Circular 2006-07

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The 2006 Consistory

Circular 2006-07

All Parish Priests

The Bishop together with The Curia is going to Rome to represent the
Diocese of Novaliches at the Consistory that will create Archbishop Gaudencio B.
Rosales of Manila a Cardinal along with fourteen (14) others. We ask the Clergy,
the Religious, and the Lay Faithful to thank the Lord for the gift of a new Prince of
the Church from the Philippines.
During my absence from March 22-30, 2006 I am appointing our
Chancellor, Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara, to take charge of the Diocese. For liturgical
functions requiring the assistance of a Bishop, I have requested Bp. Manuel
Sobrevinias and Bp. Teodoro Buhain to perform them on my behalf. Fr. Jim Lara
is being delegated on March 25 to perform Confirmations at Our Lady of Mercy.
I and our delegation from Novaliches will surely remember your intentions
while in Rome. Please pray for us also for a safe trip and a good rest after going
through all the Budget Hearings of the parishes. I want to thank everybody for
your valued cooperation.
Given in the Chancery in Fairview, Quezon City, this 10th day of March, in
the Year of Our Lord, 2006.

Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD

Attested by:

Rev. Fr. Jaime Z. Lara


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