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Plan Ahead Meals Cop

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Complete parts A-D before the presentation/event, and then parts E

implementation. Use this outline as a guide for developing all programs and
presentations. The questions in each section are designed to help you in the
development process. You must answer all of the questions listed, but if you
feel there is other important information please include that as well.
Event: Adult Presentation

Topic: Fast Food

Event Date: 3/8/16

Location: Phoenix House

Intern Name(s): Andrea Cropley & Brooke Robinson

Team Leader: Andrea Cropley

Preceptor: Cindy Knipe

Person responsible for writing the COP: Andrea Cropley

1. Identify site contact

Cindy Knipe

2. Identify population
a) Gender- Males & Females
b) Age- 18-40 years old
c) Education level- High school level and some college level
d) Number of participants- 15 participants
3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did
you get to observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the
participants and any other pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe
classroom management techniques).

The topics at the Phoenix House are pre-selected and rotate throughout the year.
I had the opportunity to observe Katie and Stephanie present about hydration.
From then, I have worked on two presentations with Stephanie, one on protein
and another on fruits and vegetables. Stephanie was the team leader for these
two presentations and now I am currently the team leader with Brooke. The
nutrition classes are held in a small conference room outside of the kitchen. The
majority of the participants were engaged in the presentation with the exception
of select individuals who were in detox. I noticed the participants truly enjoyed
activities and games throughout the presentations.


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b) What the audience knows

The participants should be familiar with the basics of each topic

presented. Depending on educational level, some participants may know
more than others and will ask more involved questions.

c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant

As stated previously, some participants may know more than others in the
group and all come from different backgrounds and life experiences. The
audience wants to know how to apply nutrition information to their
everyday life and in their recovery.

d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues

Due to educational level of high school and some college level, the
participants health literacy skills are most likely average.

4. Setting - tour of facility

a) Room size and set up (diagram)

b) Presentation resources
Availability of food prep area- There is no food prep areas available for
interns to use due to restrictive space.
AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids- No AV
resources, room for a flip chart.
5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation- Tuesday March 8, 2016
6. Duration- 50 minutes
a) Attention span- The presentation occurs right after one of the participants
break period. At times it is difficult to gather everyone back into the room to
start the presentation on time
b) Conflict with other activities for population- Participants at times may be
called out of the room for other meetings.
7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility- The Phoenix House is responsible
for marketing all presentations to the residents.
8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: N/A


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b) Funds to cover supplies: $10 was approved through Cindy. Food activities
are not normally aloud.
c) Cost of marketing: N/A
9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans

The best way to contact the site for future plans is with Cindy Knipe. The
KSC dietetic interns have been presenting various nutrition topics at the
Phoenix House for many years.

10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment.

Food and nutrition knowledge deficit related to limited cooking at home as

evidenced by a request for a presentation displaying healthy fast food
options to make at home.

C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when the process of your
1. Meeting Dates
Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.
February 16, 2016- Andrea & Brooke initial planning meeting
February 23, 2016-Andrea & Brooke

7 day meeting 3/1/16

Evaluation meeting scheduled for: March 8th, 2016

(Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for

2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?
Brooke and I prepared for this presentation by looking at previous COPs
regarding fast food. From observing and presenting at the Phoenix House, we
know the participants enjoy many activities. We planned for four activities
throughout the presentation, one through our icebreaker, the second with the
Price is Right game, and the third with the food activity, and fourth with our
3. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved?
Brooke and I met in person to look at previous intern work and to decide on
the format of our fast food presentation. The objectives and activities of our
presentation were created and shared on a google document. I wrote the COP
and created the handout for this presentation.
4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find
them? Relate back to your assessment section.


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D. DEVELOPMENT (what the outcome of your planning and
1. Measurable Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to identify 2 benefits of putting meals together at home.

Participants will be able to identify healthy and convenient meals they can make
at home.
Participants will understand the cost difference between homemade fast food and
fast food purchased.

2. Outline of presentation:
Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member
responsible for them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities,
food activities, visuals, education materials and evaluation
methods/materials. (May attach as separate document.)
Presentation Outline and materials are attached on separate
3. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:

Auditory: Verbal presentation, Price is Right activity, Icebreaker activity

Visual: Flip Chart, Fast food handout

Kinesthetic: Icebreaker activity, Price is Right activity, food activity

List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning.


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Linguistic Intelligence: Through flip chart and lecture. Handout will also
provide pictures and written text.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Participants will be able to assist their fellow
participants with the Price is Right activity. Participants will also be able to
identify benefits to cooking at home.
4. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning
objectives were met.
The first objective will be met through our handout. The question on the
handout asks the participants to write two benefits of cooking at home. The
second objective will be met through the food activity and the planning
ahead worksheet. The third objective will be met thought the price is right
game where we will be comparing price of healthy fast food to fast food you
can purchase at a fast food restaurant. A discussion will be held after the
activity to ask the participants to identify health convenient foods they could
make at home.
5. What problems did you encounter in the development process?
Brooke and I originally were going to focus on fast food places and how to
choose healthier choices at a fast food restaurant. After second consideration
of suggested topics within Fast Food, we changed the direction of our
presentation to include healthy homemade fast food.
Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.
1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of
the presentation, using examples. Include any last minute changes to the
planned setting, audience, number of participants.

Prior to the presentation, Brooke and I gathered materials needed for

our food activity. Food activities are normally not aloud at the Phoenix
House, but we were given the opportunity to do so with the fast food
presentation. In the past, we have had a total of 15 participants show
up to our presentations. The day of this presentation, we had a total of
18 participants. Our presentation and food activity space were limited,
more than usual. Overall, the presentation went as planned and
everyone truly enjoyed the food activity.

2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?


The presentation went as planned given the amount of participants

attended. Prior to the start of our presentation, we mentioned there
was going to be a food activity. This was to let the participants know

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that we would be starting right at 2:30pm in order to have time for all
of the activities planned. The participants appeared thrilled knowing
they would be able to put food together and to have the opportunity to
try it. The participants loved our ice breaker activity comparing
activities the typical American do throughout the day and how much
time is spent on preparing food. This put into perspective the amount
of time spent on preparing food at home compared to the amount of
time spent watching TV, working or exercising. It was a great
introduction to our fast food presentation. Our Price is Right activity
also went well and turned out to be eye opening for some participants.
We provided sample recipes that had similar ingredients to show
different combinations. They agreed that they could see themselves
trying these recipes back at home. The food activity went surprisingly
well given the amount of participants and limited amount of space to
set up the food. We received positive feedback from the participants on
the flavor of both recipes. I do not think they are provided these types
of combinations at the Phoenix House, but when they leave, they have
the recipes for them to make it at home.
3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on
preceptor feedback.

In planning for this presentation, Brooke and I wanted to provide the

participants with statistics and facts about fast food as well as benefits
of creating healthy fast food at home. The ice breaker was a great
introduction into the topic of the presentation. We had one participant
come up to the front and as a group they decide the amount of time
the typical American spends on daily activities. This created a great
discussion about the lack of time we spend on eating, preparing food,
and exercising. The audience appeared shocked with our ice breaker
answers of how little the typical American spends on preparing food at
home. The participants were also very involved with our Price is Right
game. You could see the shock on the participants faces when we
reviled how much one serving of the recipe provided to them cost. One
participant brought up the question of purchasing food in larger
quantities to save money. This also created a great discussion on how
buying larger quantities of rice, oats, and beans can save them money
in the long run. The biggest reaction we received from the participants
was through our food activity. The majority of our nutrition lessons at
the Phoenix House do not allow for food activities, but we were given
permission for this specific presentation because of our topic. The
participants enjoyed coming up and putting together the recipe and
having the chance to try what they made. By the comments Brook and
I heard, the participants loved the food-even the kale! Brooke and I
received good preceptor feedback for this presentation. Cindy thought
it was great to hear the support the participants had for one another
regarding questions about the cost of bulk foods, vegetarian options,
and meal ideas.

4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?


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By the end of the presentation, the audience members were able to

identify benefits of preparing healthy fast food at home. The audience
members were also able to realize the difference in cost when healthy
fast food at home prices were compared to fast food items at a
restaurant. During the presentation, a discussion about buying food
ingredients in bulk aloud the participants to see the difference in price
and how it can save them money in the long run. Lastly, the
participants were able to create meals of their own on the plan ahead
worksheet. A discussion about different meal ideas was brought on by
the participants.

5. What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you
change if you had more time? How effective do you feel your
program/material was for the target audience?

If Brooke and I were to do this presentation over again, we would not

change anything. We do not have control over the amount of
participants or the size of the room. This presentation has made the
biggest impact on the participants than the other four I have presented
on. A typical nutrition presentation is geared towards what they can do
to change their health, this presentation had those qualities, but
included an actual food activity. This presentation provided the
participants the tools to re-create the recipes they made in class to use
for their home setting. One of the participants mentioned that his
daughter is a vegetarian and commented how the recipe sheet
provided would be great for his daughter. Overall, our materials on
healthy fast food was very effective to our target population.

6. Recommendations for future Interns:

The Phoenix House participants are a great group to work with. They
are truly engaged in the nutrition topics presented and actively ask
questions. I would recommend planning multiple activities where they
have the opportunity to work as a group or individually.

7. Financial Report:

Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost
for testing the food activity; please note that labor costs include hours
worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour): 10X25= $250
12X25= $300
Total= $550
Food: N/A

Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following
link for cost of copies http://www.keene.edu/mailsvs/printfees.cfm, and
other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): 1.5 hrs X 2 = 3hrs X 25= $75
Copies: 40 copies= $3.02


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Food: $9.44
Cheddar Cheese
Black beans
Total Food Cost
Other supplies and costs: Flip chart= $28
Overall costs:
Development Cost= $550
Cost of Presenting = $116
Overall Cost= $660
Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed
COP, Presentation Evaluation form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE if
completed by an outside supervisor. (PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or
>32 hours). Attach a copy of the materials, PowerPoint, and any handouts/resources
used for the presentation.


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