Rife Handbook 2011 B

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ................................................................................................. xi

Richard Loyd, PhD ..............................................................................xiii


Jeff Sutherland, PhD ..............................................................................xv

Introduction ...................................................................................................... xvii

Chapter 1:

The Politics of Medicine and the Nature of Health ........................................... 1

Chapter 2:

The History of Pleomorphism and the Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife .............67

Chapter 3:

Complementary Therapies ..................................................................... 127

Chapter 4:

Frequently Asked Questions About Rife Equipment and Sessions ...................... 315

Chapter 5:

Frequency Directory .............................................................................411

Chapter 6:

Creating a Better World, Inside and Out ....................................................613

Appendix A: Resources ......................................................................................... 647

Appendix B: Legal Implications of Rife Sessions ........................................................... 659
Appendix C: Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies ...................................... 665
Appendix D: Selected Published Studies in Electromedicine ............................................ 689
Appendix E: Rife Research in the United States ........................................................... 697

...................................................................................................... 699


...................................................................................................... 721

Nearly all people die of their medicines, and not of their illnesses.

Chapter 1 Outline
The Politics of Medicine and the Nature of Health
Introduction .............................................3

How Much of the Drug is Administered?...... 21

How Many Subjects are Tested? ................. 21
For How Long are Subjects Tested? ............. 22
The Population Tested Does Not Necessarily
Represent Who Will Be Taking the Drug .. 22
What If Theres More Than One Drug
in the Mix? ......................................... 22
Is a Placebo Really Inert?......................... 22
Dont Underestimate the Effects of Water .... 23
The Paradox of Double-Blind Studies ......... 23
Are Clinical Trials for Drugs Registered
with the Government?........................... 24
No Clinical Trials, but a Drug is Marketed
Anyway ............................................. 24
Summary.............................................. 25

Defining Health ........................................4

Drugs and Their Effects ............................. 6
Drug Damage .........................................6
Drug Effectiveness....................................9
Drug Preparation .................................. 10
Hospital Procedures and Their Effects ....... 10
Iatrogenic (Doctor-Caused) Disease and
Preventable Deaths .................................. 12
Drug Iatrogenesis .................................. 12
Hospital Infections ................................. 13
Deaths from Surgeries and Tests ................ 13
Combined Statistics................................. 13

How Drugs are Approved ........................ 25

The Pharmaceutical Industry Marriage
to the FDA .............................................. 25

The Folly of Vaccines .................................13

Improved Sanitation Fosters Health ........... 13
Changing the Name of the Disease Skews
Statistics ............................................ 13
Recipe Includes Dangerous Chemicals ......... 14
Bodily Waste Touted as Beneficial .............. 14
Injections Disable the System .................... 14
Altered Viruses Cause Disease ................... 16
Alternatives to Vaccines ........................... 19

The Pharmaceutical Industry Marriage

to Other Government Agencies and
Government Officials .............................. 27
The Pharmaceutical Industry Merger
with Universities and Other Research
Institutions ............................................. 30
Bribes and Gifts to Doctors ...................... 30
Some Tales of Approval ............................ 32
rBGH ............................................. 32
Aspartame ....................................... 33

Facts and Fallacies About Clinical Trials .....19

A Human is Not a Lab Rat ...................... 20
A Human is Not a Test Tube ..................... 20
How is the Drug Administered? ................. 20


How Drugs Are Marketed and
Publicized .............................................. 35
Corporate-Owned Media ......................... 35
The Fallacy of Peer Reviewed Articles ...... 36
Industry Ties to Medical Journals .............. 37
Industry-Sponsored and Ghost-Written
Articles in Medical Journals ................... 37
No Funding for Non-Drug Studies ............. 37
Publicity Does Not Mean Quality............... 38
Doping Our Children .............................. 38
Effects of Psychotropic Drugs .................... 38
Waking Up ........................................... 39
Information Cover-up .............................. 40
Parental Action ..................................... 41
The Consequences of Addiction .................. 42
Electronic Media as a Drug ...................... 43
Doping the Rest of Us, or Drugs Where
We Dont Want Them ............................... 44
Antibiotics in Our Food ........................... 44
Drugs in Our Drinking Water .................. 45

Fighting Big Pharma ................................ 46

Conflict-of-Interest Lawsuits..................... 47
The Case Against Paxil .......................... 47
The Case Against Vioxx .......................... 47
The Case Against Lipitor and Other
Statin Drugs ...................................... 48
The FDAs Defense ................................. 52
Big Pharmas Campaign Against
Nutritional Supplements .......................... 52
A Holistic, Functional Approach
to Health ................................................ 58
Substitution vs. Support ........................... 58
All Parts Are Connected ........................... 58
A Holistic Approach to Life ...................... 60

Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in reverence.
It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God. Loyalty to
petried opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul.

Chapter 2 Outline
The History of Pleomorphism and the Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife
Introduction ........................................... 69

Wilhelm Reich ....................................... 80

Edward Rosenow .................................... 81

Life Cycles of a Microbe: Bchamp

versus Pasteur ......................................... 69

Royal Raymond Rife ................................ 81

A Renaissance Man ................................ 81
The Universal Microscope ........................ 82
The Rife Ray ......................................... 85
Case Studies .......................................... 89

Contributors to Disease............................ 71
Nutritional Deficiencies ........................... 71
Sleep Deficit.......................................... 71
Oxygen Insufficiency ............................... 71
Chemical Toxicity ................................... 71
Electromagnetic Toxicity .......................... 72
Injury .................................................. 72
pH Imbalance ....................................... 73
Proliferating Pathogens ........................... 75
Toxic Bodily Responses ............................ 75
Emotional States and Belief Systems ........... 75

The Persecution of Rife ............................ 92

John Crane, John Marsh, and the Next
Generation of Frequency Devices ............. 114
The Modern Pleomorphism Era ............... 116
Virginia Livingston-Wheeler.................... 116
Eleanor Alexander-Jackson ...................... 116
Irene Corey Diller.................................. 117
Florence Seibert .................................... 117
Lida Mattman ...................................... 118
Gaston Naessens ................................... 118
Kurt Olbrich and Bernhard Muschlien ....... 118

Healing the Terrain ................................. 77

Bchamps Scientific Progeny ................... 79
Rudolf Virchow ...................................... 79
Florence Nightingale ............................... 79
Guenther Enderlein ................................ 79
Bruno Haefeli ....................................... 80

Implications for Healing .........................123


Until a man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his
so-called scientic knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand
in favorable comparison with the products of nature, the living cell of a
plant, the nal result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life.

Chapter 3 Outline
Complementary Therapies
Introduction .......................................... 131

Food .....................................................158
One Size Does Not Fit All........................158
Ethnicity and Geographical Ancestry ......158
Biochemistry and Metabolism...............158
Current Needs and Health Condition .....160
Buildup, Breakdown or Maintenance ......160
Balance of Nutrients .......................... 161
Time of Day .................................... 161
Atmosphere..................................... 161
Attitude ......................................... 161
In Brief ..........................................163
How We Raise Our Food.........................163
Factory Farmed ................................163
Foie gras from ducks or geese.............166
Eggs .........................................167
Pigs ..........................................167
Milk Fed ....................................168
Farm Raised ....................................168
Genetically Engineered (GE) ................168
Irradiated .......................................170
Cloned ........................................... 171
Organic.......................................... 171
Wildcrafted or Wild .......................... 171
Heirloom or Open-Pollinated ............... 172
Unsprayed ...................................... 172
Local ............................................. 172
Free Range ...................................... 172
Cage-Free .......................................173

Water .................................................... 132

Waters Unique Properties ...................... 132
Water Sources....................................... 132
The Importance of Decontamination ......... 133
The Relationship of Minerals to Water ....... 133
Heavy Metals ..................................134
Unabsorbed Minerals .........................134
Electrolytes: Minerals with a Charge ......135
Water Electrolysis (Ionization) .................137
Distillation ..........................................139
Restoring the Water...............................146
How Much and How Often? .....................146
Popular Beverages and Health Drinks ...150
Not for the Sick, and Unwise for
the Healthy .......................................150
Soda .............................................. 152
In Moderate Amounts ............................. 153
Black and Green Tea .......................... 153
High-Sugar Vegetable and Fruit Juices.....154
Restorative ..........................................154
Vegetable Juices and Green Smoothies ....154
Herbal Teas and Similar Drinks ..........156
Vitamin C Powders ...........................157



All Natural ......................................173
Naturally Raised ...............................173
Grass-Fed .......................................173
Vegetarian Fed or Grain Fed ................173
Pastured Poultry ............................... 174
Animal-Compassionate or
Humanely Raised ........................... 174
Sustainable ...................................... 174
High Brix ....................................... 174
Staples ................................................177
Red Meat ........................................177
Poultry ..........................................177
Eggs ..............................................177
Fish and Seafood ...............................178
Vegetables .......................................185
Fruits ............................................186
Seeds and Nuts .................................186
Fats and Oils....................................186
Sweeteners, Synthetic Chemicals,
and Synthesized Foods ......................195
Natural, Refined, and Artificial
Sweeteners ...................................195
Sucrose (Table Sugar, White Sugar) ..202
Dehydrated Sugar Cane Juice ..........203
Maple Syrup ...............................203
Date Sugar .................................203
Honey ......................................203
Fructose ....................................204
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) ...205
Agave Syrup ...............................205
Xylitol and Other Sugar Alcohols .....207
Aspartame .................................208
Sucralose ................................... 210
Stevia ....................................... 211
Preservatives, Dyes, Fragrances and
Flavorings..................................... 214
Fabricated Fats ................................. 217
Food Conditioners............................. 218
Recreational Drugs ............................ 219
The Discoveries of Weston A. Price ............ 219
Selected Food Preparation Methods ...........223
Raw ..............................................224
Fermentation ...................................226
Canned Foods ..................................227
Microwave Ovens .............................227
Cookware .......................................229

A Final Word .......................................231

Herbs ....................................................231
Selected Nutritional Supplements.............236
Why We Need Supplements .....................236
Food-Based versus Synthetic Supplements ...236
Enzymes.............................................. 243
Oxygen Therapies ..................................244
Hydrogen Peroxide ................................245
Ozone .................................................247
History of Ozone ..............................247
Dispelling Negative Myths about Ozone ..248
How Ozone Works............................249
Ozonated Drinking Water ...................251
Ozone Insufflation ............................251
Ozone Funneling and Limb Bagging .......251
Injectable Ozone ...............................251
Breathing Ozone Through Oils .............252
Ozonated Olive Oil Salve ....................253
Oxygen Supplements .........................253
Ozone for Purifying Swimming Pools
and Hot Tubs.................................253
Ozone Generators .............................253
Ozone Saunas ..................................254
Summary ........................................255
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ....................255
Colloidal Silver ......................................256
History of Silver Therapy ........................256
Disabling Microbes ................................257
Enhancing Immunity .............................258
Normalizing Cancerous Tissues ................258
Contraindications ..................................260
Making Colloidal Silver, and Particle Size ... 261
Argyria and CS Toxicity Propaganda .........262
Colloidal Silver Generators for Home Use ...264
Storing Colloidal Silver ...........................265
Therapeutic Applications and Amounts ......265
Internal Use ....................................265
Inhalation Therapy ............................265
External Use ...................................265
Colon Cleansing .....................................267
Benefits of Exercise ................................270
Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise.................271


Exercise and the Lymphatic System ............271

Exercise and Anti-Inflammatory Effects .....272
Exercise and Anti-Aging .........................273
When and How Much ............................273
Bodywork .............................................275
The Physiological and Emotional
Implications of Touch ..........................275
Massage ..............................................278
Myofascial Release .................................279
Oriental Energy Modalities .....................280
Acupuncture ...................................280
CranioSacral Therapy.............................281
Chiropractic .........................................282
Rubenfeld Synergy .................................283
Do It Yourself: Skin Brushing ..................284
Light and Color ......................................284
Our Therapeutic Sun .............................284

Ultraviolet Wavelengths .........................285

Infrared Wavelengths .............................288
The Pineal Gland and Light ....................289
Light Therapy for SAD ...........................289
Single-Color Light Therapy......................291
Dinshahs Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy ...293
Sauna Therapy .......................................295
Sleep, Rest and Meditation ......................299
Sleep ..................................................299
Effects of Sleep Deprivation .................299
Darkness and Sleep ........................... 300
Sleep-Inducing Food and Supplements ... 300
A Proper Mattress .............................301
Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT) .................301
Rest ...................................................303
Meditation ...........................................304


Unless we put medical freedom in the Constitution, the time will come when
medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art
of healing to one class of [people] and deny equal privileges to others.

Chapter 4 Outline
All About Frequency Devices and Rife Sessions
Introduction: How to Use This Chapter .... 321

If You Are Especially Sensitive to High

Levels of Concentrated Electromagnetic
Radiation .........................................325
If You Cannot Adequately Eliminate
the Toxic Waste Materials Released
by the Rife Sessions .............................325
If You Want to Give Sessions to an Infant
or Small Child ....................................325
If You Want to Give Sessions to a Pet,
Farm Animal, or Zoo Animal ................327

Special Precautions for Using

this Equipment....................................... 321
If You Have a Heart Condition, But Are Not
Wearing a Pacemaker ......................... 321
Electrode (Pad) Unit ..........................322
Radiant Plasma Light Unit ..................322
If You Are Wearing a Pacemaker for Your
Heart Condition .................................322
Electrode (Pad) Unit ..........................323
Radiant Plasma Light Unit with Radio
Frequency (RF) .............................323
Radiant Plasma Light Unit without Radio
Frequency (RF) .............................323
If You Are Pregnant ...............................324
Electrode (Pad) Unit ..........................324
Radiant Plasma Light Unit with Radio
Frequency (RF) .............................324
Radiant Plasma Light Unit without Radio
Frequency (RF) .............................324
If You Are Nursing ................................324
If You Have Blood Clots ..........................324
If You are Taking Pharmaceuticals or
Herbs ..............................................324
If You are Wearing Metal Implants, Stents,
or Breast Implants ..............................324
Metal Implants .................................324
Stents ............................................325
Breast Implants.................................325

Types of Frequency Devices .....................327

Optimal Features of All Units ..................327
Reliable Frequencies ..........................327
Signal Acceptance by the Body ..............327
Programmable Duration .....................328
Memory .........................................328
Sweep Function ................................328
Basic Unit Construction ..........................328
Freestanding Radiant Plasma Light Unit ... 331
History .......................................... 331
Frequency Emitting Component (Tube) .. 331
Power and Frequency Emission Range .... 331
How the Unit is Used.........................332
Advantages of This Method ..................332
Disadvantages of This Method ..............332
Hand-Held Radiant Plasma Light Unit .....332
History ..........................................332
Frequency Emitting Component (Tube) ..333
Power and Frequency Emission Range ....333



How the Unit is Used.........................333
Advantages of This Method ..................333
Disadvantages of This Method ..............333
Electrode (Pad) Unit..............................333
History ..........................................333
Frequency Emitting Component
(Electrodes) ..................................333
Power and Frequency Emission Range ....334
How the Unit is Used.........................334
Advantages of This Method ..................334
Disadvantages of This Method ..............334
Lasers and LEDs ...................................335
General Sweep Unit ...............................336
Frequencies on CDs and DVDs .................337
Combination Unit .................................338
What to Look For in a Frequency Device
Manufacturer ........................................338
Accessibility .........................................339
Customer Service and Technical Support .... 340
Warranty ........................................... 340
Money Back Guarantee.......................... 340
Repair Record ..................................... 340
Ease of Shipping the Unit ...................... 340
Fair Price ............................................341
Frequently Asked Questions ....................341
Frequency Devices and Manufacturers .......341
Q. I have a radiant unit. How far from the
light should I sit or lie down?.............341
Q. Will the light from a radiant unit hurt
my eyes? .....................................341
Q. What if something is blocking the
light? ..........................................341
Q. I have been warned about X-rays
and other radiation coming from the
plasma light tube. Is this a legitimate
concern? .....................................342
Q. Can I be harmed by the radio frequency
(RF) emitted by a device? . ..............342
Q. Different machines use different RF
carrier waves. Which one is the best? . 344
Q. I have an electrode (pad) unit. Where
should I place the electrodes? ........... 344
Q. Sometimes when I use the electrodes,
I get skin rashes. What should I do?.... 344

Q. Can I use an electrode and light tube

device at the same time? .................345
Q. Ive heard that plasma light devices
work better than electrode devices. Is
this true? Is one style of machine better
than another?................................345
Q. My machine doesnt allow me to program
real frequencies into it. Instead, it
uses code numbers that correspond to
pre-programmed channels. I look up
the condition I want to address in the
operators manual, and then enter its
matching code number into the machine.
But I dont know what frequency Im
getting. Does this matter? ................360
Q. My rife machine has a feature called
sweep. What does this do?.................360
Q. My rife machine has a feature called
converge. What does this do? .............361
Q. My rife machine has a feature called
gate. What does this do? ..................361
Q. My rife machine has a feature called
pulse. What does this do? .................362
Q. I just discovered that my brand new unit
contains some custom programs. It
appears that someone else programmed
frequencies into the machine, and then
forgot to erase them. Does this mean
that I got a used or reconditioned unit? .362
Q. Some electrode and radiant machines can
transmit several frequencies at the same
time. This sounds like a great feature,
since Id like to decrease the amount of
time I spend with my device each day.
Are such machines reliable? ..............362
Q. Does rife equipment require special
care? ..........................................363
Q. Will my rife machine affect other
electronic equipment? .....................363
Q. Im nervous about operating an electronic
device thats being used for serious
therapy. Arent rife machines complicated
to operate?...................................363
Q. Are there any health care providers who
have a rife unit that I can try first, to see
if the technology works? Id like to use a
machine before buying one. ..............363


Q. Ive seen diagrams in books and on the

Internet on how to build a rife-style
device. How hard could it be to build
my own machine? ..........................364
Q. These devices cost so much! The electrode
units seem like ordinary frequency
generators to me, with common metal
cylinders used as electrodes. And some
of these light tube units dont seem very
sophisticated. Why do the manufacturers
charge so much? Dont they care about
peoples healthand peoples lives? ....364
Q. Im convinced that I need to purchase
my own unit. But shouldnt I try to obtain
a real rife machine? We know that some
of his units at least had a good track
record. ......................................365
Q. Some rife units in the United States
are approved by the FDA. Are these
machines better than the ones that arent
approved? ...................................365
Rife SessionsGeneral Questions Pertinent
to All Machines ..................................365
Q. How many frequencies should I use per
session? .......................................365
Q. For how long should each frequency be
administered? ...............................366
Q. How many days should I allow between
Q. After Im free of symptoms, for how
long should I continue the sessions? .....367
Q. Can I rife after eating or drinking? .....367
Q. Should I wear special clothing for the
Q. What about wearing metal jewelry or
glasses? .......................................368
Q. My unit is large and heavy. When I put
it on a metal cart to wheel it from room
to room, the display on the monitor
becomes distorted. Is this a problem? ..368
Q. Do either I or the machine need to be
in a special environment? What about
lighting, temperature and moisture? ...368
Q. Is one time of day better than another
to do sessions? ..............................368
Q. What can I expect to feel during a rife
session? .......................................368

Q. Why do some people feel worse

immediately after having a rife session,
while other people feel better?...........369
Q. What is a Herxheimer reaction? .........370
Q. Whats the difference between a detox
(Herxheimer or Herx) reaction from
rifing and actually being sick? Both
situations feel similar to me. .............370
Q. If a temporary irregular heartbeat is
one possible consequence of microbial
die-off, how can this be distinguished
from the medical condition known as
arrhythmia? .................................371
Q. I cannot rife as often as I need to, due to
a Herxheimer response. How can I lessen
or eliminate these detox reactions? .....371
Q. I have a serious wound that I want to
treat. Is it okay to put an electrode
directly on it? ...............................372
Q. With my electrode unit, do I have to feel
the current in order to know that the
machine is working? .......................372
Q. I heard that the metal used for the
electrodes may sometimes get into the
body, and that certain metals are safer
than others. Is this true? If so, what can
I do to minimize harm? ...................373
Q. Can I do other therapies along with the
rife sessions?.................................373
Q. Do I need a special diet or nutritional
support while rifing? ......................373
Q. Im doing many complementary
therapies in addition to rife sessions.
How do I know which therapy is really
helping me? .................................373
Q. My partner is ill, and uses a radiant
machine daily. I am concerned about
the effects of the frequencies when my
children and I are in the room. Will we
be negatively affected? .....................374
Q. I had a bad cold, and was giving myself a
session with a light tube device in the den.
My daughter, who had a bad cold, too,
and was in a room that shares an adjoining
wall, insisted that she felt something
when the unit was on. The next day, not
only was my cold better, her cold was
completely gone. Could the light really
penetrate through a wall? .................374



Q. Does it matter which direction the light
tube is facing? ...............................374
Q. What if I dont get any results from the
frequency sessions?.........................375
Q. I was getting very good results when
rifing for a chronic condition until I took a
2-week break. Now, the same frequencies
dont seem to be working. Why? ........375
Q. Shouldnt I see a doctor or qualified
rife practitioner for sessions, instead of
buying my own machine? Im afraid I
wont know what Im doing and will
hurt myself. .................................375
Q. I would like to find a doctor I can work
with while giving myself rife sessions.
Whats the best way to find someone?..375
Frequency Selection and Microbe Response ..376
Q. How do the frequencies work? ..........376
Q. How were the frequencies in this Rife
Handbook calculated? ......................377
Q. I have a diagnosis from my doctor. How
do I know which frequencies to use? ...379
Q. What if I dont have a diagnosis, and
dont know which specific microbes are
involved in my condition?.................379
Q. Is muscle testing a valid way to figure out
which frequencies will work for me? ....380
Q. Why do we need individual frequencies
at all? Why cant we simply blast the
microbes with every frequency in
succession, especially if we dont know
which ones to use? .........................380
Q. Why are different frequencies sometimes
listed for the same condition? And why
are the same frequencies often given for
two distinctly different microbes? ......381
Q. Ive heard that higher frequencies work
better than lower frequencies. Is there
any truth to this? ...........................381
Q. My unit goes up to only 20,000 Hz. But
my condition requires many frequencies
that are over 60,000 Hz. What should
I do?...........................................381
Q. Ive heard that you get better results using
a higher number derived from a calculator
found on the Internet. Where can I obtain
this calculator and how does it work? ..382

Q. Some frequencies are said to regenerate an

organ or gland, rather than kill microbes.
How is this possible? And why didnt Royal
Rife address this? ...........................382
Q. My unit has settings for different shaped
waves: square, sine, and sawtooth.
Whats the difference between the
waveforms? ..................................383
Q. How do I know that the frequencies are
safe? If they kill microbes, wont they
harm me? ....................................383
Q. Most rife units that shatter or disable
microbes under a microscope or in a
Petri dish are unable to achieve the same
result in live human beings. Why? Is there
something wrong with the machine? ...384
Q. If the frequencies are so effective, why
do I need to use the machine more than
once? .........................................384
Q. Are there any circumstances under which
rife frequency technology might actually
make microbes grow? For instance,
it is common for microbes to become
resistant to antibiotics. Can they react to
frequencies in a similar way? .............385
Q. How much frequency drift is allowable for
the rife equipment to still be effective in
destroying microbes? ......................386
Q. There are some units that deliver
frequencies in rapid succession, usually in
the high range. Is this rife? And are these
machines effective? ........................386
Q. My doctor says that if rife technology
really worked, he would know about it.
So how can I be sure that this modality
is effective? ..................................386
Specific Health Conditions .......................387
Q. I have a serious illness and need to be
supervised by a health practitioner. How
do I find one whos knowledgeable about
rife therapy? .................................387
Q. Is there a special protocol for dealing
with cancer? .................................387
Q. Are certain frequencies especially effective
for cancer? ...................................389
Q. Ive heard that certain frequencies actually
stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Is this
true? ..........................................390


Q. Is one frequency device better than

another when treating cancer? ...........390
Q. Ive been using my frequency device
faithfully twice a day since I was diagnosed
with cancer. But my tumor seems to be
growing larger, not smaller. And now I
feel pain, when I didnt before. Why? ..391
Q. I have cancer. Despite rife sessions twice
daily, my CEA levels are increasing,
not decreasing. Is there reason to be
concerned? ..................................391
Q. I have prostate cancer. Since Ive been
giving myself rife sessions, my PSA
count has gone up, not down. Why? Does
this mean the sessions are making me
worse? ........................................392
Q. Ive already had chemotherapy and
radiation treatments for cancer. Can I
still use rife technology? ..................392
Q. I have Lyme Disease. Is there a special
protocol I need to follow? ................393
Q. Is there a particular type of frequency
device thats best for Lyme? .............397
Q. Is there a special protocol for
Candida? .....................................397
Q. Is there a special protocol for
Q. Is there a special protocol for
dental infections? .......................... 400

Q. Rifing relieved pain I had for decades.

If the frequencies are supposed to
kill microbes, why would they work
for pain?..................................... 400
Q. Are there any conditions that rifing
cant help? ...................................401
Updates on Rife Technology and
Q. How effective can the sessions be if the
machine I am using wasnt built by Royal
Rife himself? Is it possible to obtain an
original Rife Ray? ..........................401
Q. Are any of Rifes microscopes still in
existence? And do they work? ...........401
Q. If rife technology is so successful, why
havent I heard about it? ...................401
Q. Where can I find documentation of
successful clinical trials showing that rife
technology has cured illness? And where is
this technology being used today? .......403
Q. Where can I find the devices you mention
in this Handbook?.......................... 404
Q. Why dont you, the author, manufacture
or sell frequency devices? ................ 404
Q. I am a health practitioner and want to
use a frequency device in my office.
What do I need to know? ................ 404
Q. How can I find out more about rife
frequency therapy? .........................405


Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their
health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.

Chapter 5 Outline
Frequency Directory
Note: This list does not include single, stand-alone entries, which are in alphabetical order.
Arthritis and Joints .................................420

Glands ...................................................496
Adrenals .............................................497
Pancreas .............................................498
Parathyroid .........................................498
Pineal ................................................499
Pituitary .............................................499
Thymus ...............................................499
Thyroid ...............................................500

Bacteria ................................................. 424

Blood Sugar Levels ..................................440
Bone and Skeleton ..................................442
Cancer ...................................................447

Headache ...............................................505

Candida, Fungi, Molds and Yeasts ............455

Heart, Blood and Circulation ..................506

Chemical Poisoning / Detoxification........463

Injuries .................................................. 514

Mouth and Gums ..................................469
Teeth ..................................................472

Insect Bites............................................. 516

Liver and Gall Bladder............................. 518
Liver .................................................. 518
Gall Bladder ........................................523

Ears ....................................................... 474

Eyes .......................................................477

Lymphatic System ................................... 524

Gastrointestinal Tract..............................482
Systemic Conditions................................483
Colon / Large Intestine ..........................489
Small Intestine .....................................492
Stomach and Esophagus..........................494

Men ....................................................... 527

Penis ..................................................527
Prostate ..............................................528
Sexual Functioning ................................529
Testicles ..............................................529
Urinary ..............................................530



Mind and Emotions................................. 531

Tumors, Benign ......................................587

Muscles ..................................................540

Ulcers ....................................................588

Nervous System and Brain .......................544

Parasites, Protozoa and Worms ................ 553

Urinary Tract .........................................588

Bladder and Urethra .............................589

Regeneration and Healing .......................564

Viruses ...................................................592

Respiratory Tract ....................................567

Lungs .................................................567
Nose and Sinuses ...................................570
Throat and Lymph Nodes........................572
Vocal Chords ........................................574

Women ..................................................604
Breasts ...............................................605
Menstruation and Menopause ..................605
Sexual Functioning ................................606
Uterus and Cervix, Ovaries, and
Fallopian Tubes..................................607
Vagina and Labia .................................608

Skin .......................................................577
Tuberculosis, All Types ............................585

Slowly an apprehension of the intimate, usable power of God is
growing among us, and a growing recognition of the only worthwhile
application of that powerin the improvement of the world.

Chapter 6 Outline
Creating a Better World, Inside and Out
Introduction .......................................... 615

The Transcendent ...................................631

Beyond the Dominator (Dominant)
Paradigm .........................................631
Research Outside the Box ........................634
The Interconnection of Quantum
The Human as Hologram ....................635
The Power of Prayer ..........................635
The Power of Long Distance Healing......636
The Power of Group Intention ..............636
Healing with the Heart .......................638
Changing the Structure of Water...........638
Changing Our DNA ..........................639
Love Is a Resonance ...............................641
Self-Empowerment Is Spiritual Maturity ....643

The Personal .......................................... 616

The Trauma of Illness and Death ............. 616
The Five Stages of Dying ......................... 618
Denial and Isolation ........................... 618
Anger ............................................ 618
Bargaining ...................................... 618
Depression ...................................... 618
Acceptance...................................... 619
The Need to Let Go................................ 619
Doctor Support, or Lack of It ...................620
The Political ..........................................623
A Privileged Few Control the Worlds
Wealth .............................................623
When Corporations Become Government ....624
Legal Theft ......................................624
Criminal Commerce...........................627
Waking Up ..........................................627
Dominator (Dominant) Paradigm Tactics ..628



defense of aspartame, 209
history of, 662
political influence of, 31
Royal Lee and, 241
Amino acids, 464
Amoebic dysentery, 484, 556
Amplifier, RF, 364
Amplitude (of wave), 372373, 668
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), 545
Anabolic metabolic functions, 243
defined, 244245
exercise, 271
Andocs, Gabor, 403
Angell, Marcia, 26, 30, 35
cruelty in food industry toward, 165168, 173174
drug production and, 10
grain fed, 173174
grass-fed, 173
heirloom, 172
lab testing and, 20
natural use of frequencies by, 419, 596597
naturally raised, 173
rife session cautions with, 327
as sentient beings, 163
Anti-aging, exercise and, 273
colloidal silver as, 257258
for Lyme disease, 394
in our foods, 4445
Antidepressants, 3942, 47. See also Psychotropic drugs
Anti-inflammatory effects of exercise, 272273
Antibiotics, microbe behavior and, 9, 80
Appendicitis, 490
Applied Kinesiology, 378, 380
Approval process for drugs, 25
Argyria, 262264
Arrhythmias, heart, 371
Artemisinin, 448, 526
frequencies for, 420, 422423
overview, 420, 421
Artificial sweeteners. See also Aspartame; High fructose corn
syrup (HFCS); Sorbitol; Splenda; Sucralose; Xylitol and sugar
negative effects of, 153, 207211
overview, 195
approval process and, 3335
defense by AMA, ADA and FDA, 209
side effects, 3335
weight gain and, 208210
Asthma, 533
Athletes foot, 578
electromagnetic spin of, 135
ionization and, 137139
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), 3940, 533
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 40, 533

Audio range (frequencies), 381

Autism, 533534
Autoimmune disorders
autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimotos), 501502
frequencies for, 424
overview, 423424
wheat and, 192
Autointoxication, defined, 74
basics of, 114115
legal problems and, 114115
theory behind, 114
Azidothymidine (AZT), side effects of, 9

Babbitt, Edwin, 293
Babesia, 554
Bacillus typhus, experiments on, 84
Backster, Clive, 162
Bacteria (harmful). See also Friendly flora
frequencies for, 424439
overview, 424, 425
Bagdikian, Ben, 36
Baking soda, for Simoncini cancer treatment, 451
Baldwin, Kate W., 294
Bare, James
Bare-Rife frequency device developed by, 348
on immune response to rifing, 376377
on medical casualties, 61
Understanding our Frequencies through Harmonic
Associations, 383
rife video, 369, 384
Bare-Rife frequency device, 339, 348 (photo), 342, 343, 697698
BARF diet (Bio Active Raw Food), 225
Basal cell carcinoma, 454
Baths, salt and baking soda, 297
Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon, 147, 148, 198
BCX Ultra (Whitman Technology), 343, 349 (photo), 655
Beam Rays Corp. instrument,
compared to modern equipment, 365
history of use, 9192
operation of, 93
photos of, 111, 112
Bchamp, Pierre Jacques Antoine
vs. Pasteur, 6971
successors to, 7981
Becker, Robert O., 258260, 326
Bed wetting, 534
Bells Palsy, 545
BELS machine, 386
Bertoni, Eugenia Rebaud and Moiss Santiago, 211
Beverages and health drinks
harmful, 150153
for moderate use, 153154
restorative, 154157
BGH. See rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone)
Binder, Rolf, 678, 679
Biochemistry, food requirements and, 158160
Biomodulator. See Tennant Biomodulator
Biopsies, dangers of, 1112, 447

Biotin (Vitamin B7), 178, 399, 457
BioWave 21 LCD and BioWave 77 contact pad devices (Medi Gen
Technology), 655
Bipolar disorder, 534535
Bird flu, politics of, 586
cage free, 173
cruelty in food industry, 166167
free range, 172173
pastured poultry, 174
Bisphenol-A (BPA), 145, 227
Black Salve, 449
Black tea, 153154
Bladder infections
frequencies for, 589590
overview, 588589
Blast It! (Nichols, ed.) 377
Blaylock, Russell, 19, 214217
The Blood and Its Third Anatomical Element (Bchamp), 70
Blood clots, rife session cautions with, 324
Blood plasma
coconut water and, 507
pH of, 74
Blood sugar problems,
frequencies for, 441442
overview, 440441
Blood-brain barrier, 214
Body-mind connection, 56, 233, 275278, 283284
Body-mind therapies, 648
basics of, 275278
chiropractic, 282283
craniosacral therapy, 281282
massage, 278279
myofascial release, 279280
Oriental energy modalities, 280281
Rubenfeld synergy, 283284
skin brushing, 284
Boehm, Charlene, 378379, 657
Bone, Kerry, 236
Bone and skeletal problems
frequencies for, 443444
overview, 442443
Borna virus, 593
Boswellia serrata, 395, 481
Botulism, 484
BPA (bisphenol-A), 145, 227
Bragg, Patricia and Paul, 135, 143144
ailments affecting and frequencies for, 542551
parasite, 558
Breast cancer
diet and, 605
iodine deficiency and, 450, 605
overview and frequencies for, 450
Breast implants, rife session cautions with, 325
health and, 276
through ozonated oils, 252253
Breggin, Peter, 39

Brewers yeast, sensitivity to, 77

of doctors by Big Pharma, 3032
of politicians, 2730
Bridges, Amelia C.
estate of, 104 (photo)
relationship to Rife, 82
Brix, 174175, 177
Bromelain, 53
Bronchial asthma, 533
Brown recluse spider bites, 516517
Budwig, Johanna, protocol, 448
Burdock root, 446
Bursitis, 514
BX/BY organisms, 8485, 450, 452

negative effects of, 150152, 153154
in soft drinks, 153
CAFL (Consolidated Annotated Frequency List), 657
Cage free, defined, 173
as bicarbonate buffer, 141
in dairy, 179, 183
pH balance and, 74
importance of, 140, 142
rife sessions and, 371
Vitamin D and, 286
Calculator for scalar conversion (Sutherland), 382
applying multiple frequencies to, 392
Black Salve, 449
BX/BY organisms, 8485, 450, 452
Cancer As A Turning Point (LeShan), 375
The Cancer Cure that Worked (Lynes), 8889
Essiac herbal formula for, 446447
frequencies for, 448455
frequency therapy and, 389393
normalizing tissue with colloidal silver, 258260
overview, 446449
ozone saunas and, 255
pathogens as studied by Olbrich, 119122
pleomorphism and, 8485
rife sessions following allopathic treatments, 392393
and Rife Ray case studies, 89, 91
session protocols for, 387389
theories about, 9697
treatment resources, 648
treatment room (photo), 110
tumor response to frequencies, 391
World Without Cancer (Griffin), 25, 31

Candida albicans

coconut oil and, 188

in colon, 267
fermented foods and, 226
frequencies for, 456457
heavy metals and, 134
overview, 455457
protocols, 397400
and Simoncini treatment, 451
wheat and, 190, 191



Candida, fungi, molds and yeasts

frequencies for, 455462

overview, 455456, 458459
Canning foods, 227
Canola oil, dangers of, 188, 189
Cansema. See Black Salve
Cantwell, Alan, 116, 117, 118
Capacitance, defined, 339
Capillaries, blood and lymph, 271272
Carbohydrate intolerance, 194, 197198 , 200201
Carcinoma. See also Cancer
defined, 452
virus, viewing of, 83
Cardiovascular system, exercise and, 271272. See also Heart
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 541
Carrel, Alexis, 136
Carrier waves, 87, 91, 96, 332, 342344
Casein, 184
Catabolic metabolic functions, 243
Catalase, 181
Cataracts, 285, 287, 477478
diet for, 225
diseases of. See listings in Chapter 5
purring, 596597
Cats claw herb, 395, 563
Cattle, cruelty to, 167
Cavitations, 468469
CDs/DVDs, frequencies on, 337338
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), 391392
Cedar berries, 440
Celiac disease, 191
Cell Wall Deficient Forms (Mattman), 118, 427
cell-wall-deficient bacteria, 394, 427
interconnectedness of, 59
Cellulitis, 463
Center(s) for Disease Control, truth about, 50
Cervix related conditions, 607
Chaparral herb, 395, 398, 455
Charcoal, activated, 398399
Chemical poisoning/detoxification,
Environmental Health Center, Dallas, 298
frequencies for, 464466
overview, 463464
Chemical Sensitivity (Rea), 298
disease-causing, 72
prevalence of, 297
toxicity of, 7172, 298
in vaccines, 14
Chemo therapy
overview, 392393
survival rates, 451
Chemtrails, detoxing from, 465
Children, drugging
addiction consequences, 4243
cover-up, 4041
electronic media as drug, 4344
parental action against, 4142

psychotropic drug effects, 3840

Children, rife session cautions with, 325327
Chi-Lel qigong, 281
Chiropractic, 282283
Chlamydia infections, 530, 609
Chlorella, 156
sucralose and, 210
in water, 138
Cholera, 493
Chopra, Deepak, 305306 , 620
Chronic disease overview, 483
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), 393, 480, 595596
Cinnamon, 157, 231, 232, 440
Circulatory problems. See Heart conditions.
Cigarette smoking, 219
Cis-fats, 218
Clark, Hulda, 448, 561
Cleansing. See also Detoxification
colon, 267270
liver and gallbladder, 520522
Clients vs. patients, 375, 633
Clinical trials
administration of drugs and, 1922
animals and, 20
double-blind studies, 2324
drugs in unexpected places, 4446
lack of, 2425
length of tests, 22
multiple drugs and, 22
placebos and, 2223
population tested, 22
posting results and, 24
of Rife Ray, 8992
rife technology, 402403, 697698
testing on humans, 20
water consumption and, 23
Cloned animals as food, 171

botulinum, 204
difficile, 485486, 490

Clustered water, 139

Coconut oil, 188189
Coded frequency devices, 360
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
heart conditions and, 507
for Lyme disease, 394
statin drugs and, 4950
Co-factors in supplements, 238239
Coffee, 150152
Colas. See Sodas, negative effects of
Cold pasteurization/electronic pasteurization, 170
Cold plasma ozone method, 254
Cold pressed oils, 188
Colds, 568
Colic, 490
Colitis, 486, 535
Colloidal, defined, 261
Colloidal minerals. See Ions

Colloidal silver (CS), 256267
argyria and toxicity propaganda, 262264
for Candida, 398
contraindications, 260261
disabling microbes, 257258, 266
enhancing immunity, 258
external use, 265266
generators, 264265, 648649
history of, 256257
inhalation of, 265
internal use, 265
for Lyme disease, 395
normalizing cancer tissue, 258260
producing, 261262
storing, 265
uses for, 259
Colon. See also Gastrointestinal tract problems
cleansing, 267270
conditions of and frequencies for, 490492
laxatives and stool softeners, 269
overview, 489490
Color therapy. See Light and color therapy
Comparet, Bertrand, 92, 93, 94
Complementary (holistic) therapies, list of, 127129
Conflicts of interest
Big Pharma and, 2527
lawsuits and, 47
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), 182
Conjunctivitis (pink eye), 478
Connective tissue cleavage planes, 280281
Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL), 657
Constipation, 269, 484
Construction of frequency devices, 328331
Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), 378
Conventional medicine. See Allopathic medicine
Converge function (rife instruments), 361
Cookware, 229231
Coordinative Resonance Frequency (CRF), 383
properties of, 142
melanin and, 288
Corn, foods containing, 206
Corona discharge ozone method, 253254
control of water resources, 625
dominance of, 624628
Cortisol, stress response and, 277
Cost of frequency devices, 341, 364365
Couche, James B., 9091, 93, 96
Cowden, Lee, 397
Coxsackie viruses, 593594
Crane, John
frequency devices of, 112 (photo), 115116
meets Rife, 114
metal electrodes and, 333
persecution of, 114115
Craniosacral Therapy (CST), 281282
Crime, food as solution to, 176
Crohns Disease
eating habits and, 162
overview and frequencies for, 491
wheat and, 190, 191

Crook, William, 398

CS. See Colloidal silver (CS)
Cullen, Ben, 88, 9091, 9293
Current, electrical, 229, 339, 672
Cushings Syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism), 497498
Customer service for frequency devices, 340
Customized frequency programs, 362
Cylindrical electrodes, 334
Cystitis, 589


as dietary staple, 179185

insulin resistance and, 441
MSG in, 216
Dandelion, 563
Date sugar, 203
five stages of dying, 618619
trauma of, 616618
Decontamination of water, 133
Degenerative diseases, 4
coffee and, 152
prevalence and effects of, 146147
Dengue Fever, 594595
Dental issues
cavitations, 468469
frequencies for, 469473
meridian dental chart, 470
overview, 468469
protocols for, 400
root canals, 468469
Depression, 535536
basics of, 238
of chemical poisoning, 463466
die-off symptoms (rife sessions), 369371
FIR saunas and, 297298
health and, 132
from heavy metals, 464, 465
Herxheimer reactions, 260, 370371
ozone saunas and, 254255
sauna therapy, 295298
Devices, medical, 7
aspartame and, 209
overview and frequencies for, 440-442
thirst and, 198
Diamond, John, 378
Diarrhea, 484
basics, 75
therapeutic support for, 131132
Diet. See also Food
natural diet resources, 650651
rife sessions and, 373
enzymes for, 243
process of, 267, 482483
Digitalis latana (foxglove), 233
Diller, Irene Corey, 117



Dinshah (P. Ghadiali), 293294
Directory of frequencies
alphabetical listing by condition, 418612
outline of categories, 417418
overview, 413416
Disc problems, 514516
Disease, causes of. See also Germ theory; Pleomorphism
chemical toxicity, 7172
electromagnetic toxicity, 72
emotional and mental states, 7577
injury, 7273
nutritional deficiencies, 71
oxygen insufficiency, 71
pathogens, 75
pH imbalance, 7374
sleep deficit, 71
terrain and, 7779
toxic bodily response, 75
Disodium guanylate/inosinate, 215
Distemper, 16, 473
Distilled water, 139146
Divide and conquer strategy, 630
DNA, changing, 639641
Doctor-patient relationships, 375, 620623
Doctors, medical
holistic therapies and, 620623
iatrogenic disease and, 1213
liability protection, 16
vaccine safety and, 18, 19
diet for, 225
diseases of. See listings in Chapter 5
removing skunk odor from, 266
Dominator paradigm, 628634
Donsbach, Kurt, 250251
Dorneanu, Paul, 377, 397, 457
Dossey, Larry, 635
Double-blind studies, paradox of, 2324
Doug device (coil machine), 397
Douglass, William Campbell, 180183, 245
Downs Syndrome, 536
Dowsing, 378
Drift, frequency, in rife machines, 386
Drinking water, drugs in, 4546
Drugs, medical. See also Clinical trials
antibiotics in foods, 4445
approval process, 25
damage from, 69
in drinking water, 4546
effectiveness of, 910
electronic media as, 4344
iatrogenesis and, 1213
interaction with herbs/supplements, 5354
isolation of herbal constituents, 233234
marketing of, 2425, 26, 3538
parental action against, 4142
preparation of, 10
prices of, 26, 28
substitution vs. support, 58
Drugs, recreational, 219

Duodenal ulcer, 493

Dupont, Teflon and, 229231
Duration of session frequencies, 328, 366367
Duty cycle (rife instruments), 330331
Dwell time (rife instruments), 328
Dyes in food, 214
five stages of dying, 618619
trauma of death, 616618
Dyspepsia, 489

Ear problems
drops, recipe for, 474
frequencies for, 474475
overview, 474
attitudes about, 161162
disorders, 475476, 536
Ebola hemorrhagic fever, 595
Echinacea, 53, 236, 563, 568
Edema, 142, 148, 149, 525
Effect of Conscious Intention on Human DNA (Rein), 640
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), 534, 648
farm industry and, 167
free range, 172173
how to eat, 177178
EHY-2000 electromagnetic/thermal field unit (Oncotherm), 403
Elecampane, 563
electric and magnetic fields, 668669
terms, defined, 339
Electrode (pad) rife units
overview, 333334
pacemakers and, 322323
pregnancy and, 324
vs. radiant plasma light units, 345346
footplates, cautions in using, 323324
placement of, 344
skin rashes from, 344345
types of, 334
Electrolytes. See also Ions
basics, 135137
imbalance of, 144
importance in water, 144
Electrolytically isolated silver (EIS). See Colloidal silver (CS)
Electromagnetic charge of atoms, 135136
Electromagnetic (EM) fields. See Electromagnetic (EM) fields,
harmful; Electromagnetic (EM) fields in living systems;
Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, explained; Electromedicine;
Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy; Light and color therapy
Electromagnetic (EM) fields, harmful.
causing disease, 72, 326, 671673
sensitivity during rifing, 325
Electromagnetic (EM) fields in living systems, 382, 671
Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, explained, 666668
Electromed company, 403

Electromedicine. See also Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy;
Light and color therapy
devices (not rife), 649650
electric and magnetic fields, 668669
electrical current, 675677
EM fields in living systems, 382, 671
EM spectrum explained, 666668
frequency/wavelength/amplitude, 668
history of, 666
lasers and LEDs, 335336, 679683
math and music, 670
oscillating magnetic fields, 677678
overview, 665666
pulsed magnetic fields, 670671, 678679
rife, overview, 673675
sound, 669, 684686
wave shapes, 669670
Electronic media, effects on health, 4344
EM+ Resonant Radiant Plasma Systems (Bruce K. Stenulson),
EMEM radiant plasma units, hand-built (individuals), 347
EMEM plasma devices
cancer and, 342343
emitting dual frequencies, 392
for Lyme, 397
photos, 347
spark gap and RF in, 342343
voltage in, 339
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), 534, 648
Emotions. See also Fight-or-flight response
breathing and, 276
bodywork and, 283
disease and, 7577
emotional flexibility, 76
lymph system and, 278
physical touch and, 275276
suppression of, 76, 277
Emoto, Masaru, 147, 638639
Enderlein, Guenther, 7980, 507
Endobionts, defined, 79
Endometriosis, 607608
Energetic technology/therapy organizations, 650
electrons and, 135136
in living systems, 671
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Oschman), 5960, 135,
Enig, Mary
on canola oil, 188, 189
cookbook, 222
on enzymes, 224, 243
on statins, 49, 50
defined, 87, 674
phenomenon, 637638
Environment for rifing, 368
Environmental Illness (EI), 463464
fermented foods and, 226


to lessen detox reactions, 372

for inflammation, 481
in raw food, 224
supplementation of, 243244
Ephedra, FDA control of, 52, 55
Epilepsy, 547
Epsom salts, 520522
Epstein-Barr virus, 595596
Erasmus, Udo
on fish oil content and temperature, 178
on snake oil, 56
on oil-processing facilities, 218
on chemical changes in heated oils, 223, 224
Ergonom microscopes, 118123, 359 (photos), 401, 652653
Eskalith (lithium carbonate), 8
Essential oils
basics, 232
for Candida, 398
inhalation therapy, 265
mouthwash recipes, 469, 471
toothpaste recipe, 472
Essiac herbal formula, 446447
Ethnicity, food requirements and, 158
Evening primrose oil, 53
aerobic and anaerobic, 271
amount of, 273275
anti-aging and, 273
anti-inflammatory effects, 272273
benefits of, 270271
fatigue from, 274
lymphatic system and, 271272
mindful exercise, 273
Exorphins, 193
External use of colloidal silver, 265266
Eye problems
frequencies for, 477479
overview, 477
television and, 43

Fabric softener, dangers of, 296
Fabricated fats, 217218
Factory farmed food, 163168
Fads, defined, 158
Fake food. See also Artificial sweeteners
basics of, 195
children and, 223
colon and, 268269
defined, 71
fabricated fats, 217218
food conditioners, 218219
preservatives/dyes/fragrances/flavorings, 214217
synthetic chemicals as food, 214218
Fallon, Sally
on canola oil, 188, 189
cookbook, 222
on enzymes, 224, 243
on statins, 49, 50


Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy, 288, 297298, 683684
Farm raised food, 168
massage and, 279280
meridians and, 280, 281
rifing and, 377
Fatigue, chronic, 480, 595596
fabricated, 217218
fat-soluble vitamins, 242
frying, 223224
hydrogenation of, 217218
oils, 186, 188190
sun rays and, 287
FCC. See Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
aspartame and, 3335, 209
colloidal silver and, 257
control of herbs/supplements, 52, 55, 5758
defense of drug companies, 52
FDA double-talk, 52
frequency devices and, 365
misconception about, 10
pharmaceutical industry and, 2527
raw milk and, 184
rife technology and, 401, 404
Royal Lee and, 241
rulings in favor of drug companies, 62
stevia and, 211212
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 92, 94, 95, 96,
Felt, Dave
on cell membrane repair, 376
frequency device repair service, 658
hand-built EMEM plasma device, 347 (photo)
on radiation from plasma tubes, 342
Fermented foods
dairy products, 184185
enzymes and, 226
dangers of, 77
overview, 226
Bchamps understanding of, 79
overview and frequencies for, 480
sauna therapy and, 297
Fiber in digestion, 269
Fibromyalgia, 393, 480481
Fibrosarcoma, defined, 452
Field effects from rife devices, 374
Fight-or-flight response
adrenal glands and, 497
body-mind relationship and, 276278
coffee and, 150
panic attacks and, 498
sugar and, 197
sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous systems and, 483
Filtering water, 137
FIR. See Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy
Fish oil, 53
Fish, safety of, 178179

Fishbein, Morris
Dinshah and, 294
professional history of, 92
Royal Lee and, 241
ruining of Rife, 9293
Flatulence, 491
Flavorings in food, 214
Flax, seed/oil
for colon, 269
conversion of by body, 189190, 544
in Johanna Budwig protocol, 448
Fletcher, Andrew K., 301302, 303
Flora, friendly. See Friendly flora
Flu, politics of, 29
Flukes, liver, 519, 522
dangers of, 155, 469
in green tea, 154
relationship to pineal gland, 499
Foie gras, 166167
Folic acid, 54, 507, 533
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See FDA (Food and Drug
Food. See also Sugars
antibiotics in, 4445
atmosphere for eating, 161
attitudes about, 161163
biochemistry and metabolism, 158160
to build up/breakdown/maintain body, 160161
conditioners, 218219
corporate control of, 625
disease and quality of, 71
ethnicity and geographical ancestry, 158
fabricated fats, 217218
fake food, 195
food pyramid, 200201
health conditions and, 160
healthy diets, 163
individuality and, 158
intolerances, 485
nutrient balance, 161
politics of, 627
present-time needs, 160
preservatives/dyes/fragrances/flavorings, 214217
raising of. See Food, raising
safety resources, 650651
sleep-inducing, 300301
staples. See Staples, dietary
timing of eating, 161
Food, raising, 163177
cage free, 173
cloned animals, 171
crime solutions and, 176
factory farmed, 163168
free range, 172173
genetically engineered, 168170
grass fed, 173
heirloom or open pollinated, 172
high Brix, 174175, 177

humanely raised, 174
irradiated, 170171
local, 172
naturally raised, 173
organic, 171
pastured poultry, 174
sustainable, 174
unsprayed, 172
vegetarian or grain fed, 173174
wildcrafted or wild, 171172
Food preparation methods
canning, 227
cookware, 229231
fermentation, 226
frying, 223224
microwaving, 227229
raw foods, 224226
Foord, Alvin, 89, 97
Foot plates (rife machines)
cautions in using, 323324
electrodes, defined, 334
Formula for converting high frequencies, 381
Fragrances in food, 214
Framingham Study, 507
Free glutamic acid (MSG), 215
Free radicals
cancer and, 287
food conditioners and, 218219
hydrogen peroxide therapy and, 246
Free range, defined (food), 172173
Freibott, George, 252253
applied through water, 334
bodily resistance to, 327328
for cancer, 389390
on CDs and DVDs, 337338
databases, 657
directory of. See Directory of frequencies
drift of, 386
duration of, 328, 366367
formula for converting high, 381382
guidelines for choosing, 379381
higher vs. lower, 381
love as, 641643
method of action, 376377
normalizing/regulating/stimulating, 374
regenerative function of, 382383
resistance of microbes to, 385386
running multiple for cancer, 362, 392
safety of, 383384
sources of, 377379
in vitro vs. in vivo effects of, 384
Frequency devices, general information
basic construction of, 328331
building, 364
for cancer, 390391
combination units, 338
customer service/technical support, 340
ease of operation, 363364
electrode (pad) units, 333334


FAQs, 341405
FDA and, 365, 401402, 404
frequency, defined, 85, 668
general sweep units, 336337
lasers, 335336
LEDs, 335336
manufacturers of, desirable qualities, 338341
older, 109 (photos), 110 (photo), 112 (photo)
optimal features of, 327328
prevalence of, 123
pricing of, 341, 364365
radiant plasma light units, freestanding, 331332
radiant plasma light units, hand-held, 332333
second generation, 112 (photo), 114115
Rife Beam Rays Corp. original (photo), 84
Rife Beam Rays Corp. re-creation (photo), 354
Frequency devices (rife), specific
BCX Ultra computerized hand-held plasma tube unit
(Whitman Technology), 343, 349 (photo), 655
BioWave 21 LCD and BioWave 77 contact pad devices
(Medi Gen Technology), 655
EHY-2000 electromagnetic/thermal field unit
(Oncotherm), 402
EM+ Resonant Radiant Plasma Systems (Bruce K.
Stenulson), 342343, 654
EMEM radiant plasma units, hand-built (individuals), 347
F-Scan and F-Scan Compact contact pad devices (Health
Balances), 352353 (photos), 380, 403, 656
GB-4000 contact pad device (AAA Production), 344, 354
(photo), 362, 397, 655
P3 Pulsed Plasma devices (Pulsed Technologies), 350351
(photos), 655
PERL radiant plasma unit and ProGen (Resonant Light
Technology Inc.), 342, 344, 348 (photos), 362, 656
PET contact pad device (Electromed), 403
PFG/Precision Function Generator and PFG2 for contact
or radiant plasma devices (Pulsed Technologies), 350
(photos), 657
Frequency Specific Microcurrent, 649, 675676
Frequency/wavelength/amplitude, 668
FREX frequency database, 338, 657
Friendly flora, 183, 267268, 183, 455, 456
Frigidity, 606
Fructose, 204207
as dietary staple, 186
heavily sprayed, 164
high-sugar fruit juice, 154
Frying foods, 223224
F-Scan, 352353 (photos), 380, 403, 656
Full spectrum lighting, 290291
Fulvic acid, 146, 263
Function generators, 328
microzyma cycle and, 77
types of and frequencies for, 455462
Funneling ozone, 251


Gallbladder. See Liver/gallbladder
Galloping Gerty, 85
Gallstones, 524
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), 53
Garlic, 54
Garff, Jeff, on simultaneous frequencies, 362
Garvey, John, 378
Gas, intestinal, 491
Gastritis, 495
Gastrointestinal tract problems
frequencies for, 483496
overview, 482483
Gating function, 335, 361362
GB-4000 contact pad device, 344, 354 (photo), 362, 397, 655
General sweep units, 336337
colloidal silver, 261, 264265, 648, 654, 655
function, 328
rife frequency. See Rife technology; Rife Ray; Frequency
devices (rife), specific
Genetic engineering (GE)
contamination via, 626627
of foods, dangers of, 168170
of seeds, treating with rife frequencies, 495
Geographical ancestry, food and, 158
Germ theory, 69, 70
German measles, 603
Gerson, Max, 448
Ghadiali, Dinshah P., 293294
Giardia, 486, 488, 557
Ginger, 54
Ginkgo biloba, 54, 220, 233
Ginseng, 54
Glands (all). See also individual glands
glandulars, 240
lymph, 272
overview and ailments, 496504
swollen, 573
Glaucoma, 478479
Global consciousness, 627
Gluten, dangers of, 190195
Glycemic index, 199
Goiter, 500501
Goitrogens, caution when eating, 185186, 500
Gonorrhea, 530531, 610
Gonzalez, Nicholas, 391, 392
Good Energy Products, 357 (photos), 649, 654, 682683
Gout, 504
Government agencies, drug industry and, 2730
Graham, David, 4748
as dietary staple, 190195
grain fed animals, 173174
Grandin, Temple, 166
Grass-fed animals, 173
Graves Disease, 501502
Grayfield Optical Inc., 359 (photos), 401, 652
Green drinks, 154156
Green tea, 153154

Grief, 615618
Griffin, G. Edward, 25, 31
Gross, Ludwik, 116
Group intention, power of, 636638
Gulf War Syndrome, 504505
Gum diseases. See Dental issues
Gymnema sylvestre (shardunika) herb, 213, 220, 440

Haefeli, Bruno, 80
Hair loss, 505
Hamer, Richard T., 91, 92, 94
Hand-held radiant plasma light units, 332333
Hard lasers, 336
Harlow, Harry, 276
Harmonics, 86, 94, 99, 329330, 332, 383
Hashimotos Disease, 501502
Head injuries, 515
Headaches, overview and frequencies for, 505506
Healing response vs. disease crisis, 371
conditions affected by caffeine, 152
conditions and food requirements, 160
defining, 46
practitioners, frequency therapy and, 404405
arrhythmias, during rifing, 371
healing with, 638
Heart conditions
B-vitamins and heart attacks, 507
co-enzyme Q10 and, 507
frequencies for, 508511
overview, 506507
with radiant plasma light units, 322323
and rifing, cautions with, 321323
thyroid hormone and, 507
Heartburn, 495
Heartworm, 555
Heavy metals
Candida and, 399
in dental fillings and appliances, 469, 471
detoxing from, 465, 473474
distilled water intake and, 144
in water, 134
Heirloom food, 172
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), 203, 257, 495
Hemochromatosis, 511
Hemorrhoids, 491492
Hepatitis, 522523
Herbal teas, 156157
basics of, 231236
FDA control of, 52
to induce sleep, 301
interaction with drugs/supplements, 5354
isolation of individual constituents, 233234
rife session, cautions with, 324
safety of, 5258
wildcrafted or wild, 171172
Herpes viruses, 527, 597599

Hertel, Hans Ulrich, 228
Hertz (Hz) conversions, 337
Herxheimer reactions, 260, 370371
Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 224
Hiatal hernia, 495496
The Hibernation Response (Whybrow and Bahr), 290
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 205
Hits, frequency, 380
HIV/AIDS, 257258, 599600
Hives, 579
Hodgkins disease, 452
The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (Sylver), 72, 254, 298
Holistic healing/holistic medicine
approach to, 6063
basis of, 60
vs. conventional medicine, 388
defined, 45
doctor support of, 620623
holistic living, 6062
vs. non-holistic, 5860
organizations, 651652
substitution vs. support, 58
Holland, Anthony G., 697698
Holman, Jimmie,
Candida research by, 377, 397
defining sweep, 328
on duty cycle, 331
on gating, 361
on RF frequency devices, 323, 343
on sound cards, 338
Holograms, humans as, 635
Homogenization of milk, 184
Honey, 203204
Hoof and Mouth disease, 593
care, 617
resources, 652
effectiveness of, 1012
iatrogenesis and, 1213
Hot flashes, 606
Hoyland, Philip
Beam Ray instrument redesign, 9394, 9596
bribe of, 93
early rife machines and, 90, 91
photos of, 111, 112
Hubbard, John, 94
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), 601
Hydrangea, 563
Hydrogen peroxide therapy, 245247
Hydrogenation of fats, 217218
Hydrolyzed protein, 215216
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 255256
Hypericum perforatum. See St. Johns Wort
Hypoglycemia, overview and frequencies for, 442
Hypoxemia, 512

iatrogenic infections, frequencies for, 512
prevalence of, 1213

IgG, 181
Illness, trauma of, 616618
Imagery in healing, 640641
Imbalances affecting health, 56
Immune function. See also Transfer factors
enhancing with colloidal silver, 258


Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth (James), 4, 17

normalizing, frequencies for, 565566

response to wheat, 191192
stimulation, frequencies for, 566
supporting with supplements, 238
Immunoglobulin G (enzyme), 181
Immunoglobulins, 180
Implants and rife sessions, 324325
Impotence, 529, 606

In vitro

defined, 20
vs. in vivo effects of frequencies, 384
In vivo, defined, 20
Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT), 301303
Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM), 513
Incontinence, 589
Indigestion, 489
as cause of disease, 73, 75
injury and, 7273
non-specific, with frequencies, 513
Infectious mononucleosis, 595596
Infertility, 529, 607
as cause of disease, 7273
overview, 513514
Influenza, 600, 603
Infrared wavelengths, 288
Inhalation of colloidal silver, 265
Inhalation of ozone through oils, 252253
Injecting ozone, 251252
Injections, dangers of, 1416
infection and, 7273
frequencies for, 514516
overview, 514
Inorganic minerals, 134135
Insect bites, overview and frequencies for, 516517
Insomnia remedies, 300301, 537
Insufflation, ozone, 251
Insulin resistance, 197
Intention, healing with, 639641. See also Prayer, power of
Interference (electronic), 344
Internal use of colloidal silver, 265
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 624
Internet support groups (rife), 657
Interstitial fluid, 271, 272, 281, 295
Intestinal flukes, 557
deficiency in ADD, 40
deficiency in breast cancer, 450, 605
displacement by chlorine, 138
preventing infection, 516
thyroid function and, 500504


Ions. See also Electrolytes
ionic, defined, 261
ionic minerals in water, 144, 146
ionic minerals to eliminate argyria, 263
ionized water, 137139
in raw food, 224
in water, 135137
Irradiated food, 170171
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), 486
importance of, 142
rife sessions and, 372
Ivker, Robert S., 388

James, Walene, 4, 17, 633
Jaundice, 523
Johnson, Milbank
banquet given by, 85
biographical details of, 84
death of, 98
photo of, 106
testing of Rife Ray and, 8990
Judgment vs. love, 642
Juices, vegetable, 154156
Junk food. See Fake food

Kava kava, 54
Kelley, William Donald, 448
Kellogg, John Harvey, 248, 284285, 297, 684
Kelp, to eliminate argyria, 263
Kendall, Arthur Isaac
dissociation from Rife, 97
K-medium and, 84
photo of, 106
pleomorphism and, 84
ailments, frequencies for, 590591
effect of caffeine on, 150
overview, 588589
Kment, A., 240

Laetrile, 186, 447
Lai, Henry, 677678
Lactase, 181
Lactoferrin, 180
Lactoperoxidase, 181
Lactose, 182
Lakhovsky, Georges, 337
Lasers. See also LEDs
Lazr Pulsr 4X (LED Healing Light Inc.), 355 (photos),
649, 680681
theory behind, 335337, 679683
Lawsuits against drug companies, 4142, 4748, 62
Laxatives, 269
Leaky gut syndrome, 191, 267, 493494
Lectins, 192
LEDs. See also Lasers

Advanced Chi Stimulator (infrared/LED unit) and LED

Chi Pen (Good Energy Products), 357 (photos), 649,
Light Pad LED, Light Shaker, and Tri-Light LED unit
(Light Energy Inc.), 356 (photos), 649, 681682
theory behind, 335337, 679683
Lee, Royal, 90, 240241
Legality/recognition of rife technology, 401405, 659664
Legumes as dietary staple, 186
Leishmania (protozoa), 558
Lemon juice
detoxing with, 157, 372, 424
for electrolytes, 148
for liver-gallbladder cleanse, 520
Leptin, 192, 198199
LeShan, Lawrence, 375
Leukemia, 452453
Liberman, Jacob, 285, 290, 292293
Licensing, medical, 660
Licorice, 440
The Life Cycle of Bacteria (Enderlein), 79
L-Glutamine, 440, 532
Life Labs frequency devices, 99, 112 (photo), 114
Light Energy Inc., 356 (photos), 649, 681682
Light and color therapy. See also Lasers; LEDs
color therapy resources, 649
infrared wavelengths, 288
pineal gland and, 289
for SAD, 289291
single-color, 291295
sleep and, 300
Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy, 293295, 649
sun therapy, 284285
ultraviolet wavelengths, 285288
Vitamin D and, 286
Limb bagging with ozone, 251
Lipase, 181
Lipitor, case against, 4852
Lipoma, 523
Liposomal Vitamin C, 396
Lipton, Bruce, 7, 641
lithium carbonate (Eskalith), 8
lithium orotate for Lyme, 394395
mental illness and, 8
Live blood analysis, 353 (photos), 378
Liver flukes, 556
ailments of and frequencies for, 519, 522524
cleansing, 520522
constipation and, 269
overview, 518519
Livingston-Wheeler, Virginia, 116
Local and Non-Local effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on
Conformational Changes of DNA (Rein and McCraty), 640
Local produce, 172
Long distance healing, 636
Longitudinal (scalar) waves, 88, 382383
A Look At the Frequencies of Rife-related Plasma Emission
Devices (Boehm), 378379


omni-love, 642
soft love, 641
as resonance, 641643
tough love, 642
Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT), 680681
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), 336
Loyd, Richard
on eliminating fibrin with frequencies, 353
on EMEM devices without spark gaps, 343
foreword, xvxvi
on mold and Lyme toxins, 458459
Underappreciated Amino Acids, 464
on using two units simultaneously to treat cancer, 392
Lungs. See also Respiratory tract, ailments of and frequencies for
cancer, 453
Lupus erythematosus, 524
Lyme disease
Lyme Disease and Rife Machines (Rosner), 393
mold toxins and, 458459
overview and frequencies for, 427-428
protocols for, 393397
terrain and, 77
The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments (Rosner), 393
Lymphatic system
ailments of and frequencies for, 525526
exercise and, 271272
lymph nodes, 272
massage and, 279
overview, 524525
tension and, 278
water and, 148
Lymphoma, non-Hodgkins, 453
Lynes, Barry, 22, 99
Lysozyme, 181

Macfadden, Bernarr, 284, 288
Macular degeneration, 479
as bicarbonate buffer, 141
for Candida, 399
deficiency, general, 179
deficiency in ADD, 40
for heart disease, 140, 506507
interactions with medications, 54
for Lyme disease, 394
in raw dairy, 183
rife sessions and, 371
Maharishi International University, 637
Malabsorption syndrome, 489
Malaria, 526, 677678
Mandala, defined, 304
as essential mineral, 142
rife sessions and, 371
Manic depression, 534535
Mannitol, 208
MANTRA study, 635636
Manufacturers of frequency devices
desirable qualities, 338341


contact information, 654655

Maple syrup, 203
Marijuana, dangers of, 219
Marsh, John. See also AZ-58
frequency devices of, 112 (photo), 114115
meets Rife, 114
metal electrodes and, 333
Marshall Protocol for Lyme disease, 395
Massage, 278279
Math and music (electromedicine), 670
Mattman, Lida, 118, 427, 533, 545
Mattresses, natural fiber, 301
McCabe, Ed, 246, 247, 249
McCraty, Rollin, 639641
McInturff, Brian, 338, 372, 378, 603, 657
McMakin, Carolyn, 649, 676
Measles, 603
as a drug, 4344
politics of, 3538
The Media Monopoly (Bagdikian), 36
medical devices. See Devices, medical
medical journals, drug industry ties to, 37
medical licensing, 660
medical terms, 45, 421
Meditation, 304307, 636638
Melanin, defined, 288
Melanoma, 453
Melatonin, 289, 290, 293, 300
Memory in frequency devices, 328
ailments of and frequencies for, 527531
Menstruation/menopause, 605606
Mental illness, lithium and, 8
blood sugar levels and, 440
dangers of, 469
detoxing from, 465
nervous system and, 134
oat tops tea and, 134
Meridians, acupuncture, 280281
Metabolic enzymes, 243
Metabolic functions, 243
Metabolic typing, 158160
in electrodes, 373
implants, rife sessions and, 324325
Methylsulphonylmethane. See MSM (methylsulphonylmethane)
Microbes. See also Pathogens
anaerobic, 244245
determining for specific conditions, 379380
disabling with colloidal silver, 257258, 266
fed by high-sugar juices, 154
illumination of by Rife, 8283
resistance to frequencies, 385386
as seen through Rife microscopes (photos), 102
UV light and, 286287, 288
viewing with Universal Microscope, 8283
Microorganisms. See Microbes; Pathogens


Ergonom, 118, 123, 359 (photos), 401, 652653
Nanoscope, 401
Rifes Universal Microscope, 8285, 101 (photo)
Rife microscopes, various, x (photo), 100101 (photos),
104105, 107108, 401
specimens as seen through microscopes, 102 (photos,
Rife), 359 (photos, Ergonom)
Microwaving foods, 227229
basic theory of, 7071
introduction of foreign material and, 7779
Migraine headaches, 506
homogenization of, 184
milk fed calves, 168
pasteurization of, 179185
Milky oats for nerve repair, 134
Mills, Simon, 232
Mind and disease, 7577
Mind and emotions
ailments of and frequencies for, 532538
overview, 531532
Mindfulness, 307
acid and alkaline, 138139
detox and, 372
distillation and, 139146
replenishing in water, 146
supplementation of, 242243
water and, 133137
Mites, 538539
Modulation of DNA by Coherent Heart Frequencies (Rein and
McCraty), 640
Molasses, 202203
Lyme disease and, 458459
microzyma cycle and, 77
types of, 455462
Molecular Enhancer, 386
Molecules of Emotion (Pert), 6, 59
Money-back guarantee on frequency devices, 340
Monochromatic light, 335336, 679683
Monsanto corporation
genetic engineering and, 168, 169, 188
lawsuits and, 34, 625
Percy Schmeiser case, 626
rBGH and, 3233
Montagu, Ashley, 275
M.O.P.A. (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) transmitter, 354
Morgellons disease, 539540
Mortal Oscillatory Rate (MOR), 87, 360, 374
Mouth diseases. See Dental issues
Mouthwash recipes, 469, 471
Moyers, Bill, 683
MSG (monosodium glutamate), 165, 214217
MSM (methylsulphonylmethane)
for argyria, 263
for fibromyalgia, 481

Johanna Budwig protocol and, 448

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), 463464
Multiple frequencies for cancer, 392
Multiple myeloma, 454
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 548
Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO), 386
Mumps, 603
Muschlien, Bernhard, 118
conditions, frequencies for, 541543
fatigue, 274
overview, 540541
Muscle testing, 378, 380
Muscular Dystrophy, 542
Mushrooms, sensitivities to, 77
during exercise, 270
and math (electromedicine), 670
Mycoplasma, many types
frequencies for, 433434
overview, 433
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 569
Mycotoxins as cause of disease, 75
Myofascial release, 279280

Naessens, Gaston, 118
Nanoscope, 401
Nanotechnology, 258
Nasal conditions, 570571
The National Demonstration Project to Reduce Violent Crime,
Natural Detoxification (Krohn et al.), 72
Natural diet organizations, 650
Natural Hygiene movement, 267
Natural Stress Relief, 306
Naturally raised food, 173
Nausea, 489
Neel, William D., 248
Neem, 440
Nelson, Dave, 347 (photo)
Nenahs warming spice drink, 157
Nerves, mercury toxicity and, 134
Nervous system
ailments of and frequencies for, 545551
overview, 544545
sympathetic vs. parasympathetic, 546
Neuromuscular Therapy, 279
Neurosis, 537
Nichols, Carol, 377
Nicolson, Garth and Nancy, 481, 504505
Nieper, Hans, 8
Nightingale, Florence, 79
Nightshade vegetables, 185, 193
Nisin, 180
Noble gases, 332
Normalizing/regulating/stimulating frequencies, 374
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 624
Norwalk virus, 487, 602


Nourishing Traditions (Fallon and Enig), 222

Null, Gary, et al., Death by Medicine, 11-13, 22, 42, 4446,
Nursing, rife session cautions and, 324
Nutrasweet. See Aspartame
Nutritional supplements. See Supplements, nutritional
balance in diet, 161
deficiencies and disease, 71
support for rife sessions, 372, 372, 373
Nuts and seeds, as dietary staple, 186

Oat tops for nerve repair, 134
Obesity hormone (leptin), 198199
Obesity/overweight conditions
frequencies for, 551552
overview, 551
Off-label use of drugs, 2425
The Oiling of America (Fallon and Enig), 188
Oil pulling/oil swishing, 469
Oils. See also Essential oils
basics of, 186, 188190
breathing ozone through, 252253
frying with, 223224
ozonated olive oil salve, 253
Olbrich, Kurt. See also Ergonom microscopes
background and work of, 118, 123
cancer studies of, 119122
Sanguinogramm, 119122
Olive leaf, 563
Omega 3 fats
benefits of, 535
blood pressure and, 590
eggs and, 178
Omega 6 fats and, 174
processing of, 189190
sources of, 217, 535
Omega 6 fats
in farm-raised fish, 168
grain-fed animals and, 174
Omega 3 fats and, 174
in raw milk, 182
sources of, 217
Omni-love, 642
Oncotherm company, 403
ONDAMED system, 649, 678679
Open pollinated produce, 172
defined, 135
foods, 171
Oriental energy modalities, 280281
Oschman, James L., 5960, 135, 674
Oscillating magnetic fields, 677678
Oscillation rate, defined, 85. See also Mortal Oscillatory Rate
Ott, John, 290292
Overdoses, accidental drug, 7
Oxalic acid, 75

Oxygen/oxygen therapies
hydrogen peroxide, 245247
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), 255256
insufficiency and disease, 71
Oxygen Healing Therapies (Altman), 245
ozone. See Ozone/ozone therapy
percentage in atmosphere, 244
Ozone/ozone therapy
breathing through oils, 252253
for Candida, 398
dispelling negativity about, 248249
funneling and limb bagging, 251
history of, 247248
how it works, 247, 249251
immunosuppressive effects of, 250
injecting, 251252
insufflation, 251
oxygen supplements, 253
ozonated drinking water, 251
ozonated olive oil salve, 253
ozone generators, 253254
ozone saunas, 254255
purifying pools/hot tubs, 253
resources, for equipment, 647, 654

Pacemakers, rife sessions and, 321323
Paclitaxel, 9, 22
Pads, wet, 334
dehydration and, 147
exercise and, 274
herbs and, 233234
Inclined Bed Therapy and, 302303
massage and, 279
meditation and, 305
overview and frequencies for, 552
relief with rifing, 400401
Palmer, B.J. and D.D., 282
Pancreas gland
ailments of and frequencies for, 498
pancreatic cancer, 454
pancreatic flukes, 556
sugar and, 197
Panic attacks, 498. See also Fight-or-flight response
Pantothenic acid (B5), 399, 457
in gastrointestinal tract, 487
overview, 553, 554
protocols for, 400
frequencies for, 553562
Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system, 546
Parathyroid gland, ailments of and frequencies for, 498499
Parkinsons disease, 549
Pasteur, Louis. See also Bchamp, Pierre Jacques Antoine
background and temperament of, 6970
germ theory, 69
plagiarizing of Bchamp, 70



basics of, 69
of milk, vs. raw dairy, 179185
Pastured poultry, 174
Patches, electrode, 334
Pata de vaca, 441
antibiotics and, 80
killing with frequencies, discovery of, 83
pleomorphism of, 78
proliferation and disease, 75
Rife/Kendall on pleomorphic nature of, 8485
Patients vs. clients, 375, 633
Pau darco bark, 233, 398
lawsuit against, 47
price markup of, 28
quality control problems of, 47
violence when taking, 38
PDR. See Physicians Desk Reference (PDR)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), 608
Peptic (stomach) ulcer, 495
Peristalsis, defined, 267
Peritonitis, 492
PERL (Resonant Light Technology Inc.), 342, 344, 348 (photos),
362, 656
Persecution of Rife, 9299
Personal care products
MSG in, 216
sources of, 654
Pert, Candace, 6, 59
coffee as, 151
heavy use of, 163165
PET contact pad device (Electromed), 403
Pets, diet for, 225
PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), 229230
electrolytes and, 136, 138
imbalances and disease, 7374
of mouth, 472
of water, 140, 141
Pharmaceutical drugs, rife session cautions with, 324
Pharmaceutical industry
attack on Rife by, 94, 9798
FDA and, 2527
fighting against, 4652
and government, 2730
opposing nutritional supplements, 5258
and research institutions, 3035
rulings in favor of, 62
Pharmacists and drugs prices, 28
Phosphoric acid in soft drinks, 153
Phosphatase, 181
in human vs. cows milk, 184
in raw dairy, 183
Phototherapy, 335336, 679680, 682

Physicians Desk Reference (PDR), 79, 22, 38, 4041

phytotherapist, defined, 232
Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy (Mills and Bone),
cruelty in food industry, 167
dangers of eating, 177
Pineal gland
function, 289, 499
disorders of and frequencies for, 499
Pinworms, 492
Pituitary gland
disorders of and frequencies for, 499
function, 499
Placebo effect, 2223, 397
Plants, feelings of, 162163
Plasma light units. See Radiant plasma light units, general
Plasma, unique properties of, 332
Plastic water bottles, 145
basic theory of, 7071
Enderlein and, 7980
as global phenomenon, 85, 99
medical community non-acceptance of, 99
modern era of, 116123
Rifes understanding of, 84
as studied by Olbrich, 119122
Pneumonia, 568569
Poisons in water, 45 46, 133
Polio, 549
of food, 627
political action resources, 653
political climate of the world, 623631
Politics of medicine. See also Pharmaceutical industry
children and. See Children, drugging
clinical trials and. See Clinical trials
defining health, 46
doctors and, 18
drug approval process, 25
drug damage, 69
drug effectiveness, 910
drug iatrogenesis, 1213
drug preparation, 10
FDA and pharmaceutical industry, 2527
fictitious diseases, 50
flu and, 29
holistic healing, 5860
holistic life, 6063
hospital procedures, 1012
iatrogenic disease, 1213
marketing and, 3538
pharmacists and, 28
price gouging, 26, 28
vaccines and. See Vaccines
Polyols (sugars), 207208

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, 287
cruelty in food industry, 167
dangers of eating, 177
as bicarbonate buffer, 141
rife sessions and, 371
as dietary staple, 177
free range, 172173
grain fed/vegetarian fed, 174175
pastured, 174
Power elite, 623624, 630631
Prayer, power of, 635636
Precision Function Generator (PFG), 350351 (photos), 657
Pregnancy, rife session cautions with, 324
Premarin, 10
Preservatives/dyes/fragrances/flavorings, 214217
Pressman, Saul
on ozone and cancer, 255
on ozones properties, 247, 251
on ozone, immunosuppressive effects of, 250
on the politics of ozone, 252
Price, Weston A., 219, 221223
Pricing of drugs, 26, 28
Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy (Mills and Bone), 232
Prions, 563
Probiotics, 399. See also Friendly flora
Proctitis, 492
Propaganda, 628629
cancer, 392, 454
conditions, 528529
Proteolytic enzymes, 244
Protozoa, overview and frequencies for, 553562
lawsuit against, 41
in PDR, 89
side effects, 89
suicide and, 39, 4142
violence and, 3839
PSA (prostate-specific antigen), 392
Psoriasis, 581
Psych-K, 641
Psychosomatic illness, defined, 77
Psychosomatic pain, 538
Psychotropic drugs
effects on children, 3840, 47
parental action against, 4142
PTFE (polytetraflouroethylene), 229
Pulsed magnetic fields, 670671, 678679
Pulsing function (rife devices), 362

Quackwatch tactics, 5556
Qigong, 281
Quantum physics, 634635

overview, 601
vaccine, dangers of, 1516
Radiant plasma light units, general information. See also
Frequency devices (rife), specific
freestanding, advantages/disadvantages of, 331332
hand-held, advantages/disadvantages of, 332333
heart conditions and, 322323
overview, 331333
pregnancy and, 324
vs. electrode (pad) units, 345346
with radio frequency, 323
safety of, 229, 453
therapy, 392393, 453
Radio frequencies (RF)
emitters, 332
fundamentals of, 342344
negative effects of some RF signals, 342344
pacemakers and, 322323
pregnancy and, 324
in radiant plasma light units, 323
Radiolysis, 227
Rapadura, 203
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, 39, 299
Rauwolfia serpentina, 233
Raw foods
among indigenous peoples, 222
basics of, 224226
vs. cooked, 226
raw dairy products, 179185
raw eggs, 178
rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone)
approval process for, 3233
in dairy industry, 167, 179
Rea, William, 298
Recreational drugs, 219
Red meat as dietary staple, 177
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), 542, 550
Regeneration and healing, frequencies for, 374, 382383,
Reich, Wilhelm, 80, 631, 633
Rein, Glen, 639641
Religion, 616
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, 39, 299
bodily resistance to frequencies, 327328
electrical resistance, defined, 339
microbial resistance to frequencies, 385386
Resonant frequency, defined, 85
Resonant Light Technology, 342, 348 (photos), 657
Respiratory tract, ailments of and frequencies for, 567575
Rest, 303304
Reverse osmosis (RO) water, 137
RF. See Radio frequencies (RF)
Rife machines. See Frequency devices, general information;
Frequency devices (rife), specific



Rife, Mamie Ah Quin
background of, 81
death of, 114
photo of, xvi
Rife Ray
#1 85, 109 (photo)
#2, 85
#3, 86, 109 (photo)
#4, 84 (photo), 90, 110 (photo)
basic properties of, 8588, 109
case studies with, 8992
mechanism and workings of, 8589, 9397
Rife Beam Rays Corp. re-creation (photo), 354
shielding problems of, 8687
Rife, Royal Raymond
1934 clinic frequencies, 576
alcoholism, 94
betrayal by colleagues, 9299
early life, 8182
inventions of, 8182
marriage of, 81
persecution of, 9299
photos of, x, xvi, 103108, 111113
as Renaissance man, 8182
rife equipment. See Frequency devices, general
information; Frequency devices (rife), specific
second generation frequency devices, 114116
Universal Microscope and, 8285
Rife Research, Europe, 656
Rife Research Group of Canada, 655
Rife sessions
for animals, 327
cats and, 596597
cautions with heart conditions, 321323
cautions with pregnancy, 324
consuming water with, 131, 321, 325
detox and die-off symptoms, 369372
environment for, 367368
regularity of administering, 384385, 387389
how to administer, 406409
influence on others, 374
legal implications of, 659664
number and duration of frequencies, 365367
nursing and, 324
nutritional support/diet for, 131132, 371372, 373
practitioners of, 375376
reactions to, 368370
sensations during, 368369, 372373
timing and regularity of, 367
Rife technology. See also Rife sessions
clinical trials, 402403, 697698
FDA and, 401402
legality and recognition of, 401405
placebo effect, 397
practitioners of, 387
safety of, 397
Rife-related resources, 655658
Ringas, Jason, 368369, 655
ADD and, 41
lawsuit against, 42
side effects, 39

Rolf, Ida, 280

Root canals, 468469
Rosacea, 581
Rosenow, Edward C., 81, 83, 84, 85, 246
Rosner, Bryan, 393397
Rotavirus, 487, 602603
Rowley, W. Eric, 401
Royte, Elizabeth, 45
Rubenfeld synergy, 283284

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), 289291
of frequencies, 383384
of Rife technology, 397
Salmonella, 487
and baking soda bath, 297
real salt, 149
salt/Vitamin C protocol, 372, 395397
Sanitation, health and, 13
Sarcoma, defined, 454. See also Cancer
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), 569570
Saturated fats, 217218
far infrared (FIR), 297298, 684
The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (Sylver), 72,
254, 298
ozone, 254255
Saunex FIR, source, 658
steam, 254
therapy, 295298
Saunex far infrared sauna, source, 658
Sawtooth waves, 329330, 383
Scalar (octave) conversion calculator (Sutherland), 382
Scalar (longitudinal) waves, 88, 382383
Scar tissue in muscles, 274
Scarlet Fever, 574
Schizophrenia, 538
Schmeiser, Percy, 626
Schultz, Richard, 55, 239
Schulz, Mona Lisa, 277
Seafood, safety of, 178179
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), 289291
Seaweeds, 156
The Secret Life of Plants (Tompkins and Bird), 162
genetically engineered, 626627
genetically engineered, frequencies for, 496
and nuts, as dietary staple, 186
Seibert, Florence, 117118
Seigel, Bernie, 23
for argyria, 263
importance of, 142
rife sessions and, 371
Self-empowerment, 6263, 643644
Serotonin, 6, 220
Sessions, rife. See Rife sessions
Sheep sorrel herb, 446
Shielding necessity for electromedical devices, 8687

Shigella, 436
Shingles, 550
Sick building syndrome, 461
Sickle cell anemia, 507508
Side effects
of aspartame, 3335, 208210
of Azidothymidine (AZT), 9
of drugs, 69
of Eskalith, 8
of isolating active ingredients, 233234
of Paclitaxel, 9, 22
of Prozac, 89
of statin drugs, 4852
of tetracycline, 9
of Valium, 8
of Vioxx, 48
bodily resistance to, 327328
penetration in body, 329330
Simoncini baking soda treatment (cancer), 451
Sine waves
effect on cells, 382
fundamentals of, 329330
Rife Ray and, 86, 87, 114
Single-color therapy, 291295
Singlet oxygen, 246, 249. See also Ozone/ozone therapy
Sinus conditions,
frequencies for, 571572
overview, 570571
ozone and, 251
brushing, 284
cancer of, 285, 287, 454
care products, 653654
disorders of and frequencies for, 577582
importance of touch, 275276
rashes from electrodes, 344345
tags, 582
Skunk odor, removing, 266
Slaughtering techniques, 166
darkness and, 300
deficits, and disease, 71
deprivation, 299300
food/supplements to induce, 300301
herbs to induce, 301
Inclined Bed Therapy (IBT), 301303
mattresses and, 301
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, 39, 299
sleep apnea, 582
sleeping sickness, 562
Slippery elm bark, 235, 269, 446
Small intestine ailments, 492494
Smallpox, 603
Snake oil, vindication of, 56
Sodas, negative effects of, 152153
Sodium. See also Salt
as bicarbonate buffer, 141
rife sessions and, 371
Soft love, 641
Soft lasers, 336, 681682


Soil, depletion and supplements, 237

Solanine (alkaloid), 185
Somatids, defined, 117
Sorbitol, 195, 207208
frequencies, 669
healing with, 684686
dangers of, 186187
as mycoplasma food, 433
Spark gap (rife devices), 342343, 386
Spectro-Chrome Color Therapy, 293295
Spinal taps, dangers of, 12
Spirituality, 616, 643644
Spleen conditions, 526, 574, 583
Splenda, 210211
Squamous cell carcinoma, 454
Square waves, 329330, 381383, 670
St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum), 54, 220, 233234
Stafford, Robert P., 96, 114, 376
Standard of care, 661
Staphylococcus, 487488
Staples, dietary
dairy, 179185
eggs, 177178
fats and oils, 186, 188190
fish and seafood, 178179
fruits, 186
grains, 190195
legumes, 186
poultry, 177
red meat, 177
seeds and nuts, 186
vegetables, 185186
Statin drugs, case against, 4852
Statistics, manipulation of, 1314
Stents, session cautions with, 325
Stenulson, Bruce, 342343, 656
Stepping down higher frequencies, 381
Stevia herb, 211214
Stimulating frequencies, 374
Stomach and esophagus ailments and frequencies for, 494496
Stone, Randolph, 5
Stool softeners, 269
The Story of Ozone (Pressman), 247
Strep throat, 574
Stroke, 510
Structural isomerism, 227
Sub harmonics, 383
Subluxation, defined, 282
Substitution vs. support (drugs/supplements), 58
Sucanat, 203
Sucralose, 210211
Sucrose (table sugar), 202
Sugars. See Sweeteners
antidepressants and, 42, 62
Paxil and, 47
Prozac and, 39, 4142
sunburn/skin cancer/cataracts, 287
therapeutic value of, 284288


ultraviolet light and, 284, 285287
Vitamin D and, 286
Supplemental bovine somatotropin (bST), 33
Supplements, nutritional
campaign against, 5258
enzymes, 243244
food-based vs. synthetic, 236242, 244
glandulars, 240
interaction with herbs and drugs, 5354
need for, 236237
oxygen supplements, 253
purposes of, 238
resources, 652
sleep-inducing food/supplements, 300301
whole food, 239241
Suppression of emotion, 76, 276278
Surge protectors, 363
death from, 13
non-necessity of, 1011
Sustainable, defined, 174
Sutherland, Jeff
desktop calculator for stepping frequencies up or down,
on duty cycle settings, 331
frequency identification method from, 378
frequency identification service, 657
preface, xvii
on treating parasites, 399400
Sweat, 295298
Swedish massage, 279
Sweep function (rife devices), 328, 360361, 362
agave syrup, 205207
aspartame, 3335, 208211
overview of, 195
dangers of, 196202
date sugar, 203
dehydrated sugar cane juice, 203
fructose, 204205
in fruit juice, 154
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 205
honey, 203204
maple syrup, 203
molasses, 202203
in soft drinks, 152153
stevia herb, 211214
sucralose, 210211
sucrose, 202
Vitamin C and, 196
xylitol and other sugar alcohols, 207208
Swimming pools, 246, 253, 271
Swine flu/H1N1, 603
Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system, 546
Syndrome X, 198
Synthesized foods. See Fake food
Synthetic chemicals as food, 214218
Synthetic vs. food-based vitamins, 237242
Syphilis, 528, 610

Tamiflu vaccine, 29, 586
Tapeworm, 560561
Taps (spinal), dangers of, 12
Technical support (frequency devices), 340
Teeth. See Dental issues
Teflon, 229231
Television, effects on health, 4344
Telomeres, 273
Tendon tears, 516
Tennant, Jerry, 483, 676677
Tennant Biomodulator, 358 (photos), 649, 676677
TENS units, 322, 365, 675676
Terminal illness, 619621
healing of, 7779
microbes and, 122
Tesla, Nikola
cold plasma ozone method, 254
ozonated olive oil and, 253
Tests. See also Clinical trials
medical, dangers of, 1112
Tetracycline, 9
Texturized vegetable protein (TVP), 216
Therapies, complementary (alternative), list of, 127129
Thie, John, 378
Third eye, 289
Thirst, diabetes and, 198
Thompson, Verne, 94, 114
Thompson-Liu, Kae, 684685
Thorp, Clark E., 248249
Threadworms, 488, 560
Throat conditions
frequencies for, 572575
overview, 572
Thymus gland
ailments of and frequencies for, 499500
function, 526
Thyroid gland
disorders of and frequencies for, 500504
overview and function, 500
thyroid hormone and heart conditions, 507
Tigchelaar, Michael, 331, 400
Time of day for eating, 161
Timing/regularity of rife sessions, 367
Tinnitus, 475
Toothpaste recipe, 474
The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments (Rosner), 393
importance of, 275276
Touch for Health (Thie), 378
Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin (Montagu),
Tough love, 642
of chemicals, 7172
colloidal silver, propagandized, 262264
of drugs, 78
electromagnetic, 72

elimination through saunas, 297
mold toxins and Lyme, 458459
toxic bodily response, 75
toxins, defined, 7, 71
Toxoplasmosis, 560
Trace minerals, 146, 149, 182, 242, 372
Trans fats (transformed fats), 217218
Transcendental Meditation (TM), 304306, 636638
Transfer factors
definition, 327, 424, 605
for Lyme, 394
source of, 653
Triangular waves, 329330, 382
Trichinosis, 560561
Trigger Point Therapy, 279
Truman, Stanley, 401, 656
The Truth About the Drug Companies (Angell), 26, 30
Tryptophan, 300301
Tube units (rife devices), 332333
overview and frequencies for, 492, 585586
Rifes experience with, 91
Tumors, benign, frequencies for, 587588
Turkey rhubarb root, 446
TV, effects on health, 4344

Ulcers, 494, 538 ,588
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from plasma units, 341
Ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, 284288, 673
Unified Field, 637, 642
Universal Microscope
basics of, xix, 8285
photo of, 101
reception by scientific community, 8384
specimens as seen through, 102 (photos)
Universal solvent, water as, 132
Universities, pharmaceutical industry and, 3032
Unsprayed produce, 172
Upledger, John E., 281
Urethritis, 589590
Uric acid and disease, 75, 504
Urinary tract conditions and frequencies for, 588591
Uzzell, Ken
on fascial response to rifing, 342, 377
on hits while rifing, 368
on Inclined Bed Therapy, 302303
inventor of FREX, 338

bodily waste in, 14
dangerous ingredients of, 14
dangers of altered viruses, 1619
dangers of injections, 1416
doctors and, 18
as foreign substances, 78
frequency for reactions to, 466
liability protection, 16

sanitation and, 13
vaccination resource organizations, 658
vaccine alternatives, 19
vaccine facts, 15
Vaginal infections
frequencies for, 609611
overview, 608609
Valerian, 54
Valium, 8
Van Beveren, A., 1415, 17, 643644
Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS), 380
as dietary staple, 185186
goitrogenous, 185186, 500
heavily sprayed, 164
juicing, 154156
nightshade, 185, 193
Vegetarian fed animals, 173174
Vegetarianism and pregnancy, 222
Vertigo, 592
VIBE machine, 386
Villi, damage to, 191
Vinegar, 226
Vioxx, 4748
Virchow, Rudolph, 79
altered, and disease, 1619
cancer virus and pleomorphism, 8485
carcinoma virus, viewing of, 83
overview and frequencies for, 592604
Vitamin A, 222, 239
Vitamin B5. See Pantothenic acid (B5)
Vitamin B6, 202, 222
Vitamin B7. See Biotin (B7)
Vitamin B12
absorption, 243
Alzheimers and, 222
analogues, 156, 187
friendly flora and, 268
in milk, 182
in vegetarian diets, 222
Vitamin B17 (amygdalin). See Laetrile
Vitamin B-complex
to eliminate argyria, 263
heart attacks and, 507
Vitamin C
for argyria, 263
blood vessels and, 507
complex, 238, 239
Herxheimer reactions and, 372
liposomal, making your own, 396
and salt protocol, 372, 395396
sugar and, 196
Vitamin D
bone formation and, 242
calcium assimilation and, 184
cancer and, 448
influenza treatment and, 600
Marshall Protocol and, 395
parathyroid and, 499



sunlight and, 286
vs. Vitamin F, 287
Vitamin E
alloxan and, 219
for argyria, 263
interactions with medicine, 53
natural vs. synthetic, 239
Vitamin F, 287
Vitamin K, 185, 222
Vitamins, fat-soluble, 242
Vitamins, water-soluble, 242
Vitiligo, 580
Vocal cords
conditions, frequencies for, 575
overview, 574575
VoiceBio assessment, 684686
Voltage, defined, 339

Wade, Gary, 91, 447
Walker, Norman, 269
Walker, Peter, 359, 389390, 403, 657
Warburg, Otto, 447
Warranties on frequency devices, 340
alkaline, 141
clinical trials and, 23
consuming with rife sessions, 131, 321, 325
corporate control of, 625
decontamination, 133
distillation, 139146
drugs in drinking water, 4546
filtering, 137
frequencies applied through, 334
hard vs. soft, 140, 142145
heavy metals in, 134
ionization of, 137139
mineral restoration in, 146
minerals and, 133137
ozonated drinking water, 251
plastic bottles, 145
quantity to drink, 146148
salt and, 149
sources of, 132133
structure of, changing, 147, 638639
summary, 148149
treatment with ozone, 248
unique properties of, 132
water-soluble vitamins, 242
Willard water, 146, 265
Wave shapes/forms, 329331, 383, 669670
Wavelengths. See also Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum,
explained; Electromedicine; Far infrared (FIR) heat therapy;
Light and color therapy
660-nanometer, 335
defined, 668

of lasers and LEDs, 335337, 679683

negative effects of selected (RF), 344
West, Louis, 299
West Nile virus, 604
Wet pads, 334
Wheat. See Gluten, dangers of
Whipworm, 488, 562
White willow bark, 233
Whooping cough, 570
Wildcrafted/wild herbs and food, 171172
Willard water, 146, 265
Wilson, Steve, 33
Witch hazel, 233
Wolfe, Bill, 682683
ailments of and frequencies for, 604611
discrimination against, 11, 660
effect of caffeine on, 150151
World Bank, 624
World Trade Organization (WTO), 624, 628
World Without Cancer (Griffin), 25, 31
Worms, overview and frequencies for, 553562
Wounds (external), and electrodes, 372
Wright, Jonathan V., 8

dangers of, 12
plasma light tube and, 342
Xylitol and other sugar alcohols, 207208

Yale, Arthur W. 90, 96
in gastrointestinal tract, 483484
infection (vaginal), 611
microzyma cycle and, 77
types of, with frequencies, 455462
Yellow Fever, 596597
Your Body Doesnt Lie (Diamond), 378
Your Bodys Many Cries for Water (Batmanghelidj), 147, 198


importance of, 142

interactions with medicine, 54
rife sessions and, 342
Zonulin protein, 191

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