Forerunner of the SS
Early commanders
1.4 Ideology
Main article: Ideology of the SS
German family as part of their commitment to NSDAP Jews or of Polish or other Slavic extraction.[47] A signifdoctrine.[35]
icant number of victims were members of other racial
or ethnic groups such as the Romani people. The SS
was involved in killing people viewed as threats to race
hygiene or NSDAP ideology, including the mentally or
physically handicapped, homosexuals, and political dissidents. Members of trade unions and those perceived to be
aliated with groups that opposed the regime (religious,
political, social, and otherwise), or those whose views
were contradictory to the goals of the NSDAP government, were rounded up in large numbers; these included
clergy of all faiths, Jehovahs Witnesses, Freemasons,
Communists, and Rotary Club members.[47] According
to the judgments rendered at the Nuremberg trials as well
as many war crimes investigations and trials conducted
since then, the SS was responsible for the majority of
The crypt at Wewelsburg was repurposed by Himmler as a place
Nazi war crimes. In particular, it was the primary or[36]
to memorialize dead SS members.
Artwork commemorating
ganization which carried out the Holocaust.[48]
the Holocaust hangs on the walls.
2 Pre-war Germany
After Hitler and the NSDAP came to power on 30 January 1933, the SS were considered a state organization
and a branch of the government.[49] Law enforcement
gradually became the purview of the SS, and many SS
organizations became de facto government agencies.[50]
Jews as the SS, Gestapo, SD, Kripo, SiPo and regular police did what they could to ensure that while Jewish synagogues and community centers were destroyed,
Jewish-owned businesses and housing remained intact so
that they could later be seized.[64] In the end, thousands
of Jewish businesses, homes, and graveyards were vandalized and looted, particularly by members of the SA.
Some 500 to 1,000 synagogues were destroyed, mostly by
arson.[65] On 11 November, Heydrich reported a death
toll of 36 people, but later assessments put the number
of deaths at up to two thousand.[66][67] On Hitlers orders, around 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent
to concentration camps by 16 November.[68] It is likely
that as many as 2,500 of these people died in the following months.[66] It was at this point that the SS state began
in earnest its campaign of terror against political and reThe Gestapos transfer to Himmler was a prelude to the ligious opponents, who they imprisoned without trial or
for the sake of security, re-education,
Night of the Long Knives, in which most of the SA lead- judicial oversight
ership were arrested and subsequently executed.
SS and Gestapo carried out most of the killings. On 20
July 1934, Hitler detached the SS from the SA, which 2.1 Hitlers personal bodyguards
was no longer an inuential force after the purge. The SS
became an independent elite corps of the NSDAP, an- Main article: Adolf Hitlers bodyguard
swerable only to Hitler. Himmlers title of Reichsfhrer- As the SS grew in size and importance, so too did Hitlers
SS now became his actual rank, equivalent to the rank
of eld marshal in the army (his previous rank was
Obergruppenfhrer).[55] As Himmlers position and authority grew, so did his de facto rank.[56]
On 17 June 1936, all police forces throughout Germany were united under the purview of Himmler and the SS.[50] Himmler and Heydrich thus became two of the most powerful men in the countrys administration.[57] Police and intelligence forces
brought under their administrative control included the
SD, Gestapo, Kriminalpolizei (Kripo; criminal investigative police), and Ordnungspolizei (Orpo; regular uniformed police).[58] In September 1939, the security and
police agencies, including the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo; security police) and SD (but not the Orpo), were consolidated into the Reich Main Security Oce (RSHA), Troop inspection in Berlin of Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 1938
headed by Heydrich.[59] This further increased the colpersonal protection units.[71] Three main SS groups were
lective authority of the SS.[60]
assigned to protect Hitler. In 1933, his larger personal
In September 1939, the authority of the SS expanded bodyguard unit (previously the 1st SS-Standarte) was
further when the senior SS ocer in each military dis- called to Berlin to replace the Army Chancellery Guard,
trict also became its chief of police.[61] Most of these SS assigned to protect the Chancellor of Germany.[72] Sepp
and police leaders held the rank of SS-Gruppenfhrer or Dietrich commanded the new unit, previously known
above, and answered directly to Himmler in all SS matters as SS-Stabswache Berlin; the name was changed to SSwithin their district. Their role was to police the popula- Sonderkommando Berlin. In November 1933, the name
tion and oversee the activities of the SS men within their was changed to Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. In April
district.[62] By declaring an emergency, they could bypass 1934, Himmler modied the name to Leibstandarte SS
the district administrative oces for the SS, SD, SiPo, SS- Adolf Hitler (LSSAH). The LSSAH guarded Hitlers priTotenkopfverbnde (SS-TV; concentration camp guards), vate residences and oces, providing an outer ring of
and Orpo, thereby gaining direct operational control of protection for the Fhrer and his visitors.[73] LSSAH
these groups.[63]
men manned sentry posts at the entrances to the old
During Kristallnacht (910 November 1938), SS secu- Reich Chancellery and the new Reich Chancellery.
rity services clandestinely coordinated violence against The number of LSSAH guards was increased during special events.[75] At the Berghof, Hitlers residence in the
Obersalzberg, a large contingent of the LSSAH patrolled
an extensive cordoned security zone.[76]
From 1941, forward, the Leibstandarte became four
distinct entities, the Waen-SS division (unconnected
to Hitlers personal protection but a formation of the
Waen-SS), the Berlin Chancellory Guard, the SS security regiment assigned to the Obersalzberg, and a Munichbased bodyguard unit which protected Hitler when he visited his personal apartment and the Brown House NSDAP headquarters in Munich.[77][78] Although the unit
was nominally under Himmler, Dietrich was the real
commander and handled day-to-day administration.[79]
Two other SS units composed the inner ring of Hitlers
personal protection.
The SS-Begleitkommando des
Fhrers (Escort Command of the Fhrer), formed in
February 1932, served as Hitlers protection escort while
he was travelling. This unit consisted of eight men
who served around the clock protecting Hitler in three
eight-hour shifts.[80] Later the SS-Begleitkommando was
expanded and became known as the Fhrerbegleitkommando (Fhrer Escort Command; FBK). It continued
under separate command and remained responsible for
Hitlers personal protection.[80] The Fhrer Schutzkommando (Fhrer Protection Command; FSK) was a protection unit founded by Himmler in March 1933.[81]
Originally it was charged with protecting Hitler only while
he was inside the borders of Bavaria. In early 1934, they
replaced the SS-Begleitkommando for Hitlers protection
throughout Germany.[82] The FSK was renamed the Reichssicherheitsdienst (Reich Security Service; RSD) in
August 1935.[83] Johann Rattenhuber, chief of the RSD,
for the most part took his orders directly from Hitler.[83]
The current FBK chief acted as his deputy. Wherever
Hitler was in residence, members of the RSD and FBK
would be present. RSD men patrolled the grounds and
FBK men provided close security protection inside. The
RSD and FBK worked together for security and personal
protection during Hitlers trips and public events, but they
operated as two groups and used separate vehicles.[84] By
March 1938, both units wore the standard eld grey uniform of the SS.[85] The RSD uniform had the SD diamond
on the lower left sleeve.[86]
The SS was closely associated with Nazi Germanys concentration camp system. On 26 June 1933, Himmler appointed SS-Oberfhrer Theodor Eicke as commandant of
Dachau concentration camp, one of the rst Nazi concentration camps.[87] It was created to consolidate the
many small camps that had been set up by various police
agencies and the NSDAP to house political prisoners.[88]
The organizational structure Eicke instituted at Dachau
stood as the model for all later concentration camps.[89]
After 1934, Eicke was named commander of the SSTotenkopfverbnde (SS-TV), the SS formation responsible for running the concentration camps under the au-
3 SS in World War II
By the outbreak of World War II, the SS had consolidated
into its nal form, which comprised three main organizations: the Allgemeine SS, SS-Totenkopfverbnde, and
the Waen-SS, which was founded in 1934 as the SSVerfgungstruppe (SS-VT) and renamed in 1940.[98][99]
The Waen-SS evolved into a second German army
alongside the Wehrmacht and operated in tandem with
them, especially with the Heer (German Army).[100] Although SS ranks generally had equivalents in the other
services, the SS rank system did not copy the terms and
ranks used by the Wehrmachts branches. Instead it used
the ranks established by the post-World War I Freikorps
and the SA. This was primarily done to emphasize the SS
as being independent from the Wehrmacht.[101]
Invasion of Poland
Satised with their performance in Poland, Hitler allowed Himmler inspecting Sturmgeschtz III of the 1st SS Panzer Divifurther expansion of the armed SS formations, but in- sion Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler in Metz, France, September
sisted new units remain under the operational control 1940
SS troops did not take part in the thrust through the
Ardennes and the river Meuse.[121] Instead, the SSTotenkopf was summoned from the army reserve to ght
in support of Generalmajor Erwin Rommel's 7th Panzer
Division as they advanced toward to the English Channel.[122] On 21 May, the British launched an armored
counterattack against the anks of 7th Panzer Division
and SS-Totenkopf. The Germans then trapped the British
and French troops in a huge pocket at Dunkirk.[123] On 27
May, 4 Company, SS-Totenkopf perpetrated the Le Paradis massacre, where 97 men of the 2nd Battalion, Royal
Norfolk Regiment were machine gunned after surrendering, with survivors nished o with bayonets. Two men
survived.[124] By 28 May the SS-Leibstandarte had taken
Wormhout, 10 miles (16 km) from Dunkirk. There,
soldiers of the 2nd Battalion were responsible for the
Wormhoudt massacre, where 80 British and French soldiers were murdered after they surrendered.[125] According to historian Charles Sydnor, the fanatical recklessness in the assault, suicidal defense against enemy attacks,
and savage atrocities committed in the face of frustrated
objectives exhibited by the SS-Totenkopf division during
the invasion were typical of the SS troops as a whole.[126]
The Holocaust
The SS was built on a culture of violence, which was exhibited in its most extreme form by the mass murder of
civilians and prisoners of war on the Eastern Front.[152]
Augmented by personnel from the Kripo, Orpo (Order
Police), and Waen-SS,[153] the Einsatzgruppen reached
a total strength of 3,000 men. Einsatzgruppen A, B,
and C were attached to Army Groups North, Centre,
and South; Einsatzgruppe D was assigned to the 11th
Army. The Einsatzgruppe for Special Purposes operated
in eastern Poland starting in July 1941.[154] The historian Richard Rhodes describes them as being outside
the bounds of morality"; they were judge, jury and executioner all in one, with the authority to kill anyone
at their discretion.[155] Following Operation Barbarossa,
these Einsatzgruppen units, together with the Waen-SS
and Order Police, engaged in the mass killing of the Jewish population in occupied eastern Poland and the Soviet Union.[155][156] The greatest extent of Einsatzgruppen action occurred in 1941 and 1942 in Ukraine and
Russia.[157] Before the invasion there were ve million
registered Jews throughout the Soviet Union, with three
million of those residing in the territories occupied by the
Germans; by the time the war ended, over two million of
these had been murdered.[158]
The extermination activities of the Einsatzgruppen generally followed a standard procedure, with the Einsatzgruppen chief contacting the nearest Wehrmacht unit commander to inform him of the impending action; this was
done so they could coordinate and control access to the
execution grounds.[159] Initially the victims were shot, but
this method proved impracticable for an operation of this
scale.[160] Also, after Himmler observed the shooting of
100 Jews at Minsk in August 1941, he grew concerned
about the impact such actions were having on the mental
health of his SS men. He decided that alternate methods
of killing should be found, which led to introduction of
gas vans.[161][162] However, these were not popular with
the men, because removing the dead bodies from the van
and burying them was a horrible ordeal. Prisoners or auxiliaries were often assigned to do this task so as to spare
Death camps
After the start of the war, Himmler intensied the activity of the SS within Germany and in Nazi occupied
Europe. An increasing numbers of Jews and German citizens deemed politically suspect or social outsiders were
arrested.[173] As the Nazi regime became more oppressive, the concentration camp system grew in size and
lethal operation, and grew in scope as the economic ambitions of the SS intensied.[174]
Intensication of the killing operations took place in
late 1941 when the SS began construction of stationary
gassing facilities to replace the use of Einsatzgruppen for
mass killings.[175][176] Victims at these new extermination
camps were killed with the use of carbon monoxide gas
from automobile engines.[177] During Operation Reinhard, run by ocers from the Totenkopfverbnde, who
5 Business empire
Extermination through labor. At Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, inmates were forced to carry heavy granite blocks out
of the quarry on the Stairs of Death.
In May 1941 the VuWHA founded the Deutsche Ausrstungswerke GmbH (German Equipment Works; DAW),
which was created to integrate the SS business enterprises
with the burgeoning concentration camp system.[193]
Himmler subsequently established four major new concentration camps in 1941: Auschwitz, Gross-Rosen,
Natzweiler-Struthof, and Neuengamme. Each had at
The SS owned Sudetenquell GbmH, a mineral water producer in Sudetenland. By 1944, the SS had purchased
75 percent of the mineral water producers in Germany
and were intending to acquire a monopoly.[199] Several
concentration camps produced building materials such
as stone, bricks, and cement for the SS-owned Deutsche
Erd- und Steinwerke (German Earth And Stone Works;
DEST).[200] In the occupied Eastern territories, the SS
acquired a monopoly in brick production by seizing all
300 extant brickworks.[199] The DWB also founded the
Ost-Deutsche Baustowerke (East German Building Supply Works; GmbH or ODBS) and Deutsche Edelmbel
GmbH (German Noble Furniture). These operated in
factories the SS had conscated from Jews and Poles.[201]
The SS owned experimental farms, bakeries, meat packing plants, leather works, clothing and uniform factories,
and small arms factories.[202][203] Under the direction of
the WVHA, the SS sold camp labor to various factories at a rate of three to six Reichsmarks per prisoner
per day.[204] The SS conscated and sold the property of
concentration camp inmates, conscated their investment
portfolios and their cash, and proted from their dead
bodies by selling their hair to make felt and melting down
their dental work to obtain gold from the llings.[205] The
total value of assets looted from the victims of Operation
Reinhard alone (not including Auschwitz) was listed
by Odilo Globocnik as 178,745,960.59 Reichsmarks.
Items seized included 2,909.68 kilograms of gold worth
843,802.75 RM, as well as 18,733.69 kg of silver, 1,514
kg of platinum, 249,771.50 American dollars, 130 diamond solitaires, 2,511.87 carats of brilliants, 13,458.62
carats of diamonds, and 114 kg of pearls.[206] According to Nazi legislation, Jewish property belonged to the
state, but many SS camp commandants and guards stole
items such as diamonds or currency for personal gain,
or took seized foodstus and liquor to sell on the black
Military reversals
On 5 July
Kursk, an
panded to
lower Rhine.[230] The 9th and 10th Panzers were among
the units that repulsed the attack.[231]
Waen-SS units which had survived the summer campaigns were withdrawn from the front line to ret. Two of
them, the 9th SS and 10th SS Panzer Divisions, did so in
the Arnhem region of Holland in early September 1944.
Coincidentally, on 17 September, the Allies launched in
the same area Operation Market Garden, a combined airborne and land operation designed to seize control of the
In December 1944, Hitler launched the Ardennes Oensive, also known as the Battle of the Bulge, a signicant
counterattack against the western Allies through the Ardennes with the aim of reaching Antwerp while encircling
the Allied armies in the area.[232] The oensive began
with an artillery barrage shortly before dawn on 16 December. Spearheading the attack were two panzer armies
composed largely of Waen-SS divisions.[233] The battle
groups found advancing through the forests and wooded
hills of the Ardennes dicult in the winter weather, but
they initially made good progress in the northern sector.
They soon encountered strong resistance from the US
2nd and 99th Infantry Divisions. By 23 December, the
weather improved enough that the Allied air forces could
attack the German forces and their supply columns, causing fuel shortages. In increasingly dicult conditions,
the German advance slowed and was stopped.[234] Hitlers
failed oensive cost 700 tanks and most of their remaining mobile forces in the west,[235] as well as most of their
irreplaceable reserves of manpower and materiel.[236]
During the battle, SS-Obersturmbannfhrer Joachim
Peiper left a path of destruction, which included WaenSS soldiers under his command murdering American
POWs and unarmed Belgian civilians in the Malmedy
massacre.[237] Captured SS soldiers who were part of
Kampfgruppe Peiper were tried during the Malmedy massacre trial following the war for this massacre and sev-
eral others in the area. Many of the perpetrators were
sentenced to hang, but the sentences were commuted.
Peiper was imprisoned for eleven years for his role in the
By this time, on both the Eastern and Western Front, the
activities of the SS were becoming clear to the Allies,
as the concentration and extermination camps were being overrun.[250] Allied troops were lled with disbelief
and repugnance at the evidence of Nazi brutality in the
On 9 April 1945 Knigsberg fell to the Red Army, and on
13 April Dietrichs SS unit was forced out of Vienna.[252]
The Battle of Berlin began at 03:30 on 16 April with a
massive artillery barrage.[253] Within the week, ghting
was taking place inside the city. Among the many elements defending Berlin were French, Latvian, and Scandinavian Waen-SS troops.[254][255] Hitler, now living
in the Fhrerbunker under the Reich Chancellery, still
hoped that his remaining SS soldiers could rescue the
capital. In spite of the futility of the situation, members
of the SS patrolling the city continued to shoot or hang
soldiers and civilians for what they considered to be acts
of cowardice or defeatism.[256] The Berlin garrison surrendered on 2 May, two days after Hitler committed suicide.[253] As members of SS expected little mercy from
the Red Army, they attempted to move westward to surrender to the western Allies instead.[257]
Hauptamt SS-Gericht
SS Cavalry
Hungarian Jews on the Judenrampe (Jewish ramp) after disembarking from the transport trains. Photo from the Auschwitz Album (May 1944).
Other SS units
Oce) to establish Waen-SS recruiting oces in Nazioccupied Europe.[330] The majority of the resulting foreign Waen-SS units wore a distinctive national collar
patch and preceded their SS rank titles with the prex Waen instead of SS. Volunteers from Scandinavian
countries lled the ranks of two divisions, the SS-Wiking
and SS-Nordland.[331] Belgian Flemings joined Dutchmen to form the SS-Nederland legion,[332] and their Walloon compatriots joined the SS-Wallonien.[333] By the
end of 1943 about a quarter of the SS were ethnic Germans from across Europe,[334] and by June 1944, half the
Waen-SS were foreign nationals.[335]
The SS-Frauenkops was an auxiliary reporting and clerical unit,[321] which included the SS-Helferinnenkorps
(Women Helper Corps), made up of female volunteers.
Members were assigned as administrative sta and supply personnel, and served in command positions and
as guards at womens concentration camps.[322][323] Like Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini greeting
their male equivalents in the SS, females participated in Bosniak SS volunteers before their departure to the Eastern Front,
atrocities against Jews, Poles, and others.[324]
In 1942, Himmler set up the Reichsschule fr SS Helferinnen (Reich school for SS helpers) in Oberehnheim to
train women in communications so that they could free
up men for combat roles. Himmler also intended
to replace all female civilian employees in his service
with SS-Helferinnen members, as they were selected
and trained according to NSDAP ideology.[325][326] The
school was closed on 22 November 1944 due to the Allied
The SS-Mannschaften (Auxiliary-SS) were not considered regular SS members, but were conscripted from
other branches of the German military, the NSDAP, SA,
and the Volkssturm for service in concentration camps
and extermination camps.[328]
Persnlicher Stab Reichsfhrer-SS Hauptamt (Personal Sta of the Reich Leader SS)
SS-Hauptamt (Main Administrative Oce; SS-HA)
12 Austrian SS
After 1933 a career in the SS became increasingly attractive to Germanys social elite, who began joining the
movement in great numbers, usually motivated by political opportunism. By 1938 about one-third of the SS
leadership were members of the upper middle class. The Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Heinrich Himmler, August Eigruber, and
trend reversed after the rst Soviet counter-oensive of other SS ocials visit Mauthausen concentration camp, 1941.
Main article: Austrian SS
The term Austrian SS is often used to describe that
portion of the SS membership from Austria, but it was
never a recognized branch of the SS. In contrast to SS
11 SS oces
members from other countries, who were grouped into
By 1942 all activities of the SS were managed through either the Germanic-SS or the Foreign Legions of the
Waen-SS, Austrian SS members were regular SS pertwelve main oces.[360][361]
sonnel. It was technically under the command of the SS
in Germany, but often acted independently concerning
Reich Main Security Oce
Austrian aairs. The Austrian SS was founded in 1930
SS Main Economic and Administrative Oce
and by 1934 was acting as a covert force to bring about
corpses, and stabbed them with bayonets or struck them
with their rie butts if they slowed their pace.[377] Some
members of the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps
delivered captured SS camp guards to displaced persons
camps, where they knew they would be subject to summary execution.[378]
After the Anschluss, the Austrian SS was folded into 13.1 International Military Tribunal at
SS-Oberabschnitt Donau. The third regiment of the SSVerfgungstruppe (Der Fhrer) and the fourth Totenkopf
regiment (Ostmark) were recruited in Austria shortly Main article: Nuremberg trials
thereafter. On Heydrichs orders, mass arrests of poten- The Allies commenced legal proceedings against captial enemies of the Reich began immediately after the Anschluss.[364] Mauthausen was the rst concentration camp
opened in Austria following the Anschluss.[365] Before the
invasion of the Soviet Union, Mauthausen was the harshest of the camps in the Greater German Reich.[366]
The Hotel Metropole was transformed into Gestapo headquarters in Vienna in April 1938. With a sta of 900
(80 percent of whom were recruited from the Austrian
police), it was the largest Gestapo oce outside Berlin.
An estimated 50,000 people were interrogated or tortured
there.[367] The Gestapo in Vienna was headed by Franz
Josef Huber, who also served as chief of the Central
Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna. Although its de
facto leaders were Adolf Eichmann and later Alois Brunner, Huber was nevertheless responsible for the mass deportation of Austrian Jews.[368]
Kaltenbrunner, highest-ranking surviving SS ocer, after execution by hanging on 16 October 1946
tured Nazis, establishing the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945.[379] The rst war crimes trial
of 24 prominent gures such as Gring, Albert Speer,
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank,
and Kaltenbrunner took place beginning in November
1945. They were accused of four counts: conspiracy,
waging a war of aggression, war crimes, and crimes
against humanity in violation of international law.[379]
Twelve received the death penalty, including Kaltenbrunner, who was convicted of crimes against humanity and
executed on 16 October 1946.[380] The former commandant at Auschwitz, Rudolf Hss, who testied on behalf
of Kaltenbrunner and others, was tried and executed in
hangings and long terms of hard labor.[385] Piotr Cywiski, the director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum,
estimates that of the 70,000 members of the SS involved
in crimes in concentration camps, only about 1,650 to
1,700 were tried after the war.[386] The International Military Tribunal declared the SS a criminal organization in
14 See also
Glossary of Nazi Germany
List of SS personnel
SS State of Burgundy
Red Cross passport under the name of Ricardo Klement that
Adolf Eichmann used to enter Argentina in 1950
15 Notes
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Wewelsburg_%2810573265394%29.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Gruft der Wewelsburg Original artist: Dirk Vorderstrae
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data-le-height='590' /></a> or not provided
File:Jew_Killings_in_Ivangorod_(1942).jpg Source:
Ivangorod_%281942%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Original publication: Zwiazek Bojownikw o Wolnosc i Demokracje / League of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy / Union
des Combattants pour la Libert et la Dmiocratie / Verband der Kmpfer fr Freiheit und Demokratie (1959) 1939-1945.
We have not forgotten / Nous n'avons pas oubli / Wir haben es nicht vergessen., Warsaw: Polonia, pp. 267 no ISBN (multilingual book)[#cite_note-Spiegel-3 [3]][#cite_note-Janina_Struk-2 [2]] Original artist: Unknown<a href='//'
Wikidata-logo.svg/20px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png' width='20' height='11' srcset='
Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a> (Sometimes mistakenly
attributed to Jerzy Tomaszewski who discovered it.)
%28June_24%2C_1944%29.jpg License:
Public domain Contributors:
Majdanek Museum Original artist:
1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:May_1944_-_Jews_from_Carpathian_Ruthenia_arrive_at_Auschwitz-Birkenau.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/0/0e/May_1944_-_Jews_from_Carpathian_Ruthenia_arrive_at_Auschwitz-Birkenau.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: Yad Vashem. The album was donated to Yad Vashem by Lili Jacob, a survivor, who found it in the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp in 1945. Original artist: Unknown. Several sources believe the photographer to have been Ernst Homann or Bernhard
Walter of the SS
File:National_Socialist_swastika.svg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: DIREKTOR
File:Schutzstaffel_SS_SVG1.1.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Derivative work from File:Schutzstaffel SS.png Original artist: ?
File:Selection_Birkenau_ramp.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Yad Vashem. The album was donated to Yad Vashem by Lili Jacob, a survivor, who found it in the
Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp in 1945. Original artist: Unknown. Several sources believe the photographer to have been Ernst
Homann or Bernhard Walter of the SS
File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-readable
author provided. Mobius assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Stroop_Report_-_Warsaw_Ghetto_Uprising_06b.jpg Source:
Report_-_Warsaw_Ghetto_Uprising_06b.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: en:Image:Warsaw-Ghetto-Josef-Bloesche-HRedit.
jpg uploaded by United States Holocaust Museum Original artist: Unknown<a href='//'
Wikidata-logo.svg/20px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png' width='20' height='11' srcset='
Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a> (Franz Konrad confessed to taking some of the photographs, the rest was probably taken by photographers from Propaganda Kompanie nr
689.[#cite_note-Stempowski-3 [3]][#cite_note-Zbikowski-4 [4]] )
File:WP_Eichmann_Passport.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Fundacion Memoria del Holocausto, Argentina (archive link); issuing date from [1]. Original artist:
The photographer who took Eichmanns photo used in the passport is unknown.
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
Content license