Rider To Standard Residential Lease Lease Addendum Attached and Part of The Lease: If There Is Conflict, The Terms of This Addendum Prevail

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Lease Addendum attached and part of the Lease: If there is conflict, the terms of this addendum prevail.
1. Lessee covenants and agrees with Lessor to take good care of and keep in a clean and healthy condition, the premises thereof and fixtures and to
commit or suffer no waste therein. Lessee will at his own expense maintain both the interior and exterior of the premises, including but not exclusively; pest
control, lawn, garden, shrubbery, trees, driveway and walls, and make all replacements when necessary by and between the parties hereto that Lessor shall
furnish no parts or services of any kind. Landscaping is excluded if it is maintained by an association.
2. Lessee will permit the premises to be shown to perspective Buyers during the Lease at reasonable hours upon prior notice and permit a key box
to be placed on the premise 60 days prior to expiration of Lease.
3. Maintenance, Repair or Replacement. The parties shall have the following duties and responsibilities as to the maintenance, repair or
replacement (if necessary) of the demised premises and of the improvements of which the demised premises are a part which substantially affect the use of the
demised premises, during the term hereof:
Lessee: repairs under $100.
Lessor: repairs that exceed $100
4. The parties further agree that the Lessor or his designate shall have the right to inspect the subject premises every 90 days upon reasonable notice
and at a reasonable time.
5. It is agreed that Lessor shall insure the premises and all improvements thereon under a fire and extended coverage insurance policy. Lessee at its
sole cost, shall, procure and keep in force renters insurance policy, including (a) personal property protection, (b) family liability protection, (c) guest medical
protection, (d) additional living expenses, and (e) public liability protection. An insurance certificate from lessees insurer certifying that such policy has been
issued and provides the coverage required , shall be delivered to Lessor or Lessors designated representative at the address specified in this agreement prior
to the Commencement of the lease and shall be procured and maintained by Lessee .
This is the amount due and payable monthly in advance on the first day of each month during the
term of this agreement. Rent must be received by 5:00 P.M. on the first. This amount is an incentive to the tenant to pay his rent ahead of time.
This amount shall be due and payable monthly if tenant fails to pay his/her rent prior to 5:00P.M. on the
first of the month.
c) LATE PAYMENT PENALTY: __ 5___%. This penalty (in addition to the base monthly rent) shall be due and payable if the rent has not been
received by 9:00 A.M. on the 5th of the month. Landlord shall then have the right to post a 5 day notice. Neither ill health, loss of job, financial emergency or
any other excuse will be accepted for late rent payments.
8. PAYMENT OF RENT: The initial payment of rent and security deposit under the terms of this rental agreement must be made in cash. Certified
check or cashiers check or money order. Thereafter, monthly rent payments may be paid by personal check until the first is dishonored and returned unpaid.
Time is of the essence. Rent shall be made payable to _______________________________________ and delivered to the property management company at
_________________________________________. Any rents lost in the mail will be treated as if unpaid until received by owner. In the event tenants check
is dishonored and returned unpaid for any reason to landlord, tenant agrees to pay as an additional rental a sum of $25.00. If for any reason a check is returned
or dishonored, all future payments will be cash or money order.
9. USE: The tenant or tenants agree to use the premises only as a residence for themselves. No additional people shall occupy the premises without
the written consent of the landlord. Lessee shall at no time allow smoking of any type in the premises by any person.
10. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The parties understand that the return of the security deposit is the responsibility of the lessor, and not Naperville Rental
Homes, LLC. Security Deposit will be refunded by owner within thirty (30) days after the following items are complied with:
a. The full rental term of this agreement has been completed.
b. Formal written notice of intent to vacate has been received by the Lessor a full sixty (60) days prior to said vacating.
c. Damage, if any to property beyond normal wear and tear has been repaired at Lessee's expense.
d. The entire dwelling including range, refrigerator, bathroom, closets and cabinets are clean.
e. All unpaid late charges, delinquent rents, if any are paid in full.
f. All debris, rubbish, and garbage is removed from the property.
g. All keys and garage door openers are returned.
h. Forwarding address has been provided to Lessor.
i. Final readings from utility companies have been made and proof of payment has been submitted to Lessor.
j. Any damages resulting from Lessee NOT changing the furnace filters when necessary, will be paid for entirely by the Lessee. (Filters should
be changed monthly)
k. All light bulbs and pull chains must be in working order.
l. Carpet will be professionally cleaned by the Lessee upon move out.
11. Tenants acknowledge receipt of
1__ remote(s) _2_ Key (s). Failure to return remote(s) will result in a $100 per remote fee. $10 Key fee (Please
initial the number of remotes and keys at walkthrough if not 2.) ____ ____ ____ ____
DATE: _______ __________




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