Cheating and Forgery Case
Cheating and Forgery Case
Cheating and Forgery Case
Bhagat Singh
S/o Sh. Bhura Singh
r/o S-131, Mangol Puri,
New Delhi.
Final order
Date of judgment
Brief facts of the case are that the complainant Sh. Ashok Anand
was running a shop in the name and style M/s Anand Traders at
WZ-49, New Sudama Market opposite 10 Block, Moti Nagar, New
Delhi. On 03.12.2000 accused Bhagat Singh went to the shop of the
complainant and induced the complainant to sell one colour TV make
Videocon and one refrigerator of 165 Lts. of make Whirlpool to him. The
total cost of the TV and the refrigerator came to be Rs. 18,590/- (colour
TV for Rs. 10,490/- and refrigerator for Rs. 8,100/-). The accused paid a
sum of Rs. 1,790/- in cash and issued a cheque bearing no. 527720
dated 04.12.2000 of Rs. 16,800/- drawn on Central Bank of India,
Janakpuri Branch to pay the remaining amount. To gain the trust of the
complainant he handed over a copy of his Ration Card to the
complainant. Later on, on presentation the cheque was dishonoured
and complainant came to know that the cheque was forged and
fabricated as there was no bank account in the name of accused
Bhagat Singh. During investigation accused was arrested. The
videocon TV and refrigerator were recovered from him. His specimen
signatures were taken, same were got verified/analyzed from the FSL,
Hyderabad. Accordingly, after the investigation, police filed the present
charge sheet against the accused.
PW1 W/SI Rajbala was the Duty Officer, who exhibited on record
carbon copy of FIR as Ex.PW1/A and endorsement on the rukka as
PW2 Sh. R.A. Mittal deposed that he has retired from the post of
Deputy General Manager, Central Bank of India in April, 2012. It is
stated that he had worked as Senior Manager in Central Bank of India,
Janakpuri Branch from February 2000 to July 2001. It is stated that
after receiving the summons from the court he sent a mail requesting
the present Chief Manager, Central Bank of India, Janakpuri Branch to
produce the summoned record. It is stated that the cheque book issuing
register according to which the cheque book bearing no. 527701 to
527720 was issued to the account holder bearing account no. 13958. It
is stated that the name of the account holder as per the cheque book
PW-4 Sh. Ashok Anand deposed that in the year 2000 he was
running a shop under name and style of M/s Anand Traders at WZ-49,
New Sudama Market opposite 10 Block, Moti Nagar. It is stated that on
03.12.2000 accused Bhagat Singh came at his shop to purchase TV
and refrigerator. It is stated that he agreed to purchase one refrigerator
and one TV for the amount of Rs.18,590/-. It is stated that out of this
amount, accused paid Rs.1,790/- in cash and issued a cheque for the
rest of the amount on the pretext that he was not having cash at that
time and asked this witness to deposit the cheque after two days. It is
stated that accused had given him photocopy of ration card and a
cheque. It is stated that on 07.12.2000 he presented the cheque in his
account in Bank of India, Kirti Nagar. It is stated that after presentation
of cheque, Bank Manager informed him that cheque is forged and
asked him who has given him this cheque. It is stated that he made
enquiry at the given address and came to know that things were not
delivered at the given address. Copy of ration card given to him by the
accused is Mark 'X'. It is stated that the bill issued by him in respect of
TV and fridge bears his signature at point A and the same is Ex.PW4/A.
It is stated that the delivery challan issued by him is Ex.PW4/B. It is
stated that when he went to the bank they have return him the said
cheque and a return memo, same is shown to the witness who correctly
identified the same and same is already Ex.PW2/C. The cheque
bearing no. 527720 is shown to the witness, who correctly identifies the
same as issued by accused Bhagat Singh to him and same is already
Ex.P1. It is stated that he had given bill no.093 and delivery challan to
the police, which was seized by the police vide seizure memo
Ex.PW4/C. It is stated that the Cheque no.527718 and 527719 are
Ex.P2 and P3 and one slip Ex.P4 to issue new cheque book were also
seized by the IO vide seizure memo Ex.PW4/D. It is stated that the
above mentioned TV and fridge was seized by the IO vide seizure
memo Ex.PW4/E. It is stated that the pointing out memo is Ex.PW4/F.
The attention of witness is drawn towards disclosure statement of
accused and witness identifies his signature at point A and same is
Ex.PW4/G. It is stated that the TV and fridge were released to him but
he cannot produce the same as they have been destroyed.
In his
the cheque was signed by the accused or not as the accused has not
signed the same in his presence. It is stated that the accused brought
the cheque in signed condition and handed over the same to him. It is
stated by him that he had gone to Mangol Puri area from where the TV
and refrigerator were recovered from the house where the same were
kept by the accused. However, he could not tell the address of that
house. This witness could not tell if the house at Mangol Puri belongs to
accused or not.
and S-3 and the same is Ex. PW5/1, Ex. PW5/2 and Ex. PW5/3
respectively. In his cross examination, he could not tell the time when
he reached the spot or when the disclosure statement of accused was
recorded. He could not tell the time when they reached the house of the
accused. It is accepted by him that the place of recovery was thickly
populated area. This witness also exhibited the cheques bearing no.
527718 and 527719 as Ex. P-3 and Ex. P-2. He could not tell whether
the sample specimen signatures of the accused were sealed or not. He
denied the suggestion that the specimen signatures and handwriting of
the accused were not taken in his presence.
PW-7 Sh. Y Surya Prasad deposed that in the year 2001 he was
In his cross
the copy of covering letter as Ex. PW7/B (OSR). It is stated by him that
the specimen were not taken in his presence and the same were
provided to them by the police officials.
Ld. APP for State has argued that witnesses have supported the
On the other hand, Ld. counsel for accused has stated that there is
Arguments adduced by Ld. APP for State and Ld. Defence Counsel
for the accused have been heard. Evidences and documents on record
perused carefully.
that the cheque was forged by the accused, however, to prove offence
U/s 471 IPC prosecution is required to prove that accused fraudulently or
dishonestly used the forged cheque as genuine despite knowing or
having reasons to believe the same to be forged. The condition precedent
for an offence u/s 468 and 471 IPC is forgery. The condition precedent of
forgery is making a false document as defined u/s 464 of IPC.
Coming to the facts of the present case, in the present case as well
else or to be authorized by someone else. Thus, the cheque would not fall
within the definition of false document as defined u/s 464 IPC and
explained in the above stated case decided by Hon'ble Supreme Court of
India. Since, the cheuque in question cannot be termed as a false
document, hence, charges for the commission of offence punishable u/s
468/471 IPC will not sustain.
and Videocon TV were never been in existence and that is why they
were not produced before the Court, even the complainant could not
show any document to prove existence of such Videocon TV and
Whirlpool Refrigerator, hence, the case of the prosecution is not
probable. This defence of the accused is also not tenable as the said
Videocon TV and Whirlpool Refrigerator were delivered to the accused
vide bill no. 094 and the bill is also bearing signatures of the accused.
The said signatures are also verified by the CFSL to be put by the
accused only. Further, non production of the Videocon TV and
Whirlpool refrigerator is not fatal to the case of the prosecution. As the
accused in the present case is charged with the commission of offence
punishable u/s 420 IPC and the offence punishable u/s 420 IPC does
not require recovery of the articles handed over after cheating. The
offence of cheating is completed by parting with the property under the
fraudulent inducement made by the accused. For the fulfillment of
ingredients of section 420 IPC it is not required that the property has to
be recovered from the accused.
Thus, from the above stated facts and discussions, it has been
bearing his signatures but belonging to some one else's account does
not fall within any of the categories of false document illustrated in
Section 464 IPC. Thus, the ingredients of offence of forgery punishable
u/s 468 IPC and the offence of using forged document punishable u/s
471 IPC are not fulfilled in the present case.
considered opinion that the offences punishable u/s 468/471 IPC are
not made out against the accused. Thus, he is hereby acquitted for
commission of offence U/s 468 and 471 IPC in respect of the present