Sharn Watch Ties Murders To Key of Saranach Pamphlets

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Murders Tied to Pamphlets

Murders Tied to Pamphlets

News for Sul, Dravago 22nd, 998
By David Noonan

Sharn Watch Ties Murders to Key of Saranach Pamphlets

SHARN -- On Far, a city watch official revealed that the murder of Lady Kria ir'Tandrika, which occurred in her
chambers on Zol, is related to the mysterious pamphlet known as the Key of Saranach. Ir'Tandrika's death is the
seventh in the last two months that has been linked to the rare manuscript, which is said to be cursed with ill
Daggerwatch Garrison Commander Lian Halamar said he would be doubling the number of inquisitives working
on the case by the end of the day. Thus far, the investigation has focused on several "citizens of interest," but no
suspects have been identified as yet.
Halamar issued two writs of detention on Zol. Though the writs don't accuse the named individuals of crimes,
they do give the City Watch the authority to detain those persons for questioning regarding the pamphlet.
The first writ names the author of the Key of Saranach -- a man called Valtreaux the Sage. The City Watch has
no description of Valtreaux, nor are his recent whereabouts known.
The second writ names a woman known only as Providence, a frequent speaker in the Commons at Morgrave
University. The writ states that Providence was handing out Key of Saranach pamphlets several weeks ago,
though she hasn't been seen since. According to Halamar, at least some of the murder victims received the
pamphlet from Providence.
A public appeal to turn in copies of the Key of Saranach pamphlet to the City Watch has thus far achieved no
results. Ir'Tandrika's copy -- the first acquired so far -- has been turned over to the Blackened Book, the magical
investigation unit of the City Watch. Halamar revealed that the pamphlet purports to be a self-guided study of
esoteric mystical techniques.
"It's likely that the connection between the pamphlet and the murders is completely mundane -- the rumors of a
curse are probably hyperbole," Halamar said. "We don't know how many of these Providence handed out,
however, and we'd like to have them all accounted for."

About the Author

David Noonan is a designer/developer for Wizards of the Coast. Before coming to Wizards, he was a daily
newspaper reporter in Washington state. Apparently the city hall beat is good practice for an Eberron campaign.

Murders Tied to Pamphlets

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