Examiners' Report June 2013 GCE Physics 6PH05 01
Examiners' Report June 2013 GCE Physics 6PH05 01
Examiners' Report June 2013 GCE Physics 6PH05 01
June 2013
GCE Physics 6PH05 01
This is the seventh time thatUnit 5 of the specification has been examined. The assessment
structure mirrors that of other units in the specification, consisting of 10 multiple choice
questions, a number of short answer questions and some longer, less structured questions.
As an A2 assessment unit, synoptic elements are incorporated into this paper. There is
overlap with circular motion and exponential variation in Unit 4, but also overlap with some
of the AS content such as electricity and waves from Unit 2.
This paper gave candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of a wide
range of topics from this unit, with all of the questions eliciting responses across the range
of marks. However, marks for questions 15(b), 16(b), 16(d), 17(a), and 17(b)(i) tended to
be clustered at the lower end of the scale.
In general, calculation and show that questions gave candidates an opportunity to
demonstrate their problem solving skills to good effect. Some very good responses were
seen for such questions, with solutions which were well crafted, clearly set out and accurate.
Occasionally in calculation questions the final mark was lost due to a missing unit. Most
candidates understood the convention that in the show that question it was necessary to
give the final answer to at least one more significant figure than the value quoted in the
There is still evidence that some candidates have problems in appreciating the magnitudes
of values that they calculate, accepting their answer irrespective of whether or not it is
sensible. This was particularly noticeable in 17(b)(ii) with energy per fusion, where answers
many orders of magnitude larger than the correct answer were routinely accepted by
candidates as being correct.
Once again, there were examples of candidates disadvantaging themselves by not actually
answering the question, or by not expressing themselves using suitably precise language.
This was particularly the case in extended answer questions such as 14 and 17(a), where
candidates sometimes had knowledge of the topic, but could not express it accurately
and succinctly. Candidates could most improve by ensuring they understand all aspects in
sufficient detail and always use appropriate specialist terminology when giving descriptive
Scientific terminology was used imprecisely and incorrectly in a number of responses seen
on this paper. Once again there was confusion demonstrated between atoms, molecules,
nuclei and particles. At A2 level it is to be expected that, where candidates use such terms,
they do so with accuracy.
Diagrams provide important means of communicating information and we should expect
A2 candidates to be able to draw diagrams to achieve this, as was helpful in answering
question 14. In question 13(b) a sketch graph was required. Although some candidates
added guiding points to help them draw the curve, this was not always the case. Inaccurate
sketching of the (-) cosine curve led to marks not being awarded.
It is clear that some candidates do not spend enough time reading the question before
they start to write their answer. In question 16(b) some responses focused on experimental
detail rather than interpretation of data.
The space allowed for responses was usually sufficient. However, candidates need to
remember that the space provided does not have to be filled. Candidates should be
encouraged to consider the number of marks available for a question, and to use this to
inform their response.
The response to the multiple choice questions was generally good with 8 of the questions
having 70 % or more correct answers and none with less than 50% correct answers.
In order of highest percentage correct they were: Q10 (95%), Q6 (89%), Q9 (81%), Q3
(80%), Q5 (76%), Q1 (73%), Q4 & Q7 (72%), Q8 (68%) and Q2 (64%).
Question 11
Many candidates knew that the wavelength shift was a red (or Doppler) shift due to the
galaxy receding from Earth. However, some candidates simply referred to a shift towards
the red end without stating red shift so lost out on mp1. Responses indicating that the
universe is expanding and even galaxy expanding and occasionally blue shift so galaxy
coming towards Earth were seen. However, marking point (mp) 2 was typically lost because
students failed to note the relative motion between source and observer, i.e. they simply
said moving away, which left open the question of what is moving away from what.
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This response gains the marks for a reference to red shift, but
has not stated what the galaxy is moving away from and so the
second mark is not awarded.
Question 12 (a)
Candidates answered this question very well, with nearly all scoring full marks. A very small
proportion lost the second mark mainly due to a power error. Use of I = P/V and R = V/I
and the mark scheme method were equally popular ways of obtaining the correct answer
with units. There were very few algebraic errors and kW was usually converted into W
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Question 12 (b)
Nearly all candidates scored the temperature mark, although sometimes candidates
unnecessarily converted to kelvin before subtracting values. Occasionally, the temperature
difference was wrongly converted to kelvin. Many could not link energy transferred to rate
of energy transfer so were unable to calculate the water flow rate.
A common incorrect answer seen was E= 1 x 4 200 x 30 =12 600J, where mass was taken
to be 1 and the energy value obtained was taken as the flow rate.
Several candidates tried to calculate v by writing mcT= mv2, and responses which
equated mcT to VIt were seen on more than one occasion.
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The candidate has calculated a temperature difference, but rearranged the question incorrectly before substituting values.
Hence this response is awarded just 1 mark.
Examiner Tip
Question 13 (a)
Candidates who knew about resonance were able to give good explanations in terms of
driver frequency and natural frequency. A small proportion of candidates who seemed
unfamiliar with resonance invented their own explanations with very little success. The
weakest responses worthy of credit usually made reference to resonance, whereas better
responses included well written, detailed accounts in answer to the question.
Many candidates understood that the driven pendulum C had the same natural frequency as
the driver pendulum X, but some candidates, instead of stating that C had the same length
as X, said that it was at the same height.
Vague descriptions were common and it was difficult to award any mark at times as
candidates were not referring clearly to X and C, nor specifying which pendulum was
the driver pendulum. It was quite common for a response to explain the conditions for
resonance in general terms, but fail to apply it to this case in particular. This may suggest
that some candidates are learning standard answers without an understanding of how the
physics relates to practical situations.A minority of candidates confused the apparatus with
Newtons Cradle and referred to energy transfer occurring when the bobs collided.
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Question 13 (b)
Most candidates gained mp1 for labelling P and many sketched an appropriate curve.
However, mp2 was lost for a variety of reasons: inability to express the phase relationship
(given in words) to a graph, a failure to read the question carefully and sketch 2 time
periods, and a lack of care in sketching.
Although many sine wave curves were drawn carefully and with attention to detail of
crossing points on the x-axis, some of the curves were quite poorly drawn. A very common
error was to start by drawing a cosine graph which then became a sine curve after the first
zero displacement point. In such questions it is recommended that candidates add some
guiding points to help them draw the curve.
The correct negative cosine curve was quite rare and the most common incorrect answer
was a reverse sine graph.
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Question 14
Althoughquality of written communication was assessed in this question, the use of a
diagram for the parallax method helped enormously in candidates ability to express
themselves clearly. Those candidates who did not use a labelled diagram required very high
level language skills to adequately make all the points necessary for a complete answer.
It was generally realised that observations of the nearby star were taken at six month
intervals in the Earths orbit of the Sun. Many realised that the angular position of the
nearby star was measured relative to fixed or distant stars and that trigonometry was used
along with the known diameter of the EarthSun orbit radius to calculate the distance to
the star. The main reasons why candidates failed to score marks were by neglecting to state
that the change in angular position of the star should be measured against fixed or distant
stars (not just background stars), for mp 2 and neglecting to state that the diameter/
radius of the Earths orbit must be known, or to quote/show 1AU on their diagram for
mp 3.
Standard Candle.
Many candidates stated that the luminosity of a standard candle is known (sometimes
giving correct but unnecessary descriptions of how this is known). In addition, the need to
measure the intensity of the standard candle was often stated. Fewer mentioned that the
inverse square law was used to calculate the distance to the distant star, often preferring to
give the formula instead, but not defining the quantities.
Some descriptions of how a standard candle is used to find the distance to another star/
object highlighted areas of misconception that need to be addressed when teaching this
topic. Surprisingly often students referred to finding a standard candle with the same flux
(or luminosity) as the star of interest, and then using information about this star (and not
the standard candle) to find distance. For these candidates the idea that the flux of the
standard candle is measured and from a knowledge of the luminosity of the standard candle
and applying the inverse square law the distance is found, and only then by assuming a
physical co-location in space (i.e. the star of interest being in the same star cluster as the
standard candle) can the distance be applied, seemed to be unknown.
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Question 15 (a)
This part was answered very confidently, with nearly all scoring full marks. Forgetting to
square r was an occasional mistake that resulted in marks not being awarded.
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Question 15 (b)
It often proved difficult to award the first marking point as many candidates simply
calculated T using single cycles rather than three cycles together.The need to measure t for
a large number of cycles (and hence measure a long time) to obtain an accurate value for T
was not understood by the majority of candidates.As a result the value for T was often not
accurate.The single time period was often read inaccurately and in addition incorrect units
were sometimes given; the units commonly appeared instead of min.
The idea that the system was damped and as a result energy was lost from it was by far
the most common answer. Quite a few responses showed a lack of basic understanding of
the physics, ascribing the damping to the gravitational forces applied by the large spheres.
The damping mechanism was often linked to air resistance but this was not linked to the
movement of the sphere. It was difficult to award mark point 1 because candidates failed to
say what the resistive force was acting on.Reference to work being done was very rare.
This question was poorly answered with very few scoring full marks. Candidates did not
know how to test for exponential behaviour. Many candidates were only able to score one
mark either by reading the peak values correctly to scoremp 1, or by using peaks of graph
to sketch a curve and simply saying that it looked like an exponential curve to scoremp 4.
In method 1 the peak values were often reasonably accurately measured but the amplitude
was seldom calculated before ratios were calculated. Those candidates who calculated
amplitude values seldom knew what to do with them to prove the relationship. However, it
was encouraging to see a small number scoring full marks by successfully calculating halflife or by calculating the decay constant. Exponential decay occurs in both Unit 4 and
Unit 5, and it is to be expected that candidates should have a greater ability to transfer
knowledge from the applications in these units to other situations where exponential
processes take place.
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Question 16 (a)
Although a large proportion of candidates scored full marks there was a significant minority
scoring just one mark. The temperature mark was the mark awarded most often.Failure
to gain the second marking point was largely due to not highlighting that it was the
mass of air/gas that needed to remain constant: candidates simply stating that mass
should be constant.References to the volume/mass/density/amount of oil were common,
as were references to the pressure or the diameter / cross section area of tube being
constant.Some candidates clearly do not know and understand control variables because
many answers included the volume / length of tube.Some good responses just quoted
a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, indicating that they had been taught the
conditions quite thoroughly.
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Question 16 (b)
This question was not so much about the experiment but about the interpretation of
data. This point was not grasped by some candidates, who proceeded to refer to an
experiment that they had seen similar to this, giving experimental detail that they had
remembered.Focusing instead on the data, it is clear that a numerical method of identifying
the relationship is required. There were some good answers that identified the assumption
that volume is directly proportional to the length of the trapped gas, that pressure
multiplied by the length should be constant and that some numerical values should be taken
from the graph to show this and then comments made about the product of them.
Some candidates gained no credit as they simply presented a descriptive answer with no
attempt to use the quantitative information supplied. Others noted a few relevant readings
from the graph (gaining mp 3), but did not know what to do with them.Some candidates
calculated the gradient at one point of the graph, claiming that since this was a negative
gradient it showed an inversely proportional relationship. Others simply claimed that
since one increased and the other decreased, this showed the relationship was inversely
proportional. Responses such as these indicate a basic misconception regarding inverse
proportionality which needs to be addressed by teaching.
For those candidates who realised that they had to check that the data provided confirmed
the relationship there were some ways of getting close, without gaining full credit. These
included stating that pV = k but without stating that k is constant, and stating that two
different values of pL gives the same result but without actually doing the calculation
formp 4.
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Question 16 (c)
Mostcandidates could convert celsius in to kelvin and were able to identify that the ideal
gas equation is needed for this question. However, there were cases where thecandidates
did not convert the values from the graph in to the correct units (e.g. instead of 45 kPa they
used 45 in the equation or instead of converting the length into metres they use the length
value in cm as obtained from the graph).
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Question 16 (d)
In this question many candidates referred to the pressure and temperature and, in most
cases, correctly stated the relationship between pressure and temperature. However, they
often failed to mention what happens to the graph.
This was generally well answered, with many candidates recognising that there would be no
change in the graph. Some candidateswrote about the gradient of the graph changing, or
the graph shifting to the left/right and so lost out on the mark.
This was poorly answered with only a small proportion scoring full marks. Those that scored
one mark did so from mp 2. Here some candidates discussed the graph stretching and
surprisingly there were some who thought that the graph would shift down or shift to the
left. Many candidates did not realise that the P and V would increase in proportion to one
another so many references seen to the gradient of the graph. Sketched graphs usually
helped candidates to score the marks.
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This response scores 1 mark for part (i), but the graphs in part
(ii) are not clear enough for marks to be awarded.
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Question 17 (a)
Most candidates recalled the reverse direction of the temperature scale. However,
remarkably few remembered that it is a log rather than a linear scale and even fewer
managed to produce a log scale with the temperature of the Sun in an appropriate position
on the scale. Lack of care was a common reason for a mark being lost, with scales in which
doubling of T values were seen but matched with very uneven spacing of tick marks.
A small number of candidates thought that Complete a suitable temperature scale meant
write Temperature /K on the horizontal axis.
This was the first time the life cycle of a star related to the HR diagram has been set.
Although there were some good concise responses seen, some candidates gave long,
rambling and disorganised answers. In extended answer questions of this type, candidates
need to plan out carefully what they want to say.
Many candidates scored only mp 1 (hydrogen fusion), mp 4 (expansion to Red Giant) and
mp 9 (white dwarf), demonstrating they understood the three key stages in the life cycle
of the sun. However, these three points are little more than we might expect from their
GCSE work. Specification point 131 is clear that candidates should be able to use the HR
diagram to explain the life cycle of stars, whereas many answers seen were little more than
Candidates often stated that when hydrogen fusion ceases collapsing takes place, but they
did not refer to the process taking place in the core. In fact, few candidates were able to
gain the marks for stating what happens in the core of the star at various stages. Some
mixed up the progression with that of a supergiant and talked about fusion of elements up
to iron. Many seemed to think that the white dwarf would end as a neutron star or a black
Some candidates simply described the H-R diagram, eg. In position 1, the temperature
is about 5800 and luminosity about 1. Then, it moves to area 2 where the temperature is
3000 and luminosity about 10,000. Then, it moves to area 3... Such responses scored very
few marks.
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Always check the units for quantities that you are given
in a question.
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Question 18 (b)
Most students correctly recalled the fact that alpha particles cannot penetrate skin formp
1.Some candidates only referred to the range in air or alpha particles being stopped by
paper, and did not apply this to the case in question.
In contrast,mp 2 was only rarely gained because answers were too vague.Candidates often
mentioned cell damage without any reference to ionisation or energy transfer, or stated
that internal organs or soft tissue, rather than cell damage, could occur. Nearly all of those
credited with mp 2 referred to ionisation and not energy.
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Question 18 (c)
Candidates answered this question very well, with nearly all scoring full marks.
This part was quite poorly answered with the most common incorrect response being to do
with repulsion between like charges.Candidates should understand that the nucleus recoils
as a result of momentum being conserved at the instant of the decay.The repulsion of the
two charged particles subsequent to the decay is a separate mechanism. Another incorrect
response seen was that lead is unstable, or that the lead recoils to become more stable
which may indicate a misunderstanding of the word recoil.
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Question 18 (d)
Most candidates were able to give the correct meaning of random, although lack of
precision was sometimes a problem, with references to it or isotopes, or even molecules
decaying.Many candidates were unable to explain spontaneous, not realising that it meant
the decay cannot be influenced by external factors. A number of candidates thought it meant
the sameas random but with different wording.
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Question 18 (e)
Quite a few candidates assumed that Litvinenko had just touched the isotope to become
contaminated, hence their responses referred to the isotope being on hands or clothes and
being transferred by touch rather than the idea of it leaving the body via excretion.Many
candidates realised that the isotope would be excreted from the body, although there
were some unusual references to contamination from nuclear power plants. Also many
realised that the half life was such that the activity would be detectable for some time after
the event. Failure to qualify that the long half-life meant that it was still detectable was
a common reason formp 2 not being awarded. It was alarming to read ideas that some
candidates had that the alpha particles remained around as radioactivity. Some candidates
wrote explanations that had little to do with the question, and statements such as Russians
handle nuclear weapons, references to background radiation, or to the smoke detectors in
the washrooms were not uncommon.
Examiner Comments
This response is typical of many incorrect suggestions that neither established that traces of
the isotope had been excreted from Litvinenko nor referred to the relatively long half life of the
isotope.No marks awarded.
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This response gains full marks.The first mark (for traces of the isotope being excreted from the
body) is almost not awarded, since the candidate begins by talking about Litvinenko handling
the source with his bare hands.However, the candidate goes on to refer to traces of the isotope
in Litvinenko's urine, which is enough toestablish that Litvinenko was excreting the isotope.
Paper Summary
In order to improve their performance candidates should:
Ensure they have a thorough knowledge of the physics for this unit.
For descriptive questions, make a note of the marks and include that number of
different physics points.
For descriptive questions, try to base the answer around a specific equation which is
Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link: