Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acids Profile of Seed Oil of Telfairia Hook, F

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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 06

Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acids Profile of Seed Oil of Telfairia

occidentalis Hook, F.
Muibat Olabisi Belloa,b, Temitope Lorine Akindelea, Deborah Olubunmi Adeoyea and
AbdulKabir Oladele Oladimejib

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso.

Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin.

The seed oil of Telfairia occidentalis was analyzed to establish its physicochemical properties and fatty acids profile
as part of an on-going screening process for plant constituents of nutritional and economic significance.
Physicochemical characteristics showed that the light yellow oil had a specific gravity of 0.921 0.020, refractive
index of 1.462 0.002, viscosity 60.20 0.01(cSt) and a smoke point of 245.00 1.75 0C. The iodine value was
115.60 1.20mg iodine/g, saponification value was 179.04 1.60 mg KOH/g, acid value was 3.48 0.06 mg
KOH/g, free fatty acid 1.74 0.49 % and peroxide value 2.26 mEq/kg. The seed oil was found to contain high level
of unsaturated fatty acids ; oleic acid (13.42%), linoleic acid (64.34%) and a high molecular weight fatty acid;
eicosapentaenoic acid, (2.43)%. Nanoencapsulation of eicosapentaenoic acid, a constituent of the seed oil, could be
a good source of essential fatty acid in food formulations.

Keywords: Telfairia occidentalis, essential fatty acids, physicochemical properties.

Seed oils are important sources of nutritional oils, industrial raw materials and nutraceuticals. The characteristics of
oils from different sources depend mainly on their compositions; no oil from a single source can be suitable for all
purposes thus the study of their constituents is important. Many consumers are looking for variety in their diets and
aware of the health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables and of special interest are food sources rich in antioxidants
[1]. Omega -3 fatty acids are essential for normal growth and development and may play an important role in the
prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetics, arthritis, other inflammatory and
autoimmune disorders and cancer [2]. Edible wide plants have been reported to provide alpha-linolenic acid and
several polyunsaturated fatty acids in addition to their major natural sources of fat tissues of ruminants; meat and
dairy products [3].
A number of seed oils have been characterized for the identification of several fatty acids of nutritional and
nutraceutical importance but the vast majority have not been adequately evaluated. Cucurbitaceae is one of the
largest flora which consists of nearly 100 genera and 750 species. The plant family is known for its great genetic
diversity and widespread adaptation which includes tropical and subtropical regions, arid deserts and temperate
locations. Curcubits are known for their high protein and oil content [4].The seed and seed oil characteristics of
some members of the Curcubits are documented in literatures; they are generally referred to as melons. Telfaria
occidentalis is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, commonly called fluted pumpkin, the crop is grown mainly
for the leaves, which constitute an important component of the diet in many West African countries [5]. Although
pumpkin seeds are rich in oil storage reserves, it presently has very low commercial value as an oil seed but is
potentially valuable as a high protein oilseed for human and animal food [6].
There are many studies on the proximate composition and nutritive values of leaves and seeds of Telfairia
occidentalis [7] but scanty information is available on the physicochemical properties of the seed oil and the fatty
acids profile. The present study therefore reported the physicochemical properties of the seed oil and the fatty acids
with a view to searching for presence of essential fatty acids.

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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 06



Telfairia occidentalis ripe fruit pod was broken, seeds were removed, washed with water, drained and sun dried.
After the seeds have dried, they were de-shelled and further dried. The seeds were then ground into powder and
stored in air tight container and kept in refrigerator prior to analyses.
Oil extraction: Dried Telfairia occidentalis seeds were ground in a blender. For soxhlet method extraction, 50g of
ground seeds were placed into a cellulose paper cone and extracted using petroleum ether (b.p 40-60oC) in a soxhlet
extractor for 8hours. The oil was then recovered by evaporating of the solvent using rotary evaporator [9]. For
methanol-chloroform extraction, 100g of the ground seeds were homogenized with a chloroform mixture methanol
(2:1) and water. Two phases was obtained, aqueous layer (methanol-water) and organic layer (chloroform). Oil was
recovered by evaporating of the solvent (chloroform) using rotary evaporator and residual solvent was removed by
drying in an oven at 60oC for 1hour [9]. All experiments were done in triplicates.

Physicochemical characterization of oil: The refractive index of the oils was measured at room
temperature using the Abbey refractometer (Prince Optical Works, Malka Ganj Delhi). Viscosity measurement (in
centistokes, cSt) was performed using an Oswald Kinematics viscometer (Schott Instrument GmbH, Mainz
Germany) with an attached water bath and a thermometer. Specific gravity was also determined using a specific
gravity bottle (BS 733, Jaytec, Hastings, UK). Smoke point was determined by placing 20 ml of oil sample into a
stainless steel crucible. A thermometer was inserted in the oil sample and the crucible with the oil was heated under
strict temperature regulation using a thermostat-equipped hot plate. The chemical parameters (iodine value, peroxide
value, saponification value, acid value and free fatty acid) were determined using standard methods [8].
Fatty acid Composition and Analysis: A 100 mg oil sample was saponified with 1.2 ml of 0.5M
methanolic KOH at 60o C for 10 minutes, neutralized with 0.7 M HCl and methylated with 3.0 ml BF3CH3OH for
about 10 minutes in a water bath at 60o C. The product was then extracted with petroleum ether (40 - 60o C). The
fatty acid methyl ester [FAME] was separated by a Perkin Elmer Autosampler XL gas chromatography (GC)
equipped with a flame ionization detector and integrator. The FAMES sample was injected and the separation was
carried out on an HP capillary column. The carrier gas was helium at pressure of 19psi with split ratio 70:1.The
carrier gas and the column flow rate was 1ml/min. The fatty acids were identified by comparing their retention times
with those of standards. The content of fatty acids was expressed as percentage of total fatty acids.


Table 1. Physical properties of the seed oil

Obtained values

Refractive index

1.460 0.080


light yellow

Specific gravity

0.920 0.020


60.20 0.01

Smoke point 0C

245.00 1.75

values are means of triplicate determination standard deviation of mean

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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 06


Table 1 reported the physical characteristics of the seed oil. The refractive index values obtained for T. occidentalis
(1.460) were in close agreement with values reported for conventional oils from soybean (1.466- 1.470) and palm
kernel (1.449- 1.451) . The high refractive index of this oil seems to confirm the high number of carbon atoms in
their fatty acids [10]. Refractive index also increases as the double bond increases [11]. The oil had specific gravity
of 0.920, this is closer to 0.918 specific gravity reported for groundnut and less dense than 0.939 reported for neem
seed [12]. The viscosity of T. occidentalis was higher than that of groundnut and some other conventional oils such
as soybean (31 cSt), cottonseed (36 cSt) and sunflower (43 cSt) at 300C [13] and compared favourably with (61 cSt)
of tomato seed [14]. The smoke point of T.occidentalis 245.00C compared favourably well with 213.50C of
groundnut oil, the free fatty acids content reported for the seed oil was also low. This is consistent with the report
that the lower the free fatty acid content, the higher the smoke point [15], thus the seed oil could be suitable for deep
frying purpose.

Table 2. Chemical properties of the seed oil

Oil content (%)

15.35 0.55 (13.15 0.25)*

Iodine value(gI2/100g)

115.60 1.20

Acid value (mgKOH/g)

3.48 1.60

Free fatty acid (%)

1.74 0.49

Peroxide value (Meq KOH/g)

2.26 0.08

Saponification value (mg KOH/g)

179.04 1.60

values are means of triplicate determination standard deviation of mean. * Bligh and Dyer method
Table 2 reported the oil yield and chemical properties of the seed oil. The oil extraction with the Soxhlet method had
the highest yield than the Bligh and Dyer method. This could be due to the increased ability of the solvent to
overcome forces that bind lipids within the sample matrix in the former while the low yield in the latter could be due
to losses during the separation of the two phases; aqueous layer (methanol-water) and organic layer (chloroform)
[16]. The iodine value is a measure of the degree of unsaturation in oil and could be used to quantify the amount of
double bonds present in the oil which reflects the susceptibility of oil to oxidation. The iodine value is high and this
reflected the presence of high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in the seed oil. The iodine value is a little above
100 and so it could be classified as semi drying oil. The iodine value (115.60) compared favourably to iodine value
of both white and red Sesamum indicum, seeds, 103 and 116 respectively [17].
The acid value is low, acid value of 0.00 to 3.00 mgKOH/g oil is recommended for oil to find application in cooking
[18]. Thus the seed oil of T.occidentalis could be suitable for cooking. The free fatty acid value of 1.74 % falls
within the maximum limit of 5% for free fatty acids in high grade palm oil in Nigeria [19]. Peroxide value is an
index of rancidity, thus low peroxide value indicates resistance of the oil to peroxidation during storage. The
peroxide value of T. occidentalis is low (2.26 mEq/Kg) compared to the maximum acceptable value of 10 meq
KOH/g set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for groundnut seed oils [20]. The oil is thus stable and would
not easily go rancid.

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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 06


Table 3. Fatty Acid composition of the seed oil

Fatty acids

Relative (%)

Palmitic acid (C16:0)


Oleic acid (C18:1)


Linoleic acid (C18: 2)


Eicosapentanoic (C 20:5)


Table 3 reported the fatty acids constituent of the seed oil. The only saturated fatty acid detected in T. occidentalis
was palmitic acid with relative abundance of 19.74%. Oleic acid was also 13.42% while linoleic acid was 64.41%.
T. occidentalis seed oil can be classified in the oleic-linoleic acid group. Linoleic acid is one of the most important
polyunsaturated fatty acids in human food because of its prevention of distinct heart and vascular diseases. Apart
from preventing cardiovascular disorders such as coronary heart diseases and atherosclerosis; linoleic acid prevents
high blood pressure. Also linoleic derivatives serve as structural components of the plasma membrane and as
precursors of some metabolic regulatory compounds [16].

Table 4: Comparison of the fatty acids profile in some vegetable oils



C16:0 C16:1 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 C20:0




































13.42 64.41 -



a [16]

b present study

The comparison of the composition of fatty acids of Telfaria occidentalis seed oil (Table 4) with that of some
vegetable oils [16] indicated that this plant is rich in acids; oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2) and eicosapentaenoic acid

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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 06


Interestingly, T. occidentalis contained an omega -3 fatty acid; eicosapentaenoic (EPA). EPA is a

polyunsaturated fatty acid and has been reported to possess some beneficial potential in mental conditions such as
schizophrenia [22]. Blood samples of 100 suicide attempt patients were compared to the blood samples of those of
controls it was found that the levels of eicosapentaenoic acid were significantly lower in the washed red blood cells
of the suicide-attempt patients [23]. This suggested that EPA reduced depression and importantly, suicidal behavior.
Nanoencapsulation of eicosapentaenoic acid, a constituent of the seed oil, could be a good source of essential fatty
acid in food formulations and could ameliorate some food and health problems.

CONCLUSION : This study showed that Telfairia occidentalis seed is a good source of edible oil. Its fatty acids
composition is comparable to that of some conventional oils. The seed oil is of unsaturated type and can be
classified in the oleic linoleic acid group. It also contained eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA); a precursor to
docosahexanoenoic acid (DHA). Its cultivation could lead to increased production of plant rich in omega -3 fatty
acids which could reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
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