Essay - Zoos
Essay - Zoos
Essay - Zoos
For years, not many people paid attention to the way zoos worked. Today, with
globalization and the growth in popularity of animal rights groups, the focus
has been set on them and the doubt about the continuity of zoos increased.
Two major positions have been established about the topic, which will be
presented in this essay for the reader to form his own opinion.
On one hand, people who are against animals being held in confined spaces
allege that by no means a zoo park located in a city can be remotely alike their
natural habitat. There is no point of comparison, so no matter all the efforts the
animal can never feel like home. Animals are accustomed to being in the wild,
chasing others or simply eating grass under a tree, but none of them can feel
comfortable inside a cage. As Brigid Brophy said in her article of 1965 The
Rights of Animals, there is no way that a visitor can have any educational
profit from a zoo, when animals are being held in such a different environment
from their own.
On the other hand, the scientific community disagrees with the above stated.
They believe that without intervention many species would have become
extinct, as zoos provide a controlled and safe environment. They also claim
that having animals in captivity allows a proper environment for their study,
which could not be possible in any other way. It is believed that if animals were
in fact left in the wild, we would know very little about them, their needs and
their risks.
Summing up, I would like to present my own personal opinion about the
subject. While I do believe to be true that animals in restricted spaces indeed
suffer, I do also believe that the solution is not to leave them in the wild.
Perhaps the best thing to consider are animal reserves, which give them an
adequate mix between freedom and expert medical control. Just as an
example, I present the case of the Oryx. It is an antelope, which was in danger
of extinction because of the excessive hunting. Since 1982, the Abu Dhabi
Environment Agency did a patient job taking care of the few Oryx remaining, by
upbringing them in captivity and then releasing them again into the desert
where they belong. Now that species, went from being at the verge of
extinction to just a vulnerable species according to the IUCN (International
Union for Conservation of Nature). To my mind that is the way to go, and not
holding animals in zoos in big cities.
Sebastin F.
CPE 5th of April