physical problems can be linked to stress. Environmental
conditions and the persons general state of health, heredity, and medical history also
5.5 The Causes of Stress
5.5.1 Extra organizational Stressors
These include: societal/technological changes, globalization; relocation; the family;
economic and financial conditions; race, class, and residential or community condition.
Societal/technological change
The phenomenal rate of change has had a great effect on peoples lifestyles and has
increased stress.
A Persons family a family situation, either a squabble or illness can cause stress to
the employee. Also the challenges of balancing the responsibilities of their jobs and the
needs of their families are putting up pressure on employees.
Relocation, transfer, or promotion can also lead to stress. Expatriate managers (those
with responsibilities outside their home country) may undergo cultural shock which is a
Sociological variables such as race, sex and class, which cause differences in values,
beliefs, also cause stress.
Financial situation of the employee and the economic conditions in the country can
also cause stress.
Competitive pressures
Bureaucratic rules
Advanced technology
Organizational structure and design
Centralization and formalization
Role ambiguity and conflict
No opportunity for advancement
Organizational processes
Tight controls
Only downward communication
Little performance feedback
Centralized decision making
Lack of participation in decision making
Punitive appraisal system
Working conditions
Crowded work areas
Noise, heat or cold
Polluted air
Strong odor
Unsafe, dangerous conditions
Poor lighting
Physical or mental strain
Toxic chemicals or radiation
5.5.3 Group Stressors
Group stressors can be categorized in two areas:
Lack of group cohesiveness (or togetherness) - This can be caused by
task design
the supervisor prohibits or limits togetherness or
other members of the group shut the person out
Lack of social support
When social support is lacking (e.g. when an employee does not share his joys,
successes, problems, etc with his co-workers) this can be quite stressful.
5.6 Individual Stressors
Individual dispositions such as type A characteristics, personal control, learned
helplessness, and psychological hardiness may also affect the level of stress in an
Some food also cause stress, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol can be stressors,
especially when taken in excessive quantities.
A person can also use perceptional processes to reduce stress. People develop the
ability to block perceptually the stressors. They can also selectively ignore some
stressors by looking for positive elements in the stressors.
Time management skills also help many people manage the multiple demands
placed on them by work and non-work settings. Such skills include setting
priorities and developing a schedule for doing important tasks
conflict may be
- overt or covert
- perceived or non-verbal
- active or passive
- manifest or latent
6.2 Levels of Conflict
There are five levels of conflict:
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level V
Intra-individual conflict
Inter personal conflict
Inter group conflict
Organizational conflict
Conflict between larger social systems
The main causes of inter group, organizational, and larger social systems conflicts are
Intra-Individual conflict
Inter personal conflict
The main cause of interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict is stress. Thus in order to
understand conflict one must understand stress.
6.2.1 What is intra-individual conflict
Opposing behavior between different sub-systems of an individual
Can be caused by stress
Can also be caused by the following
A group that feels that it is in conflict with another group becomes more
cohesive and pulls together to present a solid front to defeat the other group
The positive feelings and cohesion within the in-group do not transfer to
the members of the out-group. The members of the out-group are viewed as the
enemy rather than as neutrals
Threatened group members feel superior they over-estimate their own
strengths, and underestimate that of members of other groups
The amount of communication between conflicting groups decrease.
When there is communication, it is characterized by negative comments and
If a group is loosing in a conflict, the members cohesion decreases and
they experience increased tension in themselves. They look for a scapegoat to
blame their failure on.
3. The wining group becomes complacent. Characteristically the winners bask in
their success and do not critique their performance. They do not examine in what
respects their performance might improve for future situations. They become fat
and happy.
4. The winning group has little empathy for the losers. The winners typically cannot
understand why the defeated group is so defensive and sudden. Further they
cannot understand why the other group takes the matter so seriously.
6.2.6 The following things happen to the losing group
1. Gloom settles over the loosing group the members of the losing group tend
to be gloomy more so and sub dated.
2. The judges are seen as unfair. The judges who hard done the decision are
frequently perceived by the losing groups as biased, unfair, and incompetent,
and having no grasp of the problem. They are wrong, not group.
3. The leader(s) lose in status and influence and status of the leader(s) decline
dramatically. Feelings may sometimes run so high that the leader or negotiator
is deposed or resigns.
4. Some critique of what happened ready occur. There is some attempt to assess
the reason for deflect, but considerable planning of the circumstances of the
judges or of each other can occur.
5. Recriminations may occur within the losing group. In the losing group, mutual
blaming for the deflate frequently occurs, the person blames another, and
other group members support the criticism or defend the person attacked.
Recriminations may proliferate for a while, with some disorganizing and
splintering occurring. Sometimes the splintering leads to group dissolution.
6. The losing group has little empathy for the winning group. They see the
celebration of the other group as excessive and they resent their self
congratulatory behavior.
6.3 Functions of conflict
1. conflicts and competition are the vehicles for surfacing and resolving
disagreements and different points of view
2. conflict can help redefine a groups or organizations mission, can help review
group norms
3. some levels of conflict can also provide an energizing and vitalizing dimensions
to organizational life
4. conflicts can also
Lead to production of better ideas
Lead to search for new products
Lead to better clarification of news.
5. conflict can also lead to group solidarity and cooperation against the other group
6. conflict can lead to morale and increased productivity
encourages creativity
encourages lowering of prices
encourages quality
within groups, it encourages effectiveness and efficiency
within longer systems, it encourages creativity, innovation and effectiveness.
6.5.2 Comparison between conflict and competition
1. incompatibility of goals
in conflict, there is incompatibility of goals between parties
in competition compatibility of goals between parties
2. opposing behavior
in conflict, behavior is entirely (or mostly), opposing
in competition, some opposing behaviors some cooperative behavior
3. rules
in conflict few or no rules of behavior
4. willingness to enter
in conflict one or both parties may be drawn or forced into the conflict
in competition usually both parties enter willingly
6.6 Cooperation
6.6.1 Define cooperation consists of mutually reinforcing or supportive behaviors
between tow or more people, groups or larger systems. The behaviors may steal from a
perception that collaboration will help obtain mutual goals, or just from predisposition to
believe this way.
- cooperative behavior may be verbal, or non-verbal or both
- it is usually active, although there may be degrees of cooperation
- The groups, individuals or larger systems work together in order to enhance, the
outcome received by each. Assistance is two way or reciprocal in nature.
i. workers work together to lift a heavy load
ii. managers achieve their expertise to reach an important decision
The persons, groups or units involved coordinate their actions in order to reach goals
and levels of performance they could not attain alone. Once the mutually desired goals
are reached the benefits are shared among the parties in some agreed manner.
Cooperation often pays, for all concerned
Cooperation results in systematic benefits
6.6.2 If cooperation is so beneficial, why dont people, groups or units cooperate?
Reciprocity people treat others the way they are treated rather than treating
others the way they would have others do not them.
Communication: in many situation where cooperation could develop, but it does
not, its absence is blamed on failure to communicate.
Group size: as the number of individuals rises, the level of cooperation drops
several factors contribute to this outcome.
The greater the members of persons, the greater the xxxx that one will be totally
selfish, exploitative or simply uncooperative.
As groups increase in size communication among their members, becomes more
As the number of individuals increases, diffusion of responsibility develops such
as pass the back
6.6.3 Consequences of cooperation
Functional consequences
Shared benefits
Increased outcomes (synergistic)
Peace and stability within or between group
Dysfunctional consequences
Lack of creativity and innovation
Failure to adopt change
6.6.4 Differences between conflict and cooperation
1. In conflict, there are likely to be more dysfunctions than in cooperation.
2. Conflict as defined as interactive opposing behavior between two or more people
groups or larger systems having in compatible goals cooperation is defined as mutually
reinforcing or supporting behaviors between two or more people, groups or larger
- In cooperation, behavior is supportive while in conflict behavior is opposing.
- In cooperation, goals are similar write in conflict goals are usually incompatible.
3. In conflict, the opposing behavior stems firm a perception of loss or potential loss of
something one or more of the parties wants, in cooperation, the supportive behavior
stems from a perception that collaboration will help obtain mutual gains, or just from a
predisposition to behave this way.
4. In conflict, behaviors may be overt and direct, or they may be sub rosa undisclosed to
the party or parties. In cooperation behaviors is usually overt and direct as there is no
reason to make it sub rosa.
1) Similarities
Cooperative behavior, like conflict behavior may be verbal or nonverbal or both.
Both conflict and cooperation can be functional or dysfunctional
In both conflict and cooperation, there are at least three parties to the situation.
In both conflict and cooperation, behaviors are interactive in the sense that it is
between at least two people and there is usually more than one cycle of behavior and
counter behavior.
Both conflict and cooperation can be considered as parts of a continuum
Low cooperation
high cooperation
High conflict
low conflict
low cooperation
high cooperate
Problem solving: this method tries to find the basis of conflict and ensures that all
differences among the parties are fully exposed. The parties regard differences as
important sources of information which lead to creative solutions to the conflict.
Properly done, problem solving is an effective way of reducing conflict.
Integration: this method seeks solutions that are in the best interests of all parties.
It assumes that people deeply held interests and desires are the bases of conflict.
Thus, the method tries to find a solution that meets the goals of every party in the
Super ordinate goal: a super ordinate goal is a goal desired by all parties in the
conflict but is unattainable by any party alone super ordinate goals compel
cooperation even if he parties otherwise do not wish to cooperate.
Increasing Conflict
Conflict management includes increasing conflict when the conflict becomes
dysfunctionally low. The goal of increasing conflict is to get the functional level of
conflict so as to increase efficiency and effectiveness, help increase information, and
proposing creative solutions to problems. Managers must ensure that conflict is increased
to levels that are not dysfunctionally high. The following are the major methods of
increasing conflict;
(a) Deliberately forming heterogeneous groups to find solutions to problems
(b) By developing an organizational culture that supports openness about debate
and opinions. Ie a culture that rewards debate discussions and questioning
3.1 What is Corporate Social Responsibility
- Social Responsibility of a business is the expectations that business will do
more than what is required by law and profit maximization.
- It is a firms obligation to constituent groups in society other than stockholders,
and beyond that prescribed by Law.
- The stakeholders of a business include shareholders, employees, society,
community, Government, competitors, customers, suppliers and creditors.
- Social responsibility refers to the managers duty or obligations to make decisions that
nurture, protect, enhance, and promote the welfare and well-being of stakeholders and
society as a whole. Managers are being socially responsible when they: provide severance payment to help laid off workers make ends meet until they
can find another job.
provide workers with opportunities to enhance their skills and acquire additional
education so they can remain productive and do not become obsolete because of
changes in technology
allow employees to take time off when they need to, and provide health care and
pension benefits to employees
Responsibility within the company
o Working conditions
- Right to safe workplace
o Equal employment opportunity in a workplace regardless of race, sex, religion,
age and ethnic affiliation
o Affirmative action Programs that attempt to remedy historical problems of
discrimination by increasing the number of chances fro employment, promotion,
etc for the discriminated groups.
o Reverse discrimination: Discrimination that makes it more difficult for the
non-discriminated to get hired, or promoted.
o Diversity training programs
Programs that attempt to get workers to understand and value individual cultural
differences within the organizations workforce.
o Economic security
The company should ensure
(a) Employees have a steady, uninterrupted employment earning a living
(b) That those who are no longer working are provided for either by providing
pension or gratuity
o Employee dignity and freedom from sexual harassment
Organizations must ensure no form of harassment at work for any employee.
o Excessive executive compensation
No excessive compensation for executives
o Conflict of interest
Managers should not influence a company decision which is clouded by the
chance for a personal gain;
Responsibility to customers
Right to safety the right of customers to use products that do not unnecessarily put
them in danger.
Right to be informed the right to be protected against fraudulent, deceitful, or
grossly misreading information, advertising, labeling, or other practices, and to be
given the facts one needs to make an informed choice.
Responsibility to competitors
o Society expects the company to engage in behavior that do not interfere with
free enterprise such as monopoly, price fixing, price discrimination, and
behavior that tends to lessen competition.
Responsibility to government
o Companies should fully comply with the law enacted by Federal, Central or
Local authorities.
(9) The Society includes
The Public The society is adversely affected by
- Air pollution
- Water pollution
- Land pollution
Water pollution Water is polluted by industrial by-products, oil spills, run off from
farm lands, mining and urban centers.
Land pollution
Corporations must be concerned about societys interests and needs because society
in effect sanctions business operations.
If the business is not responsive to societys needs the public will press for more
government regulation requiring more socially responsible behavior.
Socially responsible actions may increase profits for the business in the long run.
Cultural Values
different stakeholders and are willing to utilize organizational resources to promote the
interests not only of stakeholders, but of the other stakeholders.
Self interest
3.7 How should managers decide which social issues they will respond to
to the defense of the stakeholders of the business organization. They used the power of
the press to stir up public indignation and agitated for reform. Largely through their
efforts, a number of laws were passed to limit the power of monopolies, and to establish
safety standards for food and drugs.
(iii) After 1960
After the 1960s management theorists have tended to consider businesses as having
many more stakeholders than shareholders. These other stakeholders include employees,
the Public the suppliers and many others. In addition many other large corporate
organizations associated their success with social satisfaction and therefore decided to
provide to society what the society needed - social goods and services. The business
realized that its long-term interests were intrinsically intertwined with that of the society
in which it operated. This approach has prevailed and even been strengthened as we
approach the 21st century.
Theory alone however is not enough. The 21st century organization is facing
challenges that make management a challenging task. Experience, tact, creativity and
innovation are essential ingredients of the 21st century organization manager.
Globalization, technology, and other environmental challenges make the function of
management quite challenging. In managing the organization today, theory helps a
great deal. However, you need more than theory to tackle the challenges.
Managers also face a challenging external environment. The complexity the size and
variability of this external environment requires a systematic way of dealing with it.
Not only do managers need an understanding of this external environment, through
knowledge of existing theory, they must also apply the theory if they are to deal with
the complexity and variability effectively. And since we are in a competitive
environment, and competition is using knowledge (or theory) to deal with the
challenges of the external environment, failure to use the theory leaves one at a
The internal environment is also a challenge to the management of the organization.
The modern employee and his demands must be satisfied. His or /her need for a
variety of needs, his variability and diversity, his knowledge and goals, require a more
systematic management, using theory. The processes such as conflict and stress that
abound in a modern organization require theory:
1.1 Importance of theory
Helps to describe
Helps to predict
Helps to prescribe
The classical theories were the first scientific theories on management. Henry Fayo,
in his administrative theory proposed that management should perform the following
Planning Fayo defined planning as the function of defining goals for future
performance, and deciding on the tasks and resources to achieve targets.
Organizing is the function that is concerned with assigning tasks, grouping the
tasks together into sections (departments) and allocating resources to those
sub-section (or groups).
4. Informational role
i). The recipient role (receiving information about the operations of an enterprise).
ii). The dissemination role (passing information to subordinates).
iii). The spokesperson role (transmitting information to those outside the
5. Decision role
i). The entrepreneurial role
ii). The disturbance handler role
iii). The resource allocator role
iv). The negotiator role (dealing with the various persons and groups of persons)
After studying the activities of various chief executives in a variety of organizations,
Mintzeberg came to the conclusion that executives do not perform the classical functions
of planning organizing etc. instead they engage in a variety of other activities.
Mintzebergs approach has been criticized in the following ways:
His sample of five CEOs was too small to support a sweeping generalization.
However, looking at what managers actually do can probably lead to a more complete
presentation of management function.
Other famous theorists that have looked at management functions include Michael Porter.
Porter presented two theories dealing with organization structure and industry analysis. In
the organization structure framework, Porter proposes that organization structure is
determined by strategy. He identified 5 strategy possibilities namely product
differentiation and stuck in the middle. Each of the five strategies has or should have an
appropriate structural design.
In the second theory on industry analysis, Porter argues that in formulating strategy,
managers must analyze the nature of competition so as to achieve good performance. The
structure of the industry or market is taken to affect and determine managerial conduct
which in turn has an effect on corporate performance. Under such a model, an
organization operating within a monopoly market structure would be expected to act to
maintain higher than competitive prices, artificially to restrict quantities produced and
sold and thus to make supernormal profits.
Porters Five forces model
The first stage is the analysis of the industry and its incumbent and potential competitors
is an analysis of the forces causing rivalry within the industry itself. Porter holds that
there are five forces existing within the industry at any one time, found in different
combinations and causing different levels of competitive rivalry, depending on the type of
industry under analysis, the time of analysis and other factors.
The main consideration of the analysis is identifying the key issues relating to:i).
Threat of entry
Threat of substitutes
Power of suppliers
Power of buyers
The combination or the manner of interaction of these forces will determine the
intensity of rivalry within the market or industry.
Threat of entry
The threat of entry exists when potential competitors to incumbents are interested in
entering or look likely to enter, the market by placing their goods or services for sale.
Threat of entry is considered to be those actions which are likely to evoke retaliation
from the incumbents.
Threat of substitutes
Substitutes to the products or services of the industry under analysis are considered to
be those products which perform the same function. When analyzing the level of the
threat of substitutes for an industrys product, it is quite possible that the substitute
offers superior price performance compared to the incumbents products due to a trade
off with input development costs.
Buyer Power
There are a number of factors which can add to the power of the buyer or consumer, of
the industrys products. These factors include:
Significance of the purchase to the buyer: The greater the significance the greater
the authority the buyer will desire over the purchases made.
Supplier Power
If suppliers to organizations within an industry possess high levels of power over those
organizations, they are in a better position to demand better deals with reference to the
sales of raw materials on intermediate products they provide.
Intensity of Rivalry
The combination of the factors above and the interdependence of the competitors in the
industry itself together produce the intensity of rivalry within the industry. The Porters
competitor analysis enables the organization to adopt appropriate strategies to deal with
the issue of competition. Competitors analysis will identify the various strengths and
weaknesses of the organization competitors in each of the strategic groups.
Consequently the organization is able to identify strategies of how to respond to the
challenges posed by the power of buyers, power of suppliers, threat of entry or even
intensity of rivalry.
Consequently, beginning from the classical theories, to the modern theories, a sufficient
body of theory exists on management function.
The following paragraphs discuss briefly the main management function. Each of the
paragraphs defines the function and highlights the other key aspects of the function.
2.1 What is planning?
Planning is the establishment of objectives and the formulation, evaluation and
selection of policies, strategies, tactics and action plans to achieve the objectives.
corporate level strategies that span the entire organization, and allocate responsibly for
implementing these strategies
At the business level such as 3Ms office supplies division, the business level strategic
plan details the specific actions that will be taken by this division to attain the goals of the
business and establish a competitive advantage. These might include, developing new
products, exiting product lines that are not performing well and taking actions to
rationalize its supply claim.
Embedded within business level strategic plans are operating plans which specify the
goals for individual functions, the actions they will take to attain these goals, and who is
responsible for these actions.
Planning might not stop at the operational level. Embedded within operational plans,
might be unit plans which are plans for departments within functions, work teams, or
even individuals. Within the manufacturing function in 3Ms office supplies division, for
example a quality assurance, departments could draw up its own unit plan for improving
quality in the divisions manufacturing process. Similarly, within the R+D functions of
the same division, several teams of researchers may be focusing on the development of
different technologies; each team will draw its own plan that specifies goals, actions,
responsibilities and resource requirements.
Note those unit plans are embedded within operating plans, operating plans are
embedded within business level, strategic plans and business level strategic plans are
embedded within corporate level strategic plans. Embedded means that higher level plans
set the context for lower level plans
The planning horizon refers to how far out a plan is meant to apply. Most strategic
plans whether at the business or corporate level are multi-year plans. They are meant to
stay in place for several years, (a three to five year horizon is typical). Indeed shorter plans
would be inappropriate as they would confuse stakeholders, who might lose confidence in
top management.
However, organizations sometimes adopt short-term plans to address specific and
transitory opportunities or threats. Such short term plans are known as tactical plans which
are plans for pursuing transitory competitive tactics. Tactical plans outline the actions
managers must adopt over the short term to medium term to cope with specific
opportunity or threat that has emerged
Operating and unit plans tend to have shorter time horizons than strategic plans. Whereas
an organization might function with the same basic strategic plan for years, operating and
unit plans might change regularly as the tasks outlined in them are completed and
managers turn their attention to the next task. In sum;
Strategic plans normally have a three to five year time horizon although in theory
an organization could pursue the same strategy much longer
Tactical terms have a short- term horizon (often less than a year) and are developed
to deal with emerging and transitory opportunities and threats
Operating and unit plans tend to have short to medium time horizons (one to three
years) because they address specific tasks that have a well defined beginning and
An organization may be forced to change its strategic plans after a year, if it clearly
is not working, and an operating plan may be in place for more than five years if
specific tasks take that long.
Some plans that managers develop are ongoing while others are only used once.
Single use plans- address unique events that do not recur. They are
designed to meet the needs of a unique situation. They are plans for attaining a onetime
goal. For example, when Wall-Mart decided to drastically expand the number of stores in
China, top level executives formulated a single use plan as a guide.
Standing plans on the other hand are designed to handle events that occur frequently.
Standing plans are on-going plans that provide guidance for activities performed
repeatedly. The idea of standing plans is to save managers time by giving them a play
book to which they can refer when a certain type of event occurs. Standing plans relieve
managers from having to reinvent wheels. One reason why Starbucks has been able to
grow from 17 to almost 9000 stores by 2005 is that managers developed a standing plan
that outlines the steps required to find the best store location, ensures that the stores have
the same look and feel as other Starbucks stores, and open stores quickly. But standing
plans are too rigid and intelligent managers review their standing plans from time to time.
Plans thus provide a rational approach to achieve prescribed objectives. Planning also
implies managerial innovation. Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we
want to go.
Planning and control are inseparable, the Siamese twins of management. Any attempt
to control without plans is meaningless since there is no way for people to tell whether
they are going the way they want to go unless they first know they want to go.
There are two approaches to looking at the planning function.
As a plan or the static mode . This approach considers a plan as
Planning forces managers to look ahead rather than being obsessed with day to day
problems. This is important to the enterprise because the manager deals with what is
important in the future.
Establishing priorities
Motivates employees
Facilitates delegation
Objectives should be established for the entire enterprise and then for each subordinate
work unit. This is to be done for the long term as well as for the short range. Objectives
specify the expected results and indicate the end points of what is to be done, where the
primary emphasis is to be placed, and what is to be accomplished by the network of
strategies, policies procedures, rates, budgets and programs.
Enterprise objectives give direction to the major plans which by reflection these
objectives define the objective of every major department. Major department objectives
in turn control the objectives of subordinates departments.
Step 3: Developing premises
The third logical step in the planning process is to establish circulate and obtain
agreement to utilize critical planning premises such as forecasts, applicable basic policies
and existing company plans. They are assumption about the environment in which the
plan is to be carried out.
The basic principle of planning premises is that the more thoroughly individuals charged
with planning understand and agree to utilize consistent planning premises , the more
coordinated enterprise planning will be.
Forecasting is important in premising eg what kinds of markets, what prices etc.
Step 4: Determination of alternative courses of action
The 4th step in planning is the search for and the examination of alternative courses of
action, especially these not immediately apparent. .Examination involves identifying their
weak and strong points.
Establishing the organizations strategy
Grand strategies explain how the organizations mission is to be accomplished. Three
common grand strategies are; growth, stability and defensive.
The growth strategy involves expansion as in sales, market share, number of employees
or number of customers.
The stability strategy involves little or no change. The company maintains its stratus in
market share, number of products
The phrase Management by objectives was first coined by Peter Drucker in the 1950s.
He saw it as a principle of management aimed at harmonizing individual managers goals
with those of the organization. The most important features of MBO are:
It develops logically from the corporate planning process by translating corporate and
departmental objectives into individual managers objectives
Failures of MBO
Failure to teach the philosophy of MBO. Managers must explain to the subordinates
what it is, how it works, why it is being done, what part it will play etc.
Failure to give guideline to goal setters. Managers must know what the corporate
goals are, and how their own activities fit in with them
Purpose of mission
This identifies the organizations basic functions or tasks of an organization or any part of
its. Every organization has, or at least should have a purpose or mission. Society assigns
functions to enterprises. For example the purpose of a business enterprise is the
production of goods and services and the distribution of those goods and services. The
purpose of a University is teaching and research and so on.
ii) Objectives or goals
The objectives or goals are the ends toward which activity is aimed. They represent not
only the end point of planning but also the end towards which organizing, staffing
leading and controlling are aimed. Goals can be long-term or short term, broad or
Hierarchy of Objectives
Organizational goals form a hierarchy ranging from the broad aim to the specific
individual objectives, The result of the hierarchy is the purpose (society) second is the
Multiplicity of objectives
Organizations normally have multiple objectives which they seek to achieve. This is
because they have multiple stakeholders.
iii) Procedures
All plans must establish a required method of handling future activities they are
chronological sequences of required actions they are guide to action, and they detail the
exact manner in which certain activities must be accomplished.
iii) Rules
Rules spell out specific required actions or non actions, allowing no discretion. The
essence of rules is that they reflect a managerial decision that some certain action mustor must not be taken rules differ from policies in that they give no discretion unlike
policies which guide decision making.
iv) Programs
Programs are a complex of goals, policies, procedures rules, tasks assignments, steps to
be taken, resources to be employed and other elements necessary to carry out a given
course of action. They are ordinarily supported by budgets.
v) Strategies
Strategy is defined as the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an
enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and allocation of resources to achieve
the goals.
vi) Policies
Are the general statements or understanding that guide or channel thinking in decision
making, sometimes statement may not be there, but the CEO of the enterprise can show
by example the organizations policy eg by regularly reporting at 8.00 the CEO shows
by practice what the policy of the organized is, will regard to reporting that. Another
example is when the CEO decides to promote from within the organization, this may be
interpreted as policy and carefully followed by subordinates.
Policies define an area within which a decision is to be made.
They also ensure that the decision will be consistent with and contribute to the
objective with and contribute to the objective. Policies help decide issues before they
become problems, make it unnecessary to analyze the same situation every time it
comes up, and unify other plans, thus permitting managers to delegate authority and
still maintain control over what their subordinate do.
There are many type of policies
vii) Budgets
A budget is a statement of expected results expressed on financial terms. A budget may
be expressed in financed terms in terms of labour hours or **** outs or any other
numerically measurable term. I may deal with operations (operations budget) or may
reflect capital outlays (capital budget) or it may show cash flows (such as the cash
budget).A budget is the fundamental planning instrument in many companies. A budget
focuses on advance, whether a week or for five years, a numerical compilation of
expected cash flow expenses and revenues, capital outlays or labour or chine hour
A budget is the principal tool of control.
Identifying alternatives
Evaluating alternatives
There must be a clear understanding of alternative courses of action to reach the goal
under existing circumstances and limitations.
There is sufficient information and ability to analyze and evaluate the alternatives in
light of the goal sought.
There must be a desire to come to the best solution by selecting the alternative that
most effectively satisfies goal achievement.
Decision is about the future (since no one can make decisions about the past).
In most cases not all alternatives can be analyzed, even with the newest available
analytical techniques and computers.
Due to above limitations, a manager must settle for limited or bounded rationality. In
addition, in view of the very great limits managers must go towards rationality, in
practice, or what is referred to as accepting a course of action that is good enough
under the circumstances.
Developing of alternatives
Assuming that we know what our goals are, and we are agreed on the planning
premises, then the first step in decision making is to develop alternatives. There are
almost alternatives to any course of action. If a manager cannot get alternatives to a
course of action then most probably he has not forced himself or herself to consider
other ways. The ability to develop alternatives is often as important as being able to
select correctly from among them. Developing alternatives requires ingenuity, research
and common sense.
Types of decision
Decision can range from those of a vital, once-for-all nature to those of a routine and
relatively trivial nature. They can be immediate in their effect, or they can be delayed
Ansoff (1965, 1987) sees management as having three principal areas:
Strategic decisions- these are the basic, long-term decisions which settle the
organizations relationship with its environment, notably in terms of its products or
services, and its markets. These are the decision which set the principal goals and
objectives of the organization. Also included here would be the major statements of
the organization.
Operating decision: These are the short-term decisions which settle issues such as
output levels, pricing and inventory levels. Fewer variables are involved in the
decision making process and the decisions themselves are routine and repetitive in
nature operative decision tend to receive priority over others because of the sheet
weight of their volume plus their ability to show results in the short term.
Administrative decisions- these decisions arise from and are subject to the
conflicting demands of strategic and operational problems. They are essentially
concerned with setting the organization structure eg by establishing lines of
authority and communication.
Organizing is the function of
Purpose or goals
Hybrid structure
o Usually based on products, geography or both with some key functions
located at the headquarters.
o Based on a combination of functional organizational with project based
Basic variables for categorizing organization structure
Structural differentiation
Vertical differentiation
Spatial differentiation
Poor communication
Duplication of activities
Greater control
Economies of staffing
Economies of specialization
Easier communication
Excessive bureaucracy
Loss of initiation
Improves morale
Personal development
Loss of control
Loss of some economies of scale
Development of narrow development view
Span of control
A narrow span has the following advantages
Tight control
Fast communication
Motivated staff
Effective communication
1. The operating core: the employees who perform the basic work related to the
production of products and services.
2. The strategic Apex: top level managers, who are charged with the overall
responsibility of the organization.
3. The middle level managers who connect the operating core and the strategic apex .
4. The techno structure which consists of analysts, professionals and those who have
responsibility for effecting central responsibility in the organization.
5. The support staff people who fill the staff units, who provide direct support service
for the organization.
Any one of those five parts can dominate an organization. According to Mintebergs, there
are five distinct design options or configurations, depending on the part which has
greatest control. If control lies with the operating core, the resulting design or
configuration is professional bureaucracy which is characterized by decentralized
structures. If the dominant part is strategic apex, the structure is referred to as simple
structure. It is characterized by centralization. If middle management is in control, then
the resultant structural design is referred to as divisional structure. It consists of
autonomous groups. Where the techno structure is dominant, then the resultant structural
design is machine bureaucracy. Finally if the dominant group is the support staff, the
structural design is referred to as adhocracy an example is in a film making
organization consisting of various professionals. This type of structure has no entrenched
hierarchy; no permanent departments not even formalized rules. It is characterized by low
formalization, decentralization and great flexibility.
Organizational design options
1. Professional bureaucracy- if control lies with the operating core, then professional
bureaucracy is the result. Decision are decentralized
2. Simple structure if the dominant element is the strategic apex
3. Divisional structure if middle management is in control, then the resultant design
option is divisional structure, this consist of groups of essential autonomous units
operating in a divisional structure.
4. Machine Bureaucracy: this results where the technostrucure is dominant- this results
in high level of standardization.
5. Adhocracy in those situations where staff relies control will be via mutual
adjustment and resultant structural design is known as adhocracy
The following section describes each of the above design configurations in greater detail.
The simple structure
A simple structure is low in complexity, has little formalization and has authority
centralized in a single person. It is depicted as a flat organization, with an organic
operating core and almost everyone reporting to a one person apex,where the decision
making in centralized
Store keeper
Its simplicity
Accountability is clear
There is a minimum amount of goal ambiguity because members are able to identify
readily with the organization missions.
It is also fairly easy to see how ones actions contribute to the organization goals.
The simple structure concentrates power on a single person. Thus the structure can
succumb to the abuse of authority by the person in power.
The concentration of power in a single person can also work against the
organizations effectiveness and survival.
If or when the chief executive officer wants to hold power or has power thrust upon
him by his or her subordinates.
Machine Bureaucracy
In a machine bureaucracy, the main characteristic is standardization. It has highly routine
operating tasks, very formalized rules and regulations, tasks are grouped into functional
departments, there is centralized authority, decision making follows a chain of command
and there is an elaborate administrative structure with a sharp distinction between line
and staff activities. Rules and regulations permeate the entire structure. The key part of
structure is the techno structure.
Strengths of machine bureaucracy
The primary strength of the machine bureaucracy lies in its ability to perform
standardized activities in a highly efficient manner.
Machine bureaucracy can also get by nisely with less talented and hence less costly,
middle and lower level managers.
Specialization and standardization creates sub unit conflict where functional unit
goals can override the overall goals of the organization.
Obsessive concerns with following the rules- there is no room for modification
In large organization
In government offices
The power lies with the operating core because they have the critical skills that the
organization needs and they have the autonomy.
Professional bureaucracies also include machine bureaucracies with them they have
for example the support staff.
The various professional units seem or tend to pursue their own interests.
The specialists might be comprehensive to follow the rule. This might interfere with
the organizations effectiveness in a competitive and rapidly changing environment
This type of structure is a temporary arrangement to implement a certain project or
Trait appraisals are ratings of such subjective attributes as attitude, initiative, and
leadership. Trait evaluation may be easy to create and use but their validity is
questionable because the evaluators personal bias can affect the ratings.
Behavioral appraisal- measures specific observable aspects of performance- being on
time for work for instance. Although . the evaluation is still somewhat
Who should make appraisals- generally managers are responsible for evaluating their
employees. However, others can also perform staff appraisal. These are
Peers and subordinates
ii. Customers and clients
Self- appraisal
iv. 360- degree assessment
Recruitment is the process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in
the organization. The word qualified refers to people with the right skills, abilities and
characteristics for the jobs available in your organization. Recruiting can be done through
internal or external recruitment.
Internal recruiting means attracting people already on the organization to apply for the
job opening in your organization
External recruiting means attracting job applicants from outside the organization. Job
vacancies are placed in newspapers, employment agencies or even in the internet.
Internal recruiting
Fewer risks- candidates are already known
Motivates those already in the organization to work hard.
Limits the pool of fresh talents and fresh new ..
Whenever a job is filled it creates a vacancy elsewhere in the organization
Encourages employees to assume that they will be promoted thus haunting
their competitiveness
External recruiting
Applicants may have special knowledge and experience
Applicants may have fresh ideas and new
The recruitment process more expensive
The risks are higher that the person hired may not perform
This is the process of recruiting, hiring training, developing and maintaining effective
workforce within the organization. To perform this function effectively managers must
understand four fundamentals points.
1. The staffing function is the responsibility of all managers in the organization
2. This function should view employees as an important or critical resource of the
3. It is important to match employees and their skills and needs to the companys goals
and objectives. The hiring, the training and development must match employees
skills and needs to the companys goals and objectives
4. There exists a large body of complex, comprehensive and increasing body of laws
and rules governing relationships between employers and employees. Managers must
be aware of these laws and regulations.
The process of the staffing function
The staffing function consists of three main stages
Stage one: activities designed to attract productive employees to the organization. These
activities include
Stage two: activities designed to develop employees into a productive workforce. These
activities include:
Training and
Stage three- this stage encompasses the activities designed to maintain the work
force. They include
Separating employees
The above activities are discussed below;
Human needs forecast is a process that compares the current level of employment in the
various jobs to the numbers needed to fulfill the production and sales forecast and to meet
the companys strategic objective,. Before they can derive those numbers, managers need
to carry out a job analysis job description, and job specification.
Job analysis-is the systematic gathering of information about a job. This information
includes job titles, supervisor, training, experience and other qualifications needed to
perform the job, responsibilities and activities involved in the job and the working
conditions. This information also includes organization data such as whether the job is
dependent on other jobs and which jobs will follow the completion of the job
Job description a job description specifies the object for the job, the responsibilities
and activities involved, how the job relates to other jobs, working conditions and similar
Job specification this document identifies the qualification, skills, training education
and other personal characteristics required of the person performing the job . The job
specification lists such items as how many years of experience are needed to qualify for
the job, required education levels, skills, special training and in some cases,
psychological characteristics.
Recruitment is the process of informing qualified potential employees about job openings
and encouraging them to apply.
Selection is the process of screening applicants for the skills and abilities listed in the job
specification to determine which ones are best suited for the job.
Training and development
These are the efforts of companies to maintain and improve the quality of their work
Consists of all monetary payments and non-monetary goods and services given to
employees in place of money.
An assignment to a new job at a higher level and usually at a higher salary and benefits.
An assignment to a new job at a lower level and often at a lower salary.
A horizontal or lateral movement from one job to another of equal or similar
responsibilities and salary.
Occur when an employee leaves the company due to lay off, involuntary termination,
voluntary resignation or retirement.
Leadership is defined as the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive
willingly towards the achievement of group goals. The important point to note is that not
only are the people led willing to work, but to work with zeal and confidence. Zeal
reflects earnestness, and intensity on the execution of work. Confidence reflects
experience and technical ability. To lead is to guide, conduct, direct and precede. Leaders
act to help a group achieve objectives with the maximum application of its capabilities.
Leaders do not stand behind a group to push and to provide. They put themselves before
the group as they facilitate progress and inspire the group to accomplish organizations
Functions of Leadership
The capability to comprehend that human beings have differing motivating forces
at varying times and in different situations.
The ability to act in a way that will develop a climate for responding to and
arousing motivations.
The ability to inspire means one is able to enliven followers to apply their full potential
and capabilities to a project. They have charismatic qualities that induce loyalty, devotion
and zeal on the part of the followers.
The best evidence of inspirational leadership comes from hopeless and fearful situations
such as a nation on the eve of battle, or a leadership deserted by followers. In such a
situation, charisma plays a part in saving the situation.
Because of its importance to all levels of group action there is a considerable volume of
theory and research concerning leadership. It is not possible to summarize such a
considerable body of theory, but leadership can be separated into trait, situational and
contingency theories of leadership.
The trait approach to leadership
The earliest studies of leadership were based largely on an attempt to identify the traits
that leadership possessed. In fact prior to 1949, most studies on leadership tended to
concentrate on identifying traits. In general the study of leadership traits has not been
very fruitful. Not all leaders possess all traits and many non leaders may possess most or
all of them. Also the trait approach gives no guide as to how much of any trait a person
should have. Furthermore, out of a dozen or so of studies, there is no uniformity of
identified traits or any significant correlations of traits with actual instances of leadership.
Nevertheless some studies have indicated a significant correlation between certain traits
and leadership effectiveness. Literature has found that that there was a definite correlation
between the traits of intelligence, scholarship, dependability, responsibility, social
participation, and socio-economic status of leadership compared with non-leaders,
Ghiselli found significant correlation between leadership effectiveness and the traits of
intelligence, supervisory ability, initiative , self-assurance and the individuality in the way
the work was done.
Keith Davis likewise found that leaders do have high intelligence, broad social interests
and maturity, strong motivation to accomplish, and great respect for, and interest in
people. But even those correlations between traits and leadership are not persuasive. Most
of these so called traits are really patterns of behaviour that one would expect from a
leader and particularly a leader in a managerial position.
The situational approach to leadership
This approach to leadership assumes that leadership is strongly affected by the situations
from which the leader emerges and in which he or she operates. That this is a persuasive
approach is motivated by the situation that gave rise to a Hitler in Germany in the 1930s.
The earlier rise of Mussoline in Italy, the emergence of F.D. Roosevelt during the great
depression of the 1930s in the United States, and the rise of Mao Tse-tung in China in the
period after World War II were good examples of situational leadership. This approach to
leadership recognizes that there exists an interaction between the group and the leader. It
supports the followers theory that people tend to follow those in whom they perceive
(accurately or inaccurately) a means of accomplishing their own personal desires. The
leader, then is the person who recognizes these desires and does those things or
undertakes those programs, designed to meet them.
This multi dimensional approach to leadership was detected early in the studies of
Stogdill and his associates when it was discovered that in an analysis of 470 navy officers
occupying forty five different position, their leadership ability was heavily affected by
such situational factors as their jobs, the organizational environment in which they
operated, and the characteristics of people they were assigned to lead. Other studies have
shown that effective leadership depends upon response to such environmental factors as
the history of the enterprise, the community in which the organization operates the
psychological climate of the group being led, group member personalities and cultural
influences, and the time required for making decisions.
This approach has much meaning to managerial history and practice. It also ties into the
system of motivation. It has meaning for practicing mangers who must take into account
the situation in its entirety when they design an environment for performance.
Fiddlers Contingency Approach to leadership
Fiddlers theory implies that leadership is any process in which the ability of a leader to
exercise influence depends upon the group task situation and the degree to which the
leaders style, personality and approach fit the group. In other words, people become
leaders not only because of the attributes of their personality, but also because of various
situations factors and the interaction between the leaders and the situation.
Fidler;s findings and theory are based on a considerable volume of research. The groups
he studied and tested his hypotheses on included B-28 bomber crews, army tank craws,
antiaircraft artillery crews, infantry squads, open hearth steel supervisors and crews,
upper level company managers, managers of gas stations, students groups and church
leaders. On the bases of his studies, Fidler found three critical dimensions of the situation
that affect a leaders most effective style. These are;
i). Position power: this is the degree to which the power of a position as distinguished
from other sources of power such as charismatic or expert power, enables a leader to
get group members to comply with direction: as can be seen in the case of managers
this is the power arising from organizational authority. A leader with clear and
considerable position power can more easily obtain better follower ship than one
without such power.
ii). Task structure; with this dimension, Fidler had in mind the extent to which task can be
clearly spelled out and people held responsible for them in contrast to situations
where tasks are vague and unstructured. Where tasks are clear, the quality of
performance can be more easily controlled, and group members can be more
definitely held responsible for performance than where tasks are ambiguous.
iii). Leader member relations This dimension, which Fidler regards as most important
from a leaders point of view since position power and task structure may be largely
under the control of an enterprise has to do with the extent to which group members
like and trust a leader and are willing to follow him or her.
Theories of leadership
Leadership theories can be categorized in the following groups
1. Trait theories
These theories try to explain leadership in terms of the traits that leaders have. Starting as
early as the ancient Greece, and Roman periods researchers have tried to identify the
physical, mental and personality traits of various leaders.
The main traits identified by these theorists include
The traits approach fails to give guidance as to how much of any trait a person should
Style theories
These theories try to explain leadership as an aspect of behavior at work, rather than
characteristics. They look at leadership in terms of
The above variables can lead to several situations most favorable to a leader e.g.
He is disliked
Principle-centered leadership
This model looks at leadership in terms of how a person helps to certain principles of
behavior. Its this model assumes that the extent to which leaders recognize, and keep to
principles such as fairness, justice, integrity and trust, determine their progress towards
survival and stability, or to disintegration and destruction. These principles are universal,
objectives and self-evident, leaders should align their values with correct principles.
These principles and four: trustworthiness, trust, empowerment and alignment.
Trustworthiness is essentially to do with the leaders himself as a result of competence,
integrity etc
Trust refers to the decade trust on others
Empowerment refers to enabling teams and individuals to assume responsibility for
achieving results they have agreed.
Alignment is the process of constantly reviewing the situation in the light of external
conditions and the implementation of the other three principles.
They are synergistic- they improve on every situation they get into they exercise for
self , renewal- they engage in activities that exercise emotional, spiritual as well as
physical and mental aspects
Leadership styles: This approach to leadership looks at leaders in terms of their
characteristics. These are:
The situational leader the influence of such a person results form being at the
right place at the right time. This type of leadership is of too temporary in nature to be
of value to in a business.
An appointed leader is one whose influence arises directly out of his position eg
most managers and supervisors. This is the bureaucratic type of leadership whose
legitimate power springs from the nature and scope of the position within the
The functional leader who secure their leadership position by what he or she
does rather than by what they are. In other words functional leaders adapt their
behaviour to meet the competing needs of the situation.
groups goals
individual goals/targets
relative complexity
Group members
cultural issue
external pressure
Resources available
Thus leadership is involved in the motivation and inspiring the workforce. Leaders may
be appointed or emerge. The source of their ability to influence others comes from their
expertise or from their personality. Ideally, those appointed to the position of leadership
eg managers, should have leadership qualities. Consequently some mangers are just
mangers, while some managers are also leaders. The following characteristics
differentiate managers who are not leaders and managers who are also leaders
1. Functionaries
2. Protect their operations
3. Accept responsibility
4. Control employees
5. Competent
6. Minimize risks
7. Accept speaking opportunities
8. Set reasonable goals
9. Pacify
10. Strive for comfortable working
1. Innovators
2. Advance their operations
3. Seek responsibility
4. Trust employees
5. Creative
6. Take calculated risks
7. Generates speaking opportunities
8. Sets challenging goals
9. Challenges
10. Seeks challenges
11. Use power cautiously
13. Delegate cautiously
15. View workers as employees
Motivation is a term used to describe those processes, both instinctive and rational by
which people seek to satisfy the basic drives, perceived needs and personal goals, which
trigger human behavior.
Motivation refers to the drives, desires, needs, wishes. Motivation refers to the forces
within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary
behavior. Motivation refers to the process by which a persons efforts are energized,
directed and sustained towards attaining a goal.
Three key elements are important to that definition namely energy, direction and
1) Energy- is a measure of means or derives. A motivated person puts forth effort
and works hard. However, the quality of effort must be considered as well as
intensity. High levels of effort dont necessarily lead to favorable job performance
unless the effort is channeled in a direction that benefits the organization.
2) Motivation includes a persistence direction. We want employees to persist in
putting forth effort to achieve those goals. Motivating high levels of employee is
an important organizational concern.
Motivation represents the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity
and persistence. Direction refers to the path along which people engage their effort. This
sense of direction of effort reflects the fact that people have choices about where they put
their effort. They can either arrive to work on time, finish their tasks early or on time, or
aim for many other targets. They could on the other hand choose not to arrive to work on
time, finish their tasks late, or do anything else; consequently the direction is a key
element of motivation.
Intensity- this is the amount of effort allocated to the goal. For example two employees
may be motivated to finish their project a few hours early (direction) but only one of
them puts forth enough effort (intensity) to achieve this goal. In other words intensity is
how much you push yourself to complete the task.
Models of human motivation
1) Rational economic model
This view of human motivation has its roots in the economic theories of Adam Smith in
the 1770s. It suggests that the pursuit of self-interest and the maximization of gain are the
prime motivators.
2) The social model
The social model draws its conclusions from the Hawthorne Experiments of the 1920s
and 1930s. This model views people as predominantly motivated by social needs- the
need for personal relationships. The implications for managers is that an emphasis on
attending to peoples social needs over the needs of the task will lead to greater
productivity as well as higher morale
3) Self-actualizing model
This concept is based on Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory which while allowing for
the influence of other needs stresses the individuals need for self fulfillment, as the
prime motivation. The implication for managers is that people need challenge,
responsibility and authority in their work if they are to work effectively.
4) The complex model
This model by Schein proposes that peoples motivation is a complex issue in which
general interrelated factors are at work. Managers in this situation need to be sensitive to
the range of possible responses to employee motivation against differing work and team
environments. This model enables us to see motivation as a human behavior which is
directed towards desired ends and that behavior is selected consciously or instinctively
towards the achievement of those ends.
Some of the most well known motivation theories are briefly discussed below
1) The Hawthorne studies
These studies are closely associated with professor Elton Mayo, a professor of industrial
research at the Harvard graduate school of business. He carried out the Hawthorne
experiments at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company in Chicago USA,
between 1927 and 1932. In these studies emphasis was on the worker rather than work. In
other words, these studies were primarily concerned with studying people, especially in
terms of their social relationships at work. Their conclusions were that people are social
animals at work or outside it and that membership of a group is important to
individuals. Group membership leads to the establishment of informal groups within the
official, formal organization. The main conclusions of the Hawthorne studies are as
The need to belong to a group and have status within it is more important than
monetary incentives or good physical working conditions
Informal (or unofficial) groups at work exercise a strong influence over the
behaviour of workers.
Supervisors and managers need to be aware of these social needs and cater for
them if workers are to collaborate with the official organization rather than
work against it.
People are motivated to satisfy specific groups of needs. These needs are
Safety needs: need for a stable environment relatively free from threats
Esteem needs need for self-respect, self-esteem and the esteem of others.
The other point by Maslow was that people tend to satisfy those needs
systematically in a hierarchical manner, starting form the physiological
needs and then moving up the hierarchy. Until a particular group of needs
have been satisfied, a persons behavior will be dominated by them.
Maslows other point was that once a group of needs has been satisfied, it
ceases to motivate.
Management Implications of Maslows theory
5) Employees have different needs at different times
6) Employees have several interdependent needs not just one dominant need.
Managers must therefore understand that employees are motivated by a cluster
of needs not just one need
7) At some point most employees want to achieve their full potential. Therefore
mangers must structure organizations to help people continue and develop this
8) Employees needs are influenced by values and norms. In other words higher
order needs are shaped to some extent by the norms and values of the team,
the organization and society in which the individual lives. Consequently
managers can adjust employee motivation and effort by reshaping these norms
and values for example by encouraging more performance oriented team
norms, managers can strengthen team members self actualization needs.
What is control
Control is the process of evaluating the organizations performance in relation to the
objectives set, and where necessary taking corrective action to keep the organization on
tract so it will achieve objectives.
Measure performance
must be timely
be cost effective
be sufficiently flexible
be objective
Control methods
i). Budges
ii). Quality control
This method is a system of setting quality standards, measuring performance against
those standards, and taking appropriate action to deal with denations outside permitted
tolerance level.
The control process is linked to form a continuous process that ends either in the
achievement of goals or the modification of plans as a result of feedback. Several
observations can be made on this process.
First where standards of performance are qualitative rather than quantitative it is
preferable for them to be expressed in terms of end results rather than of methods.
Budgets are a particularly useful vehicle for the expression of verifiable results.
Secondly, the measurement of performance depends heavily on the relevance, adequacy
and timeliness of information. The supply of such information comes form a variety of
sources within the organization. The single most important source is the management
accounting department, which is responsible for the regular production of operating
statements, expenditure analysis, profit forecasts, cash flow statements and other relevant
control informations..
Thirdly, when comparing the actual against target performance, most organizations only
require action to be taken when the deviation against standard is significant. Otherwise no
action is taken and no reference upwards is asked for. This is sometimes called the
management by exception principle.
Fourthly, control is not just a matter of identifying deviation, it is also a matter of putting
right what may have gone wrong, hence the importance of directions part of the control
process to the implementation of appropriate corrective measures
The control process
Standards of
Take corrective
Feedback in
Standards of
Comparison with
standard set
corrective action
the control system
On target no
corrective action
timely and effective decision for planning, directing and controlling the activities for
which they are responsible.
The raw data are the basic facts and figures of operational life, such as output figures,
hours worked, etc. These data may be stored on manual or computer systems. In
themselves they may not have great meaning, taken together, and assembled together
into relevant groupings, the become information, which is basically data that have
been analyzed, summarized and interpreted for the benefit of potential users, in this
case managers. The MIS processes are the various procedures and methods used to
convert the data into useful information .
It is possible to identify four types of formal MIS which are useful to management
concerned with control at the tactical level. These are;
ii) Data base system these process and store information, which can be drawn
upon as a kind of organizational memory bank.
iii) Enquiry system these are either external or internal data bases for carrying
out investigations into the performance of departments, product lines,
competition etc.
iv) Decision support systems these are systems for providing computer based
facilities for conducting analyses, simulations etc
Control methods
There are two major methods that are used in control
a) Those that focus on financial values such as budgets
b) Those that focus on physical values such as quality control
Financial control methods
Budgets a budgets is a statement, usually expressed in financial terms, of the desired
performance of an organization in pursuit of its objectives in the short term (one year)
budgetary control takes the targets of desired performance as its standard then
systematically collates information relating to actual performance and identifies the
variances between target and actual performance.
Break-even analysis
Break-even point is the point of production and sales at which profit is equal to zero (or
TR= TC). A break even chart is a diagrammatic representation of breakeven point
Break-even charts are useful because they indicate the effects of marginal changes in
sales volume or costs on profit figures.
Ratios are relationships of accounting figures. There are many types of ratios including
Profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency ratios
Ratios provide useful summaries of relative efficiency, liquidity, profitability and
solvency measures.
Physical value control systems
There are several control systems used to control values. One of them is the quality
control. The control of quality rests on the assumption that is mass production no two
units are exactly identical, it but it is possible to mass produce almost identical units.
1.0 The meaning of Globalization
2.0 The benefits of globalization
3.0 The consequences of globalization
Globalization is the trend of the world economy toward becoming a
more interdependent system. Time and distance collapses
1.1 Consequences of globalization
1) The rise of the global village and E Commerce
managers face situations which are much more complicated while doing their job. In
addition poor case analysis means loss of marks. In real life one loses of a job.
As long as your analysis and recommendations have ample reasons, evidence and
arguments to support your views, you should not worry about your
rightness or wrongness
. In case analysis there is rarely just one approach or set of recommendations.
Managing companies and devising and implementing policies are not an exact science.
Of course there are some analyses and action plans that are better than others; but there is
nearly always more than one good way to analyze a situation; and more than one good
plan of action.
11 The ten commandments of case analysis
The following principles or guidelines are to be observed in written reports and oral
Read the case twice, once for an overview, and once to gain full
command of the facts, then take care to expose every one of the exhibits.
Make a list of the problems and issues that have to be confronted.
Do enough number crunching to discover the story told by the data
presented in the case.
Look for opportunities to apply the concepts and analytical tools you
have learned in the or MBA program. Use only relevant concepts.
Be thorough in your diagnosis of the situation i.e. ensure that your
report coves all the relevant areas needed to be covered.
Support any and all opinions with well reasoned arguments and
numerical evidence. Avoid using the words I think, I feel, and instead use my
analysis shows.
Develop charts, tables and graphs to expose more clearly the main
points of your analysis.
Prioritize your recommendations and make sure they can be carried
out in an acceptable time frame with the available skills and financial resources.
Review your recommended action plan to see if it addresses all the
problems and issues you identified.
Avoid recommending any course of action that could have disastrous
consequences if it doesnt work out as planned; therefore be as alert to the
downside risks of your recommendations, as you are to their upside potential and
Prioritization of the key issues In this part of the report the manager prioritizes the
issues discussed in the previous paragraph in terms of such factors as cost, urgency
etc. The criteria for prioritization should be indicated
Propose and evaluate alternative ways of dealing with the key issues. In this
paragraph propose and evaluate alternative ways of dealing with the key issues before
you make a recommendation for the optimum alternative.
Select the optimum solution Here the manager or student should identify with
reasons the option that would be best for the company to take given the circumstances
given in the case,
Describe and propose an implementation program of the solutions proposed in
the previous paragraph
=============== END==========================