6 Foods To Eat Before Bed
6 Foods To Eat Before Bed
6 Foods To Eat Before Bed
Table of Contents
Introduction .2
6 Foods to Eat Before Bed .....3
1. Cottage Cheese .......3
2. Bananas .....4
3. Almonds ...5
4. Turkey ......6
5. Canned Tuna ...7
6. Cherries ...8
Sleep, Nutrition and Weight Loss ....9
Get Good Sleep ...9
Eat Real Food .......10
Take Home Message ....11
Eating before bed is bad for you.
Weve all heard that one. This standard advice can make you feel guilty about late night
snacking, especially if youre trying to lose weight.
But is it actually true?
If you usually choose high-calorie junk foods that are loaded with sugar, then yes. That type
of food will always cause weight gain in the long run.
However, some late-night snacks can actually be good for you.
Studies have shown that small, nutrient-dense bedtime snacks can benefit metabolic health
and help build muscle, especially if you exercised during the day (1, 2).
There are also several foods that have been proven to help us sleep better when we eat
them before bed. This is very important, since poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors
for obesity (3, 4).
What matters in a late-night snack is what you are eating. Certain bedtime snacks can even
help you lose weight.
So, if you like to indulge in a snack before bed, make the following 6 foods your go-to choices.
This means it can actively help build muscle while you sleep, which is why it is such a popular
late-night snack in bodybuilding communities.
A 4-oz ( cup) serving provides 13 grams of protein, which is more than two boiled eggs. This
high protein content also helps you feel full and satisfied, ensuring you go to bed with a
happy stomach (6).
Bottom Line: Cottage cheese is rich in slow-digesting protein, which is great for
sustained nutrition. It keeps you feeling full and helps build muscle while you sleep.
2. Bananas
Boost Weight Loss and Relaxation
If you have more of a sweet-tooth, bananas are a fantastic late-night snack choice.
They are full of important nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and fiber.
Bananas contain high amounts of fiber. If you choose bananas that are greenish (not fully
ripe), then they are also high in resistant starch. Fiber and resistant starch may help you feel
full and less hungry, which leads to a reduction in calorie intake (7, 8, 9).
Bananas are also a great source of tryptophan.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that can make you sleepy. It is converted into the sleep
hormone melatonin, helping you get a good nights sleep (10).
Remember, people who do not sleep enough tend to be much more overweight than those
who do (4).
Perhaps best of all, each banana contains only 100 calories and doesnt leave any mess to
clean up.
Bottom Line: Bananas are a nutrient-dense, no-fuss food. They contain fiber and
resistant starch for weight loss, as well as relaxing tryptophan to help you sleep better.
3. Almonds
Promote Restful Sleep
A handful or two of almonds makes an easy and healthy bedtime snack.
They are rich in several important nutrients, including magnesium.
Studies show that a lack of magnesium greatly affects melatonin levels, circadian cycle and
sleep disorders (11, 12).
Therefore, consuming additional magnesium can help improve sleep quality.
In an 8-week study of elderly subjects, an additional 500 mg of magnesium per day significantly
improved sleep quality, sleep duration and other measures of insomnia (13).
One handful of almonds contains about 150 mg of magnesium, which is a very healthy dose
of this mineral (14).
Sleep is crucial to weight loss, and almonds may be just the snack to ensure you get a full,
restful nights sleep.
Just be careful not to go overboard with almonds, as they are considered a high-calorie food.
Bottom Line: Almonds are highly nutritious and a great source of magnesium. Increased
magnesium intake has been linked to improved sleep quality.
4. Turkey
Provides Protein and Helps Regulate Sleep
Turkey is a relatively low-calorie meat that contains high-quality protein.
Increasing the amount of quality protein in your diet is incredibly important for weight loss,
as it reduces appetite much more effectively than either fat or carbs (15, 16).
And, just like bananas, turkey also contains high amounts of relaxing tryptophan. This is what
gives it the late-night edge over other types of meat.
Tryptophan can help you fall asleep faster. One study in men also found that tryptophan
caused significant sleepiness, both at night and during the day (18).
Turkey is a great weight-loss food that also promotes improved sleep. It is high in nutrients
and low in calories a thin slice or two before bed wont cost you more than 100 calories.
Bottom Line: Turkey is a lean meat that contains high-quality protein. It is also high in
tryptophan, which promotes sleep. Both sleep and protein can help with weight loss.
5. Canned Tuna
Benefits Overall Health and Well-Being
A whopping 40% of people in the US are thought to be vitamin D deficient (19).
This is linked to a host of health problems, including sleep disorders (20).
Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to worse sleep apnea. It may also decrease sleep duration
(21, 22).
Not only is canned tuna an easy and filling snack before bed its also a wonderful food
source of vitamin D.
Just 3 ounces (one small tin) of tuna contains 50% of your daily vitamin D requirements (23).
The other reason to choose tuna is because of its healthy omega-3 fats.
Omega-3 fats are incredibly important for optimal body and brain function. Frankly, we
should all be eating far more omega-3 fats.
Optimal body and brain function, as well as restful sleep, are important for weight loss.
Bottom Line: Tuna is a highly practical bedtime snack. It is a fantastic source of vitamin
D and omega-3 fats. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.
6. Cherries
Improve Quality of Sleep
Cherries are one of the quickest and sweetest bedtime snacks.
A cup of cherries contains only 50 calories, so they are definitely a weight-friendly choice.
Several experimental studies have shown that cherries can help improve sleep, and even help
treat sleep disorders (24, 25).
One small study of people with chronic insomnia found that cherry juice greatly reduced the
severity of sleeplessness.
In fact, the effects were equal to or even exceeded treatment with valerian (26).
Cherries cause a great increase in the bodys secretion of the sleep hormone melatonin,
which is thought to be responsible for the abovementioned effects.
Several other studies also support the link between cherry consumption and improved
quality of sleep (27, 28).
Cherries may actually have the greatest sleep-inducing effect of all the foods on this list.
Bottom Line: Cherries are a sweet, low-calorie bedtime snack choice. They have been
shown to help improve sleep quality and treat insomnia.
More and more evidence supports this. Studies also indicate that sleep patterns influence the
dietary and nutritional choices we make.
People who sleep less tend to eat more high-calorie foods that contain refined carbs and
unhealthy fats. These people are also less likely to consume vegetables (29).
Sleep influences other aspects of nutrition as well. Low-quality sleep and late bedtimes have
been linked to an increase in body weight and overall food intake.
Additionally, people who sleep less tend to eat more snacks and more meals each day.
In general, poor-quality sleep is associated with a poor-quality diet (30).
Bottom Line: High-quality sleep is essential for healthy eating and weight loss. People
who sleep more tend to consume more nutritious foods, and in appropriate quantities.
These foods can have major benefits for your health and weight.
Also make sure to follow serving size recommendations and keep your portions in check.
Overeating before bed is never a good idea.
However, if youre a person who gets hungry in the evening or before bed, its ok to have a
healthy snack.
Some of them may even help you sleep better.
Bottom Line: Bedtime snacks are not necessarily bad for weight loss. Just make sure to
eat nutritious foods in appropriate quantities. Some may even help you sleep better.