Developmental Biology: Gametogenesis
Developmental Biology: Gametogenesis
Developmental Biology: Gametogenesis
Rajni Arora
Swami Shradhanand College
University of Delhi
Delhi 110 036
Key Words : Gonad, Ovary ,Testes, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells , Primordial Germ cells ,Gametes
Spermatogenesis, Spermiogenesis, Spermatocyte, Spermatid, Spermatozoa, Acrosome,
Capacitation , Oogenesis, Oocyte , Ovum, Graafian follicle ,Antrum, Vitellogenesis, Egg
polarity, Egg membranes, Ovulation , Gonadotrophins, Animal pole, Vegetal pole
Reproduction is the biologic process which maintains the continuity of life by the generation
of new individual of a species. Many
organisms reproduce asexually by budding,
fragmentation, fission or by spore formation. Most of the metazoans reproduce sexually by
the fusion of highly specialised cells called gametes (gameto- marry) produced by two
different individuals, the male and female. Metazoans reproducing sexually start their life
from a single cell, a fertilized egg or zygote ( zygosis-joining) formed by fusion of male and
female gametes. Protozoans also reproduce sexually but by conjugation , autogamy or
Sexually reproducing metazoans pass through the stages of gametogenesis, fertilisation ,
cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation and organogenesis. In the sequence of these
developmental events, generation of gametes or the gametogenesis is the first step. The male
gamete, spermatozoa and the female gamete, the ova are produced from the gonads, the testes
and the ovary respectively which are held in the peritoneal cavity by mesorchium and
mesovarium. When the gametes are produced by different sexes of the individual, it is called
dioecious condition. If the single individual takes the charge of producing both the gametes,
it is called monoecious or hermaphrodite ( example Herdmania, a protochordate) condition.
In some fishes, sequential hermaphroditism is seen as the fish becomes female in one season
and male in other . In man, hermaphroditism condition is rare and the individuals are usually
Primordial germ cells (PGC) arising from the yolk sac endoderm or epiblast (Hahnel and
Eddy, 1986) gradually migrate to the genital ridges and localise in the gonads (Fig1.1). The
gonadal germ cells called gametogonia proliferate there, undergo development process and
transform to unique cells, the gametes. This process of formation of gametes is called
gametogenesis which includes both the spermatogenesis (sperm production) and oogenesis
(ovum or egg production).
The migration of precursors of germ cells or PGC in amphibians and mammals is by
amoeboid movement whereas in birds and reptiles PGC are carried by blood vessels. They
squeeze between the endothelial cells of small blood vessels by a process called diapedesis.
A number of glycol conjugates have been localised on the surfaces of the PGC of different
animals and galactosyl transferase has important role in PGC migration. In man, PGC are
first formed in the endoderm epithelia of yolk sac in the vicinity of yolk stalk. They show
high alkaline phosphatase activity and from there, they migrate to the adjacent mesenchyme
and reach the genital ridges. PGC then incorporate in the sex cords and are the only cells in
the gonad forming the gametes. The mesodermal cells in the sex cord form the gonadal
somatic cells.
testes and vas efferentia. The delivery of mature sperms in the tubule is called spermiation.
It is assisted by peritubular connective tissue having some characters of smooth muscles or
myoid cells which by their contractions aid in the movement of spermatozoa. From
epididymus, sperms are carried by vasdeferens to urethra for ejaculation. In one of the
principal methods of male sterilisation, vasectomy, vasdeferens is cut (Fig.1.3); therefore
sperm production continues in the testes but they cannot reach the exterior as the duct is cut
so the sperms degenerate. In the epididymus, testicular spermatozoa aquire the ability of
forward progression and capability to fertilize the ova. Various epididymal controlling
factors are involved in the functional maturation of sperms such as pH, cAMP, mono and
divalent cations, forward motility factors, acidic epididymal glycoprotiens, immobilin, zona
binding proteins and epididymal secretary proteins, etc. The spermatozoa selectively
accumulate acetylcarnitine from blood while passing through epididymus which is their
energy reservoir. Sertoli (after Fenriou Sertoli) cells or sustentacular cells are the somatic
cells in between the germ cells which support and nourish the germ cells, produce fluid for
sperm transport, secrete the hormone inhibin and regulate the sperm production. They are
supporting cells, few in number and are spaced along the tubule at regular intervals. They
are pillar like cells with irregular outline and have a basal pale nucleus. Spermatogenic germ
cells are bound to Sertoli cells by N-cadherin molecules present on both the cells and by
Galactosyl transferase molecule on spermatogenic cell only that binds to carbohydrate
receptors on Sertoli cell. Mature or nearly mature spermatozoa are observed with their heads
in close association with the cytoplasmic processes of Sertoli cells and their tails extending to
the lumen (Fig.1.2). Free spermatozoa in lumen are rare because they pass to the epididymus
as soon as they are detached from the seminiferous tubules. Tight junctions between Sertoli
cells near the basal lamina form blood-testes barrier and prevent many large molecules from
passing through interstitial tissue towards the region of tubular lumen. In between the
seminiferous tubules are Leydig cells secreting testosterone which is an important male
androgen. It is lipid soluble and diffuses out of the cells into the interstitial fluid and enters
the bloodstream. It is converted to more potent form in the prostrate gland and seminal
Cyclostomes, fishes and urodele amphibians lack seminiferous tubules in the testes but have
cyst like seminiferous ampulla. In cyclostomes, testes are unpaired gonads compared to
paired testes in other vertebrates.A duct to carry
sperms, vas deferens, is unique in
mammals,whereas in lower vertebrates a common urinogenital duct carries sperms to the
Morphology of Spermatozoon: Male gametes or spermatozoa (sperma-seed, zoon- animal)
is a misleading word embalming the historical fact that they were thought to be parasitic
animals. Leuwonhock (1678) considered spermatozoon to be parasitic animals in semen
(Spermatozoa means sperm animals) but its role in reproduction was given by Spallanzini in
1700. The term spermatozoon was coined for the male gamete by Von Baer in 1827. Sperm is
a highly specialised and atypical cell which is designed to subserve the role of reaching the
egg and donating paternal genetic dowry to ovum, resulting in the final arousal of
quiescent egg ( activation ) for further development. Sperm has two main parts, the head
and the tail (Fig .1.4,15 ). Head consists of nucleus which has the condensed mass of
chromatin and a cap of acrosome. It has enzymes for species- specific attachment to the egg
and penetration through egg envelopes because of which it was earlier called perforatorium.
Acrosome and nucleus determine the shape of sperm. It may be ovoid and flattened from
both sides (In man and bull), drawn into pointed tip ( rodents and amphibia ) or spirally
twisted like a cork screw ( In birds and some mammals ) or may be round in bivalve
molluscs. The shape has no apparent mechanical role to play in fertilisation since the apical
segment which contributes to the shape of the head is lost during fertilization. The shape of
sperm head is species- specific.
Tail consists of neck, middle piece, principal piece and end piece. Neck provides
articulation to the tail and head. Middle piece consists of proximal and distal centriole.
Distal centriole is behind the proximal centriole coinciding with the longitudinal axis of
spermatozoon. The proximal centriole is of importance during first cleavage of fertilised
egg. The axoneme or axial filament of tail is anchored to the distal centriole and is
wrapped by mitochondrial spiral in mammals providing energy for locomotion. It is called
nebenkern if however, in other animals, spiral arrangement is lacking and they are joined
into one or more massive clumps called mitochondrial bodies. Thin cytoplasmic sheath
covering around the mitochondria is called manchette. Axoneme consists of structural
protein tubulin and dynein protofilaments having ATPase activity to convert chemical
energy to mechanical energy. Electron microscopical studies show that it consists of two
central microtubules surrounded by an array of nine doublet microtubules, sub unit A and B
out of which sub unit A is a complete circle and B sub unit is C shaped (Fig 1.5) . A sub unit
bears dynein arms and radial spokes. The essential role of dynein in sperm motility is
demonstrated by immotile cilia syndrome called kartagener traid which is a genetic syndrome
resulting in lack of dynein. Ring centriole or Jensons ring or annulus appears sometimes at
the posterior end of middle piece. The function of ring centriole is unclear probably it
prevents mitochondria from slipping into principal piece (Wheater et al, 1979). Principal
piece begins posterior to ring centriole and is characterised by absence of mitochondrial
spiral .Endpiece is the short terminal portion of tail. In few groups of animals such as
nematode and decapod crustaceans, the spermatozoa do not have flagella and are incapable of
swimming or lashing movements. Decapod spermatozoa lack centriole and are devoid of
mitochondria which shows that they do not require large amount of energy for movement.
The mechanism of penetration of non- flagellate spermatozoa in to the egg is different from
that of flagellate spermatozoa. In most of the vertebrates the sperms are monoflagellate but in
few species they are biflagellate as in toad fish. In spermatozoa of
some fishes and
amphibians , undulating membrane is present along the tail.
Type A4 has three options: It can form A4 type for self renewal; it can undergo cell death; or
apoptosis or it can form Type B spermatogonia. Type B spermatogonia divide once followed
by a very brief growth period to from primary spermatocytes which enter meiosis to form
secondary spermatocytes and spermatids. Primary spermatocytes are the largest germ cells
within the seminiferous tubules. Secondary spermatocytes are approximately half the volume
of primary spermatocytes and lie near the lumen of the tubule. They are rarely seen in the
sections of the seminiferous tubules as they are short- lived and divide quickly to produce
spermatids. The newly formed spermatid contains a central spherical nucleus; Golgi
apparatus, numerous mitochondria and a pair of centrioles. Transition from spermatogonia to
spermatocyte is by Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor GNDF secreted by Sertoli cells.
The level of GNDF determines whether dividing spermatogonia will remain gonia or enter
the spermatocyte pathway. Low levels of GNDF favour spermatocyte formation regulated
by FSH. The initiation of spermatogenesis during puberty is regulated by BMP8B gene
product which is synthesised by spermatogonia. When BMP8B reaches a certain
concentration, the spermatogonia enter into meiotic division and
differentiate into
spermatids, haploid gametes.
Meiosis consists of two successive nuclear divisions called reduction division (meiosis I)
and equational division (meiosis II). During reduction division, homologous chromosomes
undergo synapsis and crossing over that result in two haploid daughter cells. These cells are
genetically different from each other and from parent cells. Therefore, reduction and crossing
over furnish the basis for variations in the hereditary pattern that is expressed when the
sperms and ova pool their simple set of chromosome in a zygote. During the equational
division the two haploid daughter cells divide to form four haploid cells. Maturation
promotion factor (MPF) induces cell division, both mitotic and meiotic (Fig.1.7). In human
males, if DAZ gene located on long arm of Y chromosome and expressed exclusively in
male germ cells is deleted then sperms are not formed that results in sterility.
Mitotic and meiotic divisions are important in gametogenesis , but abnormal chromosomes
can be produced in the germ line of either parent through errors in meiosis or mitosis. The
gametes thus produced may contain missing or extra chromosome. The absence of a specific
chromosome in a gamete and fusion with the normal gamete, may result in monosomy.
Conversly, presence of two of the same kind of chromosomes in one of the gametes may
cause Trisomy or Downs syndrome (Fig.1.8). New techniques like Southern blotting using
DNA probes with known sequences have led to fine analysis of DNA structure making it
possible to know which parent is the source of defective chromosome. Abnormalities due to
change in number of chromosomes can be detected during fetal life by amniocentesis and
chorionic villi sampling.
It is important to note that during spermatogonial divisions, cytokinises is not complete but
the cells form a syncitium whereby each cell communicate with each other by cytoplasmic
bridges about 1 mm in diametre (Fig.1.9). These bridges facilitate movement of various
molecules and assure the synchronised maturation of the spermatocytes
resulting in
production of several mature sperms at exactly the same time. Cytoplasmic connections are
lost as the cells move to the lumen of seminiferous tubules. A major protein AKAP82 on the
fibrous sheath of mouse sperm is required for organisation of sperm tail and is the site for
various enzymes. It is transcribed after meiotic division by only X bearing sperm. The
cytoplasmic bridges allow this protein to cross from one cell to the other for equal
distribution. Further high temperature reduces the spermatogenic actvity. Therefore, in the
warm blooded mammals, the testes are out side the abdominal cavity enclosed in the scrotal
sacs ; as development of sperms is inhibited by high temperature of pelvic cavity. An
condition when the testes fail to descend to scrotal sacs is called
cryptorchidism. Untreated cryptorchidism results in sterility in males. Some groups of
mammals e.g. Monotremata ( spiny ant eater), Proboscidea (elephants), Cetacea (whales)
have intraabdominal testes, therefore scrotal sacs do not develop. In other mammals like
squirrels and bats, the testes descend temporarily in the scrotal sacs during breeding season.
Birds testes are not enclosed in scrotal sacs but are covered by air sacs to reduce the
temperature. Mammalian testes are surrounded by network of veins called pampiniform
plexus which precools the arterial blood by counter current heat exchange mechanism.
Scrotal sacs are connected to abdominal cavity by inguinal canal.
Maturation of spermatid is important as it reduces the diploid number of chromosomes to
haploid number. The spermatids are not functional male gametes though morphologically
they are mature. They have to undergo the process of differentiation to become spermatozoa.
Mature male gamete, spermatid, undergoes intracellular redesigning and superficial
disguising of certain cell organelles that reduce it to a small motile cell devoid of stored
food and protective envelopes. Mature sperm can be compared to a Roman soldier without
impediment because most of its superfluous structures which might add weight and reduce its
speed, are sacrificed to form a cell carrying nucleus mainly. All the preparatory changes
from the spermatid to differentiated motile spermatozoa are called spermiogenesis.
Functional maturation (changes in cell surface proteins ) of sperms in mammals is acquired
on its way to epididymus, but the sperms emerging from testes are fertile in most animal
species. Final permit to meet the egg cell is given on its journey to female genital tract and
this is called capacitation.
The molecular changes during capacitation are loss of
cholesterol from sperm cell membrane, loss of some surface proteins, unmasking of the
sperm recognition sites for zona proteins of egg , change in membrane permeability as Ca++
channels open up and activation of cAMP, facilitating fusion of membrane during acrosome
reactions. First, the sperm cell membrane is altered by the removal of cholesterol by
albumin proteins in the female reproductive tract. The loss of cholesterol leads to rise in pH
which enables the sperm to undergo acrosome reaction. Second, the surface proteins or
carbohydrates are lost during capacitation. It is possible that these compounds block the
recognition sites for the proteins that bind to the zona pellucida. It has been suggested that
the unmasking of these sites might be one of the effects of the cholesterol depletion. Third,
the membrane potential of the sperm cell becomes more negative as potassium ions leave the
sperm. This change in membrane potential may allow calcium channels to be opened and
permit calcium to enter the sperm. Calcium and bicarbonate ions may be critical in activating
the cAMP production and in facilitating the membrane fusion events of acrosome reaction
. Fourth is the phosphorylation of surface, the female genital tract is not` only a simple
route for transport of sperm but brings surface modifications in sperm for fertilisation.
Spermatozoa used in vitro fertilisation are artificially capacitated. Various important changes
occur in the cell organelles of the spermatid for their packaging and final transport to the
female genital tract . These changes mainly involve nucleus, Golgi bodies and mitochondria.
Structural changes occur in the nucleus such as formation of acrosome and tail, by sacrificing
some cell organelles, thereby making the male gamete light and adapted for fast locomotion.
In addition, the nucleus loses fluid content, RNA, nucleolus and most of proteins. The
nucleus elongates and this morphological change in shape of the nucleus is attributed to the
production of microtubules that wrap the nucleus in a double helical arrangement. Other
major change is the replacement of histone proteins by protamines (Brachet, 1974). They are
relatively small proteins which shut down transcription in nucleus and facilitate formation
of its crystalline structure. Protamines bind to DNA, neutralise its negative charges and
help in coiling the complex DNA into tight circles which form a dough net type structure.
Each doughnet represents one DNA loop attached to nuclear matrix . This condensation is
important for packing the nucleus for its transport to female gamete without damage.
The acrosome of spermatozoon is derived from the Golgi apparatus of a spermatid (Fig1.10,
1.11). The Golgi apparatus consists of series of cisternae arranged concentrically around
an aggregation of small vacuoles. During acrosome formation, one or more vacuoles, start
enlarging and within the vacuole appears a small dense body called proacrosomal granule
or acroblast. The contents of vacuole and granule give a positive staining reaction for
mucopolysacharide. The vacuole fuses with other small vacuoles containing proacrosomal
granule and attaches to tip of elongated nucleus. The liquid content of vacuole is lost and its
wall spreads over the acrosomal granule in front of nucleus. Therefore, nucleus is covered
with double layer, one of the plasma membrane and other of the acrosomal vesicle forming
an acrosome cap. Acrosome has number of hydrolytic enzymes called sperm lysins (Brachet,
1974) which are phosphatase, cathepsin , hyaluronidase and acrosin. The remaining part of
Golgi apparatus is gradually discarded as Golgi rest. Acrosome is called a specialized
lysosome (De Robertis and De Robertis, 1980) because it originates from the Golgi
apparatus. Acrosomal protein in seaurchin is bindin which helps the sperm in the speciesspecific recognition of the egg (Glabe and Lennarz, 1979). With the formation of acrosome
(acro-extremity, soma-body) at the anterior end, cytoplasm moves in the opposite direction,
leaving only a very thin layer of cytoplasm. Mitochondria also concentrate in the midpiece of
sperm as mitochondrial spiral or mitochondrial bodies. The two centrioles arrange behind
the nucleus. The distal centriole gives rise to axial filament or axoneme of spermatozoon.
Centrioles are lost in the insect sperm during spermiogenesis.
The small size of sperm is a result of sacrifice of metabolic machinery for shedding weight
for fast motility but is compensated by production in large numbers for assured encounter
with the egg. In man, the sperms produced during sexual life may be 340 billions
approximately while the eggs that come to maturity during the lifetime of human female is
hardly exceeding 400. This makes the ratio of possible sperm to egg in man as 8.5 x 108 :1.
Due to less cytoplasm, functional life of sperm is short which may vary from 6 hours (mouse)
to few days. Sperms of fresh water and marine invertebrates undergoing external fertilisation
are primitive with small acrosome which tends to produce acrosome process during sperm
egg interaction. The acrosome process has species specific bindin proteins on it. Internal
fertilization using intromittent organs in many chordates has ensured good survival of
sperms and fertilized egg without production of large number of eggs.
The duration of the spermatogenic cycle varies in different animals in mouse, it takes 34.5
days whereas in man, each spermatogenic cycle takes 64 days, mitosis ( 16 days ),1st
meiotic 8 days, 2nd meiotic 16 days, spermiogenesis 24 days. Gonadotrophins from
pituitary and testosterone from Leydig cells of testes regulate and coordinate the
spermatogenic activity. Genetic control of spermatogenesis is elegantly demonstrated by
defective spermatogenesis caused by autosomal recessive mutation resulting in non motile
sperms. The germ cells during their differentiation also require the helpers which are the
neighbouring somatic cells (Sertoli cells). Three important types of signals are involved in
regulating the spermatogenesis. The first important signal is the endocrine secretions.(Fig.
I.12). At the onset of puberty, the anterior pituitary increases secretion of gonadotrophic
hormone, that is Leutinising hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
which is controlled by gonadotrophin release is the principal androgen regulating
spermatogenesis. FSH acts indirectly to stimulate spermatogenesis. FSH and testosterone act
synergistically on sustentacular cells to stimulate secretion of Androgen Binding Protein
(ABP) into the lumen of seminiferous tubules . ABP binds to testosterone and keeps the
testosterone levels high. These hormones regulate transcription of genes. Before birth
testosterone stimulates development of male reproductive system and descent of testes. At
puberty, it brings about the development of secondary sexual characters. Inhibin, a protein
hormone secreted by Sertoli cells, inhibits FSH secretion and spermatogenesis. The germ
cells lack FSH receptors, but supporting Sertoli cells have the FSH receptors which secrete
ABP protein . Sertoli cells also produce Seminiferous
Growth Factor (SGF), which
stimulates blood vessel production in testes during fetal and postnatal development. The
intimate relation between germ cells and Sertoli cells involves the paracrine signal for the
spermatogenic activity. The third type of signal is the autocrine, as Sertoli cells respond to
the production of SGF by producing sulfated glycoprotein SGP-2, also called clusterin. It
protects the germ cells from apoptic cell death. Signalling molecules like Bone
Morphogenetic protiens (BMP), are important for the resumption of germ cell proliferation
at puberty and maintenance of germ cells in the adult. In many lower mammals
spermatogenesis occurs in a definite cyclic waves along the length of seminiferous tubule but
in man, the waves are less distinct and because of the cyclic spermatogenesis every stage can
not be seen at the same time at a given point along the seminiferous tubule.
Thorough understanding of the spermatogenesis is important for its application in therapy of
male infertility and for the management of assisted reproduction .The fertilisation potential of
the human sperm depends on volume of the ejaculate, total number of sperms in the ejaculate,
number of motile sperms and percentage of the abnormal sperms.
Female gonad : Ovary is the female gonad and ever changing multicompartment organ
located in the pelvic cavity on each side of uterus held by fold of peritoneum called
mesovarium (Fig. 1.13). It is lined by germinal epithelium, which is a misnomer as it does
not give rise to oocytes.
The peripheral cortex has follicles ( follicle-bag ) in various
stages of development viz. primordial follicle , primary follicle, secondary follicle,
graafian follicle, corpus luteum and corpus albicans (Fig.1.14). Corresponding to the
various spermatogenic stages, egg cell also passes through oogonia, primary oocyte,
secondary oocyte and ovum. The developmental changes from oogonia to ovum is called
oogenesis. The three major steps for oogenesis are
(1) Proliferation Phase- oogonium
(2) Growth Phase- primary oocyte. It is very long in females
(3) Maturation Phase- secondary oocyte and ovum
Mature Egg is an highly ordered large fertilisable cell which determines individual
embryonic components. All the eggs are surrounded by cell membrane or plasmalemma. It
is spherical with large eccentric nucleus called germinal vesicle containing nucleous (Fig.
1.15). The cytoplasm is rich with other organelles as mitochondria , Golgi apparatus, annulate
lamellae, centrosome, etc and also accumulates reserve food material in the form of yolk.
The egg cytoplasm is not homogenous but has ooplasmic determinants or morphogenetic
determinants that foreshadow and condition the development events. These determinants
define the cleavage pattern and fate of the cells after cleavage. Important component of
oocytes produced during oogenesis, is germplasm which is responsible for distribution of the
germ cell determinants in zygote and for maintaining cell line in the next generation .The
germ cell determinants are localised towards the vegetal pole in the form of clusters. The
movement of these masses of germplasm is dependent on kinesin like protein (Savage and
Danilchick, 1993;Robb et al 1996). In addition, eggs may also contain pigment granules
which are either uniformly distributed ( in Arbacia punctulata, a sea urchin )or differentially
distributed in amphibians. It is an easily recognisable marker of cytoplasmic asymmetry of
the egg. Therefore, frogs egg has been the most favourable material for the research. . The
egg is also protected by various types of egg membranes. The size of ripe ovum varies in
different animals. The human ovum is approx 0.14mm in diameter cat ovum is 0.18 mm,
in mouse the size is 0.06 mm whereas in frog it is 1.5mm. Sperm enters the egg at different
stages of development. , it is in the primary oocyte stage in Ascaris, Neries, dogs and fox.
In the mollusc , Dentalium, insects, starfish , sperm enters in the the first metaphase stage but
in fishes, amphibians and most of the mammals it is in the second metaphase stage. In sea
urchin, even the second metaphase stage is complete, so that nucleus is haploid at the time of
The mature egg thus serves the following purpose :
1. It supplies haploid set of chromosomes to the embryo.
2. It supplies maximum amount of cytoplasm to zygote so that it can develop
into embryo without difficulty.
3. It supplies sufficient amount of food reserve in the form of yolk for the
developing embryo where the development is outside the body of mother .
4. It develops egg membranes to protect the growing embryo.
Mammalian oogenesis
Oogenesis in mammals is different from that of the other vertebrates as most of the mammals
are viviparous .The number of oocytes in the ovary is fixed at birth. As the egg cell grows
and matures it is surrounded by the follicular and thecal layers during oogenesis.The mature
egg has very less amount of yolk and it does determine egg polarity. The different egg
membranes cover the egg. ZP proteins are also produced during this period .
The ovary consists of following follicles depending upon the stage of ovarian cycle:
1. Primordial follicle- oocyte surrounded by a single layer of low cuboidal
2. Primary follicle- large size oocyte surrounded by single layered cuboidal
epithelium .
3. Maturing follicle- number of follicular layers increases around the oocyte.
4. Mature graafian follicle- follicular layers differentiate as zona pellucida,
corona radiate, theca externa and theca interna .
5. Corpus luteum- ovulatory product.
6. Corpus albicans- after demise of corpus luteum.
7. Atretic follicle abortive oocyte.
In the section of ovary, several follicles in various stages of development are seen but only
one ovulates.The follicle that produces maximum estrogen in response to FSH will mature
and ovulate. Various oogenic stages are safely enclosed in the ovarian follicles where the
follicular investments change the packing pattern of immature to mature follicle stage.
During the early fetal development, primordial germ cells migrate from the endoderm of yolk
sac to the ovaries. The germ cells differentiate within the ovaries into oogonia. Oogonia are
diploid (2N) cells and divide mitotically to produce more germ cells. Even before birth many
of the germ cells undergo degeneration which is called atresia. A few develop into larger
cells called primary oocyte that enter the prophase of reduction division (meiosis) during
fetal development but do not complete until puberty. At birth 200000 ---2000000 oogonia
and primary oocytes remain in each ovary maintained till puberty in diplotene of meiosis
called dictyate stage. `Only 400 oocytes will mature and ovulate during the womens
reproductive life and the rest undergo degeneration or atresia. Irreversible attrition
progressively diminishes the ovarian germ cell endowment which begins from six months of
gestation till the reproductive life cycle of female. At puberty, the primary oocytes complete
meiosis I which produces secondary oocyte and polocyte or polar body with less
cytoplasam because of unequal cytokinesis. The secondary oocyte begins equatorial
division(meiosis II) but stops in metaphase. The secondary oocyte is ovulated and
reassumes meiotic equational division after fertilisation. It splits into ovum and a second
polocyte which dies off . If fertilisation does not occur, the secondary oocyte degenerates .
So, the primary oocyte divides to form a single haploid ovum and three haploid polocytes
compared to four sperms by spermatogonia. It helps to conserve most of the cytoplasm and
reserve food for the developing embryo.
Mammalian ovary is compact compared to saccular ovary of amphibian having large spaces
in the medulla
Large size maturing follicles tends to invade medulla of ovary. Medulla has connective
tissue, blood vessels called helicine arteries and nerves. Folliculogenesis in ovary is
controlled by gonadotrophins.
Follicular rupture releasing ova is called ovulation (
equivalent to breaking of a boil) and is under the influence of LH surge which changes the
left follicular structure to corpus luteum. Mature graafian follicle ( about 10mm in diameter)
is surrounded by zona pellucida and corona radiata. It encloses a space antrum which is
filled with liquor folliculi . It is a viscous fluid rich in Hyaluronic acid. The antrum lined by
granulosa layer is surrounded by the theca layers. The theca interna is the innermost layer
and is richly vascularised whereas theca externa is the outermost layer. Theca interna
produces an important hormone estrogen., The ovum, surrounded by group of follicular cells,
is localised to one side of follicle and forms a definite projection into the antral cavity. This
eccentric mound of follicular cells is known as cumulus oophorus . Small irregular spaces
filled with the fluid appear between the cells of cumulus oophorus at follicular maturity thus
weaken the connection. Mature follicle increases in size, occupies the cortex region and
bulges on the free surface of ovary where theca layer and connective tissue of ovary is
attenuated. This point is called stigma. Increased secretion of liquor causes further expansion
of the follicle which is termed as preovulatory swelling. Finally, the follicle ruptures at
stigma and follicular fluid oozes into the peritoneal cavity . The ovum surrounded by corona
radiata is torn away from cumulus and is discharged with liquor which is called ovulation.
The physical detachment and expulsion of oocytes is due to the LH induced increase in
collagenase , plasminogen activator, and prostaglandins within the follicle. LH surge
activates the mRNA for the plasminogen activator. Prostaglandins increase follicular pressure
by localised contraction of the smooth muscles(Koos and Clark,1982). The free ovum retains
the capacity to be fertilised for only 24 hrs. After ovulation, the remaining follicle changes
to corpus luteum which has theca lutein and granulosa lutein cells. Corpus luteum
enlarges to form important glandular structure if the female conceives. It produces the
hormone progesterone which prepares the uterus for the implantation of growing embryo to
the uterine wall. If there is no fertilisation then it regresses to a vascular hyalinised structure
called corpus albicans. Corpus luteum of man is yellow in colour due to lipochrome pigment
in lutein cells; the corpus luteum of cow is orange where as that of dogs and cat is colourless.
In addition to corpus luteum, there are number of abortive oocytes which fail to reach the
graafian follicle stage, they undergo degeneration and are called atretic follicles. After
menopause, the follicles disappear and the ovarian cortex eventually consists of connective
tissue only.
The female embryo (man) has fixed number of oogonia at birth as mitotic activity of oogonia
is terminated at seventh month of gestation which means the proliferative phase is
intrauterine. In the reproductive period of female from menarche to menopause only 400
ripe egg are ovulated. After the egg has deposited its yolk, it is ready for ovulation and in
higher animals it is transported into oviduct. The time of ovulation is directly related to the
breeding cycle of the animals. There are two quite different controls for ovulation. One is
the environmental control as a result, the animals ovulate during a brief period once a year
according to season. The other is an internal control that establishes a rhythm independent
of season so that animals ovulate once in a given period. Most mammals have a periodic
ovulation pattern in which female ovulates only at the specific times of the year and this
ovulatory period is called estrous. Human females have cylical ovulation and is called
menstrual cycle as there is periodic shedding of uterine tissue at monthly intervals.
Ovulation occurs at regular periodic intervals which is highly variable in the different orders
and genera of mammals. Thus, in rats ovulation occurs every five days, in guinea pig every
sixteen days , in man every twenty eight days, in dogs twice a year and in rabbit it occurs
after copulation. Since reproduction is the most important factor in the preservation of
species, these cyclical recurrences of ovulation are usually accompanied by the sexual urge in
females. This is the common phenomenon observed in domestic animals. Anavulatory
cycle which means ovulation fails to occur sometimes before menopause is observed in man .
As the human egg after ovulation is carried to the oviduct where it is viable for two days for
fertilisation, abstinence from coitus during this period is one of the contraceptive rhythm
method used for family planning.
The cyclical recurrences of ovulation are integrated with environmental factors for rearing of
the young, for example wolves have only one breeding season in the year which is late fall or
early winter. The young are born in late winter and are reared during most favourable time of
the year that is spring and summer. Moreover, the hormones of pituitary , hypothalamus
and ovary are important in regulating oogenesis(Fig.1.18,1.19). Estrogens secreted by
follicle cells promote the development of female reproductive tract and secondary sexual
characters. Progesterone secreted by corpus luteum acts synergistically with estrogens to
prepare endometrium of uterus for implantation of fertilised ovum and mammary glands for
milk production. High levels of estrogen stimulate release of more GnRH and LH from
hypothalamus and pituitary. GnRH facilitates release of FSH and more of LH . LH surge
brings about ovulation. LH surge also removes the meiotic block probably by decreasing the
cAMP levels which has some role in the phosphorylation of oocyte proteins. Negative
feedback on anterior pituitary reduces secretion of FSH and LH and signals hypothalamus to
inhibit GnRH which prevents further follicular development . By adjusting the hormone
levels, it is possible to interfere with gametogenesis and implantation of fertilised ovum in
the uterus . This may be accomplished by using oral contraceptive pills where surgical
method like tubectomy and others are not preferred. Synthetic estrogens and progesterones
are employed to take the advantage of feed back inhibition that curtails gonadotrophin release
by the pituitary . There is little doubt that granulosa and theca cells also elaborate large
number of proteins like inhibin, activin, follistatin (single chain polypetide of 315 amino
acids) having some role in ovarian physiology The animals that have many enemies and are
attacked by number of predacious forms have several litters of young.The size of the litter
depends on the number of ova released after maturation and the number of eggs fertilised.
In mammals after growth and maturation of the oocyte that is at ovulation, oocyte completes
its first meiotic division and proceeds to metaphase of second division but the second
maturation division in the egg occurs at the time of fertilisation only. It is suggested that the
calcium ion flux during fertilisation inactivate cytostatic factor facilitating completion of
meiosis. In order to conserve its rich cytoplasm, there is asymmetric fractioning of egg
cell forming a definite oocyte and three diminutive polocyte or polar bodies which
degenerate as they are unable to bear the injustice of unequal cytoplasmic distribution .
Gene regulation in oogenesis is also highly unusual whereas the spermatocyte is the only
diploid celL without active X chromosome but premeiotic oocyte is the diploid cell where
more than one X chromosome is active . At this stage of oogenesis, how inactive X
chromosome is reactivated is not clear but failure to do so is deleterious to oogenesis. In
humans with Turners syndrome, XO , there exist only one X chromosome and the
individuals are sterile.
Nonmammalian oogenesis Oogenesis is differnt in other animals from mammals in various
respects. As the development is not intrauterine the proliferative phase is not for a fixed
period.The animals which lay large yolky eggs have long growth periods for the synthesis of
yolk As the egg takes charge of synthetic activity so the growth phase is very long (
amphibian egg three years, Drosophila three days , mouse sixteen days ) unlike
spermatogenesis. The period of growth of oocyte may vary in different animals In frog Rana
pipiens, the growth of oocytes is slow during first two seasons but becomes more rapid in
third year . In this growth period of three years, young oocyte may increase in size from 0 .05
mm. to about 1.5 mm (Fig. 1.17).The egg is surrounded by different egg membranes during
this process.The large size lampbrush chromosomes are observed in the yolky eggs of these
The frog ovary is quite large containing approximately 2000 eggs, and is attached by
membrane to the kidney. After attaining maturity, the eggs break out of their restraining
follicles and fall into body cavity or coelom. The rhythmic ciliary motion sweeps ova to the
opening of oviduct that lies close to lung. The egg passes through the body cavity to enter
the ostium of oviduct. As it passes through oviduct, the egg is covered by egg membranes.
The eggs finally rest in ovisac and the entire mass of egg is released at the time the male
liberates sperms as fertilsation occurs externally in water (Fig.1.20). The sexual embrace of
male and female frog is called amplexus or pseudocopulation . During the breeding season,
the male frogs vocal sac enlarges for mating calls and they develop thumb pads also. Sexual
dimorphism becomes clear during breeding season. Gonadal dysgenesis or conversion of
testes to ovary is reported in male frogs by the weedicide Atrizine which induces enzyme
aromatase converting testosterone to estrogen (Hayes et al, 2003). In mammals ,the distance
of ovary and oviduct is less and the egg is directed to the oviduct by the fimbriae
surrounding oviducal funnels and egg traverses by movement of cilia in oviduct. Ovulation
is controlled by amount of light relative to amount of darkness each day in many birds and
mammals. This periodicity in light which controls sexual cycle is called Sexual periodicity.
Light also affects the ovulation and the reproductive rhythm in birds (Fig.1.21). In both birds
and certain mammals, reception of photic stimuli produces sexual activation.
Vitellogenesis ;
Maturation of ovum is a complicated process as besides producing haploid nuclei it also
stores reserve food material in the form of yolk, collects packets of mRNA called
informosomes , stores preassembled nuclear pore complexes as annulate lamellae, stockpile
some membranes, structural proteins, morphogenetic determinants and mitochondria to be
used immediately after fertilisation. The mRNA produced is for immediate use in the oocyte
and for use during early development after fertilisation as the embryonic genes do not begin
active translation until midblastula(Davidson, 1986). Stockpiling of mitochondria is by
autonomous replication of their own circular DNA. In many oocytes , mitochondria collects
near the nucleus during early previtellogenic stages but later on they disperse in the
cytoplasm . The nucleolus is the principal cell organelle for ribosome biosynthesis and
assembly. Species with small and yolk poor eggs,for example sponges and echinoderms
usually contain one large metabolically active nucleolus while those with yolk rich eggs as of
amphibians have thousands of nucleoli . Gene amplification which means one set of genes is
replicated selectively is seen in rDNA of nucleolar organisars of amphibian oocytes. rDNA
is used to make ribosomes during oogenesis. Peripheral egg cytoplasm is 2-3u thick and is
gelated called egg cortex or cortical layer of egg. It has high concentration of globular
actin molecules which form microfilaments required for cell division during cleavag . It is
also bordered by an army of mucopolysacharide granules called cortical granules which are
spherical bodies varying in diameter from 0.8 mm to 2 mm. They are the products of
endoplasmic reticulum and golgi complex which burst at the time of fertilisation and the
contents surround the egg thus help to form fertilisation membrane which blocks entry of
more than one sperm into egg and also hold the blastomeres together at the time of cleavage
by forming hyaline layer. They are absent in molluscs, insects, urodeles. The cortical
granules contain peroxidase enzyme to harden the fertilisation membrane.(Faerder and
Shapiro,1977). In mammals, cortical granules do not form fertilisation membrane Growing
diplotene oocytes also actively translate genes for Zona Pellucida proteins in mammals.
The important task of synthesis of reserve food called yolk from vitellogenin ( precursors
of yolk) is called vitellogenesis which occurs when oocyte reaches diplotene of meiotic
prophase. Stored yolk fulfills nutritional requirement of embryo until it develops its own
mechanism for acquiring nutrients. The egg cell increases in size when large amount of food
stuffs are stored. Vitellogenesis can be by autosynthesis when raw material is procured
from egg cell or by heterosynthesis when raw material is collected from outside the ovary
(liver in man or fat body in insects). Amphibians use both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic
mechanisms of yolk
production. In amphibia ,vitellogenesis is stimulated by the
Gonadotrophins which help in oocyte growth and differentiation resulting in increase in
estrogens. Estrogens increase uptake of vitellogenin and help in yolk platelet formation .The
increase in the progesterone helps in the maturation of oocytes.
Yolk is a term for assembled components may be proteins, phopholipids and fats in
different combination. It may be stored in the form of flattened bodies called yolk
platelets ( amphibia) or yolk granules. Exogenously produced yolk precursor, vitellogenin is
transported by blood to the ovary. Vitellogenin was earlier associated with the activity of
special body in oocytes of spiders, amphibians and birds called yolk nucleus of Balbiani
which are mitochondrial aggregates. Yolk platelets are found in proximity to mitochondria as
it converts partially phosphorylated
soluble form of phosvitin to fully phophorylated
insoluble form of phosvitin in the presence of protien kinase. Lipid is stored in lipochondria
which are lipids surrounded by proteins. Eggs take the help of follicle cells and nurse cells
for the extra ovarian transport of yolk . In the large eggs of certain
animals, the
chromosomes during this phase despirilise to look like lampbrushes for synthesis of mRNA
and protein. Vitellogenesis is mediated by estrogen which instructs liver to secrete
vitellogenin. In Drosophila, Juvenile hormone secreted by corpus allatum promotes oocyte
differentiation, regulates uptake of yolk proteins at oocyte surface and stimulates the ovary
to produce ecdysone which is metabolised to its active form 20-hydroxyecdysone. It
stimulates ovary and fat body to produce vitellogenin , so,Drosophila has dual origin for f
yolk production that is fat body and ovary. The uptake of yolk into the insect oocyte is a
receptor mediated endocytosis, the receptors for which are on the oocyte membrane at the
base of microvill. (Raikhel and Dhadialla, 1992).
The accumulation of dense yolk also gives the egg the polarity which is manifested in two
ways. The region of high activity from where polar body is pinched off is called animal pole
and sluggish cytoplasmic area storing yolk ( deutoplasm ) is called vegetal pole. The
animal pole gives rise to anterior parts and vegetal pole to the posterior region of embryo.
The imaginary line passing through animal and vegetal pole is called polar axis. As polarity
endows the ovum with primary axis and is also the topographical mark of earliest symmetry
of ovum which according to Childs metabolic gradient theory is explained as more
metabolic vigour at the anmial pole than vegetal pole. The initial egg polarities acquired
during oogenesis act as a blue print for the future development of the embryo. No
generalisation can be made about the origin of egg polarity. It also depends on the eggs
position in the ovary, its relation to the nutritive cells and its attachment to the epithelium of
Growth and maturation of ovum go hand in hand with the development of follicles in
ovary. The accumulation and distribution of yolk determines the patterns of cleavage and
further development processes. The growing oocyte transcribes various genes for making
products necessary by oocyte that is why during this period certain chromosomes stretch out
large DNA loops so called lampbrush chromosomes. Lampbrush chromosomes were first
observed by Flemming and were described in detail in the shark oocyte. In the oocyte of
species of certain fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds, there is uncoiling of chromosomes
during diplotene stage as a result nucleus also enlarges giving appearance of interphase
nucleus. Lampbrush chromosomes are homologous bivalents in which paternal and. The
long axis of each homologous chromosomes is made of two chromatids and has series of
chromomeres which are tight coils of principal axial thread but the lampbrushes are
despiralised regions extending laterally. Each lateral loop has axis formed by single DNA
molecule which is unfolded for intense RNA synthesis. Each loop is surrounded by matrix
of ribonucleoproteins that is comprised of precursors of mRNAs .The loops fold back once
the diplotene stage is over.
Egg types based on amount and distribution of yolk: Synthesis of cytoplasmic reserve
material during growth period is under the imprint of genetic code carried by m-RNA
resulting in different egg architecture of varied animal groups. Based on amount of yolk,
three different types of eggs are recognized (1.22).
1. Microlecithal or oligolecithal are small sized eggs which contain very less
amount of yolk. They are found in certain marine invertebrates such as hydra ,
sea urchin and in various chordates such as amphioxus , marsupial and eutherian
2. Mesolecithal eggs are the eggs which contain moderate amount of yolk and are
found in annelid , mollusca, petromyzontia, dipnoi and amphibia.
3. Megalecithal or macrolecithal or polylecithal eggs are the egg types that contain
enormous amount of yolk and are found in insects, myxinoidea, elasmobranchs,
reptiles, birds and monotremata .
Based on the distribution of yolk three different egg types are recognized:
1. Homolecithal or isolecithal egg are the microlecithal eggs where the yolk is so
little that it is found scattered uniformly through the egg cytoplasm.
2. The second type is Heterolecithal egg where the yolk due to its density is
concentrated more in one hemisphere than in other . Because of the uneven
distribution of yolk there is distinct polarity in the egg as the egg with the region
having large amount of yolk is called vegetal pole and other side is animal pole.
In macrolecithal egg, most of the space is occupied by yolk and active cytoplasm
remains confined to a small cap in the animal pole. Mesolecithal eggs or
moderately telolecithal and macrolecithal eggs are highly telolecithal
3. The third type of egg is the centrolecithal that is where the yolk is concentrated in
the centre of the egg and active cytoplasm forms a thin peripheral layer around
cytoplasm. The yolk which is the reserve food material serves the twin purpose
of supply of energy and synthesis of products required for the elaboration of
embryonic body.
Besides influencing the egg size,
cleavage patterns,
morphogenetic movements , it also determines whether the development in eggs
is direct or indirect that is with the intervention of larval stage or without it.
The eggs are also classified as mosaic or determinate eggs of molluscs, platyhelminthes, ascidians
or regulative or plastic or indeterminate eggs as of vertebrates on the basis of prelocalisation of
embryonic structures. In the mosaic egg, it looses its flexible organisation at an early stage of
development and are also called determinate eggs.The mosaic eggs are formed as they depend on the
ooplasmic determinants (intrinsic or autonomous factors) but the regulative eggs depend on extrinsic
factors which are cell to cell interactions or so called conditional regulation.
As the egg undergoes growth and maturation and it accumulates lot of reserve food, so to
protect its accumulated wealth it is surrounded by egg membranes or egg covers. They are
named according to their origin. Primary egg membrane is first one to surround the egg.
The secondary egg membrane is the second one in the race and tertiary is the third one
released by genital tract when the egg passes through it (Fig.1.22).
a) Primary egg membranes are laid between the egg plasma membrane and the follicle
cells. They are formed by egg or the follicle cells or sometimes by both. They are of
the following types:
b) Secondary egg membrane is secreted outside the primary egg membrane by a layer
of follicle cells that surround the oocyte, Secondary egg membranes are usually tough
and impermeable . It occurs in the form of chitinous shell surrounding the egg in
insects, ascidians and cyclostomes and is called chorion. In many insects, the
surface of chorion shows a complicated sculpture which is typical of each species. To
facilitate sperm entrance secondary membranes have an opening called micropile.
These membranes are not found in amphibians, reptiles, birds and even in
mammalian egg. However, in mammals when ovulation occur egg carries with it a
layer of follicle cells called corona radiata ( compared to suns corona ) which does
not form a true membrane since its cells are peeled off as the egg descends the
c) Tertiary egg membranes are secreted by the cells of oviduct as the egg travels down
the duct towards cloaca They are very diversified in their form and these membranes
are called albumin , jelly coat, shell membrane and shell.
In oviparous cartilaginous fishes the egg is surrounded by albumin and hard horny
capsule which also develops twisted threads for attachment to the sea weeds. The
horny egg capsule is secreted by shell glands of oviduct. It gives purse like shape to
the egg and helps to attach to the plants. It is called mermaids purse.
The amphibian egg is surrounded by the jelly cover as the egg travels down the
oviduct. These jelly covers hold the egg together giving bouyancy , make them
unappetising to the predators, and anchor the eggs to the plants. In the reptiles and
birds the different eggs membranes are albumen or egg white, two shell
membranes and a porous shell. The shell in birds is laid down by the shell or
nidamental gland in the oviduct . In the birds ( chick ) the fertilised ovum is
surrounded by the egg membranes as it passes down the oviduct towards cloaca. First
, it is covered by the egg white or albumen which is secreted by glandular wall of
oviduct . The ovum rotates as it passes through the ducts so that the albumen is
wrapped in layers with opaque twisted cords on each side called chalazae. It keeps
the ovum in the centre of the albuminous cover then,the ovum is surrounded by
semipermeable shell membrane and finally covered by shell in the posterior region of
the oviduct. The shell gives ovoid contours to the egg. The shell membranes enclose
a space called air space which increases as the egg becomes old that is why the fresh
egg sinks in water but old egg will always float (Fig.1.22).
As the ovum or egg passes through the hens reproductive tract, it is rotated for 20 hours
at the rate of 10 12 revolutions per hour which shifts the yolk in such of way that its
lighter component is beneath the blastoderm. This end of blastoderm becomes the
posterior portion of the embryo that is the part where primitive streak is formed ( Eyal
Gladi and Fabian ,1980).
For the passage of large yolky eggs, there is absence of pelvic symphysis in birds and
production of these large eggs is done only by the ovary of left right side as the ovary of
right side is reduced. Because of the presence of the porous shell, the eggs of reptiles and
birds are also called cledoic egg or box like or amniote eggs which allow only the
exchange of gases with the outside environment and the eggs of lower chordates that is
fishes and amphibians are non cledoic eggs or anamniote egg as they do not develop
foetal membranes. The ability to nest above the ground and to avoid large predators is
due to the advantage of cledoic eggs which has helped the birds to exploit the new aerial
environment. The cledoic egg is called amniote egg because of the formation of extra
embryonic membranes . It is a complex egg and its evolution has involved many
changes. These changes with respective advantages to the egg are listed as under :
Egg can be laid on land so reduces the threat of aquatic animals. Fertilisation
inside the female reproductive tract makes fertilisation on land more certain .
Egg becomes large so there is less danger of desiccation though there is more
problem on land.
More water absorbing proteins in the yolk help for more water retention.
Calcium rich shell for added protection against predation and desiccation.
The egg membranes protect the growing embryo from various ecological hazards and also
from the mechanical injuries. They check polyspermy and also maintain the normal
cleavage pattern. These membranes are formed depending upon whether the
development of egg is in water (may be fresh water, or marine, ) or on land or in the
maternal body, that is uterus. Mammals which are the highest vertebrate group selected
the site of development of fertilized egg in the maternal body, so the mammals are called
viviparous thus the eggs do not have shell membrane (amniote egg).
Mammals have bypassed the problem of food and water by undergoing uterine
development (Viviparity). Land vertebrates like birds and reptiles required water
conserving covers so variety of egg membranes surround the reptilian or birds egg as
development of fertilised egg is outside the mothers body (oviparity ). The intermediate
stage is called ovoviviparity when the egg is retained in the mothers body but without
any close connection between the two, egg is saved of the environmental stresses (
Example, Mustelus vulgaris). This also reflects the eggs adaptation for development on
water and land ( external fertilisation ) or uterine development ( internal fertilisation ) .
Thus, the gametes are among the most conservative of all the cells but are also the keys
to unfold the chordate phylogeny.
Functions of accessory cells during growth of oocyte : In many groups of animals, notably
in the chordates, the oocytes are surrounded during their entire growth and maturation by
special cells of the ovary, the follicle cells.(Fig.1.23). In mammals, the follicle cells are
derived from the germinal epithelium of ovaries and the young oocyte is surrounded by one
layer of follicle cells. Later these cells increase in number and become stratified. The oocytes
are surrounded by follicle cells not only in mammals but in other vertebrates as well though
due to large size of egg, the follicle cells are not so conspicuous . The follicle cells help in
the growth of oocyte by secreting substances that are taken up by the oocyte. The structural
relationship between the follicle cells and oocytes develop in the from of desmosomes
where the plasma membrane of the adjoining cells are thickened and the space is filled by
denser substance. In this space later on elongated processes called microvilli develop which
interdigitate with those of follicle cells . The microvilli increase the surface area of the
oocyte. At the base of microvilli, small inpocketings appear which are indicative of oocytes
taking in fluid and dissolved substances by means of pinocytosis .
In the nest of follicle cells, the egg is helped by these accessory cells in the transport of yolk
precursor vitellogenin from their source. As the follicle cells (somatic cells ) surrounding the
mammalian egg develop microvilli and are physiologically coupled by gap junctions for it,
so the layer gives a striated appearance and is called corona radiata . The invertebrate
eggs of some insects, molluscs and annelids are surrounded by nurse cells which are
connected by small channels and unlike follicle cells they are derived from germ cell line . In
certain insects, as in Drosophila where oogonial connections are retained it is called
meroistic oogenesis (Fig.1.24). No microvilli or cytoplasmic processes develop between the
oocyte and the nurse cells but gaps appear between the two cell types. The cluster of oocyte
and nurse cells is called egg chamber. The nurse cells are the abortive oocytes and are
finally eaten by the growing egg cell. They are important as they provide nutrition to the
growing oocyte and various building materials pass in through it so they are considered as
the integral part of the metabolic apparatus of the oocyte. The meroistic eggs do not have
lampbrush chromosome stage but the nurse cells quickly transport RNA also so that
oogenesis in insects is a rapid process. The transcriptional efficiency of nurse cells is
increased by polyteny. Oogenesis takes 100 days in cricket and 8 days in Drosophila.The
oogenesis is the coordinated expression of genes in number of cells surrounding oocyte.
Insect follicle cells play active role in vitellogenesis, as they can sequester yolk precursors
from hemolymph for transport to oocyte and in some species they synthesise yolk precursors
themselves. They also secrete vitelline envelope and chorion around insect egg.
The whole chapter will be a futile effort if in the end, the students are not able to capture
the following points of differences between sperms and ova and also their process of
transformation from the raw to ripe and processed forms that is spermatogenesis and
It should be very clear that:
sperm is a male gamete.
Manufactured in testes and is of small size
Production is in large numbers
Active and motile.
Only covered by plasma membrane
Acrosome and tail present
Two centrioles present
Cytoplasm is less
Nucleus compact with no nucleolus.
The simplified picture of the complex processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis is
presented below which will help the students to store the important but relevant points of the
topics and to generate interest in it for further research. The comparative account of the
two processes is listed below as :
Occurs in the testis
Insignificant growth phase
No vitellagenic stage
Balinsky,B.I.(2004),AnIntroductiontoembryologv;ThomsonBrooks/cole.fifth edition..
feminisation of male frog in wild,Nature;419,895-896.