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Juana Be Tattooed

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan


In Partial Fulfillment for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Psychology



March 2016


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Psychology, this thesis paper entitled Juana Be Tattooed: Reasons and Reactions on
Body Tattooing of Women which had been prepared and submitted by Shaira E.
Almario, Regina Marie C. Antallan, Dyan Bernadette G. Martin and Alfred John S.
Rueda, is hereby recommended for oral examination.
Thesis Adviser

March 2016

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in

Science in Psychology by the Committee on Oral examination.




External Panelist



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Psychology.


Dean, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
March 2016


We, the researchers, will be forever grateful to the following for this thesis will
not be possible without them.
Foremost, we are indebted to God for everything that he has endowed upon us in
completing this thesis. We owe Him everything.
We felt privileged under the guidance of Mr. Bobby Lopez - our thesis adviser.
His sense of humor, insightful expertise and maddening pedant for perfection displace us
to finally complete this thesis despite of the major drawbacks we have been through
before him.
We are thankful for our thesis instructor, Dr. Agnes Crisostomo, for her advices
and knowledge in the field of Psychology that she shared with us. Equally, her
understanding for extending the deadline due to probable reasons that definitely kept us
We are likewise grateful of the panelists, Ms. Ma. Adora Tigno and Mr. Nixon
Agaser, for their expertise and constructive criticisms which helped us to complete this
Our earnest gratitude to our collective family members and friends who motivated
us to the point of berating us that kept our fire of desire to complete this bachelors
degree burning.


This thesis is dedicated to our family and friends who continuously believe in us
and has been our source of support and encouragement as we fulfill our duties and
surpass the challenges as graduating students. We are very thankful for having them in
our lives. This work is also dedicated to those who see the significance of arts and culture
in the face of the modernization of our generation. Lastly, we offer this thesis to those
who just like us, value the importance of education and yearns for learning.


The current study analyzed the reasons and reactions on body tattooing of women.
It specifically aimed to pinpoint the reasons of women in obtaining tattoos and the
subjective reactions to their perceived feedbacks of the community. Moreover, the thesis
explored the said topic from a psychological point of view. It is theoretically anchored on
Didier Anzieus Skin-Ego Theory, as it explains how skin bridges the internal processes
of an individual to external ones and vice versa. It utilized the phenomenological
approach as its research design and semi-structured interview as its technique in
gathering the data. The participants were seven (7) female students from the Bulacan
State University who were chosen through purposive and snowball sampling techniques.
The study revealed that the participants obtained the tattoo to accentuate their
individuality and to strengthen their sense of belongingness to their respective groups;
likewise, being pleased was the most prominent reaction of the participants to the
feedbacks of the community. More importantly, the results emphasized the differences
present among the choice of tattoos and as to how the participants viewed the process of
body tattooing personally. The differences of responses among the participants showed
how an individual is differentiated from the others although they may belong to the same
group or community.

DEDICATION........... iv

The Problem and Its Background

Introduction... 1
Statement of the Problem.. 4
Significance of the Study.. 5
Scope and Delimitations... 6
Definition of Terms...7


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Relevant Theory.... 9


Conceptual Framework... 11
Related Literature.12
Body Tattooing. 12
Etymology and History of Tattoo..13
Tattoo Designs...... 20
Reasons for Tattooing....... 23
Communal Feedbacks and Reactions to Tattooing... 29
Related Studies.... 30
Foreign Studies......... 30
Local Studies..... 33

Research Method and Techniques..... 37
Research Instruments.......... 38
Participants...... 39
Data Gathering Process....... 41
Data Interpretation Analysis....... 42


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Preparations before Body Tattooing....... 44

Tattoo in terms of the Design, Color, Size, Location and Number 52

Reasons for Tattooing. 66
Feelings about Tattooing. 72
Community Feedbacks about Body Tattooing... 77
Reactions towards Community Feedbacks. 81

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings.. 85
Conclusion.. 87
Recommendation........ 90
REFERENCES........ 92
A Informed Consent...... 96
B Transcriptions.... 97
C Interview Guide... 134
D Certificate of Validation...... 136
E Certificate of Proofread....... 137


Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Participants.... 40
Table 2. Preparation Prior to the Process of Body Tattooing... 44
Table 3. Tattoos in Terms of the Design, Color, Size, Location and Number..... 53
Table 4. Reasons for Tattooing........ 67
Table 5. Feelings about the Process of Tattooing....... 73
Table 6. Participants Perceived Community Feedbacks about Body Tattooing..... 78
Table 7. Participants Reactions towards Community Feedbacks 82


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework..... 11
Figure 2. Headhunters with chin markings.. 16
Figure 3. Kolam tattoo pattern. 17
Figure 4. Tattooed woman... 18
Figure 5. Tattooed man for the Bontoc Tribe.. 18
Figure 6. Traditional Tattooing.... 19
Figure 7. Butterfly tattoo.. 20
Figure 8. Dragon tattoo.... 20
Figure 9. Flower tattoo. 21
Figure 10. Heart tattoo. 21
Figure 11. Peacock tattoo. 22
Figure 12. Phoenix tattoo. 22
Figure 13. Sun tattoo.... 22
Figure 14. Jackies tattoo. 53
Figure 15. Maes tattoo.... 54

Figure 16. Tibs tattoo.. 54

Figure 17. Gelous tattoo. 55
Figure 18. Tibs tattoo.. 55
Figure 19. Jackies tattoo. 56
Figure 20. Khayes tattoo 56
Figure 21. Jermaines tattoo..... 57
Figure 22. Karlas tattoo.. 58
Figure 23. Dream catcher tattoo. 101
Figure 24. Dream catcher tattoo. 108
Figure 25. Quote tattoo.. 108
Figure 26. Tattoo based on a saying ..... 108
Figure 27. A tattoo of a flower (L) and a phoenix (R).. 112
Figure 28. Guitar tattoo... .. 118
Figure 29. Cross tattoo....... 122
Figure 30. Name tattoo.... .. 122
Figure 31. Name tattoo.... .. 122
Figure 32. Name tattoo .. 127


Figure 33. Name tattoo .. 127

Figure 34. Flower tattoo 133


The Problem and its Background
You dont get tattooed for other people. You get tattooed for something within
yourself. The only way to get this thing that lives inside of you out is to get tattooed.
How do you describe the essence of Juana dela Cruza Filipino woman?
Perhaps, one will say shy and demure simultaneously; sensual yet conservative; or simple
but bewitching. Francisco (2002) once pronounced that Filipino women have an
indomitable spirit and can love so purely and so powerfully. Now, suppose Juana has a
tattooa dragon tattoo that runs along her spine. What labels would you associate to
Juana? For all one knows, these are quite contrary to the combination of qualities
previously mentioned; for it would possibly be coquettish, liberated, or promiscuous.
Nevertheless, will these labels be changed if you will be able to look into a much deeper
understanding of Juanas reasons for obtaining the tattoo?
From the recesses of history, tattooing has been a usual practice among the
people. Regardless of the gender; tattoos were used to be accepted by the community.
Before, acquiring one for males corresponds to a certain milestones in their lives that
signify conquests and strength. On the other hand, females used tattoos for aesthetic
values and ornaments which were acceptable by all means. But nowadays, tattooing has
been demonized and was documented to be more common among men. Due to the rising

interest of the people about the practice, women of todays generation are even more
participating in the trend. Nevertheless, tattooing in women is perceived as the
otherwisestereotypes and judgments are being linked by the society to these tattooed
female individuals. Those having been said posed a need to explore tattooing in women
to address the said issue.
Moreover, studies on tattoos are mostly viewed based on the societal groups that
an individual belongs to. According to Hennessy (2011), other fields view tattoos as a
part of an individuals normal behavior; that apart from the tattoos decorative function,
these are solely used as signifiers of ones place in the tribe and ones achievements or
transition from one stage in life to the next. Likewise, one reproach of that to tattooing is
that the methods on such views are generally focalized on group reasons and does not
look through the reason individually. With that, according to a recent study by Michael
D. Wessely in 2013, it has been found that individuals had emotional motivations for
obtaining tattoos in combination with practical considerations. According to him, such
practice brought the inner facets present from an individuals experiences throughout
their lifetime. However, the presence of such motivations and reasons behind an
individuals tattoos are still blurred to most of the people in the society. That despite the
fact that the practice is starting to be wholly accepted by the population, some are still
naive of the reasons an individual has in marking oneself.
Furthermore, in Psychology, tattooing is typically predicated as a reaction to and
result of an underlying negative psychological issue or otherwise deviant behavior
(Williams, 2009; Atkinson, 2004; Koch et. al., 2010). Lombroso (1896) was among the
first to suggest a strong relationship between tattooing and deviancy. Similarly, a more

current study by Putnins in 2002 presented that statistically significant partial correlations
were found between aggressive and deviant behaviors, and having tattoos. In consonance,
a numerous studies in the field of Psychology put so much emphasis on tattooing as a
consequence of a deviant behavior, and nearly neglected the underlying positive
psychological issue for doing so. Hence, the current study attempts to address the
viewpoint often overlooked in Psychology. However, it will view such psychological
issues as reasons and will be treated as neither negative nor positive; for it will chiefly
aim to pinpoint and examine the prominent reasons one has for obtaining a tattoo.
Additionally, literatures have been bombarded by contemporary perceptions about
individuals who have tattoos (Greif, Hewitt, & Armstrong, 1999). More explicitly, there
are still remaining stereotypes and judgments about this form of body modification (Lim
et al., 2013). Recent studies by DeMello and Firmin have suggested that social leaders
are continuing to associate the practice of tattooing with rebellious criminals and
sociopaths (as cited in Lim et al., 2013). There are a vast number of studies concerning
the perceptions of the masses about tattooing that are commonly associated with negative
stereotypes and judgments. Yet, there appears to be a dearth of studies about the
feedbacks of the community to tattooed individuals as perceived by these individuals; as
well as their subjective reactions to these feedbacks.
For some of the majority, tattooing is not merely a trend in the contemporary arts
that one blends in with, but rather, it is an act with a much deeper reason that one has for
undergoing so (Brandtrust, n.d). Therefore, people should not see such individuals with
tattoos as the different to the majority. However, there are impediments in attaining such
ideals due to the gap in the knowledge. There is a lack of studies providing a broader

knowledge about tattooing in the Philippine context specifically, female tattooing, and
even more so researches about the reasons and reactions for obtaining such body
modification. Thus, this study attempts to fill in such gaps and to contribute to the limited
studies and researches with regards to the rising practice of female tattooing in the
Statement of the Problem
The general problem of the study is: How may the reasons and reactions on body
tattooing of women be analyzed?
Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:
1. How do the participants prepare before they undergo the process of tattooing?
2. How do the participants describe their tattoos in terms of its:
2.1. design;
2.2. color;
2.3. size;
2.4. location; and
2.5. number?
3. Why do the participants undergo body tattooing?
4. How do the participants feel about the process of body tattooing?
5. What are the community feedbacks on body tattooing as perceived by the
6. How do the participants react to the perceived community feedbacks on body

Significance of the Study
Upon completion, the findings the study will be of benefit to the following
The Psychology Students. The findings of this study will be a significant attempt
in contributing knowledge about the reasons and subjective reactions of individuals on
body tattooing. This study will be able to yield a better understanding on the subject
matter of tattoos and tattooing in relation to the field of Psychology.
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This study will open doors to
the association of some sociological practices to Psychology. Specifically, the faculty can
look through how the societal behaviors and expectations can affect an individuals
formation of identity. Likewise, instructors may be able to start looking on the significant
findings of this study to Social Sciences and Philosophy.
The Owners of Tattoo Parlors and Tattoo Artists. The results of this study can
offer a significant awareness to the owners of tattoo parlors and tattoo artists on the
subject of female tattooing and how women are becoming fascinated of the practice.
The Filipino People. Since the practice of tattooing is commonly predicated as a
males domain and is steadily rising in the conservative Philippine nation, this study will
provide facts of why females of todays generation are becoming more participative to

The Tattooed Filipino Women. This study will offer a great opportunity for the
tattooed Filipino women to be heard. The findings of this study will be a substantial
attempt in eliminating the negative connotations associated to these tattooed women.
The Future Researchers. This study can be a guide for those who will conduct
the same or similar study about female tattooing in the Philippines. The salient findings
of this study can be a source of related literature for them.
Scope and Delimitations
This study focused on the reasons and reactions on body tattooing of women and
how they can be analyzed. These included the preparations that the participants
underwent before they proceeded to the process of tattooing. It likewise delved deep
through the participants tattoos in terms of the design, color, size, location and number
for these may possibly imply other relevant findings all throughout of the study.
Furthermore, the reasons on undergoing such body modification, body tattooing, were
investigated. More importantly, the feelings of the participants before, during, and after
the process of body tattooing were tackled.
In addition, their perceived feedbacks of the community to tattooing, and their
subjective reactions to such feedbacks were likewise examined in the study. Essentially,
the mentioned matters that were revealed from the perception and experiences of the
participants were considered and looked through to bring about the explanation of the
reasons and reactions of women to the community feedbacks on body tattooing. The
following stated matters are the sole focus of the current study.

This study used the purposive and snowball sampling techniques in selecting the
participants. The participants were seven (7) female students from the Bulacan State
University; they must be natural born Filipino woman, ages 18-26 and have had their
tattoo/s for at least 2 years by the time of this study. Additionally, the participants were
limited to those who underwent such body modification through the modern process of
The researchers only looked exclusively to body tattooing over the other types of
body modifications. Likewise, the researchers focused only on the reasons, and subjective
reactions on the perceived community feedbacks on body tattooing of women. Also, the
researchers aim not to measure but to describe all of the mentioned matters.
Definition of Terms
The following terms will be defined conceptually and operationally.
Reasons. These are the basis or causes a person brings in coming up with a
decision. In this study, it is the motives that the participants incorporate to their
acquisition of tattoos.
Body Tattooing. This is the process of marking a person or a part of the body
with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin (DeMello, 2007).
Reactions. This is an action physically or mentally performed, or a feeling
experienced in response to external stimuli (Hennessy, 2010). In this study, it is the
participants responses to the communitys feedbacks about the participants tattoo and
body tattooing.

Community Feedback. This is about the communal reactions of the mass people
to a certain situation, event or product (Atkinson, 1990). In this study, it is the opinion of
the people to the practice of body tattooing among participants.
Feelings. This is an emotional state or reaction of an individual in a given
situation. In this study, it is the participants feelings before, during, and after the process
of body tattooing.

Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter presents the relevant theory, the conceptual framework, and some of
the related literature and studies of recognized foreign and local researchers. All of such
have significant bearing to the current study.
Relevant Theory
Skin Ego Theory: This study is theoretically anchored on Didier Anzieus Skin
Ego Theory (1985). As the theory states, skin is a sensory organ that marks the boundary
between ego and non-ego. According to Anzieu, skin-ego complements and integrates
skin with a persons being. The term skin-ego designates a mental representation that the
child forms on the basis of its experience of the surface of its body (the skin) and uses to
picture itself as the vessel of mental contents. Anzieu also sees it as a psychic envelope
containing, defining and protecting the being of an individual.
The ego (personality) encloses the cognitive apparatus much as the skin encloses
the body. The chief functions of the skin are transferred onto the level of the skin-ego.
The functions of the skin-ego are to maintain thoughts, to contain ideas and affects, to
provide a protective shield, to register traces of primary communication with the outside
world, to individuate, to support sexual excitation, and to recharge the libido. In brief, the
skin-ego is an interface between inside and outside and is the foundation of the
container/contained relationship.

As cited by Anzieu (1990, p. 63), The surface of the body which is the skin,
allows an individual to release his excitations of external origins from those of internal
origin. Just as one of the capital functions of the ego is to distinguish between what
belongs to me and what does not belong, between what comes from me and the desires,
thoughts and affects of others, between a physical (the world) or the biological (the body)
reality outside the mind; the ego is the projection in the psychic of the surface of the
body; namely the skin, which makes up this sheet or interface.
The main premise of the current study is about analyzing the reasons and
reactions on body tattooing of women; the sole reason how one comes up with a decision
to obtain a tattoo and how one reacts to the communitys feedbacks about the practice. As
posited in the theory, skin links what is on the inside of an individuals psyche to the
outside. It acts as a bridge that connects the internal environment to the external one and
vice versa. The presence of tattoo/s among the tattooed individuals implies significant
matters from the internal environment that led the individuals to the modification of their
skin; thus helping them to communicate to the external environment. Moreover, just as
how these internal processes manifest on the skin, the tattoosits designs, color,
location, number and sizethat are being marked on the skin may give way to
pinpointing the noteworthy internal processes that are present among the tattooed
individuals. In addition to that, other psychological processes might be trace as to how
the individuals react to feedbacks as given by the community to them.
All of such matters mentioned are bridged from the internal to external
environment and vice versa by the skin, in which the practice of body tattooing takes
place. Thus, as stated in the theory, it can help us root some of the deep-seated facets

among the tattooed individuals experiences and perceptions in life. The findings of this
study will be of great help in learning through an individuals persona, specifically those
who underwent the body modification, specifically body tattooing.
Conceptual Framework


Figure 1. Conceptual framework

The women, university students in particular, will be the participants of this study.
From the participants, two arrows are directed to the reasons and reactions which are the

main premises of the study. Such, in turn, will be described and analyzed all throughout
the study. Then, these are directed to one of the major factors in body tattooing the
designs, colors, sizes, locations and number of tattoos which will be further used for the
analysis of womens reasons and reactions to body tattooing. This factor is then directed
to the focus of the framework, the practice of body tattooing. Another arrow is directed
from the reactions to the community feedback, which is also pointed to the focus of the
framework. In the current study, the researchers aim to look through the participants
perceived community feedbacks to body tattooing and their reactions to such feedbacks
in order to know how these matters affect the perception of the participants to the practice
of body tattooing. All of the following constructs from the framework will be based from
the participants experiences and perceptions in life.
Related Literature
This portion of the study presents the related literature of the study by some
recognized foreign and local researchers, which all bears importance to the current study.
Body Tattooing
People associate a great deal of themes to tattooing. There are varied reasons on
why an individual acquire a tattoo, choose a particular design for such and on what part
of the body one chooses to place it. Tattooing has been in prevalence and has gained
acceptance in the present day, however a number of studies have revealed that some still
link tattooed individuals to criminals and rebels, among others. With such premise, the
following facts and existing researches about tattooing in different countries of the world
answer the questions: (a) what are the communitys feedbacks to tattooing? (b) What are

the communitys feedbacks as perceived by these tattooed individuals? and (c) what are
the reactions of these individuals to such?
Etymology and History of Tattoo
Tattoo is from the words tattu, tata, or tattaw from ta which is a Polynesian
word that refers to striking (Scutt & Gotch, 2003) or to mark something (Grief, Hewitt &
Armstrong, 1999). They are created by inserting pigments into the skin to create a
permanent mark (Doss & Ebesu Hubbard, 2009). The practice of tattooing has been
utilized across the world since at least the Neolithic era, as proven by mummified
preserved skin, ancient art, and the archaeological record (Deter-Wolf, 2013). Both the
ancient art and archaeological finds of possible tattoo instruments proposed tattooing was
practiced by the Upper Paleolithic period in Europe. It has been revealed on the body of
tzi the Iceman, the oldest discovery of tattooed human skin to date was found which is
dating to between 3370 and 3100 BC (Deter-Wolf, Robitaille, Krutak & Galliot, 2016).
Moreover, at least 49 archaeological sites including locations in Greenland, Alaska,
Siberia, Mongolia, Western China, Egypt, Sudan, the Philippines, and the Andes were
seen to have tattooed mummies (Deter-Wolf, 2015).
The use of tattoos also embodied a signal to religious affiliations or strength
(Gathercole, 1988; Schildkrout, 2004). Body tattooing has been preserved in the ancient
cultures. During the ancient times, tattoos were considered to be part of the religious
beliefs and cultural practices. There are certain restrictions against marking the skin
which are based from the Bible and Islamic beliefs (Harlow, 2008; Scheinfel, 2007).
Some studies in religion and its connection with tattoo demonstrated that Christianity,

Judaism, and Islam believe that God created human after Gods own image; for such
reason, any marks on a persons body will be considered a sin. On the contrary,
Buddhism and Hinduism utilize the act of tattooing among their fellows.
According to Friedman (2015), the most primitive conceivable proof for tattooing
in Europe appears on ancient art from the Upper Paleolithic period as engraved designs
on the bodies of humanoid figurines. The Lwenmensch figurine from the Aurignacian
culture dates to approximately 40,000 years ago which shows a series of parallel lines on
its left shoulder (Der Lwenmensch, 2015). Likewise, the ivory Venus of HohleFels,
which dates to between 35,000 and 40,000 years ago, exhibits engraved lines down both
arms, as well as across the torso and chest (Conard, 2009). The oldest and most famous
straight evidence of ancient European tattooing appears on the body of tzi the Iceman,
who was found in the tz valley in the Alps and dates from the late 4th millennium BC
(Deter-Wolf et al., 2016). Studies have revealed that tzi had 61 carbon-ink tattoos
containing of 19 groups of lines simple dots and lines on his lower spine, left wrist,
behind his right knee, and on his ankles. It has been claimed that mummys tattoos were a
form of healing because of their placement; nevertheless, other explanations are plausible
(RedOrbit.com, 2015).
Pre-Christian Germanic, Celtic and other central and northern European tribes
were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts. During the gradual process
of Christianization in Europe, tattoos were often considered remaining elements of
paganism and generally legally prohibited (History of Tattooing, 2016).

North America
In the period soon after the American Revolution, to avoid impressment by
British Navy ships, sailors made use of government issued protection papers to establish
their American citizenship. However, a lot of the descriptions of the seamens protection
certificates were so general and this seems to be easily abused by the system. Resulting
for the Royal Navy officers to ignore them (History of Tattooing, 2016).
One way of making them more specific and more effective was to describe a
tattoo, which is highly personal as to subject and location, and thus uses the description to
precisely identify the seaman. As a result, many of the official certificates also carried
information about tattoos and scars, as well as any other specific identifying information.
This also possibly led to an increase and proliferation of tattoos among American seamen
who wanted to avoid impressment (History of Tattooing, 2016). As cited by Smith (2013,
p. 55), Frequently the protection papers made reference to tattoos, it was also a clear
evidence that an individual was a seafaring man.
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, tattoos were as much about selfexpression as they were about having a unique way to identify a sailor's body if he is lost
at sea or impressed by the British navy. The best source for early American tattoos is the
protection papers issued following a 1796 congressional act to safeguard American
seamen from impressment. These proto-passports catalogued tattoos alongside
birthmarks, scars, race, and height. Using simple techniques and tools, tattoo artists in the
early republic typically worked on board ships using anything available as pigments,
even gunpowder and urine. Men marked their arms and hands with initials of themselves

and loved ones, significant dates, symbols of the seafaring life, liberty poles, crucifixes,
and other symbols (Common-place.org, n.d.).
Furthermore, zoning in on Asia, tattooing has been a significant part of religious
life among the people of Indochina over the past millennium. Krutak (2010) contended
that the early roots of tattooing in IndochinaMyanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia,
Thailand and Vietnam has been integrated into a system of belief encompassing
Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism, animism, and ancestor worship. Tattooing was chiefly
administered by holy monks, sagacious tribal elders, and layman tattooists. He further
argued that tattooing evolved into a kind of magical text that believers used to navigate
through an uncertain, unpredictable, and imperfect world dominated by human enemies,
deities, nature spirits, and the dead.
In Taiwan, according to Krutak (2005), tattoo may be acquired upon the success
met on those headhunters who acquired more than five heads using old weapons, a
curved machete-like knife for instance, might
likewise have the tattoos be inked on the chest or the
backs of the hands. Tattooing could also be
administered to the foreheads of unmarried boys and
girls in their teens of the Atayal tribean aboriginal
group of the ancient Taiwan. Likewise the tattoos
were deliberately marked upon the chins of warriors.
Correspondingly, women, only those who were

skillful in weaving could be tattooed on the cheeks and the other parts of the bodies.
Krutak (2005) further contended that the Atayal tribe believed that only those women
who were proficient in weaving (hence tattooed), and those men who were successful
headhunters (also tattooed) could pass safely into the afterlife.
In South India, tattoo designs worn around the early 20th century were
specifically based from kolam patterns for these
were believed to be protective in nature (Krutak,
2009). According to a research by Krutak (2009), the
complex tattoos resembled a puzzle; since Yama, the
God of death, and his demon minions could not be
able to harm the tattooed since they would not be
able solve the puzzle that the tattoos present. He further argued that kolam tattoos were a
maze with the idea that demons would be drawn into the pattern, then lost, and rendered
powerless. At the same time, however, kolam markings were also connected to other
aspects of the afterlife. Among lower castes and tribes, it was considered a necessity for
women, and sometimes men, to be tattooed in order to avoid punishment in the land of
the dead: because Yama's demons only devoured the unmarked. Kolam tattoos also
worked as a kind of map for the reason that these were believed to help guide the dead
person on their way to the land of the dead, so that they would be safely reunited with
their deceased ancestors.

In the Philippines, aboriginal groups throughout islands have been practicing the
art of body tattooing for centuries; but after the conquest of the Spanish and the advent of
Christianity, traditional practices, tattooing for instance, were
virtually expunged from plain site. According to DeMello
(2000), when the Spanish vessels first reached the islands,
they were greeted by the heavily tattooed Visayan tribe and,
thus, called the islands La Isla de los Pintados which meant
the Islands of the Painted Ones. The tattoos that were seen
among the islands early dwellers were believed to be used as
a pointer of distinction between ranks and strength. Tattoos

have usually been regarded to be an indicator of

accomplishment and rank. Men commonly use tattoos as
symbols of their strength as warriors and defenders. On the
other hand, women were adorned by detailed and intricate
tattoo lines on their arms and wrists (Visayas and Mindanao
tribes), or full chest and arms (Luzon mountain tribes); these
tattoos were seen as emblems of beauty. Most tattoos,
however, were earned through the passage of rites
ceremonies or for accomplishing tasks. The styles and designs of the tattoo usually vary
depending on the region and tribe that an individual belongs to (as cited by Faustino,
For instance, the Bontoc, Igorot tribesmen used tattoos as a symbol of the number
of opponents they had been decapitated. Other tribesmen from the Kalinga tribe would

tattoo warriors on the hands and wrists after the first slay; and the designs and placement
would become more elaborate and broader as they slay more heads in the future.
Alongside with the differences among each tribe when it comes to the tattoo meanings
and designs, the tattooing instruments among tribes likewise vary.
This practice has been homing to different
methods and tools which are different among other
regions in the Philippines. Some involved attaching a
sharpened object such as the use of metal, thorn,
wood, or a bone to one end of a stick and was then
either tapped or poked repeatedly into the skin to
apply the ink. Also, other common methods included the cutting or pricking the skin prior
to rubbing black powder into the wound. After the Second World War, around the late
1940s in the Philippines, teachers at missionary schools deterred the practice of
Today, modern tattooing requires the use of a tattoo machine a hand-held
device is used to create tattoosand accessories and procedures to reduce the possible
risks to human health. More strikingly, tattoos are experiencing revival amongst the
Filipinos and are continuing to gain acceptance, with the traditional themes and
remarkable designs often adorning the bearers (Lawrence, 2004).

Tattoo designs
Tattoos are not solely characters or images that are being adorned in the body, but
these also present as a symbolic meaning to the bearer. The following are the common
tattoo designs and the meaning these may suggest:
Butterfly. It is considered as one of the most
popular and most feminine tattoos today. According to
some studies, the butterfly represented the commotion
and uncertainty of life for it goes from flower to
flower on a lifelong search for nectar and
pollen. In Japan, the butterfly is regarded as a symbol
of emerging grace and is very popular among young girls who are coming of
age (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.). Moreover, according to Wilson (2008), a butterfly
tattoo symbolizes new beginnings and the moving out of and beyond something that was
likely painful, dangerous, and potentially consuming.
Dragon. These are a very ancient symbol and a
tattoo motif which is being adorned by both sexes. In
ancient Chinese and Japanese mythology, the dragon
represented the four elementsearth, wind, fire, and
waterand also the four points of the compassnorth,
south, east, and west. Moreover, the dragon in essence
may represent the forces of nature (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).

Flowers. Flowers are more than just beautiful.
They vary tremendously in size, color, shape, and most
importantly meaning. Flowers represent the endless
cycle of life, passion, love, lust, and loss among the
tattooed individuals (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Hearts. A number of studies have revealed that
these are classic standard images representing the feminine pubic triangle and symbolize
romance and love between individuals. It is, likewise, considered as a universal symbol
of affection (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Star. Stars are the symbols of truth and hope as these are the light which shines in
the darkness. Researchers have revealed that these encourage people to fight against the
darkness and give hope of new and better path. It is
especially more meaningful to the people who have gone
through tough times in their lives. Star designs are often
encountered as symbols, and in many cases, there are
meanings of a particular star symbol which depends
upon the number or six or seven pointed stars
(Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Music Tattoos. Music is the one language all humans understand and is found
among all the cultures. The most common symbols associated with music are the treble
clef, bass clef, notes of the staff, and musical instruments (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).

Peacock Tattoos. The beautiful and flamboyant
feathers of male peacocks have always been appealing to
the human eye. The peacocks feathers are often depicted
in Asian themed tattoos. The peacock is known for being
proud, arrogant, and vain. It is known as the bird of a
hundred eyes because of all the eye-like shaped patterns
on their feathers. The peacock is a symbol of wealth and
nobility in some empires because of their elegant and
proud behavior (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Phoenix Tattoos. It is often associated with a feminine
nature and represents purity, continuation of life, and virtue.
It can be depicted flying with a trail of fire behind it or in its
resurrection from the ashes of its death. Either way, this
tattoo can be worn on virtually any part of the body and
represent the continuation of life and element of purity
(Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Sun. It represents fertility, strength, passion,
courage and eternally renewed youth, light and
knowledge. The sun is also a symbol of royal and divine
powers adopted by both secular and religious authorities.
It also reflects the suns philosophical symbolic nature in
most cultures around the world (Tattoo.coms Official,

Wing Tattoos. Wings, in a way, symbolize the desire to transcend and liberate
oneself from the constraints of the environment. Often times, wings also have a theme of
spirituality and divinity (Tattoo.coms Official, n.d.).
Tattoo locations
Tattoos are commonly being inked at the back of the neck, arms, shoulder, lower
back, wrist, hip, leg, and ankle. Zubieta argued that the decision to place a tattoo on a
certain location of the body is, likewise, contingent to the pain intensity. The different
locations of the body for tattooing have different levels of pain. The least sensitive areas,
which are generally most common for the purpose of tattooing, are the upper arms or
forearms, calves, shoulder blade, and outer thigh. The sternum, ribs, hands, and feet, are
very much sensitive for such purpose. The most uncommon locations for tattooing,
equally most painful, are the genitals (as cited by Faustino, 2013).
In a study by Kang and Jones in 2007, it has been revealed that the participants of
the study choose to place the tattoos in the easily hidden or sexualized areas of the body
such as the shoulder, hip or lower back. This may suggest that although some use tattoos
were used as the medium to express their sexual drives or motives, among other reasons,
some still have the subconscious need to hide it by placing it in the easily hidden areas.
Reasons for tattooing
Tattoos have their share of misunderstanding; from being banned in many work
environments, to being deemed socially unacceptable in many parts of the world, their
history and purpose vary based on the wearer (Michalak, 2015). A considerable amount
of studies has revealed that aside from the superficial reasons for acquiring a tattoo,

aesthetic purposes for an instance, there are much profounder reasons for doing so.
Below are some of the reasons the researchers were able to collect from various reliable
Belongingness. From gaining much from an individuals experiences, one yearns
for affiliations with his own peers. Ever since childhood, apart from family members, one
is initially surrounded by friends and then later on becomes a part of a certain group. Erik
Erikson once posited that group membership can be seen to provide a platform from
which individuals may build their own identity (as cited by Hennessy, 2011). That way,
tattoos are being used by some individuals to express their sense of belongingness or
exclusion (Schildkrout, 2004).
An investigation of the tattoos of 12 cadets from a male military college (Coe, et
al., 1993) concluded that tattooing should be viewed as a cooperative action, creating
bonds between other tattooees, rather than acquisition of a mark of deviance. According
to Armstrong and colleagues (2002), the major influences in tattooing are friends, identity
and image. There was little family influence or support on either having or obtaining a
tattoo, compared to the association with and influence of friends. The significant support
of friends was evidenced when students close friends were tattooed at the same time,
when they brought friends with them at the time of tattooing, and by students continued
association with tattooed friends after the tattooing.
Individuality. The common concept that individuals use as reason for tattooing is
about their sense of individuality. Individuality has been the leading reason that
individuals often link to their tattoos. Being special, to create self-identity and to be

distinctive from others are the main reasons of having tattoo according to Millner and
Elchoid (2001). People value their tattoos as being different and unique from others.
Tattooing is an expression of an individuals uniqueness (Tiggeman & Goulder, 2006). In
particular, tattoos can resemble attempts to accentuate ones sense of identity (Atkinson
& Young 2001; Sweetman, 1999). In a study by Cimo in 2004, it has been found that
participants viewed tattoos as transitional objects which aided that tattooees sense of
identity. He also believed that tattoos enabled the tattooees to integrate parts of the self,
and to differentiate themselves from others. In doing such practice, tattoos were argued to
facilitate an embodied sense of self. The creation of individuality upon tattooing appears
one of the most important motivations in having tattoo.
A correlational study by Millner and Eichold in 2001 surveyed and questioned
seventy-nine (79) participants about the reasons behind their decision in marking or
inking themselves and if they are knowledgeable about the health risks that are involved
in such type of body modification. The results showed that few of the participants are
informed of the possible risks. Furthermore, individual expression was the prominent
body modification reason for tattooing. In addition, tattoos have been used as a way of
writing ones autobiography on the surface of the body. It allows individuals to express
an integration of their past and present outlooks in life (Schildkrout, 2004). A tattoo, due
to its permanence, is a visible means of validating the constancy of ones identity, despite
other things that may change life.
Peak Experiences. According to Hennessy (2000), peak experiences can mean
different things to different people. However, others see them as dramatic occurrences
where pleasure and adrenaline levels are heightened. It has been proposed that some

humans find clarity with regards to their identity during a peak experience (Maslow,
1961). In Maslows view, people in peak experiences become close to their unique self.
According to Waterman (1984), it is possible that the experience of gaining a tattoo may
provide some of the drama needed to help crystallize ones self-concept. It may be that
the self is discovered during an intense experience.
Tattoos report a great sense of achievement knowing that one has been through an
intense physical ordeal such as the practice of tattooing. Having been able to obtain it and
come out of it can be a goal for the tattoos (Sanders, 1988). Therefore, it is possible that
obtaining a tattoo may serve a dual purpose for some. Not only will the individual
participate in a peak experience, providing clarity of self, they may also reap the added
benefit of pride in self after enduring the pain of the tattoo process.
Personal Narrative. A vast number of majorities use tattoo as a medium to
express their thought, opinions, feelings and emotions. In 2005, Michael James led an
investigation on the self-directed and expressive endeavors of male residents at a county
jail. It has been discovered that the participants of the study are likely to use the imagemaking process or the act of tattooing in order to express themselves and to adjust to their
jail surroundings. Major themes that can be seen in their tattoos are time, escape, anger
and redemption.
Psychological Growth or Healing. The issue of psychological distress is
complicated, as often one is subjected to feelings of anxiety or depression without
understanding the cause, let alone being able to remove it. Often individuals who have
suffered trauma resort to self-injury as a way to escape their psychological prison

(Favazza, 1996; Strong, 1998). It is now acknowledged that inflicting pain may indeed
aid in psychological recovery (Glucklich, 2001; Hayman, 2000). Likewise, Weldt (2003)
asserted that the act of tattooing helps an individual to divert their attention to a single
activity and through these they can be able to eliminate the presence of their environment
or even their thoughts.
Tattoos may serve any number of functions, especially when physicality of
tattooing pain functions to distract a tattooee from psychological pain. Whether the tattoo
aids self-definition, self-integration or social identity, it cannot be denied that the tattoo
has a psychological purpose (Hennessy, 2011). It was concluded that tattoos can be seen
as a psychic crutch which could be used for psychological growth, such as keeping
away unwanted emotions and healing self-image.
Rebellion. Nowadays, the youth exhibits protest against parents, rules and the
society. Rebellion sets up the individual in a self vs. not-self situation (J. Adams-Webber
& Davidson, 1979). Such causes some people to assume that individuals with tattoos to
be defiant (Caroll et al., 2002; Irwin, 2003). Others might find tattooing as a rebellious
conduct today as way of experimenting towards ones parents reaction. A recent study
on college students found that adolescents protest against the generation of the parents is
a major aspect in acquiring body modification (Delazar, 2005). Atkinson (2002) explored
the meaning of tattoos specifically from womens perspective and found that female
tattoos can be a form of cultural rebellion.
Rootedness/Remembrance. As a social being, one feels a need to have
connections with other people. This includes links to our past, as well as current

relationships. Fromm (1973) believed that throughout our lives, we continually
experience separation; these separations serve to emphasize our human existential need
for rootedness. As a result, tattoos could be grounding. It might offer a rare experience of
permanence that an individual seeks. Martin (1997) acknowledged the use of tattoo to
provide a sense of stability in an otherwise rocky world. For someone who feels not only
physically but psychologically adrift, these indelible markings may be as grounding as
the anchor tattooed on a sailors arm, which helped him keep faith that someday he would
make it home. The permanency of a tattoo may be of benefit to the individual providing
stability in times when the rest of life may be changing in a rapid pace (Hennessy, 2011).
Rites of Passage. According to Erikson (1982) the rite of passage can either
reinforce the new role of the individual, or it may mark the end of a phase on the
individuals life. A rite of passage constitutes a self-transformation. Adolescents
experience self-transformation when they enter the crisis of identity versus role confusion
(Erikson, 1950). Individuals may obtain a tattoo as a permanent reminder of a transition
from one stage in life to the next. Verberne (1969) hypothesized that tattooing is a rite of
passage that adolescents utilize in their attempts to overcome this crisis. Perhaps
obtaining a tattoo is one way to cope with the transition into an unfamiliar status
reducing the anxiety by providing a socially agreed way of construing the change.
Obtaining a tattoo is not only a reminder of the transition from one stage to the next, but
it may also aid in loosening of the individuals construction system, preventing the entire
system from being overwhelmed by anxiety.
Sexual Motives. Another issue that may be linked to tattooing is the existence of
sexual motives. In some conservative societies, the Philippines for an instance, topics and

talks about sex is a taboo. Hence, many are using tattoos as a medium of expressing their
sexual drives and experiences. Moreover, according to Zinn (2009), American girls who
are tattoo-addicts get their first tattoo-designs at about the same time that they have their
first sexual relationships. In such inquest, he explored the youth by studying the sexual
significance attributed to tattooing. Zinn began this sexual theme by relating the story of
a youth who compared his tattoo experience to his first experience having intercourse.
In an inquiry of Koch, Kempf and Pawelec (2005), it has been revealed that
96.1% of tattooed men had been sexually active compared to 72.4% of the non-tattooed
men and 94.6% of tattooed women had been sexually active compared to 68.1% of the
non-tattooed women. Tattooed respondents of such investigation also indicated that they
became sexually active at an earlier age than those without tattoos. Likewise, tattooed
men became sexually active, on the average, 18 months earlier than non-tattooed men;
tattooed women did so, on the average, 5 months earlier than non-tattooed women.
Impulsivity. While others are mindful of the reasons they have for getting their
tattoos, a number of people revealed an impulsive decision rather than a long decision
making process as a reason for acquiring a body modification (Greif et al., 1999).
Tattooing could be due to impulsivity, some that has acquired tattoo may have been
under the influence of drugs or alcohol (Friedrich, 1993; Kluger, 2015).
Communal feedbacks to tattooing and the tattooees reaction to such feedbacks
In an ethnographical study by Atkinson (2001) of 92 tattooed individuals of
varying ages and experience with tattooing throughout Canada, it has been revealed that
sixty-seven (67%) of the tattooees interviewed feared negative reaction from their parents

at some point in their lives, and suggested that such fear has strained the relationships.
Atkinson further argued that the opinion of close family members usually is the primary
influence of an individuals decision of whether or not to obtain a tattoo, with peer
support following close behind and finally considerations of reaction in the workplace (as
cited by Wilson, 2008).
Moreover, Wilson (2008, p. 18) contended that even though one performs his
tattoo for his peers, one remains mostly unaffected by ones peers negative reaction.
Correspondingly, if he as a performer felt a certain responsibility to this audience, he
would likely have responded differently to their disapproval, rather than shrugging it off.
Instead, he maintains a personal ownership of the tattoo. What matters to him is that he
understands why the tattoo is important. This suggests that a tattooee has the propensity
to ignore negative reactions especially when a tattooee feels a certain responsibility to a
certain group; that in spite of such reactions, the essential part is one understands the
importance of the tattoo to oneself.
Related Studies
Foreign Studies
A study led by Wilson (2008), Marks of Identity: The Performance of Tattoos
Among Women in Contemporary American Society, focused on tattooing as a
performance and situated this performance primarily among female college student in the
contemporary America. One major point of the study was to investigate if there indeed a
noticeable difference between the genders in terms of design, location, and performance
of tattoos. The method used included in-depth, one-on-one interviews, and surveys for a

quantitative data. Results have revealed that most respondents put more emphasis on the
personal meaning attached to their tattoo than with adherence to social norms of gender,
class, etc. The individuals that were interested in tattooing that chose to become tattooed
seemed not to worry about the reception of the general public. While some individuals
were admittedly still impacted by so because of their daily interaction with the general
public; many more seemed to be turning inward to more private performances allowing
for self-exploration, self-representation, and self-actualization.
The above discoursed study utilized a performance perspective to examine
tattooing in the United States of America among contemporary students within an
institute of higher education, most of whom are women. Furthermore, the study
addressed the ways on how these individuals communicate and perform the marks and
the concomitant meanings they place on their bodies; in other words, how displaying a
tattoo is embodied as a medium to express oneself which is similar to the current study.
Moreover, current study will likewise zero in on the reasons and reactions on
body tattooing of women which were not able to be intricately explored in the above
discussed study.
A study conducted by Hennessy (2011), Ankhs and Anchors: Tattoo as an
Expression of IdentityExploring Motivation and Meaning, focused on the reasons for
acquiring a tattoo through an individualistic point of view. The study likewise explored
tattooing through the perspective of psychological functioning. The participants of the
study were from Australia, both male and female, ranging from 18 to 64 years old. The
study utilized a combination of qualitative (in depth interview) and quantitative technique

(using a repertory grid). The findings have revealed that the motivation and meaning
were linked to the facets of identity, such as personal philosophy. It has also been found
out that there are often two reasons an individual has in obtaining a tattoo: the motivation
for obtaining a tattoo and the meaning the person attributes to the design of the tattoo.
The discussed study viewed tattooing through an individualistic point of view and
explored it through the psychological viewpoint. Likewise, it tackled the reasons on why
an individual obtain tattoos, much similar to the current study for it will do the same so.
Furthermore, the discussed study made use of both males and females as the participants,
while the current study will merely be females. That is to delve a sounder data by
focusing solely on one domain.
Moreover, the current study will explore the community feedbacks as perceived
by the tattooed individuals and, likewise, the subjective reactions of these individuals to
that in which the above discussed study did not.
An inquiry by Buckman (2013), Unique Aspects of the Professional Identity of
Tattooed Psychologists, explored the probable impact of tattoos on the professional
experience of a psychologist. The subjects, four tattooed Finnish professionals from the
field of psychology and psychiatry, were interviewed twice about their experiences with
tattoos, work and clients or patients. Three themes revolving around the interviewees
professional identity had been revealed: a sense of not belonging among their peers; a
strong professional self-esteem despite of feeling like an outsider; and a will to model a
certain free-spirited and accepting attitude to their clients or patients. The findings

suggested that the professional identity of a tattooed psychologist might be
uncharacteristic or constructed differently than their professional peers.
The above cited study looked on how tattoos commix with the experiences of the
participants work and clients or patients. It, likewise, addressed the impact of tattoos on
the experiences of tattooed individuals; much similar to the current study for it will
undertake the same so.
On the contrary, it zeroed in on professionals as the main subjects; where in the
current study, female university students will be the main subjects instead. Likewise, the
current study will be undertaking the participants perceived feedbacks of the community
and how they did react with so.
Local Studies
An inquest by Mapa-Ariola (2002), Tatu/Tato: Estetika, Semeotika at Mito
(Tattoo: Aesthetics, Semiotics and Myth), range in on the meanings and significance of
tattoo in the urban society of the contemporary Philippines by means of presenting it as a
process of creation that indicates the imagination, interpretation, and sociological
intervention of the creators, consumers, and the observers. The study made use of the
observation and in-depth interview on twenty respondents from different social class, age
and sex in gathering the data for analysis. The results have revealed that the tattoos
design brightens the perceptions and psyche of the bearer and, likewise, the creator.
Moreover, it acts as a language that has the ability to converse with those that cultivate,
criticize, accept, and ignore the tattooed individual and the act of tattooing. Likewise, the
conveyance of ideas and emotions by means of application of symbols and contexts to the

images on the different parts of the body varies and, thus, it may serve as an indicator of
ones social class and level. Lower social classes, generally, have vulgar tattoo images
and the concomitant meaning these have. On the other hand, middle and upper social
classes choose tattoo designs that are generally from foreign myths, folk literature or
artworks; and often have a vague significance or context to the bearer.
The demonstrated study put emphasis on the point of tattooing in the modern
society by examining it in a sociological perspective. It has also been tackled in the study
the reasons one incorporate to ones tattoos as well as the tattoo designs and its location
on the body; much similar to the current study for it will carry out the same so, but by the
utilizing the psychological perspective.
Moreover, the aforesaid study focused on both the sexes as a homogenous domain
in the study. The current study, however, will put emphasis exclusively on the females to
delve a much sounder finding about the topic of tattooing. Likewise, the perceived
feedbacks of the community by the tattooed individuals and their reactions with such will
be tackled in the current inquiry.
A study conducted by Salvador-Amores (2002), Batek: Traditional Tattoos and
Identities in Contemporary Kalinga, North Luzon Philippines, focused on the insights
of the roles and functions of the tattoos, and how the tattoos (batek) become cultural
symbols of the intricate rituals brought about by community regiments of the Ilubo,
Kalinga. Some of the significant grounds for their traditional tattooing were based on the
idea of rites of passage, body adornment and identity. The method used in gathering the
data was a combination of techniques found on Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino

Psychology) namely the pakikipagkwentuhan, pagdadalaw-dalaw, pagtatanung-tanong
and pakikipanayam; sharing of stories, return visit, asking questions and interview,
respectively. It has been revealed that the visual markers as seen from the Igorot body
give an individual a level of identification with a culturally defined collectivitythey
enable a sense of community. Correspondingly, the body is central to the transformation
of the Kalinga self, and is associated with the different rituals brought about by
community regiments. Although it is given that the Kalinga identity has experienced
episodes of both growth and decline from the past to the present, tattoos still serve as an
archive of culture for the group.
The discussed study examined the manners on how tattoos were revered in a
traditional community in the Philippines and, as well, the contemporary identity of the
community with regards to tattooing. Likewise, the ways in which the tattoos were
distinguished in the community was discussed in the study. Both are much similar to the
current study for it will discuss the point of tattooing in the contemporary times.
Furthermore, the discussed study looked into tattoos in a societal approach
whereas the current study aims to look into tattoos in an individualistic approach. The
current study will be exploring the insights from the personal accounts of individuals
with tattoos. Moreover, the feedbacks of the community as perceived by the tattooed
individuals will likewise be tackled and, similarly, their subjective reactions to the
perceived feedbacks which were not able to be tackled in the aforementioned study.
A study by Faustino (2013), Attitudes and Beliefs of Young Adolescents on
Having Multiple Tattoos and Their Relation to Masculinity Ideology, paid attention to

the attitudes and beliefs that are existing among young adolescents on having multiple
tattoos. Furthermore, it zoned in on the relationship of the constructs to their masculinity
ideology. The respondents of the study were one hundred three (103) young adolescents
(ages 12-25 years). The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research method. It,
likewise, investigated the reasons for having multiple tattoos, as well as the number,
design, location, size and color of their tattoos. The findings from the computed chisquare result revealed that the attitudes and beliefs of young adolescent were significantly
related to their masculinity ideology.
The mentioned study covered some facets in tattooing: the reasons for having
tattoos, the design and the location of it by utilizing a mixed-method in gathering and
interpreting the data. The current inquiry will tackle the same facets and will be used to
look through the main themes of the current study.
Moreover, the aforesaid study regarded the belief systems of the participants
towards having multiple tattoos and its relation to the masculinity ideology. Contrarily,
the mentioned study focused on the masculinity aspect of the practice of having tattoos
whereas the current study will put attention in looking at the female point of view of such

This chapter presents the research method and techniques, design, instruments,
participants, sampling techniques, and data analysis procedure were used in gathering and
analyzing the data.
Research Method and Techniques
This study was qualitative in nature. Neuman (2000) posited that qualitative
approach is characterized by its aims, which relates to understanding some aspects of
social life; and its methods, which usually generate words rather than numbers, as data
for analysis. The current study zeroed in on a specific aspect of life, that is, the
individuals personal experiences with regards to tattooing. To that end, the qualitative
approach was suitable for this study.
This study employed the phenomenological approach. Lester (1999) defined the
phenomenological approach in research as the gathering of substantial data which is
based on a paradigm of personal knowledge and subjectivity, and emphasizes the
importance of personal perspective and interpretation. Similarly, it is powerful for
understanding subjective experience in gaining insights into peoples motivations and
actions (Lester, 1999). The current used the participants subjective experiences and
personal accounts about tattooing as substantial data for analysis; hence, the
phenomenological approach was deemed appropriate for the study.

Moreover, the specific technique used in gathering the data was the in-depth
semi-structured interview. According to Harrell & Bradley (2009), in-depth semistructured interviews are often used when the researcher wants to examine deeply into a
topic and to understand thoroughly the answers provided by the interviewees; similarly, a
guide was being used with questions and topics that must be covered. The in-depth semistructured interview was apt for the study; the researchers delved in detail the
participants own accounts by giving them such an interview integrated with open-ended
Research Instruments
An interview guide was used by the researchers for the process of data gathering.
Kenedy (2006) defined an interview guide as an instrument that directs the conversation
toward the topics and issues the researches want to learn about. Moreover, these guides
vary from highly scripted to relatively loose, but altogether share certain features. First,
these help the researchers know what to ask about, in what sequence, how to pose the
questions, and how to pose follow-ups; and second, these provide guidance about what to
do or say next, after the interviewee has answered the last question. Correspondingly, the
questions that were used in the interview for this study were from general to specific
ideas about the participants own accounts for tattooing that are wholly based from
reviewing related studies and literature. The interview guide included questions about
their preparations, their tattoos design, number, location, size and colors, reasons that the
participants incorporate with their tattoos, their experience before, during, and after the
process, their perceived community feedback towards their tattoo, and their subjective
reactions to those feedbacks. Such questions are wholly based from the reviewed articles

that discussed the subject of tattooing. The interview guide used for the study was
validated by Dr. Nestor Castro, the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs of the
University of the Philippines Diliman (see Appendix D). After the validation, the
researchers conducted a pilot testing, which aims to verify if the set of questions included
in the interview guide were able to gather all the needed data for the study.
Moreover, the informed consent and demographic profile were given to the
participants. Doing so allowed the researchers to have the basic information about the
This study was composed of seven (7) female students from the Bulacan State
University as sample of the study. The university student participants must: (a.) be a
natural born Filipino woman, (b.) be 18-26 years of age, (c.) have had the tattoo/s for, at
least, 2 years, and (d.) have underwent the process of body tattooing in a modern way.
The above criteria should be met by the prospects to qualify as participants for the
study. The first criterionparticipants should be a natural born Filipino woman, must be
met for the reason that, apparently, these will be the subjects and one of the major points
of the current inquiry. Second, the participants must be 18-26 years of age. The given age
range quantifies those who have ages typical of university studentsthose pursuing a
Bachelors degree, to say the least. Correspondingly, the minimum age requirement was
18 for this is considered as the age of majority which is the threshold of adulthood as it is
conceptualized and recognized in law. Likewise, it is the chronological age when minors
cease to legally be considered children and assume control over their actions, and

decisions. To that end, the researchers presumed that the age of 18 is where one may have
reached a sense of maturity. The, third criterionparticipant must have had the tattoo/s
for at least two years, must likewise be met to make sure that the participant has had a
significant bearing with the tattoo, hence for the participant to be able to access the
memories and feelings concomitant with the tattoo/s. Lastly, the participants must have
acquired the tattoo through the modern process. The researchers limited the participants
to such because it is the most common way of body tattooing nowadays.
The participants were gathered through purposive and snowball sampling
technique. Patton (1990) defined purposive sampling as selecting participants based on
pre-defined sub-groups according to pre-selected criteria relevant to a particular research
question; and snowball sampling as a method whereby participants with whom contact
has already been made is used to penetrate their social networks to refer the researcher to
other participants. Both were deemed fitting for the study to widen the range of the
participants responses; which, in turn, will provide an amplified data that will be used in
the analysis.
Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Participants


BS Psychology
BS Psychology
BS Psychology
BS Psychology
BIT-Computer Technology
BIT-Computer Technology
BS Tourism

Data Gathering Process
The participants for the study were gathered from the university. The researchers
assured that the potential participant met the criteria provided by asking her of her: (a.)
sex, (b.) age, and (c.) the years she had been with the tattoo. When the potential
participant is deemed to be qualified for the study, the time, date and location of the
interview that is convenient for the participant was scheduled accordingly. Moreover,
such participant was requested to refer the researchers to other potential participants in
her social circle, and the same protocols was to the referred prospect.
During the day and before the interview proper, each of the participants was given
an informed consent. This document must be mandatorily read before proceeding to the
ensuing step of the study. By doing so, researchers prepared to inform the participants of
the whole matter about the study; correspondingly, any inquiries were properly addressed
to eliminate the confusion that may rise through the course of the study. Granting that
true information of the participants was gathered, however, all of them were still given
pseudonyms for confidentiality.
During the interview, the researchers utilized an in-depth semi-structured
interview. The participants were interviewed and were recorded on a digital voice
recorder. One or two of the researchers were assigned to be the interviewer and, likewise,
as the observer. The interviewer followed and used the interview guide which was
consisted of the questions about tattooing that needed to be covered during the
conversation which generally are: their preparations, their tattoos design, number,
location, size and colors, reasons that the participants incorporate with their tattoos, their

experience before, during, and after the process, their perceived community feedback
towards their tattoo, and their subjective reactions to those feedbacks. All of the
participants were interviewed face to face by the assigned interviewer. The observer, on
the other hand, took down notes and recorded the interview conversation.
Data Interpretation Analysis
In analyzing the data, the researchers used the directed content analysis. A
directed content approach in analysis starts with a theory or relevant research findings as
guidance for initial codes (Kaohsiung, 2005). The approach of Nieuwenhuis (2014) on
directed content analysis was adapted in the study.
Initially, the researchers transcribed the responses of all the participants. The
audio recorded interview with the participants was converted to texts. The transcripts
were written in a question-by-question format to capture what the answer given by the
participants regarding each question; and the field notes completed, likewise, be added.
Such process established the validity, transparency, and reliability of the study.
Then, the information gathered from the transcribed interview was organized. The
significant and similar facts emphasized and the inconsequential facts were disregarded.
Furthermore, the data were categorized by making a list of the information out of
the organized facts. It was done according to the similarities of the meaning from the
different participants.
Finally, the list was coded using the predetermined codes that are wholly based
from the germane findings of the reviewed literature and studies. If, however, any

passage that could not be categorized with the initial coding scheme arises, a new code
would be given to it. This process led to the creation of themes. After giving the codes,
the researchers provided the listed codes a specific theme that is relative to the research
The process of organization, analysis and interpretation of the collected data from
the interview offered a significant proof in framing the findings and conclusion of the
reasons of the female university students behind their tattoos and, likewise, their
subjective reactions to their perceived community feedbacks toward their tattoos.

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
This chapter presents the salient findings of the study which includes: (a)
participants preparation in the process of tattooing; (b) the design, color, size, location,
and number of the participants tattoo/s; (c) participants reason for tattooing; (d)
participants feeling about the process of tattooing; (e) the community feedbacks on body
tattooing as perceived by the participants and (d) the participants reactions to these
community feedbacks.
Preparations before Body Tattooing
One of the matters that an individual takes into consideration before going
through the process of body tattooing is the preparation needed before the actual practice
takes place. The researchers dig deep on the different preparations that the participants
have done and these were: (a) researching, (b) mental preparation, (c) asking for others
approval, and (d) physical preparation.
Table 2. Preparation Prior to the Process of Body Tattooing
Participants Responses
Nag-isip at nag research talaga ko ng
gusto kong ipalagayNag-search ako
bago ako magpatattoo
Nagtanung-tanong ako non
nag-search ako ng mga puwedeng
kinundisyon ko lang yung isip
koInaano ko yung sarili ko non na
maging handa akoPinag-iisipan ko kasi
talaga syang mabuti.
hinanda ko lang yung isip ko.
tinanong ko din kay daddy kung payag
ba syahumingi ako ng ano, Uy
magpapatattoo ba ako?
sinabi ko pa kay daddy kung ano payag
ba sya
water, tapos kailangan busog.
Naligo lang ako, yun lang.



Mental preparation

Asking for others approval

Physical preparation

For the most part, participants had similar preparations prior to the process of
tattooing. These preparations focused on researching the possible tattoo designs, the
feelings during the process, the aftercare and the possible risks in acquiring a tattoo. For
instance, to the question, May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong
pagpapatattoo? Jackie answered, Actually, nag research ako bago ako magpatattoo sa
mga design kung saan maganda ilagay, kung ano yung parts na masakit.
Correspondingly, Tibs, on acquiring her second tattoo, answered, Nag-search ako ng
mga puwedeng design. Mae stated, Bale pinag-isipan kong mabuti kung ano ba
talagayung ipapalagay She further emphasized, Nag-isip at nag-search talaga ko
ng gusto kong ipalagay. Kasi nga syempre kapag pinalagay mo yan, hindi na mabubura
parang part na ng katawan mo. Most of the participants researched for the possible
designs and locations on the body where they would place the tattoo. The researchers
assumed that it is because tattoos are permanent marks on the skin, thus a careful process
of selecting the possible design are being included into the preparation. Correspondingly,
the tattoo marked on ones skin resembles as a new part of the body a piece included to
the individual that may be positively or negatively judged by other people. Also, tattoos
are not just a usual accessory that can be worn on and off of the body but it last
perpetually. Thus, arriving into the most suitable designs and meaning matter to the
participant. A study once stated that an individual who is about to get a tattoo should
consider social situations where a tattoo might show, because wherever you go, your
tattoo goes with you. (Chinchilla, 1997, p.50)
Moreover, the participants also prepared by researching the possible feeling they

would experience in the process. Jackie once said, ...nag-research lang ako kung ano
yung mararamdaman ko. She further added kasi mababa lang yung pain tolerance
ko. Likewise, Karla offered a more detailed response by stating, Syempre nagtanungtanong ako non kung ano yung feeling kapag nag-patattoo, kung ano yung
mararamdaman. Syempre masakit daw yon, kahit na mayrong mga anesthesia na
nilalagay. Hindi daw kasi agad-agad tumatalab... ...kung ano yung pakiramdam ng may
tattoo. Tapos yung sa process, kunwari andun na sa point na tatatuan ka na, ano yung
feeling mo, kinakabahan ka ba, para ka bang mamamatay na ganon. Jackie and Karla
stated their efforts to research the pain they would feel in the process. The researchers
believed that the participants have given out their efforts on researching about this matter
because most of them have no prior knowledge about it. It is also better for the
individuals to ask around and acquire some references before getting a tattoo. Body
tattooing is not a usual practice that everyone undergoes; thus, it takes a considerable
time to do research and preparations about the possible pain level that one would feel
during the process. The participants may have intended to do this for them not to be too
overwhelmed when the process takes place. As mentioned by Zinn in 2009, people who
do not possess any form of body modification, tattoo in particular, have this inherit drive
to ask people with tattoos about the pain involved in the experience. It is in the same way
that the participants researched of the pain involved in getting the tattoo. Moreover,
tattooing chiefly involves the direct contact of needles on the skin. Conceivably, the fear
of needles brought by the pain it elicits was another factor that might have been present in
moving the participants to do a research about the feelings during the process. The
needles involved serves as a foreign tool that punctures and invades the body. Such idea

conceivably makes the individuals to feel uncomfortable during the process. Thus, it
gives them the idea of pain and fear of needles that is then being associated to the
tattooing process.
Another apparent preparation that the participants did was to research about the
tattoos aftercare. For instance, Jackie expressed, Actually, nag-search ako bago ako
magpatattoo kung ano yung mga kaylangan gawin after ka magpatattoo. Kung pano
lilinisin, ganon. Likewise, Karla stated, Yung after ng tattoo, ganon may mga
process pa na kasi na may mga nag-eextract pa ng mga tinta non. So, ano yung
panggamot don, ganon.

Tattooing does not merely require an individual to be

prepared before the process, but one must also be mindful of the aftercare that has to be
done after acquiring the tattoo. Likewise, tattoos resemble as permanent marks on the
body those that would be indelible to someone; thus, one must be mindful of the proper
maintenance that must be done after it has been acquired. It is possibly in such thinking
that moved the participants to do researches about the aftercare. Moreover, tattooing
requires maintenance and treatments after one had obtained it. There are times that the
tattoos may fade or may be deformed, thus re-tattooing is considered by other tattoos. It
is in such reason that proper knowledge regarding the tattoos maintenance and care is
often researched by the individuals.
Furthermore, one of the participants took into consideration the possible risks of
getting a tattoo. Karla, stated, Tapos tinitingnan ko din kung meron ba syang, ano,
kunwari puwedeng magkaroon ng sakit, ganon. Tapos yun pa nga, yung sa trabaho
daw, puwede kang hindi mapasok ng trabaho. Another matter that has been emergent in
researching was exploring of the possible risks of getting a tattoo. A seemingly apparent

reason is the issues regarding ones health. There is a possibility of becoming physically
ill due to the (application of a) tattoo such as infections that can cause inflammation,
HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and on very few instances even syphilis or tuberculosis
(Oosterze, 2009). The participants must have let themselves be knowledgeable of the
possible health risks before acquiring the tattoo. Another reason for doing a research was
the possible employment struggles of getting a tattoo. Studies have revealed that there are
still remaining stereotypes and judgments about tattooing (Lim et al., 2013). Individuals
with tattoos in the workplace, for one, are commonly viewed as the negatives in the
spectrum that tattoos could possibly degrade ones identity and capacity as a person. As it
was also revealed that an employer or a fellow co-worker may perceive ones tattoo as a
negative aspect of oneself which could be harmful to ones perceived credibility as a
worker (Travis, 2013). Moreover, companies prefer not to be associated with tattooed
individuals. According to a survey for a career information website by Gibbons (2003),
58% of managers were less likely to offer an applicant with a piercing or tattoo a job. The
participants may have done research about the possible disease contraction and
employment struggles so as to have an understanding of the possible consequences of
getting a tattoo.
Mental Preparations
Setting ones mind before the process is another theme that was manifested in the
data. Mae stated, Kinundisyon ko lang yung isip ko kaya inaano ko yung isip ko non
na ano, maging handa ako. Correspondingly, Khaye stated, Hinanda ko lang yung
isip ko siguro.She further added, Oo, kasi naisip ko kung tatanggapin ba ko ng tao. At
sa lolo, kasi hindi sila masyadong ano sa ganong bagay. Aside from the designs and

feelings, the tattoos state of mind must be firm before getting a tattoo. The researchers
supposed that the participants must have bear in mind that acquiring a tattoo is not solely
a matter that is being done for nothing but for something. Likewise, the participants must
have considered tattooing as a matter that was out of their comfort zones. Thus, a serious
mind setting before the actual tattoo process was needed. It is in such regard that being
mentally prepared has been taken into consideration by the participants before
approaching the process. Moreover, the researchers believed that some of the participants
might not have a hands-on experience themselvesas being directly heard or seen from
someone who has an actual tattooof the possible consequences of getting one. For
instance, Khaye prepared her mental self for the manner on how others would take her
tattoo especially those who she considered as not open minded of the practice. Thus, the
researchers suppose that the participants not only prepared their minds prior to the actual
process, but likewise of the probable deconstructive criticisms from others once they
have acquired the tattoo.
Asking for the Approval of Others
The participants likewise asked others permission for getting a tattoo such as a
family member or their peers. As Khaye once said, Sinabi ko pa kay daddy kung ano,
payag ba sya. Moreover, Mae expressed, Humingi din ako ng suggestions, tinanong
ko din yung daddy ko kung payag ba sya. Humingi ako ng ano, Uy, magpapatattoo ba
ako? Individuals have the propensity to be dependent to someone when coming up with
a decision. These people that an individual looks up to are commonly those who possess
a certain level of connection with them, such as family members or friends. The same
holds true in the Philippine context, Isip (1999) contended that families are the most

important reference group of Filipinos which stands as the fundamental foundation of the
alliance system where they find security, strength and support. In the situation of the
participants, putting indelible markings on their bodies is a not-so-common practice
especially that all of them were born and raised in a conservative family. Thus, it is in
this regard that the participants asked their parents approval for getting a tattoo. In the
Philippine context, ones deviant behavior is directly attributed to the manner on how one
was raised in the family. That being said, the researchers believed that the familys
approval mattered to the participants because they possibly did not want to do something
that would degrade them as a person, and, most importantly, their family. The
participants asking for approval plays a huge role on their decision of acquiring a tattoo.
Likewise, Atkinson (as cited by Wilson, 2008) agrees that the opinion of family members
usually is the primary influence of an individuals decision of whether or not to obtain a
tattoo, with peer support following those behind and finally consideration of reaction in
the workplace.
Physical Preparations
It is quite surprising that physical preparation came not at the top of the emergent
themes. Tattooing mainly involves the contact of needles on the skin; therefore, one may
assume that physical preparation should be the first concern for preparation. However,
based from the previous discussions, it is unlikely the case. According to Jermaine, the
sole preparation she did was Naligo lang ako, yun lang. Correspondingly, Jackie
answered, Pero before kasi ako magpatattoo, ano lang ako water, water lang. Oo water
lang, tapos kailangan busog. She further reasoned out that, Sabi kasi ng artist ko. On
the idea of being full, Jackie said that it was according to the tattooist. Other possible

questions were raised to the participants on why was such the case; apparently, they
seemed to know nothing more than what the tattooists have advised them to do. The
researchers assumed that being physically prepared is not the main preparation the
participants did because no matter how prepared they are in this aspect, still one will feel
the pain. However, the researchers believed that the physiological aspect of being full is
contingent to ones mental strength of being able to endure the pain that will be
experienced during the process of tattooing and vice versa.
Based from the previous discussions about the participants preparations prior to
the process of tattooing, it is quite apparent that Researching is the most dominant theme
that emerged. These researches done by the participants mainly focused on the tattoo
design, the feelings during the process, the tattoos aftercare and the possible risks of
getting a tattoo. To that end, the researchers infer that none of the participants went
through the process unprepared. They have spent some time and efforts in considering
some matters regarding the tattooing process. The second identified theme is Mental
Preparations. The participants prepared their minds prior to the process due to the
conceivable reason that tattooing is what they consider as a matter out of their comfort
zones; thus, a serious mind setting was needed. Moreover, preparation of the mind prior
to the actual process was not only manifested, but likewise of the probable deconstructive
criticisms from others once the participants have acquired the tattoo. Asking the Approval
of Others is the third theme that was identified. In the Philippine context, ones deviant
behavior is directly attributed to the manner on how one was raised in the family. Having
such idea in mind, the researchers believe that the familys approval mattered to the
participants because they possibly did not want to do something that would degrade them

as a person, and, most importantly, their family in acquiring the tattoo. Lastly, the fourth
identified theme is Physical Preparations. It is quite surprising that such came not atop
the list for tattooing only involves the direct contact of needle on the skin. In addition,
one of the participants answered that her tattooist advised her to be full before undergoing
the process. Questions were raised to know other reasons for so but the participants
seemed to know nothing more than what their artists told them to. However, the
researchers believed that the physiological aspect of being full is dependent to ones
mental strength of being able to withstand the pain that will be experienced during the
tattoo acquisition process and vice versa.
These preparations were bound to set and ready the participants prior to the
process but it is also apparent that they considered doing such matters so that they may
not be too overwhelmed by the tattoo acquisition procedure and for them to be able to
take control of themselves during the process of tattooing.

Tattoo in terms of the Design, Color, Size, Location and Number

Immediately after the participants were asked on the manner how they prepared
for the process, they were then asked of questions bound to answer the second subproblem of the study: How do the participants describe their tattoos? Questions
discussing the second sub-problem pertain to the tattoo in terms of its: (a) design, (b)
color, (c) size, (d) location, and (e) number.
Table 3 presents the emergent answers of the participants with regards to how
they describe their tattoos.

Table 3. Tattoos in Terms of the Design, Color, Size, Location and Number






2-3 inches
pinakamalaki yung
catcher then
yung quote.

Pelvic area

of tattoos


Dream catcher


Dream catcher,
Bible verse





5-6 inches

Both legs





3-4 inches

Upper back



2-3 inches

Upper back,



2-3 inches




Two by

Upper left





Mothers name,
Band name,
Surname and
Nickname in

Left and
right ribs,
Pelvic area,


In terms of the design, it is clearly manifested that
most of the participants favored the dream catcher as
the design of their tattoo. For instance, Jackie
expressed, Tapos sa left ribs naman is dream
catcher. Good luck charm ko yon. (see Figure 14).
Likewise, Mae stated Yon, dream catcher. (see
Figure 15). She also added, kasi mahilig ako sa
dream catcher, tapos parang pag nakikita ko yon, di
ba nga may meaning yon, kaya para sakin yung mga dreams ko kasi, madalas kasi
yung mga dreams ko parang hindi ano okay, kaya ayun. One obvious aspect that the

participants had in choosing the dream
catcher as the design of their tattoo is that
they use it as a trinket of luck that pushes
away the negativities. It is in the same idea
that Jackie used her dream catcher tattoo as
her good luck charm. Mae also displayed the
same belief with her tattoo for she used the tattoo to filter away the bad dreams occurring
to her. From such, the researchers purported that traditional beliefs to amulets or
talismans are being enlivened by the participants in the form of tattooing. Despite of the
obsoleteness of the beliefs to actual objects as protections in the now considered modern
scientific era, such beliefs conceivably resurfaced subtly in the form of tattooing. That
being said, it is marking of the body of images that serve as modern form of talismans.
Some of the participants chose tattoo designs to tell the
world of their story. Jackie noted Yung quote kasi
nakalagay, Because of her, I will not fall, kumbaga
yung mom ko yung inspiration ko para hindi ako maggive up sa mga problems ko. Likewise, Tibs chose an
inscription of the name of her mother (see Figure 16)
and her favorite band as the design of her tattoo. It was
in the same case that Gelou chose an inscription of her
Figure 16. Tibs tattoo

name and surname in Japanese (see Figure 17) to be

tattooed on her body. It is noticeable that the participants chose quotations and

inscriptions that speak of them.
One of the participants noted,







inscriptions to tell herself, and

thus to the world, her personal
Figure 17. Gelous tattoo

anecdote that is inscribed beneath

the layers of the tattoo inked on her body. It is in the same way how Tibs and Gelou
chose the tattoo design they would put on their bodies. Tibs selected the name of her
mother to show her love to her which she cannot express through words. During the
interview with Tibs when she was asked of her reason for selecting such tattoo, she
initially answered that she did not want her mother to be livid with her. However, as the
discussion went by, she subtly opened that it was because of her love to her mother that
let her to choose the mentioned tattoo inscription. The bands name, on the other hand,
was chosen by Tibs for the reason that the songs of the band inspired her to go on to life
despite of the problems she has been
through. As Tibs explained, Yun nga yung
sa banda, paborito ko sila, para malaman
nila na idol ko talaga sila. Tapos yung mga
songs nila parang inspirations ko sa buhay
ko. (see Figure 18). Moreover, Gelous
choice of selecting her name and surname
Figure 18. Tibs tattoo

inscribed in Japanese is that she adores

someone who is Japanese. Hence, it is noticeable that the common denominator which
can be seen when one looks deeply into the participants tattoo quotation and inscription
on the body is that all of them are telling their own stories. The words or verses that have
been inked on the body are contingent to the stories the participants wanted to convey to
the world.
Jackie and Khaye chose tattoo designs that serve as transitional symbols that
helped them to move from one stage of their life to the next. For instance, Jackie stated,
verse sya sa bible, kaso in French.
Elle est forte. It means she is strong.
(see Figure 19). Jackies tattoo was an
inscription that says Elle est forte,
translating to She is strong. According to

Figure 19. Jackies tattoo

her, she chose such tattoo for she had experienced depression in the past to remind her to
not give up of the problems she will encounter just as how she had overcome her
depression. On the other hand, flower and phoenix were chosen by Khaye (see Figure 20)
for, according to her tattooist, these
tattoo designs mean rebirth that she
then later incorporated to herself. She
stated, Phoenix at flower kasi sinabi
at tinanong ko kasi artist ko, tas
iyun rebirth ibig sabihin, parang
bagong ako. Also, she added,
Figure 20. Khayes tattoo

Kung ano yung sinuggest ng artist

ko, iyun na lang din sinunod ko kasi nagkataon yung sinabi niyang design eh swak sa
personality ko. Khayes reason for coming up with such design was partly because of
her tattooists suggestion. Furthermore, she added, Kasi never talaga ako nagshorts.
Simula nung nagpatattoo ako, nakakapagshorts na ako. She wanted to get a tattoo to
cover her scarred legs the reason why she was not able to wear above-the-knee
garments and those that reveal the legs. It was then that when Khaye was deciding for a
tattoo design, her tattooist suggested the phoenix and flower, which she then approved. In
Khayes situation, the tattoos were used initially to cover a scar and were then later on
used as a symbol of ones transition from a lifes phase to another. Based from the
narratives of the two participants, the researchers supposed that the tattoo was what
Jackie and Khaye utilized as an instrument that helped them to move from one phase of
their life to the next. Correspondingly, it is in
such regard that the researchers presume that the
tattoos personal meaning to someone might be
dependent on what the tattoo design itself means.
In other words, one might draw a parallel line
that connects the meaning of a certain tattoo to
ones personal struggles or personality that will,
as a result, meet ones personal meaning of the
Some used their tattoos to associate themselves to others as in the case of
Jermaine and Karla. A fleur-de-lis (see Figure 21) tattoo was chosen by Jermaine for the
reason that, as she stated, Kasi ano nga, its a cousin love thing. Jermaine used the

tattoo as symbol of love with her cousins. Moreover, the tattoo design that she has
obtained was the same tattoo design her cousins have obtained. Likewise, Karla chose a
guitar tattoo to associate with her family. During the interview, Karla considered her
family as a family of musicians and the guitar is the one instrument that lets her connect
to her family. Based from their narratives, it may imply that the tattoos ancient role, such
as a mark that distinguishes a certain tribe, was being reinvented in a more personal way
to adapt the modern day society. In Jermaines case, the tattoo was used to associate to
her cousins and identify herself that she belongs with them. As it was in the same case
with Karla that she chose a tattoo design that she felt links her to her family. Base from
such, the researchers believe that tattoos may likewise serve as marks of belongingness.
Moreover, another reason for Jermaines fleur-de-lisis that she used it as a symbol
of herself. According to her, Ang dami ko ng pinagdaanan. So, kaya forget me not.
Hindi nila ko makakalimutan. To Jermaine, the tattoo stands as a symbol that
pronounces her struggles which, in turn, will let anyone that would be able to get
acquainted with her to never forget her. The guitar, on the other hand, was chosen by
Karla for she likes guitars (see Figure 22). She also has tried a number of instruments but
the guitar is the only one that she felt she has been attached to. Moreover, Tibs cross








independence. Thus, it is probable that these designs

that are being marked on the participants body
pronounce the participants fraction of being as a
person. As in the case of Jermaine and Karla, the
tattoo was what they used to describe themselves

Figure 22. Karlas tattoo

Jermaine for someone who gets to know her will never forget her, Karla for her passion
for playing the guitar and Tibs as symbol of her independence.
It is noteworthy that most of the participants tattoo color was suggested by the
tattooist. Black was the tattoo color of Tibs, Gelou, Karla and Jermaine. As mentioned by
Tibs, isang kulay lang, black she likewise added, Ganyan lang nilagay sakin ng
artist ko. Hindi na ako namili, hinayaan ko na sya. Correspondingly, Gelou noted,
Black lang Hinayaan ko na yung artist yung mag decide. On the other hand, a
combination of tattoo colors in one tattoo design was also apparent as also suggested by
the artist. Jackie stated, parang water color effect. Color pink, blue, merong yellow at
green. Pati yung sa Elle est forte, ganon din. Yung sa dream catcher, iba-iba syang
kulay. Moreover, Khaye stated, Violet tas may pagka-pink, tas yung isa blue, green,
yellow basta parang multicolors. She also added, Sabi ng tattoo artist. Likewise,
Mae stated, Kulay, blue, green, parang yung net nya parang green tapos sa baba
yung dream catcher, yung feather niya kulay red na may green din, ganon parang
halo. Furthermore, she added, Nagsuggest yung tattoo artist na ganon yung kulay.
The common color of the tattoo that was present among the participants was black.
However, it was also apparent that the tattoo color was suggested by the tattooist. This
may imply that the participant might have had the idea of the tattoo design in mind but is
void of color, thus the tattooist would fill the gap by deciding the color depending on
their knowledge of the participant. One of the participants noted, Yung artist ko kasi
kilala niya na din naman ako, tapos alam na din niya kung ano yung gusto ko. In other
words, the tattoos present on the participants were the result of the collaboration of the

participants self-meaning and the tattooists impression of the participant. A study by
Mapa-Ariola (2002) agrees by concluding that the tattoos design, the color as well by
being part of the design, enliven the perceptions and psyche of the bearer and the creator.
Nevertheless, there are those who chose the color as preferred by themselves.
Karla stated, Isang kulay lang, black lang. Personal choice ko din On the other hand,
Jermaine stated, Black. Personal choice. During the interview conversation, Karla
seemed to be apprehensive on pointing out her strict family on her fathers side and her
perceived view of the way they see tattooing. As she said,Medyo strict kasi sila. Sila
kasi ano, matataas, matatalino. Tsaka mayroon silang isang kapatid na may tattoo,
parang iba yung tingin nila sa kanya. Sa side kasi ni daddy yung mga tito ko mga
doctor, denstista, tas yung mga pinsan ko sa Ateneo mga nag aaral. On one hand,
Jermaine pointed out that putting visible tattoos on her course is something that is
considered as taboo. She pointed out, Sa Tourism industry bawal kasi yung nakikita
yung tattoo. Based from the responses of both the participants and their putting
emphasis on the possible struggles and hindrances, the researchers supposed that the
participants may have a subconscious anticipation of removing the tattoo if a certain
situation calls them to. Thus, they decided black as the tattoo color for it is easiest color
to be removed. That being said, they may subconsciously have anticipated that if a
situation comes that would force them to erase the tattoo, they would not have a hard
time in doing so.
Table 2 presents the most preferred sizes of tattoos of the participant. For
instance, to the question, Gaano kalaki ang tattoo mo?

Khaye answered, 5-6

inches Para hindi kita yung keloids. Moreover, Jackie has revealed, Yung
pinakamalaki yung dream catcher. Jackies dream catcher tattoo measures more than 6
inches. Correspondingly, Khaye and Jackie have a tattoo size of which that reflects their
personality. Based from the manner on how Khaye and Jackie responded and behaved
during the interview, they are characterized as those who have the most revealing
personality. The researchers believe that ones personality may be correlated to the size
of the tattoo being inked on the body.
Moreover, Karla stated, siguro, mga 3-4 inches lang, ganon. Tibs stated, 2
to 3 inches siguro ganon yung sa pangalan ng nanay ko pati yung sa banda.
Likewise, Gelou noted, Yung una, 2 to 3 inches, bale ganon din pala lahat. Mae also
has a tattoo size similar to the size of the three mentioned. Moreover, Jermaine has a twoby-two-inch size of the tattoo. Such participants Karla, Tibs, Gelou, Mae and Jermain
have an average tattoo size of 2-4 inches. One reason that can be drawn from the
interview for having such tattoo size was their requisite to hide it. During the course of
the interview, the participants pointed out that they wanted the tattoo to be hidden. As
Jermaine said,Sa Tourism industry bawal kasi yung nakikita yung tattoo. That being
said, another matter that the participants possibly considered in deciding such tattoo size
was the possible hindrances on having a tattoo. The participants choose to obtain tattoos
with smaller sizes so that it can be easily concealed.
Table 2 provides information about the most preferred location of tattoos of the
participants. They all have varied locations of placing the tattoo on their bodies. For
instance, to the question,Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita? Karla

answered, Mula sa batok hanggang dito sa may upper black, para tago.
Correspondingly, Tibs noted, Yung pangalan ng nanay ko sa likod, para hindi kita.
Tapos yung pangalawa sa may wrist para kahit papaano natatakpan. Tapos yung cross
sa may braso. Gusto ko kasi yung natatakpan, yung tago ba. Likewise, Gelou stated,
Yung una sa may wrist. Para kapag may relo ko matatakpan. Tapos yung isa sa may
braso, para matatakpan kapag may manggas. Furthermore, Jermaine stated, Dito sa
chest. Kasi yun nga, sa Tourism industry bawal kasi yung nakikita yung tattoo. So, dun
sa hidden part ko sia nilagay. It is also noticeable that despite of the tattoos varied
location on the body among the participants; however, one common denominator is that it
was placed on hidden areas. One seemingly apparent reason is that these participants are
conscious of the possible social risks of getting a tattoo. Such as in the case of Gelou and
Tibs, Gusto ko din kasi itago. Eh kasi magagalit nanay ko. and Papagalitan ako
samin eh, respectively. They were thinking of the possible reaction of their parents on
deciding where to put the tattoo. Likewise, they conceivably put into consideration the
possible employment struggles of getting a tattoo especially that most of them are about
to enter the professional world. Consequently, the researchers supposed that having such
was a factor that has been considered by the participants on putting the tattoo on the
hidden areas of the body.
Some of the participants have solely one tattoo. These participants reasons for so
were noticeably that it was their first time to get the tattoo. As Mae stated, Eh dahil first
time ko yun. However, the researchers supposed that the reason for obtaining just one
tattoo was that some of them were still in the phase of experimentation. For instance,

Jermaine expressed, kasi gusto ko lang itry muna. This phase is possibly
characterized by observing the reactions of the community towards their tattoo such as
the manner on how their family and peers would take and respond to the tattoo.
Correspondingly, if these people reacted negatively to the tattoo, it is more likely that
they would not acquire another tattoo. However, if the observation turned out to be the
positive, then they would want to acquire another tattoo. This has been manifested in
most of the participants with a single tattoo. Most of the feedbacks that they received
were compliments which will be further discussed on the latter part of this chapter. That
being said, most of them proclaimed that they would want to get another tattoo.
On the other hand, most of the interviewed participants have multiple tattoos on
their bodies. Each of Khaye and Gelou has two tattoos, and each of Jackie and Tibs have
three. Khayes reason for obtaining two tattoos was to cover her scarred legs which were
interpreted by the researchers as covering her insecurities. Gelou have the same number
of tattoos as Khaye, her tattoos were Japanese inscriptions of her name and surname for
she adores someone who is Japanese. This was interpreted as a way of expressing a
fraction of herself. Nevertheless, based from the narratives of the participants and the
observations of the researchers during the interview, those that has the most number of
tattoos displayed a remarkably deeper insights and reflections of their past experiences.
During the interview with Jackie, she has shared that she has gone a lot of predicaments
such as her separation from her mother which she used as an inspiration for choosing the
Because of her, I will not fall tattoo and her past experience of depression that led her to
choose the Elle est forte to remind her that she is strong. Jackie was very pronounced of
what she has been through whereas Tibs showed the otherwise. Tibs displayed a

seemingly timid and apprehensive manner of responding and behaving during the
interview. Her short, cold and straightforward answers are quite noticeable. From her
behavior and responses to the interview questions, the researchers suppose that she might
have something that she cannot directly express during the interview. However, the major
point is that the story of each of the participants tattoo may imply that individuals with
multiple tattoos are those that use tattoos that signify some milestone in their lives. These
milestones, whether positive or negative, are being considered as important matters that
mark ones important chapters in life.
The previous discussion tackled the participants tattoo description in terms of its
design, color, size, location and number, and their reason for selecting such. In the
discussion of tattoo design, the dream catcher tattoo has been the most common tattoo
design among the participants. Jackie used her dream catcher tattoo as her good luck
charm and Mae used the tattoo to filter away the bad dreams occurring to her. From
those, the researchers claimed that traditional beliefs to amulets or talismans, are being
enlivened by the participants in the form of tattooing. The mothers name, band name and
name and surname in Japanese character were chosen by some of the participants to tell
the world of their story. The words or verses that have been inked on the body are
dependent to the stories the participants wanted to convey to the world. Jackies quote,
and Khayes phoenix and flower tattoo were used as transitional symbols that helped
them to move from one stage of their life to the next. Likewise, it is in Khayes situation
that the researchers believe that the tattoos personal meaning to someone might be
dependent on what the tattoo design itself means. In other words, one may link the
meaning of a certain tattoo to ones personal struggles or personality that will, as a result,

meet ones personal meaning of the tattoo. Some used their tattoos to associate
themselves to others. Jermaines fleur-de-lis was used to associate with her cousins and
Karlas guitar tattoo was used to associate with her family. From such, the researchers
believe that tattoos may likewise serve as marks of belongingness. Moreover, Jermaines
and Karlas tattoo, and Tibss cross tattoo were also used by them as symbols of
themselves. The designs that are being marked on their bodies pronounce their fraction of
being as a person.
Moving on, the colors that have been inked on the participants were mostly
suggested by the tattooist. This implies that the tattoos present on the participants were
the result of the collaboration of the participants self-meaning and the tattooists
impression of the participant. Moreover, black has been the dominant color.
Coincidently, it is the color that can be easily removed. From such and based from the
responses of the participants and their putting emphasis on the possible struggles and
hindrances, the researchers supposed that in choosing black as the tattoo color, the
participants may have a subconscious anticipation of removing the tattoo if a certain
situation calls them to.
The tattoo size implies another idea. Those participants who have tattoos ranging
from two to four inches chose such size for it is the size that can be easily concealed. On
the other hand, those participants with tattoos that range from five to six inches were
notably those who have a revealing personality. Such was apparent on the manner how
they responded and behaved during the interview.
In terms of the location, the participants have varied locations of placing the tattoo
on their bodies. Varied, however, these tattoos were placed on the hidden areas. One

seemingly apparent reason for so is that these participants are conscious of the possible
social risks of getting a visible tattoo such as their parents reaction and the possible
employment struggles. The latter was especially true since all of the participants are
nearly entering the employment world.
Furthermore, some of the participants just have one tattoo. The researchers
believe that their reason for so was because they were still in the phase of
experimentation. This is characterized by observing the communitys feedbacks to their
tattoos. If negative feedbacks were received, they would not want to get another tattoo. If
the positive, then the other. This was manifested among the participants for they received
compliments from others, thus they have revealed that they would want to get another
tattoo. Moreover, those who have multiple tattoos displayed a remarkably deeper insights
and reflections of their past experiences. The story of each participants tattoo may imply
that individuals with multiple tattoos are those that use tattoos that signify some
milestone in their lives.

Reasons for Tattooing

One of the things that the researchers aimed to explore is the tattooees reasons
for obtaining their tattoo. During the course of the interview the following were the
noticeable themes present from the tattooees responses. The themes are: (a) influence,
(b) identity, (c) personal struggles, (d) goal reminder and (e) impulsiveness.
Table 4 presents the tabular representation of the emergent themes of the
participants reason for tattooing.

Table 4. Reasons for Tattooing
Participants Responses
Isa pang dahilan yung sa mommy ko,sobrang close kasi
kamiNaisip ko din sila ate ko may tattoo, si mommy mayroon
Tapos, my mom has a tattoo; my dad has tattoo.
Tas sinasabi nya (cousin) na magpatattoo daw ako, hanggang
sabi kodumami ng dumami yung sa kanya, ayun nahikayat ako.
Kasi mayroon din kaming kabarkada na may tattoo din
sinamahan ko lang yung kaibigan ko ayun parang nainggit ako,
gusto ko na din.
inaano ko don (tattoo) yung sarili ko, na matapang akowhich
is isa sa personality ko..para sa akinfeeling ko kasi di ba, sabi
nga yung katawan natin is a temple, so why not decorate the wall.
symbol sia (tattoo) na, youll never forget me kung sino man
yung mga taong makaka-ano sa akin.
Tas parang nagkaproblem akokasi nakaranas ako ng
parang sa sobrang dami kong pinagdadaanan, and hindi talaga
kami good ng family ko and everything.
Yung sa mga pangarap ko o goalsreminder siya sa akin.
at yung pinaka important sa akin yung dreamcatcherkasi nga
di ba good luck charm siya so for my future to be a successful
woman someday
wala sa plano koayun, ginawa ko lang.
biglaan lang talaga.




Symbol of Personal

Goal reminder

One of the leading reasons that moved the participants on acquiring a tattoo is
influence. During the course of the interview, participants were asked Ano ang nagtulak
o nagbunsod sa iyo para magpatattoo? Karla answered, Isa pang dahilan yung sa
mommy ko, sobrang close kasi kami naisip ko din sila ate ko may tattoo si mommy
mayroon din. Correspondingly, Jermaine stated, Tapos, my mom has a tattoo: my dad
has a tattoo. Likewise, Mae noted Tapos sinasabi niya na mag patattoo daw ako, ay
hindi pag iisipan ko pa, hanggang sabi ko dumami na ng dumami yung sa kanya, ayun na
hikayat ako. It is clearly noted that one of the reasons in obtaining a tattoo was due to

the influence of the surrounding community; may it be their peers or family members.
Looking at how the participants responded, most of them answered that it was because of
their family members tattoos that urged them to get one. Such mentality of the
participants pushed them to go through the process. The researchers believed that the
influence of other people plays an important role in the decision-making of the
participants; that is whether to acquire a tattoo or not. Although the participants did not
state that they were openly encouraged by this people, the unintentional influence of their
family brought them to a decision of getting their own tattoo. This act shows how the
participants desire to know themselves more by trying to belong to a certain group. In this
case, that is to belong to their family. Schildkrout (2004) argued that tattoos are being
used by the individuals to express their sense of belongingness or exclusion to a certain
group of people.
Furthermore, Gelou stated, Kasi mayroon din kaming kabarkada na may tattoo
din Additionally, Tibs noted, Sinamahan ko lang yung kaibigan ko. Ayun, parang
naiingit ako, gusto ko na din. On the other hand, the participants peers were also seen
to have influenced them on obtaining a tattoo. These peers were the ones who are with an
individual for the most part of every day. Thus, their impact to them is unquestionably
immense. The participants may have felt the need to be as one with their group resulting
for them to pursue what their friends typically carry out. Hennessy (2011) elaborated that
an individual often acquires tattoos in order to belong to a certain group and therefore,
help to build ones personality. Moreover, according to Erik Erikson, group membership
can be seen to provide a platform from which individuals may build their own identity (as
cited by Hennessy, 2011). Aside from the tattooees goal to belong to their respective

groups, they also aim to dig deep in knowing themselves more resulting for their
acquisition of tattoo.
Some of the participants acquired their tattoo to create a sense of identity. For
instance, Jackie stated, Inaano ko don (tattoo) yung sarili ko, na matapang akowhich
is isa sa personality ko ... para sa akin feeling ko kasi di ba, sabi nga na yung katawan
natin is a temple, so why not decorate the wall. Likewise, Jermaine noted, So, yun,
parang symbol siya na youll never forget me kung sino man yung mga taong makakaano sakin. It is perceptible that these participants used their tattoos as symbols that
describe themselves. It was perceived by the researchers that these participants were firm
while answering this specific question. It can be implied that indeed, these participants
did choose to ink themselves because they want it to be the extension of their personality.
The researches assumed that through tattoos the participants can be able to embrace their
character. The meanings and interpretation that the tattooees incorporate to their tattoos
were likewise the reasons they choose that particular figure. They also desire to be
labeled the way their tattoos are. That is for them to establish the character that they want
to project to the people and to the world. According to Atkinson and Young in 2001
individuals tend to obtained tattoos in order for them to accentuate their sense of identity.
It was later on affirmed by Cimo (2004) that individuals view tattoos as a transitional
object which aids ones sense of self.

Symbol of Personal Struggles
Personal struggles were manifested across the interviews with two of the
participants. For instance, to the question, Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o
kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa iyo? Jackie answered, Tas parang nagka-problem
ako dati, nakaranas ako ng depression. Jermaine also stated, Parang sa sobrang dami
kong pinagdadaanan, and hindi kami talaga good ng family ko and everything.
Apparently, some of the participants obtained the tattoo for them to be reminded of the
things that they have gone through in their lives. The researchers believed that the
participants tattoos serve as a symbol to them that in the future, that if some problems
would get in their way, they would be able to surpass it. Their tattoos can also help them
to be grounded and not to be drifted away despite of all the challenges. Such piece of
tattoo can serve as their guide to help them pursue their way through life.
Goal Reminder
Another evident reason for getting a tattoo is that the participants used it as a
guide for their goals. Like what Mae stated, Yung sa mga pangarap o goals, ayun nga
reminder sya sa akin na kahit papano, kapag nakikita ko yung tattoo ko, na ayun nga sa
panaginip sa mga panagarap ko. Likewise, Jackie mentioned, Yung pinaka important
sa akin yung dreamcatcher kasi nga di ba good luck charm siya so for my future to be a
successful woman someday. Seemingly, the participants tattoo serves as a permanent
reminder of their goals. Though tattoos look like a superficial decoration to ones body, it
signifies a deep meaning to the one who owns it. Same as to this theme, the participants
do not obtain a tattoo for visual value or shallow means. Some of them acquire it for them

to be reminded of their goals and plans in life every now and then. Looking at the
participants, all of them were all on the transition from teens to adulthood. That is why
some of them used tattoo as their base and for them to be reminded of what they wanted
to be. One of the things that the researchers observed during the interview was that, some
of the participants were seemed to have low esteem. Thus, the researchers supposed that
gaining a tattoo can also be a means for them to strive harder and gain motivation in
themselves. Motivation in such way, that all of them surpass the physical pain of
obtaining a tattoo.
Impulsivity was also emergent on the data. For instance, Tibs noted, Wala sa
plano ko. Ayun, ginawa ko lang. Likewise, Gelou stated, biglaan lang talaga. It is
quite apparent that Gelou and Tibs acquire their tattoos on impulse rather than on
thought. While most of the participants put importance on their explanations for
obtaining a tattoo, some participants gained their tattoos out of their spontaneous choices.
As mentioned by the participants, some of them obtained their tattoos just because they
are decided to do it right at that moment. Commonly, these are the participants who are
not dwelling into long deciding moments. The researchers believed that some of these
decisions were because of their curiosity and impulse thought. It was also observed that
the participants were brought about by the situations that is why they have no choice but
to ink themselves right away. Grief and others (1999) have revealed that while others are
mindful of the reasons they have for getting their tattoos, a number of people has
impulsively acted in acquiring a body modification.

The participants have varied reasons for obtaining the tattoo. One of those is due
to influence. Participants obtain their tattoos due to the influence of their surrounding
community. These were basically their family and peers. They use the tattoo to belong to
a certain group as a platform from which they may build their own identity.
Correspondingly, some of the participants acquired their tattoo to create a sense of
identity. The participants used the tattoo as a symbol that describes themselves. The third
theme that was identified as reason for obtaining the tattoo is personal struggles.
Apparently, some of the participants obtained the tattoo for them to be reminded of the
things that they have gone through in their lives. The tattoos serve as a symbol that if any
life obstacle comes in their way, they would be able to surpass it. Furthermore, some
obtained a tattoo to be reminded of their goals. They used the tattoo as the instrument that
gives them the motivation and for them to be reminded of what they wanted to be. Lastly,
others have acquired their tattoo due to impulsiveness. Some of the participants acquired
their tattoos on impulse rather than on thought. Grief and others (1999) have revealed that
while others are mindful of the reasons they have for getting their tattoos, a number of
people has impulsively acted in acquiring a body modification.

Feelings about Tattooing

Another factor that was examined was the feelings of the participants on the
process of body tattooing. The dominant themes were the following: (a) nervousness, (b)
pain, (c) fear of family disapproval, (d) achievement, and (e) employment struggles.

Table 5 represents the following statements from the participants experience
during the process of body tattooing.
Table 5. Feelings about the Process of Tattooing
Participants Responses
Kinakabahan ako.
Super kabado, super nanlalamig yung kamay ko, tas sobrang
kinabahan ako, feeling ko hindi ko kakayanin yung pain.
Kinabahan ako.
Kabado talaga ako to the highest level.
Medyo kinakabahan.
Kinabahan ako
Sobrang sakit niya
Masakit talaga.
Naiiyak akosobrang sakit talaga.
Iniisip ko nab aka pagalitan na talaga ako ni mommybaka
mamaya, kasi nga yung pinsan ko may ganun siya tapos sinasabihan
niya ako na ano
Natakot ako, kasi naisip ko na baka pagalitan ako sa amin.
Baka mamaya hindi ako tanggapin ng pamilya ko, baka mamaya
ipagtabuyan ako.
Masaya, ano, masaya ako non.
Ayun, grabe achieved!
I felt like Im a grown up person.
Iniisip komaghahanap ako ng work, baka mahirapan ako.
Iniisip ko din nonna baka nga hindi ako makahanap ng trabaho.




Fear of family


Employment struggle

The most emergent reason of the participants when they were asked of their
feelings before the process is nervousness. As Mae, Khaye and Jermaine expressed,
Kinakabahan ako. Likewise, Jackie mentioned, Super kabado, super nanlalamig
yung kamay ko, tas sobrang kinabahan ako, feeling ko hindi ko kayanin yung pain she
also added, Kasi mababa lang yung pain tolerance ko. Karla also expressed, Kabado
talaga ko to the highest level. she likewise added, Kasi yung sa ayun nga yung sa
tinutusok tusok, tapos sabi dumudugo daw. Furthermore, Tibs stated, medyo

kinakabahan kasi tinatakot ako nung tattoo artist. Masakit daw kasi. The researchers
assumed that the participants felt nervous before it happens since some of them will be
undergoing the process for the first time. It is the natural response of an individual if a
certain procedure is yet to be done. Also, their levels of tension right before the procedure
will increase if they do not have any prior knowledge of what will happen. Though others
have information regarding the process, most of the participants were not able to ask
around about it. The particular feeling of nervousness can also help the individual not to
be too overwhelmed by the procedure and therefore regulate their feelings before the
actual practice takes place. With that our body produces this feeling of nervousness in
order to respond to a fight or flight situations (Weller, 2014).
The participants of the study were also asked about their feelings during the
process of tattooing; almost all of them stated how painful the process was. As Mae
stated,Ayun, ano, sobrang sakit niya. Likewise, Khaye added, Masakit talaga, lalo na
sa part na may keloids, sobra talaga as in. Karla also expressed, Sobrang sakit, tapos
umiyak ako, ganon. Tattooing involves the direct contact of needle on the skin. That is
why pain is inevitable for those who are going through the process. The pain as
mentioned by the participants is believed by the researchers to be the usual answer of the
participants. After all, the needles are not just a single one, but as per the participants, the
process of tattooing uses multiple needles.

Fear of Family Disapproval
One of the reasons of the participant when they were asked of the feelings during
the process is fear of family disapproval. Like what Mae stated, Iniisip ko na baka
pagalitan na talaga ako ni mommy, baka sabihin ang tigas tigas ng ulo ko.
Correspondingly, Tibs noted, Syempre pagtapos natakot ako, kasi naisip ko na baka
pagalitan ako sa amin kasi nga hindi nila alam, biglaan lang kasi. Likewise, Karla
made mentioned, na baka mamaya hindi ako tanggapin ng pamilya ko, baka mamaya
ipagtabuyan ako. The respective familys criticisms brought fear to the participants.
Although most of them possess assurance, their familys approval towards their choice
about tattooing still matters. The researchers assumed that the familys refusal or support
was prominent among the participants. That aside from their peers comment about them,
their grounding decision would definitely be whether their family approves it or not.
Looking through a Filipino family, we know how close-bonded the children are to their
parents, siblings and relatives. That is why it created a noticeable need of a member to
always seek their familys approval before creating a decision on their own. Atkinson
argued that opinion of close family member usually is the primary influence of an
individuals decision of whether to obtain a tattoo or not (as cited by Wilson, 2008).
These may explain the uneasy psychological state the participants felt during the process
of tattooing.
Upon the coding of data, one very apparent response from the participants is the
feeling of achievement after getting the tattoo. As Mae expressed, Masaya, ano, masaya
ko non kasi ayun sa tagal tagal na ginagawa saka yung sakit na kung minsan sinasabi

ko pa na hindi ko na kaya. As Jackie stated, Grabe achieved. Ano parang ayun na
nagawa ko na yung gusto ko.. Furthermore, Jermaine posed a much striking answer for
she said, I felt like Im a grown up person. Right after the participants got their tattoos,
most of them revealed of how fulfilling it is to see the finish product. Thus, such practice
really brought the participants to a feeling of accomplishment. After all the physical pain
that they have gone through and the fear that was on their mind during the process, were
all unquestionably worth it according to the participants. In some way, this attainment
also did bring more self-confidence and self-worth to the participants. Knowing the
struggle of getting a tattoo and surpassing it will surely bring a sense of triumph to the
participants over the pain and surely, a goal has been met for such participants.
Employment Struggle
It has been manifested that the apprehension of the possible struggles on
employment came in the course of the interview. As Jackie expressed, Kasi iniisip ko,
maghahanap ako ng work baka mahirapan. Yung mga tago lang. Moreover, Karla
made mentioned, Kasi iniisp ko din non na baka nga hindi ako makahanap ng trabaho
kasi may tattoo ako.Most of the participants pronounced their anxiousness after they
have acquired the tattoo. This anxiousness was basically brought about by their
apprehension of the possible employment hindrances that they might face due to their
tattoos most especially since that all of the participants are college students who will be
entering the employment world in the near future. Most employers in most fields take
into consideration the importance of having a presentable appearance in offering a job to
an employee. Correspondingly, Ossterzee (2009) revealed that many companies do not
want to be associated with tattoos, especially the visible tattoos (in the face and neck, and

on hands and wrists). Another study by Gibbons in 2003 argued that, 58% of managers
were less likely to offer an applicant with a piercing or tattoo a job. Also, about 18% of
employees felt that they had been hindered during their career by their tattoos (Mallory,
2011). Such mentioned studies imply that the participants might have such idea that
elicited such kind of feeling after they have acquired the tattoo.
Different array of feelings was drawn when the participants underwent the
process of body tattooing. The most prominent among the themes for their feelings before
and after going through the process was nervousness and pain, respectively. Tattooing
involves the direct invasion of needle with pigments on the skin; thus, pain is not
surprising. The physiological feelings of nervousness and pain were basically brought
about by their anxiety of the tattooing process and the pain that they felt during the
process. Moreover, the sense of achievement brought by tattooing was prevalent on their
feelings after gaining the tattoo. Such feeling of achievement was brought about by the
satisfaction of the fact that the pain has been overcome. Likewise, the apprehension of the
possible struggles on employment was also expressed by the participants. This was
brought about by their notion in mind that their tattoos might serve as a hindrance when
they apply for a job.

Community Feedbacks about Body Tattooing

In addition to the question tackled was about the perceived community feedback
of the participants about their tattoos. Upon the interviews, the following were the themes
about the community feedbacks. The themes were: (a) compliment, (b) disapproval, (c)
anger, and (d) surprised reactions.

Table 6 presents the tabular representation of the emergent themes of the
community feedbacks toward body tattooing as perceived by the participants.
Table 6. Participants Perceived Community Feedbacks about Body Tattooing

Participants Responses
Yung kapatid ko naman yung may tattoo, sabi lang niya cool daw
Sabi naman ng bestfriend ko, ang ganda daw.
Parang na-astigan yung iba (friends).
Sabi nila (friends) ang astig daw, ang tapang ko daw.
Yung mga kaklase koastig daw.
Ang sabi niya (mother) lang sa akinano daw, dalaga na daw ako,
ang ganda daw ng tattoo.
Eh nung una ayaw naman niya (father)
Si mommy, ganun din.
Yung iba (friends) namanparang ang pangit nyan pag tumanda
ka nayung mga ganon. Yung mga kaibigan ko na lalake, hindi
niya gusto na may tattoo.




Yung sa boyfriend ko nung una ayaw niya.

Nung una nagalit sila (parents)
Yung mommy ko siya yung nagalit, yung talagang galit na galit.
Sa mga kaptid ko, yung kuya ko nagalit.
Lolo koiyun, minua ako.
Nagalit siya (mother) saglit tapos, sabi niya pabura ko daw.
Yung mga kabarkada ko, nagugulat lang sila.
Sa mga kapatid ko, nung una nagulat sila.
Nagulat yung mommy ko kasi hindi niya alam.
Mga kaibigan komerong mga friends na nagulat.


Surprised Reactions

These feedbacks are basically from the members of the family and the peers of the
participants. For instance, to the question Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal.
kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo? Mae replied,
Sabi naman ng best friend ko ang ganda daw. She likewise added, Yung kapatid ko
naman yung may tattoo, sabi lang niya cool daw. Correspondingly, Karla stated,
Yung iba ko naman na friends, okay lang sa kanila. Parang na astigan yung iba. she

also added, Tapos nung nakita nila ko na may tattoo, nagulat sila, sabi nila ang tapang
ko daw. Likewise, Tibs mentioned, Yung mga kaklase ko naman sabi may tattoo na
daw pala ko, astig daw. Furthermore, Jermaine noted, Ang sabi nya lang sakin ano
daw, dalaga na daw ako tapos ang ganda daw. Yun lang sinabi nya sakin, hindi sya
nagalit. Kasi, shes open naman pagdating sa mga ganong bagay. So, hindi naman sya
nagalit. Most of the participants received compliments from their peers and close
relatives of the same age upon acquiring their tattoos. The researchers believed that the
close age gap among the participants, their peers and close relatives were the reason on
why they received such feedback. They all possess common interests, similar level of
curiosity and same situations in life that make them understand each other more. The
following mentioned resulted for the participants to receive compliments from them.
During the interview, it can be observed that the participants were looking more
confident and pleased on this part. Thus, the following compliments also gave the
participants a sense of motivation towards their tattoos.
Some of the participants received negative feedbacks from their family and
friends. For instance, Mae stated, Si mommy, ganon din. Ginawa ko to, sabi nila
Nako, huwag kang magpapatattoo. In addition, participant had the same feedbacks
coming from their peers, Jackie noted: Yung iba naman ano,Ay parang ang pangit
nyan pag tumanda ka na... yung mga ganon. Yung kaibigan ko na lalaki. Hindi niya
gusto na may tattoo ako. Ayun, sya lang. And Khaye stated, Yung sa boyfriend ko
nung una ayaw niya, tapos nung kinausap siya nila mama. Tinanong siya kung
tatanggapin ba ako, so ayun nalaman na niya. Though efforts are exerted for getting a

tattoo, still many people do not appreciate it. The researchers believed that the masses
especially the adults are having a negative opinion regarding the practice. The adults
view of tattooing before was very different as to how the participants view it today. Also,
the conservative belief system present before is slowly decreasing in the current
generation thus, resulting for the adults to disapprove the practice of body tattooing
especially among the females.
One of the feedbacks that were mentioned by the participants was anger. As Mae
expressed,Si mommy, ganon din. Nung una nagalit sila Also, Khaye made
mentioned, Kaso yung lolo ko, iyun minura niya ko nung nakita niya yung tattoo ko,
ayaw niya kasi kami na may ganon. Likewise, Gelou stated, Ayun, nagalit saglit dahil
hindi ako nagpaalam. As mentioned by the participants some of them obtained their
tattoos without even asking their familys permission. Indeed, knowing that tattoo leaves
a permanent mark on the skin, concerned peers and family members may pose their anger
about it. As a negative feedback, this was one of those that the participants take seriously
especially if it comes from one of their family members and close friends.
Surprised Reactions
It is quite expected that some people are surprised after seeing the participants
tattoo. For instance, according to Mae, her friends reaction was Ayun, yung mga
kabarkada ko, nagugulat lang sila, hindi ko naman kasi sinasabi sa kanila na may tattoo
ako, kapag lang nakikita nila. In addition, some of Jermaines friends were also
surprised; she stated, Mga kaibigan ko merong mga friends na nagulat nagulat din
yung mommy ko kasi hindi nila alam, nasa States kasi yung mommy ko eh. Nakita nya

na lang sa picture may tattoo na ko. Knowing some of the participants from the
communitys perspectives, some of them were surprised to know that those low esteem
and hesitant female participants were able to surpass the process of body tattooing. That
is why they received that kind of feedbacks from their peers and family members.
Based from the previous discussions, there are differences on the viewpoints of
feedbacks as perceived by the participants. The most dominant perceived reaction of the
community is compliment. Likewise, disapproval and anger were seen to be included as
some of the community feedbacks that the participants received. The least dominant of
the theme for this category was the surprised reactions from the community. From such,
it is quite remarkable that positive feedbacks were yielded from those of the participants
age generation. On the other hand, negative reactions were elicited from those who
belong to the conservative generation ahead of the participants such as their parents.

Reactions towards Community Feedbacks

Another sub-problem of the study is to determine the manner how the participants
reacted on their perceived feedbacks of the community. Thus, they were asked of the
questions that bound to answer such problem. In the analysis of the data, the community
feedbacks were grouped into two: positive and negative feedbacks. With such feedbacks,
the researchers have come up with two themes: (a) ignoring, and (b) pleased.
Table 6 presents the responses of the participants when asked of their reactions
towards their perceived community feedbacks.

Table 7. Participants Reactions towards Community Feedbacks

Participants Responses
Sa positive, syempre natuwa ako.
Syempre natutuwa ako, kasi kumbaga, kinu-compliment nila ako,
na matapang ako, na astig ako
Sa magulang ko, natuwa ako kasi okay lang sa kanila.
Natuwa ako, kasi na-appreciate nila yung effort nung pag
papatattoo ko.
Hindi ko na lang pinapansin.
Minsan wala na lang sa akin, bahal na sila kung ano sasabihin
Sa mga negative naman, wala, parang wala akong pakialam sa
sinabi nila.
Para sa akin walawala naman akong pakialam sa sinasabi ng
iba, basta masaya ako.




Most of the participants reacted positively by being pleased. Just as what Jackie
expressed, Sa positive, syempre natutuwa ako, na-appreciate nila yung art ko sa
katawan ko and ayun tanggap nila ko, kung ano yung meron ako. Correspondingly,
Karla stated, Ahh ayun, syempre natutuwa ako, kasi kumbaga, kino-compliment nila ko,
na matapang ako, na astig ako, tsaka ano, sobrang ano, sobrang luwag ng family ko,
sinusuportahan talaga nila ko dun sa gusto ko. Furthermore, Tibs answered, Natuwa
ako, kasi na-appreciate nila yung effort nung pag-papatattoo ko. Likewise, Jermaine
shared the same opinion, Sa magulang ko, natuwa ako kasi okay lang sa kanila. It is
unmistakable that positive feedbacks resulted to positive responses. Being pleased is an
innate reaction to something that pleases or delights us. Furthermore, tattooing is a
practice which is not widely accepted. Thus, when someone without a tattoo gave an
approval or compliment to some tattooed individual, they would possibly consider it as a
great milestone. The researchers believe that it is in the same idea that the participants

reacted by being pleased to the positive feedbacks. Apart from that, the positive
responses were notably from those people the participants have known for a considerable
amount of time such as their families and peers. Based from that, the researchers
postulate that the participants reaction to positive feedbacks from their significant others
not only elicit the feeling of being delighted, but also the realization of their value and
place to these people.
Participants had similar responses to the negative community feedbacks. For
instance, to the question,Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga
naging reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo? Mae stated, ...minsan naman hindi ko
na pinapansin yung sinasabi ng iba, kasi minsan wala na lang sakin, bahala na sila kung
anu yung sasabihin nila. Also, Jackie stated, Sa mga negative naman, wala, parang
wala akong pakialam sa sinabi nila or kung naiinggit sila, ganon. Evidently, the
participants ignored the negative feedbacks they had heard from their surroundings. They
further reasoned out that it is them and it was their choice. For instance, Mae answered,
...basta ako gagawin ko yung gusto ko. Buhay ko naman to. I as in the same way that
Jackie said, Wala lang akong pakialam kung ano yung sasabihin ng iba, kasi katawan
ko naman to eh, gagawin ko yung gusto kong gawin. Correspondingly, Khaye stated,
Para sa akin wala, eh ano ba, eh eto na di ba, tsaka parang gusto ko naman to, wala
naman akong paki-alam sa sinasabi ng iba, basta masaya ako. She likewise added,
Kung natatapakan ko sila, pwede silang magreklamo, eh wala naman akong ginagawa
na something. From such responses, the researchers postulated that when the
participants were being affronted due to their tattoos, they would own the tattoo as part of

themselves as a response instead of being in dispute. Wilson (2008) agrees that a tattooee
has the propensity to ignore negative reactions to a certain group; that in spite of such
reactions, the essential part is one understands the importance of the tattoo to oneself.
Moreover, they might have set themselves in composure when they were faced to such
scenarios by thinking that if they acted passively upon these negative feedbacks, they are
proving that these negative criticisms from these people are right. Thus, putting
themselves in a level distant from being an educated college student.
Two main themes were identified and categorized that discussed the reactions of
the participants based on their perceived feedbacks of the community. Based from the
discussion, positive feedbacks elicited positive reactions from the participants and
negative feedbacks yielded participants paying of no attention.As noticed, the situation
has been a give and take relationship. That if a positive feedback has been perceived,
positive reactions will then be given by the participants. The same holds true for the
negative feedbacks, however, by paying of no attention by the participants as the end

Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
This chapter includes the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
of the study.
After going through the entire data gathering process and upon the completion of
analysis and interpretation of all the data gathered from the interview with the
participants, the researchers came with a number of substantial conclusions addressing
the problems of this study.
Summary of Findings
The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows:
1. It is quite apparent that most of the participants begin their preparations by
researching about body tattooing. Specifically, these researches about body
tattooing zeroed in on the tattoo designs that the participants would put on their
bodies, the feelings that they might experience during the process, the aftercare,
and the possible risks of acquiring the tattoo. Mental preparations and asking for
others approval were also seen to be some of the preparations done by the
participants. On the other hand, physical preparation came least on the data.
2. The study includes the data on the participants tattoos in terms of the design,
color, size, location, and number. For the designs, dream catchers and quotations
were the common designs present among the participants tattoos. Color black is
one of the usual colors that can be seen on the participants tattoo. Most of them
prefer color black for the reason that it is their artists choice of color. The typical
size of the participants tattoos is ranging from 2-3 inches. For the locations, all of

the participants choose to place their tattoos on the hidden parts of their body.
Lastly, most of the participants obtain one tattoo for the reason that it was their
first time in getting inked.
2. The most salient among all the themes regarding the reasons behind tattooing is
influence. Identity, symbol of personal struggles and goal reminders were seen to
be included for the participants reasons in obtaining their tattoos. Impulsiveness
was the least among the themes.
3. The most prominent among the themes for their feelings before going through the
process was nervousness. Then, pain was the most dominant on the participants
feeling during the process. Indeed, the process of tattooing brings pain to the
participants during the tattooing. Lastly, the sense of achievement brought by
tattooing was the prevalent on their feelings after gaining their tattoo.
4. The most dominant reaction to the feedbacks of the community as perceived by
the participants is compliment. Also, disapproval and anger were seen to be
included as some of the community feedbacks that the participants received. The
least dominant of the theme for this category was the surprised reactions of the
5. Two main themes were identified and categorized that discussed the reactions of
the participants based on their perceived feedbacks of the community. Based from
the discussion, positive feedbacks elicited positive reactions from the participants
and negative feedbacks yielded participants paying of no attention.

On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Looking at the data presented, none of the participants were seen to go
through the process of body tattooing unprepared. All of them decided to
spend some time and efforts in considering some matters regarding the
process of body tattooing. The participants also consider this so that they may
not be too overwhelmed by the process and for them to be able to take control
of themselves during the process of tattooing.
2. The participants description of their tattoos in terms of its design, color, size,
location on the body and number imply different ideas:
a. The designs of the participants tattoos have a lot of stories to tell. All of
them have chosen such image or inscriptions as their tattoos and later on
incorporated it to their own meanings and interpretations. Although other
participants possess the same tattoo design, meanings attached to these
tattoos varies among the participants emphasizing self-expression and
b. Black-inked tattoos are common among the participants for it is the color
that could be easily removed. The participants choosing of black ink was
brought about by the subconscious anticipation that if they were affronted
by a difficult situation that will require them to remove the tattoo, they
would be able to do so.

c. The participants kept in a small size for their tattoos. They take into
consideration whether they can hide it when needed to especially if
employment issue arises in the future.
d. Most of them choose a location wherein the tattoos are easily covered up.
It is noticeable that all of the participants choose to hide their tattoos due
to employment issues and possible rejections that they may encounter in
the future.
e. It was also noticeable that most of them only have one tattoo. One of the
reasons included is because they all acquire their tattoos for the first time.
Thus, obtaining just one tattoo may help them experiment and learn first
the dos and donts of having a tattoo before deciding to add more.
3. Participants do not obtain tattoos solely because of their need to belong to a
certain group but likewise to convey their personal anecdote to establish their
identity. Moreover, tattoos are acquired by the participants as a symbol of
their lifes transition from a phase to another. Hence, the participants reasons
for obtaining a tattoo have been an ensemble of their own personal
preferences together with other peoples involvement.
4. Different array of feelings was drawn when the participants underwent the
process of body tattooing. The physiological feelings of nervousness and pain
were basically brought about by their anxiety of the tattooing process and the
pain that they would feel in it. On the other hand, the feeling of achievement
was brought about by the satisfaction of the fact that the pain has been

5. Differences on the viewpoints of feedbacks as perceived by the participants
were observed. Positive feedbacks were yielded from those of the
participants age generation. On the other hand, negative reactions were
elicited from those who belong to the conservative generation ahead of the
participants such as their parents. Thus, the younger generation displays an
open-minded perspective to tattooing while the generation ahead of the
participants shows a conservative view.
6. The participants did consider the benefits of the feedbacks to them and as to
how they should react to these feedbacks. As noticed, the situation has been a
give and take relationship. That if a positive feedback has been perceived,
positive reactions will then be given by the participants. The same holds true
for the negative feedbacks, however, by paying of no attention by the
7. In relation to Skin Ego theory, as it was stated, skin is a sensory organ that
marks the boundary between ego and non-ego. As posited in the theory, skin
links what is on the inside of an individuals psyche to the outside. It acts as a
bridge that connects the internal environment to the external one and vice
versa. The presence of tattoos among the tattooed individuals suggests
significant matters from the internal environment that lead to the modification
of their skin to communicate to the external environment. Moreover, just as
how these internal processes manifest on the skin, the tattoos that are being
marked on the skin give way to pinpointing the noteworthy internal processes
that are present among the tattooed individuals.

This study examined the reasons and reactions on body tattooing of women.
However, this study had some limitations and room for additional work. These are as
For the tattooees:
1. Alongside of the mentioned possible risks in the process of body
tattooing, they must also consider the health risks brought by the practice.
2. They must dig more on their sense of individuality and personal
experiences as their way of expressing themselves through tattoos.
3. They must be open-minded to the feedbacks of the community to tattoos
and body tattooing for they possess different perspectives on such
For future researchers:
1. They may include the participants significant others (e.g. friends,
neighbors, workmates) during the course of data gathering in order to
validate the responses of the participants.
2. They may also add more participants and consider inclusion of other
methods such as focus group discussion and life stories to establish the
reliability and validity of the findings of the study.
3. They may undergo the same study but instead of women, they may
include both men and women or purely men for their future study as their
participants to see the similarities and differences present among these
participants on body tattooing.

4. They may consider the view of other people towards the tattooed
individual instead of focusing on the perceived community feedbacks of
the participants.
5. They may look through the acquisition of multiple tattoos and tattoo
addictions association to one another on the future study.

Instead of focusing the participants on students, they may consider other

individuals on different societal levels.

7. Should further relate the cultural differences associated with tattooing so

that stereotypes and judgments among tattooed individuals are eliminated.



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Mae (T1)
Course/Year: 4th year BS Psychology

Age: 22

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?


Interviewer: May mga ginawa ka ba?


Ano nga ba yon. Hmmmm hindi ko na maalala yung ginawa kong

preparations, parang kinundisyon ko lang yung sarili ko, kasi naisip ko
nga, alam ko nga na sinasabi ng mga kaibigan ko na masakit nga daw,
kaya inaano ko yung sarili ko non na ano, maging handa ako.

Interviewer: Ilang araw ang iyong naging preparasyon bago ka magpatattoo?


Hmmmm, medyo ano, siguro kasi nung iniisip ko yon, one month ko ng
iniisip, parang ayun, one month.

Interviewer: Bakit one month? Parang ang haba naman yata ng isang buwan?

Eh ano, pinag iisipan ko kasi talaga siyang mabuti, eh syempre hindi lang
naman yung sarili ko yung aanuhin ko, kaya humingi din ako ng
suggestions, tinanong ko din yung daddy ko kung payag ba siya, eh nung
una ayaw naman niya, eh gustong gusto ko, ayun, ginawa ko siya, eh nung
meron na ko wala na siyang magagawa.

Interviewer: Yung nanay mo?


Si mommy, ganon din. Ginawa ko to, sabi nila nako huwag kang
magpapatattoo, tas sabi ko paano yan meron na ko, sabi kong ganon
meron na ko, wala na kayong magagawa, hindi naman matatanggal. Nung
una nagalit sila, pero nung ano wala na.

Interviewer: Bukod don, ano pa yung iba mong ginawang paghahanda?


Ano pa ba, ano, ayun, nag isip talaga ko ng gusto kong ipalagay, eh iyun
lang yung parang naging preparasyon ko, yung naghanap ako, humingi
ako ng ano uy magpapatattoo ba ko.

Interviewer: Next question, anu-ano ang mga disenyo ng iyong tattoo?


Walang kakwenta-kwenta, bumagsak sa walang kwenta, ano lang yon,

dream catcher.

Interviewer: Bakit dream catcher, madami naman ibang design na puwedeng ilagay, di
ba sabi mo pinag isipan mo yan?

Oo, eh kasi mahilig ako sa dream catcher, tapos parang pag nakikita ko
yon, di ba nga may meaning yon, kaya para sakin yung mga dreams ko
kasi, madalas kasi yung mga dreams ko parang hindi ano ok, kaya ayun.

Interviewer: Dream as in panaginip talaga kapag natutulog?



Interviewer: Ano ba yung kadalasan na panaginip mo?


Yung iba kasi hindi maganda, kaya parang ano, kasi dati nangyari
naman sakin na parang biglang ano, alam mo ba yung parang bangungot,
ayun, tsaka minsan yung masasama, yung daddy ko namamatay ganon.

Interviewer: Ilan ang iyong tattoo sa katawan?


Isa lang, pero gusto ko pa sana.

Interviewer: Bakit isa lang?


Eh dahil first time ko yun tsaka yun lang talaga gusto kong design eh.

Interviewer: Gaano ito kalaki?


Mga 2 to 3 inches siguro, sa may bewang

Interviewer: Bakit ganon kalaki?


Wala, parang gusto ko, ewan ko parang kasi kapag mailiit hindi gaanong

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga kulay na nasa iyong tattoo?


Kulay, blue, green, parang yung net niya parang green tapos sa baba
yung dream catcher, yung feather niya kulay red na may green din, ganon
parang halo.

Interviewer: Bakit iyun yung mga kulay?


Nagsuggest yung tattoo artist na ganon yung kulay. Naisip ko, na

maganda, nagandahan ako. Ayun ano ayun pinalagay ko.

Interviewer: Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita?


Sa may bewang, sa likod, left side.

Interviewer: Bakit sa left?


Bakit nga ba Ewan ko, mas gusto ko, ewan ko hindi ko din alam, pero
dahil yata left-handed ako.

Interviewer: Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa


Ayun nga, yung sa dreams ko, kaya parang naisip ko, saka yung sa
panaginip din, puwede yung sa mga panagarap o goals, ayun.

Interviewer: Ano ba yung goals mo sa buhay?


Ayun, kasi minsan nasasabihan din ako ng ikaw eka puro ka ganyan, wala
kang panagarap, kaya simula non parang na ano din ako na
magpapalagay ako ng tattoo, tutal sa panaginip ko tsaka sa ano ko, sa
goals ko, ayun pinalagay ko.

Interviewer: Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod saiyo para magpatattoo?


Yung ano, yung ano, yung pinsan ko.

Interviewer: Bakit yung pinsan mo?


Kasi nagpatattoo siya, tas nakita ko sa kanya, ano, wala, ang ganda, tas
sinasabi niya na mag patattoo daw ako, ay hindi pag iisipan ko pa,
hanggang sabi ko dumami na ng dumami yung sa kanya, ayun na hikayat

Interviewer: Pero nag hesitate ka ba nung una?



Interviewer: Bakit?

Yun nga, yung kila mommy, baka nga hindi puwede.

Interviewer: Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo?


Kinakabahan ako.

Interviewer: Bakit?

Sobra, kasi sabi ng mga kaibigan ko sobrang sakit daw na parang, para
bang maiiyak ka, ayun, kinakabahan ako, pero sabi ko naman tatapangan
ko yung loob ko kasi gusto ko naman to. Ayun.

Interviewer: May mga naisip ka naman bago yung proseso?

Hmmmmm, ano ba hindi ko na naaalala. Ayun, iniisp ko non paano

kaya di ba magpapalagay pa lang ako, iniisip ko na baka pagalitan na
talaga ako ni mommy, baka sabihin ang tigas tigas ng ulo ko, pero ayun
nga, yun lang naman yung pumasok sa isip ko, kung tama nga ba to, baka
mamaya, kasi nga yung pinsan ko may ganon siya, tapos sinasabihan niya
ko na ano, syempre iniisip ko din kung tama ba to, yung gagawin ko, sure
ba ko na ito yung ipapalagay ko.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?

Participant: Ayun, ano, sobrang sakit niya, ayun nga sabi ko kaya koto, kasi gusto ko
naman to. Iniisip ko yung pangarap ko na gusto ko din magpatattoo, na
ayun nga ginagawa na siya ngayon.
Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan?

Masaya, ano Masaya ko non kasi ayun sa tagal tagal na ginagawa saka
yung sakit na kung minsan sinasabi ko pa na hindi ko na kaya, kasi nasa
kalahati na, sabi ko sobrang sakit ayoko na, wala eh, nakalagay na eh, no
choice na ko, kaya sabi ko tapusin niyo na. Ayun.

Interviewer: Ano naman naisip mo non?


Ayun, parang ano, ayun nga reminder siya sakin na kahit papano, kapag
nakikita ko yung tattoo ko, na ayun nga sa panaginip sa mga panagarap

Interviewer: Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong


Yung mommy ko, siya yung nagalit, yung talagang galit na galit. As in,
sabi niya sa akin ano ba yang ginagawa mo sa sarili mo, dinudumihan ko
daw [yung sarili ko], ganyan ganyan. Tas yung daddy ko naman, medyo
cool kasi yung daddy ko kaya ayun sabi niya sakin, ayun wala naman
siyang sinabing masama, na ano lang medyo ano pasaway, ganon lang,
after non wala na siyang sinabi, yung mommy ko lang yung kapag
nakikita niya, ganyan ganyan, hangggang ngayon. Yung kapatid ko kasi
mayroon din. Dalawa kami, sabi ni mommy, daig na daig kayo ng kuya
mo. Kasi si kuya ano yun, kaming dalawang babae yung gumagawa ng

Interviewer: Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa
iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Ayun, yung mga kabarkada ko, nagugulat lang sila, hindi ko naman kasi
sinasabi sa kanila na may tattoo ako, kapag lang nakikita nila. Sabi
naman ng bestfriend ko ang ganda daw, kaso syempre hindi naman siya
puwede, hindi siya pinapayagan.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging
reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Sa kay mommy, wala naman, sabi ko naman sa kanya na wala ng

magagawa hindi ko na kako mapapatanggal to. Wala na, hindi ko na
mapapatanggal kasi papangit.

Interviewer: Ano yung naramdaman mo sa mga sinabi ng mommy mo?


Ngayon medyo narerealize ko na, oo nga bakit nga ba ginawa ko. Bakit
nga ba ginawa ko pero minsan lang yan. Minsan kasi bigla mo na lang
maiisip na oo nga, bakit nga ba, minsan naman ok lang kasi gusto ko to.
Ayun, minsan naman hindi ko na pinapansin yung sinasabi ng iba, kasi
minsan wala na lang sakin, bahala na sila kung anu yung sasabihin nila.
Basta ako gagawin ko yung gusto ko. Buhay ko naman to.

Interviewer: May plano ka bang dagdagan ang iyong tattoo?


Meron, parang gusto ko naman tungkol kay God. Parang ibang word.
Parang line from bible, kaso hindi ko pa alam kung saan, gusto ko sana
tago ulit kasi baka mamaya pagalitan na naman ako ni mommy.

Interviewer: Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o

mismong ang iyong tattoo?

Oo naman.

Interviewer: Paano mo nasabi na worth it siya?


Eh kasi ayun nga, nakikita na parang yung hirap ko dito, tas naiisip ko din
yung mga pangarap ko, yung mga panaginip ko, kapag nakikita ko to
naiisip ko na kaya ko to. Tapos nung nagkatattoo ako, dati kasi parang
ang baba ng tingin ko sa sarili ko, tas ngayon na nagkaroon na ko, wala
na, bahala na kayo kung ano man yung sasabihin niyo sakin.

Figure 23. Dream catcher tattoo

Jackie (T2)
Course/Year: 3rd year BS Psychology

Age: 20

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?

Hmm. Meron

Interviewer: Paano ka nag ready? Bago yung process [pagpapatattoo]?


Hmm. Dati pa kasi ako ready talaga. Kumbaga naghintay lang ako ng
right time. So ang ginawa ko, uminom lang akong water.

Interviewer: So paano ka nag ready?


Before kasi ako magpatattoo, ano lang ako water, water lang. Actually,
nag research ako bago ako magpatattoo kung ano yung mga kailangan
gawin after ka mag patattoo, kung paano lilinisin, ganon. Tapos iyun, sa
mga design kung saan maganda ilagay, kung ano yung parts na masakit.

Interviewer: Ilang araw ang iyong naging preparasyon bago ka magpatattoo? Bakit?

One day lang or kahit before ka tatuan, ganon.

Interviewer: Bakit ganon lang kasaglit?


Eh kasi sa balat lang naman siya eh.

Interviewer: So iyun na yung parang pagpeprepare mo?


Hindi naman totally pagpeprepare, nag research lang ako kung ano yung
mararamdaman ko.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga disenyo ng iyong tattoo? Bakit?


Ah yung dito na nasa right ribs, quote siya for my mom. Tapos sa kabila
naman dream catcher and verse sa bible.

Interviewer: For your mom?


Oo, for my mom. Yung mom ko kasi nasa Bacolod, tas parang nagka
problem ako, yung quote kasi nakalagay Because of her, I will not fall,
kumbaga yung mom ko yung inspiration ko para hindi ako mag give up sa
mga problems ko (pertaining to the quote) Next, yung tattoo ko naman sa
may pelvic area is, ano siya, verse siya sa bible, kaso in French Elle est
forte it means she is strong.

Interviewer: Bakit Elle est forte?


Well, inaano ko don yung sarili ko. Na matapang ako,(pertaining to the

bible verse)ganonwhich is isa sa personality ko..para sa akin. Tapos sa left

ribs naman is dream catcher. Good luck charm ko yon. (pertaining to the
dream catcher)
Interviewer: Ano yung first tattoo mo?

Ito yung nasa ribs ko, yung quote then yung Elle est forte, then yung
dream catcher.

Interviewer: So bale ilan ang iyong tattoo sa katawan?



Interviewer: So paano yung pagpapatattoo mo, was it traditional or modern.



Interviewer: Three yung tattoo mo di ba? Bakit apat?


Kapag nakakita lang ako ng magandang design, ganon. O kaya kapag

gusto kong mag patattoo ganon, kapag inspired nagpapalagay ako at pag
may important event na nangyari sa akin na pinahalagahan ko talaga

Interviewer: Bakit gusto mong nagpapatattoo. Kasi di ba ngayon ang pangit tignan
kapag may tattoo lalo na at babae.

Well kasi, elementary pa lang ako gusto ko ng magpatattoo. Tapos, feeling

ko kasi di ba, sabi nga na yung katawan natin is a temple, so why not
decorate the wall.

Interviewer: Gaano kalaki yung tattoo mo?


Walang exact size, iba iba siya pero yung pinaka malaki yung dream
catcher, then yung quote, tas yung elle est forte.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga kulay na nasa iyong tattoo?


Yung sa marami kasi. Yung sa quote kasi madami siya, parang water
color effect. Color pink, blue, merong yellow at green. Pati yung sa elle
est forte, ganon din. Yung sa dream catcher hindi ko na kasi maalala, pero
iba iba siyang kulay.

Interviewer: Bakit nga pala dun sa sizes, bakit hindi same yung mga size?

Wala lang. Kasi binagay ko lang naman din sa katawan ko.

Interviewer: Bakit nga pla iyun yung mga kulay na napili mo?

Well sabi ko kasi sa artist ko, sige ikaw na bahalang pumili. Tapos sabi
niya, sige ito yung ilalagay ko. Tapos sabi ko okay sure. Yun lang, kasi
yung artist ko kasi kilala niya na din naman ako, tapos alam na din niya
kung ano yung gusto ko. So siya na yung hinayaan ko.

Interviewer: Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita?

Ano, sa left (dream catcher) and right ribs (quote), tapos sa pelvic area
(bible verse).

Interviewer: Bakit dun sa mga body parts mo na yun pinalagay?


Wala, gusto ko lang.

Interviewer: Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa


Yes, meron. Like yung sa quote, yung para sa mom ko. Because of her
hindi ako mag gigive up.

Interviewer: Eh yung sa dream catcher?


Yung sa dream catcher naman is yun yung parang good luck charm ko for
my future. Tapos ano, yun yung parang nagtatanggal ng negativity. Tapos
yung sa quote naman is for my mom, parang siya yung ginawa kong
inspiration, kaya nung mismong pagka alis niya the day after that, nag
patattoo na ko. Tapos yung sa elle est forte (bible verse) is for me.

Interviewer: Ano yon, balak mo talaga o naisip mo lang?


Hmmm, naisip ko lang.

Interviewer: Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod saiyo para magpatattoo?


Ayun nga, elementary pa lang kasi talaga ko, mahilig na ko magsearch ng

tattoos. Ayun nga, like what Ive said, our body is a temple, so why not
decorate it, yun yung pinaniniwalaan koUhmmmm at yung pinaka
important sa akin yung dream catcherkasi nga di ba good luck charm
siya so for my future to be a successful woman someday

Interviewer: So parang nagkataon lang na may mga nangyari sayo na symbolic kaya
napalagay mo.

Well, iyun naman talaga yung plano ko, na lahat ng ilalagay ko sa

katawan ko eh may meaning.Tas parang nagka-problem ako dati,
nakaranas ako ng depression.

Interviewer: Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo?


Super kabado, super nanlalamig yung kamay ko, tas sobrang kinabahan
ako, feeling ko hindi ko kayanin yung pain, kasi mababa lang yung pain
tolerance ko. Tapos nung andun na, ano na kaya ako pack up na, ayoko
na, parang ganon. Pero sabi ko gusto ko talaga to kaya ayun na. pero
nung andun na yung needle, hindi naman pla siya ganon kasakit. Masakit
siya pero bearable naman yung pain.

Interviewer: Ano pa?

Na-excite at the same time kabadong kabado ako.

Interviewer: Bakit ka naexcite?


Na eexcite ako syempre ano, at last may something permanent na

magkakaroon ako. Kabado naman kasi ano, takot kasi ako sa karayom eh.
Pero gusto ko talaga mag patattoo kaya ayun.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?


Wala naman akong naramdaman, nagutom lang ako ayun kasi ang tagal.
Kasi mahirap pasukan ng tinta yung balat ko before kasi hindi pala
binanat nung artist habang tinatatuan niya. Tapos ayun ah inantok, kasi

Interviewer: Pero yung sa sarili mo ano yung naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?

Ayun, masaya, satisfied.

Interviewer: Bakit satisfied?


Kasi ano, nagawa ko na yung gusto kong gawin before. Elementary pa

lang kasi talaga.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan?


Ayun, grabe achieved. Ano... parang... ayun na nagawa ko na yung gusto


Interviewer: Gaano katagal yung gap nila? Gaano katagal bago nasundan yung mga
tattoo mo?

Hindi ko na matandaan eh, pero month lang or weeks. Basta kapag may
naisip akong design or may nangyari ganon.

Interviewer: Pero sabi mo nga di ba yung mga naramdaman mo before, during and
after eh ganon pa din ba yung naramdaman mo sa pangalawa pangatlo at
pang apat mo na pag papatattoo?

Oo, kabado pa din. Natatawa nga sa akin yung artist ko kasi kinakabahan
pa din ako kapag sasalang na ko.

Interviewer: Ilan taon ka nung nag start ka magpatattoo?


Ano, 19.

Interviewer: Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong



Wala, okay naman sa kanila kasi alam naman nila na before ko pa gusto,
Pinayagan naman nila ko. Sabi ko lang ano... Ma magpapatattoo na ko
kasi legal age na naman na ako, tapos sabi niya, no pag 19 ka na, kapag
na reach mo ng 19 magpatattoo ka na. so then ayun, kapag 19 ka na
puwede na.

Interviewer: Yung dad mo?


Yung dad ko kasi parang ano... ano wala naman siyang nasabi na ano,
go lang daw ako basta hindi ako mapapahamak.

Interviewer: Sa tingin mo bakit ganon yung naging reaksyon ng mommy mo, di ba

dapat kapag 18 puwede na? Bakit 19?

Baka hindi pa siya ready, ganon.

Interviewer: Paano mo nasabi na hindi pa siya ready?


Eh kasi ano eh... ewan ko baka hindi pa siya ready na magkaroon ako ng

Interviewer: Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa
iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Yung iba ko naman na friends, okay lang sa kanila. Parang na astigan

yung iba. Yung iba naman ano... Ay parang ang pangit nyan pag tumanda
ka na... yung mga ganon. Pero wala naman akong pakialam kung
tumanda ako tas ganon pangit yung tattoo ko, atleast di ba meron akong
something na permanent. Kapag tumanda ako ano... cool ako kasi may
tattoo ako.

Interviewer: May mga nagsabi ba sayo na negative reactions?


Meron, yung kaibigan ko na lalaki. Hindi niya gusto na may tattoo ako.
Ayun, siya lang.

Interviewer: Sa family mo naman both sides natanggap na may tattoo ka?


Oo, kasi yung mga pinsan ko mayroon din. Ano naman kami eh Parang
okay lang naman basta hindi ka mapapahamak. Open-minded naman sila
pagdating sa ganoong bagay, kumbaga cool family.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging

reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Sa positive, syempre natutuwa ako, na-appreciate nila yung art ko sa

katawan ko and ayun tanggap nila ko, kung ano yung meron ako. Sa mga
negative naman, wala, parang wala akong pakialam sa sinabi nila or
kung naiinggit sila, ganon. Ayun, wala lang akong paki alam kung ano

yung sasabihin ng iba, kasi katawan ko naman to eh, gagawin ko yung
gusto kong gawin.
Interviewer: May plano ka pa bang padagdagan yung mga tattoo mo?

Pero balak ko pa lang padagdagan. Open talaga ko. Pero yung ano
lang Hindi ako magpapatattoo na malalaki, as in malalaki talaga, yung
bubuuin ko yung katawan ko. Baka magpapatattoo ako yung maliliit na

Interviewer: Bakit ayaw mo ng malalaki?


Kasi ang laki na ng dream catcher ko eh, so enough na siguro yon, meron
pa din naman akong limitations sa katawan ko.

Interviewer: Bakit may limitations pa din?


Kasi ayoko din naman punuin yung katawan ko ng tattoo. Kasi iniisip ko,
maghahanap ako ng work baka mahirapan. Yung mga tago lang.

Interviewer: So sinasabi mo kanina di ba na wala naman sa locations yan, na walang

meaning sayo yung locations, nilalagay mo lang siya sa tagong part ng
katawan mo kasi baling araw magahahanap ka din ng trabaho.


Interviewer: Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o

mismong ang iyong tattoo?

Yes, worth it lahat. Lahat... pain, gastos.

Interviewer: Bakit? Paano mo nasabi?


Kasi ano eh, ito talaga yung gusto ko before pa, so ayun worth it talaga...
worth it. At ang ganda naman ng kinalabasan eh.

Interviewer: So before and after mo magpatattoo, sa tingin mo may nagbago bas a

personality mo?

Wala, physical lang talaga. Kasi ganon pa din naman ako.


Figure 24. Dream catcher tattoo

Figure 25. Quote tattoo

Figure 26. Tattoo based on a saying

Khaye (T3)
Course/Year: 4th year BS Psychology

Age: 20

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?

Hinanda ko lang yung isip ko siguro. Oo, kasi naisip ko kung tatanggapin
ba ko ng tao. At sa lolo, kasi hindi sila masyadong ano sa ganong bagay.

Interviewere: Yung sa mismong rituals, may mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa? Nilinis
mo muna ba?


Interviewer: Bakit wala?


Wala naman akong alam na preparations.

Interviewer: Ilang araw? Pinaghandaan?


Siguro mga 2 weeks, nagprepare talaga ko kasi sinabi ko pa kay daddy

kung ano, payag ba sya, wala naman si daddy, nasa ibang bansa, si
mommy lang.

Interviewer: So yung sa mga ginawa mong paghahanda. Anu-ano pa sa tingin mo?



Interviewer: Anu-ano ulit yung design?


Phoenix at tsaka flower.

Interviewer: Bakit phoenix?


Phoenix at flower kasi sinabi at tinanong ko kasi artist ko, tas iyun rebirth
ibig sabihin, parang bagong ako.

Interviewer: Tas yung sa flower?


Iyun din. Parang ganun din, parang same lang siya.

Interviewer: So ilan?


Interviewer: Bakit dalawa?


Dati kasi siguro mga 1-year-old ako, hmm. Ano, yung lolo ko binili akong
fish ball, natapunan ng mainit na mantika yung both legs ko, nagka
keloids siya. Natapunan ako. Tas ano natapunan talaga ako. Nag 50-50

ako, tas nagsuggest pinsan ko, subukan ko daw magpatattoo. Kasi never
talaga ako nagshorts kasi nagkeloids siya. Simula nung nagpatattoo ako,
nakakapagshorts na ako. Buti nga hindi daw masyadong mataas kasi
maselan na part iyun, pwede kong ikamatay kasi hindi na ko makakaihi.
Interviewer: Gaano kalaki?

5-6 inches.

Interviewer: Bakit ganon din siya kalaki?


Para hindi kita yung keloids.

Interviewer: Malaki ba?


Oo, yung sa right side medyo malaki talaga.

Interviewer: So anu-ano yung mga kulay?


Violet tas may pagkapink, tas yung isa blue, green, yellow basta parang

Interviewer: Bakit ganung kulay?


Sabi ng tattoo artist.

Interviewer: So wala ka bang pinabago?


Wala naman, balak ko nga na bumalik, paparetouch ko. Kasi kailangan

daw iyun para hindi nagfefade yung colors.

Interviewer: Aside dun sa sinabi mo na sa tattoo artist galing yung meaning, may iba ka
pa bang pakahulugan? Personally kahit hindi sinabi ng tattoo artist.

Kung ano yung sinuggest ng artist ko, iyun na lang din sinunod ko kasi
nagkataon yung sinabi niyang [tattoo artist] design eh swak sa personality
ko, phoenix kasi it means rebirth then yung flower wala lang, pa-girl siya
which is para sa akin talaga yung meaning ng designs. Tinanong ko siya
nung una, nung nag inquire pa lang ako sa kanya, tas iyun sinuggest niya
gusto mo ba ganitookay naman sa akin.

Interviewer: Tapos, i-clear natin yung nagtulak o nagbunsod aside nung nagkakeloids
ka, rebirth.

Oo tsaka kasi sinuggest ng pinsan ko kasi hindi ako nakakapagshorts. Tas

pag may nag-aaya ng swimming, nag aalangan akong sumama. Kasi hindi
naman ako nakakapagshorts, kasi ang laki kaya.

Interviewer: So kung babalikan natin yung process ng pagpapatattoo, ano yung

naramdaman mo bago iyun?


Noong una, kinabahan ako. Kasi syempre first time, pero ayun nung
tinatatuan na ako, masakit talaga, lalo na sa part na may keloids, sobra
talaga as in. Kasi yung paglalagay ng shade, nagdugo siya. Ganon talaga
kahit sa normal na balat. Ganon talaga. Kasi mag aano siya eh after 1
week, yung tattoo magbabalat. Parang iyun yung kulay after magbalat.

Interviewer: So kapag nagbi-bleed punas agad?


Oo, tas may inispray sila tas punas tas shade ulit.

Interviewer: Ilang needles nag ulit?


14 or 11.

Interviewer: Ano naman yung naramdaman mo habang nilalagyan ka ng tattoo?


Wala na kong ibang naisip nun, masakit talaga.

Interviewer: Ano naman naramdaman mo nung nalagyan ka ng tattoo?


Masaya, dun ko napatunayan na kapag gusto mo yung isang bagay, kahit

gaano kasakit, titiisin mo.

Interviewer: So pagtapos non, a week nagbabalat?


Oo, tas ang kati, sobrang kati. Kasi di ba nagbabalat. Parang ano, yung
sa baby pag nagbabalat. Pero yung sa akin nagbabalaat na may kulay.

Interviewer: So ayun di ba natapos na, ano yung naging reaction ng mommy at daddy

Wala, okay sa kanila kasi gusto ko kasi dahil hindi nga talaga ako
nakakapagshort dahil sa keloids. Tas daddy ko nagbigay ng pera
pagpapatattoo. Kaso yung lolo ko, iyun minura niya ko nung nakita niya
yung tattoo ko, ayaw niya kasi kami na may ganon.

Interviewer: So yung mga tao, classmates, parents, okay ba sa kanila?


Sa friends ko nung high school okay sa kanila dahil astig daw.

Interviewer: So ano yung naramdaman mo or naisip mo base dun sa reaction ng ibang


Para sa akin wala, eh ano ba, eh eto na di ba, tsaka parang gusto ko
naman to, wala naman akong paki-alam sa sinasabi ng iba, basta masaya
ako. Kung natatapakan ko sila, pwede silang magreklamo, eh wala naman
akong ginagawa na something at tsaka lolo ko naman may kasalanan non.

Interviewer: May plano ka bang dagdagan yung tattoo mo?


Meron balak ko sa likod, medyo nagsesearch na ko.

Interviewer: As in gaano kaling image?

Parang gusto ko feather.

Interviewer: Na-consult mo na ba sa iba o sa sarili mo lang?


Hindi pa, pero nagpaalam na ko kay mama, pumayag siya, tinanong ko na

din kung magkano, nagsesearch na ako.

Interviewer: So all in all, worth it ba yung pain, expenses, reactions ng ibang taolahat
lahat? Yung achievement mo sa pagpapatattoo, worth it ba?

Oo, totoo, para sa akin worth it. Kasi parang yung dati kong hindi
nagagawa, nagagawa ko na ngayon. Kunwari sila, magswimming, ayun
sasama ba ako? ano yung susuotin ko? Iyun talaga yung iniisip ko,
pero one time sumama ako pero hindi ako nagswimming. Sinabi ko na
lang na meron ako, pero wala naman talaga.

Interviewer: Ilan taon ka nung nagkakeloids?


1-year-old ako. Kaya sobrang puti ng legs ko kasi hindi talaga ako

Interviewer: Sabi mo dun sa pagpapatattoo mo, parang may mga nagawa kang bagay
na hindi mo nagagawa noon? Iyun lang ba yung pagshoshorts o may iba

Iyun lang talaga, kasi parang buti pa sila. Yung sa boyfriend ko nung
una ayaw niya, tapos nung kinausap siya nila mama. Tinanong siya kung
tatanggapin ba ako, so ayun nalaman na niya. Kala ko nung una hindi
niya ako tatanggapin.

Interviewer: Kailan ka nagpatattoo?


First year, second sem. (2013).

Interviewer: So somehow as a woman, nung nagpatattoo ka, parang nagkaroon ka ng

confidence, na-surpass mo yung ganong sakit?

Oo, para sa akin, Oo.

Figure 27. A tattoo of a flower (L)

and a phoenix (R)

Karla (T4)
Course/Year: 4th year BS Psychology

Age: 21

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?

Hmm, meron. Syempre nag tatanong-tanong ako non kung ano yung
feeling kapag nag patattoo, kung ano yung mararamdaman, syempre
masakit daw yon, kahit na mayroong mga anesthesia na nilalagay, hindi
daw kasi agad-agad tumatalab yon, so ayun, masakit talaga, tsaka ano,
ayun, pinaghandaan ko talaga yon.

Interviewer: Bakit mo pinaghandaan?


Ano po, ano, hmm. Kasi di ba ano, parang kasi, sakin ang definition ng
tattoo is art, ganon so ayun, parang gusto, parang sakin, yung sign ng
tattoo sa likod ko is ano ahh, parang nagpapakita ng matapang ako,
ganon. Tapos parang art na din, tsaka sa design kasi ng tattoo ko eh
gitara tapos panagalan ko yung nakalagay don. So iyun din yung sign na
simula ng nagpatattoo ako don ako nasanay na mag gitara.

Interviewer: Ah okay, Ilang araw ang iyong naging preparasyon bago ka magpatattoo?

One day lang.

Interviewer: Bakit one day lang?


Biglaan yun kasi nagkarun kami ng deal ng mommy ko, inaya ako ng
mommy ko na nagpatattoo and that day nagtanong tanong na ko. Kasi
yung nangyari non ang usapan kasi ng mommy ko ano, siya lang daw
magpapatattoo. Tas tinanong niya ko kung gusto ko, napaisip ako, ah sige
ganito na lang eka, magkaroon kami ng deal, kapag nanalo si Pacquiao
sa boxing na yon, magpapatattoo ako. Sabay daw kami, tapos kapag
hindi, next time na lang ako. Eh nanalo, so ayun nagpatattoo kami

Interviewer: So di ba ate sinabi mo kanina na yung pagpeprepare mo sa pagpapatattoo

mo is nagtanung-tanong ka, tas yung preparasyon na yon is one day. Sa
isang araw na yon, bale iyun yung pag tatanung-tanong?

Oo, kumbaga kasi parang sabi ko, sige magpapatattoo na ko ganon ganon
tas nag tatanung- tanong ako, kung ano yung pakiramdam ng may tattoo
tapos yung sa process, kunwari andun na sa point na tatatuan ka na, ano
yung feeling mo, kinakabahan ka ba, para ka bang mamamatay na, ganon.

Interviewer: Pero kahit na ganon yung narinig mo sakanila, tinuloy mo pa din?


Oo, tinuloy ko pa din kasi para sakin din naman yon at tsaka choice ko
naman yon.

Interviewer: Puwede ba namin malaman kung ano yung design ng tattoo?


Ahh ano siya, gitara. Tapos yung pinaka string, yung body niya is yung
pangalan ko, pababa, ayun pangalan ko tapos ayun, yung style parang
mala-tribal, ganon.

Interviewer: Sabi mo gitara di ba? Bakit gitara?


Mahilig kasi kami sa music. Influence na din po talaga kasi yung sa lola
ko pianist siya, singer, yung mga kapatid ko po naman mga dancer, tapos
galing nap o ako don, nag change lang ng career. Ayun, nag babanda po
ako, tsaka nung bata pa lang ako gusting gusto ko na talag mag gitara.

Interviewer: Ano yung meaning sayo ng gitara na yon?


Hmm. Nakikita ko kasi sa mga artista na ang gagaling nila mag gitara
parang gusto ko matutunan yung instrument na yon, tapos syempre
nahilig na din ako sa mga music, mga oldies, or kahit na anong genre,
ganon. So ayun.. Ok naman, Masaya naman, achieved.

Interviewer: Ilan ang iyong tattoo sa katawan?


Isa lang.

Interviewer: Bakit isa lang?


Nagbabalak pa ba na mag dalawa? Hindi, ayun lang siguro yung kaisaisa kong tattoo, iyun na din siguro yung sign na simula nung nag patattoo
ako, iyun na yung parang mark na kelan ka nag start na mag gitara na
sobrang important sa akin.Ayun, kung ilang years na ganon. Ayun lang.

Interviewer: Ilang years ka na mayroong tattoo?


Hmmmmm. 2012, bale 3 years.

Interviewer: So di ba sabi mo mahilig yung family mo sa mga instruments, puwede

naman na piano, ganon or ibang instrument. Bakit gitara? Anong mayroon
yung gitara na wala yung ibang instrument.

Gitara kasi yung unang una kong gustong matutunan na instrument. Then,
after nung gitara, natuto din akong mag drums, tapos tinry ko din mag
piano kaso hindi talaga nag work yung dalawa na yon.

Interviewer: So parang yung gitara, siya yung instrument na un among natutunan.


Tsaka pangarap ko talaga yon, bata pa lang ako. Nakikita ko sa mga

pinsan ko na magaling sila mag gitara. Lagi silang nag ja-jamming, so
ako din parang gusto ko sila makasama, maka bonding. May picture pa
nga ako non na yung raketa ng badminton, ginawa kong gitara.

Interviewer: Gaano ito kalaki?


Siguro, mga 3-4 inches lang, ganon.

Interviewer: Bakit ganon lang kalaki? Or bakit hindi mas maliit pa don. Di ba sabi mo
sobrang meaningful sayo ng gitara?

Kasi kung maliit lang parang hindi worth it yung ganon kaliit, tsaka
parang gusto ko kapag malaki na yung isang ano na lang, di ba yung iba
maliit, tapos magpapa lagay pa ng isa, edi marami pang sakit yung
mararamdaman mo, para isang sumpakan na lang. Ayun.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga kulay na nasa iyong tattoo?


Isang kulay lang, black lang.

Interviewer: Bakit black lang?


Personal choice ko din kasi mas masakit kapag ibang kulay na, mas
malaki yung karayom non. Lalo na yung red, mas masakit daw yon kasi
mas malaki yung needle na ginagamit. Tsaka casual na yung black,
parang kahit na sino yung may tattoo, kulay black yung makikita.

Interviewer: Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita?


Mula sa batok hanggang ditto sa may upper back.

Interviewer: Bakit don mo napili na ipalagay yung tattoo mo?


Tago, para tago.

Interviewer: Bakit mas pinili mo na tago?


Kasi malalaman ng family ko, sa side ng daddy ko. Medyo strict kasi sila,
sila kasi ano, matataas, matatalino. Tsaka mayroon silang isang kapatid
na may tattoo, parang iba yung tingin nila sa kanya. So sakin, ayaw ko
naman na pagsabihan na porket may tattoo mag rerebelde na, ganon,
parang bad girl na. Pero sa side ng mommy ko tanggap nila, kasi
mayroon din tattoo si mommy. Mas madami siyang tattoo kaysa sakin.

Interviewer: Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito?


Ayun nga, yung sign ng gitara, ewan ko ba parang adik ako sa gitara,
since nung bata ako. Parang iyun na yung sumisimbolo na matapang ako,
na stick na talaga ako sa instrument na yon. Tapos, napamahal na talaga
ko sa music tsaka sa art.

Interviewer: Ano yung mayroon yung gitara na wala yung ibang instrument?

Gitara, kasi parang doon ako nadalian na instrument na matutunan.

Tapos alam ko na yung pagbabasa ng mga nota, so nag aral talaga ko
mag guitar lesson para matutunan talaga yung gitara. Nag try ako na mag
piano pero wala talaga, hindi kami close. Tsaka kung gusto mo talaga
yung isang bagay, kung gusto mong matutunan, madali mong matututunan
talaga. So siguro kaya nadalian talaga ko.

Interviewer: Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod saiyo para magpatattoo?


Hmmmm, siguro kasi nung ano, nung natuto ako, yung nag aaral ako ng
guitar lesson, parang gusto ko na mayroon sa akin na sa part ko,
malaking bagay talaga sakin yung pag aaral mag gitara. So inisip ko pati
yung mga ano, yung mga bag ko gitara, accessories ko gitara, pati
singsing gitara. Ganon, so sabi ko, kapag ganon kasi parang mawawala
din sa akin, so naisip ko bakit hindi ako mag pa tattoo ng gitara. Para
permanent tsaka na sa akin na talaga. Tsaka isa pang dahilan yung sa
mommy ko, sobrang close kasi kami, kaya ayun okay na okay lang sa
kanya, siya din medyo mahilig sa instrument, siya din yung nag udyok sa
akin na sige anak mag aral ka mag gitara, susuportahan kita. Naisip ko
din sila ate ko may tattoo si mommy mayroon din, naisip ko na okay lang
sa kanila na mag patattoo ako. Tas nung nakita nila ko na may tattoo,
nagulat sila, sabi nila ang tapang ko daw.

Interviewer: Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo?


Ano.. Kabado talaga ko to the highest level. Kasi yung sa ayun nga yung
sa tinutusok tusok, tapos sabi dumudugo daw, ayun sabi ko ayoko na,
nung una parang hindi ko kakayanin, parang medyo maaga pa para mag
patattoo ako, sabi ko ay hindi once in a blue moon lang to, tas sige pag
tityagaan ko na, ayun.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?


Naiiyak ako.

Interviewer: Bakit?

Sobrang sakit talaga, pero parang iyun din yung sign na magpakatapang
ka, na ginusto mo to, ipakita mo na matapang ka kapag may tattoo ka na,

Interviewer: Aside from the pain na naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka, ano pa
yung iba mong naramdaman or naisip mo?

Hmmm kung paano ko siya itatago sa side ng daddy ko, ayun yung mga
naisip ko, kasi alam ko na magagalit sila ganon. Sa side kasi ni daddy
yung mga tito ko mga doctor, denstista tas yung mga pinsan ko sa Ateneo

mga nag aaral. Tapos ako, ditto lang ako, saktuhan lang, tsaka ayun
naisip ko na kapag nakita nila to magagalit sila, i-judge nila ko.
Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan?

Eto na, nasa ano ko na, sobrang saya ko. Nalagpasan ko na yung stage na
yon. Sobrang sakit, tapos umiyak ako, ganon. Tapos natatawa ko kapag
naaala ko yon. Sabi ko parang dati lang naiiyak iyak pa ako, ang higpit
pa ng kapit ko sa kamay ng nanay ko.

Interviewer: Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong


Proud na proud sila. Kasi ayun, na hindi nila kasi ano inexpect na mag
papatattoo ako ng ganong edad, na bata pa ako.

Interviewer: Ilan taon ka nga ulit nung nag pa tattoo ka?


Hmmmm. 17 yata or 16 ako.

Interviewer: Si daddy mo ano nagging reaksyon niya?


Si daddy? Hindi pa niya alam. Yung sa daddy ko kasi sobrang strict niya,
yung tipong pag hawak lang ng baraha ayaw niya.

Interviewer: Alam mo naman pala na ganon ka strict ang daddy mo, bakit ginusto mo
pa din mag patattoo?

Matatanggap niya din yon, si ate nga natanggap niya eh.

Interviewer: Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa
iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Sa kaibigan ko nung una nagulat sila, tas sabi baliw ka bakit nag patattoo
ka, ganyan-ganyan. Paano kapag magtatrabaho ka, nagtanung-tanong na
din ako sa mga ganyan, ayun, sabi ko hindi ako mawawalan ng pag-asa,
magkakatrabaho din ako kahit na may tattoo ako. Hindi ko siya

Interviewer: Eh yung mga classmates mo, alam nila?


Oo alam din nila, sabi nila ang astig daw, ang tapang ko daw. Gusto na
din nila kaso sabi ko huwag kasi baka mamaya sabihin bad influence ako,
ganon, baka mamaya kapag nalaman ng mga magulang niyo, sisihin pa
ko. Yung mga kaklase ko alam din nila, ayun sabi nila ang astig ko daw
ganon. Bagay nga daw sa akin yung gitara eh, kasi parang iyun na din
mismo yung sumisimbolo sakin.

Interviewer: May balak ka pa ba na padagdagan yung tattoo mo?


Kung tatanungin ulit ako ng nanay ko. Pero tago ulit, ganon.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging
reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Ahh ayun, syempre natutuwa ako, kasi kumbaga, kino-compliment nila

ko,na matapang ako, na astig ako, tsaka ano, sobrang ano, sobrang luwag
ng family ko, sinusuportahan talaga nila ko dun sa gusto ko.

Interviewer: Biglaan ba yung pagpapatattoo mo?


Halo eh, 50-50. Kasi iniisp ko din non na baka nga hindi ako makahanap
ng trabaho kasi may tattoo ako, na baka mamaya hindi ako tanggapin ng
pamilya ko, baka mamaya ipagtabuyan ako.

Interviewer: Sino unang naka alam na may tattoo ka?


Si mommy lang, nasa ibang bansa kasi yung mga kapatid ko non, pero
siguro after 1 week nung pagpapatattoo ko tsaka ko sinabi sa mga kapatid
ko. Suportado naman ako ni mommy eh, kasi nga meron din siya, tsaka
parang nagging inspirasyon ni mommy yung kapatid ng lola ko, medyo
ganon din kasi yon, may tattoo, may butas yung ilong, ganon. Mana-mana
lang yan.

Interviewer: Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o

mismong ang iyong tattoo?

Oo naman, worth it lahat. Kasi important sa akin yung guitar

Figure 28. Guitar tattoo

Tibs (T5)
Course/Year:3rd year BIT-Computer Technology

Age: 23

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?

Wala, dahil biglaan.

Interviewer: Bakit biglaan?


Kasi, ano, sumabay lang ako, sinamahan ko lang yung kaibigan ko. Ayun,
parang naiingit ako, gusto ko na din.

Interviewer: Wala ba sa plano mo yung pag papatattoo?


Wala, wala sa plano ko. Ayun, ginawa ko lang, wala akong maisip kaya
pangalan na lang ng nanay ko.

Interviewer: Yung tatlong tattoo, sabay sabay?


Hindi naman.

Interviewer: Ilang araw or buwan yung pagitan ng bawat tattoo mo?


Siguro mga buwan naman din siguro, ayun.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga disenyo ng iyong tattoo?


Yung una, pangalan ng nanay ko, pangawala, banda yung paramore

pangatlo naman eh cross.

Interviewer: Bakit pangalan ng nanay mo?


Para hindi siya magalit kapag nakita niya [name of her mother]

Interviewer: Yung pangalawa Paramore di ba? Bakit Paramore?


Idol ko kasi sila [name of the band] eh.

Interviewer: Yung pangatlo naman cross. Bakit cross?


Wala, gusto ko lang, gustong gusto ko kasi siya [pertaining to the cross].

Interviewer: Ilan yung tattoo mo?



Interviewer: Bakit tatlo lang yung tattoo mo?


Nakaka adik kasi, hinahanap hanap ko yung sakit. Gusto ko pa nga

padagdagan. Dito naman sa may collar bone.

Interviewer: Tuwing kelan mo naiisipan na mag patattoo?


Tuwing ano, mga ganitong month. December.

Interviewer: Bakit December?


Nakaraan din eh December ako nagpatattoo., mag iisang taon na nga ito

Interviewer: Bakit December?


Syempre, may aguinaldo.

Interviewer: Bakit magkano ba yung bayad sa pagpapatattoo?


Hmmmm, depende. Sakto lang, mga 500 minimum, tapos 800ganon.

Interviewer: Gaano ito kalaki?


Mga 2 to 3 inches siguro ganon yung sa pangalan ng nanay ko pati yung

sa banda, tapos yung cross siguro nasa 5 inches.

Interviewer: Anu-ano yung kulay na nasa tattoo mo?


Isang kulay lang, black.

Interviewer: Bakit isang kulay lang?


Ano kasi, wala ganyan lang. Ganyan lang nilagay sa akin ng artist ko.
Hindi na ko namili, hinayaan ko na siya.

Interviewer: Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita?


Yung pangalan ng nanay ko sa likod, para hindi kita. Tapos yung

pangalawa sa may wrist para kahit papaano natatakpan. Tapos yung
cross sa may braso, gusto ko kasi yung natatakpanyung tago baillegal
kasi samin eh.

Interviewer: Bakit illegal?


Papagalitan ako samin eh. Hindi pa nila nakikita. Lagi akong mahaba
mag damit. Tapos bracelet para hindi nakita yung sa may wrist.

Interviewer: Di ba sabi mo bawal sainyo? Bakit nagpapatattoo ka pa din?


Hanggat kayang itago, sige lang.

Interviewer: Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa
Participant: Meaning? Meron naman. Yun nga yung sa banda, paborito ko sila, para
malaman nila na idol ko talaga sila. Tapos yung mga songs nila parang
inspirations ko sa buhay ko Tapos yung sa pangalan ng nanay ko dahil
mahal ko siya, tapos yung cross eh independent.
Interviewer: Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod sa iyo para magpatattoo?

Nainggit ako sa kaibigan ko nung sinamahan ko siya magpalagay ng


Interviewer: Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo?


Medyo kinakabahan kasi tinatakot ako nung tattoo artist. Masakit daw

Interviewer: Eh yung sa pangalawang beses na nagpatattoo ka, ano naramdaman mo

bago yung proseso ng pagpapatattoo?

Wala na, parang normal na lang.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?


Hmmmm, wala, chill na lang naman kasi ako non eh dahil gusto ko yung
ganun na pakiramdam, hinahanap hanap ko.

Interviewer: Sa tingin mo ba hindi yan nakikita ng parents mo?


Siguro nakikita nila, hindi na lang binabanggit sakin.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan?


Nung unang beses na nagpatatatto ako syempre pagtapos natakot ako,

kasi naisip ko na baka pagalitan ako sa amin kasi nga hindi nila alam,
biglaan lang kasi. Tas ayun okay na kako, bahala na.

Interviewer: Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong


Wala naman silang sinabi, meron din naman kasi sila.

Interviewer: Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa
iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Yung mga kaklase ko naman sabi may tattoo na daw pala ko, astig daw.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging

reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Natuwa ako, kasi na-appreciate nila yung effort nung pag papatattoo ko.

Interviewer: May plano ka bang dagdagan ang iyong tattoo?

Oo meron pa.

Interviewer: Bakit?

Gusto ko lang, hinahanap hanap ko kasi [yung sakit].

Interviewer: Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o

mismong ang iyong tattoo?

Oo naman, sulit siya. Basta sulit.

Figure 29. Cross tattoo

Figure 31. Name tattoo

Figure 30. Name tattoo

Gelou (T6)
Course/Year:3rd year BIT-Computer Technology

Age: 21

Interviewer: May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo?

Wala, naexcite lang talaga ko.

Interviewer: Bakit ka naexcite?


Eh kasi, gusto ko magpatattoo.

Interviewer: Kailan mo pa naisip na magpatattoo?


Nung bago ko magpatattoo, napagtripan ko lang, tapos nung habang

hindi pa ko nagpapatattoo hindi ako makatulog kasi gusto ko talaga

Interviewer: Di ba sabi mo hindi ka makatulog, mga ilang araw yon?


Mga 1 week siguro.

Interviewer: Ilang taon ka nung nagpatattoo ka?


Bale mga 18 yata ako non.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga disenyo ng iyong tattoo?


Japanese font siya, apelyido ko.

Interviewer: Bakit iyun?


Hindi ko din alam, trip ko lang.

Interviewer: Bakit naka Japanese pa?


Wala lang, nakyutan lang ako sa font niya.

Interviewer: Ano yung isa mo pang tattoo?


Japanese din, nickname ko naman, Joe.

Interviewer: Bakit naman iyun yung pinalagay mo?


Wala lang din, gusto ko lang.

Interviewer: Bakit naka Japanese yung mga tattoo mo?


Eh kasi may crush ako na Japanese, ayun.

Interviewer: Gaano katagal yung interval nung pangalawang tattoo mo?


Sabay lang siya halos, pagkatapos nung unang tattoo kasunod na agad
yung pangalawa.

Interviewer: Hindi ka ba nasaktan kasi pinagsabay mo?


Ay masakit lalo na yung sa may braso, gusto ko na nga non matapos eh.

Interviewer: Gaano ito kalaki?


Yung una, 2 to 3 inches, bale ganon din pala lahat.

Interviewer: Bakit ganon lang kalaki?


Gusto ko din kasi itago.

Interviewer: Bakit naman gusto mo ng tago?


Eh kasi magagalit nanay ko.

Interviewer: Bakit hindi ba niya alam?


Alam na niya, nagalit siya mga one minute, nagalit siya saglit tapos sabi
niya pabura ko daw tapos wala na. Hindi na siya nagalit.

Interviewer: Anu-ano ang mga kulay na nasa iyong tattoo?


Black lang.

Interviewer: Bakit black lang?


Hinayaan ko na yung artist yung mag decide.

Interviewer: Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita?


Yung una sa may wrist.

Interviewer: Bakit sa wrist?


Para kapag may relo ko matatakpan. Tapos yung isa sa may braso, para
matatakpan kapag may manggas.

Interviewer: Bakit nag patattoo ka pa tas gusto mo lang itago?


Eh kasi alam ko na magagalit nanay ko.

Interviewer: Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa


Wala naman, trip ko lang talaga.

Interviewer: Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod saiyo para magpatattoo?

Nagustuhan ko lang talaga, kasi mayroon din kaming kabarkada na may

tattoo din,

Interviewer: Hindi ka ba na adik na magpatattoo?


Hindi naman, kasi alam ko na magagalit nanay ko at tsaka natatakot ako

na baka pag nagtrabaho ako, hindi ako matanggap.

Interviewer: Alam na ba ng nanay mo?


Oo, sabi niya may tattoo pa daw ako, tapos nagulat na lang ako sabi ko
sakanya eh saan. Ayun tapos sabi pabura ko daw.

Interviewer: Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo?


Excited ako, naexcite ako.

Interviewer: Bakit ka na excite?


Kasi gustong gusto ko talaga. Ganon ko talaga siya ka gusto.

Interviewer: Ano ba mayroon sa pagpapatattoo?


Wala naman, parang gusto ko lang na may bago sa katawan ko.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka?


Yung sa may wrist hindi naman masakit, yung sa braso lang, halos
mangiyak ngiyak na ko non.

Interviewer: Ano naman yung naisip mo habang tinatatuan ka?


Wala naman, natuwa ako kasi finally nagawa ko na siya.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan?


Wala lang, parang okay na ko, makakatulog na ko ng maayos.

Interviewer: Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong


Ayun, nagalit saglit dahil hindi ako nagpaalam

Interviewer: Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa
iyong paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Pinagtatawanan nila ko, hindi daw kita kasi maitim daw ako. Yun lang.

Interviewer: Sa tingin mo bakit iyun lang yung naging reaksyon nila sayo lalo na yung
mama mo?


Eh bakit nga ba Hindi ko alam, kasi ganon lang talaga siya magalit.
Pero may time na sinabi niya sakin na ipabura ko daw. Tapos ayun
nalimutan na niya.

Interviewer: Ano sinabi mo sa kanya nung sinabi niya na ipabura mo?


Wala, no comment pa din ako.

Interviewer: Sa mga kaibigan mo? Bakit sa tingin mo iyun lang naging reaksyon nila?

Wala, parang kasi kung ano yung gusto ko gusto na din nila. Supportive
naman sila.

Interviewer: May natanggap ka bang mga negative comments about sa tattoo mo?

Meron, iyun nga daw yung sa pag aapply ng trabaho, iyun yung sabi ng
pamilya ko.

Interviewer: Ano reaskyon mo don?


Kinabahan ako saglit.

Interviewer: Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging

reaksyon nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo?

Wala, ano lang, parang naapektuhan lang ako saglit, tapos ok na ko ulit.

Interviewer: Paanong naapektuhan?


Parang napaisip din ako saglit na oo nga baka nga mahirapan ako lalo na
pag naghanap ng trabaho, tapos non wala na ilang minutes lang.

Interviewer: May plano ka bang dagdagan ang iyong tattoo?


Wala, ano lang ipapabago ko lang siya.

Interviewer: Bakit mo ipapabago?


Wala, nagsasawa na kasi ako.

Interviewer: Ano yung ipapabago mo?


Wala pa, wala pa kong maisip?

Interviewer: Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o

mismong ang iyong tattoo?

Sakto lang naman, stable lang yung nararamdaman ko, ok lang, walang

Interviewer: May nabago ba sayo after mo magpatattoo?


Wala, normal pa din naman ako, ganon pa din.


Figure 32. Name tattoo

Figure 33. Name tattoo

Jermaine (T7)
Course/Year: 4th year BS Tourism

Age: 20

Interviewer: May mga preparations ka ba before yung pag-papatattoo?


Meron, naligo lang ako.

Interviewer: Ano yung designs ng tattoo mo?


Ah, fleur-de-lis. Forget me not, yung meaning.

Interviewer: Bakit yun yung napili mong design?


Uh dahil sa pinsan ko din. *laughs*

Interviewer: Dahil sa pinsan mo din. *laughs*


Oo, kasi ano nga its a cousin love thing. Tapos, ano kasi yung
pinsan namin mga rebelde *laughs* Kaya forget me not yung mga
pinatattoo namin pare-pareho.

Interviewer: Ah, so, pare-pareho kayo?


Oo, pare-pareho kami.

Interviewer: So, saang parte mo sya nilagay?


Dito sa chest. *points to her chest*

Interviewer: Of all the possible locations, bakit dyan mo sia nilagay?


Kasi yun nga, sa Tourism industry bawal kasi yung nakikita yung
tattoo; so, dun sa hidden part ko sia nilagay.

Interviewer: Other reasons, kung bakit?


Wala naman. *smiles*

Interviewer: Ano yung kulay ng tattoo mo?



Interviewer: Bakit black?


Personal choice

Interviewer: If merong ibang kulay na gusto mong ilagay, anong gustong mong ilagay

Uh I wanted to get a watercolor tattoo. Ibang klaseng tatttoo. Di ba

*laughs* ano sia, parang white saka pink.

Interviewer: Natanong kita kanina kung ano yung design, ano yung personal na
pakahulugan nung taattoo na yan sayo?

Meron din, kasi

Interviewer: Ano yun?


Forget me not ang dami ko ng pinagdaanan. So, kaya forget me not.

*laughs* Hindi nila ko makakalimutan. *laughs* Uh for example na
lang, siguro, like, from the past experiences. Kasi Ive been sending myself
to college since first year college

Interviewer: Till now.


Yeah till now.

Interviewer: Working student ka...


Yeah. So, parang sa sobrang dami kong pinagdadaanan, and hindi kami
talaga good ng family ko and everything. Pero Wag kang umiyak *says
to her friend and laughs* yun, ano So, yun, parang symbol sia na
youll never forget me kung sino man yung mga taong makaka-ano
sakin. Yun. *laughs*

Interviewer: Ano yung nagtulak o nagbunsod sayo para magpatattoo, aside from your

Uhmm Art! Kasi ano lang naappreciate ko yung artsy, *laughs*.

Interviewer: Uh-huh. Artsy


Tapos, my mom has a tattoo: my dad has a tattoo. So, iyon.

Interviewer: Ito naman, yung about sa tattooing, acquisition mismo, before yung
process ng pagpapatattoo, ano yung naramdaman mo?

Kinabahan ako kasi first tattoo eh. *laughs* So, nakakakaba sya;
naririnig ko pa lang yung BZZZZ BZZZZ, *laughs* kinakabahan na ko.

Interviewer: So, ayun, sa physiological aspect kinabahan ka. Tungkol naman sa mga
naisip mo, ano yung mga naisip mo nun? May mga realizations ba or

Wala naman, baka magkasakit lang ako. *laughs* Yun lang. Hindi ako
makapagdonate ng blood, isa pa yon.

Interviewer: During the process, ano naman yung naisip mo and naramdaman mo?

Naramdaman ko? Masarap siyang masakit, nakakaadik.

Interviewer: Masarap na masakit.


Oo! Nakakaadik sya, actually.

Interviewer: Parang ang oxymoronic naman nun? Masarap na masakit. *laughs*


Masarap, di ba? *says to her friend* Masarap sya. Para kang ano
Pano ko ba explain yun? Hindi naman masahe eh *laughs* Pero,

Interviewer: Di ba, yung iba may multiple na needles?


Oo, tas, yung sakin isa-isang needle lang yung ginamit kasi maliit lang
eh. Ano Parang kinakagat lang ng langgam pero, at the same time,
minsan nakakakiliti din sya sa feeling.

Interviewer: Ano naman yung naisip mo after the process?


Patay ako sa mommy ko. *laughs* Yun lang.

Interviewer: Bakit naman?


Oo. *laughs* Yung magiging reactions

Interviewer: Nakalimutan kong itanong, gano kalaki yung size ng tattoo mo?

Ah, maliit lang. Two by two.

Interviewer: Bakit two by two? Bakit hindi mo masiadong nilakihan or one by one or

First tattoo eh, hindi

Interviewer: Parang experiment lang


Oo, hindi pa siya masiadong napagplanuhan. Like, yun. Kaya maliit

muna, kasi gusto ko lang itry muna.

Interviewer: After nung pagpapatattoo mo, anong nafeel mo?


Nafeel ko? I felt like Im a grown up person. *laughs* One reason. Hindi,
uhm wala

Interviewer: Bakit naman?


Naovercome ko yung pain. Sabi kasi talaga nila is masakit daw talaga.
Pero, dahil nga yung part na pinaglagyan ko hindi siya mabuto; so, hindi
sya masakit. Nako-cover sya nga taba. Char! *laughs*

Interviewer: So, hindi ba naisip mo during the process, naisip mo na parang patay ka sa
magulang mo, ano naman naging reaction nila?

Ng mommy ko, nagulat yung mommy ko kasi hindi nila alam, nasa States
kasi yung mommy ko eh. Nakita nya na lang sa picture may tattoo na ko.

*laughs* Ang sabi nya lang sakin ano daw, dalaga na daw ako.
*laughs*tapos ang ganda daw. Yun lang sinabu nya sakin, hindi sya
nagalit. Kasi, shes open naman pagdating sa mga ganong bagay. So,
hindi naman sya nagalit. Ayun.
Interviewer: Do you have siblings ba?


Interviewer: Anong naging reaction nila?


Ano, wala. Bata pa yung mga siblings ko eh.

Interviewer: Panong wala? Okay lang sa kanila?



Interviewer: Na ganon?


Interviewer: How about, ano naman, kapamilya mo, like


Kapamilya ko

Interviewer: Like, aunts and uncles


No, they never brought it. Oo, hindi nila kahit kelan binring yung topic na
bakit ako may tattoo.

Interviewer: Sa mga kaibigan mo naman


Mga kaibigan ko merong mga friends na nagulat, merong mga friends

na pumipigil saking magpatattoo. Kasi, ano lang, paara sakin art sya
so ayun.

Interviewer: Does it ever happen na nakita yan ng ibang tao, yung hindi mo kakilala?


Interviewer: Ano sa tingin mo yung naging reaction nila?


Ang ganda daw ng tattoo ko. *laughs* Yon. *laughs* Oo.

Interviewer: Wala namang negative or something?


Wala naman.

Interviewer: Wala naman


Siguro dun sa part lang kung san sya nakalagay kasi mejo

Interviewer: Mejo sensitive, sya


Hindi nammejo lang. *laughs* Mejo lang. *laughs* Sakto lang.

Nakikita pa rin sya kahit nakadamit akong ano mga... yon.

Interviewer: Ano naman yung naramdaman at naisip mo dun sa reaction nila na yon?

Wala naman. Kasi merong mga

Interviewer: Isa-isahin natin, dun sa mga magulang mo?


Sa magulang ko, natuwa ako kasi okay lang sa kanila. Yon. Sa friends,
pagdating sa friends ko, kasi yung mga friends ko, pag nakikita nila
syempre, di ba, sasabihin nila, Ay, astig! Ganyan-ganyan. So, wala.
Paarang sasabihin ko na lang, parang tatanungin lang nila ko, Masakit
ba? Ganon Sasabihin ko, Oo, masakit pero masarap. Ganon lang.

Interviewer: How about dun sa ibang tao? Na hindi mo kakilala.


Wala, nginingitian ko na lang sila

Interviewer: Kasi di ba minsan, ganon


Uhm meron. Di ba may mga judgmental namang tao, di ba? Pero,

wala, pag sinasabi lang sakin ang cute ng tattoo, nginingitian ko lang
sila. Yung iba kasi grin, yung iba frown. Kasi nga dun sa parte ng tattoo.

Interviewer: Do have any further plans na magpadagdag ng tattoo?


Yes! Actually, this coming December.

Interviewer: Bakit?

Uhm Kasigusto ko yung isa kay Apo Wang Ud

Interviewer: Ah, Wang Ud.


Yeah, gusto ko siang

Interviewer: Benguet ba yun


Yeah, sa Kalinga. Gusto ko syang maexperince kasi its culture of the

Philippines; so as tourism student

Interviewer: And shes the last one ata na traditional artist


Oo, sia na rin kasi yung last. As a tourism din yung course ko, pinasok
ko talaga yun eh. *laughs* Hindi, kasi maano ako sa culture ng
Pilipinas, gusto ko talaga. Yon this coming December saka meron pa
kaming pinaplano. *laughs* Na

Interviewer: Ano naman yung pinaplano mo na tattoo?


Uhm Meron akong pinaplanong tattoo na ano Ano ba sia

*laughs* Mermaid. Mermaid kasi sia eh. Kasi ano nakapunta na ko ng
Hawaii. Tumira ko sa Hawaii and I really like the how people over
there... kasi yung culture nila. Kasi yung tattoo, part ng culture nila na
something na ano tawag dun?... Samoan art. So, mejo related kasi dun
yung gusto kong tattoo. So, yun. Mejo Parang feeling ko isa siang
pies Pacific Islander culture thing.

Interviewer: So, parang may deep inclination or penchant ka pagdating sa culture?


Oo. Ayun. Hindi naman ako magpapatattoo ng kung anu-ano lang.


Interviewer: Last question, masasabi mo ba na worth it o makabbuluhan yung

pagpapatattoo mo?

Oo naman.

Interviewer: Pano mo nasabi yun?


Uhm pano ko nasabi kasi yun nga, gustung-gusto ko rin sia eh. Di
ba yung sa culture and art and thing tapos at the same time, its cousin
love thing na pare-pareho kami. So, feeling ko, worth it naman sia. Saka
yung meaning naman nya Forget me not, hindi nila talaga ko
malilimutan. *laughs* Yon... yon lang

Figure 34. Flower tattoo


The following are the questions used for the in-depth semi structured interview
with the participants. The questions were sorted according to the statement of the
problem. Follow-up and additional inquiries might be added on the course of the actual
Questions for the participants:

How do the participants prepare before they undergo the process of tattooing?
1. May mga paghahanda ka bang ginawa bago ang iyong pagpapatattoo? Bakit?
2. Ilang araw ang iyong naging preparasyon bago ka magpatattoo? Bakit?
3. Anu-ano ang iyong mga ginawang paghahanda? Bakit?

II. How do the participants describe their tattoos in terms of its: design, color, size,
location and number?
4. Anu-ano ang mga disenyo ng iyong tattoo? Bakit?
5. Ilan ang iyong tattoo sa katawan? Bakit?
6. Gaano ito kalaki? Bakit?
7. Anu-ano ang mga kulay na nasa iyong tattoo? Bakit?
8. Saang bahagi ng iyong katawan ito makikita? Bakit?
9. Mayroon bang personal na pakahulugan o kahalagahan ang tattoo na ito sa iyo?
10. Kung mayroon, maaari niyo bang ilarawan ito? Bakit?
III. Why do the participants undergo body tattooing?

11. Ano ang nagtulak o nagbunsod saiyo para magpatattoo? Bakit?
IV. How do the participants feel about the process of body tattooing?
12. Ano ang naramdaman mo bago ang proseso ng pagpapatattoo? Bakit?
13. Ano naman ang naramdaman mo habang tinatatuan ka? Bakit?
14. Ano naman ang naramdaman mo matapos kang tatuan? Bakit?
V. What are the community feedbacks on body tattooing as perceived by the
15. Ano ang reaksyon ng iyong mga magulang patungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo?
16. Ano ang naging reaksyon ng mga tao (hal. kaibigan, kaklase, atbp.) sa iyong
paligid tungkol sa iyong pagpapatattoo? Bakit?
VI. How do the participants react to the perceived community feedback on body
17. Ano naman ang naramdaman at naisip mo patungkol sa mga naging reaksyon
nila sa iyong pagpapatattoo? Bakit?
18. May plano ka bang dagdagan ang iyong tattoo? Bakit?
19. Masasabi mo ba na naging makabuluhan ang iyong pagpapatattoo o mismong
ang iyong tattoo? Bakit?

Appendix D
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan

This is to certify that, the research instrument used in the thesis entitled,
Juana Be Tattooed: Reasons and Reactions on Body Tattooing of Women, has
been checked for coherence, organization, and validity.
This certification is hereby issued upon the request of the researchers as
proof that the research instrument utilized in the above cited thesis had undergone
the required validation.


Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs
University of the Philippines Diliman

Date: ___________________

Appendix E
Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan

This is to certify that the thesis entitled. Juana Be Tattooed: Reasons and
Reactions on Body Tattooing of Women, prepared and successfully defended by
Shaira E. Almario, Regina Marie C. Antallan, Dyan Bernadette G. Martin and
Alfred John S. Rueda, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, has been edited for coherence, organization,
and correct language structure.
This certification is hereby issued upon the request of the said researchers
as proof that the above cited thesis had undergone the required language editing.


Academic Head, English Department
Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.
Date: __________________


#09 Jacinto Street, Canalate,

City of Malolos, Bulacan (3000)
(+63) 916-1306-612
[email protected]


Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Good communication skills both oral and written in English and Filipino.
Ability to work under pressure and in a team environment.



Hospicio de San Juan de Dios
(Clinical Setting)
Igolot, Bocaue, Bulacan
November 16, 2015 January 15, 2016
Observed and wrote progress notes of patients behavior; facilitates group
dynamics with the patients.
(Educational Setting)
City of Malolos, Bulacan
August 3, 2015 September 4, 2015
Observed and wrote psychological reports of students behavior.
(Industrial Setting)
Caloocan City, Metro Manila
June 29, 2015 July 24, 2015
Administered pen and paper exams to the applicants.




Deans Lister (2015-2016)
Graduated on April 22, 2016
Valencia Hall, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos
July 19, 2016
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
July 23, 2015

P a g e 1|2

Tanghalang Plaridel, Bulacan State University
June 8, 2014
Tanghalang Plaridel, Bulacan State University
March 6, 2014
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
December 5, 2013



Nueva Ecija ChapterThe Chapter for Region III
Student Member
2014 2015
BulSU Psych Organization
Student Member
2012 2016


June 18, 1995

Roman Catholic

P a g e 2|2

#1038 KM. 38, Balasing Road, Pulong Buhangin

Sta. Maria, Bulacan (3022)
(+63) 975-3011-610
[email protected]




A fast learner.
Skilled in writing, reading and speaking Filipino and English.
Computer Literate (Proficient in Microsoft Office Applications such as
Word and PowerPoint)
(Clinical Setting)
Gulod, Poblacion, Pandi, Bulacan
November 27, 2015 January 29, 2016
Observed and wrote progress notes of patients behavior; facilitates group
dynamics with the patients.
(Educational Setting)
T. Santiago Street, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
August 2, 2015 September 14, 2015
Observed and wrote psychological reports of students behavior.
(Industrial Setting)
CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City, Metro Manila
July 1, 2015 August 1, 2015
Assisted in the Human Resource Department in the recruitment process and
organizing the employee files.



Deans Lister (2012-2016)

Graduated on April 22, 2016



Malcom Hall, University of the Philippines Diliman
September 5, 2015
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
July 23, 2015

P a g e 1|2


Workshop / Far Eastern University, Metro Manila
January 24, 2015
Seminar / MOA-SMX Convention Center, Pasay City
January 23, 2015
Tanghalang Plaridel, Bulacan State University
March 6, 2014
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
December 5, 2013



Student Member
Nueva Ecija ChapterThe Chapter for Region III
Student Member
2014 2015
BulSU Psych Organization
Student Member
2012 2016


August 24, 1995


P a g e 2|2

#0759 Sucol, San Sebastian,

Hagonoy, Bulacan (3002)
(+63) 926-3692-533
[email protected]



Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Good communication skills both oral and written in English and Filipino.
Ability to work under pressure and in a team environment.



Hospicio de San Juan de Dios
(Clinical Setting)
Igolot, Bocaue, Bulacan
November 16, 2015 January 15, 2016
Observed and wrote progress notes of patients behavior; facilitates group
dynamics with the patients.
(Educational Setting)
City of Malolos, Bulacan
August 3, 2015 September 4, 2015
Observed and wrote psychological reports of students behavior.
(Industrial Setting)
Caloocan City, Metro Manila
June 29, 2015 July 24, 2015
Administered pen and paper exams to the applicants.




Deans Lister (2015-2016)
Graduated on April 22, 2016
Valencia Hall, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos
July 19, 2016
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
July 23, 2015

P a g e 1|2


Tanghalang Plaridel, Bulacan State University
March 6, 2014
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
December 5, 2013



Nueva Ecija ChapterThe Chapter for Region III
Student Member
2014 2015
BulSU Psych Organization
Student Member
2012 2016


January 15, 1996


P a g e 2|2

#128 A. Mabini St. Poblacion

Pulilan, Bulacan (3005)
(+63) 915-2491-996
[email protected]




MultilingualFilipino (native proficiency); English (bilingual

proficiency); and French (elementary proficiency).
A charismatic and confident public speaker.
Computer literate; proficient with MS Office applications.
(Clinical Setting)
Municipality of Pulilan, Bulacan
December 1, 2015 January 29, 2016
Facilitated and encouraged clients to achieving change; assists in writing
case studies.
(Educational Setting)
Rizal Street, Poblacion, Pulilan, Bulacan
September 1, 2015 October 2, 2015
Observed and composed psychological reports of students behavior.
(Industrial Setting)
UP-Ayala Land TechnoHub, Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, Quezon City
June 29, 2015 August 14, 2015
Pre-screened applicants; administered paper & pen and online exams for
volume and corporate recruitment.
City of Malolos, Bulacan
March 2015
Provided English instruction to Thai students; reviewed and supplemented
their English lessons.



Best Presenter in the oral presentation of experimental results in
Experimental Psychology (Group Category) September 2014
Graduated on April 22, 2016

P a g e 1|2



Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
July 23, 2015
Far Eastern University, Manila
January 24, 2015
MOA-SMX Convention Center, Pasay City
January 23, 2015
Tanghalang Plaridel, Bulacan State University
March 6, 2014
Bulacan State University Hostel, City of Malolos
December 5, 2013



Student Member
Nueva Ecija ChapterThe Chapter for Region III
Student Member
2014 2015
BulSU Psych Organization
Student Member
2012 2016


July 2, 1996

P a g e 2|2

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