Possible CRC Verticals of An University: SL - Nodescription

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At university, we have the following verticals in practice with flexibility in our approach
to accommodate other activities as and when necessary visa -a- vis changes in external


Industry Academia Meets

In general the approach consists of collaborating with industry associations of the region
concerned to get maximum participation and exposure besides individual follow up.

Guest Lectures

Normal Guest Lecture:

Inviting Sr. Corporates using personal contacts or through professional approach to visit
Distinguish Guest Lecture Series: Exploring all possible sources to bring people of
eminence from different strata of society for exchanging views on contemporary issues of
relevance for the benefit of faculty and students.
Academic Oriented Guest Lectures: Inviting Professors and Corporate dignitaries of
repute for giving practical exposures of any important aspects of curriculum as necessary or
to discuss latest trends in any particular academic stream.

Central Information Hub

Interaction, coordination & information through structured formats, information from

minutes of the meeting.
1. Coordinating with Director/ Principals & Respective CRC members
2. Structured data generation in different areas of CRC
3. Unstructured data as and when necessary

Networking & Resource Sharing

Interaction with Industry Associations (CII, FICCI, AIMA,PHD Chamber of Commerce,


Creating Centre of Excellence

Interaction with relevant organizations viz. Govt. Private Sector, Public Sector
including NGOs for creating centre of excellence in relevant area.

Creating corporate sponsored chair professor in any area of contemporary higher

education including School of Management

Corporate Advisory Body formation (In Process)

To keep abreast of latest corporate practices and analysis of their impact in academia
and also to strengthen corporate interface for better placement, admissions and
value addition to the society in general (In Process)

Inducting Corporates in BOS/ Faculty Council etc.

Advisor in CRC activities for different Colleges/ Independent/Dept.

For better role clarity and time bound performance leading to optimal results in terms of
quality placement

Training/ Grooming

Employability related training(GD, PI, Resume Writing, Career Planning related

advices through common lecture)

Some specific lectures by D- UCRC on Employability issues having paramount

significance for our students for ex. social sensitivity in the areas political, legal,
cultural, general human relations, present corporate realities, globalization and
challenges, scientific outlook etc.

At least 40 hours grooming compact programme (outsourced) need to be carried out

for covering some of the important areas of grooming.

Keeping necessary record pertaining to all important areas as mentioned above

Summer Internship Programs

Plays proactive role in providing quality summer internship, thus becomes

instrumental in enhancing pre-placement offer and for better corporate interface


MDP & Consultancy

Brand promotion and revenue generation for further re- investment and value addition to
the corporates


Campus Placement
Policy Formulation:

Policies are general guidelines to develop an appropriate Action Plan.

Relevant data generation, updation & new data generation:

Professional visit, personal contacts, news paper data, past data, Academia Meet
data, Internet based data, data from social networking (Job sites)

Data base of companies for training and placement of students.

Contacting HR heads for recruitment drive in Colleges/ Departments.

Placement Brochures:

Placement Brochure preparation (advising & guiding)

Effective design and inside from expert advice, placement brochure of reputed BSchools and universities through internet and personal contacts

Placement Action Plan preparation that includes marketing strategy:


Advising individual Colleges/ Dept. in preparing a time bound action plan (central
focal point) to be followed for better campus placement outcome.

Faculty Development Program

Learning is a continuous process and it attains even more pivotal role in todays
global context where education has also been subjected to competition.

Learning life cycle has been reduced to its minimum and it demands constant
upgradation of knowledge. This include;

Technical (subject knowledge)

Behavioral (skill related and teaching pedagogies)

Social (contemporary social awareness)

And we have well developed relevant developmental initiatives for our
faculty in all the three areas.


Corporate Mentorship

This helps in getting practical exposure of actual working of an industrial enterprise which
ultimately helps in assimilation of knowledge and finally in choosing a right career. The
mentorship also helps in grooming students in relevant areas.


Academic Alliances

A very important domain of corporate-interface which has a paramount significance for any
institution engaged into HIGHER EDUCATION for future survival and growth in terms value
addition in areas of employability , content updation in academic areas and new course
development as per need of the corporate.


Seminar & conferences

Instrumental in organizing national & if possible international level conferences/

seminars for better visibility and to remain competitive both in micro & macro
aspects. This is one area where students get maximum exposure in areas of
relevance in any particular domain to remain up-to-date. Interaction with senior
corporate people also helps in better understanding of actual industrial reality and
to prepare accordingly for final placement

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