Complex Permittivity
Complex Permittivity
Complex Permittivity
D0 and E0 are the amplitudes of the displacement and electrical
fields, respectively,
i is the imaginary unit, i2 = 1.
The response of a medium to static electric fields is described
by the low-frequency limit of permittivity, also called the static
permittivity s (also DC ):
At the high-frequency limit, the complex permittivity is
commonly referred to as . At the plasma frequency and
above, dielectrics behave as ideal metals, with electron gas
behavior. The static permittivity is a good approximation for
alternating fields of low frequencies, and as the frequency
increases a measurable phase difference emerges
between D and E. The frequency at which the phase shift
becomes noticeable depends on temperature and the details
of the medium. For moderate fields strength
(E0), D and E remain proportional, and
is the real part of the permittivity, which is related to the stored
energy within the medium;
is the imaginary part of the permittivity, which is related to the
dissipation (or loss) of energy within the medium.
It is important to realize that the choice of sign for timedependence, exp(-it), dictates the sign convention for the
imaginary part of permittivity. The signs used here correspond to
those commonly used in physics, whereas for the engineering
convention one should reverse all imaginary quantities.
The complex permittivity is usually a complicated function of
frequency , since it is a superimposed description of dispersion
phenomena occurring at multiple frequencies. The dielectric
function () must have poles only for frequencies with positive
imaginary parts, and therefore satisfies the KramersKronig
relations. However, in the narrow frequency ranges that are often
studied in practice, the permittivity can be approximated as
frequency-independent or by model functions.
At a given frequency, the imaginary part of leads to absorption
loss if it is positive (in the above sign convention) and gain if it is
negative. More generally, the imaginary parts of the eigen
values of the anisotropic dielectric tensor should be considered.
In the case of solids, the complex dielectric function is intimately
connected to band structure. The primary quantity that
characterizes the electronic structure of any crystalline material is
the probability of photon absorption, which is directly related to
the imaginary part of the optical dielectric function (). The
optical dielectric function is given by the fundamental expression:
Current conduction
Field propagation
perfect dielectric
lossless medium
low-conductivity material
poor conductor
low-loss medium
good dielectric
high-conductivity material
good conductor
high-loss medium
poor dielectric
perfect conductor
Lossy medium
In the case of lossy medium, i.e. when the conduction current is
not negligible, the total current density flowing is:
many polymer films, the resulting voltage may be less than 1-2%
of the original voltage. However, it can be as much as 15 - 25% in
the case of electrolytic capacitors or supercapacitors.
Quantum-mechanical interpretation
In terms of quantum mechanics, permittivity is explained
by atomic and molecular interactions.
At low frequencies, molecules in polar dielectrics are polarized by
an applied electric field, which induces periodic rotations. For
example, at the microwave frequency, the microwave field causes
the periodic rotation of water molecules, sufficient to
breakhydrogen bonds. The field does work against the bonds and
the energy is absorbed by the material as heat. This is why
microwave ovens work very well for materials containing water.
There are two maxima of the imaginary component (the absorptive
index) of water, one at the microwave frequency, and the other at
far ultraviolet (UV) frequency. Both of these resonances are at
higher frequencies than the operating frequency of microwave
At moderate frequencies, the energy is too high to cause rotation,
yet too low to affect electrons directly, and is absorbed in the form
of resonant molecular vibrations. In water, this is where the
absorptive index starts to drop sharply, and the minimum of the
imaginary permittivity is at the frequency of blue light (optical
At high frequencies (such as UV and above), molecules cannot
relax, and the energy is purely absorbed by atoms,
excitingelectron energy levels. Thus, these frequencies are
classified as ionizing radiation.
While carrying out a complete ab initio (that is, first-principles)
modelling is now computationally possible, it has not been widely
applied yet. Thus, a phenomenological model is accepted as being
an adequate method of capturing experimental behaviors.
The Debye model and the Lorentz model use a 1st-order and 2nd-
measure the complex refractive index for very thin films at optical
1 Terminology
2 Electric susceptibility
4 Dielectric dispersion
5 Dielectric relaxation
6 Paraelectricity
7 Tunability
8 Applications
8.1 Capacitors
10 See also
11 References
12 Further reading
13 External links
While the term insulator implies low electrical
conduction, dielectric typically means materials with a
high polarizability. The latter is expressed by a number called
the relative permittivity (also known in older texts as dielectric
constant). The term insulator is generally used to indicate
electrical obstruction while the term dielectric is used to indicate
the energy storing capacity of the material (by means of
polarization). A common example of a dielectric is the electrically
insulating material between the metallic plates of a capacitor. The
polarization of the dielectric by the applied electric field increases
the capacitor's surface charge for the given electric field strength.
The term "dielectric" was coined by William Whewell (from "diaelectric") in response to a request from Michael Faraday.[3]
A perfect dielectric is a material with zero electrical conductivity.
(cf. perfect conductor),[5] thus exhibiting only a displacement
When both the type of electric field and the type of material
have been defined, one then chooses the simplest
function F that correctly predicts the phenomena of interest.
Examples of phenomena that can be so modeled include:
Refractive index
Group velocity dispersion
Harmonic generation
Dipolar polarization[edit]
Dipolar polarization is a polarization that is either inherent
to polar molecules (orientation polarization), or can be
induced in any molecule in which the asymmetric distortion
of the nuclei is possible (distortion polarization).
Orientation polarization results from a permanent dipole,
e.g., that arising from the 104.45 angle between the
asymmetric bonds between oxygen and hydrogen atoms in
the water molecule, which retains polarization in the absence
of an external electric field. The assembly of these dipoles
forms a macroscopic polarization.
When an external electric field is applied, the distance
between charges within each permanent dipole, which is
related to chemical bonding, remains constant in orientation
polarization; however, the direction of polarization itself
rotates. This rotation occurs on a timescale that depends on
the resonance or oscillator type. The character of the
distortion process depends on the structure, composition,
and surroundings of the sample.
The number of possible wavelengths of emitted radiation
due to dielectric relaxation can be computed using
Hemmings' first law (named after Mark Hemmings)
n is the number of different possible wavelengths of emitted
is the number of energy levels (including ground level).
Debye relaxation[edit]
Debye relaxation is the dielectric relaxation response of an
ideal, noninteracting population of dipoles to an alternating
external electric field. It is usually expressed in the complex
permittivity of a medium as a function of the
field's frequency :
is the permittivity at the high frequency
where is the static, low frequency
permittivity, and is the characteristic relaxation time of the
Paraelectricity is the ability of many materials (specifically
ceramic crystals) to become polarized under an
applied electric field. Unlikeferroelectricity, this can happen
even if there is no permanent electric dipole that exists in the
material, and removal of the fields results in
thepolarization in the material returning to zero.[7] The
mechanisms that cause paraelectric behaviour are the
distortion of individual ions(displacement of the electron
cloud from the nucleus) and polarization of molecules or
combinations of ions or defects.
in crystal phases
where electric dipoles are
domains that are electrically charged) and thus have the
potential to align in an external electric field and strengthen
it. In comparison to the ferroelectric phase, the domains are
unordered and the internal field is weak.
as Ba
3 have a paraelectricferroelectric transition just below
ambient temperature, providing high tunability. Such films
suffer significant losses arising from defects.Here we report
the experimental realization of a highly tunable ground state
arising from the emergence of a local ferroelectric instability
in biaxially strained Srn+1TinO3n+1 phases with n 3 at
frequencies up to 125 GHz. In contrast to traditional methods
of modifying ferroelectrics doping or strain in this
unique system an increase in the separation between the
(SrO)2 planes, which can be achieved by changing n,
bolsters the local ferroelectric instability. This new control
parameter, n, can be exploited to achieve a figure of merit at
room temperature that rivals all known tunable microwave
Main article: Capacitor
ColeCole equation
The ColeCole equation is a relaxation model that is often used
to describe dielectric relaxation in polymers.
It is given by the equation
Cole-Cole relaxation constitutes a special case of HavriliakNegami relaxation when the symmetry parameter () is equal
to 1 - that is, when the relaxation peaks are symmetric. Another
special case of Havriliak-Negami relaxation (<1, =0) is
known as Cole-Davidson relaxation, for an abridged and
updated review of anomalous dielectric relaxation in dissored
systems see Kalmykov.
Electrical impedance
Ohm's law[edit]
Noting that this must hold for all , we may equate the
magnitudes and phases to obtain
Main article: Phasor (electronics)
A phasor is a constant complex number, usually expressed
in exponential form, representing the complex amplitude
(magnitude and phase) of a sinusoidal function of time.
Phasors are used by electrical engineers to simplify
computations involving sinusoids, where they can often
reduce a differential equation problem to an algebraic one.
The impedance of a circuit element can be defined as the
ratio of the phasor voltage across the element to the phasor
current through the element, as determined by the relative
amplitudes and phases of the voltage and current. This is
identical to the definition from Ohm's lawgiven above,
recognising that the factors of
Device examples[edit]
Note the following identities for the imaginary unit and its
it follows that
For a capacitor, there is the relation:
it follows that
And thus
For the inductor, we have the relation:
it follows that:
And thus:
Impedance expression
Resistance vs reactance[edit]
Resistance and reactance together determine the magnitude and
phase of the impedance through the following relations:
Main article: Electrical reactance
Reactance is the imaginary part of the impedance; a
component with a finite reactance induces a phase shift
between the voltage across it and the current through it.
Inductive reactance
is proportional to the
signal frequency and the inductance .
Combining impedances[edit]
Parallel combination[edit]
For components connected in parallel, the voltage across
each circuit element is the same; the ratio of currents
through any two elements is the inverse ratio of their
or, when n = 2:
The measurement of the impedance of devices and
transmission lines is a practical problem in radio technology
and others. Measurements of impedance may be carried out
at one frequency, or the variation of device impedance over
a range of frequencies may be of interest. The impedance
may be measured or displayed directly in ohms, or other
Displacement current
In electromagnetism, displacement
current is
appearing in Maxwell's equations that is defined in terms of the
rate of change of electric displacement field. Displacement current
has the units of electric current density, and it has an
associated magnetic field just as actual currents do. However it is
not an electric current of moving charges, but a timevarying electric field. In materials, there is also a contribution from
the slight motion of charges bound in atoms, dielectric
The idea was conceived by James Clerk Maxwell in his 1861
paper On Physical Lines of Force, Part III in connection with the
displacement of electric particles in a dielectric medium. Maxwell
added displacement current to the electric current term
in Ampre's Circuital Law. In his 1865 paper A Dynamical Theory
of the Electromagnetic Field Maxwell used this amended version
of Ampre's Circuital Law to derive the electromagnetic wave
0 is the permittivity of free space
E is the electric field intensity
P is the polarization of the medium
Differentiating this equation with respect to time defines the displacement current
density, which therefore has two components in adielectric:[1]
Some implications of the displacement current follow, which agree
with experimental observation, and with the requirements of
logical consistency for the theory of electromagnetism.
Generalizing Ampre's circuital law[edit]
Current in capacitors[edit]
An example illustrating the need for the displacement current
arises in connection with capacitors with no medium between the
plates. Consider the charging capacitor in the figure. The
capacitor is in a circuit that transfers charge (on a wire external to
the capacitor) from the left plate to the right plate, charging the
capacitor and increasing the electric field between its plates. The
same current enters the right plate (say I ) as leaves the left plate.
Although current is flowing through the capacitor, no actual
charge is transported through the vacuum between its plates.
Nonetheless, a magnetic field exists between the plates as
though a current were present there as well. The explanation is
where the left side is the divergence of the free current density
and the right side is the rate of decrease of the free charge
density. However,Ampre's law in its original form states:
Wave propagation[edit]
The added displacement current also leads to wave
propagation by taking the curl of the equation for
magnetic field.[8]
where use is made of the vector identity that holds for any
vector field V(r, t):
and the fact that the divergence of the magnetic field is zero.
An identical wave equation can be found for the electric field
by taking the curl: