Calculos Termodinamicos Motor Diesel

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Chapter I - Introducton to the Four-Stroke Engine


bmep = imep + (pmep + fmep) = 17.84 + (-4.46) = 13.38 bar


If Eq. 1.9.5 is applied in this fashion to all of the simulations conducted in Sec.,
where the AFR is varied widely from rich to lean settings, then an equivalent set of simulation
output becomes available which is related to brake, rather than indicated, data. So, on Figs.
1.57-1.59 are drawn all of the simulation output as brake data to be compared and contrasted
with the indicated data. This output may also be compared with data typical of production si
engines in order to assess how closely this simple simulation is approaching reality. The simulation output of brake-related values is for brake mean effective pressure in Fig. 1.57, for brake
thermal efficiency in Fig. 1.58, and for brake specific fuel consumption in Fig. 1.59.
In Fig. 1.57, the friction and pumping loss at a combined 4.46 bar is seen drawn on the
graph, giving a constant difference of4.46 bar between the imep and bmep lines. When this is
translated into brake thermal efficiency, nb, it can be seen that the effect is no longer a hnear
shift from indicated thermal efficiency, lit. The brake thermal efficiency profile is now very
much flatter through the stoichiometric region, a trend that would be very typical of real si
engines. This same trend is also seen in the bsfc graph in Fig. 1.59.
The peak bmep is now observed to be around 15 bar, a value that is still on the high side for
a real si engine with a delivery ratio of 1.0, but that is not so hugely different from practice.
The best bsfc point of about 220 g/kWh is about 14% too optimistic compared to one of
today's production si automobile engines.
Even Closer to Reality
It will be recalled that these simulation data incorporate input data for the indices of compression and expansion at the ideal value of 1.4, which is equal to the ratio of specific heats for
air. Recalling the discussion in Sec. above, if these indices are each shifted by 0.1, to
1.3 and 1.5, respectively, and the present simulation rerun at a stoichiometric AFR, the bmep
becomes 11.62 bar and the bsfc increases to 247 g/kWh, both ofwhich numbers would be well
in line with current practice.

1.9.2 Power Cycle Analysis of the Diesel Engine

Some Fundamental Differences between the Diesel and the Otto Cycles
Fig. 1.60 shows the measured cylinder traces from an Otto engine and a diesel engine.
They are roughly at the same imep. The diesel engine is a 6.0 liter, six-cylinder, turbocharged,
DI unit, and the Otto engine is a 2.0 liter, four-cylinder, naturally aspirated unit with electronic
fuel injection (EFI). Because one has a cylinder swept volume that is twice the other, and the
diesel engine has a CR of 17 while the Otto engine a CR of 10, the volume scale is drawn as
volume ratio so that the engines may be readily compared. The higher CR ofthe diesel engine
shows up during compression as a volume ratio that is about half that of the Otto engine.
The Otto engine would appear to have combustion at constant volume, although from the
foregoing above we know that not to be the case. On the other hand, the diesel engine has a
much higher end of compression pressure and, more importantly in design terms, temperature.
The diesel burn also seems to be at constant volume, but these first impressions will be dispelled below.


Design and Simulation ofFour-Stroke Engines


IMEP=12.43 bar

sa 120


2.OL 14 4V NA Si OTTO
80IMEP=14.26 bar







0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Fig. 1.60 Measuredp- V diagrams for a diesel and an Otto engine.

There is no denying that the two p-V diagrams are not alike, either in shape or character.
The Otto diagram is short and squat compared to the longer, leaner Diesel diagram.
The Definition of the Ideal Diesel Cycle
The ideal Diesel cycle is presented in some theoretical detail inAppendixAl .1, Sec. A.1.1.0.
It is illustrated there by Figs. A.4 and A1.5, showing pressure-volume characteristics and
temperature-volume characteristics, respectively. There is a common bond in fundamental
thermodynamic thinking between the ideal Diesel and the ideal Otto cycle, the latter being
described in Sec. 1.6.9. The elements of the ideal Diesel cycle are, referring to Figs. A1.4 and
(a) Adiabatic and isentropic compression from state condition 1-2
(b) Constant volume combustion as heat transfer from 2-3
(c) Constant pressure combustion as heat transfer from 3-4
(d) Adiabatic and isentropic compression from state condition 4-5
(e) Constant volume heat rejection to represent exhaust process from 5-1
Thus, there is an extra heat addition process for diesel combustion compared to the ideal
Otto cycle, otherwise the two cycles are identical. The original definition of the ideal Diesel
cycle was that it had only constant pressure combustion whereas that described above is often
called the Dual cycle [1.2]. I define either, or both, as an ideal Diesel cycle.
AppendixAI .1, Sec. Al.1.10 contains all ofthe thermodynamic theory required to resolve
a given design in terms ofits performance characteristics, or its state conditions at points 1-5
throughout the cycle. This theory will be used below to examine a test case for the ideal Diesel


Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Four-Stroke Engine

The Test Engine Used as the Compression-Ignition Engine Example
Throughout this section on the diesel engine, a single cylinder unit of997.5 cm3 capacity,
running at 1800 rpm, is used to illustrate the thermodynamic points to be made. It is, in fact,
one cylinder of a six-cylinder turbocharged DI diesel truck engine of6 liters nominal capacity.
It has a bore of 100 mm, a stroke of 127 mm, and a connecting rod with 217 mm centers. The
gudgeon pin offset is zero. From the bore and stroke values, it is seen to be an "under-square"
engine, the common feature ofwhich has already been commented on in Sec. 1.8.1. The piston
position at any point on the rotation ofthe crank is found using the theory of Sec. 1.4.4 and the
cylinder volume by Eq. 1.4.1. The swept volume is 997.5 cm3, but is used in all thermodynamic equations as 997.5 x 10-6 m3.
A compression ratio of 17 is used, so the clearance volume is obtained from Eq. 1.4.3. This
clearance volume is 62.3 cm3, but is used in all thermodynamic equations as 62.3 x 10-6 m3.
The maximum and minimum cylinder volumes, i.e., at bdc and tdc, for this diesel engine are
1059.8 and 62.3 cm3, to be used in strict SI units as 1059.8 x 10-6 and 62.3 x 10-6 m3.
The fuel is dodecane with a declared calorific value of 43.5 MJ/kg. From Eq. 1.6.17, the
calculated stoichiometric akr-fuel ratio for dodecane is 14.95. The test engine is to be examined at a light load point, where the equivalence ratio, X, is 2.95. Consequently, the air-fuel
ratio in the chamber is 44.1. Let it be assumed that 10% of the fuel is to be burned at constant
volume, leaving 90% for combustion at constant pressure.
The working fluid within the engine cylinder is considered to be air with the properties
given in Appendix Al . l, Secs. A1. 1. I and A1.1.2. As stated before in Sec. 1.9.1, I define that
at bdc the swept volume is regarded to be filled with "fresh" air because the clearance volume
is considered to be filled with a gas that is inert, exhaust, but that also has the properties of air.
In short, only the swept volume at bdc is defined to contain a true "fresh" air. Because many of
the data calculated by the simple simulations below are to be compared with measured data
from a firing engine, the state conditions selected at bdc at the onset of the compression stroke
reflect the reality of turbocharging a diesel engine, compared to the standard reference pressure and temperature conditions selected for the naturally aspirated spark-ignition unit. The
state conditions to be used atpoint I in Figs. A1.4 andAl.5 inAppendixAl.1 are 2.33 bar and
70C. The pressure is known from the measured cylinder pressure data to be 2.33 bar, but the
temperature I have had to estimate based on experience, due to the absence of real data. Thermodynamic Navigation around the Ideal Diesel Cycle
Initial Valuesfor Total Mass, Air Mass, Density, DR, and Heatfrom Fuel at State Point 1
The engine is turbocharged so the state condition 1 is at 2.33 bar and 70C.
From the state equation, Eq. Al.5, mass of gas in cylinder, ml:


2.33 x 105 x 1059.8 x 10

287 x 343


=25.084 x10


Design and Simulation of Four-Stroke Engines

The mass of air trapped in cylinder, mta:


= 2.33 x 105 x 997.5 x 10

287 x 343

=23.61x10 kg

From Eq. 1.6.1, reference mass, mdref, for DR is:



101325 =1.205 kg/ n3

287 x 293

From Eqs. 1.6.3 and 1.6.4, delivery ratio is:



mta =


23.61 x 10
= 1.96
1.205 x 997.5 x 104

The delivery ratio, DR, is 1.96 and shows the considerable amount of air blown into the
engine from the compressor section of the turbocharger.
From Eq. 1.6.20, the mass of fuel trapped, mtf:


23.61 x 10 -

5.354x105 kg

From Eq. 1.6.21, total heat transfer around tdc is equivalent to heat energy in fuel:
= 1.0 x 5.354 x 10
QR TlCmtfCfl

x 43.5 x

106 = 2329

As the bum proportion at constant volume, kcv, is decided at 0.1, then from Eq. A1.76:

Q3= kVQR = 0.1 X 2329 = 232.9 J

= (1-kCV)QR

=0.9 x 2329 = 2096.1 J

Process 1-2, Adiabatic and Isentropic Compression

From Eqs. A1.26 and A1.50, pressure at end of compression, P2:

P2 =p4


=plCRY = 2.33x 105 x 17

= 123.02 x 10 Pa (ie., 123.02 bar)


=2.33x105 x52.8

Chapter I - Introduction to the Four-Stroke Engine

From Eq. A1.55, temperature at end of compression, T2:

T__ (VI. )

T2 = 343x3.106 = 1065.4 K


From Eqs. A1.21 and A1.23, the work done during compression is negative:


-mCv(T2 - T


718 x (1065.4 - 343)

-1301.1 J

From Eq. A1.23, the change of intemal energy done during compression is positive:

U2 - Ul = mlCv(T2 - Ti) = 25.084 x 104 x 718 x (1065.4 - 343) = 1301.1 J

Process 2-3, Constant Colume Combustion
The first law of thermodynamics is applied to the constant volume combustion process
where the work output is zero.


U3 - U2 +w2

mlCv(T3-T2 +0

then solving for T3:

mICV 1065.4232.9
25.084 x 104 x 718

T3=T2+ Q2

Using the state equation, as in Eq. A1.44, solving for p3:

P3 X=TPp2X
P2 x -2 T3

T3 -l=3PO2Xl= 123.02 x 105 x 1 94.7

(i.e., 137.95 bar)

Change of internal energy during the process from 2-3:

U3 - U2 = Q2=2329 J


= 137.95 x 105 Pa

Design and Simulaion ofFour-Stroke Engines

Process 3-4 Constant Pressure Combustion

The first law of thernodynamics is applied to the constant pressure combustion process.
From Eq. A1.77, solving for T4:

Q__4 =1194.7+
25.084 x
x 1005


From Eq. A1.78, solving for p4:

N = P3

(ie., 137.95 bar)

From Eq. A1.79:

T4 62.3xlO4~x 2026.1 =105.66x I0

V4 = V3 4=




The change of internal energy during the process from 3-4 is analyzed using the first law
of thermodynamics for the closed system, from Eqs. A1.77 and Al.83:

U4 - U3 = mCv (T4 - T3) = 25.084 x 104 x718x(2026.I-1194.7)= 1497.4 J

By Eq. A1.84 the work output is given by:
4 =

mjR(T4 - T3) = 25.084 x 10-4 x 287 x (2026.1 - 1194.7) = 598.5 J

Process 4-5, Adiabatic and Isentropic Expansion

From Eq. A1.80, temperature at end of expansion, T5, after process 3-4:








=805.6 K

From Eq. A1.81, pressure at end of expansion, p5:


[105.66 xxI11040 = 5.47 x 105' Pa (which is 5.47 bar)

i0V5 t)OS9.8xlO~~~~J
=.7Xi5P wihi .7br

17.95 105

= 1379


Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Four-Stroke Engine

From Eqs. Al.84, the work done during expansion is positive:

W5= -mCv(T - T4) = -25.084 x 104 x 718 x (805.6 - 2026.1) = 2198 J

From Eq. A1.23, the change of internal energy done during expansion is negative:

U5 - U4 = miCv(T - T4) = 25.084 x

104 x 718 x (805.6 - 2026.1) = -2198 J

Process 5-1, to Complete the Cycle by Constant Volume Heat Rejection

From the first law of thermodynamics, as in Eq. A1.85:

Q, = mICV4Ti - T5) = 25.084 x 104 x 718 x (343

805.6) = -833.1 J

Change of internal energy during heat rejection from 4-1:

U1 - U5 = Q = mlCv(T

T5)= -833.1 J

Obtaining Net Values for the Cycle

Net work output from the cycle, from Eqs. A1.70 and A1.71:

Wnet = W2 + W3

+ W5 =-1301.1 + 598.5 + 2198 = 1495.4 J

Ideal Diesel cycle thermal efficiency is given by Eq. Al .71:

net work =
heat input

n - 1495.4
QR 2329

The mean effective pressure, imep, can be found using Eq. 1.6.31 or Eq. A1.86:

997.5x10@ =14.99x1055 Pa(i.e., 14.99 bar)
997.5 x 104

The power output of one engine cylinder can be found using Eq. 1.6.33:




22.43 x

103 W (i.e., 22.43 kW)

Design and Simulation ofFour-Stroke Engines

The fuel consumption rate per cylinder, miif, is found from:

rnf = mass per power cycle x power cycles per second

=x r

1800 = 0.803 x 10-3 kg/ s


From Eq. 1.6.36 the specific fuel consumption can be calculated:

iffimf 0.803 x 10-3

isfc ==iLOS l
=3.58 x1o8 kg/Ws
22.43 x 103

However, in more conventional units of kg/kWh, this becomes:

isfc = 3.58 x 10-8 kg

3.58 x 10-8 x 103 x 3600

kg W

Ws kW h

0.129 kg/kWh

Graphical Outputffrom a Computer Simulation of the Ideal Diesel Cycle

Figs. A1.4 and Al.5, inAppendixAl.l, show the results of the above calculations for the
ideal Otto cycle, but derived on a computer. The procedure and comments that are given in
Sec. pertaining to similar computations for the ideal Otto cycle are equally germane
here, so they do not need to be repeated. Because Figs. AA.4 and A1.5 are drawn to scale, the
numbers for pressure, temperature, and volume which are derived above can be seen at the
relevant state positions numbered as 1-5.
Fig. 1.61 shows the cumulative work, heat transfer, and internal energy diagrams for this
ideal Diesel cycle. The 10% jump in heat transfer, and accumulated internal energy, can be
seen at the tdc point where the constant volume heat input takes place. The extra work required
to compress the air in the Diesel cycle, compared to that for the Otto cycle in Fig. 1.40, is
evident. It took just 213 J ofwork to compress the Otto cycle charge at a compression ratio of
10, but it took 1301 J in the diesel engine with the much higher compression ratio of 17.
Although the diesel engine is double the capacity of the gasoline engine, that still translates to
about three times the compression work for an equivalent diesel unit. This explains why a
much more robust starter motor and battery are required to supply the necessary energy to get
a car diesel engine going, as compared to its spark-ignition counterpart.
Ignition ofthe fuel in the diesel engine occurs by heating the injected liquid to vapor and
then heating that vapor to its self-ignition temperature. The end of compression temperature,
calculated above as T2, is 1065.4 K or 792.4C. A temperature at this level is more than sufficient to carry out the two heating processes described and to initiate ignition. However, under
normal cold-start conditions the initial temperature at bdc would be more like 20C and a
recalculation of the end of compression temperature gives 910 K, or 637C; starting is now
more problematic. Under arctic air conditions of -30C, the equivalent end of compression


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