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ISSN 1075-0045

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By Hal Fox, Editor-in-Chief, New Energy News
The INE 98 Symposium was held Friday and
Saturday 14-15 August 1998 in the Saltaire
Room at the University of Utah Union Building in
Salt Lake City, Utah. This symposium is an
extension of the New-Energy Conferences
sponsored by the International Association of
New Science (IANS) which organization is now
defunct or at least, sleeping. This Symposium
was also a meeting of the INE membership.
The new Officers of the INE are Dr. Patrick
Bailey, President; Toby Grotz, Vice President;
Robyn Harris, Treasurer; and Hal Fox, Editor of
New Energy News. The office of Secretary is to
be announced later. Members of the Board of
Directors are the following: Wolfram Bahmann
(Germany), Pat Bailey, Hal Fox, Toby Grotz,
Jeane Manning, Gary Vesperman and others
[See note at end]. The trustees of the Institute of
New Energy are Pat Bailey, Toby Grotz, and Hal
Fox. The INE is a not-for-profit Utah corporation.




The types of membership in the INE are now the

Member: Dues are $35 per year and include
special membership privileges including
discounts on publications and a free subscription
to the New Energy News and Infinite Energy.
Professional Member: Dues are $150 per year
and include all Member's privileges plus four
issues of the Journal of New Energy.
Corporate Member: Dues are $1,000 per year
and include the New Energy News, Infinite

Energy, the Journal of New Energy, and two free

attendees at the INE annual symposia.
The following are the speakers and summaries
of their messages:
Tom Bearden: "EM Corrections Enabling a
Practical Unified Field Theory with Emphasis
on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves." This paper explored the
time-density waves and how they were related
to the standard EM longitudinal waves. Bearden
also covered some of the experimental evidence
for such waves. Tom Bearden is one of the more
prolific writers about new energy topics and his
Cagen humor is always enjoyed.
Toby Grotz: "Preliminary Results of Electron
Microscopy and Electron Diffraction
Spectroscopy of Carbon-Carbon Arc
Experiments." Toby reported on the latest
successful attempts to provide transmutation
evidence in the arcing of carbon rods on carbon
materials. The evidence for the production of
iron was shown. Considerable care must be
taken to properly clean the carbon rods or
carbon granules before experiments.
Gary L. Johnson:
"Requirements for
Bringing a New-Energy Generator to Market."
This presentation is essentially a verbal
discussion of Chapter 8 of his book, The Search
for a New Energy Source. Johnson presented a
well-organized list of steps or challenges to be


taken or met in getting a new-energy product to

market. Recommended was that work should
proceed, as soon as practical, on both homesized and sub-station sized systems as soon as
a working method is available. [See book review
of Dr. Johnsons book, page 12.]
Don Reed: "Excitation and Extraction of
Vacuum Energy via EM-Torsion Field
Coupling Theoretical Model." A historical
survey of the torsion field was given. One aspect
was explored mathematically to identify possible
means by which the desired coupling between
Electro-Magnetic Fields and the Torsion Fields
can be accomplished for power production. This
topic is of considerable interest due to the
increasing papers coming from Russia on torsion
Paul M. Brown: "Tritiated Amorphous Silicon
Power Cells.
This paper presented the
application of tritiated amorphous silicon as an
energy converter for betavoltaic devices. The
recent resumption of the development of the
nuclear battery was described. Batteries having
a ten-year life (and no recharging) are possible
using this technology.
Hal Fox & Shang Xian Jin: "Low-Energy
Nuclear Reactions and High-Density Charge
Clusters. The work sponsored by Trenergy,
Inc. on the further development of the charge
cluster technology originally discovered by
Kenneth Shoulders was described. The paper
discussed work with the LENT-1 reactor
designed by the Cincinnati Group. One of the
objectives of this work is to demonstrate that
low-energy nuclear reactions can be used for the
stabilization of radio-active wastes.
Patrick G. Bailey: "The Need for Accurate
Reporting and Archival of Data for Advanced
Energy Conversion Devices: the INE Date
Base. This presentation was both a description
of the current INE database and a plea for
members to add to or correct this database.
Over 100 devices or systems for the production
of new energy are stored on the database and
ranked from initial report to replicated and ready
for commercialization.
Pat Bailey is the
webmaster and the financial support for the

prize-winning New-Energy

W e bsi t e


Moray B. King: "Overview of New-Energy

Paradigms, Charge Clusters, and Torsion
Fields." Moray gave an enthusiastic overview of
various theoretical approaches to the tapping of
zero-point energy. Various anomalies must be
explained and appropriate experiments designed
to buttress the further development of theory.
Challenges to current experimenters to help
provide data and/or explanations for some of the
observed results, especially with high-density
charge clusters, was a part of the presentation.
David Yurth: "A New Approach to a Unified
Field Theory. By viewing the Torsion Fields
and the aether as the fundamental causes of
electric fields, magnetic fields, and gravity fields,
Yurth outlined a new view for a Unified Field
Theory which must include the torsion fields.
Yurth suggests that all fields are effects arising
from a universal, holographic causal phenomena
described as the Physical Vacuum. Developments in Russia, where torsion field research
have been ongoing for more than 25 years, were
cited and some of the results in the development
of new materials were explored.
Hal Fox: "The Superluminal Velocity of
Gravity Waves. Fox reported on the life work
of Gregory Hodowanec and Bill Ramsay in
developing and using gravity-wave fluctuation
sensors. It was described that these sensors
show that celestial events can be measured
(such as the transit of planets through the zenith
of the earth's rotation) and that such events
appear to be recordable at information transfer
rates far exceeding the speed of light. The
probable close relationship between gravity
waves and torsion fields was presented.
Xian Liu Jiang: "Channeling Effects and
Nuclear Reactions in Electrochemical
Systems. Jiang reported on experiments to
advance the understanding of low-energy
nuclear reactions in cold fusion.
reactions have strong anisotropic behavior and
are indicated by the measurement of charged
particle beams that have been observed.
Processes may be capable of development in

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


which this transient process can be used to
enhance the nuclear reactions by several orders
of magnitude, and bring about commercial
Paul M. Brown: "Solving the Nuclear Waste
Problem Through Applied Physics. This
presentation was a tutorial on the effect of
gamma rays on selected nuclear targets. Under
appropriate energy levels, resonance conditions
assist in the interaction between gamma photons
and nuclear reactions. By providing gamma
photons at X-Ray energy levels, the stabilization
of selected radioactive wastes is being
experimentally demonstrated.
H a l F o x : " N e w - E n e r g y Anom al ies .
Laboratory findings, not consistent with current
scientific models, were cited.
The further
exploration of these anomalies is one of the
rewarding areas for scientific advancement. INE
members were urged to share information on
scientific anomalies.
Valarie Fredley: "A Brief Review of WorldWide Concern and Support for
Underdeveloped Cultures. Valarie is an
executive employee of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Later Day Saints. She described some
of the national and international activities of the
newly-formed LDS Charities organization and its
world-wide support to help people in need.
Valarie was Saturday's featured luncheon
Attendees held two separate sessions in which
members could network with each other and
share their goals, objectives, and queries. One
of the most important summaries of the ensuing
discussions is that Kenneth Shoulders is
achieving good successes with the further
development of high-density, charge-cluster
devices for producing energy. Another important
new member of INE is David Yurth who is a key
person in the funding for and planned
development of torsion field generators and
sensors. The consensus for new-energy device
commercialization is the following:
Hydrosonic Pump is already in production and

being marketed. BlackLight Power (Dr. Randall
Mills) hydrogen gas development is being funded
by at least two electric utility companies. Some
solid-state devices are being developed that
appear to tap vacuum energy. For the future,
one of the most promising technologies is the
high-density charge cluster technology.
Plans for INE-99 include the following: Summer
1999 in Salt Lake City, Utah with date to be
established. Symposium to be coupled with
new-energy exhibits open to the public. NewEnergy companies will be invited to purchase
booth space to demonstrate their products.
Products are expected to range from
publications to working new-energy devices and
support equipment. A Call for Papers will be
published soon.
Trenergy, Inc. (one of the corporate supporters
of INE-98) announced its affiliation with the WHY
Group and Nu Omicron Technologies, Inc. A
two-year, two-million dollar, development
agreement has been signed. The project will
emphasize the development of torsion field
generators and sensors. A development team of
8 to 10 members is being assembled. A suitable
building is being purchased, Development work
is expected to begin this fall. Trenergy, Inc. is a
public company currently selling it shares in Utah
and Nevada. David Yurth is CEO of the WHY
Group. Hal Fox is President and S.X. Jin is the


Just updated from INE, a complete
bibliography is available containing
over 1000 references, listing all the
articles, papers and abstracts
published in the New Energy News since
we began back in 1993.
Request PC
W o rd Pe rf ec t 6. 1 or AS CI I fo rm at .
Copies are US$10, postage and
handling included.
INE, 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake
City, UT 84109-2154, USA.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


chief scientist for Trenergy. Trenergy plans to

have a Website.
The directors, officers, and members wish to
thank the staff of INE-98 with special thanks to
Robyn Harris (INE-Treasurer and Office
Manager of Fusion Information Center); Dineh
Torres (Publications Specialist); and Ede
Riesenhuber. Ede is a special INE volunteer
who has helped in all of the previous new-energy
conferences. In addition, Derrick Nakarishi gave
freely of his time and talents to assist in making
the conference a success.


The publishers of New Energy News plan to
have a fast announcement of any significant
development in new energy. All Members of INE
and all Professional Members in INE are asked
to send us their email address. Please send to:
Hal Fox <[email protected]>
We appreciate that many persons are taking
advantage of the "no cost" in email to send many
copies of information to their friends. The
volume of our email is so large that we must
institute the following policy:
We welcome information on new energy topics.
Please address such topics directly to the email
address above.
We welcome specific inquiries from readers and
energy enthusiasts. We will try to honor your
queries by sending you appropriate information
either by email or ordinary mail.
We welcome technical contributions of a
constructive informative nature.
concerned mainly with criticism or suggestions of
"what went wrong in your experiment" are
deemed to be of little value to NEN .

We welcome publishable articles, especially

related to experimental evidence of new-energy
research. Articles should be submitted by mail
with easy to scan type and drawings. Any
articles sent for consideration should NEVER be
over 500K in total size if sent through the Email.
Always send TEXT files, instead of files in a
certain application. If you have figures, send
them in separate files, numbered, in separate
email from the text. They have a better chance
of being useable that way. Send equations and
figures by mail also, so we are sure to be able to
reproduce them properly.
We welcome constructive comments about NEN
and how we can improve each issue.
If you have any important message and can
afford a stamp or a phone call, you will ensure
daily consideration of your message. We will do
our best with email but it is much more time
consuming than handling a letter or a fax.
Dr. Pat Bailey continues to post selected, timely
information on the INE web site. However, for
complete, private, and the most timely
information, you will receive it first by subscribing
to New Energy News. When we can afford to do
so, we will have a members-only accessible
posting on some part of the growing world-wide
communication system. Thank you for your
understanding. Your comments invited.

Fusion Briefings
Mitchell R. Swartz (JET Energy Technol., Inc.,
Wellesley Hills, MA), Patterns of Failure in Cold
Fusion Experiments, IECEC-98.
Although reproducible cold fusion experiments
continue to be difficult to achieve, analyses of
these experiments offer preliminary suggestions
on improving yields and reliability. Patterns of

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


failure of cold fusion experiments can be divided
into physical issues such as sample activity,
loading achieved, ambient noise power,
paradigm used, and possible material
M. G. Olayo, G. J. Cruz, L. Balderas, L.
Melendez, A. Chavez, R. Valencia, E. Chavez, A.
Flores, R. Lopez (Dept. de Fisica, Inst. Nacional
de Investigaciones Nucleares, D.F. Mexico),
Absorption of Deuterium in Titanium Plates
Induced by Electric Discharges. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol 23, 1998,
pp 885-890.
In this work, the absorption of deuterium in
titanium plates induced by electric discharges is
studied. The objective was to measure the
amount of deuterium that is absorbed in the
titanium structure under the influence of an
electric discharge. The ionization and the free
radicals produced by the electric field act as a
promoter to the absorption mechanism. Thus,
the absorption can be enhanced by the use of
an electric discharge. The results indicated that
there was a rapid desorption of deuterium at the
beginning of the discharge, followed by an
additional absorption to levels higher than those
before the discharge. The additional absorption
of deuterium was about 20% of the initial
absorption. When the titanium was completely
saturated with the gas, no additional absorption
occurred through the electric discharges. As a
result of the absorption conditions of deuterium
in the titanium structure, anomalous mission of
neutrons was recorded as tracks in a CR39 type
plastic solid state nuclear-track detector.

Nuclear energy levels are characterized in part
by their isospin quantum numbers. Ordinary
nuclides are well described by an independent-particle model with ground-state isospins
equal to the minimum possible value Tmin =
abs(A/2 - Z). It has been suggested that
extremely neutron-rich nuclei constitute a second
branch of the table of isotopes whose ground
states have the maximum possible isospin T max =
A/2 and that neutral members of the T max branch
(i.e., poly-neutrons) serve as mediating particles
for the new class of nuclear reactions discovered
by Fleischmann and Pons. The energetics of the
new reactions have been qualitatively described
by a liquid-drop model. Recent measurements
of the mass spectrum of reaction products
produced in the new reactions make possible a
refinement of the model, providing an
explanation for gaps of instability separating
ranges of stability in the mass spectrum.


R.A. Oriani (Univ. Minnesota, Dept. Chem. Engr.
& Matls. Sci., MN), Anomalous Heavy Atomic
Masses Produced by Electrolysis, Fusion
Technology, vol 34, no 1, Aug. 1998, pp 76-80,
11 refs, 3 figs, 3 tables.
By applying to electrolysis cathodes a technique
that produces essentially only oxides that are
volatile at room temperature, spectroscopicallydetermined masses between 222 and 351 atomic
mass unit (AMU) are found that cannot be
ascribed to known compounds. In particular the
masses found between 231 and 240 AMU cannot
be ascribed to random signals but do correspond
to CO2 , the carbon of which is a neutron-rich
nuclide as predicted by a recent theory of polyneutron nuclear reactions proposed by John C.

John C. Fisher (Carpinteria, CA), Liquid-Drop

Model for Extremely Neutron Rich Nuclei,
Fusion Technology, vol 34, no 1, Aug. 1998, pp
66-75, 11 refs, 2 figs, 5 tables.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Gherardo Stoppini (Univ. Pisa, Phys. Dept.
Piazza Torricelli, Italy), Nuclear Processes in
Hydrogen-Loaded Metals, Fusion Technology,
vol 34, no 1, Aug. 1998, pp 81-85, 8 refs, 1 fig.
Miley et al. and, independently, Mizuno et al.
claim to have observed nuclides produced in Ni
(Z= 28) when an electrolytic light-water cell is
used. Miley et al. use thin layers of Ni ( 5 x 10 -6
cm) and claim that the effect is reproducible.
The secondary nuclides are distributed in a wide
range of Z and A and show nuclides with Z < 28
and accumulations at Z = 48 and 78. If the

nuclides at Z = 48 and 78 are Ni-Ni fusion, they

can be produced only when the original Ni nuclei
gain sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the NiNi repulsive Coulomb barrier.
The foregoing data are discussed in terms of
current physics. In particular, it is assumed that
the gain of kinetic energy derives from an
impulsive increase of absolute nuclear binding
energies of Ni due to a high rate of capture of
orbital electrons and consequent almost
instantaneous multiple p n transitions. Under
this hypothesis, neutrino emission should be
detected during nuclear transmutation.


The latest issue of Infinite Energy is, as usual,
loaded with excellent information about new
developments in cold fusion and new-energy
technologies. Here are the articles presented in
the vol 4, issue 20 for June & July 1998:


You may have seen a video of John Searl
demonstrating with a string and a paper clip that
magnetic fields spin. Do you believe that ?
Here is a device invented by Lee Trippett to
demonstrate "The M ysterious Magnetic Spin". This
product is an excellent stocking stuffer and an
excellent executive toy. Please don't tell the young
folks that this device might just get them thinking about
how magnetism really works.
The key point of this device is that the college
professors cannot tell us how it works. They will
tell you that it is simple magnetic motor action - a force
is produced on a coil that is moved though a magnetic
field. Now try it with a coil of copper. No spin!
Just being produced by Trenergy, Inc., with the
royalties going to support the Institute of New Energy.
Thank you, Lee Trippett.
Price: $12.00 shipped postage prepaid, anywhere
in the U.S. Available to Wholesalers.
Order immediately for the Holidays by phone, fax, email, or letter. SPINNER c/o NEN, 3084 E. 3300 South,
Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2154
Phone: 801-466-8680
E-mail: <[email protected]>

"Do-It-Yourself CF Experiment -- "OhmoriMizuno Effect.

An article discussing the results: "Excess Energy
Evolution and Transmutation" by Ohmori and
A review of the papers presented at the
American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting in
"Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and HighDensity Charge Clusters," by Fox and Jin.
A report on the meeting of the Society for
Scientific Exploration.
Michael McKubre's ICCF-7 Closing Remarks.
"Rhodium-Catalyzed Fusion in Palladium," by
H.C. Josephs.
"The Theory of Excess Energy in a AGD Reactor
(Correa Reactor)," by Lev Sapogin.
"Formation and Properties of Hydrex and
Deutex," by J.J. Dufour, et al.
"Detection of Anomalous Elements, X-Ray and
Excess Heat," Iwamura, et al. (Mitshubishifunded).
"Recent Observations that Yield Information on
Catalytic Particles," by J. McKibben.
"Hydrogen Gas from Vacuum - Part III," by Paul

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


"The Source of Excess Energy," by Alexander
Plus several regular department articles and
All members of the Institute of New Energy will
find that Infinite Energy is a publication that will
soon be received as they renew their

Courtesy Gary Vesperman
Staff (Associated Press, Richland, Wash.),
"Hanford unveils $6.9 billion project to treat
radioactive waste," Las Vegas Review-Journal,
July 22, 1998, pg 8B.
DOE has announced the first phase of an
estimated $6.9 billion, 20-year project to
immobilize high-level radioactive waste in glass
through a process called vitrification. The
encapsulated waste would then be sent to the
proposed national repository at Yucca Mountain
in Nevada.
The contract calls for BNFL
(subsidiary of British Nuclear Fuels) to spend the
next two years on a $350 million design for the
project which would be privately built and run.
The DOE official also stated that this agreement
would delay from December 2003 to January
2008 the date for beginning to vitrify or glassify
low-level waste. High-level waste would be
processed by February 2007. In their visualization of the cosmic all, DOE has elected to have
this facility privately funded. Guess what Wall
Street investors will do when they find out
that there is a new technology that will
stabilize radioactive wastes on site.

LaVar Webb, "Nuclear-Waste Dump Would
Leave Lethal 10,000-year Legacy," Deseret
News, 13 July 1998.
LaVar Webb states, "But the biggest reason of
all to fight the nuclear dump [scheduled to be
sited in Utah] can be summed up by a big
number: 10,000. As in 10,000 years. That's how
long these fuel rods remain lethal." Webb
continues to state that Utah did not create the
waste, Utah's citizens have suffered enough
from bureaucratic mistakes (thousands have
been stricken and hundreds have died, including
the NEN Editors sister-in-law, from the
radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests in
Nevada), and Utah does not consume power
generated by nuclear power. What LaVar Webb
doesn't know is that there is technology that
can be developed for on-site remediation of
radioactive wastes. The planned multi-billion
dollar glass plants are not needed. The hazards
of packaging, transporting, and storage in
Nevada can be avoided.

Alfonso Reuda (Dept. Electrical Engr. &
Department of Phys., CA State Univ., Long
Beach, CA), Bernhard Haisch (Solar &
Astrophysics Lab., Lockheed Martin, Palo Alto,
CA & Max-Planck-Institut fr Extraterrestrische
Physik, Germany), Inertia as Reaction of the
Vacuum to Accelerated Motion, Phys. Letters A,
vol 240 (1998) pp 115-126.
It was proposed by Haisch, Reuda and Puthoff
that the inertia of matter could be interpreted at
least in part as a reaction force originating in

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


interactions between the electromagnetic zeropoint field (ZPF) and the elementary charged
constituents (quarks and electrons) of matter.
Within the limited context of that analysis, it
appeared that Newtons equation of motion
(f = ma) could be inferred from Maxwells
equations as applied to ZPF, i.e., the stochastic
electrodynamics (SED) version of the quantum
vacuum. We report on a new approach which
avoids the ad hoc particle-field interaction model
(Planck oscillator) of that analysis, as well as its
concomitant formulation complexity. Instead, it
is shown that a non-zero ZPE momentum flux
arises naturally in accelerating coordinate
frames from the standard relativistic
transformations of electromagnetic fields.
Scattering of this ZPF momentum flux by an
object will yield a reaction force that may be
interpreted as a contribution to the objects
This new formulation is properly
covariant yielding the relativistic equation of
motion: F = dp /d . Our approach is related by
the principle of equivalence to Sakharovs
conjecture of a connection between Einstein
action and the vacuum. If correct, this concept
would substitute for Machs principle and
imply that no further mass-giving Higgs-type
fields may be required to explain the inertia
of material objects, although extensions to
include the zero-point fields of the other
fundamental interactions may be necessary
for a complete theory of inertia.

We may also derive some reason for

hope from the circumstances of several
actual inventions being of such a nature,
that scarcely any one could have formed
a conjecture about them previous to their
discovery, but would rather have
ridiculed them as impossible. For men
are wont to guess about new subjects
from those they are already acquainted
with, and the hasty and vitiated fancies
they have thence formed: than which
there cannot be a more fallacious ode of
Sir Francis Bacon, quoted from THE MAN WHO
SAW THROUGH TIME, reviewed in Infinite Energy.


Waldry A. Rodrigues, Jr. (Inst. de Matemtica,
Estatistica e Computao, Brazil), Jian-Yu Lu
(Biodynamics Res. Unit, Dept. of Physiology and
Biophysics, Mayo Clinic and Found., MN), On
the Existence of Undistorted Waves (UPWs) of
Arbitrary Speeds 0
v <
in Nature,
Foundations of Physics, vol 27, no 3, 1997, pp
435-508, 86 refs, 12 figs, 1 table.
We present the theory, the experimental
evidence and fundamental physical consequences concerning the existence of families of
undistorted progressive waves (UPWs) of
arbitrary speeds 0 v < , which are solutions
of the homogeneous wave equation, the Maxwell
equations, and Dirac, Weyl, and Klein-Gordon
[This paper also presents a discussion of the
potential need to modify some concepts of the
principle of relativity. The authors treat this issue
extensively. They also suggest that it seems
possible with present technology to launch in
free space superluminal electromagnetic waves.
Alan Simpson on the subject of "Global Food
Chains" (interpretation: "the global supply
communications and logistics web") speaking at
a conference for "The Y2K Crisis: A Global
Ticking Time Bomb," 2 June 1998 as reported in
NEXUS, Aug-Sept 1998 issue, pp 14-15.
Alan states the following: "I look at the FAA
(Federal Aviation Administration). They're going
to get their mainframes delivered 30 of them
in November [1999]. They're going to install the
software, and they're going to have the system
up and running by December. Wow. Let's sell
tickets and watch them! [Laughter]. It takes 18
months to put a mainframe on line. And these
people are going to do it in 18 days. And I'm
going to fly in 2000? Yeah, right. [Laughter]"

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Alan reports that when the year 2000 enters,
most of the airlines are going to have a 14-day
period when their insurance companies will not
let them fly or will not be responsible for
accidents if they do fly. That can be taken as the
insurance companies vote of confidence in the
air safety procedures to be provided by the FAA
early in the year 2000. Perhaps, we should
suggest that on New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 1999
that all businesses change their clocks to
December 31, 1998 and have another year-long
go at getting the problem fixed.
Staff, "Your Flexible Friend," New Scientist, 8
Nov 1997, pp 42-45.
Magnets are now being produced in the lab that
contain no metals, are soluble, and made of
organic materials. This discovery is certainly
unexpected, and therefore, another scientific
anomaly. Some of these materials can be
"switched" in magnetic polarity by heat or light.
Some scientists think that such materials could
provide the basis for smart cards, for control of
some optical phenomena, and new types of
optical displays. Currently the biggest barrier to
immediate use is that the materials are magnetic
only at cryogenic temperatures. Hopefully it will
not take as long to create room-temperature
organic magnets as it has taken to produce
room-temperature superconductors.

concept of not being able to determine both
position and other quantum properties with
precision, provides an experimental challenge
when working with quantum unit such as a
photon. The experimenters provided a clever
scheme for determining the quantum states of a
split photon and having, in effect, then been able
to determine the state of one of these
"entangled" photons, and thereby effect the
state of the distant photon. As stated by the
authors in their conclusions: "In our experiment,
we used pairs of polarization entangled photons
as produced by pulsed down-conversion and
two-photon interferometric methods to transfer
the polarization state of one proton onto another
one. ... The teleportation scheme could also be
used to provide links between quantum
computers. Quantum teleportation is not only an
important ingredient in quantum information
tasks; it also allows new types of experiments
and investigations of the foundations of quantum
Comments: An author said that those who claim
to understand quantum mechanics are not
honest. As an honest editor, it is proposed that
an explanation for this unusual quantum event
could be derived from the existence of an aether,
the speed of transmission of information in the
aether as being many times the speed of light,
and a new concept of conservation. Therefore,
when considering entangled particles, consider
them as being a dynamic construct of the aether
such that the creation of one such particle


Dik Bouwmeester, et al., "Experimental Quantum
Teleportation," Nature, vol 390, 11 Dec 1997, pp
575-579, 24 refs, 5 figs.
If you are going to learn how to perform
teleportation, begin with something small and
light. At the Institut fr Experimentalphysik,
University of Innsbruck, scientists have
accomplished the teleportation of photons. The

Just updated and revised, the most complete

bibliography of New Energy research papers
and articles [predominantly cold fusion] is
available again from the Fusion Information
Center on 2 disks [PC]. Containing over 2500
references, it traces the progress of cold
fusion research since its beginning in 1989
through the abstracts and articles published in
Fusion Facts, the world's first cold fusion
newsletter/magazine, and abstracted from
other scientific publications. Specify
WordPerfect v6.1 version, or ASCII version.
$15.00 ppd.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



implies a second particle where such particles

are in communication at superluminal velocities
and that such particles have their quantum
nature conserved. That is, if one particle has
one "polarity," the other particle immediately
exhibits an opposite "polarity. This editor can
understand superluminal communications better
than quantum physics.

Greg Hodowanec

6 May 1998

I. Some Additional Remarks on EM Fields

A Simplified Schematic (Per Rhysmonics)
(Shown in one plane to avoid confusion)
II. Remarks
1. Note that there is a 90 phase difference

Fig. 1

between the E-fields and H-fields both in space

and in time.
2. Note that when the E-field component is at a
maximum, the H-field is at a minimum, and vice
3. Note that the normal rhysmonic space
density is indicated by and is charge-less,
while a reduced rhysmonic space density is
indicated by and is equivalent to a negative
charge, and an increased rhysmonic space
density is indicated by and is equivalent to a
positive charge.
4. Note that when a moving charge density
(with respect to the stationary aether) goes
from a positive to a negative charge, such as J to
H, in Fig. 1 it results in a positive H-field peak
as shown at F. This is because a moving charge
in the aether will also develop a rotational

component in the aether, ie., an H-field. Now,

the return elastic component of the rotational
field, H to I, will, in turn, reverse the moving
charge density polarity and create the new Efield component C to D, thus restoring the initial
conditions. This is a repeating process, where
the energy (enhanced with coupling to the
universal G-field) is exchanged between the
electric and magnetic components in this
process of propagation.
5. Note that the charge variations take place in
the direction of propagation only! However, the
E-fields as measured (or postulated) are due to
a flux as is determined by the interaction with
the universal G-field and thus these will be
orthogonal to the charge flow direction. Also,
the H-field flux is also orthogonal to the charge
flow direction since it is also determined by the
universal G-field flux of the universe. However,
the rate of propagation is determined by the
rhysmonic L* / T* (or any multiple of it) when
multiple rhysmonic cells are involved in that
process, (as is the case in most practical
applications). It should be noted that the speed
of light, C, or the rate of propagation will also
depend upon the overall average density of the
aether in the case involved. In free space, the
velocity will be the normal C, while in a reduced
density the velocity could increase, but in an
increased density the velocity would decrease.
More on these various aspects will be further
considered in the proposed Aether Energy note
to be prepared.


Courtesy of Antony C. Sutton
Antony C. Sutton, editor, FTIR , "British
Petroleum in a Changing World," FTIR, Aug
1998, vol 9, no 8.
John Browne, CEO of Britain's largest company
(world's third-largest oil company) is a supporter
of new energy sources (almost). Browne has
made frequent speeches extolling the virtues of
solar energy. British Petroleum (BP) has a solar
manufacturing plant in Fairfield, California. With

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


the focus on solar energy, BP seems to be
saying "oil or solar. Solar energy is a slowgrowth energy technology and is acceptable to a
big oil company. Sutton suggests that newenergy technologies may become a real
competitor to oil and that oil may lose their
monopoly position (with coal and natural gas) in
the energy field. Sutton points out that "The new
monopolies will be human skill and intelligence."
This issue of FTIR also extols the simplicity of
the Case Catalytic Fusion Cell.
Courtesy of Purdue Univ. News Service
Nancy Ho, group leader for molecular genetics
and senior research scientist has announced her
group's new method for ethanol development.
Using a yeast that has been around for
thousands of years, genetic alterations were
made that provide a new yeast cell that will
convert both glucose and xylose to ethanol.
Leftover corn stalks, tree leaves, wood chips,
grass clippings, and even cardboard boxes can
now be converted into ethanol. The goal of the
project is to increase the efficiency of conversion
of both sugars into ethanol so that the ethanol
can become a cost-effective substitute for
gasoline. Professor Ho says, "This genetically
engineered yeast will make it possible to
substantially lower the cost of producing ethanol
on a large scale. Readers in rural areas may
become interested in setting up your own ethanol
production for powering your car or farm tractors.
Richard Hull, "Longitudinal Forces," Electric
Spacecraft, Jan/Feb/Mar issue 25, 6 May 1998,
pg 30.

in the development of the Ampere longitudinal
forces that can fragment the wire. Examination
of the fragments do not show any form of melting
but merely that the wire was pulled apart like
taffy. This observation has some relevance to
the Hutchison Effect. John Hutchison has
shown videos of bars of metal in which
fragments separate without melting indicating
the presence of enormous physical forces
without there being high temperatures
Kenneth Shoulders has also
observed a similar and replicable phenomena
using his charge clusters.
Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., "VACE Experiments,"
Electric Spacecraft, Jan/Feb/Mar issue 25, 6 May
1998, pp 5-15, 12 refs, 8 figs.
Thomas Phipps describes a set of experiments
that can be easily replicated by even
experimenters with modest means. The basic
idea is that two small rectangular horseshoe
magnets can provide a means by which the
accuracy of Ampere versus Lorentz forces can
be determined. The results are highly in favor of
Ampere. Of considerable additional importance
is the fact that two of the VACE (Virtual
Amperian Current Elements) demonstrate an
additional anomaly that should be widely studied
and the laws of magnets be adjusted to explain.
The concept is that a toroidal form of a magnet
should contain within the magnet all of the lines
of force. Therefore, two such magnets should
show very little force interaction.
experiments demonstrates an unexplained
anomalous force. This editor suggests that an
exploration of this force can best be explained by
the concept that magnetism of ferromagnetic
materials are caused by the aether.

Hull reports on Jim Goss' exploding wire
experiments where the fragments of wire varied
from 1/4" to 1" in length. The pieces indicate
some type of harmonic or wave-like phenomena

All progress resulted from people who

took unpopular positions.
A d l a i

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Free Energy:
The Race to Zero Point
From Nikola Tesla to New Hydrogen Energy; Plasma
Discharge to T.Townsend Brown; Magnetic Motors to
Anti-Gravity... the Era of Unlimited Energy has begun!
A comprehensive 110-minute broadcast-quality
documentary featuring the most promising devices,
processes and theories from brilliant visionary scientists
and the most persistent independent inventors on the
Get late information on the history and latest
revolutionary developments from the following: Tom
Bearden, Dennis Lee, Dave Porter, Dr. Dennis Cravens,
Eugene Mallove, Troy Reed, Hal Fox, Jeane Manning,
Roy Thornson, John Hutchison, Joseph Newman,
Paramahamsa Tewari, Dr. Shiuji Inomata, Moray King ,
Dr. Brian O'Leary, Tom Valone, Paul Pantone. Hosted
by: Bill Jenkins Written & Directed by: Christopher
Toussaint Produced by: Harry DeLigter Distributed by:
Lightworks Audio & Video Music by: Steve Gaines,
Richard Burmer, Mark Swane
VHS HiFi $34.95 + $3.05 S&H = $38.00. Free shipping & handling for INE members.
Order from: Trenergy Inc., 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109-2154.

Martin Holwerda, "Combined Antigravity
Experiments," Electric Spacecraft, Jan/Feb/Mar
issue 25, 6 May 1998, pp 24-26, 10 refs, 3 figs.
Holwerda suggests an experiment in which the
results of previous antigravity experiments are
combined. The experiment is based, in part, on
an invention by a French nuclear scientist, M.J.J.
Page. The analysis of this proposed experiment
has led Holwerda to the following conclusion:
"Gravity is a phenomenon coming from all
directions, and these devices demonstrate more
efficient absorption when gravity approached
from the plane of the [experimental] ring or
triangle. But when gravity comes from all
directions, there must be an out-of-balance

situation; otherwise, objects should have no

weight whatsoever." Those of our readers who
have seen the video tapes on the Hutchison
Effect, will find that when gravity is lessened, the
effect appears to result in an upward (from the
center of the earth) motion of whatever object is
affected. This experimental observation would
lead one to believe that the phenomenon of
gravity is a force directed toward the center of
the earth and perhaps caused by the effect of
the aether.


Staff, "DOE Takes Over Energy-Related
Inventions Program," R&D Magazine's Data
Acquisition, July 1998, vol 2, no. 7, p 11.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Previously, the Commerce Department's
National Institute of Standards and Technology
has been responsible for evaluating energyrelated inventions. That task now has been
turned over to the Office of Industrial
Technologies, Information Resource Center,
DOE, Mail Stop EE-24, 1000 Independence Ave.
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585. Interested
parties may contact this office to solicit funding
for new energy-related inventions. The NIST
reports that over the 22 years of service they
have evaluated 15,948 new inventions; 14,239
were rejected; 741 received ERIP (EnergyRelated Inventions Program) endorsement. We
expect that DOE's rejection rate will be
considerably higher if any new-energy
inventions are submitted.


Courtesy of Tom Miller

not as important an issue as the global pollution

and the DOE spends over $25 billion yearly to
subsidize fossil fuels and zero $ on new-energy
sources. Manning ends her article by urging
readers to support the work of the proposed
March for Peaceful Energy who are having a
special meeting on September 3, 1998 and
urging the support of all interested parties. [The
president of Trenergy, Inc. has written to Richard
Laskin, the march organizer at
[email protected] urging him to trim the
group's objectives to issues that can be won and
to avoid the controversy on hemp and legislation
against another oil-related war. In the Trenergy
letter, Laskin is encouraged to emphasize
problems for which there are politicallyacceptable solutions, e.g. new-energy sources.
The hemp issue and legislation to limit oil-war
are zero-win issues that are embedded in a
combination of drugs and limiting the power of
the executive branch.]

Jeane Manning, "The Politics of New Energy,"

Atlantis Rising, no 16, pp 42ff, illus.


Jeane Manning, the author of the book, The
Coming Energy Revolution, discusses some of
the new-energy developers, their work, their
comments, and their views on commercializing
new energy. Featured in illustrations are Hal
Fox, Toby Grotz, Eugene Mallove, and
Paramahamsa Tewari persons well known to
the new-energy community.
Quotes from Sir Arthur C. Clarke include, "Now
I have little doubt that anomalous energy is being
produced by several devices." [Arthur C. Clarke
receives each issue of New Energy News. Ed.]
Manning suggests that the establishment guards
the seat of power and some of the guardians of
the world's oil resources are not anxious for newenergy systems. However, many of the oil
companies would rather conserve their oil
resources and sell them later at $60 per barrel
for chemical feedstocks. The problem of global
warming is being countered by some of the
energy-related companies by a National
Environmental Trust funded, in part, by the
American Petroleum Institute. Global warming is

Due to a lack of proper funding, the March for

Peaceful Energy has been moved to October 24,
1999. Another year of preparation will also help
insure that this march is a success. We are still
having a smaller rally on the mall in front of the
Capitol Building on October 24, 1998. This rally
will build momentum towards the march the
following year. There will be some speakers at
this rally also, but not as many as previously

Book Review
By Hal Fox
Gary L. Johnson, The Search for a New Energy
Source, Johnson Electric Corporation, P.O. Box
1032, Manhattan, KS 66502, c1997, 263 pages,
illus., indexed, extensive bibliog.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



This is an excellent and timely book addressing

many new-energy issues that should be
considered by anyone who is involved in newenergy devices and systems either as an
inventor, developer, or investor. One of the
unusual (but welcome) features of the book is
that the author is not reticent to discuss the
religious concepts either as an explanation for
some new energy sources or in the church's role
to ensure adequate proliferation of new-energy
sources. Dr. Johnson, a retired university
professor, explores with the reader the many
concepts that bear on sources for new energy.
Even the role of lightning (which we do not, as
yet, fully understand) is cited as a possible
energy source if we understood the source of
Gary Johnson has no problem with direct
honesty in presenting topics of what we know
and what we speculate. Whether it is special
relativity or the aether, the author is not
concerned about academic acceptance of the
ideas discussed. In chapter 5, the author
presents a variety of unexplained events that are
often ignored in academic texts. He then makes
this insightful comment, "If there really is an
aether with a high energy content, many of
these data [previously cited] will start to
make sense. How many times in history has
an experimental observation not fit into the
then-current paradigm, but someone was
willing to follow the leading of the data and
made an important discovery?" Dr. Johnson
is also direct in chapter 7 when he says, "Rather,
they [data] point out that the foundations of
electromagnetics are surprisingly weak and raise
the possibility that appropriate modifications to
electromagnetic theory may predict a new
energy source.
In his final chapter, the author even suggests
that if we learn to tap energy from the aether or
some similar all-pervasive energetic medium,
that we should make careful observations to
ensure that we are not causing some unexpected
damage to such energy source. This is the first
time that this reviewer has seen an author
discuss this issue. One of the topics that this
reviewer would like to see discussed at more
length is a compilation of anomalous

experimental results and an attempt to relate

such anomalies to an understanding of the
aether or other energy source. For example,
the Aspden Effect (rotational inertia) has been
almost ignored as an experiment from which the
aether can be noticeably affected. If it takes
3000 Joules to spin up a magnetic rotor to rated
speed, stop the rotor, and spin again up to rated
speed with one-tenth the energy the Aspden
Effect this discovery needs strong investigation
and explanation. [see NEN, Feb. 1995]
The author is strongly supportive of the needs of
this new-energy technology. In his final page of
chapter 8, Dr. Johnson concludes: "In the
meantime, we need to do our homework and be
ready for a major paradigm shift. Experimenters
need to carefully document anomalous results

Listen to
A unique Tech-Art transformational tool

A technique which may:

Reduce and "lift" stress Give a sense of
safety and well-being Nourish creative thought
and action
Increase spiritual awareness
verifiable brain-mind coherency Lighten the
burdening effects of gravity Provide a Direct
Connection with evolving universe Holograms
through the audible output of a multi-octave Gravity
Wave Sensor Array. Pitched to the Standard
Musical Scale.
(This audio tapes gives a general sense of the
potentials. Live is much more powerful.)
Bill Ramsay's workshop says: The device used
consists of a compact array of a number of
individual gravity-wave sensors, each selected to
form parts of harmonious musical chords and
pr o v ide a " to pog r aphi c al" s am p lin g of
universe-wide influences as these are mirrored by
minute fluctuations in the earth's gravity field. It is
thought that every cell in the human body is subject
to these influences, which are usually below the
thresholds of conscious awareness. The audible
output of this array are thought to form a
synergistic connection with these influences,
thereby allowing conscious awareness of this
"cosmic connection."
Cost: $10.00 plus $2 shipping & handling. Audio
Tape c/o Trenergy, Inc., 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84109-2154

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


and encourage others to replicate them.
Theoreticians need to develop mathematical
models for the unexplained observations in this
book." This reviewer believes that the $20 price
for this book is an excellent investment for any of
our new-energy readers.


I would like to thank you and your team for
sponsoring the 1998 International Symposium on
New Energy (INE-98). The symposium was very
helpful in terms of providing provocative new
ideas for research that I am engaged in. I like
the University setting and was reminded of the
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Conference at
Texas A&M (1995 & 1996).
I hope that we can continue and begin a new
tradition of yearly meetings at the University of
Utah. If dormitory rooms can be rented, a meal
plan contracted, and blocks of rooms reserved at
local hotels for those who may want additional
conveniences, a quality meeting could be held
on a yearly basis.
A call for papers should be issued immediately
for next years INE and the dates should be set
by the middle of September.
As the millennium begins we will find ourselves
closer to understanding new energy systems. I
would like to propose a combined conference in
the year 2000 that would include the International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF), The
Aether Physics Conference, The SaintPetersburg Fundamentals of Natural Sciences
Conference, Infinite Energy Cold Fusion and
New Energy Symposium.

Energy News. When you discussed Joe "X"
Mark 1 Energy Cell with its battery connections
and the potential of electrolyzing water, it was
believable that such a device might be used to
provide a combustible fuel for operating an
That Joe "X" was able to run his Rover V8 3500
SD1 on trips in Australia appeared to be a
considerable achievement. Your report that Joe
has successfully converted at least 14 vehicles
with various improved models of the energyproducing device is also acceptable.
However, when the improved devices no longer
need to be connected to a battery to provide the
energy flow from the Energy Cell to the
automobile carburetor, your story begins to get
strongly unbelievable.
We also find it interesting that a 40-page book
that sells for about one dollar per page appears
to be the only source of information about this
amazing discovery that has been developed over
the past seven or eight years. This leads us to a
question that will be on the mind of many of our
readers: "Is this just a scam to sell books at a
dollar a page, or is this a new technology that is
being hidden from the world by Joe "X", except
for his visitor Barry Hilton?"
It would mean a lot to our readers if we could talk
to a person in the U.S. who has successfully
replicated this device and is operating his or her
automobile by running on water. Can you help
our readers in this regard? Your answer to this
letter will be published in the October 1998 issue
of New Energy News.
Sincerely, Hal Fox, Editor, New Energy News.

Toby Grotz

This is my own original thought, glad you like it.

Dear Barry Hilton,

"At any given time in history, science was only so

far advanced and sometimes violently denied the
findings of advanced thinkers only to come
back later to the exact same point to prove now
the truth of what was previously denied."

Your article, "How to Run Your Car on Zero-Point

Energy", in the Aug-Sept 1998 issue of NEXUS,
is of considerable interest to the readers of New

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



In Japan you can buy a car that gets twice the

gas mileage in the city and emits 1/10 the
pollutants of the conventional chemical
combustion engine. The hybrid car is called
Toyota Prius, costs some $4000 more than a
comparable compact sedan and sells quite well
in a time other cars don't. It is not fully what I
want but a step in the right direction, and I could
buy it here and now. Is there any way to get a
ZPE full electric car?
My original quote, edited competently by Sheila
Barrera. It was first published in FATE magazine,
1996 May, among other reader's comments.
Bernd Nurnberger
Yokohama, Japan, Planet Earth

November 26-27, 1998
Ibuka Hall, Waseda University
Tokyo, Japan
Symposium slogan: Toward New Human Civilization
The Second International Symposium on
Consciousness, New Medicine, and New Energy will
bring together scientists and scholars from Japan and
elsewhere to discuss their pioneering work and raise
new questions for further research on the interrelationship of consciousness, matter and energy,
complimentary and intergrative medicine, and new
energy technologies.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Institute for New Energy Symposium 1998

Proceedings will be published in September

Journal of New Energy $45

Research in these frontier areas challenges the

dominant scientific paradigm, but a new scientific
world-view and paradigm had appeared at the first
This second symposium will help
facilitate this new paradigm, based on wholeness
which is important for the future of humanity and the
whole earth.
Contact: Mr. Hideo Hirano, symposium secretary at:
Tel/Fax: 0426-65-9371

fundamental physics of forces and acceleration,

addressing enhanced coupling between inertia, gravity,
electromagnetism, inertial frames and/or space-time;
(2) fundamental physics of motion through space time
or the motion of perturbations of space time; and (3)
fundamental physics of energy exchange mechanisms.
Papers are also invited which (4) describe and
compare competing theories or empirical evidence,
with special emphasis to their potential for achieving a
propulsion breakthrough, and which (5) address the
use of microgravity research and technology testbeds
associated with the International Space Station,
Station-based and other free-flyers and earth-to-orbit


The Breakthrough Propulsion Physics sessions in the
Conference on Applications of Thermophysics in
Microgravity and Breakthrough Propulsion
Physics, will be held as part of the Space Technology
& Applications International Forum (STAIF-99),
January 31 - February 4, 1999, in Albuquerque, NM.
The website for more information is
abstract contributors should E-Mail or call the author
when an abstract is sent so we can be looking for it.
Alan Holt,
Chair, NASA Johnson Space Center,
DanieL C. Cole,
Co-Chair, IBM Microelectronics
Papers are invited that present theories, experiments,
or empirical evidence that describe research
directions or specific approaches for the development
of a capability to propel a vehicle in transatmospheric,
near-earth space and deep space regions, without the
use of rockets or beamed power. These capabilities
include applications of: (1)


Catherine Asaro,
Chair, Molecudyne Research
Claudio Maccone,
Co-Chair, Alenia Spazio
Papers are invited that present theories, proposed
experiments, or empirical evidence that are aimed at
addressing how to attain the maximum transit speeds
physically achievable. This includes: (1) fundamental
physics of forces and acceleration; (2) fundamental
physics of motion through spacetime or the motion of
perturbations of spacetime; and (3) fundamental
physics of energy exchange mechanisms. Papers are
also invited which (4) describe and compare competing
theories or empirical evidence with special emphasis to
their potential for achieving such a propulsion


Dave Goodwin,
Chair, U. S. Department of Energy, Office of
High Energy & Nuclear Physics F.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Michael Serry,
Co-Chair, Digital Instruments Inc.
Papers are invited that present theories, proposed
experiments, or empirical evidence that are aimed at
addressing breakthrough energy production methods
to power spacecraft propulsion. This includes
fundamental physics of energy exchange mechanisms, and how energy exchange mechanisms might
relate to kinetic energy of motion. Papers are also
invited which describe and compare competing
theories or empirical evidence.

Fusion Information Center (FIC): Research and

development of new energy systems. The world's
most complete resource depository for cold fusion
research information, as well as other new energy
research including zero-point energy; space energy
research; electronic, electromagnetic, and mechanical
over unity devices and transmutation. We are the
publishers for New Energy News, and the Journal of
New Energy. FIC, 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake
City, Utah 84109-2154.
Contact Hal Fox.

JET Energy Technology, Inc.: Weston, MA. Contact Dr.

Mitchell Swartz, Voice 617-237-3625. Fax 617-2373625.

Commercial Column
The following companies (listed alphabetically)
are commercializing cold fusion or other
enhanced energy devices: [Listings with your
additional copy, or boxed, for small annual service
American Pure Fusion Engineering and Supply:
Warren Cooley, 1-800-789-7109 or 503-585-6746.
Email to: [email protected]
Clustron Sciences Corp.: Contact: Ron Brightsen,

ENECO: is in the business of commercializing the

exciting new field of low energy induced nuclear
reactions in solids via patent licensing, jointventures, and co-operative research. ENECO,
University of Utah Research Park, 391-B Chipeta
Wa y, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 USA. Contact
Fred Jaeger, Voice 801-583-2000, Fax 801-5836245. Email: [email protected]
E-Quest Sciences: Contact Russ George,
FAX 415-851-8489.
Holotec AG: Clean Energy Technology, contact Andr
Waser, Gen. Mgr., Bireggstrasse 14, CH-6003, Luzern,
Switzerland. Phone 011 41-41 360 4485, or Fax 011 4141 360 4486.

Labofex, Experimental and Applied Plasma Physics:

Ontario, Canada. Contact Dr. Paulo N. Correa. Tel 905660-1040 Fax 905-738-8427
Magnetic Power Inc.: Sebastopol, CA. Contact Mark
Goldes, voice 707-829-9391, Fax 707-829-1002.
Nova Resources Group, Inc.: Denver, CO. Call Chip
Ransford, Phone 303-433-5582.

Trenergy, Inc., has acquired rights to develop and

produce a new-type of thermal power based on the
controlled production of clean nuclear reactions
from plasma injected transmutation.
through Trenergy, Inc., 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84109-2154
Phone 801-466-8680. Fax 801-466-8668
UV Enhanced Ultrasound : Hong Kong.
FAX 852-2338-3057.
"YUSMAR"- Scientific-Commercial Company:
President: Dr. Yuri S. Potapov, 277012 Kishinev,
Moldova. Phone and Fax 011-3732-233318.
Zenergy Corp.: Founded in 1996 to facilitate the
introduction of commercially viable energy alternatives.
390 South Robins Way, Chandler, AZ 85225. Contact
Reed Huish, 602-814-7865, Fax 602-821-0967, e-mail:
[email protected]
Note: The Fusion Information Center has been acting as
an information source to many of these companies. We
expect to augment our international service to provide
contacts, information, and business opportunities to
companies considering an entry into the enhanced
energy market.

Hydro Dynamics, Inc.: Rome, Georgia. Contact James

Griggs, Voice 706-234-4111 Fax 706-234-0702.
1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Academy for New Energy (ANE) 216 Commerce Drive,
Ste. 4, Fort Collins, CO 80524. Tel. 970-482-3731
ANE Newsletter, quarterly publication of ANE,
edited by Robert Emmerich.
Advanced Energy Network Newsletter, quarterly.
Advanced Energy Network, P.O. Box 691, Rondebosch
7700 Capetown, Rep. South Africa.
Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology,
bimonthly newsletter, pub. J.E.Cox Enterprise, P.O. Box
655, Marietta, GA 30061-655 (Phone 770-218-9693).
Per year $36. U.S., $48 foreign.
Cold Fusion Times, quarterly newsletter published by
Dr. Mitchell Swartz, P.O. Box 81135, Wellesley Hills MA
Home Page:
Cycles, a R&D newsletter, published by Dieter
Soegemeier, Editor, GPO Box 269, Brisbane,
QLD.4001, Australia.
Phone/Fax: +61 (0)7 3809 3257.
Electric Spacecraft Journal, quarterly, edited by Charles
A. Yost, 73 Sunlight Drive, Leicester, NC 28748.

Institute for New Energy (INE), organization to
promote and help find funding for new energy
Visit our Home Page: which
contains many important scientific papers and
current reports on all areas of research.
[email protected]
[email protected]
INE, 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah
84109-2154. Phone 801-466-8680
New Energy News monthly newsletter for
INE, highlighting the research and
development in the worldwide new energy
arena. Edited by Hal Fox.

Journal of New Energy, quarterly, presenting

papers representing the new areas of energy
research, leading-edge ideas in the development of
new energy technology, and the theories behind
them. Published by the Fusion Information Center,
Inc. Editor: Hal Fox. Address & phone above.

Electrifying Times, 3/year magazine. 63600 Deschutes

Market Rd, Bend, OR 97701
541-388-1908, Fax 541-388-2750,
E-mail <[email protected]>
Elemental Energy, monthly newsletter, edited by Wayne
Green, 70 Route 202N, Petersborough, NH 03458.
Email: <[email protected]>
Fusion Facts has become a section in the Journal of
New Energy.
Fusion Technology, Journal of the American Nuclear
Society, edited by Dr. George Miley, 555 N. Kensington
Ave., La Grange Park, IL 60525.

KeelyNet BBS - Jerry Decker, 214-324-3501

E-mail: [email protected]

Future Technology Intelligence Report, monthly

newsletter, making available technological information
now omitted from establishment media. Back issues
available at substantially lower cost on the InterNet at
<> FTIR, P.O. Box 423652,
San Francisco, CA 94142-3652.

Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter,

quarterly, edited by Dr. Andrew Michrowski. 100 Bronson
Ave, # 1001, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8, Canada. Web

German Association for Vacuum Field Energy: DVSSecretariat, Feyermuehler Str. 12, D-53894
Merchernich, Germany. Tel: 011-49/(0)2443-8246 Fax:
011-49/(0) 2443-901880
E-mail: [email protected]
Infinite Energy, bi-monthly magazine. P.O. Box 2816,
Concord, NH 03302-2816. Voice: 603-228-4516.
Fax: 603-224-5975
E-mail [email protected]

Positive News and Living Lightly, quarterly, edited by S.

Crockett-Burrows. The Six Bells, Bishops Castle,
Shropshire SY9 5AA UK. Tel: (01588) 630-121 / 122
Space Energy Journal, quarterly, edited by Jim Kettner &
Don Kelly, P.O. Box 1136, Clearwater, FL 34617-1136.
The above list of commercial and information sources will
be growing. New listings will be added as information is
received. Send information to NEN, P.O. Box 58639,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84158.

1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc. COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


INE 1998 SYMPOSIUM REPORT . . . . . . . . . 1
FUSION BRIEFINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Patterns of Failure
D2 Absorption in Ti Plates
Liquid-drop Model
Heavy Atomic Masses Produced
Nuclear Processes
Infinite Energy Contents
RAD- WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DOE $6.9 Billion for Glass Plant
10,000 Year Problem
MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Inertia is a Reaction
Waves Will Modify Relativity
A Note on Y2K
Flexible Magnets

Teleportation of Photons
Cosmology Notes
British Petroleum & Solar
Yeast Rises to New Task
Longitudinal Forces
VACE Experiments
Antigravity Experiments
DOE Inventions Program
New-Energy Politics
March for Peaceful Energy Postponed
BOOK REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Search for a New Energy Source
by Gary L. Johnson
LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MEETINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
COMMERCIAL COLUMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Institute for New Energy, Fusion Information Center, and Trenergy, Inc.
are in a new location.... 3084 E. 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84109-2154
Our new phone number is 801-466-8680. Fax: 801-466-8668.


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