United States and New York Bribery Complaints Against Trump

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TELEPHONE: (617) 566-3670

FACSIMILE: (617) 507-6435

June 29, 2016

Honorable Robert L. Capers, U. S. Attorney
for the Eastern District of New York
Office of the United State Attorney
Department of Justice
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, New York 11201

Honorable Christopher P. Canova, Acting

U. S. Attorney For Northern Dist. of Florida
Tallahassee Headquarters
111 North Adams Street
4th Floor, U.S. Courthouse
Tallahassee, Florida 32301

In The Matter Of: Donald J. Trump and Pamela Jo Bondi

Dear U. S. Attorney Capers and Acting U.S. Attorney Canova:

Enclosed please find two complaints, one for each of your districts, concerning Donald J.
Trump and Pamela Jo Bondi. These matters concern events that occurred in both Tallahassee
Florida and New York City. They also concern residents of Florida and New York.
Duplicates of these complaints are being served on Mr. Raymond Hulser, Chief of the
Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice.
Thank you for your time and consideration of these matters.
Very truly yours,

J. Whitfield Larrabee

Raymond Hulser, Esq.

Chief, Public Integrity Section
Department of Justice, Criminal Division
Bond Building, 12th Floor
1400 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005








This is a complaint for violations of federal anti-bribery laws and federal laws prohibiting
mail fraud, wire fraud, and criminal conspiracy. This complaint is urgent because it
concerns the corruption of an elected and presently serving state Attorney General by an
individual who is expected to represent the Republican Party as its candidate for
President of the United States. Corruption of this nature interferes with the functioning of
the governments of Florida and of the United States and undermines the publics
confidence in our democratic institutions.


Complainant, J. Whitfield Larrabee (hereinafter Larrabee), is a resident of

Massachusetts and is a licensed attorney.


Respondent Donald J. Trump (hereinafter Trump) is a resident of New York. He is and

was President of The Donald J. Trump Foundation (hereinafter the Trump Foundation)
at all relevant times.


Respondent Pamela Jo Bondi (Bondi) is a resident of Florida. Bondi is a graduate of

Stetson University Law School and is licensed to practice law in the State of Florida. She
is presently the Florida Attorney General. She was the Florida Attorney General at all
times relevant to this complaint.


The Trump foundation is a New York corporation, charity and non-profit with section
501(c)(3) status.


Federal jurisdiction in this case is based on evidence that Trump and Bondi participated
in a bribery scheme in New York and Florida that crossed state lines, violated federal
laws concerning tax exempt charitable organizations, and required the use of interstate
telephone, mail, internet and banking facilities. There is probable cause to find that
Trump and Bondi used the mail, telephone, internet and other interstate facilities with the
intent to give and receive a bribe in violation of The Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. 371 &
1952. There is also probable cause to find that Trump and Bondi engaged in mail fraud,
wire fraud and conspiracy by carrying out a bribery scheme in which they knowingly,
wilfully and with specific intent conspired to and actually did deprive Bondis
constituents of her honest services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341, 1343, and 1346.


There is probable cause to establish that on September 17, 2013, Donald Trump bribed
Pamela Bondi, the Florida Attorney General, in violation of Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of
the New York Penal Code, which prohibit the bribery of public servants, by his giving
and her receiving of a bribe valued at over $10,000.1


According to Bondis political consultant Marc Reichelderfer, several weeks prior to

September 13, 2013, Bondi spoke to Trump and personally solicited a campaign
contribution from him.2 It is very likely that this solicitation used the interstate telephone
system. At the time Bondi solicited this campaign contribution, numerous complaints
against Trump University and Trump Institute had been filed and were under review by
the Florida Attorney Generals office.


On September 13, 2013, the Orlando Sun Sentinel reported that a spokesman at the office
of the Attorney General of Florida announced that it was conducting a review of the
allegations in a New York lawsuit against Trump University.3 At the time of the review,
more than 20 Florida residents had filed complaints, alleging fraud and other unfair

Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal Code are set forth in Exhibit A.

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016,

Burnett, Richard, N.Y.s Trump U Suit Draws Florida Officials Attention, Orlando
Sentinel, September 13, 2013,

business practices, with the Attorney Generals office against Trump University and the
Trump Institute. Trump actively participated in promoting these businesses, he had a
financial interest in each of these ventures, and it was in his financial and legal interest
that the Florida Attorney General refrain from joining in or bringing litigation against,
Trump, Trump University and the Trump Institute.

In addition to the complaints against Trump University and the Trump Institute that were
filed with the Florida Attorney Generals office, both before and after Bondi was elected,
it very likely that numerous other Florida residents were aggrieved by Trump University
or the Trump Institute but failed to file complaints with the Attorney Generals Office.


On September 17, 2013, a political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice
for All, reported receiving a $25,000 contribution from the Trump Foundation.4


On or before October 17, 2013, Jeane Meale, a spokeswoman for Bondi, indicated that
Bondi's office would take no action against Trump University.5 Although her office
conducted very little if any investigation of the complaints against Trump University and
the Trump Institute, Bondi in fact elected not to join in New York litigation against
Trump University, and her office made no further effort to initiate litigation against
Trump University or the Trump Institute.6


Although there was sufficient evidence to bring litigation against Trump University and
the Trump institute, to date Bondi has not initiated any litigation on behalf of the
numerous Florida residents who filed complaints with the Florida Attorney Generals

In transferring $25,000 to the political committee supporting Bondi, it is very likely that
the funds were transferred by the mails, and, through the use of interstate banking facilities,
touched upon the interstate system of wires and fiber optic cables. In the unlikely event that the
transfer of funds was made in cash and in person, it would require at least one of the parties to
travel across state lines, an alternative basis to establish a violation of The Travel Act.

Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016
Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013


Evidence strongly indicates that Bondis decision not to initiate or participate in litigation
against Trump University was given in exchange for Trumps contribution based on the
short time period between the receipt of the political contribution and the announcement
of Bondis decision not to participate in the New York litigation. No more than 30 days
after the $25,000 payment was made, Bondis spokeswoman announced that Bondi would
take no action against Trump University and its affiliates. The timing of these events is
substantial evidence of a quid pro quo in which Trump gave money to a political
committee supporting Bondis in exchange for Bondis agreement not to take any action
against Trump University.


Due to the obvious conflict of interest, it was dishonest, unethical and unlawful for Bondi
to solicit and accept a political campaign donation from Donald Trump at a time when the
Florida Attorney Generals office was considering litigation against Trump University
and had received numerous complaints against Trump University and its affiliates. Based
on Bondis legal knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that she knowingly
and intentionally disregarded this conflict of interest. Bondis action in disregarding the
conflict of interest is substantial evidence of her corrupt motives and intentions in
soliciting and accepting the $25,000 contribution from Trump.


Trump has publicly declared that he gives political contributions to elected officials in
exchange for political favors. On July 16, 2016, while campaigning in Laconia, New
Hampshire, Trump spoke about Jeb Bushs fundraising. He stated: "He raises 100
million, so what does 100 million mean? 100 million means he's doing favors for so
many people, it means lobbyists, it means special interests, it means donors...Who knows
it better than me? I give to everybody. They do whatever I want. It's true."7 On January 9,
2016, at a campaign rally in Clear Lake Iowa, which was broadcast on C-SPAN, Trump
boasted: You know, it's interesting. I was looking at the ones I'm running against. I've
contributed to most of them -- can you believe it? I've contributed to most of them. And
one of them said, No, I don't think you've contributed to me. They found out I did. I
contribute to everybody. I've given to Democrats. I've given to Hillary. I've given to
everybody, because that was my job. I've got to give to them. because when I want
something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It's true. They kiss my ass. It's true.8
Trumps public statements are compelling evidence of his corrupt motivations and

Spodak, Cassie, Trump says Bushs fundraising means hes doing favors, CNN
Politics, July 17, 2015,

C-SPAN broadcast, January 9, 2016, Campaign Rally in Clear Lake Iowa,

York, Byron, Trump on buying politicians, When I call, they kiss my ass, Washington
Examiner, January 10, 2016, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-on-buying-politicianswhen-i-call-they-kiss-my-ass/article/2580063


In 2010, Richard Berlin, an Assistant Attorney General with the Texas Consumer
Protection Division requested permission to file a lawsuit against Trump University,
Trump and his business partners seeking more than $5.4 million in penalties and
restitution related to fraud and deceptive business practices. The suit was dropped by the
office of Texas Attorney General Gregory Abbott. Former Texas Deputy Chief of
Consumer Protection John Owens said the case was strong and had been dropped for
political reasons. In 2013, Trump contributed $35,000 to Attorney General Abbott in his
campaign to be Governor of Texas. Gregory Abbott is presently the Governor of Texas.
Trump has engaged in a pattern of corrupt influence peddling.


Under the laws of the United States and Florida, it is unlawful for a charitable foundation
to contribute funds to a political action committee, and it is unlawful for a political action
committee to accept such a contribution.9


As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Trump Foundation is strictly prohibited from making

financial or in-kind political contributions. Notwithstanding this prohibition, Trump
arranged for the Trump Foundation to make a $25,000 contribution to a political
committee supporting Bondi. The Committee, with Bondis knowledge and agreement,
accepted this donation.10


Based on Bondis legal knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that Bondi
knew that the contribution from the Trump Foundation was unlawful. Because Trump
was the manager and President of the Trump Foundation, he had a fiduciary duty not to
use the funds of the foundation for non-charitable purposes. Furthermore, as a seasoned
manager of the foundation, it is also very likely that Trump knew that this contribution
was illegal. Trumps and Bondis participation in this illegal transaction is strong
evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.

26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) provides that charitable foundations may not participate in, or
intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on
behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.
Florida Statute ch. 106.08, 5(a)(b), provides that: Candidates, political committees,
affiliated party committees, and political parties may not solicit contributions from any religious,
charitable, civic, or other causes or organizations established primarily for the public good.

Only in 2016, years after accepting the contribution, did Bondi offer to return the
illegal donation to the Trump Foundation, and this only occurred after negative media publicity
concerning the improper transaction. And Justice For All offered to return, but never actually
returned, funds to the Trump Foundation.


There is also probable cause to find that Trump has misappropriated funds of the Trump
Foundation and that Bondi has illegally received, possessed and spent these
misappropriated funds.


Based on admissions of Trump and Bondi, as well as the 2013 990-PF information form
filed by the Trump Foundation with the Internal Revenue Service, it is established that
$25,000 in charitable funds from the Trump Foundation were paid to a political
committee supporting Bondi (the 2013 990-PF incorrectly identified a non-profit with a
similar name the recipient of the gift.) The false 990-PF appears to have been filed
electronically by wire.


After the illegal contribution was discovered and publicly disclosed in the news media in
March of 2016, Bondis accountant announced that she had sent a check to the Trump
Foundation to repay the funds. However, the Trump Foundation reported that it voided
the check and did not accept the return of the funds.


Bondi violated New York law by spending and retaining funds received from the Trump


Trumps and Bondis misappropriation and conversion of the charitable funds of the
Trump Foundation are evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.11


There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Trump has committed tax fraud in violation
of the laws of the United States in connection with his use of funds from the Trump
Foundation. Funds contributed to charitable foundations are tax deductible. If Trump
has deducted contributions to the Trump Foundation that were merely reimbursement of
the illegal contribution to And Justice For All, then that deduction was fraudulent. In
order to determine whether Donald Trump engaged in tax fraud, it is necessary to view
the income tax returns of Trump and the Trump Organization. These tax returns have not
been made public. If Trump engaged in tax fraud in connection with contributions to the
Trump Foundation, or in connection with political contributions made by the Trump
Foundation, then it is more likely that Trumps support for Bondi was corruptly


Trump asserts that in 2016 he gave $25,000 to the Trump Foundation to correct the
error he previously made in giving $25,000 in Trump Foundation money to the political
committee called And Justice for All. Fahrenthold, David, Trump camp says $25,000 charity
contribution to Florida AG was a mistake, Washington Post, March 22, 2016; Steve Bosquet,
Times Herald Tallahassee Bureau, June 8, 2016, http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzzflorida-politics/bondis-25000-trump-check-draws-ethics-and-bar-complaints/2280809


On June 12, 2016, Florida Governor Richard Scott (hereinafter Scott) said that he
would not call for an independent investigation of the Trump Foundations $25,000
contribution to the political committee supporting Bondi.12 Common Cause of Florida,
elected officials, the editorial boards of leading Florida newspapers, and Larrabee have
requested Scott to appoint an independent investigator. However, Trump and Bondi are
shielded from criminal investigation in Florida, unless there is a federal intervention,
because Bondi is the highest law enforcement officer in Florida, and both she and Trump
enjoy the protection of Scott. Bondi is a campaign surrogate for Trump.13 Scott has
endorsed and campaigned on behalf of Trump. The Tampa Bay Times reported that
Trump has contributed at least $100,000 to Scotts political committee. The extremely
close political connections between Trump, Bondi and Scott create a conflict of interest
and make it extremely unlikely that Florida law enforcement officials can or will conduct
an independent and impartial inquiry. It is likely that Trump and Bondi violated the
United States anti-bribery laws in both Florida and New York. Therefore, it is necessary
and appropriate for United States officials to initiate a criminal investigation and to bring
criminal charges against Trump and Bondi.
WHEREFORE, the complainant demands:



a full, fair and impartial investigation;

presentation of the relevant evidence to a federal grand jury:
indictments against Trump and Bondi based on their use of the mail, telephone
and other interstate facilities with the intent to give and receive a bribe in violation
of The Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. 371 & 1952;
indictments against Trump and Bondi based on mail fraud, wire fraud and
conspiracy by carrying out a bribery scheme in which they knowingly, wilfully
and with specific intent conspired to and actually did deprive Bondis constituents
of her honest services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341, 1343, and 1346;
such other relief as is just, equitable or proper.


Welsch,Catherine, Gov. Rick Scott: Calls To Investigate Bondi Are Partisan Politics,
90.7 WFME Local News, June 10, 2016,

Acosta, Jim, Trump Orders Surrogates To Keep Criticizing Judge, Sources Say, CNN,

Respectfully submitted,

J. Whitfield Larrabee
Law Office of J. Whitfield Larrabee
251 Harvard Street, Suite 9
Brookline, MA 02446
(617) 566-3670
BBO # 553499
I, J. Whitfield Larrabee, hereby certify that on June 29, 2016, I filed this complaint by
faxing the complaint to Honorable Robert L. Capers, U. S. Attorney at 718-254-7508 and by
mailing it to Honorable Robert L. Capers, U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York,
Office of the United State Attorney, Department of Justice, 271 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn,
New York 11201. A duplicate of the complaint was also mailed to Raymond Hulser, Esq.
Chief, Public Integrity Section, Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Bond Building, 12th
Floor, 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

J. Whitfield Larrabee

New York Penal Code 200.03
Bribery in the second degree.
A person is guilty of bribery in the second degree when he confers, or
offers or agrees to confer, any benefit valued in excess of ten thousand
dollars upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that
such public servant`s vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribery in the second degree is a class C felony.
New York Penal Code 200.11
Bribe receiving in the second degree.
A public servant is guilty of bribe receiving in the second degree
when he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit valued in
excess of ten thousand dollars from another person upon an agreement or
understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribe receiving in the second degree is a class C felony.








This is a complaint for violations of federal anti-bribery laws and federal laws prohibiting
mail fraud, wire fraud, and criminal conspiracy. This complaint is urgent because it
concerns the corruption of an elected and presently serving state Attorney General by an
individual who is expected to represent the Republican Party as its candidate for
President of the United States. Corruption of this nature interferes with the functioning of
the governments of Florida and of the United States and undermines the publics
confidence in our democratic institutions.


Complainant, J. Whitfield Larrabee (hereinafter Larrabee), is a resident of

Massachusetts and is a licensed attorney.


Respondent Donald J. Trump (hereinafter Trump) is a resident of New York. He is and

was President of The Donald J. Trump Foundation (hereinafter the Trump Foundation)
at all relevant times.


Respondent Pamela Jo Bondi (Bondi) is a resident of Florida. Bondi is a graduate of

Stetson University Law School and is licensed to practice law in the State of Florida. She
is presently the Florida Attorney General. She was the Florida Attorney General at all
times relevant to this complaint.


The Trump foundation is a New York corporation, charity and non-profit with section
501(c)(3) status.


Federal jurisdiction in this case is based on evidence that Trump and Bondi participated
in a bribery scheme in New York and Florida that crossed state lines, violated federal
laws concerning tax exempt charitable organizations, and required the use of interstate
telephone, mail, internet and banking facilities. There is probable cause to find that
Trump and Bondi used the mail, telephone, internet and other interstate facilities with the
intent to give and receive a bribe in violation of The Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. 371 &
1952. There is also probable cause to find that Trump and Bondi engaged in mail fraud,
wire fraud and conspiracy by carrying out a bribery scheme in which they knowingly,
wilfully and with specific intent conspired to and actually did deprive Bondis
constituents of her honest services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341, 1343, and 1346.


There is probable cause to establish that on September 17, 2013, Donald Trump bribed
Pamela Bondi, the Florida Attorney General, in violation of Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of
the New York Penal Code, which prohibit the bribery of public servants, by his giving
and her receiving of a bribe valued at over $10,000.1


According to Bondis political consultant Marc Reichelderfer, several weeks prior to

September 13, 2013, Bondi spoke to Trump and personally solicited a campaign
contribution from him.2 It is very likely that this solicitation used the interstate telephone
system. At the time Bondi solicited this campaign contribution, numerous complaints
against Trump University and Trump Institute had been filed and were under review by
the Florida Attorney Generals office.


On September 13, 2013, the Orlando Sun Sentinel reported that a spokesperson at the
office of the Attorney General of Florida announced that it was conducting a review of
the allegations in a New York lawsuit against Trump University.3 At the time of the
review, more than 20 Florida residents had filed complaints, alleging fraud and other

Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal Code are set forth in Exhibit A.

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016,

Burnett, Richard, N.Y.s Trump U Suit Draws Florida Officials Attention, Orlando
Sentinel, September 13, 2013,

unfair business practices, with the Attorney Generals office against Trump University
and the Trump Institute. Trump actively participated in promoting these businesses, he
had a financial interest in each of these ventures, and it was in his financial and legal
interest that the Florida Attorney General refrain from joining in or bringing litigation
against, Trump, Trump University and the Trump Institute.

In addition to the complaints against Trump University and the Trump Institute that were
filed with the Florida Attorney Generals office, both before and after Bondi was elected,
it very likely that numerous other Florida residents were aggrieved by Trump University
or the Trump Institute but failed to file complaints with the Attorney Generals Office.


On September 17, 2013, a political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice
for All, reported receiving a $25,000 contribution from the Trump Foundation.4


On or before October 17, 2013, Jeane Meale, a spokeswoman for Bondi, indicated that
Bondi's office would take no action against Trump University.5 Although her office
conducted very little if any investigation of the complaints against Trump University and
the Trump Institute, Bondi in fact elected not to join in New York litigation against
Trump University, and her office made no further effort to initiate litigation against
Trump University or the Trump Institute.6


Although there was sufficient evidence to bring litigation against Trump University and
the Trump institute, to date Bondi has not initiated any litigation on behalf of the
numerous Florida residents who filed complaints with the Florida Attorney Generals

In transferring $25,000 to the political committee supporting Bondi, it is very likely that
the funds were transferred by the mails, and, through the use of interstate banking facilities,
touched upon the interstate system of wires and fiber optic cables. In the unlikely event that the
transfer of funds was made in cash and in person, it would require at least one of the parties to
travel across state lines, an alternative basis to establish a violation of The Travel Act.

Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016
Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013


Evidence strongly indicates that Bondis decision not to initiate or participate in litigation
against Trump University was given in exchange for Trumps contribution based on the
short time period between the receipt of the political contribution and the announcement
of Bondis decision not to participate in the New York litigation. No more than 30 days
after the $25,000 payment was made, Bondis spokeswoman announced that Bondi would
take no action against Trump University and its affiliates. The timing of these events is
substantial evidence of a quid pro quo in which Trump gave money to a political
committee supporting Bondis in exchange for Bondis agreement not to take any action
against Trump University.


Due to the obvious conflict of interest, it was dishonest, unethical and unlawful for Bondi
to solicit and accept a political campaign donation from Donald Trump at a time when the
Florida Attorney Generals office was considering litigation against Trump University
and had received numerous complaints against Trump University and its affiliates. Based
on Bondis legal knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that she knowingly
and intentionally disregarded this conflict of interest. Bondis action in disregarding the
conflict of interest is substantial evidence of her corrupt motives and intentions in
soliciting and accepting the $25,000 contribution from Trump.


Trump has publicly declared that he gives political contributions to elected officials in
exchange for political favors. On July 16, 2016, while campaigning in Laconia, New
Hampshire, Trump spoke about Jeb Bushs fundraising. He stated: "He raises 100
million, so what does 100 million mean? 100 million means he's doing favors for so
many people, it means lobbyists, it means special interests, it means donors...Who knows
it better than me? I give to everybody. They do whatever I want. It's true."7 On January 9,
2016, at a campaign rally in Clear Lake Iowa, which was broadcast on C-SPAN, Trump
boasted: You know, it's interesting. I was looking at the ones I'm running against. I've
contributed to most of them -- can you believe it? I've contributed to most of them. And
one of them said, No, I don't think you've contributed to me. They found out I did. I
contribute to everybody. I've given to Democrats. I've given to Hillary. I've given to
everybody, because that was my job. I've got to give to them. because when I want
something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It's true. They kiss my ass. It's true.8
Trumps public statements are compelling evidence of his corrupt motivations and

Spodak, Cassie, Trump says Bushs fundraising means hes doing favors, CNN
Politics, July 17, 2015,

C-SPAN broadcast, January 9, 2016, Campaign Rally in Clear Lake Iowa,

York, Byron, Trump on buying politicians, When I call, they kiss my ass, Washington
Examiner, January 10, 2016, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-on-buying-politicianswhen-i-call-they-kiss-my-ass/article/2580063


In 2010, Richard Berlin, an Assistant Attorney General with the Texas Consumer
Protection Division requested permission to file a lawsuit against Trump University,
Trump and his business partners seeking more than $5.4 million in penalties and
restitution related to fraud and deceptive business practices. The suit was dropped by the
office of Texas Attorney General Gregory Abbott. Former Texas Deputy Chief of
Consumer Protection John Owens said the case was strong and had been dropped for
political reasons. In 2013, Trump contributed $35,000 to Attorney General Abbott in his
campaign to be Governor of Texas. Gregory Abbott is presently the Governor of Texas.
Trump has engaged in a pattern of corrupt influence peddling.


Under the laws of the United States and Florida, it is unlawful for a charitable foundation
to contribute funds to a political action committee, and it is unlawful for a political action
committee to accept such a contribution.9


As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Trump Foundation is strictly prohibited from making

financial or in-kind political contributions. Notwithstanding this prohibition, Trump
arranged for the Trump Foundation to make a $25,000 contribution to a political
committee supporting Bondi. The Committee, with Bondis knowledge and agreement,
accepted this donation.10


Based on Bondis legal knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that Bondi
knew that the contribution from the Trump Foundation was unlawful. Because Trump
was the manager and President of the Trump Foundation, he had a fiduciary duty not to
use the funds of the foundation for non-charitable purposes. Furthermore, as a seasoned
manager of the foundation, it is also very likely that Trump knew that this contribution
was illegal. Trumps and Bondis participation in this illegal transaction is strong
evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.

26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) provides that charitable foundations may not participate in, or
intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on
behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.
Florida Statute ch. 106.08, 5(a)(b), provides that: Candidates, political committees,
affiliated party committees, and political parties may not solicit contributions from any religious,
charitable, civic, or other causes or organizations established primarily for the public good.

Only in 2016, years after accepting the contribution, did Bondi offer to return the
illegal donation to the Trump Foundation, and this only occurred after negative media publicity
concerning the improper transaction. And Justice For All offered to return, but never actually
returned, funds to the Trump Foundation.


There is also probable cause to find that Trump has misappropriated funds of the Trump
Foundation and that Bondi has illegally received, possessed and spent these
misappropriated funds.


Based on admissions of Trump and Bondi, as well as the 2013 990-PF information form
filed by the Trump Foundation with the Internal Revenue Service, it is established that
$25,000 in charitable funds from the Trump Foundation were paid to a political
committee supporting Bondi (the 2013 990-PF incorrectly identified a non-profit with a
similar name the recipient of the gift.) The false 990-PF appears to have been filed
electronically by wire.


After the illegal contribution was discovered and publicly disclosed in the news media in
March of 2016, Bondis accountant announced that she had sent a check to the Trump
Foundation to repay the funds. However, the Trump Foundation reported that it voided
the check and did not accept the return of the funds.


Bondi violated New York law by spending and retaining funds received from the Trump


Trumps and Bondis misappropriation and conversion of the charitable funds of the
Trump Foundation are evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.11


There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Trump has committed tax fraud in violation
of the laws of the United States in connection with his use of funds from the Trump
Foundation. Funds contributed to charitable foundations are tax deductible. If Trump
has deducted contributions to the Trump Foundation that were merely reimbursement of
the illegal contribution to And Justice For All, then that deduction was fraudulent. In
order to determine whether Donald Trump engaged in tax fraud, it is necessary to view
the income tax returns of Trump and the Trump Organization. These tax returns have not
been made public. If Trump engaged in tax fraud in connection with contributions to the
Trump Foundation, or in connection with political contributions made by the Trump
Foundation, then it is more likely that Trumps support for Bondi was corruptly


Trump asserts that in 2016 he gave $25,000 to the Trump Foundation to correct the
error he previously made in giving $25,000 in Trump Foundation money to the political
committee called And Justice for All. Fahrenthold, David, Trump camp says $25,000 charity
contribution to Florida AG was a mistake, Washington Post, March 22, 2016; Steve Bosquet,
Times Herald Tallahassee Bureau, June 8, 2016, http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzzflorida-politics/bondis-25000-trump-check-draws-ethics-and-bar-complaints/2280809


On June 12, 2016, Florida Governor Richard Scott (hereinafter Scott) said that he would
not call for an independent investigation of the Trump Foundations $25,000 contribution
to the political committee supporting Bondi.12 Common Cause of Florida, elected
officials, the editorial boards of leading Florida newspapers, and Larrabee have requested
Scott to appoint an independent investigator. However, Trump and Bondi are shielded
from criminal investigation in Florida, unless there is a federal intervention, because
Bondi is the highest law enforcement officer in Florida, and both she and Trump enjoy
the protection of Scott. Bondi is a campaign surrogate for Trump.13 Scott has endorsed
and campaigned on behalf of Trump. The Tampa Bay Times reported that Trump has
contributed at least $100,000 to Scotts political committee. The extremely close
political connections between Trump, Bondi and Scott create a conflict of interest and
make it extremely unlikely that Florida law enforcement officials can or will conduct an
independent and impartial inquiry. It is likely that Trump and Bondi violated the United
States anti-bribery laws in both Florida and New York. Therefore, it is necessary and
appropriate for United States officials to initiate a criminal investigation and to bring
criminal charges against Trump and Bondi.
WHEREFORE, the complainant demands:



a full, fair and impartial investigation;

presentation of the relevant evidence to a federal grand jury:
indictments against Trump and Bondi based on their use of the mail, telephone
and other interstate facilities with the intent to give and receive a bribe in violation
of The Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. 371 & 1952;
indictments against Trump and Bondi based on mail fraud, wire fraud and
conspiracy by carrying out a bribery scheme in which they knowingly, wilfully
and with specific intent conspired to and actually did deprive Bondis constituents
of her honest services, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341, 1343, and 1346;
such other relief as is just, equitable or proper.


Welsch,Catherine, Gov. Rick Scott: Calls To Investigate Bondi Are Partisan Politics,
90.7 WFME Local News, June 10, 2016,

Acosta, Jim, Trump Orders Surrogates To Keep Criticizing Judge, Sources Say, CNN,

Respectfully submitted,

J. Whitfield Larrabee
Law Office of J. Whitfield Larrabee
251 Harvard Street, Suite 9
Brookline, MA 02446
(617) 566-3670
BBO # 553499
I, J. Whitfield Larrabee, hereby certify that on June 29, 2016, I filed this complaint
mailing it to Honorable Christopher P. Canova, Acting U. S. Attorney For Northern Dist. of
Florida, Tallahassee Headquarters, 111 North Adams Street, 4th Floor U.S. Courthouse
Tallahassee, FL 32301. A duplicate of the complaint was also mailed to Raymond Hulser, Esq.
Chief, Public Integrity Section, Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Bond Building, 12th
Floor, 1400 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

J. Whitfield Larrabee

New York Penal Code 200.03
Bribery in the second degree.
A person is guilty of bribery in the second degree when he confers, or
offers or agrees to confer, any benefit valued in excess of ten thousand
dollars upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that
such public servant`s vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribery in the second degree is a class C felony.
New York Penal Code 200.11
Bribe receiving in the second degree.
A public servant is guilty of bribe receiving in the second degree
when he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit valued in
excess of ten thousand dollars from another person upon an agreement or
understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribe receiving in the second degree is a class C felony.



TELEPHONE: (617) 566-3670

FACSIMILE: (617) 507-6435

June 29, 2016

Honorable Eric T. Schneiderman

Attorney General for the State of New York
New York State Department of Law, Charities Bureau
120 Broadway - 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10271

Complaint Against Donald J. Trump, the Donald J. Trump Foundation and

Florida Attorney General Pamela Bondi

Dear Attorney General Schneiderman:

Enclosed please find a complaint against Donald J. Trump, the Donald J. Trump
Foundation and Pamela Jo Bondi. This complaint concerns the bribery of a public servant in
violation of Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal Code. The complaint also
concerns misappropriation, conversion, and illegal expenditure of money held by a New York
based charitable foundation with sec. 501(c)(3) status.
Thank you for your time and consideration of these matters.
Very truly yours,

J. Whitfield Larrabee

Office of the Attorney General

The Capital
Albany, NY 12224-0341







This is a complaint for violations of Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal
Code prohibiting the bribery of public servants. The complaint is based on probable
cause that the Respondents, Donald J. Trump and Pamela Jo Bondi, committed felony
violations of New York law by his giving and her receiving of a bribe valued at over
$10,000.1 This is also a complaint for misappropriation and conversion of the funds of a
New York charitable foundation based on probable cause that charitable funds were used
to bribe a public official and were illegally given to a political campaign fund.


Complainant, J. Whitfield Larrabee (hereinafter Larrabee), is a resident of

Massachusetts and is a licensed attorney.


Respondent Donald J. Trump (hereinafter Trump) is a resident of New York. He is and

was President of The Donald J. Trump Foundation (hereinafter the Trump Foundation)
at all relevant times. Trump was and is a fiduciary of the Trump Foundation.


Respondent Pamela Jo Bondi (Bondi) is a resident of Florida. Bondi is a graduate of

Stetson University Law School and is licensed to practice law in the State of Florida. She
is presently the Florida Attorney General. At all times relevant to this complaint, she
was the Florida Attorney General.


The Trump Foundation is a New York corporation, charity and non-profit with section
501(c)(3) status.

Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal Code are set forth in Exhibit A.


As the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the State of New York, the Attorney
Generals office has jurisdiction to convene a grand jury and to enforce the New York
Penal Code. The Charities Bureau of the Attorney Generals office has jurisdiction over
complaints that involve 1) wrongdoing by charitable foundations; 2) improper
expenditure of money for charitable purposes; and 3) improper activities of fiduciaries of
a charitable organization.


There is probable cause to establish that on September 17, 2013, Donald Trump bribed
Pamela Bondi, the Florida Attorney General, in violation of Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of
the New York Penal Code, which prohibit the bribery of public servants, by his giving
and her receiving of a bribe valued at over $10,000.2


According to Bondis political consultant Marc Reichelderfer, several weeks prior to

September 13, 2013, Bondi spoke to Trump and personally solicited a campaign
contribution from him.3 It is very likely that this solicitation used the interstate telephone
system. At the time Bondi solicited this campaign contribution, numerous complaints
against Trump University and Trump Institute had been filed and were under review by
the Florida Attorney Generals office.


On September 13, 2013, the Orlando Sun Sentinel reported that a spokesperson at the
office of the Attorney General of Florida announced that it was conducting a review of
the allegations in a New York lawsuit against Trump University.4 At the time of the
review, more than 20 Florida residents had filed complaints, alleging fraud and other
unfair business practices, with the Attorney Generals office against Trump University
and the Trump Institute. Trump actively participated in promoting these businesses, he
had a financial interest in each of these ventures, and it was in his financial and legal
interest that the Florida Attorney General refrain from joining in or bringing litigation
against Trump, Trump University and the Trump Institute.

Sections 200.3 and 200.11 of the New York Penal Code are set forth in Exhibit A.

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016,

Burnett, Richard, N.Y.s Trump U Suit Draws Florida Officials Attention, Orlando
Sentinel, September 13, 2013,


In addition to the complaints against Trump University and the Trump Institute that were
filed with the Florida Attorney Generals office, both before and after Bondi was elected,
it very likely that numerous other Florida residents were aggrieved by Trump University
or the Trump Institute but failed to file complaints with the Attorney Generals Office.


On September 17, 2013, a political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice
for All, reported receiving a $25,000 contribution from the Trump Foundation.


On or before October 17, 2013, Jeane Meale, a spokeswoman for Bondi, indicated that
Bondi's office would take no action against Trump University.5 Although her office
conducted very little if any investigation of the complaints against Trump University and
Trump Institute, Bondi in fact elected not to join in New York litigation against Trump
University, and her office made no further effort to initiate litigation against Trump
University or the Trump Institute.6


Although there was sufficient evidence to bring litigation against Trump University and
the Trump institute, to date Bondi has not initiated any litigation on behalf of the
numerous Florida residents who filed complaints with the Florida Attorney Generals


Evidence strongly indicates that Bondis decision not to initiate or participate in

litigation against Trump University was given in exchange for Trumps contribution
based on the short time period between the receipt of the political contribution and the
announcement of Bondis decision not to participate in the New York litigation. No more
than 30 days after the $25,000 payment was made, Bondis spokeswoman announced that
Bondi would take no action against Trump University and its affiliates. The timing of
these events is substantial evidence of a quid pro quo in which Trump gave money to a
political committee supporting Bondis in exchange for Bondis agreement not to take
any action against Trump University.

Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013

Fineout, Gary, et al, Florida AG asked Trump for donation before nixing fraud case,
Associated Press, Jun. 6, 2016
Van Sickler, Michael, Trump contribution to Bondi re-election draws more scrutiny to
her fundraising, Tampa Bay Times, October 17, 2013


Due to the obvious conflict of interest, it was dishonest, unethical and unlawful for Bondi
to solicit and accept a political campaign donation from Donald Trump at a time when
her office was considering litigation against Trump University and had received
numerous complaints against Trump University and its affiliates. Based on Bondis legal
knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that she knowingly and intentionally
disregarded this conflict of interest. Bondis action in disregarding the conflict of interest
is substantial evidence of her corrupt motives and intentions in soliciting and accepting
the $25,000 contribution from Trump.


Trump has publicly declared that he gives political contributions to elected officials in
exchange for political favors. On July 16, 2016, while campaigning in Laconia, New
Hampshire, Trump spoke about Jeb Bushs fundraising. He stated: "He raises 100
million, so what does 100 million mean? 100 million means he's doing favors for so
many people, it means lobbyists, it means special interests, it means donors...Who knows
it better than me? I give to everybody. They do whatever I want. It's true."7 On January 9,
2016, at a campaign rally in Clear Lake Iowa, which was broadcast on C-SPAN, Trump
boasted: You know, it's interesting. I was looking at the ones I'm running against. I've
contributed to most of them -- can you believe it? I've contributed to most of them. And
one of them said, No, I don't think you've contributed to me. They found out I did. I
contribute to everybody. I've given to Democrats. I've given to Hillary. I've given to
everybody, because that was my job. I've got to give to them. because when I want
something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It's true. They kiss my ass. It's true.8
Trumps public statements are compelling evidence of his corrupt motivations and


In 2010, Richard Berlin, an Assistant Attorney General with the Texas Consumer
Protection Division requested permission to file a lawsuit against Trump University,
Trump and his business partners seeking more than $5.4 million in penalties and
restitution related to fraud and deceptive business practices. The case was dropped by the
office of Texas Attorney General Gregory Abbott in 2010. Former Texas Deputy Chief
of Consumer Protection John Owens said that the case was strong and had been dropped
for political reasons. In 2013, Trump contributed $35,000 to Attorney General Abbott in
his campaign to be governor. Gregory Abbott is presently the Governor of Texas. Trump
has engaged in a pattern of corrupt influence peddling related to Trump University.

Spodak, Cassie, Trump says Bushs fundraising means hes doing favors, CNN
Politics, July 17, 2015,

C-SPAN broadcast, January 9, 2016, Campaign Rally in Clear Lake Iowa,

York, Byron, Trump on buying politicians, When I call, they kiss my ass, Washington
Examiner, January 10, 2016, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-on-buying-politicianswhen-i-call-they-kiss-my-ass/article/2580063


Under the laws of the United States and Florida, it is unlawful for a charitable foundation
to contribute funds to a political action committee, and it is unlawful for a political action
committee to accept such a contribution.9


As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Trump Foundation is strictly prohibited from making

financial or in-kind political contributions. Notwithstanding this prohibition, Trump
arranged for the Trump Foundation to make a $25,000 contribution to a political
committee supporting Bondi. The committee, with Bondis knowledge and agreement,
accepted this donation.10


Based on Bondis legal knowledge, training and experience, it is very likely that Bondi
knew that the contribution from the Trump Foundation was unlawful. Because Trump
was the manager and President of the Trump Foundation, he had a fiduciary duty not to
use the funds of the foundation for non-charitable purposes. Furthermore, as a seasoned
manager of the foundation, it is also very likely that Trump knew that this contribution
was illegal. Trumps and Bondis participation in this illegal transaction is strong
evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.


There is also probable cause to find that Trump has misappropriated funds of the Trump
Foundation and that Bondi has illegally received, possessed and spent these
misappropriated funds. Based on admissions of Trump and Bondi, as well as the 2013
990-PF information form filed by the Trump Foundation with the Internal Revenue
Service, it is established that $25,000 in charitable funds from the Trump Foundation
were paid to political committee supporting Bondi.


After the illegal contribution was publicly disclosed in the news media in March of 2016,
Bondis accountant announced that she had sent a check to the Trump Foundation to
repay the funds.

26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) provides that charitable foundations may not participate in, or
intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on
behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.
Florida Statute ch. 106.08, 5(a)(b), provides that: Candidates, political committees,
affiliated party committees, and political parties may not solicit contributions from any religious,
charitable, civic, or other causes or organizations established primarily for the public good.

Only in 2016, years after accepting the contribution, did Bondi offer to return the
illegal donation to the Trump Foundation, and this only occurred after negative media publicity
concerning the improper transaction. Bondi and And Justice For All offered to return, but
never actually returned, funds to the Trump Foundation.


However, the Trump Foundation reported that it voided the check and did not accept
return of the funds. Bondi violated New York law by accepting, spending and retaining
funds received from the Trump Foundation.11


Based on admissions of Trump and Bondi, as well as the 2013 990-PF information form
filed by the Trump Foundation with the Internal Revenue Service, it is established that
$25,000 in charitable funds from the Trump Foundation were paid to a political
committee supporting Bondi (the Trump Foundations 2013 990-PF fraudulently
identified a non-profit with a similar name the recipient of the gift.)


Bondi violated New York law by spending and retaining funds received from the Trump


Trumps and Bondis misappropriation and conversion of the charitable funds of the
Trump Foundation are evidence of their corrupt motivations and intentions.


There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Trump has committed tax fraud in violation
of the laws of New York in connection with his use of funds from the Trump Foundation.
Funds contributed to charitable foundations are tax deductible. If Trump has deducted
contributions to the Trump Foundation that were merely reimbursement of the illegal
contribution of Trump Foundation funds to And Justice For All, then that deduction was
fraudulent. In order to determine whether Donald Trump engaged in tax fraud, it is
necessary to view the income tax returns of Trump and the Trump Organization.
These tax returns have not been made public. If Trump engaged in tax fraud in
connection with contributions to the Trump Foundation, or in connection with political
contributions made by the Trump Foundation, then it is more likely that Trumps support
for Bondi was corruptly motivated.


Trump asserts that in 2016 he gave $25,000 to the Trump Foundation to correct the
error he previously made in giving $25,000 in Trump Foundation money to the political
committee called And Justice for All. Fahrenthold, David, Trump camp says $25,000 charity
contribution to Florida AG was a mistake, Washington Post, March 22, 2016; Steve Bosquet,
Trump Check Draws Ethics And Bar Complaints, Times Herald Tallahassee Bureau, June 8,
2016, http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/bondis-25000-trump-checkdraws-ethics-and-bar-complaints/2280809. Trumps action and the statement of his aids indicate
that Trump used the Trump Foundation as an illegal conduit for campaign contributions.


On June 12, 2016, Florida Governor Richard Scott (hereinafter Scott) said that he
would not call for an independent investigation of the Trump Foundations $25,000
contribution to the political committee supporting Bondi.12 Common Cause of Florida,
elected officials, the editorial boards of leading Florida newspapers, and Larrabee have
requested Scott to appoint an independent investigator. However, Trump and Bondi are
shielded from criminal investigation in Florida, unless there is a federal intervention,
because Bondi is the highest law enforcement officer in Florida, and both she and Trump
enjoy the protection of Scott. Bondi is a campaign surrogate for Trump.13 Scott has
recently endorsed and campaigned on behalf of Trump. The Tampa Bay Times reported
that Trump has contributed at least $100,000 to Scotts political committee. The
extremely close political connections between Trump, Bondi and Scott create a conflict of
interest and make it extremely unlikely that Florida law enforcement officials can or will
conduct an independent and impartial inquiry. It is very likely that Trump and Bondi
violated New York and Florida anti-bribery laws. Therefore, it is necessary and
appropriate for the New York Attorney General to initiate a criminal investigation, to
convene a grand jury and to bring criminal charges against Trump and Bondi.
WHEREFORE, the complainant demands:

a full, fair and impartial investigation;

presentation of the relevant evidence to a New York grand jury:
an indictment against Trump based on the giving of a bribe valued over $10,000
to a public servant, in violation of New York Penal Code 200.03;
an indictment against Bondi based on the receiving of a bribe valued over $10,000
by a public servant, in violation of New York Penal Code 200.11;
that Bondi be ordered to pay restitution, in the amount of $25,000, to the Trump
that the Trump Foundation be ordered to accept payment of the restitution;
that Bondi and Trump be fined in an appropriate sum for the misappropriation and
conversion of charitable funds;
such other relief as is just, lawful, equitable or proper.


Welsch,Catherine, Gov. Rick Scott: Calls To Investigate Bondi Are Partisan Politics,
90.7 WFME Local News, June 10, 2016,

Acosta, Jim, Trump Orders Surrogates To Keep Criticizing Judge, Sources Say, CNN,

Respectfully submitted,

J. Whitfield Larrabee
Law Office of J. Whitfield Larrabee
251 Harvard Street, Suite 9
Brookline, MA 02446
(617) 566-3670
BBO # 553499
I, J. Whitfield Larrabee, hereby certify that on June 29, 2016, I filed this complaint with
the Attorney General for the State of New York, New York State Department of Law, Charities
Bureau via emailing the same to charities.bureau@ag.ny.gov , and further by mailing a duplicate
to Honorable Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General for the State of New York, New York
State Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway - 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10271
and by mailing to a duplicate to Office of the Attorney General, The Capital, Albany, NY 122240341.

J. Whitfield Larrabee

New York Penal Code 200.03
Bribery in the second degree.
A person is guilty of bribery in the second degree when he confers, or
offers or agrees to confer, any benefit valued in excess of ten thousand
dollars upon a public servant upon an agreement or understanding that
such public servant`s vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribery in the second degree is a class C felony.
New York Penal Code 200.11
Bribe receiving in the second degree.
A public servant is guilty of bribe receiving in the second degree
when he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit valued in
excess of ten thousand dollars from another person upon an agreement or
understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or
exercise of discretion as a public servant will thereby be influenced.
Bribe receiving in the second degree is a class C felony.

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