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Letter of Transmittal

Abdullah Al Masum
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of Report
Dear Sir,
We are very glad to submit the report on Financial System in Bangladesh. We would like to
say that this report is very helpful for me to gather real life experience about whole job activities
performed in a bank. We also came to know that how handle customers and provide service to
them as a service Intern. We have tried our best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of
planning and preparing our report. We have collected what We believe to be most important
information to make our report as specific & coherent as possible.
So it was a wonderful opportunity for me to work on this topic and We are very grateful to you
for giving us this opportunity.

Sincerely yours
. ..
ASA University Bangladesh.


Declaration of Originality

We hereby declare that the report titled Financial System in Bangladesh. submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masers of Business Administration
(MBA). The report was composed by and originated entirely from us. Information derived from
the published and unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and references
are given in the list of sources. With the help of some primary and secondary sources of data
collection, We have prepared this report.

. ..

ASA University Bangladesh

Supervisors Certification


This is to certify that Md. Rubel Mahmud has done an Internship Report under my supervision.
He has prepared a report named Financial System in Bangladesh. and submitted it to us. We
think on the basis of the declaration the student given this work is him own and he has included
all of the information due to the requirement of the topic.

We further certify that this report will fulfill the partial requirement of the honor of the degree of


Abdullah Al Masum
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh


Preparation of this Report, We would like to acknowledge the encouragement, guidance and
assistance given from a number of responsible persons for completing our report successfully.
First of all, We would like to thank ASA University Bangladesh for giving me the opportunity of
having an Internship program. We have gathered an enormous deal of experience while going
through preparation of this report.
We are most grateful to our teacher Md. Abdullah Al Masum, Senior Lecturer (Finance), ASA
University Bangladesh for providing feedback and support throughout the semester on this
report. We strongly believe that, these will assist me a lot to make us more professional and
building our future professional career.

Finally, our heartiest thanks go to others who were involved and helped directly and indirectly to
prepare this report. Without them all these wouldnt have been made possible.


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