Registrar and Transfer Agents
Registrar and Transfer Agents
Registrar and Transfer Agents
Registrar are the trusts or institutions that register and maintain detailed records of the transactions
of investors for the convenience of mutual fund houses.
Definition: Registrar or transfer agents are the trusts or institutions that register and maintain
detailed records of the transactions of investors for the convenience of mutual fund houses.
Description: Investors' transactions like buying, exchanges, processing of mails and related
information, changes in personal data, etc occur frequently and have to be recorded. Registrar &
transfer agents have skilled expertise for maintenance of such data on a professional basis, thereby
contributing to saving costs and time involved in keeping detailed accurate records of the investor
Their role also extends to providing information to the investors about new offers, maturity dates and
all other investor-friendly information at one place for their reference. Some of the RTAs operating in
India are Computer Age Management Services (CAMS), Karvy, and Deutsche Investor Services,
among others.
The role of Depository and Depository Participants in electronic trading
and settlement (DP)
A depository can be defined as an institution where the investors can keep their
financial assets such as equities, bonds, mutual fund units etc in the dematerialised
form and transactions could be effected on it. In India, there are two depositories
namely, the
A custodian is an institution or individual that can act as an
agent and exercise legal authority over the financial assets of
another individual or company.
A custodian typically handles a variety of activities, including
physically holding equities and bonds, settling purchases
and sales, reporting the status of assets, tax compliance and
reporting, and management of the client's accounts and
For example, a bank may act as a custodian for a
customer's investment activities, moving funds into brokerage
accounts, researching investment alternatives such as companies
and funds which might be appropriate investment targets,
instructing brokers to buy or sell securities, monitoring the
investment activities within the account, and reporting account
activity to the owner. The custodian may also prepare the
necessary tax filings on behalf of the owner, based on the
activities within the account.
Custodians may be appointed to hold control of assets of a minor
or an incapacitated adult. An adult with legal status may act as
Primary dealers are registered entities with the RBI who have the license to purchase and
sell government securities. They are entities who buys government securities directly from
the RBI (the RBI issues government securities on behalf of the government), aiming to resell
them to other buyers. In this way, the Primary Dealers create a market for government
The Primary Dealers system in the government securities market was introduced by the RBI
in 1995.
The PDs are thus created to promote transactions in government securities market. A
facilitating arrangement is essential for selling of government securities as government is the
single largest borrower in the market who borrows through the issue of its securities
c. Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and does not fall under (a) or (b).
The applicant for PD should register as an NBFC for at least one year prior to the submission
of application. Other conditions like net owned fund etc are mentioned by the RBI.
The decision to authorize PDs will be taken by RBI based on its perception of market needs,
suitability of the applicant and the likely value addition to the system. Some other functions
besides trading in government securities are also assigned to them.
(ii) provide underwriting services
(iii) offer firm buy - sell / bid ask quotes for T-Bills & dated securities
PDs are performing an exceptional role in giving marketability to government securities. the
RBI has elaborated the role of PDs in the following words PDs are expected to play an
active role in the G-Sec market, both in its primary and secondary market segments through
various obligations like participating in Primary auction, market making in G-Sec,
predominance of investment in G-Sec, achieving minimum secondary market turnover ratio,
maintaining efficient internal control system for fair conduct of business etc. A PD is required
to have a standing arrangement with RBI based on the execution of an undertaking and the
authorization letter issued by RBI every three years. Undertaking will be based on passing of