Millingtonia Hortensis Linn
Millingtonia Hortensis Linn
Millingtonia Hortensis Linn
Millingtonia hortensis Linn. is cultivated in most parts of India, both in gardens and avenues. Tall and straight, with comparatively few
branches, its popularity lies in its ornamental value. It is a fine tree, fast growing, but with brittle wood, liable to be damaged by
storms. In favourable positions it can grow to 24 m tall. The ashy bark is cracked and furrowed and the numerous fissures make
removal of the cork an easy matter. It is used as an inferior substitute for true cork. From April until the rains and again in November
and December, a profusion of silvery-white, delightfully fragrant flowers crown the foliage. Upright open clusters with arching blooms
terminate every branchlet. Each flower is a tiny bell-shaped calyx, a long slender tube of palest green dividing into four waxy, white
petals and several conspicuous yellow anthered stamens. Many flowers are delicately tinted with rose. As the flowers are short-lived,
the flower sprays mostly consist largely of long whitish buds, while the ground below is spangled with innumerable little stars.
Between January and March the leaves are shed and renewed during April and May, although the tree is never quite naked. Trees do
not seed very easily in India.
Keywords: Millingtonia hortensis Linn, Calyx, Escherichia coli, Indian cork tree.
Millingtonia hortensis Linn. (Syn Biognonia suberosa
Roxb., Biognonia azedachta Koen.) Is an important
medicinal plant in Southern Asia, ranging from India,
Burma, Thailand and Southern China. Mill-in-TOH-nee-uh
-- named for Thomas Millington, an English botanist, horTEN-sis -- meaning, of or in gardens; cultivated.
Commonly known as: Indian cork tree, tree jasmine,
Hindi: neem chameli, Kannada: akash mallige, beratu,
birate mara, Konkani: akasnimb, Malayalam: katesam,
Marathi: akash chameli, buch, or kaval nimb, Oriya:
bakeni, mach-mach, sitahara, Tamil: kat-malli, Telugu:
kavuki. Origin: Myanmar (Burma).
The leaves of Millingtonia hortensis are used as
antipyretic, sinusitis, cholagogue and tonic in folklore
medicine. According to mythology, this is a heavenly tree
brought to earth by the god Krishna. A quarrel over it
ensued between Satyabhama and Rukmini, Krishna's
wives. But Krishna planted the tree in Satyabhama's
courtyard in a way that when the tree flowered, the
flowers fell in Rukmini's courtyard. Another romantic
story woven around the tree is about Parijataka, a
princess. She fell in love with the sun but when he
deserted her she committed suicide and a tree sprung
from the ashes. Unable to stand the sight of the lover
who left her, the tree flowers only at night and sheds
them like tear-drops before the sun rises.
A very tall tree, Flowers have very rich & pleasant scent. It
is a drought resistant tree. The Biological name of
Millingtonia hortensis belonging to the family of
Bignoniaceae. Propagation by Seeds, suckers. Longevity
is Perennial. The Other names of this crude drug is Akas
Nim, Nim Chameli, Betati Nim, Mini Chameli, Karkku, Kat
Malli, Kavudi are some of the other names used for the
M. hortensis
Scientific Name :
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