Analysis of Drive Shaft: Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha
Analysis of Drive Shaft: Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha
Analysis of Drive Shaft: Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha
Abstract: Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of
higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. In the recent days, there is a huge demand for a light weight
material such as fiber reinforced polymer composites seems to be a promising solution to this arising demand. These
materials have gained attention due to their applications in the field of automotive, aerospace, sports goods, medicines and
household appliances. The overall objective of this work is to analyze a composite drive shaft for power transmission.
Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific
stiffness and strength of composite materials. This work deals with the replacement of conventional steel drive shafts with an
Kevlar/epoxy or E glass polythene resin composite drive shaft for an automotive application. The intention of work is
to minimize the weight of drive shaft. In this present work an attempt has been to estimate the deflection, stresses, and
natural frequencies under subjected loads using FEA (Ansys). Further comparison carried out for both loads using FEA.
Further comparison carried out for both optimized and stress intensity factor found for both Steel and composite drive shafts.
Keywords: Conventional shaft, drive shaft, composite shaft, composite material, analysis, ansys etc.
(strength/density) and high specific modulus
(modulus/density).Advanced composite
seem ideally suited for long, power driver shaft
(propeller shaft) applications. Their elastic properties
can be tailored to increase the torque they can carry
as well as the rotational speed at which they operate.
The drive shafts are used in automotive, aircraft and
aerospace applications. The automotive industry is
exploiting composite material technology for
structural components construction in order to obtain
the reduction of the weight without decrease in
vehicle quality and reliability. It is known that energy
conservation is one of the most important objectives
in vehicle design and reduction of weight is one of
the most effective measures to obtain this result.
Actually, there is almost a direct proportionality
between the weight of a vehicle and its fuel
Consumption, particularly in city driving.
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2
Presented as: ft = 1/
K,being the torsional spring rate , is equal to the
torsional stiffness. Im is the mass moment of inertia
at propeller. For the given geometry of a drive shaft,
the torsional stiffness is directly related to the
modulus of rigidity (G xy) as Follows,
K=T/=GxyJ/L J,is the polar moment of inertia and
L is the length. The shear modulus can be tailored
to its maximum value by orienting the fibers at
an angle equal to 45. This shear modulus can be
directly obtain from the extensional stiffness matrix
[A]by dividing the shear stiffness Component A66
by the total thickness of the drive shaft as follows,
Gxy = A66/t
The practical application of torsion vibration system
is engines. This engines have damping ( source of
dissipation of energy) in the crank shaft ( hysteresis
damping) and in inertia ( damping in torsional
vibration dampers and in propellers)since damping
presents in normally small in magnitude for the
determining the natural frequency is ignored.
Fig 1: Shaft with torsional load For the the hallow shaft,
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2
To meet the stringent design requirement, a shaft has
to be design. In this work, we will compare the
conventional steel shaft with the composite shaft
with various material like Boron /epoxy ,keveler
/epoxy E glass polyster resin will be analyses at
+/- 45 degrees ply orientation. The material
properties of all material considered from design
consideration. The analysis will be carried out using
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2
Graph.2.Deformation comparison
Fig 8. Steel shaft torsional analysis
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2