Becker Nozzle
Becker Nozzle
Becker Nozzle
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Becker Nozzle
The steerable nozzle shows much better manoeuvring performance by generating higher lateral forces. Less space is needed
for the whole propulsion arrangement and better efficiency is
achieved by placing the propeller further to the rear than the
fixed nozzle.
Becker Nozzle
Performance comparison
Nozzle design
For comparison three design cases were defined: two representing the standard cases of fixed and steerable nozzles and
a new steerable nozzle without heel support, but much stronger
bearing arrangement at the top. The study was divided into the
system components of the hull (including heel support, if applied),
nozzle and rudder/flap.
Positioning gains
To achieve a less disturbed inflow on the nozzle it is useful to place
it as far away as possible from wake field influence. Of course,
there are some structural restrictions limiting this approach. To
balance these requirements four general cases were developed:
Components of the study
1. Fixed nozzle with conventional
rudder arrangement
The CFD studies validated the expected slightly higher bollard pull
performance of fixed nozzle at 0 rudder/nozzle angle. Notable
is the much higher lateral thrust generation of steerable nozzle
and better ahead thrust elimination on high angles. Both effects
in combination result in an overall manoeuvring thrust vector
in angle three times greater than the fixed nozzle/rudder
arrangement (see diagram below). In cruise condition the study
shows large savings on removing the heel support, whose drag
eliminates up to 50% of the thrust generated by the nozzle.