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Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled by Neural Network

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Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network

Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By

Neural Network
Abdul Kareem Z. Mansoor

Ahmed G. Abdullah

Department of Electrical Power Technology Engineering

Technical College / Mosul

This paper presents the analyses and design of Neural Network (NN) control of a
single phase voltage source inverter with an L-C filter using only voltage sensor. A multiple
feedback loop PI (Proportional-Integral) controller for PWM (pulse width modulation)
inverter is built by root-locus method then simulated using Matlab (Simulink). The proposed
NN is traind off-line using the patterns obtained from the simulated inverter with multiple
loop PI (Proportional-Integral) controllers. Simulation results show that the proposed NN
control can achieve low total harmonic distortion under linear loading condition, small steady
state error and good dynamic response under any disturbance change in load. A hardware
single phase inverter with programmed pulse width modulation control based on
microcontroller is built and implemented with resistive load.

. (L-C) ( single phase inverter(( ANN)
) Root locus(( PI controller)
) off line(
, .(PI controller(

Received: 3 3 - 2010

Accepted: 2 2 - 2012

Al-Rafidain Engineering

No. 6


December 2012

With the increasing demands for high-quality power sources, a pulse-width
modulated PWM inverter has been used as a key element for a high performance power
conversion system such as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), medical equipment and
communication systems [1]. In the UPS inverter the output voltage is required to be
sinusoidal with minimum total harmonic distortion (THD). This is usually achieved by
employing a combination of pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme and a second order filter
at the output of the inverter .One way of achieving a clean sinusoidal load voltage is by
using sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM). In this technique the load voltage
waveform is compared with a reference sinusoidal voltage waveform and the difference in
amplitude is used to control the modulated signal in the control circuit of the power inverter
[1]. A multiple loop feedback control scheme can be utilized to achieve good dynamic
response and low total harmonic distortion (THD). Although the performance of these
schemes are good, the complicated algorithms and the heavy computational demands make
the implementations difficult.
In recent years, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have received considerable attention and
their applications are now being actively explored. ANNs are computing architectures that
consist of massively parallel interconnections of simple neural processor. They have the
ability to approximate an arbitrary nonlinear mapping and can achieve a higher degree of
fault tolerance [2]. When an NN is used in a system control, the NN can be trained either online or off-line. The most popular training algorithm for a feed forward NN is back
propagation. It is attractive because it is stable, robust, and efficient [2].
In this paper, first a multiple feedback loop PI controller with inner capacitor current
loop and outer voltage loop for PWM inverter is built and simulated using Matlab (Simulink)
to obtain adequate example patterns. Then a selected NN with using only voltage sensor is
trained off-line with data base comprising all example patterns using matlab programme.
When the training is complete this ANN is used to control the inverter on-line. Simulation
results show that the proposed ANNs controlled inverter achieve low THD, small steady state
error and good dynamic responses under disturbance change in load or input voltage. Finally
a simple hardware inverter with programmed PWM based on microcontroller is built.


As shown in Fig. (1), the inverter consists of two legs (A, B) which supplies a singlephase AC output voltage Vout to the load. A certain switching algorithm is applied to each of
the four switch modules T1, T2, T3, and T4 in order to control the inverter to generate the
desired sinusoidal output with the desired frequency and magnitude. In this paper the unipolar
SPWM technique is used to drive the inverter because it gives low THD and decreases the
power switches losses. Comparing a control signal V control1 with the carrier signal results a
logic signal to control the switches in leg A, and comparing of V control2 with the carrier
signal results in logic signal to control the switches in leg B Fig. (2) [3] [4] .

Al-Rafidain Engineering

No. 6


Fig. (1): Single phase full bridge inverter

December 2012

Fig. (2): Unipolar PWM scheme

The magnitude of the ripple
current and ripple voltage in the output
of the inverter is determined by the
size of the LC filters. Once the filter
size has been chosen, the PI
compensator constants are chosen..
The design specifications for the
proposed inverter circuit is shown in
table (1)

Table(1) : Parameters of PWM inverter

PWM output Switching frequency
Input DC voltage
RMS load voltage
Full load resistance
Output fundamental frequency
Rated output voltage

15 KHz
350 V
50 Hz
220V rms


A proper design of the LC filter results in a great
reduction of the inverter output harmonics and hence
provides a very clean power to the load. The inductor
ripple current is depend on the size of the inductor and
switching frequency. Fig.(3) shows the ripple waveform
of the inductor current. The value of the inductance of
the output filter inductor is given by [5]:
4 f s i

Fig.(3): Inductor ripple current

Where Vd is the dc bus voltage, i is the inductor ripple current and f s is the inverter switching
The output filter capacitor size is determined by the allowable output voltage ripple V o and can be
calculated from [5] :


8 f s Vo


If the dc input voltage is limited to 350 volt and the switching frequency is limited to 15 KHz, and if
the maximum inductor ripple current is limited to 20% of the maximum peak to peak output current,
then L f obtained.
L f 4.689 mH .

Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network
In order to obtain sinusoidal load voltage with a small amount of THD, the maximum ripple voltage is
limited to 1% of the maximum peak to peak output voltage, then C f is obtained C f 1.666F


Fig.(4) shows the circuit diagram of a single-phase full bridge voltage source UPS inverter
followed by a LC filter, PWM generator and gate drive circuit. Rf , represents the resistance of the
filter inductor. The effective series resistance of the filter capacitor is ignored since it has a small
effect within the concerned frequency range [2]. since the inverter switching frequency (here is 15
kHz) is several orders higher than the fundamental frequency of the AC output, the dynamics of the
PWM inverter can be ignored. Thus, the UPS inverter can be modeled as a simple proportional gain
block (k) as shown in Fig.(5), [2,5, 6].

Fig.(4):Circuit diagram of UPS inverter and L-C filter

From Fig.(4) the following deferential equations have been driven which represents the linear
model of LC filter and ZL load of the inverter.

Vo ( s) Vload ( s) R f il ( s) L f il ( s) s

il ( s )


Vo ( s ) Vload ( s ) R f il ( s )


Lf s

Vload ( s )

ic ( s )
Cf s


ic (s) il (s) iload (s)

iload load


Fig.(5) shows the linear model of the inverter system (PWM inverter plus the output filter and
load), in which the proportional gain K represents the PWM inverter is equal to Vd / Vc ( Vd is the
voltage of DC power supply and Vc is the peak voltage of triangular carrier wave).

Fig.(5): block diagram of the linear model for PWM inverter plus
output filter and load (open loop)

Al-Rafidain Engineering

No. 6


December 2012


The control circuit of a PWM inverter consists of two loops [1]:the first loop is a fast internal
current loop to reduce the THD of the output voltage and increases the speed of the response, the
second loop is a slow external voltage loop, which provides output voltage regulation. The internal
current loop may be the filter inductor current loop or the filter capacitor current loop [1,5, 6, 7].
If the capacitor current is controlled , dynamic stiffness can be improved substantially [5].
The key issue for the capacitor current is how the sensing is performed , i.e. either via direct
measurement or via an observer . One of the drawbacks of using the capacitor current feedback is the
tremendous amount of switching noise present in capacitor current [6]. Also the capacitor current
decreases the THD of the output voltage. Another advantage of using capacitor current is that it does
not need load current feed forward control to improve the dynamic response of the inverter , because
the capacitor current feedback is equivalent to feeding back the inductor current loop and load current
feedforward [5], where the capacitor current is the sum of inductor current and load current. This
gives another advantage when it is compared with the previous items that the capacitor current loop
technique needs only one sensor to sense the current , while the inductive current loop technique
needs two sensors, one to sense the inductor current and the other to sense the load current. This will
complicate the circuit as well as increase the cost.
In this study the control topology used in reference [5] and shown in Fig.(6) is used. In this
respect there are two PI controllers: one for inner capacitor current loop and the other for output
voltage loop.

Fig.(6): PWM inverter with capacitor current controller

The output voltage is compared to a reference voltage and the voltage error signal is passed
through PI compensator as shown in Fig.(6). Then the signal forms the current reference for the inner
current loop. The current in the filter capacitor ic is measured and compared with the reference which
forms the current error. The error is passed through another Proportional and Integral (PI)
compensator to form the modulating signal. The proportional and integral constants of the PI
compensators are chosen to produce a stable system with good transient response and small steady
state error. The PI compensator provides high gain at low frequencies. The modulating signal is
compared with a triangular carrier signal to generate the required PWM signal.


The parameters of the proportional and integral controller in the current loop and voltage loop
are selected by using root locus method. Based upon the analysis of the control loop given in Fig.(6),
an approximate linearized control model of the inverter by ignoring the resistance of filter inductor Rf
is shown in Fig.(7).

Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network
The feedback signals of the capacitor current and load voltage obviously have to be scaled down to
low current and low voltage control signals. For this design the feedback signals are converted to perunit (pu) values of full load: 1 pu voltage represent 311 V (2*220) and 1 pu current feedback
represents 3.11 A. The triangular carrier waveform Vc also has amplitude of 1 pu. By approximating
the pulse width modulation to a linear function this can be neglected from the model in Fig.(7) . The
value of Kp and Ki for the inner current loop is calculated using Matlab GUI program shown in fig.(8)
and found to be :
Kp =1.0878 , Ki=9508.59
And the value of Kp and Ki for the outer voltage loop is found to be :
Kp =2.33 and Ki =9223

Fig.(7): An approximate linearized control model of the system with capacitor

current and output voltage loop

Fig.( 8): MATLAB (GUI) Window for control system design by root locus


The stability of the closed-loop system must be ensured by root locus plot, and the peak over
shot , settling time , steady-state error from the step response plot. The most important aspect in this
design is the steady state error , peak overshot and settling time. Fig.(9) and Fig.(10) show the root
locus and step response plot respectively for the compensated closed loop inverter control :

Al-Rafidain Engineering

No. 6


December 2012

Fig.(9): Root locus of the compensated closed loop control

Fig.(10):Step response of the compensated closed loop control

From the root locus plot shown in Fig.(9) its noted that the over all closed loop system is stable due to
the location of the root locus which are all on the left of the imaginary axis.
From the step response shown in Fig.(10), it is observed that the settling time is approximately equal
to the required value which is 1mse, the peak over shot is 13.8% and the steady state error of the
output voltage is equal to zero.


The network chosen should be as simple as possible (with fewer inputs and fewer hidden
nodes) so as to speed up the control process and to reduce the controller cost. The structure of the
proposed ANN controller has three layers NN 4-3-1 (four inputs, three nodes in the hidden layer and

Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network
one node in the output layer). The activation functions are sigmoid in the hidden layer and linear in
the output layer. The inputs of NN are load voltage Vlo a d , load voltage with one sample time delay
Vload ( k 1) , load voltage with two sample time delay Vload ( k 2 ) , and error voltage. The
compensation signal (modulation signal Vcontrol ) is the desired output of the network. Fig.(11) shows
the ANN controlled inverter.

Fig.(11): Proposed NN control scheme for a UPS inverter

In order to obtain good example patterns for NN off-line training, a simulation model is
needed that can perform large database and contains input output relationships. In the case of UPS
inverters, the database should include the input-output patterns under variable loading conditions.
In this work a large number of example patterns are obtained from the simulated PI controller
with the inner capacitor current loop and output voltage loop. The example patterns are taken for
variable resistive loading condition in the rang between full load and no load to ensure and obtain a
good network that operates in all loading conditions and predicts any loading change.
The training of the neural network is done off-line using MATLAB with Neural Network
Toolbox. The backpropagation with Levenberg-Marqnardt (LM) algorithm is used in the training
which has a fast convergence rate. The ANN is trained repeatedly with randomly selected example
pattern from the pattern database. After the training is completed, the weights and biases are
downloaded to the ANN controller to control the inverter on-line. The network obtained is of many
repeated trials.

The performance of the inverter system was run using the MATLAB simulation software
shown in Fig (12) . To evaluate the controller performance, several types of loading condition have
been tested. Fig.(13) shows the steady state load voltage and current for full resistive load of the
inverter under multiple loop PI controller. Fig.(14) shows the load voltage and current for 0.8PF
lagging and Fig (15) shows the load voltage and current at step change of load (no-load 1000 to full
load 100) at t=25msec. from the figures its noted that the multiple loop PI controller gives good
results, small steady state error (0.5V)rms, small THD, but have large peak over shoot at the step load

Al-Rafidain Engineering

No. 6


December 2012

Fig.(12): Matlab simulation circuit for multiple loop PWM inverter

Fig.(13): Load voltage and current for full resistive load for inverter
under closed loop PI control

Fig.(14): Load voltage and current for full load and 0.8 PF lagging
under closed loop PI control

Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network

Fig.(15): Load voltage, load current, at a sudden load change(no load to

full load) on t=25msec for inverter under Closed loop PI control
After training the proposed NN and obtaining the final weights, the network is simulated
using MATLAB simulink and then connect to the power inverter as a feedback controller the
simulation circuit is shown in Fig(16). The load voltage and current with full resistive load are shown
in Fig.(17), The load voltage and current for 0.8PF lagging are shown in Fig. (18). The figure shows
that the proposed NN controlled UPS inverter is capable of producing a good sinusoidal output
voltage. The simulation results of the dynamic response when the load changes from no load to full
load at t=25msec is shown in Fig.(19). The figure shows that the system exhibits fast dynamic
response better than the previous case of PI control with little change in the output voltage (0.3V) rms
and small THD, indicating that the proposed NN controller is capable of maintaining a stiff output

Fig(16): Matlab simulation circuit for PWM inverter under NN control


Al-Rafidain Engineering


No. 6

December 2012

Fig.(17):Load voltage, load current and spectrum analyzer for load voltage at full resistive load
for inverter under NN control

Fig.(18): Load voltage and current for full load and 0.8 PF lagging
under NN control

Fig.(19): Load voltage, load current at step load change (no load to
full load) at t=25msec for inverter under NN control


Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network
For further verifying of the performance of the proposed NN controller, an experimental
inverter system is built. The hardware implementation is based on AT89C51 microcontroller. It is
used to drive the DC-AC inverter circuit through the PWM look-up table. The PWM look-up tables
are obtained from the computer simulation of the inverter with closed loop NN control. Fig.(20)
shows the block diagram for the DC-AC practical inverter circuit, Fig. (21) shows the circuit diagram
of experimental inverter circuit while Fig.(22) show the photograph for experimental inverter circuit.
And the flow chart for microcontroller program is shown in Fig.(23).
Digital signal
trigger generator




Fig.(20):Block diagram for the proposed practical inverter circuit

Fig. (21): Circuit diagram of practical PWM inverter circuit



Al-Rafidain Engineering


No. 6

December 2012

Fig.(22): Photograph of practical PWM inverter circuit

The no load and full load voltage of the practical inverter circuit with input voltage of 12Vdc
are shown in Fig.(24).and Fig.(25), and the
spectrum analysis is shown in Fig.(26). From
the figures, two cases have been concluded:
firstly, proved the successful operation of the
inverter using unipolar PWM control based on
the microcontroller circuit. Secondly, obtaining
small steady state error, clean sinusoidal load
voltage with low THD, this emphasize the
successful PWM data taken from simulation.
Due to the different conditions for calculating
the filtering inductance makes a very little drop
in the output voltage of the inverter.

Fig.(24):No Load voltage

( R=1000)

Fig.(23): Flow chart microcontroller



Mansoor: Analysis and Simulation of Single Phase Inverter Controlled By Neural Network

Fig.(26): spectrum analysis for practical results

Fig.(25):full Load voltage
( R=100)


A NN controller for single phase inverter using only voltage feedback has been presented in
this paper. Modules of the PWM inverter and LC filter have been developed to aid in the control
design. Two control strategies for the H-bridge inverter were designed and analyzed in detail, The
First, model for the inverter with multiple loops, inner capacitor current loop and outer voltage loop
using classical PI controller has been built and simulated under transient and variable loading
conditions and the example patterns have been taken from it. Then, the proposed ANN is trained offline with database comprising all example patterns using MATLAB program. When the training is
completed, the network is connected together with the inverter instead and is simulated under variable
and transient loading condition. The simulation results show that the multiple loop PI control and
proposed NN controlled inverter give good results i.e. small steady state error, low THD. But the NN
control have faster dynamic response than PI controller, so the proposed NN is best than PI controller
because it uses only voltage sensor and this will decrease the inverter cost and complexity Finally,
hardware inverter with programmed PWM using microcontroller has been built.

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