KNCHR To Start Rendition Case Against State Officials: Friday Bulletin
KNCHR To Start Rendition Case Against State Officials: Friday Bulletin
KNCHR To Start Rendition Case Against State Officials: Friday Bulletin
Friday Bulletin
The Weekly Muslim News Update
This Week
Women Issues
Kenyans will next week join the global Muslim community in celebrating the festive of sacrice Eid ul Adha which will take place on
Tuesday November 16. Eid ul-Adhha is marked during the annual
pilgrimage to Makkah which is one of the greatest religious observance in Islam. The event falls on the tenth day of Dhul Hijjah, the
last month in the Islamic calendar.
Story continued On Page 6
This Newsletter contains some of Allahs names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep, circulate or shred
fathers battering their mothers will often imitate those roles in adulthood by becoming abusers themselves. For girls, they would not
wish to be married when they see their mothers being subjected to
violence, the Imam said.
Story continued On Page 8
As for those who hold that is an obligation, some say that the Udhhiyyah must be performed with the wealth of the insane, or the child
if he is wealthy, on their behalf.
Conditions for the validity of Al-Udh-hiyyah.
a. What is slaughtered must be of what is normally considered
livestock, namely cattle, sheep, goats, camels, water buffaloes and
the like. So slaughtering, for example, one or many chickens does
not count.
b. It matters not whether what is slaughtered is male or female.
c. A sheep or goat counts for one person, while a camel or cow can
be shared by up to seven people. Jaabir (r.a.) said: We slaughtered
with the Prophet (s.a.w.) in the Year of (the Truce) of Hudaybiyyah
seven to a camel and seven to a cow.
d. The animal slaughtered must be fully grown, about six months
for a goat, one year for a sheep, three years for a cow, and ve
years for a camel.
e. The sacrice should also be free from defects, especially those
which affect the meat.
The time of AI-Ud-hiyyah
The time of al-Udh-hiyyah begins after the 'Eed prayer. If one lives
in an area with a number of 'Eed prayers, it is sufcient for one of
them to complete its prayer. If one lives in a place where there is no
'Eed prayer, then one can slaughter any time after sunrise. According to the majority of scholars the time of sacrice ends on the 13th
of Dhul Hijjah. Their proof is the reliable statement of the Prophet
(s.a.w.): All the days of Tashreeq are days of sacrice. Any sacrice outside these times is not an Udh-hiyyah.
Distribution of the meat
The Sunnah of al-Udh-hiyyah is fullled by letting the blood of the
sacrice ow, that is, by performing the sacrice. Iit is preferable
that one distribute a third of the meat to the poor in charity, give a
third away as gifts to neighbors, relatives, and friends, and keep a
third of the meat for one's household. (
The magistrate and High court also joined the criticism by accusing
the executive of breaching the law and shipping its citizens to other
countries without following the established extradition process.
Muslim Human Rights Forum executive director Al-Amin Kimathi
was also arrested together with lawyer Mbugua Mureithi after they
traveled to Uganda to represent the detainees. While Mbugua was
released, the Uganda police detained Al-Amin and charged him
alongside others for murder and terrorism.
The commission tore into arguments by government spokesman
Dr. Alfred Mutua that the transfers were within the scope of the law
as they were carried out inline with security agreements by East
African Community States to reduce and stop cross border crimes.
The rights body, however, said that while it recognized the importance of international and regional cooperation in the suppression
of crimes, the rights of citizens as enshrined in the constitution have
to be protected and the constitution being the supreme law overrides all other legislations.
It must always be remembered that the liberty of an individual is
an inalienable right. The rights of citizens not to be sent to a foreign
jurisdiction without strict compliance with laws relating to extradition must never be compromised under any circumstances, the
correspondence said.
Saturday Lecture
The danger of Polytheism (Shirk)
Sheikh Shaban Ismail
Sat. 13th November 2010 2.00 pm-4.00 pm
Jamia Multi Purpose Hall
Grate the pawpaw and cut the meat into pieces. Set aside.
Pound the cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, garlic, cumin, dhania,
ginger, peppercorns and chilli together.
Mix these spices together with the meat, pawpaw, lala, tomatoes,
paprika, tomato puree and salt.
Marinate for a few hours. Heat the oil and fry the onions until they are
brown and crisp. Remove them from the oil and set aside.
In the same pot, fry the meat mixture, simmering it until the meat
is done. In the meantime cook the rice as usual.
Place the meat mixture in an oven proof dish and spread the
fried onions over the meat.
Place the rice over the onion and meat and spread evenly.
Sprinkle some water into the dish and place in an oven at 200 degrees
centigrade for 10 minutes.
Share your favourite recipes with our readers. Send them to P. O. Box 10078600100 or email:[email protected] or [email protected]
Eid ul Adha
Eid-ul-Adha ('festival of Sacrice'), also known as the
Greater Eid, is the second most important festival in
the Muslim calendar. The festival remembers the Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrice his son beloved and
only son Ismail when Allah ordered him to.
The story of Ibrahim's sacrice
Eid-ul-Adha celebrates the occasion when Allah appeared to Ibrahim in a dream and asked him to sacrice
his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God.
The devil tempted Ibrahim by saying he should disobey
Allah and spare his son. As Ibrahim was about to kill his
son, Allah stopped him and gave him a lamb to sacrice
Eid ul Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhul Hijja,
the last month in the Islamic calender.
Today Muslims all over the world who can afford it,
sacrice a sheep, goat, cow or camel as a reminder of
Ibrahim's obedience to Allah. They share out the meat
among family, friends and the poor, as a way of thanking
Allah for this great occasion.
Eid usually starts with Muslims going to the Mosque for
prayers, dressed in their best clothes, and thanking Allah for all the blessings they have received.
It is also a time when they visit family and friends as
well as offer presents. At Eid it is recommended to give
charity to be used to help poor people buy new clothes
and food so they too can celebrate.
During this time, millions of Muslims gather in Makkah,
Saudi Arabia for the annual pilgrimage the hajj.
It is the Fifth Pillar of Islam and therefore a very important part of the Islamic faith. All physically t Muslims who can afford it should make the visit to Makkah,
in Saudi Arabia, at least once in their lives.
Every year around 3 million Muslims from all over the
world converge on Makkah making it the the largest
gathering of people.
They stand before the Kaaba, the rst house of worship
built by Prophet Ibrahim praising Allah together.
The pilgrims wear simple white clothes called Ihram
which promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and
sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes
of Allah.
Saudi authorities announced that the day of Arafah which forms the
pinnacle of the Hajj will be observed on the 9th day of the month of
Dhul Hijjah conciding with Monday Novem,ber 15.
In Nairobi, the main prayers will be held at the Sir Ali Muslim Club
grounds in Ngara. In the event of bad weather occasioned by rain,
the prayers will shift to Jamia Mosque in the central business district
with similar prayers being held at various mosques.
An important aspect of Eid ul-Adha is that it commemorates Prophet
Ibrahims readiness to obey Allah and sacrice his rst son Ismail.
On this day, Muslims sacrice animals as a way of commemorating
the unwavering obedience of Prophet Ibrahim, May Allahs mercy
be upon him to Allahs command.
More than 3 million Muslims from all over the world have descended
on Makkah this year to perform the annual pilgrimage.
Consequently if we truly desire Paradise, all that is required is obedience, since the Prophet has guaranteed Paradise for whoever
follows him: "All of my nation will enter Paradise except those who
refuse." His Companions said, "Who would refuse?" He answered,
"Whoever obeys me enters Paradise and whoever disobeys me
has refused." (Al-Bukhari).
Likewise, Allah warns us throughout the Qur'an of the consequences of choosing to disobey Him. For example Allah says:And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, and transgresses His
limits, He will cast him into the Fire, to abide therein; and he shall
have a disgraceful torment. (An-Nisaa' 4:14)
And among the messages of `Eid is that all Muslims are one people
and one brotherhood; we gather together for the prayer and share
in the blessings of the `Eid. During these days we must try extra
hard to strengthen our brotherhood and mend our differences upon
the truth.
Muslim youth, take the opportunity of `Eid to be kind to your parents, and know that obedience to your parents is obedience to Allah provided that
it is free of disobedience to
Allah. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs,
for they destroy the heart,
the intellect, and the society.
Women, witness the `Eid
Prayer without displaying
and aunting your beauty or
wearing perfumes. Fear Allah in regards to your dress
code and know that the dress
code of the Muslim woman
is an honor, not an oppression. The dress code is that
your clothing should cover
your entire body apart from
the hands and face; it should
not be adorned and attractive in and of itself; it should
be loose and opaque. This
dress code is be observed in
the masjids as well as in all
public gathering places.
We Muslims should take
action now toward improving our obedience and submission to Allah, for time is
limited. Remember the ones
who prayed with us in the
last `Eid Prayer and who have now become the residents of the
graveyard. We will certainly join them one day. Do not therefore
be tricked by the life of this world in which happiness does not last.
Death spoils the people's pleasure. So look for pleasure in which
there is no death. Therefore, consider this world a place of work
toward the hereafter. As Allah says concerning the pursuit of Paradise: And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he
ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall
surely be accepted. (Al-Israa' 17:19)
And Allah says: And worship your Lord until there comes to you the
certainty. (Al-Hijr 15:99)
Allah is stating that our obedience and submission must be constant
and continuous. So hasten to do good deeds before you regret your
negligence and failure to act. No one has an agreement with the
Angel of Death to delay their death until the time they choose to
submit and obey Allah. Ibrahim submitted, Ismail submitted, Hajar
submitted, and now you must submit. What are you waiting for?
This is the message of Hajj; this is the message of `Eid. You have
heard the message. It's time to submit.
for Nyandarua
He admitted that the local community does
not have the capacity to develop the land
and called on Muslims to use their resources in protecting the the mosqu an the land
which has for generations served as a symbol of the identity of the community.
The Nyahururu Jamia mosque with a capacity of over 500 worshippers was built
in 1982 under the facilitation of Yusuf Hajji,
who is presently the Defence minister.
Domestic violence
Story From Page 1
He told couples to seek counseling and
guidance from Imams and scholars as a
way of solving marital problems.
In his address, Sheikh Swalihu reminded
the Imams to take up their role as community leaders and address other issues of
concern which were affecting the community. The Ummah is looking at you and it
is important that you reinvigorate your role
to serve them and address pertinent issues
facing Muslims in your localities, he said.
The four day event was organized by Jamia
Mosque Committee and the Africa Muslim
Agency. More than 40 Imams from Nairobi
and surrounding areas attended the programme which was held under the theme,
Being an exemplary Daaiyah.
The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147 E-mail: [email protected].
Printed by Colour Magic Production Ltd-Kirinyaga Crescent P. O. Box 9581-00100 Nairobi