Night Plan
Night Plan
Night Plan
Starting Time
Asia will start their activities at 8:30 pm
Break Time
All workers will get 01:30 hour break for Sahoor and 20 minutes
for each prayer (Isha & Fajar).
Ending Time:
Asia will end all its activities at 7:00 am
Lifting Activities
1. All lifting equipment will work under sufficient lighting.
2. A strong flash light will be places with the booms of cranes.
3. The area where equipment will lift the material and the area
where place the material would be illuminated with proper
5. Asia will provide Banksman with lighting signals (Green light &
Red light)
Asia will maintain good housekeeping at the worksite. Asia
housekeeping activities comprises of the following;
1. During the course of construction, form and scrap lumber with
protruding nails, and all other debris shall be kept cleared from
work areas and passageways in and around building or other
2. Combustible scrap shall be removed at regular intervals.
3. Materials will not be stored on runways, walkways, aisle, and
scaffolds in excess of immediate needs.
Rest all procedures will be followed as Asias
approved safety Plan.