Ke Fang, Angela V. Olinto: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Ke Fang, Angela V. Olinto: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
Ke Fang, Angela V. Olinto: Preprint Typeset Using L TEX Style Emulateapj v. 5/2/11
High-energy cosmic rays can be accelerated in clusters of galaxies, by mega-parsec scale shocks
induced by accretion of gas during the formation of large-scale structure, or by powerful sources
harbored in clusters. Once accelerated, the highest energy particles leave the cluster via almost
rectilinear trajectories, while lower energy ones can be confined by the cluster magnetic field up
to cosmological time and interact with the intracluster gas. Using a realistic model of the baryon
distribution and the turbulent magnetic field in clusters, we studied the propagation and hadronic
interaction of high-energy protons in the intracluster medium. We report the cumulative cosmic ray
and neutrino spectra generated by galaxy clusters including embedded sources, and demonstrate that
clusters can contribute a significant fraction of the observed IceCube neutrinos above 30 TeV while
remaining undetected in high-energy cosmic rays and rays for reasonable choices of parameters and
source scenarios.
The IceCube Observatory has observed the first highenergy astrophysical neutrinos (Aartsen et al. 2013a,b,c).
The all-flavor diffuse neutrino flux is reported to be =
2.06 1018 (E /105 GeV)2.46 GeV1 cm2 sr1 s1 for
the energy range 25 TeV < E < 1.4 PeV (Aartsen et al.
2015). Searches for small-scale anisotropies from the
three-year IceCube data do not see any significant clustering or correlations (Aartsen et al. 2015). The origin
of these high-energy neutrinos remains unclear (Murase
Accretion of gas during the formation of the largescale structure can give rise to mega-parsec scale shocks
that accelerate high-energy cosmic rays (Miniati et al.
2000; Ryu et al. 2003), and even ultra-high energy cosmic
rays (UHECRs) if the medium around the shocks contain
heavy nuclei (Inoue et al. 2007). Numerical simulations
(Vazza et al. 2014; Hong et al. 2014; Miniati 2015) also
suggest the possibility of stochastic particle acceleration
in large-scale structures, though the flux level of cosmic
rays depend on the Mach number and the location of
shocks (Vazza et al. 2014).
Powerful sources harbored in the galaxy clusters can
also accelerate particles to high energies. Many plausible candidate sources have been proposed in literature,
including steady sources like active galactic nuclei (AGN)
(e.g. Stecker et al. (1991); Winter (2013); Murase et al.
(2014); Dermer et al. (2014)), and transients like gammaray bursts (GRBs) (see Mesz
aros (2006) for review), fastspinning newborn pulsars (Blasi et al. 2000; Fang et al.
2012, 2013), magnetars (Arons 2003; Murase et al. 2009),
and blazar flares (Farrar & Gruzinov 2009).
Clusters are famously known as cosmic ray reservoirs,
due to their ability to confine cosmic rays with turbulent magnetic fields up to cosmological time (Volk et al.
(1996); Berezinsky et al. (1997), also see Brunetti &
1 University of Maryland, Department of Astronomy, 1105
PSC, College Park, MD 20742, USA
2 Joint Space-Science Institute, College Park, MD, 20742
3 Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Kavli Institute
for Cosmological Physics, The University of Chicago, Chicago,
Illinois 60637, USA
Jones (2015) for a recent review). Hence the accelerated cosmic rays have a good chance to interaction with
the intracluster medium (ICM), leading to the production of secondary neutrinos and rays. A cosmic ray
reservoir scenario is favored to explain the absence of detection of neutrinos above a few PeV, especially around
the Glashow resonance at 6.3 PeV. This is because rather
than otherwise a mysterious stop in the cosmic ray spectrum, a cosmic ray reservoir scenario naturally introduces a spectral softening caused by the faster escape
of the higher-energy cosmic rays in a magnetized source
Many analytical and semi-analytical works were conducted to calculate these secondary fluxes (Dar & Shaviv 1995; Volk et al. 1996; Berezinsky et al. 1997; de
Marco et al. 2006; Murase et al. 2008; Wolfe et al. 2008;
Murase et al. 2013). However most of the analytical approaches adopted an overly simplified modeling of the
ICM by assuming both uniform gas distribution and
uniform magnetic field. Colafrancesco & Blasi (1998)
took into account the density profile and mass function
of galaxy clusters, yet still assumed a uniform magnetic
field within each cluster and the same cosmic ray diffusion length for all groups of clusters with different masses.
Numerical propagation of cosmic rays in more realistic
three-dimensional cluster magnetic fields were explored
by Rordorf et al. (2004) and Kotera et al. (2009), but
the studies were limited to neutrinos from a single type
of clusters.
Numerical modeling of the non-uniform gas distribution and magnetic field structure is crucial in an environment like the ICM, because both duration and location
of the confinement of the charged particles impact the interaction rate, and thus an accurate computation of the
neutrino production. Moreover, although massive clusters could be brighter cosmic ray and neutrino sources,
they are far less common than medium-sized clusters. It
is thus unclear how the mass and redshift dependence
of cluster number density would impact the total neutrino spectrum. It is also unknown which group of clusters would dominate PeV cosmic rays and thus be more
relevant for the detected neutrinos. The latter point is
also important for revealing the possibility of pinpointing sources with the increasing statistics of IceCube as
well as future experiments (Ahlers & Halzen 2014; Fang
& Miller 2016).
Bechtol et al. (2015) pointed out that new studies of
the blazar flux at gamma rays above 50 GeV result in a
lower residual non-blazar component of the extragalactic gamma-ray background. This puts a tight constraint
on neutrino sources that are transparent to gamma rays
(Murase et al. 2016), especially those which produce
neutrinos through hadronuclear (pp) interactions (as in
galaxy clusters (Kotera et al. 2009)). However, this constraint is drawn based on the assumption that the pp
scenario has a E 2 spectrum extended below 10 TeV,
which is not necessarily valid for all source types. For
example, particles accelerated by fast-spinning newborn
pulsars (Blasi et al. 2000; Fang et al. 2012, 2013) can have
a spectrum index less than 2, and cosmic rays accelerated
in the AGN (Murase et al. 2012; Dermer et al. 2012) can
present a cutoff at low energies due to the confinement
of the source environment.
In this paper, we investigate high-energy cosmic rays
and neutrinos from clusters, by numerically propagating
cosmic rays down to TeV in galaxy clusters with a wide
range of masses and redshifts. We limit the uncertainties
of our results with a more realistic modeling of the ICM
gas and the turbulent cluster magnetic field than some of
the previous works, and by adopting the mass accretion
rates, cluster baryon fraction, and halo mass function as
constrained by cosmological observations.
We report the integrated cosmic ray and neutrino spectra from the entire cluster population in two scenarios:
1. the accretion shock scenario: cosmic rays are accelerated by the cluster accretion shocks and injected
at the outskirts of clusters;
2. the central source scenario: cosmic rays are accelerated by sources at the centers of the clusters.
Our results demonstrate that neutrinos from cluster accretion shocks could contribute <
20% of the IceCube
flux; however, if bright astrophysical sources inside the
galaxy clusters can accelerate particles with an injection
spectrum index below 2, clusters could reproduce both
the spectrum and flux of IceCube neutrinos above 30
TeV, while remaining consistent with the measurements
of high-energy cosmic rays and rays.
The energy budget of high-energy cosmic rays is determined by the accretion rate of the cluster. The mass accretion rate of halos can be described by a fitting function
hM i = 42 (M/1012 M )1.127 (1 + 1.17z)
E(z) M yr1
(McBride et al. 2009), with E(z) = m (1 + z)3 + .
Note that in this work we take m = 0.308, h = 67.8
(Planck Collaboration et al. 2015) and assume a flat Universe.
The kinetic energy of the accretion shocks is Lacc =
fb GM M /rsh , with fb = 0.13 (M/1014 M )0.16 being
the average baryon fraction of galaxy clusters (Gonzalez
et al. 2013). If a fraction fcr = 1% fcr,2 of this energy
is converted into cosmic rays, the luminosity of cosmic
rays from accretion shocks is then
Lcr = 2.0 1044 M15
fcr,2 erg s1
of the sources, for example, in pulsar magnetospheres
(Arons 2003), or in reconnection processes (Guo et al.
2014). Besides, an interplay between the acceleration
and dissipation processes at the acceleration site could
also lead to a hard injection spectrum (Murase et al.
2012; Dermer et al. 2012). Murase et al. (2016); Bechtol
et al. (2015) demonstrated that a pp scenario with a E 2
spectrum normalized to the IceCube datapoint at 10
TeV would overproduce rays above the flux of the nonblazar component of the isotropic -ray background. In
this work we will instead consider the case of an injection
spectrum index equal or smaller than 2 but normalized
to the IceCube datapoint at 30 TeV (which is about 3
times lower than that at 10 TeV). Specifically, in Sec. 3
we focus on a benchmark case of an injection spectrum
dN/dE E 1.5 and maximum energy Emax = 50 PeV.
We discuss the effects of different choices of dN/dE and
Emax in Sec. 4.
2.2. Cosmic Ray Diffusion
2/3 1/3
1/3 2/3
= 1.5 M15 E18 Z 1/3 B6 lc,1 Gyr (6)
this escape probability, we first write down the probability that a particle with diffusion coefficient D reaches
radius r after time t:
33/2 3r2 /4Dt
assuming that the particle starts from r = 0 and the
field is homogenous. The probability that a particle can
successfully escape from a cluster of size rvir within the
Hubble time is then (Kotera & Lemoine 2008)
dr p(r, tH ) 4r2
p(r, t) =
x / Mp
x / Mp
z / Mpc
z / Mpc
Fig. 1. Trajectory of high-energy cosmic rays in the turbulent magnetic field of a model cluster with mass M = 1015 M located at
redshift z = 0.1. The grey sphere represents a cluster. The virial radius of the simulated case is 2.6 Mpc just outside the grey sphere. The
baryon and the magnetic field distribution in the ICM follows the model described by equation 11 and 13. The central magnetic field
strength is B0 = 10 G. The left panel shows a proton with injection energy Ep = 1019 eV which has a Larmor radius comparable to the
coherence length of the B field. The right panel shows the trajectories of a proton with injection energy Ep = 1017 eV and its interaction
products. The starting point of the proton is at the center of the cluster. The trajectories of the primary proton (blue), the secondary
protons (green), as well as the neutron and neutrino products (red) are indicated by a series of points at each propagation step.
where pp 510
cm is the effective proton-proton
interaction cross section. Note that particles injected at
the cluster center would have a much greater chance to
be confined by the cluster magnetic fields which leads
to larger fpp . In contrast, particles injected near the
boundary may not even meet an ICM baryon before escaping from the cluster. Since the distribution of baryons
in the cluster is not uniform, and different confinement
time of particles in the cluster magnetic field would lead
to different fpp , in simulations this rate is more precisely
calculated by tracking particle propagation in the cluster
magnetic field (see Sec 3.1).
m d ln 1
(M, z) = f ()
M dM
where m is the mean density of the universe at the epoch
of analysis, m (z) = m (0) (1 + z)3 , and (M, z) is the
rms variance of the linear density field smoothed on a
top-hat window
R = (3M/4m )1/3 . SpecifR function
(kR) is the
ically, = dk P (k)W (kR) k 2 , where W
Fourier transform of the real-space top-hat window function of radius R (Tinker et al. 2008). For f () we adopt
the mass function multiplicity described by Sheth & Tormen (1999).
B(r) = max B1 er/R1 , B2 er/R2
The integrated neutrino flux can be calculated as
dn (1 + z)2 L (M, z) dV
E (E ) = dM
Z zmax
c dz
4 zmin H0 E(z)
Z Mmax
dn 2 dN
((1 + z)E , M, z)
dM dE
where dV = c dz/(H0 E(z))(1 + z)2 d2A d is the comoving
volume and dA = dL (1 + z)2 is the angular diameter
distance. The lower and upper limits of the integration
are taken to be Mmin = 1012 M and Mmax = 1016 M ,
since galaxies with M < Mmin barely contribute to the
energy window we are interested in, while clusters with
M > Mmax have too low a number density to significantly contribute to the total flux. The redshift integration goes from zmin = 0.01, where the closest galaxy
clusters are located, up to zmax = 5. As we will demonstrate in Sec. 3.3, the flux from the most distant clusters
is dominated by that from the closer ones, so our results are not sensitive to the choice of zmax as long as
zmax 1.
3.1. Numerical Setup
The interactions between high-energy proton and ICM
baryons were simulated by Monte Carlo as in Fang et al.
(2012). The cross sections and products of pp interactions were calculated based on the hadronic interaction
model EPOS (Werner et al. 2006). In addition, we implemented the public UHECR propagation code CRPropa3
(Kampert et al. 2013) to study the semi-diffusive propagation of high-energy cosmic rays in cluster magnetic
In our simulation, the baryon distribution in the ICM
is set to follow equation 11. The field is generated to
follow the Kolmogorov-type turbulence with spectrum
index w = 5/3 and have random directions with a coherence length lc 0.03 rvir (Brunetti & Jones 2015). The
strength of the magnetic field of the ICM is normalized
by equations 13 and 14. (We will discuss the impact of a
stronger or weaker B on our results in Sec. 4.) Therefore
in our model the cluster environment is fully determined
by two parameters: the cluster mass M and the redshift
In the accretion shock scenario, we assume that a stationary shock is located at dsh = sh Rta (Colafrancesco
& Blasi 1998), where sh 0.347, and Rta 2 Rvir is
the turn-around radius. The maximum energy of the
injected cosmic rays is calculated by equation 2 taking
B = B(dsh ). Note that adopting the magnetic field
strength at the cluster boundary is a conservative assumption as the shocked region in a cluster is not limited to the outer skirts. The injection of cosmic rays is
assumed to follow a spectrum dN/dE E 2 normalized
by equation 3. The energy fraction fcr is left as a free
parameter to be determined by observation.
In the central source scenario, cosmic rays are injected
in isotropic directions from the center of the host cluster, with a universal maximum energy Emax = 50 PeV
and spectrum dN/dE E 1.5 . The effect of different
choices of Emax and dN/dE to our results will be discussed in Sec. 4. Considering that the total luminosity
of high-energy sources inside the cluster should scale to
the kinetic power of the cluster, we still refer to equation 3 as the energy budget of injected cosmic rays.
Finally, the diffusive propagation of each particle is
tracked until either it successfully leaves the cluster, or its
total propagation time exceeds the Hubble time. In the
accretion shock scenario, particles are injected isotropically from dsh 0.7 Rvir . Both magnetic field and number density of the ICM are low at the outskirt region,
hence some fraction of the particles can leave the cluster
within a relatively short time and nearly zero interaction,
whereas the others will be trapped toward the inner side
of the cluster. In the central source scenario, particles injected from the cluster center confront the densest region
of the ICM, and could be easily confined over the Hubble
time. Meanwhile secondary and higher-order protons resulted from the interactions can lead to further productions of neutrinos (an example of the presence of such
secondary particles are shown by the green points in the
right panel of Fig 1). The difference in the injection locations lead to quite different behaviors of particles in the
two scenarios. The 3-d propagation and particle tracking in our simulation are needed to describe the transportation and interaction of particles of all orders in the
non-uniform environment, especially when the system is
asymmetric as in the accretion shock scenario.
3.2. Cosmic Ray Trajectories
In this section we demonstrate the propagation of cosmic rays in the turbulent magnetic field of a model cluster
with mass M = 1015 M at redshift z = 0.1. The central
magnetic field strength is set to be B0 = 10 G. The field
strength at the outer skirts is then Bvir 0.6 G. The
number density of the ICM gas at the cluster center is
n0 = 1.1 102 cm3 , as calculated by equation 12.
In the left panel of Figure 1, we show the trajectory of a
proton with injection energy Ep = 1019 eV. Note that the
cluster radius is 2.7 Mpc although it looks smaller due to
the projection of the 3D sphere in the plots. The Larmor
radius of the particle is rL = 0.01 E19 B6
Mpc, comparable to the coherence length of the field which is set to
be lc = 0.07 Mpc. To study such a semi-diffusive propagation, we utilize the Cash-Karp propagation method of
CRPropa to track the particles entire trajectory. Each
step of the propagation is indicated as a blue point in
the plot, and the step size is determined dominantly by
the Larmor radius, because the mean free path of the
charged particle is much larger than rL . As expected,
the particle travels almost rectilinearly. In this realization, the particle escaped the cluster without interaction
with the ICM gas, and had a total trajectory length of
46 Mpc.
In the right panel of Figure 1, we show the trajectory
of a proton with injection energy Ep = 1017 eV. The Larmor radius of the particle is now 700 times less than
the coherence length of the field, placing it in the fully
diffusive regime. The computing cost for tracking all the
steps of the particle would be enormous. Instead, we use
the approximation algorithm demonstrated in Kotera &
Lemoine (2008). Specifically, taking advantage of the
fact that a particle would lose its initial direction after
traveling for a distance much longer than the Larmor
M <1014 M
1014 M <M <1015 M
M >1015 M
Auger ICRC2015
TA SD6yr
TALE 2014
logE [eV]
E2 [GeV cm2 s1 sr1 ]
1012 M <M <1014 M
1014 M <M <1015 M
M >1015 M
IceCube 2015
10-1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
logE [eV]
E2 [GeV cm2 s1 sr1 ]
1012 M <M <1014 M
1014 M <M <1015 M
M >1015 M
IceCube 2015
10-1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
logE [eV]
are needed to produce UHE protons. However, due to
the exponential cutoff in the halo mass function for such
extremely massive clusters, a significant production of
UHECRs from clusters is not found given a pure proton
injection. The main contribution of this proton component is relevant to explain the second knee observed
around 1017 eV (Apel et al. 2013). Heavier nuclei, if injected at the shocks, may reach ultra-high energies, but
their neutrino production would be less significant.
As displayed in Figure 1, within the same cluster, cosmic rays with lower energy have a lower chance to leave
the system due to their smaller Larmor radius. Consequently, the spectrum of the escaped cosmic rays is
slightly harder than that at injection.
The cumulative neutrino flux from clusters is shown
in Figure 3. The top panel corresponds to the accretion
shock scenario. The injection of cosmic rays and the
cluster environment are set up as in Figure 2. The total
neutrino flux is indicated by the solid blue line. With
fcr = 2 %, clusters contribute a neutrino flux less than
20% of the IceCube detections. Unlike the cosmic ray
spectrum which mainly scales with the escape probability
fesc , the neutrino spectrum is rather sensitive to the pion
production rate f . The spectral index is found to be
about 2 around TeV, 2.4 at PeV and cut off above 10
PeV. The spectrum softening at PeV is a combined effect
of diffusion (lower f at higher energies) and cluster mass
function (higher flux but lower rate for massive clusters).
The bottom panel of Figure 3 shows the integrated neutrino flux in the central source scenario. The spectrum
below 100 TeV is mainly determined by the injection
and thus follows E 1.5 . Interestingly, at higher energies the softening effect due to the shorter cosmic ray
diffusion time and the lower population of massive clusters dominates over the hard injection. As a result, with
fcr = 0.5% this scenario could reproduce the spectrum
and flux of the IceCube measurement above 30 TeV.
As in Figure 2, we also decompose the neutrino contribution into three mass groups: M < 1014 M (dash
dotted), 1014 M < M < 1015 M (dashed) and M >
1015 M (dotted), all indicated by blue lines. The significance of the three mass groups contribution to the
neutrino fluxes follows a similar order as that of cosmic
rays, except that without the fesc factor impacting the
neutrino production, the M < 1014 M group now contributes less than 5 % of the total flux. The thin green
lines in Figure 2 decompose the contribution into three
redshift bins: 0.01 < z < 0.3 (dashed), 0.3 < z < 1
(solid) and z > 1(dotted). We find that due to the intense source distribution in the region 0.3 < z < 1, this
group makes the largest contribution to neutrino production. Due to the distance and the rare rate of massive
clusters at high redshift, clusters at z > 1 barely contribute.
Unlike other astrophysical sources, galaxy clusters offer a unique environment for TeV-PeV neutrino production through efficient acceleration and confinement of
high-energy cosmic rays. By propagating particles in
three-dimensional turbulent magnetic fields and recording their interactions with the ICM gas, we find that
the integrated neutrino flux from the cluster accretion
shocks could account for 20% of the IceCube detec-
tions, while neutrinos produced by the interaction of cosmic rays from powerful sources hosted by clusters could
explain both the flux and spectrum of the IceCube data
above 30 TeV, if the injection spectrum is harder than
2. The lack of neutrino clustering around known sources
also fits well with the cluster production model. In addition, the high-energy cosmic rays that succeed in escaping from the clusters contribute less than 20% of the
observed cosmic ray flux around and below the ankle,
and may explain the second knee feature when galactic
and ultrahigh energy cosmic ray accelerators contributions are added to the clusters contribution.
Our results demonstrate that when taking into account
the effect of cosmic ray confinement and the mass dependence of the cluster number density, the integrated neutrino spectrum would conserve the injection spectrum
around TeV - 100 TeV, but become much steeper above
PeV. If high-energy sources harbored in the galaxy clusters could produce cosmic rays with spectrum harder
than E 2 , the tension between the neutrino-associated
GeV rays and the Fermi measurement of isotropic diffusive -ray background (Ackermann et al. 2015; Murase
et al. 2016) can be alliviated. Also notice that in the
cluster scenario, the dominant contribution comes from
sources beyond z 0.3 (as suggested by Fig. 3). Thus,
rays with E >
0.1 TeV are attenuated by the time they
arrive on Earth, through interactions with photons of
the extragalactic background light (EBL) and the CMB
that have a non-trivial optical depth, (z 0.3) > 1
(Stecker et al. 2006).
The search for the first rays from galaxy clusters
is still ongoing. No significant spatially extended ray emission from the nearby galaxy clusters was found
in four years of Fermi-LAT data, establishing limits
on the cosmic ray to thermal pressure ratio, XCR , to
be below 1.4% (Ackermann et al. 2014). The parameter fCR of our model can be translated to XCR by
XCR = PCR /Pth 0.6% fCR,2 (M tcr,conf /M ), where
PCR (1/3) fCR (GM ICM tcr,conf /rvir ) is the cosmic ray
pressure after an accumulation of particles for tcr,conf ,
and Pth = nICM (GM mp /2 rvir ) is the thermal pressure.
The fCR < 2% suggested by our model is thus consistent with the constraint from -ray searches. However,
the Fermi limit would constrain cluster scenarios with
fCR > 2%, corresponding to an injection index > 2.1.
In the central source scenario (bottom panel of Fig. 3)
we showed a benchmark case with an injection spectrum index = 1.5 and maximum cosmic ray energy
Emax = 50 PeV. The results are solid under moderate
adjustments on either or Emax (including adding a
mass dependence). However, cannot be as large as
2, otherwise the -ray counterpart will clearly exceed the
Fermi measurements of the isotropic -ray background.
Furthermore, if Emax 50 PeV, the injected cosmic rays
wouldnt be energetic enough to produce the PeV neutrinos. On the other hand, if Emax 50 PeV in all clusters,
the resulted neutrino spectrum could overshoot the null
bins at 5 - 10 PeV.
In our simulations we assumed a central magnetic field
strength of 3 G. In case of a smaller central magnetic
field strength B0 , highest energy cosmic rays would have
a higher chance to leave the system due to the weaker
magnetic field and less interaction materials in the en-
vironment. Lower energy cosmic rays would be less impacted, since they are confined to a relatively small volume. Hence the overall neutrino spectrum would be expected to have a lower flux but a softer spectrum. Conversely, stronger B0 would lead to a higher neutrino flux
due to the intenser confinement.
Neither of our scenarios could account for the IceCube
data below 30 TeV. Although majority of the neutrinos
are expected to come from extragalactic sources, Galactic sources could potentially contribute some fraction of
the flux (Ahlers et al. 2016), especially below 200 TeV
(Murase 2015). It is also possible that other types of
sources could contribute to this energy range.
Our conclusion on the accretion shock scenario is consistent with that from Zandanel et al. (2015), though
the two works have distinctive approaches. While Zandanel et al. (2015) derived the neutrino luminosity from
a scaling between radio and gamma-ray luminosities, we
directly simulated the particle propagation to obtain the
neutrino spectrum. Zandanel et al. (2015) did not assume any cosmic ray spectral steepening due to the escape of high-energy cosmic rays, whereas in our work this
cutoff was shown as a natural result from the energydependent transportation, and crucial for the survival of
the central source scenario. On the other hand, Zandanel
et al. (2014, 2015) indicated that the neutrino contribution from clusters could be further limited due to the fact
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