Automated Students Result Management System Using Oracle's Database, Forms and Reports
Automated Students Result Management System Using Oracle's Database, Forms and Reports
Automated Students Result Management System Using Oracle's Database, Forms and Reports
Eludire (2011) noted that the data generated by organizations are usually created in files for use by different
departments/units within the organization. If the data contained in these files are not carefully delineated it is
very likely that the same data will appear on several of these files. That is these files would contain redundant
data for example the University registry file and college or department file would contain the name and address
of a student. This would mean that a simple change of address has to be processed in two and probably three or
four places, depending on the number of other files on which these data appears. This results in data redundancy.
Vecchioli (1999) noted that organizing and managing student records into a cohesive and efficient system might
seem like an impossible task. This study was carried out to verify the manual process involved in generating
students examination result and to seek a way of automating the system for effective operations. It is pointed out
in the research work Student Examination Result Processing System (2012) that the effort expended in the
process of registration of students and computation of their examination results is enormous. Hence, the need to
evolve a computerized process that will effectively and efficiently capture all the important data associated with
the registration and examination result processing within the University.
Barrett (1999) notes that in an effort to efficiently document and maintain accountability data, schools are
relying more on technology in the form of Student Management Information Systems (SMIS). This system is
designed to efficiently handle processes like inputting scores, storing results, automatically calculating grade
points, and interpreting the students overall result. The usual manual process has now reached a level where it is
difficult for the available man power to cope with the magnitude of examination work, in the given time. The
imbalance between man power availability and the magnitude of work to be done in processing examination
results, leads to the delay in the declaration of examination results. An effective measure, which can improve the
efficiency of the examination result processing is therefore the introduction of computerization, especially with
the use of examinations result processing software. Computerized relational database systems (RDBMS) like
Oracle database, Microsoft SQL server, MySQL etc. were developed with goal of reducing data redundancy.
Brian (2009) stated that databases are collections of interrelated data of such a nature that the collections can be
represented as a number of files but not a single file. Garcia-Molina et al. (2008) also stated that depending on
the Database Management System (DBMS) used, these files may be integrated permanently into a single
connected structure or integrated temporarily for each interrogation, known as a query. Nearly all departments
within an organization require data to be processed into information in a timely manner. Timely information
processing and dissemination leads to efficiency and customer satisfaction. Schools are organizations as well and
timely information processing and dissemination is needed to run a school efficiently. Many schools have their
own system to manage students profile and assessments. Common practice as earlier stated is by recording the
student information in a record book(s). Students information is obtained from the registration forms obtained
from the practices that have always been used. This practice has some weaknesses such as it takes a longer time
to search the students profile, the possibility of misplacing these record books and the vulnerability of students
record as the records could be accessed by unauthorized persons. Eludire (2011) stated that other problems
associated with manual course system management include; improper registration, late release of students
results, Inaccuracy due to manual and tedious calculation, Retrieval difficulties/inefficiency. It is unfortunate that
most educational institutions in the developing world still operate the manual methods of record keeping and
computation. Although the manual methods still works, it is prone to errors. Automation of school
administration processes should be encouraged computers can be used for this automation process and
processing students results can be done quickly and efficiently to the satisfaction of the students, lecturers,
parents and school authority.
My research focuses on the design and implementation of an application where student results can be stored,
users can access this software from anywhere as long as the computer they are working on is on the network
same as the application server. This application enables users with the right permission to insert new user details,
students examination records as well as updated these records whenever necessary. The tools which I used in
designing this application is oracles database for keeping the records (data), oracle forms for creating the user
interface and oracle reports for presenting information to the user. This research seeks to provide an alternative
to the manual system of presenting results to students
1.1 literature review.
Information systems used to manage student data have been referred to in various ways: Student Information
Systems (SIS), Student Management Information Systems (SMIS), Student Data Systems (SDS), Student Data
Warehouse (SDW), Student Academic Information Systems (SAIS), or Student Information Management
Systems (SIMS), (Ngoma, 2009). Barrett (1999) encapsulates the essence of a student information system. He
defines SMIS as an integrated software package that maintains, supports, and provides inquiry, analysis, and
communication tools that organize student accountability data into information to support the educational
process (p. 4). A result management system (RMS) is only an aspect of a complete SIS package. The U.S.
Department of Education (2008) views student data systems as encompassing hardware and software that
provide many different functions to users, such as storing current and historical data, rapidly organizing and
analyzing data, and developing presentation formats or reporting interfaces(p. 2). My aim is to design and
implement a Universitys RMS, this system will have the capability of storing current and historical data,
organize and analyze this data as required and the software will have the ability to be integrated with other SIS
packages if the need arises.
1.2 Historical Perspective.
In the Early 1970s the first automated Integrated Student Information System using punch card input is
In 1984 Punch-card system replaced by a database system on an Intercom platform. In 1988 Intercom system
replaced by an Integrated Database Management System (IDMS) database system. An IDMS is primarily a
network database management system for mainframe computers, (Wikipedia, 2014).
1988 through to 2005 IDMS systems were continually enhanced and modified to meet new requirements and
changing technology using the Internet, hundreds of interfaces have been built and extracts created to service a
large number of independent systems across colleges and campus, (North Carolina State University, 2006).
1.3 Theoretical framework
Emmanuel and Choji (2012) stated that the introduction of computer into information technology has massively
improved the information need of organizations. Anigbogu (2000) defined a computer as an electronic device
capable of accepting data and instructions, processing the data based on the instructions to generate results or
output in such a manner that is yet to be equaled by any other known machine to mankind. Since the computer is
capable of accepting data and instructions, store this data and often time this instructions and then generate an
output, it is therefore necessary that we harness this quality and use it to our advantage. The process of school
administration and in this case result processing is as already stated a time consuming and strenuous exercise
prone to errors, if done manually, hence the need for us to seek out ways to lift this burden from the individuals
involved in this exercise. Obiniyi and Ezugwu (2010) observed that Student enrolment in tertiary institutions is
increasing at a very alarming rate. The increase in students population over the years has made the work of
administrative officer in charge of processing students result a very tiresome exercise to deal with. The rise in
the number of students in schools today has made it imperative that we continue to seek out the best and most
efficient ways to handle schools and school administration. Mohini and Amar (2011) indicated that Publication
of students results in the manual system takes a very long time owing to which students remain idle for months
together. Sometimes the delay in declaration of result cause heavy losses to the students as generally they cannot
join further studies or appear in competitive exams or join jobs because of the nonavailability of examination
result in time. Nmaju et al. (2013) also observed that many higher institutions in Nigeria still adopt the manual
method of managing students data which is time consuming and demanding, and are often prone to a variety of
errors and disasters. Hence, it brings to the fore the need to properly address how these shortcomings could be
resolved and improved. They further stated that the solution to these shortcomings lies in an efficient information
management system, or simply, information system. Okonigene et al. (2008) further stated that, with the use of
computers for information processing, the following are possible: instant access to students personal and course
information, instant student information updating, automatic computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA),
generation of the graduating students list, monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date record of the entire
student body in the University, storing course information such as course code, course description, course unit,
and scores for the purpose of GPA computation, and producing user friendly data entry screens for ease of use.
There exist several programming Languages, programming packages and database management systems that can
be used to develop a result processing software. Java is a programming language used to build programs that can
work on stand-alone computers and on the internet, its primary features are that it is object-oriented and a cross
platform language. By cross platform, I means that the programs can run across several platforms such as
Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, and Linux etc. Oracles Procedural Language/Structured Query
Language (PL/SQL) is the choice of programing language used in the development of this application, because
its Oracle Corporation's procedural extension language for SQL and the Oracle relational database. PL/SQL's
general syntax resembles that of Pascal. It is also one of three key programming languages embedded in the
Oracle Database, along with SQL itself and Java. PL/SQL supports variables, conditions, loops and exceptions.
Arrays are also supported, though PL/SQL collections. Implementations from version 8 of Oracle Database
onwards have included features associated with object-orientation. Once the program units have been stored into
the database, they become available for execution at a later time.
1.4 Materials and Methods
Hardware requirements;
HP Proliant Micro Server with 6GB Memory, Processor speed of 1.5GHz, 250GB HDD and 1Gbps NIC.
Client computer with 2GB Memory, Processor speed of 2.5GHz, 250GB HDD and 100Mbps NIC.
A Network Switch.
Software Requirements;
to the Waterfall software life-cycle model as a traditional model because it was the first widely used software
development life cycle. They stated that it is part of Structured Software Engineering or the Structured Paradigm,
which is the older of the two earliest approaches to formal software engineering. I will also acknowledge that at
every stage of the development, improvements were made based upon the tests I carried out on the application
being developed, until I got my expected outcome. This research is about gathering students results to a
centralized location for users of the application to have access to. Hence in trying to address the identified
problems, as well as the deficiencies in the existing manual methods of students results management, I
interviewed stakeholders at the Nasarawa State University Keffi (NSUK), surveyed and analyzed the different
academic documents in use in the school, reviewed best practice literature regarding information technology
projects, I reviewed other Students Information Management Systems (SIMS) to gain in-depth understanding of
what my system should look like, I also collected comprehensive academic records from the Physics
Department, Nasarawa State University Keffi (NSUK) which I used for testing the system. This application must
be accessible to users from anywhere on campus so I had to make use of what I will classify as design models. I
made use of two levels of system design models. The first model is the logical model and the second model is
the physical model.
The logical model is about the database tables, data within these tables and the relationship between the tables
that make up the application. They logical model identifies entities (i.e. data), and what these entities are, can be
shown in a normalized and fully attributed entity-relationship diagram (ERD) representing the data model. An
entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of the
entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system, (Searchcrm, 2014). The entities
identified in my design are; faculties, departments, students, users, academic sessions, students registration and
academic courses registration. I will be going through these in details in chapter four of this dissertation.
The second model, physical model, and defines how the system is physically and technically implemented. The
output of the physical modeling is the database model. The database model contains the database table which
holds the data as described in the logical model, it also contains the physical datafiles in which the database
tables together with their data will be stored. I will be designing an application software utilizing oracles
database, forms and reports. This application will run on a server (computer) with network connectivity to the
client systems. It is recommended that both the application server and database server be on separate computers,
but because of the cost implication we will run both applications on the same computer, which is also fine. A
local area network (LAN) or intranet for this research will be set up for connectivity between the application
server, database server and client computers. Data will be stored in database tables, users will be able to key in
data to tables though forms which have been designed for this purpose, these forms will be the interface between
users and the database. These forms will run in web browsers, preferably internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
Users will be authenticated at the Welcome and Login pages before they can interact with the application and
database, therefore usernames and passwords will be required from users at the point of login, once successfully
authenticated by the system at login, users are re-directed to the appropriate page, depending on their system
defined privileges, where they can perform whatever actions their user privilege is entitled to perform. Student
records from the manual process already in use will be utilized in order to obtain data for testing the application.
This table holds the profile information of the application super users otherwise known as system
administrators. They have control of the software meaning that they can perform additional tasks that
other users cannot ordinarily perform. Every software of this nature has such users and this one is no
exception. The table contains the following columns; ADMIN_ID, TITLE, FRIST_NAME,
LAST_NAME, and DEPARMENT_ID. The column ADMIN_ID is the primary key column (primary
key disallows duplicate values and nulls in a column) every table should have a primary key column,
as this acts like table indexing.
This table keeps the courses offered by students in different departments in the school. The table
contains the following columns; COURCE_ID, COURCE_TITLE, and COURCE_CODE. The
COURCE_ID is the primary key column.
This table contains application login details for application lecturers. The table columns are;
USRNAME, PASSWD and LECTURER_ID. The column LECTURER_ID is the primary key
This table contains application login details for application students. The table columns are;
USRNAME, PASSWD and MATRIG_NO. The column MATRIG_NO is the primary key column.
This table holds the profile information of the application students. The table contains the following
column MATRIG_NO is the primary key column.
Application forms
Welcome Screen
To access the application a web browser (internet explorer, Mozilla etc.) short cut with the address of
the application server will be placed on the desktop of all computers (computers to access the
application have to be on the same network with the application server) that will be accessing the
software for easy access to the application. Upon double clicking this short cut the welcome page will
be displayed.
Result Screen
Once a student logs in he or she is presented with the result screen where the student result can be accessed as
shown in figure 4.5
Fig. 3
management system in schools. This is opposed to the manual method, which is stressful, time consuming prone
to mistakes due to excessive dependence on the human element involved.
Having highlighted the usefulness of a computer based students result management system to schools, I
recommend the following to be implemented in schools;
They should computerize all the department of the school, to ensure easy flow of information in the
They should ensure that all the staff of the user department are adequately trained to ensure smooth
implementation of the new system.
Even after computerization of the whole department, they must ensure that all the system are linked to one
central local network, protected with high security measures
Sample student result
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