Kundalini Power PDF
Kundalini Power PDF
Kundalini Power PDF
Bhagavad-Gita: 18 Chapters in
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chapters in Sanskrit, English,
transliteration and word for word
Bhagavadgita Pages in English, Chapters 1 to 18
Click below for Magnum Opus of Purnananda-Svami (1526 CE) on Kundalini Yoga
Serpent Power
This file has the complete book of The Serpent Power plus illustrations by me with highlights of
passages with the footnotes.
Serpent Power is the English translation of Sat-Cakra-Nirupana (Six-Chakra Investigation) in
Sanskrit written by
am am Sam
You may follow this convention of enunciation of alphabets for all other Chakras
also. For chanting of Bija mantras and the letters,
assume Lotus Position. The overdots above the Sanskrit letters indicate the M
For the Hindus, the willing and the compliant, here are some suggestions for a
fuller life. When you get out of the bed, utter the name of Kesava (destroyer of
Kesin, Krishna) several times; this will set the day on a smooth path without
obstructions, obstacles and frustrations. Its potency is equal to supplicating to
Ganesa with "Om Ganesaya namah." When you go to bed, you count sheep
jumping over the fence as a sleep aid. The idea is that you concentrate so much on
the sheep that you forget the day's worries; counting eventually puts you to sleep.
Mentally chanting Narayana upon going to bed - the Hindu way of counting sheep
- and awakening brings benefits; the benefit of uttering the name in sleep though
not uttered comes to the devotee; that is the paradoxical Grace of Bhagavan.
Utter the name of Govinda as many times as possible when you are about
to eat. This will provide you your next meal and more thereafter. Consider many
mishaps that could happen between meals that could prevent you from eating your
next meal. Here eating your next meal means that you are alive and well. January
2010. Example: Think of the unfortunate earthquake victims in Haiti, who were
hale and healthy and the next moment.... I can't even think, fathom and narrate the
horror of their suffering. If you eat less or more, both are bad. In Hinduism, you
don't eat for yourself; you eat for the Atman, the Great Soul or the Universal Soul
in you. Bhagavad Gita says:
6.16: Yoga is not for him, who either eats too much, or eats too little. It is not for
him, who either sleeps too much or stays awake too long, O Arjuna.
9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever offerings you make,
whatever you give away, and whatever austerities you perform, O son of Kunti,
do that offering unto Me.
The Christian equivalent is saying the Grace before meals. All acts are done for
Him, which means service to mankind is service to Him.
Dear Lord, bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and us to thy
service. In Christ's name we pray, Amen.
The Jews have more elaborate recitation of Grace before (Ha-motzi), after,
and between meals. They have Grace for wine, fruits, pastries, beverages, nonearth foods (meat, fish, milk and cheese). A typical Jewish Grace is as follows:
Praised be Thou, O Lord (Adonai) our G-d (God), King of the universe who
brings BREAD from the earth or by whose word all things came into being.
For each food item substitute the name of that food in the Grace: Fruit of the vine,
fruit of the earth (vegetables), pastries....
You may notice in the Jewish Grace that by God's word all things came into
being. In Hinduism, God by His Will, thinks the Thinkables, utters the
Speakables, and creates the objects, Universe and beings. The Thinkable becomes
the Speakable and the Speakable becomes the Object. I think and speak Apple;
Abracadabra! I have Apple on the palm of my hand; I wish it is that easy. It is by
God's thought and word, creation comes into being. SUta Samhita says, Supreme
Consciousness is Motionless Apada (Stirless word or Brahman), which becomes
the four forms of Pada (word), which again can become Apada. That sound is
called NADA by the Tantrics, which is the origin of beings and objects. When
Bindu explodes, a sound is produced which is called SabdaBrahman (Sound
Brahman = Sound Consciousness). Bindu is like a spontaneously exploding
Wisteria Seed Pod. A German homeowner called the police and took cover
under the table when he heard a barrage of gunshots outside the house in his
garden. The police responded only to discover the seed-missiles were
shooting out of the exploding Wisteria pods.
The ancient pre-Christian and pre-Judaic Hindu concept is the body is PINDA
made of food; not only you dedicate the body to serve Him but also and more
importantly your soul to Him (Atma Samarpanam =
= Soul dedication). In my humble opinion, there is nothing in this universe that
Hindu religion has not fathomed which is present in other religions.
Who doesn't like to hear the sweet nectarian sound of his name uttered by
someone else? Among all names, Bhagavan likes to hear his devotees say
Govinda in couplets: Govinda Govinda.
In Judaism, out of due reverence for G-d (God), there is a prohibition on the
pronunciation of four-letter name (YHVH = Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh) except in prayer
or study. The common practice is to mispronounce the name (politely and
reverentially called deletion and substitution of syllables or letters) so Adonai is
mispronounced as Adoshem; Elohaynu and Elohim are mispronounced as
Elokaynu and Elokim. (The Hindu Chanters of hymns of 1000 names of Vishnu
have a supreme adherence to the proper enunciation of names. Any intentional
mispronunciation is sacrilegious and prohibited. Tantrics are very particular about
exact and precise pronunciation. When you invoke god or goddess, proper
enunciation is important. If the Hindu were to invoke and call god, JOHN SMITH
as JOAN SMYTHE, both deities (John Smith and Joan Smythe) get angry with
the invoker; consequences may be serious or they may simply forgive him
because they know his sincere devotion to both of them. In Hinduism,
unintentional mispronunciation does not invite the wrath of God. Here is a quote,
"Even if one were to slip on the proper method of reciting it (with faith and
completely surrendered), the Thirumanthra will not slip from its nature, which is
providing full protection to those reciting it. The Thirumanthra will protect
everyone who recite it, no matter how they do it. That is, it never fails in its
nature." It is like mispronouncing the name of the medication and taking it
internally. The medication still works and brings about its intended effect, no
matter what you call it.
Thirumanthra: Om namo Narayanaya.
In Hinduism there is ONE GOD and many are His or Her names. Hindus believe
that God is formless [Brahman] and One; people call Him or Her Brahman, The
Lord, Allah, Adonai or any other name if a new Prophet, Messiah or Guru comes
along in the future and establishes a new religion entirely unknown and
unimagined by us now. Consider the possibility that a new future prophet (Nuo)
declares establishment of a new religion, NUOISM AND CALLS HIS GOD
NUON and declares that all other Gods are defunct pretenders. Nuon, Nuo, and
Nuoism become legitimate because 3 billion people converted to Nuoism. Now I
know we should not be fighting with each other in the name of religion.) In
writing the word G-d (God) in Judaism, an observant Jew drops the letter O. G-d
is often referred to as Ha-Shem (The Name), the Ineffable Name, the Unutterable
Name or the Distinctive Name. To the Jew, God is One, both female and male
blended in One but He or She comes with many names and flavors. He invokes
and thanks Lord Adonai for Her kindness; he invokes God Elohim for being
harsh (justice) on him. Simply, Feminine Lord Adonai becomes Masculine God
Elohim depending upon dispensation. To him Female Lord (Lady) Adonai and
Male God Elohim are parents--though one-- keeping the children in line first by
giving soft love and then some tough love. Hinduism also has an androgynous
God by name Ardhanarisvara (Ardha-Nara-Isvara = half-man-Lord = Right half is
the Lord and the left half is female Sakti. Androgynous Siva is the same as
Elohim on the right and Adonai on the left of one body.
9.39 Krishna says, I will be in the center of the lotus as a dark nimbus cloud with
eyes and face radiating grace and love and Lakshmi sitting on my chest.
9.40 Visualize me with scintillating jewels, ankle bells, bracelets, and shining
lotus feet.
9.41 Let your mind build my image of my body in all its parts and see my
complete self as an immanent being there.
9.42 Shut out the external world; withdraw from all sensory stimuli; fix your mind
on me in the very center of the heart lotus; keep going towards the epicenter of the
lotus (involution).
9.43 As your travel towards the center and concentrate your attention, your mind
flows in a continuous stream; hold your attention on the benign face of My being.
9.44 Concentrate on My face for a while; later let My form vanish and what is left
behind is the Self; hold on to it and become one with it; now the Self and you are
9.45 Remain in that state; it is like fire fusing with fire.
to Sahasrara Chakra. In this centre exist all the six Chakras (lotuses, viz.,
Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha and Ajna).
The lower extremity of the Chitra Nadi is called Brahmadvara, the door of
Brahman, as Kundalini has to pass through this door to Brahmarandhra. This
corresponds to Haridwar which is the gate of Hari of Badrinarayan in the
macrocosm (physical plane). The Chitra terminates in the Cerebellum.
In a general sense the Susumna Nadi itself (Susumna = gross substance of
Spinal Cord) is called Brahma Nadi because, Brahma Nadi is within the
Susumna. Again the canal within the Chitra is also called Susumna, because
the canal is within the Susumna. Ida and Pingala Nadis are on the left and right
sides of the spine.
Chitra is the highest and most beloved of the Yogins. It is like a thin thread of
lotus. Brilliant with five colours, it is in the centre of Sushumna. It is the most
vital part of the body. This is called the Heavenly way. It is the giver of
Immortality. By contemplating on the Chakras that exist in this Nadi, the Yogi
destroys all sins and attains the Highest Bliss. It is the giver of Moksha.
When the breath flows through Susumna, the mind becomes steady. This
steadiness of the mind is termed "Unmani Avastha", the highest state of Yoga. If
you sit for meditation when Susumna is operating, you will have wonderful
meditation. When the Nadis are full of impurities, the breath cannot pass into the
middle Nadi. So one should practise Pranayama (breath control) for the
purification of Nadis.
of the devotee of the Lord, which is equal or more than equal to serving the Feet
of Bhagavan (Lord). For the meaning of the three mantras go to Srivaishnava
Adiyen (That is me.)
It is a common recommendation for a Vaishnava devotee to mentally chant,
Sriman Narayana Charanau Saranam, Prapadye Srimathe Narayanaya Nama,
anywhere, anytime. Combining this Mantra with Breath control has its
advantages. Assume Padmasana pose. Take a deep breath and hold. Kumbhaka is
the breath-holding phase, during which mentally chant the Mantra 5 times and
breath out deeply. You may perform it for 5-10 minutes twice a day. Other times,
you may chant this Mantra without holding the breath.
The other method.
Commit all three Mantras to memory before you proceed. Or write them down
and chant in your mind from what you wrote on the paper.
Assume Padmasana posture. Take a deep breath and hold it. Chant the following
three Mantras silently in your mind while you hold your breath and exhale at the
end. You could do this for a period of about 5-10 minutes twice a day. It will
bring you peace and tranquillity. Deep breath for 3-4 seconds, mental chanting of
all three mantras for 15 - 20 seconds and exhalation of 3-4 seconds. The whole
procedure takes about 20 to 30 seconds in one cycle.
Buddhi, Ahamkara and Manas are linear in that Buddhi14 gives rise to
Ahamkara15 which gives rise to Mind or Manas16. Distal elements such
as hearing17 tactile sense18, vision and color19, tasting20, smell21 report to Mind or
Manas, which reports to Ahamkara, which reports to Buddhi. Buddhi interacts
with Chitta, the shuttle that moves knowledge back and forth between storage and
the front of consciousness or Buddhi.
The Tattvas.
Siva1, Sakti2, Sadasiva3, Isvara4, Sadvidya5, MyA6, Kla7, Niyati8, Kal9,
Vidya10, Rga11, Purusa12 Prakrti Tattva13, Buddhi14, Ahamkara15, Manas16,
hearing17 tactile sense18, vision and color19, tasting20, smell21, speech22, grasp23,
ambulation24, evacuation25, procreation26, sound27, palpation28, form29, taste30,
odor31, ether32, air33, fire34, water35 Earth36.
Explanation of these terms and other perspectives
Perception moves from the sense organs to the mind in the apprehension of
General and Peculiar qualities, from indeterminate to determinate, from
preliminary to specific, from Nirvikalpam to Savikalpam. Higher need is moving
the perception to the soul. This is Intellectual perception, which is apprehension
by what is called Antakarna or Inner organ, consisting of Buddhi, Ego, Mind and
Chitta serving the soul. Going beyond General and Peculiar qualities or
perception is Intellectual Perception (). In the West, Mind and
Egoism are well discussed and explored; Buddhi and Chitta are poorly
The following meanings of the words are close approximations.
Buddhi = = Intellect. Reason, power of discernment or judgment
Ahamkaram = = Egoism
Manas = = Mind
develop a physical response to her; she kindles your desire and Buddhi gives a
thorough look-see; you are melting in the heat of passion; you desire for union;
that is Experiential perception or knowledge. This is the physical side of human
response. There is less knowledge among people with regards to spiritual side of
human response. You hear of ecstasy in seers and sages, when they meditate on
God. That spiritual ecstasy is compared to sexual bliss in Tantric texts. Sexual
bliss is difficult to express in words; so also is Spiritual bliss, but it is much more
intense, when the Yogi experiences what is called Turiya and Turiyatita, the 4th
and 5th state of human consciousness (the other three are wakefulness, dream
sleep and deep sleep). This is the ultimate human experience in this phenomenal
Experiential knowledge = Self-perception of pleasure and pain
brought about by arka-tattuvam ( = Desire).
Direct Perception = Pratyaksha Pramana (= = KAnadal
Alavai) is the knowledge gained by direct perception of an object by the senses.
The first impression is the general appearance or occurrence and is called
Nirvikalpa Pratyyaksha ( ), Indeterminate perception.
Vikalpam = difference. Nirvikalpam = undifferentiated or indeterminate. The next
perception in sequence is Savikalpa Pratyyaksha ().
Savikalpam is knowledge that comes with perception associated with appreciation
of difference. One comes to know how an object is different from the rest. It is a
definite identification of the object and its true nature. Savikalpa Partyyaksha is
knowledge that is not tainted with doubt, confusion, and erroneous apprehension
(). Savikalpa Patyaksha is knowledge devoid of stain.
It is indicated that Inner Organ is endowed with functional polymorphism, the
constituent name based on its function. When it emotes (Manasa-Vrtti) it is called
Manas or mind; when it thinks (Buddhi-Vrrti) it is Buddhi; When it is in memory
mode (Chitta Vrrti), it is Chittam. Thus Mano-Buddhi-Ahamkara-Chitta is one
entity with multiple functions. Each function in the active mode inhibits the other
functions with ever-present Ahamkara humming in the background..
Soul's intellect, when at work, goes after the objects. It uses the five sensory
organs like the eyes. Its perception is based on and limited by the organs. Indriya
KAtchi (Sense Perception) perceives without the stain of doubt and erroneous
apprehension the object's general quality without knowing its name and genus.
This is known as sense-knowledge. The first knowledge engendered by and
associated with the five sense-organs takes a foothold in Chitta (Determinative
Faculty) and remains in memory; later Buddhi (Intuitive Intellect) assigns a name,
genus and such attributes to the object and thus establishes a clear comprehension
of the object. This is known as MAnatha KAtchi (Intellectual Perception),
, Intellectual perception by the soul through the functioning of
the intellect.
External Sense Organs: They are the eyes, the nose, the tongue, the ears and the
skin, which serve to collect disparate sensations from the outer world. They are
outside of the Inner Organ.
knowledge. Buddhi keeps moving the knowledge back and forth between the
front and back of the consciousness as Smrti and Apohana with the help of Chitta.
Antakarana (Inner Organ as depicted below) is operational in two modes:
External knowledge Acquisition (Abhijna) and internal Self-Knowledge
(Pratyabhijna) acquisition. In Abhijna knowledge acquisition, knowledge
proceeds from the gross to the subtle, from the sense organs to Chitta via Mind,
Ego, and Buddhi. Sense organs report to Mind which reports to Ahamkara, which
reports to Buddhi, which reports to Chitta. As we proceed from Sense Organs to
Witness, we are moving from a world of matter via the Mind, Ego, Buddhi and
Chitta to a world of Self, Pure Consciousness or Witness. Mind and others are
matter, while Witness is Spirit. We are moving from matter to Spirit. In this
centripetal movement, the perfected one realizes that he (the individual self) is
one with the Witness or Self. Tat Tvam Asi = That Thou Art = That you are.
THAT is God, Witness.... God you are. Don't get carried away. Each one of us is
an image of God; an image is not the Real Thing. A shadow is not real. God is
Supreme Consciousness. Human consciousness is an infinite dilution (one part in
a gazillion) of the Supreme Consciousness of God. When the individual soul
sheds all impurities, it (you) becomes one with God. That is when 'Tat Tvam Asi'
applies to you.
That Knowledge is Pratyabhijna (Spontaneous Recognition). Bhijna is cognition
and Pratyabhijna is Recognition. Pratyabhij refers to the spontaneous
recognition of the divine nature hidden in each human being (atman)
More on Pratyabhijna. Pratipam and Jna are the constituent words. Pratipam is
'facing oneself and what is forgotten'. Jna is 'Knowledge'. Tagare--Pratyabhijna
Philosophy. The present experience is identical and in total conformity with what
was experienced in the past; that is 'Recognition'. It is seeing or cognizing an
experience, an object or a person presently before you. You know Mr.XYZ from
the past. He remains in stored memory and yet that memory is not in the forefront
of your consciousness. When you see him suddenly before you in Niagra Falls,
you experience Pratyabhijna or Recognition. The knowledge has moved from
storage to the storefront, from the back burner to the front burner.
You have knowledge of God from Sacred texts, from experience, from inference
and from apprehension that one's own self is God. When an experience impinges
on you that says, 'I am that very Lord', you have come to Isvara Pratyabhijna or
Recognition of the Lord.
We need the Mind, Ego, Buddhi and Chitta to arrive at Saksin, Witness, Universal
Consciousness... These are aids or way stations. Each entity churns and propels knowledge from
one to the next. This churning is called Vritti. Once all entities have performed their functions,
they undergo autolysis, self-destruction, immolation, a sort of psychic apoptosis (programmed
death) for the time being. They do regenrate. By the way, these four entities are functional and
not anatomical entities. You cannot have matter enter the realm of Spirit. The matter has to die;
Mind has to die; Ego has to die; Buddhi has to die. The flesh dies and Spirit rises. Chitta has the
remembrance power (smrti, Recognition). All Vrittis dissolve and matter is reabsorbed by
Kundali as the Kundalini Sakti rises through the Chakras. This is the power needed for the Yogis
to dissolve in the Witness (God or Universal Consciousness, Inner Abider) and become one with
It. As Sakti moves from one matter to the next to go to the Spirit, each encounter with matter
evokes a response, 'Neti Neti, Not this, Not this. Once each entity is studied and rejected, Sakti
arrives at the Real Thing, Witness or Self. This is It. This is ultima Thule. In Pratyabhijna mode,
it turns itself inward and obtains Self-Knowledge. Abhijna is outbound, while Pratyabhijna is
Bhijna is to know God exists by knowledge; Pratyabhijna is to know Him by
direct experience, knowing, Tat Tvam Asi and recognizing Him. I am that
Siva. It is realization of the ever-present Reality. It is finding Anuttara ( ),
the One not having a superior or the Ultimate Reality.
December 16, 2012
Jesus Christ experienced Pratyabhijna and said, Tat Tvam Asi (That thou art =
God You Are = That I am.) That = God.
John 8:58. Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was
born, I am.
Exodus 3:14
14 God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM; and He said, Thus you shall say to
the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.
I AM = Aham ( = I being such) as said by Siva.
How coincidental is it that both the God of Abraham and Siva said the same
In Pratyabhijna mode, it turns itself inward and obtains Self-Knowledge. Abhijna is outbound,
while Pratyabhijna is inbound. Abhijna is to know external objects; Pratyabhijna is to know
oneself as the Self, Witness or the Universal soul.
In Kashmir Saivism, Pratyabhijna means Spontaneous Recognition. You are in spiritual search;
your Guru says what you are searching is you; you and the object of your search are one; you
and Self are one; Individual self and the Universal Self are one; You and Siva are one. One's true
self is nothing but Siva. The caveat is that the claimant should be pure to claim such a medallion.
It is the individual soul becoming one with the Universal Soul.
What is the purpose of all this discussion? It is all about meditation. It is becoming one with the
object of your meditation. It is becoming one with your God. Remember you came from him;
you are a fragment (amsa) of Him or a spark according to Ramanuja. When you reintegrate with
Him, that is finding the fountainhead; that is like salmon going back to the redd (= the spawning
area or nest of trout or salmon).
In successful Mantra meditation, Mind dissolves in Buddhi and Buddhi dissolves in Chitta.
Chitta dissolves in the Self or Witness. This is essential for proper meditation. This sequential
process has four parts to it: meditation by the mind, chanting of mantra by Buddhi,
contemplation by Chitta, eventual dissolution in the Self. It goes from thought-initiation to
application to contemplation to dissolution. Chitta keeps you in the 'groove' . You need Chitta to
keep meditation, concentration and contemplation in sync. Mind is a mechanical meditator;
Buddhi is a fickle meditator; Chitta is a serene and steadfast meditator. Your aim is to graduate
to and dissolve in Chitta meditation and the self. Mind meditation and Buddhi meditation are
out-bound meaning the thoughts are out-bound in the world of happenings; you are in the world
of Nama and Rupa, names and forms. Chitta meditation is inbound in the sense it is in step with
the Atman, the Inner Soul, the Witness. At this juncture the Chitta goes into Smrti mode
(remembrance) and engages in deep contemplation. In remembrance mode, it is pratyabhijna. It
sees and recognizes God (Siva).
For successful Mantra Meditation, an aspirant must have the following qualities.
Santi = Serenity. Mind must be brought under control and trained not to chase after senseobjects under the false belief that they provide happiness.
Dantah = Control of Sense-organs. One must strive to prevent the sense organs from exploring
the world of sense objects and imprinting on the mind the sensual experiences.
Param uparatah = Withdrawal of mind. Mind is trained to forget the sense enjoyments of the
past and desist from fancied sensual imageries.
Shanti Yuktah = Tranquility + Absorbed in = forbearance. One should train oneself not to
be disturbed and distracted by frustrations of daily living.
In the diagram below, you will notice that the Soul occupies the center; Mind,
Ego, and Intellect serve Chitta or Determinative
Faculty, which serves the Soul.
In the diagram above, you will notice that the Soul occupies the center;
Mind, Ego, and Intellect serve Chitta or Determinative Faculty, which
serves the central Soul. Sense organs report to the Mind, which submits the
mental impressions to Ego, which analyses them from selfish point of view
of the experiencer and forwards ego-colored impressions to Buddhi
Manas = Mind. Buddhi = Intellect. Chitta = Citta =
Determinative faculty.
When Buddhi is churning, you call the function BuddhiVritti. Same is true of Manas-Vritti and Chitta-Virrti.
Manas-Vritti, Buddhi-Vritti and Chitta-Virrti are
controlled by a three-way switch, a case of reciprocal
inhibition; only one switch is operative at a time. When Manas
is churning, Buddhi and Chitta stop churning. Manas is a
gatherer of information; Buddhi is a sifter, a sorter, an
analyzer, a collator, and a processor of knowledge. It is like
gathering intell (intelligence) by Manas, the field agents, and
the analyzer of 'intell' is the Buddhi. Buddhi is intelligence,
reason, power of discernment or judgment. Its intrinsic
memory is evanescent (has only short-term memory like
RAM.). Antahkarana is the inner organ or the repository of
Manas, Ego, Buddhi and Chitta. Chitta is a shuttle that moves
knowledge back and forth from the front burner of
consciousness or Buddhi to back burner and vice versa. When
knowledge shuttles via the shuttle-express (Chitta) to the front
of consciousness, you call it Smrti or remembrance; when
knowledge is put in storage and not remembered, it is called
Apohana (loss or forgetting); but it is available upon demand.
Impressions; analytical interpretation; and storage and recall
are the respective functions of Manas, Buddhi and Chitta,
which work like gears in the car; when one gear is on, the
other two gears are disabled. Ego or Ahamkaram is the 'Idoer', which looks at its own important self from the self of
others and the world and is a mediator between the id and the
world of objects and beings.
Vritti or vrtti in this context is churning of the mind, Buddhi
and Chitta, meaning they are engaged in their respective
activities. Yoga is to turn off this churning of the restless
entities, so that he can abide in his self (svarupa) with ablation
of mind, Ego and Buddhi and subside in Tranquil ChittaAtma. Only Chitta communes with the effulgent Soul.
Mind, Buddhi, and Chitta are one entity with three different
functions (functional polymorphism) and so named
individually based on its function at that moment in time;
Chitta is hierarchically the most superior element of the three
and has the privilege of communicating with the Self or the
Kundalini is Pinda (the body aspect of all Saktis = SaktiPinda); Hamsah is Pada (word, mantra); Bindu is RUpa
(form); but Cinmaya (made of Consciousness) is formless. -Woodroffe. Body of Kundali is made of 50 Sanskrit letters.
This link shows the location of the cervix of the female
genitalia: http://www.britannica.com/eb/art-48179
Kunda means anything that has a cavity: a pot, a pit, or
ventricles in the brain around which the cerebral cortex is
spread out like the coils of a snake. The compressed energy
that is contained in Kunda stays dormant and goes by many
names upon its manifestation: Devi, Durga, Kundalini,
Tripurasundari, Lakshmi, Kali, Sarasvati.
Tantrasara in eulogizing Mother Goddess in the name of
Kundali in Hymns to Bhuvanesvari (Verse 9)
O Mother! like the sleeping King of Serpents
Residing in the center of the first Lotus
Thou didst create the universe.
Thou dost ascend like a streak of lightning
And attainest the ethereal region.
Page 34 Hymns to the Goddess and Hymn to
Kali translation by Sir John Woodroffe
kundal51.jpg deleted--is replaced with kundal690.jpg
8. Pusha
9. Sankhini
10. Payasvini
11. Varuni
12. Alambusha
13. Vishvodhara
14. Yasasvini
control and concentration of the Chitta on the Sivasthanam, the Abode of Bliss.
For a beginner, Kundalini fire should be
raised gradually from one chakra to the next over
years until She reaches Ajna Chaka. It is hot where
the kundalini fire is active and this can be verified by
external observer. Each chakra (plane) of body, base
of spine, genital area, navel area, heart area turn cold
as the power leaves that plane. Kundalini fire, if
unregulated, is Kali; if regulated, it is Durga, the giver of
boons. Unregulated and undirected ravaging Kundalini fire is
like Kali trampling on Siva on the burial ground or
When the kundalini power reaches the Sahasrara
chakra, the whole body is cold like a corpse and the
crown is a little warm. The yogi can bring down the
Kundalini power from the cerebral plane and snap out
of it.
One in a thousand aspirants may succeed in
Kundalini yoga; guidance from a qualified Guru -Yogi
is a must, for he alone can save you from attendant
chakra-nadi.gif (deleted) = kundal65.jpg
Chitra Nadi's lower end is called Brahma Dvara, the aperture or door of
Brahman, through which Kundalini enters; it ends in cerebellum.
The diagram shows the origin of the Ida and Pingala Nadis. The Right
testis is the origin of Ida Nadi; the left testis for the Pingala Nadi. It
eventually end in the respective nostrils. Note right testis channel ends
in the left nostril and left testis channel ends in right nostril. The prana
in these channels join the Susumna Nadi and the energy travels up. You
may ask the question what has testis to do anything with these
channels? The explanation is as follows:
Orgasm is for the flesh; Beatitude is for the spirit. Rise from orgasm to
Ecstasy (Spirit). Transmute your orgasm to beatitude. Go from testis to
Brahmarandhra. In Tantric terms, man moves from Pasu Bhava to
Divya Bhava (Animal man to Divine man.)
Tantra says that purification of soul begins by accepting the existence
of desires. Once they are accepted and practiced within the social
norms, one by one they must be transmuted or sublimated and
eventually eliminated from one's life, if one wants union with the
Supreme. Nada (thrill) enjoyed by sexual union (note the Ida and
pingala Nadis originate in the testes.) is the counterpart of beatitude or
Bliss. One needs to supplant the earthly pleasure with spiritual Bliss. By
sublimating and conserving sexual energy, it is said that the vital fluid
(semen) rises to Sahasrara, becomes Soma, the nectar of immortality
and spreads through the lymphatic system eventually finding its way to
the brain where it becomes Ojas and Tejas (Vigor and splendor), which
are essential for obtaining Superconsciousness. This ascent of
conserved energy is called Urdhvaretas. The message is orgasm is for
the flesh, beatitude is for the spirit; between the two, beatitude is
superior and eternal. Physical union is a weak emulation of union of
Siva and Sakti. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says in his book Sayings of
Sri Ramakrishna (a genuine Yogi) Saying 244, page 82-83 the
following. The soul that has tasted the sweetness of Divine bliss finds
no happiness in the vulgar pleasures of the world.
The trodden lovers living and conjugating in the pelvis (Muladhara and
Svadhisthana planes) can control their senses to reach Brahmarandhra
with the grace of Chinnamasta who lives in Ajna Chakra. The testicular
man can ascend to the level of spiritual man via the Ida, Pingala and
Susumna Nadis.
Bindu is Vindu in Tamil meaning dot or point, drop, semen, sperm,
mercury, a flaw in the diamond, the middle portion of the forehead
between the eyebrows; circle, Sivatattva--sphere of knowledge presided
over by Siva Jnana Sakti; Pure Maya (Suddha Maaya) according to
Tamil Lexicon of Madras University. Bindu in its supreme state is the
nucleus of the universe (Singularity), from which everything proceeds.
Compare it to the nucleus of the cell. When the cell and its nucleus
undergo apoptosis, they degenerate and become mushy, waiting for
scavenger cells to remove them. Likewise when the cerebral-dwelling
Supreme Bindu undergoes "apoptosis or lysis = Sanskrit Laya" it
becomes the (testicular) semen or (ovarian) ovum at a lower level of
53. The separation of the blood from the flesh emphasizes the
reality of Jesus' death. 54: To eat and drink is to believe, to
appropriate, assimilate and ABIDE by Christ. 62-63: The
ascension by which Jesus will be taken away as regards the flesh
will indicate that he has been speaking of spiritual realities and not
the actual eating of his flesh.
on her right side and Dakini on her left side and one stream falls into the
mouth of the severed head. Naked Varnini of Raja Guna is white in
color with cascading black hair, holds an upright sword on her left hand
and a skull-bowl on her right hand, moves her right foot forward in a
walking stance so as to receive the right stream into her mouth. Naked
Dakini of Tamas Guna with cascading black hair holds the sword on her
right hand, the skull-bowl on her left hand and moves with the left foot
forward so as to catch the left stream into her mouth. Chinnamasta is
sitting (standing) on a pair of lovers engaged in Viparita Mithuna
(reverse coition), involving supine Manmatha and prone Rati, who were
stretched out on a open blossom of lotus flower floating in a body of
water (the older and original version of waterbed). In the background
are the mountains...What do all these disparate elements of a portrait
Chinnamasta is associated with Kundalini Chakras; there is reference to
that in her hymnal names: Susumnasvarabhasini,
Sahasradalamadhyastha and Sahasradalavarttini.
Susumnasvarabhasini = She who understands Susumna Nadi sound.
Sahasradalamadhyastha = One who is in the middle of a thousandpetalled lotus.
Sahasradalavarttini = She who abides in the thousand-petalled lotus.
Manmatha and Rati are the archetypical lovers, living a life of sexual
indulgence in Muladhara and Svadhisthana planes, which is not
condemned by Tantrics. They have dominant oral, anal and genital
traits--deglutition, defecation, excretion, recreation and reproduction.
Chinnamasta walks on them on this private moment and stands on
them, which is rather discomforting to the lovers. The flesh is put on
notice; the flash of lightning sword severs the head and the spirit rises.
The head has all the sensory and motor organs (needed for a successful
sexual encounter), such as the brain, the motivator and the ultimate
enjoyer; nose, the purveyor of delicate aromas; mouth and tongue for
creative osculation and tactile pleasures; ears for subtle sounds of
music; and eyes, the imbiber of visual delights. The head of senses has
to come off for the spirit to rise. Standing or sitting on Kama and Rati
in Viparita Mithuna (Reverse Coition), Chinnamasta demonstrates that
she has overcome the sexual urges; self-decapitation with streams of
blood points to fearlessness, feeding and nurturing and sacrifice to
her devotees. (Consider this statement: "Be sure you distinguish
(discern) the Body (bread) and Blood (wine) of Christ from the other
food at the meal. Treat it reverently, do not just gulp it down.") Her
hymnal names, Yogini, Yoganirata, and Madanatura, indicate that she is
a female Yogi, a disciplined and controlled practitioner of Yoga, and
the one who cannot be conquered by Love god. Her nudity is a sign of
truthfulness because Truth when clothed is no longer Truth. One who
has the courage to stand decapitation for sacrifice, Truth, devotion, and
fulfilled by his union with Siva. By this union the Yogi gains
supernormal powers.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati says that Susumna (Madhya NAdi), Ida
and Pingala Nadis come to a confluence at Ajna Chakra and proceed to
Sahasrara Chakra. This is where the individual ego is subsumed by the
cosmic ego and thereby there is no I and Him; there is no duality. If
there is duality, Samadhi and Oneness do not take place. The little
individual ego gets absorbed and homogenized and finds oneness with
all egos and Cosmic Ego; there is no differentiation between I, You, He
and They. This is an essential prerequisite before Sahasrara Chakra can
be awakened in the aspirant.
Goddess Kundali has two states, one on earth at human level in the
body and one at Supreme level. The lower Kundali stays coiled in
Muladhara chakra. She is Paramatma (Supreme Soul or Atman) at
higher level. When all Tattvas have manifested right down to the last
tattva, the earth, Her creative energy ceases to act and She goes to rest
and sleep in the Muladhara chakra as Kundalini Sakti (static aspect of
Sakti). Tattvas are the building blocks of individual souls, body and the
universe (water, fire, air, earth etc.). When one is born he or she is the
manifestation of the Tattvas TATTVAS-36, the soul and the elements
of the living body. Kundali is the One who constructs your body, mind
and soul and She is the One who deconstructs the same. (You have seen
proudly and visibly pregnant ladies (Lordosis of pregnancy) sporting a
T-shirt that says, "Under Construction.") When she settles down in the
base of the spine, the construction project is over and you are alive to
the world of matter. When you are alive to the world of spirit, she
wakes up from sleep, deconstructs, demolishes and absorbs all material
elements from your body and mind and takes the pure soul to its source.
This is the descent and ascent of Kundalini Sakti. You are taken from
matter to spirit in the ascent and Vice Versa.
When she is resting, it is the ascent of the flesh and descent of the
spirit. When she is active, spirit is rising and flesh is dying. Let me
explain the last statements. Siva's consciousness is like the sun. The
earth is at an optimal distance from the sun so that it can sustain life
without fear of incineration or freezing. As the sun's rays go through
many layers that filter harmful rays, Sakti plays the modulating role.
The rays emerge from Siva and go to Bindu (and Nada) which makes
the building blocks of the universe and beings with the help of Maya
and Sakti. To mention a few, the building blocks (Tattvas) are the soul,
the body, the water, earth, air... There are 36 of them. TATTVAS-36.
What is out there in the cosmos is present in human body. The
Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is a short
work which coins the well known term in occult circles
"As above, so below." The actual text of that maxim, as
translated by Dennis W. Hauck is "That which is Below
corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is
Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish
the miracle of the One Thing."[12] The tablet also
references the three parts of the wisdom of the whole
universe, to which Hermes claims his knowledge of these
three parts is why he received the name Trismegistus
(thrice great, or Ao-Ao-Ao meaning "greatest"). Wikipedia
She absorbs all the elements as depicted in the diagram. The Christian
equivalent concept is dying to the flesh and gaining the spirit. Man is a
very dilute form of Siva meaning that there is a great divide between
Siva's pure Consciousness and human consciousness, not to speak of
animal consciousness. Man is Mini-Siva. Siva's Pure Consciousness is
like the sun and human consciousness is like the candle. Man has Pasas
and Malas (bondage and impurities). Siva does not tolerate or invite
impure souls to merge with him. He is pure metal and we are a slurry.
Slurry must undergo repeated purification process before it becomes
pure metal. That removal of impurity happens as Kundali absorbs them
and rises from one Chakra to the next above it.
Sakti has two aspects; Static and Dynamic. A car battery on the shelf is
Static Sakti or power. When the battery is connected to the car's ignition
and turned on, it becomes dynamic. When Kundalini Devi rests in
Muladhara, she is static and when she is roused (turning the ignition
keys) she becomes dynamic. Tantras say that the Yogi should use the
key to open the lock on the door and force the door open, wake up
Kundalini in Muladhara and join her in the voyage of spirit. One source
tells that Bhuvanesvari, one of the Mahavidyas, cuts the knots of the
Chakras and thus rises with the Sadhaka and Kundalini to merge with
Cosmic Sakti is an aggregate (Samashti) of all Saktis, while kundalini
Sakti in a body is the component part of the aggregate or individual
power (Vyashti). Look at the Pomegranate fruit: The whole fruit is an
aggregate (Samasthi) of all individual fleshy seeds (Vyasthi). In Hindu
religion, Isvara (controller of the universe) is compared to pomegranate
fruit (Punica granatum) . The seeds are the individual souls. The whole
fruit is an aggregate (Samasthi) of all individual fleshy seeds (Vyasthi)
(Each seed is enclosed in red fleshy juicy aril.) Bindu is the aggregate
(Samasthi) of Siva-Sakti, Tattvas, matter, people and personalities,
while each individual (Vyasthi) is part of that aggregate. Bindu's
prolific energy produces all conceivable things in the universe ranging
from blade of grass to Brahma. As you notice here, the whole universe
is one giant organism, all interconnected. If you hurt one part of the
organism, be it matter or a living thing, you hurt yourself and the
Supreme Being.
to another take to their wings and fly sometimes a little high and
sometimes low without however stopping till they reach their
destination, even so that power progresses and reaches the brain, and
Samadhi ensues. Fifth and last, the monkey like motion: as monkeys
going from one tree to another take a leap from one branch to another
and thus clear the distance in two or three bounds, so the Yogi feels
the Kundalini going to the brain, and Samadhi ensues."
906. These experiences he would detail at other times from the
Vedantic standpoint, as follows: "The Vedanta speaks of seven planes,
in each of which the Sadhaka has a particular kind of vision. The
human mind has a natural tendency to confine its activities to the
three lower centres the highest of these being opposite the navel and
therefore is content with the satisfaction of the common physical
appetites, such as eating and so forth. But when it reaches the fourth
centre, that is, the one opposite the heart, the man sees a divine
effulgence. From this state, however, he often lapses into the three
lower centres. When the mind comes to the fifth centre opposite the
throat, the Sadhaka cannot talk of anything but God. While I was in
this state I would feel violently struck on the head if anybody raised
worldly topics before me. I would hide myself in the seclusion of the
Panchavati where I was safe from these inflictions. I would flee at the
sight of worldly-minded people, and relatives appeared to me like a
yawning chasm, from which there was no escape if I once fell into it. I
would feel suffocated in their presencealmost to the point of death,
and I would feel relieved only when I left the spot. Even from this
position a man may slip down to the three lower centres. So he has to
be on his guard. But he is above all fear when his mind reaches the
sixth centre opposite the junction of the eye-brows, He gets the vision
of the Paramatman and remains always in Samadhi. There is only a
thin transparent veil between this place and the Sahasrara or the
highest centre. He is then so near the Paramatman that he imagines
he has merged in Him. But really he has not. From this state the mind
can come down to the fifth, or at the most, to the fourth centre, but
not below that. The ordinary Sadhakas, classed as 'Jivas' cannot come
down from this state. After remaining constantly in Samadhi for
twenty-one days they break that thin veil and become one with the
Lord for ever. This eternal union of the Jiva and the Paramatman in
the Sahasrara is known as getting into , the seventh plane."
Spurious Ecstasy
real ecstasy one dives into the deeper realms of one's being and
becomes perfectly still. But what do we find here! Be quiet; calm
yourself. (To the others present.) Do you know the nature of this
ecstasy? It is like boiling one ounce of milk in a big pan. The pan
seems to be full of milk, but remove it from the stove and you would
not find a single drop. Even the little quantity that was there would
have all stuck to the pan."
909. Really God can be seen, my boys. As we are sitting and talking
together, in the very same way God can be seen and conversed with.
Truly and sincerely I say so.
911. On being questioned whether those who see God see Him
with the ordinary fleshy eyes, the Master replied:
913. What is the state of one's mind in Samadhi? It is like the state of
bliss that is experienced by a live fish which, after being kept out of
water for some time, is again put into it.
915. As a lamp brought into a room that has been dark for a thousand
years illumines it immediately, the light of Jnana illumines the Jiva,
and dispels his age-long ignorance.
Without Samadhi, Jnana never comes. Jnana is like the midday sun, in
which one looks around but finds no shadow of oneself. So when one
attains Jnana or Samadhi, one retains no shadow of egotism. But even
if there be some ego left, know for certain that it is now composed of
Vidya (purely divine elements) and not ignorance or Avidya.
918. When the question was raised whether the Buddha was an
atheist, the Master said: "He was no atheist; only he could not speak
out his realizations. Do you know what 'Buddha' means?- To become
one with 'Bodha', the 'Supreme Intelligence-through deep meditation,
to become Pure Intelligence Itself. The state of self-realization is
something between 'Asti' and 'Nasti'-'being' and 'non-being'.
Spurious Ecstasy
909. Really God can be seen, my boys. As we are sitting and talking
together, in the very same way God can be seen and conversed with.
Truly and sincerely I say so.
911. On being questioned whether those who see God see Him
with the ordinary fleshy eyes, the Master replied:
913. What is the state of one's mind in Samadhi? It is like the state of
bliss that is experienced by a live fish which, after being kept out of
water for some time, is again put into it.
915. As a lamp brought into a room that has been dark for a thousand
years illumines it immediately, the light of Jnana illumines the Jiva,
and dispels his age-long ignorance.
Without Samadhi, Jnana never comes. Jnana is like the midday sun, in
which one looks around but finds no shadow of oneself. So when one
attains Jnana or Samadhi, one retains no shadow of egotism. But even
if there be some ego left, know for certain that it is now composed of
Vidya (purely divine elements) and not ignorance or Avidya.
918. When the question was raised whether the Buddha was an
atheist, the Master said: "He was no atheist; only he could not speak
out his realizations. Do you know what 'Buddha' means?- To become
one with 'Bodha', the 'Supreme Intelligence-through deep meditation,
to become Pure Intelligence Itself. The state of self-realization is
something between 'Asti' and 'Nasti'-'being' and 'non-being'.
She is Prana (breath) Herself for she sustains this world of beings with inspiration and
expiration. Prana moves through Susumna because of her. Katha Upanishad describes
mother Goddess as follows: She is Aditi, the Boundless. She is born as Prana (breath or
life) from the Absolute genderless Brahman, the nameless, and the formless. She is the
Devatamayi (Mother of gods) and the soul of all beings. She stands in the inner recesses
of the heart. - Verse 2.1.7 Mother Goddess is Prana; thus, taking Prana from Muladhara
to Sahasrara Chakra is the goal of Sadhaka.
She is the origin of letters; She is Sabda Brahman and origin of mantras, which rouse her.
She is Brahma Vidya (Brahman knowledge, the Highest knowledge). Her body is made
of six parts: the six centers, sakti, and Sadasiva, her Lord. As the Supreme Kundali
Goddess, MahaKundali, she wraps around the Supreme Siva-Linga (Svayambhu-Linga).
Each chakra represents one gross element: Muladhara for earth, Svadhisthana for water,
Manipura for fire, Anahata for air and Vishuddhi for ether. Click here>>ETHER THE
OPPRESSOR. The sixth chakra, Ajna, is the mind center and is junctional and
transitional point between the lower consciousness of the lower Chakras and the highest
consciousness and illumination of Sahasrara. Mular states in Verse 952 in Tirumantiram
the following. " The center devoid of wakefulness and sleep (Bhru-Madhya): that is
where AUM dawns. The ones who realize (Ajna Chakra) see visions of Siva who
removes aversion, anger and hatred (), radiates like the effulgent light, remains as
the TRUTH and Essence () and blameless, and shines like a golden
gem." Sahasrara, which is above all other centers, is at the crown, known as Brahma
Randhra, the area of anterior fontanel. It has a thousand inverted lotus petals (going
around in a right to left fashion), meaning that the 50 Sanskrit letters are multiplied
twenty-fold in here. One thousand here means infinity. The other centers have fewer
petals starting from Muladhara: 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 2 respectively. Each petal is inscribed
with a Sanskrit letter, all amounting to 50, which when multiplied by 20 becomes 1000
petals (infinity) of Sahasrara.
belong to the latter class.; those who are mad after 'woman and gold' are
all ordinary men - men in name only.
Some of the writers attribute the colors in the rainbow to the petals
starting from top down : VIBGYOR.
The comical letters indicate colors of the petals and have nothing to do
with the letters.
Sahasrara - White, Violet, or purple
Ajna - Indigo blue
Manipura - yellow
Anahata - green
Svadisthana - orange
Muladhara - red
The Big letters show colors and carry no other significance.
Please see the table for the color of the Chakra, the lotus
petals, their numbers, the Yantra, Bija Mantra and the Deities.
The animals are the reminders of our existence in previous
The Chakras are crossing junctions for the Nadis (Flow
Channels) like the highway crossings, so the numbers indicate
the number of Nadis that intersect at a particular chakra. The
Susumana Nadi, when it reaches the cerebral cortex, divides
into multiple channels; that is the reason why the Sanskrit
letters in the lower channels are multiplied so many times (20
x 50) in Sahasrara (1K petals = infinity). The base of the
brain with half-moon shaped gyri (convolutions) corresponds
to Chandrakala. The upper cerebral convolutions correspond
to Mount Kailas (the home of Siva). This is Sivasthana
(Abode of Siva), Point Bliss and the seat of Sakti also. Ajna
Chakra with 2 petals and Manas Chakra with 6 petals
represent the cerebellum and sensorium respectively. Soma
Chakra with 16 petals forms the middle of the Cerebrum.
Sahasrara corresponds to cortical convolutions.
Svayambhu-Linga also means Linga-shaped (obelisk)
outcropping from earth in its natural state. They are sacred
even before consecration. They served as the nucleus around
which temples were built.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati says that Susumna, Ida and Pingala Nadis
come to a confluence at Ajna Chakra and proceed to Sahasrara Chakra.
This is where the individual ego is subsumed by the cosmic ego and
thereby there is no I and Him (He); there is no duality. If there is
duality, Samadhi and Oneness do not take place. The little individual
ego gets absorbed and homogenized and finds oneness with all egos and
Cosmic Ego; there is no differentiation between I, You, He and She.
This is an essential prerequisite before Sahasrara Chakra can be
awakened in the aspirant.
Awakening of other lower Chakras brings in the wake many
psychical experiences, which one should be able to cope with. Those
Chakras are the repository of Samskaras and Karmas which may be
good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant. Awakening results in the
expression of Samskaras and Karmas, the cause of duality of feelings. A
purified mind goes a long way in coping with these feelings.
Ajna Chakra of pure white color has two petals bordering a circle.
The petal on your left has HAM inscribed on it and the right petal
KSAM. They are the Bija Mantras of Siva and Sakti, and represent the
Moon or Ida Nadi and the Sun, the Pingala Nadi. Ida, Pingala, and
Susumna Nadis come to a confluence here. The circle is the Sunya or
Void. The down triangle is Sakti; perched on its top is the black Lingam
(Itara Lingam), which represents the Astral body of the aspirant. It is
worthwhile to remember that down triangle represents the escutcheon of
the female. (The up triangle is the symbol of male, Siva) The Astral
body is a storehouse of one's personality and attributes. The Lingam is
known as Jyotir Lingam indicating its effulgence as opposed to the
smoky Svayambhuva Lingam of Muladhara Chakra. The color
Muladhara 1
Manipura 3
Anahata 4
Visuddha 5
Ajna 6
glabella (Bhrumadya)
Chandraloka (Tapa)
Bhuvarloka Svarloka
Maharloka Janaloka
Sahasrara Chakra corresponds to Satyaloka. (infinite space)
Mother goddess
Saharara Chakra: presiding Mother goddess of all 7 chakras. Paramesvari rules Ajna and lower chakras; Kaumari
Visuddha and lower chakras; Vaishnavi Anahata and lower chakras; Varahi Manipura and lower Chakras; Indrani
Svadhasthina and Muladhara; Chamunda rules only Muladhara chakra.
Vishnu (also Rudra
Mahesvara (Samvartesvara (Hamsesvara (Vyomanesvara Sambhu (Para-SambhuResident deity Brahma
Ntha and Cit-Parmb.
Saudamani) Samayamba
Hamsesvari) Vyomanesvari)
The planes
Bhurloka earth Bhuvarloka Svarloka
Causal Regions
The resident deity of Sahasrara Chakra is Paramasiva who is hierarchically superior to Siva, one of the Triumvirate
(Holy Trinity).
White Elephant Antelope
Buddhi (Sanklpa
Annamya kosa
kosa or Vital Kosa or mental
Kosa, Bliss
Subtle Soul
or food sheath
air sheath
Earth, Bhu
Water, Jala Fire, Vahni
Ether, Nabho
Prithvi (Indra) Varuna
Manas (Guru)
The presiding Devata in Sahasrara chakra is Siva.
Muladhara 1
Manipura 3
Anahata 4
Visuddha 5
Ajna 6
Para Vani,
Visual Sound mental Sound
Spiritual entity Spiritual Sun
Spiritual Moon
Dream sleep Deep sleep
Turiya-Jagrat Turiya-svapna Turiya-Susupti
Avastha or state of consciousness for Sahasrara is Turiya-Turiya, 7th higher level of consciousness. Turiyajagrat - awakening to higher consciousness - the fourth state;
Turiya-svapna - the fifth state of mystical visions; Turiya-Susupti is the 6th higher state of Consciousness of SaVikalpa Samadhi-Duality between yogi and Brahman present;
Turiya-Turiya - Nir-Vikalpa Samadhi, No duality, merger between yogi and Brahman.
8 spears
Sign/form/color Square-yellow
by 12
Saktis KAla-rAtris
(Night of
Bija Sound
Letters (50)
v: S: \: s:
B: m:
y: r l:
R Z N: t: T:
k K: g: G: {
kam, kham,
gam, gham,
gnam, cham,
A A: E I u U
? @
d D: n: p: P C j: J: W:
; = O O
A: A: A
bam, bham,
dham, nam,
mam, yam,
tam, tham,
ram, & lam
dam, dham,
nam, pam, &
2: h
x: ham ksam.
Color of petal
color of
Svadhisthana Manipura
violet, blue,
Red & orange
orange, red
Brahma with
Cloud-color, bbright
green mostly, golden;
orange and
Vishnu with
2 Triangles
resides in
Samana, the
prana that
drives heart
Prana or Vital air
expelled air
diffused air
and intestines Respiration expiratory air
and moves the
Bija Sound
When the Bija Mantra is uttered, that Bija-specific Chakra center is brought alive.
Bija Mantra for Sahasrara Chakra is Soham
Ida & Pingala
Linga with
Para Linga
Brahma with Vishnu with Rudra with
Isvara with
Divine Couples
Muladhara 1
Parasiva with Siddha
Cavernous sinus
Manipura 3
Anahata 4
Visuddha 5
Ajna 6
ma (fa)
Ma (Fa)
Ardhanarisvara Sambhu
Rudra Granthi
ga (mi)
Pa (So)
ri (re)
Dha (la)
Bija Sound Mantra has three parts to it: Sphota, Dhvani, and Bindu.
Sphota is derived from the world Sphut meaning to burst or to open like
a bud. When a latent mental sound is intonated or explodes from the
glottis or voice box, Sphota happens and we hear the sound (Dhvani)
which is registered by the ear because Dhvani carries vibration,
frequency and decibel. Once the sound explodes in Sphota, attains the
quality of sound in Dhvani, there must be something that can register
the sound in consciousness via the ear; that something is Bindu, which
is deified as deity, Sabdabrahman. For Dhvani or sound to acquire its
qualities, Sattva, Rajas, and or Tamas pervades the sound. When the
latent mental sound acquires Rajas (motion and passion), she is called
Dhvani (sound). Go to Sabda or Sound for more information.
Note: Only Lakshmi (Kamala) is one of the Mahavidyas; the rest are not.
Granthi: knots. There are fourteen granthis for kundalini to pierce
before she reaches Sahasrara: three Lingas, six Chakras, and five
Sivas. In Sahasrara, she effects union with Niskala Brahman. (see
below.) Nirvana-Sakti is the resident goddess of Sahasrara as Dakini of
Muladhara Chakra.
There are three Granthis (Junctional points, Knots, Junctions,
hurdles): Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra Granthis. Granthis are equated to
the levels of consciousness. Brahma Granthi of Muladhara (and
Mount Meru is the Axis Mundi of the universe; Spine is the Axis
Mundi or Skambha of the universe of human body and so it is called
Merudanda. Meru + danda = Meru + Pole. Meru is a mountain, the
pole around which the earth spins.
The Six Chakras (credit Swami Sivananda Radha) Click on thumbnail for enlargement.
vertebrae line up and form a foramen and the dorsal spinal root
ganglia are in the foramina. The spinal canal runs down the vertebral
column housing the spinal cord. The spinal cord is narrow in the upper
cervical region, bulges in the lower cervical and upper thoracic regions,
narrows in the lower thoracic region and again bulges in the upper
lumbar region and narrows down in the lower lumbar region to a fine
cord called Filum Terminale. The major enlargements are Cervical and
lumbar and have more gray matter at those points. The end of the spinal
cord, conus medularis provides the sacral and coccygeal roots. The
spinal cord is protected by the vertebral column, the ligaments, the
meninges and fluid. It is 1 cm in diameter, 45cm long in adult males
and 42cm in adult females and ends at the level between L1 and L2
(lumbar) vertebra. It begins at the foramen magnum in the skull. There
are 31 pairs of spinal nerves (8C, 12T, 5L, 5S, 1Coccygeal). Each spinal
nerve has two roots, one motor ventral and one sensory dorsal
(back). The cross section of the cord shows H-shaped butterfly gray
matter surrounded by white matter. The gray matter is unmyelinated (no
insulation) nerve fibers and white matter is myelinated nerve fibers.
Gray matter integrates the incoming sensory and outgoing motor
impulses. The Ventral gray horns (the front end of the wings) are larger
than the dorsal horns. The Ventral rootlets (motor) leave the cord, while
dorsal (sensory) rootlets enter the cord. The ventral (outgoing ) rootlets
are connected to the nerve cell bodies of gray matter of the ventral horn,
but the incoming sensory nerves have nerve cells in the dorsal root
ganglion outside the spinal cord, and later come to posterior horns. The
white matter surrounding the gray matter are myelinated nerve fibers
that transmit impulses up and down the spinal cord. The white matter
has on either side three columns: anterior, posterior and lateral. They
are ascending and descending tracts carrying afferent nerves to the brain
and efferent nerves from the brain to various parts of the body. The
posterior columns carry only afferent nerves to the brain. There are
twelve cranial nerves. Just outside the intervertebral foramen, distal to
the ganglion, the afferent dorsal and the efferent ventral roots join to
form the mixed spinal nerve, which divides into ventral and dorsal rami
carrying both afferent (in) and efferent (out) nerves. The lumbosacral
and coccygeal nerve roots are the longest forming a horse's tail (cauda
equina) caudal (downward) to the Filum. The dorsal rami carries the
motor and sensory nerves to the back of the body and the ventral rami
carry both motor and sensory fibers and form nerve junctions called
plexus, named according to the area they supply: the cervical plexus,
the neck region; the brachial, the arms; the lumbar, the mid-back area;
and the sacral, the lower back and legs.
Tibetan Thangka Painting
G: Sympathetic Ganglion showing the Rami.
V: Vertebral Body
body are associated with the Chakras, meaning that the Nadis, the
nerves and plexuses communicate with one another. We are all aware of
our physical body. That is Gross body (Sthula); we have two more
bodies, Subtle and Astral (Sukshma and Karana)
The Nadis are channels; they are not physical but subtle. They are
compared to the minute sap channels in the leaf (Leaf veins) of the
Asvatta tree. Click the thumbnail to enlarge.
The Ida, Pingala, and Susumna Nadis come together at the Muladhara
Chakra (Yamuna River is Ida, Sarasvati* is Susumna , and Ganga is
Pingala) and form a confluence, Yukta Triveni. The Ida and Pingla
Nadis correspond to the sympathetic chain on both sides of the
vertebrae. Ida Nadi (Moon) controls the mind and its functions; Pingala
Nadi (Sun), all the vital functions. Susumna Nadi (Brahma Nadi, see
cross section of Susumna Nadi) runs along the central canal of the
spinal cord and the Prana travels in Susumna Nadi and leaves the crown
by Brahma Randhra, the area corresponding to anterior fontanel, also
known as Sahasrara Chakra. Susumna is associated with the awakening
of spiritual consciousness. These three essential Nadis, which everyone
has in various degrees of development and function, are in charge
of Mental functions (Ida), vital functions (Prana from Pingala) and
spiritual functions (Susumna). Based on these three Nadis, some people
function at the level of Pingala Nadi, meaning it is mere breath (Prana);
most have Pingala and Ida in place in that they have not only breath but
also a life. Normal functions of Ida and Pingala Nadis are necessary for
normal mental and physical health.
patent solar Pingala Nadi. The Yogi can make all Nadis function
simultaneously; the result is enlightenment. Right Pingala Solar energy
controls prana (breath) and life; left Ida Lunar, consciousness;
Susumna, spiritual awakening. Swami Satyananda Sarawati says that
the dormant areas of the brain are awakened in intellectually gifted
people. Most people are right-handed and left-brain and Pingala-Nadi
dominant. Left brain functions are seen in all language skills, memory,
math, science, safe conventional behavior, object-naming. Right brain
and Ida Nadi dominance is seen in global thinking, philosophy, religion,
spatial perception, knowing object function, fantasy, impetuousness,
The following table was lifted from internet.
Left and right brains have cross-over fibers to control contralateral side.
left brain and right nostril
Right brain and left nostril Id
Pingala Nadi
uses logic
uses feeling
detail oriented
"big picture" oriented
facts rule
imagination rules
words and language
symbols and images
present and past
present and future
math and science
philosophy & religion
can comprehend
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
order/pattern perception
spatial perception
knows object name
knows object function
reality based
fantasy based
forms strategies
presents possibilities
risk taking
Before the ENT doctors discovered Nasal Cycle, the Yogis of India had
a pretty good idea of what it was. The nose is innervated by Autonomic
Nervous system (ANS) and olfactory nerves. The former alternately
increases and decreases nasal resistance to air flow; the latter helps
identify smells. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves (ANS)
have control over the venous sinusoids in the nasal mucosa. When the
sympathetic fibers gain upper hand, that nostril has the least resistance
to airflow because there is shrinkage of nasal mucosa allowing the
passage open for airflow and the fellow on the other side is under the
Note the two words: Danta and Ostha are cognate with Dental and Os
(opening), another evidence that Sanskrit is the origin of words.
Sarasvati* River does not flow now. Its existence thousands of years
ago were confirmed by satellite images which appear like pentimento
below the surface. The archeologists say that Sarasvati River dried up
around 1900 BCE
All Chakras have resident Devatas in hiding (Avarana Devatas),
without propitiation of whom it is not possible for Kundalini to go up
the Chakras. There are 360 Devatas, named after the rays of the the Sun
(106), Moon (136) and Agni (118), who illumine the world and make
the 360 days of the year. Sakti is the source of billions of rays of which
360 belong to sun, Moon, and Agni. Muladhara, Svadhistana,
Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha and Ajna Chakras have 56, 62, 52, 54,
72, and 64 rays of Sakti respectively. The numbers in pairs belong to
Agni118, Sun106, and Moon136 divisions. The Sahasrara plane has
countless rays.
The Yogi goes from lower to higher centers; he takes Sakti with him until he
reaches Sahasrara chakra, which may take many years of practice and dedication.
Once he reaches a center, it is easier for him to reach the center next time. With
the successful arrival at each higher center, he experiences Samadhi, bliss and new
powers. The bliss attained in Sahasrara is the same as in liberation; he attains
many supernatural powers. When Kundalini is stimulated by Asanas, Kumbhakas,
Bandhas, Mudras and Mantras, she enters Susumna Nadi after piercing the chakras
defended by Maya Sakti. When Kundali is forced to enter Susumna Nadi, she
remains there for the duration of Kumbhaka or retention of breath only. Once
Kumbhaka phase is terminated, Kundali comes back to Muladhara. Maintaining
and prolonging the duration of Kumbhaka come from constant practice. Once this
is achieved, the aspirant concentrates his mind and meditates on the conjoined dual
deity in each center or plane. (Conjoined dual deity - Kundali unites with the
center-specific deity in each center. Though they are two before union, the
combined form is one deity.) When the aspirant becomes perfect in Kumbhaka and
meditation on the combined deity and is able to hold his Prana and Kundali in
Susumna, he becomes the master of the gross element of that particular center
(example, water element in Manipura Chakra). When he becomes the master of all
five gross elements of the material world (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether), he
exercises his power over them by choice. Some examples are levitation,
clairaudience, clairvoyance, prophecy, omnipotence and omniscience. Levitation
means that he can overcome the pull of the earth. By meditating on the united
deity, the aspirant's human consciousness becomes one with the pure
consciousness of the combined entity; in this process, the Sadhaka rises from the
material plane to the plane of Suddha Tattva or Pure Consciousness. He is
untouched by wealth, prestige, carnal desire, passion, and power. Ajna center is
the seat of Nada and Bindu (Bindu.htm), which are the material cause of the
universe. Others say that Bindu exists in the back of the head (brain) which
corresponds to the area of the head where the Brahmins and Hare Krishnas keep
their tuft of hair. When he unites with the combined deity of the center (Parasiva
and Siddha Kali), he is for ever free from the dualities of the world, and becomes
master of Vikrtic elements such as Mind, Ego, and Intellect.
Vikriti = transformed elements derived from Prakrti, matter.) He is no longer
resultant immersion of Yogi in Bliss. Bindu corresponds to the area of brain that
underlies the tuft of a practicing Brahmana. This Mithuna is allegorized as
follows: a married woman (Kundalini) takes the royal road (Susumna), makes
periodic stops at the sacred places (Chakras), runs to embrace her Supreme
Husband, Para Siva, after the last leg of her ascent, and causes nectar to flow from
Sahasrara to Muladhara, appeasing all the resident Devatas in the chakras and
immersing the Sadhaka in bliss. (Bindu is located approximately at the posterior
fontanel area of the brain, which roughly corresponds to the site of origin of long
tuft of hair (kudumi) worn by the priestly Brahmins on the scalp.)
Kundalini goddess, having traversed the fourteen Granthas (knots), six Chakras,
three Lingas and five Sivas on her way to Para Siva, makes a return trip down the
chakras restoring everything that she absorbed into her and reaches Muladhara
chakra. The ascent is Laya Krama (Absorption) and her descent is Srsti Krama
The jivatma (embodied soul) that tags along with Kundalini up and down the
chakras benefits from the experience of samadhi (bliss/ecstasy) at the highest level
and the mundane nature of life at Muladhara.
The creation cascade with the last tattva being earth undergoes involution as the
Sadhaka goes up the chakras; the descent restores the cascade again; thus, the
Sadhaka is a microcosm of the divinity. As the Sadhaka makes the ascent and the
fire of Kundalini ascends through Tapas, mantras and more, the lower stations and
the corresponding parts of the body become cold and rigid while the crown only is
warm to touch as the Sadhaka is in ecstasy. When the descent is complete, and
Kundalini comes to rest at Muladhara, the Yogi snaps out of superconsciousness
and regains the normal body temperature, suppleness and consciousness. The
reason why the body part is cold is that the Devata of the particular center has
been absorbed by Kundali on her ascent to Sahasrara; on her descent the Devatas
are restored to their former status thus the organs become warm again.
Kundalini goddess stays in Sahasrara for a brief period only; her natural
tendency is to come down to her home base, Muladhara. An accomplished
Sadhaka can hold her in Sahasrara as long as he wants (the most is three days and
three nights), thus enjoying ecstasy. Some bring Kundali goddess down to
Anahata (heart) and offer worship there; thus the heart is her elevated abode in that
particular Sadhaka. The Sadhaka now takes Kundali to Sahasrara from her heart
station or chakra. Kali Kundalini at the heart station is called Hamsa.
When Kundalini Goddess is at sleep in Muladhara, man is awake to the world
(Jagrat or wakefulness); that is lower consciousness. When She is awake (Higher
Consciousness) Pasu (man in bondage) is asleep to world consciousness and rises
to higher consciousness. The sensual man moves in Muladhara and Svadisthana
chakras. (In animals, kundalini goddess stays for ever in Muladhara and
Svadisthana chakras because their consciousness and sentience are not at par with
human levels; they are guided by instinct and subconsciousness; (manifestation
of) Sabda Brahman (Sound Brahman) is unmanifest or so miniscule that Jnana,
Iccha, and Kriya, speech, mantras, asanas cannot be carried out by animals - my
Jung says, As long as you live you are in Muladhara naturally. It is quite selfevident that you cannot live in meditation, or in trance condition. You have to go
about in this world; you have to be conscious and let the gods sleep. He adds that
once you reach a plane, and return back to Muladhara, it is only an apparent return
for the Sadhaka has left something of himself in the unconscious (Superconscious
state). Once the Sadahaka reaches the Ajna center, the consciousness is allinclusive in the sense you know You are That (Tat Tvam Asi), and more - every
tree, every stone, every breath of air, every rat's tail - all that is yourself; there is
nothing that is not yourself. one experiences all Chakras simultaneously. Ajna is
the highest state of consciousness, and it would not be highest if it did not include
all the former experiences. Kali Kundalini at the Ajna station between the
eyebrows goes by the name of Bindu. Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Page 59.
As Sadhaka ascends under his own effort with Kundali goddess to a higher
plane, the material world is withdrawn into the body of the goddess; the Sadaka
ascends from world-consciousness of Kundali at Muladhara to Universal
Consciousness and SatChitAnanda or Pure Bliss in Samadhi. Kundali is thus the
resident delegate of Siva Sakti in Jivatma (embodied soul). It is She who
accompanies the jiva to Siva for absorption and liberation (Mukti).
As long as Prana (energy) exists and moves, there is Vritti (continuation of
mental function); Tattva Jnana does not dawn on the aspirant and the clinging
Vasana from previous births compels rebirth. When energy flows outwards
(Pravrtti), it is material energy; when it flows inwards (Nivrrti) it is Spiritual
When Prana and manas dissolve in Sahasrara, Tattva jnana is obtained by
experiencing merger with Siva: the jiva attains to the state of lysis. With the onset
of Supreme knowledge (Tattva Jnana or knowledge of Brahman), Vasanas and
mind are destroyed and a state of Nivrtti (cessation, involution) is obtained. Tattva
Jnana draws parallels with the knowledge of the Self and realization of Brahman
discussed in Bhagavad Gita. Kundali is the key to the house of various Chakras;
the Yogi forces open the door into the house of chakras and this is repeated until
he reaches the higher centers. As the Sadahaka goes higher and higher, his effort
has to rise proportionately stronger and the rewards are higher in terms of
acquisition of powers: Anima, Mahima, Gharima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya,
Isatva, Vashistva, (and Kmarutattva). Go to Tantra Three Tirumantiram for
What is more important, acquisition of occult powers as above or god
realization? Ramahkrishna Parmahamsa once made an offer to Swami
Vivekananda to choose between occult power as a gift from him or god
realization. Vivekananda chose to acquire god realization which is an eternal asset,
while occult powers are of transient nature. He admitted that if God chose to give
him occult powers for the benefit of humanity, he had no objection.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says the following on occult powers in his book
Sayings of Ramakrishna. Saying 374 page 112: Krishna once said to Arjuna, "If
you desire to attain Me, know that it will never be possible so long as you possess
even a single one of the eight psychic powers (Ashta Siddhis).)" For occult powers
increase man's egotism and thus makes him forgetful of God.
Above the Sahasrara plane is Niraalamba pradesam, a place without support. It
is a state where jiva exists without support, props and such.
Niralamba = hanging without support. Just imagine the moon hanging out there
in space. It means that the mind, having attained realization of the Brahman, is free
from connection with material world. Woodroffe calls it cessation of Chitta
(mental functioning) and Karma (action), on which there arises freedom from
alternating joy and sorrow and changeless state (NirvikAra). Some of the other
terms express equivalent state: Advaita,
Advaitama, Amanaska, Amaratvam, Jivanmukti, laya, Manonmani, Niralamba,
Niranjana, Paramapada, Sahaja, Samadhi, Suddha Sattva, Sunya, Sunyaasunya, Tattva, Turiya, Unmani. For more details on Turiya go to <<<
POTPOURRI ONE>>> POTPOURRI 1 The Stem Substance, ksa
Advaita = Monism, Advaitama = oneness of soul, Amanaska = suspension
of mental function, Amaratvam = Immortality, Jivanmukti = Liberation in
body while living, Laya = Lysis--absorption Into
Purusa, Manonmani = State of mindlessness, Niralamba = without support -separation of the mind from the external world, Niranjana = Stainless,
Paramapada = Supreme Abode, SahajavasthA = natural state of
Soul, Samadhi = Ecstasy from realization, Suddha Sattva = Pure Goodness,
non-material Goodness, Transcendental plane of Goodness, Sunya = Void,
Sunya-Asunya = Void and yet non-void. Tattva Principle, Turiya = 4th state
of Consciousness, Unmani = State of mindlessness.
Unmani is a state when mind ceases to exist and ceases to entertain thoughs; in
other words the manasness of the Manas or mind ceases to exist. Unmani is
mandatory state for Yogi; no Unmani, no Yogi. When Unmani state is attained,
the Chitta is free from the mind (that keeps it attached to the world) and floats
freely in ether. Imagine the free-floating astronauts; the Yogis are "Ethernauts"
with no fear of cosmic radiation.
When moksa or liberation is attained while alive it is Jivan Mukti, the belief and
goal of Saivaites. Ramanuja believes in Videha Mukti when the Yogi's Jivatma
leaves the body by Brahma Randra (Anterior Fontanel) and becomes bodiless.
Though a Sadhaka has achieved Jivan Mukti, there is no guarantee that he will not
suffer from illness or injuries until his soul leaves the body; death puts an end to
miseries and obtains liberation to Jivan and Videha Muktas. The soul of man with
a bag of karma (most of us) leave by one or more of the seven apertures: mouth,
nostrils, eyes, and ears. The soul of the animal leaves the body by genitals or anus.
It is said by believers that the mark of departure is a stain in the gate and or a open
gate: example, blood in the nostrils, open mouth.
Susumna Nadi is the most important one and the Sadhaka redirects the Prana
from Ida and Pingala Nadis to Susumna which goes to Sahasrara where Prana
dissolves (laya). Ida Nadi is the conduit for mental functions, Pingala Nadi for
vital functions and Susumna Nadi for spiritual consciousness. Knowledge of
Brahman or Tattva Jnana has three steps before it is acquired: first, the knowledge
of Pranas, Chakras, Nadis, and Kundalini; second, the conscription of Kundali
goddess and third, merging with Brahman by laya brought on by Iccha (Will),
Knowledge (Jnana), and Action (Kriya) of Kundali goddess. Iccha, Jnana, and
Kriya are sequential events in case of Kundali goddess, while Jnana, Iccha and
Kriya (knowledge, will, and action) are those of a Sadhaka. The reasons are as
follows: The goddess (or Siva) exercises her Will or Desire (Iccha Sakti) first to
create, because She has the Knowledge (Jnana Sakti) or wherewithal to create and
thereafter She acts (Kriya) setting creation in motion. For earthbound jiva aspiring
to merge with Siva, the sequence is Jnana, Iccha and Kriya (knowledge, will, and
action). Knowledge of Kundalini Yoga is the first; arousing the power of
Kundalini Sakti is the second and represents the will; practicing the Asanas,
Mudras, Pranayamas, Bandhas is the third and represents the action. Man cannot
will an action without knowledge. Gain the knowledge, then exercise the will and
later put it into action. Siddhiar says that all souls taking origin from Goddess
(Brahman) receive Sakti (power) of knowledge, will and action like heat takes
origin from fire, which (fire) is different from heat; the fire (firewood) is the
source and substance and heat is an attribute and a derivative of fire. Iccha, Jnana,
and Kriya (fire and heat) are intrinsic and self-generating in the Goddess, while in
man they are of external (from Goddess) source.
Kundali (or God) exercises the Will first, uses the Knowledge second, that She
already has and third She put her knowledge-based plan into action (motion).
The Sadahka forces the prana (Up Breath) downwards and the Apana (Down
Breath) upwards and the collision and friction generate heat that wakes up Kundali
from her sleep; later he channels the Prana-Apana breath into Susumna Nadi. The
Sadhaka's jiva unites with Kundali who absorbs and replaces all tattvas in all
chakras with her own energy. Kundali in the lower Chakras is a physical energy;
as She goes up absorbing all the physical tattvas (Virat state, manifested state), an
involutional transformation takes place at Ajna center, where she is the sakti of
subtle body (Hiranyagarbha), a state subtler than Virat state; in Sahasrara, she
becomes Isvara (Sakti) who contains and conceals all that were absorbed so far in
a potential state. As she ascends, she goes into the state of Parabindu (Supreme
Bindu, Causal or Karana Bindu, Supreme Sakti, Nirguna Siva and Void
[Sunya]). Nirguna Siva is equal to Nirguna Brahman without attributes. From
Muladhara to Ajna Chakra, Kundalini goddess has absorbed all Asuddha Tattvas
and now she is Consciousness. The united Prana-Apana breath elicits Anahata
sounds. Later Prana, Apana, Nada and Bindu unite and offers the Yogi Bliss.
(Parabindu is in Sahasrara Chakra.)
Certain groups are satisfied with worshipping Kundalini Sakti at Muladhara
plane alone, desire worldly pleasures and do not seek liberation. Some groups take
the goddess to a Chakra compatible with their ability. They give equal status to
Siva and Kundalini at lower Chakras in all respects: Abode, position, functions,
forms, and names. Both (Siva and Sakti) of them have their abode in Muladhara,
perform dances, engage in creation, sport red color and have names, Bhairava and
Bhairavi. On the same note, it is recommended that beginners should worship
Kundalini in the lower plane, until they get proficiency to go to higher centers.
There are protagonists of Gayatri Sadhana, who recommend getting the senses
under control first, then going straight to Ajna Chakra, and concentrating the mind
on Isvara.
There are others who recommend Bhukti and Mukti, as long as Bhoga is done
with propriety. Bhoga = enjoyment. When Bhoga is experienced in the name
of goddess or Siva, it is goddess or Siva enjoying it through the jivatma. The
same principle applies to Bhoga and Yoga. When propriety is observed over a
long time, Jnana Tattva dawns on the Sadhaka, who gets to enjoy liberation.
Others (Kaula) advocate that Yoga, Bhoga and Samadhi can coexist in Kundalini
Yoga, while invoking the goddess Kundalini.
What are the indicators that tell you of awakening of Kundalini
K: Kinesis: muscular jerks of limbs and trunk. Kinetic flow of
electrical currents up and down your nerves. Kevala Kumbhaka
(retention of breath) comes as automatic reflex without much effort
U: Utterance and repetition of OM automatically. Unable to open eyes
though you try hard.
N: No physical awareness of people around you. No thoughts of the
D: Divine Visions, Divine smell, Divine Anahata sounds, Divine touch,
Divine taste.
A: Arrival of Bliss, Arborization of nerve currents through the body.
L: Lightness of body.
I: Inspiration, Insight into nature, Inexhaustible energy, Intoxicated
(divine) feeling,
Involuntary performance of Asanas,
Mudras, Involuntary compositions,
Instructions from God,
Involuntary performance of Bhandas (Bindings): Mulabhanda etc.
Svadhisthana Chakra: Prasraya (Credulity), AvisvAsa
(Suspicion), Avajna (disdain), MUrcchA (Delusion),
GarvanAsa (destruction --false knowledge), KrUratA
(Pitilessness). All Vrttis are bad. (Sexual feelings,
lassitude, stupor, cruelty, suspicion, contempt.)
Later, when the sutla forces of jealousy are thwarted, the young soul arises into anger,
experiencing ts of rage at the slightest provocation. As a result of being disciplined by society
through its laws and customs, the individual slowly gains control of his force; and a conscience
begins to develop. It is at this stage that a fear of God and the Gods begins to manifest. Now,
totally lifted up into the atala chakra, seventh of the fourteen force centers, the individual emerges
into the consciousness of the mldhra, the seat of the elephant God; and several of the chakras
below cease to function.
Here begins the long process of unfoldment through the higher chakras, a process outlined in
aiva Siddhanta as the progressive path of chary, kriy, yoga and jna.
The diagram depicted below is from the book
Cp Jalal-uddin Rm
Feb 20, 2013. There are seven levels (1-7) below the
Muladhara Chakra with increasingly undesirable
qualities. the seventh is the lowest one.
Source: Loving-Ganesa by Sivaya Subramuniyaswamy,
a Realized Guru.
-1. Fear, lust. (Atala Plane of existence)
-2 raging anger, despair, angry with god. (Vitala Plane of
-3. Retaliatory jealousy, pride and arrogance, feeling of
inadequacy, inferiority and helplessness. Atheistic views.
Cure: Karma yoga or Seva, selfless service. (Sutala Plane
of existence)
Graneville Penn looked at the milestones in the life of man from an existential point of
Kundalini Experience
Excerpt from the book, Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
899. This body which is made of the 'five elements' is called the gross
body. The subtle body consists of Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and
Ahamkara. The body by which one realizes the bliss of God-vision and
continues to enjoy His union, is the causal body. In the Tantras it is
called Bhagavati-tanu. Beyond all is the Mahakarana---the First Cause.
901. Lord Chaitanya used to have three sorts of 'states': (I) the
conscious state in which the mind dwelt on the gross and the subtle
bodies, (2) the semiconscious state in which the mind soared to the
causal body and felt the 'causal bliss', and (3) the state of in-turned
consciousness (superconscious state) in which the mind used to merge
completely in the Mahakarana-the great First Cause.
There is a great similarity between this and the 'five sheaths' or Kosas of
the Vedanta--the Annamaya and Pranamaya Kosas (together forming
the gross body), the Manomaya and Vijnanarnaya Kosas (together
forming the subtle body) and Anandamayakosa (forming the causal
body). The First Cause is beyond all these Kosas. When the mind used
to merge in this First Cause, he (Sri Chaitanya) used to fall into
Samadhi; this is known as the Nirvikalpa or Jada Samadhi.
905. Again referring to the different ways in which the Kundalini rises
to the brain, the Master would often say, "Well, that which rises to the
brain with a tingling sensation does not always follow the same kind of
Samadhi for twenty-one days they break that thin veil and become one
with the Lord for ever. This eternal union of the Jiva and the
Paramatman in the Sahasrara is known as getting into , the seventh
Spurious Ecstasy
907. Referring to a man who used to have a kind of emotional excitement that looked
like Samadhi externally, the Master said: "In real ecstasy one dives into the deeper
realms of one's being and becomes perfectly still. But what do we find here! Be quiet;
calm yourself. (To the others present.) Do you know the nature of this ecstasy? It is
like boiling one ounce of milk in a big pan. The pan seems to be full of milk, but
remove it from the stove and you would not find a single drop. Even the little quantity
that was there would have all stuck to the pan."
913. What is the state of one's mind in Samadhi? It is like the state of
bliss that is experienced by a live fish which, after being kept out of
water for some time, is again put into it.
915. As a lamp brought into a room that has been dark for a thousand
years illumines it immediately, the light of Jnana illumines the Jiva, and
dispels his age-long ignorance.
Without Samadhi, Jnana never comes. Jnana is like the midday sun, in
which one looks around but finds no shadow of oneself. So when one
attains Jnana or Samadhi, one retains no shadow of egotism. But even if
there be some ego left, know for certain that it is now composed of
Vidya (purely divine elements) and not ignorance or Avidya.
918. When the question was raised whether the Buddha was an atheist,
the Master said: "He was no atheist; only he could not speak out his
realizations. Do you know what 'Buddha' means?- To become one with
'Bodha', the 'Supreme Intelligence-through deep meditation, to become
Pure Intelligence Itself. The state of self-realization is something
between 'Asti' and 'Nasti'-'being' and 'non-being'.
The 'being' and the 'non-being' are modifications of Prakriti. The Reality
transcends them both."
Get to the other side of both knowledge and ignorance. Ignorance is the
consciousness of the many, i.e., the Knowledge of diversity without
knowing the Unity, without knowing the one God. The egotism due to
erudition proceeds from ignorance. The conviction that God is in all
objects--that there is unity in variety--is called knowledge of Oneness.
Knowing Him intimately is realization (Vijnana).
Suppose your foot is pricked with a thorn. Well, you want a second
thorn to take it out. When the first thorn is taken out, you throwaway
both. So, in order to get rid of the thorn of ignorance, you bring in the
thorn of knowledge. Then you throwaway both ignorance and
knowledge with a view to getting the complete realization of the
Absolute. For the Absolute is beyond knowledge as well as ignorance.
Lakshmana once said to his Divine brother Rama: "O Rama, is it not
strange that a God-knowing man like Vasishtha Deva should have wept
for the loss of his sons, and would not be comforted?" Thereupon Rama
An enquirer: Sir, may I ask what remains after you have thrown away
both the thorns as you call them knowledge and ignorance .
The Master: Well, what remains is the eternally pure and absolute
Consciousness (Nitya-suddha-buddha-rupa). But how can I make it
clear to you? Suppose some one asks you what is the taste of clarified
butter? Is it possible to make the matter perfectly clear to him? The
utmost one may say in reply to such a question is, "The taste of butter is
precisely like the taste of butter." A girl who was
unmarried, once asked a friend, "Your husband is come. Do tell me
what sort of joy you feel whenever you meet him." Thereupon the
married girl said in reply, "My dear, you will know everything when
you have got a husband of your own. How can I make it clear to you
Psychology of Samadhi
920. When the nest of a bird is destroyed, it betakes itself to the sky.
Similarly, when the consciousness of the body and the outer world is
effaced from the mind, the Jivatman (individual Spirit) soars into the
sky of the Paramatman (Supreme Spirit) and merges itself in samadhi.
921. Humanity must die before divinity manifests itself. But this
divinity must in turn die before the higher manifestation of the Blissful
Mother (Brahmamayi) takes place. It is on the bosom of the dead
divinity (Siva) that the Blissful Mother dances Her celestial dance.
923. When the ego is effaced, the Jiva dies and there follows the
realization of Brahman in Samadhi.
the pure mind (Suddha-manas), which is the same thing as the pure
reason (Suddha-buddhi), which again is the same thing as the pure
unconditioned Spirit. He cannot indeed be realized by the finite reason,
or by the finite, relative and conditioned mind that has a sensuous
nature due to its attachment to 'woman and gold.' The mind may
however be rid of its sensuous nature and may be purified by culture.
When freed from all worldly tendencies, desires and attachments, it
becomes one with the unconditioned Spirit. Was it not thus that the
sages of old saw God? God, the unconditioned Spirit, they saw by
means of the purified mind, which they found to be the same as the
Atman or the unconditioned Spirit within.
925. God is beyond both mind and intellect as long as they are bound
within relativity; but He manifests Himself to them when they are
purified. It is lust and greed which make the mind impure. So long as
Avidya (ignorance) reigns in the heart, the mind and the intellect can
never be 'pure. Ordinarily, mind and intellect are known to be different
from each other; but in their purified state, they become one, and are
resolved into Chaitanya (Pure Consciousness). Then God, the
Chaitanya, becomes manifest to the Chaitanya.
And Vijnana means knowing with greater fullness. Some have only
heard of milk, some have but seen it, while others have tasted it. He
who has only heard of it is an ignorant man. He who has seen it is
the Jnani. But only he who has tasted it has attained Vijnana, that is,
has known it in its entirety. To see God and have intimate relation
with Him as with a near kinsman, is what is called Vijnana.
First you have to follow the process of 'Neti, Neti'-'not this, not this'. He
is not the five elements. He is not the senses, nor the mind, nor the
intelligence, nor the ego--He is beyond all categories. To get up to the
roof you have to leave below all the steps of the staircase one by one.
Of course the steps are not the roof. But when you reach the roof, you
find that the roof is made of the same brick, lime, mortar and sand as
the staircase. That which is the Supreme Brahman, has become the Jiva
and Jagat--the twenty-four categories of the philosophers. That which is
the Atman has become the five elements. You may ask why the earth is
so hard if it has come out of the Atman. Through His will everything is
possible. Are not flesh and bone made out of blood and semen? How
hard becomes the foam of the ocean?
After attaining Vijnana a man can live in the world as well. For then he
clearly perceives that He Himself has become the world of living and
non-living substances, that He is not outside the world. When
Ramachandra attained Jnana and refused to remain in the world,
Dasaratha sent Vasishtha to instruct him. Vasishtha said to
"Rama, if the world is outside God, you may give it up." Ramachandra
remained silent, for he well knew that nothing exists without God.
927. In music the notes gradually rise from the lowest to the highest
pitch and again come down in the reverse order; smilarly, after
experiencing non-duality in Samadhi one descends to a lower plane and
lives with the ego-consciousness. After divesting the banana plant of
all its sheaths one after another, one reaches its pith and takes that alone
to be the essential part. But later he considers that the sheaths also are of
the plant itself. Both of them are necessary to make the stem a complete
To another he said, "Bhava (divine ecstasy) and Bhakti --these are not
Water and Anahata
Brahma Vishnu
Saiva shines in shines in
View Food
Sheath. Sheath.
Nada and
Bindu Chakras Chakra
Mahesa shines
shines in
shines in the
in the sheath of
the Mind
sheath of
Sakti as Prakrti first evolves mind (Buddhi, Ahamkara, Manas) and senses
(Indrya), and then sensible matter (Bhuta) of fivefold form (" ether" "air" "fire"
"water" "earth ")1 derived from the supersensible generals of the sense--particulars
called Tanmatra, When Sakti has entered the last and grossest Tattva (" earth ")--that
is, solid matter--there is nothing further for Her to do. Her creative activity then
ceases, and She rests. She rests in Her last emanation, the "earth" principle. She is
again coiled and sleeps. She is now Kundali-Sakti, whose abode in the human
body is the Earth centre or Muladhara-Cakra. As in the supreme state She lay
coiled as the Mahakundali round the Supreme Siva, so here She coils round the
Svayambhu-Linga in the Muladhara. This last centre or Cakra and the four above it
are centres of the five forms of Matter. The sixth centre is that of Mind. Consciousness
and its processes through Sakti prior to the appearance of Maya are realized in the
seventh lotus (Sahasrarapadma) and centres intermediate between it and the sixth or
Ajna Mind centre. Woodroffe.
Feb 22, 2013. Low self-esteem, loneliness, fear, unfounded guilt and
remorse all are symptoms of the abyss of consciousness so feared by
devas and humans alike, and described in scripture and protected
against by spiritual preceptors. It is plain to see that the doors of the
chakras below the mldhra must be rmly closed, sealed off, before
It is said that the swastikas right-angled arms reflect the fact that the path toward our objectives is often not
straight, but takes unexpected turns. They denote also the indirect way in which Divinity is reachedthrough
intuition and not by intellect. Symbolically, the swastikas cross is said to represent God and creation. The four
bent arms stand for the four human aims, called purushrtha: righteousness, dharma; wealth, artha; love, kma;
and liberation, moksha. Thus it is a potent emblem of Santana Dharma, the eternal truth. It also represents the
world wheel, eternally turning around a xed center, God. The swastika is associated with the mldhra
chakra, the center of consciousness at the base of the spine, and in some yoga schools with the manipra chakra
at the navel, the center of the microcosmic sun (srya). --Satguru Sivayasubramuniyaswami, Book: Loving
Ganesa, page 128.
The letters, the Mantras of Kundalini, stay latent on the petals and become
active and manifest when vibrations of four Nadis take place during
meditation. The active petals turn towards Kundalini. The Yogi who has
penetrated Muladhara Chakra has succeeded conquering the 36th Tattva, the
Earth. TATTVAS-36. The practitioners say that awakening of Kundalini
Sakti at Muladhara precipitates perianal itching and heightened sense of smell
and intolerance to foul odors. The resident breath is Apana and the seat of
Annamaya Kosa and Tamas (darkness, sloth, slumber) is situated here,
serving the purpose of eating, assimilation and evacuation. The three Nadis
start from here: Ida of the cool Moon, Pingala of hot Sun, and the Susumna,
the subtle spiritual Nadi. When the cool Ida and the hot Pingala are balanced,
Kundali is awakened and rises up to Manipura Chakra; this is transient. For a
sustained rise of Kundalini, Hatha Yoga (esp. pranayama, breath control)
should be practiced. Hatha = ha + tha = Pingala + Ida. When the Ida and
pingala are balanced, the sustainable energy produced makes Kundalini rise
in Susumna Nadi. Ida = left. Pingala = right. moon-cool Ida Nadi and
sun-hot Pingala Nadi.
crescent moon at the top of the lingam. It is said that Lingam is the icon of
maleness. It is of the color of molten gold with the down-pointing head. He
is revealed by Jnana and Dhyana (knowledge and meditation). He is
Svyambhu Lingam because by knowledge we know He is without attributes
(transcendence); by Dhyana we know He is Isvara with attributes. The lingam
is of the appearance of a leaf bud broad at the base, tapering at the tip and
blue green (Syama) in color. Meditate upon the beautiful blue-green Siva.
The crescent on top of the Lingam represents Sakti. The three coils represent
three Gunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. BG02. The half a coil represents
transcendence of the Gunas by Kundalini, who sleeps when our spirit sleeps
and we are awake to the material world. When our spirit is awake, Kundalini
is awake and our flesh goes to sleep. There are two deities, Brahma and
Dakini, on the right upper hand corner of the yellow square. Child Brahma
represents creation, and brings solace and freedom from fear. Dakini plays
the role of creator, sustainer, and destroyer. Ganesa is the Devata of this
Meditate on the beautiful Trikona (triangle) with Kundali in her selfeffulgence equal to ten million lightning flashes in the dark blue nimbus
clouds. The cool light of the radiant moon, the lightning, and the Lingam
bring gladness to the hearts of men. Svyambhu is as happy to abide in
Muladhara as He is happy abiding in Kasi (Banaras) as
Visvesvara. Svyambhu is placed on Kama Bija, Lam, which is the seed
mantra and the seed sound of Muladhara Chakra. See the diagram. The
Universe and beings proceed from the seed. Inside the round pericarp (the
seed-vessel of the lotus flower) of the lotus flower of Muladhara Chakra is a
square, DharA-Bija Mandala. DharA = womb; Bija = seed; DharABija = seed in the womb. There are eight spears going outwards from the
square. The two circles inside the square are red-colored Child Creator
Brahma with five faces and red-colored Sakti DAkini, who sits on a lotus
flower, and bears weapons. Brahma holds a staff, a gourd, and a Rudraksha
rosary, and makes an Abhaya Mudra pose with his hand (no-fear gesture).
Inside the square, there is an inverted triangle containing KAma VAyu and
KAma Bija and above them is the Lingam which shows the three and half
coils of the Kundlini serpent. See the elephant in the bottom of the square.
Explanation is already given. The arrows depict different directions and the
pull of the mind by different senses. The central tube is Susumna Nadi that
connects all the Chakras, through which Kundali rises.
Towards the top of the inverted triangle, there is Bija mantra, Lam l.
Bija = seed.
(Iravatham (Airavata) the elephant, came out of the Milk Ocean as a byproduct of churning of the ocean for the main purpose of getting ambrosia
and became the possession of Indra, the chief of gods, thunder, rain and
lightning. It is one of the eight male and eight female elephants, which came
out of the Golden Egg and act as the guardians of directions. Krishna,
speaking of his divinity, says to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita, 10.27, "Know Me:
The meditator on this Chakra conquers the six enemies or sins of the
human race, lust (Kama), anger (Krodha), greed (Lobha), delusion
(Moha), pride (Mada), envy (Matsarya), which are the six division of
the army, that is Samsara (life). He becomes very felicitous with words,
prose, poetry and discourse and removes the darkness of Avidya by his
Svadhisthana represents the unconscious mind in the brain. All of Id,
much of the ego and the superego are unconscious. Part of the ego and
the superego sitting on top of it are at conscious level. These three
components can be compared to an iceberg floating at an angle, where
the Id is completely submerged, but only part of the ego and the
superego are seen above the water level or consciousness. There are
three states of consciousness or awareness: the Conscious, the
Preconscious, and the unconscious one below the other. The conscious
state is general awareness and thoughts. The Preconscious state is just
under the surface and is the warehouse of information that we can recall
at a moment's notice: names of a person and the rest. Below that, the
unconscious state is a repository of lost, suppressed, repressed,
Cp Jalal-uddin Rm
Brahma Vishnu
Mahesa shines
Saiva shines in shines in shines in
shines in the
in the sheath of
View Food
the Mind
sheath of
Sheath. Sheath.
Saiva view is expressed by a real-life sage-poet by name Umapati
Sivacharya (around 1300 C.E.) in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu.
Manipura Chakra has its subtle location in the spinal column behind the navel, while
its field of action (Kshetram) is the navel. It is functionally connected to the Solar or
Celiac Plexus. As Solar suggests, it is connected to the digestive fire. It is the largest
network of autonomic nerve fibers, nerve cells and connective tissue behind the
stomach below the diaphragm in the vicinity of Celiac Artery. It modulates the vital
functions: Adrenal Gland secretion and intestinal contraction.
ham, am, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam, pham. In the hollow
central swirl of the lotus, there is an inverted fiery red triangle of the
color of the rising sun. There are three T-shaped Bhupuras (EarthCities) separating the Yantra from the outside world. The Bhupuras
have guardians in defensive positions. Near the lower angle there is the
vehicle of Manipura, ram standing for action, patience and endurance.
The Bija Mantra Ram is the inscription on the animal ram (Ram on ram,
where the first Ram is Bija mantra and the second ram is the animal;
what a coincidence and true play on words). The resident deities of the
Bija Mantra Ram are Rudra and Lakini. Three-eyed Rudra is red in
color with smearing of white ash all over his body. Dark-colored
Lakini, having imbibed Nectar of Eternity is a beneficial deity with four
hands, an effulgent body, yellow raiment, and many ornaments. The
Tanmantra of Manipura is seeing with eyes serving as Jnanendriya
(sensory organ) and feet as Karmendriya (motor organ). These Indriyas
(organs) serve the animal function of fright by sight accompanied by
flight by feet or fight with hands. Manipura is in the realm of Swaha
Loka, heavenly world.
The Moon at Bindu elaborates the Nectar of Eternity; the sun in
Manipura consumes it; that is a downfall resulting in old age, infirmity,
disease and death. Preservation and conservation functions of Bindu
domain are neutralized by Manipura with expending of the nectar. This
conservation should be immune from dissipation in the worldly
activities; its use for spiritual pursuits is the main aim. Manipura is a
stepping stone for spiritual highs. Activation, purification and
meditation on this center lead to healthy life and prevents further fall
into lower Chakras. (The up-breath in the Shuttle diagram includes
Samana also.)
The Prana or Up Breath shuttles between the throat and the navel
(Visuddha and Manipura Chakras). It is the air that moves up and down
the air passages, and that sustains life; because that, it is the Prana of
Heart and Lungs.
The Apana or Down Breath shuttles between the Muladhara and
Manipura Chakras (anus and navel). It is the air that expels the waste
products of digestion. It is the air of lower abdomen and pelvis such that
it expels the fetus down the birth canal (Prasava Vayu), and is involved
in functions of pelvic basin such as intromission, emission, defecation,
urination and expulsion of flatus. It is the same Vayu or energy that
opens the Brahma Nadi and propels Kundalini up the Nadi.
As the Apana Shuttle moves from the Muladhara Chakra to Manipura,
the Prana Shuttle leaves the Manipura Chakra. They do not meet each
other. The Yogic effort is to reverse their natural flow and bring the
Apana and Prana breaths to meet each other at the Manipura Chakra.
This results in the awakening of the Manipura Chakra. It is pushing
down the Prana and pushing up the Apana breath; when they collide at
the navel, heat is generated which travels backwards to the Manipura
Chakra Lotus in the spinal column, awakens the Manipura Chakra and
opens the Manipura lotus. The Guru teaches the aspirant as to how to
force the breaths to come to a collision in the Navel. The seven Chakras
are seven levels of consciousness and perception. The basement
consists of Muladhara and Swadhisthana Chakras, the pelvic region or
the domain of the animal. Manipura plane serves as the glass sealing
from which an aspirant can view the upper Chakras and also the lower
Chakras. Manipura is the animal-human transitional zone according to
some yogis. When the aspirant arrives at the Anahata plane, he is in a
sense a human. This collision of the breaths results in destruction of all
animal qualities and acquisition of self-protection, healthy body and
mind, freedom from fear of Fire, and ability to partake of the Tejas
(power) from Sahasrara.
expression. It is latent sound, ready to unwind from the mind and find
expression. Analogy used to hear the unstruck sound is to occlude both
your ears and hear the buzz. Here it is not really an unstruck sound,
because the blood flow in the capillaries and other blood vessels
striking the vessel walls create that sound which is perceived by the
auditory apparatus and interpreted as buzz by the hearing area of the
brain. Anyhow that conveys the idea what an unstruck sound is. In
Yogis practicing meditation, it is a mystic sound whose origin is
assumed to be transcendental. It is not hallucination, which, if it is, is
welcomed by Yogis. It is also heard by the dying, whose origin is
unknown. For Buddhists, it is a sound of golden bell. In Kundalini
Yoga (the fourth Chakra or plane, Anahata or heart Chakra), it is a
sound of Sabdabrahman, which needs no clanging of two objects (to
produce the sound). It is the sound not of the tongue or larynx, but of
the spiritual heart. Twelve Saktis of Kali (KAlarAtri to TankAri)
populate the twelve petals of Anahata lotus. Anahata has nothing to do
with the physical, physiological, chemical and electrical aspects of the
physical heart. Devotees (Bhakta) attention is focused on Anhata
plane of the heart, while Yogis concentrate on Ajna Chakra of the
glabella (forehead) and the Vedantists seek the Para Nada in Hiranya
Garba, the Golden Egg of the inverted thousand-petaled Sahasrara
Chakra on the crown. Brahma (Sivas surrogate or manifestation for
creation) is the source of all Sounds. In Egyptian mythology, the heart
is the center of consciousness. Thoughts in the heart morphed into
words on the tongue which when uttered by Ptah became gods, people,
cities, temples, and places of Egypt. Such is the power of words of the
God Ptah of Memphis. Brahma had mind-born sons along the same
lines as Ptah had thought and word-born beings. Egyptian god thinks in
his heart while Brahma thinks in the head, though sound has its origin
in Muladhara plane and as the sound evolves from the Muladhara
through Swadhisthana, Manipura and Anahata, it finds expression in
Visuddha Chakra located in the Larynx. Atum, the God of Heliopolis,
the creator coexisted with Ptah in their creative process. There is an
agreement between Egyptian and Indian view that the sound has its seat
in the heart. According to Indian belief sound exists in all Kundalini
Chakras. In the heart it exists as Anahata (unstruck sound).
Kakini projects the energy with yellow robes, three eyes and four arms,
the posterior arms holding the noose and a skull on a stake, the anterior
arms offering boon, protection and no-fear reassurance (Varam and
Abhaya Mudras). There is a down (inverted) central triangle with a
flame with its perimeter symbolizing Akhanda Jyotir (eternal flame /
unbroken flame) which stands for the Jivatma (individual soul). Some
say that it is a Banalinga (pebble Linga) rather than a flame. Below the
12-petalled Primary Lotus is a secondary lotus of eight petals enclosing
a Kalpa Taru, Wish-tree. Within the six-angled shape is seen in the
mind's eye of Yogis a lake (Manasarovar) with a blue Lotus.
Anahata Chakra goes with Mahar Loka; Prana is its dominant breath;
its tanmatra is touch; its sensory organ is skin; its motor organ is hand.
Vishnu granthi (see table elsewhere) is present in Anahata Center. Any
knot is an obstruction to flow, thus Vishnu granthi's dominance shows
its undercurrent in emotion-based thought and actions. Once the knot is
removed, the obstruction in the spiritual flow eases, the aspirant
becoming tranquil and spiritually inclined, has control over his
emotions, performs sattvic deeds, meditates, speaks inspired words and
obtains the yogic ability to perform Parakaya Pravesanam, (to
transmigrate into another's body). Sankaracharya (800CE) and
Agasthya Muni were known practitioners of this art.
Prarabhda Karma is operative at Manipura and below. Once the
Anahata center is pierced, the aspirant is not under its iron hand. His
actions are his and not dictated by Prarabdha karma. Man is buffeted by
events beyond his control because Prarabdha karma is the operating
principle in all three lower chakras and levels of consciousness:
Manipura, Swadhisthana and Muladhara; all three and the chakras
below them keep the aspirant at earth level roiled by external events,
not of his making. At Anahata Center, he controls the events and events
do not control him. At Anahata, he rises above the physical world,
mind, body and senses.
The lower Chakras of lower consciousness form the base from which
the Sadhaka takes off in a spiritual journey beyond the gravitational pull
of earthbound thoughts, emotions, and deeds and passes through
Troposphere of Anahata Chakra, Stratosphere of Visuddha Chakra,
Mesosphere of Ajna Chakra, ionosphere and Exosphere of Sahasrara
Chakra into the outer space of Dvadasanta, where there is no
gravitational pull of the lower chakras. This example serves well in that
all six Chakras are known as Adhara Chakras, meaning that they have
support in the human body while Dvadasanta has no support: it simply
hangs there without any apparent support like the stars, sun and the
As an object streaking beyond the grasp of the earth defies its gravity,
the consciousness rising from animal to human to superconsciousness
defies the mundane gravitational pull of the senses and passion,
Prarabdha Karma, and Samskaras. An aspirant or Yoga practitioner is
one who lives in the lower three chakras, while a real Yogi lives in
fruit. It means the following. If your wife is out shopping and has not
returned by dusk and you wonder whether she had an accident. That
thought will fructify and bring on an accident. Now one can see the
power of thought in the Anahata Yogi. Anahata center, and mundane
desires and anxieties are strange bedfellows. Anahata Yogi should
maintain positive thoughts, associate only with Sattvic people and yet
treat all people equally. A prince and a pauper, a tyrant and a democrat,
a murderer and a savior are equal to him. Bhagavan says in Bhagavad
Gita (5.18 - BG05) says, "a learned humble Brahmin, a cow, an
elephant, a dog, and even a dog-eater are seen with an equal eye by a
Punditah (sage)." The universe and the Anahata Yogi are one and in
peace with each other. Examples of a hypothetical selfless service and
true love: a True Physician works so hard that he eliminates all diseases
and puts himself out of business. A mother loves her child not for any
ultimate gain. Loving God for love's sake is superior to loving him for
material gains: that is Bhakti (devotion).
Ego is antithetical to attaining Anahata center and spiritual
development. When one goes to a party, one checks the umbrella and
the coat at the coat stand. In like manner, before one enters the temple
to offer Seva to God, one should leave his ego at the doorstep. Breaking
the coconut is symbolic of breaking one's ego before God. Since God is
omnipresent, one should erase ego completely and for
good. Remember: There is only One Ego in the universe: that is God's.
If your infinitesimal ego tries to clash with the Divine EGO, you are
asking for trouble: it is a train wreck.
kundal10.gif replaces space-gif
Vishuddha Chakra also bears the name Kantha Chakra named after its
location, the throat area. It is Sodasa (16) Chakra because it has sixteen
smoky purple petals. There are several other names based on these main
features. Sisuddha is purification and thus all purifications take place
here. Purification means removal of all dualities and coming to the
realization of Para Brahman. The petals facing you are configured
clockwise with sixteen Sanskrit letters in red: am, aam, im, eem, um,
oom, rim, reem, lrim, lreem, em, aim, om, aum, aam, ahm. These letters
constitute the vowels (life letters) in Sanskrit and have the Bindu (dot)
above them. Sixteen Nadis (channels) are associated with Vishuddha
Chakra. The white (golden) circle of the pericarp is the gateway to
liberation and the ethereal region enclosing the Chandra Mandala
(Moon circle). The Bija Mantra, the seed sound of Visuddha Chakra
within the triangle is Ham (Ambara Mantra or Bija of Ether), white in
Credit: www.timeless.org
Sadasiva sits on a lion-seat perched on the bull in his Androgynous form; the male
half is snow and the female half is golden.
Vishuddha and Ajna Chakras form the Vijnanamaya Kosa, the sheath of spiritual
knowledge. Vishuddha Chakra is in charge of
hearing sense and the speech organ (voice box or larynx). What is out there in the
cosmos is in the body and thus, it is the realm of Janah loka. Udana Prana, the
life-sustaining up breath is the breath of Vishuddha Chakra and the breath of
The sounds originate in various chakras as depicted below. When they reach the Vaikhari
stage, the consonants acquire life-giving vowels
and become intelligible speech.
The following cascade depicts origin of sound.
gradually the internal sounds take over your attention so that you have
no need for the external music, which actually you would not hear in
the advanced state. In the advanced aspirant, the sounds cease and
Turiya state takes over and all dualities of the mind, body and gunas
disappear; the aspirant dies to his flesh with the rise of spirit; the mind
becomes pure; he is just a piece of wood (no body awareness)
according to Swami Sivananda.
came to the rescue and swallowed the poison and retained it in his
throat because swallowing meant death. That is why Siva is called
Nilakantappa, the One with the blue throat. As you see, the ocean is the
same but the products are the exact opposites. Vishnu did not think that
the demons deserved to live eternally and gave the nectar to
gods. Thus, the throat of Siva had the ability to neutralize the poison.
Vishuddha Chakra at the throat level has the ability to purify the mixed
nectar and destroy the poison. Gods and Demons in Hindu
mythology have one father (Kasyapa) and two mothers: Aditi, the
mother of gods and Diti the mother of demons. Interestingly the
mothers are sisters married to Kasyapa. What all this means is that all
of us (man) are part god and part demon. Which part is dominant makes
us different, one from the other. Hindu mythology had the solution to
kill the demons. All the male gods could not kill a demon and his clones
(the idea of clones existed in ancient India) by themselves
individually. They donated their individual saktis and weapons for a
common cause; the saktis (Tejas) coalesced, congealed and morphed
into an agglomerate female goddess, Durga, who eventually killed the
demons, the male gods could not. When Durga was killing the demon,
drops of blood fell on the battlefield and each drop became a demon;
there were millions of demons, all clones of one demon. (Now you
know that the idea of clones have existed in ancient India.) She sucked
the bone marrow dry and ate all the demons: end of story. Durga is the
One who kills the demons in us, when we pray to Her and She shows
Her Grace to us.
At higher levels of consciousness, the yogi reconciles the good and
the bad, the nectar and poison and the polar opposites. Forrest Gump:
My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never
know what you're gonna get." Yogis, in whom the Bindu Visarga and
Vishuddha Chakra are awake, claim that they can neutralize poisons.
We know Vishuddha Chakra is connected to hearing and speech; it is
also connected to the mind of other people so much so that the Yogi can
read their mind. It is like the antenna implanted in the throat relaying
messages to the brain. Patanjali Sastra says that an accomplished yogi
can go without out food and water for an indefinite period.
Bindu is Vindu () in Tamil meaning dot or point, drop,
semen, sperm, mercury, a flaw in the diamond, the middle portion of
the forehead between the eyebrows; circle, Sivatattva - sphere of
knowledge presided over by Siva Jnana Sakti; Pure Maya (Suddha
Maaya) according to Tamil Lexicon of Madras University. Bindu in its
supreme state is the nucleus of the universe, from which everything
proceeds. Compare it to the nucleus of the cell. When the cell and its
nucleus undergo apoptosis, they degenerate and become mushy, waiting
for scavenger cells to remove them. Likewise when the cerebrumdwelling Supreme Bindu undergoes "apoptosis or lysis" it becomes the
(testicular) semen at a lower level of existence. Don't expect a scientist
to prove or disprove such a hypothesis. Bindu as a point and nucleus of
At the end of this article you can see the diagrammatic representation of
Nirvana Sakti, Nirvana Kala, AmA KalA.
Sahasrara plane is the aggregate sum of all planes. Let me present to
you the configuration of Sahasrara; though it is not a Chakra, by
convention it is called a chakra.
Avyakta (Unmanifested) is Paramesvara who is the united Siva-Sakti,
from whom the First Emanation (AadyA) Bhagavati or Tripurasundari
(TPS) came into existence. TPS is the origin of Nada. From Nada
originates Vayu (Air), so important to all air-breathing beings (sarva
prAnamaya). Bindu is Siva-Sakti-Maya, NAdAtmaka or Sivatmaka
and is placed above the forehead. Void (Ether, Gagana) originates from
Bindu, is empty and yet is a container of Sound. From these came the
twenty five Tattvas (TATTVAS 36) which have qualities
(Guna). Sakala Siva (the one united with KalA) as opposed to Niskala
Siva, is Sat, Cit and Ananda and is the origin of Sakti, which in turn
originates NAda, which again gives rise to Bindu. (See the diagram).
Nada, Bindu, and Bija are his three aspects. Bija is Bodhini Sakti.
Here is some information from other sources.
Bhagavati is Devi who has Bhaga. Bhaga envelopes 6 qualities:
Creation, destruction, origin of beings, end of beings, Real Knowledge,
and Avidya or ignorance.
Devi has nine manifestations:
1) Time KAla): from blinking of the eye to Pralaya time. KAla
2) Form (Kula): All things having color and form. Kula.
3) Name (NAma): All things with name. .
4) Cit (Jnana) or intelligence Changing (Savikalpa) and unchanging
(Nirvikalpa) Jnana
5) Mind (Chitta): consists of Ahamkara--ego, Chitta, Buddhi, Manas,
6) Sound (NAda): a) RAga--desire , b) Iccha --developed desire, c)
Krti--active desire, d) Prayatna--endeavor to achieve the desired
object. These four items correspond to sound: a) ParA super-subtle
sound emanating from Muladhara, b) Pasyanti, Visual sound from
Svadhisthana, c) Madhyama sound from Anahata, d) Vaikhari,
articulate sound from Visuddha Chakra.
7) The Spiritual Germ (Bindu): the six Chakras from Muladhara to
8) Knowledge (KalA): variable aptitude of the soul to spiritual
knowledge. Cognition. Kalai is an evolute of Maya, the 6th principle.
Anatomy of Omkara: The Sanskrit letter has a crescent and a dot on top
of it. The crescent and the dot are known as Chandrabindu (moon with
dot / Moon-Dot).
OM is the progenitor sound of all Bija Mantras. Nada and Bindu are
two saktis (power). Naada (Nada) is sound and Bindu is dot, or point.
Nada and Bindu are the progenitors of Tattvas, the building blocks of
the universe. Nada is Sakti and Bindu is Siva (Siva-Sakti); Nada is
action and Bindu is static; Nada is white and Bindu is red. Nada
(Chandrabindu/ Nadabindu) over the Omkara is the couch, on which
Paramasiva in his Bindu form is reclining. Chandrabindu is Nada and
Bindu, Sakti and Siva in one unit.
The crescent moon with the dot is Chandrabindu (Nadabindu) or the
couch of Tripurasundari in union with Paramasiva. The icon presents
five components: A, U, M, Nada (the Crescent), and Bindu (the dot).
Just imagine the crescent moon being the couch! Nada is Sound, Bindu
is the derivative of Nada and the source of the universe. Nada is called
Visvamata or Mother of the Universe; Bindu is Duhkha Hara, Pain
Killer or remover of pain. All Bija Mantras have three, four or five
components: one, two or three syllables, Nada and Bindu. Nada is
generally Mother Goddess and Bindu is Siva, remover of pain.
Bija Mantra has no meaning; it is neither a language, nor a word, nor a
character; it is Dhvani (unlettered vocalized sound); it is Deva.
dance. The universe undergoes involution when they stop the dance
and the all the elements (Tattvas = building blocks) come to repose in
Siva-Sakti. When Siva-Sakti begin their dance again at the end of
dissolution, the elements come back to build the universe of matter and
beings under the guidance of and contribution from Siva-Sakti. This
dance brings to life beings according to their karmic deeds, so that the
soul matures, sheds all the impurities (malas), and attains Moksa. Siva
directs Sakti to create the universe and beings ; thus Siva-Sakti are the
parents. The two-part unity is integral with each other as in
Ardhanaresvara (Androgynous Siva); Siva is consciousness and Sakti is
His power. Siva is Samaya and Navtman. Sakti is Samay (feminine
form of Samaya). Sama means equal. They are equal and similar (sama
and samtavam) in Adhisthna, Avasthna, Anusthna, Rpa, and Nma
(abode, condition, action, form, and name). Verses 36-41 talks about
Ajna, Visuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhistana, and Muladhara
Chakras from top down. This reflects the subtle becoming the gross
from the Ajna to Muladhara Chakras: Mind, Ether, Air, Fire, Water and
Sabda or Sound; Bindu = the Chakras, BINDU;
Kal = the fifty letters of Sanskrit alphabet; and
Jiva = the individual soul. Samayacharins call
Goddess The Saktas as Samayaa, while Kaulas call Siva
as Navatman Kularnava Tantra. Siva and Sakti of Kaula
sect in Muladhara Chakra are nanda Bhairava and
nandabhairavi and of Samaychrins are Samaya and
Samay. Swami Tapasyananda says that Sakti worship is
of three types: Samaya, Kaula and Misra. Samaya
worship is neither exoteric nor esoteric but internal as in
Kundalini Yoga. Those who cannot do Kundalini Yoga
perform mixed (misra) form of worship (both external
and internal). External worship is of two types: Esoteric
worship with rituals and exoteric worship. Chariya's
recommendations (idol worship) are external worship
(exoteric) suitable to the ordinary devotees, and not
confined to a chosen few. Kriya is worshipping of Siva
with rites and ceremonies (esoteric rituals and practices)
recommended in Agamas. Samaya worship is mental
worship in the sky of the mind and heart
(Hrdayksa = spiritual sky of the heart). Others
worship Sri Chakra which contains all Chakras within it
and is Siva-Sakti in their bodily form. Adoration or
reverent homage of Sri Chakra is equal to worship of
Siva-Sakti in all Chakras.
Book report on The Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater. His exact passages
are high-lighted.
Chapter 1 The Force-Centers
There are two entities: Dense entity that is visible to the eye and Etheric
Physical Entity not visible to the eye. The Etheric Entity is the bridge
between the Astral and the Physical, which is essential for the flow
of streams of vitality, thought and feelings from the former to the latter;
thus it keeps the body alive. Here Ether is not the substance that
occupies space and helps propagation of electromagnetic radiation
through space. Without this Ethereal Entity an individual (Ego) cannot
make use of his brain. A clairvoyant can see Ether penetrating the
substance of the body and forming a shell around it. This shell is called
the Etheric Double. To the clairvoyant the Chakras appear as miniature
suns which project beyond the body and show on the shell. They
appear as open saucer-shaped flowers with vortices on stems attached to
the spine on the surface of the Etheric body. These Chakras or wheels
are rotating with the energy received from one of the seven forces. In
undeveloped person the rate of motion is slow. In a developed person,
the wheels glow and pulsate and move faster; the flow of energy gives
the person additional faculties. These chakras have the circular image
facing the onlooker as if they were mounted on a horizontal axis at the
hub. These moving wheels appear to have spokes which convey the
astral energy to the wheels and the Etheric body.
1. the supernatural power of seeing objects or actions removed in space
or time from natural viewing.
2. quick, intuitive knowledge of things and people; sagacity.
Diagramatic representation of the Chakras look like Pizza pies with slices.
deep sleep; three worlds, heaven, earth and netherworld; three Nadis,
Ida, Pingala and Susumna and three feet of Gayatri. The three important
Nadis in the body are Susumna, the most important and the other two,
Pingala (right) and Ida (left) Nadis. Kundalini Devi along with Prana
rises through Susumna Nadi to reach Sahasrara Chakra for union with
Siva. Kundalini Power. Since ego is sacrificed, the thread derives its
name from Yajna and is called Yajnopavita.
The Brahmana boy wears white cotton thread; the Ksatriya, red
hemp; Vaisya, yellow wool. White Cotton may satisfy all.
(Brahmachari [student bachelor] wears one set of three strands;
Grahastha, (householder) two sets of 3 strands; Vanaprastha (forest
recluse), three sets of three strands; and Sannyasi (the renouncer), one
or four sets.) The thread is worn on the left shoulder and goes
diagonally to the right side of the chest under the right arm: this pattern
of wear is Upavita, which (the lower loop) should not descend below
the navel line or ascend above the nipple line. The thread should be
hung over the right ear while answering calls of nature, so that it is kept
pure. Praciniviti: The sacred thread hangs over the right shoulder and
under the left arm, when the Brahmana performs libations (Tarpanam)
to forefathers (pitrs). Niviti: The sacred thread is worn on the neck like
a chain or garland when he performs Tarpanas for human beings.
Tarpana = libations of water to gods, rishis and manes; satiation of
gods and deceased persons.
The priest dons him with the thread and gives him the Gayatri
Mantra. GAYATRI The affair is more elaborate than what I mentioned
here. The young initiate goes to beg for food, while the fire of Yajna
continues. He approaches woman and says, "Om bhavati bhikshaam
dehi." (O good woman, please give me alms (food.) To the male donor
he says, Om bhavaan bhiksaam dehi." Once the alms are given, the
recipient says, "Om Svasti." Svasti = may it be well with thee.
The knots in the sacred thread and their Kundalini significance.
The primary knot is Brahmagranthi, the knot of Brahma. There are
three Granthis (Junctional points, Knots, Junctions, hurdles): Brahma,
Vishnu and Rudra Granthis. Granthis are equated to the levels of
consciousness. Brahma Granthi of Muladhara (and Svadhistana and
Manipura) Chakra is physical consciousness; Vishnu Granthi of
Anahata Chakra is the Sphere of the Sun and therefore of Light, the
beginning of Spiritual Consciousness; The Rudra Granthi of Ajna
Chakra is the sphere of the Moon, the center of Spiritual Consciousness.
The Brahmana boy with his initiation, study and practice of kundalini
Yoga goes from human consciousness, strives towards spiritual
consciousness and blossoms out in spiritual consciousness.
The thread is exchanged for a new one once every four months and
in case of death or birth in the family with attendant purificatory rites.
The old thread is removed after the new one is in place.
Gayatri Mantra:
Om Bhr Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhmahi
Dhiyo yonah pracodayt
Bhr Bhuvah Svah represent the Kundalini Chakras at three levels of
existence of the human: at the lowest human of existence in the lower
chakras, the middling existence in intermediate Anahata and Visuddha
chakras and the highest spiritual existence in Ajna and Sahasrara
Chakras. They represent body, mind and soul. Tat Savitur Varenyam:
That adorable Light is present always and beyond Time. Bhargo
devasya dhmahi: Its radiance and effulgence are so powerful that it
can lift the darkness of the soul. Dhiyo yonah pracodayt: Let the
Divine Light dispel the spiritual darkness and bring in intelligence,
wisdom, discrimination, and awareness. Sun, Light, splendor, darkness
are used as analogy. When the sun rises at dawn it removes darkness;
likewise when meditation brings on the Inner Light, it dispels the
darkness of the soul and augments intelligence. Gayatri mantra cures
diseases of the body, mind and soul; removes all three miseries,
exogenous, endogenous, and Theogenous (Adibautika, Adiatmika,
and Adidaivika); fructifies all desires; bestows grace and boons; and
confers intelligence, wisdom and discrimination. The word Theogenous is coined by me. Gayatri instills all good qualities and
eradicates all bad ones.
Exogenous misery: Adibautika: Evil proceeding from external things or
beings. Exogenous miseries and obstacles come from the outer world of
beings and matter. Lifestyle change can help ameliorate this misery.
Endogenous misery: Adiatmika: Evil proceeding from
Self. Endogenous miseries and obstacles come from the body, mind
and soul; they need mending from proper specialists.
Theogenous misery: Adidaivika: (Adidhaiva = god-sent = Arising
from the gods. Theogenous miseries and obstacles are god-sent and
include natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes,
tsunamis.... They could be part of karmic baggage of an individual.
Manas Chakra is a minor Chakra and a lotus of six petals above Ajna Chakra.
These petals are the seat of sensations of hearing, touch, sight,
smell, taste, and centrally initiated sensations in dream and hallucination. -Woodroffe page 127-128 The Serpent Power.
The triangle has three corners occupied by three Bindus: VAhini Bindu,
fire; Chandra Bindu, Moon; Surya Bindu (Sun). These lines are also
called Sakti Vama (creation), Sakti Jyesthi (maintenance) and Sakti
Raudri (destruction). The Saktis "sprout from three Bindus." The
associated deities are Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra with their respective
spouses; gunas, Rajas, Sattva and Tamas; and related portfolios. The
lines of the triangle are formed by 48 letters of Sanskrit alphabet
starting with Vowel A. The 16 Vowels form one line; the 2nd line is
that of 16 consonants starting with Ka; the 3rd line is that of 16
Consonants starting with Tha; thus, the triangle is called A-Ka-Tha
Triangle. These lines are also called Vama line, Jyesta line, and Raudri
line. The line of Fire is Vama line; the line of Moon is Jyesta line; the
line of Sun is Raudri line. These lines originate from the three Bindus.
This inverted triangle has A at its inverted apex, Ka at the left corner
and Tha at the right corner. The remaining alphabets, ha, la, ksha are in
the inside corners of the triangle. See the diagram below. The line of
Sattva (Jayestha; line of Vishnu, Moon, maintenance) is at the top; the
line of Tamas (Line of Raudri; line of Siva, Sun and destruction) is on
the right side of the Goddess ; the line of Rajas (Line of Vama. line of
Brahma, Fire and creation) is on left side of the Goddess, who is called
Abala meaning Sakti and her abode is Abala-Alayam (AbalAlayam).
She is also called KAma-kalA in triangular form, the lines being Vama
line, Jyesta line, and Raudri line. These three lines (Saktis) sprout from
the three Bindus. She is KAmakalA composed of three-sakti form
The three Bindus (Tri-bindu) are considered both as one entity and three
separate entities. Tri-bindu is the supreme Tattva, includes Brahma,
Vishnu and Siva, and the triangle made of letters. Brahma line (line of
Prajapati) is composed of letters A to Visarga. Vishnu line is composed
of letters from Ka to Ta. The line of Siva (Raudri) is composed of
letters from Tha to Sa. Line of VAma or Line of Fire starts in the South
at Vahini Bindu and goes to North-East corner at Chandra Bindu. Line
of Moon or Line of Jyestha goes from North-East corner and goes to
North-West corner at Surya Bindu. The line of Sun or the line of Raudri
starts from the North-West corner at Surya Bindu and goes south to
Vahini Bindu. This Triangle joining the three Bindus is KAmaKalA.
Brahma-Fire is the origin of life, Vishu-Moon is the preserver, Sun-Siva
is the destroyer of the universe. Sakti being coiled up in Bindu in the
South springs like a sprout goes in Vama (anti-clockwise) on the line of
Fire to Isana corner in the NE point. She is Vama Sakti. The she goes to
NW corner and back to South. The Bindus are also known as Surya,
Chandra and Vahini. (Siva line, Vishnu line, and Brahma line). Within
the triangle are the 2 imperishable Bindus (Chandra and Surya
Bindus at the upper corners), which have the void in them in which
abides Siva also known as ParamaSiva.
Iccha, Rajas,VAmA, Brahma, and Pasyanti Sabda; Jnana, Sattva,
Jyestha, Vishnu, and Madhyama Sabda; Kriya, Tamas, Raudri,
Hamsa is the High-Flying Bird and thus Paramatma. Its beak is Tara (Om Mantra). Its two wings are Agama and Nigama,
which are the Tantric Doctrines from the mouths of Siva and Parvati inculcating the worship of Siva-Sakti. Its three eyes are
the three Bindus. Its two feet are Siva and Sakti.
Antaratma is the Inner Atma of atomic dimension, which pervades every object. It is the inner bodiness (AntarangatA), the
spark of Paramatma. It is Hamsa known only to Yogis. When this Paramahamsa is spread (Vyapta) throughout creation then
all Bhutas
spring up in their order (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth). This Hamsa Bird displays itself in the Lake of Ignorance (Avidya)
in the mud of illusion and infatuation, which is the world. Hamsa on becoming other-worldly and dissolving, it reveals the
Atman (Self). Then its birdness ceases. SohamAtma is established which is supreme experience or Paramatma. Woodroffe
Hamsa Mantra of Visuddha Chakra is Ajapa Mantra, Chantless Mantra. All of us recite this Mantra without volition. It is the
Mantra of every breath. Hamsa is Ham + Sa. Ham sound goes out with the Out-breath and Sa goes in with the In-breath. It is
the Mantra of all beings. Hamsa is created and sustained by the sun. This solar breath is the cause of human breath. The
Cosmic Counterpart of Hamsa is Siva-Sakti.
Hu Hasah Mantra: Ha or the sun when invoked by Mantra raises the heat in Muladhara Chakra and wakes up and
adtivates Kundalini Sakti. Sah of the Mantra brings about the Will or Iccha (desire) in the Goddess and makes Her rise up the
Chakras. Hum raises the heat and Sah moves Her up carrying the Prana. This is facilitated by Asvini Mudra by which the
Yogi contracts and relaxes the anal muscles so that VAyu (Vital air) ascends up the Susumna Nadi and pops as it enters.
Varivasya Rahasya says the following:
Brahma = Bharati = VAma = Iccha. Hari = Ksiti = Jyestha = Jnana. Siva = AparnA = Raudri = Kriya. The
male elements in these three groups are SAntA and the female elements are AmbikA.
1 Here Fire is the origin of life, and is therefore associated with Brahma. Moon is associated with Visnu, And the Sun spoken
of here stands for the twelve suns (Aditya) which rise to burn the world at dissolution (Pralaya).
of Sahasrara is turned down; the pericarp is turned up; the filaments are
of the color of the rising sun; the thousand petals contain all the letters
of the alphabet.
Citrini is the stalk (tube); the twelve-petalled Lotus rests on Citrini;
Kundalini goes to Siva by this channel to Sahasrara. Here in the
Pericarp is Kama Kala (Sakti) triangular in form. Three Saktis, Vama,
Jyesta, and Raudri are the lines of the triangle and emanate from three
The pericarp of the 12-petalled Lotus is included within the pericarp of
the thousand-petalled Sahasrara Lotus; it is a pericarp within a larger
pericarp; it is a womb within a larger womb.
A-Ka-Tha Triangle within the Pericarp of Sahasrara Lotus: sixteen
vowels A to Visarga form the Vama line; sixteen letters from Ka to Ta
form the Jayesta line; 16 letters from Tha to Sa form the Raudri line.
The triangle forms the abode of Sakti. The Bindu sprouts these letters
forming the triangle. These lines are also called by several names:
Vama line = line of Brahma = line of Prajapati = line of Rajas. Jayesta
line = line of Vishnu = Line of Sattva. Raudri line = Line of Siva= Line
of Tamas. These lines surround Yoni Mandala. The letters and universe
sprout from Bindu. The three Bindus are considered as one and also
The letters Ha, La and Ksa stay as milestones at the inner corners of the
triangle, giving it the character of a Mandala. The triangle's apex is
pointing down. If one looks at the triangle-- s-- with apex down, the
inner corner at the apex shows Ha, the right inner corner La and the left
inner corner Ksa.
If one has to take a walk around it, the triangle is always on one's left,
meaning that one should walk around it in an anti-clockwise direction.
Within the triangle s there is a jeweled altar (Mani-Pitha) on which the
Guru sits. Jeweled altar outshines the lightning flash. The Bindu is Siva
and Sakti and yet Bindu divides itself into three divisions: Bindu, Nada
and Bija, which are Sun, Moon and Fire respectively. Nada is white like
Baladeva; Bindu is red like the lustrous young sun.
Bindu, Nada and Bija do not make the jeweled altar, because the altar is
of the color of pale red gem; it is neither white nor red. Nada is below
the Mani-Pitha and Bindu is above it. Mani-Pitha is above Antaratma.
Antaratma is Hamsa in the 12-petalled Lotus. The eternal Guru sits on
the Mani-Pitha like a mountain of silver. One should meditate on all of
the above elements. The Pitha shines on account of the pale red luster
of the gems and puts to shame the reddish-yellow lightning
flash. (Guru is white like a mountain of silver and Bija is also white.
Mani-Pitha is also known as SimhAsana, the lion's seat. )
Above the Visuddha Chakra and below the Ajna Chakra is LalanA
Lotus Chakra located at the palate and also in the Manas Chakra and
Soma Chakra above the Ajna Chakra. The Vrttis (Moral Qualities) of
LalanA Chakra are mostly good; those of the Svadhistana and
Manipura Chakras are all bad; those of the AnAhata lotus Chakra are
mixed; those of Soma Chakra are good. As you may notice the moral
qualities rise as one goes up the Chakras and as one adopts higher
principles. In the 12-petalled Adya Sakti Chakra in the Pericarp of
Sahasrara Chakra, Sakti also known as KAmakalA abides. Causal Body
of the embodied soul ( Karana Sarira of Jiva) resides between the Ajna
Chakra and the Sahasrara Chakra. That space is the abode of Viloma
Saktis descending from Unmani to Bindu. See the diagram belowViloma-Anuloma. Viloma Saktis from 12 to 6 are the seven creative
ones. These Saktis correspond to Suddha Tattvas. TATTVAS-36.
Bindu6 is in Isvara Tattva; Bodini7, Nada8, Nadanta9 are in
Sadakhya or Sadasiva Tattva; Vyapika10 and Samani11 are in Sakti
Tattva and the latter contains seven KalAs; Unmani12 is in Siva
Tattva. These Tattvas are two-way street. When Unmani12 is in a
creative mood, there is evolution and thus a cascade downstream from
Unmani12 to Muladhara1 takes place; the result is creation of the
universe and beings. The Creative Aspect of Sakti comes to rest in
Muladhara Chakra as Kundali. When retrograde involution takes place
either on an individual basis or on a massive cosmic scale, Kundali
absorbs all the material elements of the lower Chakras and the soul in
its pristine state wants to go to its source Unmani. The Isvara Tattva
(Bindu6 ) is the distal point at which the impulse to create becomes a
certainty and compulsion on its evolutionary downstream; that is taking
birth as an embodied being in this world. Sadasiva Tattva (Bodini7,
Nada8, Nadanta9 ) is the liberating Sakti and the gathering point at
which the returning soul has committed to go back to Unmani on its
upstream move; that is liberation. The downstream is evolution and path
of Pravrrti; the upstream return journey is Nivrrti or
involution. Samani has seven KalAs, parts or manifestations:
Nivrtti, Pratistha. Vidya, Santi. The names of the other three KalAs are
not available in the literature. Sri Netra Tantra names the seven kalAs
of Samani Sakti: Sarvajna, SarvagA, DurgA, SavarnA, SphanA, Dhrti,
Samana. Sarada says that there are seven saktis: Paramesvara as
Satchidananda1, Siva2, Sakti3, KArana Bindu4, KArya Bindu5, KArya
NAda6, and Bija7. In Kundalini Yoga, there are corresponding seven
Saktis: Unmani1, Samani2, Anji3, Mahanada4, Nada5,
Ardhachandra6, and Bindu7. A combination of all these Saktis with
Om gives a list of 12 Saktis: UnmanA1, SamanA2, VyApika3, Anjani4,
Mahanada5, Nada6, Nirodhini7, Ardhachandra8, Bindu9, Ma-KAra10, UKAra11, A-KAra12. Ardhachandra6 = Ardhadhendu.
Anjani has five parts: 1) Suksma [The most important Central Nadi], 2)
Susuksma, 3) Amrta, 4) Amrta-Sambhava, 5) Vyapini. Nada has four
parts: 1) Indhika [kindling/ kindler, nature of knowledge], 2) Dipika, 3)
Rocika, 4) Mocika. Nirodhini Sakti has five parts or kalAs: 1)
Rundhini [obstructing, Obscurant], 2) Rodhini (Obstructing), 3) Raudri
You may notice here that the Tattvas, Saktis and KalAs are one and the same
depending on their hierarchical position. It is like the Company CEO holding many
positions and portfolios at the same time. His designations, job descriptions and
powers are many and different according to the hierarchical position of the individual
entity. Sakti is a Jill of All Trades. There are also many confusing overlaps in the
hierarchy because there is semantic confusion which is not intentional but is based on
the Yogi's experience. This semantic confusion is very common in the medical field
among researchers and clinicians. What one calls as B, is P to another one. When they
come together in the International convention to sort out the semantics and find out B
and P are the same, they by agreement keep one name and drop the other name. Or
they may give it a new name. The Yogis have not come together to sort out the
Siva Tattva
and thus constitute the evolved Self or Purusa - Woodroffe. Human being is an
infinitely dumb-down version of the Supreme Self or God. Sakti has four parts: Nivrrti,
Pratistha, Vidya, and SAnti. Divine Sakti as a KalA (Inner Force) is negation
(Sunyatisunya), an empty space-giving or vacuity-producing power (AvakAsadA)
which is the negative pole of the conjoint Siva-Sakti Tattvas. --Woodroffe Garland of
Letters page 210.
MAyA is taken as the first innermost envelope or sheath of the Self though it is called
the "sixth" Kancuka or jacket or sheath. Directly or indirectly the MAyA is the
progenitor of other five sheaths.
Here is a description of Saktis and their KalAs (Inner Force). Unmani is the First Sakti
of Siva; it is Pure Consciousness, the one with gazillion Wattage and gazillion
Voltage... Pure Consciousness like gazillion suns is dazzling and so through a series of
step-down transformers, the voltage is reduced to light a one-watt human being and
one-watt human consciousness. This step-down process is effected by transformation
of Unmani1 to Samani2, Vyapini, to Anji3, Mahanada4, Nada5, Ardhachandra6 and
Bindu7 and so on and so forth. Human beings of low voltage circuit cannot handle
Siva's High Voltage Pure Consciousness. Diagram: Nirvana Ama kala
AmA KalA = 16th KalA (16th digit of the moon) = Vyapika Sakti =
Paratpara = Receptacle of the Nectar that flows from the union of Siva
and Sakti.
(Bindurupa Siva) and ParA (Sakti). It is the Creative aspect (Anjani) of
Vyapini Tattva. AmA is both Srstyunmukhi
(looking towards creation and Urddhva-Saktirupa (looking upwards or
towards liberation). Srstyunmukhi is Adhomukhi
meaning downwrd-turned-mouth (petals). Petals turned down before
Kundali ascends
Here is another example of Semantic confusion. What was 16th
Kala (AmA KalA) of earlier Yogis has become the 17th KalA in
Kashmir Saivism.
In Kashmir Saivism Sakti is called 17th KalA or AmA KalA when
Sakti is CinmAtrasvabhAvA. Sakti is called Amrta KalA when Purusa
is with the 16 KalAs, which are the 5 Janendriyas, 5 Karmendriyas, 5
Tanmatras, and Manas (total 16). (5 Motor organs, 5 sensory organs, 5
Tanmatras and the mind)
The importance of Five
The pentagram is used as a Christian symbol for the five senses,
and if the letters S, A, L, V, and S are inscribed in the points, it can
taken as a symbol of health (from Latin salus).
Medieval Christians believed it to symbolize the five wounds of
Christ. The pentagram was believed to protect against witches and
There are five fingers or toes in each limb.
There are five elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.